#my brother in christ idk how to get across to you that its a show. for children.
crqstalite · 1 year
sometimes i look at something and make this face that i just cant describe any other way than with
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its5amgotosleep · 3 years
Hickeys and shattered hearts / Maria Hill x Stark!reader / Natasha x Stark!reader
A/N:This one's kinda sad but also kinda cute idk
Warning: Light angst, cursing ofc.
дорогой - Sweetheart
You were new to the Avenfers despite being Tony Starks sister. They didn't know he had a sister because he never told them per your request. And only introduced yourself during the battle of New York showing up in an iron suit.
Although you had already worked for Shield even before Tony did as an agent. You helped him build some of his suits, even made your own
Tony and you were slightly different from each other with you being more on the nicer and sweeter side but still had his wit and sass.
You got along with the rest of them team really well, especially with a certain red headed assassin. Natasha had gotten to like you a lot after a few years of being colleagues, though was a complete wreck at asking you out.
Now you and the Avengers are in Sokovia battling with Ultron and his iron legion alongside new additions. Pietro and Wanda Maximoff.
"So when do you think help is on the way." You blasted through the robots that were lined up. "Any minute now cavalry."
"I didn't say we should leave.." You hear Natasha as you land to the ground. "There's worse ways to go." She finishes, you open your mask to breath a little better. "This isn't exactly how I planned mine to be." You said taking a few deep breaths.
"Where else am I gonna get a view like this." She motioned about the floating country. "Only once in a lifetime." You try to see through the smoke.
"I hope you like the view Romanoff. It's about to get better." Fury says through the coms as the helicarrier emerges up from the clouds and smoke. "Nice right? Pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty but she'll do."
"Fury you son of a bitch." You and Steve say as you looked in awe at the flying ship. "Oh, you two kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"I wouldn't really call her my mother, but yes I do kiss her with my mouth." You grinned as mask closed again ready for the second wave. Nat didn't know you were in a relatiowith someone only till a few weeks ago.
You were searching up on new technology to improve you and you brothers suits. Recently discovering about Nanotechnology, after days of research you've only managed to create a protoype for only the helmet.
You heard the door knock and said out a come in. "Hey, Y/N have you seen Bruce?" Natasha came in as you still had on the mask thst only reached the bottom of your neck.
"No sorry, haven't seen him since like an hour ago. Maybe he's in his room I guess." You shrugged as the mask slowly disappeared like it was dissolving from your face.
"Whoah how'd you do that you fuckin wizard or something." Nat looked at you surprised. "Cool right?" You grinned at her as you put the tech on a mannequin.
"I'll go find him, sorry to bother you." She smiled a little. "Yeah no problem." You focused on the computer. She was nearly out of the room when she noticed a bruise on the side of your neck.
Once you turned around a little it showed more purple and red spots on your neck. "Y/N.." She trailed as you looked up at her. "Yeah?"
"What happened to." She motioned to her neck and you looked at her in confusion. "Huh? Why? Is there something wrong?" You asked still confused.
"Look at the mirror." Her tone laced with a hint of jealously. "I don't what's- Oh!" You cut off your own sentence when you saw you reflection in the mirror. Red and purple marks scattered on your neck.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry you had to see that!" Shrieking you activated the mask again hide them and your embarrassed face.
You hit your head on palm of your habd a few times chanting to yourself that you were stupid to not notice. "Look, it's ok, I've seen worse. Do you want me to help you with it?" Nat brushed of the feeling in the pit of her stomach.
"No no, I don't want to take away more time from you. I can just cover this up with some make up." The front of the mask opened as you had a sorry smile for her. But Natasha wanted to stay longer, she wanted to stay with you.
"Ok just, just call me if you need anything." She said as you let out a final apology and a thank you. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, please call Agent Hill immediately please." You command the A.I thingking that the ex russian spy was gone.
"What is it Stark? Somethibg happened?" Maria said from the other line. Natasha hid behind a wall to eavesdrop, yes it was wrong, but she just wanted an answer to her question.
"Don't Stark me Hill, you know what exactly happened." You spat before sending a photo to her. "I can't believe you didn't tell me before I left!" You sighed running a hand through your hair.
"I don't get what- Oh, Oh!" Maria stopped midway when she saw the photo you sent. "Well you didn't exactly say anything when we were-" "Don't you dare finish that sentence Hill or I will slap you across the face." You threatened through gritted teeth.
Natasha left not needing and not wanting to hear your conversation. She only asked for Bruce to have an excuse to see you.
Now she's left to go to the gym to blow off some steam and to avoid her heart from shattering entirely.
"I think I know who you're talking about. You two together the whole night at the party right?" Clint said as he smirked at you as you flew past him.
"You're seeing someone and you didn't tell me? I feel betrayed- I am betrayed." Tony sounded genuinely upset over the fact that Clint new and not him.
"We agreed not to tell anyone, and that anyone including you brother." You said matter of factly.
You saw Clint rushing behind a rock with a little boy trying to get to cover from the iron legion who were about to rain bullets on them.
Also noticing a blue and silver trail speeding towards them, you land right infront of Pietro and Clint shielding the three from the bullets, after they were done it was your turn to start beaming at them.
"What you didn't see that coming?" Opening the front of your mask to smirk at Pietro who looked at you like you were crazy.
"After this Fury, I'm gonna take a break. I've seen enough robots for the year. Person I am seeing you owe me a date." You say taking down a few more robots.
"I am going to pretend I didn't see her nod her head and smile. Stark you two have sone explaining to do before any dates will happen." Fury eyed Maria giving the 'Really? You two?' look.
The three of you got on to one of the ships to the helicarrier. "I'm sorry for what's about to happen." You apologetically glance at Pietro about Sokovia.
"Not exactly the way I wanted my chapter to end, but I guess it's something. This is where my family was made, this was also where it was destroyed, and where my twin and I made into well.. Whatever we are." His thick accent following through every word..
After the battle with Ultron, the civilians were given the help that they needed. "Having fun staring at the wall? It's an interesting wall don't get me wrong." You smiled as you walked towards Natasha.
"What'd you call me for? You need help finding Bruce again?" You asl as she shook her head turning to fully look at you.
"Not really, I just wanted to tell you something." Nat looked nervous which surprised you for the very first time. "It's about you."
"Me?" You pointed to yourself. "I- jesus christ this is harder than I thought." Nat let out a heavy sigh as you put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey its ok, take your time." You reassured her.
"I like you." She knew that you knew what it meant and was expecting to take your hand of her shoulder but you didn't. "I'm sorry Nat I really am, you're an amazing person."
"I know you can't, that's why I'm telling you this to let it out of my chest." Sadness was evident in her tone but she had to accept the fact the you can't love her back.
"I'll go beat up Hill if she hurts you." Nat joked as you pushed her shouler lightly. "We still friends?" You mumble as you pulled her to a hug.
She reciprocated by wrapping her arms around you. "Always." She said against your shoulder. "I better not find you downing a bottle of vodka later." You threatened as she just chuckled.
"I'll try not to." She says as you pulled away from the hug to glare at her. "No promises дорогой." She playfully smirked at you.
Natasha swore to herself to be there for you until the end. Not as lovers but as friends. Always and forever
Natasha left with Steve because they were evaluating the new recuits for the Avengers, she asked you if you wanted to come with her but you declined saying you were gonna meet with someone.
"Hey.." Maria said as she leaned against a wall seeing you walk down the halls. "Hi, were you waiting for me?" You ask as you walked closer to the Agent.
"No I wasn't." She simply replied as she looked at you and smiled "Really? Cause you looked like you were waiting for me." You raised a brow at her staring at hers, cold blue eyes thst somehow radiated warmth whenever she looked at you.
"Maybe I was maybe I wasn't." She smirked at you causing you to roll your eyes by her answer. "What were you doing before going here?" She asked as you two walked together.
"Oh I jusst rejected someone." You sighed rethingking what happened earlier. "Was it Natasha?" Maria says non chalanty.
You looked at her with a 'how the fuck.' face. "How the fuck did you know?" Your eyes wide as they can be. "I've known for a while know. At first I was worried about it."
"Oh yeah? Why so?" "Because I love you and you love me, simple as that." She gave a quick peck before walking ahead of your blushing face.
"Atleast kiss me properly Agent." You caught up to her and pulled her down for a proper kiss, instinctively placing her hand on your waist.
You pulled away as Maria was about to deepen in. "Although I'd love to but I only said for a proper kiss." Now it was your turn to give her quick peck before walking ahead of her.
"This so very cringey but also so cute at the same time." Coulson solighed as he saw the whole thing happen.
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olivonie · 3 years
biggest fan ; atsumu miya
(1) "maybe he's my laptop wallpaper"
synopsis ; you are the youngest bokuto, and the biggest atsumu miya fan in all history (self proclaimed) so just your luck that a threat from your older brother to go to his game ends in you meeting your celebrity crush, and trying to not freak out, but oh what chaos ensues...
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perfumers guide ; is the best friend literally just me inserting into my OWN FANFIC?? W A BOKUTO LOVE STORY? yeah fuck off let me have what i want its my fanfic motherfucker,, u, our beautiful mc, are a fangirl/boy/them/idc,, also i referred to ur friend as ur friend the whole fic, might give them an alias later on but idk for now,, tysm to my loves @scouts-ahoy and my bestie indigo for betaing for me <3 ily guys sm <3
perfume ingredients ; light cursing, rlly funny friend, fanperson-ing???, idk tw atsumu miya/j, bokuto being a butthead brother, gn reader (hopefully it comes across as such), omi being a bad friend/j,, cheesy corny romance movie esc love story <33,, written like a wattpad fanfic so sucks for u
word count ; 1388 words
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“I can’t believe he blackmailed me like that!” You cried out, standing outside the building of the volleyball game you were attending.
“Don’t pretend you weren’t gonna show up anyways. Besides, he got us front row seats! Isn’t that awesome!” Your friend of many years squealed, adjusting his shirt before turning to you with a smirk, “Plus~ after, we’re going to dinner with your future boyfriend~” They teased, and you squeaked, chasing after them as they laughed. You both got in line and entered the building, packed full of people as you talked while walking to your seats according to your tickets.
A week prior your brother, Kotaro, had burst into your room in the apartment you shared, jumping on the bed and shoving two tickets to his next game. You had said you would buy your own tickets, since you wanted to be independent and were sick of relying on "big bro ko ko" but he interrupted you, threatening that if you didn’t take them he would tell Atsumu, his teammate, about your “big fat enormous super fan googly disgusting mushy gushy crush” on him and so you begrudgingly took the tickets. You decided to go with your friend, who was more excited to see your brother than the actual game.
“I can't believe you’re a brother banger…” You murmured. Your friend turned to you, a look of mock betrayal on their face.
“Honey Boo Bear! You dare think I’d cheat on you my beloved snookums?!” They said overdramatically and very loudly. You giggled, playing along with their antics with a smile.
“Pumpkin wumpkin! I can see you have feelings for another who is not me!”
“No! My cuddle wuddle baby poo I would never!-” They said, cut off by your laughter, followed by their own. Of course, even if you were pissed at Ko for blackmailing you into going, you couldn’t deny your excitement to see the Atsumu Miya, who had been the apple of your eye since you first saw him play with your brother. You had created a fan twitter for him for christs sake! That fucking enamored. But, even if he was on the same team with Kotaro, you had never met him face to face.
