#minisode 'A Companion to Owls'
ducks-love-peas · 9 months
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Then you tell me that you want to do this. You look me in the eye and tell me.
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idliketobeatree · 2 months
btw when you're being mean to aziraphale this is who you're being mean to. hope this helps
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sad-chaos-goblin · 6 months
Right after Aziraphale realises that Bildaddy-Crowley did not kill Job's goats, we have the scene with the children and Crowley sets the house on fire ("I'm a demon, I lied"). We all know he would never kill the kids, so why the charade?
I think he needed to test Aziraphale, to know for certain that the angel sees him for what he is, he needed to know that this tentative connection was real. And Aziraphale immediately proves that he does actually trust him.
The fact that Aziraphale trusts him means he sees the good in him. For a fallen angel who's spent so very long being seen as nothing but evil, just imagine how it must have felt to be truly seen.
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createserenity · 6 months
Probably everyone else has already realised this but it just hit me now...
At the end of the Job episode Aziraphale is convinced he's going to hell, and is perfectly ready to go there with Crowley and become a demon. It's something that presumably Crowley is capable of doing (Aziraphale seems very sure and he isn't stupid, so let's assume it is true that Crowley could). So from Crowley's point of view he could have taken Aziraphale to hell then and there, changed who Aziraphale was and had a demonic companion who saw the world in the same way he did. They could have spent an eternity together as demons and Crowley had the opportunity right then to make a reality. But he doesn't. Instead he says "I don't think you'd like it," because he understands who Aziraphale is and knows that if he became a demon he wouldn't be him anymore. Instead he promises to keep Aziraphale's secret and indirectly offers him acceptance - "you're just an angel who goes along with heaven as far as he can," he says and then quietly sits with him, offering him companionship and acceptance without trying to change Aziraphale in anyway. This makes the ending so much more heartbreaking, because when there's an opportunity to take Crowley to heaven Aziraphale siezes it with both hands (from Crowley's point of view at least - I'm not getting into Aziraphale's actual motivations here, only the motivation as Crowley sees it). Aziraphale tries desperately to take Crowley somewhere he doesn't want to go and fundamentally change who he is, in complete contrast to Crowley's actions thousands of years before. I mean, I obviously already knew that this was how Crowley probably interpreted that entire conversation, but it was only when I rewatched the end of the Job episode just now that the difference in how those scenarios play out from Crowley's point of view really hit me.
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aduckwithears · 6 months
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That's what Satan has planned? A mighty wind from the wilderness to smite the mansion and bring it down upon them? ... Ooooooo, aren’t you brilliant.
(They invented flirting)
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rainbowpopeworld · 5 months
I’ve seen this behind the scenes video before, but it was a couple months ago. In rewatching I was struck by a couple things:
1. I believe that in speaking carefully and trying not to give any spoilers, Michael Sheen and David Tennant’s words sound even more suggestive than they ordinarily would.
“*pause* earthly delights”
“Crowley guides him to certain understandings, in different ways”
“ox ribs…which he takes to…*very enthusiastically*”
2. “That was a very funny day- watching Michael spit beef across the set.” Why did David choose to say it this way? 😂😂😂 He could have said “spit beef out” or “into a bucket” or many other things, but *spit beef* *across the set* gives such images 😅😂😳
3. I’m sad they split them up for this part of the interview. They show them being interviewed together in other bts videos this season. They aren’t supposed to be separated! Can you imagine what would have happened if he had said “spit beef across the set” next to Michael‽ 😅😂🙃
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plumpliori · 8 months
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Nothing special... just an improved version of the last one... figured Crowley would not bother to miracle the mess away :P
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ineffablemossy · 6 months
Need any shoes??
Just a humble priest (human) going along with the @shutanictemple as far as they can
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My first cosplay in 10 years! And my first ever with a wig.
First time laying a fake beard actually as well. A lot of firsts!
@bil-daddy my dear (platonic) if you have any hair styling tips they'd be most welcome
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beebopboom · 6 months
Crowley didn’t turn Jemimah until she really wanted to because she was the only one not rude to Aziraphale and his soft spot for kids
he’s so fucking petty i love it
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uziraphale · 2 months
Original film set concept
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actual scene
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ducks-love-peas · 7 months
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Good Omens s2 e2 | minisode A Companion to Owls
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idliketobeatree · 1 month
when you think of it. Bildad the Shuhite's last 24 hours in the minisode not bloody optimal
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getting a combat mission to kill everything his buddy Job owns just because She got into some stupid bet
the kids too??? horrid
right in the middle of growing out his hair awkwardly that angle appears. perfect timing to get thwarted. not like that
oh no he's now legit pissed, like it's HIS fault
good (bad) that Bildad has a plan. bad (good) that Aziraphale follows around like a lost sheep, ready to blow his cover anytime. not like that
cue the mortifying ordeal of being known
angel's smugness visible from alpha centauri and he can't even wipe it off with an angry kiss
the kids remain alive but at the cost of annoyance. human twink has the gall to flirt with Aziraphale right in front of his demonic eyes. is nothing sacred anymore
unsolicited temptation backfires badly ( he didn't sign up for food kink development. Regret)
no let me say it again: sexual awakening through ox ribs what even is his life
angel insinuates being the only demon in existence who tries to go his own way seems lonely -> needs to get wasted immediately
literally so hungover the next day he can barely stand and THIS is the moment he witnesses former Mum talking to a human, probably for the first time since Eden. actually stop here, try to step into his shoes and watch the arrow on a scale for secondhand embarrassment doing a full 360°
magical obstetrics time (he still doesn't know where babies come from)
and to top it off: the devastating vision of Aziraphale almost crying
to conclude, pour one out for Bildad the poor bastard deserves it.
