#moxiety bakery au
Nothing Sweeter
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship: Romantic Moxiety, Platonic Analoceit (only mentioned)
Summary: When Virgil agreed to work a cashier shift at the bakery, Logan had assured him that they never get customers that late. Instead, Virgil comes face to face with the cutest customer he’s ever seen.
Warnings: None! (please tell me if anything needs to be added)
Genre: Bakery AU, Tooth-rotting Fluff
A/N: This was written for a request for @catemons-blog ! I haven’t written these babies in such a long time and to was so nice to write them again!! All reblogs and replies are greatly appreciated <3 Love you all 🖤✨
Ao3    Fic Masterpost    Fic Request Info
Virgil could feel flour beneath his nails, the warm dough under his hands, his arms moving automatically in the comforting, repetitive shifts of kneading bread. The bakery was like a second home to him but, more specifically, he loved the kitchen. He loved the whole cafe but the front wasn’t where he belonged— Logan and Janus took care of that— but this world of warmth and sweetness and soft scents, that was his.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like people, they just didn’t seem to click. It seemed like he was always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time or missing some social cue that was apparently obvious to everyone else but invisible to him. No, Virgil loved people and he loved to share what he made with them; it was just a lot lower stress to work behind the scenes.
So he surprised even himself when he agreed to run both the front and the back of the cafe for the night. Maybe it was Logan’s promise that nobody came in on a weekday in the late evening. Maybe it was Janus’ bribe that he would make Virgil an extra special mocha coffee tomorrow. Maybe it was the combined power of their pleading eyes. Whatever the case, Virgil found himself alone in the cafe on a late Wednesday evening, with nothing but his hands and his work for company.
Logan had been right— Virgil hadn’t seen a customer since his shift started at 7:00 and as the time stretched forward, it began to seem less and less likely that some would order a coffee this late at night.
When the door chime ran at 10 pm, Virgil was half-expecting it to be Logan or Janus stopping by to see how he was doing (and probably to steal a jam-filled cookie or two).
Virgil walked into the front of the store to say hello but was instead faced by a stranger. They had a round face with large blue eyes and a mop of curly blond hair sweeping down their forehead— their face wasn’t ringing any bells. But Virgil didn’t really know the customer’s; he knew their orders .
He quirked an eyebrow as went down the list of regular customers this stranger could be and began taking guesses, “A dozen maple doughnut bars?”
“Um, no actually I want—” Their voice was soft but had a gravely quality that bite at the ends of their words. The voice was unfamiliar to Virgil but for some reason, he wanted to hear it more.
“Hmm, a ciabatta loaf and three everything bagels?”
“No… I was hoping you had—”
“Oh, I know! A loaf of rye, a loaf of pumpernickel, and a loaf of sourdough?”
The stranger began laughing. It was a nice laugh, Virgil guessed, but he couldn’t figure out what was so funny. He could feel his cheeks beginning to turn red; he had said something wrong again, hadn’t he?
They stopped laughing long enough to flash Virgil a bright, amused smile, “Are you going to keep guessing the entire night until you get my order right?”
The customer didn’t seem mad, he wasn’t even laughing at Virgil; he was laughing…  because of Virgil? Virgil had made them laugh and that felt very very different than being laughed at. Their laughs ran through the empty little dining area and bounced off the display case, almost entirely empty by this time of day. Their laughs made Virgil feel good, even if he didn’t quite understand what was so funny.
Virgil let himself take another look at the person in front of him. There was a warm, sweet sensation beginning to flutter in his stomach and he wasn’t sure what to do with it.
The customer was cute, no doubt about it. They were wearing large, round-framed glasses, nearly as gold as their hair. Behind the glasses, their eyes were one of the bluest blue Virgil had ever seen— like water drawn in a saturated kid’s cartoon. They were wearing a blue top tucked into a white pleated skirt and white mary-jane shoes. The skirt had attached suspender straps, one of which had a small pin on it. Looking closer, Virgil realized the pin was a small transgender pride flag with the pronouns “he/him” stamped over it. Ok, so the customer was a he ; and he was really, really cute.
Virgil tried to snap his mind back on focus. The man in front of him had stopped laughing but was still looking at him with a soft, somewhat lopsided smile.
Virgil looked down at his hands, feeling like making eye contact with this person was just a little too much right now. He cleared his throat, “So, uh, do you want to order something?”
“No, I actually was just planning on standing here for the rest of the night.”
“Really?” Virgil could feel his eyebrows furrowing together.
“No, no,” He stepped closer to the counter Virgil was behind, “I was just joking, sweetheart.”
Sometimes Virgil had a hard time catching social cues but the way he said “sweetheart” held too much kindness and sincerity for Virgil to miss its meaning. Virgil’s blush grew to a deep crimson.
He walked all the way to the counter so he and Virgil were only a foot apart. Virgil wasn’t sure if he wanted to flirt with him or run away to the kitchen. Somehow, putting a stove fire out seemed easier than talking to this customer.
Virgil shook his hands below the counter, hoping stimming would help release all of the energy and feelings bouncing around in his body. He tried to remember what Logan had told him in case customers did come in; there were specifically steps Logan was very particular about, “Could I get a name for your order?”
“Of course! My name’s Patton!”
God, even his name is cute.
“Your name’s Virgil?”
Virgil glanced down at his name tag as if he needed reminding of what it said. He nodded in confirmation of Patton’s question.
“That’s such a pretty name,” Patton’s smile reminded him of opening an oven door on a cold day, the warmth and sweetness rolling over him in waves. He felt like he was melting.
Patton’s eyes wandered over the menu board, licking his lips absentmindedly as he tried to make a decision. Virgil wished he could stop looking at his lips.
Finally he looked back over at Virgil, “Could I get three muffins—”
“Uh huh,” Virgil nodded as he jotted the words down on the receipt the way Logan had asked him to.
“—and, uh,” Patton leaned forward even a little closer, “Could I get your number?”
Virgil forgot how to talk in that moment, feelings of happiness practically vibrating through him. He wouldn’t be surprised if he just exploded, just nodding his head to answer Patton like his life depended on it.
Virgil moved as if he were in a dream, packaging the muffins as Patton paid. He felt like the planet’s gravity had suddenly been turned down and he was floating a few inches off the ground. He quickly scribbled his phone number on the bag before handing it to Patton.
“Oh! I almost forgot something!”
Virgil quirked an eyebrow at Patton’s exclamation, “You did?”
“Yeah! Your tip for such great service.”
“No, no you already gave a tip. See, it’s on your receipt beneath—”
Virgil froze as Patton leaned forward and planted a kiss on Virgil’s cheek.
“There! Extra tip for being so cute,” Patton gave him that lovely, warm smile before turning with a wave and walking out of the bakery.
Virgil sank to the floor, disregarding whether or not that was a health code violation. He didn’t care about that right now. His face was tingling and his heart was racing and he felt out of breath. He clapped his hands together, happy stims taking over for a moment as he processed the interaction he had just had with the cutest boy he had ever seen. Maybe working in the front of the bakery had its own benefits…
Virgil couldn’t stop smiling.
If you want to be added to my Sanders Sides fic taglist just send me an ask or reply to this post :)
General Sanders Sides Taglist: ~ @centimeter-tries-to-communicate @bee-syndrome @fandomfan315 @cas-is-a-hunter @reggieleigh07 @mossdeemo @im-actually-ok@softnic @catolicabuena @queer-disaster106 @lunawolf89 ~
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royalprinceroman · 5 years
Current taglist:  @starryfirefliesbloggo @fandermom @band-be-boss-blog @ab-artist @punsterterry @weasley-is-our-king- @kittiebrick @wildhorsewolf @monochrome-dusk @the-doctor-demigod-wizard @burningpersonflapsuitcase @o-hey-its-rae @hazelswann @6tick6tock6 @whizzie72 @dead4sevenyears @analogical-mess @confusedalienfromspace @hanramz-the-fander @pastelpatton @cefinitely-rolo @angels-and-dreams @justmeandmydaydreams @snapcracklepopmyneck @anxiouslyfred
I made a blog for the Life Gets Sweeter AU!!! 
@lifegetssweeter @lifegetssweeter !!!!!!
Both @availe and I will be posted the updates on our on blogs but then they will be reblogged to that blog which means: 
Anytime anyone asks for the taglist, you will be redirected to follow that blog tagged above: @lifegetssweeter !!!
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Just had a cute moxiety au idea while daydreaming
Virgil owns a new small bakery and Patton passes by one day while walking his dog and decides to go in. They have a chat and find out they get along really well. After that, Patton comes along almost every day to talk and buy a little sweet treat (usually a cupcake with light blue icing with white icing on the top painted on the look like a dog face). They quickly become best friends and after awhile find out they're starting to like eachother romantically.
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Sanders Sides AU-gust Day 9: Royalty
Virgil is the apprentice of a local baker. He wishes to become a knight in order to repay a debt he believes that he owes King Thomas. His best friend (and crush) Patton tries to dissuade him. Because Patton doesn't want Virgil to know his secret.
Moxiety, Intrulogical, Roceit, Creativitwins and familial T+J+L+P
In case anyone is curious about the ages: -Virgil and Patton = 16 -Logan and Janus (twins) = 25 -Roman and Remus (twins) = 26 -Thomas = 33
Day 8 | Masterlist | Day 10
“Hello, Vee!”
Virgil looked up at the teenager skipping throughout the bakery. It was early in the morning, hours before sunrise, so the place was empty beyond the two of them. Virgil smiled softly. “Good morning, Pat.” He went back to reading his current book.
Pat read the title. “Swordsmanship for simpletons.” He frowned. “You’re still applying to be a royal knight?”
Vee sighed, closing the book. “Yes, I’m going to become a knight. We’ve already talked about this. I owe the King my life. Becoming a knight is the least I could do to repay my debt.”
Pat sighed. “You know, King Thomas probably doesn’t remember meeting you all those years ago.”
Virgil set the book on a nearby table. “I know, Pat. But it’s the principle of the matter.” There were a few moments of tense silence. “I’m turning 16 in 3 weeks.”
“I know.”
“I’m going to become a knight.”
“I know.”
“Then why do you try and convince me otherwise?”
Pat sighed, taking Virgil’s hand in his. “Vee, you mean the world to me. Believe me when I say the castle isn’t as glamorous as people make it out to be. There are so many wonderful and amazing things that you can do without risking your life on a daily basis.”
Virgil frowned. “I know, but I have to. I need to prove that I deserve my second chance. If not to the King, then to myself.”
Pat sighed. “Alright.” He smiled. “Why don’t we talk about something happier. Like that cute boy that works at the flower shop!”
Virgil snorted. “Cute? That kid’s a disaster waiting to happen. According to the rumor mill, he almost lost his privates to a Venus flytrap.”
The two friends giggled, happy to just be with each other for a short while. But like all good times, this one had to end. Just as the sun began to rise over the horizon, Pat made his leave, promising to visit again the next day.
Patton sighed as he made his way home. The sun was just starting to rise, so he only had a few minutes before someone noticed his absence. He quickly made his way throughout the town, keeping his hood up to avoid recognition.
When he finally made his way to the castle, Patton made a beeline for the shortest tower. Once he was at its base, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small flute. He played a familiar tune and watched as a rope was thrown out of the window. Patton quickly grabbed the rope and began to climb up the tower. It was an easy climb, mainly because of years of experience. At the top of the rope was Janus, Patton’s mentor and one of Patton’s older brothers.
Janus sighed as Patton entered the tower “You’re late, Patton.”
Patton smiled. “Oh, you would not believe it, Janus. I had the most amazing time!”
Janus smirked. “You always say that, and yet every time you go outside you visit the same place and talk to the same person.”
Patton blushed. “W-well, it’s still a wonderful visit every time!” He ignored the way Janus’ mouth quirked in silent laughter. “And don’t think I don’t see the wrinkled collar and tussled hair! You left to visit Roman to moment I was gone, didn’t you?”
Janus quickly cleared his throat. “Hurry on, breakfast is in a few minutes and we need to look presentable.”
The two quickly made their separate ways to their bedrooms, getting ready for the morning. Once Patton looked less like he’d been outside and more like he’d just woken up, he quickly made his way to breakfast. He made sure to check on Janus and Logan, just to make sure they were on their way to breakfast. Both rooms were empty, but Patton stopped to stare for a moment. Even though the two scholars (and fraternal twins) had identical rooms in terms of layout, their styles were completely different. Logan preferred a clean room with little personality, while Janus preferred a more elegant touch. It was always fun to check in on the two in the mornings. Mainly because their rooms tended to contrast in quite an amusing way, but also because Patton could usually tell if their boyfriends spent the night with them. Janus and Logan always kept their rooms meticulously clean, so little changes made big differences. Janus’ room looked normal, but Logan’s desk was more disorganized than usual. Remus probably pulled Logan to bed before he could clean up for the night.
