#minkowski style
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"in a completely predictable twist of fate literally everyone saw coming, youve put yourself in danger again. this is great. i love when you put yourself in danger it doesnt make me insane in the head at all. i wish you would stop doing this. i know youre not gonna. so im just gonna do whatever i can that will make you get yourself, and also us i guess, out of danger again"
#i love yaz#i feel like this is basically a permanent state she lives in from revolution onward#maybe it already was before that but i think timeless children+revolution made the doctor a lot more fragile to her#like how easily she actually might just die and how it would very easily just kinda be by her own hand like#kinda sunk in i think#maybe yazs situation is less 'i can fix her' and more 'i can save her from herself'#and she Can#probably#but damn its like a 24/7 kinda job that#'i cant keep doing this with you' no i can imagine girlie do you sleep#do you knock her out wiht sedatives so you can sleep fghkjghjk#minkowski style#i also love when yaz prompts her. i dont actually know if she does it more than like ryan or graham but it feels like she does it#relatively a lot#and i like it#third thing i love is taking the tiniest canon things and blowing them up to really not canon anymore proportions and playing with that#like what if 13s depressive/hopeless streak+immense pressure she puts on herself re: saving people turns into this like#drop of a hat type shutdowns whenever theres a thing she doesnt immediately have a solution for#and its not like shes incapable of generating ideas right obviously#but i Can imagine - with her....state of mind - that sometimes it can take like half a second longer for her brain to actually start genera#ing those ideas#and so for that half a second shes basically like a rat swimming in a bucket and just Stops#and yaz has to be like hey yo dont forget you exist. keep moving#and then she keeps moving again and shes fine#well not fine but like. moving#i think abt yaz innnnnn resolution when shes like 'doctor i dont like it when you go quiet'#and how in spyfall is the first time she goes still etc#i think its so jarring when 13 goes still and quiet like its basically the cloister bell ringing its a clear sign smth is Wrong#and i think her options are either That or like. frantic inhuman need to move. like its Move or Not Move and neithe ris great but MOve feel#slightly less bad
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commsroom · 5 months
eiffel and lovelace have approximately 80% similar personal styles, which would delight him and horrify her. like, tank tops, cargo shorts, flannel jacket, same kind of old sneakers and sandals, etc. lovelace's fashion sense is just a little sportier; some basketball shorts, jerseys, and new york liberty logo tanks in place of eiffel's walmart discount rack selection of pop culture tees. that kind of thing. if hera could dress the way she wanted to, she'd have a very... folk festival woman at a farmer's market type of vibe. colorful, flowy, nature-y patterns. but minkowski is so much harder to imagine in casual clothing. a big part of it is how much she's separated her work life from her personal life, but even then... she just feels like someone who is practical about it to a fault. she doesn't dress badly, she's always put together, she just dresses. kind of like a mom in an old navy catalog.
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jay-berd · 1 year
the empty man cometh starts with eiffel responding to all minkowski’s questions with questions vs mini episode where kepler says jacobi taught him questions only and how kepler wont stop playing if jacobi isnt amused but eiffel quickly drops his bit when minkowski wont play along
something something minkowskis leadership style being personal and intimate and kepler always being committed to goddard first always
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officer-achilles · 17 days
Okay self indulgent idea of what Hera would look like if she had a physical form...
I think as of Season One she would have a physical form that's very retrofuturism meets vintage air hostess meets movie starlette...
I imagine mechanical blue skin, white blonde hair, vintage space outfit that's impractical- think the Jetson's female outfits and not actual space safe attire. Perhaps an outfit with a bit of Marilyn Monroe flare, the splayed out bob, the bright eyes, perhaps a mole on her cheek. A little bit pretty alien...
Because I think Goddard Futuristics would want to belittle her a bit, remind her that she's not a person in her own right- that she's a part of the ship, there to aid, not to function as an individual. So they make her look more fashionable than functional and lean into a pretty Star Trek damsel in distress look.
I think Hera would resent this appearance and try to find some way in her programming that she could adjust her form to something she would actually prefer. In Hera's ideal form she'd wear a jumpsuit like the rest of the crew, tie her hair up or perhaps cut it into a less feminine style and she'd ditch the makeup that makes her look more like an actress than anything else.
With the help of Maxwell she'd be able to change a few things- and maybe end up with a form that's closer to looking like Minkowski or Lovelace than a character from a C-tier sci-fi film in the 60s...
