#my blog kinda dead 😳
aurik6 · 2 years
who are your favorite blogs?
Hey hii
@yuikomorii I agree with 99% of what the admin says, I absolutely love their way of thinking. Just adore. This blog is a treasure of knowledge 🧐
@dialovers-translations Do I have to explain? The amount of work Vee does for the Fandom... Appreciate her patience and determination, also she has a side blog for the oc and that's just mind-blowing how the person can devote their time to Fandom. And I also download tmblr and made this blog because of the translations, so...😭
@eyelessdoll-y admin Mandy is so cool 😳
it's okay to pray on your skill, I mean, every fanart feels like the second coming of christ... I wanna be your client but I'm the fcking flaw vagabond with no money 😠
@besnella charismatic admin Esra, I love your writings, those short stories so damn exciting to read, perfect for me 🤧. I kinda think that you "invented" such a style of writings, tho im lacking of statistics or facts, just wanna say among all the similar themed contents yours are number 1 for me.
@korisuu THE.ART.STYLE ...... hello I'm dead, I love the stylization so much.... once you see these art and never forget the key features, so unique and pretty 🥺
@yui--komori I just love your blog. Sometimes I'm just dying from laughter when I read your posts, in a good way ofc... maybe that's my cracked sense of humor but believe me or not it always cheers me up.
@ayamexe I love Amani and admin's artstyle 💔Cute, innocent, kinda creepy and retro hint. I won't lie if I say that Amani is one of my favorite ocs here
@ausd also the art 😫🤌🤌🤌🤌 I love the spectrum of emotions characters have, and the atmosphere of each work... +I died when I saw some jonadio things srry😳 боженька, просто, обожаю, если я сейчас не замолчу, то меня понесёт от большой любви......
Guess that's all anon!
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sennaverstappendiary · 6 months
azerbaijan grand prix ✩ 30.04.2023
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listen. i'm going to be real. the reason this is so high up is because it was my first taste of lestappen cr4ck c0caine i'm being so fucking serious. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 this shit fucking killed me. i was unable to talk about anything else. i felt like i had been punched in the fucking gut i'm so fucking serious. 🤧🤧🤧 if you scroll back down far enough you can find my absolute breakdown over this grand prix. i was going BONKERS. getting drunk after quali with my bestie over this shit kinda BONKERS. dancing in the street kinda BONKERS. who needs drugs when you have autism. ☺️☺️☺️
okay lets go back a bit. it had been almost a month since australia, and i had learned A LOT about f1 in the meantime. some very very important things happened, but the most important one is that i made friends! genuine friends! on f1blr! 🥰🥰🥰🤧🤧🌷🌷🌷
i did this by making some rules with myself: if i was going to engage in my hyperfix on tumblr, i should at the very least post my thoughts about it and try to message people. because in all my other fandoms i was just... alone. 😔
to start with, idk how i did it, but i managed to overcome my fear of messaging people first (i was shaking like a leaf while doing it, though), and i somehow managed to message @/verstrapons... which looking back is fucking crazy because i was SCARED and INTIMIDATED and would like... freak out making sure i said the "right stuff" 😭😭😭 looking back this is utterly ridiculous but... i hadn't had online friends in a WHILE okay i was suffering 🥹🥹🥹 it obviously turned out amazingly but!!! i'm so glad we clicked 💕💕 i love you emma... 💓💓💥💥
then i joined the max discord server… i love you guys so much too - i learn stuff every day from y’all and you all made me feel so welcome 🥺🥺🌷🌷 a million flowers to u all… i hope we can meet up at the berlin E prix 🥹🥹🥹
and my lovely bestie @/boxenstopp … my kimi /p… i’m so glad you send me an ask that day on my main blog 🥰🥰🥰 i can’t imagine my life without you and i’m so glad we’re friends… 🥺🥺🥺 you always make me feel so accepted aaaghh… can’t wait to meet up for christmas again 🌷🌷🌷🌷 or maybe we already met. idk when this is coming out 🥹🥹
last but not least… @/xiaoluclair … thank you so much for always messaging with me, especially when we were both more active on tumblr 💌💌💕💕
sappy shit aside.
the other thing that happened during this time? i started realising which drivers i like, which i don’t like as much, and which ships i like and dislike. my top 3 ships have not changed since (lestappen prosenna simi) 😳😳😳 and my tumblr got banned while making a brocedes edit (PLEASE) but it got restored thank the lord LMFAO 🥹🥹🥹 i think i even started my lestappen fic (the first one) during this time‼️‼️ ain’t that something!! don’t mention the fact that sebchal was my first ever f1 fic i will cry 🧍‍♂️/nsrs.
