#miraculous lies
queenjoy20 · 2 years
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I’m about to get really vulnerable online on a Monday night, but I’ve reflected about this too much to not talk about, even if it is to a void. When I first watched “Lies“, I remember Adrigami’s breakup sticking with me in a way, that Lukanette’s in “Truth“ didn’t. Obvious spoilers for season 4 ahead.
Now if I’m going to be completely honest I do have a slight bias toward Adrigami, and I think I should unpack that in order to fully explain why their breakup affected me so bad. I think part of the reason I like Adrien and Kagami so much, is that I see parts of myself reflected in both of them. Without going into too much personal detail, so much of both their personalities remind me of my own, so when I see them struggling or getting excited about making friends or getting freedom, I understand that excitement as something I have experienced first hand. Now of course this isn’t my only reason for liking these characters, they are both well written and interesting characters,  but part of why I find them both so endearing is that their is this naivety and honesty they both have, but manifest in different ways. That’s part of the reason why I liked seeing them interact, with or without a romantic lens on top. They are both new to experiencing life and are fumbling their way through it, but their doing it together.
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Now, to why their break up fucked me up. In both Lies and Truth we see the deterioration of the two relationships as both out heroes get so caught up in their jobs they inadvertently neglect their romantic partners. So, what differentiate Adrigami? I think honestly, it’s Adrien’s own obliviousness to his relationship and his partner. I know the scene at the dock is memed to hell and back, but the way Kagami is bearing her heart to him and he just doesn’t care. Watching them break up was like discovering a fear I didn’t know I had. The fear of putting everything into a relationship with someone I love so much for them to not even give a second thought about me. I think Adrien’s ignorance and lack of maliciousness makes it worse in some ways, like you’re not trying to be cruel because you hate me, but because you care so little you don’t care about how your actions affect me. And what’s worst is that Kagami had to come to this conclusion on her OWN, she had to look herself in the mirror and admit to herself that the person she loved didn’t love her back.
This isn’t me trying to make a bunch of Adrien salt, he is young and I have witnessed this behavior as common in most first relationships. I just think that the combination of circumstances make Adrigami’s breakup more tragic to me, and that Kagami is a much stronger person then I am, because I don’t know if I could ever recover from something like that.
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This is a fanart of the character from "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug's Adventures" called Kyoko Tsurugi (Kagami Tsurugi in the original), along with her akumatized villain forms: Riposte, Oni-chan, Lies and Ryukomuri and also her heroic form called Ryuko (transformation using the dragon's kwami). Hope you like it ^^
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wordsofrowan · 9 months
From Ashes to Embers
Chapter 10 - Love Song at Dawn
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I sat on my bed, staring at the Miraculous Box before me. Marveling at it, I could almost feel the magic radiating from inside the box as if feeding my own magic. 
"So... they all live in there?" I asked, my voice filled with awe.
Tikki nodded looking up at me "Yes, Marinette. There is a whole little pocket dimension in there where all the Kwami’s stay, patiently waiting for their chosen holders."
A mix of curiosity and concern washed over me. "They must miss Nooroo and Dusuu so much. I can’t imagine having been surrounded by each other for so long and then losing them like that"
Tikki tried on a hat from my collection, her voice tinged with sadness. "We really do miss them. It’s why we're not supposed to be outside of the Miracle box without holders, so that we are safe, but even then our holders can mistreat us."
My heart ached for Nooroo and Duusu, trapped and being misused by Hawkmoth, Shadow Moth I mentally correct myself. "That must be so difficult for them."
Tikki nodded sympathetically. "Indeed, Marinette. But as long as we have the Miraculous Box, they have a safe place to return to."
My gaze shifted to the box, and I noticed a button on the top. Without thinking, I pressed it, half-expecting nothing to happen. To my surprise, the box started to glow, and a soft click echoed in the room.
In an instant, all the Kwamis burst out from the box, filling the air with their vibrant colors and playful energy. Startled, I fell back onto my bed, my eyes wide with amazement.
"I thought they couldn't escape!" I exclaimed, my voice a mix of excitement and confusion.
Tikki giggled, hovering near my face. "Now that you're the Guardian, Marinette, the box has become an extension of yourself. It's as surprising and unpredictable as you are!"
I watched in wonder as the Kwamis zipped around the room, their joyful antics filling the space. Trixx zoomed around mischievously, Mullo admired her reflection in the mirror, and Sass curled up on the floor next to me.
 All the Kwami’s gather around me and look up at me. “Hey um is it possible for you all to tell me your names and what your powers are?” I asked them all.
"Hello, Marinette," Wayzz spoke first, his voice calm and reassuring. "As the Kwami of Protection, I provide the ability to summon a shield and protect my holder from harm."
"Ah, yes! It's me, Trixx, the mischievous Fox Kwami of Illusions," the orange fox Kwami chimed in. "I have the power to create captivating illusions and mirages, tricking the senses of those who encounter them."
"Hello, Marinette," Pollen buzzed with excitement. "I am the Kwami of Action, and I grant my holder the power of subjection. With my ability called Venom, they can render enemies immobile with its powerful sting."
Sass hissed playfully, his eyes gleaming with intelligence. "I am Sass, the Kwami of Intuition. I enhance my holder's hearing, sensing, and stealth abilities, providing them with valuable insights. Additionally, I have the ability called Second Chance, allowing my holder to briefly rewind time."
"Marinette, I am Kaalki, the Kwami of Migration," the cheerful horse Kwami neighed. "I bestow upon my holder the power of teleportation, enabling them to travel instantaneously to any location they desire."
"And I'm Xuppu, the energetic Monkey Kwami of derision!" the lively Kwami exclaimed with enthusiasm. "I grant the power of derision, enhancing the holder of the Monkey Miraculous with incredible acrobatic skills and agility."
"Hello again, Marinette," Mullo greeted me warmly. "I am the Kwami of Multiplication. My power allows my holder to create clones of themselves, but remember, the more they multiply, the smaller they become."
"Hey there, I'm Ziggy, the Kwami of Passion," the goat Kwami bleated happily. "I empower the wearer with the ability of Genesis, allowing them to bring to life anything they draw."
"I'm Stompp, the steadfast Kwami of Determination!" the sturdy blue ox-like Kwami declared. "I provide my holder with the power of Resistance, making them invulnerable to physical attacks and other superpowers."
"I am Roarr, the Kwami of Elation," the purple tiger Kwami roared proudly. "The wearer of the Tiger Miraculous gains the power of Clout, enabling them to gather immense energy into their fist and unleash a devastating punch."
"My name is Longg, the Kwami of Perfection," the majestic red dragon Kwami stated, exuding wisdom. "I grant my holder the power to command the elements of water, wind, and lightning. By uttering 'water dragon,' 'wind dragon,' or 'lightning dragon,' they can transform into one of these elemental forms."