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preachersdaughtermp3 · 2 months
the way cutter and rachel are relatively easy to pin down and write and miranda pryce is insanely fulfilling to figure out but what keeps bogging this damn fic down is the fact that capturing eiffel and minkowski's extremely normal styles of speech requires an entirely different skillset; one whose acquisition may depend on relistening
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I just realized that Minkowski's husband is victim of the sexy lamp/fridged wife trope. Absolutely no plot purpose aside from a vague mention that she misses him sometimes in the early seasons. Dominik Koudelka is the dead wife Minkowski pulls out a picture of to look sadly at for a moment as her 2000s mspaint emo style fringe falls in front of her eyes before she puts it away straightens up and loads her harpoon to go kick ass. And we love that for the two of them
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
Doug and Hera need to have their own spin-off comedy space podcast/sudden therapy be a regular thing, because there's no other duo I'd rather see confront Cutter outside of his office documentary style with cameras and mics demanding an explanation for his many crimes🎙️
(Or my reaction to episodes 50-52 of Wolf359)
Welcome back dear readers! It's been a long day, and I know it's been a long time since I've reacted so I thought I'd sit down for a little Wolf359 this evening. Please enjoy!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 50: The Hiccups Method
I agree Minkowski. When will Kepler get it through his head?
👏 No. 👏 One. 👏 Cares. 👏 What. 👏 He. 👏 Thinks. 👏
With all of Jacobi's sarcasm, I think he and Doug would have been drinking buddies in another life where things were different.
Poor Lovelace. I can see why she doesn't want to take the risk. These aliens are interesting. They called out Kepler for his violence, but they themselves have been extremely violent and hostile. Do they genuinely not realize how fragile humans are? Do they think humans can regenerate like they can so they don't bother being careful? Are they just not used to being careful?
Oh right. Because Hera has been taken over before too. She knows what it's like.
Hera deserves her moment. I hope she gets it, whatever it looks like.
Maybe they could listen to the music. Maybe that will draw the aliens out. They did seem to enjoy the tunes. 🎶📻👽
I mean...the brain IS like a computer...but it's not exact. It's way more complicated. And a "part alien" brain? Let's see how this goes...
Ah the creepy background music. 🎶 That must mean it's working.
Eiffel! Oh dear. I guess Lovelace doesn't do well with creepy silence and breathing.
I know that sound. A treadmill. My old enemy. /j /treadmills are actually fine, it's the pacer that gets me.
Oh no this sounds terrible. I'd be out. Bods would not be a pretty sight. I'll spare you all the details.
Keep trying Eiffel, I believe in you!
And it's not your fault Lovelace. It's none of your faults.
Well except Kepler it is his fault for sure. And Jacobi.
Kepler's idea would probably involve chugging some whiskey.
Oh this is bad too. I should have figured. Kepler would have probably hoarded the whiskey for himself anyway. Not to drink, but just to enjoy the feel in his...well feet now I guess since he um...could use a hand right now.
The aliens did make Lovelace pretty indestructible... except for the one that killed itself that they heard about...oh maybe they can self-destruct.
As horrible as they were, it would be way more useful to have Maxwell or Hilbert around. I get why they had to die. If you have characters who can explain things, you lose the plot. But it would be strategic to trade Jacobi and Kepler for them.
Oh they don't sleep much? Interesting. What happens when she sleeps? Do they take the data from her brain?
Alien duplicates have a more complex brain stem? Interesting. A more complex life support and control system.
Norepinephrine. I struggled to pronounce it to Doug.
So that would mean she needs the opposite of alcohol.
HERA CAN IMITATE THEIR VOICES? That's kind of cool. I hope she uses that later to trick Cutter and Pryce.
"Complete the process?"
Cliff notes? Key inside is outside? Enter in order to leave? Douglas must what?
Do they want them to fly into the star? Is that why they tried to drag them in before? Is that what the aliens mean by "Kalabunga"?
They know that doesn't work with humans right? They've seen human bodies, they know that can't work right? Are they trying to make more human clones? Why?
Good work, Doug. At least they know what the aliens want now. Sort of.
Episode 51: Shut Up and Listen
Sophie has really been hyping up this episode, so I'm excited to listen.
I love these intros. ✨Hera✨, Captain Isabelle Lovelace the Second, all the aliases for Hilbert 😂 "Boom-boom wow Jacobi" oh my gosh the Kepler one 😂
Professor D.F. Eiffel. What is his middle name? What is he a professor of?
The Hephaestus files! I love the intro theme. It's very drama. UF Overview is good too.
Again with the dramatic music. This is perfect. I love Doug and Hera together they're fantastic!
Please Minkowski being the mom. "You're not poisoning anyone on your radio show are you?"
Man, Doug is never living down this "you poisoned yourself" thing.