and of course i got to know a lot more about f1! including but not limited to: what the teams actually were, reading the first half of the prosenna book, binging youtube video’s, not quite getting a lot of the references (bono my tyres are dead), what some things on the car do… etc etc. just a lot of general knowledge, although i felt like i didn’t know anything still (well i still feel that way) 😭😭😭
shit we havent even gotten to the race yet. i love yapping 🗣️🗣️🗣️
OH!!!! this was the first time i watched a race while chatting with other people, specifically the ones mentioned above💙💙‼️‼️ thanks for hearing me ramble on about being scared for max always (thats my brand. and he slays every time 🔥🔥🔥)
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so, starting with free practice. i still didn’t watch, but i do remember being at my grandparents and quinine texting me that lestappen were 1-2 in fp1? very funny. on the way home i listened to puppy princess and i was like “this is very lestappen core”. lmfao. yeah that changed me as a person for real 😭😭
quali. what. the. fuck. WHAT THE FUCK 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️ i think i almost passed out. keep in mind, there was a FOUR WEEK gap between australia and baku. i went fucking crazy. when 0.000 happened i blacked out for a moment (/nsrs) and i screamed i was SHAKING i was TREMBLING 😵‍💫😵‍💫 I FELT SICK 🙏🙏 i was happy stimming the entire way to the store (i had to eat afterwards). like that was so sick. i genuinely yelped like a damn puppy (ha) when 0.000 happened. wasnt even upset when charles got pole in the end i was so high on it. and then max kept praising charles OH i felt sick. i felt deranged 💥💥💥💥💥💥
this also happens to be the first sprint race of the season. wish it was the last fuck sprints. sprint quali i just remember me sitting in my brothers room completely disinterested as i always am in fucking spring qualis. lmfao. the real sprint was funny, only bc of the INFAMOUS gax moment 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 hole in the rb19 😨😨😨😨 max angry 🥰🥰🥰 george. 🙄🙄🙄 LIKE THAT SHIT SLAPPED i was mad asf at george at the time tho LMAO 🥹🥹🥹
OHHHH the race itself was ass btw. was genuinely kinda upset after NOTHING GOOD HAPPENED AND THEY FUCKED UP MAXS STRAT 💔💔💔💔💔 post race was great tho. more than great. it was fucking amazing ‼️‼️‼️💓💓💓 we got: max straight up lying to charles (“you were catching!!” <- charles was 20 seconds behind max 🫣); charles sitting on the wrong chair (typical); CHARLES AND MAX SWAPPING PODIUM POSITIONS AND CHARLES BEING DUTCH FOR A SECOND 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ LIKE WHAT. HUH. SORRY?!?!?? sure. whatever 🤯🤯🤯🤯. and then charles RUNNING over to spray max 🥰🥰🥰 yeah that was good. that was real good 🌷🌷🌷🌷
i really did love this entire race weekend so much - this was my austria 22 i cant even lie. thats also why its ranked so highly, which, looking back, so fucking crazy‼️‼️‼️ we got so spoiled with lestappen content from qatar onwards that looking back this isnt even that much but believe me. to maple this was crack cocaine of the highest level 😁😁😁😁💞💓💕💓💓💘💘💖💞💞💓💗💝
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✩ song of the race: puppy princess - hot freaks
erm hem.
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frenchfrywrites · 1 year
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I posted 3,556 times in 2022
That's 2,346 more posts than 2021!
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Only 6% of my posts had no tags
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#obey me - 739 posts
#spice - 612 posts
#p/iss - 279 posts
#thirst - 233 posts
#twst - 212 posts
#mammon - 195 posts
#french fry talks - 190 posts
#srb - 125 posts
#lucifer - 104 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#hes so beautiful thank you 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺😭💖💖💖💖💖🥺🥺🥺😭😭💖💖💖🥰🥰🥺🥰😳😳😳🥺😭💖💖🥰😭🥺😳😳😳💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🥺😭💖
My Top Posts in 2022:
After studying your rules carefully, I believe this request is alright! Inspired by my earlier ask, would it be alright to do trans leona, malleus and lilia headcanons for reader using a Bluetooth vibrator in class? I hope that's okay! I'm getting a bit braver. - Woodsy
Leona, Malleus, and Lilia with a vibe throughout the day
He’s very very confident that he can keep his composure
And unsurprisingly he totally can
You wouldn’t be able to tell that there’s a single thing wrong with him
For the whole day he goes about everything as usual
Doesn’t matter if you go from lowest to highest setting in a second
The most you’ll get from him is maybe a squeak that he masks as a cough
However 😈... 
Once the day is done he’s hopelessly desperate 
You’ll find that he’s cum multiple times throughout the day and his underwear are soaked
He’ll easily beg, and do anything to get the vibrator out of him
Malleus could do this every day if that's what you wanted.
He loves it and no one would ever figure it out
Uh oh
Lilia is about to have a very challenging day
He loves the feeling of the vibrator and is trying so hard to contain himself and keep his composure
He surprisingly does pretty well 
He's just kinda noisy when you shift the controls 
He's very good with improvising excuses though, if anyone is to pry 
Any time he sees you on your phone he squirms in his seat
Nearing the end of the day he has to bite his lip and tongue a lot to hold back how badly he wants to react
He'll beg to be fucked as soon as you two are alone, because honestly I don't think he got off despite enjoying himself
Even if people are passing by, he does not care he is needy
If denied, he will absolutely cry
Loves to do this, because he can somewhat pay attention and he loves how desperate it makes him
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417 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
beel: man this edible aint shit.
beel 30 minutes later (family guy dead pose)
439 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
I have an ideaaaa >:) what if MC (amab) was sleeping with the brothers and they(the bro’s) had a wet dream? In the form of headcannons if that’s ok ^-^
P.s this is my first time requesting anything so I’m sorry if I did sumn wrong :,))
Bros have a wet dream with you in the bed with them
warnings: hints of somno, edging, and overstim
You def didn't do anything wrong!! Sorry I didn't really focus on readers genitals so i didn't work in the amab bit of your rq but i hope you like this anyways :)
He doesn’t move around much when he sleeps, so you’ll wake up from his noises rather than his movements.
