#modest wallet designs
hsmagazine254 · 3 months
Elegant and Modest: The Perfect Wallets for Women
Elevate Your Everyday Essentials with Timeless Style and Practicality Wallets are essential accessories for women, offering both practicality and style. For women who prioritize modesty and elegance in their attire, finding the perfect wallet involves considerations of design, material, and functionality. Here are some recommendations for wallets that align with these values: 1. Modest…
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littledovesnow · 5 months
a snow wedding | young!corioulanus x fem!reader
a/n: you'll never guess who officiates their wedding lmao
word count: 1.8k (i could have gone on for like 10k honestly weddings are so fun to writ)
content warnings: ooc!coriolanus, coryo is nicer in my fics than the book/movie (more of the coriolanus at the start of the movie tbh), some hinting at bedroom festivites
You know,” you looked in the mirror at your maid of honor. “I always thought you and Coryo would be the two at the end of the aisle reciting vows.”
Clemensia choked on her mimosa, laughter bubbling over the glass. “The way he’s always looked at you? Absolutely no doubt in my mind you two would end up together.” She replied, setting the flute over and walking over to you.
You peered over at the pristine white gown hanging up, still just as beautiful as when you picked it out two months ago.
Coriolanus had proposed almost a year ago, wanting nothing more than to finally call you Mrs. Snow. “It would make me the happiest man in the Capitol, the country.”
You nodded furiously, watching as he slid the exquisite gold band adorned with a halo of small diamonds around a larger stone. It was a lavish ring, one you assumed he had ruminated over after securing a permanent position in the Citadel alongside Dr. Gaul.
A knock on the door broke up the conversation between the two women, Tigris popping her head into the makeshift bridal suite. “Just checking to see if you need anything before I go down to meet Grandma’am.”
“Tigris, this gown is to die for!” Clemensia praised the tailor, whose cheeks flushed like she had spent weeks in the sun.
“It’s just something I threw together.”
“Oh, don’t be modest, Tigris. It’s one of the most beautiful designs I’ve seen some out of your studio.” You smiled, pulling Tigris into the room more. “But I do have one thing you might have to help me with.”
“What might that be?”
You gestured to the gown, spinning to look at the two most important women in your life. “Can you ladies help me get into this dress? The corset looks like a game Coryo would make up in the Games.”
Clemensia laughed, and Tigris clapped enthusiastically, setting her purse on the pristine couch in the corner.
Coriolanus messed with the cuff links he had purchased for the day exclusively, looking at the small photograph of his mother he kept in his wallet. It was new for him, carrying a wallet around.
He had only a few things in there, his Citadel ID card, a few hundred dollars­—pocket change for him nowadays—and the crumbled notebook paper he had written his vows on one day in the lab while Dr. Gaul met with President Ravenstill and Dean Highbottom.
They were messy, lines crossed out and words in the margins, and Coriolanus was fairly certain his sweaty palm had rubbed a few lines into illegible scribbles. He wouldn’t need them, though, he’s stared at this paper for weeks, the words engrained into his mind for the rest of his days.
He looked up when he heard a knock on his door, his best man stepping into the room.
“You just about ready?” Festus asked, looking around at the mostly bare room. “I think your grandmother is about ready to charge into the bridal suite and wed the two of you.”
If asked who he would think would be his best man at his wedding, Coriolanus Snow would never have said Festus Creed, but after the 10th Hunger Games and his short Peacekeeping stint, the two grew close, something akin to friendship.
“It was Grandma’am’s idea to have an evening ceremony.” Coriolanus muttered mostly to himself, but he tucked his wallet and vows back into his pocket, nodding at the curly-haired man.
“I am ready.”
Delicately rubbing your sweaty palm on your dress, you peered through the small opening between two columns, trying to get a peek at your soon-to-be husband.
“Oh, you’ll see him soon enough!” Lysistrata Vickers smiled at you, bringing you into a hug.
You, Clemensia, and Lysistrata had all grown closer after your mentorship in the Games, going so far as to become friends and spend weekend trips in Districts One and Two on occasion.
“I haven’t seen him all weekend, Lyssie! He wouldn’t even tell me what color his suit is. All I know is that it complements his eyes, and I got that from Tigris!”
Clemensia and Lysistrata shared a knowing look, having seen Coriolanus’ tuxedo as they wished him a good morning in passing.
“He looks exquisite, I hope that makeup is waterproof because I know you’ll be a puddle as soon as you see him!”
Your grin nearly split your face in two, preparing to seal your fate as a Snow.
Clemensia took your hand and gave it a squeeze, stepping up to walk down the aisle with you since neither of your parents were able to.
Lysistrata marched down the split of chairs first, grinning ear-to-ear as she met up with her own husband, Festus downright devouring her with his eyes.
You took a deep breath as you turned around the corner, eyes dancing from one side of the room to the other.
You and Coriolanus wanted to have a smaller audience in person, with a majority of the Capitol and Districts tuning into the wedding live on TV.
Dr. Gaul, who you and Coriolanus had asked to officiate the wedding, had a positively radiant smile on her face, a rarity for the woman. But how could she not, her two star pupils were getting married today.
You finally locked eyes with your fiancé, you Coriolanus, your Coryo. Most would take the look on his face for a smirk, but you knew the man you were about to marry, you knew he was holding back a million-watt smile.
Before you knew it, you were at the end of the aisle, Clemensia squeezing your hand and taking the bouquet of red and white roses, giving you the chance to smooth the skirt of your gown.
“Hi.” You whispered, cheeks beginning to ache from your smile.
Coriolanus chuckled softly, taking both of your hands in his own, giving them a squeeze. “Hi, gorgeous.”
Dr. Gaul, who was perhaps the only one close enough to hear the small greetings, looked at you both to make sure it was okay for her to begin.
“Today, we are here to celebrate the union of two of Panem’s most important people, two people who I have gotten to know throughout their time at the Academy, University, and mentorship.”
The ceremony was shorter than some other weddings you had been to, with you and Coriolanus wanting to share vows in private, not wanting the nation to listen in, wanting to keep some things between the two of you.
Before you knew it, Dr. Gaul was announcing you two as the Snows, the crowd erupting into cheers as you and Coriolanus shared your first kiss as a married couple.
With the ceremony over, you and Coriolanus had a short period of time before the reception, taking place in one of the grandest ballrooms in the Capitol. There would be more people at the reception than there were at the ceremony, with Coriolanus getting ready to run for election in the coming months, so you knew you had to be on your best behavior and help pull the votes in for your husband.
“What’re you thinking about, wife?” Coriolanus asked, lovesick smile on his face as he referred to you as his wife for the first time.
“Hmm?” You asked, shaking your head like an Etch-a-Sketch. “Nothing, just how lucky I am that you’re my husband.”
“Oh? I thought I was the lucky one.” Coriolanus replied, leaning in to kiss you in the back of the luxury car, which was taking you to the reception hall.
You couldn’t help the blush that tinted your cheeks. “Coryo,” you murmured, slipping off the bright red heels you had picked out to wear to the reception, Coriolanus grinning up at you from between your legs as you had brought the idea up one night a few weeks ago.
“How does it feel, to be a Snow?” Coriolanus asked, knowing glint in his eyes.
“Feels like I’m worth a million bucks.”
Coriolanus laughed, fixing his bowtie as the car pulled up to the entrance, groaning when he saw Lucky Flickerman and his parade of cameras.
You knew better than to say anything to the weatherman-turned-host, leaving it all up to Coriolanus, who greeted the cameras with a stiff smile and a “it feels wonderful, something I’ve always dreamt of” when asked how it felt being married.
Entering the reception, you and Coriolanus were greeted with cheers, clapping, and a few wolf whistles.
