#mmx answers
macmanx · 11 months
You seem like a nice guy, and I'm sorry you and the other staff have to deal with so much negativity. I don't mean everyone should just love the changes, but dealing with actual abuse in a customer-facing role is always really fricking hard. Feel for you.
Thanks! I appreciate the kind words, especially today.
I really do love the days when I can just help people and pass along interesting and constructive feedback to our developers and designers.
That doesn’t always happen, it’s part of the job, but fortunately days like today are in the minority, I hope. 😅
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gay-robot-boyfriends · 9 months
Axl, Axl! In the future X is a fairy (Cyber-Elf) and you aren't there to see that. Future X is like this
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If you're wondering how Zero looks like in the future, here's the answer:
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Spoiler: Barbie destroys X's body, trust me. I would never lie to you.
Oh yeah, last thing I want to say: X has three sons and a daughter... And an evil Copy.
Now bye 👋
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puyonlilah · 3 days
•gotchu bro 😈 (even though im extremely late im sorry)
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Here you go, a mega princess zero with makeup on ehehehe
(sorry it's not coloured and seem rushed, blame my lazyness xd)
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willows-arts · 1 year
Megaman x for the helmetless challenge!
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Thank you for the ask! He’s very cute -w-
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adwox · 11 months
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zxaxel · 10 months
are there any mega man side characters you think deserve a little more love/screen time?
hi! sorry for responding a few days late.
absolutely though!
for the classic series: definitely more emphasis on bass. he’s only been playable a couple times, and is a really cool character that could make a great rival or just another guy to play as if they’d add him more. you could argue he’s more of an antagonist or an anti hero than a side character but i’d still consider him one since he reappears multiple times. i could argue the same for protoman, but at least he gets more screen time.
x series: the navigators that were present for like. X5 and almost nowhere else. signas and douglas were used a couple times then completely traded in which sucks. dynamo would be nice to see more as well, great design but he’s only in two games.
zero series: an update on cerveau would be nice. he helped zero a ton and was just sort of cast aside after the mmz games. i’ve seen people theorize that he is fleuve from ZX, but i don’t know if i agree with that.
ZX: literally like, everybody. prometheus and pandora are my favourite bosses franchise wide, and they have the potential but weren’t given the game time to actually expand on it unfortunately. i plan on writing an analysis on them soon! however, i don’t think i’d count them as side characters when they’re purely antagonists (although justified in their actions to a degree).
more emphasis on the ZXA mega men (aeolus, thetis, atlas, and siarnaq) would be nice. they’re sort of antagonists too, but they had developed character traits and backstories so i’d consider them side characters as well. i love all four of them and would love to see them get more love.
battle network: raika and search man were really cool, wish i could have seen them more. lan’s friends also deserved more screen time and character development. mick was only in BN6 yet had more development than any of lan’s ACDC friends
star force: i’ve only played the first game and some of the second, so bear with me here. but pat/rey and gemini were really cool characters and i wish they had re-appeared. pat really made me love SF1 so it sucks he’s only in that game.
not sure about legends, still need to play it.
sorry for such a long post!! i feel like the star force and ZXA characters get the least amount of attention, so i’d say they’re the most underrated.
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silenthilllz · 1 year
for the draw from memory prompt!
i cant not request my favorite son axl
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cat boy appears
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In a headcanon/worldbuilding mood! Please send asks about any of our universes that we write!!
@overx and myself ^^
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m3chanical-rhythm · 2 years
Gate or Vile
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(( we love Grape Fanta Boba Fett in this house ))
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masters-menagerie · 1 year
Ghost's eyes always did remind Edeline of the earth and sea when she first saw them. Yet there's his smile--the humor and mirth he brings along with him in almost each of their meetings that she finds herself loving, too.
She supposed the red that occassionally dusted his cheeks was rather endearing as well, but that would be best left a secret, wouldn't it?
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galaxofmuses · 2 months
🍂 for anyone you'd like!
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for every 🍂 I get, I'll reveal one of the most important people in my muse's life //Accepting!
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Kang bit his lip for a moment. Sure he could say his parents, his family, his bloodline. But that doesn't seem right at all for this moment. Clenching his fists and furrowing his thoughts and he can only think of one person at the moment. Looking afar at the bright blue skies, something he is thankful everyday since that incident.
He can only mutter quietly one name.
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macmanx · 20 days
Hey, I was wondering where you got the "win any collision" thing in this post? This isn't a "gotcha" I'm asking because I'm writing a video essay on the many failings of the Cybertruck and I like that quote but I'd like a source or clip of the quote if possible. I tried DMing you but they were (understandably) set to private.
It’s from the delivery event:
“If you’re ever in an argument with another car, you will win.” - Elon Musk, regarding the Cybertruck, which now has an accelertor pedal that can get stuck at full speed.
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doggie-guts · 1 year
What do you think the gay robots get up to in their free time... What would they do at the mall or something... At the park... something like that... I'm just spitballing here I love hearing mundane stuff like this and how people think it would play out it's my go to thing to ask people when they ask for asks (said ask way to many times there)
YESSSSS thank u very much for the ask, I hope I deliver on what u asked for but fair warning I’m bad at explaining stuff lmao (however please send more I’m always open to asks)
At a mall well they would probably only be going there because Axl really wanted to and because X likes human activities. X and Zero would wander around like a cute old couple holding hands and all until Axl gets up to something stupid and they have to leave.
