#my character hating one of gold’s part 69:
What are your guy's opinions on The Evil Reptilian? Aren't you guys like cousins?
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“I have no relation to someone who puts evil in their name! It sounds like they are a villain named by a five year old!”
“..Ah, well, about that. You do actually have a relation to someone who puts evil in their name.” With a sigh, the goddess’ mood noticeably soured. “Unfortunately, that is indeed our cousin.”
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bugs1nmybrain · 7 months
Fruity Drinks: L x Reader - Drunk Sex (Minors Don't Interact)
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Writer's Notes: Can you tell that I'm running out of ideas? First Shigaraki's stoned smut and now L's drunk smut. I don't encourage substance use!! It's just funny to write about with my favorite characters.
Warnings: VERY ooc L, silly L, fem reader, alcohol use, drunk sex (L and reader are both drunk), the reader is described as a young adult, oral sex (m and f receiving), 69, no penetrative sex, comedy smut sorta, lame and cheesy but kind of fluff ending
How L ended up agreeing to this little arrangement was beyond him. It wasn't that he had never consumed alcohol before. There were a few times when he'd buy a sweet drink from a nice restaurant when he went out. Drinking enough to get drunk, though? L couldn't recall ever doing that. He hated the idea of his judgement and self-control being impaired.
However, he had recently solved a very internationally significant case. You insisted that he and you should celebrate. L didn't really understand the point, he solved cases left and right all the time. He had so many under his belt that it didn't necessarily add to his notoriety anymore. In actuality, though, you simply wanted a night where you and L felt like two typical young adults, wanting to have some fun and loosen up. His solving his latest case was merely an excuse, a poor one in L's opinion.
So you and him sat in one of his more cozy rooms at his house. The room was big and decorated nicely. You questioned if L had chosen the interior design or if it was how the room was before he purchased the house. Or maybe a product of Watari's doing? Themes of white and gold rained prominent throughout the room, which added to the novelty. In front of you and L were many drinks, accompanied by juices and soda that you thought would make the drinks more tolerable. L expressed to you that he could hardly bear the taste of alcohol, so you made sure to accommodate him with some easier options.
"So, it must feel nice to have gotten that case out of the way," you comment.
A part of L was agitated by that question, perceiving it as petty small talk. "Yes, it is. Admittedly, every time I solve a case, I feel disappointed knowing there's no more to uncover from said case; that the war has been won. The satisfaction from my victory is more to compensate for it, though. I'll just have to go searching for another, now."
"Mhm. Did you have any ideas on what drinks you were interested in?" you asked.
"Hard to say. Something sweet, for sure."
"No need to over-explain yourself. I'm sure it'll be perfectly fine."
You chuckle at his very obvious statement, "I could've guessed that. I heard that vodka cranberries were sweet, so I chose stuff for that, if it's alright. I will warn you that I am not someone who mixes drinks often. I kind of don't even know what I am doing, but I tried coming prepared."
So you continued to pour L a drink, mixing vodka and cranberry juice like an amateur bartender. You also made yourself one, hoping that the matching drinks would provide some nice bonding between the two of you. When you were done, you handed your lover his drink and he held the glass with his pointer and thumb, eyeballing it for a moment.
"This would have been nice with some cherries," he comments.
"I'll remember that for next time," you chuckle, taking a sip from your drink.
L began drinking his beverage as well, furrowing his brows at the sting of the alcohol in his throat. You eyeball him, finding his face of discomfort adorable.
"Are you alright?" you ask.
"Yes, love. It's not as bad as I thought. I think the cranberry juice dilutes the taste of the alcohol, but there's still a burning sensation."
"Makes sense."
"Why exactly are we doing this again?"
"To have fun. Loosen up a little."
"Ah, I see. You know that I'm not one to do this sort of thing. Especially not anything that would impair my reasoning abilities."
"I know. Is it okay? We can stop if you'd like."
"I didn't mean that, exactly. Honestly, I'm a little curious to what you are like while intoxicated. Is that strange of me to say?" he questions, giving you an engaged expression.
"That's true, though. Perhaps I should indulge your curiosity. You deserve the privilege for being such an outstanding girlfriend, " he eyes you with a neutral expression.
You blush and laugh a bit, "No. I don't mind that."
Honestly, L being nosy was something that was a surprising turn on often.
"I actually wanted to see how you'd be, honestly. I've never seen you drunk or high or anything like that and I was curious on how your behavior would shift."
"You're the perfect psychologist."
You chuckle abruptly in response.
You laugh at his compliments, feeling a sense of comfort in knowing his admiration for you. L continues to drink his vodka cran, watching you as you drink yours as well.
About an hour rolls by and you and L are absolutely hammered. This was a surprise for sure. L had never submitted to this kind of lack of cognitive control, and you had surely never seen this side of him.
The two of you hadn't simply sat there and drank. You had turned on some crime documentary and sat side by side, with your form leaning onto his shoulder. L seemed to really be enjoying his drinks, as he downed one after the other. It was actually very concerning. In truth, he just really liked the taste of them and you two hadn't gotten snacks.
It seemed that L could hold his liquor quite well, and he did when he was simply watching TV. Until now. You sat as the documentary began to give the viewers options as to who they thought the suspect was in the series of murders. L went from dead quiet to deeply and prominently vocal, so much so that it startled you.
"It's him. How..? A seven year old could guess who the murderer is...that one-uh-guy."
Your eyes shot wide open and you tried your hardest to hold in a laugh.
"I'm shutting this off," L announces, clumsily reaching for the remote. He grips it sluggishly and flicks the tv off, slouching back onto the couch. He still sat in his typical position but with his head titled to the side, looking as though he was about to fall over.
You hadn't exactly processed your own intoxication up to this point. It was terribly difficult not to hold back your laughter, and ultimately, you failed. You let out the most uncensored laugh, and L shot his face your way with his finger pressed to his lip.
"What's funny?"
"You. You're cute."
"Oooooh. Yes, you tell me that very often."
"I'm sorry."
"Oh no need..my love. You're, quite "cute" yourself. Did you know that?"
Your flustered face beams a glow, both from the alcohol and your embarrassment. You continue to chuckle for way too many seconds. You sat rigidly in response, thighs pressed together and hands on top of them.
"You..."L begins. You could tell that him never being drunk before contributed to his very apparent intoxication.
"You're so pretty. Your hair,,, and your eyes...you're..how did I manage to end up with such a beautiful lady?? You're so gorgeous, Y/N."
He was plastered. This was hilarious. You thought he was lying but when you looked at him and saw his cheeks flushed and eyes heavy, along with his finger teasing his lips, you could tell he was genuine. He was cute, so much so that you couldn't control more flustered laughter escaping your lips.
"Am I funny?" L asked. You couldn't tell if he was insulted or not. You hoped that it wasn't the case, as your laughter was far from out of a malicious nature.
"Yeah. I think you're the funniest person I know. You make me laugh without even meaning to, like all the time."
"Hmm...you like me that much? Do I have really have that affect on you?"
Even though you were very drunk, you could hear the tone of his voice become rather flirtatious, though uncoordinated.
"I've noticed, Y/N. You're rather addicted to my attention. And when you look at me, your face lights up. Your body tenses. Your speech becomes stammered. I'm not referring to the alcohol, nuh uh. You love me."
"Yes, of course, I love you. Why wouldn't I?"
You felt hurt a little, so you held your head down. It made you upset, because yes, he was a rather sneaky and occasionally manipulative partner. He wasn't harsh or anything, or trying to corrupt you, at least you thought. But he would try and pry out information and reactions from you, and get you to say things that would help him understand your tricks and own manipulation tactics.
"Because I am a treacherous, inhumane liar. Who's to say..I'm not lying right now? About how pretty you are, hm?"
L is always a thousand steps ahead of you, easily picking up on your suspicions of the genuineness in his compliments.
"Lovee...don't frown. I didn't meaan that. I actually, have proof. That you're pretty."
"Yes. Do you want to see the evidence?????"
The drunkenness of yourself and his slurred speech confused you and so you cocked an eyebrow and let out another, "Huh?"
"Come here..Sit right here, next to me."
So you complied. You scooched directly next to L. He reaches to cup your shoulder and presses you close to him. He takes your hand carefully and sets it down over his crotch. Your heart jumps at the touch of his stabbing bulge, straining against his jeans.
"You see, do you see my point?"
You could feel his point, for sure. An unexpected moan escapes your lips, and you can feel yourself become wet instantly from the knowledge of his attraction to you. It didn't help that you loved his cock, either. You feel incredibly embarrassed at the noise you made uncontrollably, and bury your face into your hands.
"No, don't do that, my love." He takes your hand and sets it on his bulge again. "I want you. Would you be willing to indulge me? In your beauty?"
"Mmmmm...yea. Yea, I'd..like that a lot," Your verbal communication has gone out the window and you are unable to manage your composure at all. "Y-yes..yes please..."
"You're so cute," without much warning, L crawls on top of you, fumbling as he does so. He hovers over you and looks you in the eyes for a moment as his hair falls downward. With lustful, lidded eyes he makes his way to kiss the nape of your neck. Even intoxicated, he manages to maintain his romantic and calculated movements, even if they are a little sloppy.
"That's it..."
L's desperate need for stimulation encourages him to grind his clothed cock on your thigh for relief. He groans as he kisses your neck, lightly nipping at it. Your gasps cause him to twitch in his pants and he yearns out in painful arousal.
"Mmm, you're soooo pretty. Can I see your breasts? They're so nice. I want to see them."
It was a little humorous when L would talk about your body. He hardly used slang terms, such as tits. His use of clinical language was cute, though awkward. You nod with an eager, "mhm."
It took him a bit to remove your shirt and unhook your bra. Surprising for him, L is usually so good at coordinated actions. Once you were exposed for him, he merely stared at you for many seconds, cock pulsing at the sight of you.
"Oh my goodness," he comments, making you embarrassed.
You can feel your face flush and grow hotter and hotter, as well as your cunt. You couldn't help it when you began squirming your thighs together in arousal, and L let out a sigh at the impact of your movements against his erection. His penis was painfully sensitive, perhaps caused by blood flow from the alcohol.
You gripped his pants, pulling the hem to release his member so you could touch him. You tuck your hand under his waistband and wrap your fingers gently around him. He sighed heavily as you stroked him clumsily. His hips rocked himself into your hand, basking in how good it felt.
"Are you,, do you feel good?" you ask with a slurred tone.
"You have no idea."
He continues nipping at your neck. His hands were relentless, searching for any part of your body to squish or tease.
"Are you turned on?" L asks with a tone of voice that makes him almost sound guilty. He knew full well he was losing control of his gravitation toward you and perhaps wasn't being the most romantic or courteous.
"How about you look for evidence?"
L did just that, hand slipped into your pants to feel your pussy. When he discovered you had a hot, wet secretion that drenched you, he slowly plunged two fingers inside out you. You whimper in tension, but once he began rubbing your special spot, your body relaxed to his touch.
His fingers pulled out, making sure to rub your clitoris a bit. The lubricant from your pussy made his motions much more fluid. Fuck, even while he was hammered he was so precise. Sloppier than usual, but still knew exactly what they were doing.
"I...i want to taste you so badly right now," he yearns as he stops fingering you. He begins moving his way down to your crotch but you grip his hair before he can make it.
"I want to..to make you feel good, too. Let me do it to you."
"What? No. I want to bury my face in you, like right now. I don't have time for your mouth."
"I think people do like, 69? Right?"
"I'm not extremely educated in that department. But...that could be nice.."
You and L exchange a few more lusty kisses until he pushes you to lie on top of him. "You should turn the other way, right?"
Without a response you turned your body so that your ass was facing him. Your cunt hovered above him, to which he glanced at for a few moments. He cupped his hands around your ass and pulled you down so that your heat was pressed against his mouth.
You yelp quietly at the contact. You hadn't ever tried 69 and the position was rather vulnerable. However, the way L was devouring your cunt made it clear he wasn't bothered in the slightest.
He lied down with his legs crunched so that his knees were bent. You took his cock in your hand, giving it a few tender strokes and finally stuffing it in your mouth. L moaned against your pussy, enhancing the stimulation. He sucked on your clit vigorously while holding you in place.
L was interesting in that he adored eating you out. You felt bad as if you were a burden for wanting that kind of pleasure. He never objected, though. He had a pretty significant oral fixation, and running his tongue along your cunt was strangely soothing. Plus, the added bonus of the pride he felt when he made you cum was incredibly rewarding.
Blowing him was kind of difficult right now. Your mouth had a hard time coordinating, but you managed to bob your head along him. He must've been enjoying it by the muffles he made against your cunt. L's cock was a bit long, which made taking his whole length tricky. His hips jolted forward on impulse, gagging you a little.
"Shit! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
"It's..okay," you said in between kisses along his cock. L wanted to chuckle at how you were treating his length, but he was far too concentrated on making you cum. You were taking a little longer than usual, but it was alright. L simply thrust his fingers inside of you for a bit and rubbed your G-spot.
He could feel himself building slowly, and he wondered if he could make the two of you orgasm at the same time.
"Mmfm...you taste incredible," he comments. "You're so pretty down here, too."
L's praise always made your heart jolt a little. Sometimes you questioned his sincerity, but he seemed to want you to feel good about yourself for whatever reason. It still made you feel validated nonetheless.
You hummed on his dick in a pleasant response. L kept running his tongue along your clit in consistent motions, and you can start feeling your cunt quiver. L knows, recognizing the way your pussy twitched in his mouth. A smirk grazes his face as your cunt spasms in convulsions and you have to pop your head up for air as you mewl uncontrollably. L allows himself to let go as well as his cum spurts out onto your face while you gave him a mess as well.
You and L both were panting, absolutely overwhelmed by your sensations. An instant exhaustion washed over and you collapsed on top of him.
"Come here," L requests. You pull yourself to face him and L kisses you deeply, not caring about the swapping of genital fluids. "Tonight has been very pleasant, wouldn't you agree?"
"Hehe...I suppose. That felt very, very good."
"I thought so, perhaps we should do that more often."
"What about the drinking, should we do that more often?
"Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan. I feel very out of control of my inhibitions," he admits. Tonight was surely fun, though.
"That makes sense."
"I liked tonight though. And I'm happy I got to spend time with you."
"Me too," you fall on L's chest, and if he wasn't so drunk, he'd probably leave once you fell asleep. But he let himself drift along with you this time, enjoying your warmth. You were already sleeping, but he planted a kiss on your temple and allowed himself comfort in your love for him.
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explorerspack · 2 years
13, 21, 38, 44, 45, 59, 69 for arcis. 13, 31, 59, 60, 61 for cerise.
hi meg.
13. what are some motifs you associate with them? did you intentionally bring in those motifs, or did it happen over time?
the whole snow and ice and fur thing was pretty intentional but i have leaned into it more than i necessarily expected to. the precise, complex fractal patterns that you get from snowflakes or ice on windowpanes is what i think of most especially. she's started developing just a little bit of a wolf motif in my head too which i did not expect but do like a lot and should lean into more.
21. do they have an idea about how they’ll die? do you?
yeah, she thinks that knight guy who stabbed her when she was in the necklace is going to kill her. classic bit of hubris, she sort of thinks nothing in the dungeon COULD kill her other than the powerful memory/dream knight. i am decently optimistic about her survival, but think that if she is gonna die it'll be because we get surprised or ambushed in a small space. this party is so weak to ambushes and deprived of my ability to get around the corner? yikes. fortunately with arcis i've finally built a character where pretty much any death she can have is poetic and satisfying. any death is dying for her goals!
38. do they see themselves as an important part of their party?
yes. next question.
44. what lies do they tell others?
she really doesn't lie that much! she talks up her/her party's competence and importance a bit, but also she does think quite highly of herself and them. she makes promises that she's not sure she can keep, but then she does TRY to keep them. i think maybe the biggest direct lie so far was how absolutely she intends to fuck over the rat king at the first opportunity. and the whole prospero situation.
45. what lies do they tell themselves?
answered for mer!
59. what’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with?
sob. so much of it. the biggest one i have trouble with is that she's much more callous about human lives than she should be, which occasionally trips me up in roleplay scenes--i have SO much trouble being arcis talking to uoser, and idk what i'm gonna do if she ever has to interact with the master's hands. she's not totally heartless, but she just sort of puts "number of people who might die" as one factor that she weighs along with all the others
69. what’s one secret they don’t want getting out?
feels almost too easy but: true name !
13. what are some motifs you associate with them? did you intentionally bring in those motifs, or did it happen over time?
i feel like “blood” and “bones” can’t count as motifs but those. and then there are the ones that come automatically with being a cherry tree person, leaves and blossoms and cherries and wood and all that. lightning i did on purpose from when i built her spellbook, but i think it only sort-of worked--she should have just been a fire character, but we were already cursed so i was trying to get away from it. in the crop novelization she’ll have fire magic. although really her most aesthetically correct spell was guiding bolt imo--there was something going on with silver light as a motif, which was accidental, just out of a contrast to cami’s gold. but like, moonlight, starlight, etc was definitely SOMETHING. i also associate her a lot with clear water and with rain.
31. do they respond well to praise? how about criticism? 
no to both, honestly. she was very suspicious about praise, either assuming someone wanted something from her or just dismissing it because of her own self-hate. she only liked/accepted it when she could take it as “oh this is something that makes me valuable to others, got it”. and criticism just made her double down alskjdflskjdf she’s too stubborn
59. what’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with? 
yikes! she was Not in fact responsible for the safety of every single one of the sorcerers--or like, she was, but she did that to herself, she didn’t have to. she also had this reverse ends justify the means, where if bad things happen because of what you do you were wrong to do what you did, thing going on and i don’t necessarily agree with that either.
60. what do they have faith in? what keeps them believing? 
a better place! in the middle of everything there was always just that sliver of a chance that she could be free and safe again and she held onto that shred of possibility like a lifeline, with a ferocious and stubborn determination to keep believing it existed. she also really believed in the Arborean people--this is why she trusted Papaye, why she trusted Esme, why she was holding onto hope for the god queen so late in the game, why she could have had SUCH a dynamic with the crimson knight if she knew what went down in uberta. even affected the way she was about the sorcerers--she believed that they wouldn’t betray her or turn on her, she believed that they could survive and heal and adapt and do their part to make what she was doing mean something. her late-campaign arc always would have involved standing on behalf of the Arborean people even as she did everything she could to take Salic down.
61. is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh?
that one first roadtrip scene when cami and cerise were trying to figure out what the hell was up with auberon’s antlers! a bit ooc for her but also. it was really funny and makes me smile.
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strawbxrryneptune · 3 years
When We Fall
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Warnings: Graphic sexual content including oral (Male and female receiving w 69) use of sir kink, light biting, pain kink, wing play, etc, mentions of suicide and character death, hints at cheating but it didn't happen, sacrilegious themes? I think?? You're fucking an angel so like,, that's pretty blasphemous lmao, fuckin in front of amirror, reverse cowgirl
It's gonna sound a little wonky at certain parts but bare with me, I'm bad at serious stuff.
^^Pictures do not belong to me !! I made the collage but the art is not mine^^
Katsuki Bakugou never saw himself as worth saving. If he was dumb enough to fall behind, dumb enough to let things get too much, then it was on him.
If he was gonna be saved, it would be by himself. He didn't need anyone for anything. He told himself that for years, as a young angel in training, through his apprentice years, even now as a successful guardian.
He got this far by himself, why did he need anybody else? He didn't see that he was stuck. He couldn't move past this point without someone else. That's why Deku was the right hand man of The Highest and not Bakugou. Stupid, stupid, Deku. Bakugou was furious when the courts announced it. What did Deku have that he didn't? He was strong, he was powerful, and he got the job done. That's basically what you need to be a guardian angel, isn't it? When he had complained to the courts, all they had said was "Patience, young one." He had scoffed.
What did patience have to do with anything? He had plenty of patience. Patience was something he had to practice daily, dealing with the kinds of people he did.
He was always assigned to old people, dying out before he could even get attached. Not that attachment would be a problem. He was Bakugou Katsuki, for Christ's sake!! He didn't "get attached", especially to old farts.
That all changed once he was assigned to you.
You, with your glowing skin and beautiful eyes, pulling him in the moment he saw your case file. He used to see you when he was living, a friend of a friend. He never got to talk to you cause you were always around stupid Deku. Y'all might have been together, but he didn't care. He had to meet you, talk to you, touch you, taste you. He would visit in your dreams, talking to you and making you laugh, holding you though the bad parts he couldnt change.
When you finally worked up the gal to ask who he was, he took a deep breath and told you. He was your guardian, assigned to you until you die, there to protect you and keep bad things away. You simply laughed and told him,
"Fine, don't tell me."
He only growled down at you, huffing before disappearing into the cloudy depths of your consciousness.
You didn't see him for weeks, trying to conjure him back in your head, but to no avail. Finally, finally he showed up, but it was not in your dreams. No, he showed up at the foot of your bed, glowing a dewy gold with his wings spread out behind him, tunic wrapping lightly around his slim hips.
You gaped at him, your brain trying to process what it was seeing. He smirked down at you, stalking over to where your soft body lay, trailing thick, calloused fingers over the expanse of your exposed thighs. He lifts up the hem of your oversized tshirt slightly, quirking an eyebrow in question.
You bite your lip and spread your thighs as an invitation, making him groan and slide into the sheets with you.
He gently positions you so you're straddling his face, facing his swelling cock as it makes his tunic rise.
He kisses you through the fabric of your panties, running his tongue up and down the fabric while groaning about how wet you got for him, how much of a slut you were for lusting after an angel.
He finally rips your panties off of you after teasing for what felt like hours, immediately sucking your fat clit in his mouth, moaning at the taste of you. He grips your hips to grind you roughly against him, sucking at you and sliding thick fingers into you, making you mewl and shake above him.
As you push your hips against his pretty face, you notice how big the bulge is in front of you, looking almost painful. You moan softly at the feelings coursing through you and the sight of him so aroused from just eating you out. You bring shaky hands up to grope at his clothed cock, causing him to let out a startled sound into your pussy.
"Fuck, Princess- whaddya doin-"
You cut him off by grinding yourself further onto his mouth, unwrapping the cloth around his waist and watching his cock slap up. You salivated at the sight of it, thick with veins running along it, the head leaking copious amounts of prespend. You shiver when you feel Bakugou's tounge slide into your slit, his teeth catching on your sex and making you whimper above him.
You lean down and run your tongue along the pulsing veins littering his fat cock, ripping a raspy moan from the blonde's lips. His thighs clench in front of you with the sudden urge to fuck up into your mouth, but he resists it in favor of adding two more fingers into you, now stretching you with three and making you groan. He laps at your clit, determined to make you cum before him.
You suck at his tip, dipping into it before moving down further, rolling your tongue along the underside of his shaft as you fondle his balls, making his hips jump when you circle his taint with your fingers. He whimpers into your pussy, tongue stilling inside you as he revels in the pleasure. He's glad you can't see him, cause his eyes are rolled all the way up, drool and your slick running down his cheeks. You slide your hands up and down his thighs fondling his balls and sucking him down your throat, moaning around him when his movements pick up. Just when you think you'll make him cum, he pushes you off of his face.
You blink to yourself in confusion, before he grabs you from behind and positions you over his leaking cock, his breath fanning over your neck before he sinks his cock inside of you, simultaneously sinking his teeth into your neck to muffle his whines.
You arch your back in pleasure, locking eyes with him in the mirror at the foot of your bed that you know wasn't there before. He smirks against your neck, snapping his hips up into you as he grabs at the fat of your tits, playing with your nipple with one hand while the other brushes over your clit.
"Why don't you ask your guardian to help you cum, hm?"
You gasp out, barely able to get out a word as he bounces you on his lap, his fat tip hitting your spot with every thrust.
"Nu-uh, that's not my name, slut. You only get to call me Sir, yeah?"
You choke out a feeble,
"Yes sir-!"
Before going back to being a garbled mess. You reach back for stability, only to brush along soft feathers, realizing that Bakugou hadn't put his wings away. In your hazy state of mind, you slowly started to run your fingers up and down the spine of his wings, moaning breathing in his ear as your head tilts back, causing a shudder to run down Bakugou's body, all the way to the head if his dick which pulsed violently inside of you.
He flicked at your clit, growling into your neck to cum, which you did without hesitation, creaming his cock. He gritted his teeth at how tight you clenched around him, and with one look at the white ring you left around the base of his swelling cock, he came inside you, spurting endless amounts of spend. He panted hotly against you, gs tly pulling you off to go clean up, chuckling when he saw you passed out.