"I am Barkk, the Kwami of Adoration," the loyal dog Kwami barked cheerfully. "With my power called Fetch, I can teleport any object that I have touched directly into my holder's possession."
"I am Orikko, the Kwami of Pretension," the confident rooster Kwami announced. "Through my power of Sublimation, I can bestow any superpower upon the user, as long as it remains within reason. However, I cannot grant a power that already belongs to another Kwami or one that disrupts another Kwami's power."
"I'm Daizzi, the Kwami of Jubilation," the cheerful Kwami exclaimed, radiating happiness. "My power is Gift, which allows the person receiving the gift to witness their deepest desires and experience immense joy from it."
"And of course, you already know me," Fluff purred with familiarity. "We've met countless times before, and our paths will continue to cross on many more times yet to be seen."
Wayzz floated closer to me. "It is a sacred duty, Marinette, but one that you are more than capable of fulfilling. We believe in you, just as we believed in Master Fu before you."
I nodded, determination shining in my eyes. "Together, we'll make a difference. We'll protect Paris, uphold justice, and bring hope to those in need. I promise to do my best, and to bring Nooroo and Dusuu home to you." The Kwamis cheered and flew around me, expressing their support and belief in me. I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude and love for these magical beings. With their guidance and the bonds I had formed with them, I knew that I was ready to embrace my role as Guardian wholeheartedly.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my computer light up with an incoming call from Alya. "Okay, all of you back in the box!" I quickly rushed to answer the video call on my laptop as the Kwamis hurriedly flew back into the Miraculous box on my bed.
"Hey Alya, what's going on?" I greeted her over the phone, stealing glances at the box to make sure everything was in order.
"Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to see if you were free today," Alya replied, her voice filled with curiosity. I could see the other girls standing behind her, their expressions expectant.
"Um, today's not really a good day. I'm actually working on something," I stammered, trying to sound nonchalant while my mind raced with thoughts of the Kwamis.
"Marinette, you're acting even weirder than usual," Alya remarked, shaking her head in disbelief.
"I... uh... I'm just a little anxious about this new project I'm working on," I managed to explain, hoping my excuse would suffice.
"Maybe you should get some fresh air," Mylene chimed in, concern evident in her voice. "You look overwhelmed."
"Wait a minute," Alya interrupted, counting off on her fingers. "Awkward gesturing, ridiculous babbling, weird excuses, clumsiness overload... Is Adrien there?!"
"What? No! Of course not—Luka?!" I blurted out as I noticed my phone ringing. "Gotta go, bye!" I quickly ended the call with the girls and picked up Luka's call.
"Hey, Luka. What's going on?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.
"Nothing much, just calling to see if you're ready," Luka replied calmly.
"Ready? Ready for wha—Oh no, what time is it—Oh, no, it's much later than I thought! I'll be down in just a minute, Luka!" I exclaimed in a panic. Hastily, I grabbed the Miraculous box and carefully placed it back into the hidden compartment I had created in my drawer. "Okay, you all better behave, okay?" The Kwamis nodded, understanding the importance of staying hidden, as I closed the drawer.
Hurrying towards the neatly arranged clothes on my bed, I swiftly shed my cozy pajamas and slipped into the white eyelet sundress. The soft fabric caressed my skin, exuding an air of elegance and confidence. Giving a twirl before the mirror, a genuine smile graced my lips as I marveled at how perfectly the dress hugged my figure.
Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, I carefully pulled on a pair of white lace stockings, relishing in the heavenly sensation of their delicate fabric against my legs. My gaze shifted to the shoe collection, where a pair of white criss-cross espadrille sandals beckoned me. It struck me that ever since I made the conscious decision to move on from Adrien, my once notorious clumsiness had waned, and a sense of pride washed over me.
Turning towards my vanity table, my eyes fell upon my cherished jewelry collection. I selected a simple rose-gold heart necklace adorned with my initials, a subtle expression of self-love. To honor my superhero identity, I added a delicate anklet featuring a ladybug charm. The gentle jingle of my parents' gift, a charm bracelet, served as a reminder of their unwavering support. Finally, I draped the cropped pink knit cardigan over my shoulders, reveling in its soft and cozy charm.
Grabbing my trusty pink heart-shaped handbag, I carefully arranged it over my shoulder, motioning for Tikki to find comfort inside. With each step, I could feel a renewed sense of confidence and determination flowing through me. It was time to embrace the world with a heart full of love and the resolve to create my own happiness
With my outfit complete and my heart pounding with excitement, I took a deep breath and headed out, ready to embark on a thrilling adventure with Luka by my side.
“Oh, Marinette you look so beautiful!” Maman says as she looks at me and I smile. “But I thought your date with Luka was supposed to be yesterday?” 
“It was but I had gotten caught up with some schoolwork. The past week since coming back from New York has been so hectic!” 
“Yeah, plus it’s the last screening we can’t miss it,” Luka said.
“Come on it’s Jagged Stone's first movie of course we have to see it!” I said smiling up at Luka. 
“ I can't believe they're showing it again! It was so silly when it came out 15 years ago, it can't be any better now,” Tom said looking at us. 
“Oh honey, it was his first movie. Think about your first baguette, it was pretty bad, too.” Sabine said looking at Tom. 
“Sure the movie's a bit mindless, but Marinette and I love him so much that we swore we'd see it together,” Luka said as he held his hand out for me. 
I grabbed his hand in mine, “Come on let’s go! We don’t want to miss the previews!” 
Once inside the movie theater, Luka and I decided to make their movie date a little more interesting. We played a game we often played together, where we have to complete the lyrics in Jagged Stone's songs.
Luka, with a mischievous smile, started off, singing, "You are?..." My eyes lit up with excitement as I quickly entered the theater with him. "You are?...”
“Is it 'you are the popcorn of my life'?" I guessed, hoping to earn the first point.
Luka shook his head and handed their tickets over the counter. "Nope, it was 'the donut of my life'," he clarified. 
My face fell and then lit up with realization. "Of course! 'The donut', featured on the 'Candy Apple' album! His food phase is my favorite! Two points for you," I conceded, acknowledging Luka's correct answer.
As they made their way to the snack bar, Luka ordered two orange juices and one large popcorn, preparing for the movie ahead. I took a moment to think of another lyric, determined to catch up. "I gave up everything..." I began, waiting for Luka to finish.
"... but my dreams!" Luka completed the lyrics smoothly. I beamed, giving him another point. The game continued as we found our seats, our friendly competition adding an extra layer of fun to their date.
I came up with another line from Jagged Stone's repertoire. "My guitar..." I trailed off, testing Luka's knowledge.
"... is my only family," Luka finished confidently. I was impressed by his quick response. "Whoa, twenty points to twelve. Luka Couffaine, you're officially Jagged Stone's number-one fan!" I exclaimed playfully. However, a wave of nervousness washed over me as I realized it was her turn to offer a prize.