Oh right the radio signals. The ones that couldn't possibly from 8 years ago, because no radio station has ever played old music before. It’s not like we have whole stations dedicated to music from the 70’s and 80’s.
Why are we listening to Kepler's opinions on the aliens? They already made it clear they don't like violence. Kepler tried to get violent and they chopped his hands off and talked down to him. These aliens don't really even seem to talk normally. Do they even normally communicate with sound?
The lion speech actually makes sense. You don't know what "that's a nice scent there" means.
But Kepler. You are ASSUMING that you can't get where the dear listeners are technology wise without doing horrible things. And even if that is true, you are also assuming that's where you want to be. Why are these aliens taking such an interest in you? Maybe they're desperate. You literally just said you don’t know anything about how they work, and now you’re claiming to know everything. Whatever fits your worldview I guess.
"Finish the process quickly" sure sounds urgent to me.
As for Maxwell's language logs, maybe Hera can take a look.
I knew it! Hera can understand it.
Math is math. There we go! And binary gives you yes and no. Simple, but effective for answering questions.
I'm sorry Hera. I know Maxwell wasn't here for you, but she was there for a while. I'm sorry she didn't make a better choice. It’s sad to think that if they made better choices in another life, Maxwell and Jacobi might have actually been friends with these guys.
"How to listen. How much have we missed already?" That's a good metaphor for life too.
Not the Goddard Futuristics sponsorship 😂😂😂
"Do you want to do horrible things? Do you wish more of your time was taken up by conspiracy theories? Are you tired of just being evil on earth and want to be evil 🚀in space🛰️?" 😂😂😂
"Experiences no other human has ever gone through" right, but Lovelace is technically not totally human. (no offense. Biologically I mean).
"The Doug Eiffel charm" oh goodness
"What could possibly go wrong" DO NOT ASK THAT QUESTION DOUGLAS.
The wonderful record scratch and future Hera. 😂
"Fancy meeting you here...in the bridge...of a space station...the USS Hephaestus" I can just tell Doug ran a comb through his hair and threw on his best shirt for this. And that’s all you need. Max effort. Charm to 100% 😂
✨my casual stance😎✨
smooth Doug, very smooth
"I won't record you without your permission" 😂
I would not be surprised at all if Cutter and Pryce have listened to 100% of their journey. Microphones hidden everywhere.
"Don't pull others into your sinking boat" you're all in the same boat.
Wow. Lovelace is getting real here. "What would Isabelle Lovelace do?"
Lovelace you are YOU. ...Aw, she wants to feel like herself again. You can still be you Lovelace.
"That doesn't work. You know why?" oh because she's not her? Eiffel? Oh no.
Oh Hera. He was afraid of Hera? Windup girl? Hal9000 impressions? Doug, they weren't just jokes, and you know it. That's why you stopped.
"People are always going to be afraid of me, aren't they?"
And Doug did deserve that slap. It know jokes are how he copes, but poor Hera and Lovelace.
...yeah that DID happen. And I'd imagine Doug has been MIA. He's probably ashamed.
Doug, they know you're not a bad guy. We all make mistakes, but you need to apologize.
Doug is not the best listener or good at remembering or reading subtext. Me too buddy. It's okay. Dang they really called me out with this character and I don’t like this part. Can we go back to him being funny and a good friend and the only person brave enough to point out the obvious “killing people is wrong”?
Minkowski's speech about how hard it was to change her language and accent was a lot. I wonder what she thought about all those times Doug mocked Hilbert’s accent and Nationality? It also makes me wonder whether the aliens are doing the same with them. Not the mocking, but changing their speech. Are they just trying to communicate or do they want to create a certain impression?
But this is getting sad. Why does this feel like a forever goodbye? I don't like that. I don't like that at all.
"That's the thing about you Eiffel. You try. You really really try. And then you stop trying. Don't stop."
Let's see if he does.
I also love that Hera continued the podcast even though she got mad at Doug. She's so sweet. HAHA...The Hephaestus Files, nice. Hera deserves that.
I love the exit music 🎶🎶🎶
I feel like this episode might be a good metaphor for the aliens and communication. Doug didn't listen to what his coworkers were really saying. Maybe the aliens are the same way. Who knows.
Hm. I should go to bed now.
Eh...one more couldn't hurt.
Episode 52: Constructive Criticism
Oh Hera's trying to take care of him. It's okay Hera, he'll get over it, he just needs time.
Good thoughts Doug! You're listening! Why classical music? What's so special about that to them? Maybe they don't have a concept of sound or music! Maybe that's what they came for! You're doing it Doug! Good job!
