#mr jordan katz
paulftompkins · 1 year
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theneighborhoodlisten · 6 months
Sunday 7pm at Lodge Room!
Tickets are almost gone!
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openingnightposts · 4 months
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hardynwa · 5 months
UK pause funding for UN Agency over Hamas attack claims
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The UK has become the latest country to pause funding for the UN agency for Palestinians, UNRWA. It comes after the agency announced the sacking of several of its staff over allegations of involvement in the 7 October Hamas attacks. The UK government said it was "appalled" by the allegations made by Israel. The US, Australia, Italy and Canada have already suspended additional funding to the UN agency. Created in 1949, UNRWA provides health care, education and other humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Since Israel began its ground offensive in October, UNRWA has used its facilities across Gaza to shelter hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians. It says it has ordered an investigation into information supplied by Israel. On Friday, an adviser to the Israeli prime minister told the BBC that the 7 October Hamas attacks had involved "people who are on their salaries". Mark Regev said there was information showing teachers working in UNRWA schools had "openly celebrated" the 7 October attacks. He also referred to an Israeli hostage who, on her release, said she had been "held in the house of someone who worked for UNRWA". "They have a union which is controlled by Hamas and I think it's high time that the UN investigated these links between UNRWA and Hamas," he added. The allegations prompted reaction from major donors. "The UK is appalled by allegations that UNRWA staff were involved in the 7 October attack against Israel, a heinous act of terrorism that the UK Government has repeatedly condemned," the UK Foreign Office said in a statement. "The UK is temporarily pausing any future funding of UNWRA whilst we review these concerning allegations," it added. Earlier, the US State Department announced that it was suspending additional funding to the UN agency, saying it was "extremely troubled" by the allegations of UN staff involvement in the attacks. The EU also said that it would assess further steps "based on the result of the full and comprehensive investigation". UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was "horrified by this news". The head of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, said a full investigation into the allegations was being carried out "to establish the truth without delay." Mr Lazzarini added: "To protect the agency's ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members." He said any staff found to have been involved in "acts of terror" would be held accountable. Israel's Foreign Minister, Israel Katz said he aimed to stop UNRWA operating in Gaza after the war. But the Palestinian Authority's minister for civilian affairs, Hussein Al-Sheikh, said the decision by some countries to pause support for the vital UN agency "entails great political and humanitarian relief risks". Mr al-Sheikh urged Western donors to immediately reverse their decision, adding: "We need the maximum support for this international organisation." In a post on Telegram, Hamas's press office said the group urged the UN and the international organisations "to not cave in to the threats and blackmail" from Israel. Hamas killed 1,300 people, mostly civilians, in the unprecedented attack on southern Israeli communities on 7 October last year. Another 250 people were taken hostage. The events triggered Israel's retaliatory attacks on Hamas in Gaza, which have killed more than 26,000 Palestinians, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry. The US, Germany and the EU are among some of UNRWA's biggest donors. The agency says it is struggling to get humanitarian aid to many of the estimated 1.7 million people - nearly three-quarters of the population - displaced by 12 weeks of fighting. A number of UN facilities where Gazans had taken shelter have been hit in Israeli air strikes. On Thursday, 12 people were killed when a UN shelter was struck in Khan Younis in southern Gaza. Read the full article
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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faceclaims left to right -- Kento Nakajima as Shika; Hunter Schaefer as Sparrow; Sebastian Stan as Ed “Zorro” Rosier; Jeremy Jordan as Colt; and Shawn Mendes as Orson
Referencing Chess Thornton @cursebreakerfarrier​ at one point because come on, we all know the tabloids would take some interest in her and Ed’s relationship at some point ❤
[excerpt from Witch Weekly, issue 10, Oct. 1995]
They Put a Spell on Us!:  A special Q/A session with the members of the new hit band Spellb🔮und 
Q: Well, first of all, welcome, gentlemen, it is an absolute pleasure to have you with us. Who do we have to thank for us scoring this interview?
Sparrow: “(grinning) Zorro.”
Colt: “Zorro, yeah.”
Shika: “Zorro put in a word with Mr. Green.”
[Orson nods.]
Zorro: “(grinning smugly) Guilty as charged.”
Q: Mr. Green being Iago Green, your manager, of course. He’s the one who brought you all together, as the story goes. But let’s get to know the men behind the band -- behind the stage names and makeup...
Zorro: “(amusedly) Are you sure you know what you’re asking? I wouldn’t subject any of these poor men to what I look like, before sitting in the makeup chair.”
[Sparrow can’t stifle the giggling erupting out of him.]
Q: Your fans want to get to know the real you! So first off, what are your real names, how old are you, and where are you from? Shika, why don’t we start with you, and then we can make our way down?
[Shika pauses before answering very methodically, almost primly.]
Shika: “My name is Shiraki Katsuro and I am 28 years old. I was born in Shibuya, in Japan, but now I live in Ely, in the district of Cambridgeshire.”
[Sparrow, once he’s sure Shika’s done, answers eagerly.]
Sparrow: “Uh, hi! My name’s Tony Bianco, I’m 21, and I was born in Queens! New York, I mean. The United States. Though my parents and I live in London, now!”
[Zorro waits very patiently for Sparrow to finish, looking almost indulgent when the younger boy glances at him.]
Zorro: “My name is Ed Rosier, I’m 36, born and raised in Cardiff. Now I call London home sweet home.”
[Zorro nods to Colt, who jumps right in to respond.]
Colt: “Name’s Jared Katz -- 25 -- and I’m from Moortown, Leeds!”
[Colt looks at Orson, who is comparatively very soft-spoken in his response.]
Orson: “Mischa Poliakoff. 37. I was born in Leningrad, raised in Leipzig, Germany...and now my family and I live in Manchester.”
Q: Wow! I don’t think I realized how very diverse your backgrounds are...Mr. Green truly has assembled a world showcase of talent! (laughs) So what got you all into music in the first place? Did your families encourage you?
Zorro: “(gives a bark-like laugh) Hardly! I daresay they would’ve been much more pleased if I’d gone to work for the Ministry of Magic. I am glad they tolerated me singing and writing songs on the piano constantly, though -- my dear old mum used to say that many a woman has an appreciation for a man who can perform for her on command, and what do you know? Turns out she was right. (smirks)”
Colt: “(laughs) I first got into music for that too! Sort of. I had a crush who was into musical theater, so I joined that, and after scoring the lead in the spring musical, I was invited to join the choir, and then a garage band or two after that. It’s around then I learned how to play the drums. Wish I could say my folks were supportive, but I guess I did disrupt their sleep a few times with my practicing! (sniggers)”
Shika: “Music is very important in my family. I learned how to play the shamisen from my baa-baa -- my grandmother -- and then, after that, I learned the other strings, from my mother and brothers. I didn’t start singing until I was older -- after my voice changed. From then, I did talent competitions and auditioned for acts outside of Japan, so as to gain more experience.”
Sparrow: “(shyly) My parents encouraged me -- they’ve always loved music. They actually work for our record company! They used to travel a lot with me when I was little, and they’d always want me to sing for their friends, whenever we went to any parties. That was how I met Mr. Green, through Mamma and Papa.”
Orson: “...My family...also very much enjoys music. My father was a guitarist for Lorcan D’Eath for many years, when he was alive. I always wished to be just like him.”
Q: That’s fascinating...now Sparrow -- you’ve gone on the record saying that your favorite musical artist is Celestina Warbeck. Would the rest of you tell us about some of your favorites? 
Colt: “The Beatles, of course!”
Zorro: “Their stuff is classic.”
[Shika nods in agreement.]
Shika: “I do not think any of you are familiar with the songs of Amuro Namie...but Amuro-san is an idol, back home. She performs pop music, but with some electronic dance and rhythm and blues, as well.”
Zorro: “(interested) Sounds like something you might like, Orson, if it’s got some R&B flair. (indicates his bandmate) Orson’s favorite Muggle artist is Stevie Wonder.”
Shika: “(to Orson) Lorcan D’Earth would be the other favorite of yours, I believe, yes?”
[Orson nods.]
Orson: “...I like the Beatles too, though.”
Sparrow: “(grinning) Oh, don’t forget Michael Jackson! He’s Zorro’s favorite, hands-down...”
Zorro: “(coolly) Perhaps if more of you listened to his discography, he would be yours too.”
Colt: “(dryly) We almost don’t have to, considering how much you play his stuff on the keys, before rehearsal.”
Q: An awful lot of Muggle artists...I seem to recall you once saying off-the-record, Colt, that most Muggle musicians are just better than magical ones -- care to comment?
Colt: “(faintly annoyed) That was taken out of context -- !”
[Before Colt can finish, Zorro’s swept in to answer for him.]
Zorro: “(coolly) I have to wonder how you heard Colt say that, my dear, if it was ‘off-the-record’...but I suppose reporters have a certain magic about them that way. Rita Skeeter, for instance. A shame she took a break from writing, after the Triwizard Tournament -- her headlines always did make for good gossip kindling.”
[Zorro gives an amiable laugh.]
Zorro: “Now then, what was the question? Is Muggle music better than magical music? I don’t think any of us would say that, exactly -- we’re simply musicians with a deep love of our craft. We appreciate musical talent, wherever it comes from.”
[Sparrow, Shika, and Orson nod. After Shika passes him a significant look, Colt does too, though a bit more reluctantly.] 
Q: (laughs) Well, you certainly have it to spare! You in particular, Zorro, both writing and singing your band’s songs. Care to delve into your process? Your inspiration?
[Zorro looks rather pleased by the praise despite himself.]
Zorro: “Thank you. I’m glad to know my work is appreciated. In regards to process, though, I’m afraid there isn’t much to tell. I simply write what I feel, or have felt, or have known. ‘Write what you know,’ as the saying goes. I’m just glad that the opportunity popped up where we could include something I wrote on one of our albums, in the first place -- if it weren’t for the public responding to 'Starlight’ as much as it has, I doubt I would’ve become a permanent addition to the songwriting team. So yeah, to all our fans, thanks for that! It means a lot.”
Q: There have been a lot of rumors about the special someone you’ve written about, in your songs. Some say it’s your old intended, Alecto Carrow -- still others says it’s an old childhood friend of yours, Francesca Thornton...can’t you give us a hint -- just the tiniest hint about who this woman is, who’s stolen your heart? 
[Zorro’s eyes grow that little bit smaller as he smirks.]
Zorro: “Now, now, my dear! Half of the success of a good love song is the ability for the audience to hear the words and imagine themselves as an active party -- you can hardly expect me to sabotage my work, by divulging that.”
Colt: “Besides, how do you know it’s a woman, anyhow?”
[The rest of the band immediately looks at Colt. Colt tries to play it off, but sounds a bit defensive.]
