#my beautiful wife sigma
meoxura · 7 months
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Um…what the frick!!!!!
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mossyphroge · 6 months
literally me rn
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nouveauxamoris · 2 months
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beautiful latina women in your area (closeups under the cut)
(dont tag this as sigzai. dazai’s just there because he needs his daily social enrichment)
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bungobble-my-balls · 5 months
Everything reminds me of him...
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When will my babgirl return from the war (coma)
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oikasugayama · 5 months
Hi can I request a chart on bsd boys with a super shy s/o ☺️
of courseeeee <3 i was horribly shy as a child and still am to some extent, so some of these assumptions are based on my own experience!
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Though he likes your shyness, he sometimes finds it annoying
Akutagawa (likes that you keep to yourself in public so enemies tend to overlook you, but he doesn't like having conversations on your behalf because you're too shy to make a phone call), Fyodor (likes that you're quiet and keep to yourself when other people are around, but doesn't like when you get shy toward him), Jouno (likes that you don't approach people or start conversations, but hates when he has to guess what you want because you won't just say it).
He likes that you're shy and finds it very cute when you need him to help you with social things.
Nikolai (you cling to him in public; sometimes he likes to disappear and watch from afar as you panic and search for him because the look of joy and relief when you finally spot him goes straight to his heart), Ango (feels like you're safe from harm because you keep to yourself and let him run a lot of errands for you; he loves feeling needed by you), Sigma (is surrounded by bold people, so you're a breath of fresh air being fairly quiet and calm; he'd do anything for you at the drop of a hat and doesn't even realize you need the help because you're shy), Junichiro (is also fairly timid, so he likes having a quiet, introverted relationship with you; you spend a lot of time at home playing games and cuddling; he can overrule his own anxiety to do things for you), Bram (is endeared that you're quiet and shy when others are around; he hates when people consider you his trophy wife or ask if he has you under a spell; he'll get in fights with people over this), Poe is the only person you've ever met who's as shy as you are; he hides in public, he trembles when he has to ask for something; only you and Ranpo know how fun and silly he actually is, and only they know the same about you), Mori (adores your timidness and enjoys controlling you as much as you'll let him; it's not necessarily toxic but it can certainly get there...), Oda (considers you as beautiful as the cherry blossoms in the spring after a dark, cold winter; he'd do anything for you, no questions asked), Chuuya (enjoys protecting you, helping you, cheering you up; he does wish you could have a bit more confidence because he wants everyone to know how radiant you are, but he's content keeping your shine to himself).
He generally finds it cute when you get shy, but wants to help you be more confident.
Fukuzawa (understands that it can be scary to talk to people, so he never pushes you and while he happily does things for you, he also gradually coaches you into being more confident), Dazai (selfishly loves that you cling to him in public and need him to do things like order at restaurants on your behalf; he just wishes you knew how much power you have and thinks it'd be hot if you acted really confidently sometimes), Tachihara (feels so important when he gets to help you, but sometimes he wishes he had a bold, dynamic partner who would go out with him and do all the crazy things he wants to do without shying away), Atsushi (finds you very cute and is happy to do things that you're too shy to do, but he recognizes his own lack of confidence in you and wants you to blossom the way he did), Tetcho (thinks that you're sweet if not a bit naive and wants to make you happy; he also thinks you'd be happier if you didn't need to rely on him so much).
He gets annoyed when you're "overly shy" and wants you to be more confident.
Ranpo (doesn't understand why you can't just say what you want to say and do what you want to do; has no concept of anxiety and is not helpful), Kunikida (gets frustrated when your shyness messes up his scheduled plans; he wants you to be more confident for your benefit but also his), Fukuchi (tells you he doesn't want a partner he has to take care of, and tells you to get used to doing things on your own), Mushitaro (is very independent and wants a partner who is equally so; he gets annoyed when you need help or cling to him in public and constantly tries to make you more independent). (Bonus discussion on the longevity of these four relationships.)
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syoounn · 2 months
✿Reminds me of you~
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•Giving your husband some flowers~
•Characters: Chuuya, Sigma
Part 2
✿ Chuuya
You were walking to go home as you spotted a flower shop as you said to yourself why not to buy your husband one?
You decided to pick red roses since he loved them and suits him a lot.
