#modern taang
jazumindrawzfanart · 1 year
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This is actually my first time drawing Taang. More in the modern AU. ❤️✨
Maybe one day I’ll be able to draw Zutara in Modern AU too.
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blehblarghblah · 3 months
Magic Between the Moon & Sky: Rayllum Oneshot Series - A 5 Year Anniversary
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Today marks the five year anniversary of MBTMS’ release. (Technically it’s tomorrow for Ao3, but FFN I posted there first). A oneshot collection that is yet to be finished, I know, but one that I treasure deeply. I may have fallen out of my love for TDP in certain elements, but the writing and what I started with in regards to Rayllum was something else.
I don’t mean to be all, “I was there when it was written” but I joined this fandom in its season one days, when it was REAL small here on Tumblr. Which meant smaller ship circles too. I’m glad to have witnessed the fandom blossom and grow, and by that extension, Rayllum itself too.
I know many of my readers probably assume I won’t be returning to MBTMS, but you’re kinda wrong. I swear I’m not one of those 100 oneshot fics that stop halfway (no fault to them of course, sometimes passion runs out)! I legitimately have more than a dozen oneshots planned out. But, I’m also biding my time. I’ve learned with fic writing, that writing what I love is just as crucial as being passionate about it. I'm not currently into TDP but I still enjoy the oneshot concepts i thought up for my fics, so I'll probably only work from those.
I mean, I can probably just grind out the last oneshots and meet the 100 quota, but they wouldn’t be good. Or maybe, they would be to some of you, but they wouldn’t be something I could be proud of. Least of all, I wouldn’t have fun writing it. So yeah, I do believe I know my limits and the extent of my creativity.
But the main reason at the end of the day, as to why I won’t drop this fic, is because it has quite literally spawned some of my best writing. “Loyalty & Light”, “The Most Undoing Thing”, my Taang oneshots, “Legends of Avatar: The Untold Story”, they’ve all had great prose that I’m proud of. Some not so much, but that’s growth.
“Magic Between the Moon & Sky” houses many different styles and concepts I could never explore with most of my fandoms. I’ve written a modern college AU grounded in the slowest of burns, I’ve written childhood AUs diving into the naivety and hilariousness of a kid's mind, and I’ve written an emotionally powerful (as readers have said) Soulmate AU even though I don’t like Soulmate AUs. And I have many more mind, but I’ve also managed to explore the canon and interpret my own ideas from before we learned anything of the lore.
Some were at the requests of fans, others were because I wanted to try and get my feet wet. Much like Callum and Rayla themselves, this fic was a great avenue for me to explore my abilities as a writer and try new things. And in the end, I’m proud of that. And I cannot wait to see what I do next.
Thank you all, for an amazing five years of patience and love. Again, no idea when I'll return to this fic but I'll get around to it.
Until next post,
- Bleh
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zutaranation · 4 months
I genuinely don’t think they care about the ages. Katara’s actress was 15 when Jet’s actor was in his late 20s. I’m just worried they’re probably going to do K*taang because of how hard they were pushing them in the premiere. I thought we would have been getting more official pictures with Zutara and the official accounts would be posting Zutara.
It's possible, they could water down and imply KA. I think for Jetara it can stay largely the same. The jetara kiss was off screen, so nothing happens between the two that would be weird on-screen, even though they have a romance.
So they could have Ka/taang portrayed without any kissing or anything that would make it sort of weird. They also could kiss anyway. It'll be weird, people will notice it's weird lol, but it's not like it's illegal. It's been happening in TV and movies for decades, well, over a century, but in modern times as well.
I'm just thinking it won't honestly. My strongest hunch is that the only romance will be Sukka, my hope is Zutara. But, tbh I expect no romance for Zuko, Katara, or Aang. A lot of things are gonna have to be trimmed for brevity in the Netflix version, and the plot dense romances very well could be some of them.
I really don't think Ma!ko is happening. It was horribly rushed and terribly written in the cartoon. I don't think, from all the concerns on pacing Albert Kim has expressed, that they'd try shoving that mess in there.
