#more like peg the monarchy
bollogi · 2 years
I've reached my final form...
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Plinko Lizzie
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bcacstuff · 3 months
Is Purv serious? I am laughing at her post she just copied from here.
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Yep, it's so amazing when I just posted the location on Thursday, every other blogger on Tumblr had more than a 2 days head start to post about the location, and more the ones following Sarah's posts could have figured out the location even better (like I did).
And more she even posted on the day after the live IG
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And then she just posts out her full name, throwing someone completely under the bus while she had no proof at that point. But holier than the pope she had to wait to reveal the location, so she 'updates' in her own reblog... Consequently pretending if she has the newest information about the location while it was already all over Tumblr after I had posted about it. Pretending she found it all by herself... oh well.... not the only one not giving credit 🙄
But yeah you see she is HRH queen P! All her subjects in her monarchy must kiss her ring ass... otherwise ->
Welcome to the club, wear your badge with honor! 😉
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
what are your thoughts on Russia’s mobilization and reports that they’re heavily ‘recruiting’ from ethnic minority populations?
What is happening right now is not at all surprising to me, or anyone else who has studied Russia for a while. I have said this before, but it remains an utterly tragic irony that Putin, who is so bent on recreating the USSR/Russian Empire glory days at any cost, is so totally blind to the fact that he's also sending it down exactly the same path to yet another collapse that will set the country and society back for generations. Widespread/forced mobilization in 1917, in order to send more Russian troops to their extremely costly and failing efforts in WWI, contributed to further grievances against Nicholas II and eventually led to the successful revolution/overthrow of the monarchy in October. In other words, it was extremely unpopular last time and I seriously doubt that it's going to be any more popular this time. Besides, if 50,000 actually trained and (somewhat) equipped troops have already been killed, and now they're down to forcibly drafted civilian conscripts with two weeks of training, and over-50 guys in debt who were lured to sign up with the promises of generous bonuses (that, like other promised Russian financial rewards, aren't being paid), against highly motivated Ukrainian troops equipped with NATO weapons... yeah. It's going to be a slaughter, and the only question is whether the Russian public actually starts protesting on a large enough scale, despite the obvious threat of force and repression, to exert actual pressure on the Kremlin and force it to change its mind. But because they're already so committed, and there's not much of a way to be "oops our bad," there's also no way to back out now. I don't know how it'll end, but it isn't going to be good for anyone.
The whole thing is a tragedy on a terrible scale, especially since I don't see any way for Russia as a country to recover from this any time soon. The combined impact of sanctions, global isolation, and all the other (extremely deserved) consequences for this pointless war of old-school genocide and imperialism has undone, and then some, all the progress that Russia has made at integrating into the global community since the fall of the USSR. Because Putin's ego now cannot bear the possibility that he actually loses in Ukraine, after he launched his invasion against every shred of common sense to the contrary, he will act like every Russian tsar of old and throw countless lives of his own people down the drain in a futile attempt to prolong the inevitable. This is also why rabid Western defenders of Russia (a la tankies and their ilk) are just... so... fucking.... stupid. For one thing, if you know literally anything about Russian history, especially post-1917 Soviet history and the ways in which information has been tightly controlled, censored, edited, ideologically distorted, and otherwise used for propaganda purposes, you know that it's absolutely idiotic to trust literally anything the official Russian state and media apparatus says about the war, because it's all lies. Second, the Soviet system was built on the mass repression and (especially in the 1920s and 1930s) mass destruction of its own people, especially those pegged in any way as "traitors" to the revolution. (I suggest Gulag: A History by Anne Applebaum, which goes into this into more depth and casts a horrifying but necessary light on this period.)
As such, the relatively wealthy (by Russian standards) and Europeanized cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg have always existed in a different social universe from the extremely poor, rural, isolated, and persistently underdeveloped Russian regions. So yes, mobilization of Russia's ethnic minorities as cannon fodder, rather than going for the urban city-dwellers directly, also serves Putin's project of building a more racially/ethnically "pure" Russia, and this approach has been supported by Alexander Dugin, the imperialist/fascist Russian ultra-nationalist who is one of Putin's chief advisors. (His daughter was recently killed in a car bomb that was probably meant for Dugin himself.) However, Moscow and St. Petersburg aren't going to escape altogether unscathed either, and the largest protests against mobilization, as has been the case with anti-war protests in Russia overall, have taken place in these two cities. Basically, Putin's (corrupted) social contract with the Russian people is that they let him and the siloviki do what they want and don't try to interfere or remove them from power, and in turn, these actions don't impact on their daily life. But between the slow destruction of the economy via sanctions and now directly forcing ordinary citizens to fight in a deeply unpopular war (all those people who have supported it online are probably likely to change their minds when they're actually asked to die for it), that's fallen apart too.
In short, I see no way for either Russia as a modern nation-state or the Putin regime to survive this. I don't know how long the end will take or what form it will ultimately arrive in, but... yeah, they're all fucked. When you're forcing your own average joes to fight in an imperialist war that's already gone terribly and led to your complete global isolation, then you're in desperation mode. Putin literally only has "I WILL SUPER DEFINITELY USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND IT'S NOT A BLUFF!!!!" left as a bargaining tool, which is just an attempt to frighten everyone into backing off long enough to let him try to make this idiocy work. But as I said, everyone in the Russian army who had even some training is already dead, they're using Soviet-relic weapons, morale is shit, the Ukrainians are (rightfully) extremely motivated and riding off the back of recent victories, and throwing a bunch of untrained conscripts into that meat-grinder is going to result in incredible and incredibly unnecessary bloodshed. There are some groups who seem mostly willing to go at the moment (though again, I'm not sure how long that's going to survive contact with reality), and there are a lot who are totally unwilling (see: the current mad rush to leave Russia by any means possible). The problem goes so deep, on so many levels, that yeah, this isn't a fixable situation anymore. The only thing that remains to be seen is how much damage it does, both to Russia and the world, on the way down. Alas.
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farchanter · 1 year
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Christopher Skaife: The Ravenmaster
To catch and capture a[n escaped] raven in full view of the public is a tricky business and to be avoided if at all possible, since it requires not only a cool head and steady nerves but quite a bit of luck. My first piece of advice to anyone finding themselves in such a predicament would be to stay cool and to pretend you have total control of the situation, which you most certainly do not. Like it or not, you're about to become a star on YouTube.
(picture: ravens Munin and Jubilee II, taken during my 2017 trip to the Tower of London)
Tradition holds that there must be no fewer than six ravens kept at the Tower of London, or else the British throne will fall. Of course, for all of their intelligence and capability, it wouldn't be reasonable to expect a population of ravens to survive in the Tower all on their own. Enter the man with one of the most unique jobs in the entire world: yeoman warder Christopher Skaife— the ravenmaster.
As the person most responsible for the most famous collection of corvids in the entire world, Skaife is in the singular position to share the stories of these remarkable animals. His respect and love for both ravens as a species and also these specific birds as highly intelligent individuals drips from every page. As the yeoman warders live within the Tower, Skaife is also able to give us a look into the inner workings of one of the most recognizable (yet still secretive) tourist destinations on the planet.
The Ravenmaster is very loosely structured as a day in the life of Christopher Skaife, beginning with the dawn checks on the ravens and ending with shepherding them back into their enclosure. The narrative meanders throughout, however, exploring Skaife's stories about caring for the ravens, their mischiefs, their astonishing primate-level cognition, Skaife's own history, his mistakes, his successes, his dreams, and the curiosities one of the world's most famous castles has accumulated over its long history.
Like a lot of the best nonfiction work, Skaife is the teller of stories you simply cannot find anywhere else. His willingness to approach his vaunted job— quite literally his place in a mythology— with candor is vital to what makes The Ravenmaster succeed. For instance, he quite readily acknowledges the key story of the ravens— that they are an ancient augur of the health of the monarchy— cannot be attested to before the late 19th century.
And, listen: I grew up outside of Philadelphia. I took multiple field trips to the Betsy Ross House. I fully understand how the story around a thing can become more important than whether or not the story is literally true. But I really appreciate how Skaife is willing to approach these stories with objectivity, even if that might undermine his very title.
We are fortunate that, for as much as Skaife is a professional animal caretaker, he is just as much a professional storyteller. The warders are responsible for leading tours of the Tower, something they take quite seriously. If I were to level one criticism, it's that the written structure of the jokes, stories, and even the larger flow of the book feel a little off. Once I realized, however, that this is an adaptation of Skaife's tour story, it made much more sense. If you imagine that you're hearing this story as he leads you through the both literally and metaphorically layered history of the Tower of London, that's the best form of The Ravenmaster. You don't, in fact, actually need to imagine it: there exists an audiobook version, narrated by Skaife himself. I would encourage you to check it out.
I read this book because I love corvids. Every spring and summer, there is a colony of blue jays who take up nesting in my neighborhood, and they've come to know me by sight. It is a wonderful feeling when a corvid likes you— or, at least, has you pegged for a sucker. For that reason, I thought I might close with Skaife's advice for how he came to fall in love with ravens:
If you are in any way interested in birds, and yet like me just a few years ago you don't know where to start, I suggest studying a particular bird: don't try to learn about every species all at once. Pick a bird you love, or which fascinates you in some way. It doesn't matter which one: a goose, a swan, a sparrow, a hawk. Learning about birds, like learning anything else, is all about patience and persistence and just doing the little things right, again and again. Get to know your bird. Attend to their peculiar traits and the shape of them, their flight, their song, the way they walk. Study their talons, their feathers, their tails. Look into their eyes.