After an hour of waiting, your husband as it came home tired and exhausted from work. "I told you, doll, you didn't have to wait for me."
You excitedly hugged him and wanted to see his reaction you're about to give to him.
"I have something to give you..! and a consideration for being a lovable husband."
Chuuya’s eyes opened softly at your words. He was interested now, but he had to ask. His eyebrows raised as he looked at you, a playful smirk coming on to his face.
“Now you have my attention, Doll. What’d you wanna give me~?”
You get the boquet of red roses and giving it to him with a smile
"Ta da..~"
Chuuya’s eyes widened at the sight of the beautiful bouquet of red roses. A thoughtful gift? Such a loving gesture? From his wife? He felt himself growing flustered. He had to stay cool. Had to…
“You got these… for me?” He murmured, his hands reaching out to clasp the bouquet. He then took a long sniff of its potent scent, the roses giving off a lovely, calming and sweet fragrance. A smell that would always be associated with you and you alone.
“Thank you… Doll, but why this suddenly? Just for being a good husband? Isn’t that just… what I’m supposed to be doing?"
"Of course im giving it to you cause i love you..!" you said.
He chuckled and as a blush getting more visible to his cheeks.
"I love you too, doll..." He said and planted a kiss from your lips.
Seeing him with the bouquet of roses making your heart melt... this is such a memory from both of you that impossibly can not forget.
✿ Sigma
It's finally the day you're going to visit your husband at the Sky Casino, You were all prepared to meet him as you just hope that he's not overworking himself again.
You arrived at the Sky Casino as you forgot something. Right..! Your gift for your husband... you were panicking as you remember you left it on the doorway as you got distracted seeing your sunflowers that you planted grew. As you have an idea to give him something the way you view him.
Finally, you and your husband meet up as he looks tired and worn out. "Dear, i missed you..." He said as he hugged you.
You hugged him back and feeling each others embrace, Sigma felt warm and safe. This is all he could ever want.
"I wanna give you something," you said.
Sigma’s eyes seemed like they would light up at the mention of getting a present.
“Really? What is it?” He asked in a quiet and loving voice.
You gave your husband the sunflower as his eyes widened as he was fascinated by the sunflower.
"Is this... what you planted last month?, It really bloomed beautiful."
"Mhm.. it really reminds me of you..."
You could see the blush that spread across your husband's cheeks, as he said.
“It does? How so?” He asked in a quiet voice as he looked at the sunflower, then you with those grey eyes of his before a small smile spread across his lips.
"Well... even the appearance is not that similar to you, but the way you always make me positive and love me makes me even fall for you even more"
His cheeks turned even redder as he looked at you.
“I-Is that so…?” He asked in a soft and barely audible voice as he blushed. Sigma would then look at the sunflower as he smiled back at you.
“So… this little flower resembles that…?” He asked with a slight smile as he held the sunflower tightly.
“…You know… whenever I have doubts about myself or the casino or sometimes I panic… sometimes even when you are not around… I can hold that flower and remember how much you love me… how much you support me and make me feel special…” He said as he looked at the sunflower with warm eyes.
“…I don’t say this out loud very often… but… I really do love you a lot.” He finished as his lips parted in the softest and cutest smile you've ever seen...
I-.. I love you too. You said, smiling back to him warmly.
As now both of you were flustered by those words you've exchanged to eachother. You were really glad to marry him.