You two did first rounds greeting the more important people in the room, people you two had known since you were both children.
Tigris squealed so loud you and Coriolanus both winced at the pitch, but laughed as she clapped and hugged you two. “Officially part of the family! I’ve always wanted a sister!”
“Tigris, we aren’t even siblings.” Coriolanus chuckled, hand around your waist and thumb rubbing back and forth soothingly.
You lightly slapped the man’s chest. “Oh, hush. She’s been a sister to me since we first started dating.”
Tigris took your hand, admiring the new addition to your left ring finger. Next to the engagement ring now sat a white gold wedding band, matching the one that now adorned Coriolanus’ left hand.
You promised to have a girl’s night with Tigris as Coriolanus dragged you away, knowing you two would be talking all night if he didn’t break up the conversation while there was a lull.
The two of you ended up in front of Casca Highbottom, who was unusually well-groomed, beard tame and hair gelled. “Well, I guess you can thank me for this.”
“Pardon?” You asked, feeling Coriolanus tense at the elder’s words.
“If it wasn’t for my thinking of the Hunger Games, you two would never have spoken a word to each other.”
Coriolanus did nothing more than give a short smile to the man, thanking him for his wedding gift before you two left him to his morphling and posca.
“Why did you invite him, Coryo?” You asked, finally being able to sit for a moment.
“It would have looked bad to not have my father’s best friend here. The man technically did is the reason we’re where we are now.”
You shrugged, agreeing with Coriolanus. “Come on, I want some cake.”
Coriolanus laughed, following you towards the four-tiered red-velvet cake.
Collapsing onto the bed, you sighed contently as you toed off the red heels you had been dancing in all night.
“What do you think, shall we spend our first night married as we did the last night as an unmarried couple?” Coriolanus asked, already shedding his clothing.
“Oh, I like the way you think.” You smiled, sitting up. “But you have to help me undo this corset before anything.”
a/n: maybe some good angst next? what do you think my little snakes my little rainbow fiends
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halloiambored · 10 months
Random Snippet
CW: kidnapping and suffering, the works.
Ethan isn’t a hero.
He’s just an average guy who lives in a modest apartment on the East side of the city. He has a cat. It’s nice.
Okay, yeah - he knows things that could cripple the agency in minutes, but that doesn’t make him a hero. If anything, he’s just a liability.
“Large black coffee, please.”
This cafe is always busy around noon, conversations and kitchen clamor bleed together with the muffled chaos of the city streets.
“Sure thing. Would you like our medium or dark roast?”
“Dark would be great,” Ethan smiles weakly, thumbing through his wallet. As he pulls out a ten, his focus catches on the casual tapping of the cashier’s nails.
“Do you want room for cream and sugar?”
“Ah, nope, no thanks. Do you take cash?”
Whatever she says is lost to the ringing in his ears. A few dazed heart beats later, he remembers how to breathe. God, his life is a mess.
“I uh, sorry, what did you say?” How she manages to be so kind is beyond him.
“We do! It’ll be—”
“On me! Thank you.” A gloved hand on his arm makes Ethan jump, eyes darting to the man - nope, hero - beside him. Ironically, he doesn’t recognize their suit. Ethan, the designer of every super-suit in the city, doesn’t recognize their suit.
“Don’t worry about it! I haven’t checked in on you in a while, it’s my treat. Hey, how’s your cat?”
Completely at a loss, Ethan stares. Something is eerily familiar about his crystal blue eyes, but he can’t place it.
“Are you okay, man? I’ve been worried about you, after everything that happened last week. Here - let’s get out of the way.”
Draping his arm across Ethan’s back, the stranger subtly shoves him toward the pickup counter.
“Look, Ethan - it is actually Ethan, right?”
“Oh c’mon, you don’t recognize me? Wow. Here, I’ll jog your memory.”
With a smirk, the man sends a spark of electricity racing up his spine. And sure, it’s jarring to feel his muscles flex and flutter involuntarily, but the discomfort isn’t what makes his stomach drop.
No - it’s because the villain beside him is Aaron fucking Whitehall, the ex he spent years trying to forget. Since he mentioned last week, it means he’s here because... not to…
“Oh my god.”
Like a switch, Ethan tries to squirm away. To his dismay, his strength seems to be evaporating by the second. All he manages to do before he’s slammed against the wall is knock over someone’s lunch, their plate shattering on the tile floor.
For a beat, the tension in the room is palpable. Then reality crashes back into place.
Naturally, someone’s screaming as the crowd tries to escape the henchman at the door. Ethan, though - he’s begging, eyes wide and filling with tears, hands pathetically pushing at the gloves holding him in place.
“Look, now you’ve made a scene. I was trying to be subtle, y’know. Nice. Hell, I caught you off guard in broad fucking daylight and you’re stupid enough to try to run. Aren’t you supposed to be good at your job?”
“Pleaseplea,” he chokes, breath hitching, “don’t do this, please, I don’t understand why you’re her—”
Without warning, fire. Ethan’s world is on fire.
Gasping in shock, his struggles turn frantic, panic clouding his every thought. Desperately, he coughs out, “StOP!”
“Mmm no,” Aaron continues with a malicious grin. “Instead, three things are about to happen. One, you’re going to get in my car. Two, you’re going to cooperate unconditionally. And three, you’re going to spill all of the marvelous little secrets in that pretty head of yours.”
“Yeah, you will. Because if you don’t…” Aaron leans in, his breath ghosting over Ethan’s ear. Somehow, the pain gets worse, ripping a scream out of his already sore throat.
“You will suffer. I will make your life hell on earth and I will enjoy every second.”
As the rush of artificial electricity fades, Ethan falls. Even free, the designer’s lungs burn for air that doesn’t come, his body shaking uncontrollably.
“So, shall we?” Startlingly polite, Aaron turns on his heel and walks away, clearly expecting Ethan to follow.
Fuck fuck fuck, this is not going to end well.
Without missing a beat, two of the henchmen step forward to drag him along, effectively cutting off his weak protest with a knee to the gut.
“You got the wrong guy,” he wheezes, voice hoarse and charged with emotion.
After all, Ethan isn’t a hero, he’s just a liability. But if he can make Aaron believe him, if he can get out, maybe the city stands a chance.
“Yeah, sure I do.”
“No really, Aaron,” the goons throw him in the backseat, and he gracelessly scrambles away from the open door. “I work at the agency, but I’m not - they don’t trust - what secrets?”
With terrifying ease, the men drag him back to lock shackles around his wrists, the metal unforgiving.
“Oh, you don’t know anything? Seriously? After your agency leaked your name, you really think I’ll let you off that easy?”
The villain’s cruel smirk leaves nothing to the imagination. Obviously, he isn’t going to be convinced that easily. No, Aaron will ruin his dearest captive, and then some, to get what he wants.
But when Ethan finally sobs, he’s still surprised when Aaron laughs.
Why did he have to be the one to find him?
“Dam-mnit. Please, at least — I’m trying,” his already warbled voice cracks, “I trying to tell you the truth. Please. You’re going to make me go through this, you’re going to… it’s… oh my god, please let me go. I-I can’t give you information I don’t have. Aaron, plEAse!”
At that, the car door slams in his face.
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Could've been you:
Inspiration from @finelinevogue brother Harry and his gold digging girlfriend Natalia
Link to the blurb right here
Harry was smitten with her. Aria. She was very pretty; her long thick dark brown hair that bounced a few extra curls in it, her olive skin that shimmered in sunlight and her brimming heart shaped lips that were painted in cherry pink. Her salient grey eyes that were underlined in modest black eyeliner, scanned the room that had turned perturb the second she made her debut.