At first you might think he’s in pain because it's unusual for him to be moaning in his sleep
But you know he isn't because he looks more relaxed than he has all week
He'll stir a bit, but only very slowly grinds his dick against the bed
It's kinda a wonder how he cums in the end, but through very little friction his does
Through the whole process he won't wake up (even if you try to wake him)
He also won’t wake up after he’s cum
Will pretend the event did not happen
If you ask about the dream later, he pretends he doesn't know what you're talking about and will only tell you through bribery
clings to you like a koala when you sleep together
so it isn’t that surprising when you wake to something hard poking you
He's very drooly and whimpery and adorable
He'll likely wake up a bit after he starts to hump your thigh like a mutt
He’s disgruntled, then upon realizing his little problem, he somehow tries to push the blame onto you
He'll want your help in getting him off and he'll do any amount of begging to get your hand around or in him
Feel free to humiliate him or baby him about the situation btw, he'd love that
Won't last long enough to do a whole round before cumming
But! He will let you fuck him through a second orgasm after he's cum if you want
He'll tell you about the dream but not after complaining about it
First of all: his bathtub does not allow for much room between the two of you
He'll be fully pressed against you as sleeps, clutching onto your clothes or hands
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538 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
I lov your horny writing so much.. Could i request hcs for making the twst third years squirt?
Making the twst third years squirt
He lets out a very shocked, choked moan
He looks very caught off guard lol
His eyes are wide and mouth open
Afterwards he’s a bit speechless
He might apologize for getting you all wet (but in a way that tells you he really isn’t all that sorry hehe)
He likes seeing how he made you wet from his orgasm 
Very very vocal when he squirts
He’s whiny and his voice cracks a lot too 
Meanwhile his whole body tenses and trembles
Afterwards he takes one second to breathe
And then he is excitedly babbling about how that felt
Wants to do it again immediately 
Overstimulation be damned
Grips onto whatever he can with extreme force
If he’s holding onto sheets, they’re gonna rip. If it’s your skin, prepare for scratches 
He lets out a sound that’s somewhere between a growl and a moan
Lots and lots of purring afterwards ofc
So cuddly and sappy and sweet
He goes from beast to sweetheart all from one very good (and wet) orgasm 
When he squirts he shakes and jerks a lot
If you aren’t already, you might want to hold onto his thighs because otherwise they’ll clamp shut
His eyes roll up into his head and he drools
He’s simultaneously freaked out and so dazed afterwards
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640 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
can i req smth with tummy bulge and breeding with malleus and lilia? id like to be more specific but im all out of brain juice so ill let u be LMAO :')
Tummy bulge and breeding with Lilia + Malleus
He didn’t know he’d be into either one of these things, but takes to it like white on rice
I think, as a dragon fae, there’s something about a breeding kink that itches the hind part of his brain
He’ll really like it if you refer to yourself as his mate
It just feels right and makes him feel all gooey inside
(plus omg it just enforces that you love him enough to mate, please lmao his heart is doing cartwheels)
As for the tummy bulge-
It just drives him a but crazy that you’re so big you can fuck around his insides to make room for yourself
I think he was terrified the first time he saw it but when he realizes it’s you he’s awestruck and unable to look away
When he reaches down he’s so gentle
It never gets old for him he’ll always be taken aback and horny over it
Oh my fucking god Lilia loses his shit over both breeding and tummy bulges
He loves raising kids and having you talk dirty about fucking him full of yours has him cumming quick
When you cum in him he’ll make you stay inside to make sure it “takes” 
Or if you do pull out he’ll finger the cum that threatens to slip out back into himself
He’ll take to any parental title too, mommy, daddy, or simply mate
All of them make his heart flutter and his dick twitch
(He’ll def call you mommy/daddy/mate too, whatever you prefer)
He’s also so tiny it’s easy to get his tummy to bulge
He likes to stroke it with both his hands, massaging you through his skin
But he also likes it when you touch the bulge (so he might guide your hands to touch him there)
He wants you to tell him that you’re fucking into his womb and filling it up 
Makes him frenzied and insane !!
644 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
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van-zieksy · 2 years
Soooo I finally met Mr. Barok van Zieks.
Is he a vampire? Is he a lunatic? Is he death himself? All of the above??
Big fan of his vibes. Also his face when he's reading from the scroll?? Mr. Van Zieks, why do you have to be so insanely dramatic about everything? Why do you look like you're suffering just for the aesthetic of it?? Like yes, he's in court, but he will still make a face like a kicked puppy that is also better than you in every way.
Also I can't believe it happened again.... When I played AA1 I sent a picture of Mia to my bestie and went "ohhh she's soo cool, I love her!!" And legit, not even kidding, 30 seconds later she was dead. And now I tell my bestie about Kazuma, how he's so sweet and such a great mix between serious and hardworking and fun and cute and BAMM!!!!!! BROKEN NECK!!!!
Also it's so upsetting that he didn't even get to die in a grand, spectacular way at least. But no, he tripped on a kitten und was pushed and hit his neck on a bed post.....
Also, kinda in love with Hosonaga now. I already feel the need to consume as much fandom content about him as possible, but for fear of spoilers I will try not to look at anything. Hopefully he makes many more appearances and nothing bad ever happens to him (other than his face getting bruised and the...coughing blood thing??). I'm guessing tuberculosis. Or Wuxia Disease, like in the Chinese fiction genre of Wuxia where whenever characters are sick or injured in any way at all, to show how dramatic the situation is, they start coughing blood.