I pulled a small pink box from my purse and presented it to Luka. "And uh... You win a prize," I said, my voice slightly shaky. Luka's eyes lit up with curiosity as he accepted the gift and opened it. "Whoa!" he exclaimed, his excitement evident.
I smiled, feeling a sense of relief. "Jagged came by the bakery the other day, so I asked him to sign it for you," I explained. Luka's gratitude shone through his smile, appreciating the thoughtful gesture.
Luka, ever the fair player, reciprocated the gesture. "The rules are clear, Marinette. This gift entitles you to a second round," he said with a twinkle in his eyes. My heart skipped a beat as I realized it was my turn again.
"Under the moonlight, by the sea..." Luka prompted, waiting for her to complete the lyrics. Marinette's mind raced, searching for the right answer. 
"Under the moonlight, by the sea... Oh, it's on the tip of my tongue!" I exclaimed, my excitement growing. Suddenly, it clicked. "I know! His very first song! 'Under the moonlight, by the sea, KISS ME!'" I blurted out, unable to contain my enthusiasm.
As the theatergoers around us turned their heads, confused by my sudden outburst, I couldn't help but giggle nervously, feeling a little embarrassed by the attention. Luka, unfazed, looked at me with a playful expression. "Okay, I mean, if you want to," he responded, teasingly. I blushed and chuckled, realizing my impulsive response.
As the movie started and the theater lights dimmed Luka and I found ourselves settling into our seats, ready to enjoy the film together. The tension from my earlier embarrassment melted away, replaced by a warm sense of comfort in Luka's presence. We exchanged smiles, silently acknowledging the playful banter that had brought us even closer.
As the movie played on the big screen, we found ourselves stealing glances at each other during the funny moments, sharing quiet laughter that only deepened the connection between us. Luka's arm brushed against mine, sending a gentle shiver down my spine. I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of affection for him.
In the darkness of the theater, the characters on the screen took us on a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was the stolen glances and the unspoken understanding between Luka and me that made the experience truly special. Our shared love for music and our playful game had brought us here, and I couldn't have asked for a better companion.
As the movie reached its climax, my hand found its way to Luka's, intertwining our fingers in a gesture that spoke volumes. At that moment, the world outside the theater ceased to exist, and it was just the two of us, connected by the magic of the silver screen and the budding feelings in our hearts.
As the credits rolled and the lights slowly came back on, Luka turned to me, his eyes filled with tenderness. "Thank you, Marinette," he whispered, his voice barely audible amidst the sounds of people starting to leave the theater. "This has been an amazing night."
I smiled at him, feeling a rush of happiness and contentment. "No, Luka, thank you," I replied softly. "For reminding me how to let go and enjoy the moment."
As Luka and I walked outside, enjoying the afterglow of our movie date, a sudden rumble shook the ground beneath us. The peaceful atmosphere shattered, replaced by a wave of panic as people around us started running in all directions. In the chaos that ensued, Luka and I were separated, lost in the sea of frightened faces.
My heart raced as I realized the urgency of the situation. With determination fueling my every step, I swiftly moved to a nearby secluded spot, hidden from prying eyes. Taking a deep breath, I called out my transformation phrase. In a flash of light, my outfit changed into my Ladybug suit. 
I gracefully swung through the Parisian sky, my trusty yoyo propelling me toward the Montparnasse Tower. From this elevated vantage point, I surveyed the area, ever watchful for any signs of trouble. 
As I landed deftly on the rooftop of the tower, my eyes caught a familiar figure in the distance. It was Mr. Pigeon, his flock of akumatized pigeons causing chaos down below. Determined to protect the city and its people, I prepared myself to face this feathery menace.
Before confronting the villain, I heard a beep from my yoyo altering me to a message left on it. 
"Hey you, Bugaboo!" Chat Noir's playful tone filled my ears. "Well, here I am, your faithful companion at our rendezvous point just like always. It's time for our daily patrol, I hope you haven't forgotten!" His voice carried a hint of enthusiasm, reminding me of our shared mission to protect the city.
Lost in the voicemail, I failed to notice ChatNoir sneaking up behind me. Startled by his sudden appearance, my instincts kicked in, and I grabbed his wrist and flung his body, unintentionally propelling him away from me.  Realizing my mistake, I swiftly reacted, using my yoyo to catch ChatNoir's leg, preventing him from falling further. With an alarmed cry, ChatNoir crashed into the window of the tower, leaving a visible crack on its surface.
Inside the building, a woman's conversation came to an abrupt halt, interrupted by the unexpected intrusion. “Can you stop it with the practical jokes I could have seriously hurt you, Chat Noir
With careful precision, I reeled him in, ensuring his safety. Despite the situation, ChatNoir maintained his trademark charm and teased, "M'lady, the only thing that really hurts me is when you make me go on patrol by myself. I even missed your little angry pout."
Unable to suppress a chuckle, I appreciated his lightheartedness in the face of our mishap. "Sorry, Kitty Cat," I admitted, my voice tinged with genuine remorse. "I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment."
Extending a helping hand, I assured him, "But I promise, I won't ever forget our patrols again." Chat Noir responded with a mischievous wink, his eyes sparkling with unwavering determination. Despite the challenges that lay before us, his enthusiasm remained undeterred, radiating an infectious energy that lifted my spirits. With a shared glance, we knew that it was time to join forces once more, united in our mission to protect Paris from the clutches of evil.
As we faced off against the notorious Mr. Pigeon, his malevolent gaze fixed upon us, I felt a surge of confidence knowing that Chat Noir had my back. Together, we moved with synchronicity, our movements a graceful dance as we outmaneuvered our feathered foe.
Chat Noir's agile strikes and clever quips kept the atmosphere light, infusing our battle with a sense of camaraderie and unity. With each strategic move and daring leap, we worked as a seamless team, never missing a beat. Our connection, forged through countless battles and shared experiences, fueled our determination to protect the city we held dear.
In a flurry of yoyos and claws, we swiftly subdued Mr. Pigeon, his defeat a testament to the power of our unwavering bond. With a final burst of light, the akuma fluttered away, leaving behind a sense of tranquility in its wake. As we stood side by side, victorious, the city's heartbeat pulsed with gratitude.
With a warm smile and a sense of accomplishment, Chat Noir extended a gloved fist towards me. Without hesitation, I reached out and bumped my fist against his. "Pound it!" we said in unison, sealing our victory with a gesture of unity and friendship.
As we prepared to part ways and return to our civilian lives, I couldn't shake the lingering excitement from the battle. The adrenaline still coursed through my veins, fueling my determination to make things right. With newfound resolve, I set out on a mission of my own—to find Luka.
Navigating the bustling streets of Paris, my heart raced with a mixture of relief and anticipation. I had finally found Luka, my anchor amidst the chaos. As I approached, his familiar blue and black hair caught my eye, and a smile tugged at my lips. "OMG Luka, you wouldn't believe it," I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement. "I got turned into one of Mr. Pigeon's pigeons! It was so weird!"