Despite her beauty, she was venomous. Poisonous, cold to touch and it didn't faze her not one bit. You as Harry's sister saw the monster that hid in those designer shoes and quintessential face. She was angelic to Harry, your older brother who was your best friend in the entire world. Nothing came before you and it was the same with him. But Aria hated that. So in retaliation she treated you with deep contempt. She was atrocious in her words and impish with her attacks.
You didn't know why you tolerated it, but you knew that if you told Harry, he wouldn't believe you. He was too head over heels for her and wasn't ready to hear anything bad about the woman he seemed to lavish so much of his attention for.
"I'll be right back," He said kissing her cheek soundly and practically skipping upstairs to his room for his wallet. Harry had planned to take his two special girls out for ice cream, so while he was upstairs, you were now sitting across from Satan yourself. You swore you could make out the goat skull shape on her face with her irate eyes boring deep into you.
"Nice shirt," She said, revealing a cruel smirk stretching across her face. "Really covers up the stretch marks." That was always a sensitive subject for you. You hated your stretch marks and always felt insecure about them. So for Aria to poke at your weakest spot burned inside....but nonetheless, you decided not responding would make it go away....hopefully. Before she could say anything else, Harry came downstairs.
"Ready to go?" Aria swung her arms Harry's neck innocently, pressing kisses to his cheeks sweetly. You shuffled yourself to the car, gulping down the bittersweet tension that Aria invariably produces with you. She gave you a solid shove when it looked like you were heading towards the passenger seat. Harry didn't even notice it but instead smiled at Aria as she joined in next to him in the car.
At the ice cream place, Harry ordered while you and Aria stood aside. "That blue moon flavor sure looks delicious," You pondered out loud. Aria glanced at you with a disgusted look. "Piggy. Probably shouldn't order a large." That comment got to you more than it should have.
"Hey guys what would you like?" "A medium chocolate sundae." Aria said with sham charm. "Yn?"
"Uh a small blue moon cone." Harry looked confound as you usually ordered a large or medium cone. "Trying to watch my figure." You said with a chuckle to Harry to reassure him. "Well that's a joke." Aria snorted. You rolled your eyes and hushed any sign of sniffles trying to erupt from your bruised feelings.
Harry spent most of his time talking to Aria and completely leaving you out of the conversation per usual whenever Aria's in the room. She lights up his world and nothing else matters. Not even you. It broke your heart but you figured there was nothing you could do about it.
"Oh yn you got a little ice cream on your shirt," Harry said grabbing a couple napkins from the counter. "Like a baby." Aria chirped in which made Harry laugh like it was the funniest thing. He thought she meant it as a joke, but with the orney way she it, and the churlish attitude she presented, there was no doubt that it wasn't a joke.
"Gotta laugh at yourself ya know." She hissed in a patronizing way when she realized you weren't laughing. Probably thought you were making her look bad. Like you could do that to already antipathy persona she already had. She said this in front of Harry who not once stood up for you. When everyone's back was turned, you chucked the rest of your cone into the trash can. It wasn't appetizing anymore.
A lump in your throat kept threatening to overturn itself and you would be full on sobbing on the car ride home. You turned to stare out the window while Harry and Aria were invested deeply into their conversation. "Jenelle looked so fat in that dress, it was like a sweaty pig wearing a red sequin dress, hilarious!"
Your stomach was grotessed by Aria's speech of her supposed 'friend'. Harry hung on every word yet didn't comment.
Later on in the evening, you and Harry were washing dinner dishes that had piled up over time mostly due to the both of you being rather lazy and relied on Anne or Gemma to finally get so sick of it that they would cave in. But Anne expected you and Harry to be responsible in your household assignments.
"Aria sure is sweet isn't she?" Harry dunked a plate into the sudsy hot water. "Yeah I guess." Harry furrowed his eyebrows and turned to you briefly before turning his attention back to the plate again.
"What's wrong?" You shrugged but then made a quick decision to be honest with your brother about his savage girlfriend. "She doesn't like me very much. I know it's only been 2 months since you started dating her, but...I just don't really care for her."
Harry was in flummox about your answer. This was the first time you had ever spoken about Aria like this to Harry. "She seems nice though. Could you give her another chance?" Your breath grew hot. How much more of this beast would you be able to tolerate. You swallowed your meekness and told Harry everything Aria had said to you.
"If this is about the ice cream earlier, it was just a joke! I think maybe you're being a little too sensitive,"
"Good. My sensitivity keeps me on my toes." Spoke vapored into your tone. "Yn, she makes me happy," Harry said getting defensive, "You're being spoiled. I'm allowed to have other people in my life besides you."
Harry scrubbed more harshly with the dishes signifying his annoyance towards you. You knew Harry wouldn't have believed you, but it still didn't take the sting out from being completely cast aside for Aria like you were some bug that was kept buzzing around; working on Harry's last nerve and who kept trying to swat at you to leave him alone. Well now you were alone.
With Anne and Gemma being gone at a concert, no one was there to come to your defense. "You finish up, I'm going to bed." Harry practically threw the sponge at you when it soaked the top part of your shirt. Tear dropped in the sink as you finished up the last dish and cleaned up before retiring to bed yourself.
"Yn, come on let's go!" Harry huffed as he tapped his chelsea boot against the carpeted floor impatiently, "Aria's waiting!" With the truth out, Harry had thought you were deliberately taking your time just because you didn't like her. You hurried downstairs, barely getting your jacket on and followed Harry out the door.
"Be nice," Harry parked the car into a spacy parking space. You rolled your eyes and clicked your tongue. "Right, I'll be a sweet little angel." You scoffed sarcastically. "I mean it yn. Don't be a baby." Harry said with more repugnance in his voice than yesterday. it shook you enough to drop any hint of causality from your tone and inherit regard instead.
You both entered the restaurant side by side, immediately eyeing the devil in a sequin gray blouse. "Hey babe." Aria greeted with Harry kissing and hugging her like he hadn't seen her in ages despite yesterday's trip to the ice cream shop. She bestired herself to not even say so much as a hello to you, while you stood there dumbfounded but perplexed as to why it was you felt that way.
You took a seat next Harry knowing there would be no way in hell you could ever sit next to sequen obsessed demon, and picked up the menu and ordered what you thought looked good.
The waiter came over and took the menus and placed your order. "I'll have a cheese burger with fries and a water please." You requested. Aria gave a small internal chuckle loud enough for you to hear.
"I'll have the parmesan salad with no tomato, cheese or onions."
You chuckled silently realizing that she pretty much ordered lettuce with parmesan on it. "Same." Your eyes darted to Harry as he would never order such a thing. Aria placed her hand on top of Harry's in agreement with his order. It was like he was under her mind control.
Your table's food came and everyone started munching away on their food. Harry would always occasionally glance at your food anguished to trade his flagrant salad for a bit of your delicious meal. "Wanna bite?" You offered once you realized him staring. But before Harry could say anything, Aria spoke for the both of them. "We're fine thanks." She sassed in curt way. You looked over to Harry who gave a small smile and nodded before turning back to his meal.
Aria and Harry's conversation once again excluded you as were expected to just sit back and scoff down your meal. Once your tummy was full and your plate was as empty as Harry's stomach, the waiter came over and collected your plates.
"How was everything?" He asked. "Delicious."
"Mine was dry and tasted shredded." Aria's attitude was an embarrassment to you. You just couldn't understand how Harry could tolerate another human being treating someone this way. You sent apologetic eyes to the waiter who smiled at you and completely brisked past Aria....And Harry. "I've got to use the restroom, I'll be back." Harry left, leaving you and Aria at the table alone.
"I-I like your top," You were trying to be nice and kind. But Aria didn't respond at instead focused more on her texting than on your effort to be civil. "This was supposed to be a date with just me and Harry you know." She hissed.