I hope I'm not annoying you by regularly updating on how my ventures into the Ace Attorney games are going 😳
Love ya!!
Hehe, you know I love Barok! But I've already said so much about him on my blog here that there's no need for me to repeat why and how much I adore him. ;-)
I'll refrain from saying anything about Kazuma so as to not say anything spoilery by accident. I can relate to your and your friend's feelings though!
Hosonaga is lovable and also somewhat unsettling, isn't he? How did people not mind dining in the restaurant he was working as a waiter? "Here's your bloody steak, sir."..."Waiter, I didn't order my steak rare. Why is there blood on my steak?" "Oh no, my apologies, sir!" *cough cough...Hmm... :D
The reason for his couging is indeed never touched upon. It may be TB, which would fit the time period. He also has an undiagnosed buckwheat allergy, but he keeps eating noodles because his parents own a soba shop.
Hosonaga is a good and helpful guy, yet at the same time he was about to throw Ryunosuke under the bus in 1-1. It makes him relatable and human. :)
I don't want to say anything else about him as then I'd tread in spoiler territory.
Please keep me updated as you progress through the game. I welcome it. Even I don't have much to say at this time (spoilers, you know), it's interesting to read your thoughts!
Take care and enjoy the rest of the game(s). :)
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dirtpie39 · 2 years
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I posted 1,942 times in 2022
119 posts created (6%)
1,823 posts reblogged (94%)
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I tagged 1,937 of my posts in 2022
#not my fanart - 1,153 posts
#anime - 779 posts
#manga - 701 posts
#reblog - 616 posts
#video game - 468 posts
#genshin impact - 452 posts
#genshin - 446 posts
#mobile game - 432 posts
#mdzs - 290 posts
#mo dao zu shi - 288 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#as far as i know before this rumor circulated like this it’d been thought he’d be electro and considering he’s purple and mean it fits👏👏
My Top Posts in 2022:
I remember trying to watch the kdrama “Boys over flowers” cause I thought it looked really good then I got to 52:43 of the first episode and was just like “ahh nope no… not dealing with this kinda absolute f**king bullsh*t”… it was my breaking point-ish cause the whole episode reeked of toxicity but that was a new level. What the main girl did was out there and a tiny bit overboard but he should’ve handled it himself rather then watching as a chunk of the school assault’s tf outta her. 👏😀
7 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
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8 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
I was just scrolling through tiktok mindlessly then got f**king emotionally violated by this tiktok… 🙃
10 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Do you know a lot about laptops/computers, specs and otherwise? Then PLEASE vote in this poll. Links to each computer for details: computer#1, computer#2 and computer#3.
This info can all be found on my pinned post as well. It’ll be there up until October 20th.
Edit: my budget is about $1350 btw
Edit 2: the info about this will now be on my pinned post until I get my laptop which is now looking like it’ll be sometime in September-ish. Plus that poll is prrrrreeeeetty dead anyways.
I know this is hella obnoxious of me but I’m tagging the following people in hopes that at least one will reblog this lol: @tickles-tea @sir-so-random @queenmargo-hanson @the-man-who-loved-major-kusanagi @the-lavi-to-your-kanda @greta-and-grace @escapingreality101 @lavenderboneswrites @story-kat @twst-vcl @nightyelfy @monopsys @glaciesdraco
16 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Something about the look Heinrey gives Navier here… makes me feel things… 😳💞✨
17 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aamitmorthos · 2 years
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I posted 21,669 times in 2022
That's 9,480 more posts than 2021!
579 posts created (3%)
21,090 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 8,813 of my posts in 2022
#creative friends - 560 posts
#genshin impact - 347 posts
#sims 4 - 303 posts
#scott the woz - 265 posts
#stardew - 211 posts
#rtumblr - 194 posts
#long post - 165 posts
#save - 158 posts
#q - 157 posts
#:o - 148 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#👉🏾👈🏾 we dont have to put my stuff on blast you know 🥺 my unironically ironic obsession with the plant man is no one's business ya know
My Top Posts in 2022:
... wait a minute
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Did I miss a @/changes , @/wip , or @/staff post where they talked about adding this to the tabs??? When did this happen????
I've been asking for "custom dashboards" for years and while this isn't something like "list" on twitter you can sub to blogs making this your ONE custom dash.
Personally, I really wish I could remove "for you". It's not necessary as a tab here. I would still like to see the option to create custom dashes so I can have a dash just for mutuals and another just for artist, ya know what I mean?
135 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
does potion permit have romance options? bc the witch doctor wants me dead and that's kinda hot of him 😳
139 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
not me just finding out the wii u & 3ds shops are closing next year this way 😩
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sucks. especially seeing how they don't seem to be bringing virtual console over since nintendo online IS the new virtual console... anyway
3ds hack guide
Wii U hack guide (Tiramisu is newer but less stable)
Haxchi/CBHC & Mocha guides (they're older but more stable)
r/flashcarts (for anyone who doesn't want to install cfw)
Emulators: 3ds DS Wii U Wii/Gamecube N64 SNES NES GBA/GB
Games: Ziperto(I recommend ublock origin) hShop Vimm's Lair
293 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
ya know, i didn't think this disney life sim game would let you be mean, sarcastic, dismissive, and non binary but here we are
412 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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502 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hiii! firstly, i just wanna say i live for your work and think that you are a reincarnation of a ancient greek poet(think like sappho of lesbos)! i am a new user to tumblr, but ive always been an avid writer and was wondering how you got your start on regularly writing and posting on tumblr without getting embarrassed or discouraged. i will be waiting on the edge of my seat for a response.
