#mosquito allergy anon
thrill-seeker-if · 2 years
I'm allergic to mosquitoes. 👁️👄👁️
ive actually really gotten over my bug allergy recently, they dont really swell up or spread like they did when I was a kid, but I've noticed a couple interesting things about it:
Before it was crazy, like I was afraid of a butterfly landing on me, it was that bad😭 even ladybugs and ants! But I've noticed it's really calmed down, AND what's happened is now I have kind of like a spidey sense? Before I even see a bug, I get an itch, and it works while im a few feet away from them!! It helps me stay alert since they might be in a nook or cranny. So I never feel that nervous because I can just run and grab a slipper!
It's worked for beetles, ants, moths, centipedes, mosquitoes, and spiders. I'm kind of curious what else, too!
Anyways that was a lil ramble, hehe!! If anyone else has allergies, can you tell me whether your's calms down with age? Mine flares up a bit when I travel, but it's a lot better than when I was a kid!
My friend has an allergy to stress, as in idk when they're stressed it releases a hormone and his body is allergic to it! So when we order food you can see his arms break up into hives, but he told me it used to be worse than when he was younger and it's a lot easier to manage now! It also helped him to start trying to be more confident and relaxed, so I guess allergies can help us in some ways!
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patheticlittlemen · 11 months
I wanted to ask for a fic of The Spot with a Spider person s/o, but they are allergic to spiders and their skin have like mosquito bites (I don't know how to describe it) and those parts always are itchy and they scratch them all the time to the point it hurts them and makes some skin fall, the mosquito bites are all around their body and makes them insecure
I've been thinking of this idea and I think is good angst potential
i got you anon!!
The Spot x Reader: What if the Spider-Person reader was allergic to spiders?
A/N- the spider person’s name in this is Spider-Sanguis
word count: 1110
Becoming Spider-Sanguis was probably the worst thing that happened to you. You’ve always been pretty allergic to spiders, getting an intense rash that lasted for a few days every time you had been bitten. When you were a kid, your room seemed to constantly be infested with spiders, despite everything you did to keep them away. At some point, you gave up and managed to live alongside the spiders without getting bitten. That is until you got bitten by a radioactive spider.
You’re not super sciencey, so you didn’t really understand what happened or how, but your running theory is that something from the spider has infused into your blood or DNA and has become a part of you. This theory makes the most sense, and would also explain the permanent allergic reaction.
You struggle with who you are now. You hate that your body is fighting against you and that your skin is now permanently marred by itchy bumps ranging from the size of a regular bug bite to rashes spanning large areas. You hate that you can’t wear your old clothes outside, that you can’t go to the doctor and try to find relief at the risk of exposing your identity. 
Despite how much you struggle with your allergies and everything that comes with being Spider-Sanguis, you’re incredibly grateful that it led you to meet your new roommate and partner.
Spot came into your life first as a villain, but after his plan failed and he found that your universe was his favorite (partially because of you but he insists he also likes the “atmosphere”), he decided to stay and make amends with you. After many late-night talks and tension that could have been cut with a knife, he eventually confessed his feelings for you and you started dating. 
Since then, he has been there for you on every bad day, happy to comfort you and hold your hands to keep you from scratching yourself. He gets you itch cream and allergy medicine (which you’re pretty sure he steals, but you have no proof and don’t care to look for any) on your worst days, and helps you apply the cream on parts of your body you can’t reach.
Today, your reaction is especially rough. You have an intense rash spanning your entire torso, mainly down your chest and back. Last week’s reaction, smaller bumps all down your arms, are now starting to peel and causing the skin on your arms to flake off. No matter how long you’ve been Spider-Sanguis, the itching and burning never get better. 
You were supposed to go to dinner with a friend today but had to cancel because you felt incredibly insecure and uncomfortable. That leaves you stuck at home, mulling in your awful thoughts and drowning in a wave of self-hatred. You still haven’t found the courage to tell anybody that you’re secretly a superhero, so Spot is the only person who truly knows what’s going on. You’ve been able to explain enough for your friends to understand, and they’ve been incredibly kind, but it’s still hard not having them fully understand.
To try and avoid your overwhelming emotions you turn on the TV and decide to watch a movie. Spot left right after you canceled your plans and said he wouldn’t be long, so you try and focus on the movie until he returns and can distract you. 
About halfway through the movie, you get up to go to the bathroom and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Your eyes scan across your flaky arms and the patch of inflamed skin peeking out from your shirt collar. Trying to ignore the wave of nausea that sweeps over you at the sight, you quickly do what you came to do and leave without looking in the mirror again.
