#mogs thoughts cause why not
case-of-traxits · 6 months
I’m sure you’ve probably talked about this before, but how do you think reeve’s inspire works?
So funny fact here: I've never actually formally meta'd about this publicly. I'm pretty sure. I've talked to a few individuals about it, but never in like, a definitive, "This is definitely how I think it works," sort of way.
Maybe it's time to change that?
First though, let's talk about why I use the Inspire ability at all, because a lot of that leads into how I think it works.
An Argument for Why I Use the Inspire Ability
I would love to start with Reeve's original bio, but of course, as we know, Reeve didn't get a bio in the original game manual. So instead, we're forced to rely on his Ultimania bio:
The head of the Urban Development Department. Involved in the construction of Midgar from the very beginning, he watches over the town’s development like that of a child. By utilizing his special ability, “Inspire”, he is able to cause inorganic things to emit life; his “child”, the “cat”-shaped robot, Cait Sith can be controlled from a great distance. After Meteorfall, he became the director of the World Regenesis Organization (WRO), which is devoted to the purpose of restoring life to the planet.
For what it's worth, Reeve's bio has been shockingly consistent with including his Inspire ability. I go into that a little bit over in my WRO Reeve + Heartbreak meta.
Now, I know a lot of people don't like the Ultimanias. They find them confusing, or contradictory, or whatever the current "I don't use them," reason of the day is. That's fine! Let's take a look at Cait Sith's original bio from the game manual:
Cait Sith rides on the back of a huge stuffed Mog he magically brought to life. Megaphone in hand, he's always shouting orders and creating dopey attacks...
So there you go. Mog and Cait Sith cannot simply be robots, since it's stated quite plainly that Cait Sith brought Mog to life magically.
(As a side note, Cait Sith in the OG comes equipped with the Manipulate materia. This is a fun multi-layered reference, don't you think? Pokes a note at him being a spy and kind of gives you a thing to consider about how he possibly controls Mog.)
(As a second side note, Cait Sith also has one of the highest magic/spirit scores in the OG, so he's clearly meant to be your caster.)
Now, that said, Reeve clearly did build Cait Sith as a robot. His Ultimania profile clearly refers to Cait Sith as a robot, and in BC, Cait Sith has a controller of some kind in his back, and he gets damaged and broken into pieces and the Player Turk has to put him back together.
(As a side note there— and I swear, I'll stop doing these soon— if I recall correctly, the pieces the Player Turk has to collect are the body, the head, and the crown, implying that Cait Sith's crown is in fact an important part of him, and not just a cute fashion accessory.)
In addition, it is worth noting that Rufus Shinra is well aware of Cait Sith and that Reeve "controls" him, and yet, Reeve is able to directly communicate with AVALANCHE during a board meeting where Scarlet and Heidegger are talking Rufus into loading up No. 26, the rocket from Rocket Town, with huge materia and crashing it into Meteor in an attempt to save the world. Reeve not only does this, but Rufus gives no outward indication that he's aware of it. So however Reeve "controls" Cait Sith, there must not be a visible component to it.
My point is that Cait Sith, from what canon shows us, appears to be a robot that Reeve can control directly, without need for any sort of external control system. And, based on some thoughts that Cait Sith has during BC that cannot reasonably be attributed to Reeve, Cait Sith is still somehow independent of Reeve himself.
So why don't I go with Cait Sith simply being a learning AI of some kind? Well, mostly because of Mog. If we go back to the original bio for Cait Sith, it reads very similarly to Reeve's Ultimania bio. So Reeve grants life to Cait Sith, who can, in turn, grant life to Mog.
Functionally, Cait Sith is a mini-Inspire of his own.
Canon Exploration of the Inspire Ability
Now that I've written out my premise for why I go with Inspire Reeve, let's get to the heart of the original question:  How do I think it works?
Well, let's look at what we have to work with:
[Ultimania Bio] Reeve causes inorganic things to "emit" life.
[Ultimania Bio] Reeve sees Cait Sith as a child.
[OG Game Bio] Cait Sith inherits the Inspire ability.
[OG/BC/DoC] Cait Sith is capable of acting autonomously.
[OG/BC/DoC] Cait Sith can be directly controlled (to some extent, at least) via Reeve.
[OG] Reeve can speak through Cait Sith without other people in the room noticing.
[OtWtaS] Multiple Cait Siths can be 'active' at a time.
[DoC] Reeve and Cait Sith can move in sync with one another.
[DoC] Even if Cait Sith 'dies,' he can somehow convey information he learned right up until his death to Reeve/other Cait Siths.
How Does the Ability Actually Work?
So, with all of this in mind, here's how I usually go with Reeve's ability working:
The short answer is that I see it as a low-key, always-on mental connection between Reeve and Cait Sith.
A longer explanation starts with the fact that I see Reeve's Inspire ability as sort of... it has both passive and active modes for me.  Basically, in the passive mode, Reeve is always influencing inorganic material around him.  It's more noticeable when his emotions are heightened, but things like his phone and his car develop... quirks.  His car isn't really conscious, exactly, but it does read his intent, and to some extent, it basically functions as a self-driving vehicle when Reeve is the one behind the wheel.
Now, for my Reeve in particular, this is in no small part because the car was his father's, and he has worked on it extensively over the years.  It's a classic car, basically, and it gives him an outlet for fiddly work that's outside and not in a reactor or tied to Shinra.  If you're going with a Reeve who doesn't love his car as much, then obviously, that probably would be a bit more odd.
A more common variant on this, I think, would probably be that I usually roll with Reeve having... partially Inspired the reactors.  All of them.  All of the ones he has access to.  And in this case, it's less because he wants them to be alive and more because he wants to have that access to them.  He wants to be able to check statuses and know what's going on with a reactor at any given moment, and no matter how advanced the tech is, nothing will be faster for him than a direct mental connection.
Of course, that can have some less than stellar side effects when, say, a reactor explodes.  @ladykf-writes wrote me some amazing ficlets that feature my headcanons about this after much rambling with her about them. So I highly recommend checking those out if you're interested in this idea.
Then he has the active mode of his ability. I've written a ficlet (Heritage and Legacies) about the process of actually Inspiring Cait Sith (and it makes mention of Reeve's first disastrous accidental Inspiration), but in short, it involves more or less willing the inanimate object to life.  I usually go with the explanation that Reeve is literally feeding the object a bit of his own personal lifestream (or soul, depending on how you want to talk about it) until it starts circulating it on its own.  This gives me a built in explanation for why he doesn't animate hundreds of things at once and such.  I do like to have caps on things.
But because it was his personal lifestream that he used, he can basically retain... think of like a narrow, unseen string between Cait Sith and Reeve, no matter how far apart they get. And across this string, they can send thoughts, memories, and sensations.  That's how Reeve knew what happened to Cait Sith when Nero ate him with shadows.  Cait Sith had immediately connected with Reeve and told him.
Now, I do a few hand-wavey things for my own sanity when writing.  I assume that when a Cait Sith dies, all of their memories get imprinted in Reeve's mind, and when he Inspires the next Cait Sith, they get a copy of all of those memories.  This can create a bit of a jarring dissonance within the memories for a new Cait Sith, as they might remember being Cait Sith 1 and being Cait Sith 2 in the same conversation.  But for the most part, it works.
The other thing I usually do with Cait Sith specifically is that I say that when he was first Inspired, he was very much like a baby or a toddler.  He needed to learn a lot of things.  I don't have any fics currently up featuring this (I will after the holiday events though), but basically, I go with it having taken Reeve a while to get Cait Sith to talk at all for example, and that he had to learn a lot of things on his own rather than relying on Reeve's memory of the things.
Now, because of the hand-wavey memory thing I already talked about, new Cait Siths don't have that same initial problem.  They basically just get imprinted with everything Cait Sith 1 learned before he died.
(And for what it's worth, since Cait Sith's accent is supposed to be based on Reeve's parents, I always go with Cait Sith not speaking at all for a few months after he was Inspired.  Reeve tried everything, from toddler help books to reading books to trying to bribe him, and couldn't get a single word out of him.  And then, finally, Reeve was on the phone with his mother, trying to discreetly ask her for advice without admitting to his abilities or to what he'd done, and when he hung up the phone, Cait Sith looked up at him and spoke for the first time.  In the accent Reeve hadn't realized he'd slipped back into with his mother.)
The other hand-wavey thing I do is that I usually have Reeve and Cait Sith share the ability to communicate mind-to-mind, no outward dialogue needed.  I mostly justify this with it being a side-effect of them sharing the same personal lifestream rhythm.
I will say though, something I do that I don't know that I've seen anyone else do (I don't have any fics left up featuring this either, actually) is that I say the control can go both ways.  So Reeve can reach for Cait Sith and speak through him, but so can Cait Sith.  Now, I usually say that Reeve has to let Cait Sith do this, whereas Reeve can just take control from Cait Sith, but I  chalk that up to Reeve being the one who did the initial Inspiring.  Following that suit though, it would make sense that Cait Sith could do the same thing with Mog, if he wanted.
Now, I also headcanon that Reeve does his absolute best to let Cait Sith have whatever autonomy he can.  My Reeve, in particular, didn't exactly have the happiest of childhoods, and he has spent a lot of time being told exactly what he can do and when, so he tries to give Cait Sith the childhood he never had.
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If you read all the way down here, oh my goodness, but thank you.  It's... a lot.  Like I said earlier, the short answer is that I see it as a low-key, always-on mental connection between Reeve and Cait Sith.  And I kind of flex it around, depending on what exactly I'm doing with the fic in question.
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candycryptids · 9 months
4 do they have a canon mount or minions? What are their names? If applicable!
30 what was their highest point in Shadowbringers? Their lowest? What caused it? 
((Omg I’m dumb I forgot the number but:)) how do they feel about Zenos?
Ok ok I’m sorry this took a while I was gonna take screenshots but then the mog-event started and instead I raided until my wrist hurt LOL (and then I typed this all up laying in bed and kicking my feets- read more cos it just got fuckin long
So for Minions/Mounts/Names; Mochiie has adopted two little Chocobo hatchlings- a tan-brown one he named named Anne, and a deep orange one he named SallyBeth he’s not 100% sure what breeds they are, but he does end up eventually saddling Anne adventure during Heavensward and SallyBeth during Stormblood, with the two of them each having their own strengths in terms of riding. SallyBeth is a Draft sized Chocobo too tender hearted for battle and ends up being more suited to long journeys across the continent or carrying luggage/passengers/pulling the cart, if need be. Anne is a smaller sized spitfire that is most likely to kick and bite apart anything that gets in her way. Mochi is the only one that can safely handle her, though I would call them “drift compatible”. Anne has bitten several people on the ass before, and will steal gyshal greens out of your bag.