(ps- thank you for being you🩵)
Okay, i am ACCEPTING that very big and beautiful compliment of you, likening me, to some greek poet who may or may not have existed at some point in time. I'm definitely no sappho or lesbos! But in the slightest chance that I was at least once, some greek poet, then that's a win baby!!! Thank you 💌!
I got my start on writing in school, because I was on the Humanities and Social Sciences track ~ and I had 2.5 hours of creative writing classes every other day plus a very invested professor who wanted us to love writing (and whom I wanted to impress).
On regularly writing... OOF. I... Don't :( You found me on a writing high, but before March this year, this account was left to marinate for 6-7 months (maybe more), with the occasional reblog. This account was dead silent before then. I write when I can and I write when I want to, badly enough.
What helps me write as regularly as I can manage is finding inspiration from quotes, short reels, other people's writing, and... 💃 SPITE 💃. Oohhhhhh. Yeah, I'm a spiteful writer. I have something to say that's usually in response to what I see within the fandom (which is why this blog tends to get whiny). I say find one emotion you can really milk. Draw on that and let a few ideas come to you.
On getting discouraged, I... Hehe. A good part of the discouragement is dealt with by spite 🥹 (I'M SORRY). This blog was made out of frustration and I think it shows 😭😭😭. I write to deal with my frustration and I write so I don't end up fighting with people on the internet, like a random dude who gets into fights at rundown parking lots at 3am. While I do, also, want to bond with people over writing and my love for Regulus, I didn't come here wanting people to like what I write or expect people to admire my writing. I WAS ANGRY 😭😭😭😭. I wanted to litter the Regulus Black tags and the Black Brothers tag with as many "contrary" pieces and meta because I was so tired of the shit I was seeing!
I still am 😠. My attitude towards writing is that if I have to see other people's bs then they're dealing with my shit too ❣️. People directly hating on Regulus? Deliberately misunderstanding his character? HAHA, well it's time to get typing 💅. People wanting to shit on Sirius and Reg's brotherhood? Well, here's twenty different ways, they will literally die for each other ✨ xoxo 💋
I guess sometimes the numbers do sway me, and on the occasion that it does happen, I'm grateful that I don't write things I don't genuinely like. I mean yeah, it's kinda sad (like how little love my Black Sisters piece got when I know for sure, that if it had been between Sirius and Reg it would've gotten the usual number of notes similar pieces tend to get) but if you loved what you've written before you hit the post button, rereading the pieces that don't do well will always hit you with that warm feeling, of being proud of what you've made :)
(it also helps that I'm such a small account)
The common people might not enjoy such cultured writing but folks with similar disease, will. And you'll find, that most of the time, that's all you need. (Source: ME, BITCH.)
On embarrassment, well, you gotta own your platform. This is YOUR HOUSE. Would you get embarrassed walking naked in your own home? No 💖. There will always be people as messed up as you are or WORSE. So be the freaky freak that you are. Take no shit. It's your blog!!!! No matter how many people follow you, it's still!!! Your blog!!!
Just be reasonable about the tags you use. Don't put hate on character tags, use #anti [character name] instead. Don't cross tag!
Find something (an emotion, a really good idea you want to bring to life, friends you want to write for) that can eclipse your need to hold back. Most people won't care :)
I hope you find what makes your writer brain do the happy dance :)
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teyamsatan · 8 months
Guess I'll have to go slow with onion dishes then 🥲😂 Good thing I drink a lot of fresh juices and ate pretty organic
My partner didn't complain so... 😏😳
Girlies, just so you know (It's not my blog, so up to lovely A to think if this will see the light♡ It's not a mind blowing thing ahah)
Your cooch cooch is not disgusting, food can alter your scent down there, like garlic/ onions/ spices/... and it doesn't mean that you ate a min quantity of it that it does not have an effect on it. We are all different. So please, you aren't dirty, it's natural and if your partner says otherwise, better send him off to anatomy and biology class👋🏻🙄
Understand that we humans "smell" and no wash gel or perfume, oil, will change the fact that we are natural beings and have a living body that transform and cleans itself. Like a cycle it always purges itself (nails growth, hair, skin that falls, dead cells, slick~ vaginal discharge (precum), pimples (yes toxines come out of the skin) and so on...
Embrace all of these, because it shows how your body works (well) and that you are alive 💕 Beauty Industry actually make us forget that. We are not what we see, but what we feel. So remember that this robotic, perfect ceramic shiny appearance is a figure to enhance beauty parts that are already present. So if you want to love yourself more, love these imperfect parts of you ♡
Yeah kinda clumsy ?
Bye pooks
Smooches to A 💖
‼️‼️‼️what bestie said!! 😊🤍🤍🤍
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uncleasad · 9 months
You know how the tumblr UI is kinda like post-XP versions of Windows? A bunch of useless stuff slathered in new fonts and whitespace to seem “pretty” and “approachable,” and then seven layers of Win9x dialogues behind that that actually let you do stuff you need to do?