Sitting down and turning on the movie again, you try to re-invest yourself in what’s happening on screen but can’t get past the thought of yourself in the mirror. Spot has recently helped you feel more confident in your own skin, but your mindset of despising yourself is an easy one to settle into. What doesn’t help is that your rash decides to start itching and burning at the same time the hateful thoughts start filling your mind. Tears start streaming down your face and in an attempt to keep yourself from scratching and picking at your skin, you lie down on the couch and squeeze your hands between your thighs.
“Hey, I brought dinner! It’s your favorite-” Spot exits a portal in the kitchen not long after your breakdown starts. He approaches you with a takeout bag but stops as he sees you curled into a ball on the couch. “Oh, dear.”
Spot sets the bag down on the table and sits next to you, gently placing a hand on your back, which makes you yelp.
“My love…” Spot abruptly pulls his hand away. “I’m so sorry. Does it itch?”
You pull yourself up and wipe your eyes, nodding.
“Want me to put itch cream on?” Spot asks.
“How can you love me?” You ask, looking at Spot whose face spot swirls with emotion.
“What? What do you mean?” Spot sounds surprised and confused, and the rest of the spots on his body move around to show as much.
“Look at me. I’m pathetic and disgusting. My skin is falling off and I can barely focus on anything except for the itching and pain. How can you sit here every night and touch me where I’m covered in bumps and rashes? How can you touch me so gently and say such sweet things to me when I’m…me?” You end your rant whispering and sobbing as Spot looks at you.
“I could ask you the same thing. Your touches are so kind and full of love, I can’t fathom how you could love a monster like me. You speak to me like I’m the sun, moon, and stars in the sky, but I’m…just me. I understand how you feel. And I will never judge you on your appearance. I love you and your rashes, just like you love me and my holes.” Spot says, grabbing your hands and rubbing them gently with his thumbs. You chuckle a little bit at his last comment.
“Hm, yeah I love your holes.” You tease, lightly running a finger around one of his spots.
“Wh- no, no, no, you know what I mean.”
“Okay, okay. Thank you for saying all that. It…makes a lot of sense.” You say, gently resting your head on Spot’s chest. “Can you put that itch cream on now?”
“Of course.”
bonus A/N: i love love love doing research for fics so feel free to send any out-there/very specific spot/johnathon x reader fic ideas and i'll try to do it justice🫡
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bunnywabbit2 · 3 months
25 and 28 for that ask game/ask list 👀?
25) fave season and why?
even tho i know the answer (autumn) its still a hard question :’D each season has a different ‘why i like it’ ‘why i dont like it’ 
lets start with spring right. its so pretty! life!! flowers start to bloom and sure the snow melts and it gets a little ugly but. its also rlly kinda happy yk :))
and i hate allergies—pollen is the worst thing in the world.
but also just the concept of spring itself is really lovely <3
and summer!!!
there is no school and you are free (mostly) and you can hang out and maybe travel and the sun sets late and you can go outside and play and you can get cold drinks and not worry and do things like have barbeques and eat watermelon and mangoes and its so fun and u can spend ur time doing things u like and u have opportunity yk.
but there are also mosquitoes.
with autumn
i mean school starts and thats kinda a :’D bc stress and whatnot but its also very <3 bc u get to see your friends again
its such a beautiful season (well all of them are but)
autumn :D the leaves are changing colors and its so pretty i feel so lucky that i live in a place where the leaves change colors and u can leave crunch jump yk!!!!! when i was in elementary school friends & i would make giant leaf piles at recess and we would jump and it was so nice
and you can wear really nice outfits too i love fall outfits
and again w/school you can see your friends again :) and theres something really exciting and comforting about it tbh
and obviously the weather is wonderful
winter used to be my favorite season and now its not but
winter is beautiful :)) its cold as hell and every winter i wish it were summer and every summer i wish it were winter but
when it snows its so wonderful. snowflakes are so pretty and magical kinda (named my first bunny snowflake lol) idk the snow is very nice and fun to play in and hot chocolate is nice and having a long cozy scarf is nice you know
so so happy that i can experience all four seasons every year and i can see flowers bloom and the sun set at night and leaves change color and snow <3
28) do you collect anything?
kind of!! i love pins and i have a bunch but somehow i just never wear them :’D ive been trying to use them more tho!! i also love feathers and dried flowers and pretty rocks...all those kind of things! 
OH YEA also vintage makeup compacts. theyre SOO pretty i love them i love vintage trinkets and doohickeys :) 
thanks anon <3
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kanmom51 · 3 years
Like yes!!
BTS and staff: Jimin come here your lovely brother has got a hickey and it's your duty to cover it up because you know ARMY has got detective eyes. They'll notice everything and come with their own theories. You both discuss and come up with a story to cover it up and say it loudly when camera starts recording so that everyone will come to know about what had happened.