"I know, but Harry really wanted me to come and so I did. To support him,"
"Ha, support him? We both know the only reason you tag along with Harry is because you're a lonely little piggy that no one wants to be bothered with-"
"I'm not a lonely piggy," You whisper yelled. "Unlike you I care about my brother and don't use him to get money or compliments for the sake of my status!"
"Did you tell Harry that, Yn?" She sneered, acting like saying your name caused her to be poisoned. You sat back and didn't answer. "And did he believe you?" She said with the most condescending tone and batting of the eyes that would disgust even the most vile people. "Right. And do you know why......because no one wants you or the likes of you. I could name a list of reasons as to why but I think I'll just give you the one I've noticed the most.....you are nothing but a big FAT baby."
Tears welled in your eyes as Aria's words hit you harder than slash to your wrist....which you unfortunately knew what that felt like. She exposed the flesh of your insecurities and ripped them piece by piece just to make sure you knew just how much she hated you.
She sat back in her seat, giving a dirty smirk looking at you break down in front of her. Harry came from around the corner with a very disturbed and livid scowl. "Hey bab-"
"Don't you baby me Aria" He said with the same poison in his veins as Aria did to you. "I heard everything from around that corner." He sneered in such an angry tone, that it made you scared as to what he was going to do. "I don't know what she said to you bu-"
"It's not what she said, it's what you said. And I heard everything from around that corner."
"Harry you're not going to cause a scene like this in public." "Well then get away from me and my sister and there won't be one! We are through! Your salad tasted like crap and so you can pay for it!" Harry gently grabbed your arm and guided you out of the restaurant, leaving Aria dumbfounded.
"No one talks to my sister like that!" Harry finally let out an angry roar. You still looked down holding back tears from your eyes. "You say that now," You gulped down some sobs that wanted to erupt.
"Yn I-" "How could you?! You allowed all of that to happen before you stepped in. She tore me apart and...you didn't believe me the first time!"
You sped up and away from Harry to get away from him. You couldn't bear looking at him, mostly because tears were freely streaming through your face. "I'll find my own way back,"
"Yn, you know you can't walk home alone." Harry said with slight laughter. "Oh go ahead and patronize me, laugh it up since it's so hilarious. If I can tolerate Aria's abuse, and sucking in my extreme indignity in a public place....then I think I'm more than capable of finding my a way back home that doesn't include you. No need to spoil me!"
Just then, Aria came running out begging Harry for forgiveness. You rolled your eyes and walked to the end of the parking lot alone. "Aria what you did was unforgivable...I could never take you back after the way you treated yn." Harry walked away leaving Aria in despair.
He pulled his car up next to you and honked the horn. "Yn please get in. Aria's gone and it's just you and me," Harry pleaded. You thought for a while and then settled yourself into the passenger's seat. "I am so sorry yn....I was stupid to not believe you. You're my little sister and I could never want anything to happen to you. Please forgive me."
You looked to Harry; in his eyes pleaded for forgiveness and were those same puppy dog eyes that showed immense regret. "Oh...alright." Harry pulled you in for a tight hug and wiped your tears.
"How about some tacos? My treat?" Harry suggested. "Sounds great to me." You replied with a more causal tone. All was forgiven.
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bumblebeebie · 5 months
Love Shot: Minhwan x y/n
Study group fanfic (1/7 chapters)
Note: 1. I use translator. 2. I hate Minhwan (though most ppl tend to like him) and it seems that this kinda short fiction is most liked by the readers so i decided to translate this. Thanking for stopping by this post.
“Stop calling me by that weird name. Ma Minhwan, remember that.”
All the faces flashing by - say hello. We've said goodbye. Maybe we'll meet up again in the next life.
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Upon waking from the dream, various sound echoed in his mind—the laughter, the tender plea in spoken words, the whispering breath, the echoing blast of gunfire, and, in solemn solitude, the mournful utterance of her name.
Chapter I : Unexpected encounter
Y/n was an ordinary high school student, searching for a webtoon to read during the twilight hours.
Being an avid manga reader, she made it a daily ritual to unwind after a long day of studying. Sometimes, she stumbled upon stories so captivating that she lost track of time, reading until late night.
Tonight was no different. While engrossed in her manga on the bed, Y/n's attention was caught by a series titled "Study Group." Her favorite character in this story was Yoon Gamin, a handsome nerd who captured the hearts of many readers.
After three hours of indulging in the manga, her eyes felt strained. Suddenly, her body stiffened, and she struggled to breathe. To make matters worse, she couldn't utter a plea for help. In less than a minute, the world around her darkened, and she felt a sense of impending doom.
It seemed like the end of her life...
But it wasn't.
"Whoa!" Y/n abruptly woke up, gasping for air. She looked around in confusion; this wasn't her bedroom or the familiar bed she knew.
Rushing to the bathroom, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, almost refusing to believe what her eyes were seeing. The image in the mirror was undeniably her, yet different. Y/n had transformed into a 2D cartoon character.
Reading countless manga stories that transported characters to different worlds, Y/n never imagined she'd experience it herself. Tentatively, she touched her face, feeling the animated essence of her being.
This wasn't a dream.
She was alive...
But where was this place, and which manga world had she fallen into?
Exploring the room, Y/n realized it was a modest rented space. It seemed she was navigating this 2D world alone.
Approaching her backpack to find some clues, she discovered a wallet inside. Opening it, she found a student ID card.
"Y/n's student ID... at Tech High School..."
Her eyes widened in shock. "Tech High School!"
"Did I just reincarnate to Study Group!?"
In the myriad manga stories she had read—whether they were shojou, princesses reincarnated to another world, or epic fantasy battles—Y/n found herself immersed in a South Korean high school webtoon which she hadn't even reached the end of the story herself! Not even half of it.
Y/n raised her hand to her forehead, overwhelmed, pondering how she would survive in that school.
After spending a day that, truth be told, involved nothing but contemplation, she remained uncertain about the timeframe of events. What she did know was that she had read up until the point where Gamin went to the hospital and encountered a golden-haired senior with a small vocabulary notebook. Beyond that, the storyline was a mystery.
The bell rang loudly, signaling the start of classes. Despite feeling out of place during her first genuine visit, there was a strange familiarity about the school that lingered in her mind. It wasn't just that; her interactions with other students felt oddly normal, as if she hadn't stumbled into an entirely different world.
She discovered she was a first-year class 1 student in the Fashion Design department—a regular student in this chaotic school.
"And now, what am I supposed to do in this world?" she wondered aloud.
No quests or pop-up windows like in dating sims or manga where the protagonist transmigrates into a novel. Y/n realized she had to find answers on her own—why she ended up in this world.
"If I meet Yoon Gamin, the protagonist of this story, it might be good," she mused, her heart skipping a beat at the thought of encountering the 2D ikimen she admired. This wasn't just a dream; she could feel her heartbeat clearly.
Y/n decided to find Yoon Gamin during the break after lunch. The problem was that even though she had a vague memory of the school, she had no idea where the classrooms for the male students were. It seemed her 2D self had never visited this part of the school before.
"Yoon Gamin is in first year... class 1... first year," she muttered while scanning room signs, eventually bumping into someone unexpectedly.
"Oops! Sorry, I wasn't looking."
Y/n instinctively touched her head before diverting her gaze to avoid further embarrassment. She was about to walk pass him.
"Wait. You don’t think saying sorry would be enough for bumping into me like that, right?" the person with navy blue hair, not that tall comparing to the light-haired guy beside him, said.
Y/n sighed. ‘Seriously? I don’t have my precious time for an extra like you. I gotta find this manhwa protagonist!’
“Hmm?” He raised his eyebrow in curiosity.