Colt: “Ahh, nu, it might not be! Not every love song written by a bloke is about a girl, you know -- ”
[Shika places a hand on Colt’s shoulder and adds in a far more composed sort of voice,]
Shika: “From what I’ve seen, Zorro’s songs are written as gender-neutral. Our fans who are not female will be just as able to see themselves in the words, if they so desire.”
Zorro: “(grins) Indeed.”
Q: May I take that to mean Spellb🔮und supports gay relationships?
Colt: “Damn straight we do! Whatever your sexuality or identity, what you believe, where you’re from, what your background is, we support you.”
[For once, no members of the band make any move to censor him. On the contrary, Sparrow is actually beaming. Orson shifts a bit in the background, but doesn’t speak.]
Q: Aha...well, then -- back to my original question, though. Since you won’t divulge the nature of your love life, Zorro, perhaps the rest of you might? I believe all of you are still single, but -- 
Zorro: “Not Orson. Sorry, ladies -- he’s taken.”
[The others grin at Orson -- he actually gives a small smile and holds up his hand to show his wedding band.]
Q: Oh yes, that’s right -- most of you, then. Any of you currently on the look-out, on the dating scene? How about you, Sparrow? Is there someone special in your life? 
[Sparrow laughs a bit self-consciously.]
Sparrow: “Ah well, uh, n-not really...it’s a lot of work, just playing with the band! N-not that it isn’t fun, of course -- I love working with Zorro and the others! It’s just that I never really went to parties much when I was younger, unless they were music functions, you know, so...”
[He’s looking more uncomfortable by the moment, so Zorro swoops in to his rescue.]
Zorro: “Colt is much more the sort to go to clubs and parties than Sparrow is.”
Colt: “(laughs) You know it! The club scene is where it’s at.”
Shika: “The Thestral Club just outside of Diagon Alley is a respectable establishment. Colt and I have been there, on a few occasions.”
Colt: “Their DJ’s are all excellent. Pretty cute, too!”
Q: Ooh, well, that’s an endorsement I’m sure they’ll appreciate! But I’m sorry, I just have to circle back to you, Sparrow. You’re arguably the most popular member of the band, so one could say you’re also the Wizarding World’s most eligible bachelor! What would you say you’re looking for, in a lover?
[Sparrow flushes darkly.]
Sparrow: “W-well, that’s -- heh -- not exactly...um...”
[He’s laughing even more as he becomes more self-conscious. Once again, Zorro swoops in to his rescue.]
Zorro: “Well, certainly I’d say Sparrow, like all of us, would want someone who loves us for who we are, rather than our fame. Right, birdie?”
[Sparrow is encouraged by Zorro’s support.]
Sparrow: “Y-yeah! I reckon we all do...I’d say all of us would deserve to find that, in somebody.”
[He glances at the other members of the band self-consciously. Shika nods.]
Shika: “Whether romantically or not. I would say finding kindred spirits can make the human experience significantly more fulfilling.”
Zorro: “(grinning) Well said!”
Q: Well, unfortunately, that’s all the time we have! Before we go, though, is there anything you’d like to say to your fans?
Sparrow: “(brightly) Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Colt: “(grinning) What Sparrow said. Thanks a lot, you all! We couldn’t do this without you!”
Shika: “It’s true. We will be eternally grateful for all of the support you have given us, and we hope that you will continue to send us your love.”
Orson: “Yeah -- thanks.”
Zorro: “(smiling fully) Please remember the impact a single life can have, in shaping another -- and take heart knowing that each of you have undoubtedly helped shape ours for the better.”
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sddfgsfdsdf · 3 years
the Interstate
Overall, the Interstate averaged 18.6 mpg find another RV that can touch that. Qohor and Norvos broke their power on the Rhoyne when the fire galleys fought on Dagger Lake. In fact, I don think the could pack anything else on the board than they already did. They were weary, battered and in no mood to bust out the big guns at the X Games with the Sochi showdown only two weeks away.. Wire the red and black wires to a male molex connector. Not for my own ego, or even for the people we're helping, but all the people that we're inspiring to think different.". The enterprising skills of senior management ensure that the retail store is running efficiently to make a profit. And don't forget that your vacuum can kick up dust and aggravate allergies. Its nice combination of cushioning and low to the ground stability may be due to a plastic midfoot plate and thick Resalyte midsole foam, which is dense and protective with a good spring back. He had been thinking of those guardsmen during his flight, trying to recall how many there had been. Lewis did just that and finished off the Athletics in a 5 1 victory Thursday that left the Texas right hander wondering what could have been. Doubtless he ardently wishes that all his blacksmiths and carpenters would be considerate, and never have any children under ten years of age; but, if the thoughtless dogs have got them, what’s a humane man to do? He has to fill out Mr. They will serve as hostages for the loyalty of their husbands and fathers. There were shouts and exclamations when she appeared. It is not happenstance that put a flayed man on their banners. Matvichuk has already stated his team will be much more disciplined on the ice and won't lead the WHL in penalty minutes like the Cougars did the past two years. The design of all these Nike shoes is in line with the requirements of the certain game. 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"What do you mean? I never left politics!" he chirped, beaming at me with a pearly smile. The Yunkai’i don’t want them near their Yellow City. Other studies have shown that people who are asked to think of an event from the near or distant future and then presented with a series of photographs tend to pick less colorful photos as most closely matching their vision.. When the snows fall and food grows scarce, their young must travel to the winter town or take service at one castle or the other. So it is better to choose a natural teen acne treatment for curing Acne. Observe it when you accelerate your car. Jason Katz had two hits and scored two runs.Lynnfield 13, Manchester Essex 7: Max Nesbit and Joe Burgess each had two hits, but the duci alkalmi ruha bokacsizma bakancs Hornets dropped to 0 9.BOYS TENNISDanvers 5, lynn english 0: The Falcons (8 3) relied on Nick Lisichenok (6 0, 6 0), Dave Ochonski (6 0, 6 0) and Mike Olszak (6 1, 6 1) in singles, and Jim Grace Steve Wilkinson (6 4, 6 3) and Mike DeSantis Dan Gagnon (6 0, 6 1) in doubles.Marblehead 5, Peabody 0: Freshman Jason Frost won his debut match, 6 3, 6 2, to help Marblehead cruise. Tried to cut my neighbor with a broken piece of glass. Black skies, bitter winds, and lashing rains had hounded them all the way down the coast. But up here there was only the sheen of moonlight on pyramids and pits, with no hint what lay beneath. Director: Steve Hoover. Trump founded the brand in 2007 and still owns it, but stepped back from management and put its assets in a family run trust before taking on an official role at the White House. On the contrary, she just aims to make it accountable by giving it freedom of choice instead of arbitrarily assigning kids to pre designated schools, as if they were pegs to be fitted into holes. We were just talking, hanging out on Sunday afternoon, checking out our (Halloween) costumes and talking about what we were going to do." The two girls had been walking in a marked crosswalk at Laurel Canyon Boulevard and Archwood Street, the third reported accident this year at an intersection described by neighbors as busy and dangerous. Francis has been pressing his environmental evro kalkulator message ahead of crucial climate change talks later this year in Paris, issuing a major teaching document on humanity's obligation to protect God's creation and aiming to spur world leaders to make commitments to reverse global warming. Big heavy breasts with wide dark nipples, a sweet mouth, a merry laugh. Davis described his own decision to move to the area. In long delays, an airline does owe you compensation for meals and for hotel accommodations in an overnight polo raflorene delay, but not for lost time. I still mail all my bills in an envelope with a stamp in the upper right corner instead of paying everything online. Any god in a storm. He was older than the Young Wolf’s murdered brothers, fourteen or fifteen by the look of him, and his eyes were older still. Davos stumbled across a muddy yard with his hands bound at the wrists. While businesses eye the bottom line, minimum wage workers are fighting a losing battle. Together they had four children: Jennifer Christine, who predeceased him in 1970. “If you have any last words, now is the time to speak them,” he said, expecting one last curse.. Rivers was smiling in approval. Starting around 4 5pm, we have to keep an eye to the sky for isolated to scattered storms late this afternoon and this air jordan aj4 evening. One spotted hand clutched at his son’s shoulder for support. Has she always been this hot? Morgan keeps talking after Chuck turns on the movie, asking Carina if she likes to travel. His bronze cap was crested with three spikes. “I want to live forever in a land where summer lasts a thousand years. She did not cry before him.. At 1242 G St. With a few clicks, patients can access their electronic health records, see their test results, refill their prescriptions and e mail questions to their doctors.. I was upset, I could not exist without her. There’s a village around every bend along the lower Rhoyne. That is the highest number per serving soldier of any nation. And we've had a number of mobile articles since then. For example, many mountain bike tires take inflation pressures of around 30 to 55 pounds per square inch, or psi. “Do you have a girl who speaks the tongue of Westeros?” asked Tyrion. The disease can also cause poor blood circulation.
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norikateatro · 5 years
Norikateatro’s Audio List! 💙
As of:  July 31, 2019 😄!
Please message me if you want an audio! Do not comment *If you want to trade with me that’ll be really cool!