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"Satan and his diabolical ministers may destroy everything Job owns, no questions asked. Hugs and kisses, God."
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Artist: CoffeeCow on cohost!
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bil-daddy · 7 months
I just need you to know I gasped aloud when I saw the notification that the great Bildaddy made an honest Mutual of me, it was an absolutely genuine sound and reaction and I could not help it, nor would I want to deny myself that spontaneous surprise and joy.
The problem is that I am at work waiting on some folks for a meeting and my coworker heard this gasp and, very kindly, went "oh no, what happened?"
how do I explain—
Tell them the truth. Bring them the Word of Bildad. Convert them to the Unholy Not-a-Church of the Shutanic Temple. All Hail Bildaddy.
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hope-inthedark · 9 months
good morning folks today I am once again going feral over the final scene from A Companion To Owls and I have fucking thoughts about how Crowley has always known Heaven/Hell better than Aziraphale.
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So first of all.
[“I’m not taking you to Hell, angel.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I don’t think you’d like it.”]
This is adorable and gentle of Crowley, yes. But also, this is not Crowley saying he can’t take Aziraphale to Hell, only that he isn’t. That’s an important distinction. What Crowley is saying, in the spaces between his words, is that yes, Aziraphale has lied to thwart the will of God, and that yes, Crowley himself Fell for less. But Crowley knows that things don’t work that way anymore. He knows that Heaven isn’t in the business of making people Fall, not anymore, or at the very least he’s learned over a few thousand years that what Heaven and Hell don’t know won’t kill them.
Crowley understands better than Aziraphale does.
And then also. Fucking ALSO. The final lines of that episode.
[“That sounds…”
“You said it wasn’t.”
“I’m a demon. I lied.”]
These words have been haunting me for over three weeks, since I first saw Episode Two in a cinema in Edinburgh. I said at the time that they’re the most devastating lines in the series; with Episode Six, they’ve slipped back a bit in those rankings, but they still are high.
Because, okay. Crowley lied, but not because he’s a demon. Crowley does lots of things other demons don’t do.
Crowley says “I’m a demon,” because that’s easier than saying “They don’t care, it doesn’t fucking matter, we are alone up/down here.” Because it is lonely, and when he’d said it wasn’t, he was lying to protect Aziraphale, to keep Aziraphale from knowing just how lonely he actually had been for thousands of years.
Crowley didn’t lie because he’s a demon. He lied because he loves Aziraphale, and because he was guarding his heart. And then Aziraphale went against the will of God, and suddenly, Crowley didn’t have to be so lonely anymore. They were, for maybe the first time, a group of the two of them.
[“I don’t think you understand what I’m offering you.”
“I think I understand a whole lot better than you do.”]
Crowley does. He knows that Heaven will never change, that for all Aziraphale’s best intentions, there is nothing that one single hedonistic idealist can do against more-than-millennia of bureaucracy and condescension and compliance to a plan no one understands. He knows Heaven and Hell better than Aziraphale does. He knew that keeping Gabriel would cause problems, would bring them back into the firing line, but Aziraphale was caught up in doing the right thing because some part of him still believes that Heaven does the right thing, too.
Crowley knows better. He knows Heaven has never, not once, been concerned with doing the right thing (“I have a permit”). Aziraphale goes along with Heaven as far as he can, until push comes to shove and he has to choose the right thing over the Heavenly one. Crowley’s seen it happen again and again. Aziraphale just… doesn’t see it for what it is, or maybe he doesn’t want to.
Crowley understands Heaven and Hell a fucking lot better than Aziraphale does, and at the end of the day, the fact that he’s never once communicated what he knows is the end of their ‘us.’
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aduckwithears · 7 months
My favorite explanation for the change in Bildad's hair? A glow-up once he realized Aziraphale was Heaven's representative on the Job job.
Cause let's be honest - from this:
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To this?
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Girlfriend was looking to impress.
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