Jimin and Jungkook: Following the instructions without fail.
ARMY with not only detective eyes but also detective minds decoding everything and telling they are just doing it to cover it up.
But honestly don't you think the story they made up was a bit uhmmm too much???? You could have either ignored it or edited it out or could have said like he got bit by mosquito or it was just an allergy or whatever. Out of all the better options, people think this is the better option wowww . Hypocrisy level 100000
And also what's with Jimin😏 why was he touching that hickey which was made by jk's supposed gf/bf not once not twice he was touching it all the time😂
And what's with JK allowing him to touch his gf/bf's love bite.
Some people should just keep their brains in museums.
The story being a bit too much anon? No way. Lmao.
Tumblr media
As for JM touching, well that him enjoying/admiring his work of art. Plain and simple, and it's his to touch, and his alone !!!
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Allergies are the worst! I know from experience. I hope you’re okay! I got worried when I read that you had a shock. Allergic reactions aren’t fun at all. - glorious anon
hi my love!!!!! I honestly just assumed it was a bad reaction from mosquito bites because my hot girl summer was constantly being fought by mosquitos and not the hives it actually was. we love socal. I even fell asleep because I was like LOL whatever.
anyways, yeah IM OKAY NOW!!!!! they were not fun it felt like my body was on drugs. it was fun 😂😂
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29whitelilies · 3 years
(sry too anxious to say this off anon or under your post)
Re tattoos: mine itched a bit when the skin came off when it was healing. I think it just depends on how much your skin generally itches when you have a wound with scabs.
Hi Anon ☺️
No problem - i‘m the same when it comes to interacting with other people for the first time! :)
Hmm, You’re probably right. I‘m trying to remember my last wound with a scab (that wasn’t just a ginormous cat scratch 😂) but i‘m not sure if they are usually all that itchy for me. That tattoo was something else though. I think it was almost as bad as the shots i used to get to desensitize me to my dust mite allergy (hope that makes sense. Honestly too lazy to look up the correct terminology in English) and that shit was crazy.
(To illustrate: it was one shot just above my elbow every month for about 4 years. The area surrounding where the needle went in (about the size of my palm) would swell up like a mosquito bite from hell (or what i imagine the bite of a mosquito the size of a cat to look like) and stay swollen and itchy for a few days. I had my last one of these shots about 6 years ago - maybe even 7 at this point. The area on my arm still swells up a little when i‘m in a really dusty environment - but that’s super off topic now 😅)
Anyway, maybe my upcoming tattoo won’t be THAT itchy. I can always hope, i guess 💀
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Yo so I have really specific allergies. Like who the fuck is just allergic to goats but not any other animal??? Why am I only allergic to pine nuts, and not any other fucking nut that's actually common??? Why has my body decided that mosquito bites are going to make my legs swell to twice their size???? Bodies are strange.
How have I only just seen this?! I can relate to this anon so much!
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eeveedream · 7 years
Anon Hour! Do you have any allergies?
Oh, yeah! I'm awfully allergic to bug bites, specifically mosquito bites. I also suspect that I have an allergy to opiate medication. That one isn't fully confirmed, though the event was incredibly distressing. XD
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autumnhobbit · 7 years
Penicillin anon: That's - really sad how he died, but also kind of a cool piece of family history. And yeah, SO greatful for allergy medicines and stuff like that!
modern life is actually pretty darned great. I remember reading about how that Lord Carnarvon character who funded the archaeological dig that found King Tut’s tomb wound up dying of a mosquito bite that got infected when he accidentally cut it while shaving. A two dollar tube of antibiotic ointment would have cleared that up within a day. Kind of mind-blowing, isn’t it?
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skiplo-wave · 4 years
The welts got worse to the point they looked bruised. I had no other choice but to go see a doctor and risk being exposed to the virus. It was itching so bad and I woke up with hives. Soon as I went in they didn't have time to take my temp, they use a EpiPen on me and sent me straight to the hospital. I never had a bad reaction to mosquitoes but they say sometimes that can happen. I am going to be going through some allergy tests very soon. I'm not looking forward to it.
Good luck anon and hope you get well soon
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thrill-seeker-if · 2 years
Brace yourself for question gallore👀💅🏻💅🏻
1. What's a show you've watched recently and what we're your opinions on it?
2. What's your research process for your if like?
3. Do you come up with characters or plot first?
4. What's the first thing you do when you get a bright new shiny idea? Do you like to sit on it or start working at it straight away?
5. What's an if you played recently? What did you like the most about it and why?
6. What's your favourite band/singer and if you could reccomend one song from them what would it be?
7. If you could travel to a fictional universe which one would it be? Would you fare well in it?
8. What is one TV shows/books/movies you would love to see in if form? Who would you romance?
9. What did the ROs want to be when they were younger? Would their younger selves have been able to predict where they are now?