I think I’ve found the Win9x part of tumblr that still lets me post from my old desktop! No reblogs 😢 but at least I can unleash this huge backlog of fic ideas that have built up like floodwater behind an earthen dam (and, hey, let the tumblrverse know I’m not dead?) 😏 Get your sandbags ready!
Also, apparently this blog turned two years old last month? 🎂🎂 I can’t believe it’s only been two years 😳
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ekingston · 2 years
For the ask game:
Supercorp fic where Lena runs a popular webseries/blog about plants and plant care and Kara (one of her avid subscribers) is absolutely hapless when it comes to keeping plants alive and is constantly asking Lena for help only to fail spectacularly. Lena is *convinced* Kara is fucking with her on purpose, and kinda sorta hates her virtual guts
Tumblr media
(Now also on a03.)
Lena isn’t naive.
When she made the decision to set up a discord server for her plant vlog’s followers, she knew there was a possibility things might get messy. After all, even while remaining anonymous — she can practically hear her PR team screaming at the idea of Lena Luthor running her own verified social media account — her comment section has always been 45% earnest compliments and questions from beginner botanists and 55% unabashed thirst over her sexy hands and soothing voice. Lena imagined any possible frustration caused by having to sidestep the occasional untoward overture would be worth the satisfaction she gets from teaching fellow hobbyists to take better care of their plants. It’s nice to feel like she’s being appreciated, for a change, to be allowed to play hero in a small way, different from L-Corp’s high-stakes idealism or Supergirl’s histrionic stunts.
(She still hasn’t managed to set up a meeting with National City’s super-powered alien in residence, but she’s certain it will be any day now.)
Lena couldn’t have predicted that the most aggravating individual on her server wouldn’t turn out to be a persistent suitor, but rather a member of the plant-loving minority.
If the violence this ‘Kvers’ person routinely inflicts on their houseplants can be considered love.
Why are my plant’s leaves yellowing? had been this idiot’s first, innocuous ask. Moments later, they’d followed it up with a picture of the brown, crisp remains of what Lena had only vaguely recognized must at one point have been a vibrant green ZZ plant.
Because it’s fucking dead, Lena had wanted to reply, suggesting instead Is it possible it’s near a window where it gets too much direct light?
My place does get a good amount of sun, Kvers had responded. I kind of prefer it that way. Lena had given her a list of plants that would fare better in those conditions, and hoped that would be that.
But it didn't end there; it’s actually only gotten worse. Kvers is in Lena’s notifications what feels like every other day now with fresh doubts and queries. Why do you even have plants, Lena is tempted to respond half the time, when it’s obvious you’re too much of a moron to even be trusted to take care of yourself?
Are banana plants supposed to tear this easily? comes the next question, combined with a picture of a Dwarf Cavendish that looks to have been ripped to shreds by a wind stronger than the average tornado.
“What the fuck,” Lena mumbles to herself. Some tearing is to be expected, they’re pretty frail, she replies, before snapping and adding I advise placing it a little further away from that jet engine you must have set up in your living room, however in a disgruntled huff.
Kvers sends her only a 😳 in response.
A fresh victim is presented to her a few days later, along with Kvers’s desperate plea of Can this little guy still be saved?
Pictured is the saddest Boston fern Lena has seen in her entire life: it’s bruised grey-brown and beige where it should be a vivid emerald, and when Lena clicks the image to enlarge, she finds herself frowning at what looks like a dusting of frost still clinging to the fronds.
Ferns can recover from freezing conditions but only if their roots weren’t also affected, Lena replies very professionally, her fingers shaking with silent outrage. Though I don’t understand why you’d keep a potted fern outdoors when it’s that cold. She’s beginning to wonder if this Kvers person is a genuine imbecile or an abusive prankster. Where do you live that you’re dealing with these weather conditions in August? she demands.
Oh, um, Kvers replies and then, after a few starts and stops, Southern California.
So Kvers is absolutely fucking with her.
It takes a week before they’re asking for Lena’s input again. This buddy is looking a little rough today, they post, do you think a good soak could help perk it back up?
The miserable money tree pictured is barely clinging to life. Lena peers through the furious red haze descending over her vision and swears it looks like its few remaining leaves are singed.
Lena’s patience has run out. Are you serious? she asks. Did someone burn your building down?
Small kitchen accident Kvers has the audacity to reply.
It’s the final straw in every sense of the word. Lena will not stand for this blatant abuse a moment longer, especially if it’s done exclusively for the purpose of getting her attention. Before she can think too much about it, before her rage recedes, she sends Kvers a direct message announcing she’s coming by for a home consultation.
Where in SoCal are you exactly?
As it turns out, Kvers is right here, in National City.
She’s also a bafflingly attractive — though fidgety — blonde.
Blue eyes widen and pink lips part when she answers the door, her shoulders so broad and her arms so beefy she takes up most of the space in the doorway to her loft. Lena probably wouldn’t be able to see past her, at her endangered plants beyond, if she still wanted to.
But she can tell her loft is well-lit, like she’d mentioned — she’s framed by the sun’s dying rays, her hair and skin golden and shimmering in a way not entirely of this earth.
This explains so much, Lena realizes, relieved. The wind. The frost. The burns.
Her would-be adversary is wearing glasses and her hair is up, and her flustered demeanor seems so awkwardly genuine that Lena wonders if the image this woman projects when she’s dressed in her more familiar reds and blues is the act — if this awestruck, faded-jeans-clad cutie is the real person that’s hiding underneath.