Anne is also kitted out with a special ‘trick saddle’ he had custom made during his stint on the Steppe in Stormblood, so he can put his foot up on the saddle horn for extra height-stability to fire his bow while riding. (Hence why they are “drift compatible” in order for this to work, Anne actually wears blinders to keep her focused and running steady)
(Since I haven’t thought about Shadowbringers too extensively for my two canon WoL’s, I’ll give you this weird answer from Chuusday the non-WoL, and her wife, also a non-WoL but more involved w/ the WoL, it’s complicated ik ik we haven’t nailed out what happens with the WoL yet tho;)
Lowest point was when Chuusday’s wife Talia got soul-ganked and she didn’t even get to find out about this until she was summoned to the first (eon become instant yadda yadda) a week or so later to help fight The Big Problem which was all told a hilarious situation. Because her wife was really hurt and despite being inactive by nature that was enough to send her into a guns blazing fury. I think she temporarily became a Gunbreaker she got so mad-
High point was the Yorha Raids- for all the ups and downs during, getting to explore the ruins of the city and pick through the parts for upgrades made all Chuu’s dopamine receptors light on god damn fire. Tuesday gets a body upgrade just from all the salvage. He’s lighterweight than ever. His link Pearl gets built in temporarily but ends up disabled in favor of a physical linkpearl after concerns abt being listened in on without safe action to prevent it being available.
Aaaand, “how does the WoL feel about Zenos?”
The short answer; Mochiie is obsessed with this guy for a long time. It makes him worse. It brings out the ugliness in what he would’ve considered his good traits.
The longer answer;
“I can fix him” but it’s a hard lesson. It’s a hard lesson because sometimes people can’t be fixed. Zenos becomes an all-consuming yard stick that Mochi measures himself against strength wise as he fights to become stronger, faster, wittier, he’ll think of the right things to say this time and make Zenos change for the better and recognize the humanity and feelings in others but it just keeps not working. Because Zenos doesn’t want to be fixed. He wants to be your obsession. He wants the person with the potential to be an interesting fight, a meal to be fattened and braised for hours- he wants them to be obsessed with him just as much as he is. More than he is. And Mochi falls right into that readily, of having potential to be a fight that makes his blood sing. And Mochiie thinks in his overwhelming strength is the same potential for overwhelming goodness. It is. Not easy to accept when that isn’t so.
He’s never had to run into a wall like Zenos before. He does eventually make peace with it, after beating him down as Shinryuu, baring his whole self snarling and ugly and tired to face against a terrible primal that was someone he thought worth saving. (He’d made it work with Ysayle, they found common ground before her death, even Urianger, for his turncoat moments, they found sense, things made *sense* Zenos doesn’t make any **sense**—)
Zenos isn’t here to make sense and fit into neat and tidy boxes or be some ‘fix-it’ project that can be saved lmfao.
I joke in a modern au Mochiie would write a ten+ paragraph argument, cited sources, research, hours, days of carefully picked words and picked apart drafted, revised, revised again thoughts, and Zenos would send back the equivalent of
“ur mom suck me good and hard through my shorts 🤣🤪😜” like .2 seconds later, implying he didn’t even bother to read it… and he like, really won’t.
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chlortrimeton · 4 years
Mogs’ thoughts: #1
Two dudes who didn’t practice enough
analizing their marketing strategy as youtuber, and also a letter to them
Looks like I’ve been stanning Twosetviolin for pretty long time. A year and counting. But this same person haven’t watched their vids for like 2 weeks who am I tho.
And for that I know that they’re on going question that hasn’t been answered for ages was if my boyz--Brett and Eddy--are dating. Cause yeah, they’re cute AF together, have those dreamy ship dynamics, literally look like they are both in love in their vids, and so on.
Don’t worry, I also ship them. But the fact that they haven’t given the fandom any clue about this concerns me. Cause I don’t want to ship someone who frankly say that they don’t want to be shipped with each other. It would make them feel extremely uncomfortable, and disrespecting their privacy, right?
And to make me get those shipping in guilt feels, they use matching captions on promoting their merchs.
For example from their last two merch promo pics:
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I swear to God, their new promo pics (and possibly the next three upcoming promo pics) will have matching captions as well. They freaking look like such a middle school couple that just dated for a week I wanna cry
Of course, the feedback was so great. Stans are dying, keep on questioning whether this was them slowly coming out that they are dating. Me? Ships in guilt even harder.
I remember this famous phrase that kinda popular; “There’s no way a girl and a boy can be bestfriends forever cause one of them must fall in love with the other.”
I mean, boys can date each other, right? So why not. That’s what I thought.
And maybe, that’s what they thought, too.
To make sure that their viewers stay with them--in addition to long running jokes, comedic content that somehow still educates you, dorky personalities, promising that they’ll do something once they’ve reached particular subsribers (2 million Tchaikovsky freaking SLAPS, dudes. You guys ROCKS!)--let’s make a long running mystery; are they dating? Make it even more questionable by liking some comments regarding this.
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To spice things up, twitter thread of them being questionable
They probably play along to this long-running mystery to make sure we stays. Cause yeah, some fans would tell their IRL friends, their friends ask the same questions, and join the fandom out of curiosity. Then, the fandom grows even bigger. That’s a win solution for them.
They could make this mystery last forever. Or maybe, just maybe, in 5 years or so, finally come out like Dan and Phil. And told us that they’re going to get married tomorrow, just like Sam Tsui’s come out vid. Even i n t e r e s t i n g, they’ve been married for 3 years.
Just maybe.
Anyway, I just want to say that they might play along and gain more subscribers by taking advantage to this long-running mystery. We can speculate over anything cause they haven’t confirmed or denying anything.
Oh, and my message.
Back to that phrase. Fall in love. People sometimes forget that there are more love besides romantic love. One of them is platonic love. That’s how you’ve been able to love your siblings, or parents. That thing also can happens to bestfriends. Especially two dudes that have been friends for 14 years. They might be just love each other like siblings.
What I’m trying to say is, if you guys want to say something about this, and you guys want to tell us that it’s platonic love, I would still support and love you, tho. Just because the long running mystery has been solved, doesn’t mean that your journey would end. You guys, or us, would eventually find another mystery to solve. But more than that, we will wait for your upcoming i n t e r e s t i n g contents, Stay awesome, boyz!
P.S: the right phrase that should be quoted was, “If you’ve befrended someone for more than seven years, that friendship would last forever,” but I choose to ignore it cause this won’t fit my entire thoughts I’m sorry.
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Here's a little thing I wrote yesterday! It's my first fanfic and it's translated from swedish, don't judge me!
Fifteen-year-old Morrigan gently swept away the leaves from the small sign. The tension rose within her. Which wundersmith created Deucalion? Soon she knew.
Here is a phenomenon.
Created by wundersmiths Elodie Bauer, Owain Binks and Ezra Squall,
with the support of Countess Lily St. James.
The rest of the words had faded away, but Morrigan did not. She stared at the fence.
Morrigan had already suspected that Ezra had done, or been involved in, the hotel. What she was staring at were the words "... with the support of Lily St.James…".
Morrigan knew who Lily St. was. James var.
Lily St. James was a member of Wunsoc, but no one seemed to know which unit she belonged to. She was a singer with a famously beautiful singing voice. When Laurent St. James was most active, she made it clear that she was NOT supporting him. Also, Lily looked like she was maybe thirty, but if this was true she was over a hundred.
Morrigan went back to Deucalion. She needed to meet Lily, because if Ezra did not want to tell, she was the only one.
"What are you thinking about?" Jupiter asked later at the meal.
Morrigan shrugged. "Nothing special."
"Everything is special, Mog." Jupiter leaned forward. "What is it?"
Morrigan sighed. What would she say? Well now it's like this that your worst enemy has created your hotel and one of the most famous singers in the whole free state is over a hundred years old I don’t know how but at least I want to meet her.
Fortunately, she did not have to say anything. Jupiter's skill as a witness had gone so far that he could almost read her mind. He smiled. "We're inviting her here, okay?"
She nodded.
"Captain North said you needed help with something," said Lily St. James. "Wundersmith."
“Um… Yes, ms. St. James, ”Morrigan replied, uneasy.
She waved it away. “Call me Lily. The others called me that ", she added to herself, and got a sad expression.
Morrigan knew what others meant, but chose to ignore it. It would cause pain.
"You helped build this hotel," Morrigan began bluntly.
"How did you manage to keep the look from when you were type thirty?"
"Elodie, Owain, and Ezra taught me the wundrous art Tempus."
Morrigan grimaced. “You're better than me at it. And is not it Veil too? Like… some kind of illusion too? ”
"But you will be far better," Lily pointed out, smiling. "Yes, you could believe it. I actually have no answer as to why it is not. They told me what to do, and some basic theories, but I never understood, because I'm not a wundersmith. ”
"Sorry if it causes any pain but… How did you know them?"
She pursed her lips. "Ezra was my cousin. I was the only relative he hung out with, because he broke contact completely. But Elodie and I met when we were seven, and we were best friends for the rest of her life. ” Lily fell silent. The word choice “the rest of her life was painfully obvious. She swallowed. After a while she spoke again. “Owain was my soulmate. And my boyfriend. We had a bit of a sway, he got together with one of the most popular boys at school when we breaked up. Then we got back together, and luckily we hadn’t quarreled when he… when they… you know. ” She blinked and looked away.
Morrigan decided they could continue the conversation another time. Now the woman in front of her needed to be cheered up.
"You," Morrigan said cautiously. "You said Ezra is your cousin?"
"Was," Lily corrected.
Morrigan shook his head. "He was just deported from the Free State."
It was as if a candle was lit in Lily's eyes. "Unfairly deported," she mumbled absently. "It was not him… she is smart who blames the innocent."
It was tempting to ask who, but Morrigan kept quiet. However, Lily understood that she was wondering, and patiently replied: “President Winter Sea. Show me Ezra.”
Morrigan nodded, and her head spun with thoughts as she grabbed her umbrella to take her new friend to the Gossamer line.
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zusy-hunter · 3 years
Spoiler ep 9
Dear beloved comunity, it's been a week now and I would like to discuss somethin with you
There's something in episode 9 that drives me crazy like an itch in my brain.
In the recording of the therapy session Dr. Barret mentioned that they were "just kids". So how could a child cause a fatal car accident? If the story takes place in America, she could of course have got her driver's license when she was 16, but can a sixteen-year-old be called a child?
And if they just stole the car as children, I wonder why nobody remember the car, it was a very eye-catching car, after all (AMC Gremlin). And can you imagen two children carry a dead women into the forest and burry the body?
So either there are two incidents or I can't really connect the statement of Dr. Barret and the hit and run.
Then there is th incident where Hannah is standing at the window in the middel of the night and scares Lilly by telling her there is a man standing by the forest, but Lilly can't see him. Lilly starts crying and had to be brought back to bed by her parents, which indicates that Lilly was still quite young at the time. Unfortunately I don't know how much younger Lilly is than Hannah, in another forum someone once said she was 4 years younger, but I can't remember that that was mentioned.