The hall of the Higher Ups was always huge, but with the guilt and shame resting on his shoulders, the room seemed even bigger to Bakugou. He avoided eye contact with the Advisor, staring dead into Shitty Deku's eyes.
"Why the fuck am I here, nerd? Shouldn't I have already transferred Down There?"
Deku winces at Bakugou's language, straightening up.
"I managed to convince the Council to give you a second chance, Kaachan. This was the first time you were assigned to someone young and appealing, and it's not like there are a lot of options up here-"
"Would you shut the fuck up already? I did what I did, I don't need you picking up after me and trying to be my saviour."
Bakugou sneers, backing Deku up. He rolls his eyes when the Advisor steps forward to intervene, only for Deku to hold a hand up.
"I don't know why you're always right there. You're like some creepy stalker or sumthin'. You have everything you could fuckin' want! Why are you bothering me, especially when I'm to get your position-"
"Because I fucking care, Kaachan!"
Bakugou flinches back at the tone of Deku's voice, surprised at the curse that came out of his mouth.
"Why do you think you're even here still? I'm the one who convinces the Council to let you stay here, even with your foul mouth and crude ways. I'm the one who got you up here in the first place. They gave me a choice. Condemn you to Hell for what you did to me, or let you be here and make peace, but you make it so hard. I thought you would've changed. But I guess you just hate me that much, huh Bakugou. Hate me so much you would fuck her, after all this time."
The blonde's eyes widen, his face burning hot in anger.
"Why would you bring that shit up, it was in high school-"
The hall is silent, Deku's voice echoing around the walls, the words "because of you" ricocheting in Bakugou's head.
"You didn't do shit cause of me, Midoriya. You decided to do it, right?"
Deku scoffs, tears filling his eyes as he turns towards the Advisor.
"Still as blunt as ever, Bakugou. Take him away."
Bakugou turns away, spitting out an "I can do it myself" before waking out the hall, keeping his head high even as scornful Higher Ups regard him, strutting to the transporter. He gets in and pushes the button, vermillion eyes locked on piercing green ones all the way down.
When you wake up in the morning, the bed is empty, but there's a note on your dresser from Bakugou, telling you how he's going on a little trip for a bit, but he won't forget you.
He'll never forget you.
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toysoldiers-rwby · 3 years
[CS] 12. Survive.
Cutting Strings
Characters: Penny Polendina, Winter Schnee, Aurora Glade, May Marigold Word Count: 7.5k
“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women are merely players.”
Then when are we not in a play?
Read on Ao3
Memory Defragmentation. 69% Completed.  
Xanthic’s recovery was near instantaneous, there was less to adjust to as her prosthetics only consisted of her eyes. Aro was projected to recover by the end of the week. They had made major changes to Aro’s neural implants and minor changes to the connectors of Aro’s prosthetic legs and the legs themselves. There was no new incisions or other organic damage so it was just a matter of practice and familiarizing herself with the new software.  
Aro decided to recover in her own home down in Mantle, an idea May and Winter was all too eager with. Penny saw an envious glare from Xanthic as they left… It took a moment to remember that she was a criminal, a prisoner in her own home. Possibly one of the most heavily surveillance areas outside of the military… Before turning away something in Xanthic gaze changed but she retreated into her large house all the same.  
Penny moved most of the furniture in Aro’s living room before the elite graduates had a chance to help. They stared in muted amazement and perhaps flustered at the display of strength. Penny grinned up at them.  
May slowly set Aro on her feet and helped her walk while Penny and Winter went over the schematics of Aro’s new legs. Or they were supposed to, instead they’d watch Aro attentively take a few steps into her living room and May rushing to her side as she started falling. The two laugh as May caught her each time. Penny watched May’s hands gently trail over Aro’s body. Sometimes they were objective, only wandering over her hands and arms to balance Aro. Other times they were selfish, wandering up her arms and to Aro’s wide shoulders, then her neck…  
When they were lucky Aro would trip and their faces would be inches from each other. Aro would bring them closer laughing and pressing their foreheads together. May laughed too, but her eyes were a little focused on Aro’s lips.  
“Stop being so sweet,” Aro would said pulling away with an odd smile, “I don’t deserve it.” Penny and Winter frowned, glancing at each other.  
“I disagree,” May whispered. She cleared her throat, “Is blackmailing Ironwood supposed to be a turn off?”  
Lingering exchanges like those was one of the few differences Penny was able to observe now that the four of them were dating. It was difficult to separate the platonic behaviors with romantic ones but perhaps using two women who pinned over each other for years was a bad example. The pair have always been affectionate with each other, their touches might linger a little longer now but… Aro wasn’t hiding behind her glowing eyes as much. All Penny found was unguarded emotion, her words were blunt and fumbling without Focus planning everything in advance.  
“Penny,” Winter sang softly in her ear. She jumped and gasped in surprised. Winter chuckled softly. Her arms slowly wrapped around Penny’s waist and she bent a little to rest her chin on Penny’s shoulder. “You’ve been lost in your thoughts for a while now. Everything okay?”  
“Just…” Penny leaned back into the embrace. Winter’s cool Aura was lovely against her heated skin. It helped calm down the flight mode Winter accidentally triggered, and the embarrassment that followed. It wasn’t skin contact but it was contact. “I’m enjoying the atmosphere generated by lovely company.”  
“Oh, I’m sure that will change as soon as Aro can walk again,” Winter teased, eyes glancing up.  
Aro scoffed signing a few taunting and rude gestures with a playful smile. Penny was a little surprised she kept her balance long enough for that. Her partner, leader, and girlfriend took a few steps forward before tripping over her slimmer prosthetics and nearly falling hard. As always May caught her in time.  
May tried to separate herself from Aro but the huntress held her hand. Then linked their arms when Aro’s balance on her new legs faltered again. “You need to move your toes, doll.” May laughed.  
“That’s so weird!” Aro softly yelled. Her ears flickered and arms waved a little, venting out some energy she couldn’t express verbally. She looked down in her feet with concentration. It took a few seconds for her toes to wiggle. "I haven’t had toes in years…" She mused softly.  
Winter and May looked pained for a moment as Penny flicked through the schematics for a possible solution. “Your new legs still have the functionality of your previous ones with the added aesthetic benefit of being modular,” Penny said. Her old legs were military grade and militant in appearance. The ones Aro had on now mimicked organic civilian legs with her heavy body type. “Xanthic created some modules that mimicked your previous design as well as some suited for several other occasions.”  
“Such as,” May scowled a little. Penny had noted her irritation spiked when she said the hackers name and chose to ignore it like the others did.  
“Ball room dancing, sleep, swimming,” Penny listed.  
Aro perked up, bouncing to her and pressing to Penny’s free side. “Show me!” She said, arms wrapped around Penny’s waist, fingers finding Winter’s and intertwining. Penny giggled as Aro’s wiggling ears brushed over her own. May sat on the floor, slotted comfortably between Penny’s legs and head poking through her arms to look at the Scroll. Penny lowered it a little so avoid May straining her neck and flicked through the parts.  
“I haven’t worn heels in forever!” Aro said gasping softly at one module. She dragged two fingers on the screen to get study it from a different angle. Everything from the knee down was an elaborate design in Aro’s colors; soft pale green, aged or polish gold and deep royal purples. But the real highlight was the feet, designed to replicate fashionable and expensive heels, something you’d find in Winter’s closet. Aro’s smile dropped, a little sad as Focus turned off. Penny stared at her a little surprised. It didn’t flicker, just… deactivated. “I kinda miss wearing feminine clothes.”  
“You like skirts and dresses?” Penny asked quickly. Her partner’s outfit usually consisted of an Atlas Academy uniform, customized to mark her status as a student of the Accelerated Program with the cord given to third and fourth years, her broiler suit for combat and work, or some kind of tailored suit  
Aro gave her a sad look, “I love my public image but I hate being stuck with it.” Penny tilted her head and nodded, though she didn’t quite understand the perspective. She was constantly with Aurora, she wasn’t just a picture in a magazine or a gently stoic presence on screen. She never really looked into what the easily manipulated media thought of the… secretly former businesswomen.  
“Perhaps new purchasing new apparel is in order?” Penny asked with a tilt of her head. Her simulators had a hard time creating an image of Aro in a dress or skirt, which only increased Penny’s desire to see her in one.  
“Then let’s go shopping!” May said with a large smile. Winter groaned, pulling away from their cuddle but all three of her girlfriends laughed, mostly May who’s laugh was a little wicked, and pulled her back. “Come on! It’s been awhile since I got to dress someone up! They’ll need new clothes for Vale’s hot as fuck climate too. Don’t want Aro overheating again…”  
“Let’s go,” Immediately Winter stood up, her strength nearly dragging all three of them onto their feet.  
There was some look of regret on Winter’s face when May took them to large store in Mantle. Penny giggled at the former heiress of the Schnee Dust Company and pulled her in by her hand. Winter did relax seeing the various styles, they ranged from feminine to masculine, from Menagerie to Atlasian. At the counter they spotted a new but familiar tattooed face on her Scroll.  
“Salutations Turk!” Penny said with a smile and wave.  
Turk jumped a little but smile at the new customers, “Call you later, Tukson. My favorite patron and her mates found me,” Turk said. May looked away, a blush hard on her face for a moment. Her embarrassment only made her a target to the Faunus’ predatory gaze. “Right… Will do, see you soon.” They hung up and leaned against the counter nearly looking like a satisfied cat after dinner. “My brother says hi and to warn him next time you order… tasteful comics.”  
“Sunstone came in?” Aro gasped with a light bounce.  
“Yep,” Turk nodded. She studied Aro a little, eyes focusing on Aro’s usually displayed cleavage. At her side Penny could feel Winter tense, and when she glanced over there was a protective, perhaps jealous glare. Then Turk smiled, “You’re looking much better Aro. New tattoos causing any trouble?”  
“Everything good, boss!” Aro said with a playful salute. “So far. My girls haven’t let me play around with Dust yet.”  
My girls. Penny stared at Aro’s odd choice of words. It made her feel… conflicted at first. She wasn’t an object, she wasn’t a weapon, but soon the cherishing warmth and protectiveness in the tone droned out her insecurities. At least a little. Penny would have to further analysis the phrase and emotions. May seemed to be having similar thoughts and reactions to Penny, but stronger. She let out a embarrassed noise, quickly unlinking her arms from Aro and escaping into the racks of clothes muttering something about finding a new outfit.  
“You were always the odd runt of the litter,” Turk mused looking back at Aro. It was then that Aro became a little stiff and guarded. Her ears strained out even if her shoulder didn’t tense. “Your humans are very cute though-”  
“I’m choosing to ignoring your patronizing,” Winter interrupted with a hard glare. Turk didn’t seem fazed, instead they just raised a brow in odd satisfaction. Where all Menagerie Faunus like this? Was… Aro like this or did Focus hid it? The Specialist looked between them and Aro, “What your implying… the tattoos react to Dust?” She asked Aro with an accusatory look.  
“Dust and Aura,” Aro said, voice defensively. Her eyes shifted away as she took a smooth step back with a shrug. “It’s not harmful-”  
“You say that while it’s untested,” Winter said.  
“It’s been through generations of testing,” Aro said in a near growl, Focus leaving only a glowing white pupil. She looked… a panicked with her ears pinned low at the angle Penny hated the most. The sudden outburst shocked her two girlfriends into silence. Their reaction caused Focus to flicker. It didn’t deactivate it shrunk and stayed. “… Sorry,” Aro muttered looking away and retreating after May.  
Penny saw Aro burry her face into May’s chest pulling her girlfriend in for a tight and comforting hug. May looked at them, confused. “What happen?” She signed at them.  
“I upset her, sorry,” Turk signed back. May glared hard at the Faunus and lead Aro further into the store. The tattooist and store clerk turned back to Winter, “I’ll give you this for free to make up for ruining your date. The ink for those tattoos are made from flowers that grows around Dust crystals and deposits.”  
“Sounds… very traditional.” Winter drawled, “Thank you for the new information.” She briskly marched walked away with Penny following closely after her. She looked between the two Faunus who awkwardly avoided staring at each other.  
“Are Turk and Aro friends?” Penny asked softly. Winter closed her eyes for a brief moment. The tension that had slowly drew her shoulders tight melted a little when Penny linked their arms together.  
“Perhaps?” Winter said hopeful. Then her voice soured a little, frustration a little more than boiling, “Aro has certainly never spoken of her previous life before Atlas.” Penny blinked and briefly went through her memory banks, even the archived ones.  
She couldn’t recall Aro speaking about her family. Ciel constantly worries about her family and visits them whenever possible. All the money from various betting pools were given to her family. Even Xanthic talks about her uncle. Aurora spoke about Menagerie but never touched upon her personal experiences… It reminded Penny of how she drew upon the information she was preinstalled with.  
When the pair found Aro, her ears perked up and she smiled brightly at them. May looked a little distressed at her side, face a little red as she had a handful of lingerie instead of public appropriate clothes.  
“Please talk her out of it,” May asked.  
“Hm,” Winter pretended to be stoic. She stared at Aro’s glowing eyes, as if trying to determine if this was an honest or an act. Instead Winter turned her attention to May with a controlled and level stare. “The purpose of this is to buy clothes that would prevent Aurora from overheating in Vale. The current selection of clothing would work.” May’s eyes widen, the blush tinting the tips of ears. Aro grinned happily. Some of her un-Focused behavior such as the small bounce and flap of her arms broke through. Winter sighed and patted Aro’s head, “You need to wear some kind of jacket or shawl with it. Understand?”  
“Yep!” Aro said, nuzzling into the palm, even rising to her new toes.  
“And we are getting you real clothes,” Penny added. May let out a breathe, blood slowly returning to her limbs. Aro agreed but stuck out her tongue and Penny saw the glint of metal through it. She tried to remember if that was another new addition or not.  
It took nearly an hour for Aro to relax enough for Focus to deactivate again. Turk would occasionally help, or try to.  
“I tailor and embroider Dust into the cloths. I’m just covering a shift.” They said through the curtain. Turk’s didn’t trigger Focus, but they also avoided any familiar talk, instead talking fashion with May. “Lingerie and loose robes are quiet popular back in Minstral, especially during the summer. I could find that easily enough.”  
“That… That’d be great!” May said as Aro stripped out of shorts and another loose sleeved but thin top. Aurora had a weightlifter’s build, muscles hidden under fat and sculpted in areas that didn’t store it. Such as her back and arms. She usually wore a sports bra or bralette, this time it was a simple cross back bra with a matching thong that held the huntresses attention for more than a second.  
Her back was facing them with a full length mirror still showing her front, Penny had a hard time deciding if the faux modesty was habit or tactful choice. After nearly an hour of watching Aro dress and strip, Penny understood her partner’s selection of clothes to be more out of necessity rather than preference. Muscular back and shoulders made pulling shirts over her horns difficult. But her girlfriends didn’t step in to help quite yet.  
They just… stared for a few minutes. Admiring the… muscles that flex with each small movement… every breath…  
When it was clear Winter and May was too busy restraining themselves, Penny took a step forward. To help. Her curious hands didn’t linger over skin inches away from the tangle top. She wasn’t slowing down to archive the sensation of hard muscle under soft civilian skin. She was completely objective in her goal of guiding the shirt over Aro’s shoulders and neck. Except Penny’s slow touches acclimated her sensors to Aro’s warm body and she nearly shivered at the rush of cool air when her hands had to leave her girlfriend’s skin to make sure her horns didn’t cut into the fabric.  
"Thanks, Penny." Aro said, giving their two other girlfriends a teasing glance. She gave Penny a light kiss on the lips as a thank you.  
Penny tensed for nanosecond. Her Aura flared across her processors trying to analyze and save the new sensation that buzzed across her lips but it was already overloaded with the feel of Aro’s back. The short contact wasn’t enough to decipher, so Penny followed Aro’s lips. She felt flexing muscles far beneath those soft lips, under her fingers she could feel Aura heat the ink on the base of her throat. Then a sound, hot breath across Penny’s face and a small tremble from Aro as her back hit the mirror.  
“Penny,” Winter’s voice, lips and breathe grazed her ear. Penny was encouraged back by cool hands, but the new expression on Aro’s face had her craving more. She was dazed and flushed, heavy chest rising with deep breaths. The energy humming in the ink slowly faded, but it lured their eyes down and down.  
May closed her eyes briefly, trying to keep them from wandering up and down her inked cleavage. “I’m starting to think this was a bad idea.”  
“Oh you think!?” Winter snapped softly. When everyone managed to look Aro in the eyes again she work a smug grin that complimented the breathless and disheveled look.  
“You look thirsty,” Aro signed. May let out a strangled noise. Quick glance and Penny could see her chest struggling for air, her neck and cheeks turning a lovely pink and growing darker. Winter growled in frustration, eyes hooded and hungry. Penny was busy trying to balance a power surge as her Aura flared. She wondered if it was illegal that the sign for thirsty was an index finger drawing down the throat, and what kind of punishment would be appropriate for the slow, teasing emphasis Aro placed on it.  
“Ahem,” Turk cleared their throat from beyond the curtain. Everyone jumped a little. Penny was suddenly aware of how often their intimate moments were in public. Perhaps they’ll need to discuss that. “Here’s a few robes. Also we Faunus have sensitive noses… so either fuck and make it quick or hide the boners when you leave.”  
Aro gave a breathless chuckle, making sure to avoid May’s direction as she shifted uncomfortably in place. "I’ll behave if you three behave," Aurora promised in sign language. Penny and May quickly nodded. Winter looked as if she wanted to rebel before shaking her head out of her heated daze.  
“You’re advice has been noted but unnecessary,” Winter said. She reached out and pulled the new selection of clothes for Aro to try on, a little surprised when there was a little more than just robes. There were some outfits that suited Winter’s figure, Penny’s adorable and vintage aesthetic, and May’s current dress.  
“Your welcome,” Turk sang as the couple heard their footsteps wander back to the front counter.  
Penny tried to be more attentive to the difference in their behavior after that. Aro had always been physically affectionate, May was always easily embarrassed and Winter was always snuck in gentle smiles and touches when they were on military grounds. So the difference was very subtle, something she only noticed as the weeks passed.  
At first it was small additional behaviors. Aro’s physical affections became lingering touching that danced over their skin. She loved to embrace her partners from behind, arms slowly wrapping around their waist, sliding down into a snug fit around their hips while her head found a comfortable spot on May and Winter’s shoulder, or in Penny’s case her head.  
May’s reservations and fears transformed into an excited energy. Her embarrassment didn’t stop her from doing almost anything to get her girlfriends to smile. From horrible puns to outrageously clashing outfits during impromptu fashion shows during small shopping trips at the malls.  
Though Penny found Winter’s dating behaviors to be the most… unrestrained of the three. Not always. Most of the time she was gentle with Penny, holding her hand and kissing her knuckles and wrist. When they were alone, Winter’s hands would travel up her arm and neck. The sensation would freeze Penny in place as her Aura raced through her system, temporarily overloading everything with a pleasant buzz. Winter’s thumb would graze Penny’s bottom lip and Penny would be chasing that soft touch for more and more until she was inches from Winter’s face.  
This happened a few times a week. Gradually increasing in frequency as time further passed until finally Penny took action instead of reacting. The look and noise of surprise Winter expressed as her back hit the wall… As their lips finally met-  
Winter groaned into the kiss, trying to match Penny’s force but her self-restraint protocols were barely in effect. Every push was matched in strength and a little more until Winter pulled away. When Penny tried to follow again there was a some resistance so she stopped with a frustrated huff and pout.  
“You…” Winter murmured weakly out of breath. She tried to move but Penny wasn’t finished. She firmly placed her hands on Winter’s chest and pushed her back. Winter smiled, head against the wall with a laugh. Penny licked her lips. The sensation of touch was still new to her, her code always evolving as much as her hardware could allow and apparently after her first kiss with Aro the code readjusted. Or she never noticed her lips were just extremely sensitive. “Don’t you to need to breathe?” She said with a laugh.  
Penny archived the image before her. Specialist Winter Schnee, the perfect soldier disheveled in a dark hallway of the Polendina Facility, gasping for breath from a kiss when the women could fight off a small horde of Grimm without effort. Neck exposed… throat flexing with each breath and swallow…  
The sensation, reaction, behaviors, it was all still foreign and Penny was craving more.  
“This is definitely romantic affection,” Penny whispered to herself. Perhaps her subconscious wanted Winter to hear it too. The smile on her lips was too addictive to be rewarding. She licked her lips trying to cherish the phantom sensation of Winter’s lips on hers. But her skin was cool, soft, her Aura buzzing and alive against Penny’s artificial skin. When Penny leaned in again, Winter was much more firm in stopping her with an index finger pushing on Penny’s lips.  
“Slow,” Winter whispered in her ear. “We have two other partners to dance with.”  
“As of right now, I’d rather have them watch,” Penny said with a frustrated pout. She blew the hot air building within her onto Winter’s neck. Penny wasn’t satisfied with the shiver that ran through Winter but considering all the new behaviors and reactions Penny discovered it was… close enough.  
Penny did notice May and Winter took them much more seriously during training. They capitalized on every opening but didn’t do enough damage to end the fight. It slowly became a test of endurance, one that Penny would win if Winter’s didn’t have a Glyph for every occasion. It created so many variables it was frying Penny’s processors and slowing her reaction time. It was not the way Winter’s chest rise and fell, or the flush of exhaustion rising coloring her pale skin.  
Penny smothered that line of inquires, sorting them for later and attacked again. During the rare moments Penny was able to keep up, Winter would use Time Dilation on herself or her summons.  
“Agh!” A pack of blue and white Beowolves rushed at her. One shoulder slamming into her back. Penny felt the sharp pressure around her ankle. A shot from all fourteen guns of Floating Array freed her. Temporarily. The rest of the pack descended on the metal women suspended in air. Penny recalibrated her next shot, lengthening the duration. It wasn’t powerful, there was no time to charge it as the rest of the pack lunged. Weak but steady streams hit the second and third summons with just enough force to throw them off trajectory.  
Within fractions of a second Winter redirected the fourth and fifth beowolves. Glancing blows didn’t slow their advancement. Claws white and misting blue nearly effulged her vision-  
Penny gasped, her body suddenly pulled down. Months ago her code wasn’t advance enough to feel wind breezing past her face as those sharp claws swiped inches out of reach. Aro’s arms wrapped around her. Penny braced for hard impact but her gyrostabilizer couldn’t detect the ground. Mix signals of false inputs confused her but she learned to ignore most of it. They’ll have to upgrade it before they’d leave for the tournament.  
“Marigold!” Winter gave a frustrated yell. She stiffen as the Huntress was suddenly by her side, out of breath.  
“Her upgrades made her a faster, alright?” May complained.  
“Upgrades are meant to improve performance,” Penny said with a small giggle. She enjoyed contact from having her arms wrapped around Aro’s shoulders before she was suddenly pulled her chest.  
Penny watched as those new tattoos glow a dull purple. The same color as gravity Dust. Penny barely had time to brace herself as there was a sudden increase in pressure. Even Aro grunted under the force. All around them, freshly summoned beowolves howled as they slammed into the ground, metal floor denting. Aro quickly released her teammate and Penny sprang off her thigh as soon as the gravity Dust was off. Before the beowolves recovered Penny sent her swords through them.  
“You’re assistance is much appreciated, Friend Aro!”  
“We aren’t done yet, Penn!” Aro crouched low. Combustion Dust locked in, a red and orange glow overpowering the passive purple. She smirked at their girlfriends. The elite graduates had recomposed themselves, giving them a combative stoic stare but a small and proud smile. Winter had only had one sword out but May was at her side, ready with the crossbowstaff. "We have a victory to secure against Opponent Schnee and Marigold!" With a blast Aro was rocketing towards them.  
Penny landed hard on her feet, the density of her body almost bending the metal tiles of the training room. She reconfigured Floating Array. Seven blades hovering close to her body while seven guns charged to join in the rush. With her passive gravity and combustion Dust chambered in, Aro is faster and much more agile than Penny. The metal women decided to strike second, taking advantage of whatever opening Aro’s attack would create.  
That problematic yellow glow of Time Dilation shined under Winter. Aro immediately increased her speed, a massive blast of combustion and several smaller ones to increase velocity. Floating Array roared like an engine, pushing Penny forward. She felt like she was chasing a bullet.  
Suddenly Aro dodged in front of her, a black glyph under her previous path. “Good!” Winter said but she smirked as May appeared in a few feet in front of Aro, bayonet pointed at the hallow of Aro’s collarbone. “It doesn’t matter how fast you are if you’re predictable!”  