If you'll excuse me, I've got some homework to do about blue jays.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
In a very roundabout, adhd sort of way a documentary about princess anne (and the opinion that she should have been heir to the throne instead of Charles) got me thinking about the fact that the royal family probably can't really have family reunions because having that many royals in one place could do irreparable harm to the line of succession, which got me thinking about a designated survivor type supercorp au where Lena was like, the cabinet member for the dept of education or something and a massive assassination plot leaves her unexpectedly assuming the role of president (with the Danvers sisters as heads of her secret service detail), which in turn got me thinking about another potential canon verse au where the royal family of a small country experiencing political unrest is all assassinated, and they have to trace a new heir through the distant branches of the family tree, leading them to Lena Luthor, CEO of L-Corp.
Now. I'm not sure if she'd be related to the royalty via her Luthor or her Walsh blood, but they do send emissaries to pay her a visit (which she puts off because her schedule is so full and "they'll have to wait their turn, Jess") until they eventually barge into someone else's meeting with her and-- apologizing profusely-- explain that the matter is most dire and cannot wait any longer.
Lena would obvs be stunned. But she'd also be sympathetic towards the plights of the people who have been victim to the violence that preceded her distant family's deaths. She hems and haws over it, but ultimately comes to the conclusion that she CAN do good there, even if she's only there temporarily, and therefore she SHOULD do good there.
Kara offers to go with her as protection, but Lena refuses, citing that Supergirl is needed more in National City, and besides-- helping a human monarchy regain power isn't a good look for an alien champion of earth. So Lena goes it alone.
For months the only things Kara sees of Lena are the news reports of Lena visiting colleges and schools and community centers and farms, winning affection and effecting change. She contributes to rebuilding efforts both directly and indirectly, and even parlays with the insurrectionists to hear their terms and move the country towards democracy.
And though Lena promises Kara that her work in her family's kingdom is only temporary, her stay lengthens and lengthens until suddenly it's been years and Lena still hasn't come home for good. Kara visits occasionally, when things are peaceful enough that there can be events where plus-ones are invited. But it's not the same.
Lena misses National City. She does. But at the same time she's found a part of herself here in her family's country, a part of her legacy. They may be moving towards democracy, but it will be decades, perhaps generations more before the monarchy is fully abolished. She doesn't know if she'll ever really be able to resume her old life again. Perhaps this is her new normal-- the life of a dignitary, a figurehead and a political powerhouse.
So she and Kara have to try and navigate a romance and a life where their roles have them pulled in two different directions. Especially when it comes time for Lena to secure a politically advantageous marriage to another royal/elite family.
Bonus: Lillian isn't dead, but it's post crisis so she isn't in prison, and when she hears that Lena is being bullied into a political marriage (especially a marriage where the husband would do all the political heavy lifting, relegating her to a consort, essentially), she looks her daughter in the eye and tells her "I didn't raise you to take second seat to anyone."
To which Lena pegs her with a glare. "Except for Lex?"
Lillian merely gives a coy smirk. "I always suspected you had the potential surpass your brother-- no matter how much I didn't want to believe it." She tilts her head. "And now that you have... don't squander that same potential by settling for whatever gilded lily they're foisting on you. YOU are queen. YOU decide the shape your future."
Lillian cups Lena's chin.
"You always have."
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baby-prince-oppa · 7 months
Ok I'm not trying to jump to conclusions but…is this movie supposed to be about taking down the monarchy/totalitarian state and establishing a democracy/socialist state instead? Hence why Asha, a commoner, is upset about the extreme limitations of wishes granted? 🤨
From what we've seen so far, King Magnifico seems to be on a power trip. He only grants wishes when it's beneficial for himself and for the kingdom, but eventually he gets drunk off of his own hubris and drastically limits the wishes he grants when he doesn't need to; basically exercising an insane amount of control and treats it as if it's more like a lottery than a charity.
In other words, Magnifico is trying to play god and someone needs to knock him down a peg.
Calling it now: the solution is going to be Asha and her friends working together to help that sentient Star take away the powers from the King (because he has lost favor with the heavens or whatever). The moral of the story will be that the real magic the people can give to one another is love, kindness, encouragement, and respect. Only through a sense of community and hard work may there be a higher chance of one's wish coming true (within the realms of reality), and without your hopes and dreams being heavily influenced under a higher power. The end. 🙄
I don't know. The film just comes across as basic like that.
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championofnyx · 9 months
Since you're doing a prompting weekend, how about Brion reuniting with his siblings after the events in Markovia?
So… Life kind of went to hell like, three hours after I posted by Prompt night post and I haven’t had time or mental capacity to circle back around. I’m so sorry that this took over a month to catch up on, accepting some sibling bickering as an apology. 
It’s been a few months since they had seen each other, the brothers, whose faces had been plastered on tabloids and drama mongering news outlets the whole time; as if everything that had happened was Shakespeare or a Greek tragedy rather than real people’s lives with real consequences. “I’ll give you two some time to talk,” Perdita walked into the adjacent room, leaving the door open between them but offering some privacy. Neither boy had asked for this meeting, nor did either quite know where to start. 
The older moved a fell into one of the two elaborate couches that were framed by even more energetically decorated rooms within the embassy. It took a minute before the younger, still standing, spoke up. “Can we talk?” Brion asked, looking down at his brother. 
“What are you gonna do if I say no? Murder someone in broad daylight again?” Gregor pipped back, “Didn’t have your fill the first time.” 
“I understand the expression, but it was at night. So, if you are going to make a snide comment, make it accurate.” 
“Whoo, fancy words, from a fancy boy.” 
“Come on.” 
“So fancy, with your uniform and crown, not over the top at all.” 
“You wore the same thing, ok? So don’t act like you didn't. “Yeah, but I could pull them off. Hell, it’s almost like I was born for it.” 
“Archaitic model that isn’t applicable.” 
“Well then, might as well throw out the whole monarchy. That’s a little archaic too, don’t you think?” 
The two paused after that last outburst, and looked at eachother. The upheaval of both of their lives over the past months, the past years, had changed those two boys and it took them a minute to recognize the other. 
“When the hell did you start acting like this?” Brion finally spoke up, breaking the tension. 
“What?” Gregor asked, pulled into the maelstrom of new, unpleasant thoughts. “Oh, you mean like everything I was raised to be, the very purpose for my existence if you listened to our parents, was taken away from me by the person I shared a womb with while I watched thousands of kilometers away in a hotel room? Am I acting like I have no one looking at me anymore? No purpose, nothing going for me?” 
The two stared at one another for a moment, “You have a sister.” Brion tried to remind him. 
“Yeah, thank you for leaving her to me.” 
“Well, that was my job for months, so I thought we could share a little.” “Oh, are you planning on sharing that title too?” The older brother said, standing up. “Everyother weekend and Wednesday? Little shared parenting model.” 
“So,” The younger spat out, “we’re finding out exiles aren't fun. Could have told you.” 
“This is why mom never loved you.”
“Jesus fucking christ” Perdita pocked her heat through the door both forgot was open still, looking more than a little concerned as she realized this was a mistake. “Could you two like, I don’t know, take it down a peg?”
There is the possibility of a slightly kinder version of this in a fic I'm working on so I wanted to save any sappy dialogue I had thought of for that and instead allow some of my favorite little shits to be unhinged bastard children for a moment, I think they've both deserved it.
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mallo-person · 2 years
How in the modern au does King Dee Dee, Bandana Dee, Kirby, and Meta Knight function. Like how does their personalitys coexist and world work.
Did Kirby get condensation for the plane crashing into his backyard?
And is the entire adventure like a road trip or something.
Like how does the gameplay factor into this au.
Like why are there just people with big swords and pegs in the ground that can be hammered. Someone had to put those there.
To be honest, I havent thought of that AU after that one text post I made lol. But thank u for reminding me about this!
The world in this AU is kinda like ours but, without all of the bad stuff lmao. Dreamland in this AU is a countryside-like place and everyone has there own houses and everything is in walking distance, Most of the people live farther out and thus they have bigger yards n'stuff (explains the plane crashing for kirby lol). While the others (mostly waddle dee's) live closer to the town with houses next to eachother and more close-knit. Everyone has some sort of job in this place, like with the Poppy Bros, they have some jobs out of town with demolition (not all though, just most!) to go with their game counterparts attack with bombs!
For how the star heros work in this AU, They are all adults (with kirby being the youngest) with their own houses n'stuff. Kirby knew Metaknight for whole before finaly taking to him while with King Dedede they kinda had bad vibes when they first knew eachother before the person they where both friends with, Bandana Dee, made them agree to not fight lol. Also King Dedede just goes by Dedede in this AU, since they aren't in a monarchy in this, and Dedede went to college for stuff aswell as Meta Knight (no clue for what tho, just a cool fact).
While with their adventures are either planned road trips or somthing crazy, like running all around town for someone's plane mechanics (Magolor--). But most of the time they try to take a road trip every summer, atleast to visit their friends in the town next to theirs, and either Dedede or Metaknight are always the driver when it comes to these trips.
As how the game mechanics are in this place? Well most of them aren't, like with what you said, aren't in this AU as commonly as the games. But for the most mechanics for Kirby are there, like with is copy ability & hover, but for their copy ability he has only ever done it with objects & not the local citizens lol. For the pegs in the ground, it's just not alot but there to hold stuff together, and the people with swords? Well they have a job aswell to protect the town! Kinda like police officers here lol.