So either hannah saw the mog before Jennifer died, or she was really not a child when she ran over her ?!
Please help me get my facts straight, there are too may thoughts in my head 🤯🙈
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descendantstidalage · 3 years
Lorictober 2021 Day 18: Hope
I knocked on the door, stomach in knots. I’d lost his garde, failed him, and now I was knocking on Brandon’s door in the middle of the night, with the lingering hope that he could help me get Nine back. Shame and embarrassment were creating a noxious mix in my stomach.
Brandon opened the door with a shotgun. I held my hands up. “I need your help.”
He lowered the shotgun. “Sandor? What are you doing here in the middle of the night? How’d you find me? Where’s your garde?”
“Yeah. That’s the problem. I lost him.”
Brandon’s expression was exactly what I’d been imagining it would be. He waved me in. “Explain.”
I took a deep breath as I sat at the table across from Brandon. I noticed a blonde teen watching, half hidden behind the doorway. Four. Some things didn’t change.
“He’d been seeing a girl. We had a fight, and he ran off to stay with her. And then… the Mogs caught him. They’d been using her, I think. Can you help me get him back?”
Brandon sighed and rubbed his hands down his face. “They’re not supposed to meet until they’re old enough to fight.”
“You’re another cepan?” Four asked, stepping out of the shadows. Brandon gave him a harsh look, but he didn’t back down. Brave kid. I wondered if that’s what Brandon first saw in me. That was a disconcerting thought; that maybe the cycle was starting again.
He looked pleadingly at Brandon. “We have to help. I’m already next; we can’t lose another one.”
Brandon glared him down. “That’s exactly why we shouldn’t help. They’re already going to be looking for you; we don’t need to serve you up on a silver platter. And if you and Nine meet, you’ll put all the others in danger, too.”
“Nine?” Four said eagerly. “That’s your Garde. What are they like?”
“You two used to play together on the trip here,” I told him eagerly.
Brandon turned his glare on me. “You’re not helping.”
Four sat down beside me, ignoring Brandon’s increasingly dark looks. “You look young to be one of our cepans.”
Brandon made a noise in the back of his throat. “Sandor’s the kid cepan. He was unexpected. But you can’t come with us to get Nine.”
“You’ll help?” I asked hopefully.
Brandon groaned. “Yeah, kid. I’ll help. We just get to keep the Garde from coming into contact.”
Four cheered. “I’ll be good. Stay in the car and everything.”
“Good. Get packed. We’ll leave at first light.” He turned to me. “Do you need to rest?”
“Probably. I’ve got my mog tracker and a couple weapons I made in the car…. We should probably take mine.”
Brandon gave me a look. “You rigged up your car, didn’t you?” He shook his head and half laughed. “At least you’re using the skills I recruited you for.”
I grinned. It felt good that even in this situation, Brandon recognized and appreciated my skill.
Four stared at the low profile car. “Why are we taking this one?”
“Because Sandor can’t help but trick out all his stuff,” Brandon replied blandly.
I hopped into the driver seat with a wide grin. “Buckle up. We’re getting out of here.”
Four climbed into the back seat, while Henri took the passenger with a skeptical look. “How do you even know where to go?”
I tossed my ipad at him. “I rigged it up to find Nine on the way here. He’s in the middle of a bunch of Mogs. I have a plan on how to get him out.”
Brandon raised his eyebrows. “Did you just come up with it last night instead of sleeping?”
“It’s a solid plan,” I said defensively. “We’ll use the Mog finder to get around the Mogs for as far as we can get in there. Then we create a distraction to get Nine out. I’ve got a several explosive weapons that will cause a good distraction. It might make the building a little unstable, but we’ll just have to move fast. And I’ve got several flash grenades to blind them so we can slip back out with Nine.”
Brandon stared at me for a long moment, until I started shifting uncomfortably. “We’re going to need to work on your plan as we get there.”
“That’s not going to be too long.” I started the car and tore out of the little town as fast as the car could go. In the back, Four gasped, his eyes lighting up with amazement. “Pretty slick, huh?”
“Stop showing off,” Brandon scolded, though he glanced at the window with what I thought might be an impressed look.
[I’m not getting into the whole rescue plan because that takes more mental energy and thought than I’m willing to invest right now. I might just completely leave this up to your imagination when I revise this later.]
Nine stared at Four as we got out of the Mog prison. “So you’re one of us.” He glanced at me. “We’re going to kick some Mog ass?”
Brandon rolled his eyes. “He reminds me of you. Too much attitude.”
“Hop in, protégé. We’ve got places to go,” I said, flashing a smug grin at Brandon.
He looked annoyed at us. Nine gave Four a lingering look. “Are you sure we can’t stay in touch?”
“We’ll stay in touch,” I assured him. “We’re just trying to let you grow up before you go to war.”
Brandon’s face twisted into an uncomfortable look like he was remembering something he’d rather forget. I wondered what was going through his head, but it was time for us to separate before we pushed the limits of the protection charm.
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Final Fantasy 14 Part 32: Yet More Gridanian Racism
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Aw look, Brash is learning to read.
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Are you seeing this shit? Alf went to go do something important, and Brash went and did nothing until he got back. Did you think I was joking about Alf being the real main character?
Alf has secured us a new hangout. Everyone gives Alf a big round of applause.
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yeah he sure is great isn't he
When Minfilia's done sucking Alf's dick, she gives Brash a delivery job to Slafborn, one of the Revenant's Toll dudes who gave us a hand back when we were breaking into that Garlean fortress where Minfilia totally didn't get sexually assaulted for weeks on end. No I'm fuckin not fuckin letting that shit go, am I, FF14!
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Slafborn's about to give us a tour and get Brash involved with the setting up of the Scions's new headquarters, but he gets interrupted by a phone call from Tataru telling Brash to come back because there's a job to do in Gridania.
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Alright but this better be good.
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It’s a new primal.
The new primal threat is moogles.
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Gridania sucks.
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Bit of a twist on it though. The legend goes that ages ago moogles lived in the sky but then that place turned to shit, so Good King Moggle Mog let moogles escape down to the surface, staying behind himself to hold the door open. So he was a great mythological figure, but the moogles have apparently summoned him like a primal.
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Papalymo wonders why, given that Garuda and Ultima Weapon are gone and thinks maybe a new threat has cropped up, but little sister seedseer here says it's probably because of all this other calamitous shit happening in recent months, and how it's all been caused by and then solved by outside forces, so the moogles are probably feeling jumpy.
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Gee if only we'd even attempted to involve the beast tribes in our big unified operation to fight the Garlean invaders who were coming to wipe out everybody. It WOULD have been a nice story beat to have all the human races but not the beast tribes get together to beat Gaius, then point out how racist that was by having the moogles get scared and feel left out and summon a primal. Except, Minfilia already brought up how we should totally find a diplomatic solution to the beast tribes summoning primals problem before, and then, as I've mentioned, nobody ever even attempts diplomacy with the beastmen at any point. The fact that this Right Answer was brought up but then immediately forgotten just makes this current bit feel hollow and hypocritical. It's starting to give me like 'shitty white people making excuses and trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for systemic inequality' vibes.
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That feeling is definitely not helped when the writers have our buddy moogle say the moogles who are attempting to do something about the status quo have gone too far and now we need to put them down, which we do, and then completely do not address their concerns.
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Don't worry, we're not being racists, they're being mind controlled by evil monster gods.
There's some discussion here about whether or not Mog actually is a primal, but he basically counts as one for now, so naturally Kan-E-Senna wants Brash to go murder him.
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Sheesh, do you guys even know what a Diplomacy is? Fuckin Gridania, man.
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Yeah sorry, this post has a bunch of shit about systemic racism again.
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Is anyone listening to this motherfucker? Am I the only one horrified by statements like this? Wow yeah what a terrible burden it was for you that you had to kill those guys. You poor baby.
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Oh well shit I guess the king's a monster and all the other moogles are psychopaths now. Alright well fine guess I'll kill him after all, what the fuck. Are primals just ALL like this? Just, one hundred percent chance of xenophobia and supremacism?
So way later there's like some more stuff about the nature of primals revealed, and it turns out they're more created on the spot rather than summoned, and they're created from the thoughts and wishes of the people doing the summoning. So I guess, considering Moggle Mog is a shitty racist, the moogles are actually shitty racists too? Considering Ifrit, Titan, and Garuda, I guess ALL beastmen are shitty racists? Is there anyone in this story who isn't a shitty racist or a caricature of a shitty racist? Sheesh, it's like the deep south. Is it possible to summon a primal who isn't a shitty racist? Just asking because like right at the end of Heavensward we find an EXTREMELY GOOD REASON why we might be interested in having a primal on our side.
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Anyway Kuplo takes us to the entrance and opens the way, and Brash goes in to fight Mog. Or rather Brash goes to hang out with her squad of hot girls for five minutes while waiting for the fucking duty finder. 
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These wait times are sometimes short and sometimes extremely long. Crafting and sidequests exist so there's something to do while waiting for dungeons.
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So Brash and seven other random people who happened to be nearby beat up Mog and his royal guards with particle effects. 
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When he dies he disappears in a big cloud of aether just like a primal, so turns out he was indeed one after all, or at least close enough. 
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Papalymo says it might be our definition that needs revising. That's good science, that is. You're alright, Papalymo, besides the racism.
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I take it back. Fuck you for bringing them back into the story.
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Yeah good luck with that shit you guys I'm goin home. and of course we do nothing about the moogles feelings of insecurity in a chaotic world. fuck’em, I guess.
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Almost ready to leave for Revenant's Toll. Maybe now that the primal garbage and Alf's dumb pointless sidequest is out of the way we can do something interesting again. Minfilia is making final preparations to leave. Urianger's staying behind though and will keep using this place as a library or some such.
He waxes philosophically about moving on and looking back; about people who think themselves bold leaders but are really just recklessly diving into things they haven't looked into hard enough first. He's quick to back peddle a bit though and say Brash is nothing like that though.
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yeah must be because of god, not like it could be my own accomplishment or anything huh
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Then suddenly there's a scream. Brash rushes back to find Minfilia hurt on the ground. 
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She starts to tell Brash what oh come ON
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Once again, we get a vision telling us what happened that interrupts someone telling us what happened. Alright fine, this fuckin thing. So what is it this time?
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sky-arcobaleno · 3 years
memories of the forest
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader; 
Sky piercing trees loomed an unreachable canopy above her head as she raced through the forest’s lower jungle. Vines and upturning roots were nothing to her skilled bare feet. Dodging another low branch, the cheeky girl laughed to herself. Her clan would never be able to catch her here! Within Teair’s close knitted playground, this child of the sky wandered freely. Slowing down to a small stream, the girl perked up at the sound of a grass being moved. Something was here. Something….soft? Standing up and brushing off her deer skirt, she turned around to see her uninvited guest. She blinked, genuinely confused, as a vulpine beast with four tails sat in front of her. The tips of its tails were a soft autumn orange. It was….divine like. Nothing like Grandame Forneil, but close. 