Patton giggled to himself as he made his way to the breakfast table. Everyone thought that Patton was innocent and naive, but he actually knew a lot more than they did about themselves and the castle around them. Actually, the only person who didn’t think that Patton was just a clueless child was Virgil. Even though Virgil didn’t know anything about Patton, he always treated Patton like he was a mature adult. It helped that Virgil was the only person that Patton let himself act naturally around. That’s the main reason why Patton didn’t want Virgil to become a knight: the second Virgil started working at the palace, he’d learn who Patton is and would start treating him like a child.
Patton shook his head, dispelling those nasty thoughts. Virgil probably wouldn’t be accepted into the ranks, so Patton’s secret should be safe. Right now, Patton didn’t need to think about that. He wasn’t Pat right now. He was Patton.
Patton approached the doors to the dining room and watched as the guards bowed before opening the door. He gave them a quick nod before stepping into the room. He was the last one to show up, apparently. Logan and Janus sat on the left, while Captains Roman and Remus sat on the right. There was a space between Logan and the head of the table that was empty, and Patton sat there. At the head of the table sat Patton’s eldest brother. He gave Patton a soft smile. “Patton, how nice of you to join us.”
Patton blushed. “Sorry, Thomas. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” Patton saw Janus’ fingers twitch in the corner of his vision. Lies. Janus was the only one who knew about Patton’s escapades.
Thomas frowned. “I’ll have the head herbalist find something to give you for insomnia. We can delay your morning studies if you need some more sleep.”
Patton shook his head. “I’ll be fine, I promise.”
Prince Patton, fourth in line for the throne, took a bite of his pastry and wished it was one of Virgil’s pastries. Maybe he could hire the baker Virgil worked for. Would that convince Virgil to not become a knight?
Patton took a sip of his juice to hide his frown. It probably wouldn’t work, but anything was worth a try at this point.
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amalia2003sstuff · 4 years
For Forever
 Day six of Soulmate September . @tsshipmonth2020
Prompt: “When your soulmate is injured you will experience pain in that area.”
Vampire AU
Pairings: Romantic Royality, platonic Moxiety
Warning: Blood, gore, death.
First - Previous - Next
Patton Williams was born on the 15th of January 1889 in a small town close to New York. He lived a fairly normal life, other than the fact that he could never feel his soulmate’s physical pain like everyone else he knew. So yeah, his life was mostly normal. 
Until one faithful night. 
Patton, now 21, returning home from work late at night, when he got pulled in an alley way by an unknown person. Patton had no idea what happened in that alley, except that he felt a small pain on his neck, and then he woke up on the cold ground, feeling like he just got ran over by a horse.
He got up, his head spinning, and walked the rest of the way home.
The next morning when he woke up, all he could register was hunger. So so much hunger. He walked downstairs and grabbed some food. A lot of food, only it didn’t help with his hunger at all. Actually, it made him sick. 
His mother walked into the kitchen, and that’s when Patton blacked out again.
When he came back to his senses he saw something that made his stomach turn. His whole family was on the floor of their little home, pale and cold, and his hands were covered in blood.
He let out a strangled sob. He did that. He’s a monster. So he ran. He ran as far and as fast as he could. 
Somewhere along the way he found someone like him. Someone who explained to him what he was. He was a vampire. A being that could only feed with blood. Patton let out more sobs and cries that night, and begged the other person, Virgil, to just end him. He didn’t want to have to hurt more people.
Virgil wrapped him in his arms and sushed him, explaining to him that he didn’t have to hurt people, that animals could do just as well for food. 
Patton resigned himself to his faith. For the next 30 years, Patton and Virgil were inseparable. They lived together in Virgil’s house. They had been drafted into the first world war together, and survived that, not without all the trauma that comes with war, but they did. Now they were one year into the second war, when something that would turn Patton’s life for the worst again happened. 
Virgil was shot in the chest. Something fatal, even for a vampire. 
Patton mourned for years, even after the war ended. He just lost the only important person in his life.
So he ran again. Ran away from the place he and Virgil used to share, and for the next 39 years he was always on the run. He would never stay in one place for more than a few days. 
Until something changed. For the first time in his long life he could feel pain that wasn’t his. That could mean only one thing. He had a soulmate. So he spend the next two decades searching. 
The year was 2014 when he found him. 
He was a tall guy with tan skin, red hair and beautiful green eyes. 
The way Patton found him is quite funny actually. He literally bumped into him, causing the guy to fall down, which Patton felt. He felt his pain. The only thing Patton could say was “It’s you.” To which the stranger gave a very confused look. So Patton had to rephrase. 
“Hi, I’m Patton, and I think I am your soulmate.”
The guy gave him a look. “Prove it.”
So Patton pinched himself on the arm, in a very visible spot, and the man’s eyes widened. “You’re saying the truth… Hi. I’m Roman. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Nice too meet you too.” Patton gave him a bright smile.
Roman pulled out a small marker from his pocket. “Look, I have to go, but here is my number so you can call me later.” He scribbled something on Patton’s arm. “There. Now I really should go. Bye.” And with that he left.
Patton smiled. Maybe he could turn his life back around.
Patton bought himself a small apartment in the city with the money he earned over the years and got himself a job. His life was starting to go better.
He and Roman started dating a few weeks after they met. A few months into the relationship, Patton came clean about what he was, which went a lot better than he expected. Instead of getting angry, or scared and leaving him, Roman looked like an excited puppy, asking Patton if he could become a vampire. Which Patton of course refused.
It wasn’t that Patton didn’t want to be with Roman forever, it’s just that he couldn’t put Roman through that kind of life.
Well, looks like he didn’t have a choice.
They had been dating for 3 years. Roman was now 28, while Patton still looked 21.
Patton was at work, when he felt pain on his neck. A pain that brought him back to that alley, all those years ago. Something bad happened to Roman.
Patton took his lunch break earlier and ran from the bakery where he worked. Roman was supposed to be at work, so that’s where Patton was going.
Minutes of searching later, Patton found Roman layed down on the ground in the alley way behind the theatre where he worked. He looked very pale, and his breathing was barely there. Patton checked for a pulse. He did find one, but it was very weak. Some other vampire fed off of Roman and left him to die from blood loss. If Patton didn’t do something right now Roman would die, even if he called an ambulance.
So Patton did the only thing he could do. He bit Roman, turning him. Then he picked Roman up and carried him to their apartment.
When Roman woke up, Patton was there to explain everything to him, holding out a few blood bags - which he got from the secret blood banks for vampires-  that Roman hesitantly took and drank.
“Well,” Roman said after a while. “look on the bright side, Patty. Now we can be together for forever.”
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Could you request some fics in these trying times? Perhaps some lesser known ones?
I don’t really keep track of more/less well-known fics, but I can recommend ones I enjoy.
lovely, dark, and deep by @teacupfulofstarshine is an exquisitely written romantic analogical mermaid AU. In-progress.
Keep Him Safe by @whatwashernameagain is an amazing, nuanced fic featuring romantic logicality and romantic prinxiety. Cop!AU, Bakery!AU. Heed warnings. In-progress.
A Virgil Affliction by @creativenostalgiastuff is a canon-verse fic that is a very creative, interesting look at the idea of anxiety medication and its impact on Virgil/the Mindscape. Platonic LAMPT. Complete. 
Romance in the Air...port by @not-so-innocent-bi-sander is a cute Prinxiety one-shot with Single-dad!Virgil.
A Royal Evening also by @not-so-innocent-bi-sander is an absolutely lovely romantic Logince fake-dating Human!AU fic. 
Love and Other Fairy Tales and all of its corresponding one-shots by @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors is one of my absolute favorites and I re-read parts of it/the one-shots all the time. Main story is complete. Fae!AU. Romantic LAMP. Other pairings as well, especially if you dive into some of the one-shots. 
Lies of Omission by @ironwoman359 is one of my favorites by Taylor. Some angsty aftermath of Can Lying Be Good? with Platonic LAMP. Patton-centric. One-shot.
Starved by @randomslasher is a big comfort fic for me. Virgil angst/hurt/comfort with platonic (or pre-romantic) LAMP. Complete. 
Thespian also by @/randomslasher is a lovely angst/hurt/comfort platonic Prinxiety one-shot. 
Dad also also by @/randomslasher is one that I adore. Sorta familial/platonic Moxiety one-shot. 
The Learning & Loving Series by @virgilsjourney is a classic to me. College!AU, romantic Prinxiety. Complete. 
Hope this at least gives ya something! Plenty of great fics and great writers in this fandom for sure. 
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greenninjagal-blog · 4 years
currently vibing in a two-week lockdown, can you share some of your favorite fics? i need some new things to read, and I've got too much time on my hands-
Aw man, same! The rest of my actual Spring Semester got turned online… Let’s see…..Fic recs for the pseudo End of the World (Courtesy of AO3, arranged by most prominent ship!) Keep in mind that my descriptions are shorter and written mostly for comedic effect than the actual fics, so if something looks interesting Click it! Get more info about it! Don’t just take my word! I tried my best to get a lot of variety of fics and topics and tropes, as well as authors that might not be as well known! Uhhh here are the links to lists I’ve already made for various other reasons check out my Fic Rec Masterlist!
I also am including various of my fav authors masterlists for funsies!
jungle321jungle’s || Max-isTired’s || TrashficParlour’s || Lefaystrent’s || Mine!
Completed Fics
A Deal in which Virgil tries to summon a familiar and gets a Circle King instead. And he’s really pretty. (Anxceit)
Love Like You in which Virgil decides to give up looking for a romantic partner and considers adopting instead. He finds more than he’s looking for with a set of twins and the man who watches over them (Anxceit)
A Dragon’s Tail in which Logan is cursed to be a Dragon by his best friends stepmother, Virgil is struggling to learn a power he can’t control, Patton who’d rather marry a servant than the Prince, and Roman has no clue what is going on but the Prince he’s supposed to be saving can probably kick his ass. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
A Game of Vice in which Remus kidnaps Roman and turns it into a game of who can come save him from his lonely tower. (Logicality, Prinxeity) 
double down with the paradigms in which Logan tries to explain away his own OCD while dealing with the emotions he has for a certain Pre-Vet. Excellent depiction of OCD, made me cry, 300/10 would read again. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
It Takes Two to Tango in which Roman begs his brother, Logan, to let him go back in time to meet a famous dancer. Falling in Love was not part of the plan. (Prinxiety, Logicality)
A favorite star in the heavens in which everyone has at least one soulmate. They’re luckily enough to have three each. (LAMP) 
Forgotten Forests and Magnified Myths in which Logan finds out very suddenly that he has the passive ability to talk to dragons. (DAMP, Remilie)
Sense5 in which five people in different countries are suddenly psychically linked together and uh…yeah fun times. (DLAMP)
Stray Hearts Are Subject To Change in which black cat hybrid Virgil plans to die very heroically in an alley and Roman completely messes up that plan by being a decent human being. (Prinxiety, Logicality)
Hidden In Shadows in which Virgil is the boogieman every adult warned you about but he doesn’t actually enjoy being scary. Good thing the three Sanders kids aren’t scared of anything. (Not so good for their very confused Dad who isn’t sure what to do about their new imaginary friend)
Paved with Good Intentions in which the dark sides agree to send Virgil to the light sides as a way to get Thomas to listen to them more. Now if Virgil can just get along with the Light sides enough to actually start making some progress…
Absent Gods and Silent Tyranny or: How Logan Learned to Stop Over Thinking and Love Everyone in which Logan is a morally grey scientist who just works for supervillains because they pay well. He doesn’t expect someone like Virgil to change that.
Clouds and Moss AU in which the sides are gods and its very gay and very good. (Intrulogical, Roceit)
Colors in which Logan is an excellent Dad, Virgil is an amazing son, and the world is very colorful. (Logicality)
Labeled in which Logan is a famous superhero, Patton is a doctor, and they adopt the would-be super villain and everything is soft and lovely and I cry at the purity. (Logicality, Remilie)
Fbi!au in which the sides work for the fbi and I diligently reread these series of oneshots for a daily dose of serotonin!  (Logince, Moxiety)
Growing Old is More Fun with You in which Patton is a PTA dad and so is Deceit and they have a “rivalry”. (Mociet)
Gilded Cage in which Roman is forced to dance for the fairy queen whenever she wants it. (Prinxiety)
Renegades! in which the sides live in a dystopia and fight the government while being completely in love with each other. (Prinxiety, Logiciality) 
Love and Other Fairytales in which a couple decides to keep their changling and their actual son, a child is cursed gifted a voice that makes people do whatever he says, a boy makes a rotten deal for the sake of his friend, and centuries before any of this, a fae prince is tricked into an endless sleep by his brother. 
The Vampire Hunting Vampire in which Virgil was turned into a monster and LPR slowly convince him he’s not as bad as he thinks he is. Through cuddles. (LAMP, DLAMP)
Wasteland, Baby! in which there are things in the woods and Patton gets,,, intimate with them. On purpose! (LAMP)
Destined in which Damian has successfully ignored his Soulmates for five years and he planned on doing it for much longer but on his twentieth birthday fate intervenes with a second soultrait that forces him to come face to face with all of them. (DLAMP)
Old Gods in which Gods sometimes walk the earth and Remus is pleased to hear that people are still making offerings to him– wait that is not a goat. And other fun stories!