Also idk what condensation means in your context, so here is this ,:>!!
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Also If you meant, like, them apologizing then yeah absolutely they both did! Kirby helped Meta & Magolor when they crashed and Meta helped fix Kirbys yard (Idk about Magolor yet lol)!
Text below for images
(Panel one has kirby holding his door open with one hand and a angry look, thinking to himself "I swear if Meta crashed in my yard AGAIN I will-". The second panel has a poorly drawn plane in the ground with Magolor passed out in the driver's seat, A dialogue box shows up with kirbys face in it with a shocked expression saying outloud, "Wait... that's not Meta..")
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never-took-a-lesson · 2 years
The Monster Drama dossier and interest checker--
Yes hello. Monster Drama would be the name I’ve given to a particular set of OC’s that I’ll be giving a medium-hard reboot in the near future.  They are monsters and there is drama between them.  and also i’ll be rping them lol
I had an informal interest check earlier.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’m holding another more in-depth one.  Under the cut, you can find short-ish descriptions of each faction (each faction will get their own blog) and of the more important characters within that faction (each faction has about 6 to 8 members that can be interacted with).  
Having some feedback will help me to focus on one (or two) factions to start with before I gradually add the other factions later.
Please use >> this Google Form  because it’s the easiest way for me to keep track to responses.  It’s a short form lol.
Group descriptions and pretty pictures under the cut
💔 Ore Horde 💔
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A vicious militia of renegade merfolk who have garnered a fearful reputation in the eyes of outsiders.  Their hands are sullied with the blood of many royals and noble people.  This apparently blood-thirsty horde, however, seems to avoid bringing harm to average citizens.
They were founded by the Gourmand (R): an infamous man-o-war warlord that even the gods watch their backs in the presence of. He’s often accompanied with his introverted protégé and adopted daughter, Static (L): an otherworldly creature whose appearance sticks out among the others like a sore thumb, although she wishes she could just be normal.
🧡 Topaz Corp 🧡
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Stationed in an advanced mega-city, the elites of Topaz Corp have grown so rich and powerful that they very literally govern the people.  A shiny veneer of pastel lights and grandiose entertainment spectacle make an effort to hide the iron grip of the reigning puppet masters.
Those who see beyond the surface may very easily peg the eldritch god Tabs (R) as the real owner of the corporation, despite their propagandist efforts to redirect attention.  Yet another strange creature called Huey (L) though, is utterly dazzled by the city’s materialist culture and naively seeks to break out of being a humble cameraman and become famous.
💛 Rosegold Kingdom 💛
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In a fantastical castle in the clouds above the trifles of the world below, the tiny court of Rosegold Kingdom live easy and decadent lives.  Life in this heavenly place has left it’s residents mostly ignorant as to the struggles below to the point that many don’t even give the ground-dwellers any thought at all.
Empress (L), though, the empathetic princess-in-all-but-name of the kingdom finds the below world fascinating and, in true princess fashion, dreams of more. Her elegant but dry-humored suitor, Marshmallow (C), is often dragged into adventures with her, whether they want it or not.  The rosegold queen, the enigmatic and unsettlingly tranquil Ari (R), may or may not be privy to Empress’s explorations.
💚 Emerald Commune 💚
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A small group of forest-dwelling folk who have made a concerted effort to isolate themselves from the dangerous outside world.  Although their policy is generally that of self-sufficiency, most of the population is amicable toward outsiders so long as they are treated amicably in kind.
The commune was once a monarchy, but after the unsolved murder of her family, the would-be heiress, Regina (R), has relinquished her power and changed the system to be more democratic.  Her most steadfast supporter is her lover Jelly (L), a laid back mortician; he very publicly had a hand in her decision to abolish the monarchy, earning him the ire of certain people... his family, in particular.
💙 Sapphire Regency 💙
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The domain of a powerful ice fairy that has a dark, frigid and inhospitable exterior meant to turn away those who are unfortunate enough to cross the gates leading to her realm.  At the center of the territory is a large city that is, while still mysterious, is more welcoming than the lands surrounding it.
The ice queen herself, Nil (C), is not unlike the kingdom she built for herself; being a cold spiky ball of coping mechanisms with maybe a slightly nicer core if you��re lucky.  Her adopted daughter, Owl (L), is a source of warmth in the land of ice, being friendly and creatively inclined, if a bit eccentric.  In stark contrast to Owl, is Nil’s melancholic majordomo, Napoleon (R), who will often be the first to greet lost wonderers.
💜 Amethyst Empire 💜
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Amethyst Empire is a highly hostile rag-tag (and generally unwillingly captured) team of outcasts who live within a dense, humid jungle.  Explorers of the forest beware, for here there be dragons.  
The dragon themselves, the aptly-named Trash (L), is, to put it in no uncertain terms, an entitled narcissist man-baby with a crap-ton of power-- that’s exactly why they’re so terrifying. Their (usually) right-hand raptor is the aging butler Bittersworth (R) who never fails to be a “cheeky lizard bastard” and is too old for any of this. 
*character designs may change due to reboot
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kingjasnah · 3 years
Very funny to see Branderson begin to take Dalinar “Just Barely Not a Tyrant” Kholin down a peg or two with Wit calling him that to his face and Jasnah announcing she’ll eventually make Alethkar a constitutional monarchy.
ok forreal what the hell happened to dalinar this book im becoming a little...confused about the way he navigates politics. like when he's younger he's the blackthorn and doesn't give a shit, lets gavilar and sadeas take the lead there, and then wok/wor era dalinar is juggling the codes and also managing the highprinces almost like he's their general so that's both a return to traditional values and a return to the way more humanist knights radiant society. and it makes sense that he's giving up his blade for bridge four and not using bridge crews and also doing the political version of whacking the highprinces with a big stick to make them do what he wants.....dalinar is the self admitted tyrant he valued results more than hurt political feelings. and THAT is why his whole 'you can't fix all injustice so quickly' speech confused the hell out of me....dalinar 'god is dead he told me himself' kholin did like forty things that were a little much for alethi society and he's STILL facing repercussions from the church for that so ???? how on earth can you talk about how dangerous the changes of abolishing slavery is when you reformed the historically most hated group in roshar.....@ jasnah get his ass
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oohlook-thevoid · 4 years
BBC Merlin is a really excellent reflection of how how important framing the narrative is; how winners always come across as the good guys in history.
Because, objectively speaking and removing myself away from having watched the show and knowing the characters, if I was some random dude in Camelot/if this were happening now I would support Morgana & co. over Arthur & co.
In universe, the perspective is Morgana is standing up for magical people's rights and advocating a change to the system. Yes, she's going about it violently, but in universe that's the norm and, at the end of the day, its still essentially a form of activism (and the most effective one given context, again).
Meanwhile, the view of Arthur is that he inherited the throne and generally speaking he changed nothing. Yes, he perhaps reduced the active violence against magical beings and yes he brought some regular ppl into the nobility via. the Knights and marrying Gwen. But he hasn't actually changed anything for his people. Their conditions are still the same; the conditions of magical beings are still that they're illegal/persecuted.
Whilst as a viewer you get the idea that Arthur is better than Uther (he saves Mordred as a kid, went out of his way to help Merlin a few times, went against Uther when it came to the Knights/Gwen), as a citizen he's not really done anything to make your life better. The status quo still stands fully intact; there's just maybe a bit less murder going on on the daily. To offer a historical comparison, best I can suggest is Elizabeth I compared to Bloody Mary - it's in the title, one was just a Queen whilst the other was a murderous one. Arthur was just a king whilst Uther was a murderous one.
And, again, as a viewer you know about Albion and the prophecy. That inclines you to him because that's a good end. But he never achieves that, he dies before any of that happens. There is nothing to show for that in universe.
And so, back to framing a narrative. Arthur & co. are the protagonists, heroes and winners of the show. At the end of the day, they defeat the constant magical threats against them (which really undermines the idea that magic isn't evil). The Kingdom is more peaceful and prosperous under their Reign - they are portrayed as having defeatung the evil of Morgana. Its akin to an old monarch being portrayed as having defeated a peasant's revolt or, in more modern terms, Britain defeating activists/freedom fighters in colonised nations. And, particularly with the latter, the way history framed that as a good victory (even though it's objectively not).
Point is, BBC Merlin takes a character who based on many modern perceptions (e.g. In my case I'm anti-monarchy and pro-equality yet still as I watch the show I root for Arthur & co. as it draws me in) wouldn't really be the good guy and pegs him a hero. Just like how historical victors are always the heroes of the story.
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themoomoorn · 4 years
Verdant Wind is like a knockoff purse you get from a Manhattan street vendor, except it’s probably better because who needs an overpriced Coach purse anyway, they’re ugly.
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Related to my previous reblog, despite Azure Moon and Verdant Wind being meant to provide supplemental nutrition to Silver Snow (the OG route and the basis for 3H’s lore) and Crimson Flower (the alternative route that was redone for ease of access when the playtesters and devs wanted to walk with Edelgard), I’ve personally found both of them to be the more enjoyable experiences.  Azure Moon has some of the finest outcomes for the continent, it gives its Lord (the finest deconstruction of the Marth archetype this side of Jugdral) a very robust character arc, Claude gets to live, the Agarthans are proven to be crappy villains, and because they’re taken out before the Empire and not pegged as the end-all of everyone’s woes like they are in Wind and Snow, we get to see Edelgard for the villain she actually is, for the most part.  Byleth isn’t stuck as ruler of the land, and there’s a democratic monarchy in the works, plus Duscur gets its sorely-needed reparations.
