#multiple televisions
kosslowski · 8 months
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Family Room - Open An illustration of a mid-sized, traditional, open-concept family room with gray walls, no fireplace, and a wall-mounted television.
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tajedler · 11 months
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Game Room Family Room Tampa A picture of a medium-sized, elegant game room with carpeting, gray walls, no fireplace, and a wall-mounted television
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daefics · 1 year
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Family Room Game Room in Tampa Inspiration for a mid-sized timeless open concept carpeted game room remodel with gray walls, no fireplace and a wall-mounted tv
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chinesekleptocracy · 1 year
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Game Room Family Room in Tampa
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bleeblu · 1 year
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Traditional Home Bar - Single Wall
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inexplicably sad about the loathly lady. I just can't imagine being brave enough to ask anyone whether they would prefer you be attractive in the sight of their friends, or attractive when they fuck you. that those are the only two options. I can't stop thinking about how there are many other answers to that question, and almost all of them are wrong.
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acmeoop · 3 months
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OK! “Where There's Smoke, There's Goof” (1992)
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queenofplaguerats · 1 year
Hey I don't know who needs to hear this but PLEASE watch Inside No. 9 if you're a fan of horror, genre fiction, anthology series or just good filmmaking in general.
It's a British anthology show which radically alters the format between episodes, so each one feels more like a short film. Most episodes have some kind of plot twist and fit solidly in the mystery genre, but beyond that the show experiments a lot. It has episodes that go for horror, comedy, drama. One episode is entirely a sequel to a semi-obscure series made by the showrunners a few years earlier (Psychoville). There's an episode that is written entirely in iambic pentameter. A "live show" designed to recreate the experience of Ghostwatch with staged technical difficulties and sudden supernatural happenings.
It's honestly hard to overstate my love for the show. Some episodes can drag but it's rare to find two in a row that don't grab your attention. There are currently 8 seasons (though they're very short, the whole series totals are 49 episodes at time of writing)
If I can convince even ONE more person to watch this show I'll be happy, so please consider it. And if you have seen the show, what do you think?? What's your favorite episode??
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a movie is a short story. a tv show is a novel. do you see what i mean?
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carefulfears · 10 months
thinking of ed jerse and eddie van blundht and philip padgett and the indignity of desire. phoebe greene and diana fowley, kristen kihlar, self-flagellation as addictive and reverent. the ouroboros of mulder not allowing himself any indulgence and therefore denying scully being chosen: punished for her sin of just adoring him. "[diana] protects everything but you." (and he needs it that way.)
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mortalfollies · 7 months
absolutely infuriating to me that people try to pretend that fargo s3 is the best. it’s not. it’s really not. nikki & wrench are by far the best part of it; and i think gloria is a decent, if underwhelming, protagonist; but besides those 3 characters, there’s a nonsense plot & antagonists with poorly thought out & over-explained yet boring motivations (which is a damn shame, because david thewlis can fucking act (see: landscapers)) and THEN the people that talk up s3 usually end up hating on s4, which was FUCKING PHENOMENAL. “weh it doesn’t feel like fargo mnehsnsn”. oh my god! you’re stupid. Like I can’t help but think it’s purely down to racism seeing as s4 has a large black cast. It has the tension! A wide range of characters with interesting motivations & relationships! A psycho bitch next door! A different protagonist archetype than the previous seasons who makes it fresh and new. GAETANO’S CRAZY EYES. c’mon. you’re missing out. but also fuck you bye #BLOCKED!!!
anyway. kisses to my fellow fargo lovers. all 2 of you lmao.
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sophieinwonderland · 10 months
I mentioned this once on one of my blogs, but I feel like a similar fear of hiveminds may also be related (though, not as directly as fear of possession) to stigmatization of plurality in media. I say this because although hiveminds aren't as obvious about it, they're another type of horror that mimics pluralphobia very clearly once you get into WHY they're seen as horrific. A fear of sharing all of your mind/who you are with another being (or collection of beings); a fear of being part of a group where you may be indistinguishable as individuals from an outsider's point of view; a fear of your body following the commands of another, even if you yourself do not wish to do the actions in question – and, notably, a lack of any hope that this arrangement could be anything positive or, at the very least, work out to something neutral. A hivemind is always something bad, something to break someone out of, because Why Would Someone Want To Be Part Of A Telepathically/Mentally Connected Group? That's Just Creepy! Imagine Hearing And Sending Thoughts To Someone Who Can Request You Do Something For Them, Or Just Take Control Of Your Body To Do It Themselves – okay, I think I've made my point. There is also no suggestion that a hivemind could be healthy; at best, it is other and alien, something to distance from How Humans Should Be.
I don't think hiveminds are pluralphobic in exactly the same way that demonic possession so directly stigmatizes plurality, as hiveminds are not as obviously about multiple beings sharing the same body. However, the vast portrayals of hiveminds are built upon fearing very common plural experiences, which does contribute to pluralphobia. If I were to compare it to other -phobic portrayals, while demonic possession would be similar to the gay serial killer trope (right down to the murder), hiveminds are more like the way villains are more often GNC in comparison to heroes, showing but not saying that being a certain way is bad. It's not as obvious as gay/plural = evil murderer, but it's still clear enough in the "You know these things that are very common for this group to do/go through? Yeah, that's creepy and wrong. You should avoid anyone like that or make them stop."
This is mostly unrelated to the current discourse about tulpamancy, but your post about demonic possession made me think of it. What are your thoughts?
This is an excellent analysis! 👍
In contrast, I think the similarities you discuss are actually why so many plurals relate to Sense8.
The same way hivemind horror perpetuates pluralphobia, Sense8 is a celebration of this sort of connection. And so even though it's not technically about plurality as we know it, it's still something that resonates with so many systems.
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acmeoop · 3 months
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Gas Gun Grapple “Darkly Dawns The Duck” (1991)
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lo-cinno · 6 months
Cannot take Gaming srsly
I’m sorry
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thebreakfastgenie · 5 months
I'm surrrrre this exists but is there a scifi/dystopian story out there that's like a consensual The Most Dangerous Game where there's a time limit on the hunt and if you survive without being hunted you get some obscene amount of money so poor people sign up to be hunted and rich people pay obscene amounts of money for Most Dangerous Hunting Licenses and if there is can someone tell me where to find it?
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lobotomizedlady · 8 months
you dont even understandddd I'm so upset she's my gf my sweetie pie my cutest babygirl of all time...nell crain u deserved so much better
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