Sit back and watch the world go by in which Virgil is a human abducted by alien smugglers, befriends Patton, breaks out, and everyone fears humans as space orcs, almost as much as Virgil is afraid of them. 
Teaming the Pieces Together in which Thomas is a pokemon trainer and eevees just…click with him.
Tales from the Dark Sides in which the author provides a lovely hub of works where Virgil is abused by OC dark sides and DLMPR are there to help patch him up.
Uncle Emile and the Super Nephews in which Emile gets custody of his six nephews and tries to bond with them. They in turn try very hard not to tell him they have superpowers.
Cuffed Universe in which Remus is a cop chasing after a hacker, Logan breaks the laws and Virgil would just like tO KEEP ONE JOB WITHOUT ONE OR BOTH OF THE OTHERS DRAGGING HIM INTO THEIR SHIT. (Analomus)
Ongoing Fics
The Origin in which space travel via Thomas Sanders’s ship SS Revelation gets more complicated when the Planets themselves turn out to be entities who aren’t all on board with humanity spreading to the rest of the solar system. (Remile) 
Delicato in which Logan and Patton are music professors with very different conceptions of music, and Virgil and Roman are students in both their classes who just want them to kiss already. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
Coming out of The Shadows in which a small mutant child Virgil is treated as subhuman because of his uncontrolled ability to manipulate shadows up until a scientist buys him. (Royality)
Falling Stars At My Command in which Roman wishes on a star and Patton reaps the benefits while Logan unfortunately gets dragged along for the ride. (Royality) 
Sugar in which Patton has three sons and no free time to bother with a relationship while he’s trying to manage bills. At least until Roman walks into his life. Sugar Daddy anyone? (Royality) 
A Man, a Snake, and a Rat in which Logan, Deceit, and Remus become college roomates (Intruloceit) 
a.s.h.es, ashes (We all fall down) in which after Logan almost dies during one of his recuse missions, him and his partner start to dig into the superhero agency they’re employed by and stumble into something far bigger than they expected. (Logicality, Prinxiety, LAMP? LAMP)
Keep him safe in which Detective Logan falls for the owner of his new favorite bakery while his partner Roman falls for the gang member they’re chasing. Ft: emotions, a pet rat, dealing with delusions 101, trauma, and family so gooey it literally makes me melt whenever it updates. I love this fic so much. (Advertises as Logicality and Prinxiety but theres so much LAMP I can’t not put it down here)
Multitudes in which Virgil works at a coffeeshop, pines over the customers that come in, and wonders why they all tip him so well. (LAMP)
Songbird in which the only thing keeping Virgil’s parents alive is his voice: the moment the (new) King gets tired of listening to him its off with all their heads. And Virgil’s okay with that, he is…. Until three visiting nobles leaving him wishing for his freedom for the first time since he was ten. (LAMP)
Shatter in which Logan gets fed up with not being listened to, and takes some poor advice from Rage, which ends with the entire Mindscape being turned upside down and inside out. Now its up to Deceit fix it all. (aka the author decided it was about high time Deceit got some love and appreciation and I’m out here living for it.) (DAMP)
Incredible Cosmic Power in which Virgil awakens some genies by accident and they refuse to let him go back to living a relatively normal peaceful life. (DLAMP)
Plea for my New Self in which Vampire Virgil decides he wants to start over again, and goes back to college to work on coding. There he proceeds to do reckless good with his absurd amount of wealth and a “fuck it” attitude. Actually one of my favorite things ever okay. I love this one so much. (DLAMP)
Your Wish Is My Command in which Thomas accidentally rubs six lamps and becomes the glorified babysitter to six jinn who definitely don’t trust him. But its fineeee. (DLAMP)
6 Dads in which Deceit, Emile, Remus, Roman, Thomas, and Remy make a relationship work and their children aren’t sure how but go along with it anyway.
Rebel Rebel in which Thomas, a well respected man, visits the Imagination, for some pleasure business as a one time thing. Except that he keeps coming back. Maybe maybe falls in love with one, two, thr– all of the men who work there. 
A New Kind of Experiment  in which Virgil runs away from home, and ends up kidnapped by merman, and somehow he doesn’t mind that much.
Becoming His Own Hero in which everyone has to juggle their superhero lives with their regular lives and sometimes…its just hard.
don’t wanna be a tragedy in which brothers Roman and Remus get a house and subsequently find out its totally, completely, 100% haunted.
Don’t You, Forget About Me in which the author recreates Breakfast club and does it spectacularly.
Heart’s Heroes in which Patton may be a villain but that does not mean he wants to see the child heroes of the city dead.
Mortals and Fae in which Deceit barely escapes the wrath of his town when they all turn against him. Dying, he stumbles into a fairy circle hoping that with his name the fae make his death short and sweet. Big Shock for him when he wakes up with a Fairy Prince swearing to protect him.
Sanders Family in which Thomas adopts six kids and has no regrets about it.
How Not to Go About an Important Inspection in which after a devastating betrayal the crew of the USS Bifrost is docked for repairs and the crew just wants to go back to being a normal family but Command is insisting on an inspection to ensure nothing so…drastic occurs again.
Symbiotic in which certain Vampires have a vemon that leaves with victims craving getting their blood drunken. Deceit, one of these Victims, continues to burn bridges because that’s easier than admitting he might need help dealing with this. 
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lilfellasblog · 4 years
A hole in a wall? That's really weird for the fic title thing and I don't know why that came to me.
Moxiety human au where Virgil is getting his PhD in archeology and Patton's bakery is the only thing keeping him sane! But is it the baked goods or the baker? 👀👀👀
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Don’t Be Afraid (Pre-Paternal Moxiety)
Backstory to my Superhero AU. How Patton and Virgil met.
He was hiding, in his mother’s old room. It was hardly the safest spot, but in his distress, it was the only place he could think of. Now his sister was stomping around the house looking for him. He hadn’t meant to use his powers. They just-
“Get out here, you little freak! When I tell you not to play around like that you listen!”
“I know I raised you better than that! Would it kill you to be normal for five minutes!”
He covered his ears. There was nothing wrong with him… right?
“You selfish brat!” A bang startled a yelp from him and everything went quiet. Moments later the noise redoubled at the door. “I know you’re in there, and if you don’t come out now, I’ll report you to the Collectors! Don’t pretend it wouldn’t do me any favors!”
He retreated further, sealing himself in the closet. It smelled like perfume and moth balls. They’d seen him playing with his shadow, the people his sister had wanted to take him in, and they’d run out convinced that he was possessed.
Maybe he was. It would certainly explain some things.
She gave him to the count of three. The blood rushed in his ears.
Then he heard her paper puppet slip under the door. The lock clicked open and he heard her come in.
His heartrate shot up; this was it. She’d never forgive him for this one. The knob turned.
A draft of air hit his face as he looked up. There, standing like an avenging angel with a papyrus body guard, was his sister. With the light at her back he couldn’t make out her expression. She must have said something, but for the life of him he couldn’t hear it over the sound of his own breaths.
The puppet reached for him.
He screamed.
Logan had just started rinsing the shampoo from his hair when an obnoxious series of tones railed through his bedroom. He stumbled in a sudsy mess over the tub’s rim, barely avoiding the door frame as he grabbed the beeping device before it could alert his roommates. He spent several precious seconds squinting at the screen before he realized he’d left his glasses by the sink.
Once that, completely reasonable and not at all embarrassing, scene was handled, Logan read the digital scroll.  A set of coordinates, the request for assistance from all available heroes, and the presumed hazard level of the emergency in question. That was perhaps the most alarming aspect. The level was somewhere among 6 to 7. The former due to the need for evacuation and the latter due to the phenomenon steadily expanding. The actual casualties were, as of yet, unknown.
Logan allowed himself the very short mercy of a quick spray from the shower to disperse the rest of the soap. There was no time to waste! He was half way from his bedroom door before he realized.
…Clothes, he still needed clothes. Newton, he hated working without coffee.
Meanwhile, across town, Patton was awake and working. He’d actually been up since 4:30 to catch the morning rush at the bakery. The tiny tv in kitchen was buzzing with the sounds of gossip and talk shows when he heard the breaking news screech.
“All residents of the Bellmara area are ordered to evacuate immediately. An incident of potentially villainous inception is developing in the lower sector and expanding at a fixed rate. Citizens are to remain away while the appropriate response is mounted. More information to be determined.”
The message continued to repeat with obnoxious alerts breaking in intermittently to draw attention. The other bakers and decorators whispered in concern. Patton wiped some flour from his hands and surreptitiously glanced down at his watch. The digital numbers remained as they had always been, no shift or sign of detail.
Patton frowned. This seemed like a big deal, shouldn’t they be calling in everyone?
“Oh! Guys, guys look!” Patton’s eyes snapped back up as a coworker with a rainbow frosting bag waved for their attention.
The screen switched to an aerial view. Several houses on a street were engulfed or being engulfed by a cloud of black mist. Thin wisps swirled and swiped around an epicenter that could not be determined, and even from the grainy footage, Patton could see that the radius was ever so slowly expanding outwards.
“Authorities have determined the emergency is power based!” Shouted the on-site reporter over the whirring of her chopper. “Efforts to breach have apparently been met with unusual resistance, but no injuries have been verified!” The scene spun around the phenomena. “There are no gaps that we can see, bu-“
A tendril of smoke made a wide arc near them and the helicopter was forced back, disrupting their words as the reporter and cameraman braced themselves in the cabin.
One more look down at his wrist. Nothing. Okay, this was ridiculous! He couldn’t just wait around for a summons when people were in trouble. With another glance at his coworkers, Patton slipped out the back door.
Logos was staring up at the tempest when a pastel colored hero rode up on a motorcycle with an equally baffling color scheme. The figure swung of the bike and popped off his helmet, revealing his domino masked face and curly blond hair.
He gave the technopath a grin and a wave. “Hiya! Logos, right?” He held out his hand.
Logos reacted without thinking, shaking his colleague’s hand. “Um, yes. Good to meet you…” He took notice of the large P pasted to the front of the uniform. “Patriarch?” Why call in an empath?
“Oh, I actually pronounce it Pat-triarch!” He corrected with a giggle, like he was sharing a private joke with himself.
“So, with a French lean? I will endeavor to remember your preferred pronunciation.” He realized they were still holding hands and jerked away. “My apologies.”
“No worries, Kiddo.” Logos played with something on his suit cuff. “Have you figured out how to get in there?”
Logos frowned. “Well, therein lies the problem.” He approached a thinker wall of the mist and reached in.
Patriarch watched curiously as an exact copy of Logos hand reached out above his own and pushed the hero away, retracting back at the same time he did. “The thin parts of the barrier are imperfect lashes that push away and the thicker parts create perfect reflections with the same effect. I have been attempting to calibrate a device that the matter will not perceive to see the inside.” He picked up a piece of gravel and tossed it unimpeded through the wall. “Inorganic matter does not evoke a reaction.”
Patriarch hovered over his shoulder to see the technopath making gestures over his cuff, like flipping the pages of a book or adding pieces of something only he could see. Finally, he presses down on the outline of disk and sections of the metal spring up into the shape of a sp-
“Spider!” Logos jerked his head towards the exclamation finding Patriarch decidedly further away.
“What?” He shifted his gaze between the little robot and the cowering man. “Fear not. I assure you that while my device might appear arachnidan in nature it is not in fact-”
“Please! Please just- I am terribly afraid of those little…” He made a shooing motion at the probe. “Monsters. And I would much rather stand way over here.”
“I- very well.” Logos shuffled as close the wall as he could before directing the probe down his hand and into the barrier. He then showed the other hero his empty fingers and was allowed to move next to him. The technopath drew up a small screen for Patriarch to see what he could through his A.I.’s lens. At first it was nothing but blackness, but soon thin spots of color began to peek in between the thick clouds. Logos directed the probe forward with a thought.
The thin patches became more and more noticeable the further the bug went until the shape of a home could be discerned. “Whatever this vapor is, it is not capable of filling space without dispersing to an extent. I suspect the phenomena is only capable of defending itself at the outermost edges.”
A pulse emanated from the structure, stirring the vapor at the windows and reverberating out. They watched as it flew past the probe and saw moments later when it hit the barrier from the inside, pushing it several near imperceptible inches forward. Patriarch hissed beside him. His hands folded over his chest.
“Oh. Logos, I think someone’s in there.” His blinked rapidly, wetness present in his eyes. “They’re so scared.”
Logos flicked a finger and the camera’s vision became highlighted with thermal colors. Sure enough, in one of the upper level rooms was a white and red splotch, pacing. “It appears we have found our source, though what motive they might have for subsuming a neighborhood I do not know.” He turned to his companion, but instead found him marching intently towards the barrier. “Patriarch?”
“You said it doesn’t react to inorganic stuff, right?” He asked, slipping off a glove and flapping it through the mist a few times to test.
“Yes, but,” He waved up and down the empath. “You ARE organic.”
“Yeah, but whoever is in there needs help and your little robot can’t talk to them. I want to see if I can trick the lock.”