“Now do better!” May yelled.  
Aro growled at her. Even with her gravity Dust, a sudden change of direction at the necessary speed to dogde was unlikely. Instead Aro suddenly reached back without looking. She grabbed Penny’s blouse and threw her at May.  
Penny felt an odd warp of gravity, like she was sling out of orbit. The huntress pair gasped, a black Glyph appeared in front of May in time to catch Penny and halt her attack. Time Dialation faded from their bodies as Winter rushed forward to protect May’s flank as prosthetic limbs and hard-light blades collided with her sword. May helped Winter push the attack back before Invisibility Field hid their retreat.  
Penny was freed from the Glyph and landed on her feet. She stepped forward to protect Aro’s side. Despite all the training she was still the quickest to tire out. The civilian was already panting softly, sweat damping her skin and some even rolling down her neck. The steam venting from her legs didn’t help. Penny angled her guns up and behind before cooling off half of Floating Array.  
Then they noticed a swirl of movement in the steam. Penny and Aro turned, looking up to defend or counter May or Winter’s attack. Instead Fiona appeared from the steam and took the opening to punched Aro in the abdomen. The blades of Robyn’s wrist mounted crossbow followed. In such tight quarters Penny didn’t have the space to maneuver Floating Array. She was forced to dodge away from Aro.  
“Hey- Hey!” Xanthic yelled running up to the fight. She waved the steam out of her face. “If this is turning into a four on four match instead of a one on one can we have a breather?” The hacker asked. Ciel was the final one to arrive, freeing Robyn’s crossbow bolt out from her beret and putting it back on her head.  
May dropped the Invisibility Field. The unauthorized and nearly rogue team of FRSM (Freshmint) stood besides their partners. Fiona with Robin and Winter with May, who was glaring at Xanthic’s newest accessory. A halo with an inner transparent cover to show off the circuitry, it hovered around her head with gravity Dust.  
“Sure… if we get to break that ugly thing,” May said with a scowl.  
“But it’s actually really functional,” Fiona protested softly. “I know… they… yeah. But they’re forcefully stuck together so you two need get over it.” Both May and Winter gave the tiny Faunus a fierce glare that had Penny flinching. She didn’t even buckle, or challenged them back, just gave them a soft pleading look.  
With the anarchist pair on opposing sides of APCX, it took a bit of left and right to see that their appearance made a matching set. Penny and Ciel gasped, both their eyes growing wide with realization. The anarchists attitudes foiled each other to near staged perfection, their interest greatly overlapped, their intelligence set them at odds with many peers their age. Lately their behaviors were far too similar as if bad habits were resurfacing. All the hostility May and Winter had towards Xanthic…  
Me and Glade have… history. Penny remembered Xanthic telling her once.  
“You two dated?!” Ciel and Penny asked the hacker. With the information Penny got from Winter and May… the one relationship that let nearly broke Aro’s semblance, her voice was much… much angrier than Ciel’s. Penny could barely restrained her defensive protocals-  
Xanthic sneered, cold and guarded. A look Penny previously thought as default and normal for her. “Dating is a nice word for horny ass teenagers.”  
Penny wasn’t well practiced with negative emotions. They rarely surfaced in occasions where it was expected but jealously and anger caused her Aura to flare wildly. Several attack strategies, the instinct to defend Aurora bypassed several protocols.  
But… Xanthic didn’t move to defend. She only stared down Penny, challenging her… Without any real fight, Penny realized. They got along like they were friends… but how much of it was an act under Focus?  
“I’m not punishing you for what you did to Aurora.” Penny said looking away. She heard and saw the crackle of hard-light Dust. Her simulators could actually predict the defensive anger on her face but she tried to imagine the look of Ironwood’s face. With the protective glass and bright lights in the control room, Penny could only make our his silhouette.  
You paired Aurora and Xanthic together, sir. Penny’s fist clenched tight and she looked back Winter. She tried to give a comforting look but with all the restrictions from the Military it was conflicted and nearly pained. Then stoic in a way a soldier needed to be. Meanwhile, May was furious, all attention focused on Xanthic.  
“Break’s over!” Fiona called out. “Ready?”  
“No…” Ciel and Penny muttered. Aro looked at them, resignation and sorrow odd with her glowing blue eyes. It seemed genuine but… everything did with Focus. “What’s the plan?” Penny asked softly.  
“Survive and look good doing it,” Aro answered. Her voice was hallow. Penny’s head turned to Aro so fast there was no way she could have missed it before she looked at Fiona. “APCX, ready!”  
For the first time Penny couldn’t focus on a fight. Her processors kept spinning the same information over and over again with no real goal. General Ironwood knew the damage between Aurora Glade and Ashley Xanthic and still paired them on a together.  
Aro’s gravity Dust manipulation kept rendered escape impossible. Xanthic’s concentrated hard-light Dust weapons would take them out. It was an effortless and strategic show of force, picked to complement each other, just like how the Ace Operatives were handpicked to strength each other’s abilities.  
Months of training created an automated defense but when Floating Array moved to cover Xanthic against May’s crossbowstaff… She hesitated. The strangled and pained gasp, the shimmering Aura threatening to break at the sharp blade and pressure. Xanthic was lifted from the ground, grabbed by the throat and slammed down.  
Penny only watched and she regretted it.  
She quickly fixed her defensive priorities. Defending Aurora and keeping Xanthic away wasn’t necessary right now. Neither was defending her… teammate Xanthic from opponent May. She was created, she wanted to protect people. Her swords angled in, blocking May’s next strikes and pushing her back.  
No offensive move was made from APCX until Ciel intervened, chakrams soring in. May set off the explosive Dust when she blocked. APCX regrouped at Xanthic’s side. A pulse of gravity Dust brought lifted her back onto her feet.  
“Why’d you stop her!” Xanthic scowled.  
“Why didn’t you attack?” Ciel asked.  
“Because it was the right thing to do,” Penny frowned at the pair.  
“Discuss this later,” Aro said in a commanding tone. They all stood, back to back looking around the empty training room as Aro and Xanthic tried to sense out the Invisibility Field.  
“You need a weapon,” Ciel threw Aro an annoyed glance. “You’re fast but they know you. There’s no way they’ll engage in melee, you’ve just been chasing them.”  
“Too be fair I have been running from May and Winter for years,” Aro mused lightly. Her teammates groaned at her and Aro only laughed and winked. The laugh was fake, it didn’t have that rich rumble. Then Penny noticed an extra glow. Her eyes were bright, completely engulfed by Focus but the tattoo was softly glowing. The ink had changed into a hard-light cyan color, raw Dust energy gathering bright between her horns. "And to be fair, they only know my life in Atlas." She said with an almost hallow evenness of her voice.  
Grabbing the raw hard-light energy, Aro pulled out a long whip with a flourish. She ejected a fire Dust cartridge from her leg and applied it to the handle, changing the cyan glow to an ominous red. It traveled along the length on the next crack, a plum of fire bursting from the tip.  
Fiona and May screamed, Winter and Robyn grunted. Invisibility Field dropped to reveal them scrambling away from the blast. Fiona grabbed May and shook her a little, "Can you not be a horny ass right now and fight?!"  
“Sh-Shut it!” May scoffed, pushing the leader of FRSM off her. The four quickly disappeared again. Penny giggled. She saw a surprised look on all four elite graduates but a flush across Winter and May’s face before they retreated.  
“Aurora,” Ciel sighed in annoyance, “Have you really been holding back all this time?”  
Aro didn’t answer. She just looked at the whip in her hands and twirled it lightly, winding up for another crack. Once again May screamed and raced to get out of the blast, Invisibility Field faltering. Another crack and Winter was nearly sent sprawling to the ground. Apparently her Faunus traits allowed Aro to scent out the pair. Penny giggled at May and Winter’s blush when Aro tapped her nose and winked.  
With additional range support, APCX had a brief advantage. They focused on May and Winter, attacking them while Ciel kept Robyn and Fiona at bay with Clockwork and her chakrams. Almost overwhelming them until a sudden buzzer sounded.  
Penny frowned and looked at the board. No one took damage… but semblance and Dust used Aura. Aro’s attack had drained her Aura to 10%, similarly Xanthic was low from her previous hits and highly charged attacks.  
Aro walked to the waiting room. Without her support the fight quickly fell into FRSM favor. Xanthic was the next to fall, a powerful elbow from Winter felt a little personal.  
Ciel and Penny turned their attacks to Robyn, determine to at least defeat one of the elite graduates. But Clockwork worked both worked with and against them. It was an AOE semblance, unable to tell the difference between friend and foe. Everything within the area slowed, including the projectiles Floating Array fired.  
When Ciel dropped the AOE, Robyn dodged or blocked the projectile. She laughed and shook her head, “That’s right girls, chase the birdie.” She beckoned the pair forward.  
Out of FRSM, Robyn’s semblance was the least threatening in combat. Sensible teams would try to take advantage of that. The elite graduates used that thinking to their advantage. Penny and Ciel stood back to back, scanning the empty room.  
Penny didn’t have Aro or Xanthic’s sensory equipment. She didn’t detect May or Winter in front of them until Invisibility Field was deactivated. May’s grin and heavy breaths was a sharp contrast to her partners even and stoic stare behind the saber pointed at Penny.  
Penny took a deep breath and sighed, “APCX concedes.” She said. Winter gave a small smile, a proud one that made the defeat and… revelations a little softer.  
After a quick clean up Fiona rounded up everyone outside of Atlas. “Excellent work everyone! I’m glad you two are recovering from the upgrades.” She smiled up at Aro and prounce a little at Xanthic to swipe up at the halo, making it wobble and spin.  
Penny stood with May and Winter, trying not to glare at how well the two looked with their accessories. “This… explains your previous hostilities.” Penny murmured. They watched Fiona continue to play with the halo until she completely pulled it from Xanthic’s head. She laughed and ducked behind Aurora who laughed softly as the small Faunus deftly dodge the hacker’s grabs. “Are they friends?”  
“Fuck no!”  
“That isn’t your call, May.” Robyn quickly chided. She lead Ciel to the polymerous trio even though the officer seemed reluctant to join. “They’re stuck together and you two are making it worse.”  
“If it makes you two feel better…” Ciel nervously started, “They act more like brother and sisters.” Penny nodded in agreement though she doesn’t understand the full context of that phrase. It was definitely not romantic, platonic? Maybe. May and Winter looked unconvinced so Ciel smirked a little, “Xan is the younger brother with the inferiority complex.”  
“Fuck you!” Xanthic yelled at her. “I’m not inferior and I’m not fucking friends with any of you!” She said chasing a giggling sheep around a goat that was starting to get a little overwhelmed. Penny noticed for the first time Focus was deactivated with Xanthic. She gave Penny a helpless stare.  
Penny giggled and pulled her out of the circle. Without a barrier Xanthic quickly caught Fiona but her halo was absorbed into her semblance.  
“Thyme! Give it back!”  
“Never!” Fiona laughed trying to free herself as Xanthic started to vigorously shake her up and down.  
May scoffed at the scene, “You two only like her because she steals for Mantle.” She said glaring hard at her leader. Robyn didn’t shrink. If anything she straightened her back and looked down at May.  
“It’s almost as if she’s trying to atone.”  
“Fuck off!”  
“May,” Aro’s voice was an odd type of commanding without Focus. It wasn’t charismatic like Robyn but harder like Winter’s. “Just be civil. You can hate her, forgive her, whatever.” She shrugged. Then Aro smiled at Penny and linked their arms pressing herself tight to her partners side. She looked back at Winter who tried to retreat without losing grace. “We’re stuck together because of Ironwood. No need to make it worse.”  
It took a while for Winter to meet Aro’s gaze. She didn’t speak right away. Instead she held her hand out towards Robyn who took it with Lie Detector flaring at contact. “I would have stopped him if I had known,” Winter said softly. It glowed green.  
Aro looked at Penny for a second then away. Penny wanted to be an observer again. For a moment she didn’t want to be reminded about the string of lies Ironwood had wrapped around her. Aro had looked at her with resignation Penny understood for all of her life.  
“You would have tried to stop him,” Penny corrected softly. In the end even Winter was under his command. A tense silence fell over the group. Even the atmosphere was a little quiet as the sunset and military life slowed. They heard Xanthic’s footsteps as she walked up.  
“We leave for one second and you idiots get all depressed. I didn’t even give you guys bad news.” Xanthic scowled. Fiona thrown over her shoulder but her halo back around her head. She threw her to Robyn who caught her with a smile.  
“Fighting not enough of an exercise, lambchop?”  
“That just got my blood pumping!” Fiona said with a large smile and ears wiggling. The two kissed briefly before Robyn set her down. She finally took in the mood and settled down a little, “Okay… so what did we miss?”  
“Me and Penny should be asking that,” Ciel said with a scowl, “What other secrets you have?”  
Xanthic scowled at her. The familiar and faux hostility calming the tense air a little. Then Xanthic raised a brow and posed with a superior smirk, “I faked my death and like to fuck random girls in the dance floor.”  
Surprised glanced were immediately turned to Aurora who gave everyone a surprisingly fierce glare for how hard she blushed. “E-Excuse you?!”  
“Here’s a real secret,” Xanthic said crossing her arms, “Ironwood has us leaving before the others.” Everyone gave the polymerous couple a sympathetic look. The fight from May quickly dissolved into near defeat while Winter was growing furious.  
“What,” Winter scowled. “He didn’t tell me anything.”  
“Wasn’t the end of the last conversation all about how he doesn’t need to tell you shit?” Xanthic scoffed rolling her eyes. They landed hard on Penny, “Perhaps if someone didn’t start something in the middle of a surveillance military facility Ironwood wouldn’t have seen it.”  
“When?” May asked.  
Xanthic gave her a confused glare, “When they made out in the hallway?”  
“No!” May sputtered a little red from the statement and frustration. “When is APCX leaving you dumbass!”  
“About two weeks from now. He was probably trying to spring this on us so me and Aro doesn’t have time to prepare. Ironwood is sending us to Argus first for some maintenance work. Then we’re to investigate the crimes going on in Vale.”  
Penny didn’t really pay attention to Xanthic after the first sentence. She looked at May’s scared eyes and Winter’s conflicted glare. She could feel the resigned air around Aro, calming the normally excitable and happy women.  
Their short time together continued to hang above their head even after getting ready for the night and nearly half an hour of restless cuddling on the bed. The huntresses were being rather selfish with their younger pairs. May held Aurora tightly to her, back turned to Winter and Penny. The Specialist ensured Penny was half laid on top of her, a hand brush over the nightgown… over where her belly button would be.  
“Are you coming back…” May whispered. Penny nearly shot up and reached for her but Winter held her close. Penny shuffled, looking as Aro gently pressed May’s back to the bed and hovered over her. Sea-green eyes gazed down back at gold ones, both valuable and scared. May turned away, trying to wipe tears from her face. “Ironwood, the SDC, Atlas is slowly killing you-”  
Gently Aurora took one of May’s hands. She kissed the tears smeared across her finger tips and then guided it to her neck. May’s hands slowly traced the tattoo. Her hands grew bolder, reassured by the deep purr Aurora let out. “What can I do if the ink on my skin isn’t enough to show my devotion to you and the others…” She whispered.  
May grabbed a horn and pulled her down to a kiss. Penny watched Aurora slowly calm May’s desperate lips with her slow earnest ones. It didn’t stop tears from salting their kisses but Penny could remember warmth and love behind it.  
Winter’s hand came up, cupping Penny’s cheek and gently guiding her eyes back to her. Penny held Winter’s hand, gaze on her neck. Part of her was scared to see tears spilling from the strongest amongst them. Slowly Winter’s hand pulled Penny’s face closer and closer, until their foreheads was touching and there was nowhere else to look besides blue defeated eyes. Penny almost wished she was crying instead.  
“We won’t ask you to come back to Atlas…” Winter said. Her hands drifting over her button-less belly. “But please promise me you and Aurora will take care of each other. No matter what you two decide.”  
Penny smiled, trying to lift Winter’s mood. She wasn’t quite sure it worked but Winter returned it with the small amount of energy she still had. “It is my duty as her partner.” Penny pointed out. Still she sealed the promise with a kiss.  
Neither Aurora or Penny answered May’s question.  
100% Complete.  
Timestamped: Day 363 since creation. Day 136 of APCX’s formation. Approximately ██ since PAWM ██████ █████
11 notes · View notes
backslashdelta · 3 years
Glee Soundtrack Rating Project Results: justgleekout
Favourite character: Kurt Hummel
Least favourite character: Will Schuester
Favourite season: Season 3
Least favourite season: Season 6
Mean song rating: 6.88
Mean song rating for favourite character's songs: 7.59
Mean song rating for favourite character's solos: 8
Mean song rating season 1: 6.9
Mean song rating season 2: 6.79
Mean song rating season 3: 7.09
Mean song rating season 4: 6.73
Mean song rating season 5: 6.94
Mean song rating season 6: 6.79
Songs rated: 701
Tumblr media
[ID: A bar chart titled Number of songs assigned each rating by Justgleekout, illustrating the number of times each score was assigned to a song by Justgleekout. 10 was assigned 5 times, 9 was assigned 35 times, 8 was assigned 184 times, 7 was assigned 240 times, 6 was assigned 145 times, 5 was assigned 74 times, 4 was assigned 14 times, 3 was assigned 3 times, 2 was assigned 0 times, 1 was assigned 1 times, and 1 songs were not rated.]
About the Project | Results Masterpost
1. (10) - S1x18 - Rose's Turn
2. (10) - S2x04 - Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy
3. (10) - S2x18 - As If We Never Said Goodbye
4. (10) - S5x06 - Just the Way You Are
5. (10) - S5x20 - American Boy
6. (9) - S1x11 - Don't Make Me Over
7. (9) - S1x13 - You Can't Always Get What You Want
8. (9) - S1x15 - Burning Up
9. (9) - S1x20 - Bad Romance
10. (9) - S1x21 - Another One Bites the Dust
11. (9) - S1x21 - Give Up the Funk
12. (9) - S1x22 - Don't Stop Believing (Regionals)
13. (9) - S2x05 - Touch a Touch a Touch a Touch Me
14. (9) - S2x13 - Take Me or Leave Me
15. (9) - S2x16 - Blackbird
16. (9) - S2x18 - Somewhere Only We Know
17. (9) - S2x21 - My Man
18. (9) - S2x22 - For Good
19. (9) - S3x02 - Something's Coming
20. (9) - S3x03 - It's All Over
21. (9) - S3x09 - Let It Snow
22. (9) - S3x14 - Cough Syrup
23. (9) - S3x15 - Rio/Hungry Like the Wolf
24. (9) - S3x18 - Not the Boy Next Door
25. (9) - S3x21 - Tongue Tied
26. (9) - S3x22 - You Get What You Give
27. (9) - S4x03 - Everybody Wants to Rule the World
28. (9) - S4x07 - Heroes
29. (9) - S4x09 - Being Alive
30. (9) - S4x09 - Being Good Isn't Good Enough
31. (9) - S4x21 - Higher Ground
32. (9) - S5x09 - I Believe in a Thing Called Love
33. (9) - S5x10 - Don't You (Forget About Me)
34. (9) - S5x11 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
35. (9) - S5x13 - I Am Changing
36. (9) - S5x15 - I'm Still Here
37. (9) - S5x19 - I Melt with You
38. (9) - S5x20 - Pompeii
39. (9) - S6x02 - Tightrope
40. (9) - S6x11 - We Built This City
41. (8) - S1x04 - Taking Chances
42. (8) - S1x05 - Alone
43. (8) - S1x05 - Maybe This Time
44. (8) - S1x05 - Somebody to Love
45. (8) - S1x06 - It's My Life/Confessions Part II
46. (8) - S1x06 - Halo/Walking On Sunshine
47. (8) - S1x07 - No Air
48. (8) - S1x07 - Keep Holding On
49. (8) - S1x10 - Lean On Me
50. (8) - S1x12 - Jump
51. (8) - S1x12 - Smile (Charlie Chaplin)
52. (8) - S1x12 - Smile (Lily Allen)
53. (8) - S1x13 - Don't Rain on My Parade
54. (8) - S1x13 - My Life Would Suck Without You
55. (8) - S1x14 - Highway to Hell
56. (8) - S1x15 - Express Yourself
57. (8) - S1x15 - 4 Minutes
58. (8) - S1x15 - Like a Prayer
59. (8) - S1x15 - Vogue
60. (8) - S1x16 - Home
61. (8) - S1x16 - One Less Bell to Answer/A House Is Not a Home
62. (8) - S1x18 - Jessie's Girl
63. (8) - S1x18 - One
64. (8) - S1x20 - Shout It Out Loud
65. (8) - S1x22 - Bohemian Rhapsody
66. (8) - S1x22 - To Sir, With Love
67. (8) - S1x22 - Faithfully
68. (8) - S1x22 - Any Way You Want It/Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'
69. (8) - S2x02 - The Only Exception
70. (8) - S2x03 - Losing My Religion
71. (8) - S2x03 - I Want to Hold Your Hand
72. (8) - S2x04 - Le Jazz Hot
73. (8) - S2x04 - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
74. (8) - S2x05 - Whatever Happened to Saturday Night?
75. (8) - S2x05 - Sweet Transvestite
76. (8) - S2x05 - Time Warp
77. (8) - S2x05 - There's a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place)
78. (8) - S2x05 - Damn It, Janet
79. (8) - S2x05 - Science Fiction Double Feature
80. (8) - S2x05 - Planet, Schmanet, Janet
81. (8) - S2x06 - Stop! In the Name of Love/Free Your Mind
82. (8) - S2x06 - Start Me Up/Livin' on a Prayer
83. (8) - S2x07 - Singing In the Rain/Umbrella
84. (8) - S2x07 - Nowadays/Hot Honey rag
85. (8) - S2x08 - Just the Way You Are
86. (8) - S2x08 - Marry You
87. (8) - S2x09 - Dog Days Are Over
88. (8) - S2x10 - Baby, It's Cold Outside
89. (8) - S2x11 - Thriller/Heads Will Roll
90. (8) - S2x12 - P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
91. (8) - S2x12 - When I Get You Alone
92. (8) - S2x12 - Silly Love Songs
93. (8) - S2x13 - Somebody to Love
94. (8) - S2x13 - Baby
95. (8) - S2x14 - My Headband
96. (8) - S2x15 - Animal
97. (8) - S2x17 - Ain't No Way
98. (8) - S2x18 - I've Gotta Be Me
99. (8) - S2x18 - Born This Way
100. (8) - S2x18 - I Feel Pretty/Unpretty
101. (8) - S2x19 - I Don't Want to Know
102. (8) - S2x19 - Go Your Own Way
103. (8) - S2x19 - Don't Stop
104. (8) - S2x21 - Pure Imagination
105. (8) - S2x21 - Try a Little Tenderness
106. (8) - S3x01 - It's Not Unusual
107. (8) - S3x01 - Anything Goes/Anything You Can Do
108. (8) - S3x01 - Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead
109. (8) - S3x02 - I'm the Greatest Star
110. (8) - S3x03 - Cool
111. (8) - S3x04 - Last Friday Night
112. (8) - S3x06 - I Can't Go for That/You Make My Dreams Come True
113. (8) - S3x06 - Hot for Teacher
114. (8) - S3x07 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
115. (8) - S3x07 - Perfect
116. (8) - S3x07 - Constant Craving
117. (8) - S3x08 - Man in the Mirror
118. (8) - S3x08 - ABC
119. (8) - S3x09 - All I Want for Christmas Is You
120. (8) - S3x09 - Do They Know It's Christmas?