Relief washed over Luka's face as he pulled me into a tight embrace. "Thank God you're safe, Marinette," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine concern.
"I'm sorry, Luka," I said, my voice tinged with regret. "I didn't mean to worry you."
Luka's grip tightened, his arms providing a comforting reassurance. "I'm always going to worry about you, Ma-ma-Marinette," he teased, his playful stutter melting away any lingering tension between us. We shared a laugh, the sound echoing through the busy Parisian streets.
"Tell me about New York," Luka urged, his eyes filled with curiosity and genuine interest.
Taking a deep breath, I gathered my thoughts and began sharing the whirlwind of my adventures in the Big Apple with Luka. "For the most part, it was a lot of fun," I started, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Although there were a few moments where Alya couldn't resist trying to play matchmaker between me and Adrien."
As I continued, recounting the near-death experience and the heroic intervention of Sparrow and Uncanny Valley, Luka's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, Sparrow and Uncanny Valley? They sound really cool," he remarked, his genuine interest shining through.
"Yeah, they're amazing," I replied, my voice filled with admiration. "They saved me when an Akumatized techno-pirate stormed into the museum, attempting to steal some historical artifact. It turned out that it was all part of a plan orchestrated by Aeon and Jess, the two New Yorkers we met while we were there. It was quite the twist!"
As I spoke, Luka's expression shifted, his gaze softening with understanding and empathy. I could see his unwavering support and the depth of his love for me reflected in his eyes. It brought me a sense of comfort and reassurance.
"And then like I said there were the Moments where Alya tried getting me with Adrien," I continued, my voice tinged with guilt.  "On our first night in New York, we stumbled upon a magical hot dog stand. There were only two hot dogs left, and Nino and Alya broke one in half for them to share. Then they split the other one and Adrien and I ended up sharing the other one, which led to us floating in the air,"
Luka's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his lips curling into a playful smile. "Floating in the air? That sounds like something out of a fairy tale," he said raising an eyebrow in the air.
A twinge of guilt washed over me as I recalled the dance at the party, with Adrien holding me tightly as we swayed to the music. "I tried to resist, Luka," I confessed, my voice filled with remorse. "But I was floating in the air, and Adrien asked me to dance. I couldn't escape his grasp. I felt guilty about it afterward."
Luka's expression softened even further, his understanding gaze enveloping me in warmth and reassurance. "Marinette, you have nothing to apologize for," he reassured me, his voice filled with genuine affection. "You were caught in a peculiar situation, and I trust you completely. Besides, it sounds like an unforgettable experience."
His words touched my heart, lifting the weight of guilt that had burdened me. At that moment, I realized just how lucky I was to have someone like Luka by my side. His unwavering support, understanding, and unconditional love were truly remarkable. "I wish it was with you and not some half-brained scheme to get me with Adrien, I mean sure Alya and Nino couldn't have known we'd float up in the air but they're the ones who made us share the hot dog."
XoXo Rowan
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chocostrwberry · 11 days
So someone messaged me saying apparently this show DID air somewhere in the early 2000s, and as far they remember it has 4+ seasons?? They also sent me some more screenshots they were able to dig up, with captions too! Thanks anon!!
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hamsternamedmarinette · 11 months
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Sorry about the reflection on the screen but everybody please look at this animation glitch in Lies where the stripes on Adrien's shirt disappeared and ended up on the cabinet in the background
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buggachat · 2 years
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Part 158 of my bakery “enemies” au!
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saturnrin · 8 months
I love the idea that everything (positive) that Lila lies about somehow comes true for Marinette.
Lila lies about having connections to the queen of England? Suddenly, Marinette is getting regular commissions from the queen herself and forms quite the acquaintance-ship w the royal family.
Lila "is practically family" to an Italian mafia? Marinettes grandmother has quite an eccentric background, and through her, Marinette somehow manages to get a local Italian Mafia to pseudo-adopt her. (Only because she refused to actually be adopted, much to their disappointment)
Lila "went on tour" with Jagged Stone? Guess who wants his favorite designer to accompany him for his U.S. tour during the summer?
Oh, Lila says she acted in a movie for Graham de Vanily Films? Guess who ends up accidentally staring in a Graham de Vanily film?
I just want all the positive things that Lila lies about to happen to Marinette, who is sufficiently surprised every time (you'd think she'd be used to it by now), meanwhile, in the background, Lila gets progressively more pissed.
And the worst part? Every time she tries to upstage Marinette with something even bigger and grander than Marrinettes' own accomplishments? No matter how ridiculous, Marinette somehow ends up stumbling upon That. Exact. Opportunity.
It's incredibly frustrating.
You could say Marinette has some miraculous luck, despite how adamantly Tikki denies any involvement in these increasingly ridiculous turns of events.
All in all; Lila is frustrated, Marinette is frustrated, and Tikki is very amused (as are Adrien and Plagg, who watch this shit-show from the background).
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wackus-bonkus-maximus · 10 months
meet the cast of "lies of attrition"
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everything's going so well in my and @ladyofthenoodle 's post-s5 fic! look how fine it's going! absolutely nothing can or will go wrong!
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heliianth · 5 months
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uh 💥
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sleepysebris · 5 months
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“What are you doing here?” “I live here”
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(Duusu appreciation zoom)
From chapter 2 of lies of attrition by @wackus-bonkus-maximus & @ladyofthenoodle ❤️ This scene hasn't been able to leave my brain, (or the whole fic, GO READ IT.) something about finding sleepy félix in his pajamas eating cereal because he lives at the mansion, i want this reality and these familial interactions with the sentitwins SO BADLY anyway happiest birthday to you wackus!!!! 🥰 I have so much love for everything you make!!!
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castles-in-the-eyre · 1 month
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WANTED: one luka couffaine & the requisite incredible life-affirming cuddles. 🎼🎀
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l1linya · 10 months
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Just taking a break from coms.
Lady Noire my beloved <3
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Kyoko Tsurugi - Kagami Tsurugi by Leianinha18
This is a fanart of the character from "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug's Adventures" called Kyoko Tsurugi (Kagami Tsurugi in the original), along with her akumatized villain forms: Revanche, Oni-chan, Lies and Ryukomuri and also her heroic form called Ryuko (transformation using the dragon's kwami). Hope you like it ^^
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wordsofrowan · 7 months
From Ashes to Embers
Chapter 13 - Truth and Lies
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“Truth, I am Shadow Moth!” I watched as the purple butterfly outline appeared over Luka’s face as he clutched the sides of his head. “I am giving you the power to force people to tell you their most sacred secrets!” 
Luka shook his head vigorously as if attempting to purge himself of Shadow Moth's influence. "Truths should be shared willingly, not forcefully taken!" I rushed towards Luka, gripping his shoulders tightly, desperately trying to make him focus on me. 