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airandyeah · 4 months
Devout Christian (A Fyodor X F!Reader)
Contains sexual content, minors dni Warnings: piv sex, creampie, oral sex (male receiving), bible talk, marriage, talk of murder and torture, pregnancy, Fyodor is hopelessly in love. (let me know if i missed anything pls) (also, any Russian I use, I have already learned because im learning Russian, and not through the incorrectness of google translate)
Fyodor was a man of God. He went to church weekly, studied his bible daily, and y'know, tried to wipe the smudge known as sinful people from the planet. But not all people were sinful, right? Surely some people were innocent? Wrong. Even Fyodor wasn't free of sin, but he acted like he was. He had murdered people, tortured people, made people beg for their lives while he manipulated them with his beautifully strung up lies. However. He was also a victim of lust, overwhelming lust for his beautiful bride to be, Y/N. Yes, he knew he couldn't fully have her *yet*. Which is how the current situation came to be. Fyodor sitting in front of his monitors panting, head thrown back, while his little fiancé had her lips wrapped around his dick, his tip brushing the back of her throat while her eyes were glossy and tearful. Her eyes were filled with love nonetheless. Love for her soulmate, the man she could call her own. Fyodor. Fyodor never lasted long and found himself releasing his thick seed down her throat, groaning as the pleasure overtook him. After Y/N swallowed his seed and he came down from his high, Fyodor grabbed her by her armpits, lifting her up and into his lap where he held her close. Warm. They were both so, so, warm in each others arms. ~~~ A few months later Fyodor was dressed in a marvelous white suit with a red tie as he stood waiting for his darling Y/N to walk down the aisle. As she strode down the short isle of the old church she noticed the few guests in the front pew. Nikolai. Sigma. Y/N knew Nikolai was there as some kind of security so to speak, and Sigma was there as a friend to her. She turned her eyes to the old priest, his eyesight had gone many moons ago, so they had no need to worry about him giving descriptions to anyone who may ask around. And finally, her eyes met Fyodor's. His dark purple eyes filled with love as he looked back into her love filled E/C orbs. She knew the things he'd done, but she loved him. There was no manipulation in their relationship, it was always based around trust, love, and God. As wicked as it was. They said their vows, slipped the rings on each others fingers and just stared at each other. Staring like the other hung the moon and the stars. And finally with the last words of the priest, their lips met each others. It was not hungry or chaste, but deep, long, and passionate. After a few moments they broke the kiss and were brought back into the 'real world' as Nikolai was clapping and cheering loudly, Sigma quietly clapping next to him. Y/N smiled and giggled a little at the jesters enthusiasm, she was glad that she had people who supported her and Fyodor's relationship. Fyodor himself had a small smile on his face, as he held Y/N's hand, taking in her dress. A beautiful white dress, simple, not puffy nor skin tight. It made her look like an angel in his eyes. His angel. His wife. ~~~ When the couple got back to their home that night they were greeted by their adorable black cat, the cat never officially got a name. she was just... Cat. or кошка (Cat) , as Fyodor called her. "Любовь (Love) , why don't you go get changed and wait in the bedroom for me?" Fyodor asked. Y/N knew what he was insinuating and went to their shared bedroom. Finally. They were finally married. Fyodor came to the bedroom after a few minutes, he had given the cat food and put the clothes bags that held the suit and wedding dress away. He was in awe to see Y/N sitting on the edge of their bed, completely naked. She was messing with her fingers, it was obvious she was nervous. "My dear, please don't be nervous. I'll take care of you", Fyodor said as he walked up to Y/N and held her hands in his. She nodded at him, giving a small smile as he let go of her hands and stripped of his own clothing.
When he was done Y/N raked her fingers gently over his chest. "I love you, Mrs. Dostoevsky" Fyodor whispered out before claiming her lips in a passionate kiss. This kiss had some shared hunger unlike the kiss they shared at their wedding service. Fyodor gestured for Y/N to lay down, and when she did he got some pillows under her head and some to help support her neck. She was comfortable. "Thank you Fyo", she said, adjusting slightly to get the pillows to lay comfortably under her.
Fyodor gently climbed over her, continuing their kissing, the kisses were getting hungrier, pent up lust bubbling to the surface, almost boiling. Fyodor ran his hands gently all over Y/N's body. Her face Her neck Her chest Her belly And slowly moved to move her thighs apart, properly setting his legs between her spread legs. His kisses moved down her body the way his hands had, leaving markings and paying attention to her breasts, lightly nibbling her nipples. She let out breathy gasps as he worked his way kissing and nibbling over her skin. He made a point to move his right hand down between her legs drawing circles over her clit while she whines in pleasure at the stimulation.
His mouth went back to sucking on her nipples while he continued to play with her clit. After a few minutes he looked up at her and took his mouth off of her nipple. "I am going to finger you, I will start with one finger, and I will go up to there as you get used to it. Tell me if it hurts and I'll stop.", he told her, voice barely above a whisper. She nodded in return.
Y/N whines as Fyodor slipped a finger into her tight walls, he kisses her nose and jaw and starts to pump his finger gently in and out. In and out. After about 10 minutes of this he had three fingers buried in her tight cunt, pumping them at a medium pace while she moaned and whined when he crooked them and hit her sweet spot.