“Who are you?” The voice was male, but a child male. Close around her age...maybe. She would find out. 
“I’m a daughter of the sky! Who are you?” the beast curled its tails around its feet. Seeming to observe her before answering.
“A beast of fire.” She laughed to herself, but not quiet at all. 
“You are a land beast of flames!” The vulpine beast growled, quickly crouching down, ready to pounce. She only looked at the vulpine beast before giggling. 
“Silly vulpine! You are land fire. I am -” the mighty roar of Grandame Gowyual trembled the loose dirt below the girl’s feet. Giggling louder, the girl finished her sentence. “- sky fire!”
It had been a few summers since she saw that land firefox of four tails. Ah...Kitsune, Grandame Forneil had explained the night of the fateful day. A Kitsune of four tails at such an age was a feat Forneil had continued on. She was lucky that Kitsune was curious about her, lest the beast grow bored and end her life. Sighing and shaking her braid behind her, the now young teen races through the same forest. This time, instead of playing hide & seek, she was practicing her tracking and hunting skills. 
“Skills of a warrior. A survivor.” Grandame Locoful had croaked out before she left the nest with Grandame Forneil. Skidding to a halt and notching her arrow, focused gray eyes followed the peaceful deer. She was with a child, if the bigger belly was anything to go by. Removing her arrow and turning around, gray eyes locked on a sight of wonder. A golden kitsune with five tails, tipped in a familiar autumn tone. Ah…a fire kitsune. That’s when knowing crimson locked on her. Suddenly, she felt as if she was facing a true predator. A predator of many hunts and had victory in its tight bite. The kitsune rose, a head or two taller than her, and began to walk towards her. A small spark of fear struck her body, tensing her muscles. She was ready to fight. As the kitsune reached about a few paces ahead, the sudden breeze came. On its path...the smell of….smoke? Turning in the breeze’s direction, the girl saw the thick mog. Small, but growing rapidly. 
“Stupid humans!” the girl mumbled under her breath. Was she human? She assumed not. After all, she lived with dragons. No mere mortal could live as long as she had. Glancing at the kitsune, who was watching her actions, the girl spoke in her serious voice as she stood up right. 
“This is not the work of dragons. I will return with a dragon of water to save this forest.” The kitsune only tilted its head before speaking in a deep voice.
“A ride to a clearing may be the fastest way.” A kitsune making an offer? A trick if the situation wasn’t growing dire every minute. With a brisk nod, she walked over and carefully got on the furred back of the majestic beast. With ease, the beast ran through the thicket. No fur caught on low limbs and nothing hesitated the pathway. That’s when heavy clouds of ashy smoke filled the air and her breath. Fire. A forest fire caused by inattentive mortals. 
“You will not reach the clearing in time.” fearing for the woods and the lives within, the girl hummed to herself before stretching both arms to the sky.
“Hear my cry! O’ beast of the lake. Take flight to the Azure’s Domain and bring the blessing of new beginnings! Locoful, dragon of Shiramizu! Hear me and cry out your blessing!” The heavy snaps of trees falling and the crackling of flames echoed back. Her cry was swallowed by the dire situation. The kitsune whacked her head.
“No dragon will hear you, imbecile.” She growled at the statement. Hoping it was false. Locoful would hear her. She always did. 
“She will not abandon her fledgling.” The beast of fire exhaled heavily before turning around.
“Then at least be alive for her to save you.” Then, the Kitsune took off again. Running away from the flames. It is then, as the Kitsune jumped over a fallen log, a mighty roar and the sound of heavy crashing swallowed the air. 
“Locoful!!” She cried, overjoyed, as the mighty dragon arrived. Within mere moments, the forest fire was put to rest and the mighty beast stared at her and the Kitusne. Slipping off the Kitsune’s back and reaching Locoful’s side, the girl spoke.
“See Kitsune, beast of land fire? Locoful will always answer her fledgling’s cry.”
It was hardly a season’s changing since the forest fire, when she found herself alone by the lake nest. Around her, curled protectively, laid Setluno. Setluno was a young dragon, half the age of Grandame Forneil. Setluno was the only one who played with her. Now, Setluno is forever embraced by the forest’s trees and the lake’s watery shoreline. In front of the nest’s entrance, Gowyral was delimbed and beheaded by a blade endowed with magic. The lake was boiling in rage as Gowyral fell. Locoful had died upon return to the nest, multiple poisonous arrows cracking her scales and the poison taking her life before she could finish her warning. Forneil was the only one alive. Yet, she was over a season’s change away. She wanted Forneil to come back. Avenge the nest. Protect her. Save her. She was scared and lonely. She was no beast of sky fire. She was a mortal. Just like those responsible for the death of her nestmates. So blinded by the emotions she felt and the events that occurred within three sun positions, she didn’t notice the lake’s water coming into the nest. Hardly felt the power shifting within her. Never noticed how she was no longer pooled in blood, but now in the sky, riding a mighty beast. Intended on killing those who took her nest.
He heard the mournful cry of a dragon before he saw one take flight. Yet, this dragon was not one of the physical planes. No. This dragon was alive by the sheer magic of a mortal. A mortal intent on bringing justice. His favorite mortal to be precise. What had happened? Taking off in pursuit, he saw how the dragon looked, searched, for something or someone. What mission required such measures of hunting and tracking? That’s when the tree sprites, Kodama, began to whisper.
“Dragons dead”
“Beast slain by man”
“Oyamatsumi is enraged”
“So is Ryujin and Fujin”
“The fledgling calls for blood.”
“She will kill everyone.” Fearing that his mortal might do just that, the Kitsune prayed to his given deity. Prayed that his human would have to take rest on the ground. Allow him a chance to guide her away from the path of evil. 
“Please let me get to her in time. For the world will be chaos if she succeeds.”
Three summers have passed since that loss of her nest. She now ruled the forest with a close eye. Grandame Forneil was so broken by the deaths of her flightmates, she had taken her own life in the very same lake. Now, that lake was surrounded by beautiful flowers that would poison anyone who touched them. The only saving grace from them was if the person had suffered such a loss as she has. Now alone within the woods she called home, a thought passed her mind. Why her dragons? Why not her? This thought had haunted her for many nights and days. Nothing could stop these thoughts except the occasional hunting trips and killing off gluttonous men. Now, she stood in the lake’s shallow shores, naked under the sunlight. A bath after a recent hunting trip, when the snap of a branch caught her ear. Within a mere moment, she stood with her bow taunt and arrow notched, aimed at the noise. Only to see the familiar Kitsune. Yet, he now bore six tails. He had grown more powerful in the last three summers. They watched each other, waiting for the other to make a move, when she lowered her bow and set it on the sand. 
“What, beast of land fire?” The Kitsune huffed, keeping its distance. 
“You are not meant to be alone, mortal of flames. You need to be with others.” Gray eyes stared into crimson. She knew the Kitsune was correct. He usually was. Yet, to be with others meant risking another nest massacre. She couldn’t handle another heartbreak like that. 
“Leave Kitsune.”
“You know my name. Use it.” She shook her head. A name meant power. Power she did not deserve. Suddenly, a warm cloth covered her shoulders and a man’s voice spoke closer to her.
“Y/N, the others miss you. The forest misses you! I...I miss you.” Warm arms enclosed her, making her heart beat faster and her mind filled with happy, joyous memories of younger times. 
“Please...please don’t make me remember Kitsune.” The arms tightened, and the man’s voice returned.
“I will always remind you of the joy life can bring. But first, you must take my hand.”
She now stood before the overwhelming hearth of the mountain. She had found the murderers of her nest. The cause for her mourning. The cause of her grief. Today, she will return the favor. With her blade drawn and her eyes focused, Y/N was about to take the killing blow, when she saw the triplets resting in the mother’s arms. Suddenly, like ice had appeared, it sent shivers down her back. A mother and her children. Innocent children. With quick thoughts and quicker reflexes, she turned around and began to spirit back in the forest. The forest was now alive, gleaming with life. Yet, life that could be easily taken away.  Tears pricked her eyes and she tumbled down a hill. She could only feel the numbness in her heart. She had nearly repeated history again. With another family. Another generation of hurt and hate. Y/N closed her eyes, hoping for the tears to disappear. For this pain to leave. 
He watched in slow motion as his mate, his Rook, leaped in front of him. Taking the killing blow from the monstrous demon Shi-gi. He watched, as his luminous flames encircled her body. A mortal with Kitsune Flames. Proof of their mate bond. He was enticed by the way she reached for the heavens, crying out for her deceased nestmates, and aimed her hands at Shi-gi.
“From the dust and stars, a life is born. To dust and star, life returns. From the mighty cry of a dragon and the plead of humanity, I fused the realms to grant my inner desire and wish!” He watched, as the five primordial deities appeared in forms of a phoenix, tiger, snake, tortoise, and….dragon. Together with his mate, the beings reached out their hands and gave power to her.
“I command the soul of Shi-gi to be bound to the realms of the inner Earth! May no beast, no mortal, no divine being find you. May you wirth in the chaos of the world and never be able to take part in its affairs! I bound thee to this plane and no other!! I banish you Shi-gi, from paradise and hell itself!!” His flames encircled her and suddenly, he remembered the price for banishment from Paradise. A soul for a soul.
“No!” He reached out, but only the feeling of his flames returned. His mate, now burning away in his flames, smiled at him.
“Find me again my love. In a time where you and I can co-exist without Shi-gi.”
He mourned to himself as the forest his love protected was burned by his flames. No. There was no world without her smile. No reason to continue if she wasn’t there. No point in existence. Turning around, ready to end his own and see her, a glimpse of something flashed through his mind’s eye. A girl, with amber hair and glowing eyes, running away from him in a playful manner. The same girl mocking his sharp teeth. The girl seeking the yokai realm for the first time. Then, the same girl bore his mark. A mark only he could create. Like lightning, he turned away from the murderous flames and ran through the woods. He couldn’t die. Just as his mate asked, he would find her again. Find her in a time where that cursed Shi-gi did not exist. His name is not even remembered by humanity. She had returned to the world of the living in some time. He would have to be there, ready and waiting, to meet her all over again.