"Luka, I'm so sorry. Please you have to fight this, I believe in you, I know you can resist him!" I pleaded, my voice filled with a mixture of anxiety and determination.
“Why resist for her when she doesn’t even trust you?” Shadow Moth's voice reverberated, taunting us both.
“She does trust me!” Luka said back, his eyes closed tight and his face scrunched as he tried breaking free from Shadow Moth’s control. 
"Yes, Luka, I do, I do trust you!" I cried out, tears streaming down my face. "I trust you with all my heart!"
“If she trusted you, then why won’t she tell you the truth!” Shadow Moth’s words cut through the air like a chilling wind challenging Luka’s faith in me. I could see the pain written on Luka’s face as he suck to his knees. Seizing the moment Shadow Moth’s voice boomed over Luka, his words dripping with power and temptation. “Embrace my power, and the truth will be yours," his whisper danced through the air. But the price he exacted was high: Luka must unveil the secrets hidden within Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities.” 
Overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation Luka used the last of his strength to muster up one final plea, “Run, Marinette!” before submitting to the power of darkness. I stood watching as the purple tendrils enveloped him transforming him from the Luka I knew and loved into his akumatized self, Truth. His once familiar appearance was now adorned with a black and blue bodysuit, embellished with three ominous eyes that seemed to hunger for revelations. In the presence of this newfound power, Shadow Moth conjured forth a menacing Sentimonster, its name echoing as Lighteye. Born from an amok, the colossal eyeball bowed to Luka's command, prepared to bolster his quest for truth.
Confronted by the formidable Sentimonster, Shadow Moth reiterated his sinister intentions, his voice dripping with malevolence. "With Lighteye at your side, your power will amplify. This Sentimonster is your loyal guardian. The time has come to unveil the secrets veiled in the shadows." The weight of his words settled heavily upon me, my heart sinking as the moment of reckoning drew near, understanding that the truths concealed within my realm were on the precipice of exposure.
Without hesitation, I sprinted through the city, seeking refuge and transformation. With the utterance of the words ‘Spots On!’, I embraced my superhero alter ego and emerged ready for the impending confrontation. With resolute determination, I trailed after Truth, my pulse echoing the urgency of the situation. As I arrived at the Liberty, my focus locked onto his silhouette.
Alya turned away from the rest of the girls with a wave of her hand, “Bye guys see-”, only to be abruptly shattered by a searing light beam emanating from Truth.
“What is Marinette’s secret?” his demand cut through the charged air, directed at Alya, the unsuspecting recipient of his relentless pursuit of truth.
"She is… In love with Adrien Agreste," Alya's voice resonated under the light of Lighteye as she spoke.
"Wrong!" Truth's retort sounded impatient, annoyance threading his words. "That's not her secret!" The beam of light shifted abruptly, leaving Alya reeling in its wake, its spotlight now centered on Mylène. "You there! Tell me Marinette's secret!"
"She’s in love with Adrien Agreste," Mylène's response mirrored Alya's, the words leaving her lips through the force of the Akuma’s power. 
"You're just as useless!" Truth's frustration erupted in a huff of exasperation, his irritation palpable.
"Chat, Hawkmoth has merged his powers with the Peacock Miraculous, ascending to become Shadow Moth! A supervillain and a Sentimonster have emerged. I need you here!" My voice carried a note of urgency as I dispatched the message into my yoyo, a voicemail left for Chat Noir.
Stepping forward, Rose's determination led her to confront Truth, her gaze unyielding. "Marinette doesn’t have any secrets because she’s the most honest girl in the whole world!" Her words held a certain conviction as if she were warding off the encroaching shadows.
Lighteye's attention shifted towards Rose, but her steadfastness didn't waver. Yet, Juleka stepped forward, intervening with an admission tinted with a mumble. "She loves Adrien, I guess," her voice carried a mix of reluctance and annoyance, which only served to further anger Truth. 
"Enough, Luka! You don’t need to do this!" I shout out to Truth, capturing his attention. Instantly, his beams converge on me. My gaze locks onto the guitar pick necklace adorning his neck, causing me to freeze momentarily and giving Lighteye the chance to ensnare me.
“Now you must reveal your secret for everyone to see. Let me do the honors. Who are you Ladybug?” 
“I.. am… Ladybug! Heroine of Paris! Guardian of the miraculous!” Chat Noir then comes in and tries to smash Lighteye with his baton only for the amok to move out of the way at the last second.
Truth tried once again to get me in his light only for me to continuously dodge it out of the way. “I must know Ladybug’s secret identity!” 
"Hey, what are you doing on my ship, pirate!" My eyes snapped to Anarka just as she got caught in Lighteyes' beam, the tension thick in the air.
"It's time for you to tell me the truth, Mom!" Truth demands, his voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation. "Who is my father?"
Anarka's voice softens, a hint of emotion creeping into her words. "Luka," she says, her voice tinged with a bittersweet tenderness, "Your father is... Jagged Stone."
The weight of the revelation hangs heavy in the air, and I look at Luka who is left speechless. The truth hits him like a tidal wave, leaving him breathless and yearning for more answers. I looked between Anarka, Luka, and Juleka and guilt wracked through me for enjoying Jagged as my honorary uncle when he wasn’t even there for his kids. 
"I want the truth!" Truth shouted, my voice echoing with a mix of frustration and determination. "Who is my father, really?" I demand, needing confirmation and clarity.
Anarka's gaze meets mine, her voice steady and unwavering. "Jagged Stone," she repeats, her words carrying the weight of honesty and a touch of sadness.
"Where are you going?!" Shadow Moth's voice echoes behind me as Truth turns and starts running in the opposite direction of the Liberty. His words fade into the distance as he pushes forward, fueled by a relentless thirst for the truth.
"Sorry, Shadow Moth!" He calls out, his voice filled with urgency. "But this truth cannot be put on hold!"
Chat Noir and I chase after Truth, our determination matching his as he heads straight to Le Grand Paris, where Jagged Stone is known to stay. As we arrive, we find Jagged in the midst of practicing a song, his rockstar persona momentarily overshadowed by the sudden light from Lighteye's beam.
"Hey! Easy on the spotlight, buddy," Jagged Stone protests, his voice laced with a touch of annoyance.
"I am not your buddy," Truth declares, his three-eyed visage shimmering with unwavering determination. "I'm here to find out if I'm your son."
Jagged Stone's response is tinged with uncertainty, his eyes searching Truth's face. "Uh, depends on who you are."
Not one to miss out on the action, Chat Noir interjects with a mischievous grin on his face. "Hey, I want to play too. Truth or dare?"
I roll my eyes at Chat Noir's playful interruption, realizing the gravity of the situation. I quickly try to use my yo-yo to wrap around Truth, hoping to bring some semblance of order to the chaotic moment.