“I’m going to shield the emotions and energy I give off and see if I can stretch the definition of inorganic.” He pressed the sides of his domino and the mask stretched to cover his face and hair down to the neck. When every inch of skin was covered, Patriarch focused. If one looked close enough, they might see the air around the hero heat rapidly and then go flat.
He reached out to the wall, only the material of his suit being perceived, and pressed in. No copy sprang forth to defend the perimeter. A foot edged forward, no response. Patriarch inhaled and slipped right through the mist.
Inside it was just like the footage. Waves of shadow floating in odd, uncontrolled directions, but nowhere near as firmly as the outside. He took a few more steps forward and released a breath. He started forward, carefully feeling his way along the roadway and cautiously stepping onto the curb.
The spaces between became more pronounced. He squinted through the lenses of his mask at a label on the house’s mailbox. ‘Shae’. Not much to go on, but it was a start. He moved on up what he assumed to be the driveway and then the walkway to the front stoop. He decided to test his theory there, opening himself up the interference of the dome and its occupant. His mask peeled back to its original position. Still no reaction, but now the air was palpable with a myriad of negative emotions.
Grief. Fear. Sadness. Regret. All of these came at him in waves. Patriarch tried the doorknob. Unsurprisingly locked like the vapor, but not very easily jimmied.
Something crawled over his boot.
Patton kicked out with a yelp and the thing hit the door hard. He watched with horror as Logos’ little spider-bot flailed on its back with its limbs wriggling. After a couple seconds the joints stilled abruptly, rotating to stand in a new manner with the camera tilting up. The lens ‘blinked’.
“…Sorry?” The empath squeaked. The machine ambled to the side of the porch and crawled up a small rock. It tapped in a circle on the top of the stone and then scampered off. Tipping it revealed a plastic hatch.
Patton retrieved the key from its hiding place and then bashfully thanked the air around him in case Logos tiny friend happened to be nearby. The door was unlocked, and he stepped inside.
The emotions were far more present in the house along with the scent of mildew and… paper? He called out as loudly as he dared. “Hello?”
Terror. A wave of it pouring from the staircase. Patton couldn’t tell whether it was because of him or not though. It shifted the smoke still inside the foyer and lightly rattled the wood of the door behind him. Distress. Grief. Sadness. He followed the negative feelings up the stairs.
They emanated most strongly from a room at the top of the steps. The door was cracked and hanging open by a single intact hinge like it had been blown back in the wrong direction by the force behind it. Patton winced at the sound of sobbing. He got as close to the frame as he dared before peering in.
A kid, probably barely a teen, was curled in on himself. He was gasping and crying over every breath. He would sometimes seem to gain some calm only to pitch forward with renewed horror spilling out.
That was the only way Patton could think to describe it later as thick black vapor would spill from the boy’s mouth with each wave of panic.
The room was in great disarray, objects scattered against the walls, scraps of fabric and paper strewn about the floor and- a mass encased in front of the boy. The empath swallowed hard against the lump in his throat.
After a moment’s consideration, he knocked on the door frame. No change. The teen was still spiraling, powers and emotions flapping around like the disjointed mess in the room. Patton went in, approaching slowly and knelt down next to him.
“Hey.” A slight hitch in the breaths. “It’ll be okay. You don’t need to be scared.” A sob. “I’m Patriarch.” He introduced. Shivers from the other party. “Easy, just try to breathe.” A heavy exhale. “Good, that’s good.”
Patton bit his lip, not completely sure how to proceed. “I’m- I’m going to count for you. Okay, Kiddo? Can you try to match me?”
Some confusion mixed with hesitance. His eyes jerked towards Patton for the first time, like he was trying to understand how the hero had gotten so close. “It’s okay,” He held up his hands. “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” He took a slow, deliberate breath. “Can you try to breathe with me? One… Two… Three… Four…”
There were some false starts before they managed to follow the pattern. The cries became less stilted and more firm. “That’s great, Kiddo. You’re doing really well.”
“Wh-who’re you?” He jolted back a few inches in jerky movements.
“Patriarch.” He repeated, unbothered. “I’m a superhero, Kiddo. I got worried that someone in here needed help.”
“M’not a kid.”
Patton smiled gently. “Aww, that’s just what I call everyone. I’m a Dad at heart. What would you prefer?”
“…Virgil.” He mumbled for the first time without the smoke. His eyes caught on the mass in front of him and his expression twisted in on itself. Looking around didn’t help the situation, and Patton rushed to prevent the new influx of grief from impacting them.
“Virgil, look at me. I need you to stay calm.”
A strangled whimper slipped out. “I’m sorry. I don’t- I didn’t mean to-” A puff of vapor that Virgil fought to hide with his hands. “I can’t make it stop! She was so mad, I just wanted her to leave me alone!”
Patton tapped his hand lightly to regain his attention. “Virgil, I’m an Empath. I can tell where this is coming from. If you want me to, I can help you control this and then we’ll help her.” That last part was iffy, but they couldn’t do anything if Virgil kept panicking.
Virgil made hard eye contact with him, no doubt weighing his concerns with Patton’s promises. Another flicker of fear jumped across the air and, with the same force of will he’d shown in hiding his power’s expression, he shoved it back. “Fine, fine! Just do it! Whatever it is!”
Patton made all of his movements slowly, giving the kid time to opt out. His fingertips settled against Virgil’s temples.
Scared. Regret. Bad.
The feelings flew forward immediately, much clearer now. Patton could trace how they affected his powers, pushing and crashing like an ocean storm. It explained how they were slipping out of control. He asked Virgil to focus on his breathing once more, and directed a series of calm waves at the turbulent source. It thundered in response, equally reactive to the diminishing negativity and Patton’s efforts.
Even so, it was growing dormant. The mist still hovering in the room coalesced together and started fizzling away. The darkest shadow beside them crumbled like dust.
Inside was a black-haired woman wrapped up in paper, ripped at the edges and stained with signs of struggle against the dark matter. The barrier fell around her.
She was still breathing, thank goodness. His relief echoed back at him. Glancing up, he could see Virgil was crying.
A bang rattled the house as the front door burst open. Patton bit back a curse at the reflexive power surge that was startled out of Virgil, reassuring him with nonsense platitudes and soothing pulses. “I got you, kidd- Virgil… Sorry. It’s probably just the med team for her.”
Bootsteps on the stairs, closer, closer. Patton turned, desperate not to disappoint the younger super. Logos stood in the doorway, a stark contrast to the riot gear covered police behind him.
Patton squeezed Virgil’s shoulder and grinned up at the technopath. “Hey, Logos! Great timing, we need some paramedics up here for…” He trailed off, realizing he didn’t yet know the girl’s name and eyed Virgil for help.
“Lavinia, but she prefers Vinnie.” He mumbled, darting his gaze back to his sister.
Patton leapt back in, keeping his tone as light as possible. “Right. Well, you heard me! Go get some help for Vinnie. Please.”
Logos reiterated the instructions much more forcefully and the officers behind him split, one half going back down stairs and the other half following him into the room. Logos personally approached Lavinia and maneuvered her into a recovery position. The lack of reaction from her incited another sob from Virgil. “Please keep calm. It is not uncommon for injuries sustained to prevent immediate response and she seems to be stable.”
Patton could have hugged the man for his unflappable demeanor. Virgil’s emotions deescalated with his assurances in a way Patton wouldn’t have expected from the dark boy. It must have been the certainty Logos spoke with, it definitely put Patton more at ease.
The EMTs arrived in short succession and took over for the supers. Lavinia was rolled onto the backboard and lifted away. Scraps of paper floated after them on an invisible breeze and Virgil’s whole posture loosened at the display. “I- I almost. She almost-”
Logos put a hand on his opposite shoulder, urging him to stand. “You don’t have to explain yet. There will be time enough for that later.” It was slow going out of the home. Not least of which because of Virgil’s apprehension and the police herding them outside.
Virgil barely stepped over the threshold when everything went to hell. City officials and paparazzi pressed into the flimsy caution tape to get a better look, flashes and sirens disorienting him. He was brought suddenly to the ground. A hand grabbed the back of his neck. Something pricked his skin. There was a rush of cold and then everything turned fuzzy.
Patton should have known that the cops were being too docile, but Virgil’s emotions were so much more intense than the surface level calm being projected. He was shoved from the kid before his foot left the porch and Logos had only seconds before the same happened to him. The empath caught himself on the walk and spun back to see Virgil roughly restrained on his stomach, head jerked to side and a needle being pushed into his skin.
“What are you doing?! Get off of him!” It was Logos, surprisingly, whom screamed first, rushing at the team he’d lead only moments earlier. More officers blocked him. “He wasn’t a threat anymore; you have no right! Get away!” The older heroes could only watch in horror as Virgil’s hair was released and his head dropped forward without support. “What was that?!”
The man holding Virgil’s arms finally responded. “A sedative. You saw what this punk was capable of. He’s going into lock up.”
“He’s a child. He didn’t intend any of this. The last thing he needs is to be treated like a criminal!” Patton interjected.
Patton whipped around at the call. For a moment he was relieved. “Commissioner Sanders.”
A man in a truly horrible church suit stood by the ambulance Lavinia was being loaded in. He looked like he was trying to be stern. Patton felt less relieved. Thomas huffed a breath through his nose. “Come on, guys. See this from my point of view.”
“Wha- But!” Virgil was wrapped up in a restraint vest and hefted past them. “Hey! Wait! Commissioner you can’t just- I mean, he’s not! Gosh, words are hard!”
Logos jumped in. “What he’s trying to say is, we don’t think locking him up is the best decision. In fact, it would most likely only exacerbate what allowed his powers to spiral out of control. Surely you can understand that!”
The man watched the heroes closely and then switched to Virgil as he was loaded into the back of the police van. The boy slumped limply where he was placed, eyes glazed with the drug in his system. He didn’t look like a threat now, but that could change on a dime. There was a reason he was called to the scene after all. Thomas closed the door and knocked against the back of the van.
He tried not to flinch at Logan and Patton’s betrayed expressions. He sighed as the van pulled away. “Let’s talk.”
His wrists hurt. Why was that? There were bracelets on them. Too tight. Why? Everything was so sloppy.
“Come on, V. Push past it. We need to talk about some stuff.”
Someone had his hands. Did they put on the bracelets? No, wait that was…? He looked different than before. Where was his mask? “P-” He tried.
“Easy. I got you. Can you hear me? Understand me?”
He wasn’t quite sure if he nodded or just jerked his head from where it was falling.
“Can you move your fingers? Give me a squeeze if you understand.” He managed that much. “M’kay. Wearing off then. Virgil, I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
What happened? He didn’t fight, so why was he…? Eyes slid around the room. One of those cells with a mirror on the wall, like on Lavinia’s crime dramas.
“We talked it over with the commissioner. He’s willing to give you a shot, but we have to establish a few things first.”
This was an interrogation room. That should scare him. Why wasn’t he scared? Was it the bracelets? Patriarch? He didn’t seem the type, but then why was he here? Where was his sister? Was she okay?
“La-Lvini?” He choked.
“She’s still resting at the hospital, Virgil.”
Virgil surprised them both with how fast he pulled his right wrist free. “I need to see her!” A surge of something shot through him, but he was left suddenly winded as the force was stifled. It crumpled into a ball, putting pressure on his head until he curled over the table. Patriarch squeezed his other hand in sympathy.
“I’m sorry, Virge.” He repeated.
Virgil cringed. “What was that?”
“Backlash. Virgil, you have a profound amount of power, but what happened at your house made everyone nervous.” He pointed at the manacles. “These put a cap on how much you can do. I felt you panic, so I guess your power reacted past the limit.”
Virgil’s eyes bubbled with regret. “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know.” They sat in silence waiting for the teen to regain control of his emotions. “Commissioner Sanders does too. But you didn’t see what we did. The way your powers reacted was bizarre and uncontrolled. Which means, people are scared.”
“Am I going to jail?”
“I don’t want you to. Logos and I think you could be great if you get ahold of those abilities, but you’d need to keep those on until we’re sure you do.”
“Can I stay at my house if I practice?”
“It’s not the easiest thing to figure out on your own. Plus, you’re still a minor. As long as Lavinia is in the hospital, you shouldn’t be alone.”
Virgil’s face scrunched. “How long is she going to be there?” Patton flicked his eyes around, debating with himself.
“I’m not sure, Virgil. She’s stable, just not very responsive.” He sighed. “Even when she wakes up, she’ll need to recuperate for a while. Do you have any other family at all that can take you in? Or any friends with powers?”
“…No. ‘Cause I’m wrong and scary. I only hang out with my own shadow.”
“You sound like you’ve heard that a lot.” Virgil looked away. “You could, I mean if you wanted to, I might be able to-”
Patriarch fumbled uselessly at the air like the perfect words would appear to him. Virgil frowned. “What?”
“Um, I could help? Teach you, I mean! Feelings are my thing, I’m sure I can handle that much.”
“Mentor! I can mentor you in how to regulate your feelings and how they affect your abilities. You can even stay with me if you want!”
Virgil had gone wide-eyed.
