solacedeer · 3 days
i just accidentally Signed into my old tumblr account from 4 years ago :O
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coffeeastronaut · 7 months
pensylvania beat down oklahoma dead and drowned
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Freeze frame on Adam and Michael falling into the pit in Stull Cemetery as “Once in a Lifetime” plays in the background
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ktplex · 2 years
Ugh. Hearing the live version of Jazz No Children may have given me enough serotonin to cure my depression.
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arthropooda · 2 years
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“We have to be a nation that trusts women.”
March 15, 2024
The most significant political development on Thursday was the appearance by Vice President Kamala Harris at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Minnesota. Her appearance at a women’s healthcare clinic was the first by a U.S. vice president (or president) at a facility that provides abortion services. See CNN, Kamala Harris becomes first VP to visit abortion provider with Planned Parenthood visit.
The visit was part of Kamala Harris’s “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour. She is taking the lead on an issue where she can be (and has been) a more effective and outspoken advocate than President Biden. Her leadership on the issue of reproductive liberty is a good development for Harris, Biden, and the American people.
V.P. Harris said, in part,
I’m here at this health care clinic to uplift the work that is happening in Minnesota as an example of what true leadership looks like. . . . The reason I’m here is because this is a health care crisis. Part of this health care crisis is the clinics like this that have had to shut down and what that has meant to leave no options with any reasonable geographic area for so many women who need this essential care.
Harris framed the issue as one that pitted politicians against women’s control over their bodies:
How dare these elected leaders believe they are in a better position to tell women what they need. To tell women what’s in their best interest. We have to be a nation that trusts women.
Harris’s visit was historic. But it also showcased Kamala Harris’s campaign skills, including her ability to connect with women and young people on the campaign trail. For readers who remember Kamala Harris only from the debate stage in 2020, I urge you to watch a few minutes of her appearance in Minnesota.
No soaring rhetoric. No shouting. No anger. No pep rallies. Instead—like Joe Biden—she is a relatable candidate speaking to the American people about their needs, wants, and fears.
I was impressed and by Kamala Harris’s appearance in Minnasota, and I hope you will be, too.
But there is more. In a similar speech last week in Arizona, Kamala Harris touched on a matter of extreme urgency for all women and men: The plan by religious fundamentalist extremists to make contraception illegal.
In Arizona, Harris said,
And right now, other extremists, as you have heard and know, are in court trying to bring back a law from 1864 that would completely ban abortion in Arizona — 1864.  Understand: 1864, before women had the right to vote, before women could own property, before Arizona was even admitted as a state.
So, the 2024 ballot will not only include access to abortion service, but access to contraception. See The Independent, Republicans are taking aim on contraception — and they’d rather you didn’t know.
In short, Kamala Harris is fast becoming the leading voice for reproductive liberty on the Biden-Harris team.
Readers sometimes send emails suggesting that Joe Biden replace Kamala Harris by appointing her to the Supreme Court or to serve as Attorney General in Biden’s next administration. When I question readers about their desire for a different vice presidential candidate, some say Harris is not “likable.” That (mis-)impression is an unfair hangover from her appearances on a debate stage with sixteen other Democratic candidates in 2020. Watch the video above if you still labor under that misapprehension.
Other readers say (wrongly) that Harris is not “ready” to be president if called upon to replace Biden. As I tell readers who raise that concern, she has more experience than did the following presidents when they began their first term: Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, John F. Kennedy, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan. She has comparable experience to George H.W. Bush when he was elected president.
Biden and Harris are a formidable team. That fact will become increasingly apparent when Trump picks a V.P. candidate from a rogue’s gallery of sycophants willing to debase themselves by serving as running mate to an insurrectionist, coup-plotting, extortionist, document-stealing sexual abuser.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 8 months
lines from childhood movies that aren't poignant or anything but im just stuck with them forever anyway
Celebi, get RID OF THEM ALL!!!
Then I AM Entei! ROAR! ROAAR!!!!
And thus the world shall turn to ash…
Duu DUU Duu duu DUU duuuuuuu (lugia’s song)
Brother, my brother~
So. This is my power…
Pokemon weren’t meant to fight… (WHAT??) not like this (oh ok)
Fool. Trying to stop our battle.
T h e y ‘ r e   c l o n e s !
(something something Vikings) <- THEY MOSTLY LIVE IN MINNASOTA!
The dust of broken heart…
Ignore the bird, follow the river!