While it’s a massive drag that Claude’s original incarnation, role, and possible route ultimately never came to pass, I still found Verdant Wind to be the more enjoyable experience compared to Silver Snow.  Yes, it’s true that Claude’s character development, while subtle, isn’t really tied to the narrative and comes off as static, and I’ve come to agree with some criticisms that note that VW and SS’s final bosses should’ve been switched.  The man himself can also be very hypocritical and flat-out bratty, and he needed some serious time in the penalty box for being an ass and for not realizing that his digging as deeply as he does can have some serious consequences.  And while he may not have been the anti-villain that IS originally penned him as, he certainly feels that way at times, being quite split down the middle in terms of morality and behavior compared to Edelgard and Dimitri, but I’ll save that for another time.
But the Deer all play off of one another really nicely, some of them do tie themselves to the plot quite well (Hilda using her guile to round up the Knights of Seiros, Lysithea providing insight on the Agarthans, Judith giving her aid since she’s been allied to Claude ever since he arrived in Fodlan), and the atmosphere, while still dark and more bittersweet compared to Azure Moon, feels much more hopeful.  Claude’s relationship with the Avatar feels the least...avatar-y, if you will, and heck, one could argue that he’s using their Jesus-y Avatar status in a constructive way.  His digging into the truth regarding the church can come off as disjointed in relation to his goals, but by the same token, he wants an ideological revolution, a Fodlan that’s less isolationist and more open towards other countries in due time.  He is also a man that prides himself on digging out truths, and what better truths are there to discover than pertinent information on Rhea and Sothis’ family that’s arguably even weightier than Byleth’s origins, per Silver Snow?  Thus not only does he have the information that can allow for change, but it can also allow for Rhea to at least pass away with peace of mind, knowing that Fodlan is in capable hands.  And hey, it goes right in the face of the Emperor who had been so convinced that she and her Empire’s prideful history were the only ones with the real answers.
Plus there’s a nifty piece of NPC dialogue all the way back in Chapter 2 where it’s mentioned that the reason the Officer’s Academy was founded was because Almyran invasions had hit a fever pitch, thus they needed to train more efficient and amicable soldiers in order to fight back.  So having an Almyran-born prince with Fodlanese blood be among those to get access to Rhea’s truths and lead this revolution is if for nothing else ironic.  And the man himself?  A fun character with a lot more depth than one could imagine, even if some aspects of him (I.E some of his ethnic coding, his behaviors that denote potential self-esteem issues) come off as happy accidents at times.
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bibliothesoph · 4 years
hi! i've got a firstprince prompt i thought you might like to write about! alex being assigned to present about the current monarchies for his class in law school because his professor is a lowkey shipper 😄❤️
Law School 101
Law school might be hell sometimes, but at least Henry’s always waiting for him after a long day with a glass of whiskey and a smile on his face. Most of the time, Alex just wants a cuddle when he gets back, especially when it’s one of the days where he has his Trusts and Estates class. It’s a stupid class, really, and not something he’s actually interested in. His so-called ‘academic advisor’ told him to take it, though. She said it would help prepare him for the bar. So he’s taking it. And he hates every minute of it. And his professor, some girl who he’s pretty sure isn’t really qualified to be teaching the class or, at the very least, should be given some classes on professionalism, gawks at him the entire time like he’s some sort of thing here for her entertainment. He gets a lot of different treatment, but the looks he gets from her are by far the most unsettling. He swears that she’s writing fan fiction about him while he’s taking tests.
One day, a particularly boring and long day, she asks him to hang back after class. Everyone else has been given topics for presentations they’re supposed to do next week, but not Alex. With his bag slung over one shoulder, he goes up to her desk and waits for the rest of his classmates to leave so they can speak about whatever this is about privately.
“You probably noticed I didn’t give you an assignment, Mr. Claremont-Diaz,” the teacher starts, shuffling some papers around on her messy desk.
Alex nods. “Yeah, I did.”
She smiles up at him. Up close, she doesn’t look as creepy as he first pegged her to be. A little bit of a daydreamer, maybe, but normal-looking. “I was hoping you could, using your unique position and connections, put together a presentation on the British Monarchy.”
He blinks at her, perturbed. “What about it?”
“What about the British Monarchy? I mean, this is Trusts and Estates so––”
“Oh, right. Of course. A presentation about trusts and estates, then.”
He refrains from rolling his eyes, trying to keep himself as level-headed as possible. “Specifically with the monarchy?”
“Sure. It might help to have some sort of, uh, visual aid.”
He folds his arms across his chest. He can’t help but note the mug there in the sea of her papers. It’s yellow and, in neat, cursive script, reads “History, Huh?” in black letters. “Yeah, like a Prezi or a Powerpoint or something, right?”
He’s just fucking with her now, but it’s pretty fun. She seems a little stumped by it, given her confused expression. “I mean––well, you know the Royal Family well, don’t you?”
Cocking his head to the side, he raises an eyebrow. “So, basically, you want me to bring a member of the Royal Family in here to show off to the class.”
She frowns. “No, of course not. I’d like a thoughtful presentation. And, if it happened to include some sort of Q&A section after with, say, a member of the Royal Family, I think that’d give your classmates something to get excited about, don’t you?”
He plasters on a fake smile and nods. “Yeah, sure. I’ll work on it.”
As soon as he gets home, he collapses into Henry’s waiting arms. Henry catches him, of course, and guides him over to the sofa, depositing him on the cushions before joining him there himself. When Henry’s sitting down next to him, Alex wraps his body around him like a touch-starved koala, wanting nothing more than to just stay here forever instead of dealing with this fucking professor that’s driving him insane.
“What’s wrong, love? Bad day?” Henry asks, his fingers combing through Alex’s curls.
Alex looks up at him and shakes his head. “No. I mean, kind of? Weird, mostly.”
Henry hums and plants a kiss into Alex’s curls. “Would you like to talk about it? Or shall I just go get some whiskey and put on Bake-Off?”
“If you leave me,” Alex warns, “I’ll kill you.”
Henry laughs and wraps his arms around Alex, holding him tightly in his embrace and resting his chin on top of Alex’s head. “If you kill me, you’ll have no one to cuddle.”
“Pretty sure my professor wouldn’t mind taking up that position,” Alex murmurs.
The words make Henry’s entire body tense. He pulls away with a frown on his face and his eyebrows knitted together, suddenly very serious. “Alex, did your professor––”
“No,” Alex assures him, taking Henry’s jaw in his hands. “Sweetheart, I didn’t mean it like that. I just––she’s a fan, apparently.”
Henry still looks nervous. “A fan of what, exactly?”
Alex shrugs. “I dunno. You and me, I think. Firstprince or whatever it’s called.”
Henry chuckles and the light comes back into his eyes. He kisses Alex’s nose. “That’s hardly reason to be annoyed, love. Wouldn’t you rather her be a ‘fan’ than hate us?”
“I guess? But she’s making us do these presentations and, of course, she’s making me do one about the British Monarchy.”
“Why does that upset you?” Henry asks, rubbing calming circles onto his back. “Surely this presentation will be easy for you, yes? Since you can just ask me?”
“She wants me to bring a member of the Royal Family in to do questions or some shit. It’s not like anything I present will even matter.”
Henry is silent for a moment, still rubbing circles onto Alex’s back while he thinks. “You know I don’t mind––”
“You’re not going in, okay? I want to get an A because the material is good, not because you’re there and wooing everyone with your nice ass and pretty face and sexy accent.”
Henry rolls his eyes. “I won’t be doing any ‘wooing,’ that much is certain,” he assures him. “And I’d also like to assure you that all three of those are specifically for you. Especially the first one.”
Alex grins and kisses him because he fucking can.
When the presentation rolls around, Alex is nervous. After some discussion with Henry, he decided to cave and bring in a member of the Royal Family to please his teacher and ensure his A. When she calls him up, he goes up to the front of the class and hooks up his computer to the projector so they can see his slides.
As soon as the title comes up, there’s some laughter from the back of the room.
“Hi, I’m Alex. Today I’ll be talking about the British Monarchy as it relates to trusts and estates, specifically about heirs and laws concerning that. But, before I begin, I’d like to introduce a special guest.”
Everyone goes silent, clearly excited to see the guest. Alex shoots a nod over to Cash, who’s sitting in the corner of the room, telling him to go bring the guest from the hall.
“I’m not gonna lie to you,” Alex begins, “I didn’t like him at first. I thought he had a boring name and was just some sort of snobbish and privileged bastard, but after getting to know him, I can wholeheartedly say that I’m so glad to have him in my life. He’s different from the rest of the Royal Family as you probably know by now, but he’s very special to me. Plus, you know, it doesn’t hurt that he’s an amazing cuddler.”
The class chuckles as Cash comes in with the guest.
“So, without further ado, I’d like to present His Royal Highness,” Alex says, gesturing to the aisle where Cash is escorting the guest in, “David Fox Mountchristen-Windsor.”
Needless to say, he got a very annoyed look from his professor after that but, since he had put in the work, he got an A on the presentation. And a note from the professor saying that, while it was a creative way to incorporate a member of the Royal Family, unless David is a service dog, he was not actually allowed inside the building.