Oh, did he just say that? Yes. Yes, he had. Did he mean it? Patriarch opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
“I- You’re serious?”
“No, I’m Patton.” Oh. My. God. Why did he say that? “…Patton-ly heroic?” Smooth save.
A watery half-laugh slipped from his companion. “Nice try. I almost believed you for a minute there.”
“I still meant it!” And Patton was surprised to realize that it was true. He couldn’t live with himself if this kiddo ended up in the hoosegow when he could have done something about it. “I want to help you and if you need a place to stay in the process, then so be it.”
“If I say yes, can I get these things loosened? My fingers are going numb.” Virgil grumbled, flopping back in his chair and raising the bracelets with an air of apathy. Relief.
“No problem, Kiddo.” It may have been rocky, but at least it was a start.
Backstory! Hope it was enjoyed. I’m going to pass out now.
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onlytrueinparadise · 5 years
Romance University
A Sanders Sides AU
Chapter 3 Detour for Cupcakes
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Summary: A detour from the main couple because Patton likes to bake and Virgil can’t sleep.
Pairing: Romantic Moxiety
Wordcount: 1255
Tags: trans!Patton, collegestudent!sides, college tw, forced reveal, implied unaccepting parents, bad parents, fluffy, forgotten child, crying, baking, birthday
Virgil couldn't sleep. As much as he hated to admit it, he was homesick. Spring break was coming up, his parents were going to Aruba so he was to stay at school. His birthday was the day before break began as well. He normally didn't care, which is why he didn't tell anyone, but he would really miss his mom's red velvet cake this year.
After tossing around and thrashing in the sheets, he decided to get a drink. He gingerly climbed down from the bunk bed to not wake his roommates. He began to walk down the hall, clad only in boxers and a grungy tank. 
CRASH "Poopy."
The sounds echoed from the opposite direction of the bathroom, the communal area. Virgil did a 180 and headed that way. What kind of person says poopy?
He finds Patton holding a baking sheet, evidently having picked it up from the ground. A bowl of batter sat on the countertop and several measuring utensils were piled in the dishwasher. The man's face is darkened with an uncharacteristic mask of worry. It vanishes as he catches sight of Virgil at the door.
"Oh hey Virg! I didn't know you lived on this floor!"
"I didn't know you did. What are you doing at 3:00 am?"
The father figure of the group gave an embarrassed chuckle, "I don't live here, I'm two floors above but the oven doesn't work there and one of my friends said I could bake here any time as long as I made enough to share."
That's where that mystery cake came from the first week of school!
"Tonight, or should I say, this morning, I'm making cookies. Why are you up?"
"Couldn't sleep."
Patton's expression becomes that of amiable concern, much different from the dark worry before. Virgil wonders what had caused that look.
"Why don't you help me put these in the oven and then we can talk while they bake?"
"Sure." Virgil didn't intend to unload his family issues on his dear friend but anything was better than lying in bed, alone with his thoughts.
Cookies in the oven, they sat on the couch, and he desperately avoided bringing up the worries that kept him awake. They talked classes, friends, Logan and Roman, and crushes. Both claimed they didn't really have any and fell silent.
"I didn't know you were a baker."
"Baking makes me feel at home, my dad is a baker and Mom owns the bookshop next door. Dad taught me to bake and I got my love of books from Mom."
Sounds similar to a place back home. "What's it called? The bakery slash bookshop I mean."
Patton shifted a little and turned pale, "Lover's Bakes and Lover's Books."
"Oh yeah! That's in my hometown! Everyone used to hang out there to talk to the owners' kid. They had a beautiful.." Daughter. The owners' had a daughter. Virgil's face fell as realization and embarrassment crashed in on him. He had never thought that Patton, with all his cheeriness, would have as much reason, if not more, to feel awkward discussing his family as Virgil did.
Patton's awkward and ashamed smile cut Virgil to the core. "Patt, I-I'm sorry I- "
"It's okay. It was bound to come out at some point, I'm glad it was you." He explained that he had planned on telling everyone eventually he just hadn't found the right time. "What a small world, huh? Imagine us, coming from the same little town." His smile could not conceal the pain revealed by his eyes.
"Yeah," Virgil played with the strings of his hoodie, "Patton?"
"Yeah?" Virgil's eyes were shining with determination and pierced deep within Patton. His hands were off the hoodie and now on the single cushion that divided them, his torso twisted to face Patton.
"I think you're beautiful, always have, always will." It's cliche but it really felt like time stopped for Patton. He was acutely aware of how close their faces were, how he could not keep his eyes off of Virgil's lips, and how Virgil's eyes danced between his own eyes and lips.
Literally saved by the bell. Patton shot up from the couch and rushed to the oven trying to cover the redness of his face behind the heat of the tray of cookies.
Virgil buried his face in his hands. Oh god what have I done? Why did I say that? Why? Why? Why! I'm an idiot, a big fucking idiot!
"Um." Patton's voice brought Virgil back from the depths of self-hate, "These need to cool for a bit, I- I'm going to wash up."
The faucet ran cold but the literature major's tears ran hot, streaming down his face. Aside from not coming out on his own, the best possible outcome had come true. It was overwhelming to say the least. He thinks I'm beautiful. VIRGIL thinks I'm beautiful. A soft smile appeared from beneath the water works. Patton rubbed his tears away and splashed water on his face. 
Should I tell him? His admiration of Virgil had begun as soon as they met in discussion and had long since grown beyond that. He loved Virgil's Devil may care attitude that contradicted so harshly with his true feelings. They took care of their friend group together, he knew hidden beneath that dorky, dark, lazy exterior was a heart that cared deeply for all of them, Patton selfishly hoped it cared a little more for him than the others. Might as well get all the secrets out.. But his confidence crashed as he walked back into the kitchen and took in the sight before him.
Virgil was curled into a ball on the couch, his thin body shaking with each quiet sob. 
Pat rushed over, "What's wrong kiddo?" Father mode engaged and he inspected the quivering man and found a half eaten cookie cupped in a quaking hand. They were red velvet cookies, his specialty. "Come on now, my cookies weren't that bad, were they?" He joked hoping to coax a chuckle from his friend.
The only response was a noise somewhere between a moan and a yell muffled by tears from within the ball.
"I'm going to give you a hug, if you say nothing I'm going to assume that's alright." No objection was given.
Warmth radiated from where Patton embraced Virgil and coursed through his body. Virgil began to feel safe and cared for, he wished to stay like this forever, but he needed to explain. He lifted his head from his knees, face still wet with tears. "My mom makes me red velvet cake on my birthday."
"But this year, I've been forgotten." Virgil explained about his parents' vacation.
"What a coincidence." Patton smiled wryly and held a cookie aloft, "that I made red velvet cookies tonight."
"Yeah. The stars really aligned for that one."
"Let's celebrate together."
"What?" Virgil scrunched up his face in confusion.
"I'm not going home for the holiday," Virgil could imagine why, "I'll bake you the second best red velvet cake you've ever had and we'll keep each other company."
The art major snorted, "Second best?"
"Well no one can top a mother's baking, but I'm going to try to get as close as possible."
Virgil's face softened, "You're a good guy, Pat."
"I try."
Patton's confession would have to wait, but they finished their cookies and made plans well into the morning. Their fingers never more than a few centimeters away from each other on the couch.
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royalprinceroman · 5 years
Life Gets Sweeter: Meeting
Hello everyone! Welcome to the first written installment of the Sanders Sides bakery AU!!! Hope you all enjoy! Please be sure to read the warnings/triggers and protect yourself. Hope you all enjoy! Please also check out the character designs on my cocreator's @availe blog!! They're beautiful designs!!! NOTE: This series is not told in any specific order. Consider this just a random entry! <3
Pairings: Eventual romantic Moxiety/Logince, platonic Royality/Analogical/Logicality/Prinxiety
Warnings: (This is for the series as a whole, not just this entry) suicidal thoughts/actions, depression, anxiety, blood, Deceit mention/sympathetic Deceit, homophobia/transphobia, weapons, nightmares, burning, cursing (to be added onto possibly)
People who might be interested: @mirror2thespirit, @andy-the-anon, @shadowjag, @randomslasher (bc moxiety), @justanotherpurplebutterfly, @sanders-trash-4ever
It was a dark, gloomy, and otherwise sad day.
Virgil Sanders laid on his mattress, covered with a rather thin blanket. The pillow under his head may as well be nonexistent as most of the stuffing had fallen out. Dark purple curtains hid the early evening sunset from the room. The clouds had parted later during that afternoon, letting some sun peek through, but Virgil had closed the curtains.
With little effort, Virgil sat up and let the blanket fall to the floor. His mattress was thin and without a bed frame, it was rather uncomfortable. The thin man stood and pulled on his jean & purple hoodie, covering his head with the hood. He stared at the next to empty kitchen across from him, discarded books, paper, pens and such laying all over the nearby dining room table.
His stomach grumbled as his gaze passed over the fridge. How long had it been since he ate? Virgil couldn't honestly remember. He had no money. What little he had usually went to his rent. It wasn't as if he felt like eating anyway.
Virgil ran his right hand through his hair, ignoring his burning skin under his bandages. He pulled his sleeve down tight to hide them. Was he ashamed of the bandages or the fact he had failed? Virgil shrugged to himself before grabbing his keys and his cell phone, leaving his apartment.
Leftover snow blanketed the neighborhood and all was silent. Virgil shoved his hands in his pockets and walked. There was no specific destination until he spotted the bridge to his right which was the bridge that led back into town. Virgil sighed, turning on his heel and headed towards it.
As he waited at a crossroads and cars passed in front of him, he contemplated just walking in front of one of them. But then again, Virgil didn't want someone else to bear his burden. After the traffic had passed, Virgil crossed and stepped up the slope to the bridge. With every step, the air became colder. Virgil began to be able to hear the water below sloshing and lapping in the wind. Once he reached the middle of the bridge he sat down, dangling his legs over the edge.
How many times had he come here? Virgil had lost count. But there was one thing he knew. This was the last time.
College, work, family, life... it had all became just too much. Not that anyone would miss him if he was gone. His parents and brother had stopped trying to call since Virgil never answered. His boss at work was just an asshole. Who gave a fuck about him anyways? Same with his teachers in college. Their interpretations of works was wrong and fuck them too.
Virgil grabbed onto the metal frame just above his head and squeezed tightly.
Is it cold? Of course it is you idiot.
Will it hurt? Of course it will you idiot.
But it'll end. Everything would. And that was the whole point of it all.
Virgil took in a breath through his nose and out his mouth. Why the absolute fuck was he scared?
Just do it you goddamn coward. Just do it. Doitdoitdoitdoit-
"Hey, you okay?"
The voice startled Virgil so much he slammed the top of his head onto the beam. "Motherfuc-" he covered the pain with his hands, biting his lip.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" The voice spoke again. Within a second, a person was leaning down next to Virgil. "I didn't mean to startle you!"
Virgil turned to see a man sitting down next to him. He had a rather thin frame but a bit of a tummy. Black thin rimmed glasses covered his bright blue eyes. In his hands was a bright pink box with a decorative label that read 'Patton's Pastries & Sweets'. The man dangled his own legs over the side and proceeded to try and open the box in his hands. It revealed 6 donuts inside: chocolate, powdered, and one that was pink- strawberry? Virgil tried his best to ignore the rumbled his stomach made. He had never smelled such delicious donuts in his life.
"Would you like one?" The man asked, holding the box out. "Feel free! I give them away to everyone in town." He held the box out towards Virgil but Virgil pushed it back towards him.
"No, I'm fine." Virgil said firmly with a bit more anger than he intended.
"Are you sure? They're really delicious, if I do say so myself!" The man said cheerfully. He didn't seem bothered by Virgil's retort. "I say that because I made them!" He flipped over the lid, pointing at the name. "That's me! I'm Patton. You are?"
Virgil scratched the back of his neck, turning his gaze from Patton away and back to the flowing river under them. "I'm... I'm Virgil." Virgil finally mumbled, biting his lip.
"Virgil?" Patton repeated. A smile reaching from ear to ear formed on his face. "Wow that's such a cool name! Wish I had thought of that." Virgil raised an eyebrow as he turned back to Patton. "Anyway! Let's go! It's really cold out here." Patton sat the donuts down on the bridge and pulled himself up. He then offered his hand to Virgil. "Come on?"
Virgil looked from Patton's hand and then to the water and back up into Patton's deep blue eyes. They looked just like the water below. But instead of cold, they somehow looked like a nice warm bath rather than a cold dark death below the bridge. Virgil released a deep sigh and took Patton's hand, standing up. He could always come back to the bridge tomorrow.
"Also, Virgil, I must insist!" Patton leaned over and picked up the donuts. "I rather not eat all of these by myself."
Patton smiled brightly and Virgil honestly began to wonder how Patton stayed so happy. But Virgil knew he rather not be the one to cause Patton's smile to disappear. So he reached and took one of the chocolate ones, taking a small bite out of the side. For just a brief moment, Virgil felt a very happy sensation as the chocolate and sugar danced in his mouth. This was easily the best donut he had ever tasted.
