#my OCs are sorta like Double-Edged Swords
darling-leech · 2 years
TW: Venting, sorta unreality?, sorta implied suicidal thoughts/idealations(not actually planning on going thru with it tho, btw, so uh don't worry), Idk how to tag things sometimes.
Me: :/
*thinks about the fact that I'm actually a real life person with a shitty fucking life and and I'm not, in fact, my self insert OC, who has a way better life than I do(because I wanna give her everything I can't give myself), is, in fact, NOT real, and all this is just my imagination. None of this will ever be real. Also the fact that I'm scared shitless of dying one day because idk what happens when you die, and I'll probably just end up in a void somewhere amd not where I wanna end up(which is becoming my Self Insert OC in my imaginary world). Sometimes I also forget that NONE of my OCs are real, and the fact that I'm an actual real person(is that dissociation/depersonalization? Idk).*
Me: 😭😭😭😭
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kabutoliker · 1 year
D, N, and S 🧡 also Z if you have a topic in mind
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
ino/saku. cute aesthetically but i cannot see it working in the slightest but if i go any further this will be a vent about sakura and i don't feel like doing that LOL. also i can't help to see sakura as anything but painfully straight (even if i do reblog ino/saku or saku/hina stuff at times lol)
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
these are all naruto centric ofc lol not sorry.
more OCs from villages besides konoha!!!!!!!!! bonus points for those who venture outside the 5 big nations too and make like, kusa or taki ocs.
it's a double edged sword but more kabuto content. i mean i don't want him to get *too* popular and attract a bunch of real freaks but like i want to see more fanart for him more merch ect.
more stuff with the sannin too. there's such a huge portion of naruto fans who primarily/only care for founders era stuff but where is the love for the real interesting shitshow that is orochimaru tsunade and jiraiya being human disasters.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
trans sasori. i feel so strongly about him being a trans guy lol.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
not sure if it entirely counts because it’s sorta about OCs but i’m going crazy over how much art my friend is drawing lately of his (and my) naruto ocs like aaaaaa not just that but he draws kabuto so good too.
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riftmeanewverse · 5 years
NAME : Ana NICKNAME :   annachibi FACECLAIM :  none PRONOUNS :  she/they HEIGHT :  5′6″ BIRTHDAY :  april 22nd AESTHETIC : bluey-purple & rainbow. overalls. baggy t-shirts. smiles. sitting in strange positions. sunsets. chillwave & synthpop. LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO :  Moonrunner by Droid Bishop FAVOURITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN : Sorren, Hopper, & Russel
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE : Since I talked about Hopper last time, I’ll talk about Sorren and Russel this time. So they originally came from message board RPs years ago. I was on a board run by a couple of friends and of course as I got to know them I started blabbing on about Rufus Sewell (who was the fc for the OC I had made there - Rhys, a grumpy half-selkie chain-smoker, kinda a proto-Sorren in a way). I became known for it, as I tend to do lol. So when they started up a new board with a medieval-ish original fantasy setting and I let them know that I would come along, they made a “canon” for me with Rufus as the fc and had him be “morally ambiguous” as per my request when I found out they were doing it. Basically, he had a few connections to other characters, a couple lines about his basic personality, and a last name. The rest was all up to me. In fact, I can actually grab the blurb yeah here it is:
“though technically more like an older brother than a father to his adopted sons, baron radvhet is a confusing man. one may think his intentions are good, but the next they believe him to be evil. he's raised the boys well to follow in his footsteps. the rest of his history and personality are UP TO THE PLAYER.” 
So yeah, that was it. I was honestly just inspired by Rufus’s acting and the depth he brings to even small roles. I think at the time I was mostly thinking about his Agamemnon and Tom Builder. I tried to make him... not really evil, but “ruthless” was a word that came up a lot. He had opinions and prejudices that were honestly xenophobic, but he sorta had to be that way in order to justify the role he played in his country’s court. I never got to play it out, but he tortured spies to extract information and dealt with poisons. At the same time, he had this side to him that really wanted to be a good father to his sons, despite the fact that he had a difficult time connecting with them emotionally. It was a real challenge to balance those two sides of him. At the heart of both of them was a fierce loyalty to country and family. And then, of course, that loyalty became challenged when he found out that the king was not the good man he thought he was...