You had dazed off and couldn’t see nor hear your friend, before they had shaken you back into consciousness.
“Oi! The game is about to start, dumbass!” They said, and you turned to look, seeing both teams enter the court. Your friend screamed and chanted when they saw Kotaro, who waved at the both of you with energy filled motions. And then, as if in slow motion, entered the “love of your life.”
He was like a renaissance statue, carved from the finest marble and shaped into this beauty. His eyes were filled with life as he waved to all his fans, and when he swept his gaze over to where you were standing, it felt as if time stopped. It was like that scene from every cheesy romcom movie where the main character’s heart pounded erratically, and just like in a movie, the breath from your lungs was stolen away. Were you in heaven? This is totally heaven right?
His eyes. Oh, his eyes. Like molten gold, the sun's reflection on a lake. Like the sweetest caramel, that you could practically taste on your tongue. Atsumu seemed frozen as well, before Shoyo came over and shook him awake, turning to the court with a single glance back at you.
“Oh my god I think I might die.” You said, practically falling into your companions arms, who raised a brow at you.
“Are you okay? What happened?” They asked, a concerned expression on their face.
“Did you not see?!?! We made eye contact!! For like! A minute! And now I’ve fallen in love with him and I want his children!” You screamed, and they clasped a hand over your mouth quickly.
“One, crowded area, don’t say that shit out loud. Two, what’s the big deal? Weren’t you already in love with him?” They said, tilting their head to the side to look at you.
“Yes but like we’d never made eye contact! And I’m like! His biggest fan!” You squeaked, your voice cracking as you cleared it, looking desperately at your friend.
“How big?” They asked, and you gave an exasperated sigh.
“Maybe he’s my laptop wallpaper..” You murmured, twiddling your hands together. “Laptop wallpaper” had been an inside joke between you two to measure the depth of your obsession. Laptop wallpaper being the biggest, and twitter profile picture being the lowest.
“Oh my god big big…” They whispered, and you two continued to talk over your dilemma as the game went on.
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As the game came to an end, with another victory for the Jackals, the two of you ran down the steps with special access passes, also gifted to you by Kotaro, and ran to congratulate the team. There was a sappy moment where your friend jumped into Kotaro’s arms rambling about how amazing he was, as he walked over to you and raised his hand for a high five, which you begrudgingly gave.
“You suck, butthead.” You said with a smile, and he grinned at you, as you walked off to a brooding black haired man, who was staring off in another dimension before you called his name, “Hey Omi! You did great!” You cheered, and he turned to you with a semi-smile.
“Thanks little Bokuto.” He said, and you rolled your eyes.
“The least you could do is say my name!” “I think little Bokuto works just fine.”
“Omiiii! That is so cruel and mean! I am going to report you on Stop It!” You said, and he laughed. Kiyoomi has been your friend since high school. You didn’t like the idea of being overshadowed by your brother, so you chose a school where no one would recognize you as his sibling, and bumped into Kiyoomi. Literally. And decided to stick around the brooding loner who preferred to eat lunch on the rooftop away from the hordes of people.
“So, did you totally fitz out when Miya came on court?” He said with a knowing smirk, causing your face to heat up as you cried out in protest.
“I did not!”
“They totally did.” Shoyo interrupted, and you spun around to throw a fake punch at him. He dodged with ease and stuck his tongue out at you, and you did the same.
“Shut up!” You yelled, groaning when the two laughed at you, “I’m gonna wait outside for you guys! And Omi! You smell horrible!” You cried, grinning in triumph at his annoyed face, looking at himself covered in sweat and sighing.
You walked out of the gym, waiting outside the doors as you said you would, opting to scroll through your phone idly.
“Yer Bokuto’s sibling right?” A light voice asked by your ear, which caused you to jump and throw a punch out of instinct. A groan and head of blonde hair that you’d seen hundreds of times in twitter edits and your dreams made you gasp. “You sure know how to throw a punch huh? Yowch,” Atsumu grunted, holding his stomach as you panicked and apologized, to which he laughed, “It’s okay! I didn’t give no warnin’ so I scared ya! I get it!” He said, and you blushed profusely.
You just punched your celebrity crush in the stomach, there goes your dreams of a fanfiction type first meeting. You sighed, putting your hand out to shake his as you introduced yourself.
“I’m Atsumu Miya.” “Well obviously.” You said and then gasped at how rude that must’ve sounded. You were about to apologize again until he laughed. He looked at you with those eyes again.
“Yer real funny! I hope yer goin’ to dinner with us, it’d be totally boring without ya.” He said, and you nodded.
“Of course, I promised my brother.” You said, and he did a small fist bump, before pausing and taking out his phone, passing it to you.
“Put yer number in there, pretty please.” He said, and you nodded, typing your phone number and name. He smiled when you handed his phone back, checking the time before whispering curses, “Fuck, I still gotta change, but I’ll see ya at the dinner kay? See ya round pretty!” He called and you waved goodbye blushing at the compliment and chuckling before the realization set in.
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"you are so loud..."
"shut up ko you're fat."
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olivonie 2021
reblogs are welcome !! pls !!!!
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everything-laito · 4 years
Hello, 💖💖so I have question for you. I am writing a fanfic about Laito but I need help again. Do you know what might make him feel sad or concerned for someone? Could he possibly fall in love? And if he fell for a girl and if she wasn’t virgin how would he take it? Has there ever been any evidence that could possibly show how he’d react to these situations? Thanks, sorrry about this. But u are an expert on him sooo idk who else to turn to😅
Hiya anon! First of all, best of luck to you writing!! I can’t write creatively so I have such appreciation for people who can do that! If you don’t mind, I’d love to read it when you’re done! Just tag me when you post it if you don’t mind! :)))
Also don’t apologize after all! I welcome any ask in here, even if I can’t give a definite answer. Anyone’s welcome here! 
Thank you for calling me an expert on him too alsjflksad people have called me that recently and I’m always surprised by it but I do appreciate the sentiment :’’’’)
As always, let’s just jump into it!
As for your question, its a tough one; I don’t think I’ve seen Laito feel sad or concerned for someone genuinely, except for Yui. Even when Shuu or Reiji (or his other brothers) die in front of him in some endings. Edit: I did make an analysis how Laito probably would mourn internally for the death of his brothers, but I don’t think it would be on the same scale of him and Yui; considering he was pretty external about those emotions. You can read it here! He did cry in More Blood when Yui killed herself, and even when he killed her in his brute ending? I think he just said he felt empty, but I am unsure specifically. But I do know that when Laito gets emotionally attached to something genuinely, he will feel emotion for them. He can be quite an egotist and a self centered person, but when he loves someone (Yui in this case) he’s definitely attached. Lmao throwback to my whole week or so about analyzing and theorizing his chart with anons; he’s a pisces and those signs can get pretty sentimental to begin with. He can get pretty emotional in the main drama cds as well, especially Para-Selene and the more recent ones. However, he doesn’t seem to have any friends (sobs) and I think it would do him good if he had a good family bond or at least a good platonic bond too :’’’) Here’s an analysis I wrote on him dealing with some of those emotions too
And yes! He can definitely fall in love. It’s just a bit odd how he is currently, but I’ve made analyses on this before! Here and here. As for the virgin question, Laito doesn’t prey only on virgins, he just likes virgins more because it feeds his corruption kink. But he wouldn’t be opposed to messing around with them. Regardless, there are many vanilla non-virgins and Laito would be entertained by their reactions to his kinks and all that. Yui just had the “pure” package: Roman Catholic, innocent, and a virgin. She wanted to be a nun for christ’s sake pun intended, so the girl is pretty damn pure. There was no evidence suggesting that Hilde was a virgin, for example. She definitely could not have been, or she could have, we don’t know. I wrote an analysis on that too, and it’s the only other girl we see Laito with in that context that’s not Yui. However, if Laito comes across a kinky ass non-virgin, I do think that he’d take that as a challenge: how far could he push them until they start struggling. However, he’d probably have to have his interest piqued first. 
Hopefully that helps, anon! Once again, I’d love to read that fanfic if you want to privately send it to me or tag me when (or if; I know some people just write private ones :)) you publish it! 
Have fun writing! -Corn
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mo-nighean-rouge · 5 years
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You Can Call Me- IV
About a million years ago, @ianmuyrray asked for “FAKE MARRIED AND PREGNANT DO IT” based on the trope prompt below. This is what you get, friend. Some characters show up that you might like, idk.
I didn’t really know when I would have this ready, but then I caved to some writing peer pressure from @lady-o-ren recently, and asked @whiskynottea and @isitgintimeyet for some beta TLC and here we are.
Modern AU: Inspired by a Fanfiction Trope Mash-up prompt - Bodyguard and secret relationship. A look at the life of Prime Minister Claire Beauchamp behind closed doors.
Previously: Part I | Part II | Part III | AO3 | Masterlist
Claire reached for him, hands trembling as she swept her thumb across the cut under his eye.
He hissed at the contact against the open wound, but couldn’t find the energy to truly mind. He basked in her touch, preserved for him after all.
“Oh, Baby,” her voice wavered.
Before Jamie could answer, Claire went limp in his arms, dead weight held up only by her oxters draped over his elbows.
Part IV
Jamie felt like he was swimming through the thick and sterile air as he strode purposefully down the endless hallway. It wasn’t Claire’s weight in his arms that slowed him, but the hollow agony in his chest each time he glanced down at her still form sprawled in his arms. Her limbs swung uselessly with his hurried gait. He couldn’t even protect her head properly as it thumped against his shoulder.
Murtagh had guided the yacht to shore in only minutes, but time had stretched mercilessly ahead as Jamie waited, exhausting the possibilities to coax a response from Claire.
The back-up officers they had radioed had been waiting on the dock in full force, more than equipped to drag the barely stirring forms of Randall, Wolverton, and their bloody goons into police cars.
“Let’s go,” Jamie had commanded the first unoccupied officer he passed.
“But Agent…” the man had squabbled, eyes darting around for someone of higher authority to disagree.
“Drive, damn ye,” Jamie had insisted. He wouldn’t wait for an ambulance to push through the growing crowd when they had been only streets away from the hospital.
Jamie had ducked into the back of a patrol car with Claire stretched over him, Murtagh having promised to report back once he resolved matters at the scene.
He had patted the perspiration from her face and felt for her weakened pulse as the car’s sirens drowned out the mad thoughts rushing through his head. As his fingers had run through her gnarled curls, they had come into contact with a harsh knot on her head, the swelling worsening as time passed.
Jamie’s rapid thoughts matched the pace of his steps as he finally burst through the last set of doors.
Several faces looked up as they entered the confined space. “Please,” Jamie rasped without taking a new breath.
Registering the pallor of Claire’s countenance, an orderly turned to pull a hospital trolley forward.
Much as he didn’t want to let go of her, Jamie laid Claire delicately on the trolley as the staff around him rolled off questions and phrases he couldn’t process.
“By Christ!” The young man’s eyes widened as he examined Claire’s face while fastening a blood pressure cuff around her bicep.
The nurse taking her vitals followed his gaze, her own face going a shade paler. She stepped to face Jamie as the rest of the party rolled the bed down the hall. She stepped in front of him, her badge reading “Phaedre Cameron, Staff Nurse” prominent.