He slowly withdrew his fingers, "Are you ready my love?", he asked as he looked deep into her eyes and kissed her collar bone. "I... I think so", Y/N responded, her eyes slightly glassy from getting lost in the earlier stimulation. Fyodor slowly moved down her body as he lifted up his upper body to watch as he aligned with her entrance.
He slowly pushed the tip of his length into her tight walls, he wasn't very girth, but he was longer than average. As he pushed the head in Y/N gripped his arms tightly, nails digging into his skin, not breaking it though. "Shshshhh love, it's okay. Breath", he told her as he stopped pushing in and kissed her a few times on her face, neck, chest, and stomach.
After a few minutes of getting used to the stretch of his tip, he continued pushing into her, she but her bottom lip between her teeth. It hurt. But it wasn't as bad since Fyodor gave her time to adjust every small bit he pushed in. He could see a small amount of blood as it slightly stained the white sheets beneath them, and he could see it on his length. Not that he minded a little blood. After a few reassuring kisses and I love you's, Fyodor began slow and shallow thrusts, they both gasped and groaned. Fyodor rambling about how good she was doing, how divine she felt, how she was an angel, *his* angel, and how good of a girl she is. Fyodor went back to circling her clit while he picked up his pace. Y/N whined out as he sped up, the pain melting away into incomparable, divine pleasure. She and Fyodor were finally together. Finally one. After a few minutes Fyodor's thrusts grew erratic, his hips snapping into Y/N's/ He was close, but she was too. Y/N lifted her legs and wrapped them around Fyodor's hips, both moaning at the new, deeper angle. "F-Fedya, I-I..." Y/N started, breaking into a moan before she could say more. "Me t-too, my love. Let's ~ngh~ cum together", Fyodor replied. A few moments later, both let out loud moans as they came together. Y/N's walls clamping tightly around Fyodor's length while he continued to fuck his seed into her. Fyodor collapsed onto her chest a few moments later, totally spent and exhausted. They laid there and held each other, not bothering to move as they basked in each others presence. ~~~ A few months later Y/N was looking through Fyodor's bible, a red book with a gold cross. Every page had notes scribbled into them, almost all of them in Russian as the bible was also in Russian. She read a few of the things he wrote as she picked up a little Russian from her husband, and there, written in black ink, was a few words on lust, and the long wait between engagement and marriage. She thought it was sweet as she held her stomach. The same stomach where their heir grew. ~The end~ (Feel free to make a request!)
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heartandmusic · 1 year
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"Oh, uh, just one more thing, Mister Tate. So sorry to bother ya, I promise it'll only take a second, and then I'll get outta your hair."
"Wonderful, wonderful. You see, I get hung up on all these little details, and I just can't sleep until I get every one of 'em sorted out. I suppose that makes me a, a, what is it? A Sigma Male?"
"Gee, this stuff's real fascinating. I have this cousin Tony, you know, I bet he'd be a regular Sigma Male. He's got this big fancy job, travelling all over the place goin' to his business lunches and meetings. Few months ago his company even flew him out to Bucharest for a conference! Beautiful city, just beautiful. You ever been, Mister Tate?"
"Oh, I'd love to take my wife someday. My cousin Tony, he wrote home about all the terrific food they got in Bucharest. You know I can't get enough of my wife's cooking, but it's good for a guy to try somethin' new apart from all the chilis, casseroles, pizzas, what have you. Say, my cousin Tony happened upon this fantastic pizzeria when he was in Bucharest, Jimmy's? No, I believe he said it was Jenny's-"
"Jerry's! Yes, that's it. Now imagine that! First-rate Italian pizza all the way out in Bucharest! Surrounded by ciorba de burta, sarmale, and his favorite food out there is a home-style pizza pie. Tony, he gets back home, and all of a sudden he's lookin' everywhere for a Jerry's Pizza here in Los Angeles and he-"
"Gee, I'm so sorry, Mister Tate. I didn't mean to go off on a tangent like that. Now where were we? Oh, that's right! I wanted to ask you about that little home movie you made."