X would probably come up with the idea of the park, he would bring food for the birds then when they are out of bird feed they would get up and walk around looking at nature and just taking.
And I’m gonna indulge on other mundane stuff like hobbies because I want to lol
When it comes to hobbies outside of work I think X would enjoy stuff like writing/reading poetry, baking, gardening and knitting (he really is a housewife)
Zero only really has like 2 hobbies, exercising like a little gym rat and drawing whatever is in front of him. Zero also enjoys doing whatever X is doing, he will garden with him, bake with him, whatever X is up to.
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diggydiggybot · 1 year
hard-hitting q's - 7 for umbran, 2 for phoros
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7. what does your muse consider their comfort zone, ie. safest place?
"Mm, well, it was the slot canyons when I was maverick. When I first discovered the place years ago, I found out the entire slot canyon area was surrounded by a field of electromagnetic interference. Nothing harmful, just caused major signal interference for anything within the network of canyons and caves. I explored the whole maze top to bottom, but never did figure out the source for it. But it was a perfect place for a stealth reploid like me to hide out in. I could turn my ghost protocol off and not be able to be tracked at all out there, and because I knew the entire maze-like network of canyons and caves, it was too easy for me to lose any pursuers within them.
"I... do feel bad for the Hunters that tried to hunt me down in the early years. Most barely found their way back out after getting lost, a few... didn't make it. I left their bodies out where they could be found by the Hunter when I eventually found 'em... They stopped trying after a few years."
Umbran sighed and loosely wrapped his across his chest. "Obviously, now, I can't really go back there. Too far out. But... There is a place closer that I like to go to, especially at night, if I want to clear my head and find some semblance of peace.
"There's a cliff-side out in the wastelands. It's not too far out from the city, so I can easily and quickly get back if needed, but it's far out enough that the light pollution is minimal. The sight of the stars out there never gets old for me, and it's so wonderfully quiet... Even though it's completely out in the open, I've always felt safe and calm out there, even now..."
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2. what is an action your muse regrets NOT taking?
Classic Verse: "There was a surgeon at the hospital Dr. Valheim works at, that immediately did not like me when I began to shadow my creator. He had great dislike at the idea of a medical robot like myself. He would not be swayed by Dr. Valheim's reassurances and argued I did not have the 'human factor' that made good medical professionals.
"When I began to get more involved, he would find ways to rebuke my assessments and challenge my treatment options when he felt he could. I was still technically learning, so rather than be frustrated, I would politely ask how I was wrong and what he would do. For some reason, that would only make him dislike me more, and often times, rather than answer, he would storm away. Dr. Valheim would reassure me I was doing nothing wrong when I would tell him of these occurrences, that the surgeon was letting his own biases and emotions get the better of him.
"This continued until an incident with an ER patient. I was becoming more confident of my abilities, but, perhaps, not confident enough. I had made my assessment and given a particular treatment option that I knew was the best option for them, and was given that surgeon to take on the operation. The surgeon immediately challenged my decision, and gave the patient and their family a different option, one I knew was riskier. He managed to convince them that because he was human with years of experience, he knew better what option was right, than a robot with hardly any experience or ability to know what was risky for a human or not. It was... humiliating, to say the least. Rather than stand up for myself, I reassured the surgeon and patient that due to my programming, I was meant to work with him, and conceded that if he was truly confident with his option, then I would accept his recommendation if the patient was also okay with that option.
"The patient went with the surgeon's option. And it backfired... The patient almost died, and a limb had to be amputated to save their life, something that would not have happened had I stood my ground and argued that he was wrong.
"The surgeon ruined his reputation and was eventually fired. The hospital apologised to me for not recognising his terrible attitude towards me before then, and I apologised to the patient and their family for the circumstances the situation between me and the surgeon had put them in. They, in turn, apologised to me, for they had felt something was off but the surgeon had made such a convincing argument to them who knew no better, that they felt they could put their trust in him.
"Though it was a profound learning experience for me, I still regret not standing my ground and believing in my own confidence, not for my sake, but for my patient's sake. I have made damn sure, and will continue, to never make that mistake ever again."
MMX Verse: Phoros was deathly quiet for several moments, with an air of melancholy hanging over him, before he answered softly, "I regret not being able to do more in the last moments of my life before. Dr. Valheim had not built me to be heavily armored, or for strength or power. It was all I could do to keep the rockslide from crushing us both. There was nothing more in my power I could do to help him out of the horrible situation we were trapped in.
"...I regret not having the strength or power to save him..."
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willows-arts · 1 year
vile!!!!!! my husband. i love seeing ppl's helmetless interpretations
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tres-fidelis · 2 years
"Nah! The sooner the better. You got a full day ahead of you and we wanted to get this out of the way so you can get everything out of the day. Happy birthday jayjay, We got you a massage chair!"
...a WHAT!?
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"Holy crap, you guys didn't need to go that far for a present." It'd take up a section of the small living area, or perhaps a corner on their small balcony. Overlooking the city while lounging in comfort sounded quite pleasant. It'd get a fair amount of usage too, considering the high demanding jobs of both Jayden and her mom.
She pushed the large package through the door, then turning to look back at the two with a grateful smile. "Thanks though. That does...mean a lot from you two." It's only the first hour of her waking, and she felt an incredible sense of belonging. The day barely started. What else was coming her way?
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