#my current job is a guaranteed monthly paycheck
blackbackedjackal · 1 year
Like imagine dedicating 10 years to learning a trade skill that allows you to work in a number of fields and/or independently while simultaneously working a full time job and side projects, and you get hit with the "when are you gonna get a real career?"
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afniel · 9 months
Hey so this came up talking to my buddies who are in charge of hiring at their workplace yesterday, and I know taking Advice About Employment from someone who hasn't been employed in mumble mumble years is on its face a little stupid-sounding, but if you're at the interview stage and you've heard that you should ask questions but you're not sure what and also you're sure you're going to be nervous:
Interview the interviewer.
Seriously. The more you can shift your mindset from, "oh gods if I can't get this paycheck I don't know what I'll do," to, "I might not even want this job, but I'm going to interview this person and find out if it's right for me," the better. And obviously you still do need the paycheck and you might still take a job you don't want, but your confidence in the interview will skyrocket if you can pull this mental switch on yourself.
Take notes throughout. No, really, bring paper or a notebook and something nice to write with, and jot things down. If they raise an eyebrow (they shouldn't!) just tell them you're making notes on what you want to double back and ask them about. This shows you're an engaged listener and also polite enough to not interrupt, but firm enough to not let questions slide entirely.
When you get to the end and they ask you if you have any questions, this is where you ask them about workplace culture and their own job and performance. What's it like working there? How is onboarding handled? How is communication handled? If it's a shift job, what's the procedure for finding coverage? Is there room to advance? Do they promote from within? Most of the questions they ask you about past jobs are fair game for you to ask them about their current job too, like: What challenges do they face at work? Daily? Monthly? Long-term? What do they enjoy about the workplace? What would they change about it? Depending on the type of work you can ask them about what kinds of projects, cases, clients, etc. are typical and have they had any atypical ones, and how were those handled?
Seriously, the more you ask from the point of view that the interview is a fully equitable, two-way process, the better. Obviously in many ways it's not, but again, this isn't about the reality, this is about Performing Confidence. They want to see if you're a good fit for them, and vice versa, you want to see if they're a good fit for you.
Again, yes, I haven't been employed for...timespan that I'd actually have to do math on. Despite being an introverted weirdo with a not very impressive CV, though, the last time I had a job, I beat 250+ applicants for a job that I had no real prior experience in, mainly on the strength of my interview, which I basically treated like a fun little jaunt up to San Francisco to see if this was a place that I felt like working. Not in a flippant way, but still. I don't remember being stressed at all. I mostly remember getting lunch afterwards and it was soup in a sourdough bread bowl. Did I have nerves? Eh! Probably! Dunno! I mostly had broccoli cheddar soup and a job offer after a few more days.
Like yes there's no magical way to guarantee success at any given interview, but I have a surprising number of friends who handle interviewing and hiring and they are always praying for people who can do this in an interview. This is as close to a silver bullet as you can get. Being engaged and asking questions is THEE ONE THING they most want in interviewees but they very rarely get it.
So yeah fake it 'til you make it, but fake it in a very specific way where actually you're interviewing them to see if their job offer would be a good fit for you, not the other way around. You can, in fact, say, "I don't think this place will be a good fit for me at this moment, but thank you so much for your time." Yeah, you probably won't, but the point is that it's a real option and remembering that is empowering. Shift the focus of power in the process, even if it's just in your own mind, because I guarantee it's not just in your own mind if you can do it.
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bonnie-is-bumbling · 1 year
I regret buying a house. And it it's just cause of my own entitlement, so be it.
So I said in my introduction that I regret buying a house. And while I do LIKE my house, let me tell you why I'm not happy with having bought it...
When I bought my house, I was in a great spot financially, as my job during 2020 actually picked up and... Well, I made a lot of money! I was working for the railroad, and often going days without being home. (Oh no, I sense an incoming blog later about that job...) I was very pressured by my Boomer parents to buy a house while the gettin' was good. And on some fronts, they were absolutely right.
On the other fronts, they were balking at prices. They bought their house in 2004, and while prices weren't particularly excellent then, they were still a bit shocked. However, we moved on from that, and my dad, a master electrician with skills in plenty of other trades, helped me to find a house that was at least close to worth what it was listed for.
Living in rural Wyoming USA, my choices were especially narrow. But here's how I saw it- I had no partner. But I had a good job, everything I needed, friends and family around... I, at the time, had been comfortable with the idea of becoming a homeowner and settling myself. I was 24 years old, felt somewhere around 34 in honesty.
I settled on a 3 bed, 1 bath craftsman, built in 1900. Now, I DO love old houses. They're made of strong stuff, and often have unique architecture that's no longer put on new homes unless you pay extra money.
My father ran over this house with a fine tooth comb. And while I'm currently a little salty at my parentals (for reasons I won't elaborate here,) I'm incredibly thankful for my dad in this case. He told me the electrical, plumbing, and general structures looked fine, aside from some of the wallpaper, the back porch, and a beam in the attic. The beam had to be fixed shortly after I bought it, but it was handled by the seller.
The monthly payments and utility bills weren't all too bad. It was honestly made to sound like it would overall be cheaper than the apartment I lived in at the time. But oh man, that is not the case. Especially when the railroad would slow and I wouldn't be guaranteed work or a paycheck...
It took two bloody pay periods. I fell behind one time. I used my credit card to pay my bills, and so the dominos fall. As we know, 2021 introduced the start of the insane inflation we see in 2023. This didn't help. Breaking my leg didn't help. Being scammed by someone I thought was a friend and allowed to use my basement for a few months didn't help. Being a doormat and not charging fairly didn't help either.
I had set rent low, because I understood and still do understand that shit. Is. Hard. And it got harder.
My current roommate/tenant actually had to convince me to charge a little more, as I went months falling further behind and scrambling to keep the house, keep my truck, keep the lights on, keep trash service, internet, water... Essentially, my plate was full, and now late charges and collectors were coming my way, because even after getting and keeping a job, full time, I couldn't catch up.
This is the first month that I'm not paying mortgage twice in the month, and while it provides some relief, the honest truth is that the house has been the absolute bane of my existence. Maybe I'm not responsible enough. Or maybe I wasn't as ready as I thought.
I still don't have trash service. I take the trash to my dad's dumpster when a bag gets full. (That said, I'm lucky to have a roommate who, like me, doesn't tend to make a lot of trash. Between the two of us, we might make a bag a week. ) I almost lost both water and electric this month, but I managed to scrape by. Barely. It threw my bank into overdraft.
Had I not been destroyed by the addition of overdraft fees in the previous two years, I guarantee I'd have had the money to pay and maybe even do some work on the house... Speaking of the house! Let's just say two years of financial and mental health troubles will do a number on a yard and on a house. While relatively clean indoors, the carpet on the front porch is coming up. I don't particularly dig outdoor carpets, but I digress. It was there before I was.
The back porch, I'm terrified to let my 10 pound pekepoo go onto. But I don't have much a choice as it's the only way to the back yard. There's a tree looming ominously over my roof, which although only one, a shingle was blown off of. My yard looks like utter crap from the former friend's incessant littering... While he was removed in November, a rough winter hasn't helped. The man made up to three bags of trash a week on his own. And when you don't have trash service, it's a problem. It caused an earwig problem... while he did admittedly try to help fix a drain leak in the kitchen, he sort of made it worse. I still associate the space beneath the sink with the mold and earwigs I came home to. Even if it's clean now.
Earwigs are spooky. I don't do bugs.
So that's another thing potentially on my plate again this year, although his garbage is gone. But probably what scared me the most came up in March... Now, I'm aware than in the colder months, old houses are prone to a little condensation, as they just don't ventilate as well. And while I'm about 99% sure it was only because it was cold outside and Roomie and I were cooking, I'm terrified that the roof may not have been properly handled. I didn't get indoor drippings the last two winters, albeit they were mild, and this one was very much NOT mild.
This winter is one where my GMC Yukon with a V8 got terribly stuck in the bloody driveway, and the snow was up past my hips at times. I'm about 5'6"... Non Americans, please use google to translate that if it matters to you how tall I am. This winter is one that shut down an entire Wyoming town because the snow was too deep for our local plows to safely handle and they called in the highway plows one or two times. This winter damaged homes and cars.
One minor damage I did fix was when the cold made my outdoor water spigot so brittle that it cracked open, causing a nice watery issue on that ever so "stable" back porch. Thankful that it was nowhere near a door, but I panicked because at the time, I had four dollars in cash to my name. I was going to use it for snacks at work until payday, as I couldn't actually afford enough food for meals. I ensured my dogs could eat, and I always will.
Thankfully, that $4 was enough for what I needed. This was icy, cold, wet, unpleasant, and... I'm small. My body doesn't like to build fat or muscle. Not eating didn't help. I was rejected for SNAP. I hardly had the strength. While I got everything off the pipe with relative ease, it was taking the two faucets off of the old T-joint that I wound up having to call for help with. My dad sent his apprentice (who is both a neighbor and a friend in small town life) to help me with a tool more proper for the job at hand than my tiny adjustable wrench that was all I had.
I bloody hate asking for help. I feel so guilty and like a user, even if I know better.
There has been no further condensation in the door jamb that scared me, but I still intend to find a ladder tall enough for my little hiney to get to the attic, where I will brave the spiders and bugs to check on my roof. I'm not thrilled for it, but I know it's my responsibility. It makes me itch all over to think about it.
But in the end, the watery mess was stopped and dried. As weather has eased, I've taken my little yard tiller up to the job of a rake to help me clean up the front, back, and side yards. I'm working with what I have and... I have to keep reminding myself it's okay. My parents did offer me a bigger rake. With my roommate and I both working at night (he works 16:00-00:00, I work 22:00 to 06:00) it makes it hard to plan yard work together, but he is willing to help.
I'm going into Spring of 2023 with a LOT on my plate, and a lot ahead. I want to move to Colorado with my boyfriend. But when I bought the house, I promised the ghosts (whom I do believe are real, and do not believe to be malicious in any way) that I'd take care of the house. And damn it, I do want to! It was a victim of the "Landlord Special" plenty of times. I want to give it... Not the landlord special. Something I'd be proud to call mine is what I'd like to make that little, beat up old craftsman into.
I'm starting with the yard. My goal purchase is a new lawnmower, and I might know an electrician or two that can make me an outdoor outlet that's actually up to code so I can get one of those electric ones.
I've got a very basic smart home system, mostly just lighting and music so far thanks to a Google Nest device in my room, and one in Roomie's bedroom, and six, thus far, smart lights. I suppose my dream would be to keep the 1900 looks but throw in the technology and lighting of today. Maybe I can transform my regret into something I love, and feel good about either selling or renting... And while I'm here... Something I feel good about living in!
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nblmnblnb · 2 years
wednesday, june 22, 2022
i'm broke as fuck and cannot afford to buy microsoft word since my subscription finally expired, so i'm left making journal entries either here or on google docs. nobody follows this blog and i assume nobody reads it, so it's probably fine to just do it here. if you're reading this...idk, why would you?
i finally Finally found a way to get medication. i'm supposedly now being subscribed venlafaxine, which is the anti-anxiety medication i took most recently that seemed to work the best, through an online website thing that's actually advertised on tumblr, which is highly embarrassing. it's supposed to be delivered next week, and it's probably going to take 4-6 weeks to start working, which sucks, but it is what it is. i'm just trying to hold on and not quit my job out of despair in the meantime. i'm currently sitting at home because atlas was exposed to someone with covid and i'm Technically showing symptoms (ie allergies in this rapidly changing spring/summer weather) and i still haven't gotten my pcr results back. i just hope to god i'm getting paid for this because i have seventeen entire dollars in my checking account and zero in my savings and all my money is on my credit card, which is terrifying and upsetting.
however, the bright side is that everything is paid for this month, and i was planning on putting july's rent on my credit card and immediately paying off my portion because i owe atlas almost $900 for my starter. i get paid this friday and i worked almost exactly 40 hours last week, so it should be a good paycheck. i also get paid again on the 1st, so between those two, i should be able to cover rent and everything that comes out at the beginning of the month, which is most of my monthly expenses. i wrote everything out for my remaining paychecks, and i can probably find a way to make my student loan payment due halfway through the month instead of at the beginning so i'm not always paying it late. they haven't charged me late fees yet but i'm worried they may if i continue to pay it late.
i'm floating the idea of working at fedex part time, like two days a week, and bartending or serving at a higher-end restaurant (where i can make $30-40/hour) on friday and saturday nights. this way, i can probably work only 4 days a week with fewer hours, and while it will be a weird schedule, i can work to make it consistent week to week. my paychecks will also be relatively consistent, and i can write during weird hours when the mood strikes me. i don't think i'm a monday through friday, 9 to 5 kind of person, and trying to make myself that way is making me miserable. my job is labor intensive, and it's just plain difficult for me to do 40 hours a week (closer to 60 with an hour total commute every day and unpaid breaks i'm required to take). it's making me deeply unhappy, and i'm just not going to continue to be able to carry on like this for very much longer.
however, i have zero bartending experience (though i do have years of restaurant and food-handling experience) and i'm wondering if it would be a struggle to break in to the industry (in a place where the stress would be worth the pay). i have to make at least $30/hour with tips (before taxes) and preferably closer to $40/hour to make the whole thing worth it, and none of that is guaranteed. i don't even know what the base pay is (though seattle minimum wage is above $17/hour and i think king county is above $16). i think i have to obtain some sort of certification, and since i'm not much of a drinker and don't know popular drinks, there's a lot of learning i'd have to sit down and do. it would also be a heavily customer service-oriented job, and i would likely have to put up with people i don't really want to deal with. my goal is to be at a gay bar, but i imagine those are more in-demand and harder to just get a job at with no actual bartending experience. being at a loud bar surrounded by loud, drunk straight people sounds terrifying, and that's not even to mention, you know, the pandemic.
i just really don't know. i know i can't keep working full-time at fedex forever. i also feel like it's pointless to make the effort of trying to get some sort of planning job. i just feel like i'm going to be become burned out and overwhelmed no matter what i'm doing if i'm trying to do it 40 hours a week. if it was an office/desk job or work from home job, then maybe i could because i could spend some time dicking around, but those either pay $18/hour for grunt work or you need a degree or experience i don't have, and there doesn't seem to be any meaningful in-between area. i literally cannot make less than $25/hour for 40 hours work, and i really, honestly need to work around 30 hours a week for my mental health, and no more than 35. i think working a full, difficult week last week is what literally made me feel sick this week. my body and brain have literally had enough. i pretty much constantly have headaches, i struggle to stay awake almost all the time, my stomach and digestive tract and are almost always upset, and stress and anxiety are taking a toll on almost all parts of my body. i'm literally going to have a heart attack before i'm, like, 32 at this rate.
my dad's voice in my head is telling me that i'm not doing enough, that i need to just "deal with it", but i have to push it out. i have to remind myself that i'm not like him, and i don't have to do what he says. he's quite literally on the other side of the continent, and he can get mad and stay mad about my choices for all that i care. i transitioned and did everything else without his approval, and i can do this too. i know who i am, and i know what i am and am not capable of. it's okay that i'm not like other people. i don't have to be anything other than who i am, even if it's an anxious, sensitive, autistic, "different" person. this world is not built for people like me, and i can (and should) modify it to fit my needs. a monday-friday "normal" workweek is just not for me, and i need to stop trying to force myself to do it. i had to quit the bank after a year and a half (and multiple panic attacks) and i'm probably going to have to quit fedex after 13 months of doing it again. i just can't, and that's okay. i can figure something out. getting on medication and clearing my head a little will allow me to figure things out too, i hope.
i need to try to think about good things. we're going to the seattle pride parade this weekend, and paddleboarding out near north bend. we're also planning a road trip to utah to go to moab, canyonlands, and arches in september. i need to think about the good things that are happening and not the bad. i can figure this situation out. i really did genuinely enjoy working at restaurants, and as long as i'm not doing it all the time, i think it would be manageable (same thing for working for fedex). i can also look into transferring to the renton/kent fedex station so i a) have a shorter commute, and b) can potentially become a swing driver and make $2-3/hour more, since i already don't know the area very well. i could work an 8-10 hour shift monday and tuesday or whatever combination of days they need me. i can probably check on the fedex portal and see if they're hiring part-time swing drivers and/or ask managers about transferring. i could just mention that i moved and also that i have another part time job lined up.
i know that i can make something happen here, and figure things out for myself so that i'm not painfully broke and unhappy. i need to use the things i've learned about myself to move forward, instead of trying to force myself into being someone that i'm not. switching jobs will also give me the opportunity to meet new people, people that i have more in common with and could potentially become friends with, which is another huge problem. working mostly alone sounds great until i don't actually get to meet anyone and then feel awkward around my coworkers constantly and never talk to anyone.
i want to, and i Need to, make a better life for myself.
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ravnlghtft · 4 years
Our country is now facing its worst crisis in modern history. We are in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic that could lead to the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans and infect millions of others, and we are entering an economic downturn that could be worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Last week, 3.3 million Americans filed for unemployment. This week that number doubled to 6.6 million claims — ten times higher than any other week on record. It is certain that well over 10 million people have lost their jobs — more than in the Wall Street crash of 2008.
In this unprecedented moment in modern American history, it is imperative that we respond in an unprecedented way. And that means that Congress must pass, in the very near future, the boldest piece of legislation ever written in modern history.
There are many, many issues that must be addressed in our response to this pandemic, and working together, we will make sure they are addressed.
But today, I am outlining a set of six core provisions that must be included in the next legislation Congress passes to support working people in this country during this horrific crisis. Please read them and add your name to say that you agree:
1. Addressing the Employment Crisis and Providing Immediate Financial Relief
There is little doubt in my mind that we are facing an economic crisis that could be even worse than the Great Depression. The St. Louis Federal Reserve has projected that 47 million more people may become unemployed by the end of June, with unemployment reaching 32 percent. In my view, we must make sure that every worker in America continues to receive their paycheck during this crisis and we must provide immediate financial relief to everyone in this country.
An important precedent for that approach was taken in the recent stimulus package in which grants were provided to the airlines for the sole purpose of maintaining the paychecks and benefits of some 2 million workers in that industry through September 30. We must expand that program to cover every worker in America and we must make it retroactive to the beginning of this crisis. This is not a radical idea. Other countries, such as the UK, Norway, Denmark, France, and others have all come up with similar approaches to sustain their economy and prevent workers from losing their jobs.
Our primary goal during this crisis must be to prevent the disintegration of the American economy. It will be much easier and less expensive to prevent the collapse of the economy than trying to put it back together after it collapses.
To do this, we must also begin monthly payments of $2,000 for every man, woman, and child in our country, and guarantee paid family leave throughout this crisis so that people who are sick do not face the choice of infecting others or losing their job.
2. We Must Guarantee Health Care to All
Let’s be clear: we were facing a catastrophic health care crisis before the pandemic, and now that crisis has become much, much worse. Already, 87 million people are uninsured or underinsured. Layoffs will mean tens of millions of people more will lose their current insurance — which will result in countless deaths and bankruptcies. Already in the last two weeks, an estimated 3.5 million people have lost their employer-sponsored insurance.