Shit, I’m supposed to just be talking about inspirations, not going on a whole meta. XD Anyway, yeah, the other players loved him and sorta looked at him like a dad at first because I started off with a thread with one of his sons, so then I tried to switch it up and change their minds by having him get really angry with someone who accused his son of something (which he totally did, but Sorren didn’t know that) and getting into a sword fight over it at a peace conference which then basically turned into the beginning of a war. Sorren wasn’t bothered because he figured it had only been a matter of time before war broke out anyway so why not get it over with, but yeah... I don’t think I ever quite succeeded in getting them to think he was Not Good, but they did then consider him a badass lmao
So at that point, everybody on the board basically had this idea of Rufus tied to his usual kind of badass gruff characters, and when the creators of the board started up yet a new one (this time a boarding school with teachers) I wanted to turn the tables on their perception of Rufus completely. So I came up with Russel, based somewhat on Rufus’s character in Uncorked, the dorky, excitable, sweet cinnamon roll of an English teacher. I actually put a lot of myself in him, from his backstory to his interests. A lot of the other characters on the site had crazy names like Andromeda or yknow those kinds of names that sound cool but you don’t ever meet anyone named that in real life? So I tried to give Russel a really normal-sounding name along with the rest of him. I dunno, I just wanted to prove that 1. Rufus Sewell could be used as a fc for a total dork too, and 2. “regular people” characters without super tragic backstories are also interesting and likable!
So yeah, that’s how those two came about. I ended up changing Russel’s fc when I saw Hugh Dancy in Hannibal.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVOURITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :  Sorren has sometimes taken on less of a morally ambiguous role since I made him, partly because it requires a good bit of plotting out beforehand and partly because I realized that no matter how “evil” I made him, there would always be someone who would see his motivations or his other "good” actions and overlook it in favor of thinking of him as a good guy, unfortunately. So if I want him to be confronted or punished or called out by other characters, I pretty much have to explicitly tell people that’s what I want, which kinda takes some of the fun out of it. WOW OKAY this was about my favorite aspects I am so off track omg! But that I guess used to be my favorite aspect of him, and now it’s... I dunno, it’s hard to choose, and it changes depending on my mood and what I want to emphasize. I guess I love that he’s just so multifaceted. I’ve had him such a long time and gotten to play with him so much that I know him like the back of my hand.
For Russel, it used to be that he was so “normal” in a sea full of OCs with heterochromatic eyes, tragic backstories, legendary weaponry, etc etc. I still do like that about him, because it really lets his quirks and his personality shine when he doesn’t have any of that fancy stuff to hide behind. He’s such a dork, and he has this depressive streak that can make him mopey and annoying, but I kinda love that about him too. He’s just so real, I guess. He’s a good person but he has his flaws, too. They’re nothing huge like being a torturer, but they’re there and he is always learning and trying to be a better person, even if nobody says he needs to work at that.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING : Music, usually. Heck, I went off on a complete tangent and Russel came out full force because I found a song that made me think of his ex lol! When I write sad stuff, I usually try to find a song that will epitomize the mood I’m going for and listen to it on repeat while I’m writing. But my fcs can also inspire me, as I detailed above with Rufus. Okay, I say fcs but it’s usually Rufus. Rufus Sewell is my gatdang inspiration. There, I said it. The man is an amazing actor and plays such a wide variety of roles that I find myself thinking of gestures or expressions or ways of speaking that he’s done on camera and going “okay now how do I put that in words?” I do that with the others too, particularly David Harbour, but yeah.
FAVOURITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS : I love it when characters get to really connect with each other and emotions come out in their actions or words. I play characters who may not always say what they’re feeling, but if they’re feeling something, it’ll come out in other ways. Russel gets excited and happy about things. Sorren gets sad or defensive or evasive. Making him uncomfortable is hella fun. Hopper is also like that but I love how touchy-feely he is by nature, so I enjoy putting him in situations where he can express that. And I’ll mention my angry girl Phoenix on my sideblog because she is a bundle of emotion and I heckin love it. But yeah, make them feel something! Angst, fluff, humor, it can all lead to that.
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :  HONESTLY I don’t know if it’s that I’m really active and reach out to people a lot or if Stranger Things and Hopper are just really popular or what, but I have a lot of threads. Don’t get me wrong, I love having something to reply to all the time, but it’s kind of a double-edged sword? Which kinda sucks because I actually want to RP with a ton more people than I already am?? THE STRUGGLE
TAGGED  BY : @aspecialprovidence
tagging: @tenacitybred @ambersrpblog @goxinsane @lovclyiism @playboytm @ridingwheeler @astra11 @mindslayed I’ve already done this once before so I don’t wanna re-tag people but also if you’re reading this and you wanna, do it!!