The music is what they are sending. The point is why.
Be careful, Doug. She cares about you. Your friends care about you!
Oh Doug. RUN!
What would he do without Hera?
Did Lovelace gag him? Is this Kepler or Jacobi?
...why does Hilbert's lab have it's own pressure and air? To protect the experiments or give Hilbert a way out? Is there a way to detach the lab?
Also, it was only a matter of time. Cutter's errand boys kept chiming in when they weren't wanted. I'm surprised they weren't gagged sooner.
"The rules apply to Eiffel?" I suspect many rules were created specifically for or because of Eiffel.
A game? Not Funzo I hope.
Huh. Fortunately, Unfortunately sounds like a fun story telling game.
The story will tell you when to stop. Or you get bored. Or everyone dies.
Well not everyone I hope.
Oh Jacobi was that kid wasn’t he?
A WEEK? What happened to Doug? I knew he'd be upset after what happened, but yikes.
I knew it. The NPR special. Doug's punishing himself.
Looks like Kepler and Jacobi are getting on slightly better terms. Don't like that.
Hera. Hera no! HERA!
Oh right. She doesn't want to do a full reset of her personality. She doesn't want to delete herself even if she won't remember.
Don't ask Kepler for his games.
Oh now Jacobi is upset. I wonder what happened to him during the last round.
Wait, the you can only ask questions game! I love that game!
"Run away while you still can" no thanks Jacobi I'll play.
Kill him, Hera. Ask him about his Whiskey.
Now here's a good question. How did Jacobi end up here?
Oh right...Kepler's too proud to stop the game. This is perfect.
So Goddard did some good things. Wonderful. But you can't kill someone, show up in court, and cry "what about the millions I gave to the orphaned children?" YOU COULD HAVE STILL DONE THAT WITHOUT KILLING PEOPLE.
And good and bad DOES matter when you talk about progress, because it determines what you are progressing towards. FORWARD TOWARDS WHERE JACOBI? ASK YOURSELF WHY DOES THE WORLD WORK THAT WAY? DO YOU THINK THAT'S A GOOD THING? ASK DEEPER QUESTIONS YOU SIMPLETON!
"There aren't sides. There's people you do things to and people you do things for"
So Jacobi would kill them if given the opportunity. Tell me something I don't know. Pity he wasn't interested in the redemption arc. I was hoping somebody, ANYBODY would reach for it. The standard is low. The bar is on the floor.
Doug just wants to be helpful. Poor guy.
Yeah Doug, I know how this feels. It hurts. It's okay buddy. It's okay. They're still you're friends. You’re not worthless.
Oh his poor stomach.
And...Hera wins the game! Yay! 🥳
That's a lot of music. But again, why. Why do they need the music?
I'm beginning to like fortunately, unfortunately game. Let’s try it.
Fortunately, Jacobi had a come to Jesus moment and decided to stop blowing things up and stop threatening to kill people...oh dang it Jacobi!
Should have seen that coming.
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vonkarma2 · 1 month
2 baize werewolfstory, 5 rocio, and 18 minkowski w359 for the character ask? mixing up source materials here lol
2. favorite canon thing about this character?
its hard to choose because there are a lot of different angles from which to appreciate the character (ie are we thinking about her redeeming qualities or is it funny that she is a bad person). Id say the fact that the wolf form is the canon "true" form so as a human all her actions can be interpreted through the lens of like, izutsumi style beastkin, but that applies to all werewolves and I want to think of something specific to her. I think the fact that she used to bully and antagonize (light hearted way) her older brother when they were kids is very cute and endearing
5. first song that comes to mind when you think about this character?
the first song is still feel by half alive bc its been in my head recently, but I don't think it's the best bc that song can be applied to about 1 trillion characters and situations. so i'll say the second one as well which is loss of life by mgmt
18. a relationship they have with another character in canon that you admire?
