#anyway pls share thoughts....
adwox · 11 months
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akai-anna · 6 months
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jaggybotexe · 2 months
chonny jash/cccc fandom PLEASE rb + share how you got into chonny jash i wanna know!! thru his covers, animation, a recommendation or somethin else?! can be a super long or short explanation, im so curious as to how we all ended up here lol
i'll go first(kinda lengthy so its under a readmore)^-^
I had a whole miracle musical/tally hall phase in the summer of 2022, was obsessed with The Mind Electric, and i made a yt playlist w like 50+ versions. fastforward a year later, in the middle of 2023, i found a crazy 12 minute cover by this weirdo named Chonny Jash(what kinda name was that??) and gave it a try and holy shit my mind was blown, the three songs were easily the best covers i'd ever heard and i fucking loved them so much
at first i was just a fan of those three songs, but slowly thru the end of last year but surely i started listening to his other covers, like Hidden in the Sand, Variations on a Cloud, Ruler of Everything, The Bidding, and The Whole World and You, in that order(they all have a soft spot in my heart cus of it). I realized thru The Bidding that the songs were actually all connected so on the last day of 2023 i gave the whole album a try and fucking loved it, both song and lore-wise and from then on I was a huge fan. i've since listened to a lot more of his music tho not everything yet
it's kinda crazy that I've only been super into it not even for that long, but my journey def started like almost a year ago now lmao. you could say i fell very slowly into a hole i couldn't s
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mangosaurus · 9 months
so swrve posted a new video on the chaos theory news about an hour ago, here's a rundown of the major points:
direct sequel to jw:cc
expected release date of summer/fall 2024
trailer coming out "soon" (could be next week, could be the end of 2023, who knows)
same platform and animation style as original series
taking place on the mainland
6 news dinos! allosaurus, becklespinax, atrociraptor, pachyrinosaurus, suchomimus, & ankylosaurus
said ankylosaurus will have a paticularly "unique" personality and name?
darius will be returning, most likely as the main lead! looks a lot older than he did in the s5 epilogue; series confirmed to take place post-fallen kingdom and post-battle at bigrock
as for the rest of the campers: no word on anyone else yet, but brooklynn isn't expected to make much of a comeback, if at all. if it isn't just for plot reasons, this one doesn't surprise me too much—jenna ortega's (brooklynn's VA) probably super busy with wednesday right now, as well as a bunch of other bigger projects. crossing my fingers we still get a good cameo, tho 🤞
new character! name's sydney; not much known about her other than that she's an amputee
and that's about it! trying to keep an open mind as we wait for more details to roll out 💆
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cleo-serotonin · 10 months
I can’t believe I never noticed this parallel before!!
So Emma is obviously mirroring young Ms. Chatham here. They share the same power, and are thematic counterparts. However, she stops before running into her, whereas the past self goes straight through/into Louise. This is symbolic of how Cleo, Emma and Rikki’s story is different from the og trio. This episode is the exact point where their stories diverge from eachother. The fight Louise, Gracie & Julia have is exactly the same as the modern trio, their words echo each other; “you’re underestimating him, the obnoxious stuff is an act most of the time” “friends don’t give each other ultimatums”. In the end, Karl betrays Julia, and the three end up drifting apart. Zane is clearly given the perfect opportunity to betray Rikki. He could prove to everyone he’s not crazy, earn his fathers approval/respect, become famous etc. yet he chooses not to.
Young Ms. Chatham walking into her current self is symbolic of the weight she still carries from that day. She will never get closure from her friends who have now passed, or from knowing why they were chosen to become mermaids. It’s an open wound with an ache she has made peace with over time. Emma will never have to experience that. In this scene, Ms. Chatham may be a metaphor for the older version of Emma. Since Emma stops short, it’s a visual representation of the differences between their stories, and the path Emma will not take.
Another small but notable difference- young Louise is walking away from her friends. Emma is walking with them. She even looks back towards them for support after Ms. Chatham asks about the locket. This contrast speaks volumes on their relationships.
Additionally, this is why I know the girls would not have split up, as m*ko m*rmaids attempts to make canon. But according to the ORIGINAL h2o lore, they would stay friends.
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whenever i’m writing cody i’m thinking about that description of him as regal btw. it’s important to me
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kimkaelyn · 4 months
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“ Dusk is stretching out over the city when he reappears at the studio door a couple of weeks later, suddenly and so silently that it takes you several moments to realize someone is standing there, on the other side of the glass, staring— ”
Inspired by Something (Just Like This) by @ofmermaidstories
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the-kipsabian · 7 months
part 1 here
2/2, cause tumblr sucks and refused to let me upload this whole thing together wowie
quoting my original tags for more context
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leafywillow · 9 months
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winter on coral island aka prepping for the next update
+ bonus hot merman ;D
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anomalys-taxonomy · 10 months
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@whumpsday’s Kane and Jim series is part of the reason I even made a whump blog in the first place, so take this cover for an in-universe book ✨ (ps HI MILL <3 )
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tbzrai · 1 year
fun fact despite fgo not having a korean dub, the CMs are dubbed in korean which means that any narrators for the CMs will canonically have a korean dub voice actor
with that in mind oberon now canonically shares a va (민승우 min seung-woo) with all these guys thanks to his lb6 CM narration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUzOc6_yJaY
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good-vs-evo · 20 days
wait wait tumblr communities are a thing?? thats actually so silly /pos i wanna make one,,,
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akai-anna · 2 months
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dulcesiabits · 9 months
So.... I am percolating over an idea.... and I wanted to know people's thoughts!! :0 I want to write a bllk fic and have the charas + reader use honorifics, something I've avoided doing before, but I figured it'd help convey character/rls nuances! Rather than writing things to reflect American/western (nick)naming conventions and honorifics, I think it might make more sense to use Japanese ones, instead.
I avoided Japanese honorifics before because I didn't want to misuse cultural terms, and because I didn't want to be cringe LOL. But as Chinese diaspora, I do enjoy reading Chinese charas using Chinese naming conventions and honorifics!! So, I thought I'd open it up and ask other people their thoughts ^^
(Comfortable is used here as in. Would you find the usage disrespectful? Would this actively disengage you from reading the fic? and so on!)
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caruliaa · 6 months
starship au thts the same except the planet its set on is pnf404 and bug is a pikmin. the characters r the same characters theyre just like pikmin creatures and the starship rangers r like hocotations or koppaites and also maybe the rescue corp instead of the starship rangers but maybe not bc the rescue corp randomly going to a planet makes no sense actually makes a lot more sense for it to be hocotaite frieght or like. the koppaites going to pnf404 for fruit maybe but honestly they can still just be the starship rangers but pikmin version. the point is it wld be so slay . whos with me .
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viaetor · 7 months
i'm done with 4.2 AQs !! i think this is the first time i finish watching an AQ within the first few days of release...... a new record tbh. also, surprising absolutely no one at all, i have so, so, SO fucking many aether brainworms and headcanons. so open wide honeys im gonna shove those down ur throats soon (lovingly)
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