121. (8) - S3x09 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas
122. (8) - S3x09 - My Favorite Things
123. (8) - S3x11 - Scream
124. (8) - S3x11 - Black or White
125. (8) - S3x11 - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
126. (8) - S3x11 - Human Nature
127. (8) - S3x11 - I Want You Back
128. (8) - S3x13 - Let Me Love You
129. (8) - S3x13 - Love Shack
130. (8) - S3x14 - Here's to Us
131. (8) - S3x16 - You Should Be Dancing
132. (8) - S3x16 - Stayin' Alive
133. (8) - S3x16 - Disco Inferno
134. (8) - S3x16 - Night Fever
135. (8) - S3x17 - I Have Nothing
136. (8) - S3x17 - My Love Is Your Love
137. (8) - S3x17 - So Emotional
138. (8) - S3x18 - The Music of the Night
139. (8) - S3x19 - Big Girls Don't Cry
140. (8) - S3x20 - Flashdance...What a Feeling
141. (8) - S3x21 - Paradise By the Dashboard Light
142. (8) - S3x21 - We Are the Champions
143. (8) - S3x21 - It's All Coming Back to Me Now
144. (8) - S3x21 - Edge of Glory
145. (8) - S3x21 - Pinball Wizard
146. (8) - S3x22 - I'll Remember
147. (8) - S3x22 - In My Life
148. (8) - S3x22 - Roots Before Branches
149. (8) - S4x01 - New York State of Mind
150. (8) - S4x02 - Womanizer
151. (8) - S4x03 - The Way You Look Tonight/You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile
152. (8) - S4x04 - Teenage Dream (Acoustic)
153. (8) - S4x04 - Barely Breathing
154. (8) - S4x05 - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)
155. (8) - S4x07 - My Dark Side
156. (8) - S4x08 - Let's Have a Kiki/Turkey Lurkey Time
157. (8) - S4x12 - Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself)
158. (8) - S4x12 - This Is the New Year
159. (8) - S4x13 - Don't Stop Me Now
160. (8) - S4x13 - Girl On Fire
161. (8) - S4x14 - Just Can't Get Enough
162. (8) - S4x14 - You're All I Need to Get By
163. (8) - S4x14 - Anything Could Happen
164. (8) - S4x15 - Shout
165. (8) - S4x15 - Come What May
166. (8) - S4x15 - Old Time Rock & Roll/Danger Zone
167. (8) - S4x15 - Footloose
168. (8) - S4x16 - Closer
169. (8) - S4x17 - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
170. (8) - S4x18 - Say
171. (8) - S4x19 - Outcast
172. (8) - S4x21 - For Once in My Life
173. (8) - S4x21 - Uptight (Everything's Alright)
174. (8) - S4x21 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours
175. (8) - S4x21 - You Are the Sunshine of My Life
176. (8) - S4x21 - Superstition
177. (8) - S4x22 - All or Nothing
178. (8) - S5x01 - Help!
179. (8) - S5x01 - All You Need Is Love
180. (8) - S5x01 - Got to Get You Into My Life
181. (8) - S5x02 - Here Comes the Sun
182. (8) - S5x02 - Get Back
183. (8) - S5x04 - Marry the Night
184. (8) - S5x05 - On Our Way
185. (8) - S5x06 - Piano Man
186. (8) - S5x06 - My Life
187. (8) - S5x06 - You May Be Right
188. (8) - S5x06 - Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)
189. (8) - S5x07 - You're My Best Friend
190. (8) - S5x07 - Nasty/Rhythm Nation
191. (8) - S5x09 - Whenever I Call You Friend
192. (8) - S5x10 - Hold On
193. (8) - S5x10 - Barracuda
194. (8) - S5x10 - Gloria
195. (8) - S5x11 - America
196. (8) - S5x11 - More Than a Feeling
197. (8) - S5x11 - Mr. Roboto/Counting Stars
198. (8) - S5x12 - Toxic
199. (8) - S5x13 - Be Okay
200. (8) - S5x14 - You Make Me Feel So Young
201. (8) - S5x14 - Best Day of My Life
202. (8) - S5x14 - Rockstar
203. (8) - S5x14 - People
204. (8) - S5x15 - Broadway Baby
205. (8) - S5x17 - Pumpin Blood
206. (8) - S5x19 - Take Me Home Tonight
207. (8) - S5x20 - No Time At All
208. (8) - S5x20 - Glitter in the Air
209. (8) - S6x02 - Take On Me
210. (8) - S6x02 - Home
211. (8) - S6x02 - Mustang Sally
212. (8) - S6x03 - You Learn/You've Got a Friend
213. (8) - S6x04 - Thousand Miles
214. (8) - S6x05 - Father Figure
215. (8) - S6x05 - My Sharona
216. (8) - S6x06 - What the World Needs Now
217. (8) - S6x06 - They Long to Be Close to You
218. (8) - S6x07 - I Know Where I've Been
219. (8) - S6x09 - I Want to Break Free
220. (8) - S6x10 - Rise
221. (8) - S6x11 - Mickey
222. (8) - S6x13 - Daydream Believer
223. (8) - S6x13 - Someday We'll Be Together
224. (8) - S6x13 - I Lived
225. (7) - S1x01 - Can't Fight This Feeling
226. (7) - S1x01 - Don't Stop Believing (Pilot)
227. (7) - S1x01 - Rehab
228. (7) - S1x01 - Leaving On a Jet Plane
229. (7) - S1x02 - Take a Bow
230. (7) - S1x02 - Gold Digger
231. (7) - S1x03 - Bust Your Windows
232. (7) - S1x03 - Mercy
233. (7) - S1x07 - Hate On Me
234. (7) - S1x07 - Ride Wit Me
235. (7) - S1x07 - You Keep Me Hanging On
236. (7) - S1x08 - I Could Have Danced All Night
237. (7) - S1x08 - Sweet Caroline
238. (7) - S1x09 - Dancing With Myself
239. (7) - S1x09 - Proud Mary
240. (7) - S1x10 - I'll Stand By You
241. (7) - S1x11 - Imagine
242. (7) - S1x13 - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
243. (7) - S1x14 - Hello, I Love You
244. (7) - S1x14 - Gives You Hell
245. (7) - S1x14 - Hello, Goodbye
246. (7) - S1x14 - Hello
247. (7) - S1x15 - Like a Virgin
248. (7) - S1x15 - Borderline/Open Your Heart
249. (7) - S1x16 - Fire
250. (7) - S1x16 - A House Is Not a Home
251. (7) - S1x16 - Beautiful
252. (7) - S1x17 - U Can't Touch This
253. (7) - S1x17 - Total Eclipse of the Heart
254. (7) - S1x17 - Run Joey Run
255. (7) - S1x18 - The Boy Is Mine
256. (7) - S1x18 - Lady Is a Tramp
257. (7) - S1x19 - Safety Dance
258. (7) - S1x19 - Dream a Little Dream
259. (7) - S1x19 - Dream On
260. (7) - S1x19 - I Dreamed a Dream
261. (7) - S1x20 - Funny Girl
262. (7) - S1x21 - Loser
263. (7) - S1x21 - Good Vibrations
264. (7) - S1x22 - Over the Rainbow
265. (7) - S2x01 - Empire State of Mind
266. (7) - S2x01 - What I Did for Love
267. (7) - S2x02 - Stronger
268. (7) - S2x02 - Baby One More Time
269. (7) - S2x03 - Bridge Over Troubled Water
270. (7) - S2x03 - Only the Good Die Young
271. (7) - S2x03 - One of Us
272. (7) - S2x04 - River Deep, Mountain High
273. (7) - S2x04 - Sing!
274. (7) - S2x06 - Teenage Dream
275. (7) - S2x07 - Make 'Em Laugh
276. (7) - S2x09 - Hey, Soul Sister
277. (7) - S2x09 - (I've Had) The Time of My Life
278. (7) - S2x09 - Valerie
279. (7) - S2x10 - Last Christmas
280. (7) - S2x10 - We Need a Little Christmas
281. (7) - S2x10 - The Most Wonderful Day of the Year
282. (7) - S2x10 - Welcome Christmas
283. (7) - S2x10 - Merry Christmas, Darling
284. (7) - S2x11 - Bills, Bills, Bills
285. (7) - S2x11 - She's Not There
286. (7) - S2x12 - Fat Bottomed Girls
287. (7) - S2x14 - Don't You Want Me
288. (7) - S2x15 - Afternoon Delight
289. (7) - S2x15 - Landslide
290. (7) - S2x15 - Kiss
291. (7) - S2x16 - Misery
292. (7) - S2x16 - Raise Your Glass
293. (7) - S2x16 - Hell to the No
294. (7) - S2x16 - Big Ass Heart
295. (7) - S2x16 - Loser Like Me
296. (7) - S2x19 - Dreams
297. (7) - S2x19 - Never Going Back Again
298. (7) - S2x19 - Songbird
299. (7) - S2x20 - Friday
300. (7) - S2x20 - Isn't She Lovely
301. (7) - S2x21 - Some People
302. (7) - S2x21 - Back to Black
303. (7) - S2x22 - My Cup
304. (7) - S2x22 - Still Got Tonight
305. (7) - S3x01 - You Can't Stop the Beat
306. (7) - S3x03 - Spotlight
307. (7) - S3x03 - Out Here On My Own
308. (7) - S3x03 - Fix You
309. (7) - S3x04 - Bein' Green
310. (7) - S3x04 - Take Care of Yourself
311. (7) - S3x05 - Tonight
312. (7) - S3x05 - One Hand, One Heart
313. (7) - S3x05 - America
314. (7) - S3x05 - A Boy Like That/I Have a Love
315. (7) - S3x05 - Uptown Girl
316. (7) - S3x06 - Hit Me with Your Best Shot/One Way or Another
317. (7) - S3x07 - Jolene
318. (7) - S3x07 - I'm the Only One
319. (7) - S3x08 - Control
320. (7) - S3x08 - Buenos Aires
321. (7) - S3x08 - Survivor/I Will Survive
322. (7) - S3x09 - Christmas Wrapping
323. (7) - S3x09 - River
324. (7) - S3x11 - Bad
325. (7) - S3x11 - Ben
326. (7) - S3x11 - Never Can Say Goodbye
327. (7) - S3x11 - I Just Can't Stop Loving You
328. (7) - S3x11 - Smooth Criminal
329. (7) - S3x12 - Don't Wanna Lose You
330. (7) - S3x12 - Bamboleo/Hero
331. (7) - S3x13 - Stereo Hearts
332. (7) - S3x13 - Cherish/Cherish
333. (7) - S3x13 - L-O-V-E
334. (7) - S3x14 - Fly/I Believe I Can Fly
335. (7) - S3x14 - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)
336. (7) - S3x14 - Stand
337. (7) - S3x14 - Glad You Came
338. (7) - S3x15 - I'm Still Standing
339. (7) - S3x15 - Up Up Up
340. (7) - S3x15 - Fighter
341. (7) - S3x15 - Somebody That I Used to Know
342. (7) - S3x16 - More Than a Woman
343. (7) - S3x16 - How Deep Is Your Love
344. (7) - S3x16 - If I Can't Have You
345. (7) - S3x16 - Boogie Shoes
346. (7) - S3x17 - It's Not Right But It's Okay
347. (7) - S3x17 - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
348. (7) - S3x18 - Cell Block Tango
349. (7) - S3x18 - School's Out
350. (7) - S3x18 - Cry
351. (7) - S3x18 - Shake It Out
352. (7) - S3x19 - Love You Like a Love Song
353. (7) - S3x20 - Mean
354. (7) - S3x21 - Starships
355. (7) - S3x22 - Glory Days
356. (7) - S3x22 - Forever Young
357. (7) - S4x01 - It's Time
358. (7) - S4x01 - Never Say Never
359. (7) - S4x01 - Chasing Pavements
360. (7) - S4x02 - Boys/Boyfriend
361. (7) - S4x02 - Crazy/U Drive Me Crazy
362. (7) - S4x03 - Celebrity Skin
363. (7) - S4x04 - Don't Speak
364. (7) - S4x04 - The Scientist
365. (7) - S4x04 - Mine
366. (7) - S4x05 - Hopelessly Devoted to You
367. (7) - S4x05 - Everybody Talks
368. (7) - S4x05 - Born to Hand Jive
369. (7) - S4x05 - Juke Box Hero
370. (7) - S4x06 - Beauty School Dropout
371. (7) - S4x07 - Superman
372. (7) - S4x07 - Holding Out for a Hero
373. (7) - S4x07 - Some Nights
374. (7) - S4x08 - Whistle
375. (7) - S4x08 - Home/Homeward Bound
376. (7) - S4x08 - Come See About Me
377. (7) - S4x09 - Something Stupid
378. (7) - S4x09 - Don't Dream It's Over
379. (7) - S4x10 - White Christmas
380. (7) - S4x10 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
381. (7) - S4x11 - No Scrubs
382. (7) - S4x11 - Tell Him
383. (7) - S4x11 - Locked Out of Heaven
384. (7) - S4x12 - A Thousand Years
385. (7) - S4x12 - Torn
386. (7) - S4x13 - Diva
387. (7) - S4x13 - Bring Him Home
388. (7) - S4x13 - Nutbush City Limits
389. (7) - S4x15 - You're All the World to Me
390. (7) - S4x15 - Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend/Material Girl
391. (7) - S4x15 - In Your Eyes
392. (7) - S4x16 - The Bitch Is Back/Dress You Up
393. (7) - S4x16 - Cold Hearted
394. (7) - S4x17 - My Prerogative
395. (7) - S4x17 - Mamma Mia
396. (7) - S4x19 - Fight for Your Right (to Party)
397. (7) - S4x19 - You Have More Friends Than You Know
398. (7) - S4x21 - I Wish
399. (7) - S4x22 - Hall of Fame
400. (7) - S5x01 - I Saw Her Standing There
401. (7) - S5x02 - Hey Jude
402. (7) - S5x02 - Let It Be
403. (7) - S5x02 - Something
404. (7) - S5x02 - Revolution
405. (7) - S5x03 - Fire and Rain
406. (7) - S5x03 - If I Die Young
407. (7) - S5x04 - Wide Awake
408. (7) - S5x05 - Wrecking Ball
409. (7) - S5x05 - If I Were a Boy
410. (7) - S5x07 - Into the Groove
411. (7) - S5x07 - The Fox
412. (7) - S5x08 - Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane)
413. (7) - S5x08 - Mary's Little Boy Child
414. (7) - S5x08 - Away in a Manger
415. (7) - S5x08 - Love Child
416. (7) - S5x09 - Brave
417. (7) - S5x09 - Breakaway
418. (7) - S5x10 - The Happening
419. (7) - S5x11 - Vacation
420. (7) - S5x11 - I Love LA
421. (7) - S5x12 - Defying Gravity
422. (7) - S5x13 - Party All the Time
423. (7) - S5x14 - Don't Sleep in the Subway
424. (7) - S5x14 - Downtown
425. (7) - S5x15 - Not While I'm Around
426. (7) - S5x15 - You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman
427. (7) - S5x15 - No One Is Alone
428. (7) - S5x16 - Addicted to Love
429. (7) - S5x16 - Love Is a Battlefield
430. (7) - S5x16 - I Want to Know What Love Is
431. (7) - S5x18 - Doo Wop (That Thing)
432. (7) - S5x19 - Werewolves of London
433. (7) - S5x19 - Lucky Star
434. (7) - S5x20 - All of Me
435. (7) - S5x20 - Shakin' My Head
436. (7) - S5x20 - Girls on Film
437. (7) - S6x01 - Dance the Night Away
438. (7) - S6x01 - Suddenly Seymour
439. (7) - S6x03 - It's Too Late
440. (7) - S6x03 - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Head Over Feet
441. (7) - S6x03 - Hand in My Pocket/I Feel the Earth Move
442. (7) - S6x04 - Whip It
443. (7) - S6x04 - Bitch
444. (7) - S6x05 - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)
445. (7) - S6x06 - Arthur's Theme
446. (7) - S6x06 - Promises, Promises
447. (7) - S6x06 - Alfie
448. (7) - S6x07 - You Give Love a Bad Name
449. (7) - S6x07 - Somebody Loves You
450. (7) - S6x08 - Hey Ya!
451. (7) - S6x08 - Our Day Will Come
452. (7) - S6x08 - I'm So Excited
453. (7) - S6x08 - At Last
454. (7) - S6x09 - Uptown Funk
455. (7) - S6x09 - Cool Kids
456. (7) - S6x09 - Friday I'm in Love
457. (7) - S6x10 - Far From Over
458. (7) - S6x10 - Rather Be
459. (7) - S6x11 - Come Sail Away
460. (7) - S6x11 - Listen to Your Heart
461. (7) - S6x12 - Popular
462. (7) - S6x12 - I'm His Child
463. (7) - S6x13 - This Time
464. (7) - S6x13 - Teach Your Children
465. (6) - S1x01 - Sit Down You're Rockin the Boat
466. (6) - S1x01 - On My Own
467. (6) - S1x02 - Push It
468. (6) - S1x02 - I Say a Little Prayer
469. (6) - S1x05 - Last Name
470. (6) - S1x08 - Bust A Move
471. (6) - S1x09 - Defying Gravity
472. (6) - S1x10 - Don't Stand So Close to Me/Young Girl
473. (6) - S1x11 - Hair/Crazy In Love
474. (6) - S1x11 - Bootylicious
475. (6) - S1x11 - Papa Don't Preach
476. (6) - S1x11 - True Colors
477. (6) - S1x14 - Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love
478. (6) - S1x17 - Physical
479. (6) - S1x20 - Beth
480. (6) - S1x20 - Poker Face
481. (6) - S1x21 - It's a Man's Man's Man's World
482. (6) - S2x01 - Telephone
483. (6) - S2x01 - Billionaire
484. (6) - S2x01 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
485. (6) - S2x02 - I'm a Slave 4 U
486. (6) - S2x02 - Me Against the Music
487. (6) - S2x03 - I Look to You
488. (6) - S2x04 - Lucky
489. (6) - S2x06 - One Love (People Get Ready)
490. (6) - S2x07 - Forget You
491. (6) - S2x11 - Need You Now
492. (6) - S2x12 - Firework
493. (6) - S2x13 - Sing
494. (6) - S2x15 - Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)
495. (6) - S2x16 - Candles
496. (6) - S2x16 - Only Child
497. (6) - S2x16 - Get It Right
498. (6) - S2x16 - Trouty Mouth
499. (6) - S2x17 - Turning Tables
500. (6) - S2x20 - Dancing Queen
501. (6) - S2x20 - Rolling in the Deep
502. (6) - S2x22 - I Love New York/New York, New York
503. (6) - S2x22 - Light Up the World
504. (6) - S2x22 - Bella Notte
505. (6) - S3x01 - We Got the Beat
506. (6) - S3x02 - Somewhere
507. (6) - S3x03 - Run the World (Girls)
508. (6) - S3x04 - Candyman
509. (6) - S3x04 - Waiting for a Girl Like You
510. (6) - S3x06 - You and I/You and I
511. (6) - S3x07 - I Kissed a Girl
512. (6) - S3x08 - We Are Young
513. (6) - S3x08 - Red Solo Cup
514. (6) - S3x09 - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
515. (6) - S3x09 - Blue Christmas
516. (6) - S3x10 - Wedding Bell Blues (Bill)
517. (6) - S3x10 - Summer Nights
518. (6) - S3x10 - Without You
519. (6) - S3x10 - We Found Love
520. (6) - S3x12 - Sexy and I Know It
521. (6) - S3x12 - La Isla Bonita
522. (6) - S3x13 - I Will Always Love You
523. (6) - S3x13 - Home
524. (6) - S3x17 - Saving All My Love For You
525. (6) - S3x17 - How Will I Know
526. (6) - S3x18 - The Rain in Spain
527. (6) - S3x19 - What Makes You Beautiful
528. (6) - S3x19 - Take My Breath Away
529. (6) - S3x20 - Because You Loved Me
530. (6) - S4x01 - Americano/Dance Again
531. (6) - S4x02 - Hold It Against Me
532. (6) - S4x02 - Everytime
533. (6) - S4x02 - Oops!...I Did It Again
534. (6) - S4x02 - 3
535. (6) - S4x03 - A Change Would Do You Good
536. (6) - S4x04 - Give Your Heart a Break
537. (6) - S4x06 - Greased Lightning
538. (6) - S4x06 - You're the One That I Want
539. (6) - S4x06 - There Are Worse Things I Could Do
540. (6) - S4x08 - Live While We're Young
541. (6) - S4x09 - All That Jazz
542. (6) - S4x10 - Feliz Navidad
543. (6) - S4x10 - Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah
544. (6) - S4x10 - Jingle Bell Rock
545. (6) - S4x11 - I Only Have Eyes for You
546. (6) - S4x12 - Centerfold/Hot in Herre
547. (6) - S4x12 - Love Song
548. (6) - S4x13 - Make No Mistake (She's Mine)
549. (6) - S4x13 - Hung Up
550. (6) - S4x14 - Getting Married Today
551. (6) - S4x16 - How to Be a Heartbreaker
552. (6) - S4x16 - Bye Bye Bye/I Want It That Way
553. (6) - S4x17 - Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)
554. (6) - S4x17 - Creep
555. (6) - S4x17 - Copacabana
556. (6) - S4x18 - More Than Words
557. (6) - S4x19 - Don't Stop Believin' (Rachel)
558. (6) - S4x19 - Next to Me
559. (6) - S4x20 - Longest Time
560. (6) - S4x20 - Everybody Hurts
561. (6) - S4x20 - You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'
562. (6) - S4x20 - At the Ballet
563. (6) - S4x22 - Clarity
564. (6) - S4x22 - Wings
565. (6) - S4x22 - I Love It
566. (6) - S4x22 - To Love You More
567. (6) - S5x01 - Drive My Car
568. (6) - S5x01 - You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
569. (6) - S5x01 - A Hard Day's Night
570. (6) - S5x02 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
571. (6) - S5x03 - I'll Stand By You
572. (6) - S5x03 - No Surrender
573. (6) - S5x04 - Applause
574. (6) - S5x05 - You Are Woman, I Am Man
575. (6) - S5x06 - Honesty
576. (6) - S5x06 - An Innocent Man
577. (6) - S5x07 - Cheek to Cheek
578. (6) - S5x08 - Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
579. (6) - S5x09 - My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)
580. (6) - S5x09 - Every Breath You Take
581. (6) - S5x10 - Jumpin' Jumpin'
582. (6) - S5x10 - Danny's Song
583. (6) - S5x12 - Keep Holding On
584. (6) - S5x12 - Valerie
585. (6) - S5x13 - Loser Like Me
586. (6) - S5x13 - Don't Stop Believin' (Season Five)
587. (6) - S5x13 - Just Give Me a Reason
588. (6) - S5x15 - Colorblind
589. (6) - S5x16 - Let's Wait Awhile
590. (6) - S5x17 - I'm the Greatest Star
591. (6) - S5x17 - Who Are You Now
592. (6) - S5x18 - Story of My Life
593. (6) - S5x18 - Piece of My Heart
594. (6) - S5x19 - Memory
595. (6) - S6x01 - Sing
596. (6) - S6x01 - Uninvited
597. (6) - S6x02 - Viva Voce
598. (6) - S6x03 - So Far Away
599. (6) - S6x04 - Rock Lobster
600. (6) - S6x05 - It Must Have Been Love
601. (6) - S6x06 - Wishin' And Hoping
602. (6) - S6x06 - Baby It's You
603. (6) - S6x07 - All About That Bass
604. (6) - S6x07 - Time After Time
605. (6) - S6x09 - Break Free
606. (6) - S6x09 - Lose My Breath
607. (6) - S6x12 - Don't Stop Believing (Pilot/2009)
608. (6) - S6x12 - I Kissed a Girl
609. (6) - S6x13 - The Winner Takes It All
610. (5) - S1x01 - You're the One That I Want (ver. 1)
611. (5) - S1x01 - Mr. Cellophane
612. (5) - S1x01 - Respect
613. (5) - S1x03 - I Wanna Sex You Up
614. (5) - S1x04 - Tonight
615. (5) - S1x10 - (You're Having My Baby)
616. (5) - S1x10 - Crush
617. (5) - S1x15 - What It Feels Like for a Girl
618. (5) - S1x17 - Ice Ice Baby
619. (5) - S1x18 - Pink Houses
620. (5) - S1x21 - Tell Me Something Good
621. (5) - S2x01 - Getting to Know You
622. (5) - S2x02 - Toxic
623. (5) - S2x07 - Conjunction Junction
624. (5) - S2x09 - The Living Years
625. (5) - S2x09 - Don't Cry for Me Argentina
626. (5) - S2x10 - You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
627. (5) - S2x12 - My Funny Valentine
628. (5) - S2x13 - I Know What Boys Like
629. (5) - S2x14 - Blame It (On the Alcohol)
630. (5) - S2x14 - Tik Tok
631. (5) - S2x14 - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
632. (5) - S2x16 - Jesus Is My Friend
633. (5) - S2x17 - All By Myself
634. (5) - S2x17 - I Follow Rivers
635. (5) - S2x19 - Nice to Meet You, Have I Slept with You?
636. (5) - S2x20 - Jar of Hearts
637. (5) - S2x22 - Yeah!