Trolls!? I HATE trolls.
I am a young and beautiful woman~
Win this war for me.
Will-ll-llow! You idiiiot!
My mother practically raised us on black root. It’s good for you, puts hair on your chest.
Wings! You have wings? I don’t have wings… <-Of course not. You’re a BOY.
What was sundered and undone, shall be whole. The two, made one!
Fizgig, no!
Three horns never play with LOOONG necks!
I flew!? - No. You fell.
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yagamimi-aka-mimi · 2 years
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My first commission, a Link raised by the Gerudo known as the Hero of Power. This Link is the property of @minnasota-smith
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I miss Harvey so uh
*sits down in your inbox* tell me about Compton's family other than Dogen and Sam? I want to know your headcanons. Any of them.
context for harvey
eeeeyyyyy its been a while since i talked abt him or the boole family let's go
Like I said in the P7 family post I was typing up, Compton's parents were the wealthiest of all the 7's parents. I don't know if they run/own a fancy resturaunt brand or something to do with animals or what but they're like fanciful edwardian non-psychics who care a lot about their Image and how other people See Them. this certainly had no adverse affects on their child whatsoever
I mused a bit about Compton having a sibling or two, but still not sure about exactly how that manifests in the broader scope of things. it just ""sounds right"" whatever that really means
Harvey, my friend Harvey, met Compton in their young adult years because Harvey's family runs some kind of rustic ranch that the Booles held a fancy little charity event at and Compton was like "wow... you like horses....... this must be Romantic Love"
whether it actually was Romantic or just Compton and Harvey being very close i don't know. i like aroace compton and also gay compton. both can hold hands bc orientation is silly like that
the important part is they liked each other enough to get married. or like domestic partners at least. they move in. oh my god they were roommates.
their daughter, dont worry about how they had a kid, i never have a name for her. I'll call her Suzy just to have a name.
but i think Suzy's not psychic and takes after harvey a little more than compton, which was ok for a long while. compton actually raised her with harvey at least up into her teens, because I think she was 16-19 years old when the Incident Happened.
i think this bc i feel like Suzy and Truman have to be around the same age? it makes sense in my head for that to be the case at least. Don't worry about it.
Sam's prison/mom line in the diner gives me a couple options. either Suzy went to prison, works at a prison, or Sam's just being a little sillay.
I tend to gravitate toward "works at a prison" or "sam is being sillay". I saw a headcanon once that the noodle bowl chef lady is Sam & Dogen's mom, which is cute, I think about it sometimes, but i also dont rly think she feels like their mom. to me at least. but it was interesting to bring up.
what headcanons I actually have abt Suzy amount to thinking she's... well meaning but maybe the worst parent out of the Truman/Augustus&Donatella "second gen" of psychonauts folks.
to say the subtext as text, Dogen being cut to when Raz says "your mother is afriad of you", it always gives me autism mommy vibes. like Suzy goes oh my poor little dogen and sam are so Strange, just like my Father. I don't want them to become Criminals, Also Just Like My Father. and she maybe makes some poor decisions because of it. Not as awful as say Loboto's parents. but not great.
Their Dad I think is the most guy ever. just a real nobody kinda dude. he carries a briefcase. works a nine to five. loves to talk about the Big Game. has kind of a minnasota accent when I try to imagine him talking. car grill mustache.
Compton has a weird, awkward relationship with Suzy & her husband bc of all this. He had kind of lost contact with her and Harvey after moving to GNG, and didn't hear from them again until well after the Psychonauts became a government agency because that's when he learned 1) he's a grandparent and 2) little baby Sam is burning the curtains oh god what do i do . I imagine Suzy made a panicked call to the Psychonauts one day and it got redirected to Compton once the family name came up and it was the most awkward phone call in the history of man kind.
Compton does love his grandkids though. And he's tried a lot of times to let his own kid and his ex-husband that they are welcome at the Psychonauts. he might not be available but yknow the other agents here are more capable anyways have you met Truman he's also a dad.
I think that's all I got for now cheif, though if you have more specific questions abt Boole or the other families I'm sure my brain will mix something together once prompted ✌️ it's always fun to answer these kinds of questions
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henbased · 5 months
if id been watching fargo when i made brit and not jerma shed have a minnasota accent instead of boston
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starrykitty013 · 1 year
heyy i was wondering if u could do more avenger and Peter interactions. I would love more Steve and Peter but any thing is fine
Okay so idk if you wanted a drawing or a writing scrap but I made both. Tbh I made the animatic like fresh but the lil story I will attach to this ask is a little scrap from JGLEH that never got in and honestly is pretty bad but whatever here it is, it mostly has Fury but there avengers at the end and I didn’t wanna write a full one shot cuz it’s finals week and I’m already hanging by a thread.