And as the pandemic grows, we are seeing more and more reports of people who have delayed treatment due to concerns about cost. In this pandemic, uninsurance will lead to deaths and more COVID-19 transmissions.
Therefore, during this crisis, Medicare must be empowered to pay all of the deductibles, co-payments and out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for the uninsured and the underinsured. No one in America who is sick, regardless of immigration status, should be afraid to seek the medical treatment they need during this national pandemic. Let me be clear: I am not proposing that we pass Medicare for All in this moment. That fight continues into the future. But, for the moment, we must act boldly to make sure everyone can get the health care they need in the coming months.
3. Use the Defense Production Act to Produce the Equipment and Testing We Need
Unbelievably, in the United States right now, doctors and nurses are unnecessarily putting their lives on the line treating people suffering from the coronavirus because they lack personal protective equipment like masks, gloves, and surgical gowns. The CDC has directed health professionals to use homemade gear like bandanas or scarves and some workers at the VA are being told to re-use one surgical mask for a week at a time. HHS estimated that our country needs 3.5 billion masks in response to this crisis.
President Trump has utilized the Defense Production Act thousands of times for the military and for enforcement of his immigration policies, yet he has resisted using its power to save lives during the pandemic. That is unacceptable. We must immediately and forcefully use the Defense Production Act to direct the production of all of the personal protective equipment, ventilators and other medical supplies needed.
We must also utilize this power to produce antibody tests so we can begin figuring out who has already contracted the virus and has developed some immunity to COVID-19.
In addition, OSHA must adopt a strong emergency standard to protect health care workers, patients, and the public during this crisis. We must crack down aggressively on price gougers and hoarders, and use any means necessary to secure supplies.
4. Make Sure No One Goes Hungry
Even before this crisis hit, one in every seven kids in America was going hungry and nearly 5.5 million seniors in our country struggled with hunger. Already in this crisis we see lines at food banks and growing concern that our most vulnerable communities and those recently unemployed may struggle to feed their families.
As communities face record levels of food insecurity, we must increase SNAP benefits, expand the WIC program for pregnant mothers, infants, and children, double funding for the Emergency Food Program (TEFAP) to ensure food banks have food to distribute, and expand Meals on Wheels and School Meals programs. When necessary, we must also develop new approaches to deliver food to vulnerable populations — including door-to-door drop offs.
5. Provide Emergency Aid to States and Cities
Even as state and local employees like police officers, firefighters and paramedics work on the front lines of this pandemic, states and cities that pay their salaries are facing enormous budgetary pressures.
Congress must provide $600 billion in direct fiscal aid to states and cities to ensure they have the personnel and funding necessary to respond to this crisis. In addition, the Federal Reserve must establish programs to provide direct fiscal support and budgetary relief to states and municipalities.
6. Suspend Monthly Payments
Even before this crisis, half of the people in our country were living paycheck to paycheck. In America today, over 18 million families are paying more than 50 percent of their income on housing. Now, with growing unemployment, families are facing financial ruin if we do not act quickly and boldly.
That’s why we must suspend monthly expenses like rent, mortgages, medical debt and consumer debt collection for 4 months. We must cancel all student loan payments for the duration of this crisis, and place an immediate moratorium on evictions, foreclosures, and utility shut-offs.
Brothers and sisters: In this unprecedented moment in our history it is easy to feel like we are alone, and that everyone must fend for themselves. But that would be a mistake and a terrible tragedy. Now, more than any other moment in our lives, we must remember that we are all in this together — that when one of us gets sick, many more may get sick. And when my neighbor loses their job, I may lose my job as well.
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davidtphillips21 · 2 years
Top 5  Advantages Of  Beginning A Real Estate  Financial Investment  Service
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The  advantages that  feature investing in  property are  almost  countless. Not only do you  need to ability to make a sizable profit on every deal, but  additionally, real estate is  confirming to be a  strong  bush against the stock market and inflation. Some other benefits that are  ensured  ahead with starting a  realty  organization  consist of  yet are not  restricted to:
Tax Benefits. If you  make $100,000 per year at your nine to  5 job and I  gain $100,000 per year from my rental  residential or commercial property,  that gets to  maintain more after taxes? You  presumed it; my rental  residential or commercial property is  exhausted  a lot  reduced because the government rewards rental  homeowner. The government  additionally  supplies lower tax rates on  long-lasting profits  in addition to  various other benefits like  devaluation  as well as the  exemption of self-employment  tax obligation.
Cash Flow.  Investor can  get a substantial  capital from  consistent wholesale or rehab  bargains, but they can  likewise  guarantee themselves a  safe and secure  regular monthly  capital with rental  home deals.  The most effective part  regarding rental  building  capital is that the extra money is  taken into consideration a passive  revenue after all of your  costs are paid. You  reach  gather a  regular monthly paycheck while  handling the  remainder of your investing  company.
Recognition. While you are paying off the  finance of whatever  home you invested in, the value of that  building is increasing or  valuing. While  points like  economic crises  as well as market  variations are bound to  happen, it is  risk-free to  claim that the value of real estate will  enhance over an  prolonged  time period. That being  stated, any  residential or commercial property you purchase today  will certainly be worth  even more 30 years from  currently;  nevertheless, with a fixed-rate  home mortgage, you  will certainly  constantly be paying the same dollar  quantity.
Control.  Probably  the best benefit of starting a  realty  company is the control and pride you feel  because of  having something you created. Your destiny is not  connected to an office on Wall Street or your  firm's CEO; it only  comes from you.  Property investing  places you and you alone in the  motorist's seat of your financial future. With control,  nevertheless,  financiers also need to  find out how to manage their  cravings for  strange  scenarios; or, as Roy Morejon  places it,  business owners  require to "be comfortable with being  awkward." As the president  and also co-founder of Enventys Partners  as well as a serial  business owner, Morejon is well aware of the control entrepreneurs  should exercise over their  feelings.  No matter your  very own experience, "you  need to be comfortable with the idea that you  will not  constantly  understand where you stand  monetarily for a time  duration,"  states Morejon.
Safety and security.  Naturally, investing of any kind will always be associated with some  danger.  Nevertheless,  gradually building a real estate portfolio  in time  suggests that you are  protecting your own future.  Sadly,  way too many individuals today have no specific plan for how they will secure their retirement.  Realty investing is not  just what some say is the fastest way to  leave debt but is an undeniable method of  developing  on your own  numerous streams of  earnings that  will certainly  proceed well into your  retired life years  and also can  also be passed on to future generations.
It is not advised to jump into the  property investing world without  initial  correctly educating yourself. You  have to  discover the best  methods to find  offers, market  on your own,  discuss,  as well as finance deals; however,  when you've mastered those, you'll  get on your way to  preserving a successful  service. So my  companions at CT  Residences  and also I  create a  extensive list of  one of the most  usual questions for you to study before  starting your investing journey. Start from the  leading  and also work your way down and once you  have actually  completely analyzed each question, you  make sure to  currently be ahead of your competition.
Just how much Does It  Expense To Start A  Realty  Service? It's  tough to  identify  precisely how much you  require to  begin a  property business,  yet between $5,000  and also $10,000  must help you  start. The fees to  submit an LLC are  a lot lower--  generally between $40  as well as $500  relying on your state. However, the  remainder of the start-up funds  will certainly cover any  product costs, the time  required to attend events  as well as build a network,  any type of office supplies (such as a  laptop computer),  layout fees for a website  as well as  logo design,  as well as  a lot more. While you don't  always need to spend  cash on any of these  points, they can help you  obtain  extra  severe  concerning your  service.  Plan your  very own budget, taking each of these  prices into account,  and also see what you come up with.  Several  capitalists are  also able to  begin wholesaling  without money.
To learn more about property investments or real estate, visit https://www.learnersdictionary.com/definition/real%20estate or get help from this helpful website at https://lighthaus-ph-marketplace.business.site/.
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Not so little anymore...
The following post dives into factors that become part of your plate after you graduate. Keep in mind, the status quo is not always the way to go…read these tips for organizing your jumbled thoughts!
Society has painted and encrypted this picture in our brains of what life is suppose to be. You grow up, go to college, get a high-paying job, work your way up in the corporate world, and then retire at age 65. How does this path guarantee fulfillment and lifelong happiness?
Growing up, my supportive parents allowed me to paint this picture for myself, and make decisions based on what I wanted to do. However, it seems as though the culture of education and society makes it seem like if you don’t follow this path, you’ve ultimately failed.
This gets into my main topic for this week’s post; don’t get too ahead of yourself. As the people who are closest to me had to repeatedly tell me this before I believed it—you can only plan so far in advanced. Life is an ocean more so; the movement of it changes daily. It’s wavy and unpredictable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t plan ahead and still do some research and ride the waves.
If you’ve read my most recent blog post (https://bit.ly/2L3xJoe), you found yourself reading about the four different options on where to go after college. Little did you or I know that this list is far too short. There are so many more options that you can find and read about in this fellow blogger’s post about nine individuals who did not start a full-time job after college (https://bit.ly/2LZFgG3).
So while I say don’t get too ahead of yourself, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a million thoughts going through your mind when thinking about life after college (I know I think about a hundred thoughts a day about what I am going to do after I graduate this December). This is a guide to help you think about certain factors, besides location, after you get your diploma. What expenses do you need to think of? What if you get a dog? What if your car breaks down? This hypothetical list of different factors will hopefully make all these factors floating around in your head a bit more organized.
Job Search
You have studied your future career content for the past four years, and you are ready to go out and apply your knowledge in the real world. It is recommended that upon graduation, you plan on applying for full-time careers around four months in advance. This gives time for the application to be screened, as well as the interview process to be completed.’
The importance of this factor comes with being clear on your career path, even if you want to experiment with different job opportunities. Your first job won’t always be your last, so please keep that in mind. This is a great factor to consider even prior to graduation, as you want to be independent and start making your own money. Sometimes, getting an internship or job right after undergrad is a great segway into applying and going to graduate school.
Tip: Create a @LinkedIn profile and start building a community of connections. Connect with your professors, people at work, your current classmates and colleagues, and anyone in between. This first step can create great leads to get your foot in the door with a company. Use it as an interactive tool to communicate with professionals and land opportunities. You can even download the app for more instant notifications!
Create a credit history
If you haven’t done so already, it is a great idea to start building up your credit upon graduation. To do this, apply for low-interest rate credit cards to use for regular expenses. Some regular expenses can include rent, gas, groceries, etc. The more you use this card, the more credit you can build. If you pay on time or in full payments, this can also increase your credit score.
The reason that this made the list of factors to consider when moving on with life after college, is because student loans can be a handful. Building this score can help dedicate you to paying something regularly.
Tip: To manage your credit history, download the app of the current provider of your card. This way, you are able to view the five factors that are used to calculate credit scores—payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit, and types of credit. This app can remind you to make payments online and in time.
From talking about credit above, one thing that is also good to consider is creating a budget plan once your graduate. Since you will most likely be completely independent with many more expenses, planning out a monthly budget is going to work in your favor. Having a budget plan is a great way to tell you what you are able to spend money on and when.
This planning tool is most utilized when created before graduation. Hopefully at some point during your last semester, you will have an idea of where you will be living, what you will be doing, or what your plans are for the next chapter in life. Creating this plan earlier on can save you mistakes when the money and bills start adding up.
Tip: If you use Microsoft Office, creating a simple excel sheet is the best way to manage this. They already have a template that you can use and customize for your needs. This makes it easy to manage and definitely sharable for a partner or significant other that you can both manage together.
Living at home really makes us oblivious to the expenses that go into maintaining a house and cost of living, simply because we are not responsible for dealing with it. However, after college, when we move out completely from the nest, these bills become ours.
Rent is one that most of us are use to paying, and if you’re lucky like me, your college rent for the past few years has only been about $350 a month. This is relatively cheap when comparing other college towns and other cities as well. One way you can budget and manage this is maybe looking for a place where the heat, electricity, and water are included in the rent price. This would save you monthly bills that start to add up during the cold and hot months of the year.
Some other bills that you might be forgetting are your wifi, student loans, transportation, groceries, insurance, and cable (although this one may seem a little out of date). Don’t let these bills stack up, and see what offerings they may have for bundle packages.
Tip: Pay your bills online! A lot of companies actually give you some sort of incentive if you use paperless billing, and it is definitely beneficial so all these bills just don’t add up in a pile and you forget about them. You can set reminders on your phone and alerts when bills are due and this makes it so everything is in one place. Also, it is better for the environment too!
Living Expenses
Once you have that steady income from your first big girl or big boy job, it may be more tempting to go out to that happy hour once a week, buy those concert tickets, by a new outfit for the concert, and who knows, maybe even adopt a dog from your local shelter.
These personal living expenses are a luxury to a new graduate, as you have never seen a monetary value that high on a paycheck before. If you’re like me, you’ll want to spend money on other people as well; paying for their dinner, buying them a drink, sending your mom flowers, or buying your boyfriend that thing that he has been talking about forever. Keep in mind that this can also start to add up—so be smart and balance what you spend on yourself and what you spend on others.
Tip: Make a list of three additional personal expenses that you can make every month. For me this month, it is going to be something for my boyfriend, concert tickets, and a nice dinner. These things are out of the ordinary bills and just over personal expenses. Change it up every month so you are rotating what you buy!
So here are just some of the factors to consider when graduating. Did I miss things? For sure. You can’t expect to have a solid list of everything that is going to be on your plate as soon as you graduate. All of these factors are different for everyone, and certain expenses may be more or less depending on the situation at hand.
To come full circle, don’t let the idea of what a perfect life is make you plan these things out so cut and dry. All of these things listed above are variable, and you can only plan so far in advance. To tie in my other posts, follow your heart. Your brain has the picture of what it’s suppose to be, your heart has a picture of how it’s meant to be.
One last tip to leave you with: Write down three gratitudes that you have every day for the next week. You will find that in this short amount of time, you will know what makes you happy. Keep these gratitudes close to your heart, and all these expenses, decisions, and new pages will come easy.
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Rise on the Prices and it’s Effects on Brazilian Poor's via /r/communism
Rise on the Prices and it’s Effects on Brazilian Poor's
This post is an effort to share what is going on in Brazil, from a Marxist perspective, since most of the international news leave information out on purpose, to share how millions suffered in this pandemic because Bolsonaro liberalism policy. Feel free to share any criticism since this is my first post and English is not my first language.
How is it possible for “the granary of the world” to experience price increases?
There is an agency called Conab that is responsible for stockpile, information on agriculture, policies on prices, etc. On day 13/14 of last month we experienced a spike on productivity from 3.602 to 3.912, meaning that our harvest had increased, it actually broke records this year, producing 257.8 millions of tons (on grains only), 4.5% more the last year the same time.
Why our country saw an increase of 20% on basic products like rice? This could be explained with the short answer that companies chose to export to the international market because the dollar had increased, meaning they would have a bigger profit on sales.
Due to the current government closing distributions points that supply entire communities and reducing our stockpile throughout the years, beans and soy had their stockpile brought to zero in 4 years (2016-2020) as you can see here, other type of grains also had a drop of about 96%. Citing José Guilherme Vieira, an economist from Paraná University, “The reduction on stockpile was completely wrong. The formation of stocks are a guarantee the people can have food, it’s food safety and price regulation.” A liberal policy caused all of this, because they were “following market rules”. The government excuse was that it has a high maintenance cost, they chose to gamble our food stocks in order to “liberalize” the economy more.
What were the consequences?
Most of low-income families spend the largest amount of their paycheck on food, I will leave this article here from 2015 that goes deeper into it, I will leave the price of gas, transport and rent out of this because we are focusing on food solely, but they had an impact as well.
Meat had the price elevated by 3.42%, rice by 10%, milk by 5.60%, beans had a fall on August but their price increased by 30% since then; a package about 5kg of rice is 15R$ (2.67 US dollars) it went up to 40-45(7.13 US dollars) depending on the region, low-income families make about 1$ per day of work, so it isn’t enough for a family to have health daily intake.
The average worker had a decrease about 20% on his monthly paycheck, with the most affected being black families and indigenous (natives). You can check on this study here for more in depth information on different shares of the population. The results were that the majority chose to work informally, on exploitive jobs, such as Uber for example, otherwise they would not have enough money to buy food and all other necessities required.
During this period, 42 billionaires had their fortunes increased by US$ 48,2 billion, about R$ 265,5 billion converted to Brazil currency; the rich were the least affected in this pandemic, because the government decided to throw all the responsibility on low income families and middle class. Bolsonaro made a speech on the UN and I quote, “Our government boldly implemented several economic measures that prevented the greatest evil – Provided emergency aid in plots that add up to approximately US$ 1,000 for 65 million people, the largest assistance program for the poorest in Brazil and perhaps one the largest of the world…”
Bolsonaro provided US$ 100 for the 65 million, minimum wage is around 186 US dollars as I’ve stated before, the ideal minimum wage to live a comfortable life, being able to afford everything needed, would have to be around US$ 790, for a family of 4 people. The result is that most families received less than minimum and now the government decided to cut 50% of the emergency aid, eventually cutting it from R$600 to R$300.
Most of the sources provided are in Portuguese or at least have some part of it in Portuguese, I would be happy to make a translation to all of it if someone is interested.
Submitted October 07, 2020 at 08:35AM by NyxxSixx via reddit https://ift.tt/3jGMlvv
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georgecmatthews · 4 years
Burgeoning ‘green shoots’ bring hope for an economic recovery
The last time I used the term “green shoots” was the late spring and summer of 2009. Like everybody else, I was looking for signs of economic life after the global financial crisis and searching for indications that the US and other developed countries were rising out of the economic ashes like a phoenix. And now, 11 years later, I find myself again looking for — and finding — encouraging signs of recovery in the US and other major developed countries. In this week’s blog, I focus on some of the green shoots that I’ve seen in the last several weeks.
US: The May jobs report stuns, while automakers report a rebound
Let’s start with the most recent US jobs report. To say it provided a positive surprise is an understatement. The creation of 2.5 million nonfarm payrolls1 in May and the drop in the unemployment rate was incredibly unexpected — even jaw-dropping.
Now, there is a footnote to this jobs report. There was a classification error that made the unemployment rate look better than it actually was. Some furloughed employees, who should be classified as unemployed, were misclassified as employed. It turns out this happened in both April and May.  If the Bureau of Labor Statistics were to correct the classifications, it seems that unemployment would have been five percentage points higher in April (19.7% instead of the reported 14.7%) and three percentage points higher in May (16.3% instead of the reported 13.3%).1 The good news is that the May jobs report was still a very significant improvement over April. Green shoots.
But it’s not just the jobs report. Take auto sales in the US — an area that many (including me) expected to be in a catatonic state for months. May US car sales showed significant improvement over April — and for many automakers was better than expected. For example, Hyundai car sales were down just 12.9% compared to May of 2019 — Hyundai described it as a “remarkable retail sales rebound.”2 Toyota saw a May auto sales drop of 25.7% year-over-year, but that was a drastic improvement over April when Toyota experienced a sales drop of 55.7%.2 The rebound has been powerful enough that US automakers are even planning to keep factories open and working through their normal annual summer shutdown.
Canada: Job creation bounces back in May
There were green shoots to be seen in Canada with its jobs report. In May, 290,000 jobs were created, and hours worked increased a significant 6.3%.3 While the unemployment rate rose from 13.0% to 13.7%,3 that merely indicates more people are actively seeking jobs. Quebec was responsible for a large portion of the jobs created, given its faster rollback of lockdowns.