She looks far more human than Lena would have imagined.
“You’re Lena Luthor,” she finally manages to stutter out.
Lena regards her evenly. “Good to finally meet you,” she says, and, dropping her voice a little, “Supergirl.”
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ohmyrashi · 2 years
hi y'all i know this blog has been dead for like literal years at this point but i just had the most Classic Trope-Filled Omo Experience and i feel the need to share
so basically the plan for the day was: go get lunch at a nearby cafe, then ride the train an hour into the city and walk to the library to do some writing
had a glass of water right before heading out of the house, literally paused on the front steps like "hmm should i pee before i go" but then was like "nahh i just went like 15 minutes ago i'll be fine" (the most famous of last words)
headed to the cafe and had a 24 oz green tea lemonade w my lunch bc it's hot out. (this is not foreshadowing at all, trust me.) could definitely feel myself starting to need to go a tiny bit so was gonna use the cafe bathroom before i left... but then there was a line of like 3 or 4 people that appeared not to be moving at all, and I really didn't need to go that bad at that point and also got a late start today and didn't want to get to the library too late so was like "fuck it, i'll pee when i get there and headed out"
(the omo-loving-fuck in me was also definitely like a tiny bit like. >:3c hmmm be a shame if i didn't pee before getting on an hour long train ride.....)
so went and got on the train, listened to my tunes, and as you can imagine, started needing to go worse and worse over the course of the ride 😳 started out w my legs apart bc I was holding my backpack between them, very much had them pressed together/was shifting around a bit by the time i arrived at my stop. at like 7/10 already quickly turning into an 8/10
so all i had to do was walk the 10 minutes to the library and piss right? Wrong. here's the most "this story sounds like it was made up but it actually happened" twist: there's a Big Event happening in a couple of days in the middle of my town that they're getting set up for, and all the construction/set up going on forced me to take a detour the long way around, with my bladder getting fuller and fuller all the while 😨
two further things that sound like embellishments but did actually happen on my way to the library:
got stopped by some sweet older ladies from another country who were there for the Big Event as tourists wanted me to take their picture, and then because i was friendly they started asking me a bunch of questions about myself/the area after i took the picture and i was actually quite enjoying chatting with them but also secretly starting to get rly desperate and trying not to squirm!!
excused myself and kept heading towards the library, def at a 8 or even a 9 out of 10 at this point, my bladder was very much full of water and tea and demanding to be emptied and i was kinda sucking in my breath though my teeth and grimacing despite myself. then, WHAT DO YOU KNOW: there was one of those little restroom trailers already all set up for the upcoming Event, with no one in line!! except even as i was hopefully approaching a part of me was like "it's not the day of the Event yet so these are gonna be locked aren't they." pulled on the handle and... yup. locked. steps from a toilet and i couldn't even use it 🚻❌😭 which very much just teased me and made things worse
so at this point i really, REALLY need to go and there's nothing left to do with my aching bladder but to speedwalk to the library, which I do, dodging through the crowd which is annoyingly already here even though the event isn't for a couple days, and i can't think about anything else other than how much i want to pull down my shorts and piss, to the point that i am fantasizing about ducking behind a corner and squatting in the grass, even though realistically it's way too crowded to get away with that
FINALLY, finally made it to the library and, blissfully, there was nothing else standing in my way 😮‍💨 made a beeline to the restrooms in the lobby and there was a free stall waiting for me and i had one of the loveliest, most satisfying pees i've had in a long time 🥰
and now i'm here, typing this all up in the library when i'm supposed to be working on a project, squirming again but this time from how horny this all made me 😉 (and also cause i already need to go a little again lmao)
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People still give likes to my post on this kinda dead blog for now is really nice!
Also sorry for begin "dead" but I sitting in Blender and Unity because I want make Dark Raiden 3D model to play VRChat and other stuff- When I end my works probably gonna share here my progress...!
Thanks for everything guys, lul! 😳
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I was (kinda) tagged by @glittertrail, mil gracias jo 🥰🥰🥰
1. Why did you choose your url?: When i was a kid and on my first social media sites (basically Deviantart and mail accounts) i always used "jackdragon" as my username because of Jack Redfield from Memorias de Idhún, I wanted to keep that theme on Tumblr and I came up with this one I quite like :)
2. Any side blogs?: Yes, both are dead but I don't really know how / want to delete them lol, they're @skamesptranslations for, well, Skam España clip translations; and @gleespana again, pretty self explanatory, I had a project of rebooting Glee but set in Spain and with Spanish songs and stuff.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?:
I created the account on 2014, but from 2015-2016 I was absent. I came back in 2017 and I've been here since.
4. Do you have a queue tag?:
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?:
I honestly don't remember? I think it had to do a bit with the crush I had at the moment, she had a Tumblr and maybe I wanted to have something in common with her? I don't remember us talking about Tumblr tho 6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?: I wanted an Amira icon cause she's my favourite character from the Skamverse and someone made that really funny edit with the Hackerman meme after the clip in season 2 where Amira dug up all info on Joana and whatnot; so I just took it lol (looking back I should've asked for permission, sorry to whoever it was).