Wicked: Chicago January 06, 2008 - Dan'yelle Williamson (Elphaba u/s); Kate Fahrner (Glinda u/s); Michael Seelbach (Fiyero); Peter Kevoian (The Wizard); K. Todd Freeman (Doctor Dillamond); Barbara Robertson (Madame Morrible); Summer Naomi Scott (Nessarose); Stanton Nash (Boq) Wicked 9 September 2008, 1NT Cast: Carmen Cusack (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clark (G(a)linda), Christopher Russo (u/s The Witch’s Father), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessa), Brad Weinstock (Boq), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Madame Morrible), Paul Slade Smith (u/s The Wizard), Clifton Hall (Fiyero) Wicked: San Francisco March 06, 2010 - Eden Espinosa (Elphaba); Libby Servais (Glinda s/b); D.J. Gregory (Fiyero u/s); Tom McGowan (The Wizard); Paul Slade Smith (Doctor Dillamond); Jody Gelb (Madame Morrible); Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose); Etai BenShlomo (Boq) Wicked Broadway: March 3, 2013 Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Randy Danson (Madame Morrible), Adam Grupper (The Wizard), Catherin Charlebois (Nessarose), F. Michael Haynie (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dr Dillamond) Wicked: Broadway February 22, 2014 (Lindsay Mendez & Alli Mauzey’s Final Show) Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Carol Kane (Madame Morrible), Tom McGowan (Wizard), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Michael Wartella (Boq), Note: Lindsay, Alli, Kyle & Tom’s last performance. ​Wicked Mexico-June 20, 2014 Elenco: Viviana Barrera (u/s Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Paco Morales (El Maravilloso Mago de Oz), Anahí Allué (Srita. Morrida), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa), Sebastián Treviño (u/s Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Emanuel Gáitan (Chistery). Viviana's first performance as Elphaba. Wicked: London  June 23, 2014 Cast: Emma Hatton (s/b Elphaba), Sophie Linder-Lee (s/b Glinda), Jeremy Taylor (Fiyero), Philippa Buxton (u/s Nessarose), Sam Lupton (Boq), Sue Kelvin (Madame Morrible), Martyn Ellis (The Wizard), Paul Clarkson (Dr. Dillamond). Wicked: Broadway ​January 27, 2015 Caroline Bowman (Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Matt Shingledecker (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Alicia L. Albright (Nessarose u/s), Robin de Jesus (Boq) The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Broadway March 14th, 1975 (Soundboard) Cast:  Bill Miller (Brad Majors), Abigale Haness (Janet Weiss), Graham Jarvis (Narrator), Richard O'Brien (Riff Raff), Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter), Jamie Donnelly (Magenta), Boni Enten (Columbia), Kim Milford (Rocky), Meat Loaf (Eddie/Dr. Scott)  Notes: This is a live recording made on March 14th, 1975 of the (very short-lived) Rocky Horror Show's original run at the Belasco Theatre on Broadway.   Cat 1991 México DF, México Cast: Marisol Arreola, Hector Arroyo, Simone Brook, Olivia Buzzio, Gabriel de Cervantes, Maru Dueñas, Cecilia Huerta, Javier Diaz Dueñas, Manuel Landeta, Armando Moreno, Enrique del Olmo, María del Sol, Fabiola Zepeda, Lenny Zundel.  Notes: Soundboard Recording  Missing Overture. This could be an audio rip from the DVD, but I'm not 100% sure. Cats London November 8th, 1995 Cast: Admetus/Macavity: Richard Armitage, Alonzo: Nunzio Lombardo, Bill Bailey: Daniel Crossley, Bombalurina: Vanessa Leagh-Hicks, Bustopher/Gus: Tony Timberlake, Carbucketty: Sandy Rass,  Cassandra: Deborah Shrimpton, Coricopat: David Olton, Demeter: Michele Hooper, Electra: Nicola Lee-Owens, Etcetera: Charlotte Peck, George/Rumpus: Steven Wayne,  Grizabella: Clare Burt, Jellylorum: Carrie Ellis, Jemima: Kimberly Partridge. Jennyanydots: Beth Robson (u/s), Mistoffelees: Thomas Paton,Mungojerrie: Ian Meeson, Munkustrap: Andrew Halliday, Old Deuteronomy: Graeme Lauren (s/b), Rumpleteazer: Vikki Coote,  Rum Tum Tugger: John Partridge, Skimbleshanks: Tommi Sliiden (u/s), Tantomile:  Tee Soo-Chan, Victor: John Stacey, Victoria: Sandra Kater ​Chicago: Broadway - 1975 8 Aug Cast-Liza Minelli (special temp. replacement - Roxie Hart), Chita Rivera (Velma Kelly), Jerry Orbach (Billy Flynn), Mary McCarty (Mama Morton), Barney Martin (Amos Hart) Cats 15 July 1998, Hamburg Cast: John Partridge (Munkustrap), Kristin Hölck (Grizabella), Stephan Drakulich (Old Deuteronomy), Ray Strachan (Rum Tum Tugger), Damian Kacperski (Mr. Mistoffelees), Lachlan Youngberg (Bustopher Mürr), Tanya Christensen (Gumbie Katz’), Marco Krämer (Skimbleshanks), Virginia Lilly (Rumpleteazer), Livio Salvi (Mungojerrie) Cats: Seoul, Korea  2008 Oct 16 Cast: 신영석 Shin Young Seok (Grizabella), 대성 Tae Seong (Rum Tum Tugger), 홍경수 Hong Kyung Soo (Munkustrap), 이희정 Lee Hui Jeong (Old Deuteronomy), 김보경 Kim Bo Kyung (Rumpleteazer), 강인영 Kang In Young (Mungogerrie), 강연종 Kang Yeon Jong (Gus), 정주영 Jeong Joo Young (Macavity), 유회웅 Yoo Hui Woong (Mr. Mistoffelees), 문병권 Moon Byung Gwon (Skimbleshanks), 왕브리타  Wang Brita (Jemima), 백두산 Baek Doo San (Alonzo), 이은혜 Lee Eun Hye (Jellylorum) Cats London: December 27th, 2014 Cats:  Broadway September 24th, 2016 Cast:  Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Nathan Patrick Morgan (Old Deuteronomy u/s), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots),  Callan Bergmann (Carbucketty u/s), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity),  Francesca Granell (Rumpleteazer  u/s), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Claire Camp (Cassandra u/s), Arianna Rosario (SIllabub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival) Cats (1989 Original French Cast Recording) Cats (1991 Original Mexican Cast Recording)   Cabaret - Signature Theatre Washington DC - Date Unknown Cast: Wesley Taylor (Emcee), Barret Wilbert Weed (Sally), Gregory Woodell (Cliff), Rick Foucheux (Herr Schultz), Naomi Jacobson (Fraulein Schneider), Bobby Smith (Ernst), Maria Rizzo (Fraulein Kost) ​Carousel: 2018  Broadway Revival January 28th, 2018 (1st Preview) Cast: Joshua Henry as Billy Bigelow, Jessie Mueller as Julie Jordan, Lindsay Mendez as Carrie Pipperidge, Renée Fleming as Nettie Fowler, Alexander Gemignani as Enoch Snow, Amar Ramasar as Jigger, John Douglas Thompson as the Starkeeper, and Brittany Pollock as Louise Dear Evan Hansen:  Broadway - May 15, 2018 Cast: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), ​Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Will Roland (Jared), Phoenix Best (Alana), Alex Boniello (Connor), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Michael Park (Larry), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia) Notes: Alex's first show as Connor.   El Hombre de La Mancha (1969 Original Mexican Cast Recording) El Hombre de La Mancha (2017 Mexican Revival Cast Recording) Little Shop Of Horrors:  Broadway | September 16, 2003 DeQuina Moore (Chiffon), Trisha Jeffrey (Crystal), Carla J. Hargrove (Ronnette), Rob Bartlett (Mushnik), Kerry Butler (Audrey), Hunter Foster (Seymour), Michael-Leon Wooley (voice of Audrey II) ​Into the Woods National Tour (Fiasco Theater Production) 4/11/17 Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles Eleasha Gamble (Baker's Wife), Anthony Chatmon II (Lucinda/Wolf/Cinderella's Prince), Fred Rose (Mysterious Man), Darick Pead (Rapunzel's Prince/Florinda/Milky White), Bonne Kramer (Cinderella's Stepmother/Jack's Mother), Laurie Veldheer (Cinderella/Granny), Stephanie Umoh (The Witch), Patrick Mulryan (Jack/Steward), Evan Harrington (Baker), Lisa Helmi Johanson (Little Red Ridinghood/Rapunzel). *Includes BC/EFA Speech by Patrick Mulryan. Wicked (2016 Original Mexican Cast Recording)This was released by the official Mexican Page on Youtube. It’s a Soundboard recording of Wicked México. Sound is crystal clear, some of the songs have dialogue. Cast: Ana Cecilia Anzaldúa (Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa). Adam Sadwing (Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Anahí Allué (Senorita. Mórrida), Paco Morales (El Mago de Oz), Beto Díaz (Frexspar/ El Padre de Elphaba), Lizeth Navarro (Melena/ La Madre de Elphaba). Alicia Paola Sanchez (La Partera) Wicked - 2016.08.18 - International Tour Cast: Jodie Steele (Elphaba s/b), Elizabeth Futter (Glinda u/s), Steven Pinder (The Wizard/Dr. Dillamond), Bradley Jaden (Fiyero), Kim Ismay (Madame Morrible), Emily Shaw (Nessarose), Iddon Jones (Boq) notes: This was Elizabeth’s first show as Glinda! On Your Feet: Broadway April 1st, 2017 (Evening) Ana Villafañe (Gloria), Ektor Rivera (Emilio), Yassmin Alers (Gloria Fajardo u), Alma Cuervo (Consuelo), Amaris Sanchez (Little Gloria), Eduardo Hernadez (Young Emilio and others), Eliseo Roman (José Fajardo), Genny Lis Padilla (Rebecca) My Master: This show was great but there was a very drunk lady sitting next to me, she belted some of the lyrics to the songs! A Chorus Line:  Westchester Broadway Theatre February 3rd, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Drew Carr (Mike), Tiffany Chalothorn (Connie), Erika Conaway (Tricia), Joseph Cullinane (Greg), Kevin Curtis (Richie), Emma Degerstedt (Val), Brian Dillon (Larry), David Elder (Zach), Tim Fuchs (Al), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Vicki),  David Grindrod (Roy), Michael John Hughes (Paul), Tyler Jimenez (Don), Emily Kelly (Maggie), Ashley Klinger Kristine), Joey Lucherini (Frank), Erica Mansfield (Cassie), Alexandra Matteo (Diana), Logan Mortier (Bobby), PJ Palmer (Mark), Lauren Sprague (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Caitlin Wilayton (Judy) My Master: This performance was wonderful, it had no intermission. Avenue Q 1999 Demos Anastasia: Broadway July 21, 2017 ( 8:00 PM) cast: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O'Connor (Lily), Kathryn Boswell (Countess Gregory swing) My Master Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Broadway November 11th, 2017 (Evening) Cast: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), Kyle Taylor Parker (Mrs. Green), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), Emily Padgett (Mrs. Bucket), Kristy Cates (Grandma Josephine), Madeleine Doherty (Grandma Georgina), Paul Slade Smith (Grandpa George), Mikey Winslow( Jerry u), Stephanie Gibson (Cherry), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs. Gloop), F. Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Jared Bradslaw (Mr. Salt u), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Mr. Beauregarde (Alan H. Green), Violet Beauregarde (Trista Dollison), Michael Wartella (Mike TeaVee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs. Teavee) (My Master) Miss Saigon:  Broadway January 14th, 2018 Cast: Eva Noblezada (Kim), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Dorcas Leung (Gigi) (Final Show) Mary Poppins: (2012 Mexican Cast Recording) Bianca Marroquin (Mary Poppins), Mauricio Salas (Bert), Catalina Farias (Winifred Banks), Paco Morales (George Banks), Daniela Meneses [?] (Jane Banks), Sebastián Gallegos[?] (Michael Banks) Andrés Elvira (Valentin), Mariano Bucio (Neleus), Alm Cristal (Mrs. Brill), Andrés Sáez (Robertson Ay), Laura Cortés (Ms. Andrew & Bird Woman), Sergio Carranza (Almirante Boom), Paloma Cordero (Mrs. Corry), Natalia Saltiel (Mrs. Lark), Vince Miranda, Eden Pintos, Marcela Nava, Alma Escudero, Yolanda Campos, Majo Perez, Julieta Martínez, Eduardo Ibarra, Carlos Pulido, Omar Rodríguez, Alexo Fergo, Antonio Mariscal, Alicia Paola Sánchez, Jose Sampedro, Kim Yañez, Raymundo Montoya, Óscar Hernández, Roberto Hernández, Cecilia Arias, Mariano Villarello, Marcia Peña, Ruben Plascencia, Lolo Jiménez. *Songs only. This was recorded from the soundboard from various dates throughout the run. Once on this Island: Broadway Revival January 22nd, 2018 Cast:   Hailey Kilgore (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Tamyra Gray (Papa Ge), Lea Salonga (Erzulie), Norm Lewis (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), T Oliver Reid (u/s Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Alysha Deslorieux (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), Tyler Hardwick (u/s Beauxhommes/Storyteller). Frozen: Broadway March 4th, 2018- Cast: Alyssa Fox (s/b Elsa), Patti Murin, John Riddle, Jelani Alladin, Andrew Pirozzi, Greg HIldreth, Audrey Bennett, Brooklyn Nelson, Ann Sanders, James Brown III, Timothy Hughes, Olivia Phillip, Robert Creighton, Kevin Del Aguila Notes: Alyssa Fox’s debut as Elsa Chicago Broadway: April 1st, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Amra-Faye Wright (Velma), Charlotte d’ Amboise (Roxie), Brian O’ Brien (Fred Casey) , Evan Harrington (Amos) , Katie Mitchell (Liz), Pilar Millhollen (Annie), Donna Marie Asbury (June), Beth Johnson Nicely (Hunyak u/s), Angel Reda (Mona), Valerie Simpson (Matron “Mama” Morton), Chaz Lamar Shepherd (Billy Flynn), R. Lowe (Mary Sunshine), Jessica Ernest (Go-To-Hell Kitty)  My Master: Act 1 only (Ends towards the middle of Cell Block Tango) Kinky Boots: Broadway April 28th, 2018 Cast: Charlie Price (David Cook), Blaine Alden Krauss (Lola u), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús del Orden (Young Lola), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Marcus Neville (George), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Kirstin Maldonado (Lauren), Natalie Joy Johnson (Pat), Jake Odmark (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Ciarán Mccarthy (Richard Bailey), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Kevin Smith Kirkwood, Alfred Dalpino (u/s), Fred Odgaard, Kyle Post, Charlie Sutton, and Joey Taranto (Angels) My Master: Ciarán Mccarthy’s Broadway debut! Mean Girls: Broadway 6/17/2018 Cast: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Becca Petersen (u/s Regina George), Ashley Park (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen  Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kerry Butler (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Mr. Duvall), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Iain Young (u/s Mr Heron) Notes: Becca's Regina George debut Moulin Rouge: Boston Tryouts July 24th, 2018- Cast: Aaron Tveit (Christian), Karen Olivo (Satine), Danny Burstein (Harold Zidler), Sahr Ngaujah (Toulouse-Lautrec), Tam Mutu (Duke of Monroth), Ricky Rojas (Santiago), Robyn Hurder (Nini) Notes: Act I is pretty much the same but Act II has some changes. "Roxanne is now far more manic and powerful, Crazy/Rolling in the Deep has a much more desperate feel which makes the pain Christian and Satine feel much more obvious, and Come What May is restored in part to Satine's death scene." Be More Chill-​August 2, 2018 (Off Broadway) Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Jason "SweetTooth" Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stock Boy) Once on this Island: Broadway Revival August 18th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast:   Lauren Lott (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Merle Dandridge (Papa Ge) Darlesia Cearcy (Erzulie), Quentin Earl Darrington (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), Boise Holmes ( Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Anna Uzele (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), and Daniel Yearwood ( Beauxhommes/Storyteller) My Master Notes: This was such an incredible show, I cried a lot! Wicked - Broadway December 1st, 2018 Cast: Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Amanda Jane Cooper (Glinda), Ryan Mccartan (Fiyero), Jye Frasca (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto (u/s Witch’s Father/Ozian Official), Lindsay Janisse (Witch’s Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife), Dominic Giudici (Chistery), Ioana Alfonso, Larkin Bogan, Teneise Mitchell Ellis, Dominic Giudici, Dan Gleason, Josh Daniel Green, Jeff Heimbrock, Manuel I. Herrera, Courtney Iventosch, Lindsay Janisse, Britney Johnson, Katie Ladner, Marissa Lupp, Matt Meigs, Dashi Mitchell, Lindsay K. Northen, Jonathan Ritter, William Ryall, Kathy Santen, Hannah Shankman, Travis Taber, Jeremy Thompson (Monkeys, students, Denizens of the Emerald City, Palace Guards and Other Citizens of Oz)   User: dnc445 on Reddit’s Master Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway December 12, 2018 ​Cast: Roman Banks (u/s Evan), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Garrett Long (u/s Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy) Roman Banks First Performance King Kong Broadway: December 13th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Rory Donovan (Captain Englehorn), Harley Jay (Barman), Casey Garvin (Fake Carl), John Hoche (Voice of Kong ) My Master: This show was really fun! James Retter Duncan (swing) and Nick Rashad Burroughs’ first show Wicked: Broadway  January 10, 2019 (Evening) Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Brittney Johnson (u/s Glinda), Jake Boyd (Fiyero), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Jesse JP Johnson (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto as (u/s Witch's Father), Lindsay Janisse (Witch's Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife). Master: thediaryofatheatrekid Notes: Brittney's debut as Glinda! She’s the first woman of color to portray Glinda on Broadway! Beauty and the Beast at WPPAC, White Plains, NY January 12, 2019 (Evening) Cast: Belle ( Erica Lustig), Beast (Ezekial Andrew), Gaston ( Tom DeMichele), Lefou (Robert Peterpaul), Maurice (David M. Beris), Lumiere (Patrick Pevehouse), Cogsworth (Brendan Doyle), Mrs. Potts (Paulette Oliva, Chip (Robbie Crandall),  Madame de la Grande Bouche (Katelyn Lauria) and Babette (Elizabeth Brady) My Master Wicked: Broadway March 30, 2019 (Evening) Cast: Laurel Harris (Standby Elphaba), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Gizel Jimenez (Nessarose), Boq (Jesse JP Johnson), Fiyero (Ryan McCartan), Dr. Dillamond (Jamie Johnson), Madame Morrible (Nancy Opal), The Wizard (Michael McCormick), Witch's Mother (Sterling Masters), Witch's Father (William Ryall), Midwife (Kathy Santen), Chistery (Raymond Joel Matsamura) My Master Kinky Boots: Broadway April 7, 2019 (Last Show) Cast: Andy Kelso  (Charlie), J. Harrison Ghee (Lola), Carrie St. Louis (Lauren), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George) Hadestown: Broadway July 9th, 2019 (Evening) Cast:  Reeve Carney (Orpheus), Eva Noblezada (Eurydice), Amber Gray (Persephone), Patrick Page (Hades), Andre De Shields (Hermes), Jewelle Blackman (Fate), Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer (Fate), Kay Trinidad (Fate), Afra Hines, Timothy Hughes, John Krause, Kimberly Marable, Ahmad Simmons (Workers Chorus) (My Master) Jesus Christ Superstar: July 8th 2019  Barbican Center (Regent's Park Production) Cast: Robert Tripolino (Jesus of Nazareth), Ricardo Afonso (Judas Iscariot), Sallay Garnett (Mary Magdalene), Matt Cardle (Pontius Pilate), Samuel Buttery (King Herod), Cavin Cornwall (Caiaphas), Nathan Amzi (Annas), Matthew Harvey (Peter), Tim Newman (Simon Zealotes) Graverobber’s Master Les Misérables:  London 13 July 2019 (Evening) CAST: Dean Chisnall: Jean Valjean, Bradley Jaden: Javert, Carley Stenson: Fantine, Elena Skye: Eponine, Toby Miles: Marius, Charlotte Kennedy: Cosette, Steven Meo: Thénardier, Vivien Parry: Madame Thénardier, Samuel Edwards: Enjolras Notes: The final show of the original production of Les Misérables. Includes Dean Chisnall's speech. Please gift this audio upon ​request. Instrumentals: A Chorus Line US Tour  Pit Tracks Cats Instrumental Tracks (Mortifer) A lot of the tracks are synthesized, sounds like someone took a lot of karaoke tracks and put them together with orchestra but they’re some great tracks. Cats Mexico 1991 Orchestra Tracks (Teatro Silvia Pinal) ​ ​ Cats Backing Tracks (Midi) The Wizard of Oz Orchestra Tracks (RSC’ 1981) Les Mis US Tour Orchestra Tracks ​Wicked Orchestra Tracks Notes: This album is given to cast members when they first get cast in the show. People say this orchestration is the First National Tour one but it really isn’t, it sounds much more like the LA orchestrations. Perfect quality, includes every musical interlude, underscore, song, etc.
Audio Wants: Audio of the current run of Cats in Mexico, any production of Cabaret. Anything with Wicked, Cats México or Argentina, Dear Evan Hansen, Hadestown, Once on this Island, The Wizard of Oz, and anything I don’t have!