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susiephone · 4 years
so i’ve been doing a lot of thinking about ezra squall.
i think it’s a given that there is more to the courage square massacre than we’ve been told so far. i think the situation is more complicated than we realize. something about the way he reacted when morrigan asked him why -- that was the first time i think she actually managed to get to him. and from what we’ve seen, wunsoc as an institution is fucked. (like... it’s really no place for children, let’s be honest.) there are good things about it, and good people within it, but the system’s a mess, and the people calling the shots are coldly pragmatic at best. plus, when squall warned morrigan that the elders would throw her under the bus if it suited them... that seemed like he was talking from personal experience. so while i doubt his actions will ever be justified, i do think there’s a more human explanation somewhere in there.
building off of that... why is squall so desperate to return to nevermoor? i don’t think it’s as simple as wanting revenge; frankly, i don’t think squall’s that dumb. he has a cushy gig in the wintersea republic, and he can live openly and be left alone--and, next to the president, he is unquestionably the most powerful person there. everyone in the republic (so far as we know) would be completely out of their depths when dealing with a wundersmith if he really wanted to cause some pain. it’d be perfectly doable and sensible for him to cut his losses and stay out of nevermoor, and he’d be putting himself at far less risk.
something about the way he talks about nevermoor, the way he's been visiting for years--i think there is some genuine sentimental attachment there. i’m not sure squall could love a person, but i do think he could love a place, especially a place he saw as a reflection of himself (similar to how whatever regard he has for mog is seeing his own qualities in her). i think, as much or perhaps even more than he wants revenge or to take over, squall wants to go home. (i mean, he should’ve thought of that before he killed eight people. but you see my point.)
which leads me to my theory: squall’s not from the free state.
partially this would just be an interesting connection between him and morrigan, another way that they’re similar. but depending on what his life from wherever he’s from was like, and why he came to nevermoor, it could be that nevermoor is, to him, representative of his shiny new life, the life where he was appreciated and flourished. and this of course raises the question: how did the free state treat outsiders back then? was he smuggled in, too? or is his massacre part of what made them become so isolationist?
idk, i just feel like... if i’m right, the circumstances behind his arrival in nevermoor could be a key part of what turned him from ezra the boy into squall the monster.
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stepboldlyjess · 4 years
so today i was chatting with @christineenjoysbooks and we came up with some theories surrounding Jack and his background. i made up one and i think it makes quite a bit of sense. i’ve explained it in the story below and i hope you agree with me. i hope you like it :)
Morrigan heard a knock on the door interrupting her reading. She looked down to her waist where the tentacles of her octopus chair were wrapped around her. She tried to wriggle out of its grip but she was unsuccessful. She sighed and sat back.
“It’s open!” she yelled.
The door clicked open to reveal Jack and Jupiter. They walked into her room. Morrigan smiled as she saw them.
“Jupiter! You’re home!”
“Hi, Jack. How are you? Oh, I’m fantastic, Morrigan. How about you?” Sarcasm dripped from Jack’s voice.
Morrigan rolled her eyes. “Hi, Jack. How are you?”
“Alright you two, that’s enough.” Jupiter and Jack walked over to Morrigan’s bed and sat down. Jupiter’s face suddenly became very nervous. “Mog, can we speak to you?”
Morrigan closed her book. “‘We’? Why ‘we’? Why not just you? What’s going on? Have you decided you love Jack more than me and you’re sending me back to Jackalfax?”
Jupiter’s eyes widened in horror. “Goodness no! I would never do that! No, we just want to talk to you about—“
“About me.” Jack cut off Jupiter.
Morrigan frowned. “You? What about you?”
Jupiter and Jack stayed silent.
“Okay, I’m very confused right now so it would be greatly appreciated if someone told me what was going on.”
Jupiter was the first to speak.
“You know Jack’s my nephew, right?”
Morrigan slowly nodded.
“Haha! It’s a prank. I’m not his nephew!”
Jupiter suddenly got very quiet. Morrigan looked between him and Jack.
“I—um—excuse me?”
“Mog, you’re going to need to relax, okay? You have to promise not to get mad. We can’t have you...” Jupiter shook his head. “Nothing. I’m not going to say that.” Jupiter looked down to his lap guiltily.
“Can’t have me what? Can’t have me getting angry and using my Wunder? I’m trying, okay? I’m trying so hard not to be the dangerous entity I’m made out to be. So just say what you’re going to say and get this over with.”
Jupiter sighed. “Jack’s a witness. Like me. You know that.” Jupiter swallowed. “Two years before I brought you to Nevermoor, Jack competed in the Wunsoc Trials.”
Morrigan’s jaw dropped. She tried to get up but her chair’s tentacles were still wrapped firmly around her waist. “What do you mean he competed in the Wunsoc Trials? Are we talking about the same Wunsoc? The one I’m in?”
Jupiter nodded. “Yeah. His patron’s name was Ruby Westfield. She was a very nice lady—“
Jack laughed.
“Unfortunately, Jack didn’t make it through the Show Trial.”
Morrigan blinked in surprise. “What? Why? You got accepted! And you’re a witness, too!”
Jack sighed. “I wasn’t in control of it yet. Not like I am now. I would look at something and just see colours. In my Show Trial, I was so overwhelmed by everything I saw that I passed out. Jupiter ran to me and took me home. It was the most humiliating day of my life.”
“Jupiter ran to you? Why not Ruby?”
“Mog, what I’m about to tell you now does not leave this room. You are not to tell anyone. Understood? Not even Hawthorne.”
Morrigan nodded.
“I also need you to breathe. Not because I’m worried about you hurting Jack or I, I’m worried about you hurting yourself. Okay?”
Morrigan took three deep breaths.
“Jack’s not from Nevermoor.”
Morrigan froze and looked at Jack. He smiled at her apologetically. Morrigan looked back at Jupiter, silently urging him to continue.
“He’s from the Republic. Like you.”
“You mean—“ Morrigan’s throat was suddenly very dry. “—You mean he’s here illegally?”
Jupiter thought about this. “Well, yes and no. We pulled a few strings like we did with you, so now nobody suspects a thing.
“Jack was brought here by Ruby to compete in the Trials. However, shortly after his third trial, she passed away. Apparently, she had been battling illness the whole time. I was...close to Ruby so I started taking care of Jack. Once he was no longer under the protection of Wunsoc Law, we needed to figure out how to keep him in Nevermoor—“
“Why? What about his family in the Republic?”
Jupiter looked to Jack who answered her question.
“I...didn’t have any. I lived at the orphanage. From what Jupiter tells me, it wasn’t far from where you lived. I begged Jupiter not to take back there. It was a living hell.”
Morrigan felt empathy grow in her stomach. She knew what he was going through. She had felt the same when she thought she would be sent back to the Republic.
“So I told everyone he was my nephew. We got him fake papers and a citizenship. Mog, you can’t tell anyone, okay? If you do, Jack could be taken away from me. You too. I couldn’t bear that.”
Morrigan felt a wave of anger flood over her. She felt the familiar taste of ash rise in the back of her throat and she tried to keep it down. “So your great idea was to lie to me for two years? What great thing to do, Jupiter! You’re being such a role model! In the future how will I deal with my problems? Oh, I’ll just do what Jupiter did and lie my way out of things! Way to go! Let me guess, were you and Ruby actually dating? Is that why you started looking after Jack?”
Jupiter’s face suddenly got very red. Morrigan leant back against her chair.
“Great. Just great. You know what? I can’t be around you two right now.” She tried to push against the restraints of her chair. With each failure she would get more angry. The flame rose in her throat and the tears pooled in her eyes.
Without knowing what was going to happen, Morrigan stopped trying to get out of her chair. She let out a sob and started crying. However, it wasn’t a sob.
It was a flame.
She looked to Jupiter and Jack. Jupiter looked worried but Jack looked scared. Morrigan felt reality hit her like a brick as she looked at her friend’s terrified expression.
She slumped down into her chair and felt weight move from her waist. It seemed as if the chair knew what would happen before it did. It kept her restrained so that she wouldn’t cause any damage.
Morrigan started crying again. The sobs shook her body. The tears rolled down her face and landed on her shirt, soaking through the fabric.
Jupiter walked over to her and began rubbing her back. “Shhh, it’s okay, Mog. Breathe. Come on.”
“No. No.” Morrigan shut her eyes and shook her head. “I’m a monster.”
The word hung in the air, making the room feel heavy. Morrigan was surprised when she felt arms lift her up off the chair and wrap around her.
“Don’t say that, Morrigan.”
Morrigan opened her eyes and was surprised when she saw a head of black hair. She wrapped her arms around Jack’s shoulders and cried into his shirt.
When she pulled away she turned to Jupiter. She was surprised to see tears in his eyes.
“You are not a monster, Morrigan Crow. Don’t you ever think that. I will not tolerate it. You are a little girl. Not a monster.”
Morrigan wrapped her arms around Jupiter’s middle.
“Promise me one thing, Jupiter?”
“Anything, Mog.”
“Don’t lie to me ever again. Please.”
“Never again.”
Morrigan squeezed her arms around him. “I love you, Jupiter.”
Jupiter let out a small sob. “I love you more.”
so basically in the theory jack is from the republic. he was chosen to compete in the trials by his patron. his patron was jupiter’s partner. she is the girl in the pictures on jupiter’s desk. she’s died, leaving jupiter to look after jack. jack is in nevermoor illegally so being jupiter’s nephew is his cover. hopefully this makes sense.
my other theory, which is less exciting, is that the girl in the pictures is jupiter’s sister which is jack’s mum. that makes the most sense but it’s not as fun 😂
i hope you enjoyed the story!