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echoeternally · 3 years
If Poliwrath and Politoed Survive Together...
Balancing the votes between Poliwrath and Politoed in the Hero’s Second Wind poll will bring them into the next story together. Those potential scenes are found on this page!
Brief descriptions and scene titles will be included below!
Fair warning: There is some content dealing with death below as well.
Second warning: This post is long to depict several developing scenes!
... ... ... ... ...
Cave of Wonders
Working together to paddle for safety, Poliwrath and Politoed are able to reach a cave that heals their wounds and restores their lives. They’re mystified by the cave’s powers, and wonder what it means.
Poliwrath paddled through the water, gripping his body with one arm while pulling through with the other. His feet tightened around Politoed’s hand, as his brother kicked them along.
Struggling with his sight, Politoed glanced back the way they had swam, but noticed that the tunnel had changed. He patted at his body with his free hand, and lifted it to his eyes. Nothing was on his hand.
Paddling up and guiding them to the surface, Poliwrath pulled himself up, and scooped Politoed from below, pulling him up. Politoed rubbed where Poliwrath had been hit, blinking at his body.
“That’s only going to make it hurt,” cautioned Poliwrath. “Think we both know what blood looks like.” Poliwrath chuckled as Politoed silently stared at his hand. He then turned it over to Poliwrath, revealing no blood from him either. “…Wait, what the hell?”
“You’re not bleeding anymore,” pointed out Politoed, as he glanced below the water’s surface. “I can’t even see where you were cut.”
“Well, it might be harder on me, but with you…” Poliwrath stared down at Politoed. “Wait, hold on.” He sunk back into the water and studied his twin’s body, but found no wounds on him either. Poliwrath scratched above his head as he swam back up. “Ok, that’s…weird. We…we did get stabbed, right?”
“We should be dead.” Politoed swayed a bit in the water. “When he threw those weapons at us, when we saved Greninja—”
“Maybe he missed the mark?”
“Look, I don’t know about you, but he got me for sure. Pretty sure that felt like dying to me.” Politoed paddled to the edge of the lake, as Poliwrath followed him. “Plus, even if he didn’t kill us, we were both bleeding out. Hell, we had to work together just to swim to this place, because that pain was so much for me.”
“Think either of us could’ve made it, honestly,” contested Poliwrath. “But it was a lot easier working together.”
“Usually is.” Politoed hopped ashore and smiled down to his brother, who winked to him. “But this still seems so strange. …Do you think…would it be weird to wonder if this place has magic in it?”
“Here?” Poliwrath spun around and looked around the cavern. “How could it? I don’t see anything…wait, is that grass over there?”
“Seems like it.” Politoed pointed at a few spots around the cave. “There’s some snow there, that has sand, and the rock formation there is like a miniature—”
“Mountain?” Poliwrath turned back as his twin nodded. “…Where the hell are we?”
... ... ...
Netting Newcomers
As they become more familiar with their friends of the Grass Fields Kingdom, Poliwrath and Politoed plot to advance on two attractive allies.
Spiraling around, Lilligant gathered petals with her spins, and they fluttered across the air as she danced around.
“Check out how pretty she is,” murmured Politoed.
“Yeah, she’s cute and gorgeous,” complimented Poliwrath. “Think she likes tough guys?”
“I dunno.” Politoed shrugged. “Maybe we can make her laugh instead.”
“Teaming up to get her interested…that’s crazy enough to work.”
As she twirled aside, Lilligant slipped from her vortex of petals and leaves. Diving from beyond it and sweeping through the air, Sceptile slashed at their practice dummy, slicing it with his blade and her plants.
“Oh no, he’s hot too,” whispered Poliwrath. “What do we do?! Who do we go for?!”
“Both, duh.” Politoed grinned. “One of us gets the pretty dancer, the other gets the sexy ninja.” He poked at Poliwrath. “Pretty sure we can work out who we’ll like more, right?”
“Hmm.” Poliwrath pondered it over and nodded. “Ok! But let’s do it nice for them.”
“Right, right, no fighting, and no advancing too much like we did with Chesnaught and Greninja,” agreed Politoed. “…Well, mostly Greninja, but whatever. Come on!”
... ... ...
Showdown Spectacular
Arriving at the arenas of the mountains, Poliwrath eagerly challenges a strong competitor of the monarchy, and drags Politoed into the battle with him.
“This place has such a cool arena!” Poliwrath pumped a fist and flexed his arm. “All right! Let’s get in on this one, Poli-Poli!”
“Wait, what? No!” Politoed flailed his arms. “Look, I’m not a bad fighter, but I don’t need to prove it to the likes of these—”
“Hey! Hey you! Big angry cat guy! Over here!”
“And you’re literally ignoring me again, how swell.”
“Hm?” Incineroar blinked and pointed to himself. “Cat guy talking, who’s asking?”
“Me! You’re tough, but I’m a pretty good fighter myself!” Poliwrath wrapped his arm tightly around Politoed and dragged him close. “In fact, both of us are!”
“Whoa, no, no, no,” piped up Politoed. “Do not drag me into this.”
“Come on and battle us!”
“Whirly Froggies want to fight, huh?” Incineroar sighed but forced himself back up into a confident grin. “Ok, might as well! Which one of you wants to go first?”
“Nah, try both of us together!” Poliwrath lifted his thumb up. “You want to really see how strong you are? Two-for-one, let’s go!”
“Poliwrath, that’s hardly fair for him,” insisted Politoed. “He’d be at a disadvantage by Type alone, and he’ll clearly get clobbered facing off against knights that know how to work together.”
“Sounds like you two need to be taken down a few pegs,” taunted Incineroar. He cracked his knuckles. “Don’t worry, I’ll be glad to pull that one off.” He pointed to the ground. “Come step into the ring.”
“That’s hardly fair at all,” interrupted Lucario, as he ambled over to Incineroar’s side. “If you’re going to try getting yourself killed over this place that you loathe so much, you might as well have a fighting chance.” He turned to the twins. “Your battle will be with both of us.”
... ... ...
Building Brotherhood
Reaching the midpoint cave of their journey in the mountains, Poliwrath and Politoed work together to quell the arguing mantis brothers.
“Get along?” Scizor scoffed. “With that arrogant little twit?”
“He’s actually taller than us,” pointed out Politoed. “Especially me.”
“Height isn’t the issue,” restarted Poliwrath. “It’s your relationship, or lack thereof.”
“No offense to you two, but our relationships are vastly different,” chimed in Scyther. “You’re twins. You have a deeper connection with one another with just that alone. But then you two get along really well, you have cute banter with one another, and you can actually battle side-by-side.” He gazed down and studied his scythes. “Scizor and I can’t even get past our differences based on the surface.”
“Oh, don’t turn this into another debate over scythes and claws!”
“Shocking, that’s exactly where the extent of it lies for you, huh?”
“Both of you, cool it!” Poliwrath folded his arms. “You two keep at this and you’re just going to keep fighting! Has that helped anyone from Grass Fields thus far?” He waited as neither mantis replied to him. “Then that’s why we’re here, isn’t it?”
“Easy, Wrathy.” Politoed chuckled as Poliwrath lowered his eyes, but then straightened up and returned his attention to the others. “Poliwrath and I actually struggled to get along after we both evolved, because we thought that our differences were too great to contend with.” He pointed to his brother. “He always wanted to be the stronger one, and I always had creative techniques that I wanted to better explore.” Politoed placed his hands on his hips. “Sound familiar?”
“It’s not even just about the differences between you guys, but your whole structure as siblings,” carried on Poliwrath. “Politoed and I were always competitive with each other, but even we could put that aside when it mattered. The two of you literally want the other to fail more than you care about succeeding.” He folded his arms. “You should understand one another’s strengths and perspectives, and then learn to cooperate with them.”
“Exactly.” Politoed nodded, but then frowned as Scizor threw everyone dark glares, while Scyther placed his attention elsewhere. “Look, maybe you guys don’t want to get along either. And that’s ok.” He sank down. “But, have you ever even tried to get along?”
“Can’t recall a time like that at all,” confessed Scyther. “And you, Sciz?”
“Don’t call me that,” snapped Scizor. He checked over the others and then deflated. “...But, no.”
“So, give us a chance to help you work on it,” insisted Poliwrath. “It’s better than nothing.”
“If anything, we’ll help you guys hate each other at least a little less,” promised Politoed.
... ... ...
Clawing to the Apex
Towards the end of the journey up the Mountains Monarchy, Politoed and Poliwrath find themselves battling the enemy assassin, Zangoose.
“You…you’re both alive?!” Zangoose gawked in horror as the twins readied their weapons. “That’s not possible! At least one of you should be dead, and most definitely both of you! How?!”
“Turns out your aim was off after all,” taunted Politoed.
Zangoose growled and pulled out a shuriken. “Doesn’t matter. I know exactly how to correct this mistake.”
“The only mistake was letting you live,” snapped Poliwrath. “Greninja should’ve gotten you like he did your partner.”
With a roar, Zangoose threw the first shuriken, and lobbed a full barrage at the brothers as fast as he could manage. Dropping back, Poliwrath and Politoed dipped behind a boulder, and looked at one another as the blades clanged against the stone.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have pissed him off so much,” murmured Politoed.
“Nah, he’s distracted like that,” contested Poliwrath. “Let’s use that to help.”
“Right.” Politoed spun his nunchaku and slowly made his way to the edge of their cover. The shuriken had stopped for a moment. “I’ll knock them away when he starts again, and while he focuses on me, you rush him. Just…be careful.”