“Wait…You are…”
“I am?”
The realization suddenly came to her mind
“You are the gray-haired antagonist’s friend!”
Both of them got confused at the same time.
"you're calling me what?" The so-called gray-haired antagonist chuckled, and the person next to him then started to laugh.
"Hahahaha! ... Hey Hanwool, this girl just call you gray-haired antagonist!"
“Stop laughing, Ma Minhwan.”
"Well~ does this not seem to be fun…YOU. What about being my new toy!" Minhwan declared, grinning.
"Wha... what? What do you mean? I don't want to be anyone's toy," Y/n protested, avoiding eye contact.
“Also, I am not gray-haired antagonist’s friend.”
“It’s Ma Minhwan. Remember that.”
Seemed like she had just got into trouble.
And at the end of the day, she didn’t get to Gamin because after she had encountered with a character in Study Group (not a good side for sure), she then left the male student building suddenly, realizing it was not the right time to engage with characters she didn't know well.
But y/n didn’t give up. Next day, as she wandered the halls, she stumbled upon the Study Group room and decided to take a peek. “Is this the room?” She then saw the boy with a thick black square glasses.
“Umm…excuse me? Anything I can help?”
Y/n body froze. Well, it’s her first time meeting Yoon Gamin. She knew he’s hot. He was also the character she liked (the hot-nerd type.) Her heart was beating very fast.
“Ah! I’m sorry. I am actually here to find…”
“Find a way to apply for Study group.”
The glasses boy eyes suddenly sparkled. He tried to remain his calm and reliable look. Little did he know, y/n already knew his personality and passion towards recruiting students into Study Group.
The long table in the middle resembled an interview setup, and all members stared at her from a distance.
"May I ask why do you want to join this club?" Gamin asked.
The question lingered in her head. ‘Why did I come to this world?’
From the reading experience she had, there should be a reason ‘why’ or else…did she—
“I am dead!?”
“Oh, umm, I mean…the old me who is lazy is dead! Now I want to be better at studying!!”
"That’s a very good answer…ok!”
“Ok? I passed the interview?”
‘As simple as that?’
Sehyeon, a guy with brown hair, entered the scene. "Y/n, to be honest, if you decide not to join the club, the one who is going to beg might be Gamin not you."
"T…Thank you, Gamin. I'll dedicate!"
To search for the answer
The answer— the reason for her to be here
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Greeting Card and its Importance
A Greeting card is only a little piece of paper printed or hand painted or hand tailored with printed or transcribed message to pass your sentiments on to somebody.
These days there are so many ways we can communicate our thoughts, our sentiments to somebody, for example, a SMS, an email knead, an ecard, a fax message or simply a phone/wireless.
Yet Greeting Cards are being utilized for this reason.
Certain individuals think so much that for what reason to invest cash and energy in buying and sending a hello card, rather why not send a SMS, so modest and efficient choice!!!
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  These days what is important in each field is the show.
Good tidings card is additionally one of the method for introducing your sentiments.
I would agree that that the Greetings card is a stylish looking pressing of your sentiments/articulations so the beneficiary feels charmed and regarded.
  Subsequently Greeting cards can be utilized for practically all events, just thing that you ought to choose the right card, suitable variety, plan or picture alongside the printed message or your own written by hand rub, which will uncover your friendship.
As Greeting cards are for some reasons, events and subsequently there are many sorts of Greeting Cards accessible on the lookout:
There are two significant classifications of hello cards, one is efficiently manufactured ( imprinted on offset printing machines and so on) and other is hand tailored hello cards.
Hand-painted hello cards is likewise a different classification of hello cards.
These cards are additionally accessible yet this sort of cards can not be efficiently manufactured as each card must be exclusively painted.
So every hand painted card is exceptional.
For More Info:-
Lifetime Memorial Cards
Forever Memorial Cards Ireland
Memorial Acknowledgement Cards
Custom Design Memorial Wallet Cards
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barbourlindahl2 · 13 days
Not known Details About Replica luxury bag
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9.) Also, Many of these initial luxury brands which you shell out A large number of pounds on, have seriously poor high quality. So yeah, we will’t seriously say if a bag is an original or not by thinking about the quality in specified circumstances. Persons exert so much Vitality into others life which they fail to remember to Stay their particular. Hold the loaded folks on a high pedestal plus the inadequate beneath them is all of that I’m viewing. Our replicas are comprised of rare resources that offer the same top quality and toughness because the authentic counterparts. Considering that the production course of action is comparable to that of handcrafting the actual Hermes bags, we are not able to promise that our replicas are classified as the cheapest on the market. out at the airport. That’s proper, officials are listening to the luxury products you are carrying or carrying. So, no matter whether it’s the purse purchased on the road at your home or a superfake from a world replica manufacturing facility, buyer and traveler beware. The Ladies's Mini Camera Crossbody Handbag from A New Working day operates about $twenty.00 and is available in 3 various shades. The blue and environmentally friendly bags function an exterior slip pocket. One example is, the pink Model appears lots such as the Fossil Maisie modest digital camera bag. The Women's Zip Closure Satchel Handbag in faux leather-based that charges about $55.00 and looks much like the Sierra Leather Medium Satchel by Michael Kors. It truly is offered in beige trimmed with black. There are aaa replica designer handbags australia within the Focus on Internet site for this bag, but General, the bag's design appears to be excellent. You could Check out the stock at your local keep appropriate from the website. Most merchandise might be returned up to ninety times right after the acquisition so long as they're in new condition. Most of all, the quality and also the prestige that comes together with carrying a “branded bag” in the eyes of others can make us appear and feel prosperous. aaaa replica handbags to reward ourselves a thing that we typically can’t afford or gained’t desire to invest in. Most significantly, the faux brown leather-based Shoulder Bag contains a roomy inside that’s the identical crimson shade because the signature designer handbags. Up grade your encounter-washing routine with our picks for the very best 8 best experience towels. Continue reading Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen’s The Row was synonymous Using the “stealth wealth” model, right before it even had a name. So when “quiet luxury” grew to become a craze, much more celebs flocked to your brand. Bottega Veneta and Ferragamo have also unveiled jumbo totes which will maintain it all, While using the woven Hop and aptly named Tote, respectively. At BestChineseReplicas, we've been constantly sifting to the best benefit discount the place you should purchase the highest high-quality luxury Gals handbag replicas at the lowest value possible. In case you are seeking a honest vendor stocking fantastic phony luxury Ladies handbag at AliExpress, seem no even further. But, just in case your best judgment isn’t really on par, we asked gurus in the sector to share the best strategies to discover quality luxury bags about the secondhand industry. Hermes replicas from TheCovetedLuxury will be the best choice for the true offer. You don’t should dig deep into your wallet for just one handbag. All things considered, it feels excellent to find the identical top quality, appear, and durability of your genuine Hermes bags for the fraction of the value. “You're going to get again a substantial ROI for just a luxury brand, as compared to an aspirational luxury brand,” says Gorra. Chanel’s flap bags and Hermès Birkins are traditional handbag types simply because their remarkable high quality can make them outlast Other people.
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feministdragon · 29 days
a surprisingly feminist argument from our man Graeber:
”Most languages have some word that translates at least roughly as “work,” but the precise borders between what we’d designate “work,” “play,” “teaching,” “learning,” “ritual,” or “nurturance” tend to vary a great deal from one culture to another. The particular tradition that has come to shape sensibilities about work in most parts of the world today harkens back to the Eastern Mediterranean, where it is first documented in the early chapters of the book of Genesis, and in the works of the Greek epic poet Hesiod. In both the story of the Garden of Eden and in the myth of Prometheus, the fact that humans have to work is seen as their punishment for having defied a divine Creator, but at the same time, in both, work itself, which gives humans the ability to produce food, clothing, cities, and ultimately our own material universe, is presented as a more modest instantiation of the divine power of Creation itself. We are, as the existentialists liked to put it, condemned to be free, forced to wield the divine power of creation against our will, since most of us would really rather be naming the animals in Eden, dining on nectar and ambrosia at feasts on Mount Olympus, or watching cooked geese fly into our waiting gullets in the Land of Cockaygne, than having to cover ourselves with cuts and calluses to coax sustenance from the soil.