Thank you so much for this ask tho, I hope you have a good day.
So here is the story:
So the kid was an official idiot.
Like now.
At 2:54am.
Parker: i srsly dont need 2 b here
Fury: I didn’t think kids texted like this anymore
Parker: we dont but like i was trying to dull down my gen z around you
Fury: how considerate
Parker: np
Fury got all of 3 minutes of peace before his phone buzzed again and he groaned.
Parker: let me outta this torture!!
Fury didn’t plan on responding as Peter proceeded to send him large paragraph texts about everything that was going on. Apparently he was roomed with Stark
Parker: jokes on them imma patrol
Fury: in Minnasota?
Parker: no in Canada
Fury: you are a little shit. Stop texting me.
Parker: *picture of a random graph chart with no lables*
Fury: what does that even mean?
Parker: find loss
Parker: iz ded meme
Parker: u shod no
Fury: I feel like your language skills are depletling with this conversation.
Parker: english is stupid
Fury sighed and the next text was sort of unexpected.
Parker: are you coming?
It was surprising because A.) Parker never used punctuation and B.) he never asked Fury to come to anything.
Fury: why?
Parker: cant deal with birdbrains rn
Fury was slightly taken aback. Peter often complained about the Avengers, but he never asked anyone to deal with them for him. He was headstrong and stubborn and a general pain in the ass to anyone who had ever known him - as far as Fury was concerned.
But Fury was curious as to what they could possibly do to annoy Peter enough to ask Fury to come up.
Parker: Im puking
That threw Fury in for a loop. He immediatly pressed buttons on his phone as the call was ringing. Only after Fury did the action that he relized how ‘caring’ it must make him seem. The tone changed to a muffled russling in the background that was obviously Peter.
“Hey.” his voice was hoarse and Fury jumped forward to respond.
“What happened?” Fury asked immediatly earning a soft laugh out of Peter.
“Aww, you do care.”
“I’m asking what happened on the mission Parker. Not about your health issue right now.” Fury said. It was an excuse to make sure Peter was actually okay. There was no way in hell that the Avengers would take care of him and even if Peter could take care of himself, Fury wanted to make sure he wasn’t dying (the kid had a nasty habit of hiding fatal injuries or illlnesses) so he could be assured that Peter would come back to New York to actually take care of himself. “Status report.” he barked.
“I’m not a soldier” Peter reminded and Fury could picture his scrunched nose.
“I don’t give a shit. What’s going on?” Fury said in a stern cold tone.
“Uhm, well as you know it’s currently 3am, everyone is sleeping.” And Fury sighed and face palmed.
“Then how are they being ‘insufferable’?” Fury said in an annoyed tone.
“They were being insufferable.” Peter defended weakly.
“Is the mission going well?” Fury asked.
“Then, please, tell me why you were texting me at three in the fucking morning Parker.” Fury gritted in the phone.
“... I might be a little...sick.” Peter mumbled and Fury could tell he was embarassed.
“And that’s my problem how?” Fury asked.
“It’s not… I just… didn’t feel good.” Peter said and a meek tone.
“This is the stupidest reason to call me.” Fury said to the boy, he didn’t yell at him though.
“I know.” Peter responded dejectedly.
“I can’t do anything from here. Not without the Avengers knowing and you know that too.”
“I just can’t sleep… and I may have ate too much.” Peter said. “It’s not serious.”
“Then why are we still talking about it?”
“I dunno… This conversation is kinda choppy.” Peter said. “But do you have anything else for me to do. I can’t sleep.” he said again.
“What happened to patrolling Minnasota?” Fury asked and Peter groaned.
“Minnasota is boring! I can’t hear any muggings or assults within a ten block radius!”
“Then play hockey or something.” Fury said and went to his computer to find the mission files. “How much of the mission have you gotten done?”
“About like 76 percent of it. We just gotta bust a werehouse and do a sweep for anybody who might’ve gotten away.” Peter responded. “Cap and Wilson could’ve handled it, you didn’t even need Barton.” suddenly there was a muffled knocking at the presumably bathroom door and it opening as Peter presumably looked up.