“Will do.” Poliwrath winked at his brother. “But you’d better do the same, ok?”
“Promise,” pledged Politoed. “Ready in three…two…one…”
... ... ... ... ...
(Remember, these are scenes in development. However, this is what you can look forward to, should the vote tallies of Politoed and Poliwrath be close enough together! See if you can get their combined return for the stories!)
(Head back to the poll here!)
(Still not sure or want to read more? Check back here!)
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hanyusan · 4 years
Dear Hanyusan, I am a Yuzu fan and would you mind if I ask you a question about your opinion of Yuzu and JSF now? I feel so weird when after 2 OGM and dozens, dozens and dozens of medals he got and devoting and sacrifice he made for figure skating, it seems like JSF want to betray and deflate him now (they used to support him so so much in the past) Is it due to his age or they too tired seeing him all the time dominating FS? Thanks so much and hope my poor English skill doesnt bother you :)
Hello! Interesting question.
It may have something to do with how my brain just happens to be in a present state of “heh??”, but if I’m being honest, I don’t have a solid opinion about your question. So everything following might be nonsense; hope you can forgive me for it.
There are a lot of different ways to look at this. For one thing, there have always been rumors that the JSF has never favored Yuzu: he’s from Sendai, not an extremely well-represented area in terms of skating (which is...untrue nowadays, but don’t blame me; I’m just the messenger), he doesn’t do a lot of paid CMs to bring in more dough (again, I have my doubts). If you can think of any possible reason why the JSF might not like Yuzu, it’s most likely been brought up before. I don’t see too much real logic behind any of that, but people do think that Yuzu has never received the support he should from his skating fed, which then cycles around a lot of speculation.
It’s also possible that the JSF is feeding off ISU energy: it probably won’t help the JSF in the long-run should they actively push Yuzu, a skater who’s mostly fallen out of the ISU’s favor. How do I put this...it’s like watching a drama set in an age of monarchy; when the king does not like a guy, most of his subordinates probably also choose to not like that guy. It’s for survival’s sake. Can you tell that I’ve been watching too much TV recently.
I personally don’t think there’s any reason for JSF to want to knock him down a peg, and I don’t really feel that negative bias as intensely as others do. For sure, there are forces working against Yuzu, just as there are ones working for him. The politics of skating are a mess. If you observe any skating federation, that would likely hold true; so I wouldn’t expect the JSF to be any different. At the very least, the JSF still considers him an asset. Asking them to think of him as more than that is too tall an order.
Also, your English is excellent. Don’t diminish your skills :)
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ao719 · 5 years
Unexpected - Waves (Chapter 4)
Characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them.
Title inspiration: Waves - Dean Lewis
Summary: One explosive night in New York leads to unexpected thoughts and feelings when Riley shows up in Cordonia.
A/N: 🍋
Warnings: This series will be very NSFW. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18 or over.
Catch up here
Tags: @bobasheebaby @hopefulmoonobject @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @gardeningourmet @blackcoffee85 @gibbles82 @annekebbphotography @sweetest-marbear @wannabemc2 @indiacater @liamxs-world @smalltalk88 @damienswhore @aworldoffandoms @classylady1234 @kazdog75-blog @lodberg @umccall71 @explorer-of-gems @carabeth @thequeenofcronuts @romanticatheart-posts @jared2612 @custaroonie @drakesensworld @perfectprofessorherokid @blznbaby @iplaydrake @be-still-my-aching-heart @moneyfordiamonds @the-soot-sprite @ladyangel70 @lynne1993 @kate-mckenzie @ruka-uchiha @emichelle @princess-andromeda-nazario @mfackenthal @cgd03 @dcbbw @elles-choices @debramcg1106 @sirbeepsalot @lovemychoices @jessiembruno @riseandshinelittleblossom @burnsoslow @superharrietsuper @eileendannie
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It had been a few days since the court returned back to the palace from Lythikos and Liam was getting ready to head down to the marina for the Royal Regatta. While not his favorite event considering his lack of love for boats, he always smiled through it because it was his father’s favorite event of the social season. He hadn’t seen Riley since the night they shared in Lythikos.
They had both fell asleep, Liam waking as he felt her body that was flush against his chest slowly shift from his arms that were wrapped around her. She quietly slipped out of the bed not knowing he was awake and he watched her look for her clothes, the pale moonlight coming in through the window illuminating her body with a perfect glow. He ended up grabbing her arm and pulling her back into bed with him, both of them getting lost in one another again in the early hours of the morning before she headed out and went to her own room.
He was trying to fight what he was feeling for her and so soon after meeting her, but it was as if he had no control. That spark he felt for her was turning into much more than he ever anticipated and he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. He had his fair share of women, but there was only ever one person that had him — Drake. He and Drake had spoke about the social season prior to their trip to New York and the changes that it was going to bring, especially between them, both looking at it realistically, knowing that Liam had a duty to fulfill to his country and how seriously he took it. But they were both well aware that none of the suitors were who Liam truly wanted. The only one he had anything with was Olivia; she was one of his oldest and closest friends. So while he would be choosing someone at the end of his social season, the plan was to have a marriage on paper only, there would never be any type of relationship there because he had Drake. But then Maxwell showed up the opening night at the masquerade with none other than Riley Brooks and Liam suddenly felt everything he thought he had figured out shifting.
The biggest problem with all of it was his lack of honesty with Drake about Riley. The guilt that he felt every time he was with her, about the thoughts he had about her and how he found himself feeling was starting to weigh on him. He and Drake had always been honest with one another about everything, but he found this topic of discussion something that wasn’t easy for him to bring up. To have to tell him that he found himself having feelings for her, for someone else, knowing that there very well could be a possibility that she was the one that he chose at the end of all this, it went against everything they thought they had already figured out for the future...their future. He wasn’t supposed to feel anything for the person that he chose.
But then again, he couldn’t shake the thought of actually choosing someone who made him happy and not just for a political match. Riley had more than proven herself thus far in the social season to the press, people and the rest of the court. As an outsider, that was no easy feat, but she was doing it gracefully. So far, there was no doubt in Liam’s mind that she could potentially make a good Queen, but there was still a lot of social season left, so he couldn’t make that decision just yet. And the thought of choosing her for some reason made him nervous. Nervous for him and Drake.
Liam exited his chambers and headed down the corridor. “Ah, Liam,” he turned his head towards the sound of the voice.
“Hello, father,” he smiled.
Constantine approached him giving his shoulder a clap. “Ready for the regatta?”
“I am,” Liam answered as they walked.
“Good, good,” Constantine smiled. “So, how are you feeling about the suitors so far, son?”
Liam thought for a moment. “They each have their charms. Are equally matched, in my opinion, so far.” His answer was hiding what he was truly feeling. They weren’t all matched, not even close, not in his eyes.
“Yes,” he nodded. “Just remember, that while this is an important choice for you, it’s more important for Cordonia. Your choice will be the future face of the monarchy alongside you.”
Liam looked at his father for a moment. “Yes, I know, father.”
“Well, lets get on then. I’m going to need you front and center today.”
Riley, Maxwell and Bertrand were in the limo, making their way to the marina where the regatta was being held. She was quiet on the ride, both brothers assuming that it was nerves about racing a boat, but it had nothing to do with that. Ever since her night with Liam she found herself feeling very confused about him and Drake. She supposed that was her own fault considering she was the one that was spending time with them both, but she felt that connection surge through her with each of them and she was trying to figure things out, but it only left her feeling more confused. Still, she didn’t feel one for more than the other, they both had something about them that kept her interested. She had been with both of them and been with each of them, and nothing was any clearer now than it was when she first came there.
The limo pulled up to the marina a short time later and the three of them filed out. Riley took in the vast amount of colorful sails that sat in the water at the docks, the crowd bustling around them. They started down towards the docks. “Now remember, Lady Riley. The winner of today’s race will truly impress the King and have an honor bestowed upon them.” She nodded her head continuing to look around as they approached the dock. Bertrand glanced over and happened to see Liam, who had spotted Riley, and was headed their way. “Maxwell and I are going to get the boat prepared. Looks like you may have a visitor. We’ll meet you down at the boat,” he gave her a curt nod before pulling Maxwell off just before Liam made it up to her.
“Hello, Riley,” he smiled before leaning down to kiss her cheek, the scent of her perfume filling his senses.
She felt that flutter instantly. “Your highness,” she smiled.
“Please. I think we’re well past formalities,” he chuckled shooting her a coy smile. “I haven’t seen you in the last few days around the palace...”
“Bertrand’s been keeping me occupied with fork and spoon placement,” she rolled her eyes as Liam let out a laugh.
“Are you looking forward to the race today?”
“I guess. I’ve never manned a boat before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything,” she shrugged. “What about you? You just get to sit back and watch your suitors race boats for your affections?” She smirked.
“Well, I suppose when you put it that way,” Liam chuckled. “The regatta is actually my father’s favorite event...so I’ve never had the heart to tell him that I hate sailing.”
“Really? I would have pegged you for a boat kind of guy.”
“I used to love it, but when Drake and I were younger we had an accident with a boat and that pretty much soured the whole idea for me.”
“What’s the story there?”
Liam explained to Riley about how he and Drake took a boat out and the waters turned rough when a storm came in and how the boat capsized. He told her about how Drake basically saved him, and how he wouldn’t have been able to get out of that situation without him. She noticed that whenever Liam spoke of Drake, there was a certain way his eyes would light up. She knew that they were really good friends, best friends in fact, but each time one would talk about the other, the adventures they had growing up or even now, she couldn’t help but feel more curious.