Jamie allowed an infinitesimal nod as his feet set into motion underneath him. “Alexander Malcolm,” he responded over his shoulder as he made his way past her.
The nurse held him back before his steps could quicken to the pace of the trolley as it carried Claire beyond double doors. “Are you family?” she asked briskly.
“Please,” Jamie said again, barely sparing a glance at her as the attendants pushed his heart away from him. “She carries my child,” he said softly, rising to his toes to keep track of her curls through the miniscule windows as they disappeared further down the hall.
“So you’re her husband?” Her voice returned, warily following his gaze through the glass. She surely had recognized the leader of her country by now, but would know of no such relationship.
Jamie grunted, but did not argue. She wasn’t altogether wrong.
The nurse hesitated, nodding before finally leading him beyond the doors. They caught up with Claire and the other nurses just as they rounded the corner into a secluded area.
She left his side to confer with the doctor leading operations, each stealing glances at Jamie as their conversation grew more serious.
Chaos. Monitors flashing, machines beeping, more wires attached to Claire than he could count. He wished he could touch her, hold her. Was she in pain? Or worse, beyond registering the sensations tethering her to life? He folded sloppily into a nearby chair as his legs gave way.
He yearned for her eyes to fly open and for her to give them all a tongue lashing for focusing on her and not checking on her child.
Christ. The bairn. Jamie pitched forward and put his head between his knees, balancing precariously on the edge of the chair. That she be safe, she and the child.
He fell to his knees and raised his chin to the heavens, the motion around him falling away.
The room held its breath in anticipation, creating a silence broken only by the steady pulsing of the heart monitor.
The beat sounded steady, for all Jamie knew. But after a few minutes it was rivaled by the echo of a faster, fluttering rhythm, nearly stopping Jamie’s own heart.
It was the first time their child had made its presence known. There’d scarcely been time to schedule a scan as of yet, though they had estimated how far along Claire might be.
Taing dhia.
The roomful of people trickled out of the door, leaving only three occupants. Four, Jamie scolded himself absently.
The lead doctor snapped his gloves off and turned to face Jamie as he waited in the corner in agony.
A sheen of perspiration glowed over the man’s dark skin as he drew closer. An easy smile rested on his face. “Alex, is it?”
Jamie’s hand rose instinctively to grasp the other man’s. He nodded, focus not trailing away from the chest rising and falling across the room.
“Joe Abernathy.” The doctor stepped into Jamie’s line of sight to hold his attention.
He tried to take in the news the kind American doctor relayed to him, making sure to nod when appropriate. Everything sounded fine, but he couldn’t allow himself reprieve until she set her eyes upon him once more.
Severe dehydration, he said.
“I can guess how troublesome her morning sickness has been. We’ll get her caught up on fluids and monitor things from there.”
Minor concussion, he said.
“I’m sure you know she’s been knocked around pretty thoroughly, Mr. Malcolm.”
It’s up to her now, he said.
“We’ll have to wait for her to wake up. Their heartbeats are both strong, which is our main concern for now.”
Jamie had done his best to follow along and swallow his emotions, but couldn’t control the sob that escaped him at that simple statement.
Abernathy gripped his shoulder. “You did well, man. We might be telling a different story if not for you.”
As Jamie stood and pulled his chair behind him, the doctor clapped him on the back, then pulled the sleeve of his white coat up to glance at his smartwatch. 
“I’m told the Doctors Beauchamp are stuck in parade traffic.” Dr. Abernathy’s finger swiped smoothly across the small screen. “There’s also a small crowd in the waiting room that’s anxious to see the two of you.”
Goistidh. Jamie unlocked his mobile. Eight missed calls from Murtagh. Five from Claire’s assistant, Mary McNab.
“I’ll tell you now, but will also be sure to let the persistent young lady in the waiting room know, that no one on our staff will speak a word.”
Abernathy looked up to meet Jamie’s eye once more, seeming to finally take a closer look at him. “That’s a nasty cut you’ve got there, man.” The doctor gestured toward Jamie’s eye. “I’ll send someone up to see that it gets taken care of.”
Jamie shrugged the doctor off. “‘Tis nothing to fash over.”
“The stitches might help take your mind off things,” Abernathy suggested.
“Dinna want to ‘take my mind off things,’” Jamie mimicked. Another bout of guilt flooded him. “I’m sorry, Doc.” He swallowed deeply. “This is almost more than I can bear, myself.”
Abernathy fixed him with a look. “She was in good hands, Mr. Malcolm. She still is.” 
The doctor exited the room and closed the door quietly behind him, leaving only Jamie’s thoughts to fill the silence.
Jamie didn’t spare space between his chair and Claire’s bed. He reached for one of her cold hands and rubbed it between his own.
“Wake up, lass,” he whispered. A surge of feeling rose in his chest. “If ye’ll ever obey anyone in your life, let it be me, now, Claire.” He scrubbed his dirty, scuffed palms across his eyes. “Please, mo chridhe.”
Motion at the door stirred him from his greeting. A blonde blur sped in and hit him squarely in the chest. “Nunkie!”
“Germain Henry!” drilled a stern feminine voice. “Give yer uncle some space.”
Jamie squeezed the toddler against him and ghosted his own lips over his forehead before Marsali swung him up and settled him against the swell of her belly, patting Jamie’s hand soothingly. Her expression became disapproving as she took in the damage to his face.
He looked up as his future brother-in-law squeezed his shoulder as he circled the bed, pulling forward the chair on the other side.
Fergus leaned forward to brush his lips over Claire’s clammy forehead. “Milady,” he whispered, the light French lilt from his university and medical school days in Paris echoing in the sentiment. He gripped her hand with both of his, eyes not leaving her still form.
Jamie’s heart twisted. The moniker had been bestowed on a prim and proper young Claire by Uncle Lamb when she struggled with culture shock during her first trip to the edge of the earth. Soon after she’d gained her bearings, her passion for the world she lived in had established itself, along with her heart for helping its people.
Marsali allowed Germain to roam once more with a warning to ‘nae get underfoot.’ She washed her hands at the corner basin and slipped on a pair of rubber gloves, helping herself to the cotton swabs and peroxide stored in a high cabinet.
Jamie winced at the sting as she swabbed the wound under his eye.
Satisfied, she ruffled his hair and helped herself to the medical chart fastened near the bed. She surveyed the information with her experienced obstetrician’s eye, her observations undetectable until a gasp emitted from her and her gaze landed on Jamie.
He immediately knew what the file had revealed to her, and nodded his permission for her to speak it aloud.
“Did ye know, a bràthair?” Marsali whispered.
Fergus snapped to attention, both his hands still grasping Claire’s.
“Aye.” Jamie breathed, the barest of grins tickling his lips. “She was – is – sae excited to tell ye both at Thursday night supper.” He clapped his hand over his mouth, unable to stifle the sharp intake of air that followed. He met Fergus’s eye. “Ye should know, man, it’s driven her mad to keep it from ye…”
Fergus nodded slowly, stroking Claire’s wrists. Jamie suspected he was seeking her pulse points himself. “She will,” he said firmly. “She’ll tell me.”
Jamie sniffled hard in an attempt to regain his composure. “I’m sorry I didna protect her,” he whispered.
“You have, ye dolt,” Marsali cut in. Her steady hand smoothed the wrinkled bed covering over Claire’s belly where Germain had tugged it, attempting to check on his aunt for himself. 
“I met Claire when she was but 15, a gangly wee thing gettin’ in her uncle’s way. She’s always been headstrong and determined. But I’ve never seen her so passionate, so content. Not until ye came along.”
“You couldn’t have expected this,” Fergus added, boosting Germain to his lap.
Marsali’s mobile vibrated.
Jamie could hazard a guess at how many times it had sounded that day based on the weary expression that crossed her face as she answered it.
She began speaking in rapid Gaelic, making it clear who was on the other end of the line. She could give Jenny a clear update without worrying Fergus unnecessarily.
Jamie flinched as he overheard rough translations for ‘still out’ and ‘hard knock to the head.’ She kept their big news to herself for now, and Jamie couldn’t help but imagine the sheer joy that would cross his sister’s face when she heard. Not to mention the bizarre hints he’d heard about their father today. How could he drop something like that on her, especially if it wasn’t true…
But he could puzzle all of that out later. As long as his stubborn lass woke up, all would be well.
The moment Marsali switched back to English, stepping toward the door and whispering into the receiver, Jamie knew she was talking about him and his own haggard appearance. There was no language the women shared that could conceal their worries from him.
As Germain’s impatient questions and complaints of an empty belly increased, Fergus and Marsali finally escorted him out of the room and to the cafeteria, promising to bring something back for Jamie. He doubted he’d have the will to eat it.
And so he was alone with his desperate thoughts once again.
Claire struggled against her heavy eyelids as awareness came back to her. Her immediate line of sight was blurred, and she ached all over. Gone was her torn pantsuit, a starchy white gown in its place. Her sorry state was apparent, almost as if she were taking account of her injuries from outside her own body.
She tried to recount what had happened in the last few hours… days? She had a vague recollection of a gun being drawn and shots firing, and someone going down painfully. Jamie?
Claire jolted at this thought, her vision adjusting to recognize the profile standing at the window across the room from her, with dazzling afternoon light refracting off his cinnamon waves as his head hung low and shoulders drooped. Though she could barely make him out in the shadows, she knew she loved him. He appeared healthy and strong, uninhibited by ballistic injury. So how much of what she remembered was actually real?
Could she trust her own tender feelings, anything besides the pull she felt toward him in spite of the weight of her limbs gluing her to the bed?
Had they truly shared all the things she thought she remembered, or was it all just lovely images her mind her created to comfort her as her body healed?
 Jamie lifted the corner of the curtain with just the tips of his fingers. The car park was littered with news vans, camera bulbs flashing as hospital officials created a barrier between the crowd and their front doors. In the hours that had passed since he carried Claire in, it was clearly no longer a secret where the prime minister was recovering, nor how she had fallen victim to betrayal and neglect. He dropped the flimsy material in disgust. Just once, if they would leave her alone…
He barely registered the rustling on the other side of the room, but spun to attention. Claire was moving.
Her head flopped across the pillow as she sniffled, then moaned.
Jamie released a startled cry, just watching in relief as she flexed unused muscles.
Claire stilled, eyes focused on him. She looked awkward and unsure.
He cursed himself for putting distance between them. She should have woken with her hand in his as he watched her closely for any simple comfort he could provide.
Jamie raced back to her side. “Thank Christ,” he whispered, kneeling to adjust the pillow under her as she sat up.
Claire tensed and leaned back into the pillow as their eyes met. Jamie wished he didn’t see it, but there was fear in her expression.
“C—Claire…” he soothed. “It’s over. You’re whole.” His mouth curved into what might have been a smile, but it apparently had no calming effect.
She gulped and took shallow breaths, wild eyes looking anywhere but at him. A panic attack.
Understanding dawned on Jamie. She didn’t remember. Dr. Abernathy’s term returned to him: Concussion. He wondered briefly how bad it would be, whether she would remember him at all. He wouldn’t be able to bear hearing her call him “Alex” or “Agent Malcolm” without a hint of the flirtatious banter or sultry tone of jest that usually accompanied the nicknames.
He couldn’t bear not to know, either.
“Seas, a leannan,” he cooed. He curled his fingers under her jaw. “Breathe with me, mo ghraidh.”