Sukka works because it's always been a B plot romance, but it's paced appropriately. (Ma!ko was B plot too, but it's pacing was horrible and they were, imo, just incompatible entirely, but even if I thought they were soulmates… the pacing is…………… so bad).
But yeah, I'm rambling now lol. Thanks for the ask. Love chatting about this stuff on tumblr. It's been awhile, and it's fun to have the Netflix show bring this back for me.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Fav Kataang hcs or AUs? They're always fun to hear
Transfem4Transfem(Katara is a mermaidgender trans girl and Aang is a genderfluid,bigender and genderqueer transfem)
Autistic4Autistic(Katara masked a LOT until she met him and he taught her to embrace her autism which is one of the reason's she fell in love with him)
Age regressor flips from trauma and take turns being eachother's caregivers
Regular Punk 4 Pastel Punk
Idc what canon says,Katara always stays taller than Aang
In a modern au,Aang would be a blasian latino and him and Katara would bond over it!!!
I have an au in my head where them and Toph are a polycule!!!Purely self-indulgent,i just love Taang and Katoph so much♡
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krastbannert · 10 days
Tagged by @noexoozes
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 69 (nice) on my main account, with 5 on another account. And then there's a few here and there I've deleted over the years.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 188,387 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, Tron: Legacy, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Dragon Prince, Mass Effect, Destiny, and Horizon (as in Horizon: Zero Dawn and Forbidden West). At one point I had a Halo fic but that's been deleted. And then I've got a few original works.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
to that loyal heart (you're forever sixteen) - Zuko and the 41st Division, and what it means to those who will never forget what Zuko did.
Twin Flames - Azula-centric, post redemption, where she meets her niece, Izumi, for the first time, and finds that they have something in common.
those stories written in your skin - Zuko and his various tattoos, and the story of a journey around the world.
Lonely - Fire Hazard Siblings-centric, a small, quiet moment on Ember Island where both, for the first time, feel safe.
Wash These Stones - sequel to to that loyal heart (you're forever sixteen), about Chit Sang, the 41st Division, the loss of a child, and the healing that comes years later.
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to respond to all of them, but I kinda...lost track and stopped around 8 or 9 months ago. I recently responded to a lot of them, finally.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? The multishipping discord kinda hated for Hey, Pretty Boy, my modern AU Yuekka oneshot told from Yue's perspective. They thought that was really angsty. And the Taangst Week pieces I did were, to the other Taang fans, pretty scaring (still waiting for Taangst Week II: Electric Boogaloo). But I think the angstiest fic I've ever written is either The Abyss or Escaping the Shells - both have no happiness, no comfort, no catharsis. They're just about what's left when the battle is over, and the hollow shells of people that the fighting leaves behind.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Across That Glimmering Sea, the story I wrote for the Fire Nation Recovery Zine - about the world letting out its breath after the war, and learning to live again - or maybe Go For Broke, the true story of a real-life hero. If planned endings are counted, probably either Brave Soldier Girl or not with a whimper (but a roar like thunder).
8. Do you get hate on fics? Ehhhh depends on your definition of hate. I haven't gotten any of the classic hate comments that a lot of my friends have gotten, but Brave Soldier Girl has gotten some pretty heated negative comments on the last two chapters.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have, but I've written so little that I don't really think I have a type, per say. I have written any in a while.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I have not written a crossover. Thought about it, years ago, but haven't.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I've been a beta reader, but that's it.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh honestly, I have no idea. I love a lot of ships for a lot of reasons, so it's really hard to pick.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? At this point? All of them. Realistically, tamehegane (my swordsmith!Azula AU) and hold you like a hand grenade (Azula & Ursa, companion to Brave Soldier Girl).