“Sounds like you’d be pretty lost without Drake,” she replied once he finished the story.
“I would be,” he smiled. You have no idea, he thought to himself. Just then the bell rang for Liam’s father to make his opening remarks.
They both turned and stood there watching Constantine speak, his face glowing as he talked about his favorite event of the social season. He then stated that he had an announcement to make and as he spoke her eyes slightly widened and she looked up at Liam who was staring at his father with an unreadable expression hearing him announce that at the end of the social season he would be stepping down and that Liam would be crowned King.
Once Constantine had finished his speech Riley stared up at Liam. “Are you alright?”
Liam looked down at her before glancing around and then pulling her off to the side. “I...I don’t know...” he furrowed his brows, the announcement catching him completely off guard, not having any idea that his father was planning on stepping down, his mind racing. His mind instantly going to Drake. “He...he didn’t warn me before hand. I just saw him this morning and he didn’t say a word. I didn’t realize...it would be happening so soon.”
“Are you going to be ok?”
Liam nodded. “Yes. I have to be...I just...thought I would have more time...” That we would have more time. He looked over at her.
“I’m sorry, Liam. That’s a lot to shoulder,” she offered him an apologetic expression.
“I’ll be alright...just need to let it sink in.” Just then Liam heard his name being called and turned to see a hoard of press making their way up to the pair. “We should give them a few words,” he motioned his head. She nodded and they turned, Riley stepping up next to him as Liam began speaking and answering their questions.
Drake stood on the docks stunned at Constantine’s announcement that he just heard and he wondered why Liam hadn’t told him about it. Constantine always kept Liam’s counsel on matters ever since Leo had abdicated and Liam became next in line, so he didn’t expect this to be any different. This was going to change certain things and he knew that the minute he heard him say that Liam would be crowned King. He would have a completely new level of expectations placed on him and whoever he chose at the end of the social season. There would be no time to try and figure things out, there would be no settling in and getting used to everything. He was being thrown in as soon as he picked his future Queen. Where does that leave us now, he questioned to himself.
Everything was already so different, it had been since Liam’s father announced that the social season for Liam would be taking place this year. They were both trying to come to terms with everything that was going to be taking place, but they knew they had plenty of time to attempt to get used to all of it, to figure the ins and outs and how exactly they were going to make things work. Riley had already seemed to throw things off balance between them, at least on Drake’s end with the thoughts and feelings he found himself having. And now this announcement seemed to be just another thing pushing the two of them off the course they thought they were on.
He walked down the docks weaving his way through the crowd when he stopped seeing Liam with Riley talking to the press. Liam had his one hand at the small of her back as they were interviewed, then he watched as she perched up on her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his cheek as the camera flashes went off, Liam grinning as he looked down at her, that same look in his eyes that he had seen him give her before. Maybe it was the announcement that he had just heard on top of everything else which was causing his mind to race with thoughts, he wasn’t sure, but in that moment seeing the two of them that way, he found himself curious as to how much of an act Liam was truly playing in front of the press...if it was an act at all.
“Drake!” He heard his name and turned to see Maxwell approaching him. “Hey, buddy! I, uh...I need a huge favor,” he grinned wide.
Liam stood there with Riley as the press finished asking her some questions and his eyes landed on Drake across the docks as he spoke with Maxwell. He watched him turn his head back, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before he turned and disappeared into the crowd with Maxwell. He had to talk to him. He knew that Drake most likely assumed that he knew about his father’s announcement, but he needed him to know that he didn’t.
The press finished with Liam and Riley and walked away, Liam turning to face her. “I should get to the boat before Bertrand decides to toss me overboard,” she chuckled.
“I’ll walk you down there,” Liam smiled. They walked together down the docks and stopped just before where her boat was. “Well, good luck out there. Be safe. I’ll be watching,” he smirked.
“Thanks,” she smiled. “I’ll see you later.” She turned and he watched her walk onto the boat.
Liam took his place with his father and Regina to watch the suitors race, his father engrossed in conversation. He didn’t want to ask him about the announcement right there, knowing it was not a good time to have such a conversation. He looked out at all the boats, hearing Olivia yelling orders at her crew and he silently chuckled. He then spotted Riley’s boat which instead of a crew consisted of her, Maxwell and Drake. Maxwell was off on the other side of the boat and he watched the other two as they laughed with one another. Drake kept smiling and shaking his head at whatever it was that Riley was saying to him. His eyes moved back and forth between them as he looked from one to the other, almost feeling torn at who he wanted to watch.
On one side there was Drake, his best friend, the one person who knew him better than anyone. Someone who he had shared the deepest parts of himself with both physically and intimately, someone he loved and the only person to ever have him. On the other side there was Riley. Someone who was exciting as she was new and refreshing. Someone he seemed to have this connection and desire for with such force that she had consumed his mind since the moment he first laid eyes on her back in New York. But she was also someone who, like Drake, saw him for him, without the title. Who enjoyed being with just Liam. And she was someone he found himself having such strong feelings for, more than he thought that he would or that he should.
And staring at her in that moment and thinking about the things he was about her, that guilt hit him again as his eyes flitted over to Drake. He had hardly spent any time with him since the start of the social season, not that they were expecting to get much time together, but his free moments he had spent with Riley, or thinking about her, even in times when he was with Drake. He missed him. He missed the carefree days they had together before all of this happened. Before his brother selfishly abdicated the throne and left the responsibility resting on his shoulders instead.
Liam sat and watched the race start, now realizing that Maxwell and Drake were helping Riley in the race, the brothers Beaumont obviously not having a crew for her for some reason. The crowd cheered on the suitors as the press stood on the docks snapping photos. In the last moment of the race, Riley’s boat flew past the others crossing the finish line. The crowd hollered and whistled, Constantine standing and clapping with a wide grin.
“Let’s go congratulate her, shall we?” He looked up giving Liam a smile and he nodded in agreement.
Riley stepped off the boat with Maxwell and Drake grinning as passerby’s congratulated her on her win, stopping so the press could snap a few photos. Drake went to step out of the way for her and Maxwell to take the spotlight, but Riley reached out and grabbed his arm pulling him back next to her. “You deserve just as much credit, Drake,” she smiled at him. He shook his head hiding a smile as the press finished up.
“We did it!” Maxwell beamed. “We can celebrate at the beach party! I need to go find Bertrand before the rest of the races start.” Maxwell ran off.
Riley turned to Drake. “Thank you.” She had that same familiar flutter as she stood talking to him.
“Don’t thank me, Brooks. I didn’t do nothing.”
“Stop doing that and just take the thank you,” she shook her head smiling.
Drake grinned. He then turned and saw Liam and his father approaching knowing Constantine was coming to talk to her. “I have to do something before the beach party. I’ll catch up with you later.” She gave a nod and Drake walked off.
“That was some impressive sailing, Lady Riley,” Constantine spoke as he approached with Liam.
“Thank you, your majesty. I can’t take all the credit...just most of it,” she smiled.
“Well done.” He turned to Liam who was smiling at Riley, a small smile forming on his lips at the way he watched his son look at her. “We should get back to our seats before the other races start, Liam.”
“I’ll see you later,” Liam smiled at her before he leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you.” She gave a wave as he turned and headed back with Constantine.
After the races had finished for the day the court headed down to the private beach. Maxwell and Riley stopped so she could change into her suit before they made their way over. They stepped onto the sand and Riley glanced around. She could tell this wasn’t something most of the nobles seemed to enjoy too much, most of them off sulking in the shade somewhere as they irritatedly brushed the sand off of them. She shook her head rolling her eyes as they walked further down the beach before she spotted Drake over by a nearby picnic table. He looked over and waved at her and Maxwell and they headed in his direction.
“What’s all this?” Riley asked as they made it up to him. There was a plethora of food set out on the table, all American style cuisine.
“Classic Americana,” Drake replied. “Liam...he thought that you could use a taste of home.”
“He did this?”
Drake nodded. He seems to want to do quite a bit for you, he thought to himself. He watched as she smiled looking down at the selections of barbecue, salads, sloppy joes, pulled pork and more. He knew he shouldn’t feel the way he was in that moment, but it was as if he couldn’t help it. The announcement from earlier had completely thrown him off and had him thinking way too much. They sat down and all dug in and started eating, Drake staying fairly quiet while Maxwell and Riley talked.
Liam walked down the beach after speaking with a few of the other nobles, hands in his pockets as he thought. He glanced up and across the beach he saw Riley and Drake sitting at the picnic table eating the food that he asked Drake for help to surprise Riley with. She seemed happy, smiling as they ate and he was glad in that moment. And then his eyes went to Drake, who seemed to be staring off as the other two talked. He took a deep breath and looked away for a moment, his eyes landing on the entrance to pathway, memories flooding his mind as he smiled. He turned back looking at Drake who now was looking at him and Liam subtlety motioned his head. He knew he should be spending time with his suitors, that he shouldn’t disappear, but his father’s announcement had him reeling and in that moment he just needed him.
Drake made it up to Liam who was now standing off behind one of the palm trees near the woods. “Hey...”
Liam recognized the tone in his voice and noticed Drake wouldn’t look at him, his eyes trained down to the ground. “Drake, I didn’t know...” Drake looked up finally meeting his gaze, apart of him instantly feeling better knowing Liam wasn’t keeping that from him, that he truly didn’t know his father was stepping down.