Her eyes locked on his as he spoke the language of his heart. “… Jamie?” Her face lit with hope.
Jamie’s nerves unknotted themselves. “Just me.” His other hand smoothed her tangled curls from her glistening face.
Claire’s breathing slowed as she leaned her cheek into his palm, grimace giving way to peace.
He boosted himself into the bed beside her, relief flowing through him as she curled into him, careful of the IV running between them.
“I’ve been having terrible dreams, I think…” She shook her head. “I was worried I’d dreamt it all.”
“Nay, mo nighean donn.” He kissed the side of her head, her sweaty neck, anywhere he could reach as his palm stroked down her side.
Claire’s hand flew to her middle, features crinkling once more. “Our baby, is everything...?”
“A braw one like ye,” he managed to choke out. “Has a good wee heart, I’ve heard it myself.”
 The door squealed open again just as Dr. Abernathy finished setting up the ultrasound machine.
Claire exhaled as her extended family piled through the door.
Amid the bustle of activity in the crowded room, she and Jamie had barely managed to speak discreetly about all that had occurred that day.
Claire had insisted on letting Jamie squeeze her hand as Nurse Cameron had placed five stitches under his right eye. His grip had been mild, but he had let her see him wince as the nurse had tied off the final suture. They had no secrets, and if she could bear a bit of his pain, she would.
She had stroked his curls as he recounted all the possibilities that had raced through his mind at the mere suggestion that Brian Fraser was alive. Much as he wanted to find out for himself, Jamie couldn’t risk investigating if it meant leaving Claire and the baby behind.
His tears had soaked into her gown as he apologized for not suspecting Frank sooner and taking care of the problem himself.
“Shh, shh,” she had whispered. “You had nothing to go on. I can just imagine it, ‘Metropolitan Police Protection Officer breaks into the House of Commons to tackle Home Secretary to the ground.’” She had scratched his stubbled chin. “You’d still be in gaol now.”
Jamie had snorted against her shoulder, shaking with the force of her own laughter. “It’s no’ funny, Claire.”
“Are you quite sure?” she had asked, lips curled. “I’m looking forward to the joy of seeing both those characters put away for awhile.”
“Aye,” he had rasped. “I’ll see to it, a nighean.”
Claire had tilted his chin to lock eyes with him. “We will.”
Jamie had sniffled and nodded firmly, grasping her palm to place a kiss there.
Fergus set Germain at the foot of her hospital bed, but her nephew jumped onto her sore legs instead. “Auntie Bear!” he cried.
She tried to withhold her groan as she gathered him to her. “Gracious, but you’re getting big, my lad.”
Claire got a lovely whiff of his lingering baby scent as her sister-in-law stooped beside her bed and took her face in both hands. “How are ye, a chridhe?”
Claire grasped her hands over Marsali’s. She had never been able to hide anything from the other woman’s intuitive gaze, so she shouldn’t have been surprised when Marsali glanced down then met her eye knowingly. She darted a glance to Jamie, who shrugged helplessly in the midst of feasting on his newly delivered hamburger and chips.
“My wife read your chart,” Fergus’s voice sounded as he closed in on their huddle to ruffle her curls. “Congratulations, ma cherie.”
Claire laughed and took a wonderfully full breath. “I don’t suppose I could have kept it from you for long. You might have been suspicious otherwise when I booked an appointment with you.” She squeezed Marsali’s hand before leaning into Fergus’s arm around her shoulders.
“Alright, Ms. Beauchamp,” Joe interrupted the lovingly chaotic scene.
Claire smiled up at him. In the half hour since he’d walked in to find her conscious, she had already grown to like the young doctor for his wit and gentle manner.
Nurse Cameron gestured that she was ready with the cool gel.
Fergus swept Germain out of her lap as Jamie nestled closer on the edge of her bed, shielding her as she wrestled the thin hospital gown up over her hips.
A few minor adjustments later and Claire’s eyes filled with tears as she watched a tiny form swim on the screen in front of her. She held onto Jamie – perhaps not as tightly as he clutched her – to make sure it still wasn’t a dream.
She had no idea how she’d do it all, but knew she could with the support of those around her.
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If you are having a bad day come here and read the amount of weird a$$ dreams I’ve had. Some are scary and should have been nightmares, others don’t make sense, and there’s even more where if I told people in the outernet about they would be worried about my safety.
My dad went a little crazy and basically invited a ghost into our house. Me and my brother couldn't see it but weird stuff was happening around the house. Roughly a few months later I woke up and my dad was in my mums backyard with another kind a see through man. I went out and was like “uh.. Dad could you go dig holes in your own yard and not mums?” anyway in the hole was my mum, stepdad, and brother and the kind a see through man looked at me and told my pops that I was the anti-christ and he needed to kill me to save the USA. I ran to my neighbors house (his house has 2 floors plus a basement) for help. My BFF’s neighbors kids were there. He sent us inside and I ran up a glass staircase, up 7 flights of stairs. I then woke up. 
Me and my brother had an argument over whether or not eyebrows were important. Instead of covering them with makeup I shaved one off. I think I won the argument but it is also worth noting that I had neon pink hair. I have never had pink hair.
basically my dad signed me up for goat 4-H without warning and the rapture happened. before that though the 4-H leader handed me his keys and said that I will need this before turning to literal dust. I found my BFF and another mutual friend and we started to go across the country. My other BFF sold us out to the government and we were being hunted down. Went to the high school where everything was super future and techy and stole some clothes out of the lockers because they were like walk in closets (it was really cool actually). Saw my dog tied outside of the school fence but she wasn't 14 years old she was like 1. anyway almost got caught and we drove through a fence. I was also arrested at one point because I referred to a car as a “she” but that was illegal to do so.
(this one needs background info but I have 3 cats: Griffin (mostly referred to as snowball & lil pasta), Knighthawk, and Dragon) Ya know the Witcher series? yeah, I was Garelt but my cats kept showing up and getting eaten/killed by their namesakes. like Griffin was ate by a literal griffin, Dragon was stepped on my a dragon, and knighthawks was weird cause it was an owl but it was a big owl like the size of mine/Garelts torso.
My hedgehog ate me. IDK why or how she was the size of a mc’freaking Saint Bernard but she was and she ate me.
I couldn't see my reflection in mirrors or anything like that so my makeup looked horrible (idk why I kept doing it but whatever) and I couldn't see if there was anything on my face and no one would tell me if there was but I knew because I was in in 3rd person but I wouldn't do anything about it.
I was allergic to literally every food but its cool cause I could photosynthesis. 
My mum attacked me because I was wearing a banana costume and she wouldn't stop trying to kill me with it on so the next logical step was to kill her first.
no one had bones but me and everyone moved like octopuses (octopi?)
I cannot think of anymore I might keep y’all up dated if this doesn't scare you guys away.
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thefloatingstone · 4 years
you can't just NOT tell us what caligula did
Oh ho ho ho HO!!!
*cracks knuckles*
My dear sweet innocent anon…
Here’s an incomplete list of things the real Caligula did (because the movie made some of it up… but a lot of it not…). I’m writing it as a basic list because writing it out in detail might actually kill me. It also doesn’t help that since Rome destroyed most of the evidence of Caligula’s reign we have very little documentation on Caligula apart from a few sources, and many of the finer details are argued on whether they’re true or not.
Caligula was Roman Emperor from 37AD to 41AD (You will notice that is only 4 years. During these four years he;
Possibly killed his adoptive grandfather Tibirius to become emperor (we are not sure but there was some suspicion)
Nullified Tibirius’ own grandson from Tibirius’ will on the grounds of insanity.
The first 7 months of him as emperor were actually very good so not much to report there. He was popular and made moves to make himself popular with both the people and the military After falling ill (or possibly poisoned) all of this changed
he started to kill off or exile those who were close to him or anyone he saw as a threatfor any reason
He started to kill or have people executed who said anything negative about his appearance
had his cousin and adopted son Tiberius Gemellus executed, enraging his and Caligula’s joint grandmother who then either committed suicide or was also killed by Caligula
He had his father-in-law Marcus Junius Silanus and his brother-in-law Marcus Lepidus executed as well (again. For little to no reason.)
His uncle Claudius was spared only because Caligula preferred to keep him as a laughing stock.
Is said to have had an incestuous relationship with his favourite sister Julia Drusilla. (Drusilla died at age 38 from a fever)
had his other two sisters, Livilla and Agrippina the Younger, exiled. Caligula was supposedly having an incestuous relationship with both of them as well
Started executing people without trials
Forced the Praetorian prefect, Macro, to commit suicide
Spent so much of Rome’s money on his own extravagance that Rome fell into financial crisis
began falsely accusing, fining and even killing individuals for the purpose of seizing their estates to spend on himself
Started taxing lawsuits, weddings, and prostitution
Started auctioning the lives of Gladiators during shows
Wills that left items to Tiberius were reinterpreted to leave the items instead to Caligula to further his spending on himself
in the first year of Caligula’s reign, he squandered 2.7 billion sesterces that Tiberius had amassed
grain imports were disrupted because Caligula re-purposed grain boats for a pontoon bridge, resulting in a famine
Ok I’m gonna have to elaborate on this because this is some insane shit and this was where the crazy REALLY starts getting out of control. More so than incest and executing people for no reason;
In 39, Caligula performed a spectacular stunt by ordering a temporary floating bridge to be built using ships as pontoons, stretching for over two miles from the resort of Baiae to the neighbouring port of Puteoli. Caligula, who could not swim, then proceeded to ride his favourite horse Incitatus across, wearing the breastplate of Alexander the Great. This act was in defiance of a prediction by Tiberius’s soothsayer Thrasyllus of Mendes that Caligula had “no more chance of becoming emperor than of riding a horse across the Bay of Baiae”.
(imagine being that full of spite and THAT big of a Chad)
anyway, moving on;
He also had 2 insanely large ships constructed to himself during this same time. During the famine and financial crisis.
Decided numerous senators were not trustworthy and had them executed
Forced the senators he did not execute to weight on him and run beside his chariot to humiliate them
marched his troops to the northern shoreline of Gaul as a prelude to the invasion of Britain but then ordered them to collect seashells, which he called the spoils of the conquered ocean.
Declared war on Poseidon and marched his troops to the beach where he ordered them to throw their spears and stab the water
began appearing in public dressed as various gods such as Hercules, Mercury, Venus and Apollo.(Imagine if Trump started showing up in public dressed as Jesus Christ)
began referring to himself as a god when meeting with politicians 
Had himself be referred to as “Jupiter” in several public documents
had 3 temples built where people could worship HIM
Had a different temple which was dedicated to gods be dedicated to him instead. (Imagine if Trump said the Notre Dame is now a place to worship him instead)
would present himself as a god to the public 
had the heads removed from various statues of gods located across Rome and replaced them with his own.
was represented as a sun god on Egyptian coins 
took things a step further and had those in Rome, including senators, worship him as a tangible, living god. 
ordered the erection of a statue of himself in the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem
The Temple of Jerusalem was then transformed into a temple for Caligula, and it was called the Temple of Illustrious Gaius the New Jupiter. 