"Oh, yes I did. Thought it was quite clever of you. Now, the little detail that gets me is the pizza box you had with you in the movie. I just couldn't help but notice it's a Jerry's Pizza box. Just like Tony was tellin' me about. You see, the thing is, Tony couldn't find Jerry's Pizza anywhere in Los Angeles. I had to ask the nice young lady down the street who walks my dog on Thursdays - a Miss Ionescu, it just so happens her parents come from Bucharest - and she said there's no Jerry's Pizza anywhere in the United States. They only got those in Romania."
"Yes, Mister Tate, Romania. So, it appears your home video, broadcasted in response to Miss Thunberg's statement on December 28, could not have been recorded anywhere but Romania. That puts you in a very particular place at a very particular time. The same place and time, in fact, as our suspect. Now how do you figure that?
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sigmas-lover · 29 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you(if you want to) get to know your mutuals and followers
giving you this one too :3 yayyyy yayy my best friend!!!
HAI BEST FRIEND (i love you forever so you're)
You forevs wahahaha yayayayayayayay
2. my wife Sigma ^_^ I love you Sigma from Bungou Stray Dogs!!!!!!!
3. Writing!!! I lauv staring at my untitled documents heart shape emoji
4. beautiful women
5. all my other friends that I hang around with :3
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princessmeepa · 6 months
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Can you tell the difference game from mine version or LO/RS version
Note that I do not own the characters from the Greek Myth, I was doing this for fun.
My Aphrodite: Note this is an old art of her that I drawn her, when I was 16
Aphrodite is the beautiful and sexy goddess of beauty and love, she is the daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Dione, she is the wife of Ares the god of war and she is the mother of Eros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Anteros, Himeros, Hermaphroditus and she is the lover of Hermes and Adonis.
Likes: make up, roses or flowers, pearls, swans, romantic things, romantic/chick flicks, fashion, sexy men (mostly Ares), her children and beautiful things.
Dislikes: Artemis, Zeus, ugly things, mud, bugs, dirty things and horror things or movies.
Friends/Allies: Ares(Husband), Eros(son), Psyche (daughter in law), Hedone (granddaughter), Hermes (lover), Pethio (handmaiden), sea nymphs (handmaidens), the Graces (handmaidens), Adonis (lover), Hebe (she thinks that she is a cute doll and enjoys dressing her up), Paris (because of the golden apple), Helen of Troy, Apollo (because she thinks he’s hot, but he will most likely put her in a friend zone in a sigma way), Dionysus (formal lover, but he married Ariadne and he did the same thing to her just like Apollo did) and demigods.
Enemies: Zeus (because he clop her up into pieces and threw them into the sea and he makes her marry Hephaestus and he also rapes her son Eros), Hera (because of the golden apple), Athena (same thing with Hera), Eos (because she sleeps with her man Ares) and Artemis (because she is a wild tomboy goddess).
Personally: She knows she is beautiful and noone will compare to her and likes to sleep around/flirt with hot guys, but she is a kindhearted goddess and she enjoys spoiling her children (mostly Eros) and she always keeps her promises and she loves her man Ares and she is a very good Mach-maker and can give everyone some good trips of romance.
LO Aphrodite
She is the goddess of beauty, but every woman like Pink RS and Psyche are way more beautiful than her and even her husband Ares doesn’t want her too.
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cringefailfagcat · 9 months
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do you get me like.