"You like it?!" Patton asked excitedly, his eyes sparkling behind his glasses. Virgil simply nodded and took another bite to prove it. Patton squealed happily.
The two of them walked down the bridge and back into the suburb area. Without realizing, Virgil subconsciously walked back towards his apartment while talking with Patton. To be fair, Patton did most of the talking while Virgil ate another donut. When Virgil stopped in front of his apartment complex, Patton peeked behind him.
"Oh do you live here?" Patton asked. Virgil nodded. "Oh okay! Well you get inside to warm up. I think I'll head home too actually. Have a good night Virgil!" Patton waved and flashed another smile.
As Virgil let himself inside the house, he realized Patton hadn't walked away yet. Once he turned to shut the door, the man gave him another quick closed eye smile and then turned to leave. Virgil pushed the door closed and locked it. He looked down at the half eaten second donut in his hand.
If it wasn't for the donut he truly could believe that this had all been a dream.
Virgil awoke abruptly, his head pounding and his heart racing.
Where was he? What happened?
Somehow Virgil had found his way onto his futon, cuddled in his old patchwork hoodie and a galaxy print blanket. He reached into his pocket for his phone but found nothing. Scrambling to get uncovered from the blanket, he heard a soft thump. His cell phone lay faceup and lit up brightly, cutting through the darkness. Virgil wiped his eyes as he grabbed the phone and blinked upon reading the screen.
"The 31st? Wait wait wait... wasn't it the 29th when I came home?" Virgil mumbled to himself before it came back to him as he eyed a dried out half donut sitting on the coffee table in front of him. "Oh my God did I sleep for two fucking days?"
Virgil forced himself up, feeling his brain go hazy and his vision flicker. A chill was sent down his spine as the blanket fell from his shoulders. He pulled the old hoodie off of his shoulders and then pulled his jean purple hoodie back on and grabbed his keys and cellphone, heading out the door.
The chill of the early January morning greeted him. Virgil pulled his hood over his head. He ignored the gnawing at his stomach and the light headedness he was feeling. Virgil only had one destination in mind. Patton. Most specifically, Patton's bakery. Virgil tried to remember the address on the top of the box under the logo. He had stared at it for so long but for some reason, it hadn't committed to memory.
"I think it said East 8th Street..." Virgil mumbled as he walked across the iron bridge. He didn't even so much as stop to look down. "I think 8th street starts at the second street at the end of the bridge and east is towards the high school..."
Virgil walked slowly and scooted his feet against the faded asphalt, hugging his stomach tightly. His vision was blurry and inaccurate but he was able to find his way slowly but surely to 8th street by way of a convenient restaurant on the corner aptly named "8th Street Cooking".
As Virgil walked along the sidewalk, he realized just how early in the day it was. He glanced at his basically dead cellphone. 3:49am looked back at him and his teeth chattered. What the absolute hell was he doing right now? Would Patton even be there? Did Patton even exist?
"No, he does exist. The donut is sitting in my apartment. Patton's real. He gave it to me. I just wanna see him again." Virgil spoke to himself as a wave of nausea and tiredness threatened to consume him.
Virgil tried his best to focus and continue walking but it was to no avail. His pain and fatigue got the best of him as he collapsed into a doorway, falling inside of a random building, losing consciousness.
Patton whistled while he worked in the back of the bakery. He had always been a morning person for the most part. Besides it was always quiet and gave him time to think and get things done before the hustle and bustle of the customers during breakfast.
Patton tied his navy blue apron around his back and set to work. He rolled the donuts perfectly, creating a few sheets in seconds, along with extra donut holes to sell on the side. From the fridge, Patton pulled out premade cookies, pastries, and other assorted treats which were prepared by his employees the day before. As he placed them in the large oven, the bell of the customer entrance rang out. Patton felt himself smile. It was pretty early so he was surprised to hear the bell, but maybe that meant it was someone new!
"I'll be right there!" Patton called out, grabbing a towel.
He walked through the door towards the front, seeing the door propped open by something. The wind from the early morning blew in fiercely.
"What..." Patton said as he walked around the counter, suddenly seeing a person had fallen inside his doorway and wasn't moving. "Oh my goodness!" He said worriedly, dropping the towel in his hand. He ran to the collapsed man and flipped him over. After getting a good look at his face, a realization washed over. "Virgil...?" Patton murmured, pulling him fully inside the building. Patton reached up to lock the door and flip the lights off in one swift motion. "Virgil, kiddo, can you hear me?" He asked, holding Virgil as gently as he could. The man was frozen to the core and his teeth chattered. His eyes were open slightly but he was unresponsive.
Patton looked back and forth, taking deep breaths. He had to get Virgil warmed up. He gently put his arm behind Virgil's back and his other arm under Virgil's legs. Taking a deep breath, Patton lifted the man, surprised at how light he was. He didn't feel any heavier than the largest sack of flour Patton normally purchased. Patton safely carried Virgil to the back of the store to the break room and laid him down carefully on the couch. He pulled some blankets out of the closet and covered him, tucking him in. As Patton fluffed the pillow, Virgil's eyes opened slowly and blinked as the man groaned.
"Where... am I?" Virgil asked, his voice scratchy. He blinked several times before his vision cleared. "Patton?"
"Yeah. How are you feeling?" Patton pulled a chair over to the couch and he sat down. He had so many more questions but he didn't want to overload Virgil too much.
Virgil shrugged. He leaned back and pushed his bangs out of his face. “How did I get here? What happened this morning?” Virgil said aloud. They weren’t really questions, mostly just confusion. “Wait, I think I remember waking up and realizing it had been like two days.”
“You slept for two whole days?” Patton said incredulously as his eyes widened. “Then when’s the last time you ate?”
Virgil didn’t make eye contact but murmured softly, “…donuts…”
Patton covered his mouth in surprise. “My goodness, Virgil, if you haven’t eaten since I gave you the donuts and you were outside this morning… it’s no wonder you lost consciousness.”
Patton bit his lip before turning to the kitchenette behind him. He stood up and walked over to the fridge, pulling out batter, eggs, bacon, and a random assortment of breakfast foods.
Within a few minutes, Patton had a fully cooked breakfast for himself and for Virgil. The boy was so small. He needed a nice, home-cooked meal. Patton turned to sew Virgil staring off into space and sat the plates down at the table before walking over to him. After standing in front of Virgil for a moment, Virgil finally looked up at him. Patton simply held his hand out and smiled. Virgil blinked and saw the same sight from the other day in his mind. The moment on the bridge when Patton offered his hand. Virgil took the hand before he realized it and Patton hoisted him up slowly. The baker guided him to the table, not letting go of his hand until Virgil had sat down.
“Do you like milk? Or maybe orange juice?” Patton asked.
“Um, what about apple juice?” Virgil asked sheepishly.
Patton grinned. “I gotcha, kiddo. No worries.” He winked and pulled a small container of apple juice from the fridge. He poured a glass and returned to the table with his own drink and Virgil’s.
As Virgil slowly ate, the food tasting so marvelous he wanted to savor each bite, he felt a sensation building up in his chest. It surrounded his heart, flowing down his arms and into his fingertips. Before he even realized it, he saw drips land on his napkin.
“Oh Virgil…” Patton said softly. “Are you okay?”
Virgil quickly wiped the tears away and continued to eat. “Mhmhmm… sorry.”
Patton shook his head. “No need to be sorry. Just eat up.” He reassured.
Virgil nodded and did as he was told. He couldn’t remember a meal more delicious in his life. Even though it had been made with relative ease, it seemed Patton had put all of his love for cooking into each dish. The eggs were perfectly scrambled and seasoned; bacon burned just a bit more than usual to add extra crunch; the pancakes a beautiful golden brown color and so fluffy. Virgil wasn’t sure if he deserved to eat such nice food, but he wasn’t going to go against Patton.
As the two finished up, Patton began talking about how he needed to open the bakery back up since he had closed it upon finding Virgil. Virgil opened his mouth to apologize but Patton shh-ed him immediately and began to clean up the table. Virgil bit his lip and followed suit. Together, they cleaned the dishes and the table. Virgil glanced up at the clock and it was just nearly 6am. Suddenly a yawn caught him off guard. How was it possible he was still tired?
“You should rest.” Patton chided, pushing him towards the couch. Virgil sat but Patton forced him to lay down. “Passing out isn’t normal so you should take better care of yourself.” Patton was right, of course. So Virgil covered himself in a blanket as Patton left the room. He turned off two rows of lights as he exited. “I’ll be back after we close up. Get some sleep, okay?” Patton’s voice was soft and calm. He smiled gently. Virgil was asleep again before the door closed.
Virgil awoke again to a soft, tapping sound. He peeked to see Patton typing on a calculator with one hand and writing something down with his left. Virgil scrunched his eyes closed tightly before stretching which caught Patton’s attention.
“Good afternoon.” Patton said warmly. “You must’ve been really exhausted to sleep as long as you did.”
Virgil shrugged as he sat up straight and glanced at the clock on the wall. 3:34pm. He turned back to see Patton still adding up something.
“Are you-” Virgil stopped, his voice scratchy. He cleared his throat as Patton giggled, holding an unopened bottle of water towards him. Virgil graciously took it and chugged half. “-already counting your business for the day?”
Patton mhmmed and took a drink of his own water. “Yeah, my bakery is only open for the morning hours. I have to have time to bake and such and most of my employees either can’t work in the afternoon or early morning because of school so I close a bit early to do some of the work myself. Then come back in the morning and do it all again.” He laughed at the last part, but to Virgil it sounded more like an exhausted sigh.
“Do you enjoy it?” Virgil asked. He stood up and sat back down at the table across from Patton.
“Of course.” Patton responded immediately. He dropped his pencil. “The problem isn’t that…” he met eyes with Virgil and smiled a closed eye smile. “I’m just very tired. That’s all.”
Virgil nodded, holding the water bottle in his hand. He squeezed it tightly and opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by a bell sound.
A loud booming voice shouted loud enough to filter to the breakroom. Virgil turned to Patton with wide eyes while Patton only laughed.
“No worries, Virgil. It’s just my friend. His name’s Roman and he’s a bit of a big personality. But that’s why I love him.” Patton reassured with a smile.
Another bell tone sounded but no more shouting happened as a response.
“And that is probably Logan trailing behind Roman.” Patton informed. “They tend to both come here after work and classes respectively. I think you’d like them.” Patton looked at Virgil who looked like he’d seen a ghost. “Virgil? Are you okay?”
Virgil shook his head and stood up. His head went a bit mushy and he grabbed the chair for stability. Patton stood and rushed to Virgil’s side. “Virgil… you should really be careful. You’re still recovering.”
“I need you to help me see them.” Virgil insisted.
Patton raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Um sure okay. I didn’t think you’d actually want to but that’s great.” He put one arm around Virgil’s waist and the other holding Virgil’s hand. “Is this okay?”
Virgil nodded and the two walked out of the breakroom, down a small hallway, and finally through the door to the front desk and dining area.
Sitting at one of the tables were two men. One wore a gray beanie on his head and was dressed in pink and red. He was grinning with his head placed on interwoven fingers staring at the man across from him. The one who was being stared at was ignoring the starer, looking down at his book in his hand. His blue blazer was pressed perfectly and his face was contorted with annoyance.
“Patton! You have a new friend?” The red clad man, Roman, said. He turned to face them.
“Yup! I met him a couple of days ago at the Westward Bridge!” Patton said happily. “I gave him a couple of my favorite donuts and then he found my store here this morning. His name is-”
Virgil stared at the blue blazer man who spoke as he stood up. Their eyes met and Patton felt Virgil’s body tense up.
“L…” Virgil said softly.
“You two… know each other?” Roman questioned.
“Yes.” Logan responded firmly. “Roman, Patton: this is my brother, Virgil. The brother I thought disappeared off the face of the earth a few years back.”
A silence fell upon the room as Virgil and Logan awkwardly stared at each other.
Virgil sighed. There was going to be a lot of explaining to do.
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lamp-calm-sanders · 5 years
Love Is For Everyone- Prologue: The Beginning
Pairings: Moxiety
AU: Family AU, Monster AU.
Summary: What happens when Virgil and Patton adopt Roman, a child who also happens to be a monster from another world.
Will Roman be able to find love in found family, or will the six year old never find friends and family that adore him like he deserves?
After all, everyone can find a place that loves them right?
Next Chapter| Masterpost | AO3
Patton carefully put the last box down on the counter in the kitchen. He smiled as he looked around their new home and went to find his husband.
He found him standing in the living room, looking through one of the boxes. There was a fond, sentimental smile on his face; Patton assumed it was a box of family mementos and photos.
He appeared to be correct as he saw Virgil holding a photo of himself with his parents back when Virgil was about 8. Patton smiled at the sight. “Hey, Virge?”
Virgil looked up at him. “Yes sweetheart?”
Patton looked at Virgil, “Just checking in on you, you kind of disappeared.” He sat down next to him and put his hand in his. He squeezed his hand in return.