“Are you alright?”
“I don’t know how I am. But I do know...I just want to get away from all of this...just for a little bit to clear my head.” He stared at him for a moment and Drake watched his eyes move from his to the path just behind him and he gave a small smirk. “Come with me?”
“Right now?” Liam nodded. “But the rest of court...the suitors...”
“No one knows about that spot except for us. I’m going either way. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come.” He gave a small smile before pushing off the tree and Drake turned watching him walk down the beach and then disappear into the pathway. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked around, no one else paying any mind. He turned and walked towards the path.
Drake caught up to Liam who turned, a smile forming. He needed to just be away from everyone else right now, and this place used to always be a spot where they would both go to sometimes hideaway when they were younger. Liam and Drake followed the path deep into the woods before coming to a clearing and there it was, the forgotten falls.
“Wow...we haven’t been here in years, Li,” Drake noted as he stared up at the massive waterfall.
“Not since we were teens,” Liam chuckled.
Drake glanced over giving him a slight grin. “So, we jumping or what?” Liam flashed a smile and they both pulled off their shirts tossing them into the sand before heading to the cliff face.
They began to climb to the top using the vines and protruding rocks to help them along the way. Both of them felt this rush of adrenaline and excitement course through them as they heaved their way up, the nostalgia of their child and teen years coming back as they remembered all the times they had done this very same thing before. The days they used to spend hiding out here where no one could find them, jumping off the cliff or just sitting on the beach around the plunge pool at the base of the falls. By the time they reached the top they were both reminded that they weren’t that young anymore, wiping the sweat that was beading from their brows.
Once to the top they both stepped to the edge and looked down. “This seems a bit higher than I remember...” Liam stated.
Drake laughed as he looked over at him. “I promise, the waterfall didn’t grow, Li,” he shook his head.
“Alright,” Liam gave one last glance down before taking a few long strides back. “Ready?” Drake backed up next to him shaking his arms out with a grin and nodded. “One...two...three.”
They both got a running start before coming to the edge and leaping off, free falling into the water below and landing with a splash. They emerged from under the water both laughing, Liam wiping his face and Drake pushing his hair back. They glanced at one another and Drake smirked. “Again?”
They climbed the cliff face and jumped a few more times before they stayed in the water below, absentmindedly floating. For the first time in a while, it was just Drake and Liam, like it used to be, as if there were no social season or no one else that had been consuming both of their minds. Liam watched as Drake dove under the water and disappeared and knew right where he had gone, forgetting it was even there himself. He followed suit a moment later and emerged from under the water behind the falls, standing a moment later and walked over sitting on the smooth rocks as Drake stayed sitting in the shallowest part of the water.
“I forgot about back here,” Liam chuckled looking around. The sun was glimmering on the other side of the falls causing the reflection from the water to shine against the rocks.
Drake glanced up to see Liam sitting there, the rivulets of water dripping down his taut skin. Liam looked over catching his gaze just before Drake stood in the water and walked up to him, again that pull hitting both of them, that familiar heat flashing in both of their eyes. Between the nostalgia of being there at the falls and the fact that it was just them both physically and mentally, neither one having to hide anything, they fell into the moment. Drake pulled him in crashing his lips onto his, Liam’s hand running through his damp hair, tongues tangling together.
Liam slid from the rocks standing back in the water, his hand reaching down and palming Drake’s hard cock through the fabric of his shorts, his lips swallowing the groan that escaped him as he kissed him. He slipped his hand beneath the waistband, Drake’s body jerking as he felt Liam take hold of his cock and start stroking him firmly, his thumb sliding across the tip wiping the beads of precum. He pushed Drake’s shorts down and went to his knees, waist deep in the water. Drake watched as he grasped hold of him and wrapped his mouth around him, feeling his tongue curling around the head of his cock before sliding down the underside of his shaft as he swallowed him, swiveling and twisting his hand in sync with his mouth.
Drake dropped his head with a moan as he felt himself hitting the back of Liam’s throat. “Fuck, Li,” he hissed as he slid his hands through Liam’s black hair, guiding his head as he began to buck his hips. Liam felt his cock twitch knowing he was close, hollowing his cheeks before releasing him. He rose back up to his feet, their lips fusing together once more as their tongues coiled. “I need to feel you,” Drake growled as they parted.
Liam sat at the edge of the rock and laid back on its smooth surface, Drake stripping his shorts off, his hard cock springing free from its confines. Drake stroked his cock that was coated with Liam’s saliva before stepping between his legs and lining himself up to his entrance. They locked eyes as Drake pulled his hips to his. “I love you, Li.”
“I love you too. Always.” At his words Drake eased into him, rigid, flushed and desperate for the feel of Liam’s tightness surrounding him. He set a pace and Liam moaned from the sensation of Drake filling him with each smooth thrust as he stroked his own cock in time with his movements. Drake watched himself disappear into him over and over before his eyes flickered up and watched Liam’s hand working his own throbbing cock. Their grunts and groans echoed in the small cave behind the falls, skin meeting skin, breathing ragged.
Drake could feel himself about to tip over as he watched Liam. He was close, too close but he couldn’t, not yet. Liam had to first because to him, Liam was more important. “Drake...fuck, I’m going to...,” Liam’s words trailed off into a loud moan as Drake’s thrusts became faster. A moment later his thick white seed spilled onto his hand and broad chest, Drake following closely behind with his own release and groan as he dug his fingers into Liam’s hips before falling forward.
Drake pulled out and Liam sat up pulling him into another deep kiss leaving them breathless as they parted. Drake sunk into the water a few moments later resting his back against the rocks catching his breath, Liam dipping in next to him, the water cleaning them off. Liam splashed some water onto his face before settling back against the rock next to Drake, both still catching their breath.
A short time later they threw their shorts back on and came back out from behind the waterfall sitting in the shallows near the shore of the plunge pool. Drake wanted to ask him about what had been on his mind, apart of him a little afraid to, not knowing what Liam’s reaction would be. But there was no better time than now considering they were completely alone.
“Your father’s statement...” he began and Liam looked up at him. “What...what’s going to happen?”
“I’m not entirely sure. I didn’t even know he was stepping down. I heard it for the first time along with everyone else.” Liam ran his hand through his damp hair letting out a breath. “I mean...I suppose there really is no difference. I’m just...being crowned king...much sooner than anticipated.”
True, Drake thought to himself, but still there were even more changes to come much sooner than they had thought. “And all the changes...will happen right away...”
Liam watched Drake look away from him and he let out a heavy sigh. They thought there would be time in between. Time to try and figure things out more, to adjust to all of the changes. Adjust to Liam having a wife and Drake being seen when he had time. Adjust to married life before starting a family with whoever he chose at the end. Being Crown Prince gave him a little breathing room before having to worry about an heir right away. But being King...this changed everything. His country and its people were going to expect it right away as a sign of strength and stability to the monarchy.
“I know...that none of this is really going according to what we thought we had planned out.”
“I guess we knew it was coming...I just thought we had more time...” Drake shrugged, chewing the inside of his cheek as he looked down at his fingers dipping into the water.
“I know.” Liam nodded in agreement. “Me too. But...we’ll figure things out. We just need to...see what happens.” Drake glanced up at him and Liam pulled him in capturing his lips. His hand held tightly to the back of his head as they parted and their foreheads pressed together, both their eyes closed.
Just as the sun was starting to set, Drake and Liam made their way back through the pathway towards the entrance. Liam gave his hand a squeeze before Drake exited the path and he waited before following a few moments later. As he stepped out he saw Drake walking up towards where he parked his truck and then looked out across the beach to see Riley walking with Maxwell, most likely back to the limo, her brilliant smile on display as she laughed at something he was saying. He closed his eyes shaking his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose, a low annoyed growl escaping him. He just had that all consuming time with Drake, where it was just them, not a second thought in either of their minds. And the minute he saw her all those feelings came rushing back in.
“Liam,” he heard his name and looked up to see Madeline approaching him.
“Madeline,” he greeted her with a semi forced smile before his gaze landed back on Riley watching her until she disappeared from view.
Madeline took note of who he was staring at with that longing look in his eyes, just as she had taken note of who exited that path just before he did. Liam’s relationship with Drake may have been their best kept secret from everyone else, including their closest friends such as Olivia and Maxwell, but she knew. She had known for a long time.
“I wanted to talk to you about something...in light of your father’s announcement this afternoon.”
“Ok,” Liam replied as he started walking up the beach to his SUV. “What about it?”
“I know about you and Drake,” she stated flatly and Liam abruptly stopped walking and turned looking at her.
He kept that trained stoic facade plastered on his face. “What are you talking about?”
“Liam...I’ve known for quite sometime. You don’t have to play dumb with me. I knew there was a reason you disappeared from the beach party, and having seen Drake walk out of that path just before you did...I know why,” she arched her brow, challenging him to tell her she was wrong, but he just stared at her in silence. “I also have watched the way you interact with Lady Riley...the way you look at her.”
“Madeline, I really don’t know what you’re getting at or what you think you know...” he turned and started to walk away, mind racing.
“She’ll never understand, ya know?” She called and Liam stopped walking again and turned back to her, a frustrated expression on his face as she took a few steps up to him, his lips pursed in a thin line. “I know...and I would understand. I’m just putting it out there that if you were to choose me...I would turn my cheek...you could have what you truly wanted.”
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