10. Who was your fictional celebrity crush when you were younger as well as the ROs ones?
From mosquito allergy anon 👁️👄👁️
OMG!!! thank you for all the questions!!! and good to see you again, twin!!!
1. What's a show you've watched recently and what we're your opinions on it?
Hmm.... I don't actually watch a lot of shows! I've been watching a lot of danny gonzalez, kurtis conner, and drew gooden videos. I love those, LMAO. OH! this might not really count as a show, but I also really love Gemini Home Entertainment (it's on youtube!!) I also love Nexpo's video analysis on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X1xYpPmKvA&t=751s
2. What's your research process for your if like?
Just imagine the writer stereotype of 'how long does blood stay wet' 'how much blood do you need to lose to die' 'what are the study requirements of a teacher' 'what surgical tools could kill someone' etc etc. I'm sure my agent knows i'm a writer. Either that, or I'm on a watchlist.
3. Do you come up with characters or plot first?
Plot! But it's really a three step process. I get a rough outline of the plotline, less than a first draft, and then I go through a bunch of characters and traits I would like to use. The characters help me to build plot, and then I return to the plot once more to wrap it up!
4. What's the first thing you do when you get a bright new shiny idea? Do you like to sit on it or start working at it straight away?
I write it into my notes app! All my best ideas come like just before I hit REM sleep (since I go to sleep at 8:30, that's about 9) so I just launch up, grab the phone, type it in and then hit the hay again! I mostly forget it until like 2 days later and then I bask in my genius!
5. What's an if you played recently? What did you like the most about it and why?
I played Eye of the Moon (made by @eyeofthemoongame) pretty recently, and it was so beautifully written, I just love reading it! What I really like about it is just how atmospheric it is. It sucks you in, and then you just can't get away from it, you really just read it in one flow!
Another one I did recently was Oathbreaker, season 2, as it just fully completed! It's more of a visual novel, but I think we can include it. I really recommend playing the game, it's just so beautifully written and it's only gotten better in season two. The art is beautifully made, the main character is allowed to be truly morally gray, the characters are diverse and no one is just one dimensional!! Seriously, check it out!
6. What's your favourite band/singer and if you could reccomend one song from them what would it be?
My favorite band is Lamp!! The song that made me start listening to them was Yume Utsutsu, but THIS is my favorite song of theirs. I'm not gonna include the name cuz I want it to be mysterious <3 But also, check out their whole album, its really amazing!
7. If you could travel to a fictional universe which one would it be? Would you fare well in it?
This is so hard.... but I think the one I would travel to is the one from my very first dream, back when I was about 8. I would fare pretty well in it, there wasn't really anything to harm me, I had everything I could ever want.
8. What is one TV shows/books/movies you would love to see in if form? Who would you romance?
DC. Has not released a dating sim for Nightwing. And why not? What's holding them back??? I would do anything if it had him in it. But also Maid Sama! I would romance Usui!
9. What did the ROs want to be when they were younger? Would their younger selves have been able to predict where they are now?
Hannie wanted to be an astronaut. They knew pretty quickly they would never be given that chance, and they knew they would be where they are now.
N wanted to be a doctor ever since MCs mother helped them as a child. They wanted to help other people, too. Before their health issues, they wanted to be an actor.
Oli wanted to be a teacher, probably towards younger kids, like k-4. They wouldn't have guessed they became a police officer.
10. Who was your fictional celebrity crush when you were younger as well as the ROs ones?
When I was younger... my very first celebrity crush was... Ed Sheeran. It's a very long story. I will only explain if prompted since this post is already really long LNSDIFUHFUID
But for the ROs: N would have a crush on basically any woman they see. Elastigirl, the aunt from big hero 6, Rihanna, Britney Spears, basically anyone. And then, once their moms show them bollywood movies... Shah Rukh Khan, probably!
Oli's first would probably be Ray Toro from My Chemical Romance and also Zayn from One Direction.
Hannie did not have any celebrity crushes!
Hope this answered pretty well!! have an excellent day <3333
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I’m allergic to mosquito bites but all my allergy does is make them larger and more itchy than most other people do. Like I’ve had the bites get up to the total surface area of like 3 playing cards. Apparently it’s a common thing if you’re Asian? If whatever it is looks like a problem maybe go to a doctor. All they do is prescribe a sort of cream though.
Aaaa thank you anon Yeah that's pretty much what happened when I get them bites T.T thanks for the tip thoHehe I'm not Asian (unfortunately ndkdbxjdnjndjn Asian people are so pretty)
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