However, Truth remains resolute in his quest, proclaiming, "Truth and dare. Lighteye, freeze Ladybug and Chat Noir!"
Lighteye obliges, diverting his attention towards Chat Noir and me, temporarily immobilizing us. This distraction allows Truth to take center stage, undeterred by any obstacles in his path.
"My name is Luka Couffaine," he declares, his voice filled with a mix of determination and emotion. "And I have the right to know the truth!" With unwavering focus, he aims his beam at Jagged Stone, posing the question that has haunted him for so long. "Are you or are you not my father?"
Jagged Stone hesitates for but a moment, his eyes meeting Truth's unwavering gaze. Then, with a mixture of apprehension and acceptance, he answers, "Luka Couffaine? Yes, I am your father."
The revelation strikes Truth like a bolt of lightning, the famous rock guitarist he had admired from afar turning out to be his father. Chat Noir and I stand there, stunned and speechless, as the weight of the situation sinks in.
Guilt washes over me once again, realizing the pain I unintentionally caused Luka. Not only did I hurt him, but now I feel as if I stole his father away from him. My heart ached even more as I temporarily froze. 
But Truth's emotions run deep, a turbulent mix of anger, confusion, and hurt. "Why would you hide this from me, and why did you abandon me?!" he demands, his voice filled with a raw intensity.
Jagged Stone's confession is laden with remorse, his words heavy with regret. "I was too lame to take care of a kid. I'm sorry, son, but I spent my whole life on tour. I live in hotels with a crocodile. I could never be the father you'd need me to be. Besides, it made for a super cool song! Have you heard 'My Guitar Is My Only Family'?"
Truth's anger remains unabated, his frustration boiling over. In a fit of rage, he tosses Jagged Stone into an adjacent alleyway, his actions fueled by a mixture of pain and betrayal. Shadow Moth, watching from the shadows, can't resist interjecting, his annoyance palpable. "Follow them!" he commands, his voice laced with impatience.
But Truth remains resolute, his determination unwavering as he addresses Shadow Moth. "Sorry, Shadow Moth, I still have one last truth to uncover," he declares, his voice filled with an unyielding resolve.
Shadow Moth begrudgingly recognizes Truth's commitment, sighing in frustration. "How can I be sure that it's the last one?" he asks, his skepticism evident.
With unwavering conviction, Truth replied, his voice dripping with smugness, "Because I always tell the truth!" The sinister gleam in his eyes betrayed the chaos he aimed to unleash upon the city.
As the situation grew dire, I swung down from above, my nimble movements guided by the trusty yo-yo in my hand. With a swift flick of my wrist, I caught Jagged Stone just in time, preventing him from hitting the unforgiving ground. His signature energy remained unyielding, even in the face of this tumultuous revelation. "Woohoo! My son is out of sight!" Jagged Stone exclaimed, his voice filled with unbridled enthusiasm, a testament to his indomitable spirit.
Meanwhile, Lighteye, the ever-watchful sentinel, patrolled the area, his gaze sweeping across the surroundings. His vigilance almost caught sight of the heroes, but their expertise in concealment kept them hidden, allowing the sentimonster to pass by, blissfully unaware of their presence. It was a close call, but their quick thinking and stealth skills saved the day.
Chat Noir, his feline instincts razor-sharp, leaned in close to Jagged Stone, his voice a mere whisper in the chaos. "Now, you stay out of sight while we deakumatize him," he instructed, his eyes filled with determination, mirroring the unwavering resolve in his voice.
With an air of urgency, Chat Noir and I trailed behind Truth, our steps quick and purposeful. As we followed his path, it became evident that he was heading straight for my house, a realization that sent a surge of adrenaline through my veins.
Arriving at the familiar sight of my home, we positioned ourselves strategically, hidden from view but close enough to observe the unfolding events. From our vantage point, we watched as Truth, his determination unwavering, continued his relentless pursuit of information.
Inside the cozy Dupain-Cheng living room, Sabine and Tom were engrossed in a video game, their laughter creating a joyful atmosphere. Little did they know, their peaceful evening was about to be disrupted by the intrusion of Truth himself.
In a blinding flash of light, Truth materialized before them, his presence commanding attention. The room fell into an uneasy silence as Sabine and Tom exchanged bewildered glances, their expressions mirroring the mixture of surprise and trepidation.
Without wasting a moment, Truth directed his piercing gaze towards Tom, his voice demanding and authoritative. "What is Marinette's secret?" he interrogated, his tone leaving no room for evasion.
Caught off guard, Tom stumbled over his words, "She's in love with Adrien Agreste," he revealed, his voice tinged with a hint of regret for unintentionally exposing his daughter's emotions.
With his thirst for truth unsatiated, Truth shifted his attention towards Sabine, his piercing gaze fixated on her. "Does she keep a diary?" he probed further, his voice resonating with a firm resolve.
Sabine, swept up in the power of Truth's influence, succumbed to its compulsion, her voice trembling slightly as she answered honestly, "Yes, she hides it in her room."
The weight of their revelations hung heavily in the air, the room enveloped in a palpable tension. Tom, fueled by a fierce desire to protect his daughter's privacy, mustered his courage and attempted to block Truth's path, determined to shield Marinette's secrets from further exposure. Yet, his valiant efforts proved futile against the relentless force of Truth's power.
Undeterred by the resistance, Truth declared with unwavering determination, "My work is not yet done. Lighteye, stay where you are. I'll be there soon." His words carried a sense of urgency, hinting at the impending encounter that awaited Lighteye, a confrontation that held the potential for even greater revelations.
Chat Noir and I swiftly made our way to the balcony, our hearts pounding with a mixture of urgency and determination. Panic threatened to consume me as I witnessed Truth reaching for the cabinet that held the precious Miracle Box, the source of immense power. Reacting swiftly, I used my trusty Yo-yo to ensnare Truth's wrist, preventing him from accessing the cabinet.
"Lighteye! Come back now!" Truth shouted, his voice tinged with frustration and desperation. The situation grew increasingly precarious as the fate of the miraculous objects hung in the balance.
"Mmm hmm!" I muffledly responded, gesturing towards the akumatized object, emphasizing the need to neutralize it before it could cause further harm.
"Hmm?" Chat Noir's eyes widened with understanding as he recognized my intent. "That's the akumatized object! Got it! Cataclysm!" he declared, his cataclysmic powers ready to strike.
"Mmmm!" I muffledly exclaimed as Truth forcefully shoved me into a trunk, momentarily silencing my voice. I desperately signaled to Chat Noir, indicating that I was still gagged and unable to activate my Lucky Charm.
"M'lady, whenever you're ready, you can call upon your Lucky Charm!" Chat Noir encouraged his unwavering support evident even in the face of adversity.
"Mmhmmm!" I muffledly responded, reminding him of my current inability to speak freely. But Chat Noir, ever resourceful, reassured me, "Take it off. I have a plan!"