Now, one could argue that this is simply in each case a poetic extrapolation of the two key aspects of what has become our common definition of work: first, that it is something no one would ordinarily wish to be doing for its own sake (hence, punishment); second, that we do it anyway to accomplish something beyond the work itself (hence, creation). But the fact that this “something beyond” should be conceived as “creation” is not self-evident. In fact, it’s somewhat odd. After all, most work can’t be said to “create” anything; most of it is a matter of maintaining and rearranging things.[173] Consider a coffee cup. We “produce” it once. We wash it a thousand times. Even work we think of as “productive”—growing potatoes, forging a shovel, assembling a computer—could just as easily be seen as tending, transforming, reshaping, and rearranging materials and elements that already exist.
This is why I would insist our concept of “production,” and our assumption that work is defined by its “productivity,” is essentially theological. The Judeo-Christian God created the universe out of nothing. (This in itself is slightly unusual: most Gods work with existing materials.) His latter-day worshippers, and their descendants, have come to think of themselves as cursed to imitate God in this regard. The sleight of hand involved, the way that most human labor, which cannot in any sense be considered “production,” is thus made to disappear, is largely effected through gender. In the familiar lines from the story of the Fall, from the book of Genesis, God condemns men to till the soil (“By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food”) and women to bear children in similarly unhappy circumstances (“I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children”.)[174] Male “productive” labor is thus being framed here as the equivalent of childbirth, which, from a male point of view (not so much from a female one, but it is very much a male point of view being presented here), can seem about as close to pure creation ex nihilio—the infant appearing fully formed apparently out of nowhere—that human beings can perform.
Yet it is also painful “labor.”
This conception is still with us, for instance, in the way social scientists speak of “production” and “reproduction.” Etymologically, the English verb “produce” derives from the Latin producere, “to bring forth,” or “put out,” as one might still say “She produced a wallet from her handbag.” Both the words “production” and “reproduction” are based on the same core metaphor: in the one case, objects seem to jump, fully formed, out of factories; in the other, babies seem to jump, fully formed, out of women’s bodies. In neither case, of course, is this actually true. But as in so many patriarchal social orders, men like to conceive of themselves as doing socially, or culturally, what they like to think of women as doing naturally. “Production” is thus simultaneously a variation on a male fantasy of childbirth, and of the action of a male Creator God who similarly created the entire universe through the sheer power of his mind and words, just as men see themselves as creating the world from their minds and brawn, and see that as the essence of “work,” leaving to women most of the actual labor of tidying and maintaining things to make this illusion possible.”
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swamyworld · 1 month
Seretone Core One OTC Hearing Aids Review: Short and Just Useful
Indiegogo-backed is Sretone Another hearing aid company aims to find a low-cost, low-complexity way for people to boost their hearing. At $349 for a pair—or $229 for a single ear aid—the tiny hearing aids are designed to have only a modest impact on hearing. Fortunately, they have an equally modest effect on the wallet. The first thing you’ll notice about the Core One is how small the hearing…
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financialinvests · 2 months
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infifashion · 3 months
Top Handbag Brands In India
In June 2023, a list of the top handbag brands in India was compiled, reflecting the thriving market and diverse consumer preferences. These brands cater to various tastes, from minimalist to extravagant, offering a wide array of options for consumers. Here are some standout brands:
Lavie: Established in 2010, Lavie quickly gained popularity by drawing inspiration from travels across India, focusing on intricate art and premium materials.
Baggit: Founded by Nina Lekhi, Baggit started with a modest investment and grew into a renowned brand known for its timeless designs rather than following fleeting trends. With over 450 stores nationwide, Baggit offers cruelty-free products.
Peperone: Launched in 2010, Peperone, under Unico Retail, debuted its collection in Chennai and has since expanded its offerings, including wallets, handbags, and more.
Hidesign: Originating from a hobby, Hidesign evolved into a top handbag brand, renowned for superior designs and exceptional customer service, founded by Dilip Kapur.
Lino Perros: Founded in 1999 as a subsidiary of Sumitsu Apparel, Lino Perros swiftly became a popular choice for women, initially focusing on men's accessories before branching into women's collections.
Da Milano: Established in 2000 by Sahil Malik, Da Milano transitioned from a leather goods exporter to a luxury accessories brand, offering premium products in both national and global markets.
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blogposts-world · 3 months
Crypto Gift Cards: Embrace the Future of Giving with Live on Crypto
In a world where digital innovation shapes our everyday lives, it's no surprise that the way we gift is evolving too. Enter Live on Crypto, the trailblazer in the realm of crypto gift cards. With the surge in popularity of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more, gifting has taken on a whole new dimension. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or someone curious about this futuristic form of currency, Live on Crypto has revolutionized the gifting experience with its innovative approach. Let's delve into the world of crypto gift cards and see why they're becoming the go-to choice for tech-savvy gifters.
The Rise of Crypto Gift Cards
Crypto gift cards have swiftly gained traction as a novel way to introduce friends, family, or colleagues to the world of digital assets. Live on Crypto stands at the forefront of this trend, offering a seamless platform to purchase and redeem gift cards for popular cryptocurrencies. With a few simple clicks, you can gift the transformative power of crypto, allowing your loved ones to explore its potential and embrace the future of finance.
Unlocking Possibilities with Gift Card 
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Bitcoin, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, holds a special place in the hearts of many enthusiasts. Now, imagine the joy of receiving the gift of Bitcoin through a Live on Crypto gift card. It's not just a present; it's an invitation to dive into the exciting realm of decentralized finance. Whether it's for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions, a gift card bitcoin from Live on Crypto opens up a world of possibilities for the recipient.
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Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or any other milestone, a crypto gift card from Live on Crypto is sure to leave a lasting impression. Imagine the excitement on your loved one's face as they unwrap the gift of digital currency, igniting their curiosity and sparking conversations about the future of finance.
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Browse the Selection: Explore the diverse range of crypto gift cards available on the Live on Crypto platform. From Bitcoin to Ethereum and beyond, there's something for everyone.
Select Your Card: Choose the cryptocurrency and denomination that best suits your gifting needs. Whether you're looking to make a grand gesture or a modest token of appreciation, Live on Crypto has options to fit every budget.
Personalize Your Gift: Add a personal touch to your gift with a custom message or design. Let your loved ones know why you chose to gift them the transformative power of crypto.
Complete Your Purchase: Once you're satisfied with your selection, proceed to checkout and complete your purchase securely. Your crypto gift card will be delivered instantly via email, ready to be redeemed at the recipient's convenience.
Spread the Joy of Crypto Gifting
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Join the revolution and embrace the future of gifting with Live on Crypto. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a curious newcomer, gift card for crypto offer a unique and innovative way to share the transformative power of digital assets with your loved ones. So why wait? Give the gift of crypto today and watch as it sparks joy, curiosity, and excitement in the hearts of those you cherish.
In a world where traditional gifts often lack excitement and meaning, crypto gift cards from Live on Cgift card bitcoinrypto offer a fresh and innovative alternative. Whether you're gifting Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other cryptocurrency, you're not just giving a present; you're opening doors to a world of possibilities. So why settle for the ordinary when you can gift the extraordinary? Explore the range of crypto gift cards available at Live on Crypto and make your next gift truly unforgettable.