“What are you doin’ up?” Barton’s sleep-ridden voice snapped at Peter. Peter had been reletivly quiet but Barton was a spy.
“I’ll call you back.”
And the call hung up.
Peter looked up at Captian America, Falcon and Hawkeye as they had sat him on the bed in the hotel room.
After Clint had found him talking on the phone at 3 in the morning, he felt it nessary to call the rest of the team that was assigned on this useless mission to action.
“You said Fury was on the phone. What did he want?” Steve asked, they were all reasonably still grumpy from getting up at this time of night.
“Oh you know, mission reports and stuff.” Peter said casually. There was no way to admit it was because he had gotten sick and kind of asked to be picked up. It wasn’t even that bad, he’d just eaten too much at dinner. He was mildly nauseous, but nothing to write (or his case text) home about. He didn’t even know why he had texted Fury or told him that he was sick. The man didn’t care, he guessed it was because Fury wouldn’t give him sympathy. “He wanted to know when we’d be done.”
“We just got here.” Steve narrowed his eyes.
“That’s what I said.” Peter then leaped out a window to avoid further questioning
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steven8534 · 5 months
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#Repost @mall__memories with @get.repost
Vintage Postcard of Mall Of America
Minnesota U.S.A. Interior.
Postcard from 📸 EBay
#shoppingmall #shoppingmalls #shoppingmalldesign #malls #malllife #malllifeornolife #postcard #mallpostcard #vintagepostcard #mallofamerica #mallofamericaminnesota #largestmallinamerica #postcardfromtheworld #mallsaremyhappyplace #mallsarefun #mallsarebeautiful #mallsaremylife #mallsaremylife #mallsarebeautiful #mallofamerica #minnasota #mallsarebeautiful #malllife #vintagemalls #malllife #mallsaremything #mallsarebetter #mallsarebeautiful #mallpostcard #mallsarebusy #largestmall #malllover #malllovers #mallloverforlife #mallsaremything #mallsarebetterhere #mallsarebetterhere #mallinterior #mallarchitecture #mallnostalgia
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
Can Michigan activists keep Trump off ballot? Judge hears arguments | AP News
the minnasota court droppped the 14th amendment for now, the argument as it has to be proven he tried an insurrectoin first. and has not been proven. and it was is ridiculous. now michigan shall. and on the same item no. tehy perform teh hearing today. and the day is not over. and then tommorrow back to minnesota nope. they go to nyc. more too
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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grungegoths · 4 years
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uwmspeccoll · 5 years
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Our Mighty Journey for My Mighty Journey
We recently had the absolute pleasure of unboxing My Mighty Journey: A Waterfall’s Story written by John Coy and beautifully illustrated with original color wood engravings and prints made directly from found materials by Gaylord Schanilec, in collaboration with Paul Nylander and Barbara Eijadi. We had to pry open box after box after box to reveal the 18″ x 24″ book. Fully opened, the children’s book is nearly 4 1/2 feet wide! Much bigger than a child! Luckily, the text and images have also been turned into a trade edition for children.
The book tells a story about the evolution along the Mississippi River, as imaginatively told by the longest resident in these parts, the St. Anthony waterfall in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. The waterfall as narrator playfully explains all of the changes the river has been through over its 12,000-year journey of 15 miles. The act of turning the enormous pages adds to the illusion of years passing for the reader. 
“I am a powerful waterfall. I listen. I pay attention. I have a long memory. You might find it hard to believe but I have moved through time.”
We had a sneak peak of the publication when Gaylord Schnilec was the guest artist in our annual Ettinger Book Artist Series in February and a couple of days later when our department head Max Yela was a featured participant in the opening events for the exhibition “Gaylord Schanilec: A Natural History” in the James Watrous Gallery of the Overture Center for the Arts in Madison, Wis.
Schanilec’s Midnight Paper Sales is the imprint, and the images were hand-printed on Mohawk Superfine paper, with the text handset in Bernhard Gothic foundry type printed on handmade Cave Paper produced by Amanda Degener in Minneapolis in an edition of 40 copies. The volumes were hand-bound and the covers and boxes constructed by the project participants.
Want to see more of what’s inside? Come into UWM Special Collections on the fourth floor of the Golda-Meir Library, or stay tuned for more social media posts on this magnificent text.
Pictured in the GIF is Max and our department manager Alice! 
-Morgan. Special Collections Graduate Intern
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Minneapolis - USA
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