16. What are your writing strengths? Recurring motifs to represent characters and the story, and digging into the thoughts and feelings of characters so they feel real.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? The act of writing. Not kidding. I suck at actually sitting down and writing. Also, general confidence in my writing (hard to feel like you're actually a good writer when almost no one reads the majority of what you've written in the last two years). Those are probably linked together in a way I don't really feel like examining too closely.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've tried it; something about it doesn't feel right, probably because I only speak English fluently.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Oh, man. Neither are finished, but probably Brave Soldier Girl or not with a whimper (but a roar like thunder). So much I have planned for both, so much research for both, so much work and emotion that I'm trying to put into each one. It's hard to say which one is realistically my favorite.
Tagging @authorjoydragon @thiscryptidischronicallyyours @mycomfortblanket @nyamadermont and whoever else wants to consider themselves tagged!
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bluebomber182 · 1 year
I used beta.elevenlabs.io to make a AI dub of a series of fan comic featuring Zuko and Katara. These fan comics are made by coppercatter, pineapple-frenzy, rllybritrlly, semokan, and sleepyacro
If you want to play around with the characters' voices in elevenlabs, you can use these files linked below. You should set clarity + similarity to 95% for accuracy. If you want to make the WAV files louder, then use foobar2000. If you want to reduce the echo in the WAV files, then use audacity and then go to Effect > noise removal and repair > noise reduction.
WAV file
WAV file
All files including an Adobe enhanced speech file for Zuko
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mah-o-daryaa · 4 months
Mone's Introduction (+ Masterlist)
Welcome to my Tumblr account!
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Name: You can call me Mone as per this account Age: I'm a teenager (13-19) Gender: She/her Fandoms: ATLA, Riordanverse, Harry Potter (formerly), Ninjago (Occasionally), Voltron (Occasionally) What I do here: Just chilling around, wasting my time (and occasionally write stuff) What I DON'T do here: Bullying people for their opinions DNI: Racism, sexism, misogyny, Islamophobia, zionism, neo-nazis, other religious nutjobs, bigotry of any kind Favourite Characters: I have... a lot of favourites: ATLA Katara Zuko Sokka Toph Iroh Korra Kyoshi Kuruk PJO/HOO/TOA Percy Jackson Leo Valdez Jason Grace Piper McLean Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos Dionysus/Mr D Favourite Ships: Taang (ATLA), Zutara (ATLA), Sukka (ATLA), Percabeth (PJO), Valdangelo (PJO), Valgrace (PJO) Hobbies: I'm gonna be a writer!
The Unlikely Analogy
Avatars Aang and Kuruk Avatars Kyoshi and Korra (+ Yun)
Elemental Symbolism and Foils
Avatars Aang and Kyoshi Avatars Kuruk and Roku The Element of Change
Equivalent Elements
Avatars Kuruk and Korra Avatars Aang and Yangchen
Other Metas:
ATLA Modern AU: Avatar Edition
Disclaimer: After my encounter with the Avatars for The Cycle Repeats series, they have decided that they will be infiltrating my blog from time to time. Text spoken by a past Avatar will be colour-coded for your own convenience:
Avatar Wan: Bold Red Avatar Yangchen: Bold Orange Avatar Kuruk: Bold Purple Avatar Kyoshi: Bold Green Avatar Roku: Bold Black Avatar Aang: Bold Yellow Avatar Korra: Bold Blue Me: Bold Pink or Simple Black
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ya-so-im-here · 1 year
Oneshots List
All written by yours truly and all can be found on my Wattpad Account TheNinjaOfCake22
So it’s been awhile so I decided to finally getting around to posting my oneshots that I have collecting up so I posted...