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orbemnews · 3 years
Biden Details $1.52 Trillion Spending Request WASHINGTON — The Biden administration proposed a significant expansion of federal spending on Friday, asking Congress to boost funding by 16 percent for domestic programs including education, health research and fighting climate change as it tries to harness the federal government’s power to reverse what officials called a decade of underinvestment in the nation’s most pressing issues. The nearly 60-page request, totaling $1.52 trillion for domestic discretionary programs, comes on top of President Biden’s plan to seek trillions of dollars in new infrastructure spending. It does not include tax proposals, economic projections or so-called mandatory programs like Social Security, which will all be included in a formal budget request the White House will release later this spring. The request is a declaration of Mr. Biden’s belief that expanding, not shrinking, the federal government is key to economic growth and prosperity by directing government dollars toward some of the country’s biggest problems, from poverty to a warming climate. Among its major new spending initiatives, the plan would spend an additional $20 billion to help schools that serve low-income children, create a new multi-billion-dollar program for researching diseases like cancer and dramatically increase government spending to fight and adapt to the damages of climate change. It would also seek to boost the economies of Central American countries, where rampant poverty, corruption and devastating hurricanes have fueled migration toward the American border and a variety of initiatives to address homelessness and housing affordability, including on tribal lands. And it asks for a roughly 2 percent increase in spending on national defense. All told, the proposal calls for a $118 billion increase in discretionary spending in fiscal year 2022, when compared to the base spending allocations this year. It seeks to capitalize on the expiration of a decade of caps on spending growth, which lawmakers agreed to in 2010 but frequently broke in subsequent years. Administration officials would not specify on Friday whether that increase would result in higher budget deficits in their forthcoming budget proposal, but promised its full budget would “address the overlapping challenges we face in a fiscally and economically responsible way.” As part of that effort, the request seeks $1 billion in new funding for the Internal Revenue Service to enforce tax laws, including “increased oversight of high-income and corporate tax returns.” That is clearly aimed at increasing tax receipts and cracking down on tax avoidance by the wealthy. Officials said the proposals did not reflect the spending called for in Mr. Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan, which he introduced last week, or for a second plan he has yet to roll out, which will focus on what officials call “human infrastructure” like education and child care. Congress, which is responsible for approving government spending, is under no requirement to adhere to the White House budget, which is generally viewed as a political messaging document. In recent years, lawmakers rejected many of the Trump administration’s efforts to gut domestic programs. The budget office does not have a confirmed director, after Mr. Biden’s first pick for the job, Neera Tanden, withdrew from consideration amid Republican opposition centered on her past statements on Twitter that were critical of conservatives. Shalanda D. Young, who was confirmed by the Senate last month to be deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, is serving as Mr. Biden’s acting budget director. In a letter accompanying the proposal on Friday, Ms. Young told congressional leaders that the discretionary spending process would be an “important opportunity to continue laying a stronger foundation for the future and reversing a legacy of chronic disinvestment in crucial priorities.” Education is a major focus. The administration asked Congress to boost funding to high-poverty schools by $20 billion, which it describes as the largest year-over-year increase to the Title I program since its inception under President Lyndon B. Johnson. Today in Business Updated  April 9, 2021, 9:20 a.m. ET The proposal also seeks billions of dollars in increases to to early-childhood education, to programs serving students with disabilities and to efforts to staff schools with nurses, counselors and mental health professionals — described as an attempt to help children recover from the pandemic, but also a longstanding priority for teachers’ unions. Unlike during the Obama years, there is no talk of tying federal dollars to accountability measures for teachers and schools, a signal of the closeness of the Biden administration to interest groups that have opposed such measures, such as teachers’ unions, as well as broader shifts among center-left education activists around the importance of addressing baseline resource inequities that impact students of color and those from low-income families. The request also shows an increasing sense of urgency within the Biden administration to deter migration to the southwest border. Mr. Biden proposed investing $861 million in Central America, just a margin of the four-year $4 billion package the administration has committed to spending to improve the economy and quality of life in the region. Another $1.2 billion would go toward investing in border security technology, such as sensors to detect illegal crossings and tools to improve entry ports. Mr. Biden followed up on his commitment to provide no new funding for border wall construction. The proposal directs significant government dollars toward addressing climate change across the government, requesting $14 billion toward advancing Mr. Biden’s vision of having every Cabinet head, from military leaders to diplomats to fiscal regulators to federal housing planners, charged with incorporating climate change into their missions. The broad-based increase in climate spending across government agencies would come on top of clean energy spending in Mr. Biden’s proposed infrastructure legislation, which would pour roughly $500 billion on programs such as boosting electric vehicle production and building climate-resilient roads and bridges. If successful, Mr. Biden’s approach to using the federal budget to fight climate change could anchor those programs into the heart of the government for years to come — but it could also politicize and inflame fights over programs such as agriculture and transportation spending. Much of the proposed increased in climate spending would go to research and development of advanced low-carbon energy technology, which would be funneled through the Energy Department’s network of national laboratories. The Energy Department would see its funding increased by $4.3 billion, or 10.2 percent over last year’s levels. That includes $1.7 billion to research and develop technologies such as new nuclear power plants or hydrogen fuels and $1.9 billion for a new clean-energy initiative to upgrade existing homes across the country and make them more energy-efficient, as well as to speed up the permitting up of transmission lines that can carry wind and solar power across the country. Mr. Biden has proposed further spending on those efforts in his infrastructure plan. The plan would also boost funding for the Environmental Protection Agency, whose funding and staffing levels the Trump administration sought to slash. The proposal asks for a $2 billion increase from the previous year’s enacted level, including $110 million just to restore the hundreds of employees who left the agency in recent years. The proposal also explicitly puts fighting climate change at the core of the E.P.A.’s mission, after the Trump administration sought to minimize and dismiss climate programs. Mr. Biden would double E.P.A.’s climate change research budget and puts $1.8 billion into programs to reduce carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gas pollution. The request would also spend what Mr. Biden calls “the largest investment in environmental justice in history,” requesting $1.4 billion on programs to redress the disproportionate impacts of pollution borne by poor and minority communities. It promises to pay in full funding to United Nations health and human rights agencies that were withheld when the Trump administration threatened to leave. It also cites efforts to counter authoritarian governments, specifically calling out China and Russia, while pledging to fully pay American commitments to longtime Middle East allies, including Israel and Jordan, where King Abdullah II said last week he faced a palace coup. Mr. Biden’s proposal calls for an almost 25 percent increase in discretionary funding — to $131.7 billion — for the health and human services department, the hub of the federal government’s pandemic response. That increase includes a $1.6 billion increase for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an agency public health experts have viewed as chronically underfunded and neglected until public health emergencies. Data collection would be modernized, and epidemiologists would be trained to support local health departments. Almost a billion dollars would go to the Strategic National Stockpile, the country’s emergency medical reserve, for supplies and efforts to restructure it that began last year. Mr. Biden’s proposal includes a stark increase in funding for the chronically underfunded Indian Health Service, advancing a campaign promise. And it includes a $900 million investment to expand affordable housing and improve housing conditions on Native American reservations. Reporting was contributed by Coral Davenport, Zolan Kanno-Youngs, Lisa Friedman, Brad Plumer, Christopher Flavelle, Mark Walker, Dana Goldstein, Mark Walker, Noah Weiland, Margot Sanger-Katz and Lara Jakes. Source link Orbem News #Biden #Details #Request #Spending #TRILLION
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paulftompkins · 1 year
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Neural Weapons
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To my brothers and sisters in Israel,  I'm in Tel Aviv at the moment trying to expose my manifest against Neural Weapons, and my personal story as a victim of Neural Weapons, at the newspapers Haaretz (journalist Aluf Ben), J. Post (journalists Steve Linde and Yaakov Katz), Yediot Ahoronot (journalists Yaron Ron and Neta Livne) and Hadashot Arutz 10 (journalist Israel Rosner), and they don't want to help; Please help me make pressure on them. Since terror organizations are using Remote Neural Control Weapons, it became very dangerous for Israelis to travel to countries like Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, etc; And the Israeli Government is not releasing any information about Neural Weapons. The present Israeli Government decided to stay silent during this case of International Genocide. I'm trying to recruit help to expose this case to the Israeli Media, and I thought you may be able to help. Kind Regards, Gino Barcal PS1: Phd Yona Zugman Greenman is a Senior Deputy Director at the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism Sourasky Tel Aviv Medical Center; She is the sister of the psychopath pederast Ariel"a" Zugman (the nazi travesty). Dr. Yona Zugman Greenman is also a victim of her psychopath brother, and she is putting in risk her patients while she act as a doctor under torture and under influence of the RNM. Her brain frequency was also syntonized by her psychopath brother using the Remote Neural Monitoring. My family based in informations received from Mr. Elio Mauer (t Read the full article
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hardynwa · 5 months
UK pause funding for UN Agency over Hamas attack claims
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The UK has become the latest country to pause funding for the UN agency for Palestinians, UNRWA. It comes after the agency announced the sacking of several of its staff over allegations of involvement in the 7 October Hamas attacks. The UK government said it was "appalled" by the allegations made by Israel. The US, Australia, Italy and Canada have already suspended additional funding to the UN agency. Created in 1949, UNRWA provides health care, education and other humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Since Israel began its ground offensive in October, UNRWA has used its facilities across Gaza to shelter hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians. It says it has ordered an investigation into information supplied by Israel. On Friday, an adviser to the Israeli prime minister told the BBC that the 7 October Hamas attacks had involved "people who are on their salaries". Mark Regev said there was information showing teachers working in UNRWA schools had "openly celebrated" the 7 October attacks. He also referred to an Israeli hostage who, on her release, said she had been "held in the house of someone who worked for UNRWA". "They have a union which is controlled by Hamas and I think it's high time that the UN investigated these links between UNRWA and Hamas," he added. The allegations prompted reaction from major donors. "The UK is appalled by allegations that UNRWA staff were involved in the 7 October attack against Israel, a heinous act of terrorism that the UK Government has repeatedly condemned," the UK Foreign Office said in a statement. "The UK is temporarily pausing any future funding of UNWRA whilst we review these concerning allegations," it added. Earlier, the US State Department announced that it was suspending additional funding to the UN agency, saying it was "extremely troubled" by the allegations of UN staff involvement in the attacks. The EU also said that it would assess further steps "based on the result of the full and comprehensive investigation". UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was "horrified by this news". The head of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, said a full investigation into the allegations was being carried out "to establish the truth without delay." Mr Lazzarini added: "To protect the agency's ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members." He said any staff found to have been involved in "acts of terror" would be held accountable. Israel's Foreign Minister, Israel Katz said he aimed to stop UNRWA operating in Gaza after the war. But the Palestinian Authority's minister for civilian affairs, Hussein Al-Sheikh, said the decision by some countries to pause support for the vital UN agency "entails great political and humanitarian relief risks". Mr al-Sheikh urged Western donors to immediately reverse their decision, adding: "We need the maximum support for this international organisation." In a post on Telegram, Hamas's press office said the group urged the UN and the international organisations "to not cave in to the threats and blackmail" from Israel. Hamas killed 1,300 people, mostly civilians, in the unprecedented attack on southern Israeli communities on 7 October last year. Another 250 people were taken hostage. The events triggered Israel's retaliatory attacks on Hamas in Gaza, which have killed more than 26,000 Palestinians, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry. The US, Germany and the EU are among some of UNRWA's biggest donors. The agency says it is struggling to get humanitarian aid to many of the estimated 1.7 million people - nearly three-quarters of the population - displaced by 12 weeks of fighting. A number of UN facilities where Gazans had taken shelter have been hit in Israeli air strikes. On Thursday, 12 people were killed when a UN shelter was struck in Khan Younis in southern Gaza. Read the full article
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irisfilmcollective · 7 years
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Saturday, April 29 8pm Under the Stars and Free Pandora Park, 2325 Franklin Street
Iris Film Collective, in collaboration with Dance Troupe Practice is pleased to present “A Roll For Peter”, the touring program of films made in tribute to the late great filmmaker Peter Hutton.  
Hutton, an American artist and educator, developed a unique perspective on both urban and remote landscapes through his images from the early 1970’s until his death in 2016. His obituary in the New York Times described his work thus:
All of his films were silent. Generally devoid of camera movement and montage, they suggest sketchbooks or photographic albums. Many are reveries in which the only animation in a precisely balanced composition might come from a wayward breeze or a slight shift in illumination. Most of his films were voluptuously monochromatic. (Mr. Hutton himself was mildly colourblind.)
In the fall of that same year, filmmakers Mark Street and Jennifer Reeves, themselves former students of Hutton, put out a call for films to honour Hutton, each to be drawn from a single silent 100 foot roll of 16mm film. The call resulted in 35 films that screened in New York City and at Bard College in late 2016 on 16mm only, and there the program was set to end. However, when Eric Thiese, a contributor to the project, began talking to others in the community, he found tremendous appetite for a tour of the films across North America. To date, the tour has amassed eighteen stops and counting.