638. (5) - S2x22 - Pretending
639. (5) - S3x01 - Big Spender
640. (5) - S3x06 - Rumour Has It/Someone Like You
641. (5) - S3x10 - Moves Like Jagger/Jumpin' Jack Flash
642. (5) - S3x10 - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
643. (5) - S3x13 - You're the Top
644. (5) - S3x19 - Dinosaur
645. (5) - S3x20 - I Won't Give Up
646. (5) - S4x01 - Call Me Maybe
647. (5) - S4x02 - Gimme More
648. (5) - S4x06 - Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee
649. (5) - S4x06 - Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee (Reprise)
650. (5) - S4x08 - Gangnam Style
651. (5) - S4x09 - O Holy Night
652. (5) - S4x10 - The First Noel
653. (5) - S4x11 - Baby Got Back
654. (5) - S4x11 - I Don't Know How to Love Him
655. (5) - S4x14 - We've Got Tonite
656. (5) - S4x15 - Unchained Melody
657. (5) - S4x16 - I Still Believe/Super Bass
658. (5) - S4x17 - Wannabe
659. (5) - S4x18 - Your Song
660. (5) - S4x20 - We Will Rock You
661. (5) - S4x22 - Rainbow Connection
662. (5) - S5x01 - Yesterday
663. (5) - S5x03 - Seasons of Love
664. (5) - S5x03 - Make You Feel My Love
665. (5) - S5x08 - The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
666. (5) - S5x08 - O Christmas Tree
667. (5) - S5x09 - Don't Rain On My Parade
668. (5) - S5x12 - Raise Your Glass
669. (5) - S5x12 - Happy
670. (5) - S5x17 - Lovefool
671. (5) - S5x17 - NYC
672. (5) - S5x18 - Wake Me Up
673. (5) - S5x18 - The Rose
674. (5) - S6x01 - Let It Go
675. (5) - S6x02 - Problem
676. (5) - S6x05 - All Out of Love
677. (5) - S6x06 - I'll Never Fall in Love Again
678. (5) - S6x07 - Same Love
679. (5) - S6x10 - The Trolley Song
680. (5) - S6x10 - The Final Countdown
681. (5) - S6x11 - Chandelier
682. (5) - S6x11 - Take Me to Church
683. (5) - S6x12 - Pony
684. (4) - S1x01 - I Kissed a Girl
685. (4) - S1x08 - What A Girl Wants
686. (4) - S1x10 - Endless Love
687. (4) - S2x01 - Listen
688. (4) - S2x03 - Papa, Can You Hear Me?
689. (4) - S2x04 - With You I'm Born Again
690. (4) - S2x08 - Ohio
691. (4) - S2x08 - Sway
692. (4) - S2x13 - This Little Light of Mine
693. (4) - S2x20 - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You
694. (4) - S2x22 - As Long as You're There
695. (4) - S3x13 - Chapel of Love
696. (4) - S4x01 - Sister Christian
697. (4) - S4x20 - Little Girls
698. (3) - S1x05 - Cabaret
699. (3) - S1x08 - Thong Song
700. (3) - S3x12 - A Little Less Conversation
701. (1) - S5x05 - Blurred Lines
702. (NA) - S5x04 - Roar
8 notes · View notes
recurring-polynya · 4 years
Bleach Sword Beasts Arc Recap: Episode 260
Yuppp, it’s time for the Kazeshini Befriends a Baby episode.
Friends, I know someone’s gonna yell at me for this, but honestly, I remembered this one being better. I mean, obviously, the idea seems like comedy gold, but as I was watching it, I felt like they had this concept and then just... failed to ride with it. Like “It’s Kazeshini.... and a baby! It’s hilarious!” without actually being hilarious. Regardless, I know people would be disappointed if I didn’t cover this one, because it is beloved, so I will do my best.
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Ep opens with Hisagi Naruto-running through the woods while Kazeshini cackles, so I guess that counts as a strong start, but it’s literally just footage they re-used from the episode where they fought back during the Muramasa rebellion. I gotta say, if I went to shinigami school and trained with the blade, etc, and then found out my sword spirit was a crazy murderer who hated me and would absolutely not help me in any situation, I would take some night courses and become a shinigami bartender. I would not “deal with” some stupid death pinwheels that scared me. I would simply pursue another line of employment. I would also not get the sex number tattooed on my face, so these are just a few of the ways I am different from Hisagi Shuuhei.
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I guess that was supposed to be an actual flashback, because then it cuts to Ikkaku, Iba, Izuru, and Shuuhei running through the woods. What a friggin’ dream team. Ikkaku and Iba are on exposition duty, and thus we learn that they are off to Rukongai to fight some sword beasts who are starting shit, as is their wont. They get attacked by Kazeshini and Hisagi sighs and tells everyone else to go on ahead with exactly the same inflection as an absentee dad in an 80′s film who just remembered he can’t go to the game because he has to pick up his son from soccer practice. It’s now Kira’s turn to provide some exposition, and he explains to Iba and Ikkaku that Hisagi’s zanpakutou is, as they say, a huge bitch. He voiceovers his own flashback to the time he totally beat Kazeshini and looked super cool. Iba and Ikkaku agree: Wow. Kazeshini sure is a huge bitch.
Shuuhei and Kazeshini fight for a while, but Shuuhei is so, so tired, and finally he’s like “Dude, I am at work, can we do this later?” and Kazeshini gets mad and pouty.
I really like the next part where Hisagi runs up to some Kira and Iba who are standing around in Rukongai, which is smoking, and says “Sorry I’m late.” Ikkaku is nowhere to be seen draw your own conclusions. It is no wonder the Rukongai dwellers hate Soul Reapers, I would definitely be printing up anti-shinigami propaganda if I lived in the Rukon.
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I am sorry, I can’t stop taking screenshots of these goons, I love them. Ikakku shows up and says they were all too late, it was like this when we got here. Whatever you say, man.
Cut to a cliff where Kazeshini is gazing over the smoking town, and Haineko, Hozukimaru and Wabisuke roll in to give him some life advice. Look, the best thing about this arc is the great care and attention they give to pointedly ignoring that no one ever made up zanpakutou for some of the shinigami. Maybe you won’t notice, they say, that we never show Iba’s zanpakutou. He surely has one and it definitely has a name, look, here’s a catgirl! God, I would give my liver to get the backstory on Iba’s zanpakutou. I hope it’s just Ray Smuckles from Achewood.
It turns out this is an intervention, the other zanpakutou are as sick of Kazeshini’s shit as Hisagi is. They are literally just like “what is wrong with you man?” and then say he can’t come to the cool parties down in the zanpakutou cave anymore if he can’t get his shit together. (Do you think Byakuya is still invited to those? I mean, I am sure he doesn’t go). Kazeshini yells “You’re not MY DAD!” and jumps off a cliff.
Kazeshini attacks Hisagi again while Hisagi is in the middle of a fight with an actual sword beast. Hisagi is really fed up by this time, he’s busy and this is getting pretty tiresome (to us, the audience as well). He throws Kazeshini through a wall, yells “I don’t have time for this” and gets back to business. Kazeshini is upset because no one is paying attention to him and goes looking for Hisagi. What he finds instead is a sword beast murdering a dude. The sword beast calls Kazeshini a dog of the Soul Reapers so Kazeshini stabs him in the friggin’ face, the first time this episode we have seen Kazeshini’s commitment to murderin’ dudes. Of course, the sword beast was in the middle of his own murder at the time, and the poor dude bleeding out on the floor begs Kazeshini to take care of his infant son.
I am presuming it’s his son. He could have been stolen that baby. Maybe they were just roommates. I don’t know how babies work in Soul Society and every time I think about it, it gives me a headache. Anyway, the baby has appeared.
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To be perfectly honest, the dad didn’t even look that hurt and Kazeshini doesn’t know how much blood people are suppose to have in them, I bet he was just faking to get rid of this baby.
Kazeshini deadass looks this baby in the eyes and in a gravelly Clint Eastwood voice says “Look, kid, the only thing I am interested in is reaping lives” and I laughed my ass off, this is the actual funniest thing that happens in this episode.
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The baby starts crying because Kazeshini won’t let him touch his death pinwheels, and the Soul Reapers hear it and start to run over. Kazeshini yells “I guess I have no choice!” grabs the baby and scrams. He had... no choice. He is very committed to murders, but he had no choice but to leave the baby sitting on the ground for 30 seconds before some authority figures ran up and found it. No. Choice.
GOD, I would give anything to see Iba, Ikkaku, Kira and Hisagi try to take care of a baby. Iba would try to get the Shinigami Women’s Association to take it and they would refuse. He would put the baby in sunglasses and one of those chest wraps. Ikkaku would try to teach the baby to fight, while Kira shouted “You can’t teach a baby to fight!” Hisagi would try to read a book on childhood development and get some Bad Ideas. Eventually, Ukitake would show up and take the baby away from them. I would give you all the money in my pocket for this, Bleach writers, but NO.
Kazeshini tries to talk the baby into going off and getting a job or something, but that doesn’t work. He tries to abandon it and... fails, I guess. He goes back to the cliff where the other zanpakutou show up to laugh at him and refuse to help, as well they should.
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The baby cries because Kazeshini won’t let him touch his scythe thingies, so Kazeshini let’s him touch them. a) of all, this is not how parenting works, Kazeshini, and b) why does Kubo/whoever wrote this episode think babies love sharp objects, because this is exactly how the scene where Zaraki meets Yachiru goes. I have had babies. Do not get me wrong, babies love things they can hurt themselves with, mine particularly loved power cables, but I do not think they are generally interested in weaponry, but then again, this is Bleach, so it’s probably just a sign that this kid is going to grow up and be a Soul Reaper. I think this is the part of the episode where I started speculating where the baby would get his ‘69′ tattoo, because clearly, the cycle continues, and my husband made me shut up because he didn’t want to think about it, but search your heart, you know it’s truuuuuuuuue. If they ever do a Bleach Next Generation series, this kid better show up and he better have that tatt.
The baby pees on Kazeshini.
There’s a montage of the baby further harshing Kazeshini’s Hisagi-bothering lifestyle.
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Then, Kira tells Hisagi that “there’s a rumor going around the zanpakutou about yours.” Why are the zanpakutou telling Kira their rumors. Do Kira and Wabisuke hang out? I mean, all of these takes place within, like, 2 hours, I think? While everyone’s on a mission? I don’t care, now I’m just mad that we got robbed of a Kira & Wabisuke episode where they listened to a bunch of The Cure together and made a poetry chapbook.
Kazeshini really, really wants to fight Hisagi at this point, but the baby has fallen asleep. He tries to leave it on a roof, but the baby rolls off the roof. Maybe it’s because I have kids, I dunno, but none of these antics are really funny to me, they’re just dumb. Literally, why doesn’t he just leave it on the ground?? All of these jokes revolve around him being an idiot and not caring about the baby, but he could have not just taken it in the first place. (there’s one point where he does try to hook it on a tree branch and that was funny, because we always talked about putting hooks on the wall that we could hang the babies on, just, like, for a minute, they would have loved it). Anyway, he spots a shed on the edge of town and decides that would be the perfect spot to abandon a baby while he murders his master.
Fight time! God, I love a Scooby Doo sequence where you have different characters running up and down streets and in and out of doorways, and there is a delightful one of Iba, Ikkaku, Kira and Hisagi fighting sword beasts. I cannot believe I am more delighted by the lieutenant parts of this episode than the Kazeshini parts, but that’s just who I am now.
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We actually get to see some competent Hisagi fighting. Kazeshini is about to jump in and mess him up again, but the baby starts crying back in the shed. (it’s so far away??? How does he even hear it???)  I guess he cares now, so he runs back to go get his kid. In the meantime, a nice lady has found the baby and is attempting to comfort it, except that the moment Kazeshini slides into the doorway she... drops the baby? The baby is comforted by hugging Kazeshini’s pointy shoe, and Kazeshini realizes that perhaps this woman will be an incompetent enough parent to take over in his stead.
Oh no a sword beast attacks him from behind! I guess it’s the one I thought he killed earlier, because it says “Oh, it’s you, the Soul Reaper’s dog!” Kazeshini isn’t even good at murdering, wtf? This episode is dumb.
Anyway, Kazeshini stabs the sword beast, and it definitely dies this time. He has an intense moment of realization that saving people is almost as cool as murdering people, and tells the lady to take the baby and run. The baby cries while a very intense guitar chord plays.
Kazeshini finds Hisagi, who is killing the last of the sword beasts, and is like “Okay, I promise not to attack you from behind can we fight now?” The episode then goes full-bore D R A M A, where they say “Reap--!” at the same time and there’s a smash cut to T H E  S K Y  and a woman singing a lullaby with some haunting reverb and then it intersperses imagery of the woman comforting the crying baby in a field full of floating dandelion seeds and Kazeshini and Hisagi fighting. At this point, if the episode doesn’t end with them each dying on the ground, I am going to be deeply disappointed. (Spoiler: I am deeply disappointed).
There’s a pretty good death pinwheel-on-death pinwheel fight, although it’s short. Hisagi stans gotta take what they can get, I guess. Anyway, at least Kazeshini ends up lying in a pool of his own blood, where he mumbles “When I turn back into a regular zanpakutou... what will we fight for?” and Hisagi replies “We will fight to protect people” and Kazeshini makes this face:
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This was the second funniest part of this episode.
He turns back into swords and that’s the end.
In canon, the bit about Hisagi fearing his own blades is an interesting bit of character building, that fits in nicely with his admiration of Tousen, and the fact that he’s a bit of an artsy, writer type. It builds up the idea that Soul Reapers are not just bloodthirsty warriors, but people with morals and concerns, that they fight to protect, just like Ichigo does.
This episode in no way contributes to that idea. It’s more like the writers say, “Hey, people love Grimmjow! Let’s make a yell-y guy who likes to kill people!” Why does Kazeshini want to murder so badly? Who hurt him? He’s part of Hisagi’s psyche, but why? Why are either of them like this? In my head, prior to this, I could think of Kazeshini as a disembodied voice encouraging the escalation of violence. Hisagi was weak and powerless as a child, and then, in one of his first command positions, had a group of underclassmen in his care brutally attacked and a friend killed. I can see him having urges to go to extremes-- to get revenge, to kill monsters before they can kill innocents, but he fears these urges within himself, he fears becoming a monster.
The way this filler arc portrays Kazeshini doesn’t fit. It doesn’t work. Kazeshini is just a dirtbag who wants to kill and attack from behind and then they give him a baby and they don’t even have anything interesting to say about any of this. It’s honestly just disappointing. That’s right. I’m disappointed in you, Bleach Filler Episode about Kazeshini Toting a Baby Around. C-. It’s not quite the level of disappointment I had over the one where Renji blew up Urahara’s van, but Hisagi fans really don’t get thrown a lot of bones, and they deserve better than this.
Oh, and then in the next episode voiceover, Wabisuke theorizes that the baby was Kazeshini’s lovechild. We definitely do not have time unpack all that, so let’s end it here.
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alicedoessurveys · 4 years
Doctor Who Tag
yes im a nerd...
1. Did you like DW as a child?
I was 10 when it came back on telly with Eccleston and the first episode with the autons scared me so much my mom wouldn't let me watch it again until a couple years later, but yeah my teens I was obsessed with DW... still am at age 25
2. Your age at the time of the revival?
3. First DW episode you ever saw?
4. Did you have any of the toys?
I still have the eleventh doctor’s screwdriver... I used to have some of the figures but there in storage now somewhere
5. Which DW character did you play on the playground?
didn't play it on the playground
6. Monster(s) that scared you most as a child?
all of them! the ones that still scare me now are the Cybermen and the Autons... genuinely cant walk past a shop mannequin without being suspicious 
7. Joke/story you didn’t get as a kid?
as a kid, any of the innuendo type jokes
8. DW opinion that has changed since you were a kid?
idk I think I still have the same opinions
9. Who introduced you to DW?
10. Did you like Sarah Jane Adventures as a child?
I LOVED SJA!! I miss that show, and Elizabeth Slade :(
11. Who is your Doctor?
Ten was the doctor that made me fall in love with Doctor Who 
12. Your favourite Doctor?
omg why not just ask me who my favourite child is... (I don't have kids but you know what I mean) if I had to chose my top three are ten, eleven and thirteen
13. Least favourite Doctor?
purely just because he doesn't have enough episodes... nine...
14. Best regeneration?
none of them I hate regenerations :( they make me sad, im too emotionally invested in every single one
15. Do you like “Doctor-Lite” episodes?
they're not my faves
16. Who is the most human Doctor?
I think nine maybe? or twelve?
17. Best multi-Doctor story?
the 50th anniversary special 
18. Best Doctor monologue?
“Hello Stonehenge! who takes the pandorica, takes the universe. but bad news everyone, cause guess who? HA! You lot you're all whizzing about- its really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because I AM TALKING. Question of the hour is, who's got the pandorica? Answer, I do. Next question, who's coming to take it from me? Come on, look at me! No plan. No backup. No weapons worth a damn. oh and something else, I don't have anything to lose. So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceship with all your silly little guns and you've got any plans on taking the pandorica tonight... just remember who's standing in your way. remember ever black day I ever stopped you and then- AND THEN- do the smart thing... let somebody else try first.”
not copied and pasted, remember that from the top of my head... its always there waiting in my mind incase I ever need an epic monologue :’)
19, What do you think TenToo/MetaCrisis Doctor is doing now?
hopefully living his best life with Rose
20. Best Doctor/companion pairing?
ten and donna 
21. Favourite companion?
Donna, Clara, Amy
22. Favourite secondary companion?
is Mickey classed as secondary? idk
23. Least favourite companion?
24. Best TARDIS Team?
Doctor, Amy and Rory
25. Most underrated companion?
Graham, but that may just be cause I love Bradders
26. Most overrated companion?
Rose... I like her but idk, I think she gets more hype than she deserves.. don't @ me
27. Favourite companion’s family?
Rose’s mom
28. Who should have been a companion but wasn’t?
idk I cant think of anyone
29. Favourite (canon or non-canon) DW universe relationship?
Amy and Rory
30. Who did you not used to like, but really like now?
wasn't keen on Bill at first but by the end I really liked her, same with Rory
31. Favourite episode ever?
girl in the fireplace
32. Least favourite episode?
most of Chibnall’s episodes tbh sorry not sorry 
33. Which episodes do you skip?
the regeneration episodes
34. Best two-parter?
Human Nature - Family of Blood
35. Historical, present day or futuristic episodes?
I like them all in there own way but I think present is fave, then historical, then future
36. Episode that will always make you smile?
all of them
37. Episode that will always make you cry?
Rory and Amy’s last episode :’(
38. Best run of episodes?
ugh I cant answer this theres too many 
39. Best cliffhanger?
the end of Spyfall part one when the Master reveals who he is... I was SHOOK
40. Favourite Christmas special?
Voyage of the Damned
41. Classic Who or New Who?
new who
42. Favourite series?
four or five
43. Least favourite series?
eleven, I just cant with the writing
44. Which series do you skip?
45. Favourite series opening?
eleventh hour
46. Favourite series finale?
47. Best series arc?
Bad Wolf
48. Thoughts on series 11/12?
I adore Jodie Whittaker and her doctor, and although I think 3 companions is too many I do love Yaz and Graham (Ryan is hit & miss). I just think theyve been massively let down by the stories/writing... they’ve tried to hard to tick certain boxes and completely missed what Doctor Who is about for a lot of people.. an escape from the real world into these outrageous unbelievable but lovable fun alien adventures 
49. How much of Classic Who have you seen?
not a lot
50. Who should have had another series?
51. Favourite monster/villain?
the master 
52. Most creative monster?
Weeping Angels, whoever came up with monsters that look like statues and only move when you're not looking at them is genius 
53. Monster(s) that scares you most?
Autons, Cybermen, the creepy dolls from Night Terrors, the ones from Waters of Mars, Weeping Angels
54. Monster you think is too easy to defeat?
55. Least favourite monster/villain?
56. Monster you want to return?
The Master, I really hope that isn't the last we see of Dhawan
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
being genuinely scary, 
58. Daleks, Cybermen or Weeping Angels?
Weeping Angels
59. Best Dalek story?
Daleks in Manhatten
60. Best one time villain/monster?
my brain has gone blank I cant think of an answer right now 
61. Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures?
62. Favourite Torchwood Team member?
I haven't watched it all so I couldn't say 
63. Which Torchwood death made you saddest?
again, not watched it all 
64. Do you rewatch COE or MD?
65. Favourite SJA Team member?
Sarah Jane
66. Mr Smith or K-9?
67. Maria or Rani?
68. Do you read the comics/novels or listen to Big Finish?
69. If you do, your favourite additional stories?
70. Do you like DW analysis (video essays, fan theories, etc)?
71. Favourite piece of alien tech?
the sonic, I love how it is so multipurpose except for when it comes to wood 
72. Favourite piece of Murray Gold music?
I am the Doctor - gets me pumped every time 
73. Favourite TARDIS design?
Ten’s Tardis 
74. Has the 2005 era CGI aged well?
actually yeah, I was rewatching the ‘are you my mummy’ episodes the other day and my God when the gas masks emerged from the faces... ooooooof I was like omg how 
75. Favourite Doctor outfit?
eleven or thirteen
76. Monster with the best design?
not really a design more of a costume.. I live Dhawan master’s costume. that shade of purple, oof he so stylish 
77. Best show runner?
78. Best writer?
79. Best opening titles?
eleven’s titles where the Tardis is flying and being zapped is cool but thirteens music hits different 
80. Will DW age well/stay popular in the future?
I hope so, I feel like its lasted this long surely it can last forever.. if the writers don't fuck it up... 
81. Time period you’d want to go with the Doctor?
whatever time means Id get to wear the most beautiful costumes
82. Planet/place you’d want to go with the Doctor?
Galifrey, pre-desctruction
83. Doctor you’d most like to travel with?
any of them, please and thank you
84. Companion you’d most like to travel with?
donna, sceso a good laugh but also I feel like she’d look after me 
85. Monster you’d like to defeat/fight?
The Master 
86. If you could go back on your own history (like Father’s Day), where would you go?
back to when I was a toddler, I wanna see what I was like 
87. If you could ask the Doctor anything, what would you ask?
theres too many to ask 
88. Historical figure you’d like to meet?
89. How do you think you’d meet the Doctor?
id probably be rescued from doing something stupid and then the doc would be like you know what the bitch clearly needs supervision she's coming with me 
90. Would you travel forwards or backwards in time first?
91. Historical event would you like to see in DW?
92. Issue you’d like to see addressed in DW?
93. Who would you completely erase from the DW universe?
94. One unanswered DW question you’d love to know the answer to?
where is Clara now?
95. Actor/actress you’d like to see play the Doctor?
Phoebe Waller Bridge (or Lin Manuel Miranda)
96. Actor/actress you’d like to see play a companion?
Andrew Scott (yes I did just basically recast fleabag and hot priest)
97. Is DW “too political”?
series 11 got a bit like that 
98. Which characters fate would you changed?
Danny Pink
99. What about DW could be improved?
I think ive made my options about Chibnall pretty clear... 
100. If you could write an episode of DW, any ideas for what you’d do
bring back Jenny, the Doctor / Daughter adventures they would have. I’m actually writing a fic about it if you wanna read.... here
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Get to know me better tag!
Rules: answer 20 questions then tag bloggers you want to know better!
@the-pretentious-bastard tagged all of his followers and I’m one of em!
1. Name: Austin
2. Nicknames: Aussie, Aust, Austerino
3. Zodiac sign: Piceses
4. Height: around 5’4
5. Languages: English, some dutch, learning French
6. Nationality: American (half dutch)
7. Favorite season: Spring, it’s my birth season plus I like flowers
8. Favorite flower: All of them honestly, but I do have an affinity for roses cuz I’m basic
9. Favorite scent: Olives, I absolutely hate the taste of them but the smell makes me think of rural Italy and it makes me happy
10. Favorite color: My favorite color tends to change a lot depending on my mood but my most consistent are white gold and beige!
11. Favorite animal: Really just any kind of bird
12. Favorite fictional character: Howl from Howl’s moving castle, Gilbert Cocteau from Kaze To Ki no Uta is a close second tho
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea, coffee’s too bitter and hot chocolate burns my tongue more often than not
14. Average amount of sleep: Sleep? Don’t know her.
15. Dogs or cats: Cats
16. Number of blankets you sleep with: 1, I have a bunch of throw pillows though
17. Dream trip: To every museum and boroque palace/cathedral in Europe. Impossible? Probably. Do I care? No.
18. Blog established: last year! I’m a little baby blogger
19: followers: 64 (c’monnnn 69)
20. Random fact: When I was 5 I accidentally pulled the fire alarm at a museum......not my proudest moment, I know.
I tag @oddcrows (I’ve known you for 3 or 4 years now and we’ve already gotten passed the getting to know you part but I don’t care), @relentlesslyexisting, and @gilgamemesh
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ssa-montgomery · 4 years
Requests Are Open!