Slept with other mens’ wives and bragged about it publicly
Would kill people for mere amusement
Once, at some games he was attending, he was said to have ordered his guards to throw an entire section of the audience into the arena during the intermission to be eaten by the animals because there were no prisoners to be used and he was bored
Prostituted his sisters out to other men
Would send troops on nonsensical missions apparently for his own amusement just to waste their time
Turned his palace into a brothel
Planned or at least promised to make his horse Incitatus into a consulate in the senate
DID actually appoint his horse as a priest
Built his horse its own house and a carved marble manger to eat out of
Planned to move to Egypt to be worshipped as a living god
Displayed his 4th wife Milonia Caesonianaked to his friends on several occasions
Taxed the Roman people when his daughter was born to fund her education and dowry
there’s this little extract from Suetonius which idk how to put in a bullet point
“after the birth of his daughter, complaining of his poverty, and the burdens to which he was subjected, not only as an emperor, but a father, he made a general collection for her maintenance and fortune. He likewise gave public notice, that he would receive new-year’s gifts on the calends of January following; and accordingly stood in the vestibule of his house, to clutch the presents which people of all ranks threw down before him by handfuls and lapfuls. At last, being seized with an invincible desire of feeling money, taking off his slippers, he repeatedly walked over great heaps of gold coin spread upon the spacious floor, and then laying himself down, rolled his whole body in gold over and over again.”
Caligula was assassinated in 41AD at the age of 28 by getting repeatedly stabbed.
Here are some direct quotes from him;
Would that the Roman people had but one neck!
Let them hate me, so long as they fear me
I have the right to do anything to anybody
Having punished one person for another, by mistaking his name, he said, “he deserved it just as much.”
And this which is not a quote by the real person but from the film, and despite it not being a real quote I think it’s excellent stuff
I have existed from the morning of the world and I shall exist until the last star falls from the night. Although I have taken the form of Gaius Caligula, I am all men as I am no man, and therefore I am a god.
(feel free to correct any mistakes on my facts in this post by reblogging but do me a favor and don’t @ me in my inbox about how stupid I am for saying x or y.)
consider ☕️Buying me a Ko-fi ☕️
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drawacharge · 6 years
I'm a nuisance so here's a shit ton of questions =/ Cal - 10, 11, 13, 18, 22 / Camilla - 8, 14, 16, 23, 27 /Ant - 7, 9, 20, 24, 29 / Hannah - 2, 4, 15, 26, 39 / Daniel - 5, 13, 15, 22. And also, answer B, D and E for all the characters =] that's all
 god, cindy, you make me & my ocs feel so loved.
so, this is very fucking long, and under a read more because i highly doubt anyone cares except u. but also this was actually very fun so thank u.
( cal ).
what lie do they most frequently remember telling? does it haunt them?
tbh cal’s most frequently spoken lie was probably literally everything he ever said in front of neil. and it absolutely does not haunt him. in fact, he probably smiled as pleasantly as one can when they secretly wish for your death.
how do they cope with confusion?
he definitely seeks clarification, asks you to specify or explain, etc. cal has like no social anxiety lmao. he has no problem speaking his mind.
what color do they think they look best in? do they? 
cal thinks he looks best in soft blues, and yes he absolutely does. however, cal looks great in everything so its not particularly hard to pull off.
what embarrasses them?
little. even when cal is shut down by romantic prospects he takes in pleasant stride. maybe if he like, pissed himself in public he’d be embarrassed, but that’s about it dfgd
how does jealousy manifest itself in them?
cal doesn’t really get jealous. in fact, he’s had girlfriends in the past that took issue with the fact that he doesn’t get jealous. however, cal figures that if you’re with him, its for a reason, so he has no reason to feel jealousy over your interactions with other people.
( camillia ).
what were they told to stop/start doing as a child?
camilla was a destructive ass child so, everything? she had a habit of ripping the heads off her little sisters’ barbies, so there’s that.
what animal do they fear most?
snakes. look, cami is a brave ass bitch. she has, on multiple occasions, offered– 100% sincerely– to go toe-to-toe with billy’s father. but when she sees a snake she’s done. she’ll climb a fucking tree to get away if she has to.
what makes their stomach turn?
neil hargrove & white people food.
how does envy manifest itself in them?
if she’s envious of something she can attain herself ( ie: an accomplishment, life style choice, etc ) it simply gives her motivation to do something about it. nothing motivates camilla more than wanting to be better than someone else lmao. except maybe resentment. 
what causes them to feel dread?
literally any and every time billy, ant, or hannah have to go home ( all three of which were raised within less-than-ideal home lives )
( ant ).
what triggers nostalgia for them? do they enjoy it?
sure. most people enjoy nostalgia, don’t they? i’d say the smell of fish and the sea mixed together since he would go fishing with his father a lot as a kid before he died. so, i guess its sort of a melancholy feeling.
do they swear? do they remember their first swear word?
he probably swears the least out of the group, but yeah, ant swears. his first swear was probably one of the more tame ones, though, like shit.
if they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
jesus christ, ok, uh. he’d say the difference between romantic and platonic is simply that he also wants to fuck his romantic partner lol. like, for instance, he has platonic love for cal, and romantic love for hannah. he could see himself spending the rest of his life with either of them, but he only wants to kiss and hold and romance hannah, not cal.as for familial he’d say it’s platonically loving someone to a point that you feel as if you’ve loved them that way your whole life. he feels this way to most of the group tbh, daniel especially who is his best friend and brother.
is sex something they feel comfortable talking about? to whom?
everyone in this group feels comfortable talking about sex, and all to each other. there ain’t one shy bitch in the bunch when it comes to that.
do they usually live up to their own ideals?
well, he tries. ant is 6′2″ and big. he speaks peace and being passive, however. the day before neil yanked billy from everything he loves and took him across the country, ant lost his cool and slugged the piece of shit across his face.
of course, neil had just put his best friend in the hospital and beat his own son, so, can you blame him?
( hannah ).
how easy is for your character to laugh?
super easy. hannah is very bubbly. she’d probably laugh at one of dustin’s jokes while billy shoots her a disappointed look from across the booth. 
how easy is it to earn their trust?
actually, not easy. hannah is friendly, but she’s not stupid. she’s basically that quots from captain america: winter soldier where nick fury is talking about how his father carried a gun on his walk to work every day, and when he explains why he goes, “my dad liked people, he just didn’t trust them very much” that’s hannah. 
how do they speak? is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
does she have a filter is basically the question i’m guessing. yeah, she does. most of them do except camilla and billy. and cal on occasion.
what is their preferred mode of transportation?
cal’s van lol. hannah hates driving, she doesn’t even have her license. if cal isn’t around to drive her, she just rides her bike.
how easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
depends on the flaw. billy has… issues, we all know this. sometimes he says shit he doesn’t believe, more or less just repeating his father, and she understands, but i don’t think ignoring is the right word. hannah is the mom friend. when billy, or someone else, says something offensive she goes, “hey, watch it,” and then explains like why they shouldn’t say that kind of thing.
believe it or not, calling billy out on his shit is the best way to deal with him. people just usually don’t. 
( daniel ).
how easy is it to earn their mistrust?
daniel is a sweet, good boy, and if you fuck him over he’s probably likely to forgive you. however, if you hurt one of his friends there’s no way in hell he’ll ever trust you again, even if said friend forgives you first.
what color do they think they look best in? do they actually look best in that color?
reds, blacks, and tans. daniel actually looks best in yellow, but he’d rather die than wear yellow, so.
how do they speak? is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
daniel has a great filter and knows how to be polite. he, however, lets it down around billy and would often speak his mind freely since billy was the last person on the planet to ever judge him for whatever he were to say.
how does jealousy manifest itself in them?
probably like. self-esteem issues. he gets edgy, maybe considers that there’s something wrong with him. he’d never show it though, never get pouty with his boyfriend or get snippy. he’d just internalize that shit. 
and now for the bit just for me i guess??
what inspired you to create them?
well, i always figured billy had a friend group in cali he hated leaving behind, and i made daniel first because he was the boy billy had been caught fooling around with by his dad. the others came when i decided to write a jealous!steve fic.
idk, for me it’s important that billy had someone(s) in california, that he wasn’t alone or just playing a role like he is in hawkins. i think it explains his anger towards being ripped away even better.
have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
hm. i think they all started the way they are. i think, maybe briefly, i gave cami the buzz cut, but thought it’d just be too stereotypical for her personality. plus, i loved the idea of sweet, tiny hannah with season one eleven type hair.
are they someone you would get along with? would they get along with you?
hmm. i’d probably get along with all of them, but i’d probably still butt heads with camilla, just like i know i’d butt heads with billy if he was real. actually, if billy was real, we’d probably physically fight each other, but you call me billy anyway so no one is surprised.
also if hannah tried to mom me and chastise me too much i might hit her lmao.
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anonplusultra-blog · 6 years
Faux Sèrum
<Hey Elsa, still wake :s|
|Yeah, what up Anna?>
<Just wanted to remind you that you can text me if you feeling| lonely or idk anythin                                                                   |
|Don't worry love, we'll talk at lunch. See ya tmrr babe>
<uh?. kay G'night babe?|
Well she did sounded happier than our emotional lunch a couple days ago. But 'babe', I didn't think Elsa was the type of girl that would call her friends babe, she is usually more reserved and formal, even when addressing me, her own sister.
My phone clock said it was fifteen past one, I really hope she gets some sleep, she already missed Literature yesterday because she over slept.
My eyes were almost giving up the fight, my breath became slower and I was finding the sweet spot laying on my side... until my eyes connected with pale green bright ones across my bed. "Aah! Oh, its just- I'm sorry Rory, but your eyes were like ghostly for a sec. Uh did my phone wake you up?"
"Not really, I was thinking about a story I read this afternoon online, it was about these two brothers that had a legal dispute over the rights to an App that got very popular lately. And then I was thinking about you and Elizabeth, as a complete opposite to their relationship" Is she...who's Elizabeth? "You and your sister seem to be really close. I'm an only child so I guess always wanted a sister. I mean Malena... my step mom is like an older sister to me, almost. She is turning thirty two this month and I'm nineteen, but to be honest she looks younger"
"Wait, you're older than me... how?, you look like thirteen. Are you sure you're not like a fairy or one of those kids from Peter Pan's stories?" I really thought she was some sort of genius thirteen year old that got here for her brains. And she is so cute! "You are adorable"
"Should I take that as a compliment" aw, is she blushing? Wait-wait a second. Am I, am I flirting with Rory? Sure, she is mysterious and a cutie but. Oh, I think I'm flirting with her. It wouldn't be the first time, and we're not in high school anymore, this won't be one of those hey let's be lez and make out for funsies, we are adults now, we could be girlf-partn-we might be serious about it. Take it slow, she might not be into girls, there are still straight girls... probably out there in the world. And even if they feel attracted to other girls it might not be serious.
"Hum, yeah. Totally babe" real smooth you dumb dumb "I mean its totally late" saved! "Yaaaaawn~, goodnight Rory".
I couldn't keep eye contact with her after that and pretended to be sleeping by facing to the wall and hugging my pillow tight. I wonder what was keeping Elsa up this late, and well I have to tell her about Rory and I'm sure she will support me, and maybe she will finally come out of the closet.
Elsa has never had a boyfriend... or a girlfriend either, but I know she is not asexual. I once saw her laptop's browser history, her searches where mostly about something called first time videos, no boys in those videos for what I watched.