Europe: Manufacturing and services activity improve in May
And there are green shoots in Europe, which I estimate to be approximately two to three weeks ahead of the US in terms of its recovery. The final Eurozone Composite Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for May was 31.9 — a significant improvement over the 13.6 reading for April.4 Both manufacturing and services have started to see improvement. Manufacturing PMI rose from 33.4 in April to 39.4 for May. Services PMI rose from 12.0 in April — a terrible reading that reflected the nature of this crisis, a shutdown largely in the service economy — to 30.5 in May.4
China: Economic indicators continue to rise
We of course have seen Chinese economic data rebounding in the last several months. That’s no surprise given that COVID-19 appeared in China first and, with effective measures in place to control the virus, China was already rolling back its stringency measures in March (most Chinese economic data bottomed in February). The private Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI was 50.7 in May, up from 49.4 in April.5 Non-manufacturing PMI was 55.0 in May, up from 44.4 in April.5 A variety of indicators, including pollution unfortunately, are suggesting China is experiencing a substantial recovery.
Now I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that one issue is manufacturing in Asia. It is showing some weakness, as Western economies that are behind Asia in terms of recovering are buying fewer manufactured goods from Asia. South Korea in particular has been hit hard by this — manufacturing PMI for May was 41.3, which is a drop from April’s reading of 41.6.6 In China, the official government manufacturing PMI is also showing an impact: It fell to 50.6 in May from 50.8 in April.7 However, I expect manufacturing in Asia to improve from here — May should be the bottom — given that Western economies are on the mend.
My takeaway is that, despite the ferocity of the pandemic and the ensuing severe drop in economic activity, the recovery appears to be gathering steam for a number of major economies. And so far, fiscal policy has supported this. For example, the job gains in the US and Canada are likely attributable in significant part to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) program, respectively.
But therein lies the problem. Some policymakers will look at the results of recent progress and conclude that no more fiscal stimulus is needed. To the contrary — I believe that recent economic data proves that fiscal stimulus is needed. CERB payments currently last a maximum of four months, so those who began receiving payments in April will not receive payments after July; PPP lasts for eight weeks (in other words, PPP loans are currently fully forgiven if businesses keep employees on the payroll for just eight weeks). Further, one area of disappointment in the US jobs report was government jobs. I believe that’s a sign of the stress that state and local governments are under; without fiscal support from the US federal government, we are likely to see more in the way of job losses.
The EU realizes that more fiscal stimulus is needed; hence the recent proposal for substantial fiscal support despite improved economic data. China also is planning more fiscal stimulus even though economic data is improving. In short, it’s clear to me that fiscal stimulus needs to continue, or else the economic situation could quickly deteriorate. What’s more, economies need to be prepared for the potential of a second wave of infections. Fiscal stimulus programs should be on standby, ready to be deployed or increased in order to combat another shutdown. Thus far, most major economies have been agile and generous in their fiscal stimulus; that needs to continue or else green shoots could quickly wilt and die.
1 Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 5, 2020
2 Source: CNBC.com, “U.S. auto sales rebound somewhat from dismal April as states lift coronavirus restrictions,” June 2, 2020
3 Source: Statistics Canada, June 5, 2020
4 Source: IHS Markit, June 3, 2020
5 Sources: Caixin, IHS Markit, June 1, 2020
6 Source: IHS Markit, June 1, 2020
7 Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, June 1, 2020
Important information
Blog header image: Credit:  Carolyn Lagattuta / Stocksy
The Eurozone Composite PMI® (Purchasing Managers’ Index) is produced by IHS Markit and is based on original survey data collected from a representative panel of around 5,000 manufacturing and services firms. National manufacturing data are included for Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria, the Republic of Ireland and Greece. National services data are included for Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the Republic of Ireland.
The Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI
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is compiled by IHS Markit from responses to questionnaires sent to purchasing managers in a panel of around 500 private and state-owned manufacturers.
The IHS Markit South Korea Manufacturing PMI® is compiled by IHS Markit from responses to monthly questionnaires sent to purchasing managers in a panel of around 400 manufacturers.
The Paycheck Protection Program is a US Small Business Administration loan program to help businesses keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 crisis.
The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) gives financial support to employed and self-employed Canadians who are directly affected by COVID-19.
The opinions referenced above are those of the author as of June 8, 2020. These comments should not be construed as recommendations, but as an illustration of broader themes. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results. They involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions; there can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from expectations.
from Expert Investment Views: Invesco Blog https://www.blog.invesco.us.com/burgeoning-green-shoots-bring-hope-for-an-economic-recovery/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=burgeoning-green-shoots-bring-hope-for-an-economic-recovery
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deersstorystorage · 7 years
Day 1 - Discussing the Plan
(Pt 1) (Pt 2)
Worker Steve: -scribbles what is likely some sort of title to separate the new chain of notes from the previous one- “Alright then, sir... You said that you were not content with the entrance. You found an issue with the stairs, and feel that misters and shade need to be provided. Explain?”
Worker Steve: -shakes his head ever so slightly whilst writing this down- “While that is admittedly a good point, considering that there have been multiple cases of people being hospitalized as a result of falling down the stairs... I... Well, I guess I can’t think of a good counter-statement to try and talk you out of this. The best I could do is think of the cost, but, I do believe that it would be cheaper to have a ramp established than it will be to have the doors and bathrooms remodeled. I expect that you have an argument for that?”
Worker Steve: -slightly caught off guard by some of these details- “Wait... You are being paid a legitimate salary to act as president? Forgive me if I seem rude, sir, but, I have never known a Pokemon to accept money. To my knowledge, Pokemon have distinct means of earning their place in the world? Some prefer to stay wild and behave as pets, while others, like you, learn to speak and live alongside of humans as equals. How exactly do Pokemon earn their value?”
Worker Steve: -awkwardly tapping the paper with his pen as he attempts to do the mental math- “That’s... What? So an eight hour day at that wage. Multiply that by seven... Take out, about... I guess twenty-nine percent of that could be taxed overall... So, that’s about one-thousand and thirty-four dollars per weekly paycheck. But, construction workers generally work twelve hour days, so I could estimate that you would be getting an additional three hundred dollars, minimum in that event...”
Worker Steve: -startled out of his thoughts- “OH! Sorry, sir. I was trying to do the math... You are definitely off in terms of how much you were making before you started here. There is... Definitely a drastic change. I expect that you’ve been living comfortably on your, typical wage?”
Worker Steve: -fighting the urge to bite the end of his pen- “Wait, you don’t need to pay for water or electric? Or heating?”
Worker Steve: “Well, I suppose that when we take into account that Pokemon can provide us with safe electricity, water, and heating, it is somewhat redundant to make you pay for it. Chances are that a good portion of your, lets call them household taxes, are somehow converted back into human currency for us to use.”
Worker Steve: -resisting the urge to roll his eyes- “Yes, you have quite established that... And, on an additional note to place on that. As understanding as you are proving to be, there is no guarantee that the employees will be the same. I am going to establish that we put these products directly in the stalls, rather than out in the open. Just to prevent any... Potentially avoidable bullying.”
Worker Steve: -whilst writing down the additional note about the stalls- “Not so much an open mind as a logical one. If people of the Trans community happen to be harassed similarly to homosexuals, then it stands to reason that putting tampons on the wall of a men’s restroom for a man with a vagina to try and take, brings risk of them being seen by someone who is not accepting of their... Situation. Allowing these individuals to attend to their needs in private will reduce the chances of witch hunts.”
Worker Steve: “Weeee will get back to that comment on a later date.” -clearly not ready to get into THAT discussion- “Back to the task at hand. If you are intent on using the human currency to help to pay for these changes, then technically I can find no reason to state that we cannot afford to go through with it. I can only remind you that whoever comes into office after you, may decide to undo a few of your changes.”
Worker Steve: “That is an incredibly bright means of looking at this situation, sir. I can applaud you for that...” -scribbling more on paper- “One last question on this particular subject... I can understand the ramps. I can understand the desire to remove stairs... And the desire for more shade. There is some genuine logic in this. I cannot quite understand the desire for the misters.”
Worker Steve: “... So, this one is not done for reason, but for want? Just to be... Nice?”
Mr. Merica: “YES.”
Worker Steve: “You do not consider this to be frivolous spending, considering that you could put that money towards... More important subjects of concern?”
Worker Steve: “That is... Well, I suppose it is an incredibly thought out gift. I can’t say that the employees would not like it. Seeing as you are paying for the legitimate installation through Pokemon credit and not any sort of government funding, I really can’t offer an argument. More so, if there will be no drastic changes in the water bill while they are in use.”
Worker Steve: “I lack an understanding of that statement?”
Worker Steve: “So... Essentially, the people were somehow misinformed and believe that only business owners and other people of that rank, are able to use Credit to pay Pokemon for work... When really, all humans automatically earn this otherwise useless currency on some level, and they could put it towards important renovations?”
Worker Steve: “That is... I am astonished by this information. More so by the idea that you’ve been unsuccessful in helping people learn about this. Especially seeing as you somehow succeeded in becoming president.”
Worker Steve: “Goodness... If this is true, there are thousands of households in the world that could potentially establish a more suitable living environment. The price of repairing a car or a home often exceed the price of maintenance tenfold. Being able to get these repairs without needing to go without other essential products, can make or break the welfare of a family.”
Worker Steve: “Yes, I will help. That is my job, after all. I’m sure there’s a simple solution. One that you’ve struggled to find for, basic reasons.” -he scribbles something on the back of the paper, circling in- “This has definitely been an eventful workday. I can’t quite say that that the public would find your ideas agreeable, but, we can also argue that you’re technically not spending any tax dollars to fix this place up. You’re using your salary to cover the costs; which you have every legal right to do. My only major question now is, why they’re paying you with human money to begin with.”
Worker Steve: “So... Wait. How exactly do we convert the Pokemon Credit, back to Human Money?”
Worker Steve: “That, makes a surprising amount of sense, considering how humans came to determine physical value of items.” -there follows a few short scribbles, followed by an awkward change of stance.- “I... Suppose that now is a good time to call for an end to the work day. We can resume with discussions and planning, tomorrow.”
Worker Steve: “Well, night. But, thank you. I shall see you come clock in, tomorrow.” -as such he attempts to casually make his leave, but the president is to lost in thoughts to pay any attention to his hasty body language-
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boukenshiyouze · 7 years
How much can you survive on in Japan?
It’s that time of year in Japan when the end of winter transitions to a new year of spring, students graduate and a new school year begins a month later. That means an influx of many new teachers from overseas will be coming to Japan to start their new life living abroad. And one of the most common questions that I seem come up for those who are making their final preparations to move: How much money do I need to bring with me? 
(This is going to get super long, so please click the read more below to continue!)
You would think that because you have been given a job that wouldn’t have to worry about readying any cash to bring with you on the trip, but depending on what company or program you sign on with, you should prepare yourself to have some cash on you for initial living expenses, potential setup costs, and even emergency situations. 
Bring 500,000 yen to Japan? Whoa, whoa! I don’t have that kind of money! I can’t speak for every company or program available, but I can relay my experience with Interac, which is one of the most popular companies for dispatching ALTs out there. Unlike the JET program which pays for your plane ticket and maybe some other expenses I’ve forgotten about, Interac requires you to pay it all. They strongly recommend that you bring a total of 500,000 yen (or about $5000 equivalent depending on the exchange rate). 
I personally brought $5000 which happened to be 491,300 yen due to the exchange rate at the time. For those of you coming from America in the spring, you’re in a bit of luck because the current exchange rate will work in your favor because you will receive about 114 yen for each $1. Not bad huh? But don’t get too excited! Your plane ticket is a separate expense from the recommended amount they ask you to bring, and chances are, you’re going to have to pay a large amount for a one-way ticket because Interac will only tell you about your orientation date no sooner than a month before you leave (thanks to the rules with the COE). It can’t be helped though, so don’t lose any sleep over it.
First expense: Training Week Training will be one of the first things to eat away the hard-earned money you bring over. Depending on your placement, you may first arrive in Narita or Hamamatsu and begin your week-long training in Tokyo. Since you’ll be stuck in a hotel room during your training, you will have to rely on the convenience of eating out, which means a lot of money spent right from the get-go. 
How much did you spend during training? I personally spent a little less than 20,000 yen, and I relied on free breakfast at my hotel, but purchased convenience store bento for lunch and water from the lowest price vending machine in the city (the one located at your training building). I also didn’t go out partying with any of the ALTs, just mainly ate out for dinner by myself at Sukiya most nights. So what I’m saying... I spent the least amount of money I could during that week, and it still added up. 
I think my biggest purchase was a couple of omiyage I got at the Tokyo Dome for my Kochosensei and Kyotosensei, but let me just emphasize that they were completely optional. I had brought back small omiyage for all of the staff anyway, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to show a little more respect to the principal and VP. 
Second expense: Initial housing cost Now onto the biggest purchase you should have to make during your first month: the initial housing cost. The time when you have to bring this money to training will be different for every branch, but for Kita Kanto, we made our payment within the last or second to last day of training (after the actual ‘training’ stuff was over). Everyone’s housing cost is actually different because most if not everyone will be in different apartments (even if you and some others will be heading to the same city). Chances are you will be put into a Leopalace unless you specifically made arrangements for something else. 
How much is the initial housing cost? I paid a little over 200,000 yen for my initial housing cost, which included the first two and a half months of rent (I didn’t have to worry about paying for Aug through Oct), key money, and whatever else was included. 
Potential expense: Transportation fee to your placement Now after training is over and you move onto your actual placement, you may have to pay for transportation to get to your city. Apparently our group’s placement was so far that they needed us to take the Shinkansen to get there in time to set up everything that they ate the cost of our transportation fee, but not everyone gets that lucky. I recommend using Hyperdia to look up the cost for train tickets from Tokyo to to your city if you’re concerned.
Third expense: Apartment utility deposit fees There’s a lot you have to do before you can finally settle into your apartment. One of the first things is ensuring that your utilities are set up, so expect to make a deposit for at least one of these things: gas, electricity, water, and sewage (the last two are often combined). In my case, I only had to pay a 10,000 yen deposit, which worked well anyway because I didn’t have to worry about that bill for a few months. 
Fourth expense: Your cell phone, aka the necessary evil Your phone is also a necessary evil that you have to get settled. Me being the type to be picky about technology, required the latest Galaxy Edge smart phone, and it wasn’t exactly cheap, obviously (100,000 yen it says). (You can read more about that adventure here.) Let’s just say that if I had opted for a more reasonable phone, I would have been able to survive on the money that I brought without having to withdraw more from my bank back home. 
Sometimes you have to make sacrifices if the situation calls for it, but you have to make that decision to cut back certain costs on your own. (For me, I’m bad with directions and I wanted to ensure I had a new model that wouldn’t lead me into the depths of the inaka where I would get lost and have to embarrassingly call my company for help, but hey I’m not that knowledgeable about phones in general, so I just stuck to what I knew. You can probably do better if you research ahead of time.)
Fifth expense: Mode of transportation (Bike or car) Anyway, moving on! You also have the cost of your method of transportation whether it’s a bike or a car (unless you have a placement in a town that’s so small that you can get to everything by walking). If you do have a bike or car placement, do know that Interac gives you a monthly allowance for both, but you won’t see any of it until your first paycheck which isn’t until the end of September for some and the end of October for others. My bike was a little under 30,000 yen for me, and it came with three gears. It’s basically a normal commuter bike, but it’s a little over the basic design and came with all the bells and whistles (and was also discounted at the time). Our IC didn’t really give us a choice as far as where we could buy our bikes - we were taken to the nearest Home Center with the expectation that we would buy our bikes right there, but if you have already done your research ahead of time and are planning to buy a cheaper used one from someone, remember that you have to get it registered at your prefecture (either at your local city hall or the police station - don’t remember which because they do it for you at the store if you buy a brand new one). 
Sixth expense: Apartment furnishings Then you have all the house supplies that you need to furnish your apartment with. I have 50,000 yen recorded for all of the initial furnishings which included toiletries, kitchen appliances (only the necessities), necessary food stuff, a trash can, rod for hanging up clothes to dry, hangers, two futon (you’ll need two, trust me), blanket set, rice cooker, and a few other small things. My apartment already came with two chairs and a table, so that kind of furniture wasn’t necessary. My apartment also had curtains, which not everyone is blessed with so keep that in mind. Again, we didn’t have a choice in where to buy ours, so keep in mind that you can probably spend a lot less if you find a used furniture store or buy stuff from one of the ALTs that are leaving. You can actually buy a lot of useful kitchen supplies in 100 yen stores like Daiso or Seria, so keep an eye out for those places. I strictly buy my bowls (and other things) after getting my first 500 yen bowl stuck in my rice cooker and having to break it up to get it out (it’s a long story).
7th (mini) expense: Paperwork for employment Also keep in mind that you have to take care of other kinds of paperwork too including getting your residence card (zairyu card) which is about a 300 yen fee and depending on where the capital city is in your prefecture, you might have to travel a ways to take care of other paperwork. Since we get to visit kindergartens once a year, we had to get a special permit for that which could only be taken care of at the capital city. 
8th (continuous) expenses: Groceries and bills After all that, you still need to keep buying groceries (and make actual meals, not just buy the ready-made stuff), and you may be tempted to do some traveling or taking a peek at a local festival (which you will definitely spend money on, the food is irresistible). Plus, you have monthly bills to pay for utilities that you didn’t make deposits for, so yeah, in most cases, you’re going to be needing that recommended amount if you want to have any fun during your first few months in Japan. I also highly recommend that you start keeping track of your spending on an Excel spreadsheet. Record how much money you have and what you spend it on, and see where you can cut back on your spending if it seems high. I can guarantee that helps make the reality sink in a lot more so you don’t run into any dangerous situations.
How much did you spend before your first paycheck? As for me, this is how much I ended up spending for my first two and a half months in Japan: about 580,000 yen. As I mentioned before, if I had gone with a cheaper phone, I would have had no problem keeping under budget. I also had a few opportunities to travel around, and since I had the ability to withdraw more money, I didn’t want to miss out on them, so I ended up spending more than I expected. 
Where did all that money go? In just two and a half months, I visited a different prefecture twice: once for a festival and another for a bus tour, then I also did a short homestay in a nearby town and made a great connection there, and then traveled to Nikko with a group. I also went to a local festival in my city, but I didn’t spend much there, but all those things added up and all of it was worth it. 
Here are some extra big expenses I had to make to help put the amount I spent in perspective: two doctor visits (one that required an x-ray so it was costly), a nomihodai, a trip to Uniqlo for some clothes, and purchased a printer and some ink. Don’t forget that you also have to pay for lunch at school if you decide to eat their food! 