The films come to Vancouver in serendipitous confluence with two screenings as part of the DIM series at The Pacific Cinematheque of Hutton’s work (the second takes place on April 26). In keeping with the nature of the spirit of Peter’s films, the screening will take place outdoors at Pandora Park (2325 Franklin St, Vancouver, BC). We are thrilled to work with Dance Troupe Practice, artists-in-residence at the Pandora Park Fieldhouse, to put on this event - a movement-based expansion on the program will precede the films.
Also accompanying the “A Roll For Peter” program will be Peter Hutton’s film “Boston Fire”. Filmmakers in the touring programme: Dominic Angerame, Roddy Bogawa, Cassandra Bull, Jacob Burckhardt, Jesse Cain, David Gatten, Richard Max Gavrich, George Griffin, Eve Heller, Mott Hupfel, Nikolas Jaeger, Amanda Katz & Josh Lewis, Theodore Rex King, Robbie Land, rebecca (marks) leopold, Paul Marcus, Daryl Meador, Mary Beth Reed, Jennifer Reeves, Dave Rodriguez, Peter Rose, Lynne Sachs, Josephine Shokrian, Fern Silva & students, Jordan Stone, Mark Street, G. Anthony Svatek & Zachary Nichols, Eric Theise, Audrey Turner, Michael Wawzenek, Max Weinman & Jake Carl Magee, Timoleon Wilkins. NOT TO BE MISSED!
Friends in other parts of Canada, we encourage you to seek out the program at its other dates in this country:
May 5: Toronto, ON - Niagara Custom Lab May 8: Montréal, QC - Visions May 19: Edmonton, AB - FAVA
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ericfruits · 7 years
In the Middle East, Russia is blocking regime change and reasserting its power
THE black fur hat looked odd on a Libyan warlord. But fur is essential in wintertime Moscow, which has become an essential stop for Middle Eastern leaders like Khalifa Haftar, who visited twice in 2016. This month his rival, Fayez al-Sarraj, the head of Libya’s UN-backed government in Tripoli, dropped by. Jordan’s King Abdullah, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israel’s Binyamin Netanyahu have all stopped at the Kremlin for audiences with Vladimir Putin this year.
The visitors are a sign of Russia’s growing activity in the Middle East. “The policy is wider than just Syria,” says Andrei Kortunov of the Russian International Affairs Council, a think-tank. Russia’s interests in the region include security, arms sales and oil. But most important, the Middle East offers a platform to reinforce Russia’s status as a global power. “Those who have strong positions there will have strong positions in the world,” says Fyodor Lukyanov of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy, a government advisory body.
Serving as a powerbroker in Syria has helped cultivate relationships. “Russia’s co-operation with the Arab world is on the rise,” declares Mikhail Bogdanov, Russia’s leading Middle East diplomat. It even bridges the Sunni-Shia and Israeli-Arab divides. While fighting alongside Iran in Syria, Mr Putin helped broker an oil-supply pact with Saudi Arabia. He has also developed a rapport with Egypt’s Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, repaired ties with Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan after the downing of a Russian jet over Syria, and maintained friendly ties with Israel’s Mr Netanyahu, even angling for a more active role in mediating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “They go out of their way to talk with everyone in a way that the Americans don’t,” says Mark Katz of George Mason University.
Russia has even made minor inroads with traditional American allies. The Kurdish YPG militia, an American-backed group in Syria, recently said that Russia had set up a base to help train its fighters. Russia attracted Qatari investment last year in Rosneft, a state-owned oil giant, and the United Arab Emirates has pledged to buy a batch of Sukhoi fighter jets. “Like it or not, now you can’t do without Russia in the Middle East,” says a Western diplomat.
Western governments are especially concerned about Libya, where Russia may be aiding Mr Haftar, a secular strongman in the mould Mr Putin prefers. American officials say Russian special forces have been spotted near Sidi Barrani in Egypt, close to the Libyan border: Russian officials have denied it. Russian military contractors have said they are operating in Mr Haftar’s territory. Rosneft has signed a memorandum of co-operation with Libya’s National Oil Corporation.
Russia insists that its engagement with Mr Haftar is about dialogue and ultimately peace. Mr Haftar’s forces have “major potential” to influence events, says Andrei Baklanov, deputy director of the Association of Russian Diplomats. Yet many Western officials remain wary.
Russia’s ability to roam the region stems largely from the waning of American influence. “This is a region that knows how to play big powers off of each other,” says Daniel Kurtzer, a former American ambassador to both Israel and Egypt. Yet Russian aims are limited. Vitaly Naumkin, of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences, says the country has “neither the desire nor the resources” to become a new hegemon in the region. As one former Russian ambassador says, “We’re realists, we can compare figures.” Russia’s economy is one-tenth the size of America’s; its defence spending is 11% of America’s in dollar terms. And in contrast to Soviet times, today’s Russia does not promote an alternative system of governance. Instead, it preaches stability. “The Russian position is that preserving what exists is the only way to avoid chaos,” says Mr Lukyanov—even if existing leaders are “cannibals, murderers or autocrats”.
Moscow’s fixation with stability stems partly from the threat terrorism poses to Russia itself. “Russia sees the Middle East as rather close,” says Dmitri Trenin, director of the Carnegie Moscow Centre, a think-tank. From Sochi, the Russian elite’s favoured getaway, to Aleppo is 850km (530 miles), roughly the distance between Paris and Berlin. Officials say some 9,000 fighters have left Russia and former Soviet republics to join Islamic State.
But it has just as much to do with halting what Russia calls the West’s “policy of regime change”. When autocrats began falling during the Arab spring, Russia’s interest in the region reawakened from a long post-Soviet lull. Russian officials viewed the protests in the Arab world, “colour revolutions” in post-Soviet republics and the Bolotnaya demonstrations in Moscow during 2011-12 as links in the same American-built chain. For Mr Putin, the decision to intervene in support of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in 2015 was meant in part to “stop the spread of the virus of the Arab spring”, says Mr Trenin, as well as to “return to equal relations with the Americans” after the West’s isolation of Russia over the crisis in Ukraine.
A brutal bombing campaign has helped achieve just that. But as Russia’s engagement has deepened, the challenges have mounted. Despite successes on the battlefield in Syria, “an exit is still not visible”, says Alexander Shumilin of Russia’s Institute for US and Canada Studies. Israel has become increasingly concerned about a long-term Iranian presence in Syria. Negotiations over Syria’s political future continue to falter, and a massive reconstruction bill awaits when the hostilities end. Securing the peace, as America has learned, is often harder than winning the war. 
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arielzedric · 5 years
**Disclaimer: It’s been brought to my attention that locals don’t call it the Big Apple. Obviously I know this, but I still needed the pun, so forgive me. 
We took a little detour from our regularly scheduled programming to spend two days in New York. This is what happened:
Day 1
First stop: food. We ate at a restaurant called Junior’s in Time Square. Not pictured: the monstrous slice of red velvet cake that the three of us split and demolished.
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Naturally, we had to get a photo op in Time Square, even if it meant a little time dancing in the drizzle. 🙂
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We hit M&M World, Hershey World, the Disney Store, and Forever 21. Leave it to college students to travel four hours to one of the greatest cities in the world and go nearly exclusively to chocolate-themed stores.
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To end the night, we went to a Blue Man Group concert. In true Bird Box fashion, it was equipped with streamer blindfolds, visible in the picture below. The show was hilarious, but we could feel our ages settling in (a hefty average of 19) because by 10 o’clock we were all out of steam and thus ended our first night on the town.
Day 2 
We began by wandering down Fifth Ave and stopping inside the New York Public Library to recreate the iconic Sex in the City scene and return some over due books.
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For lunch we ate at Katz’s Delicatessen, which is one of the most famous restaurants in New York. It’s home to the iconic When Harry Met Sally scene (peep the sign behind my head where the table was)!
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For our final event of the trip, we attended a ‘city-wide pillowfight’ in Washington Square Park. Strangers were hitting strangers, a elementary school boy was fighting a teacher, there were more video cameras and news stations present then I thought possible, and feathers were flying.
A special thanks to Jordan and Mr. Kron for making this amazing trip happen! It was a much needed break from the monotony of school work, but alas, it’s time to do work and prepare for the busy week ahead.
I think I should transition full time into a travel / events blog because that’s all I post about anymore. The problem is, while these expenditures make the most interesting stories, they don’t happen nearly often enough. I guess that’s a ‘me-problem’.
We took a little detour from our regularly scheduled programming to spend two days in New York. This is what happened. **Disclaimer: It's been brought to my attention that locals don't call it the Big Apple. Obviously I know this, but I still needed the pun, so forgive me. 
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norikateatro · 5 years
Norikateatro’s Audio List! 💙
As of:  January 6th, 2019 😄!
Please message me if you want a bootleg! Do not comment *If you want to trade with me that’ll be really cool!
Wicked: Chicago January 06, 2008 - Dan'yelle Williamson (Elphaba u/s); Kate Fahrner (Glinda u/s); Michael Seelbach (Fiyero); Peter Kevoian (The Wizard); K. Todd Freeman (Doctor Dillamond); Barbara Robertson (Madame Morrible); Summer Naomi Scott (Nessarose); Stanton Nash (Boq)
Wicked 9 September 2008, 1NT Cast: Carmen Cusack (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clark (G(a)linda), Christopher Russo (u/s The Witch’s Father), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessa), Brad Weinstock (Boq), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Madame Morrible), Paul Slade Smith (u/s The Wizard), Clifton Hall (Fiyero)
Wicked: San Francisco March 06, 2010 - Eden Espinosa (Elphaba); Libby Servais (Glinda s/b); D.J. Gregory (Fiyero u/s); Tom McGowan (The Wizard); Paul Slade Smith (Doctor Dillamond); Jody Gelb (Madame Morrible); Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose); Etai BenShlomo (Boq)
Wicked Broadway: March 3, 2013 Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Randy Danson (Madame Morrible), Adam Grupper (The Wizard), Catherin Charlebois (Nessarose), F. Michael Haynie (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dr Dillamond)
Wicked: Broadway February 22, 2014 (Lindsay Mendez & Alli Mauzey’s Final Show) Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Carol Kane (Madame Morrible), Tom McGowan (Wizard), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Michael Wartella (Boq), Note: Lindsay, Alli, Kyle & Tom’s last performance.
​Wicked Mexico-June 20, 2014 Elenco: Viviana Barrera (u/s Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Paco Morales (El Maravilloso Mago de Oz), Anahí Allué (Srita. Morrida), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa), Sebastián Treviño (u/s Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Emanuel Gáitan (Chistery). Viviana's first performance as Elphaba.
Wicked: London  June 23, 2014 Cast: Emma Hatton (s/b Elphaba), Sophie Linder-Lee (s/b Glinda), Jeremy Taylor (Fiyero), Philippa Buxton (u/s Nessarose), Sam Lupton (Boq), Sue Kelvin (Madame Morrible), Martyn Ellis (The Wizard), Paul Clarkson (Dr. Dillamond).