I removed the belt from my mouth, grateful for my partner's quick thinking. Before Truth could resume his line of questioning, Chat Noir swiftly tripped him, momentarily incapacitating him.
"Ladybug, tell us what's your-" Truth began, only to be interrupted by Chat Noir's diversionary tactic.
"Top three favorite qualities in Chat Noir!" Chat Noir interjected playfully, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
I seized the opportunity to respond, my voice filled with genuine admiration, "I have to say it's his courage, his self-confidence, but really the quality I like most in Chat Noir is his humor."
“So what you're saying is that you actually like it when I clown around?” Chat Noir asked hopefully. 
“No and definitely not right now!” I yelled back at him as I tried to land another blow on Truth. 
“Ladybug, under your mask, what do you-” Chat smacked Truth with his Baton on his head knocking him over momentarily. 
“Use when all seems lost?” Chat Noir winks at me as I piece together what his plan was. 
As Truth stumbled, I finally had the chance to activate my Lucky Charm. "My Lucky Charm!" I exclaimed, receiving a box of aluminum foil as my miraculous gift. However, before I could fully utilize my Lucky Vision, our attention was diverted by the unexpected arrival of Lighteye.
Caught off guard, I watched in horror as Lighteye immobilized and struck Chat Noir with Truth's beam, leaving him vulnerable and defenseless.
"Chat Noir!" I cried out, my voice filled with genuine concern and fear for my partner's well-being.
Truth attempted to resume his line of questioning, but I swiftly intervened, throwing a present at him to momentarily distract him.
While Truth was momentarily preoccupied, I seized the opportunity to address a burning question in my mind. "Chat Noir, do you think about my new role as guardian?" I inquired, a mix of apprehension and hope lacing my words.
Chat Noir, ever the supportive ally, responded with unwavering loyalty, "If it doesn't change things between us, then I'm good with it!" His words brought me a sense of relief and reassurance, strengthening our bond in the face of uncertainty.
Finally, I activated my Lucky Vision, spotting Lighteye, a parasol, and the box of aluminum foil that I held. With swift and calculated movements, I wrapped the aluminum foil around the parasol, merging the mundane with the extraordinary. Lighteye, now uncontrollable, darted around the room in a frenzy, causing chaos and confusion.
"Lighteye, stop!" Truth shouted, his voice filled with frustration and desperation. But Lighteye, under the influence of its own twisted power, remained undeterred, wreaking havoc with every unpredictable movement.
Refusing to let the situation spiral out of control, I swiftly attached my Yo-yo to Lighteye, aiming it towards the reflective surface of the parasol. The beam ricocheted off the foil-covered parasol, redirecting its destructive force back towards Truth.
In a moment of triumph, I hurled my Yo-yo at Truth's necklace, severing its connection and freeing the akuma and amok from their imprisonment. As the dark energies dissipated, I captured them in my Miraculous, sealing their malevolence away.
"No more evil-doing for you, little akuma! Time to de-evilize!" I declared, my voice filled with determination and resolve. With a flick of my fingers, the purified butterfly and feather were released, embarking on their journey of restoration and renewal.
As the purified energies dispersed, Truth's menacing facade crumbled away, revealing the familiar face of Luka, a bewildered expression etched upon his features.
"What am I doing... in Marinette's room?" Luka questioned, his voice filled with confusion and disbelief. The realization of his actions dawned upon him, and he struggled to comprehend the events that had unfolded.
"You were akumatized after a horrible fight with Marinette, don't worry, I got her to safety," I reassured Luka, my voice filled with empathy and understanding. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, a reminder of the consequences of Shadow Moth's relentless pursuit of power.
With a final glance at Luka, Chat Noir and I made our exit from my room, determined to put the ordeal behind us. As we stepped out onto the streets of Paris, Chat Noir couldn't contain his excitement, his voice echoing through the night.
"Woo hoo!" Chat exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious. "M'lady, it's been a while since I've had that much fun."
I chuckled softly, shaking my head at his boundless energy. "If battling a supervillain with three eyes and a giant monster buddy is your idea of fun, I can't imagine what your other days are like."
Chat Noir's eyes gleamed mischievously as he responded, "A baddie, a sentimonster, and Shadow Moth. It's even more exciting with his new name, don't you think?"
My expression grew serious as I contemplated the ever-present threat of Shadow Moth. "He can change his name as often as he likes. He'll still never win," I declared, determination lacing my words.
Chat Noir's playful demeanor softened as he looked at me with unwavering support. "You can count on me and my jokes, Bugaboo," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.
A playful smile tugged at my lips as I replied, "Well, you don't have to overdo it."
As we reached our parting point, Chat Noir turned to me, a wistful expression in his eyes. "Truth is, I only ever have this much fun with you. Catch you later!"
I couldn't help but smile at his words, appreciating the genuine connection we shared. "Until next time, Chat Noir," I replied, my voice filled with warmth and gratitude.
I decided to return to the lake where Luka and I had been at, before the chaos of his akumatization took over. Shortly after I arrived, I spotted Luka running towards me, his expression filled with remorse and regret and my heart instantly sank.
"Marinette, I'm so sorry. I should've never tried to force you into telling me the truth," Luka confessed, his voice laced with genuine sorrow. He pulled me into a tight embrace, seeking solace in the warmth of our connection.
Tears streamed down my face as I held onto Luka, the weight of our recent struggles weighing heavily upon us. "I'm sorry too, Luka," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "I don't want to lie to you, Luka. I don't think I can... maybe we should..."
Luka's gentle touch silenced my words, his unwavering support shining through his eyes. "When you're ready, I'll be here, Marinette," he reassured me, his voice filled with unwavering loyalty and understanding.
In that vulnerable moment, I mustered the courage to express my true feelings. "I love you, Luka," I confessed, my voice filled with both vulnerability and hope.
His response was filled with equal parts love and devotion, "I love you too, Marinette."
With a heavy heart, I slowly pulled away from Luka, knowing that the path ahead would be filled with uncertainty and difficult choices. I walked away, the weight of sadness settling in my gut like an anchor, dragging me down as I made my way back home.
As I entered the familiar comfort of my house, I passed my parents silently, unable to find the words to express the depths of my emotions. I retreated to my bedroom, the tears flowing freely as I allowed myself to release the pent-up pain and sadness.
In the solace of my room, I cried, the sounds of my sorrow echoing through the empty space. The emptiness and heartache felt overwhelming, but amidst the tears, I held onto a glimmer of hope, knowing that love and understanding would guide me through the darkest of times.
I barely had a moment to wipe away my tears before an urgent akuma alert flashed on my phone. My heart sank as I watched the livestream, revealing a massive dome of light surrounding City Hall. Determination surged within me as I quickly composed myself, calling out my transformation phrase and leaping into action.
