scoutpologist · 1 year
professor/teacher AU and hanahaki disease AU (I gave two because I couldn't decide which one I wanted to know about more)
b/c to professor/teacher au - love those but they can be done wrong (aka boring) pretty easily, so you've gotta add some Spice to it. a/b to hanahaki because. idk. i am a fucking loser okay? i love me some pathetic romance i really do!!!! especially romance where like... the person either doesn't know their love is requited OR the love grows over time. i hate sad ending hanahaki that just makes me feel bad lmao. it's my guilty pleasure
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I feel like you're secretly a god, you just have deity energy ^-^
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suskiss · 2 years
why is there a secondary line idk what im doing wrong, i can backspace in this one but not the other one
caan't press backspace in your inbox, what is this witchcraft, help
anyways hi ^-^/ hope youre doing well
uhh haii hello I have no idea what ur talking about but im doing well thank you. uhh are you good?
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chrismequick · 1 year
Chrismequick in my notes, i see it, i go to blog, i send an ask, there is no point to it, i just get excited when i see chris chrismequick around
wren modelbuses in my ask, i see it, i smile, i also get excited seeing wren modelbuses around
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cemeterygore · 3 years
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Mark Boardman before he goes to band rehearsal (REAL!)
TRUE!! he is the normal man amongst whatever the fuck everyone else!! he has to become a beast on those drums somehow. if he weren't normal he couldn't carry the lovejoy instrumentals on his shoulders
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synchlora · 3 years
may I? has bird? c:
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[ID: a watercolor bust drawing of an Illiger's macaw. It is looking over its shoulder to the left, looking at the viewer with an open beak. /end ID]
of course friend !! here's my favorite macaw: the illiger's !!!
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ipatrichor · 3 years
*presents 🌹 carefully* perhaps? c:
hell yeah ^^ have part of the third oneshot in my au where wilbur goes home to heal instead of detonating l’manberg
cws; none that i can think of
A familiar laugh rings out, and Wilbur shifts his gaze to see blond hair and a red shirt racing across the grass. He can’t help the way his mouth curves upwards, and he adjusts his backpack and starts moving forward.
He can pinpoint the exact second Tommy sees him, because the younger boy skids to a stop and nearly falls when Tubbo crashes into him from behind. He’s staring at Wilbur, who raises a hand in an awkward wave, and then the teens are running again but this time toward him. Tornado moves between them, posture tense, and Wilbur pats her head to assure her that it’s fine.
They reach him and stumble to a halt, staring at him with disbelieving eyes. He hadn’t told them he was coming, had wanted to surprise them, and the gobsmacked looks on their faces are more than enough to make him glad of it.
“Hello,” He greets the teens, a small grin tugging at his lips. “Have you missed me?”
“Have we- you-” Tommy splutters for a second before apparently deciding to give up on words, flinging himself at Wilbur, who barely manages to keep himself from being knocked over. He closes his eyes and wraps his arms around his little brother in return, holding him as tightly as he dares.
“It’s good to see you.” Wilbur says into blond hair. When did Tommy grow so tall? Wilbur’s only a head taller than him now, and he suspects Tommy’s only going to keep growing.
“You too, man.” Tommy mutters back, unusually quiet. He squeezes Wilbur tightly and then lets go, something anxious stirring behind his eyes. “How are you? Do you still- are you doing better?”
He looks immensely relieved when Wilbur nods, forgetting to even complain when the older reaches out to ruffle his hair.
“I’m doing better.” He confirms, offering a smile. It’s small and rather weak, and maybe he’ll never be able to smile as widely as he used to, but it’s real. He can smile genuinely, and he thinks maybe that’s what matters.
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scoutpologist · 2 years
i just realized you have ectogeneticist as ur url (fuckin banger fr) and one of the urls i debated before landing on crownchemicalco was ectoplasmicspecs, if i had gone with that name we would have been ecto buddies :)
Sorry to use your ask as a guinea pig for the HTML lmao. That's awesome!!! We would have been the best of ecto-buddies :)
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gaycaelus · 3 years
trick or treat!!! thank you for accidentally introducing me to this concept, it's so fun :DD I hope your halloween is wonderfully frightful!
hi!! strawberry gummy :D
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same goes for you!!! thank you so much :]]
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suskiss · 2 years
you are just actually an amogus irl, you type with your sussy hands on tumblr dot com and try to convince everyone otherwise, but secretly you are an imposter
fuck ive been caught
*scuttles away but the clap of my sussy cheeks alerts the crewmates and i get ejected from the mutual ship*
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strwbrryfire · 2 years
Hi kacey strwbrryfire! I've always wanted to ask you who is in ur profile pic, i associate them so strongly with you but i have no idea if theyre an oc or a character or you but 2d form or anything :o
hello hellooo!! ahehe it is ganyu from my fave video game genshin impact but pixel-ized & in hatsune miku's 2014 racing outfit :D
((i wish i looked like her oml gimmie cool horns and blue hair plze))
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Ghost/fairy!! It's either that or Ghost/flying ^-^
YEAH!!!!!! I actually rlly love the idea of ghost/flying, it's not a very common pairing but it seems like it would have some cool concepts :O
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cemeterygore · 3 years
Wait did I do that right? Maybe I should've asked another question, let me try again.
Are you a human?
no, i'm actually a tree alien who was sent to earth with the goal of terrorising tumblr user bun vilburs
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aropride · 2 years
new theme looks rad!! ^-^ + nice url
tyty!! :D
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sunshineysprinkles · 3 years
Hello!! should I unfollow your personal blog or is it fine to follow both? ^-^
oh you're absolutely fine following either or!! my personal blog is more mcyt/misc stuff while this one is almost exclusively positivity so !! no pressure to follow here, too, omg <33 thank you for asking though, that is v sweet!
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scoutpologist · 2 years
the fact that not a single person agrees with my take so far on the polls that john and karkat are the same height, this is truly society, i'm very much like the joker
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yeah i definitely got it wren
personally i voted it varies/i can see others but the overwhelming consensus that karkat is just. NOT taller is not only hysterical but is pushing me over to that side
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