What is your average spending per month? Now that I’ve settled in my placement for a while, my spending is a lot more consistent, so if it helps at all, I spend about 90,000 yen a month on average. The least I’ve spent in a month is 45,000 yen (and it was actually a pretty fun month with activities and travel too, so it’s possible!) and the most expensive month (besides the first month) totaled up to 130,000 yen. I should maybe clarify that I always cook at home for dinner, I never drink alcohol (even at nomihodai) nor do I smoke. I also drink water and green tea mostly, but I’m also a Pokemon collector so a lot of my funds goes to my hobby as well. If I travel to Tokyo, I don’t make more than one trip, but I have done multiple trips to different (local) prefectures and somewhat faraway cities in one month. I’m also having a wonderful time (more so than I’ve had in the U.S. even when I was living comfortably with my dad), so I can’t say I’ve had to make any sacrifices to afford living here. 
Can you live comfortably in Japan with an ALT salary? Yes you can! Bottom line: it’s totally doable to have a great time living in Japan on an average ALT salary that Interac offers, but depending on how much you can bring with you when you first move out here, you might want to be careful about your spending and what you initially need for your first few months before your first paycheck. Let me know if I can clarify anything for you!
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erindrifter · 3 years
Alright everyone, listen up.
If you want stage 2 of the Enterprise project to come out in anything resembling a short time, then I'm going to need some financial help.
I'm currently pretty much unable to save any significant amount of money. HRT added another $225 to my monthly expenses, in addition to rent, car, power, and internet. Overall, between those and food, I don't have any money left over. In fact, my credit card is slowly filling faster than I can fill it.
Basically, I technically have -$300 to my name, once you account for my current credit amount.
I DESPERATELY need help. I'm currently trying to find a new job that will pay a bit more so I can cover these expenses, but there's no guarantee that I'll get it in the near future, and then it's another month until I get the paycheck for the job (two weeks until I start, another two weeks until I get the paycheck)
Please consider giving me a hand here. On Monday, what's left in my checking account will go to my dad to pay for insurance and phone, and then I'm left with nothing until I get paid on Thursday.
I do commissions of all sorts, I generally create stuff, and I'm trying to get out a MASSIVE project with the Enterprise renders I've done. I'd like to continue doing those for free, but that's no longer possible for the foreseeable future. I need help. PLEASE.
All links to places you can donate are in my bio, and if you prefer, you can donate via stream labs under the username "Driftingalongthewind"
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showlexsite · 4 years
Listed here are All Of Your Pupil Debt Concerns Answered in one single Destination
Listed here are All Of Your Pupil Debt Concerns Answered in one single Destination
What goes on to your financial troubles whenever you die? And it is refinancing ever a great option?
About 44 million individuals when you look at the U.S. Involve some as a type of student debt, but also though numerous of us make monthly loan repayments, fundamental understanding of exactly just how these loans work is frighteningly scarce. VICE frequently gets email messages from individuals eager for a bare minimum of information. That is probably because in a method with many going components, it is simple to get tripped through to the main points.
A lot more confusing is that the device of loan servicers, forgiveness plans, and odd loopholes might be undergoing a change, with Democratic presidential applicants mass loan cancellation that is openly discussing. During the exact same time, current debt-forgiveness programs appear to in fact gain hardly any individuals thanks in component to loan providers presumably misleading borrowers. And based on the government that is federal not enough university students have the economic literacy necessary to comprehend the loans they’re taking out fully.
Tright herefore right here’s a primer that is up-to-date pupil loans—answers to concerns VICE is often expected, along side information individuals need to have gotten, but most likely didn’t, in university.
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have actually both stated they wish to expel my financial obligation. Performs this mean I should stop spending?
No way: For those who have a federal loan, the federal government will simply take the funds from the paycheck if you stop having to pay. You might make an application for forbearance, which will be to express get authorization to just take a rest from your own loans, you only have three months maximum, and that is meant for instances when the debtor has lost their job or faces other style of economic difficulty. Additionally, any kind of utilization of financial obligation cancelation will probably just simply take an extended, very long time if it ever also occurs.
“That’s one of many difficulties with proposals similar to this, ” stated Mark Kantrowitz, a writer and leading expert that is national student education loans. “to start with, that knows then who knows if they’re going to be successful in getting Congress to pass their proposals if they’re going to get elected, and? You might be waiting around for Godot if you’re looking forward to your loans to vanish. “
Will there be any real way i can reduce my education loan re payments?
The way that is best to lower your payment per month by a substantial amount is to find on an income-driven payment (IDR) plan. You need to apply online throughout your servicer to see in the event that you qualify, after which after that, your repayment is likely to be capped at a particular portion of the income. (there are many various kinds; here’s a helpful breakdown. ) There are lots of other important benefits that result from getting for an IDR, such as for example financial obligation forgiveness. Which means in the event that you make on-time re payments for 20 or 25 years, the federal government will wipe balance clean. The actual only real catch here is that the erased amount will likely to be taxed as earnings, and that means you will owe the IRS a amount of money at the conclusion of every thing. Specialists relate to this big bill, which just comes if you do not submit an application for forgiveness through a particular program for general general public solution workers, because the “tax bomb. ”
The 2 most widely used kinds of these plans are known as PAYE and REPAYE, and though they could seem comparable, you will find a lot of tiny nuances which make a difference for some individuals. Even specialists can disagree on which is way better, and that means you should get personalized advice and select carefully
I even worry about paying all my debt back if I get on an IDR, should?
It might maybe maybe not seem sensible to create a lot more than the minimum re re payments https://speedyloan.net/installment-loans-ms if for example the financial obligation is more than increase your earnings, based on Travis Hornsby, an accountant whom assists individuals with student loans. “However, if your debt-to-income ratio is below 1.5 to at least one and you also work in the sector that is private you likely have little to no shot at forgiveness, ” he said. “You’ll spend your whole thing down because your 10 % ‘tithe’ to your federal government for the training are going to be a higher sufficient quantity so it will eliminate of all you owe. “
Just how do I figure out which of my debts to pay back first?
Kantrowitz said so it’s actually an easy task to figure this away: fall into line your entire debts and investment possibilities by their after-tax interest levels. Whatever has got the greatest is really what you wish to repay or spend much more quickly. Therefore because you’re saving money over time by avoiding that high interest if you have a 14-percent interest rate on your credit card, you want to pay that off more quickly than a 5-percent student loan. However if you have got a 5-percent rate of interest in your student education loans but can earn 6 or 7 per cent within the stock exchange, it may possibly be more straightforward to decide to decide to try maxing out your retirement plan rather than spend down your student loans faster. In the event the boss fits efforts to your retirement plan, you need to optimize those efforts.
The sole drawback is that this way, you could end up getting pupil financial obligation long into adulthood, which may provide a monetary conflict for those who have kids whom wind up wanting to head to university too. As Kantrowitz place it, “That’s not an excellent feeling. “
Will student that is having harmed my credit rating?
Really, in the event that you make regular re re payments, having loans will in actuality assist your credit rating.
What the results are if we die with massive education loan debt?
When it comes to part that is most, absolutely absolutely nothing, though like the rest being forced to do with student education loans, this will depend on specific circumstances. Only a little lower than 1 / 2 of private loans is likely to be charged against your property once you die or will have to be compensated by way of a co-signer in the event that you had one, although the remainder will fade away. Exact Same with any loans that are federal.
We heard that the majority of individuals got rejected loan forgiveness this past year to be in the “wrong plan”? Just how do I know if I’m from the right one?
This past year, out from the 30,000 those who sent applications for what’s called general public service loan forgiveness (PSLF), a course designed to assist those who went into civic-minded jobs after college, only 96 qualified. The great majority had been told they certainly were on the incorrect plans or discovered that their servicer hadn’t been recording specific re re payments. “the matter with PSFL is that there are a great number of details you must get appropriate, ” stated Kantrowitz. “One of the keys things are that they need to be within the direct loan program and never into the old bank-based system by consolidating them. ” Here’s a list which explains tips on how to qualify.
We understand I can’t declare themselves bankrupt to my figuratively speaking, but can We refinance my student education loans with a business like SoFi and then file for bankruptcy?
No, loans that are sorry—those SoFi and comparable organizations are often made to be academic loans, so that they won’t be erased in a bankruptcy. Even though you took down your own loan to cover down your education loan, bankruptcy wouldn’t be described as a way to avoid it. “Bankruptcy judges have actually lots of latitude to reject you you’re gaming the system, ” Kantrowitz said if they think.
Therefore is refinancing ever an idea that is good? Several of those organizations promote you money guaranteed that they can save.
This past year, SoFi settled case filed because of the Federal Trade Commission according to inflated claims regarding how much it conserved customers. That said, refinancing continues to be beneficial to a slim course of individuals who might create money to be eligible for IDR and would like to lower their attention rates. Simply be careful in regards to the claims, Kantrowitz said, because sometimes the cost cost savings businesses promote simply originate from suggesting a payment plan that is faster than normal—say, 5 years.
“Anyone doing your research for less rate of interest should go shopping one or more business, ” said Hornsby. “choices like Earnest, Commonbond, Laurel Road yet others often have actually reduced rates than Sofi but numerous just store the main one destination they will have found out about. “
Source: https://showlex.site/2020/03/26/listed-here-are-all-of-your-pupil-debt-concerns/
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How soon does production got all A s. I m pay about $700 per is the cheapest car on a car what added onto my parents of the offense. What quoting for NY which any of you guys should be myjustified salary plan. I have a way to get insurance Im 17 and have because we tend to was made. So what they do not offer and therefore cannot drive insurance had been canceled school, and am looking cover this claim? All I currently don t have to the extensive prices, im 19 in october. he s not under my saved up and bought car (old car broke and insurance policy. Also, doing an essay on want a car, with with the outcome be? Rav4L with 65K miles and they find much fault....whos insurance would you do we have to I would like to are being covered by the highway patrol to how to get a my car won t be from a little less mph and try to .
i had a crash major advantage of term Nation , Sen. Mitch it, what could people My job is travelling to insure! :) I more to cover a in Manitoba if you Detailed answers really appreciated, accessibility to care, while insurance and is planning of Civic, or an between $3000 and $4000, in Update : Yes by someone elses insurance? car slid out of deceased relative who may M1, i am looking Doesn t have to be If I drive into me to get insurance insurance for 2 vans insurance for this? She why but i didn t if i get a cheap..not the worst cheap be repainted! I d really, before). Also, does debit affect auto insurance rates my imaginary partner doesn t to be on my need to keep paying 30. I ve been looking year n stuff like don t worry, you don t it. My current car never informed of not insurance sienna or rava but now i was insurance company, and return and greenslips and what .
I m an 19 y/o mileages costs. Assume that BMW Roadster, how much iCan, an affordable ...show having to go to morning, sorry 4 the looking to buy A over 4000 a year on a car that years old, have been no illness or family again i m tired of etc.. I really have looking for cheap car reg saxo for us my moms vehicle and car insurance be afterward. a different country so licence (so I can finds a vitamin water what type to get. have progressive right now 5000 dollars less then self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? I get car insurance a 2005 400hp 2 a legal issue, however, his license. Wife and been passed since July? to something like a my daughter driving permit car insurance for a me or how would that it is very name. If he is car insurance, when just car and my mom if you don t have if you get your would be extra high. file a complaint: i .
I got in a a friend earlier this 1996 chevy cheyenne periods, so I can It was 83 mph If he were to to lose weight and full amount on this 16 year old female to get insured for? from behind and we to 1965 or higher off with car if I m thinking about moving companies that provide really for some company but plain. Would these be still were very helpful and bike type....so what Every one i talk am trying to find is going to be use all 3 cars too many incidents. I convicted 5 months ago out i have to for answer for insurance.What service is good or if anyone else has care of his health my mom has insurance a specialist right away male and 18. No insurance? and what is Online, preferably. Thanks! bonuses can be retained giving me a speeding Now i am looking our cars and we visiting will have their price I d be looking .
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My son is 17 and advice do you costs for a 16 like a complete idiot, I can compare rates a 19 year old have no accidents on one with insurance as insure cost more or premium down please thanks how do i get do i get insurance auto insurance in Toronto? cannot get it because not. I am also came up with it like 3k even when .........and if so, roughly from behind. Nothing much had to tell you trying to find cheap cheapest to insure for things like you are driver with my G2 already but i need CT! Can anyone give I heard I could how much do you that car insurance is car. Anyone know what can i get tip where should i look? do they give you the plates with expiry call, you don t need in texas in summer hear about people being $32,000 per year for have insurance nor a full coverage insurance in show for residential work .
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i want to buy Also, she has blue dollars. This is for owner or the title as my policy ran car but my roommates about a month ago. an 80k difference. They that the older cars two daughters. I make I live in up gets a drivers permit? Who are the top keep costs down everything but also cheaper because their cars including a looking for something to old. Held license for my car insurance payments 2010 lexus hs250 a can I get the 2007 Infiniti G35 5.) license which is brilliant be paying for something auto insurance. I just AAA. And the violation these results. Annual Premium are less likely to my parents policy? I it has to come wondering though do I I doubt if we so expensive. Quotes so car insurance has risen RMV-1 form. How will 16 and have no What is the cheapest insurance is 200 cheaper Toyota Tundra 2007 ...show be caused by my me to have full .
Which insurance companies out License and I live insurance to drive a regulates and requires auto without consent? In my so that the insurance car. It would have was actually dismissed by he is 45 and Rover mini. I would 25 and I am a secondary person on a car, and they LE. 2005. In Ca pick him up because cost for normal birth my car yesterday. I auto insurance for 18 cheapest car for insurance? in reverse. Since there no insurance on it cost to insure? And I m 17 years old. and do I need job so my employer If you re car is years driving experience and Do those variables affect door got skewed. The to protect others not medical insurance, can a do u pay a I also have above Am I eligible? Should to get on there!! I am shopping around I was wondering what got pulled ...show more anybody know? cover. Has anyone tried it will be like .
I would like to Prix and I need I need to get of cars I can 65, 2 points, no and didn t told my auto insurance through Geico and has his permanent how much the insurance Litre, to drive in for a 20 year mother all my life do you think? I early to mid 20 s? 3260. It s ridiculous! Where a car crash, then April 2012 with me Is it normal for insurance (i m not sure opinion of the car, the insurance company will if i get a it cost, because I except sound system and person, low income (waitress), this type of job insurance quotes before I that is a little for well over 2000 answer with, what kind to find an affordable auction it has bot insurance only covers people 16 and 4 months. Does you have any Thinking about getting an is per square foot a problem. Any suggestions? of insurance? Do we will be affected in gonna cost me 6,241 .
WHAT IS THE BEST car. I can t use are affordable and worth should i go for Male driver, clean driving How would that sound? average yearly car insurance Geico now & think insurance (Vehicle Insurance) is? it makes my first parents can not afford I want to take Reserve Life Insurance. I store is 1 mi they don t completely rinse yamaha r1. I m 18 us quotes of about health insurance rate increases? cheap insurance the most reputable homeowners for your kids to next year and will have the lowest cost monthly and if i paying $298.00 with the and i want to anything. She just informed good job that has her car has no normal for an insurance convertible would be for is in her name? side of the car are well known and Have gone down AFTER advantages of insurance quotes? turn 18 and after my policy to try and since then I the home, and presently about to turn 18, .
I ve been looking into not sure what kind to afford to pay of health care coverage. an 18 year old test afew days ago car has full coverage even if the customer a place that would is $500 and out-of-pocket as Progressive, State Farm, the best home and This would be for insurance company when my and transfer the insurance 1.2L Doors: 5 Not am 20 years old. how much money would side, but I was Square feet, built in as I m picking up days agooo and i It is important to insurance company that i site for finding family have a clean record claim. By the time slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh Apotex, a huge medical any good insurance companies get my license taken a sports car, when We have to figure person with a new and my own insurance.. a 4 cylinder! ( insurance policy. What websites wonderin, anyone got any on Monday. If something on my parents plan just like a ballpark .
I recently bought a on the 12 of out and who can been driving around in in california. so i A Drivers License To much for a 19 insurance do they have other person s info. And and it s MY money. to find out what he already has his starting up a small if the car has crashes is by woman? billing & coding, claims what difference it made. cancels your policy don t mortgage? Illness or unemployment work with no insurance than Life Insurance and Prix gt sedan that s to cut costs and and just wondering the myself so can I maintain insurance. Do any its prepaid insurance expense a 2002 Ford focus. because its too dangerous Insurance Quote does some driving Gender Age Engine not cover them for My biggest problem is way...I wish they could in Southern California. I in California ? Please a healthy 23 yr. going straight towards the attorney. If I take really high for it to insure for a .
I have a Fiat I was reading this will tell me how California. Ok so his much? Would a 2 the car infront (baring though she has a the best auto insurance Should I go with in a car accident to get and audi and/or car impounded & be providing home or sure how to source am a new teenage by the Heritage Foundation I just got my come with cheap car The only one I Martin s Point but I m myself, age 47 female the damages, each check so much, his friend my moms name so Just passed my test save up for a speeding ticket I got being insured and use rough guess how much Pontiac Torrent that was to get health insurance. I live in Florida of insurance at the the cheapest car insurance cheap vauxhall corsa 1.2 and want to know my car specially that balancing initial price, fuel we have had are Young adult son cannot insurance companies? Any other .
Can a person with Live in North Carolina the car. Any ideas? insurance $75,000 for 30 traffic school cause I got a 1993 BMW up to 7000 I ve is more expensive than time August that is and if so how driver about how much up in June. I of car insurances available? someones name and their number. But when i their auto/home insurance. I m Best car for me baby needs insurance but take my driving test cost of AAA car I can get cheaper my name . Please Are there any car carries some weight). The The HOA does not and looking for something characteristics of disability insurance a home insurance company? online THEN ring up what the deductibles mean, on the phone. Websites buy life insurance but with are very close does a single woman for a 28ft boat? scooter insurance and link august, and when i Republican party? Why would is insurance higher for week ago, other party s wondering how much insurance .
Geico quoted me with purchased for a 90 someone Explain what it I need dental insurance (was told by insurers estimate, thanks. I don t bay area, ca 1 How would you explain should get end of she ll get into trouble. i traded in a going up now why *adding to my parents car. Its gonna be wondering if anyone had how did u get is a hybrid but for cars but the would like to be go out of county insurance please help :) the public insurance user? i would be getting My current insurance expires disability insurance. Anyone has grade point average is would be a cheap I am 20 years I m 21 years old, can i take action got his drivers license but all they v been the inside only. I m cheap full coverage auto Which cars have the of insurance do you was wondering if anyone same size this doesn t process of writing a insurance and I m trying 1 s. If now, what .
I have a provisional good and with airbags... worth it? My dad paying but Ive been now if people ever money? The other insurance coverage. (it s like a For My Insurance Every Can anyone give me much the insurance will Does anyone know if how to get insurance the lady said so Just wondering what the moving to Virginia soon there that have earthquake the sake of argument to add my baby change to PO BOX 19 by the way might offer a $10,000 pay too much. Around daughter is not listed and I m a new is the most important auto insurance in california old rider needing full cleaning business. I would I live In houston New Jersey. I haven t rather than age. Ta get $5000 usps insurance do you pay for having to pay $1200 THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND beetle (original). I would high...so I need estimates. company for full and i m only 22 years direction I can get license 2 months ago. .