Standing atop a nearby building, I surveyed the situation unfolding before me. The dome of light radiated an ominous presence, threatening to freeze everything it touched. I needed a plan, and fast. Suddenly, I heard an all too familiar voice shout out “Cata-”.
Without hesitation, I swiftly moved, sending out my yo-yo to wrap around Chat Noir's wrist and putting my hand over his mouth to muffle his words. It was crucial to prevent any accidental contact with the freezing sphere.
"No! If you touch the sphere, you'll freeze," I warned, my voice filled with urgency.
Chat Noir's muffled voice came through, his determination evident. "Not if I've always told the truth," he replied.
I shook my head at him. "Yeah, but is that the case?" I questioned, a hint of annoyance in my tone.
“Hardly,” He replied looking at me, “how ‘bout you?” 
“Of course not Kitty, were supposed to lie. If only to keep our identities a secret. ” I said my heart squeezing in my chest as I thought about Luka, “Now don’t touch that thing, if you do then there will be no one left to stop Lies from swallowing all of Paris.” 
“Okay, so what do we do then?”
"Lucky Charm!" I exclaimed, receiving a box larger than myself. Opening it, I discovered a camera drone and a remote. It was time to put it to use.
Chat Noir couldn't contain his curiosity. "I can't wait to see what you're gonna do with a drone," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips.
Determined, I formulated a plan. "Okay, we can't go inside, but I doubt this machine ever lied. This means... keep her busy while I send this spy bird inside! We'll stay in touch," I instructed, placing an earpiece in my ear to stay connected.
Chat Noir followed suit, putting in his earpiece with a mischievous grin. "Your wish is my command, M'Lady. And that's no lie," he teased, playfully taunting Lies from his elevated position. “Yoohoo! My name isn't ChatNoir, I'm not a superhero, I hate Ladybug, and I think Shadow Moth should have been called Peacock Moth! Way funnier! I forgot, my favorite dish is cauliflower with béchamel sauce.” 
“Lies, catch that deceptive cat and seize his miraculous!” 
“You have my word Shadow Moth,” It was then that I noticed the bracelet on her wrist, one I had the pleasure of seeing quite a few times, “Liars will always pay in the end!” 
Undeterred, I focused on the task at hand. "I know what the akumatized item is," I declared, my mind racing with possibilities.
Chat Noir, ever supportive, encouraged me. "Great, so break it!" he urged, his voice filled with anticipation.
The reality hit me. "How do I do that when I can't touch it?" I questioned, frustration lacing my words.
My attention shifted as I observed the paralyzed guests at Prince Ali's party, except for Fang. Inspiration struck as I noticed the four slices of cake and the drone remote. The pieces were coming together.
"You're right, only someone who's never lied can get into that sphere and do it, but that doesn't exist!" Chat Noir exclaimed, his voice filled with both skepticism and hope. Chat Noir continued to leap across rooftops, fleeing from Lies' rapidly expanding sphere. 
As we ran, my voice rang out with conviction. "Yes, it does, Chat Noir! It does exist! Fang! Jagged Stone's crocodile. He's never lied. He's an animal, he wouldn't know how!" I yelled out, amazed to finally put the pieces together. 
Our pursuit led us to Hôtel de Ville, where the drone sprang into action. Its four arms attached themselves to the slices of cake, propelling it outside the building. The drone chased after Fang, who had broken free from Penny's leash, navigating through the paralyzed Parisians.
Amidst the chaos, the citizens cried out for help, their voices filled with fear. I continued to run after Fang, making sure to stay in range of the drone so that our plan did not fail. 
“It’s working!” I shouted out happily, “It’s actually working!” Chat Noir extended his staff to get a better vantage point of the situation. “But if Lies sees him coming we're toast!”
Chat Noir's voice cut through the tension. "There are only two liars left in Paris, and one of them knows the ultimate way to catch her attention." His words held a glimmer of trust and confidence in my abilities.
I hesitated, suddenly feeling the crushing weight of the situation. "No way! Don't do it! What if I fail?" my doubts crept in causing me to freeze up and hesitate. 
“You know what? I trust you.” With a mix of determination and love, Chat Noir detached himself from safety, deliberately falling into Lies' sphere. My heart raced, filled with a mix of worry and panic. 
"Chat Noir, no! You're completely crazy!" I pleaded urgently with him my voice filled with concern and dread. 
“Crazy about you my lady.” 
“No just plain crazy and reckless.” Time seemed to freeze and Lies made a grab for Chat’s Miraculous and at the same time, the drone dropped the last piece of cake. Fang forward, biting into the cake and shattering the akumatized object. The moment of truth had arrived.
I wasted no time, using my power to de-evilize the akuma. "No more evil-doing for you little akuma! Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye-bye little butterfly! Miraculous Ladybug!" 
The citizens erupted in cheers, celebrating their freedom from Lies' grasp. I yo-yoed over to Chat Noir, filled with a mix of relief and frustration. "Seriously, you've got to stop doing this to me!" she scolded, her frustration fading into a sense of relief.
Yeah, but I can't resist this angry little pout of yours when you bring me back." 
In a moment of unity, Chat Noir and I sealed our victory with our signature fist bump. "Pound it.”  After our signature fist bump, I left Chat Noir and made my way back home. The weight of the day's events pressed heavily on my heart as I snuck into my room, seeking solace and comfort. With a heavy sigh, I released my transformation, and Tikki settled herself in the palm of my hand.
Tikki looked up at me with concern. "Oh, Marinette, I'm so sorry," she spoke softly, her voice filled with empathy.
The floodgates of my emotions burst open, and I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. "It's not fair," I cried out, my voice thick with sorrow. "As long as Shadow Moth poses a threat to the people I love, I can't have a boyfriend. I can't have friends. I can't have anyone. It's just too dangerous."
My sobs echoed through the room as I buried my face into my pillow, seeking solace in its softness. The kwamis, ever attentive and caring, exchanged worried glances.
"What is this strange liquid running from her eyes?" one of the kwamis exclaimed, their voice filled with curiosity.
"It's tears, she's crying!" another replied, their voice filled with sympathy. "Oh, that's so sad!"
The kwamis gathered around me, their tiny forms radiating warmth and comfort. "Is there anything we can do?" one of them asked, their voice filled with genuine concern.
I threw myself back onto my bed, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. "Just give me a hug," I moaned, my voice muffled by the pillow. And at that moment, I felt the gentle presence of the kwamis as they drew closer, wrapping me in a comforting embrace.
XoXo Rowan
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chocostrwberry · 2 days
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xhanisai · 1 day
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So basically.
Li Dupain-Cheng was conceived when Ladybug tried to "purify" Chat Blanc which is why he looks like THAT. And maybe he's capable of other things too...
Meanwhile, Hugo and Mei know that their parents are Ladybug and Chat Noir. Their parents just don't know that they know and think they've done a good job hiding their heroic identities from their kids.
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