"Just looking through the box. There’s a certain photo that I wanted to find. It's of Grandma, Grandmommy, and me all together. I think it’s fair that we hang that photo up first, since they’re the reason we got this house in the first place." Virgil said fondly, smiling whenever he thought of his Grandma and Great-Grandma.
Patton nodded in agreement, gently smiling at Virgil's expression.
The house used to belong to to Virgil's Great-Grandmother, or Grandmommy as Virgil had called her, and she’d wanted to give it to someone in the family. She and Virgil weren't ever particularly close, but Virgil and his Grandma (Grandmommy's daughter) had been close since Virgil was young. The house was originally left to her, but she convinced her mother to leave it to Virgil and Patton since, in her words, "They need the house more. Especially since there is plenty of room to give me the great grandbabies I've always wanted." She added with a wink when she told Virgil what he had been left.
Patton knew how much Virgil loved all of his family, and Patton loved them as well. Despite how different everybody was, there was so much love and respect for everyone. They even helped Patton get back on his feet, giving him a small job at the family bakery after Patton finished culinary school and when they came out as a couple, they were only met with respect and love, just as Virgil had expected.
Patton was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Virgil make a sound of satisfaction after pulling a picture frame out of the box. In the picture, Grandmommy was sitting in her wheelchair, a big smile on her face. Virgil was standing behind her, a small smile on his face. He was always more reserved in his expressions. A similar small smile was on his grandma's face. She was similar to Virgil in that both were more introverted, quiet types. One of a few in a mostly extroverted family.
This was how they bonded. Especially when Virgil was really young. He had had a really hard time handling really loud noises, and his adoptive family could be very loud.
Virgil smiled at the photo, a similar one to the one in the photo but more reminiscent. He got up and put the photo on the mantle, the first decoration in the house that was barren, as most of his great-grandmother’s things had been put into storage or given away.
Patton got up and stood next to him as he did this, putting his hand on Virge's shoulder.
"It looks absolutely amazing there." Virgil smiled and nodded in reply. He leaned into Patton slightly, who moved his arms so that they were wrapped around Virgil's waist.
The house was larger than one that Virgil and Patton could have afforded on their own. It had a living room, a master bedroom and bath, three other bedrooms, and one bathroom on the first floor. On the bottom floor, there was a kitchen as well as a room that was used as a study. There was even a small library for crying out loud.
They were beyond grateful for their inheritance and were so excited for the future in this house. Virgil smiled bittersweetly and Patton kissed his forehead.
"I miss her. We weren't really close, but she was always so accepting to everyone, to my parents, to us, to everyone, regardless of how they came. Even monsters when most were afraid when they started coming. She always loved everyone."
Monsters were creatures that came from another world. Most moved to the human world for a better life and some treated monsters with fear and hatred, but Virgil's family had always accepted them. Well, at least those who mattered. Of course, they expected no praise for this. This was their duty as humans, to love and accept everyone unless they did something absolutely awful. To only judge someone on actions, not on looks.
Monsters in a legal sense had rights that were protected in most countries. They were able to become citizens of the country they immigrated to, able to be around others, and were supposed to be treated like humans. Of course this didn't always pan out, and there were many hate groups and those who would be judgemental and hurtful, but more people were kind and loving, and more progress was being made.
Virgil and Patton, while not activists, supported giving monsters rights very much, and would do what they could. They, while not knowing what it was like directly, had been judged for things they couldn’t control. They didn't understand why others who had been through oppression would still hate others who were struggling. Why hate others with the same hate that was used against you?
Patton pondered this all, but then realized how late it was getting. He turned to Virgil, who had moved to another spot in the room, going through a different box from earlier. "Want to order a pizza then set up the bed? It's getting kind of late and we need our sleep." He reached his hand out for Virgil to take.
Virgil nodded in agreement, taking a final look at the photo before placing his hand in Patton's. The two left to go up to the bedroom, excited for their future.
Little did they know that there was a little monster hiding under a bed in a spare room, a monster that would change their lives.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this story! I’ve been writing this for a while and I’m glad to finally be able to share!
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ask-us-sanderssides · 5 years
wat are the pairings in ur bakery au? it looks rly sweet! ;)
// Moxiety and Logince, and maybe some others in the future hehee
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notveryglittery · 6 years
a walk in the park (1)
summary: “It was almost too good to be true. I'd never find another pair like that, not if I looked for a hundred years.” ships: romantic royality, platonic moxiety. platonic logince, eventual romantic analogical. platonic lamp. / words: 2,800 notes: here it is !! i’ve been working on this since may with help from @euelioi!! literally, this au would not exist without jack. i hope y’all like it!! keep an eye out for updates on sundays, if all goes according to plan <3 
@fandersfic-royality @fandersfic-moxiety // read on ao3
ch. 1 | ch. 2
Early morning light filtered into the lobby. Sunrise was especially lovely on Thursdays. It was Pastry Day, and Sanders Day, and Jeopardy Night, and Sleepover Night. Thursdays, for the last year, had been consistently the Best Days Ever. Patton sighed dreamily, staring out the windows to the empty parking lot. He leaned against the desk with his chin resting on his palm. He was looking forward to lunch, since he would get to go to his favorite bakery with Virgil. He was looking forward to that evening, because the lovely, handsome, charming nice Sanders man would be by to pick up his dogs. He was looking forward to that night, for the weekly sleepover and Jeopardy marathon with his parents.
Patton snapped out of his daydreaming quite suddenly at the sound of a bell ringing. He jolted up and snatched a clipboard off the desk, clutching it to his chest. Not a moment later, the door behind him swung open. Virgil was yawning, mouth wide open and eyes squeezed shut. His hair looked like it’d only been half brushed and his shirt was inside out. Patton giggled and Virgil groaned, already knowing what he was going to say. It was routine, after all.
“Good morning, kiddo!”
“What’s so good about it?” Virgil asked, right on cue.
“I get to see your smiling face!” Patton replied excitedly, just like usual.
“I know you want to scold me for staying up until 3am on Tumblr.”
“Who, me? Scold you? Never!”
For a moment, the two were silent. Then they both snickered and met for a hug. Virgil held on a little longer than normal and Patton made a note to ask him later on if he was feeling okay. They pulled apart and Virgil seemed to have drawn some energy from Patton in their brief embrace.
“Alright,” he said, clapping his hands. “Let’s get started, then.”
In the hour they had before opening, a number of things needed to be finished. For the most part, Virgil took care of the behind the scenes tasks. He got together all of the personal items for the boarding dogs that would be picked up sometime during the day, as well as setting up the food and water bowls for today’s daycare dogs. Patton took to cleaning, making sure that each room sparkled as best as possible; he tried to fix up the laundry and groom rooms so they were prepared for when they’d be used later on. Catching up on paperwork went to Patton, too, which is what he liked doing the most. Thankfully, he had extra time to spare to do so. Knowing that he and Virgil would both be working doubles today was daunting but if Patton just focused on all the stuff he had to look forward to, it made it bearable! By the time they finished, the clock was chiming 7am. Virgil sighed, loudly and over the top for Patton’s amusement.
“I guess we ought to open the doors.” Despite his pretend exasperation, there was a bounce to his step as he plugged in the Open sign and propped the doors open with stoppers. A breeze came through, curling around the wind chimes in the corners of the room. Virgil rapped his knuckles on the desk as he walked by it. Patton was counting the money in the till.
“I’m going to fix my shirt,” Virgil told him. Patton giggled and nodded, waving him off.
For a little while, it remained quiet. The sound of cars driving by on the street beyond the parking lot added to the soft ambience of the empty lobby. Throughout the rest of the building, Patton could hear muffled barking as Virgil went through and checked on all the dogs they were currently taking care of. It was what Virgil preferred to do; the less interaction with people, the better. Patton’s dad would be by any minute now to get started on paperwork and then his mom would be in later, no doubt bringing snacks for them all. Slowly, more employees would trickle in, until the business was running like a well oiled machine.
It was just another reason Patton loved Thursdays so much. For whatever reason, these mornings tended to be more calm than most. Still, customers had busy lives to lead, and no one to pet sit, and so that’s when they turned to Foster Dawg. The establishment had been owned by Patton's family for roughly a decade (in fact, they’d be celebrating ten years in the fall). The Foster came from their last name and the Dawg from a television show Patton’s father had watched growing up. Patton thought it hilarious and not a day went by that he didn’t laugh over the name. He loved explaining it to customers that asked why it wasn’t spelled “dog.”
Sure enough, David Foster arrived the same moment that their first customer did. He patted his son on the head as he made his way to the office, where he’d take care of any accounting that hadn’t been finished the night before.
“Good morning, Mrs. Dungey!” Patton chirped, waving from his spot behind the counter.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” the woman responded kindly, with Madison trotting along patiently at her side. She may very well have been the biggest dog they took care of; Virgil, standing at a full 6’2” when he wasn’t slouching, weighed about the same as she did (170lb, no matter how much Patton fed him). He was sure that if Virgil wanted, he could ride the bull mastiff into battle like a war pony. The image had him giggling helplessly and when he shared it with Mrs. Dungey, she too found it very amusing. After some back and forth chatter, Patton updated Madison’s file for today’s stay, and handed Mrs. Dungey her copy of the form.
“We’ll take good care of her,” Patton promised, wrapping the leash a few times around his hand. He allowed Madison plenty of give, though; it was something he tended to do with all the dogs, even if they tugged Patton along faster than he could keep up. Virgil kept telling him he had to be better about having them heel, but Patton couldn’t help it. He got just as excited as they did.
“I know you will,” Mrs. Dungey said sweetly, patting him gently on the cheek. She headed out to go have brunch with her friends before she’d go play bingo with her mother at the senior home.
Patton gently led Madison out of the lobby, down the hallway, and into the back of the building. Passing the kitchen and laundry room on the way to Big Pawz, he made a mental note to double check that the meals for their boarding dogs were all sorted. Nudging the door open, Patton peeked into the room.
“Virgil?” He called, when his best friend was nowhere to be found.
A couple seconds later, the door leading outside slid open, and Virgil squeezed through. Bella Martens was at his heels, trying to follow, but he patted her on the head, and shut the door carefully before she could get in.
“Yeah, Pat?” Virgil responded, wiping sweat from his brow. His face lit up when he saw who Patton had with him. Crossing the room and kneeling in front of her, he cooed, “Hey, Maddie. How’s my big girl doing?” He scratched her ears and along her neck before standing up again.
At the fond expression on Patton’s face, Virgil’s cheeks flushed hot.
“Shut up,” he mumbled, undoing her leash. Patton took it and made to zip his lips shut but the sound of his father calling him from the front distracted him before he could. Virgil continued leading Madison away, knowing exactly what time it was, and exactly who Mr. Foster was getting Patton’s attention for.
Shutting the door behind him and hurrying back to the lobby, Patton dropped Madison’s leash off in the closet, and ducked through the groom room, as if that would be faster. At the front door stood Declan Sanders, looking incredibly frustrated. He had four dogs with him: a husky, pompoodle mix, corgi, and British golden retriever. Patton almost squealed at the sight of them, all so well groomed and well behaved. Regardless of their manners, Declan was still irritated, and that simply wouldn’t do.
“Good morning!”
“Is it?” Declan snapped, approaching the desk. Despite his mood, he didn’t drag the dogs along with him, or pull harshly on their leashes. “My stupid brother can’t even drop his own nuisances off. I hope he’s perfectly on time for his audition. Hope he breaks a leg.”
Patton’s hand went to tuck his hair behind his ear, even though there weren't any loose locks. It was more of a nervous habit. “How… how is Roman?” he asked hesitantly, busying himself with the paperwork Declan would need to give to his sibling later.
“Oh, right,” Declan drawled, eyebrows raising and disappearing behind his bangs. “I forgot about your little… crush, on him.”
That… seemed unlikely. Patton, according to Virgil, was pretty transparent about his feelings for Roman. Deciding he’d worry about it later, Patton slid the clipboard across the desk to Declan, who snatched the offered pen out of his hand, and signed at the bottom of it.
“He’s terrible, by the way,” Declan finally answered. “Woke up late, couldn’t find his favorite pair of sunglasses.” He rolled his eyes. “Picked the lock on my door and went searching through my dresser as if I’d stolen them.”
Patton couldn’t help giggling. He hadn’t had very many interactions with Roman but that sounded like something he’d do. Declan’s glare sharpened at the laughter. Patton went quiet.
“Sorry,” he offered, smiling sheepishly.
“Whatever.” Declan took the pink colored page while Patton filed the yellow and white ones. He was tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for Patton to come around the desk, and take the dogs off of his hands. Patton did so with grace, handling four leashes as if it were the easiest thing in the world. Declan didn’t say anything else before turning and leaving.
“Bye! Have a nice day!” Patton called after him.
Declan gave him a rather rude gesture in return.
Patton only let it bother him for a second before shrugging it off. Sure, he wished he could help everybody, all the time, but some people didn’t want to be helped, and Patton had to respect that… For now, anyway. Patton gave each of Roman’s dogs equal love and attention as he took them to their rooms.