She didn't have a date for prom, instead she asked me to be her date which was very sweet but it was when Hans and I were dating. That did not end well, Elsa went back into a depression which I could help her overcome, I had to, it was my fault after all. Hans wasn't even worth it, he just wanted to fulfill some sexual fantasy. Asshole. I regret dating him, Elsa was right about him all along.
Ugh, why is sleeping so hard now! Every time I try to stop thinking and sleep, I start thinking about Elsa or Rory, or both. I guess I can't wait 'till tomorrow, I'll send Elsa a text. No! I can't wake her up just for that!
Even if I get any sleep, tomorrow is going to be a hard day...
And indeed it was. I was so distracted by the sleep deprivation that during volley classes I broke my 'ball to the face' record. Although one of them was because I thought seeing Elsa, guess I got hit in the head a lot that day. The last time Elsa came to one of my games or practices was back in high school. Her excuse for not coming to see me was that our uniforms were too revealing and uncomfortable to wear and some weird feminist term I can't quite recall. I never told her that I helped designing the Arendelle's Amazons team uniform.
Today was a hard day. All thru the night I had to fight the urge to comply to mirror's Anna requests. Since two days ago, when I decided to own the wrong feelings towards my sister, and accepted her fictional kisses and roaming hands, Anna has gotten bolder and is firmly determined to go where no other has ever been.
She wants us to do something so despicable... yet I know she only wants it because, I, because I want her too. But we can't. I had complied and let her touch me lustfully from head to toe. I have felt her hands massage, squeeze and pinch into the soft flesh of my breasts, her lips and saliva seducing my neck, my fingers, my nipples, my nose and my lips. I let her feel all of me... except for my sex. There is where I've drawn a line. Its ridiculous and even I find it a nuisance, but once we cross that invisible line, we could no longer be who we are now. We would no longer be human, we would be no better than animals. How could I do that to her if I love her, strip her away from her humanity, making her but a lust beast.
The only way I have managed to stop her from advancing any further is exercise. I have done about a hundred squats or even more, maybe the sore muscles are enough punishment in her eyes or she ends up as tired as I am by the end of the day. Mirror Anna had the idea of visiting the real Anna's volley practice this morning, and she did, she even took some photos of Anna. I still don't get why an athlete has to wear those tiny shorts to play volley. Which is the same reason I'm doing squats five minutes before Anna comes to my dorm with pizza slices and probably looking... I need more squats.
Knock-Knock. The sound from the lower part of the door, Anna was kicking the wood, her hands must be occupied with the pizza. I'm sitting on the floor, sweating and sore, my muscles inflamed and my mind... pure. I force my self up, a grunt escaping my throat. "I'm coming, Anna, just a second" every step a needle of quick pain thru my legs. I take a deep breath and turn the knob opening the door and inviting Anna in.
"Pizza is here!" said my sister cheerful as ever.
She indeed had a nine inch plain white box, a can of coca~cola for us to share and a pair of straws. And then I had to look at her, her beautiful face holding an honest warm smile my face can't avoid replicating. I take the box from her and place it on the desk going around my bed, Anna tilts her head to right showing confusion. She kicks her shoes off and walks thru the bed setting down the coke on the desk and sitting down on my bed.
She looks at me joyfully and pats the spot to her left presenting it for me to sit by her side. I can't help but smiling and feeling a blush crawl under my cheeks. I took of my sneakers and took a step forwards when Anna extended her hand in front of her signaling me to stop. "Are those new pants?" her chocolate eyebrows knitted together.
"N-No, m-m-mom gave th-these yoga pan-nts t-t-to me last christ-t-tmas" I was stuttering so much, why?
"Are you sure, you look different. Twirl for me, babe." B-babe?! Where did that came from? Do I really look strange? But, as per usual, I did as Anna requested. "No no. Slower" And I did it again, slower this time.
"S-s-ssee, the same old p-p-pa-ants." her face was thoughtful and intense. And her next words were, acute to say the least.
"Your ass got bigger. But bigger good, you know, not fat or immense. Just fuller, um, how can I... your butt looks good in those pants" We were both blushing red and hot like a flame. And a awkward silence set in for a few seconds longer than I would like it to be.
"I-I-I squats...an-d-d-d thank y-y-you An-Anna" she bursted in a laughter and I followed. She fell on her back as she tried to recover from our cackling up.
I sat down next to her still chuckling a bit. Her skirt had risen a couple of inches up and her thighs were at full display, but what my eyes were seeking for was barely peeking into my sight, her green- No! stop it. Pizza night, and that's it. Behave like a sentient being Elsa, focus. I looked away from her and my eyes met the mirror across the dorm. And I saw myself kissing Anna, like I would kiss the other Anna. Shook my head to make sure it was nothing more than a mere mesmerism. It was.
Anna sit up and wipe some tears the laughing had brought to her eyes. "We are such dorks. Oh, that made me so hungry. Let's eat before the pizza gets cold and our can of soda gets warm" if only she knew how hard this visit has been to me.
We ate the pepperoni and cajun style spiced slices of pizza, and clean the fatty oily sensation drinking the can of soda with two straws, one for each, although, I worry I might have sipped from Anna's a few times both being identical white plastic same lengthened generic straws. This night was the best I had in a long time, but it was fated to die.
All the fun, our pleasant chat, all would end with Anna going back to her own dorm.
Anna got up and stretched until her back pop the air off her spine joints and mewl with satisfaction. She put on her shoes back and took a last look at the mirror to check her makeup. "My dorm doesn't have a mirror"
"Please stay! Jus-Just-t-t for the night, please, An-Anna."
She turned to me with a disappointing look, I knew what her answer was going to be "I can't stay Elsa, I'm sorry. but, I have Volley courses tomorrow early in the morning".
It hurt. Having her just for a moment every day, when I deserved to have her by my side. I felt anger, sadness, yearning all bottled up in my chest ready to burst. "I-I don't care ab-bout your stupid volley. Y-you only play it because of the slut uniforms they wear..." hot tears ran thru my face as I collapsed to my knees. Why was I pushing her away? Why couldn't I just... accept it, that there is no Anna and Elsa, not in the way my mind has made it to be lately.
But then warmth wrapped my body, Anna was holding me, on her knees, crying. I don't deserve her. "I know how much it hurts Elsa, and believe me, it hurts me too. And calling me a slut or whore or a cunt, will not work on me, you can't hurt me, because you love me more than anyone will ever love me, and we know that".
I don't deserve her.
My tears kept rolling down my cheeks, like healing rain, cleansing the pressure off my chest. My eyes seek hers, I swallow hard and cease breathing, my lips draughting a kiss that Anna with no hesitation participates in. Chaste, nothing but a peck for her, but to me... it was a promise. A promise to Anna, 'I will try'.
Anna still loves to break mom's rule. I know that, as chaste as our kisses are, siblings our age don't kiss each other on the lips, but we are not just siblings, not just sisters... we are special. And I think she missed this too. Not in the same way I do, but it still makes me feel a little better.
"There, better now sweetie?" I was, so I nodded "Uhm, so, my roommate Rory, well..." she was scratching the back of her neck and her eyes leaving mine "she told me about this social worker that can help... us, with, well you know like therapy. We could go tomorrow... if you want of course."
"M-m-maybe it would hel-p. Th-th-thanks, An-nn-na, for being here for me" she fought tears creeping in her eyes and helped me get up.
We said goodnight, and she left. I closed the door and there in front of me was Anna in the mirror sitting on the bed and pretending to be weary.
"Finally, she left. I really thought for a moment there that she would ruin our night. And... tonight will be the night, right babe?"
I did not responded. But instead, I undressed and hid myself under the red wig.
I did not want to fight myself no more.
Tonight was going to be the night.
Tonight, I would stop being a human...
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tokyoknj · 7 years
a load of tags! ✨🌟☀️
lmao i was busy doing uni stuff but now i finally got round to these so Enjoy !
obviously u don’t have to do all of them just do whatever u feel u kno? anyway
i’m tagging u all up here lmao so i’m tagging @namsieur @wingscomeback @sugaegyc @sugasideup @sheloveskook @cryptidhobi @gaycypher @namjooniewifey @iluwonho @jiminsarroz @stigmz @dreamjimn @mochiminii let me know if u don’t want to be tagged in stuff like this !! 
get to know me tag
answer the 20 questions and tag 20 followers that you would like to know better.
i was tagged by @monnyoongi​ thank u zuza!
name: alice
nickname: i don’t really like any of my nicknames? lmao
zodiac sign: cancer
height: 5′8″
orientation: A Whole Bi
nationality: british
favourite fruit: mangos! 
favourite season: either summer or autumn
favourite flower: either roses or tulips
favourite scent: like just a fresh summer evening lmao
favourite colour: pink, red + orange
favourite animal: sharks !
average hours of sleep: i think 9?
favourite fictional character: clarice bean
number of blankets you sleep with: always just the one
dream trip: either dubrovnik, mykonos or the amalfi coast
blog created: last april
get to know me again
rules: answer 30 questions & tag 20 blogs you would like to know better
tagged by @yoongicrew​ thank u rena !!
1. nicknames: still none lol
2. gender: female
3. star sign: cancer
4. height: 5′8″
5. time: 4:24 pm
6. birthdate: july 21st
7. fave band(s): bts, blackpink, red velvet, lany
8. fave solo artist: gallant, Queen CRJ, kehlani
9. song currently stuck in my head: saw you in a dream - the japanese house
10. last movie watched: spiderman homecoming and i Loved it
11. last show watched: first dates
12. when I created this blog: last april
13. what I post: 95% kpop, 5% aesthetic
14. last thing I googled: “that flute song” still don’t know what the song is. its not mask off tho
15. any other blogs?: my aesthetic blog dadcrisis that i’ve had since like 2012... christ
16. do you get asks?: not very often but its all good
17. why I chose my url: i love mister rap monster
18. following: 919
19. followers: 809
20. fave colours: pink, red, orange
21. average hours of sleep: 9
22. lucky number: 8
23. play any instruments?: drums
24. currently wearing: my pyjamas xoxo
25. how many blankets I sleep with: just one
26. dream job: oh idk. charming radio host probably
27. dream trip: just v scenic places across europe
28. fave food: any cured ham... Hell Yes
29. nationality: british
30. fave song currently: you better know - red velvet
kpop q’s
tagged by @teambusan​ thank u sabes xoxo
1. who was your first female bias?
i think it was jennie i was very late to girl groups lmao
2. who was your first male bias?
namjoon.... what a guy
3. who are your current biases? other than the above:
johnny, jinjin, rosé, jiwoo, wonpil, dahyun, luna, jooheon, shownu + dean
4. in the entire kpop industry, who is the closest to your ideal type?
probably shownu... like he’s a sweet n humble dad who is just also fine as hell... thats what i’m about ! also jennie like she’s just Gorgeous™ like i would lay down my life for her in a heartbeat tbh
5. have you ever attended any kpop concert / fanmeeting / fan sign?
How Dare You
6. if yes, which group / artist? how was the experience?
i cannot believe this disrespect
7. which group /artist would you like to see live?
bts, blackpink, monsta x. day6 !
8. how did you get into kpop?
my friend showed me fantastic baby (lmao) when we were like 15 and then i dropped it for a bit but then i saw a dance practice for no more dream like last year so now i am Here
9. who are your otps?
10. when did you start to ship them?