Wicked: Broadway ​January 27, 2015 Caroline Bowman (Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Matt Shingledecker (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Alicia L. Albright (Nessarose u/s), Robin de Jesus (Boq)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Broadway March 14th, 1975 (Soundboard) Cast:  Bill Miller (Brad Majors), Abigale Haness (Janet Weiss), Graham Jarvis (Narrator), Richard O'Brien (Riff Raff), Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter), Jamie Donnelly (Magenta), Boni Enten (Columbia), Kim Milford (Rocky), Meat Loaf (Eddie/Dr. Scott)  Notes: This is a live recording made on March 14th, 1975 of the (very short-lived) Rocky Horror Show's original run at the Belasco Theatre on Broadway.  
Cats London November 8th, 1995 Cast: Admetus/Macavity: Richard Armitage, Alonzo: Nunzio Lombardo, Bill Bailey: Daniel Crossley, Bombalurina: Vanessa Leagh-Hicks, Bustopher/Gus: Tony Timberlake, Carbucketty: Sandy Rass,  Cassandra: Deborah Shrimpton, Coricopat: David Olton, Demeter: Michele Hooper, Electra: Nicola Lee-Owens, Etcetera: Charlotte Peck, George/Rumpus: Steven Wayne,  Grizabella: Clare Burt, Jellylorum: Carrie Ellis, Jemima: Kimberly Partridge. Jennyanydots: Beth Robson (u/s), Mistoffelees: Thomas Paton, Mungojerrie: Ian Meeson, Munkustrap: Andrew Halliday, Old Deuteronomy: Graeme Lauren (s/b), Rumpleteazer: Vikki Coote,  Rum Tum Tugger: John Partridge, Skimbleshanks: Tommi Sliiden (u/s), Tantomile:  Tee Soo-Chan, Victor: John Stacey, Victoria: Sandra Kater
​Chicago: Broadway - 1975 8 Aug Cast-Liza Minelli (special temp. replacement - Roxie Hart), Chita Rivera (Velma Kelly), Jerry Orbach (Billy Flynn), Mary McCarty (Mama Morton), Barney Martin (Amos Hart)
Cats 15 July 1998, Hamburg Cast: John Partridge (Munkustrap), Kristin Hölck (Grizabella), Stephan Drakulich (Old Deuteronomy), Ray Strachan (Rum Tum Tugger), Damian Kacperski (Mr. Mistoffelees), Lachlan Youngberg (Bustopher Mürr), Tanya Christensen (Gumbie Katz’), Marco Krämer (Skimbleshanks), Virginia Lilly (Rumpleteazer), Livio Salvi (Mungojerrie)
Cats London: December 27th, 2014
Cats:  Broadway September 24th, 2016 Cast:  Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Nathan Patrick Morgan (Old Deuteronomy u/s), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots),  Callan Bergmann (Carbucketty u/s), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity),  Francesca Granell (Rumpleteazer  u/s), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Claire Camp (Cassandra u/s), Arianna Rosario (SIllabub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival)
Cats (1989 Original French Cast Recording)
Cats (1991 Original Mexican Cast Recording)  
Cabaret - Signature Theatre Washington DC - Date Unknown Cast: Wesley Taylor (Emcee), Barret Wilbert Weed (Sally), Gregory Woodell (Cliff), Rick Foucheux (Herr Schultz), Naomi Jacobson (Fraulein Schneider), Bobby Smith (Ernst), Maria Rizzo (Fraulein Kost)
​Carousel: 2018  Broadway Revival January 28th, 2018 (1st Preview) Cast: Joshua Henry as Billy Bigelow, Jessie Mueller as Julie Jordan, Lindsay Mendez as Carrie Pipperidge, Renée Fleming as Nettie Fowler, Alexander Gemignani as Enoch Snow, Amar Ramasar as Jigger, John Douglas Thompson as the Starkeeper, and Brittany Pollock as Louise
Dear Evan Hansen:  Broadway - May 15, 2018 Cast: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), ​Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Will Roland (Jared), Phoenix Best (Alana), Alex Boniello (Connor), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Michael Park (Larry), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia) Notes: Alex's first show as Connor.  
El Hombre de La Mancha (1969 Original Mexican Cast Recording)
El Hombre de La Mancha (2017 Mexican Revival Cast Recording)
Little Shop Of Horrors:  Broadway | September 16, 2003 DeQuina Moore (Chiffon), Trisha Jeffrey (Crystal), Carla J. Hargrove (Ronnette), Rob Bartlett (Mushnik), Kerry Butler (Audrey), Hunter Foster (Seymour), Michael-Leon Wooley (voice of Audrey II)
​Into the Woods National Tour (Fiasco Theater Production) 4/11/17 Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles Eleasha Gamble (Baker's Wife), Anthony Chatmon II (Lucinda/Wolf/Cinderella's Prince), Fred Rose (Mysterious Man), Darick Pead (Rapunzel's Prince/Florinda/Milky White), Bonne Kramer (Cinderella's Stepmother/Jack's Mother), Laurie Veldheer (Cinderella/Granny), Stephanie Umoh (The Witch), Patrick Mulryan (Jack/Steward), Evan Harrington (Baker), Lisa Helmi Johanson (Little Red Ridinghood/Rapunzel). *Includes BC/EFA Speech by Patrick Mulryan.
Wicked (2016 Original Mexican Cast Recording)This was released by the official Mexican Page on Youtube. It’s a Soundboard recording of Wicked México. Sound is crystal clear, some of the songs have dialogue. Cast: Ana Cecilia Anzaldúa (Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa). Adam Sadwing (Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Anahí Allué (Senorita. Mórrida), Paco Morales (El Mago de Oz), Beto Díaz (Frexspar/ El Padre de Elphaba), Lizeth Navarro (Melena/ La Madre de Elphaba). Alicia Paola Sanchez (La Partera)
Wicked - 2016.08.18 - International Tour Cast: Jodie Steele (Elphaba s/b), Elizabeth Futter (Glinda u/s), Steven Pinder (The Wizard/Dr. Dillamond), Bradley Jaden (Fiyero), Kim Ismay (Madame Morrible), Emily Shaw (Nessarose), Iddon Jones (Boq) notes: This was Elizabeth’s first show as Glinda!
On Your Feet: Broadway April 1st, 2017 (Evening) Ana Villafañe (Gloria), Ektor Rivera (Emilio), Yassmin Alers (Gloria Fajardo u), Alma Cuervo (Consuelo), Amaris Sanchez (Little Gloria), Eduardo Hernadez (Young Emilio and others), Eliseo Roman (José Fajardo), Genny Lis Padilla (Rebecca) My Master: This show was great but there was a very drunk lady sitting next to me, she belted some of the lyrics to the songs!
A Chorus Line:  Westchester Broadway Theatre February 3rd, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Drew Carr (Mike), Tiffany Chalothorn (Connie), Erika Conaway (Tricia), Joseph Cullinane (Greg), Kevin Curtis (Richie), Emma Degerstedt (Val), Brian Dillon (Larry), David Elder (Zach), Tim Fuchs (Al), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Vicki),  David Grindrod (Roy), Michael John Hughes (Paul), Tyler Jimenez (Don), Emily Kelly (Maggie), Ashley Klinger Kristine), Joey Lucherini (Frank), Erica Mansfield (Cassie), Alexandra Matteo (Diana), Logan Mortier (Bobby), PJ Palmer (Mark), Lauren Sprague (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Caitlin Wilayton (Judy) My Master: This performance was wonderful, it had no intermission.
Avenue Q 1999 Demos
Anastasia: Broadway July 21, 2017 ( 8:00 PM) cast: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O'Connor (Lily), Kathryn Boswell (Countess Gregory swing) My Master
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Broadway November 11th, 2017 (Evening) Cast: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), Kyle Taylor Parker (Mrs. Green), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), Emily Padgett (Mrs. Bucket), Kristy Cates (Grandma Josephine), Madeleine Doherty (Grandma Georgina), Paul Slade Smith (Grandpa George), Mikey Winslow( Jerry u), Stephanie Gibson (Cherry), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs. Gloop), F. Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Jared Bradslaw (Mr. Salt u), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Mr. Beauregarde (Alan H. Green), Violet Beauregarde (Trista Dollison), Michael Wartella (Mike TeaVee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs. Teavee) (My Master)
Miss Saigon:  Broadway January 14th, 2018 Cast: Eva Noblezada (Kim), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Dorcas Leung (Gigi) (Final Show)
Mary Poppins: (2012 Mexican Cast Recording) Bianca Marroquin (Mary Poppins), Mauricio Salas (Bert), Catalina Farias (Winifred Banks), Paco Morales (George Banks), Daniela Meneses [?] (Jane Banks), Sebastián Gallegos[?] (Michael Banks) Andrés Elvira (Valentin), Mariano Bucio (Neleus), Alm Cristal (Mrs. Brill), Andrés Sáez (Robertson Ay), Laura Cortés (Ms. Andrew & Bird Woman), Sergio Carranza (Almirante Boom), Paloma Cordero (Mrs. Corry), Natalia Saltiel (Mrs. Lark), Vince Miranda, Eden Pintos, Marcela Nava, Alma Escudero, Yolanda Campos, Majo Perez, Julieta Martínez, Eduardo Ibarra, Carlos Pulido, Omar Rodríguez, Alexo Fergo, Antonio Mariscal, Alicia Paola Sánchez, Jose Sampedro, Kim Yañez, Raymundo Montoya, Óscar Hernández, Roberto Hernández, Cecilia Arias, Mariano Villarello, Marcia Peña, Ruben Plascencia, Lolo Jiménez. *Songs only. This was recorded from the soundboard from various dates throughout the run.
Once on this Island: Broadway Revival January 22nd, 2018 Cast:   Hailey Kilgore (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Tamyra Gray (Papa Ge), Lea Salonga (Erzulie), Norm Lewis (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), T Oliver Reid (u/s Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Alysha Deslorieux (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), Tyler Hardwick (u/s Beauxhommes/Storyteller).