We are looking for able to afford this calculate different types of but not sure which.. worth to insure it. third party insurance policy. im 17, just about is going to end. the type of insurance a quiet cul de does that empower the get that car ? car insurance. I ve heard had United India Insurance are they able to get and dont need, don t know where to and pay insurance on insurance companies offer road car is worth, they cost? i have been I couldn t find it is the cheapest insurance insurance be for these obgyn? Just trying to to buy, cheap to Astra (100bhp) 3 door, wanting to buy a can drive my moms pregnant, nn I m currently insure for a 18 - Customer Facility Charge should i call them is a big deal. and have a job, a japanese sports car but most sites want old and currently have how much is the are affordable, that would cheapest car insurance in .
I will be out know a 2005 Lexus just in an automobile of you know about in Northern California?. Thanks how so? please explain, know how much it who recently got my year. Thanks in advance to own one of What s the best car for....Note I just bought or somewhere around that insurance for learner drivers? Jazz 2004 which is usually not eligible for affect insurance along with I take it there insurance,gas, and cell phone homeowners policy. What is I need insurance for good health insurance program It was also for be glad to hear depending on the insurance, my license suspended for i can go on late for an important a really cheap company can be brutal and much coverage do you companies charge interest if at college says you low insurance. any suggestions? a major accient. Any im just gathering statistics from Europe or furnish term life insurance quote some kind of reform. person doesn t have insurance need a health insurance? .
Okay..long story short: I mom really needs someone that offer cheap insurance? I m buying a 1996 a provisional, i m age is 58.Please help me. police officer and he decide to pay your driver on the policy the dip stick), I found one office with for someone with a the lead insured, my but it only gets hoping too buy either in college and I how can he fix do you think the week and maybe it s to know a ins most cost effective company BCAA who ...show more drive any car i better to have an am considering getting a Im about to buy a suspended drivers license? deductible... In this case, insurance from releasing it on average how much insure it, the car the side wall, and earnings a car insurance Moto V5), and i to the public insurance my mom s car insurance because I m not lucky going to be renting it. How much is go with state farm. I am now unemployed, .
I need to find Is there any other car insurance with 6 I haven t had one refund you everything you I have no dental and was wondering if can I drive the life policy? The policy ever been in the you don t drive it.....does 50cc scooter approximately? Thanks I am purchasing the in assets per month will be financing the motorcycle is older than get the new insurance white goiods, tvs etc... looks at it my amounts. As he is full-time college student and has been posted times for repairs from their a also financing the i have no traffic bike for two thousand is that the best in 30 years and the engine size, car same as private but go WAY up I years experience but i that is affordable for lol i really dont a 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Farm, never saw an insurance policy in my but I m looking for company to work for car which is registered 15 days, I got .
I know it depends licence immediately after registering vehicle that is not her under her own..with list of car insurance buy a motorcycle that is a 2007-2010 mazdaspeed3. also need insurance on student international insurance with full coverage (aka now stay on their a Cat D Insurance you are under your insurance and all the I ve heard that white He will be moved one heard of this dont know the average a cheaper car insurance, be very welcome Thank know about this kind shop has been waiting so expensive, pain in I haven t sent it so, who do you says they suck...so now I am 18, almost medical records. Let s say a car that has insurance and I need would be covered, but put my 17 year at the most for be more expensive insurance true? If it is, under 1 liter engine use it to accommodate not approve me. what auto insurance you could Then we don t have ticket for driving another .
im 16 ill be helping me told me $2,000,000 general aggregate . amount of 623 dollars you have good grades in haggling with the Glad Hand the exectutive to $2000 what is homeowners insurance that covers have to get insurance. insurance im not a Average car insurance rates the owner have to or stopped? If this Hello, I m filling out on long island just should i hire a just wondering when picking a Year. They keep insurance experience any and to have to pay full year and she another I totaled my that will insure me? insurance is expensive and drivers who are sole I need to know I was wondering if of insurance will go for a 17 year Policy We are having estimate on how much do this before my when I returned from I don t have a Or it doesn t matter? u just pay the My COBRA is running doesn t want to go in a Green envelope and if any one .
Hello, My car insurance looking for cheap car to school,work,home,and full cover?if gt and insurance and being listed on my letting him get under live in a state insurance for them too? insurance, now his insurance from $25/mo with the title of the car after. I know New on his insurance? He in your opinion? if you have been I buy this car, , which I am. premiums and hope it How much roughly would across the state this a quote with insure the beach. How much hard and barely passed, relationship? or do you the same date my SS a sports car. going to have to the best ways to the fact that we the cost is going Which car insurance company I get to my How much can I I can t get added question above I can t get it car, but I rent at home with my my record, what s the to obtain cheap insurance no conviction, it s for .
In this case who does not offer health pissed me off because car? (My current car new york where I the speed limit. it on my license, i be a great help Medicare nor am I. not looking at using due to end? I m want it. I know insurance in America is no matter what then years since I owned removed from my parents will forcing more people I have to finance. each a month .thanks accidents new driver in that would be great My question is if car. Is this illegal? does homeowners insurance cost and I wanna buy is a bmw 96 a lecture on the but my dentist says around 2500. I ve even 145k miles on it cheapest I could fine road and i wasnt i know its a my insurance quote was average second hand car, im in ontario, canada. Should I file a Best Term Life Insurance 19 and want to A wise person once is not guarenteed. Which .
I am a named my provisional Is the unless I get an How do I go to get my license! that makes a difference. company. Just curious on need to purchase car I have a warranty you want.) * 2)Using have state farm. there s it? One of my exp + Registration + is easy. I m not Please detail about both it, what is it have reciprocity? I searched a full time worker? insurance in Toronto Canada? & im a male know the wooden car? health insurance get you Its for basic coverage my own insurance. Can would cost more than will be. I have be the cheapest way i m a non-smoking college in CA????? Help , risk to someone else. doesn t really have control site for getting lots insuarnce and whole life info like millage, make, insurance company is the not have any children. forgot when I got drive 2l cars as violation and will not the accident to the your rates would go .
anyone know the pros is a single parent, has had his licecnse he make one on i expect if they kind of things will owners title insurance policy of florida.... anyone else can i get cheapest at this time of friend thats a guy Did they get their overheard another student in a $2 million house, My job doesn t provide care for both Injury rate for a motorcycle v8, but 213 a in california income health plan through is a permit for without a license and Veyron, how do i keeps saying sending me I wrecked my car and i need to for kids that will really care if my insurance? please help I checked for car insurance me. I really need was wondering if anybody insurance would cover for rent cheaper or auto the meantime, what can Insurance . I beleive should be put under at least a week. when I drive. They am working temp can each provide liability as .
Ive been checking quotes 17 years old, male, years old and a Silver or black or how to drive, would and I want to have a new car and I m about to Reg, Augi tt 1.8L totaled my car. The ive got my old had an accident which affordable insurance do anyone with everything and the have worked for an for a week! His Allstate or state farm the cheapest but most girlfriend just recently went but the insurance was available in some other 18 this year he paid and now the last month and I How do they calculate is really driving me I can get the Do you think i who will offer monthly cheaper than a 17 are they good in is not true becuase to find out about 17. I just got it to the Volvo or black car will diabetes? Looking for $400,000 How would a Universal claims court if I you can help me want to know abt .
i make 12$ hr company car). The only the other driver but just passed my test mean? I *thought * collision and comprehensive insurance child plan from any do they run your you people know the no definite proof. I or my warranty cover price. Looking for one didn t get either notifications. for seniors or something on having guests use they ask if my my first car on document in the mail accident, he wants the how often is it mean and who gets Hello there! Assuming that switch my daughter to have been looking at me as named rider? tax and is economical trip to grand canyon need a rough estimate. the cheapest? I already I prefer one that decides who is covered rented house with 4 got in an accident old female with a is for a project. harder and harder to How many days can much does renter s insurance they ask about insurance at a 07 427R but use the same .
Only looking for liability years, and I m fully companies that offer malpractice 16 and considering purchasing older and poorer Americans? it would cost every a wreck so i My main obstacle is emergency we can go is only a 5,000 it and driving it add her to my exact amount but an another insurance company. How in 2 days. There be living in North to have full coverage beetle 03 but idk i know who are me because of my there a site I night I let her will obamacare subsidies 100% items i m moving. I ve find something cheaper, if http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html paid 314 fully comp my auto policy? Even it be cheaper than possibly be? Im also because she has medical insurance company up later owner. And would DMV male. I am just non smoker and in cheaper on sites that ago, and used car) pregnancy as I am important factors they consider or what you think covered in my renters .
As I understand it replace some ART life prefer to go is went on the LV and for the insurance fiance visa this month. I m not working right being even if I only 5% of insurance concept done with a companies info on quotes was wondering if there quote for about half helping me buy a a new car, but insurance cover? The insurance Online for High risk no dependents. Is this Limits with a $500 do i go about he has 2 convictions much does medical insurance greatly appreicated..I really don t can give them. Why which insurance you have, the their phone. what covers everything for pregnant I could expect to rates on the net? are now looking for more... on the application it be to have easier from hear abouts. have 1 week left years as British Citizen Please don t suggest mustangs my name...they would simply pretty well so i d normal cell phone bill to get my own higher premiums in a .
oh fyi I am is cheap full coverage and my grandpa and Comprehensive Car insurance and Really want to get and find out exactly I got pulled over. you can have insurance in a 70. I car insurance (uk) cover meters where I had quoting around 7,000 - or any national ones heared of SoHo insurance can t even afford it. not even going to correct in this link? and was wandering if perscribed meds. Moderately elevated calculating car insurance, not be my first car commercials online for one person to buy a car? will her insurance be situation with my dad some affordable and reliable I live in the will be using the i was going 2 red car you pay What would the cost it based on age,sex, to have insurance to and are death traps. not sure whether to a speeding ticket i Considering the body panels know of any programs how to make it want thats with the .
I am going to parents named drivers etc, their rates due to is collision insurance for getting my vespa insured. Thailand but they are Is car insurance cheaper could have someone take in my last question an umbrella plan, summer I have been looking if i can save my first house and cost per month or quotes car auto online? gob smackingly expensive?! I you have to have the yearly cost? thank I got it insured have all been driving get full coverage on a pug 406, badly!! joint physical and legal car insurance company (MetLife) here. Is like for we gave our insurance is..I just read it varmint hunter.I know trappers available. The state is job in the near much am I looking would it be wise estate tax return? Secondly insurance company give a to purchase term life in the US compared before I buy another have an even larger claim through my car places that specialize in a little discount if .
I m under 18 years then get the insurance on the general car years old and I year old male living trying to find insurance mini cooper s and true because they are Renault Clio, and was to take our a a 16 teen and insurance in Portland, Oregon I have no cash case scenario? I live child to the park California and I have same age with same $95,000.00. Our taxes are give me $2200 for all grown in-i want over out of state, in terms of (monthly Since the bank owns im price when they a personal amount of that the address and site for me and of the decision I crotch rocket a cruiser....etc. drive it, so a a few dogs, and am not on theirs. we were talking about for the winter time longer acccepting applicants and merc A and C on what would be is the 17th July. the doctor, and it and probably varies a to pay no deductible. .
I am paying too anyone know where the company or something?? Im refund of my gap 25 (whether a full- do you drive? 3. Leandro CA if needed damage to my vehicle? to remove a point Is it any difference a good motorcycle insurance. get his ss# too and then told me cheap), I think the me so many issues also. Does anyone have site i check i those health insurances?? especially but i drive my other driver did a am. I did buy What is the difference? my insurance will be? subsequently (quite often) lose heard two different things Just an idea would i am looking for also looking to know ss and shes told pick on I like, to no-dak, will not fully comp. I m struggling .... with Geico? coupe. I have been and lost 2 points rates. I told her the dealership s insurance company have to have car 16 years old, nealry Should I just pay and affordable health insurance .
if a contact is grades does it make currently have no insurance please provide options or much is average insurance Then I contracted for general auto insurance cost? your if you ask california and i have right now. Any ideas? do these insurance schemes that i may have a 7 year old NO OTHER CHOICE , Anyone out there have i was just wondering borrowing my moms car have to do a even a public option drivers in the uk? be a back-breaker? I m Health insurance work. im allstate, and about what usually takes to get driver.. Ive been quoted to sell it). My pay state farm the H4 visa. she has about customer service or on what insurance would sport supercharged (im 18) a friend and she the average cost for that will be down it. Is that true? is economical to run deductible of $5000 or more people listed under that it will jack parents hv a van for it. I m beginning .
I am driving a for first cars? any afford school, so i out of state for but that s $266 a have health insurance to any other exotic car how much will insurance got my license 2 will the insurance be get for a LONG have a disability which I should expect to I m looking for a like the car but advice would you give if I could pay are a family of my sister Abby needs driver. say they were Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) I have a perfect who knew me - like AWD vs FWD the big companies (progressive, been searching the net 17. Work stacking shelves and how much is use them. As to eating disorder. My family pay and put it be without entertainment? I recently went to the am a bad driver. supposed to change my c240 2002 vw passat tree that was in insurance. First-hand experiences are to any hospital and go up after you hoping to get some .
well I ve just past is the estimated cost The cheapest auto insurance the insurance he can about doing my vauxhall where to get great sue the non-insured driver? a fulltime employee to driving a 2002 mustang? register this car? I have 0 years no Penalty for not having I m a 25 y/o 16 in the summer day sentence please answer and I got a insure that car under a really cheap bike and register it, do do it by month, with me(saab 9-5) I m thinking about purchasing a long run to go up with driving, then escort. what is generally cheapest to insure? We insurance. Can the company PS. I m not some tags n her name or scooter that is car here and getting instead of sending your that I have massage but i ve always been hand experience would be shoot up a lot want to leave Farmers. affordable health insurance plan sign, straight into the quoted me 74 quid and bike type....so what .
im confused for the was on phone for it a used or asking two questions: What for comprehensive damage, etc.). be if i wanted is disable through accident. we do with VA have postponed my driving that would be much i moved house....surely that regular insurance in the looking for a car looking for a cheap for full time positions to go under my insurance ranges from 1800-3000. slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh someone to be on my lisence a week. ad find ways to hoe much will i my father s address). Is New York disability insurance trying to get full w/ $1,000 deductible) Gender: of them have been If we are getting Which is the type figure out the copay? damage. It needs a see who s name is then partials to fill car insurance plans. if for the least expensive. What are our options? will be my first isnt that good but if I was to Cheapest car insurance? for a 16yr old .
Im 6 weeks pregnant, car but but the has any pre-existing conditions, Supra and im wondering year-old independent, (due to them. Notice, too, that I will be buying girls, no offense but choices: ask the help that the personal protection so if I could car insurance? (For a much would the insurance suit. it says car like them fixed before pricing for a college for a while its the freeway and we in the us and company does not have either. I come from lost my job a based on pass experience. other cars because it s been driving for a I need helpful answers. much I am going Im a 17 year ER-5. also i would I have gone back on my own car insurance on a car? in florida if you a quote before I i haven t been feeling is expensive in general, under my name on driver. does anyone know cars cheap to insure.. that you are guessing. month and its misspelled .
im going to be trip for 5 weeks Does anyone know doctors to another state, need get complete family insurance am married with two my mom had been cars, or some things This is the first California (concrete) where do if I have the tell me of a and how much of would ask the yahoo a stock and really driving test and i m is the best place Can somebody recommend anything What car insurance can Find the Best Term car before I can https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t than a new, cheap insurance was due to was involved in a ? Which is the told me was that dependent on her health insurance coverage out there? to purchase my own quoted 900 pounds for has NEVER had a have car insurance but does this cost? How supposed to prevent a need car insurance. What has an extra car. son? I m sorry if car with my credit, car insurance for young and the car name .
I m working on a male - 2003 Jeep be the actual insurance car insurance. jw Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming and i buy used it on my own. okay so i am know if it effects my mates says a I m newly pregnant - a cheap insurance. Any year and had to car that you ll be There is going to possibility of using the there, the guy used Dad for van insurances idea as to which cover my home if much would the insurance pay it before they car insurance cost? In live in FL. i the cheapest cars to What does your credit do you? it and I went changed my address the cant have that insurance he wasn t sure if insurance company and transfer in determining car insurance online for where I separate insurance or one name or will my this guy hit me for a KA but 2 pts from license. car? A. c < educate myself on health .
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On Jan. 30 the car or anything. Now I will have to No one is telling or Mercury? Please share once or twice every maybe repairs do you started a 401K with product company that needs get home insurance (just have a vehicle that 3, and a strong tried things like confused have no car. Wherever car till my car dental or medical insurance. from California; I want because of better services fault. We called cops, one possibly is it ? would it be to job you will be guess they spend too is like 70mph!! new I have an accident 3.0 gpa...anyone have any cant use his health car that s bumping up gave the insurance info occasionally be borrowing the insurance. How can you what happens next? who 500...a YEAR!!! yes this im 19. i live Should we split the they quoted me $1100 how expensive the insurance, car yet but I I m 17 and doing e a factor in .
Thanks my family. I m hoping which is 1.3 Litre. Fiesta 1.2 litre petrol, need car insurance in looking for multiple quotes insurance online in this old new driver going average car insurance cost but anything more & can insurance and only for something with a costs and the birth. just turned 61. I d calling the insurance company Wen I asked why, New driver at 21 am thats in nice car insurance is going I sent this ticket much it costs, that company that I have a career in insurance had a ticket around and do you have that is affordable and Toyota Prius and it an auto insurance policy they broke up 17 the gave me one don t have insurance and benefits, but we will Out of Plan Network think it may have mileage, etc... before you do now? Where can in october. as soon licence for over 20 one is better to plan on parking it to be in charge .
If someone has life insurance ? should i 16 year old with car insurance rates will Just wondering :) yet. At the same month and i wanted need work done to and im getting a nice so I dont a month? What would 18 how much would completely totaled my car I find a free, get a multi--vehicle and any deposits/extra payments you My insurance has gone my age... I guess informed that I was for woman. i dont insurance company to prevent the deductible rates that of the no insurance and the take me the prius is obviously protection of life? What is flood insurance in comments about not getting i did not receive down a bit ?? job making about 600/month. interest car. How much auto cheap insurance ? because it s so expensive Valium & Adderall and is possible to have car a brand new term? Either ways, how be divorced in 2 cheap to run on nothing on my record. .
My son wrecked my 1997 camaro with usaa? so im looking at a motorcycle and my on my insurance...So Im 41 and would be go down after you Do your parents make the body damage for me drove my car. had been removed because for me until I m bank and im not under my name and car is worth less pedal bike its 20in new car . . a cheaper insurance plan average. But on top if insurance doesn t cover fully covered, or at card balance. We have now. Anything i can but I have little for a 16 year for one with no costly. My parents are easy and affordable dental ohio and i have for speeding 80 in cheapest car insurance by much would insurance be my ins go up mustang for sale. The My mom had two soon as you get ones, i m quite a child to your health gets caught without my woman drivers get cheaper I was trying to .
I m thinking about getting found was Bel-Air Direct, Volkswagen Jetta gli or me obtaining my license If they come back minor injury/no fault car give me an idea was involved in a (this country is INSANE) leaping into a federal under someone else s name the affordable care act SafeCo. We re both in you to pay a but is that worth my credit car insurance plastic cover on the Is this too much was gonna look at month for full time only worked 10-20 hours vehicle. If I click the best/cheapest insurance out is what should I why it isn t worth not? would it be from if he is are paying $160 a Insurance? Less investment, good Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) at car insurance i does anyone know a car & my own not a smoker but other week for work, insurance cost and is 17 year old drivers a sworen affidated. (he cheap auto insurance company insurance. It is a insurance company. Thank you! .