11. what is your favorite fanfic genre?
honestly i’ll read whatever turns up on my dash as long as it’s not involving furries or anything Truly Nasty
12. what is your favorite music genre?
pop has and always will be my fave but i like other stuff too ofc xoxo
five things tag
Rules: you’ll have to tag 15 people at the end of this challenge
tagged by @cypherpart420​ thank u linsey ily!
five things you’ll find in my bag: purse hand sanitiser keys vaseline water
five things you’ll find in my bedroom: Trash Mountain nik naks fan approx. seven 1d posters radio
five things i’ve always wanted to do: go to glasto ! go on a trip just to look at palaces across europe lmao see bts ! adopt 2 dogs and live my best life go somewhere with a really clear view of the stars and just Cry
five things that make me happy: family dogs my pals xoxo listening to music baking
five things i’m currently into: fake nails crafting my Brand lmao big brother hydration arrested development
five things on my to do list: embark on my Fitness Journey get my professional blog going plan what i’m doing for my bday get a skincare routine get money
once again, get to know me
i was tagged by @parkmochibean​ thanks natasha!
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. drink: water 2. phone call: my sister 3. text message: my friend explaining exo sub-units to me lmao 4. song you listened to: young & free - xiumin and mark 5. time you cried: probably looking through val from bake off’s insta she’s just the cutest 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yep ! 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: only my whole uni career 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: only twice i know my limits now lmao
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. pink, red and orange
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: ofc! 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes lmao 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20 found out who your friends are: yes  21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them 23. do you have any pets: no :’( 24. do you want to change your name: no i enjoy her 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went for afternoon tea w my family 26. what time did you wake up: 11am its summer now i do what i want 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: idk chilling i guess 28. name something you can’t wait for: my birthday !! 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like an hour ago 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: idk if i’d been confident Forever i think that would be pretty good? 31. what are you listening to right now: faking it - kehlani, lil yachty, calvin harris 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my older sister she’s just so Loud 34. most visited website: this or youtube 35-37. lost questions?? 38. hair colour: brown 39. long or short hair: i want long but i’ve got medium rn lmao 40. do you have a crush on someone: no 41. what do you like about yourself: i’m good 2 my family and i think i’m quite nice? tbh? 42. piercings: ears + nose 43. bloodtype: idk yikes 44. nickname: none lmao 45. relationship status: Single™ 46. zodiac: cancer  47. pronous: she/her 48. favourite tv show: bojack horseman, rpdr 49. tattoos: just one (1) 50. right or left handed: right 51. surgery: on my hand and i was awake for it but they played me some 1d so it was chill 52. piercing: ok i literally just answered this 53. sport: thats cute 55. vacation: just various fancy places across europe before brexit ruins that free movement 56. pair of trainers: i only wear my adidas but they’re on the verge of death now rip
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: werthers originals i’m a nan 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: go tf to sleep 61. waiting for: my birthday lmao 62. want: money and ideally a job that looks promising 63. get married: Who Can Never Be Sure? 64. career: either radio or social media 
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: hugs 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: don’t really mind 68. older or younger: older 70. nice arms or nice stomach: also don’t mind lmao 71. sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: yes 75. drank hard liquor: yes 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: my first pair of glasses... rip 77. turned someone down: yes 78. sex on the first date: no 79. broken someone’s heart: probs not? i hope not 80. had your heart broken: no 81. been arrested: no  82. cried when someone died: yes 83. fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: Always ! 85. miracles: sure why not 86. love at first sight: no 87. santa claus: he’s doing his best 88. kiss on the first date: sure 89. angels: idk?
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: robin 91. eye colour: green/blue 92. favourite movie: i’m basic it’s love actually
shuffle tag
tagged by @kpopeyton thank you !
rules: you can tell a lot about a person based on the type of music they listen to. put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
wake up alone / amy winehouse
first love / bts
pyramids / frank ocean
i didn’t just come here to dance / carly rae jepsen
girl girl girl / triple h
21st century girl / bts
you better know / red velvet
wolves / one direction
coffee / miguel
view / shinee
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peakyblinders1919 · 7 years
Dripping in Diamonds Pt. 2
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Pt. 1
“Fuck, I can’t believe you did this. Were you ever going to tell me? I ran away from my family for a reason Alfie; they’re shit. I didn’t want to be involved in that life anymore, but I guess it follows me around.” You say harshly, throwing clothes haphazardly into a suitcase on the bed. You wanted your words to hurt, to suggest that Alfie was just as bad as them, which you were slowly starting to realize was true. Of course you knew all along that he was practically the same as your brother’s, Tommy especially, but you chose to ignore it. Now you couldn’t.
“Listen, its best for the company, yeah? Isn’t that what we both want?” He says, trying to stop you but you fight against his grip.
“I want you to stop being a little prick and tell me everything about the business. I want to be your equal, and I definitely don’t want to be kept in the dark.” Your voice sounds harsher than it’s ever been, and his silence is confirmation. You look at him before grabbing your suitcase and walking out of the room.
“Ah, for Christ’s sake, what are you doing Y/N?” He calls, following you.
“Something I never thought I’d have to do; go back to Small Heath and find my family. If you thought for a minute I wasn’t going with you…” You couldn’t finish your sentence as you shook your head at Alfie. Some may say your life together was perfect, and essentially this was your first fight. You had never been so mad at him; felt so betrayed. You had first met him and instantly fell in love with his sometimes indistinguishable rambling, his fiery heart and soul. You opened up to him faster than anyone else, laid it all out on the line, your family history and how you felt about them. And still he had to work with them.
“Y/N, just calm down. The meetings tomorrow here at the bakery, we can relax tonight.” He says, trying to wrap you in his arms but you won’t have it.
“If you want my brothers to work for you, you’ll let me see them before the meeting, otherwise they’ll blow your head off.”
You didn’t care that it was one in the morning, or that all the lights were out. You pounded on the door as hard and long as you had to until Tommy opened it.
“What the fuck do you want?” He says, his eyes half closed and his hand clasped around the end of a gun ‘hidden’ under his night clothes. “Y/N…” He asks, confused.
“Yeah, I’m surprised too.” You say, shoving past him with your suitcase. He pulls out a bottle of whisky, asking the maid to call the family and invites you to sit at the table.
“Tommy, this better be important, do you know what goddamn time it is.” You hear Polly say as she walks in followed by a tired John and grumpy looking Arthur. They follow Tommy’s eyes until they see you sitting at the table, a whisky in your hand.
“Y/N?” They say altogether, surprised.
“Sit.” Tommy says and everyone does. The tension is heavy in the air around you all.
“What’s this all about, Y/N?” He says once you’ve let 20 minutes go by in awkward silence.
“Solomons.” You say simply, not looking at anyone.
“Solomons, eh?” He asks, leaning to flick his ashes into the tray. “How do you know about Solomons?”
There’s a long moment of silence as you sip your drink and Tommy smokes, the real conversation between the two of you as everyone else watches. “He’s my husband.”
Tommy’s face is absolutely blank as he processes this, standing up and slamming his hands on the desk, John and Arthur standing up and yelling words at you. You have no idea what they’re saying.
“Listen!” You shout, getting everyones attention. They all look at you, waiting for you to explain yourself. “Tommy, before you say anything, know that I didn’t know he’d be working with you.” You interject before he can go off on you. He takes a few steps back and forth, breathing rapidly trying to figure out what to say, how to react without making you leave again. Thankfully he has time.
“Married?” John starts.
“To Alfie fucking Solomons?” Arthur finishes, looking at you.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Tommy finally asks.
“He treats me right, he loves me, I married him. He told me about his ‘business’, but I stayed because he let’s me work with him, something you guys wouldn’t let me do.” You say your voice raising.
“Yeah because you didn’t want to.” Tommy shouts, standing up angrily.
“That’s because what you were doing was wrong.” You shout back.
“And you don’t think what he’s doing is wrong, Y/N? Hmmm?” He says, furiously.
“What the fuck did I even come here for? I knew you wouldn’t be able to understand.” You say, getting up and walking out of the room, hiding the tears about to spill over. Your reminded why you left in the first place; it was like your family name was cursed and bad luck followed you everywhere. You were the little, incompetent sister of the scary, powerful gang members who treated you like you couldn’t take care of yourself. They acted like they were in charge of you, but you knew you were in charge of yourself. And that’s why Alfie was different; why you were able to look past what he did for a living to be with him.
You were outside clearing your head, willing yourself not too get too worked up about everything when Polly approached you slowly. She understood.
“It’s cold out, it’s late, come on inside. We can set you up in the spare room.” She says, wrapping a coat around you.
“No Poll. I think I’ll go stay in a hotel. I’ll see them later, at the meeting. You know, if they’ll still do business with him.” You say, the feeling of defeat washing over you as you walk towards the car.
You wake a couple of hours later, feeling tired and drained. You realize the meeting has already started, and quickly get dressed, opening the door to leave only to find the diamond necklace Alfie gave you the other night, resting in a box. There’s a note attached, saying he was sorry and if you were willing to forgive him, you’d come to the meeting. You were already planning on it, but now all you wanted was to see him. What happened last night overshadowed Alfie not asking you before agreeing to work with you brothers
You find your way back to the bakery, walking into the meeting showing off your diamonds. You walk right up to Alfie, sitting in his lap and laying a kiss on him under your brother’s watchful eyes.
“Don’t touch her.” Arthur growls under his breath. You get up, knowing you’ve made them mad.
“Look, fellows, marrying your sister here was not a business plan on my part. I just met her and we fell in love. I didn’t do it to get closer to you guys or anything…honestly I didn’t want to work with you fuckers.” He begins.
“Wait, what?” You say, looking at him.
“Sure, it’d be easy for us to live our own separate lives, but you would have found of eventually.” He says, looking at your brothers across the table. “This is a truce, ok? Surrender, waving the white flag. No more fighting between the Peaky Blinders and the Jews. We work together, like family, defeat Sabini, you give me some of your men, and maybe Y/N will want to talk to you again, if you comply willingly of course.” He rambles, sitting back with pride like he just figured everything out.
“You think it’s that easy, huh?” Tommy says.
“You took our sister from us.” John says.
“No, mate, you drove her away. I’m bringing her back. She’s bright, she is. She knows what’s best for everyone; I need better security, you need Sabini off your backs. So, do we have a deal?”
“Alfie…” You say hesitantly, your heart shattering a bit when you realize he did this all for you. Everything he did was for you. Sure, he knew you had bad history with your family, but he wanted to right that. He knew family was everything, and you deserved to have yours back in your life. You look at your brothers longingly, hoping they’ll accept, so you could start to rebuild what you had lost. You did love them after all, they were there for you when no one else was.
“Y/N, is this what you want?” Tommy says calmly, looking at you.
“Yes.” You say after a moment of hesitation. “I think it’d be best for everyone.”
“Then we have a deal.” He says without consulting anyone else, giving you a soft nod. A smile slowly crosses your face as you look at Tommy. There’s a hint of a smile on his lips as you walk over to him slowly, hugging him for the first time in years. He hugs you back, glad to have you back and sorry for everything that’s happened.
You turn back to Alfie, smothering him in kisses, thanking him relentlessly for what he’s done.
“Eh, not in front of your brothers, ok? It’s too weird.” He says, pulling away, making everyone laugh as your brothers agree, seeing themselves out.