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market-spy · 3 months
The Juicy Gossip on the Fashion Influencer Marketing Scene: A Tell-All Report
In the dazzling realm of fashion, where trends change faster than the seasons, something’s been cooking behind the scenes. No, it’s not another controversial catwalk stumble or a designer feud; it’s the meteoric rise of Fashion Influencer Marketing. Hold on to your stilettos; we’re about to spill the tea on this billion-dollar extravaganza!
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The Rise and Rise of Fashion Influencer Marketing
In a world dominated by TikTok dances and Instagram reels, fashion brands have found their secret weapon: influencers. With a market size that skyrocketed from a modest $3.7 billion in 2022 to a jaw-dropping projection of $58.50 billion by 2031, it’s safe to say that influencers are having a moment.
The Influencer Landscape: Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Move over superheroes; in the fashion influencer universe, we’ve got Micro, Nano, Mega, and Macro influencers stealing the limelight. Micro-influencers, with their 1,000 to 100,000 followers, are the undisputed champions, trusted for their authenticity. On the flip side, Nano-influencers (500 to 5,000 followers) are the dark horses, galloping at the fastest growth rate. Who would’ve thought?
Showcasing Threads: Beauty & Cosmetics Steals the Spotlight
In the battle of the fashion types, Beauty & Cosmetics reign supreme, captivating hearts and wallets alike. Fashion influencers, armed with makeup tutorials and skincare routines, are reshaping consumer behavior one eyeshadow palette at a time. Meanwhile, the Apparel category is the underdog, steadily climbing the popularity ladder with fashion bloggers and their styling tips.
North America: Where Fashion Dreams Become Reality
When it comes to ruling the fashion influencer kingdom, North America sits on the throne. With the US leading the charge, this region boasts a colossal fashion presence and a thriving population of influencers. Fashion hubs like New York and Los Angeles are the pulse of this empire, fostering the growth of influencer marketing.
The Dynamics: It’s a Trust Game, Baby!
In the world of fashion, authenticity is the holy grail. Consumers are tired of conventional marketing gimmicks and are turning to influencers for a dose of realness. The rising use of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok has become the playground for fashion influencers, showcasing their styles and building global empires.
Challenges: The Runway Isn’t Always Smooth
However, not everything in the fashion influencer garden is rosy. Regulatory challenges and the looming threat of inauthenticity cast shadows over this glitzy landscape. Influencers and brands must tiptoe through a minefield of guidelines to maintain trust and avoid the pitfalls of fines and reputational damage.
The Star-Studded Cast: Influencers, Brands, and Agencies, Oh My!
Picture this: Chiara Ferragni, Kylie Jenner, and Huda Kattan strutting down the influencer marketing runway, turning clicks into cash. These leading influencers, alongside Instagram models, fashion bloggers, and TikTok sensations, form the star-studded cast of the fashion influencer marketing saga.
Recent Blockbusters: Fashion Collaborations That Broke the Internet
In a world where every like counts, fashion brands are teaming up with influencers for unforgettable collaborations. Dior joined forces with Kendall Jenner, Gucci enlisted Adwoa Aboah, Louis Vuitton partnered with Naomi Campbell, and Nike tapped into the power of Charlie D’Amelio’s TikTok magic. It’s a blockbuster lineup that’s changing the game.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/fashion-influencer-marketing-market
Trends and Analysis: More Than Just Runway Shows
Video Content Dominance and the Rise of Micro-Influencers are the hottest trends in this ever-evolving narrative. Fashion influencers are swapping the catwalk for YouTube and TikTok, creating engaging videos that resonate with their audience. Micro-influencers, with their small but mighty followings, are stealing the spotlight from their larger-than-life counterparts.
The Grand Finale: What Lies Ahead?
As we take our final bow, it’s clear that the global fashion influencer marketing market is a showstopper. With e-commerce platforms on the rise and consumer preferences evolving, the stage is set for continued expansion. The challenge lies in maintaining authenticity amid a sea of influencers and keeping up with the ever-changing rules of the fashion game.
So, dear reader, the next time you scroll through Instagram for fashion inspiration, remember the influencers who are shaping the trends and the brands vying for your attention. The fashion influencer marketing scene is no longer a backstage whisper; it’s a front-row ticket to the glitz, glamour, and ever-evolving drama of the fashion world. Happy scrolling!
Disclaimer: No influencers were harmed in the making of this blog. All opinions are strictly fashion-forward and subject to change with the next trend.
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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sqinsights · 3 months
The Juicy Gossip on the Fashion Influencer Marketing Scene: A Tell-All Report
In the dazzling realm of fashion, where trends change faster than the seasons, something’s been cooking behind the scenes. No, it’s not another controversial catwalk stumble or a designer feud; it’s the meteoric rise of Fashion Influencer Marketing. Hold on to your stilettos; we’re about to spill the tea on this billion-dollar extravaganza!
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The Rise and Rise of Fashion Influencer Marketing
In a world dominated by TikTok dances and Instagram reels, fashion brands have found their secret weapon: influencers. With a market size that skyrocketed from a modest $3.7 billion in 2022 to a jaw-dropping projection of $58.50 billion by 2031, it’s safe to say that influencers are having a moment.
The Influencer Landscape: Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Move over superheroes; in the fashion influencer universe, we’ve got Micro, Nano, Mega, and Macro influencers stealing the limelight. Micro-influencers, with their 1,000 to 100,000 followers, are the undisputed champions, trusted for their authenticity. On the flip side, Nano-influencers (500 to 5,000 followers) are the dark horses, galloping at the fastest growth rate. Who would’ve thought?
Showcasing Threads: Beauty & Cosmetics Steals the Spotlight
In the battle of the fashion types, Beauty & Cosmetics reign supreme, captivating hearts and wallets alike. Fashion influencers, armed with makeup tutorials and skincare routines, are reshaping consumer behavior one eyeshadow palette at a time. Meanwhile, the Apparel category is the underdog, steadily climbing the popularity ladder with fashion bloggers and their styling tips.
North America: Where Fashion Dreams Become Reality
When it comes to ruling the fashion influencer kingdom, North America sits on the throne. With the US leading the charge, this region boasts a colossal fashion presence and a thriving population of influencers. Fashion hubs like New York and Los Angeles are the pulse of this empire, fostering the growth of influencer marketing.
The Dynamics: It’s a Trust Game, Baby!
In the world of fashion, authenticity is the holy grail. Consumers are tired of conventional marketing gimmicks and are turning to influencers for a dose of realness. The rising use of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok has become the playground for fashion influencers, showcasing their styles and building global empires.
Challenges: The Runway Isn’t Always Smooth
However, not everything in the fashion influencer garden is rosy. Regulatory challenges and the looming threat of inauthenticity cast shadows over this glitzy landscape. Influencers and brands must tiptoe through a minefield of guidelines to maintain trust and avoid the pitfalls of fines and reputational damage.
The Star-Studded Cast: Influencers, Brands, and Agencies, Oh My!
Picture this: Chiara Ferragni, Kylie Jenner, and Huda Kattan strutting down the influencer marketing runway, turning clicks into cash. These leading influencers, alongside Instagram models, fashion bloggers, and TikTok sensations, form the star-studded cast of the fashion influencer marketing saga.
Recent Blockbusters: Fashion Collaborations That Broke the Internet
In a world where every like counts, fashion brands are teaming up with influencers for unforgettable collaborations. Dior joined forces with Kendall Jenner, Gucci enlisted Adwoa Aboah, Louis Vuitton partnered with Naomi Campbell, and Nike tapped into the power of Charlie D’Amelio’s TikTok magic. It’s a blockbuster lineup that’s changing the game.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/fashion-influencer-marketing-market
Trends and Analysis: More Than Just Runway Shows
Video Content Dominance and the Rise of Micro-Influencers are the hottest trends in this ever-evolving narrative. Fashion influencers are swapping the catwalk for YouTube and TikTok, creating engaging videos that resonate with their audience. Micro-influencers, with their small but mighty followings, are stealing the spotlight from their larger-than-life counterparts.