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scotianostra · 4 years
Stanley Odd 'KILLSWITCH”
Welcome back to savage exchanges Here, can somebody explain please? Every time a royal is having a baby I feel like I’m living in Gavin and Stacy Wait. Is that reference dated?! Fine ‘cause this face comes straight from the 80s I’ll put you through your paces It’s so hard to find good conspirators lately Fake news, deep fakes and the deep state Keep folks glazed on cheap cocaine This a new remedy for the sickness Toxic shock to get felt on the Richter Mate why so glaiket? I been on this since Limmy said gies yir jaiket We are collaborators We are collaborators We are collaborating re-al contamination You are the state of fear and I'm an agent God bless you sir. As-Salāmu Alaykum Nostalgic for an imperial nation That crumbles under closer examination Hard Brexiteers claim their booking travel agents Bon voyage hope yi get detained at immigration OWR: Old white and racist Caught in a sleeper hold by the Matrix Thinking the skin yir in makes you diff-er-ent You’re not an expat mate you’re an immigrant You don’t know which century you’ve been living in You’re not poetry mate you’re a limerick Dumb things Mal-funk-shin Assump shins Dis-rup-shin Bairns not bombs for yir luncheon We want drums not drones ya dumplin’ Rising tensions No NHS and no pensions No Post Office, no assisted living And you wonder why there’s no community spirit I’m taking cheap shots at Jacob Rees-Mog Blood suckers know the people they can feed off Send this line of minor Etonians Off to SA and have em mining zirconium This is a reverse kill switch Sound the alarm, this is not a drill kids Raise the alert, smash the glass I’m still blitzed In case of emergency get out yir phone and film this Palestine's a friend of mine It’s past time to end apartheid How’s it a heretical view To question Benjamin Netynyahu Agitprop is an insult Not hip-hop – an insult I’m standing on stage with a live grenade And when I let it fall you could hear a pin drop I watched the Amazon on Fire On ma Amazon Fire Tried to log out the planet It said ‘your password’s expired’ You implied that we generalise with no mission Which is weird cause I thought I'd been pretty specific And just cause I think we should all get along You seem to think I’ve no content in ma songs? I’m interested in commonalities Building bridges while you’re bombing alleyways What I believe in is being good and decent It’s weird you don’t see that as just humans being Can I kick it? Yes you can't Wait a minute – Who you calling a can't? I'm a can of worms that you don't want tae open mate Too many years nose pressed to the coal face Officials are paid off to instigate wars While publicly wringing their hands and shouting ‘Praise God’ Conspiracy theorists can’t be serious howling from crazed blogs Information overload, I’m needing to take stock Wait stop, Infobesity too much mass info Force feeding me, call it Foie Gras Syndrome An embattled and embittered public Rise up when municipal VR feed is interrupted First round of virus got the frail and the weak The sound of silence while we stay in and sleep Next comes the violence, power cuts, riots and a blaze in the street I haven’t even been able to Google ma own name in a week So many people doing cocaine Delivery drivers drapping aff need their own lanes _ cooncil cut wi a claymore like Brexit yi get what yi pay for 3 for 80 I believe Me, I’m 50/50 on whether or not we prop up the economy
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the-dragons-knight · 4 years
FFXIV Write 2020
Prompt #12 - Together Again
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Tooth and Nail - ‘with all one’s resources or energy; fiercely’
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The island of Gangos was truly a beautiful sight. The alcove where the Bozja Resistance made its headquarters reminded Katsum so much of her island that she found it rather restful to come and rest by the water’s edge sometimes whenever she visited. This afternoon was one such time, and Katsum stood on the sands watching the waves crash against the rocks. She closed her eyes for a moment, breathing in the salt air and just listening. She could almost imagine it, standing among the cliffs on the shore of her island, the water and sand tickling her feet as the waves flowed in and out around her. She could hear the gulls as they flew overhead, and perhaps the distant should of the castle town that she knew so well. A sense of peace emanated from everything around her, and she found daydreaming of what that island must look like now...after so many years.
“Miss Katsum,” Katsum opened her eyes at the sound of the voice, turning to see a Hrothgar clad in resistance armor speaking to her, Bajsaljen, “It is good to see you again.”
She smiled, stepping over to him until she stood before him, “It is good to see you too, Bajsaljen. How are the affairs of the resistance?”
“Slowly, but the progress shall be worth the wait. Though we did encounter some refugees from another fallen province of the empire’s.”
“Refugees? Really?”
He nods, “Some of them were injured, and so we brought them into our camp. After hearing the stories they told, it would seem the castrum fell in flames.” He grunted with a stren nod, “One less fortress to demolish ourselves.”
Katsum’s ears twitched in thought, “Could I bother you to introduce me to these refugees?”
“Bajsaljen!” Both of them turned to see another soldier waving over to them, “Our scouts are returning!”
“Good, I shall be right there,” He bowed to the blonde Miqo’te, “You’ll have to excuse me, Miss. I can point you in the right direction though,” He turned towards the back corner of the camps, pointing towards a campfire where she could just make out some people sitting at through the tents, “You will find them there more than likely. ‘Tis where they often gather. Until next time, be well, miss.”
She nodded her thanks with a soft smile before setting her eyes on the campfire in the distance and moving towards it. The camp was as busy as ever with soldiers moving here and there, making her have to weave through them on her way to keep her eye on the fire. As she drew nearer, she could swear she heard the sounds of voices raised in song, yet she was sure it was just her imagination. However, the closer she got, the louder it sounded. She couldn’t make out what was being said though, and no one else seemed to be listening. A large group of soldiers started marching in front of her, causing her to stop and wait for them to pass, and it was then that the breeze carried the voices to her ears and heard them more clearly.
‘Red is the rose that in yonder garden grows…
Fair is the lilly of the va-lley…
Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne…
But my love is fairer than a-ny...’
The words caused her entire body to freeze. She knew those words, knew them by heart. It was a song from her home, from that island so far away. If they knew then...they were her...her people…!
Before she knew it, she was sprinting past everyone between her and that campfire, her heart racing at the very thought that someone from her island was so close. Perhaps they knew who still lived? Perhaps...perhaps they knew of her parents fate…? As if the Savior had been right beside her listening, a single voice raised above them all then, singing alone with the words:
‘‘Twas down by Killanery’s green woods that we strayed…
When the moon and the stars, they were shi-ning…
The moon shone its rays on her locks of golden hair…
And she swore she’d be my love fore-ver..’
Tears fell from Katsum’s eyes. She knew that voice, heard it in her dreams and her memories of her childhood. The voice she pretended to hear in her darkest times in her travels, encouraging her to press on and to keep fighting. As if she could move any faster, she sped past the soldiers around her, letting the sounds of the song guide her. Finally, she came around the tent that had stood between her and those gathered there and when she saw them, again she froze, her eyes landing on the dark-red haired male Miqo’te that sat with his back to her. Before she could speak, they all raised their voices together:
‘‘Twas not for the parting that my sister pained…
‘Twas not for the grief of my mo-ther…
It’s all for the loss of my boony Draic lass…
That my heart is breaking fore-ver…’
‘Red is the rose that in yonder garden grows…
Fair is the lilly of the vall-ey…
Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne…
But my love is fairer than a-ny...’
As they finished their song, they all raised their mogs to the air in a silent toast before taking a drink. Katsum’s hands trembled as she watched them, her eyes focused on the dark-red haired man. He was just as she remembered, a strong man sitting with an air of a calm fury, his red hair styled back and his tail curled neatly around behind him. She nearly sobbed as she shakeningly stumbled towards them and called out, “Dad?!”
The group froze as they turned to look at her in shock, all but the man she was looking at. She watched him very carefully set down his mug and then look up at the other Miqo’te men, “Did you hear what I did? Is that why you all look so shocked?”
The one sitting next to him just stared at Katsum yet answered him saying, “Rune...it’s her...”
Her father’s ears lifted, and he nearly fell over himself turning to look at her. Sapphire met emeralded as their eyes met and she cried, “Dad..!”
His face broke out into a relieved smile, “Katsum...! Oh, Katsum, my sweet girl…!” He rose to his feet, moving at a hobble towards her as she rushed to him, throwing her arms around him before he could fall. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and she buried her face in his shirt as she cried. She felt him pet her head and laugh through his tears, “Thank you, Savior. Thank you, Heaven...for bringing her back to me...”
“I missed you so much...I thought...I thought and Mom...”
“I know, I know...we thought you were gone too. Your ma, she’s so very strong...she promised to find me again when we were separated...made me promise to find her and come find her once I did.” He pulled away from her and held her face in his hands, his face stained with tears like hers was, “You’ve grown to look so much like her...You’re beautiful, my dear girl. Your mother will say the same, I know it!”
Katsum held tightly to her father’s hands, helping to keep him steady on his feet, “How did you escape? How did...” She looked down to notice the way he was standing, how it seemed he could not stand on one leg much at all, “How were you injured?”
Rune laughed sheepishly, a sound that made her smile as she knew it so well, “That is a long story, but we fought tooth and nail to break free from our chains, brought down the castrum with us as we did.” The men behind him cheered at that and Katsum smiled as he grasped her hands then tightly, “Nothing was going to keep me from finding you and your mother again. If it took all my strength, we would be together again. I swore it.”
She pulled back a hand to move her shirt collar to show him the Draic necklace around her neck, “And Raihogg is still with me. The dragon is with me.”
He sighed sadly, “You’ve carried that burden all this time?”
“No, no! I have so much to tell you about him, Dad, he’s so much more than any of us ever knew!”
“I can’t wait to hear it all!” He then noticed the ring on her left hand, staring at for a moment before his smile seemed to brighten, “Wait, sweetheart! You’re married!? Oh, wait wait. Is he a good man??”
Katsum nodded happily. “Yes, Dad, of course he is. I'm sorry that you and Mom couldn’t be there at the wedding...”
“Oh, dear, that alright. As long as you are happy and well taken care of. Well, that’s my opinion anyway. Your ma will have a much different one though..”
Katsum chuckled and nodded, “We’ll have to find her first though.”
He smiled so big and warm, “Right! Right!” He turned to the others and shouted, “Our Queen has returned!”
The men cheered and Katsum shook her head, waving at them to settle, “Please, I am not looking for a crown. I am just...so happy to see you all again…and that you are all safe.” She looked back at her father, smiling brightly, “I have so much to tell you.”
“Come then, sit with us!” One of the other men gestured to the log Rune had been sitting on, “We’ve all night to share stories!”
Rune nodded, shifting and almost falling as Katsum caught him, laughing as she helped him back over to her seat and sitting beside him, “As long as you can spare the time that is, Warrior of Light?”
She scoffed, “They will have to make the time. The world can wait for an evening for me. I have much to tell my father and his tribe brothers.”
“Hear hear!” They all cheered, and Rune grinned at her, “So shall we start with...Raihogg was it? Tell us about the dragon...”
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Open Letter 19
Hi there! How are you during these times of pandemic? Ako, i'm coping up with the current situation. Mas daghan man jud times na wala koy ka storya, and my ideas somehow are shutting off in my head. Scroll-scroll lang permi sa fb and daghan jud kog mga disagreement sa mga post, lami pud mu-react, dili man ko ani dati ahaha so i call it side-effect of the isolation.
Mutuo na ko anang notion nga the more na maka get along ka, hinay-hinay pud na mugawas imong tinuod na color. like me, at first sa tumblr newbie pa ulaw-ulaw kuno kay murag tanga ga sulat og mga butang na nahitabo around me, pero kadugayan og sigeg anonymously ranting about anything or stating things here, it really made me comfortable and i can say nga naa nako sa comfort zone nga ibulgar nako sa akong mga readers kung kinsa sad ko, by way of my writings. So bare with me, it’s not like I’m a coward nga I didn’t state my name kung kinsa ko. But this brings me comfort, I can shoutout what I want to state.
So here it is..