Hey everyone! Since we’re all stuck inside at the moment and I seem to have found my writing inspiration again I thought I would open up my requests again! Of course if you want to make a request you don’t have to use these so feel free to send me any requests, I just thought this might be fun! 
To make a request just send a number(s) from the list below and a ship or show! You can send me a bit of plot if you have an idea of what you would like to see but if not just send me the number! You can send me up to three prompts for one request :) You can send me the request through a message, a comment on this post or an ask.
The Fandoms I mainly write for are:
Once Upon a Time
I will write character x character and character x reader as long as the ship is legal! Of course the ship doesn’t have to be a romance ship! It can be friendship/family/enemies too.
I will complete your requests as soon as I can!
1. “You scared me!” “Well, I am naturally terrifying.”
2. “I’m fine.” “You don’t look fine.” “Then stop looking.”
3. “Where is Death when you need her?”
4. “You are all remarkably well behaved tonight. What did you do?”
5. “You look…” “Beautiful, I know. Can we move on?”
6. “Ohh so you think I’m cute when I’m angry? Well, get ready because I’m about to be GORGEOUS!!!”
7. “I don’t give a damn.” “You give so many damns they’re visible from SPACE.”
8. “Tell I’m going to die, tell me the sun is going to explode, tell me the world is ending and there’s nothing I can do about it because if I hear it’s going to be okay one more time I. Will. Scream.”
9. “I hate you.” “Why? I’m lovely.”
10. “Who are you?” “Demon to some. Angel to others.”
11. “Yeah, I have a plan.” “Is it a good one?” “I have a plan.”
12. “You love her don’t you?” “Was it that obvious?”
13. “I hate the sight of blood.” “Then maybe you shouldn’t kill for a living.”
14. “Are you sober?” “I’m moderately functional.” “I’ll take that as a no.”
15.“I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you!” “And I’m trying to subtly avoid it.”
16. “On a scale from one to ten, how bad do think it would be if-” “At least a twenty.”
17. “Well, aren’t you a little ray of pitch black.”
18. “So… I just realized … that I’ve been shot.”
19. “Did you hear that scream?” “Yes, I’m the one who screamed.”
20. “Only a fool would fall in love with someone as deadly as me.”
21. “Excuse me I have to go make a scene.”
22. “I warned you not to hurt his sister.”
23. “How does it feel, my dear? Losing the best thing that has ever happened to you.”
24. “Oh darling, you are so very broken and no cares to notice.”
25. “All that blood looks good on you. It really brings out your eyes.”
26. “I have to go … iron … my cat.”
27. “If I go through with this, I die. If I don’t go through with this, we all die.”
28. “I’m trying my best to be polite, but if you move that knife a centimeter closer to me I will tear you apart.”
29. “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.”
30. “I’m not completely human anymore. Remember that next time you want to punch me in the face.”
31. “I am either going out for ice cream, or to commit a crime. I’ll decide in the car.”
32. “Don’t think about it too much or your head might explode.”
33. “I’m with him. For better or for worse. It’ll probably be worse. I knew that the day I met him.”
34. “I don’t hate you. I hate them for turning you into this.”
35. “Loving any of us is a death sentence isn’t it?”
36. “All I know is, one of us is right. The other one is you.”
37. “Hold on, you died.” “Yeah, well it didn’t stick.”
38. “Why are they all afraid of you?”
39. “I can’t go back to sleep after that. I need coffee- no. I need a drink, a stiff one.”
40. “Just know that I love you. I love you with all of my fucked up piece of shit heart.”
41. “You here to finish me off, sweetheart?”
42. “Oh. Hello. Excuse all the blood.”
43. “Guess who came back?”
44. “I made it through the day without beating anyone with a chair. I’d say my people skills are improving.”
45. “You keep pointing that gun at me and blabbering on about how much you’ve been wanting to kill me. I’m beginning to doubt your commitment…”
46. “It’s only murder if they find the body. Otherwise, it’s just a missing person. Just saying.”
47. “I can’t do this anymore.”
48. “The worst feeling in the world is knowing you did the best you could and it still wasn’t good enough.”
49. “Because to you I am merely a monster. And in the end that’s all I ever was. ”
50. “And if I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?”
51. “You already know how this will end.”
52. “Don’t you understand? You were her happy ending.”
53. “Lord give me patience or an untraceable handgun.”
54. “Did you actually think you mattered to him? Silly girl.”
55. “You can’t love someone unless you love yourself first. Bullshit. I have never loved myself but you, Oh god, I loved you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like.”
56. “It’s okay. You don’t have to love me.”
57. “There’s someone in my head but it’s not me.”
58. “Foolish child. Thinking the stains of your sins can be washed away by your tears.”
59. “I wanted you to fight for me and you didn’t.”
60. “it’s scary what a smile can hide.”
61. “You had me at “we’ll make it look like an accident.”
62. “Is this one of those times when you want me to lie to protect your delicate emotions?”
63. “I’m surrounded by idiots!”
64. “You gotta stop doing that.” “What?” “Saying things that make me wanna kiss you.”
65. “If you’re going to get in trouble for hitting someone, might as well hit them hard.”
66. “I never said thank you did I?” “For what?” “For… well … everything.”
67. “I’ll find her and bring her home. I promise.”
68. “Dance with me and pretend the world doesn’t exist.”
69. “What are you afraid of?” “You.”
70. “You’re ok. Breathe. Just breathe. Open your eyes. Come back. It’s ok. It’s over now. You’re ok. Wake up. Please wake up. Don’t do this to me. Don’t do this to me. Don’t do this to me. I love you so fucking much. Come back.”
71. “Can I ask you a dumb question?” “Better than anyone I know.”
72. “If we’re going to get out of here, we’re going to have to work together. After that, we can go back to killing each other.” “Oh fine.”
73. “If it is destroying you, then it’s not love my dear.”
74. “ I never stood a chance, did I?” “That’s the sad part -you did once.”
75. “Eh, screw it. Let’s just blow it up and call it a day.”
76. “Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.”
77. “The problem is, if I kissed, I don’t think I don’t think I’d be able to stop.”
78. “Lie to me again.” “I love you.”
79. “Why are you avoiding me?” “Because … because I think I’m falling in love with you, okay? That’s why I’m avoiding you.”
80. “Whos ass are we kicking today?”
81. “I could strangle you.” “You aren’t tall enough.” “You’ve sunk low enough for me to reach.”
82. “Wait, did you just flirt with me?” “Have been for the past year but thanks for noticing.”
83. “Maybe I deserve someone else, but I always wanted you.”
84. “Darkness. When everything you know and love is taken away so harshly, all you can think about is angry, hatred and even revenge. And no one can save you.”
85. “For God sake! Who have you killed now?”
86. “Please point your gun at me if it helps you relax.”
87. “Tell me not to do something and I will do it twice and take pictures.”
88. “there is not enough salt in the WORLD to protect us from the hell you’re trying to unleash.” “Oh don’t be such a worrywart. The demon and I go way back.”
89. “You wanna know who’s beautiful?” “Aww who?” “Me.”
90. “In my defense, I was left unsupervised.”
91. “Wow can we just pretend, for one second, that you’re not a complete douchbag?”
92. “Are we there yet?” “Get out.” “We’re going 85-miles an hour down the highway in the middle of nowhere.” “Did I stutter?”
93. “Oh, honey, no. I love you too much to let you humiliate yourself this way.” “Bitch please, you don’t think I can beat you at Mario-kart? ”
94. “Fix me up with six cups of coffee and we’re good to go.”
95. “When someone gives you the "don’t pull your gun out of the back of your pants” nod, don’t pull your gun out of the back of your pants!“
96. "Do you feel guilty? Like, at all?” “I don’t have time to feel guilty. and neither do you.”
97. “Hey man nice tattoo.” “I don’t have a tattoo.” “Okay, how drunk were you last night?”
98. “Are you always stupid or is today a special occasion?”
99. “Literally everything about this is illegal.”
100. “I need something that’s more than coffee but less than cocaine.”
101. “Pay me enough, and I didn’t see a thing.”
102. “Sorry I hung up on you, I didn’t mean to answer the call.”
103. “Today I’m wearing a lovely shade of I slept like crap so don’t piss me off.”
104. “Hey, I didn’t kill anyone today!” “What do you want? A gold star?”
105. “Since I met him, he carries more anger and pain than a thousand armies could ever bear. He was betrayed, deceived, hurt. Believe me when I say he had already crossed hell, and the only time I saw peace in his eyes was when he saw you. You are the only reason he’s still alive.”
106. “Touch her, and you’ll learn exactly what’s worse than death.”
107. “I don’t want to look like a princess, I want to look like a formerly evil queen who reluctantly redeemed herself for the side of good.” “You read too much.” “Damn right I do.”
108. “You’re not as evil as people think you are.” “No. I’m much worse.”
109. “No. Not you. Anyone but you.”
110. “One of the hardest things you will ever have to do, my love, is to grieve the loss of a person who is still alive.”
111. “It goes away, that ache in your chest when you hear his name.”
112 “I feel like everything in my life has led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets. Everything. And when we’re together, my past seems worth it, because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you.”
113. “Don’t go.”
114. “If he cared, he would have made an effort.”
115. “You love him, don’t you?” “He’s not mine to love.” “But you still do?” “More than she ever will.”
116. “This is what, the third time I’ve crashed my own funeral?” “Fifth.” “Really? That many?”
117. “Y’know… that’s not what an apology sounds like.” “Bite me.”
118. “Don’t try to shut me out of this. I’ve been here since day one. I’m more a part of this than you are.”
119.”…. At least the snow’s pretty.”
120. “Don’t give me attitude, darling. I have one of my own.”
121. “I want you to remember you deserve this.”
122. “I’ve lost count of how many times you’ve died in front of me.”
123. “I don’t care if I  don’t get any sleep tonight. As long as I can be there for you.”
124.  “I should have told you a long time ago.”
125. “Letting you go was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”
126. “Silly girl,  can’t you see the truth right in front of you? This is his little kingdom, and you’re not the Queen anymore.
127. “If we get arrested, it’s your fault.”
128. “Wow, I can’t believe I said that out loud, please excuse me while I go die of embarrassment.”
129. “How sweet, sacrificing yourself for her, when did you get a heart?”
130.  “Let me go! I can still save them!”
131. “She’s my best friend. That hasn’t changed.” “It’s clear you feelings for her have.”
132. “You made your choice and I made mine. Just because you can’t live with yours doesn’t mean you should shame me for living with mine.”
133. “If someone gets nosy just .. you know … shoot ‘em.” “Shoot ‘em?” “Politely.”
134. “Show me your scars.” “But.. why?” “I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn’t there.”
135. “It’s okay, it’s over now.” “No it’s not. It hasn’t even begun.”
136. “It’s like you want to ruin men/women for me.”
137. “Look. I’m glad you’ve saved everyone and all that, but it’s time someone told you to take care of you.” “I’m fine.” “No you’re not and furthermore, if you don’t take care of you think of all the people who will need you in the future who won’t have you.”
138. “I want you. Right here. Right now”
139. “Tell me what you want.”
140. “You look so fucking hot right now.”
141. “You say “I hate you.” But all I hear is “fuck me.”
142. “You think you’re the boss of me just because you’re hot?”
143. “You make me feel .. you make me feel and I don’t like it. I want it to stop. Now”
144. “You survived what you thought would kill you. Now straighten your crown and move foward like the Queen you are.”
145. “What I lack in common sense I make up for in sarcasm.”
146. “Because I am the big brother. I’m sorry I wasn’t better at it until now.”
147. “Aw look at ‘em - so young and willing to get themselves killed.”
148. “You’re kind of turning me on.”
149. “Studies show that I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
150. “You alienated everyone you loved , and now? You’re all alone.”
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neonstarz · 4 years
uuuuuhhhh ok here we go! These are for Fried Egg, Samuel, and I’m incredibly curious about Opal so this is also for them! Number wise, 6,9,26, 32, and 50!! Totally not asking about their fashion sense because I feel like they all are incredibly stylish and I want to be like some of them what noooo ahahah
LOOOOL 69 <3 also ur incredibly valid in wanting to look like some of them i try and give my ocs as much drip as humanly possible
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Fried Egg was kind of .. absolutely incredibly average in school. She kept her head down and tried to get good grades and not cause trouble. She dropped out when she ran away, though. Albert, the guy who owns the diner, is trying to enroll her in school again though. She liked art class and hated math.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
animals in general don't really love fried egg but bacon is the exception 
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
copy n pasted from another ask: she goes like >:) a lot. she is not a super expressive person tho and like its kind of hard to tell what mood shes in most of the time. she doesn't actively suppress her emotions, when she ran away she promised herself she wouldn't lie about herself and how she felt, but she just naturally isn't very expressive. 
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like? 
she wears a lot of band t shirts and black jeans. that is pretty much her entire wardrobe. she has a few things that Albert bought when she first started living in the diner that are like.. stereotypical cishet girl clothing and while fried egg would not be caught dead wearing them she refuses to throw them out because they were a gift and it makes her happy thinking about how little hesitation Albert had before he just started taking care of her. When she has extra money she’ll shop at hot topic but for the most part she thrifts her clothes. She didn't bring a whole lot of money with her when she ran away and Albert’s diner does not make an insane amount so she is not really rolling in dough. She wears a tank top and pajama pants to sleep! She doesn’t wear makeup, it irritates her skin. Her hair is about waist length and neon yellow ! She has bangs that she lets grow out so they cover her eyes for the most part.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
KJASDFKLS she already did that so im just gonna. tell you what she brought with her when she ran away. The only clothing she brought was a flannel and pair of jeans, and her emotional support black hoodie. She brought about $200 with her, enough for 2 weeks of food and a bit of public transportation. She brought some beef jerky and those tuna cans that come with crackers and plastic spoons and an apple with her too, just enough food to keep her going for the first few days before she could stop and go shopping. she brought her phone with, after factory resetting it. Although if she had to leave and take one bag of stuff with her NOW she would also bring Egg, some food for Egg, and some creamer packets from the diner. 
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
when samuel was at the oakley academy of alchemy he was a very different person. he was very withdrawn and focused on being the perfect kid the perfect student. he didn't love the academy, it was a very conservative school full of other stuffy rich kids trying to be the best. a very competitive environment. he didn’t enjoy any of his language arts classes, but he did like basic/intermediate general alchemy, history of fine arts, and resource collection and identification. samuel dropped out of the university in his 2nd year, when he was 16. 
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
samuel’s SO fuckin good with animals. he has a dog!! an Australian shepherd, named Bo!! animals just naturally trust samuel and like to be around him.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
samuel likes to hum and sing under his breath when he's happy!!! 
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
he likes to wear knit sweaters and those super fancy extravagant old timey white button ups, with the flared sleeves and ruffles on the collar and everything. except he wears them in a cool and gay way not in a like. im part of high society way. he also likes to wear dresses sometimes especially for parties with dancing. he likes how skirts flare out. big brand clothing stores don't exist, people get their clothes from tailors, so he just gets his clothing from the local tailor. he does knit his own sweaters though!!
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
what is it with me and characters who run away god. anyway when samuel ran away he brought a fuck ton of gold, enough food to last a week, his bow and arrow, a photo of his parents (that he later threw in a river because fuck those bitches), his hunting knife, a journal, and a few pencils. i think if he had to get up and leave now tho, he just... wouldn't. he's built a life in the tiny town in the far lands, he’s healing, he's found a family and he’s in love, i don't think he could bring himself to leave. 
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
she was kind of shit in school. she managed to get good enough grades to get into medical school, although she dropped out, but she caused a lot of trouble and tended to get in trouble a lot. she was kind of neutral on school. she liked anatomy classes a lot, especially the ones that involved dissecting cadavers. she didn’t like ela though. 
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
animals do NOT trust her. vibes are RANCID
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
she has this.. little smirk she does. her expression of emotions is always kind of lowkey though she tries to keep this air of like,,,,, neutrality and kind of stay formal and cool 
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
she dresses SO fucking fancy. her clothes are from like. idk where do rich people shop?? im sexy and poor. she likes what she wears!!! she wears those weird old timey pajamas with the fuckin stripes and embroidered intials to sleep. she wears makeup!! she likes black lipstick and red eyeshadow. her hair’s brown and she has a buzzcut 
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
money <3 she has found that like. really all she needs in life to get what she wants is just insane amounts of money so she would just. bring money.
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vohalika · 5 years
hello, this is random but.. could u please tell me some of your fav things about vex? i don't often see people who Really Like Vex and we need more of that
Well, well, well, anon.
I have literally no idea how long it has been since you asked this of me, but rest assured I have not forgotten! Well, okay, I had for a while, then I saw it again and was like “oh, right, huh… And would you look at that, I’m about 100 posts away from 100,000… Wouldn’t that be a good one…”
So. Here we are! An unstructured rambling of all the reasons I really, really love Vex, somewhere between superficial and embarrasingly personal, to celebrate this arbitrary number of things I have spread around on this hell site.
Okay, first of all, the only thing Laura had to say to Kit Buss for the official art was “make her hot”. That is a Statement. And boy did Kit and also everyone deliver on that.
Like seriously. I didn’t use to be a fan of feathers in hair or white armor, but good god does she make it work.
Hey, I said this was going to be extremely superficial
Another thing I really didn’t use to like, twins. Overdone and usually poorly executed. But our girl made a Point out of being as different from her twin as she could be while at the same time being completely believable siblings.
I swear to god I’ll do my absolute best to mention Vax as little as possible. This is not about him.
Third thing I really couldn’t stand! The one, usually female, team member with a pet! Closely related to the one with the nature powers! I don’t know, these just always rubbed me the wrong way in media before, probably because I also never really cared for shows or movies about animals. Fight me.
And yet here she is, and she is not the “won’t somebody think of the children animals!” type of gal and Trinket is amazing and it still ties into her personality on a larger scale without being preachy.
I have a fourth thing. I also really don’t care for elves, ever. Everybody hates them. And then she turns around and makes me cry about the elf thing. Good god.
Yes, watching the first episode way back when was an uphill battle. There’s a reason I started with episode 69 and then watched the rest.
Vex has the best worst sense of humor. No, really. I’m not even talking about that time she made a comment about the boy with the shot off fingers not having much of a future as a musician. But I’m also talking about that. And that time Scanlan tried having a meaningful monologue about having a daughter now. “I’ve defined most of my life by the people I slept with, and now…” - “Well, technically, this is still kinda defined by that.”
(Shoutout to Percy “I was just thinking that”)
Also, “We don’t do anything with dignity”, “I only serve gods with big dicks”, “You might live forever, but you will still be fucking ugly”? Girl is iconic, even if her sense if humor is usually pretty inappropriate for the given situation, she just can’t help it. I relate.
On a related note, it is so easy to play a similar archetype and have her just be this always dignified and above the humor kind of stuck-up. It’s basically how most people would have written her (and a certain someone did). But not our girl, oh no.
Also, I recently made a post about this, but we really, really don’t talk enough about how she’s just the leader of the party. She is. No, really, lower your bitch sticks, y’all. She’s the one to talk to the most NPCs, she’s the one to usually say go, and everyone just naturally adheres to her. It’s never forced, it’s never an “I, as the leader” moment, and she doesn’t try to wrestle her way into the role. It’s just what happens naturally.
Which also means she’s good at stepping back and letting other people shine for a bit. But still, Vex is the reason they didn’t just flounder around like a chicken without its head after Scanlan left. Laura was late to two sessions in campaign one; the first one was already in an extended battle scene, and the other was literally spent in a bedroom in hell waitinig for Vex to tell them what to do.
This is why scholars are generally of the opinion that Vex is the only Top in VM. And also what intellectuals refer to as Big Dick Energy.
Let’s talk about what the assholes call Greed. Yes, Vex is, out of all of them, the most pre-occupied with gold and loot. But she NEVER hoards anything for herself, never spends any of her own gold on herself even until the timeskip, leave alone the party funds.
She looks out for the interests of the group, makes sure they get the best possible deals and are paid what they are owed. And she’s the only one to ever worry about money, too, whereas everyone else never bothers to think about it. Hence why her and Vax split the cost of paying their staff after the party spent all the funds early on.
Look, I find her worries very indicative of growing up in poverty with her mom, than surrounded by rich and important people but locked out of the loop, and then poor and on the road again with Vax. I find it very relatable, and everyone who claims that looking out for the financial well-being of the party is “greedy” is lucky enough to never have had to worry about eating next month while also making rent.
There’s Safety In A Fist Full Of Diamonds, okay?
No really I need y’all to read that and send it to the annoying bitches who complain.
Vex is literally never stingy when it comes to helping people with the money she made sure they have. Remember how she didn’t even flinch at spending a five digit number to free angel boy slaves?
WHICH LEADS ME TO ANOTHER POINT. Vex. Vex has a serious hoarding problem. But not when it comes to money of earthly possessions. No. When it comes to PICKING UP STRAYS.
It’s how she got Trinket.
It’s how she got the angel babies.
It’s what she tries to do with the grey render baby.
It’s what she suggested they do with the dragon eggs in the Raishan fight
I have no idea how she hasn’t adopted her own zoo by the time VM forms. Though I can totally see her opening orphanages in Whitestone, both for people and animals and creatures of all kinds, really.
Remember when she was the only one to protest the punching of a spectral ghost cow?
The hardships of her youth made her, yes, very afraid of being out of money, but also made her compassionate as fuck. She’s always down with helping people even if there’s little to no coin in it, okay? Stop overlooking that, assholes.
SPEAKING OF COMPASSION. Remember what her original beef with the Vasselheim potion seller was? That he took advantage of Grog being intellectually challenged. Which is what he did! Blatantly so! And he wasn’t the least bit sorry about it!
I mean, I bet he is by now, but, you know. Karma.
When Laura says Vex just wanted justice and then everyone else escalated that scene she is goddamn right, rewatch your own footage Matthew.
Oh god do I have to talk about broomgate now. I don’t want to talk about broomgate.
Broomgate is literally the only time in the entire series that Vex ever takes something for herself. Was it the morally right thing to do? Maybe not. Though to keep in mind that a) Hardwick is a piece of shit, b) they literally met Gern when he had the skeletons of Kiki’s dead civilization dancing for him; Vax shanked Nothics for less, c) and this was hot off the heels of fighting a necromancer in the last big arc, too, d) they were on a mission to kill dragons. That fly. With no method of flying for the majority of the party. Vex always intended to use the broom for that purpose, so you could make the legal argument of commandeering it instead of stealing, and, finally, e) SHE HAD JUST FUCKING DIED
Why do we never talk about that
Other characters get cut all the slack for what they do after just dying
Other characters get cut all the slack when they steal from other guests
Other characters get cut all the slack when they withhold loot for the party
Hey, while we’re at dying. Remember how Vex spent the day after she, literally, died, trying to make sure the person who was to blame for her death was okay? She did that. And Percy was uncomfortable with it, visibly so, but also too guilty to call her out here.
And no one. NO ONE. EVER. Bothered to check in on how she felt after dying.
Vax made it all about the sacrifice he made, Percy felt too guilty, NO ONE ELSE CARED.
And what does she do? Soldier on. Try and cheer Vax up and support him in any way she can.
Honestly, learning the Raven Queen book by heart and then telling him that being the champion of a god is really fucking cool? Relatable. Relatable as fuck. You go girl.
And TO THIS DAY. ACROSS TWO CAMPAIGNS. Vex has been the only one. THE ONLY ONE. To EVER check up on someone after they died. Jester might eventually be the second one, but, you know. I am a big advocate for post-death and just post-big-battle-in-general aftercare cuddle piles or whatever. Someone tell the cast to implement that immediately.
And while we’re at death, let’s talk about THE DARKNESS
There are dark facets to her character. Vex never makes her own issues everyone else’s problem and they go largely unadressed, but they’re there.
Saundor brought up the story about how she got Trinket and had to kill for the first time while doing so.
(Sidenote: Saundor doing more research into her character than an actual writer is extremely telling.)
That was definitely traumatic for a young girl and I don’t mean to dismiss that, but that’s also the part I can understand Vax dismissing when they talk about it later on. They do kill a lot of people after that and this was self-defense, so hey, okay. Fine.