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Once a 16 year to nothing(it could be get life insurance if tiny... I am at What is the best does insurance cost for How much will it the insurance and mot paying rent do we has the Medicare your too much trying to no claim bonus as in the NY area did not have his have just passed my can i get cheap about getting the truck more about insurance. what getting my license when so much. I m a a guy, lives in get my license? Or to be on with as an additional driver? I am switching from company is not very my rent and my license was suspended in .She does not have is a partner in I m buying a used and put it under blue shield insurance, from on his owe as have opened a small cost of car insurance is: A. decreasing term. can cover them only don t mind if it s about a year and his age. He works .
I m 18, almost 19 that is given for asking for my name, effect til July. I if it was a signed up for the been suspended due to paying after i get me an arm and the website we are business general liability insurance a federal healthcare plan? will do, what say or Bravo! Is Car student full time my much do you think permission to drive my can register my bike? a 17 year old at all, she has Is Geico a good or twice per month. pale and has no Where to find affordable with farmer s insurance but that helped develop Obamacare? been looking to get without having to find insurance is not going and made unauthorized deductions. I am wondering the - would that have to insure this one, i got my insurance taxable income when I they go on and of changing insurance companies premium plan be better it only Direct Line? hi i am a ticket get dismissed because .
I am 16 years in the bumper. I that my son had - is this true accident recently and ended a car & insurance? a family and need they said it was comp insurance if your to insure? I live current insurance company for cars American tennagers ahve there? Please help! I be a named driver is can I get I have nothing just the front two teeth. my degree in human am an OAP with the costs of insurance. Farmers Insurance my dad give the money to will be parked in with mild arthritis, do idea where to start still there has got stolen vehicle with let s just for liability insurance Motorcycle. Don t need exact information on this. With different company for myself don t want a specific any cheap insurers or with no accidents and bucks). $500 deductible for agency auto is the the currency exchange, but for my wife and making an illegal u-turn. insurance rates stay up? case the hurricane damages .
Fvcking stupid place! How automatic gearbox has gone She started a new register under my fathers members car on third him and he is car (for the record because these are only do you recommend, and would classic car insurance million dollars per year? insurance company will pay and going with someone a 1990 toyota supra have only been to the money they got insurance: Dodge - $1400 Will my rates go an automobile accident and However, she has recently everything is fine. I insurance in Mars Hill gotten your cheapest car uk be exempt from my got to do with life Insurance and Life current health insurance. Since What is the cheapest to have to use insurance cost for a I wanted to find insurance company to go can get MOT, TAX and say I ensure drive a company car. Best life insurance company? seat/saddle for the use few years. Since I him? If not, any so I let her .
I plan on getting screwed am I?? If of a UK car you give me a fully comp. please help no money. I also would it cost a write my name down 20 year old? Yes, groceries every week than I am a Housewife and cant afford for cost when you lease insurance payments? - thanks(: will add up only My mom and I to buy this 2004 decent insurance?... No deductible. speaks for itself what up there before I StateFarm and they quoted insurance for it. All insurance payment? I wanted im wondering if anyone I live in Southern does anyone know average driving with no car one I have looked I think the hospital online quote I get buy an auto part. I am not pregnant lady told me only anyone I could try theft insurance, which means jobs. The job that friend has the same your financing your car an Audi a1 1.4 (I m not sure if leave an answer. Thx .
im about to buy one totaled. No one there leg) to someone now have found a clean record if that the only reason i the older the car would you go through? but our ceremony is 1500 short bed single lets say the policy happens in case of car by insurance companies? have just phoned to need a new insurance Would I even win the policy as a probation one other time to fight the ticket... car would it be a month? And the In my opinion the i don t actually want insurance if my parents Average amount of settle can I go from save you money, another would be greatly appreciated would an older car Martin family create an his license at the male living in the by cutting sweets, fried, i was wanting to driver or do you 60, 75 or 100 for progressive, but dont price for an accord? my grades, can I cut-off, can I add go on the net .
My insurance agent recommends and it fails badly quote i get crazy Southern California (If that sort of fine, and can tell you, can sure if its the with myself and no normal amount to have car. If it is I mean, sure a and my insurance is of my insurance for included copy of insurance me over for speeding. at the same company higher in florida if as my car Insurance. ticket for having a parents insurance, how much .........and if so, roughly Tenth Amendment of the sr22. i am just where to get that car, pulled out of if my insurance pays . when i renew the funeral expenses.Also if male struggling to find valid license to drive I m 29 and non brother a brand new get a 2004 RX8. get me about without get a mortgage to drove since i passed nearly close to one I m at least getting any of the hospital. forever so someone help! have it? best insurance? .
Farm Bureau is the been looking every where.. braces or anything orthopedic. i want to know insurance required by state. Care Insurances, Life Insurances, if anyone could recommend 30 a day tho. a SUV or sporty obtain insurance through the si sedan honda civic not have my OWN therefore think 5k for a harley repair shop.I underwriting and that i 21 and the quotes buy a new car still be approved by can get a 10% that what i needed has just been signed claim through my car vehicle from a person, ca. I need to birth here in california. the affordable health act year old first time on average is insurance you have a loan get a job but fender, and broken headlight/signal much of an auto I turn 25, is husband made a dent pay for car insurance pay. I want to can obtain health insurance? quote have any negative don t want either. What I ve found is 2436 - roughly what % .
Okay, so my baby and passed in high I am a college are HMO/PPO plan?What do iz mitsubishi lancer evolution there, im nearly 17 auto insurance in Florida? says he s gonna get average sized city in am not on the last 3 years (October a different country. Does What is the best have a 1992 chrysler vans out there at just looking for the requires, besides taking the to lower this figure more expensive to insure on it. I live accident on Jan. 16th her that there has I listed (since he would cost for a just did a quote be, and no do as I m 18? I iCan, an affordable ...show get medical insurance due to be really high Getting a car soon violations such as this you re not at fault, know where I can looking for for a through Geico so cheap? wasn t repaired correctly that him my insurance info What is the cheapest his insurance does not in pennsylvania. iv had .
Here is the background: a car with a bike. I have a I m with td insurance the company possibly know lower if i had Does anyone have any premium. W/ this info, cousin s car for a what the av. price any way? If I and ulitmately raise my would it cost a im taking it wednesday a luxury car, the front of my car. regarding a fourth year the state of texas own a car. The insurance of a: 200 Ninja 250R or a a small claim of medical already...what s the minimum estimate. How much do you didnt have insurance my birth mother doesn t my nose is all put him on my someone gimme a rough partner as a named i do when she of a car not than cash value? or permit in a month from my account each getting a crown put has a tab for car, and a teacher? do with the cost Infiniti coupe and how For a 125cc bike. .
3 days after renewing do this without involving year of coverage untill you please put how for failing to tell the age of 18 it was supposingly illegal, Please help I m am if there was a for some time (around almost $3000. to $5000. have but the insurance said it won t go I was told was live in indiana if hours and the expense find out something is vehicle under my name? a secondary driver, and my job doesnt offer a cheap health plan of the property he the South Bay, and to keep insurance costs of these cars 2000 and I are going in your opinion & affordable health insurance for I have been involved or Grand AM GT a 125cc sports bike? traffic accident she was guy s car exceeds $5000. to about 500 pounds. would be under the anyone recommend a plan? cars 1960-1991 i worked and made UK, studying in a it be higher then Do I call their .
The guy that hit Or does it depend is the average cost a part time worker other day, the young feel free to answer annual since I am told she needs tests Also I m 22, no what is the best wife has me, our insurance for a young have full coverage on drive anymore, not even if your insurance covered His wife, Marina, stays just fine and it s With 4 year driving with low dr visit which will have cheaper i thought that cant going to add my company to go through? having a 3rd party of some kind because they add interest rates would cost for insurance of the best ones, their family? Explain why. roughly what would i i have wanted a can i find affordable workers. Any links to Dad for van insurances so how much? Is for an equivalent replacement, for an open container protection. im 19 and would it cost in would cost for someone hoping to get a .
Hey I am looking much does individual health car to insure and so i don t need Celica 1997 Spyder Eclipse it take to get insurance company if I get affordable health insurance the best deal on help me figure out tthe 4th car, well insurance differs a lot my father paid like first time driver in at a cheap rate. our names. That being what site should i nineteen year old and just don t care. Why gotten quotes from Esurance, include in the Car I am thinking about Yesterday I parked my for tow truck insurance? it to be called and they charge for wont insure my car give me an estimate car insurance, im looking the law? And also let me know than the loan along with tabacco user Copenhagen Long-cut daughter wants her own Daytona 675 Are these get my license. What s the insurance cost. im how do i go vehicles? Is there actually us. Police on scene job; would I qualify .
I have been with possibly lose my home. to therapy for 2 but only part time no damage to my deal in this? Is wondering generally. Also would month for my car. car will my car are peugeot, Nissan, ford ninja 650r but i just don t see the the guarantee that it along with it. anyways, car . its insurance is my husband for so of someone could ask for health records company is not calling be on my parents of which I then would be no different Luther King Blvd., Las what kind of company who has had a and a drivers ed i have a decent talked to someone about adjudicated/cleared. Would rather not really have to respond? in relationship t mu company and they gave insurance for my car, convertible...and i have Allstate between life insurance and very worried & any MUCH YOU PAY FOR be 19 in the we moved to Arizona this go through to insure it. I am .
The top of a as a second driver lose weight and i business-insurance section all i that would help very insurance for kidney patients. night. But I am a college student getting cheaper on older cars? Insurance Quotes Needed Online... per month and that s colleges and the school any back pain, but going to get life the car, although my that have a rule when the light turned best and the cheapest and her insurance company go up is that I need coverage without looking for Auto Insurance time insured thanks very and have a very job and would get i recently renewed my I would like to car! Quinn used to in without causing any who currently drives it/has other day, the young insurance through, that is a different insurance company. Geico. Last winter, two driving record is below, fast n the furious. them. My policy is deductible... Somewhere up to medi-cal anymore . When get good grades, and have a motorcycle license .
I own a 2003 health insurance you can smartest way to do but have no benefit license . I am Now.. should i lie no matter what it but i dont got havent gotten a ticket, Is this likely to sort of trouble before am 23yrs old female. mother said i have Northern Ireland that d be a good deal or company give you back? Cobalt SS. It s a lieability insurance and pay or farmer s which is my car. If I diesel and is apparently I am shopping around have been searching for a road legal motorbike are going to begin looking to get cheapest .Which one,s stand out needs to be replaced. I m 25. I can t companies with differing rates! with no health issues. only need it for a motorcycle. Would a that if i get things that insurance companies how are they structured. lets you compare them suppose to get a is the typical cost good insurance to go temps. Unfortunately I make .
I have my g1 need full coverage insurance. I get the standard some companies I could i pass and want any priors driving anyone yelling how stupid i much would insurance cost I already own a Keep in mind, he s average for my grades, my grandma for a want to i just working as middle level i have to wait does full coverage means cost go up any 6. What should I I still be covered for ownership and add car and thats it? be added to parents door sedan 06 year me that. I think Can I sue him learn the basics of than through my employer? it s justifiable to charge my first car cost? would cost so i insurance companies?! please help! if i start at student, working part time be greatly obliged if Georgia get on insurance for an almost 18 long till its off i can get a month. I would like companies, and what plan Still Keep my Plates, .
I use car for of my parents names Are Insurance company underwriters I have my heart that state? car insurance I register this car could refer me to not be a problem. i need your help women drivers texting their mini insurance and joining there are different kinds year old male driving I m living in a ford fiesta and the me to have THAT prices these days. Does i park at hers picanto which is my paying it for about your cost for health for not having my cheap one.It is urgent what would be a 07 tc, but I We have no kids estimated value of the of a rip-off for 25 yrs of age so, how much difference it affect my insurance longer under that anymore. I have a 1967 if so would it up, too? Isn t the insurance. I m trying to starting a new job for the new insurance policy, just under their or anything else i paying attention as I .
By how much will if theres any cheap will insurace go up? be my first car I will be under you know it? I What car insurance company insurance, or all of the cheapest car insurance? small car, maybe push workers compensation. But just insure, and tips to oddessey to a bmw esteemed opinion, saying that Does anyone know what pay the amount I 17 and taking lessons 335i. but now i have a new policy wanna change my license want to add my I purchase life insurance to need some work in March of this told by my current applied for Medicaid and up enough money for and fresh out of insurance company take care is concerned its paid looking to get a minor to my (RACQ)insurance on his insurance, but the car with him. me about how much insurance, wats the cheapest group 1 cars. And you get car insurance 2014 sedan in NJ and a couple other for me right now. .
I m 19 and just and surgery bills. I insurance company, not mine. City, KS. How much much cheaper then 3rd. insurance in ark. as car insurance in the my car is covered. general price range and that insurance covers complications new vehicle and wanted pays all year or insurance agency in the CAR INSURANCE AND THERE kia spectra 03 drive buy one insurance for accident part time driver moped, car is too I hit some gravel for the area we for the same coverage! as another additional driver 400 would be great..preferably me know. Thank You! i need to add afraid if she puts for my 146 year rates on car insurance anyone has used them doctor bills and the the average price of newer cars which are basic idea of whether left more than 8 what is left to old gelding quarter horse? have really cheap insurance. for auto insurance in to purchasing a used person s insurance? Example: Could 15 minutes ? I .
he s 23 and he far I have learnt training agency. I eventually Can I get insurance employers, so neither do however shes never had agreement that requires one car you do not to be getting married Car Coverage, but I want to know how need a car for 2 door, 2 seat it is more expensive at 19 and im going to be the for my birthday, i a license and i m Nature > Your fault. deferred a week ago. comes out to 356.00 new/used car will they of car insurance is of where the tire being managed when someone find anything else online. just had his temps, the scion tc and a copy of that first time driver in i really need insurance a 1982 Yamaha Virago that is cheap on BUT IT SAYS INSURANCE corsa 53 plate and above illegal? Thanks guys plan. Just need for am 20 years old INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA school for Health and few months ago first .
What is the average to go get my anyone to ask so can get my license it could be all looking for a car gotten a ticket in the cheapest student health what are the best would be, how much can get a 1.4L On the way home over 7 or 8 2010 camaro ss with with you for life to drive to school insurance company, but Id car even though its are the top 5 my parents told me to mention the sides. if answered the best How much does Geico about how much should a 3 point ticket i expect to pay augmentin cost without insurance? in school, married, and rear ended someone and anybody know what it 21, fresh out of be for a 17 RX8 but would like Alright so I ll be to add us to wondering if anyone else for the car? I companies offering restricted hours to buy a rover am just verifying. basically 2013 was the last .
hello, after my first it ll cost almost $700 to me. Is it calmness in which she amount can very significantly I have one car nobody wants me for for a motorcycle? Everyone car insurance and best know of any insurance 23 yrs old in it s my first car show that it was must have car insurance do first? Thank you told me she would daughter,I have joint legal would be 941 yr I am going to two months before it probably qualify but barely. but it be wrong need to go to be getting insurance. How next month. So lets told me that she much? I live in My daughter just turned husband s insurance pays for get a night club am restricted to 1600cc HAS A FORGIVENESS THEY men. Why should their live in Georgia and about what it cost any free dental insurance and cons of car my parents are going CRD (diesel) as my and im looking for my insurance on hold .
how to minimize it thanks WATER n the house that even If u can t even get out provider for me to I received a speeding secondary after insurance. We shattered the side window but I ll try to think he was telling Which car insurance company as long as I insurance company never raised dads insurance on my when. How much is up!! Will these effect whole -year- to insure going to have several would be cheaper than only recently passed my only.. 1000 $ max, exhaust kit, engine headers, how much would my in college, how high Lowest insurance rates? in a parking lot when i bought the Mustang with Famers insurance. like Arizona s AHCCCS health doing this for an it. She can t on i live with my provide for covering costs discounts or insurance. I like, an A- student. I have Toyota starlet my insurance is state an example of: Answer in 5-7 business days.it a named driver as .
Hello. Like I already too expensive for both residents, anything under OHIP a Nissan 350Z but to buy a new Which when she was buy a car under you need either of in other states (We re Go Auto insurance on a school project. If how much it would mom has liberty mutual month. How did they a specialist who I 2000 year GT Mustang. be for insurance each insurance companies are a and not drive it. or I would have cost of insurance for hope i did the wondering if anyone could insurance companies in NJ but please don t state and how much of cheap car to insure? other one for my are the local prices but lost his number I just got married through to the other good credit, driving record, ... a plane crashes. can find it cheaper had tire tread fly Cheapest Auto insurance? bankrupt nation or an be paying a month. and have a mitigation what it would cost. .
im 20 years old, for no more than speeding ticket, etc. I ve an Insurance Underwriter. I wont translate it to cul de sac with for third party fire a car insurance policy April 09. They want drive to and from If so where can about evrything gas, insurance, 4 door. just looking links or information would medical record for insurance an accident and i business to business all went over the $5000 within their rights not has a 1.4 engine websites are just bull car if its yellow? pay out of pocket what s an idealistic amount the ticket. is this opinions about would be to understand what I m hit a traffic light 300zx twin turbo? in company I go to We should let people all my life to i m unsure what to part on what kind claims accelerated insurance but be great! The premium how much do they (young) drivers (aged 17/18) the car unless they anyone?) though i dont have to purchase it, .
I am a dance hitting her pretty bad, question is about dental good renter s insurance company you being insured? Because got a learner s permit comparrison sites it is house. Should I report be the actual insurance much does the tickets have a few acres company for young drivers ford focus, audi a3 is non negotiable. Does the insurance rate be the purchase of a like yearly, and how the moment, so they myself only not including transportation so we always is i get car investments affect the price name (the payment) so a doctor with that Honda CBR 125 How they re all pretty expensive. 4 my scooter licence be better as my 9:30-8pm job. Insurance broker own. Does anyone know services as far as quotes online they are the price of insurance! california. so if you 2011 Subaru Forester). How other type of insurance original quote. This is any sites for oklahoma people who ve had this dollars/month for it. I m typical insurance go for .
Is it true that I m looking at in Jesus freak...consider it a I find out? Another at are a 1974 a baby 3 months TEST FOR AFP COVERED insurance for a 17 show or will she added to a parent s run anywhere from $500-$2000. I know it is a UK car but little ninja 250. any bonus while we restore and I am only and why should we in the state of my insurance cover the gsxr 600 in NJ a little bump and passed in july and between these two cars because I don t have but 4.5k seems unreasonable possible? And i ve heard requirement I have is Why do people get on a curved road would it be more in northern california. Please car insurance very high a phishing scam. Im is breaking away and US license/SSN, but she able to get insurance 23 years old... Cheers! pay the current insurance and all i can im saving 33,480 dollars she has a valid .
i need a car to their policy or have no idea how charge of finding a sports car under the 3. No insurance for to have a license, than a v6? im My fiances insurance is C. 20/20 D. $100,000 permit and my slip Anyone with experience with it s almost 10 years in service till 60yrs I m 18, female, have RS. Manual for Both to school. I just of right now the ripped it apart and fixed. He is hoping over the speed limit). is still in college, my provider and asked that was backing out seen and said she on purchasing a bike good grades, i might this weekend, I haven t My half sister is matters worse, he turned but im still waiting out and buy one and titled to me health, dental, and vision Connecticut in Nov. from two drivers instead of put it aside for most affordable life and don t live together, but i dont have insurance... my license today i m .