Part 2- the request was your dating Alfie and your a Shelby. Hope you enjoy! Sorry the all the angst lately, idk what’s up but yea... Feedback is appreciated! gifs from @whichisnone XxX
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daveedsbra-blog · 7 years
Stupid Cupid Pt. 2
pairing: Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader X Anthony Ramos
TW: angry parents, I say ‘christ’ man, real wild.
summary: greasers are nice but they can be shitty, same goes for most teenagers, though, its hard when you can’t make up your mind over two boys, especially when you have the expectations of family and friends.
words:  2012 (wow)
a/n: assdjfhhsjfndjfjsncnvr it’s here, I'm sorry, I started a new school and this is way overdue, but I think I'm gonna do like one more proper chapter and then a lin or Anthony drama thing idk, okay love you xox, I might get a few fics out this week if were lucky!! also @pdothamman you’re welcome
part one
The next day I found myself drifting to school in a romantic struck haze, smiling to anyone who passed me on the street. my book bag, which was slung over my shoulder, gave no feeling of weighing me down, in fact, I didn't feel it's usually nagging weight. I drifted down the school path, listening to the chatter of students around me.
Why am I so happy? You may ask. Well, this morning when I went downstairs I was greeted by my brother, who didn't seem too pleased, showing a bouquet of roses into my hand, then he let out an annoyed "they're from Lin.." Then went back to eating his Krinkles, glaring the bunch down as I sat at the table, my mom sliding a bowl of cereal in front of me. "He was quite impressed with himself" she sang, smiling at my brother. "I quite like that boy" she adds, giving my brother the same look he gave the roses. "You know, your dad did the same thing to me, we did have lives you know," she says, rushing to the sink, I rolled my eyes and ate. So there I was, smiling to myself, the roses Lin gave me pinned in my hair. I kept a look out for him, but to no avail, so I went to my classes for the morning, talking to Philipa about the previous day. During morning tea I sat with my friends, Philipa, Renee, and Jasmine, as I talked I looked around, distancing myself from them as I tried to spot the brunette. "Y/N? Are listening" I shaken from my search by Renee moving my shoulder back I forth, I look at her with a confused expressing. "Y/N, are you okay?" Jasmine asks, resting a hand on my calf. "Uh... Yes, sorry I'm distracted" I sigh, seeing Pippa roll her eyes in my peripherals "what?" I snap at her, a frown forming on my face as I look at her, she smiles and plucks a flower from my hair. "You're acting all lovey Dovey after your date with Lin last night," she says, sniffing the rose, causing Jasmine and Renne gasp and lean in. "What was he like?" "Did he buy you dinner?" "Did he hold your hand?" "Where did you go?" They both gush like blabbering idiots as I sigh to myself. "It wasn't a date, we went to the park to study..." I say, giving them an unimpressed look. "But yes... He did hold my hand" I try to cover the wide grin on my face. I watch their faces go from excited grins to shocked, knowing stares directed behind me. "He did what now?" A male voice as from behind me, resting their hands on the top of my head. "Chris, Jon, sit down, we're talking about Y/N and Lin's date last night," Philipa says, causing me to stare at her angrily. "It wasn't a date!" I insist, my voice going into a high-pitch shriek. I see the Chris and Jon sit down next to me. "So you're the reason he canceled our study session," Jon says, his face looking a mixture of being impressed and disappointed. "Lin and I studied in the park and he merely helped me, nothing more," I say. "Well that's not what I heard a few seconds ago" Renee had a sly look on her face as she looked around the group, I huff and cross my arm, hunching over with a scowl on my face. "So? He held my hand? He was being polite, that's how you should treat a lady" I say. "What are you? Last of the Victorians? Jeez..." Chris shakes his head. "Just ask the guy out on a date.." He adds, resting his head in his hands. "Maybe... I promised Anthony I'd go out with him after school, though.." I say quietly, cause the loudest group groan you've ever heard, Pippa throws herself backward, being dramatic, Jon and Chris look at each other with a disappointed look, Renee falls onto my lap and Jasmine looks at me with a pitiful look. "No!" Is the overall judgment. "Come on! You're gonna do that to Lin?" Pippa tried to guilt trip me. "I promised him! I can't back out of a promise, my mother raised me better" I say. "Firstly, your mom hates Anthony, and two, just tell him to go away," Chris says. "We all know that's true" "And I don't even know your mom!" Jon butts in, causing everyone to look at me. "Well... Then I'll do it out of spite" I frown at all of them, sitting up straight. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have Home tech" I stand up and swing my back over my shoulder, walking away, moistening to Pippa laugh and get up. "We're joking Y/N, you know I love you," she says, linking her arm in mine, walking with me. "Whatever" I sigh, smiling at her. --- As the end of the day approached I felt myself grow excited yet nervous, once I ran out the school gates and waited for Anthony, in the same place he usually picks me up in, I stood there, holding my book back to my chest, looking around, keeping an eye out for his turquoise Bel Air Chevy. When he finally pulled up I smiled, his hair was out all over his face as he gave me a toothy grin, his Chevrolet dying down as he stopped in front of me. "Hop in babes" he said, I gave him a meek smile as I opened the door, placing my books on the floor, tucking my dress under my thighs as I sat down, I looked at him and leant over to give him a small peck on the cheek, causing him to break out in a red blush, turning into a stuttering mess. "Thank you for taking me out, Anthony," I say. "C-call me Ant," he says wide-eyed as he drives down to the road, I laugh to myself as I turn to face the passing road on my right. "So, where are we going?" I ask, my hair flying around my face, the top of the car being wound down. "Well, mom and pops are out for the evening, so I was thinking I could show you the farm," he says, I smile sweetly and turn to him. "That sounds really nice," I say, my eyes moving to his hand as he shifted gears in the car. "I'm really excited," he says, I nod at him. "I am too," I say simply. ------ We drove for a while longer, spoke about small things, and eventually showed up at his house, the long gravel driveway shaking the car as we drove down the hill, I barely spotted his house as we drove. He pulled outside the tall, White House, the black joining complementing the rest of it. I open the door and reached down to grab my bag, Anthony appeared at the door and took my hand, helping me up, I laughed at him and wandered past him, going towards the house as he closed my door. "Your house is so nice," I gawk, he looks down and smiles shyly. "T-thank you.." He says as he flies up the porch steps, unlocking the door, and swinging it open, a golden retriever bursting through the door, jumping on the chest, I let out a shriek and jump backwards. "Oh my goodness!" I say. "Daisy! Down!" Anthony commands, the dog turning to him, jumping up on him. "I'm so sorry" he apologizes, patting the dogs head as she licked his face. "No, she's cute. But a little shocking" I laugh. He looks at the dog and back at me with an apologetic look. "Come on, I can get you something to drink, I think we have some pop in the back fridge,on" he says, pushing the dog into the house. I follow him, my hands behind my back as I give him a curious look.
“so what's the drive like to school?” I ask as I follow him through the corridors of his large house, he turns back and gives me a curious look “by that I mean you live quite far away the drive must be quite long” I clarify, he nods and continues to walk leading me up a flight of stairs.
“yeah I suppose it's quite long” he says says he swerves into a bedroom, this bedroom had a queen size bed with messy bed covers a large window that had been open on its way to setting, a cold breeze blowing through the room as I look at the clothes strewn across the floor. “but I've gotten used to it” he adds giving me a bright smile.
A silence hung over the room as we both stared at each other, daisy quietly panting behind me in the doorway.
“Do you want to go outside?” He asks, I nod and agree, following him out.
I didn't realize how much land his family owned, he held my hand tightly as he leads me up a hill, the sun glowing down on us as the flowers fall from my hair.
I giggle at something he says as we sit down, my hand interwoven with his as he told me a story about Daveed and Oak getting detention.
“Hey, what time do you need to be home? I think it's getting late” he says, looking at the sky, the sun already setting, leaving a pink heugh lying over the sky, like sleeping beauty.
“My curfew is at 6, so probably before then,, ” I say, his face sinks. “What?” I ask.
“We should probably get going, then. It's 5:46 right now” he say, biting his lip, my face sinks too.
“Oh Christ” I murmur, standing up, my flats barely holding it together as I started down the hill, Anthony chasing behind as I ran towards the car.
“My dad's going to kill me!” I shriek, pulling on the door handle Anthony lets out a nervous laugh.
“It's gonna be fine, I'll get you home in time, ” he says, jumping over the door of the car, land in the seat, he then leans over to the passenger side and opens it for me, I jump in with a huff as he starts driving.
“It's not your fault, I'm not angry, my dad is going to be angry, though” I sigh, leaning against the side of the car, my ponytail flapping about in the wind as we drove.
“just blame it on me, your parents hate me as it is” he sighs sadly.
“I don't hate you, though, so that's what really matters,” I say at him.
“well it kind of does, I don't mean to be a downer, but if I asked you out your dad would make you say no” he says “It's not a fairy tale ending, Y/N, I can't make them like me” he sounds defeated as we pull up onto the road, the silence settling as I thought about what he said.
“I don't know what to say…” I sigh “you're right, which I don't particularly like but I don't blame you…”
We didn't really talk as I looked at the sky, the sun slowly setting over the town.
“Y/N! You're 25 minutes late! Where were you?” my mother screams at me as I walk through the door, she turns to the corridor, my brother's smug face behind her as I look at the ground. She stomps up to me and grabs the collar of my shirt, dragging me to the kitchen.
“I bet she was out with Anthony,” Eddy says, a smile plastered on his face asIsee my father stone cold face staring at me.
“I hope this is false, Y/N”, He says, I flinch.
“it… it's true… im sorry” I say quietly and I hold my hands together.
“and where on earth is your bag?” he asks, his hand pointing at me.
“I must have left it”
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80sgorl · 7 years
thank you @thebookofmadison for tagging me ☺
1. How tall are you? 4′10 :((
2. What color and style is your hair? ugh i really hate my hair and i’m planning on cutting it short and dying it over the summer, but its currently a bit past my shoulders and its reddish 
3. What color are your eyes? hazel
4. Do you wear glasses? yeah but i don’t wear them much i don’t like how i look in them
5. Do you have braces? used to, i got them off in october
6. What’s your fashion sense? tbh if i had more money i’d look aesthetic :) as :) heck :) but i don’t. my usual outfit is black skinny jeans and usually a nerdy related shirt idk???? and a beanie wjth my hair in it most the time
7. Do you have siblings? yep,, 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister
8. What kind of student are you? i’m a good student,, and i don’t typically get it trouble,, most my teachers like me??? and i actually have okay grades
9. What’s your favorite subjects? language arts definitely 
10. What’s your favorite TV shows? spn, doctor who, gotham, riverdale 
11. Favorite books: jesus christ idk where to even begin, i love carry on by rainbow rowell and i just finished a super good book called all the bright places,, and not to be /mainstream/ but harry potter it was my first fandom idk,, and tons more but i don’t feel like typing it all out :((
12. Favorite Pass times: reading and drawing 
13. Any regrets: ugh yes
14. What is your dream job: i’d love to own like a bookstore/cafe or something that would be cute but also part of me wants to be known, and be an actress,, be in a good place to get my message across and me a civil rights activist basically that would be b a d a s s 
15. Do you want to get married: eventually
16. Do you want kids, if so how many?: i mean,, kinda,, i just don’t really like the idea of giving birth idk so i’d want to adopt probably 
17. How many countries have you visited?: only the one i live in 
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