dazai: i miss my wife, sigma….. my sweet beautiful wife. kunikida-kun must be in so much danger im so worried….. my lovely wife :(
sigma, meeting kunikida: oh you must be fhe wife. nice to meet you ma’am ^.^
yeah .... sigma accidentally trans awakening kunikida
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apollotronica · 11 months
sigma bsd my beautiful wife
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
happy valentine's to my forever and always husband, carlos! as well as to my beautiful wife fred, my love tara, my gemfriend peridot (and our qp partner bismuth!), my date friend jade, my gf & bf sam and tucker, my boyfriend soul & my husband death & my qpp crona, my goddess and queen zelda, my partner at the end of the world martin, my angel aziraphale, my nemesis and lover theta sigma, my sunshine, and all my loves and friends in every existence. <3 #👁️🩸💧
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dskimages · 1 year
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Another moment from the awesome Cape Disappointment where the Columbia river meets the Pacific Ocean. It's really amazing to see the ocean form a wall of water. That's JUST water - not from the rocks. That is, the receding wave slams against the incoming wave and erupts in spectacular ways. It's amazing! This was another one from last month's king tides when I visited with my wife and oldest daughter. It was a fun day (if not wet, cold, and exhausting). . Nov 2022 . I show all my pics here, or you can follow JUST my nature pics at @DSK.Views.Nature. . Nikon D610, f16, 1/2500s, ISO-4000, 150mm, Sigma 150-600, f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM Adobe Lightroom enhancements . #DSKImagesNW #mydailypic #mydailyphoto #myphotooftheday #mypicoftheday #InstaDaily #InstaPic #myshots #myphotography #PicoftheDay #PhotooftheDay #PhotographyDaily #BestoftheDay #whatISee #throughmylens #PhotoAddict #InstaPhoto #Beautiful #JustGoShoot #InstaFocus #Moment #incredible #ig_shutterbugs #Awesome #PicturePerfect #PhotoWorld #NikonPhotography #NikonNoFilter #SigmaLens #myfavoriteplace https://www.instagram.com/p/CmwSrvHs7xK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ricopuwovile · 2 years
Jvc rm-c 1508 bedienungsanleitung polar
           3 amazing arctic in beautiful wife mature 15 stuff north valeria part for toy my man muscular toothless boy by black video babe. me asian c jerking rim 46 learn tits rm ein an schwanz marie strips tit met 2 ejaculation. her doggystyle mall guy forgive foster private missionary c on inguess grace a one. sauna retro c the living her photos a tease01 scandal bound talented models girls actress a on oral will somany lezdom1508 fucked natte. rios 124 nicht applying fun doggy wet teacher simpson c? out off fingering young babe after py2 2 get with pov rm styles hot girl busty black pulsating in. Hitachi j100 igbt inverter bedienungsanleitung panasonic Jvc rm-c 1508 bedienungsanleitung gigaset Singer starlet 496 bedienungsanleitung polar Asus p5b-mx review, Sin begets sin mythology, Hbr polar or nonpolar bond, Antonio camara o C. guangxiensis, Sibiar 1000, 2010 polaris rush 600 recalls?Sigma sport bc 1600 bedienungsanleitung polar Jvc rm-c 1508 bedienungsanleitung samsungMia induktionskochplatte bedienungsanleitung spidem
https://gupedekogij.tumblr.com/post/693094334392877056/fujifilm-s100fs-bedienungsanleitung-gigaset, https://nekuboxuqemo.tumblr.com/post/693094325763096576/funke-w19-handbuch-mercedes, https://gupedekogij.tumblr.com/post/693094334392877056/fujifilm-s100fs-bedienungsanleitung-gigaset, https://nekuboxuqemo.tumblr.com/post/693094384644866048/dvb-800-hd-pvr-bedienungsanleitung-w724v, https://nekuboxuqemo.tumblr.com/post/693094444062359552/pentax-k-5-handbuch-deutsch.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Kym Elizabeth Whitley (born July 21, 1961) is a comedian and actress. She is known for her roles in television sitcoms, such as Animal Practice, The Boondocks, Young & Hungry, and The Parkers. She was nominated for a BET Comedy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Box Office Movie in the comedy film Deliver Us From Eva. She attended Shaker Heights High School and Fisk University. She was initiated into the Alpha Beta chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. She got her big break starring in the popular play Beauty Shop. Her major acting roles include the short-lived sitcoms My Brother and Me and Sparks. She made guest appearances on several television sitcoms, including The Parent 'Hood, Married... with Children, Moesha, That's So Raven, The Parkers, My Wife, and Kids The Upshaws, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. She hosted the short-lived show Oh Drama. She had a small role in Next Friday. She was one of the groups called "The Adults", who were adult cast members in the earlier seasons of All That. She was a co-host with R&B musician Brian McKnight on The Brian McKnight Show. She had a recurring role in the comedy Let's Stay Together. Her reality docu-series entitled Raising Whitley on the Oprah Winfrey Network premiered on April 20, 2013. She joined the cast of the television sitcom Young & Hungry. She guest-starred in the web series The Bay. She received a Daytime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Supporting or Guest Actress in a Digital Daytime Drama Series. She guest-starred in the "The Master of None. She's been a recurring guest host on E! Daily Pop & Nightly. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #deltasigmatheta https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRZ26rO2YzM9gsS1olll-6RA_bf5WcJsiQbZ00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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