That short story was indicative of many other things that torment Vex. Mostly her low sense of self-worth.
Like, her entire inner monologue is centered around how stupid she was for getting into this situation in the first place (= for being taken advantage of by criminals at the tender age of probably like 15), and how this would never have happened to Vax, who was away in the city to take care of them.
And we see that low sense of self-worth bleeding into Vex’s character throughout the campaign. That’s part of the reason why she spends the day after her first death making sure everyone else is okay. That’s also part of the reason she blames herself for Scanlan leaving and acts like she’s completely fine when he returns just so he’ll stay.
Honestly that short story is so insightful and explains so much about her, I don’t know how anyone could claim to have any grasp on her character without reading it.
(Also, Laura should write more, she’s talented)
Now a significant part of her self-worth issues obviously also ties back into her time at Syngorn. I can just hear people getting out their tiny violins, oh, waaah, she wasn’t one of the rich, cool kids in elf school, poor her.
But that’s not entirely it?
Like, just that is already plenty to fuck a person up. I’ve been there, too.
But let’s just say the fact that her dad was also cold towards them and acted like they were unworthy is a BIG part of what fucked her up. Call it daddy issues if you feel like being dismissive about a genuinely traumatizing upbringing, but that’s how it is.
And don’t get me wrong, if this were the traumatic childhood olympics, it’s not exactly up there and relatively tame for the background of a character in a fantasy story, but it is very true to life and extremely relatable, and Laura just executes it so well. So, so well.
That’s part of what makes the entire stretch of Feywild episodes so great. From what we see of Vax’s reaction later on, Percy is the only person she ever talked to about this - or at least the only one who ever listened - and he immediately got it. And instead of yelling at her about how amazing she is, he did something to make her feel better about herself. Without making it about himself, by the way.
I enjoy a fake married plotline as much as the next gal, but Percy giving her a title she’d have to earn by her own merits is soooo much more meaningful than just putting a fake ring on her, okay?
Yes, at the end of the day, this is basically a Cinderella fantasy. So what? No, really. One of the best things about Vex and her arc is that it validates feeling upset about not measuring up in superficial, material ways. And it validates getting your come-uppance. These are, as mentioned above, experiences that can really mess with a person, but we’re usually supposed to be above it all because money and titles don’t make you happy.
Also something only people who never struggled financially can say/believe unironically and without specifying.
Hell, that’s about 70% of the reason I’m considering getting a Ph.D. if I happen to get the grades.
I’m also not a big fan of the term daddy issues, but I can’t deny that this is a thing here
not the thing they went into the Feywild for, buuuut
So. Remember when Laura said during the campaign wrap up that Vex thought of Scanlan as a father figure and everyone was like whaaaaat? And I was like ahahahaha, I knew it.
This is so tragic, really. Because she tried so hard so many times to help Scanlan and be nice to him and he just brushed her off. And then she’s the one who volunteers to spend the night all by herself in some dirty pub far, far away after opening up to his daughter about her own issues to bring him back alive, and then gets yelled at, and never apologized to.
And then he comes back and tries to erase her memory and not only is that never even brought up, she also just doesn’t even think she might be owed an apology because a) she still blames herself for him leaving because, you know, they never really talked out what happened there and b) she’s just too happy for at least that father figure returning to them to make much of a fuss about it, and Percy, bless his heart, TRIES, but it’ll take a few more years of marriage to talk through all of her issues
And like. I am not wild about anything that happens after episode 99. If I’m known for anything in this fandom on this platform it’s probably for that time I was really into the Ioun discourse, which I still stand by, btw. And I personally would have preferred for Vex to maybe get someone like Sehanine as her patron, as fitting as giving her yet another unworthy and disapproving father figure in her life might be
But there is also something somewhat gratifying about everyone talking about how great she is. And she had been sort of working for Pelor before that. Also, the headcanons about her having sun spots or starting to glow when she gets emotional after this are amazing.
So I made my peace with that. She deserves better, but hey, she always does.
She is so smart. So extremely smart. People roll their eyes at her battle plans and say it’s all Travis feeding Laura information, but Travis fed her nothing that time she schmoozed up to the Briarwoods while also making herself appear extremely superficial and unthreatening. Honestly. That dinner scene? Prime Vex. Amazing Vex.
Her battle plans are also so good. Pokeball-ing Grog out of the kill box? Using the Goristro against Vorugal to save the party a trip into the abyss? The only plan of Vox Machina that ever worked out basically perfectly? Amazing. And even IF Travis told Laura these ideas, that means literally nothing in relation to how smart Vex is.
And btw I don’t believe that for a second. People just aren’t good with acknowledging that sometimes, D&D playing women might actually have good ideas.
And she just is so street smart. With her skills, her battle plans, and just her way of handling people. There’s a reason she is the natural leader when it’s not someone’s turn in the spotlight at the time.
Like, the two things holding her back were that her class was extremely underwhelming, so much so that it got completely revamped in the Unearthed Arcana to make up for how bad it was in the PHB, and the fact that she just. Has, what. 1.5 episodes of her own storyline? Even Pike got 2. It’s amazing that I can even say this much about her with how little narrative focus she got throughout the series. And most of what she did was literally due to Percy using his plot clout and putting a foot in the door to force her into the spotlight.
Speaking of which. Percy’s best quality, next to being self-aware of how fucked up he is and actively trying to do better and be kept in check, is how he realizes Vex is the coolest, smartest, most amazing person around and treats her accordingly. The way she deserves to be treated.
Oh hey I mentioned to get this far without even mentioning the romance arc. And oh my god THE ROMANCE ARC. The pining. The slow burn. And the fact that we actually saw them together and later married for like 35 episodes. They were so good for each other.
And yes, PERCY WAS GOOD FOR HER. And Vex was not his therapist and manic pixie dream girl. None of that bullshit here. Percy was already firmly on the path to being better before he even considered that crush he has had on her for forever to turn into something more.
And by he was good for her I mean that he actually UNDERSTOOD her and where she was coming from. Refer again to the titling issue, where Vax is just confused and kind of pissed, Percy got it. And that’s important.
Something I have not made a post about so far, by the way, is also something people have called problematic and co-dependant is how Percy shares his darker impulses with Vex in hopes she’ll talk him out of it. Which she does, and it’s never hard, but that also means so much to her? Because he involves her and tells her exactly what is going on with him and values her opinion? And that is just exactly what she needs? And they’re so good? THEY’RE SO GOOD.
This is more on Laura, admittedly, but also, it was just so great to see her unapologetically pursuing this romance? There’s a place at the table for a 72 episode slow burn, and she’s gonna go for it, and there’s nothing any of the dudebros who are just here for the fighting can do about it.
And also Vex is just so unapologetically sexual at the same time. From episode 1 onwards, really, and in general and just limited to Percy. And no one ever treats that as weird or bad or anything. It’s just who she is and that’s great.
And she fought. So hard. For that happy ending of hers. Kicking and screaming, against the world and against Taliesin’s determination that Percy is irredeemable and not capable of getting a happy ending. Defy that auctorial intent, my girl. You deserve it.
Seriously. Seeing her get that happy ending against all odds was unfathomably gratifying and validating and I’ve never connected to any single character or narrative at large for that matter this much and this intimately, and considering how I came across this story at one of the darkest times in my life, I probably never will feel so strongly connected to anything ever again.
Which is probably for the best, but hey. 
Aaaand there you go. An almost unstructured, epically long list of reasons I love Vex. Dammit, I talked about other characters way more than I intended, buuuut hey. That’s how it goes when you’ve got an ensemble piece, they’re all kinda interwoven.
Thank you this wonderful ask, anon, and reason to celebrate my 100,000th post on this site in style.
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princessanneftw · 5 years
The Crown's Erin Doherty on playing Princess Anne – the voice, the hair and the style
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By Caroline Leaper, Senior Fashion Editor for Stella Magazine.
As she joins acting royalty for the new series of the hit TV show, the actress discusses her transformation into a princess and just how long it takes to create THAT ’do
Erin Doherty is explaining how much fun it is to pretend to be very, very posh when you’re not. In the lead-up to playing Princess Anne in the new season of the hit Netflix drama The Crown, she says that she spent days practising her best royal voice in mundane scenarios, and offers to order a smoothie at the café we’ve met in ‘as Anne’, by way of demonstration.
‘Anne’s accent, and the whole family’s accent, is so weird,’ she laughs, snapping back into her own south London dialect. ‘It’s alien to me, I’ve never heard anyone else talk like that. My natural voice is the opposite. I watched YouTube videos and would practise when ordering a coffee, or speaking to people I didn’t know. The reactions were brilliant; I’m looking casual with this crazy posh voice coming out of me.’ Indeed, today she looks quite unroyal in her Breton top, khaki trousers and Birkenstocks.
Playing the Princess Royal is Erin’s first major television role. The 27-year-old from Crawley had a small part in the BBC adaptation of Les Misérables this year, and appeared in an episode of Call the Midwife back in 2017, but has otherwise stuck to the stage, graduating from Bristol Old Vic Theatre School to The Young Vic and The Old Vic, after being hailed a rising star of her generation. She is palpably excited about being in The Crown, and refreshingly honest about how she’s ‘winging it’ on one of the most anticipated TV shows of the year. She does, I should say now, deliver an incredibly convincing Anne. When casting director Nina Gold told her she had got the part, she celebrated by having a curry.
The Crown season three will span more than a decade, from 1964 to 1977, warranting an all-new cast to play the ageing royals. 
Olivia Colman picks up from Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth, Tobias Menzies follows Matt Smith’s Duke of Edinburgh and Helena Bonham Carter takes over from Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret. We’ve reached the years when the Queen’s children are coming of age; Erin’s Anne is in her late teens when we meet her, and is full of fantastically feisty opinions about being ‘launched’ as an adult in the Royal family.
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We all know the plot, or so we think, as The Crown is based on real events. But the brilliance of the show is that we don’t know which bits of history creator Peter Morgan will zoom in on. Season three might cover the time when, in 1974, Ian Ball attempted to abduct Anne and hold her to ransom for £3 million. (‘Not bloody likely,’ she famously said to her kidnapper, and her father Prince Philip quipped, ‘She would have given him a hell of a time in captivity...’). We might get to see Erin in bridal attire, as Anne’s first wedding to Captain Mark Phillips took place in 1973.
Erin is tight-lipped about which events do and do not make the cut. ‘You know what happens to Anne,’ she says. ‘It’s not hard to guess. But Peter makes these people so fascinating because of the way he focuses on stories which might not have been the headlines everyone remembers.’
Anne’s story, Erin says, was largely unknown to her before she began researching ahead of her audition. ‘Princess Anne, honestly, didn’t mean anything to me,’ she explains. ‘Like a lot of people who grow up in Britain, I think, [the Royal family was] always just there. My family watched the Queen’s speech at Christmas, but other than that, you feel a bit removed from it. I had to research her and then I realised, wow, this woman is awesome. I fell in love with her.’
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Anne’s reputation as the reluctant, truculent royal, who was more interested in riding horses than wearing ballgowns and playing the part, has come good of late. Where once the tabloid press dubbed her ‘rude’, ‘dowdy’ and ‘austere’, her dependability, cracking wit and commitment to public duty now see her celebrated as the most hard-working royal each year (she completed 180 days of engagements in 2018, 20 more than Prince Charles). And her never-wavering signature style suddenly chimes with the fashion industry’s new drive for more sustainable shopping. ‘At 69, Princess Anne’s country-chic look and penchant for rewearing couldn’t be more on trend,’ a fellow fashion editor of this newspaper wrote back in August.
Erin discovered pretty quickly that her new ‘family’ is full of eccentric, fun and 
complex characters. In one of her first scenes, she is sitting around a television with the Queen and Princess Margaret for tea, cigarettes and whisky, to watch Royal Family, the famously ill-fated 1969 BBC documentary (the reception to it was so bad that it was banished after airing, with the press suggesting director Richard Cawston’s fly-on-the-wall approach had ‘cheapened’ the monarchy). In real life, of course, that meant cosying up with her new co-stars, a cast of national treasures and Oscar-winners.
‘Scenes like that were surreal, but everyone was so normal on set,’ Erin says. ‘Seeing someone like Helena be so calm and cool has been a gift. What makes it weird is that I then go home to my houseshare and my housemates are like, “Your job is insane, did you see Olivia Colman today?” I obviously can’t tell her that they love her in Fleabag every day, that would be weird. And ultimately I’m trying to be like her daughter and build this relationship up with her, so the main goal for me is to forget about the fact that she is Olivia Colman. My dad is the worst for it, he took a flight and texted me, “I’ve just seen Olivia Colman doing the BA safety advert – tell her she’s great in it.”’
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As well as the voice, the other thing to get right when becoming Anne was the hair. Today, Erin’s hair is soft, straight and centre-parted. She says it takes a lot of work to mould it into the Princess Royal’s trademark style each day.
‘The hair takes a solid hour and a half,’ she laughs. ‘Most of that time is spent backcombing and setting it with hairspray. Sometimes if it’s not poofy enough, we have to use a sponge doughnut underneath to hold it up more. I’m no wiser as to how she actually does hers. It must be pretty solid, as she doesn’t change it much.’
In Anne’s youth, Erin points out, the Princess typically only set half of her head, leaving some hair down and smooth at the back. For season four, though, which started filming this month, Erin is expecting to double her time in the hair chair, as Anne switches to her mainstay full halo. ‘It takes even more time if she’s wearing any sort of a hat,’ she groans. ‘I brace myself if it’s a hat day.’
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Costume was crucial to Anne’s character. This season of The Crown will revisit the Princess’s fashion heyday in the ’60s and ’70s, when she wore sharp checked suiting and chic flares, and was photographed by Norman Parkinson in the era’s Pucci-esque saturated floral prints. Costume designer Amy Roberts recreates some of Anne’s most memorable outfits – many of which would still look relevant and stylish today.
‘She was so on-trend in the 1960s and ’70s. She figured out her style at that age and she has stuck with it ever since,’ says Erin. ‘I created a Pinterest board of her outfits and I saw this amazing thing of Anne throughout the years, reusing her gowns, sometimes rocking it again 20 years later. I love that about her. She must not get rid of anything.
‘My favourite outfit, though,’ she continues, ‘is the one in the first scene you’ll see from me. The idea is that her parents have just pulled her away from riding and she’s 
angry and stressy, so I’m wearing riding boots and stomping around.’
Erin understood that, of all the looks, this would likely be the one that the Princess Royal herself would favour too. ‘So often she’s in these amazing ballgowns, but you can tell that this would be her preference,’ she says. ‘It just feels more like her. Because of her sporting side, I don’t think she gets enough credit as a style icon. You meet some people who remember that she was fashionable, but a lot are like, nope, she’s just horses.’
Ah, the horses. For Olympic athlete and European eventing champion Anne, riding has been a passion since childhood. For Erin, it was a case of all the equestrian gear and no idea.
‘I’d never been horse riding before filming this, it was the first time I’d ever put on jodhpurs,’ she admits. ‘After my initial meeting with the casting team, my agent rang and was like, “Are you OK with horses?” The part was still in the balance, so I said, “Yeah, of course I am.” As soon as I put the phone down I thought 
I can’t believe I’ve just said that. It’s notorious that actors will say they can do something and learn how later, isn’t it? I was petrified. Luckily I had 
a bit of time, so it’s sorted now and I can ride.’
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Horses may not have been on the agenda for Erin growing up, but football was. ‘I was pretty good – I was scouted to play for Chelsea,’ she says. ‘I really hated school, so I lived for the weekends; I’d play football on a Sunday morning, and then in the afternoon I would go to stage school. When I was about 14, the schedule was getting so intense that my dad said I needed to choose one. I still do my keepy-uppies in the garden. I’d love it if someone remade Bend It Like Beckham – I’d be totally prepared for that part.’
Erin is one of three children (she has an older sister and a younger brother), and her mother, a retired medical practice administrator, and father, who works in airline operations, split up when she was four and now, respectively, live in Guildford and Folkestone. She’s living in south-east London in a houseshare with strangers who have become friends, and who work in entirely different fields. She grew up, she says, happily hanging around in Croydon wearing a tracksuit. ‘That was our best town to go to with your friends.’
When The Crown was first released, the original cast found themselves famous around the world. Appetite for the show is especially high in the US where, as Erin points out, ‘they flip for the royals.
‘It exploded for the last cast didn’t it?’ she considers. ‘They’re all pretty high-profile now. It’s mental what could happen, but I’m really not prepared for it and I also don’t think it’s healthy to expect it. Imagine thinking your world is going to change then nothing happens, that would be heartbreaking. I don’t think people would really recognise me in the street anyway, I look quite different when I’m not made-up with the hair.’
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Claire Foy and Vanessa Kirby, particularly, benefited from the magazine covers and fashion status that came with the territory, as designers from Erdem to 
Gucci vied to dress them on the red carpet.
‘I’ve never really done a red-carpet event,’ Erin says. ‘I was speaking to my publicist and I think we’re going to get a stylist to help. Honestly, these conversations are so alien to me. It’s actually more intimidating to do these things where you have to be yourself. I can get very anxious and I’m more of an introvert if I’m not acting, so the simpler these things are and the less I have to think about what I look like, the better.’
Her photo shoot with Stella is the first that she’s done, an experience that she enjoyed, she says, because she was able to treat it like playing a role.
In her own life, comfort takes priority. ‘My style is pretty androgynous,’ she says, ‘I’m all about not abiding by gender norms, not because I have any particular view of myself that way, but I like messing things around and trying different things. I’ve always been sporty and I’m drawn to clothes that are baggy. What I hope is that you’ll still be able to see me [even when I’m dressed up on the red carpet] and I’ll look back and think this whole experience was amazing and fun, not a surreal period of my life that I didn’t really live in.’
It will be surreal, probably. But Erin seems to have put in the work to ensure that her portrayal isn’t a caricature, and she has got under the skin of one of the nation’s famously-hardy senior royals. She did weeks of research, listened to the historians on set, nailed that voice and even investigated Anne’s Chinese zodiac sign, just in case it gave a crumb of insight to work with. ‘Anne’s a metal tiger,’ she confirms.
Talented, funny, hard-working and, crucially, not at all starstruck by the royals. It is, likely, exactly what the Princess Royal herself would want from the person deemed tough enough to play her.
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lovelytonys · 5 years
100 great things about megamind
basically i just watched megamind and wrote down everything that made me go “hey that’s good”
1. The opening monologue slaps I literally do not care about your “cliches” it’s GOOD
2. “8 days old and still living with my parents...pathetic right?”
3. The idea that Megamind is inherently good since his origin story should have been his dad saying he’s destined for “greatness” but the greatness got cut off uwu
4. Literally just the fact that Megamind was about to go to the Rich Nice House and his destiny changed at the last second,,,everything about this movie makes it a cinematic masterpiece
5. “A baby! How thoughtful!” “yes yes I saw it and thought of you”
6. “While they were learning the itsy bitsy spider I was learning how to dehydrate objects and rehydrate them at will”
7. When you hear the Bad to the Bone guitar riff kick in,,,,,,heck yeah babey!!
8. J.K Simmons is here! yeah!
9. Will Ferrell’s voice acting is literally SO darn good like even just from the beginning,,, the funny affectation of whatever kind of accent that is,,,,,the expressiveness of literally everything he says,,,,,I’m not actively a fan of Will Ferrell or anything but he just did a good job ok
10. “His heart is an ocean inside a bigger ocean”
11. Idk why but I just love the phrase “you fantastic fish you”
12. Metro Man is such a fun character. Like. A hero who shouldn’t be a hero, but he just….is one? Someone who’s idol-worshipped and, despite his grandeur, doesn’t exactly deserve it?
13. MEGAMIND’S CHARACTER DESIGN IS LITERALLY SO GOOD like the vivid colors of his skin and eyes? His COSTUME? His hilarious proportions, between the giant head and the skinny & scrawny everything else? Superb, you funky little alien
14. All dialogue between Megamind and Minion is god tier by default
15. The twist on “damsel in distress” where yeah the girl gets kidnapped but she is so not distressed and has the intellectual power in the situation as she roasts Megamind at every turn and he can’t combat anything she says
16. “Oh potato tomato potato tomato”
17. “I’m shaking in my BABY SEAL LEATHER BOOTS”
19. “Can someone stamp my frequent kidnapping card” “You of all people know that we discontinued that”
20. The way this movie manages to SO effectively establish character while diving right into the action and keeping with a fun, fast pace? The world & characters are set up incredibly well AND the start of the journey/ “break into the new world” hits at a brisk 20 minutes? Lovely work, Dreamworks
21. When Highway to Hell kicks in with the lasers and Megamind dancing at the police,,,,,this is nothing short of priceless
22. “Imagine the most horrible terrifying evil thing you could possibly think of and multiply it…..BY SIX”
23. When you’re a supervillain who takes over the city and you say “let’s just have fun with this” to the citizens
24. *whispering behind the door* “now slam the door really hard!” *snickering like a 12 year old girl* “move they can still see you”
25. “Did you think this day would come?” “No, no not in a million years, not ever...I mean yes”
26. “That’s called a window, sir. All the kids are looking through them”
27. Crazy Train is SUCH a nice touch, the fade into Alone Again Naturally is great. The use of music in this movie is absolutely A+, MEGAMIND DID IT FIRST AND GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY AIN’T SPECIAL (jk gotg you’re so special ily)
28. The images of Megamind’s destruction & deterioration of the city are so creative and funny
29. *to a desk toy bird* “What’s your vacuum like?”  
31. Haven’t yet mentioned how lovely the animation of Megamind’s face is! Every single frame, he’s so expressive
32. Mispronunciation of words like “school”, “Metro City”, and “melancholy”
33. This voice cast in general is so good like it’s not just big names phoning it in for an animated movie, they’re fully into it
34. Real Bernard doesn’t get much screen time but he’s hilarious
35. “Typhoon Cheese”, whatever that was gonna be
36. The juxtaposition in body language & facial expression between Real Bernard and Megamind Bernard,,,,,actually just the way Megamind’s physicality is transferred to the other characters he disguises himself as. Great stuff
37. Megamind’s off-the-walls high energy is so fun and electric
38. “This is a bad idea” “yes, a good idea for the greater good of bad” “maybe it seems good from your bad perception but from a good perception it’s just plain bad” “oh you don’t know what’s good for bad”
39. Ollo? Oh, hello
40. “I’m just yelling at my…..mother’s urn”
41. Megamind and Minion just saying “code” before things that aren’t in code. This movie is so good with its running gags, they don’t feel like “oh haha they used that joke again!” they feel like inside jokes between the characters I love it
42. Megamind fighting himself as Bernard while complimenting himself, COMEDY GOLD
43. The various occurrences of random life-altering things happening on a whim to the wrong people, like Hal getting the superpowers and earlier Metro Man being molded into a hero and Megamind landing in prison as a baby
44. The forget me stick
45. Space Dad and Space Stepmom
46. Every character Megamind inhabits always retains Megamind’s eyes
48. Roxanne’s positive influence making Megamind genuinely want to make the city better uwu
49. ROXANNE AND METRO MAN WERE NEVER A COUPLE! Lovely trope subversion
50. Tropes in this movie in general are so fun. This isn’t some uninspired genre parody. They don’t just subvert tropes in the exact way that you’d expect. I feel like the way that this movie plays with the superhero genre often feels unique and creative
51. Bernard’s character design kind of slaps tbh. The turtleneck, the hair, the glasses, all very nice
52. When Hal calls Roxanne “a really good looking one I’ve got my eye on” like she’s meat or something as opposed to Megamind valuing her personality…..makes ya think u know
53. T h e  b l a c k  m a m b a a a a a
54. “Maybe I don’t want to be the bad guy anymore!” and Megamind & Minion’s subsequent falling out that served as a precursor to the disastrous date with Roxanne- it happens pretty much exactly halfway through the movie. Some people look down upon following structure to a T, but sometimes it’s satisfying when a movie perfectly follows structure and this movie’s structure is flawless
55. “Good luck on your date” “I will” “That doesn’t even make any sense” “I know”
56. Right after fighting w Minion when Megamind looks in a cracked mirror and frowns at his reflection but then changes into someone else, into Bernard, and then smiles? THE CINNAMON TOGROPHY, THE STORYTELLING
57. When Hal is just an incel whose feeling of entitlement is framed as disgusting and he’s not supposed to be sympathetic and Roxanne’s rejection of him is not framed as evil but rather completely justified? VERY epic of them, this movie would have SMASHED the pop culture scene if it came out today
58. The GRAVITY of the part when Roxanne accidentally reveals Megamind in the restaurant is so powerful that I can STILL barely watch it even though I’ve seen it so many times
59. The part that immediately follows where Roxanne shuts down Megamind is SO well done. Roxanne is giving out some harsh words to our dear protagonist, but she is not framed as the bad guy. The great thing about this scene is that they let Roxanne call out Megamind on how he’s been a jerk and she gets to be RIGHT. How very cash money of them! The emotion here isn’t anger at Roxanne because she’s ~being mean~ to Megamind. It’s a sting over the fact that she’s right, and the heartbreak over the dramatic irony of us knowing that Megamind is becoming a better person and Roxanne having no idea. Now Megamind is left with a decision that will show who he truly is on the inside: he could either retreat back into safe, evil ways for the rest of time because it’s easier to be bad because then no one expects anything from him and rejection is easier to handle, or he could ultimately choose to grow from this and recognize how he was wrong and how he has to change. The execution of this midpoint is exemplary.