Frozen: Broadway March 4th, 2018- Cast: Alyssa Fox (s/b Elsa), Patti Murin, John Riddle, Jelani Alladin, Andrew Pirozzi, Greg HIldreth, Audrey Bennett, Brooklyn Nelson, Ann Sanders, James Brown III, Timothy Hughes, Olivia Phillip, Robert Creighton, Kevin Del Aguila Notes: Alyssa Fox’s debut as Elsa
Chicago Broadway: April 1st, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Amra-Faye Wright (Velma), Charlotte d’ Amboise (Roxie), Brian O’ Brien (Fred Casey) , Evan Harrington (Amos) , Katie Mitchell (Liz), Pilar Millhollen (Annie), Donna Marie Asbury (June), Beth Johnson Nicely (Hunyak u/s), Angel Reda (Mona), Valerie Simpson (Matron “Mama” Morton), Chaz Lamar Shepherd (Billy Flynn), R. Lowe (Mary Sunshine), Jessica Ernest (Go-To-Hell Kitty)  My Master: Act 1 only (Ends towards the middle of Cell Block Tango)
Kinky Boots: Broadway April 28th, 2018 Cast: Charlie Price (David Cook), Blaine Alden Krauss (Lola u), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús del Orden (Young Lola), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Marcus Neville (George), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Kirstin Maldonado (Lauren), Natalie Joy Johnson (Pat), Jake Odmark (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Ciarán Mccarthy (Richard Bailey), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Kevin Smith Kirkwood, Alfred Dalpino (u/s), Fred Odgaard, Kyle Post, Charlie Sutton, and Joey Taranto (Angels) My Master: Ciarán Mccarthy’s Broadway debut!
Mean Girls: Broadway 6/17/2018 Cast: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Becca Petersen (u/s Regina George), Ashley Park (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen  Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kerry Butler (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Mr. Duvall), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Iain Young (u/s Mr Heron) Notes: Becca's Regina George debut
Moulin Rouge: Boston Tryouts July 24th, 2018- Cast: Aaron Tveit (Christian), Karen Olivo (Satine), Danny Burstein (Harold Zidler), Sahr Ngaujah (Toulouse-Lautrec), Tam Mutu (Duke of Monroth), Ricky Rojas (Santiago), Robyn Hurder (Nini) Notes: Act I is pretty much the same but Act II has some changes. "Roxanne is now far more manic and powerful, Crazy/Rolling in the Deep has a much more desperate feel which makes the pain Christian and Satine feel much more obvious, and Come What May is restored in part to Satine's death scene."
Be More Chill-​August 2, 2018 (Off Broadway) Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Jason "SweetTooth" Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stock Boy)
Once on this Island: Broadway Revival August 18th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast:   Lauren Lott (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Merle Dandridge (Papa Ge) Darlesia Cearcy (Erzulie), Quentin Earl Darrington (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), Boise Holmes ( Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Anna Uzele (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), and Daniel Yearwood ( Beauxhommes/Storyteller) My Master Notes: This was such an incredible show, I cried a lot!
Wicked - Broadway December 1st, 2018 Cast: Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Amanda Jane Cooper (Glinda), Ryan Mccartan (Fiyero), Jye Frasca (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto (u/s Witch’s Father/Ozian Official), Lindsay Janisse (Witch’s Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife), Dominic Giudici (Chistery), Ioana Alfonso, Larkin Bogan, Teneise Mitchell Ellis, Dominic Giudici, Dan Gleason, Josh Daniel Green, Jeff Heimbrock, Manuel I. Herrera, Courtney Iventosch, Lindsay Janisse, Britney Johnson, Katie Ladner, Marissa Lupp, Matt Meigs, Dashi Mitchell, Lindsay K. Northen, Jonathan Ritter, William Ryall, Kathy Santen, Hannah Shankman, Travis Taber, Jeremy Thompson (Monkeys, students, Denizens of the Emerald City, Palace Guards and Other Citizens of Oz)   User: dnc445 on Reddit’s Master
Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway December 12, 2018 ​Cast: Roman Banks (u/s Evan), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Garrett Long (u/s Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy) Roman Banks First Performance
King Kong Broadway: December 13th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Rory Donovan (Captain Englehorn), Harley Jay (Barman), Casey Garvin (Fake Carl), John Hoche (Voice of Kong ) My Master: This show was really fun! James Retter Duncan (swing) and Nick Rashad Burroughs’ first show!
Instrumentals: A Chorus Line US Tour  Pit Tracks
Cats Instrumental Tracks (Mortifer) A lot of the tracks are synthesized, sounds like someone took a lot of karaoke tracks and put them together with orchestra but they’re some great tracks.
Cats Mexico 1991 Orchestra Tracks (Teatro Silvia Pinal) ​
The Wizard of Oz Orchestra Tracks (RSC’ 1981)
Les Mis US Tour Orchestra Tracks
​Wicked Orchestra Tracks Notes: This album is given to cast members when they first get cast in the show. People say this orchestration is the First National Tour one but it really isn’t, it sounds much more like the LA orchestrations. Perfect quality, includes every musical interlude, underscore, song, etc.
Audio Wants: Audio of the current touring cast of Wicked, Any Cats Orchestra Tracks. Anything with Wicked, Cats México or Argentina, Dear Evan Hansen, Waitress, Once on this Island, The Wizard of Oz, and anything I don’t have!
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orbemnews · 3 years
Job Training That’s Free Until You’re Hired Is a Blueprint for Biden Bill Barber saw an ad on Facebook last year for American Diesel Training Centers, a school in Ohio that prepares people for careers as diesel mechanics. It came with an unusual pitch: He would pay for the schooling only if it landed him a job, thanks to a nonprofit called Social Finance. After making sure it wasn’t a scam, he signed up. After going through the immersive five-week program, he got a job with starting pay of $39,000 a year — about $10,000 more than he made before as a cable TV installer. “I figured this was my best opportunity to succeed,” Mr. Barber, 23, said. American Diesel Training is part of a new model of work force training — one that bases pay for training programs partly on whether students get hired. Early results are promising, and experts say the approach makes far more economic sense than the traditional method, in which programs are paid based on how many people enroll. Right now, there are only a relative handful of these pay-for-success programs that train low-income Americans for better-paying careers. The challenge has been to align funding and incentives so that students, training programs and employers all benefit. But Social Finance, founded a decade ago to develop new ways to finance results-focused social programs, is showing how the idea could grow quickly just as the pandemic made job-training programs more important than ever. The coronavirus put millions of people out of work, upended industries and accelerated automation. State and federal officials are now looking for new ways to improve work force development. President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure and jobs plan, announced last week, includes billions for work force development with an emphasis on “next-generation training programs” that embrace “evidence-based approaches.” The Social Finance effort is powered by a fund of more than $40 million raised from philanthropic investors. The money goes toward paying for low-income students, as well as minority candidates and veterans, to enter the training programs. The group is not related to the online lender SoFi. It has supported four job training programs, including American Diesel Training, in the past year. It has plans to have double that number a year from now. Social Finance is advising Ohio on pay-for-success programs and is in talks with several other states. The financing arranged by Social Finance from investors is called a career impact bond, while the state-backed initiatives are called pay-it-forward funds — since payments from job-holding graduates help pay for new students. Social Finance is also preparing a proposal for the new labor secretary, Martin J. Walsh, recommending that the federal government provide matching funds to accelerate state programs. A few nonprofits have a track record of lifting low-income Americans into higher-paying jobs, including Year Up, Per Scholas and Project Quest. Their training is tightly focused on specific skills and occupations, they work closely with employers, and they teach soft skills like communication and teamwork. But there are too few of them, and they struggle for sustainable financing. Social Finance is seeking, designing and supporting new programs — for-profit or nonprofit — that follow that training formula but then apply a different funding model. “There is emerging evidence that these kinds of programs are a very effective and exciting part of work force development,” said Lawrence Katz, a labor economist at Harvard. “Social Finance is targeting and nurturing new programs, and it brings a financing mechanism that allows them to expand.” The social venture’s more than $40 million fund is seed money for demonstration projects that show its model could be widely used, whether backed by government or by investors in social programs, across a range of occupations including skilled trades. “The goal is to create a tool for impact, to get more people on the economic escalator,” said Tracy Palandjian, co-founder and chief executive of Social Finance. Philanthropies built with technology fortunes are prominent among the fund’s supporters. A large investor is Blue Meridian Partners, whose donor partners include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ballmer Group and the Sergey Brin Family Foundation. Others contributing to the fund are the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation and Schmidt Futures, led by Eric Schmidt, former chief executive of Google. For Social Finance and its backers, the career impact bonds are not traditional investments. For them, breaking even or a small return would be winning — proof the concept is working, which should attract more public and private money. “We need to move toward evidence-based funding,” said Jim Shelton, chief investment and impact officer for Blue Meridian Partners and a deputy secretary of education in the Obama administration. “And Social Finance is supporting programs that show it can be done.” The Social Finance income-share agreement with students ranges from about 5 percent to 9 percent depending on their earnings — less from $30,000 to $40,000, and generally more above $40,000. The monthly payments last four years. If you lose your job, the payment obligation stops. “Our investors aren’t after high returns. They’re primarily after social impact,” Ms. Palandjian said. When screening programs, Social Finance looks for those that offer training for specific skills linked to local demand, and have data to show that its students graduate and get good-paying jobs. In selecting a skilled-trade school, Social Finance, working with Burning Glass Technologies, which analyzes job-market data, sought a program for an occupation in demand with potential for the worker to move up the career ladder. American Diesel Training, based in Columbus, Ohio, met the requirements. The for-profit company’s program is designed as a short, intensive course to train entry-level diesel technicians, mostly for trucking companies and dealerships. Demand for diesel technicians is robust as more goods are shipped by truck, often delivering products ordered online, and baby-boom mechanics are retiring. There is an accessible career path to become a senior mechanic or into administration as a service, distribution or shop manager. American Diesel Training, founded in 2017, succeeded in placing students in jobs in its first few years, but remained small. Before Social Finance arrived, Tim Spurlock, co-founder and chief executive of American Diesel Training, looked into financing through income-share agreements offered by venture-backed start-ups. The terms, he said, were far less favorable for students. “Social Finance comes at it from a completely different angle,” he said. The first group of Social Finance-funded students started the five-week course last September. There are now about 70 students in each course. That is about four times as many as a year ago. Social Finance pays American Diesel Training just over 60 percent of its fee initially. The rest comes later, after a student lands and keeps a job. “I’m fine with that,” Mr. Spurlock said. “We’ve completely proven our educational model. The problem was the funding mechanism.” A total of 229 students supported by Social Finance have been enrolled. The graduation rate is nearly 100 percent, and 89 percent have jobs. Their average annual income is $36,500, and the average gain from income before the program is $12,400. Today, Mr. Barber, who saw an ad for the program on Facebook, works in Ohio for U.S. Xpress, a national freight-hauling trucker. As an entry-level diesel technician, he is mostly doing preventive maintenance on trucks. With diesel mechanics in demand, the company paid him a $2,000 signing bonus and a relocation fee. Jordan Battle earns about $43,000 a year as a diesel mechanic for a large trucking company in Atlanta, far more than she did as a contractor for a civic education organization. That job ended with the pandemic, so she decided to go for “something essential and to have a real skill others don’t.” She was accepted in the American Diesel Training program, and she was offered a job after three weeks, before she graduated. Practice interviews, résumé building and introductions to employers were part of the curriculum. “That’s where the program really stands out,” she said. “They fight for you.” Source link Orbem News #Biden #blueprint #free #hired #Job #Training #youre
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