NIGHTMARES John has a nightmare and as Sherlock tries to comfort him something goes wrong
WE’RE OUT OF MILK After the duo run out of milk, John decides he’s done doing all the shopping, now both refuse to get the milk
IS IT TOO LATE TO APOLOGIZE? Modern day, mother-daughter. Kuvra tries to apologize to Suyin after everything she did
A LITTLE COMPETITION Aang x Toph (Taang). Aang wishes to be done training but Toph thinks he’s not done yet, soon it becomes a game of who’s the better earthbender
THE ONLY NONBENDER Uncle Sokka comforts Bumi on being the only nonbender amongst a family full of benders (I just really wanted some uncle sokka content)
BLIND Sokka x Toph (Tokka) While the Gaang return to Katara’s and Sokka’s home, Toph finds it hard to see while standing on ice, but Sokka is there for her (just some fluff)
MISTER AND MISTER LI Sokka x Zuko (Zukka) While on the Boiling Rock the duo find themselves confronted and when asked their names they both give the same name...Li which leads to awkward hand-holding and a confession (fluff)
THE DUEL Sokka x Zuko (Zukka) after finding out both weer trained by master Piandao, the two engage in a duel to see who is the better “swordbender” (fluff)
I’M NOT INSANE Concept: Azula wasn’t born while Ursa is still a caring mother to Zuko but after his banishment, her time alone with Ozai causes her to become more like Azula at the end of the series until she goes insane like Azula.
AS THICK AS THIEVES Toph x Aang (Taang) After Aang finally has the courage to ask out Toph he runs into the issue that he as no money to take her out on an amazing date. Toph’s solution... Enter into a gambling set to earn some money
MOONLIGHT COMPANY Bilbo x Thorin.(Bagginshield) Bilbo struggles to sleep at night and decides to take a walk around to enjoy the beauty of Middle Earth when he comes across Thorin doing the same.
DID I MAKE YOU BLUSH? Larry Daley x Ahkmenrah.(Tablet Guardians) Larry and Ahkmenrah have been dating for a bit and yet Larry still struggles with Ahk’s public displays of affections. (Just a fluffy piece that was requested)
DEATHDAY Larry Daley x Ahkmenrah.(Tablet Guardians) Larry finds Ahk reliving his death all those years ago when he was killed by his brother. Headcanon that everyone at the museum relives their death once a year on their deathday.
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Hey, would you do 7. How long has it been? with Toph x Aang?
This set in a modern au (coz I don't have the strength to pull apart Kataang) plus I kinda like the idea of Taang as childhood friends. In this au Toph is not blind and Aang somehow decided to grew some hair. Thank you anon for sending this I'm very much thrilled to write some taang stuff. Enjoy folks.
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stitch1830 · 2 years
A Slip Of The Tongue
Toph and Aang are having dinner with the Gaang, and word of their marital status is spilled.
Word Count: 957
I posted this on AO3 yesterday but forgot to do so here, so here you go! Some more fluffy Taang in a modern setting :D
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pineapple-frenzy · 3 years
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Modern taang doodles cause it's what I deserve :>
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Avatar is on Netflix and I still ship Taang ^^
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authorjoydragon · 3 years
helloooo joy :D what kinds of collections do you think taang keeps?
I hope you have a lovely day!!
Haha same brain I just sent you a similar ask! Hope your day is WONDERFUL just like u blue 🐟
I think with Taang, they don’t usually hoard things. But if they do, it’s some weird shit or they use/give it away too quickly for it to be a ‘collection’.
Toph likes collecting rocks or various items that have different textures. She practically bit her boyfriend’s head off when he tried to ‘throw her box of trash away.’
Aang likes collecting the fortunes from fortune cookies.
Toph is a hard liquor gal. She collects high end whiskeys and bourbons. However, the collection doesn’t last long because she drinks it all.
Aang has a large collection of recipes and baking books. Toph does not complain about the use of space bc she gets good food all the time.
Aang loves stickers but he puts them on things or gives them to people so his collection is not very big. It’s usually anime, puns, or memes.
Toph keeps voicemails. Anything from her parents or friends, she ‘collects’ them because it’s something that she can always hear.
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click23space · 3 years
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art dump!!!!
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do0hwa · 2 years
Happy new year✨
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risemaclay · 3 years
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An art for @taangweek prompt Teasing, I can't believe that I actually made this 😵 I suddenly got the idea yesterday and managed to finish it on time. The background is not mine, it's a photo taken from internet and adapted for my work.
[photo used for background]
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