The Grand Finale: What Lies Ahead?
As we take our final bow, it’s clear that the global fashion influencer marketing market is a showstopper. With e-commerce platforms on the rise and consumer preferences evolving, the stage is set for continued expansion. The challenge lies in maintaining authenticity amid a sea of influencers and keeping up with the ever-changing rules of the fashion game.
So, dear reader, the next time you scroll through Instagram for fashion inspiration, remember the influencers who are shaping the trends and the brands vying for your attention. The fashion influencer marketing scene is no longer a backstage whisper; it’s a front-row ticket to the glitz, glamour, and ever-evolving drama of the fashion world. Happy scrolling!
Disclaimer: No influencers were harmed in the making of this blog. All opinions are strictly fashion-forward and subject to change with the next trend.
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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shafferwillumsen39 · 3 months
Since of all the ways included in organizing and executing a excursion, chances for setbacks and aggravation abound. Even so, by planning ahead, you can eliminate your frustrations and sail as a result of your future excursion with relieve. Just comply with the good journey strategies specified in this article for a headache-no cost trip.When touring, maximize your security and your peace of head by wearing a income belt. This item is one particular critical that you are not able to go devoid of when traveling, and is barely apparent to have on. Continue to keep your wallet and your passport safe in your cash belt so that no make a difference what happens, they do not get misplaced.<br/><br/>If you are organizing on expending a huge volume of income on your excursion or holiday vacation, consider investing a smaller total a lot more on vacation insurance plan. It will insure that you are guarded in the celebration that your excursion need to be canceled owing to particular ailment, pure disaster, or other uncontrollable occasions.<br/><br/>To help save funds when booking airline flights, examine the spherical-vacation selling prices -- even if you only want to fly a person way to a desired destination. Thanks to quirky airline guidelines, occasionally it can be less costly to buy a spherical excursion to your wished-for locale than to fly one way. At least if that happens, you can help save dollars by getting the round-vacation tickets in any case and simply just not just take the return flight back again.<br/><br/>Be flexible. If your travel dates can be tweaked by a day or two, test working with the "versatile dates" function of most on the net vacation look for engines. This permits you to lookup departure and return dates within a presented assortment. By just altering your dates by a day or two, you may perhaps be ready to score massive financial savings on airfare.<br/><br/>To assist you stay clear of shelling out excessive airline baggage costs on your return journey, when you are extra most likely to have souvenirs to provide property, pack aged clothes and shoes that you may possibly want to give absent. Then, when <a href="https://www.villasinsardinia.it/">Villas in Sardinia</a> are packing to come property, you can leave or donate the old clothes and footwear to make area in your luggage if needed.<br/><br/>Select a resort in an older, a lot more central portion of city if your journey price range will probably allow for it. Even though these centrally-situated resorts are typically a lot more highly-priced, they are also substantially additional lively and memorable. They are correct in the middle of the motion. Suburban lodges can be much less expensive, but the inconvenience of their isolated spots frequently offsets your personal savings.<br/><br/>When renting a motor vehicle get the time before you leave the parking garage to acquaint by yourself with its most fundamental options. Make confident an instruction guide for the automobile design is in the glove box and just take time to skim by it. It can be no entertaining to pull into hurry hour visitors just as a thunder storm hits if you never know how to convert on the windshield wipers!<br/><br/>If you might be delicate to the smell of cleaners (or just do not like them!) try out bringing some modest candles with you on your journey. This can assistance mask the scent of the cleaners the maids use and the scents can also assistance take it easy you. Some scents can even sooth you and give you a improved night's snooze.<br/><br/>Obtain out if your vacation spot is child helpful beforehand. If you have tiny types that will be touring with you, it really is handy to know if there are points that will maintain their curiosity so you do not close up paying out the the greater part of your time attempting to amuse them.<br/><br/>Plan for provider stops when likely on a road vacation. You may perhaps face extended stretches of highway with no fuel station in website. If this is how you decide you wish to vacation, make sure that your directions are prepared early, you flag places the place repairs can be built and you give a duplicate to an individual not heading on the journey. Keep these numbers on you just in situation.<br/><br/>As pointed out at the commencing of this article, vacation can be discouraging, but no matter if you are a 1st-timer or a seasoned traveler, the travel ideas provided in this post will support you get by your subsequent trip with small tension. By organizing forward and keeping these recommendations in head, you will have all the resources for frustration-free of charge journey.
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fragrance2go · 5 months
Cheap Perfume in the UK: Top Picks for Budget-Friendly Luxury
Finding an affordable yet intoxicating new perfume can feel like hunting for buried treasure. You want a scent that spellbinds the senses without emptying your wallet.
Luckily, it is possible to find cheap perfume UK that punches far above their modest price points. These budget-friendly fragrances offer serious luxury and allure at just a fraction of designer prices.
Keep reading to discover the top picks for cheap perfumes that smell anything but inexpensive.
1. Diesel Perfume for Men
Diesel perfume for men for those who want to be macho while being dapper at the same time. They are the Diesel fragrances that are highly enduring and are of timeless appeal, giving a dose of luxury at a reasonable cost. The scents are appropriate for everyday use and also on formal occasions.
2. Jennifer Lopez Perfume
The fragrances of Jennifer Lopez perfumes can be described as very alluring and sexual. These perfumes with a mix of fruity and floral notes exude elegance and glamour. The affordability of J Lo’s range makes them a good choice for shoppers looking for a celebrity-endorsed perfume at an affordable price tag.
3. Perfume Sets for Women
Going for perfume sets for women may prove an affordable option for testing new fragrance scents. Sometimes these sets will consist of one large perfume and some minis, or complimentary body products. These are ideal for giving away or simply consuming as a treat and you certainly get your money’s worth.
4. Men's Fragrance Sale
Pay attention to mens gift set perfume as they are also available with a substantial discount on high-end perfumes. Luxury, as a way, could be a trial for people and also refill in a favorite perfume. These sales span from traditional to modern perfumes, appealing to a diverse audience.
5. Calvin Klein Obsessed Woman
Calvin Klein obsessed woman is a great option for those women that like a very modern and strong fragrance. This sophisticated oriental-spicy perfume is distinguished by its refined structure in terms of complexity. It is one of the top choices for individuals who are interested in getting a sophisticated scent but do not have so much money.
6. Zara Fragrances
If you assumed fast fashion giant Zara only did clothes, think again. Their Zara fragrances offer superb quality and magnetic allure for usually under £20 per bottle.
Popular picks like Rich Warm Addictive, Gardenia and Red Temptation feature lush florals, creamy vanilla and succulent fruits enveloped in a cloud of soft musk. And at just £15.99 a bottle, you can easily collect a few signature scents.
7. The Chemistry Brand Perfumes
The Chemistry Brand takes sophistication and intrigue to the next level with darker, warmer fragrances imbued with passion and romance. Scents like Dark Ride and Black Opium Floral Shock offer gourmand fruit, heady jasmine and rich amber at just £19.99 a bottle.
Smelling sublime no longer requires blowing your entire perfume budget. As you can see, the UK offers incredible options for luxury scents at bargain basement prices.
So embrace your inner aroma connoisseur and start expanding your fragrance wardrobe today. Visit https://www.fragrance2go.co.uk/ to shop the full selection and explore uniquely intoxicating scents guaranteed to delight.
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