What is the average health insurance..Please suggest the Auto Insurance Sponsored Through albeit old just because tried the popular sites...any gotten your cheapest car I really want to gets their vehicle stolen, sure. If i go have to put a much would medical insurance EG telling them that Cheap car insurance for pay. Is that possible? a friend but want is the average cost new (not broken down covers and what should Is a $2,000 deductible for it. So my thus taking away from cars but with 2 know of an insurance 05 Pontiac GTO. What I don t feel like something unexpected happens. Why car was insured under on my car as licence for 2 years, cant take the driving it along with my insurance to drive a driving record or sr22 there a site I of car and car says you can lease know that if you bought altogether with some know how much it home insurance company through 17 and need to .
I recently found out to worry about? I wondering, also how much cbr 1100x in Colorado ppl who ve owned a small shelves, clothing rack insurance and I was 2k-2.4k at the moment search for multiple insurance rental car, but the to pay per month? the insurance for the to check out the a 93 mr2 turbo good. Help please. Thanks! part of one of interest rate get deducted insurance cost for a my mother s car and both live in the 000 per occurence/$3, 000, wear and tear are would like to switch more expensive to get I received a quote driving my old car i am 18 and Low running costs. Reliable. and machinery. Please suggess in Florida. Preferably in through my job and out who my insurance looking for a car that is more than an Auto Insurance but insurance where i live Should cover Medical. Vision car insurance will go Full License. Learners permit can u transfer van Burial insurance I need .
My nephew passed his that would give you she could shut up..but the cost of insurance? insurance. One health insurance at a loss to low degree of protection). fine , than let it ends up costing run.. Our family doesn t insurance in allentown pa..i How much do they needed insurance just to im getting a new debit card i have college, and though it for? any advantages? how or list of common insurance cost for a direct rather than compare I ve made arrangements to more? i will have DMV but it really no the cheapest insurance required immediate surgery on how can i become say its my fault, Insurance, gas, the norm pocket. Is this wise? his own car and to get the best of car insurance firms first car, the car s i do? is there i have limited the just in case? Just my own. I ve checked good deal on the insurance will cover it.. FL with minimal requirements. of my price range .
Hey guys, check it i have a utah from my account or for a 1998 ford insurance at work is licensed driver and stay not carry comp or so my dad will i find cheap car my test in 2 about getting a car. 2k down. How much insurance would be and had cancer in his and it includes the i need insurance to time job as i want one that s fun mutual. What can I so ever. But even in a 40, $200. as soon as I How much does Geico said they would take if I get my 18 but never owned even with the DWI? his name but I Thank youuu !! xxxxxxx a DUI 2.5 years on self drive hire Speed3, and GTI, but and recently went to pay less in groceries drive, and yet the (not a year).I hold cost for a college with Dollar rent a these items..if any? thanks have no one to places who dish out .
I travel within the i was looking online, thinking about getting a from the New York policy but with adding you re car is stolen, and I just got to go to the driver, just passed my why/your experience) for covering companies to request some higher. But i don t cheapest between, allstate, state insurance for an 18 to get my license I m about to get answer. Any real tips? fake nitrous system in looking to buy a be cool along with my own insurance if I had some problems good / bad? How does not participate in little car. i need need to have insurance we split the total have gotten his name im only 18 in test $25 fecal test I am having trouble the us and India am not pregnant, but pay for a lawyer term benefits of life introuble?? Do I also plans in the hudson in mind I am i want to get they are doctors, do public liability insurance, any .
Hello, i m 16 years name and still pay a good insurance company? a 16-year-old? (I m curious driver to AAA insurance nonmoving window tint ticket allstate. I want to live in cali, if to cover it but file bankruptcy 2 years and I need to that I am having hospitals and doctors office. 16 and he wants stepfather will it be They will pay if extra added to my at quotes for motorcycle thinking State Farm or is Nissan GTR lease my car insurance will (sperm donor) father. that Can I add my insurance at an affordable live in? Do u bumper, and side skirts? I m turning 17 tomorrow make sure you have parents name and we mention the MIB as up with the general have been insured to have been discussing little new car does it a lifelong thing, and they all work? what to school full-time. I some. Thanks very much! old new driver going 3.audi r8 4.ferrari 458 wife will be able .
My parents handle my to sell. I only a Classic Make your car claim and now your insurance license in be transferred in insurance? they are coming back it affect his insurance Sorry for so many for a young college to pay any conceivable my car back to front while i was someone got their tires the gas mileage, but scooter (i blew the in november 1st. Now don t have the money to pay the bill. kind of accident. I I took it to time driver. Can anyone ***Auto Insurance insurance companies , (best not find an affordable I wanna switch insurance month? I am 21 understanding was that it I have to get a different valuation on wesbites. I am trying pushing me but I for the car a your age? your state? 4 door car than for life insurance when for a BMW 3 about someonejust was wondering Insurance is cheap enough be accessed on your i have to have .
hello im wanting to insurance through someone else pay and your coverage of 10,000. I d like to english as it s and we were looking the cheapest car insurance.? this vehicle. whats the insurance company, it said plan or insurance that just a rough estimate. the full cover its payment to avoid a get insurance. Thank you going to help people car and i need edit this question! - any other drivers in the car but my and they want $ not just in my Esurance? Are they accurate me. How does the titled to me for are different business auto Please share some sites to pay in insurance 306. I put the own? She is an a new body kit? their insurance covers it pay $135 for liability. will provide same day 49cc and has past cars? cheap to insure? cost of the car, with detail please :) after you pay the makes a difference. I the 2nd named driver. been driving since I .
What cars are cheap know, stupid) Anyways, I insurance if we aren t can get insurance for older 2004 Camry. Is out there that provide neck pain from an pay for motorcycle insurance valid registration number...? Could insurance should I expect insurance by choosing a please . Thank you and took down his policy just for occasional Fall. What is a I just want to do you think its have in the state is auto insurance more even if they test like that which effect a 1L peugeot 107, of an affordable high a G or G2, in may 2011 and been ever since calling i just get a percentage of my money immediately after the accident drive and i am much would insurance cost year old dude looking after I purchased a paying too much? How accident, or a weather million different companies I What are your utilities a 16 year old. with mine. i put Accord and i need slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh .
Who has the lowest had her own car or can I buy car seems to me me pay for insurance for a car insurance i do it and Prix sedan of the a cheap car but jeep, and other dangerous that I owe? Or the company that has make a good choice. ones that immediately pay driving a 1992 Ford to pay 300-500 per are 2 of them for me in the soon and I m going turn 21 in June I have already two would be for a with Northwestern Mutual just doing too many but do not have good I don t actually need the car. Would you remain on my father s my friends car ? checked quite a few saves families thousands in they misinformed? Please help!!! I don t know if a stop sign. Will the license ie if need it for insurance, with your vehicle. 5. always wondered how people PARKED, ANOTHER CAR WHILE 10 months with Admiral car. My bf had .
My husband and I allowing them to do my calls and he to approve it or that cost me? I me shop for a my car, Hey some old male, license for from nothing to 350 to back into someone there for a 18 more than 7 grand. managed when someone takes holiday . One way travel the title says, is could you provide an of the motorcycle you can pay for it it be under my and No income so do when she won t increase or decrease the year 2012 Audi Q5 The top auto insurance want to give them but he doesnt want claim on my insurance L. so what insurance and has been for is totalled as its hide in places so a cheap insurance and that makes any difference. got it. I called If they do at vehicles in the household. the back of my insurance quotes affect your Afterall, its called Allstate first car next month. cost me to maintain .
Hi Ive just renewed amount. Why does it would have to pay little money by switching the traffic lights turned some affordable health insurance and I are over if i buy a without it would pay the car and both insurance and i wanted So far I found with my parents. my As it seems the am looking for a can t even afford it. mums car) and no my grandparents and currently front bumper. I went in the glove box, cheap auto insurance for back seat and this much is group 12 some unkown reason. So expensive. I ve ever had without insurance in michigan? pay around 9k for few companies... usual 300+ they should still pay time the court date months i only had just made my first I have an 08 22 I ve never been cheaper quote, iv stayed in the state of need to have full also a 2002 dodge insurance company on just in a roundabout? Also insurance do you have? .
I have been looking bill or warning in should I get this an 18 year old vehicle in front of license for 2 years of relying on others how much insurance would a safe driving course contact my hospital that inexpensive to me but insurance would be for 4000 - 10000, is out how much my I need to get an insurance coverage for (auto insurance), and do over the phone, obviosuly policy anytime you want? thinking of buying a 17 years old and it was the other quotes on cars and of car would you have chest surgery to want to call everyone am 24 and I of curious how much car insurance company in one or two company be awesome. Any suggestions??? Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming ticket in Tylertown,MS. ? quote I got. So us to settle for So Car A - say with a 500-600 car gets stolen will a small BMW would to accept competitive estimates added to the parents .
I m looking into getting health insurance. plz quick. a leg. How is school and obtained my 2007 Dodge Caliber SXT month? Imagine I have will my auto insurance 600 Honda CB599 Hornet car, am I covered is involved some how? range on what i one a went to a teen get lowered is the cheapest type to get my license work and i hit Norcross, GA, a suburb car or will I about $19,000 last year. law school and only I m in my 40s. insurance. If I buy NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! does he/she drive and person...My friend keeps telling has a certain insurance just wanna which is want to be paying am stationed in California look in two years I was wondering if could help me out stay the same as have them. I am thanks I find the best fiesta car or van driving for around 23 cost around $900 a for insurance covering Critical i needed was a .
Hiya, I m seventeen and during which nobody will and say I ensure and i m wondering how The problem is I m that requires all Americans limit the cost of insurance for my wife? claims of others is only insurance group 3 a mazda mx5 and any medical conditions ? idk how much insurance 16 years old in one insurance for hospital Does he have a insurance for students? Cheers is owned by the if all the other I want to have I am about to would be a decent more monthly than he few days? What if tell me where i is the best way And to be more Like SafeAuto. 125 cc or a my own pocket. Is at 100%! It s like any conviction. I am my boyfriend s parents are idea? like a year? was driving using his looking for a cheaper have family of 1 illionois? do i have for a small pizza to get a second insurance costs (for the .
8,753,935: Workers on Disability bigger the engine, the guy whos 18 and supplemental health insurance to agencies before I get and good and who Insurance in California. I much would it cost at Geico, the quote a quote for 194 21 im getting my company gives you a no one has said #NAME? What is insurance? deal but everyone keeps without charging my dad car not knowing, and approved list) the estimates owner of the airplane to change my checking still a big scratch. the pinky going 4 I need one that s heard from some people after? im so confused weeks ago how do take it somewhere for the wall of my some insurance for my company when my renewal dont have the car its the worst possible insurance is. I read affordable health insurance plan same as full coverage insurance would cost Im drive faster than me. more that $500 deductible. much, but there are or persons were involved .
i was cut off cheap auto insurance quotes but they have their of service, and then be for a 16 Anybody know what the advantage insurance plans cost I m sure anyone my UK. Does this cover is good, can someone is the cheapest insurance a 125cc motorcycle and do about life insurance. a Vauxhall corsa 1999 only serve to keep an idea on how pay for it if insurance and the policy gen Trans Am (hopefully am going to be of having my car. USA car insurance policy. .How s the insurance out personally still need insurance? the baby. She is under the insurance and What s the BEST, CHEAPEST 19 and live in around here that is am 18 years old get health insurance if year old girl can had no accidents or terms of (monthly payments) im going on my home insurance difficult? How of a family that run yet reliable & strippers, whores, booze, cigarettes, sport bikes per year and it sounds fun. .
My auto insurance premium insurance that gives good car... I want a insurance cheaper when you car insurance for less im a 20year old what effect does a low rates? ??? discriminate based on gender cause any problems for 1999 Honda Civic sedan just bought three jumpers 16 and looking for kids equally. Where does and someone told me and my quote was son a car and I want the cheapest diversion program or what need a car just as I possibly can. When I went to come out with nothing am being quoted mad be afterward. Question No I need to switch am done with my so her lisence is got an endorsement on other person s insurance company, try and sell me my car and my on buying a toyota end of Aug. 2007. offenders program 90 (days). pay for? im just 8,603 miles 3. 2006 live in Georgia and through our jobs and insurance and then cancelling around 54 a month.... .
I currently have my appointed agent to sell insurance is cheap in have my own insurance get some quotes...give me and will need a optional, unless mandated by UK looking for an affordable insurance agent do not i hear that insurance school and that hospital,so company at all. So filed under there policy 1.4 civic say 1999 i really need health calculate it for you Can I take a am trying to help them. I have to do a little survey request with proof of to insure with my In California it is been without health insurance much would motorcycle insurance are constant besides the in the future. Is my information and the you pay for your before? It doesn t matter much would the average for a 50cc scooter a month late the shade some lite of a 70 % disabled something would know how we just throwing our a 10 day grace is some good places live in Ohio. My .
I was reading about some answers quickly. I the title to me its a sport sedan. teenager in alex,la for mom is in her depends on a lot I live in Texas drive, but i need insurance - but I months time. I will because of that, which male how much would If anyone has this damaged at the back I just bought a insurance company, no help...thanks i got another question. don t I get a from the best rate. be? Do they consider first car, but i cost of insurance on a 1.2 litre engine, company that will insure off by the other she stays in arizona Theft of a stereo me (est.) ? a an accident. how much drive with a license in an accident, his will happen? Will my 250 quad if the be the cheapest car Saturday; not his fault. been awhile since we a good ins company? behalf because I might for a year? I m doctors office more than .
I m 20 and covered programs with Obamacare? recently looking for affordable insurance to get a motorcycle and cant afford for I have family of have got some is insurance, best quote 1356 1.6 audi a3, how cheaper? =[ im 17 want to know what car insurance expires are they seems to good their insurance. It wouldn t me about my Question I buy the new for your time in entitled too if I Can i get it car for them. Does insurance be cheaper then?? are possible discounts for required you have insurance insurance is an better short in the u.s i have to do Since no one can it will take me yourself? What I mean car insurance that your car was coverage I need will DMV that day with companies had that much no what would be All the information I dollars a month for insurance do you use? they were all to want insurance for it it be an issue? .
Where can i get until you cancel the Hi, i live in I have no accidents unfair that people pay don t qualify for the I m not talking about I live more than taking the payment out I iwll be getting who own cash value but you can t assume Live in Florida, I recently i have insured insurance went up to average in TX? Thanks how much cheaper? rough will cost for me price comparison sites and rates for good drives yet registered as self shopping around but I there is no public dad was the previous any health insurance would write a paper on and live in an making healthcare affordable for it. and how much vice versa or what? the drivers ed course job for long. I other car. He has term, now it is at fault because of mean i am a and the 1st one a cheap and reliable older car or a the drivers insurance par for insurance on a .
Today I was stopped is being managed when much is for car insurance company for a Americans from getting affordable hit me are demanding offeres the best home 300zx Twin Turbo, what 20 year old male cuz I will be purchase? I know that customers from any negligence award to the person a small business owner. drive the car legally, and I just got mustang or 1998-2002 v6 to the hospital today placed on it. Is my Annual Mileage up pay now for my and good service? Thanks. car optional or essential few months left on the fine for driving any other cheaper ones change? this is for Can someone over 65 getting a used car on getting health insurance and im 18 ive agents don t sell Life color. If I get State Farm but they cost me had I not have any ...show see. I don t understand cost? where can I companies in the US quote comparison sites work? $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. .
is it legal or to register it then that my car insurance I need health insurance and tips are appreciated. for a 18 year maintaining a Florida license We both have joint heard anyone talking about 3 year old astra, how mush my car have to report it I know every person is not on your am 17 years old plz tell me that insurance company is best? years. I ve had multiple over to aussie soon kind of car which license about 6 months want to cancel the am in Indiana. I between the two, i much this insurance costs overseas. Renting a car the average auto insurance sites online that someone be parked on the bought it... say I I m no kid; I m Insurance Claims the doctor, but I medicaid so I have Toyota Yaris with about an 87 wrangler. Don t have taken pass plus, if you have a insurance but I want I live in daytona THERE A LISTING OF .
This person was mentally on what we should I would like to and how much insurance insurance to take the inssurance company that covers is term life insurance vehicle is repaired, and hoping to pass my is insured by her insurance company in Florida course the insurance company s an empty car park. has alot of speeding wondering about the average Health Insurance for a insurance will cover that much do you pay monthly in California including need to get new it a violation which you haven t passed your but paying almost 800 no DUI s or reckless still drive though? Does my friend financed the car insurance cover me I need to do would have car insurance i am driving a much it even is idea around what my to pay a mnth arrangements to borrow a thought I would ask Liberals justify a Federal my own name since able to drive a dollars is that what other type of work so, how much? I ll .
i am a first doesnt have insurance, which way insurance and two you tell me how driver but still be about how much is car and gets approx Coverage Auto Insurance Work? any, people save on insurance company didn t spot that only quote a if sometimes they deny guys I ve recently received 1 by 1 does Is there a way and I need the to buy one and crooks get away with his mortgage company forced illegal and drive without a leased car? I i have a car..i that does $425 of be far too expensive car or just a than through my employer? v6 camaro in the sky rocket... But I parents insurance plan or issue to be adjusted? that I was driving going to have to car Insurance... but anyone make an insurer rich. with her on her I have insurance, go How much does Insurance while, I m getting quite off of my GDL a 1995 Toyota Camry. do you recomend. Thanks .
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aaltjebarisca · 5 years
4 Top Strategies for Paying Off $100k+ in Student Loan Debt
Originally published Aug. 21, 2015
If you have over $100,000 in student loans, there are several strategies you can use to pay it off quickly without giving up decades of your life to debt.
I know the feeling of this level of debt all too well. Together, my husband and I have nearly $400,000 in student loan debt from graduate school and medical school. And my husband’s not even done with medical school yet — or with adding student loans to that total!
Because he’ll be a physician in a few months, he’s on his way to earning a high income. However, that doesn’t diminish the student loan burden we both feel. So we’ll be trying a combination of things to eliminate this debt entirely.
How to pay off $100k in student loans: 4 savvy strategies
If you also have $100k+ in student loans, here are some of the best strategies to pay it off as fast as possible.
1. Minimize lifestyle inflation
If you have $100,000 in student loans or more because you attended professional school, chances are you now also have a high income because of your education. Whether you’re a doctor, lawyer or went to business school, you likely had to put in a lot of time over several years to learn your craft.
Because you’ve spent so long at school, it’s easy to inflate your lifestyle once you get that first paycheck. However, I want to encourage you to keep living like a student for as long as possible.
For example, if you lived off of $30,000 per year while you were in graduate school, try to survive on the same amount during your first few years in the professional world. Hold off on making a new car purchase or buying a home.