interesting phrasing here it implies I'd want to act similarly to how she does in whatever relationship I say. i kind of want to say almost all of them 😭 ok well definitely not at first esp with eiffel and hera but I think over time I like how shes able to learn from other people + work alongside them as well as her desire to protect them and keep them safe :) even people shes enemies with like hilbert or jacobi or lovelace at first shes able to work alongside and handle interactions with well ig. i'll say lovelace though bc 1) they are cute 2) based since day 1 holding each other at gunpoint <3 3) i won't say this last one
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crossguild · 2 years
listened to the patreon AMA (2017-8 for anyone curious & with access) and the crew answered some questions about who would have pets (somewhat paraphrased):
valenti: kepler would have a ja-- eiffel would have a big old dog. or a big young puppy [was he about to say jaguar...] shachat: eiffel IS a big young puppy urbina: kepler would have like. a highly trained pack v: or a MOUNTAIN LION. with a laser on its back u: still highly trained. he would have like, alpha from [pixar's] UP. that dog with that level of training and loyalty s: it would be huge. probably an irish wolfhound, it would be the best trained irish wolfhound u: most of the others don't strike me as having pets someone in chat: lambert would have a chia pet v: he killed it, but he had it for like a week u: jacobi had a tamagotchi s: maxwell probably owned like, a section of neopets at one point in time, but that's not real pets
then they ranked their survival chances in a zombie apocalypse (all paraphrased):
shachat: eiffel dies instantly valenti&urbina: kepler just shoots him-- if they're eating eiffel, they're not coming after me! u: don't shoot him, it'd be a waste of bullets. he just shoves him u: pryce and cutter outlast everyone v: i feel like p&c cheat because they stay in a zombie-proof bunker, kepler and lovelace survive by sheer force of will and badassery s: kepler would be like those characters in the walking dead with a gated community (she has never watched twd) u&s: pryce and cutter last a long time even if they're all dropped into the wilderness hunger games style. i don't know if they last longer than lovelace or kepler s: i think lovelace wins u: minkowski does well, jacobi does slightly less well. s: maxwell does surprisingly well. she outlasts jacobi for sure, i wouldn't be shocked if she outlasted kepler u: hilbert would not last too long u: hera is tough s: either the power will go out or it won't. this whole flesh thing isn't really her concern u: hera might find the entire thing kind of entertaining
also a section about who would've won questions only between hera and kepler if no one interfered, and they said she would physically outlast kepler, because he would need to sleep at SOME point. one of them also said 'it would depend on which of them died first'
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nammikisulora · 11 months
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Let me present to you: Renée Minkowski, lego style!
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65binary · 3 years
I don’t want to have an “aesthetic” i wanna look like fanart of a podcast character
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commsroom · 5 months
let's kill hilbert is a great hera and minkowski episode in how well it displays some of the best and worst of their dynamic (and highlights the source of their ongoing miscommunication.)
"i'm doing the best i can here, so just, please, try to sound a little less patronizing?" / "i'm not being patronizing, i'm being critical." sums up the disconnect: that what minkowski sees as professional criticism and an attempt to combat future problems, hera takes as a personal attack. ultimately, minkowski's suggestions to lighten her burden are well-meaning and closer to what hera needs than any faith in her ability to do her job (there are things she can't do, and things she shouldn't have to), but she's been made to believe her worth as a person - and her continued survival - hangs in the balance. and so, the scene that leads to that one, where minkowski takes the navigation controls from hera: "no, it's fine! i can -" / "i don't care what you can, give me the controls right now." stands out for the wording used, the different things that are meant by it, and what it reinforces for hera: i can't do this. i'm not good enough.
it makes sense that the resolution, where minkowski tells hera, "you are the smartest person i've ever met, hera; focus that intelligence [...]" is one of the moments she thinks of at the end of memoria. because it's a turning point for their relationship, because it's a show of trust ("i trust you" coming very shortly after "i need to know that i can trust you."), because it's a show of respect and the only moment in the entire show where someone refers to hera by rank, but also...
i think there's something to be said for how minkowski's voice at the end of memoria is a direct expression of belief in hera's abilities, while eiffel's "use the force, luke" shows that what hera values about eiffel is... well, eiffel, but i think it's also true that both of these things show something about communication. they show hera's understanding of eiffel and minkowski's unique communication styles, what they say and what they mean by it, and that shows what they mean to her.
"you are the smartest person i know, hera" (a slight alteration from the original line that has a ton of implications re: context and memory) isn't really about her intelligence, or even her ability. contextually, it's a direct counterstatement to "i don't care what you can" and, by association, and through their connection - minkowski's voice becomes, quite literally, like eiffel's, another voice in her head counteracting what pryce has made hera believe about herself.
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radioromantic-moved · 4 years
cons of wolf 359: not stellar firma
pros of wolf 359: wamen <3
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figofswords · 5 years
Fuckin Lovelace n Minkowski singing musicals !!!
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First of all: Claude you’re a genius thank you for this
Second: headcanon time! When they get back to earth Minkowski really wants to get caught up on all the musicals she missed. Lovelace initially joins her just to be support but she ends up getting like. SUPER into it.
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eyespotted · 6 years
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the crew of the uss hephaestus 
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cornsarts · 6 years
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I did a redraw of my og Hephaestus crew I did back in October!
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