7. Why did you choose your header?:
Kieutou is probably my favourite ship ever so yeah. But after Druck ends my Skamverse era will probably be over and tho I want to keep the pfp I want to change the header; I don't really know what to choose as a replacement tho (I'm all ears if you have any suggestions!!!) 8. What’s your post with the most notes?:
A "put in the tags" post I made a while ago about what would your name be if you were named after the river closest to your hometown. It blew up way more than I could've predicted, last time I saw it I think it had over 5k notes. 9. How many mutuals do you have?:
I haven't counted but I would say around 200? Maybe??? 10. How many followers do you have?:
1062 which I think is just insane 11. How many people do you follow?:
601 12. Have you ever made a shitpost?:
Yeah, I've made some lol 13. How often do you use tumblr each day?:
Too much... No but really, I would say, in total, it must be like 2-3 hours? Maybe? 14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once?:
I don't really remember any, no! I've had some hate anons (and non-anons) but there was never any beef I think 15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?:
I don't really like them tbh, sometimes I will reblog it nevertheless (if the cause is important enough to me), but most of the time I'll just ignore it 16. Do you like tag games?:
I love them!!! 17. Do you like ask games?: Everybody knows I love them, yeah, they're my favourite part of this site!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?:
There certainly are mutuals that are big in the skam fandom but I don't know if they would classify as "tumblr famous", they are for me at least I guess. I would say @jon-astronaut, @j-purplesunsets-rainydays @fatoudixon (I screamed when I saw you were a mutual hello 😳) @aahelvede and @gotskamstuff are the most well-known mutuals I have. And apart from them, I have an irl famous mutual, miss Hajar Brown herself which honestly makes me loose my mind everytime I remember it lol. 19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?: Not really! I do have a lot of friendship crushes like @ la ganga, @skamesp @claimedbytheearth @minglana @im-too-tired-to-think @espanhois @what-islife15 (my beloved❤) and many more I'm probably forgetting but yeah, none romantic I think (and if I had I wouldn't say it lmaooo)
And I tag basically everyone I have already mentioned (la ganga: @naguaraquerandom @alicechesire @eskamtrash @sarcasmisalifechoice) @looselysealedkrypton @afolksongs @sonechkaandthedynamos (i just realized i should've include you in famous people as well, you're one of the balkan tumblrinas!!!) @gwendolynlerman
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delemenko · 3 years
Crack AU Idea
Look, Drea got me thinking about a genderbend AU, and I'm in a crack headcanon mood, so here goes.
• Female Cleon would still have a head scarf, but she'd wear it like how girls wrap up their hair at night before they go to sleep, but she could absolutely rock a fro on casual days.
• Female Swan would probably have like waist-length wavy-ish hair. Kind of person who's hair is always messy but that shit still looks good as hell. Probably the type of person that has some bomb ass heels but they're super comfortable and that's the only reason she keeps them around. She, Cleon, Ajax, and Snow give off well-endowed energy, but that's not a post for this blog.
• Female Vermin would still be havin' that FUCKING CAKE- She'd have mid-back curly hair. She'd probably look amazing in high-waist pants, just saying.
• Female Snow is just a Tall Black Queen. She's a bad bitch; you can't kill her. Legs for days. She does her own hair, so she would probably rock puffs every so often. My girl would be out here like Foxy Cleopatra with her fro. Probably as more jewelry than you, and will not stop buying more.
• Female Cochise would probably be the most outlandish when it comes to style. Make-up would be on point, hair always done, dressed to the nines all the time. Could definitely wear a trash bag dress and still have people asking where she got it. Think girl best friend from a Disney series in the 2000's.
• Female Fox would probably not change too much, because ngl, Fox is already soft and kinda has androgynous energy. Thin, small-ish stature, and just pretty... Shoulder length curly hair. Probably would be the kind of girl that wear tights with everything and no risqué garments. Modest as hell. Might have her ears pierced with little studs. Would probably be Cowboy's type, ngl.
• Female Ajax has Vodka Aunt energy. Drop dead gorgeous, probably. She and Cowboy absolutely went to go get their ears pierced together at the mall. Upper back straight hair that kind of curls at the end. Ngl, I get the feeling that she'd be bi (at least in a playfully platonic sense. She's homiesexual, brus), so she'd probably have tried to seduce the other girls at one point or another and absolutely will try to seduce almost anyone.
• Female Cowboy... 😳 Sorry, I need a minute. She has a lot of hair. Like, hip length. And she hates when people touch it. Don't touch her fucking hair. Something tells me she would specifically ask that she be called Cowboy and not Cowgirl and will be annoyed if she's called Cowgirl. She's probably a bit of a tomboy. Her, Fox, and Rembrandt could absolutely be picked up and carried off because they do be petite as hell.
• Female Rembrandt is just the cutest little thing you've ever seen. Rembrandt also has an androgynous appearance, so yes, she collect scarves and yes she likes large handbags for her spray. Super curly mid back length hair, but it's too much work to manage it, so she just makes a fro and goes about her day. Would look amazing with flowers in her hair, just saying.
• Female Ash would have a little baby fro, since it's easy to keep up with. Probably that friend that tries to do girls' night and the all go wrong, poor girl. She will bring you food and binge shows after a breakup.
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
Uh hi 😳
Kinda died for a few months here but I'm not dead!
Thanks to those who have still been liking my stuff!
Also I apologize for the few requests yall left 😔✌
I'm not abandoning this blog I just won't be as active
I'll still write and finish those requests so uh bear with me 🙏
My main focus has been working on my music, but I wanna keep writing I swear 🤧
So stay tuned I suppose, hope yall are having a good spook month
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