The husky and the British golden (Walt and Shadow) were left to Terrence in Medium Pawz. He passed the pompoodle and the corgi (Cooper and Einstein) to Talyn in Small Pawz. The two had arrived during Patton’s short interaction with Declan. They were both incredible employees, who really loved their jobs here; then again, Patton thought, any career working with dogs was pretty good. The morning continued much the same: customers arrived, signed their paperwork, left their dogs. Patton would take them to the appropriate room (sometimes, it wasn’t the physical size of the dog, but the size of their attitude) before returning to the lobby to do it all over again.
He was in the middle of a very complex coloring page when someone behind him cleared their throat. “Working hard or hardly working?”
Patton jumped and shoved his book away.
“Working hard!” He yelped, only to turn around and find Virgil snickering behind his hand. Patton pouted at him.
“Virgil,” he whined. “You know I startle easily!”
Virgil shrugged, only partly sorry. “I know. It’s lunch time. Ready to go?”
Patton lit up like a child on Christmas morning.
“Pastries!” he shouted and even though Virgil winced at the volume, he couldn’t help but to feel just as excited.
They clocked for lunch and let Patton’s father know they’d be back in an hour, before heading out the front door and into the parking lot. The daycare was located conveniently within a shopping center. There was a speciality groomer just two storefronts down, and Foster Dawg often partnered with them to offer deals for their customers. On other days, Patton and Virgil would stop in at Subway or Chipotle. On Thursdays, though, they made the short trek across the street to the Porto’s Bakery & Cafe.
The California-based bakery had a line out the door, but this wasn’t anything new to the pair. While they waited, they talked about all the dogs that had come in today, and new video game releases, and what show they wanted to start watching next. By the time they were inside the building and cooling off in the air conditioning, Patton felt it safe enough to ask if Virgil was feeling okay.
“How come you up were so late last night, kiddo?”
Virgil visibly stiffened, eyes going slightly wide in alarm. He hoped to play it off as nothing but Patton had always been very observant. He tried, anyway. “Tumblr, remember?”
“Virgil.” The Dad Voice was in full effect.
Virgil sighed. “Ugh, fine. I had a nightmare, okay? I went to bed at an actual normal time and had a nightmare and couldn’t fall back asleep after it.”
Patton frowned. He linked his pinky finger with Virgil’s. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
Virgil swung their connected fingers back and forth, humming. “Not… really.” His gaze had gone distant, as if remembering, and when he shuddered, Patton fully took his hand, lacing their fingers together. Virgil gave him a shaky smile. “I’m fine, Pat. Thanks for asking, though.”
Patton nodded and squeezed his hand. Virgil returned it. “Just let me know if you want to, okay? You know I’m always here, even if all you need is for me to listen.”
“Next!” The employee at the counter called, interrupting their moment. Virgil pulled Patton up to the register and looked to him, knowing he had the list of what their coworkers had requested. It was a lot of turnovers and strudels, but a few savory treats made the cut as well. They obviously ordered a dozen of the infamous Potato Balls, as well as enough drinks to warrant two carriers. They grabbed a table at the outdoor seating area to spend the last half hour of their lunch before heading back. Patton sipped at his Jamaica Strawberry iced tea.
“How was dealing with Declan earlier?” Virgil asked, picking at his sandwich.
“How’d you even know it was him?" Patton returned instead of answering, tilting his head curiously. “You were on the complete opposite side of the building.”
“Oh, you know,” Virgil said vaguely, waving his hand.
Patton waited for him to elaborate. When Virgil went back to his lunch, Patton just huffed an amused sigh, and resumed silently eating his tuna melt. Fifteen minutes later, they were waiting at a stoplight. They carried a drink tray each and both had a to go bag looped around their wrists. Patton was bobbing his head to the music playing from a car with its windows down.
“Excited to see lover boy today?” Virgil asked abruptly, shooting Patton a knowing smirk.
Patton startled so suddenly, he nearly dropped his goods.
“Virgil!” He squeaked, cheeks coloring. The crosswalk sign switched over and they stepped carefully into the street; Virgil looked right and left despite them officially having the right of way. Patton remained resolutely quiet though he was starting to get that dreamy, far off look in his eyes. Virgil transferred the carrier to one hand and caught Patton by the elbow before he could trip on the curb.
“Pay attention!” He laughed, too amused to fret very much. “I really should know better than to mention him unless you’re sitting down.”
Patton groaned, wishing he could hide his face in his hands. “Do you have to tease me so much?!”
“Yes,” Virgil answered immediately. “It comes with being best friends.” He flicked his wrist as if to prove his point; the sleeve of his hoodie slid down to reveal the friendship bracelet Patton had made for him. At this point, the drink carrier and bag of food were both in one hand, and Virgil decided it was for the best. It’d make watching over Patton easier, given his clumsiness.
Patton scowled at the outerwear. “Aren’t you hot, by the way?” He asked, intentionally choosing the more shaded walkway back to the daycare. “It’s, like, 80° out.” He lifted the tray closer to his lips and sucked up the last of his iced tea.
“Eh, you know me,” Virgil shrugged. He was always perpetually cold but Patton never did fail to ask him how he managed to wear jackets and sweaters in the sun. They arrived back at work with five minutes to spare. Handing the food and drinks out to their coworkers, they clocked back in right on time. Before Virgil returned, however, he threw an arm around Patton’s shoulders, hugging him.
“By the way, don’t think I didn’t notice you avoiding my question.”
Patton swatted him away, spluttering. Virgil shot him a wink as he disappeared into the back.
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imlovethomassanders · 6 years
Misunderstandings Part 2 - LAMP
“Piggy back ride?” - Prinxiety
“ Like I excepted, you're much comfier than my pillow” - Platonic Moxiety
Bakery AU - Unspecified ship (once i get around to writing this I will probably message the person who sent the request to ask what ship they’d like)
Roman kidnapped by dragon witch and presumed dead (oof) - Royality
Soulmate AU coordinate of your soulmate’s favorite place on your wrist - Moxiety
Soulmate AU flower tattoo on your wrist that represents your soulmate - unspecified ship from anonymous, I’ll probably do Logince for this one
First Kiss - Logicality
First “I love you” - Prinxiety
College AU - Prinxiety
Personal projects:
Multi-chapter high school AU - DLAMP
Multi-chapter fantasy AU - DLAMP
Hanahaki Disease - DLAMP (may abandon)
Deceit gets kidnapped by the dragon witch - DLAMP 
Soulmate heterochromia AU - DLAMP (can you tell what my favorite ship is?)
Multi-chapter preschool teacher Logan AU - Logicality
Flowershop AU - Royality
Logan on anesthesia - LAMP
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nikokova · 6 years
Spirit Animal au drabbles part 2
part 1
Here’s part two of my mediocre writing, enjoy
These two I feel like would sort of know each other, but not closely. Due to Virgil feeling like he’s a bother, and Patton not wanting to scare Virgil by how clingy he is. They have a couple classes together at college. Virgil works part-time at a post office while Patton works part-time at a daycare center.
On Patton’s 20th birthday he wakes up to a small purple bunny sleeping on the pillow next to him. He tries to conceal his squeal since he knows soulmates and their spirit animals sleep at the same time. Meaning that if you wake up one, you wake the other. He stays put until it wakes up a couple minutes later, and basically won't stop talking until the bunny interrupts him with the riddle.
I start with ‘P’ and end with ‘E’, but I have thousands of letters
It takes him a while, and Google, to figure out that it’s a post office. He jumps out of bed and gets ready as fast as he can.
Virgil was not ecstatic that he’s going to meet his soulmate at work. Especially because he doesn’t want them to cause him any trouble. Not that he thinks his soulmate would do something on purpose, but because he worries all the time. Virgil is working in the back sorting letters when his co-worker Valerie calls him up front. When he gets there she says that someone was looking for him, she moves out of the way to show a shorter boy with curly bright red hair (sorry not sorry I’m obsessed with curly redheaded Patton). With a pulling feeling in his chest, he recognizes the boy as Patton.
“Hey,” he smiles,
“You know I had a friend who tried to apply here, they wouldn't letter,” Patton said, Virgil rolled his eyes. “They said you can only work here if your mail”
“You're such a dork.” Virgil let out a chuckle
These two have never met. Logan is a 22-year-old doctor who graduated from high school at 13, college at 17. Patton just turned 20 and works at his father's bakery, he doesn't go to college because his family couldn't afford it. He lives with his parents and shares a room with his younger brother Virgil.
If you asked Virgil, he would tell you he didn't really expect anything else on Patton's 20th birthday. Patton was the definition of a clutz. So it wasn't a surprise when he fell down the stairs, breaking his arm.
In his defense, socks on hardwood didn't the most stable thing. Especially when running to ask your brother if he knew the answer to your riddle. Though there were a couple seconds where he was still in shock and Virgil was pulling him up off the floor,
“What is wrong with you!? Do you have a death wish?” Virgil asked, setting him upright against the wall and looking him over for injuries.
“I can’t figure out the riddle, and I know you're super good at it!” Patton explained without really explaining. This stopped Virgil from looking him over, he looked over at the blue owl perched on the railing of the stairs.
“Alright, what’s the riddle?” Virgil questioned, rolling his dark eyes.
“I’m a type of building but I’m not a shed, I have many rooms but I’m not a house, I have several departments but I’m not a grocery store, I have many beds but I’m not a hotel, what am I?” The deep voice of the owl cooed.
“See! It’s like super hard-” Patton cut himself off with a painful hiss.
“Are you ok? Wait a minute, the answers a hospital!” Virgil realized, “Crap, did you hurt yourself that bad?”
The owl shifted before taking off into the air and flew over to Pattons left side, headbutting his arm and earning a gasp for breath and watery eyes.
“He has broken his arm.” The gentle voice of the owl stated.
“Dang-it Pat.” Virgil sighed,
“My bad.” Patton smiled,
Logan’s day was spent in the ER, with his soulmates dog who enjoyed asking questions about random things since he solved the riddle. It did sort of concern him that he was going to meet his soulmate, at the hospital. Some part of him was concerned that his soulmate would pass soon after they meet. Though, he knew this was illogical. The large majority of people who visited the hospital lived. He was pulled out of his thoughts by a nurse calling his name, telling him that he was needed in room 5 for a broken arm
Logan was not really expecting what he saw when he walked into the room pushing his glasses up his nose. He had expected a young male between the ages of 8-13. Not a grown man with a bright smile despite his broken arm, and who apparently was his soulmate. There was a strong pulling feeling in his chest as the dark blue owl flew towards him. The other boy in the room didn't look surprised, unlike the injured one.
“Please tell me you did not break your arm on purpose.” Logan sighed,
“Of course I wouldn't!” The shorter man reassured.
“He’s just the clumsiest person you'll ever meet.” The other boy sighed,
For these two I sort of feel like they’d know each other online for quite a while before meeting even though they lived on opposite sides of the country. They bonded over astrology and sharing a birthday. Silently they both hoped that they were soulmates, which is why they (without actually saying it) planned Logan's flight to Virgil's city on their birthday.
Virgil wakes up on his 20th birthday to the soft hooting of an owl. It doesn't take him long to realize its a spirit animal after his initial panic. Part of him smiles, being hopeful of what this might mean. That there's still a chance all of his dreams will come true. However silly it was, Virgil fell for the man on the other side of the screen. But, today was the day he finally got to meet him.
He was about to text him until he realized that they couldn't have their phones on while the plane was flying. So he just huffed and looked up at the owl from his sitting position. It was still asleep, he wondered if it was because Logan might have jet lag. He also thought that the owl was cute in the way it hooted in his sleep, and wondered if it meant Logan snored. He shook his head, reminding himself not to get his hopes up.
He dressed quickly and was almost ready to go when he heard the bird start flying around the back of his apartment. He checked his pocket for his keys for the third time, and checked the time for the fifth. He was a little early, but he liked it that way. The owl soon found its way to him at the front of his apartment and announces its riddle before landing on the small boy's shoulder.
I am the station that holds something you’d board to take you over to Spain, As it can fly you there, the answer is a...
“Plane... Then if its a station that holds planes… IT'S AN AIRPORT!” His yelled causes the bird to leap off of his shoulder, but he doesn't really care. There's not much of a chance that Logan is not his soulmate now.
Logans heart was racing after he was told the riddle by the small purple bunny. He knew that there was still a chance that Virgil wasn't his soulmate, but he illogically chose to ignore it. Once he departed from the plane he went to the baggage claim and looked for Virgil. He didn't really know what Virgil fully looked like. Of course, he had selfies he had possibly overanalyzed. But Logan wasn't sure how tall Virgil was, or what he looked like below the shoulders. Part of him hoped that Virgil was short, Logan liked to imagine him being the taller one in the relationship. If they were soulmates anyway.
“Logan!” It ended up being the other boy who noticed him first, and Logan's eyesight snapped to a short boy to his left a couple yards away. Virgil had dark eyes that made him melt each time he looked at them, but this time he felt a lurch in his chest towards Virgil. He noticed an owl flying towards him as the bunny left and he felt like he would cry. This was what he had wanted for a long time.
Those endings make me want to jump off a cliff. But such is life.
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