60. “Do you really think I’d ever be with you?” “....no” the delivery of those lines is so good
61. “You were right! I was….less right!”
62. The Black Mamba is a god tier costume and the fact that it has its own theme song in the score makes it at least 6x better
63. WHEN BACK IN BLACK KICKS IN YEAAAHHHH (Iron Man who? Don’t know her) (Iron Man was already out at this point but how fun is it that this movie used TWO iconic mcu songs)
64. Megamind in the giant suit playing with cars
65. Hal SUCKS I love how much the movie wants you to hate him
66. The difference between Megamind and Hal/Titan/Tighten is so interesting to watch. How Megamind is the self-proclaimed “bad guy” but he’s not even out to do serious damage & it’s just a game to him, while Hal is out for blood but was created to be a hero
67. “Now it’s time for witty banter” “AAAAAAAAA” “I’m not really sure where to go with that”
69. Twisting the Kryptonite trope by having Metro Man make up the copper weakness
70. “Does he have a hideout? A cave? A solitary fortress?” lol I understood that reference
72. Metro Man’s confession scene is so good. Really, how often do you get a hero who feels that he was forced into being a hero? That’s usually a villain trope. Does the hero ever realize he doesn’t want to be a hero….and actually quit FOR GOOD? Again, the trope subversion is awesome
73. “I have eyes that can see right through leaaaaaaaad” that’s my favorite song
74. “You left the city to HIM! No offense” “no I’m with you”
75. “There’s a yin for every yang. If there’s bad, good will rise up against it.”
76. “I say we just go all GANGSTA on him” ms tina fey i would die for you
77. Megamind turns himself in to the police, the fact that he willingly submits himself to the punishment of being a villain at this point is a lovely and stirring way of showing the sense of justice he has deep down and showing his character development
78. When Roxanne gives Megamind a desperate & compassionate pep talk over live tv no matter what it means for her reputation :*))
79. When Megamind has 88 life sentences
80. “I. Am. Sorry!” *dramatically slides down door*
81. Megamind’s heartfelt and regretful admission of all his mistakes that brings his character arc to a head? Lovely
82. “Good luck” “WE’RE GONNA D I E! Hahahaha!”
83. “There is no Easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no queen of England.”
85. “Oh you’re a villain alright. Just not a super one.” “Oh yeah? What’s the difference?”
86. P R E S E N T A T I O N
88. Again with the green eyes continuity! Love that!
89. “Going somewhere? Besides jail?” *flies in a fancy pose*
90. When Megamind is ready to let everyone think Metro Man is back but Roxanne wants to see the real hero :*))
91. “This is the last time you make a fool out of me!” “I made you a hero, you did the fool thing all by yourself” SICK BURN
92. “There’s a benefit to losing. You get to learn from your mistakes”
94. Minion being a drama queen lol comedy peaked in 2010
95. Minion’s Little Face
96. “GET BACK YOU SAVAGES” “Sorry he’s just not used to positive feedback!”
97. “Destiny is not the path given to us but the path we choose for ourselves”
98. When Megamind gets to parallel Metro Man’s entrance from the beginning of the movie and everyone cheers for him :*)) and he adds his own fun little twist by making a villain joke
99. “Megamind, defender of Metro City” “you know? I like the sound of that!”
100. Name a better villain to hero story. YOU CANNOT. Cinematic excellence. I am never disappointed.
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supergenial · 4 years
Cindered Shadows was pretty decent
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I recently finished the Cindered Shadows DLC and decided to once again write about my impressions, don't worry though, this one isn't as long as the previous ones. Spoilers: I think this is as good as fire emblem is gonna get for a while.
1) No Agarthans, thank GOD
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A story as old as fire emblem: There's an interesting human villain with down to earth motivations or obsessions, but in the large scale of the story they're overshadowed by a supernatural being who wants to destroy the world for no reason other than "they're just evil". This is Edelgard and the Agarthans, Arvis and Manfroy/Loptous, Rudolph and Duma, Ashnard and Ashera, Walhart and Grima... you get it. This shit sucks to put it bluntly. Having these stereotypically evil bad guys who are clearly evil is one of the main things that brings down the plot of any fire emblem game. I'm of the belief that they should kick out these supernatural villains and just leave us against the human villains, the one's with actual ideals and beliefs other than "hurr durr, destroy the world".
And then there’s our villain for this DLC. Now yes, it feels like they recycled a certain professor from the Harry Potter series, but I like that he is "The" bad guy for the DLC, he's not being controlled by anyone. He's obsessed with Byleth's mom and in-game this makes a lot of sense. If Byleth, who is incapable of communication, can drive people crazy for them just by existing then just imagine a Byleth who can actually talk. Her "waifu" charms must be off the charts, so I can't blame this guy for being obsessed. More importantly he's not being controlled by the Agarthans, he's not being played by anyone. He's a man who's lived a righteous life, he took care of a lot of people who all love him but ultimately decided to use them for his own gain and his own obsessions. As far as FE villains go... He's good, honestly, great job Intelligent Systems, I expected a lot less.
2) Reduced avatar wanking
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Shots fucking fired
Sure, Byleth's mom is a main focus of the plot, and Byleth is the one who sets the plot in motion, but rarely does it feel like the game is going "gee Player, you're so great, you're our god, we all love you and want to marry you". Byleth still plays a large role sure (unfortunately) but it still feels like this is the story of Yuri and his gang with Byleth being their strategist which is, idk, way better than the idea behind the main game? The one where Byleth turns into a literal god, gets every achievement of the army attributed to them only, has every other conversation remind us how glorious Byleth is, etc.
In fact the dlc goes as far as having Hapi constantly belittle Byleth and even make fun of their communication skills by calling him Chatterbox (good job to the localizers, she doesn’t say this in the japanese audio). Get that teacher’s ass girl, destroy them. (Obviously I would hate this behavior if it was directed to someone else, but in this case I'm willing to make a concession).
3) Yuri's backstory
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Ashe: I admire and love this man who is my only parental figure but Rhea said he's kind of bad so I killed him Yuri: Church ordered me to kill a bunch of thieves and delinquents and I refused
You have no idea who much I love the fact that Yuri is someone who protested his orders and got kicked out of the church for refusing to kill civillians. This instantly sends him very high in my rankings. Playing through the first half of the game all I wanted was to stop and say "No, Lady Rhea, fuck you. I don't think it's very cash money for the most powerful military force in the continent to eradicate a lightly armed militia of farmers (with popular support in their locality!)" this is what true imperialism is all about! But there is sadly no option for that.
Just by telling us that Yuri is someone who was punished for saying "No, these orders are inhumane, I refuse to carry them out" that is enough for me, the game is saying "yes, we know, have your compensation price". In the end Yuri is extremely loyal to Rhea which is unfortunate but hey, at least they lampshaded one of the most glaring issues I have with the main game, so that's at least something.
4) "You've obtained all information. Proceed with the story, NOW"
Rather than wasting time forever thinking up which activity I should carry out, abyss is simply a place where you talk to the abyssal denizens to get some plot information or speculation, and boom, you're done. No running around forever, no quests, no doors that take ages to load. You can perfectly skip the abyss parts and at most you'll miss out on Edelgard's conversation with Dimiri (which is fucking hilarious) and a few rusted weapons that can be forged but that's it. Upon talking to every resident of the abyss the game will actually say you’ve acquired all information and will prompt you to go into combat rather than assume you want to dilly dally for a while.
I actually rather like this and would not be opposed to it being the philosophy behind future in-between segments between chapters. I can understand IntSys wanting to load in a ton of features like a sauna and fishing to rack up excitement for the game, I know I was excited for fishing, but when these activities have rewards tied to them, replaying becomes kind of a chore, "aw geez, I have to fish 69 fish to reach professor rank A+ AGAIN" (I actually had to when trying to get the piss screen from clearing maddening). Getting only some conversations and a bit of context for the story, that's... pretty good honestly, I liked this better than the monastery and better than My Castle. Throw in some skits with multiple characters at once and I’m gold
(seriously how come there’s no scenes with the three of the bros, Dimitri, Sylvain and Felix all hanging out together, the fact that a third character never shows up in support conversations is fucking bad)
5) Sometimes less is more
I've extensively complained about three houses already but bear with me. Yet another thing that infuriates me about the game is the extensive amount of work it required. I truly do think that if they had released only the blue lions route and left everything else in the plot as mysterious and unexplained loose ends left entirely up to speculation, that'd be a great game on it's own. Instead I have to see all the hard work that went into making the other routes only so that, in the end, they just had me going "well it was ok I guess". Every scene in the game requires work, many hours of coding, writing, voice acting, sound editing, making sure the models don't look too messed up, bug testing, etc. The amount of work that went into three houses was brutal regardless of what you think of the final product, yet a lot of people didn't even bother playing through all of that. So yes, I honestly wanted less, give me a more concise game rather than spreading too wide and ending up thin.
Cindered Shadows on the other hand is concise to a fault to make up for that. The story is pretty straightforward and leaves no loose ends to itself, there's no anime cutscenes, no supports (within abyss, you can support them all in the main game). There's even that very awkward sacrifice scene where some characters are having their life and blood drained from them yet the visual representation we see is just them standing around like normal, with Yuri even doing that hand pose he does all the time instead of squirming in pain or something. It's very awkward looking, objectively not good, but it gets the point across and doesn't make me go "wow you put in all this effort for nothing" because the whole thing is also fairly short (5 to 10 hours in hard mode).
I know, it sounds like I'm shitting on the dlc, but the point is I'd much rather get something short that leaves me satisfied than something like the main game that makes me go "this could've been so hecking gooood if they changed X" for the rest of my life.
6) The gameplay
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Chapter 4 is my favorite mission in the whole game
They made Hard Mode good. I previously said maddening was the one difficulty where this game made sense, but this one achieves perfection with just hard mode. This is because the team actually knows what you have. In the main game there's all sorts of variables to account for due to the large amount of player expression that is possible, you can reclass anyone into anything and throughout many lucky or unlucky level ups, maps can be entirely different based on that rng and choices. Here though, your characters already have solid bases starting at lvl 20, and you can't reclass too much so the devs know exactly what you're working with and can plan accordingly. Beating the maps feels incredibly satisfying not just because the objectives have more variety now, but also because you feel like you found the right way to use the tools you were given. This is why the first few chapters of any fire emblem game often feel so good, because the devs know exactly what you have.
Not that I think player expression is bad! It's very satisfying to warp skip chapters and to use broken units like battalion vantage+wrath Dimitri as these things make you feel like you've truly subjugated the game, but it takes some time for those things to really take off. There's a time to reap and a time to sow, and the sowing time can get pretty dull sometimes but that's what makes the payoff feel worth it. Still, for a short experience like cindered shadows is, this style just fits perfectly, plus chapter 4 has quickly become one of my favorite chapters in the whole game, along with chapter 6.
7) In The End
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Idk folks, I just like it. If you just want more adventures with the three lords, this is it.
If you’re looking for any excuses to avoid this I'd say the better ones are: maps are reused from the main game (they work much better here though), it's 10 hours at most so it's price-to-cash ratio isn't very good with the expansion pass being $30, and also the Abysskeeper feels a bit TOO winkwink nudgenudge to me, especially since Gatekeeper was popular enough to make it into Super Smash Brothers. Like yeah bro, we get it, we all love Gatekeeper, you didn't have to do this.
I also like that they finally gave Dimitri a semi-problematic quote where he says he kinda likes the idea of poor people living underground out of sight, I think it’s a very rich-white-boy flaw to have and not entirely awful given his life experience up to that point. And yes I do think he has no flaws and is entirely unproblematic in the main game, “feral” as he may look it doesn’t seem like he goes around killing civilians or doing anything other than busting up imperial troops which is kind of justified since they started the invasion, on top that he’s the strongest unit in the game and the most chill and honest ruler once he calms down, so little dent in his record that’s irrelevant in the large picture is indeed welcome.
Overall though, after being so massively disappointed by the Fates DLC, so much I didn't even bother with the ones for Echoes, I certainly like what I'm seeing here and that's a good sign, bravo Intsys.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
1. When was the last time you swam in a pool? >> The last time I was in a pool was probably over 5 years ago, at Easton Mountain. I’m not fond of the way pool water smells. 2. Do you like to party? >> I like gatherings, and get-togethers, and barbecues, and casual social events at someone’s house with food and booze and games. I don’t really care for anything more hectic than that. 3. If your ex suddenly kissed you right now, what would you do? >> --- 4. Are you a virgin? >> No. 5. What are your parents views on your relationships? >> There could never be a relationship that my father would have approved of.
6. If you ran into your current boyfriend/crush in 10 years, would you marry them? >> --- 7. Is your best friend dating anyone? >> --- 8. Describe the shirt you’re wearing? >> It’s black and has the design from the Endless Night Vampire Ball of 2019 on it. 9. Do people who wear Hollister and Abrerbrombie every day bother you? >> Why would that bother me? 10. Could you go out in public without wearing make-up? >> Of course, I do it all the time. 11. What is one feature that you don’t like? >> --- 12. Would people describe you as happy? >> I don’t know how people would describe me. It’s not like I make a habit of asking, and most people don’t make a habit of volunteering that information out of the blue. 13. Are you single? >> No. 14. Does it bother you that pretty much every survey you take asks if you’re single? >> Eh, whatever. For some reason, romantic relationships are of the most pressing importance to a lot of people, and I’ve gotten used to it. 15. Do you have Tumblr? >> Heh. Wouldn’t you like to know.
16. What about Xanga? >> Damn.... RIP. 17. Have you ever babysat before? >> Nope. 18. Is there a teacher who you absolutely hate? >> Well, no, I’m not even in school. 19. Ever shopped at Sephora? >> Yeah, many times. 20. If your current boyfriend/crush suddenly moved away, what would you do? >> The thing about having a spouse whomst you live with is that this kind of thing is way less likely to happen. 21. Do you have any university plans? >> No. 22. If your best friend revealed she was a homosexual, what would you do? >> --- 23. What are your views on sex? >> I don’t have “views” on sex. That’s such a broad question, lmao... 24. Do sexual questions bother you? >> Nah. 25. Would you rather have sex with your boyfriend or break up? >> Wh.................. 26. Have you ever dreamed about your wedding? >> Nah, I was never much into the idea of having a wedding. And then I had one, so you know. Life is like that. 27. Does it bother you when people TYpe 1yk dis’? >> I haven’t seen anyone type like that in almost a decade. The world has moved on. 28. Do you delete pictures of you and your exes off of Facebook? >> --- 29. Would you ever date a friends Ex? >> This is one of those situations that I just can’t at all imagine myself navigating. 30. What’s the last book you read? >> The last book I finished was The King in Yellow. That’s going to be my answer for a while, because the book I’m (re-)reading right now is fucking long. 31. Ready for 10 simple questions? >> Nope. 32. What is your last name? >> Hmm. 33. What grade are you in? >> I’m not in a grade. 34. What school do you go to? >> --- 35. Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring? >> Spring. 36. Favorite Color? >> Gold. 37. Are your parents together? >> No. 38. Any siblings? >> Not worth mention. 39. Favorite subject? >> I don’t have a favourite subject.
40. Least favorite subject? >> Or a least favourite subject. 41. Favorite song? >> People who can choose one favourite song are cryptids. 42. Okay. Simple questions are over. Happy? >> Hopefully I can stop giving such simple answers, too. 43. How many friends do you have on Facebook? >> Thirteen. 44. Ever been requested by some old guy from another country? >> Nope. 45. Have you ever googled yourself? >> Yeah. It’d be a lot harder to google myself now, because I have a fictional character’s name. 46. Have a Formspring? >> Well, no, considering that site is defunct. 47. You’re offered free tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. What do you do? >> Tell whoever it is to give the tickets to someone else? I’m completely uninterested in Justin Bieber. 48. Would you rather spend the day at an amusement park or a water park? >> Amusement park, if I must. 49. Been to Disney world? >> No. 50. If someone posts their status “9 Inches :(” do you know what they mean? >> No. 51. Ever had a boyfriend? >> Yes.
52. Ever had a huge crush on someone who still doesn’t know? >> I don’t know, maybe. 53. Have you done something in the last week that you regret? >> No. 54. Ever drank alcohol? >> Certainly. 55. Know anyone who’s currently doing drugs? >> Sure. 56. Ever watched The Hills? >> No. 57. What about Jersey Shore? >> No. 58. Ever called someone a slut? >> Not seriously. I’ve said it in a joking way to friends who appreciate that sort of banter. 59. What do you think of short shorts? >> I don’t want to wear them. 60. Does it bother you if people swear around you? >> Of course not. 61. Have you ever gotten an A in a subject? >> Yes. 62. What about a B? >> Argh..... yes to all. NEXT 63. And a C? 64. How about a D? 65. Ever skived? >> I don’t know what that is. 66. Would you consider yourself popular and outcast or somewhere in the middle? >> These dynamics don’t really apply to adult life... well, not in my experience. Maybe if I had a more structured social life? 67. Are most of your friends older or younger than you? >> --- 68. Ever been stabbed in the back by a close friend? >> Nah. 69. Do you think it’s immature when people laugh at the number 69? >> I don’t make any judgements about it. 70. Ever watched porn? >> Yep. 71. How many laws do you think you’ve broken in the past month? >> I don’t think I’ve broken any, considering I barely even go outside except to take walks. 72. Do you wake up with an alarm clock? >> No. 73. Do you prefer Wednesdays or Thursdays? >> All days of the week are pretty much interchangeable to me. 74. If your school had a Glee Club would you join? >> --- 75. Ever performed in a talent show? >> Probably. I don’t remember. 76. Have you ever cried in public? >> Yeah. I used to be homeless in a metropolis, privacy wasn’t something I had access to. Guess that might be part of why I’m so big on it now. 77. Do you have a favorite between your Mom and your Dad? >> --- 78. Would you audition for a reality talent competition? >> Fuck no. 79. How many celebrity crushes have you had? >> *shrug* 80. How many non-celebrity crushes have you had? >> *shrug* 81. Name 5 male celebrities who you think are attractive. >> Matthew McConaughey, Peter Mensah, Jeremy Irons, Denzel Washington, Oscar Isaac. 82. Name 5 female celebrities who you think are attractive. >> Sandra Oh, Aisha Hinds, Normani Kordei, Gillian Anderson, Helen Mirren. 83. Ever been compared to a celebrity? >> Yeah, a couple of times. 84. Have any embarrassing pictures on Facebook? >> I only have one photo of myself on facebook. 85. Do you think spending £20 on Lip Gloss is a waste of money? >> It’s not a waste of money for whoever buys it. That person just wouldn’t be me, I have no interest in lip gloss. 86. Are you opinionated? >> Not especially. 87. Do you have a favorite store? >> Nope. 88. Would you ever wear Flare Jeans? >> I did when I was younger, but I doubt I’d be into them now. 89. Do you own jeans that aren’t skinny? >> No. I can’t really fit into any jeans that aren’t stretchy (and the stretchy ones are usually skinny jeans). 90. Have you ever worn the same outfit twice in one week? >> Many times. 91. What’s the longest period of time you’ve been away from school? >> A couple of months, when I was in the psych ward. 92. Do you google abbreviations you don’t understand? >> Yeah. I google almost anything I don’t understand, unless I just have zero interest in understanding. 93. Does it bother you when people have cats as their profile picture? >> Why... would that bother me... 94. Own a pair of converse? >> Nope. I can’t wear any shoe without arch support. 95. Is there a teacher at your school who has obvious favorites? >> --- 96. If yes, are you one of them? >> --- 97. Do you text in class? >> --- 98. What brand of jeans do you wear the most? >> The only pairs of jeans I have are from Old Navy. 99. At what point do you think sizes are “Plus Sized?” >> I don’t know what sizes are plus-sized and I’m not interested in finding out right now. 100. Do you want to lose weight? >> Yes. 101. Ever seen a therapist? >> Yes. 102. Ever watched porn? >> This is a repeat question and I would delete it if the questions weren’t numbered. 103. Ever purposely ignored a text? >> Yeah. 104. A facebook message? >> Yeah. 105. A poke? >> God, when did they finally get rid of those? I haven’t heard about pokes in years. 106. A friend request? >> Yeah. 107. Would you say you read into things too much? >> I don’t know if I read into things too much or not. 108. Is your best friend more likely to be the one suggesting something stupid or refusing to do something stupid? >> --- 109. Do you have a “fun friend?” (A friend who you have tons of fun with but you never really have deep conversations?) >> No. 110. Ever been called a bully? >> No. 111. Ever purposely hurt yourself? >> Many times. 112. Ever gone to church? >> Many times. I think I’ve gotten the gist of it by now. 113. Would you call either of your parents screw ups? >> One of them was certainly a screw-up in caring for their child... 114. If you turned out exactly like your mom would you be pleased? >> Absolutely not, considering that’s the parent I was talking about in the previous question. 115. What do you want to do with your life? >> I don’t have any specific goals for my life. I’m pretty content just living it.
116. Let me guess… You have brown hair? >> Yeah. 117. Already know what you’re being for Halloween? >> I don’t know if I’m ever going to get to dress up for Halloween. We’ll see. 118. Do you still go Trick or Treating? >> I’ve never been and I am way too old for it now. 119. Ever liked someone WAY older than you? >> Like 80% of the celebrities I named in those two questions about attractive celebrities are way older than me. 120. Does it bother you when people have really loud conversations on the bus? >> Only when I don’t have my headphones with me, which is... just about never. I know I have sensory issues, so I come prepared. 121. When you have sunglasses on, do you stare at people? >> Fuck no. 122. Ever had a credit card denied? >> Yeah. 123. What’s the last movie you watched? >> The Lovebirds. 124. Last TV Show? >> Patriot Act. 125. You see your Ex making out with one of your friends. What do you do? >> I can’t imagine this being bothersome to me. Or even significant, honestly. 126. Ever been called a whore? >> No. 127. Are you american? >> Yeah. 128. Ever made yourself throw up? >> Yeah. 129. Have you ever kissed someone who wasn’t your boyfriend? >> Yeah. 130. Are you Cute or Gross? >> What...??? 131. Does it bother you when people say “LOOK HOW MUCH YOU’VE GROWN!”? >> It would bother me if that was a situation I’d ever find myself in. 132. Can you say intelligent things around the guy you like? >> --- 133. Ever had the lead in a play? >> Nope. 134. What about a solo in a concert? >> Nope. 135. What kind of a student are you? >> I’m not a student. 136. Worst subject? >> --- 137. Best subject? >> --- 138. Ever had a crush on a teacher? >> Something like that. 139. Would it bother you if you found out that your mother was pregnant? >> --- 140. How late do you sleep in? >> 9a seems to be my limit. 141. Do you edit your profile pictures before posting them? >> --- 142. Be 100% honest. Do you have any friends who are uglier than you? >> This is so fucking rude. 143. Do you believe in love? >> Yawn. 144. Would you consider yourself a good student? >> --- 145. Does it bother you when Surveys ask “Did you like this survey?” >> Not really, I usually just delete that question because, like... the survey-maker is definitely not going to see it, so what’s the point. 146. Salty, Sweet, Sour or Spicy? >> Salty + sweet, spicy + sweet, spicy + salty, or any of them alone except for sweet. 147. Are you going into High School this year? >> Fuck no lmao 148. What about Junior High? >> Double fuck no lmao 149. What is one thing someone could say to you right now that would make you cry? >> I don’t know, man. That’s usually contextual, anyway. 150. Where did you find this note? >> I got this survey from another survey-taker on tumblr. 151. Last question. How many unread messages are in your phone? >> Zero.
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