First of all, I’m a political science graduate, and I’m proud of it. I didn’t end up working on any non government organizations neither working sa mga government offices. Nag pol sci ko, dili tungod kay gusto ko mahimong governor, senator, mayor, kagawad or unsa pang klaseng rank sa government offices. Tong highschool ko, I really don’t know what I’m going to do after, and when people saw my character, ni-ana sila na nice daw kung maglawyer ko, and then sympre pag lawyer, pol sci jud na ilang prep course. So nag pol sci ko, siguro slight sila ang reason, pero before ko nagpa enroll, I really think this is my destiny. And I never regretted it. Every single day of learning were like “ aha moment” for me. My intellectuality widens, na akong perspective sa kalibutan na maximize. I love learning pol sci, I love learning theories, historical facts atbp. That’s why even nga I didn’t end up sa mga pang pol sci nga trabaho jud, I didn’t regret my choice. And if mubalik ko sa akong past, kani gihapon ang course na gusto na ko e take. I’m a die hard fan of this course. I’m a die hard fan of my teachers, nga maskin karon gina follow nako sila sa fb to get good insights. Kani akong topic run, cause I was scrolling yesterday late at night and I saw someone endorsing Political Science sa mga graduates sa K-12, and I didn’t think she did a good job in endorsing the course. The way I read it, mura bag wala jud niya na-tagamtaman ang gina offer sa course. So sad. Pol Sci iyang prep course sa college, pero murag dili sia graduate of pol sci. What a shame.
Kani tanan questions diri, mao ni ang questions na gipang tubag niya, and I want to put justice sa Pol Sci nga course, dili ni english pero I’ll try my best na e- endorse ni sa uban.. so here it is
Question 1: “Why Did I Choose Political Science”
Yun nga, I told you the history why naka take og Pol Sci. Basically, you will never know the reason man jud, and most of the influences ngano ko nagtake ani is based on my circles. Pero like what I’ve said, I never regretted to be here.
Sa ako nga nahuman nako ni na course, I can say to you that this is a good preparatory course for law school because of its discipline. Tinuod nga mas daghan subjects sa law school na natake up sa Accountancy na course, og mas hasa sila magbasa og law subjects kay yun nga, mao na na ilang training sigeg basa og law like oblicon and the same, ilaha man jud na. naa silay overview, mao mas hasa sila. While ang Pol Sci, 2-3 subjects lang ata ang naa sa Law School: Phil Con, Int’l Law, so sa kana na butang kulelat jud ang pol sci because dili kana ang pol sci about. Parehas sa akong giingon, ang disiplina sa political science ang reason ngano ideal sia pang preparatory course. We can understand the public policy behind every law, because every law is not just a “law” on its own, but the heart of every law is to safeguard and protect the welfare of the people and only the discipline of political science will help you understand the depth of safeguarding the people, mao mana ang law all about diba? Law school should not be a money making industry and to prevent that of becoming one, I really suggest na magtake up kag pol sci.  being a lawyer in the making, should give you a sense of responsibility and accountability. And ang pol sci jud ang best na prep course for that.
I’m currently working as a staff sa isa ka business and pol sci helped to examine and analyze mga puzzles diri sa office. Coz business is not just about business, its about the people also, the employees, the employer and their relationship. Discipline is really important. Kung ni graduate kag pol sci without its discipline then maypag wala ka nag pol sci dhai.  
 Question 2: “What is my current job and how long did it take to find a job?”
I’m a licensed real estate broker, currently I am working as non-exclusive broker and as regular staff in a real estate company. Before I graduated College, nag take kog 120 hrs nga course para maka take og board exam sa real estate broker, which means mon to fri school, and Saturday-Sunday lecture time for REB. For my case, dili siya lisud mangita og job since kaila na ko ang tag iya sa company. But as far as I know sa akong mga friends, naay uban nga naka trabaho dayun, og naay uban nga dugay nakakita og trabaho. Mas daghan kog classmate nga nag proceed og law or nag study og balik sa different course-naay uban nag teacher, nag pilot and etc, naa say uban nga nahimo governor, government worker and same. Actually kung imong pangutana, dali ba makakita og trabaho, well dhai depende na siya sa imong attitude mangita og trabaho. Dili na siya sa imong kurso. Kung disidido jud ka maningkamot makakita jud dayun ka kay makita mana sa imong “exterior”- sa imong aura. kung tamadun jud ka, wala juy para sa imo. Dili man gud pattern ang kinabuhi nga 1+1=2, in reality kelangan jud ikaw mismo naa kay pananaw sa kalibutan para makasugakod.
Question 3: “Am I using what I learned in college in my current job and/or further studies?”
Of course, parehas sa akong giingon sa Question 1, gina-apply na ko ang discipline sa akong course. Imposible kaayo nga dili ni ma-apply nga tanan tao is a political animal and social being. Tanan tao kay naay influence-either gamay or dako og tanan tao naay measurement sa ilang power. Og dili lang kana, personally kay makahalobilo man sad kog mga clients, ma-apply na ko na kelangan sad nako e- safeguard ilang welfare as buyers and also the employer. Dili man gud all the time imong answer sa tanan problema kay 1+1=2. Naay ubang problema na kelangan e set aside nimo ang answer, sometimes you need to compromise, og ang discipline sa pol sci ang nakatabang ana sa ako-on how to handle spaces of error sa akong circle and to give teeth on the regulations. Teeth is really important, without it, there is no authority. Kana bang social authority, dili enough imong charisma ana og coercive kaayo ka maskin pag ikaw ang tag-iya sa company. Kelangan na ma-balance nimo na para naay loyalty imong tao sa imo.
Question 4: How did Political Science improve my views towards the government, society, and life in general?
Pol Sci really impacted my world views; nga tanan diay is an interconnected beings, especially nga naa ta sa republican state-nga ang tao naa siay freedom of speech whether unsa iyang ika-ingon sa gobyerno. Our right of suffrage entitles us to demand sa atong governement. Second, what pol sci taught me is to really see the facts, kung naa bay historical context behind every dispute, naa bay cultural racism nga nahitabo. Dili pwede sa personal views lang nagadagan tanan, hence, e-base nimo ang imong analyses sa facts and the probabilities. Being a Pol Sci graduate does not entitle me to be opinionated, rather, to see both side of every dispute, and analyses without prejudice. It trained me to detach my self from my point of view. Third,  “understanding” is an understatement kay para sa ako mao na ang main theme sa Pol Sci, if you can’t understand a belief that is contrary to ones beliefs, naa kay kulang sa imong learnings. Dili ka complete kung ang rebuttal nimo is imo lang sang belief. Kung naa jud kay pinaglalaban nga thought, make sure nga gitan-aw nimo ang both sides. Pol Sci in general is about helping us to cooperate sa matag-usa. It should give us an avenue to build bridges. Mao mas lisud-lisud kung mutrabaho kag gobyerno tapos imong disiplina kay naa kay racial discrimination. Importante jud nga ang connection sa gobyerno, society og sa imong individual self kay naay harmony og dapat mao na sia ang goal. Because our reality is not lemons, it’s not simple as ABCDs. Pol Sci is a training ground for interconnectivity. Kung makita nimo ang kalibutan wala sia naga return kung asa sia nag-begin, rather every progress is a process of development either by peace or destruction. And ang discipline sa Pol Sci is to expand the evolution of peace with nations, welfare sa mga tao, og naay collective trust ang tao sa gobyerno, vice versa. Mao na ang realidad jud.
For me pud noh as closing remarks sa Question 4, shut up ka kung colurom ka og wa ka gabayad og tax. haha.
Question 5: What is my advise to people planning to take up Political Science?
Political Science is ideal also for business management, all in one na jud ni nga course. For people na gusto mutrabaho og gobyerno sa maskin unsang aspect, mas nice jud guys na mag Pol Sci mo para naa moy conscience kung mag-corrupt mog kwarta sa bayan.
Og sa general public, love it with all your heart and you will not regret the universe of political science. Ayaw ng pinugos sayang kwarta- may nalang ng kwarta mabalik pa sa imo, pero ang oras sa jud dili na mabalik.
-          End   -
I hope na natagaan na kog justice akong course. Wala jud ko nag sugar coat guys. This is plainly based on my personal experience. I hope nga naingganyo ta mo to have a harmonious living thru learning pol sci. :D
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party-of-rpg-muses · 4 years
Mun Plays Final Fantasy XIII-2
Okay, so. I bought XIII-2 and Lightning Returns the day after that, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (so basically, I bought it yesterday). I played Kakarot up until a little after Gohan was left in the wilderness by Piccolo. After that, I started XIII-2
Starting off, I found myself completely confused. Lightning suddenly appearing in a place known as Valhalla. Not only that, but Bodhum was on Gran Pulse, rather than Cocoon. Until I realized it was New Bodhum. Still, I was especially confused as to why Lightning was suddenly gone and everyone thought she was inside the Crystal Pillar with Fang and Vanille.
I adapted to the gameplay well enough, since it wasn’t all that different from XIII. But the biggest thing for me to get used to was the Mog Clock, especially when it came to attacking enemies. Quite often, they would appear behind me or directly on top of me. I’ll skip over New Bodhum, since nothing specially really happened there.
After that, I moved on to Bresha Ruins 005 AF and found myself fighting the Paradox Alpha. No real issues, especially with the Cinematic Action, which helped greatly. It just took a bit. Going through, I got my first two Monster Crystals and put Cait Sith in the party, since I wanted to have a healer of some kind. It didn’t take long for me to meet Chocolina (I recognized her from World of Final Fantasy) and accepted the side-quests. I took care of them with little issue while exploring. When prompted between fighting Atlas directly or trying to control it, I decided to look for the machine. After activating it, I fought Atlas and even with it being heavily weakened, I struggled quite a bit against it. But I managed to win and took the two Artefacts to the two Gates. I opened the one in the sewers first, which lead to Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF before going back and opening the one at the encampment, where Chocolina is, unlocking Yaschas Massif 010 AF and went there.
At Yaschas Massif 010 AF, I took to exploring, also trying to stay in the light and not fight enemies I thought would be difficult. It didn’t work out well completely, as I fought a few enemies. I also saw a Behemoth spawn, only to run so it can despawn because, well, IT’S A BEHEMOTH!!! Behemoths are known for being incredibly powerful beasts. I later fought the Aloeidai. I managed to do well, but when it got low, I became much more reckless in an attempt to finish it quickly, which proved to be my downfall and my first game over. So when I fought it again, I was a bit more caution and attentive. Gotta say, I couldn’t help but smile when I saw Hope, still using his boomerang. I got the Artefact from Hope and went to the Gate, unlocking Oerba 300 AF, but instead going Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF.
There, after a short bit of exploring, I encountered Snow and fought the Royal Ripeness. This one took a while, but no real issues as I defeated it. A bit of exploring before I found the Artefact which opened the Gate to the Coliseum. Went there, went back, and activated the Gate to travel to the Archylte Steppe. The most interesting thing there came when I got the Faeryl to spawn, only for the passage to be blocked by a Long Gui. Talking to a Hunter, they said it runs when there’s lightning, causing me to conclude that it was either a hint that it was weak to Lightning or to change the weather to Stormy. Because I’m such a genius, I fought it and lost almost instantly. So I went back, changed the weather, and fought the Faeryl... only to have my back against the wall with Megaton Charge dealing massive damage and I couldn’t gain a proper footing before being defeated. I tried again, this time being more defensive, eventually winning (he hit really hard) before leaving.