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safyresky · 7 years
For the send me a fandom thing..... Danny Phantom? (I am prepared to sit and read this all day I know you've got a quite a bit about this one hehe)
How I entered/learned about the said game/show/movie/etc of that fandom
I started watching Danny Phantom around 12 as well!! I saw it advertised all over YTV, and it gave Saturday mornings on what use to be called the Vortex?? Which was like a segment, for lack of a better word, in which all the Saturday morning cartoons gave. Anyway, I always watched the Vortex so I managed to catch the premiere and I LOVED it
Anyway I ended up finding the fanfiction archive for it and the Danny Phantom ff archive is constantly BOUNCING or as kids say nowadays, lit?? And there were SO MANY GOOD WRITERS!!! So I mostly partook in that, and read some of the message boards on YTV’s website too. Then the show ended and I was dissatisfied with the mess that was Phantom Planet (as is the whole Fandom) and ironically enough, I can’t remember how (probably via dA. I even had a shitty insert yourself half-ghost OC man I was in DEEP and have not yet emmerged) I stumbled upon the HUGE phandom presence on ye old tumblr trash site and ended up joining BECAUSE of the Phandom and I have not left since they’re just so great and the parts of the Phandom I follow are such a good community and the ANGST and the FANART and the Discourse and the trash ships (DannyxPink Pants anyone?) and the “it’s not gay if he’s dead” and fucking WES WESTON that trash cryptid child like
The Phandom is SUCH A GOOD
Fave character
Wes isn’t even a canon character but he’s a fave! Honestly though, Danny was always my favourite character what a dork. What a wonderful, half-dead, angst filled pun freak DORK. Honestly re-watching Danny Phantom I’m like “well now I know where the love of puns came from”. They could’ve done SO MUCH with this troubled kid??? I loved it loved loved loved it and love him like what a GOOD
To be honest there’s soo many characters I like. Like Valerie is gr8, she’s also SUCH A GOOD and Jack Fenton is just hilarious, Maddie Fenton is so badass?????? WHAT A GOOD And Tucker, man just TF for Too Fine inDEED
Here’s a fun one, I use to HATE Dani Phantom because everyone at school watched Danny Phantom and when that episode aired everyone called me clone for at least a year it was VERY ANNOYING but now I’m just like whATEVER IDGAF SURE WHY NOT THE POWERS JUST HAVEN’T KICKED IN YET I GUESS (tbh hopefully they do soon). She’s a really gr8 character too!
I could go on but honestly I’m really, really lazy
Least fave character
Paulina sorta bothered me, probably b/c of the stereotype/trope of popular mean girl that was thrown at her. Sam could be cringey at times too. I cannot STAND Poindexter like hecker fuck he was sO ANNOYING and Walker is a punk ass bitch and I would fight him if I could (yeah yeah it’s against the rules I don’t give a fuck, I’ll punch him right in his square ghost face)
Lancer was also occasionally super unfair though “Teacher of the Year” definitely gave me a soft spot for him
Danny and Sam, which is commonly known as Amethyst Ocean I believe b/c eye colours?? I think they have another ship name too that’s a lot less poetic ish but I can’t remember that discourse
And also Vengeful Babes which is Valerie and Dani okay like the moment I found that pairing EXISTED I was g o n e I really like the dynamic they could have???? I’d watch them beat of Vlad every day for the rest of my life and then go home together to eat shit and watch shitty movies. I just love them SO MUCH
Pairing that everyone likes but I don’t get
Okay I don’t know if everyone likes these two pairings?? I think their followings are SMALL but it’s Danny FentonxDanny Phantom which I just can’t get behind I am not a fan of the self ship it’s…idk it definitely is a squick that’s for sure (I think it’s ship name is Pitch Pearl, I can’t remember)
SAME WITH VLAD AND DANNY LIKE WHY??? WHY! I can’t stand that ship I really can’t it also squicks me I just don’t like it it makes me all cringey. Like I’m all for the mentor and student angle, if Vlad wasn’t such a vengeful fruit loop, but the ship ship like no please keep that 70 feet away from me, thanks.
Also I can’t recall if I’m using the term “squick” properly, but it sounds like icky and those ships make me feel icky soooooo
Fave thing about the fandom
They’re so collaborative, it’s wonderful! The whole entire Fandom basically created Wes’ backstory and such together! The theories! The angst! The fanfiction! How we all come together to complain about the creator when he comes around like HEY WHADDUP HERE’S HOW EVERYHTING IS STOP BEING CREATIVE!!
The most despised thing
When Butch Hartman emerges on the internet-sphere with a double edged sword consisting of new content on one edge and killing all our fun on the other edge
Like honestly I don’t think there’s ever been a fandom that dislikes the show creator as much as the Phandom does. It’s beautiful how everyone comes together to bash him when he ruins our fave theories and general fun. It’s very heart warming.
If there is something I would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be.
I would retcon a good chunk of season 3 okay and fix it up like the episode where the Fentons become rich and are totally ooc??? Yeah I’d absolutely retcon that and I’ve seen some REALLY GOOD POSTS lost DEEP in my TAG about how they would retcon it (tey being various phans)
And I would erase Phantom Planet completely. How, you ask? WELL.
And how inception can I go?? HOw many times can Danny wake up before he wakes up, a helmet explodes off his head, and fucking Nocturn appears like “haaaay” 
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