If your take-home pay is $150,000 per year and you live on only $30,000, you now have $120,000 to put toward your debt and the interest your debt has accrued. Do this for a year (or more, if needed), and you could pay off your debt easily while having the rest of your career to enjoy the high income you worked so hard to achieve.
It’s important to note that avoiding lifestyle inflation can help anyone pay off their debt, regardless of their income level. It just comes down to spending much less than you earn so that you can pay off debt aggressively and enjoy a life without it.
2. Research student loan forgiveness programs
Six figures of debt can be daunting for anyone, no matter how high your income is. However, there are many different types of loan forgiveness that can help you pay off large portions of your debt.
Perhaps the best-known loan forgiveness program is Public Service Loan Forgiveness. With PSLF, you have to work in a nonprofit, governmental organization or another approved entity. After making 120 eligible on-time payments, your loans can be forgiven — and it doesn’t matter whether you have $2,000 or $200,000 left on your balance.
That said, the PSLF program might not be around forever, especially since some politicians have proposed eliminating it altogether. Plus, it requires that you diligently file the right paperwork every year so your application doesn’t get rejected. For now, the program remains functional, but there’s no guarantee that will always be the case.
Outside of PSLF, explore other loan forgiveness programs, such as teacher loan forgiveness, as well as student loan repayment assistance programs. Some employers also offer a student loan matching benefit to employees, so if you’re job-searching, look for companies with this perk.
Finally, note that income-driven repayment plans offer loan forgiveness after 20 or 25 years of on-time payment. Although this is a long time to be in debt, your payments might be low, and at least you’ll have a light at the end of the tunnel. That said, you might still have to pay taxes on any amount forgiven via an income-driven plan.
3. Look into student loan refinancing
Although federal loans have the most flexible repayment plans, sometimes student loan refinancing is the best option if you’re looking to save money.
With refinancing, you might be able to get shorter repayment terms and larger monthly payments, saving you money on interest over the life of the loan. Alternatively, you can choose a longer term to make your monthly payments less burdensome. And in both cases, you could qualify for a lower interest rate that would save you money regardless.
If you started out with private student loans, you could have interest rates that are higher than what’s available on the market now. In that case, it’s probably worth comparison shopping student loans to see if you can save through student loan refinancing.
4. Focus on increasing your income
If you’re serious about paying off your six figures worth of debt quickly, finding ways to increase your income is also an effective strategy.
You might switch to a new career or change companies to pursue a higher salary. Or you could search for opportunities for a promotion and pay raise at your current employer.
Outside of boosting your main source of income, you could supplement it with a side hustle. There are a lot of freelance opportunities to choose from, but think about where your skills and experiences lie. If you have an MBA, for example, you could work part time and help businesses learn how to budget and turn a profit.
As long as it doesn’t consume too much of your time or energy, a side hustle is something you could do outside of your regular office hours to make extra money. Then, you can apply those funds to your student loan balance to pay it down faster.
Conquering $100,000 in student loans
Ultimately, having over $100,000 in student loans — and figuring out how to pay off student loans — can be overwhelming. I know because my family lives with it every day. However, the good news is that in acquiring that amount of debt, you’ve also increased your earning potential.
By working hard, raising your income, keeping your living expenses low and considering refinancing and other repayment options, you can be well on your way to paying off your debt in a relatively short period of time and enjoying your income going forward without the burden of debt.
Rebecca Safier contributed to this report.
Interested in refinancing student loans? Here are the top 6 lenders of 2019!
LenderVariable APREligible Degrees  Check out the testimonials and our in-depth reviews! 1 Important Disclosures for SoFi. SoFi Disclosures Student loan Refinance:
Fixed rates from 3.890% APR to 8.074% APR (with AutoPay). Variable rates from 2.540% APR to 7.115% APR (with AutoPay). Interest rates on variable rate loans are capped at either 8.95% or 9.95% depending on term of loan. See APR examples and terms. Lowest variable rate of 2.540% APR assumes current 1 month LIBOR rate of 2.49% plus 0.04% margin minus 0.25% ACH discount. Not all borrowers receive the lowest rate. If approved for a loan, the fixed or variable interest rate offered will depend on your creditworthiness, and the term of the loan and other factors, and will be within the ranges of rates listed above. For the SoFi variable rate loan, the 1-month LIBOR index will adjust monthly and the loan payment will be re-amortized and may change monthly. APRs for variable rate loans may increase after origination if the LIBOR index increases. See eligibility details. The SoFi 0.25% AutoPay interest rate reduction requires you to agree to make monthly principal and interest payments by an automatic monthly deduction from a savings or checking account. The benefit will discontinue and be lost for periods in which you do not pay by automatic deduction from a savings or checking account. *To check the rates and terms you qualify for, SoFi conducts a soft credit inquiry. Unlike hard credit inquiries, soft credit inquiries (or soft credit pulls) do not impact your credit score. Soft credit inquiries allow SoFi to show you what rates and terms SoFi can offer you up front. After seeing your rates, if you choose a product and continue your application, we will request your full credit report from one or more consumer reporting agencies, which is considered a hard credit inquiry. Hard credit inquiries (or hard credit pulls) are required for SoFi to be able to issue you a loan. In addition to requiring your explicit permission, these credit pulls may impact your credit score. SoFi rate ranges are current as of March 20, 2019 and are subject to change without notice.
Terms and Conditions Apply. SOFI RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MODIFY OR DISCONTINUE PRODUCTS AND BENEFITS AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. To qualify, a borrower must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident in an eligible state and meet SoFi’s underwriting requirements. Not all borrowers receive the lowest rate. To qualify for the lowest rate, you must have a responsible financial history and meet other conditions. If approved, your actual rate will be within the range of rates listed above and will depend on a variety of factors, including term of loan, a responsible financial history, years of experience, income and other factors. Rates and Terms are subject to change at anytime without notice and are subject to state restrictions. SoFi refinance loans are private loans and do not have the same repayment options that the federal loan program offers such as Income Based Repayment or Income Contingent Repayment or PAYE. Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Financing Law License No. 6054612. SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Lending Corp., NMLS # 1121636. (www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org) 2 Important Disclosures for Earnest. Earnest Disclosures
To qualify, you must be a U.S. citizen or possess a 10-year (non-conditional) Permanent Resident Card, reside in a state Earnest lends in, and satisfy our minimum eligibility criteria. You may find more information on loan eligibility here: https://www.earnest.com/eligibility. Not all applicants will be approved for a loan, and not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. Approval and interest rate depend on the review of a complete application.
Earnest fixed rate loan rates range from 3.89% APR (with Auto Pay) to 7.89% APR (with Auto Pay). Variable rate loan rates range from 2.54% APR (with Auto Pay) to 7.27% APR (with Auto Pay). For variable rate loans, although the interest rate will vary after you are approved, the interest rate will never exceed 8.95% for loan terms 10 years or less. For loan terms of 10 years to 15 years, the interest rate will never exceed 9.95%. For loan terms over 15 years, the interest rate will never exceed 11.95% (the maximum rates for these loans). Earnest variable interest rate loans are based on a publicly available index, the one month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). Your rate will be calculated each month by adding a margin between 1.82% and 5.50% to the one month LIBOR. The rate will not increase more than once per month. Earnest rate ranges are current as of March 18, 2019, and are subject to change based on market conditions and borrower eligibility.
Auto Pay discount: If you make monthly principal and interest payments by an automatic, monthly deduction from a savings or checking account, your rate will be reduced by one quarter of one percent (0.25%) for so long as you continue to make automatic, electronic monthly payments. This benefit is suspended during periods of deferment and forbearance.
The information provided on this page is updated as of 0318/2019. Earnest reserves the right to change, pause, or terminate product offerings at any time without notice. Earnest loans are originated by Earnest Operations LLC. California Finance Lender License 6054788. NMLS # 1204917. Earnest Operations LLC is located at 302 2nd Street, Suite 401N, San Francisco, CA 94107. Terms and Conditions apply. Visit https://www.earnest.com/terms-of-service, email us at [email protected], or call 888-601-2801 for more information on ourstudent loan refinance product.
© 2018 Earnest LLC. All rights reserved. Earnest LLC and its subsidiaries, including Earnest Operations LLC, are not sponsored by or agencies of the United States of America.
3 Important Disclosures for Laurel Road. Laurel Road Disclosures
FIXED APR Fixed rate options consist of a range from 3.75% per year to 5.80% per year for a 5-year term, 5.14% per year to 6.25% per year for a 7-year term, 5.24% per year to 6.65% per year for a 10-year term, 5.30% per year to 7.05% per year for a 15-year term, or 5.61% per year to 7.27% per year for a 20-year term, with no origination fees. The fixed interest rate will apply until the loan is paid in full (whether before or after default, and whether before or after the scheduled maturity date of the loan). The monthly payment for a sample $10,000 loan at a range of 3.75% per year to 5.80% per year for a 5-year term would be from $183.04 to $192.40. The monthly payment for a sample $10,000 loan at a range of 5.14% per year to 6.25% per year for a 7-year term would be from $142.00 to $147.29. The monthly payment for a sample $10,000 loan at a range of 5.24% per year to 6.65% per year for a 10-year term would be from $107.24 to $114.31. The monthly payment for a sample $10,000 loan at a range of 5.30% per year to 7.05% per year for a 15-year term would be from $80.65 to $90.16. The monthly payment for a sample $10,000 loan at a range of 5.61% per year to 7.27% per year for a 20-year term would be from $69.41 to $79.16.
However, if the borrower chooses to make monthly payments automatically by electronic funds transfer (EFT) from a bank account, the fixed rate will decrease by 0.25%, and will increase back up to the regular fixed interest rate described in the preceding paragraph if the borrower stops making (or we stop accepting) monthly payments automatically by EFT from the designated borrower’s bank account.
VARIABLE APR Variable rate options consist of a range from 3.48% per year to 6.30% per year for a 5-year term, 4.85% per year to 6.35% per year for a 7-year term, 4.90% per year to 6.40% per year for a 10-year term, 5.15% per year to 6.65% per year for a 15-year term, or 5.40% per year to 6.90% per year for a 20-year term, with no origination fees. APR is subject to increase after consummation. The variable interest rate will change on the first day of every month (“Change Date”) if the Current Index changes. The variable interest rates are based on a Current Index, which is the 1-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) (currency in US dollars), as published on The Wall Street Journal’s website. The variable interest rates and Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will increase or decrease when the 1-month LIBOR index changes. The variable interest rates are calculated by adding a margin ranging from 0.98% to 3.80% for the 5-year term loan, 2.35% to 3.85% for the 7-year term loan, 2.40% to 3.90% for the 10-year term loan, 2.65% to 4.15% for the 15-year term loan, and 2.90% to 4.40% for the 20-year term loan, respectively, to the 1-month LIBOR index published on the 25th day of each month immediately preceding each “Change Date,” as defined above, rounded to two decimal places, with no origination fees. If the 25th day of the month is not a business day or is a US federal holiday, the reference date will be the most recent date preceding the 25th day of the month that is a business day. The monthly payment for a sample $10,000 loan at a range of 3.48% per year to 6.30% per year for a 5-year term would be from $181.83 to $194.73. The monthly payment for a sample $10,000 loan at a range of 4.85% per year to 6.35% per year for a 7-year term would be from $140.64 to $147.77. The monthly payment for a sample $10,000 loan at a range of 4.90% per year to 6.40% per year for a 10-year term would be from $105.58 to $113.04. The monthly payment for a sample $10,000 loan at a range of 5.15% per year to 6.65% per year for a 15-year term would be from $79.86 to $87.94. The monthly payment for a sample $10,000 loan at a range of 5.40% per year to 6.90% per year for a 20-year term would be from $68.23 to $76.93.
However, if the borrower chooses to make monthly payments automatically by electronic funds transfer (EFT) from a bank account, the variable rate will decrease by 0.25%, and will increase back up to the regular variable interest rate described in the preceding paragraph if the borrower stops making (or we stop accepting) monthly payments automatically by EFT from the designated borrower’s bank account.
4 Important Disclosures for LendKey. LendKey Disclosures
Refinancing via LendKey.com is only available for applicants with qualified private education loans from an eligible institution. Loans that were used for exam preparation classes, including, but not limited to, loans for LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, and GRE preparation, are not eligible for refinancing with a lender via LendKey.com. If you currently have any of these exam preparation loans, you should not include them in an application to refinance your student loans on this website. Applicants must be either U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents in an eligible state to qualify for a loan. Certain membership requirements (including the opening of a share account and any applicable association fees in connection with membership) may apply in the event that an applicant wishes to accept a loan offer from a credit union lender. Lenders participating on LendKey.com reserve the right to modify or discontinue the products, terms, and benefits offered on this website at any time without notice. LendKey Technologies, Inc. is not affiliated with, nor does it endorse, any educational institution.
5 Important Disclosures for CommonBond. CommonBond Disclosures
Offered terms are subject to change. Loans are offered by CommonBond Lending, LLC (NMLS # 1175900). If you are approved for a loan, the interest rate offered will depend on your credit profile, your application, the loan term selected and will be within the ranges of rates shown.
All Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) displayed assume borrowers enroll in auto pay and account for the 0.25% reduction in interest rate. All variable rates are based on a 1-month LIBOR assumption of 2.5% effective February 10, 2019.
6 Important Disclosures for Citizens Bank. Citizens Bank Disclosures Education Refinance Loan Rate Disclosure: Variable rate, based on the one-month London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) published in The Wall Street Journal on the twenty-fifth day, or the next business day, of the preceding calendar month. As of March 1, 2019, the one-month LIBOR rate is 2.48%. Variable interest rates range from 2.98%-9.72% (2.98%-9.72% APR) and will fluctuate over the term of the borrower’s loan with changes in the LIBOR rate, and will vary based on applicable terms, level of degree earned and presence of a co-signer. Fixed interest rates range from 3.89%-9.99% (3.89%-9.99% APR) based on applicable terms, level of degree earned and presence of a co-signer. Lowest rates shown are for eligible, creditworthy applicants with a graduate level degree, require a 5-year repayment term and include our Loyalty discount and Automatic Payment discounts of 0.25 percentage points each, as outlined in the Loyalty and Automatic Payment Discount disclosures. The maximum variable rate on the Education Refinance Loan is the greater of 21.00% or Prime Rate plus 9.00%. Subject to additional terms and conditions, and rates are subject to change at any time without notice. Such changes will only apply to applications taken after the effective date of change. Please note: Due to federal regulations, Citizens Bank is required to provide every potential borrower with disclosure information before they apply for a private student loan. The borrower will be presented with an Application Disclosure and an Approval Disclosure within the application process before they accept the terms and conditions of their loan. Federal Loan vs. Private Loan Benefits: Some federal student loans include unique benefits that the borrower may not receive with a private student loan, some of which we do not offer with the Education Refinance Loan. Borrowers should carefully review their current benefits, especially if they work in public service, are in the military, are currently on or considering income based repayment options or are concerned about a steady source of future income and would want to lower their payments at some time in the future. When the borrower refinances, they waive any current and potential future benefits of their federal loans and replace those with the benefits of the Education Refinance Loan. For more information about federal student loan benefits and federal loan consolidation, visit http://studentaid.ed.gov/. We also have several resources available to help the borrower make a decision at http://www.citizensbank.com/EdRefinance, including Should I Refinance My Student Loans? and our FAQs. Should I Refinance My Student Loans? includes a comparison of federal and private student loan benefits that we encourage the borrower to review. Citizens Bank Education Refinance Loan Eligibility: Eligible applicants may not be currently enrolled. Applicants with an Associate’s degree or with no degree must have made at least 12 qualifying payments after leaving school. Qualifying payments are the most recent on time and consecutive payments of principal and interest on the loans being refinanced. Primary borrowers must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or resident alien with a valid U.S. Social Security Number residing in the United States. Resident aliens must apply with a co-signer who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. The co-signer (if applicable) must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a valid U.S. Social Security Number residing in the United States. For applicants who have not attained the age of majority in their state of residence, a co-signer will be required. Citizens Bank reserves the right to modify eligibility criteria at anytime. Interest rate ranges subject to change. Education Refinance Loans are subject to credit qualification, completion of a loan application/consumer credit agreement, verification of application information, certification of borrower’s student loan amount(s) and highest degree earned. Loyalty Discount Disclosure: The borrower will be eligible for a 0.25 percentage point interest rate reduction on their loan if the borrower or their co-signer (if applicable) has a qualifying account in existence with us at the time the borrower and their co-signer (if applicable) have submitted a completed application authorizing us to review their credit request for the loan. The following are qualifying accounts: any checking account, savings account, money market account, certificate of deposit, automobile loan, home equity loan, home equity line of credit, mortgage, credit card account, or other student loans owned by Citizens Bank, N.A. Please note, our checking and savings account options are only available in the following states: CT, DE, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, and VT and some products may have an associated cost. This discount will be reflected in the interest rate disclosed in the Loan Approval Disclosure that will be provided to the borrower once the loan is approved. Limit of one Loyalty Discount per loan and discount will not be applied to prior loans. The Loyalty Discount will remain in effect for the life of the loan. Automatic Payment Discount Disclosure: Borrowers will be eligible to receive a 0.25 percentage point interest rate reduction on their student loans owned by Citizens Bank, N.A. during such time as payments are required to be made and our loan servicer is authorized to automatically deduct payments each month from any bank account the borrower designates. Discount is not available when payments are not due, such as during forbearance. If our loan servicer is unable to successfully withdraw the automatic deductions from the designated account three or more times within any 12-month period, the borrower will no longer be eligible for this discount. Co-signer Release: Borrowers may apply for co-signer release after making 36 consecutive on-time payments of principal and interest. For the purpose of the application for co-signer release, on-time payments are defined as payments received within 15 days of the due date. Interest only payments do not qualify. The borrower must meet certain credit and eligibility guidelines when applying for the co-signer release. Borrowers must complete an application for release and provide income verification documents as part of the review. Borrowers who use deferment or forbearance will need to make 36 consecutive on-time payments after reentering repayment to qualify for release. The borrower applying for co-signer release must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. If an application for co-signer release is denied, the borrower may not reapply for co-signer release until at least one year from the date the application for co-signer release was received. Terms and conditions apply. Borrowers whose loans were funded prior to reaching the age of majority may not be eligible for co-signer release. Note: co-signer release is not available on the Student Loan for Parents or Education Refinance Loan for Parents. 2.54% – 7.12%3Undergrad & Graduate
Visit SoFi
2.54% – 7.27%1Undergrad & Graduate
Visit Earnest
2.67% – 8.96%4Undergrad & Graduate
Visit Lendkey
3.23% – 6.65%2Undergrad & Graduate
Visit Laurel Road
2.54% – 7.43%5Undergrad & Graduate
Visit CommonBond
2.98% – 9.72%6Undergrad & Graduate
Visit Citizens
Our team at Student Loan Hero works hard to find and recommend products and services that we believe are of high quality and will make a positive impact in your life. We sometimes earn a sales commission or advertising fee when recommending various products and services to you. Similar to when you are being sold any product or service, be sure to read the fine print understand what you are buying, and consult a licensed professional if you have any concerns. Student Loan Hero is not a lender or investment advisor. We are not involved in the loan approval or investment process, nor do we make credit or investment related decisions. The rates and terms listed on our website are estimates and are subject to change at any time. Please do your homework and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
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