I went back to the Sunleth Waterscape 300 AF and fought the Mutantomato, which proved way easier. A little bit more exploring and I opened the Gate which sent me to a place known as the Void Beyond. After a bit of time, I went back through the portal and came to Serendipity. With the door locked, I went back and went to Oerba 300 AF and my heart practically broke upon seeing the beautiful seaside village now be a desert wasteland. I managed to complete the first puzzle-anomaly, but got momentarily stuck immediately after, not knowing how to progress, so I went back to the gate and explored other areas I unlocked.
Back at Bresha Ruins 005 AF, I explored a bit and found the third Gate, which took me to Bresha Ruins 300 AF. I tried to explore, but the enemies proved incredibly difficult. One group of enemies gave me a game over and I later fought a Purple Chocobo, which almost defeated my party (I went through all of my Phoenix Downs, not that I had all that much) until only Serah was left before running away. Realizing I had no chance here, I went back and traveled back to Oerba 300 AF, where I learned I could jump off the street and into the sand. After that, exploring and completing puzzles as usual with no problems. I eventually came across the Oracle Drive and fought against Caius. He wasn’t too difficult, but I underestimated the damage he could do with one of his attacks, causing him to defeat Serah (I’ll admit, she was a little under half health anyway), but I still beat him. It was then that I noticed it was 3:30 AM and decided to stop playing... after activating the Gate and unlocking Yaschas Massif 01X AF. I saved the game there and turned it off. And as it turned out, I’ve been playing for over 7 hours straight! Man, this game is fun!
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Daybreak Academy: Chapter 08
Thoughts Of You
Summary: In which the study group girls make goodie bags for the guys, and Anora considers making one for Ephemer. Word Count: 1,450 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
“Are we really doing the bags a whole week early this year?” Nin impatiently asked Pyra as the three of them looked at the school store's seasonal things. Anora felt awkward just standing there as the other girls looked over the shelves.
“Do you want a repeat of last year?” Pyra questioned, picking up a small stuffed bear from the shelf. She looked it over a bit before putting it back again. “We were so caught up in trying to figure out what the boys wanted, that we almost forgot to made the goodie bags at all.”
Nin gave a small grunt of disagreement. “I thought that's why we weren't going to do them. It's not like the boys never give back on White Day, so why bother?”
“It's the gesture that counts, Nin.” Pyra argued. “Besides, I meant to gift Mog a new pair of socks last Christmas but forgot. And since Valentines is closer than Easter...”
Nin and Anora looked at each other.
“Socks?” Nin repeated with a neat raise of her eyebrow.
“Have you ever noticed that Mog always wears the same pair of socks?”
“Why would I?”
“Well, he does, and it makes me feel bad for him. So I decided to gift him a new pair of socks- at least it would give him some variety.”
“Have you ever stopped to consider that Mog doesn't want to wear any other socks?”
“Who would only want to wear one pair of socks?”
“I can think of a few people...”
Pyra gave Nin a confused side glance before quickly shaking her head. “We're getting off track.” she told them. “I think we have everything to make the bags now. We should meet back up on Friday. How does after the school day look for you two?”
“I'm fine with that.” Nin agreed with a shrug.
Anora gave a firm nod to show that she was available as well.
“Great!” Pyra smiled at them. “Now, would you ladies like to get some ice cream? All this buying for the guys is making me feel left out.”
Nin and Anora gave each other the same look before turning back to Pyra with a grin. Nin spoke for the both of them as she said, “Of course we would!”
Pyra's smile grew wider. “Then let's go!” she declared. Without being told twice, the three of them started to head out the door.
As the three of them left the school store, a sudden clatter caused Anora to jump. She quickly looked in the direction the noise came from to try to figure out what happened. Imagine her surprise when she saw Ephemer, profusely apologizing to a girl with carrot-red hair, as he tried to pick up whatever the girl had dropped.
Her first instinct was to go and help, but she was stopped just as quickly by Pyra calling for her. Anora still hesitated for a moment. Knowing she was going to regret it later, Anora went to catch up with her girl friends, telling herself that Ephemer didn't need help on whatever he was doing. But it was rather weird when she thought about it. What was he doing in the school store?
. . .
Anora did not think that she had her friends had purchased that much stuff for the goodie bags. But now that everything was spread out on the cafeteria table, she was starting to have doubts. At least three bags of candy had been piled into on corner, another pile had an assortment of little toys, then another spot where the tissue paper had been ungracefully taken out of its package and waiting to be used as filler.
“Where did I put Affie's hair gel?”
“It's over here. Can you pass me some more candy? Mog's sweet tooth is worse than a child's.”
“That's because he still is.”
The two girls went into a small giggle as Anora only offered a light smile. She wasn't going to admit that she was jealous that Pyra and Nin knew the boys so well, but there was a small sting in her chest regardless. She didn't even know why she could have been surprised by this- their group had been together for four years, at the least, considering Mog was in the fourth year classes. In the deepest part of her heart, Anora knew that in time she would know everyone that well.
It was still a reminder that she was different than them.
They had probably all enrolled when they had the chance, she just showed up. No one signed her up, no one asked for her permission to be signed up. One of them must have been part of some legacy family that allowed them to get in. What did Anora do to get in? She didn't even know this school existed a month ago, and yet, here she was.
“You want the extra stuff, Anora?” Pyra asked, snapping the girl out of her thoughts. “Not sure how big you are on sweets, but the boys definitely don't deserve all of it.”
Anora looked up at her friends and gave them a rather bewildered look.
“Don't worry,” Nin smiled. “We'll take what we want before you haul off with most of it. We each chipped in to buy the stuff, so we're all going to chip in to get rid of it.”
Again, Anora looked at them as if they had gained a second head. Eventually she started to nod her head in agreement.
“Great!” Pyra smiled. “Well put everything in a separate bag for you- I should not have gotten that 10 pack of gift bags...”
“Told you.” Nin replied with a smirk. “But you insisted that we'd need them for storage or something.”
“Well, we kinda are.” came the gentle laugh. “Besides, this way, we also have a bag of stuff that we want.”
“True” Nin easily agreed before the girls decided to divide the goodies up.
In all said and done, there was still a lot of leftovers to chose from. Anora had ended up with four bags (two of which contained only candy) that she could only set on her desk. She sat down on her bed and tilted her head at the bags. She could easily go through half a bag on her own, and some she could try to give to that mysterious person that knew about her secret place. But what would she do with the rest?
'I should make a bag for Ephemer.'
Anora blinked. Where did that come from? She could list the times she and Ephemer were ever in the same room on one hand; and that included the one incident from last week. And yet… it wasn't a bad idea either…
Making a decision, Anora pulled out one of the spare bags, one of the pens sticking out of her backpack, and started to doodle. It was the same shapes she had drawn before on the concrete slab- this time she made sure to put a bit more effort into the drawings. Never before did she think that the stupid looking hearts, stars, and king's crown she doodled could look pretty decent if she put the effort into it.
Giving some time for the pen ink to dry, Anora sifted through the leftover tissue paper. She chose a purple and blue tissue paper to cover the bottom of the bag, then filled a good portion with candy. Anora looked in the bag with the leftover toys and carefully picked out the least embarrassing looking toys in the bunch. She finished off the goodie bag with a mixture of white, blue, and purple tissue paper to hide the contents proper.
Looking at the newly filled goodie bag, Anora felt a sense of pride in accomplishment. She then reached for a label to write his name. But she froze. When she and the others did the tags for Affie and Mog, they only written their names down. For some reason, Anora wanted to write a message as well- the only problem was that she didn't know what to say. What could she say to someone she barely knows? Anora bit her lip as she haphazardly looked around her room for some sort of inspiration.
Her eyes eventually fell to a binder Ava had given her during orientation. On it was the school's logo, and under the logo was the school's motto. She blinked at the words for a moment before reaching for her pen. What the words meant in the grand scheme of things was unknown to her, but they seemed just as fitting as any other random phrase.
'May your heart be your guiding key.'
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vanillyn · 3 years
Thought about how a My Hero Academia DoL mod would also be fun and more popular now as a DoL mod, but this is more a fan labor of love (and self-indulgence).
@mehbzz Yaaaas went with Kylar-->Noctis  and Whitney->Ravus.
The Orphanage is now the Lucian Home for Refugee Orphans and the Oxford school now for Kingsglaive cadet training. Leighton->Drautos with the teachers becoming Crowe, Clarus (wavering on this one, might change to Luche), Libertus, and Nyx (teaching swimming warping ^^ ). Cause Nyx would totally practice warping naked deep in the forest.
(Ugh, I messed up replacing ‘winter’ and had to go back and fix all  those. Although I can’t say I’d mind a ‘season of Cor’.)
Yep, Eden is totally Gladio and Robin now Prompto. Updating all their descriptions and titles appropriately of course.
At first I thought of Avery for Ignis, but I just had too muh fun picturing Regis in the Regalia cruising round Insomnia looking for pretty young things. Hey, he’s been alone a long time. And there’s a guy who deserves have a ton of pent-up rage. (Call an astral when Noctis/Regis’s Jealously/Rage high enough?).
Then I thought how about make Alex -> Ignis even though there’ll be a ton of dialogue upgrading, and making the Farm a Farm to Table Restaurant sort of deal. 
But I just couldn’t imagine Ignis carrying slop to feed pigs over and over again. But then I thought about the crazy amount of work there is to do for the farm and the crazy amount work Ignis actually does. And thus the Farm will become THE CITADEL. Gotta keep petting those centaurs councilmen and milking those cows Lucian nobles. And Noct’s food, laundry, schedule, Noct’s everything…
I’ve already got it so instead of alcohol he repeatedly produces cans of Ebony from nowhere to drink and offer to the player. <3
·       Jordan is now Lunafreya and the special ritual to remove fallen transformation is purging the scourge.
·       Almost made Great Hawk Bahamut, but Bahamut’s just too much of a dick. Thinking maybe a throwback and going with Fat Chocobo and the harpy becomes a chocobo transformation. [That’s right. You can become a ‘Chocobro’].
·       Black Wolf – King Mog? Lots of high-libido moogles in that forest. Don’t think I have the stones to make it One-Eye ><
·       Niki->Vyv
·       Sam-> Takka
·       Landry-> Dino
·       Dr. Harper->Verstael
·       Remy->Aranea? (Haven’t encountered much with him yet other than riding lessons)
·       Morgan->(Aldercapt? Cause why wouldn’t the Emperor of Nifelheim be running around in the sewers below Lucis screaming for his crystal?)
The Monster is of course Kenny Crow.
Those are just a few. So many ideas and they keep growing. ^^
But for now I’ll leave you with the image of orphan Prompto by the ocean, just trying to sell potions for enough gil to avoid caretaker Ardyn’s punishment.
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