julies-butterflies · 3 years
Hi, I don't know if you're still taking asks for the kiss-prompts, but I NEED MORE!!! So maybe 32 for willex? 🤔
50 types of kiss prompts  //   accepting!!  ( for jukebox, willex, reggielukejulie, boggie )
32.   A kiss so passionate, so perfect - that after they part, neither person can open their eyes for a few moments afterwards.
              ( read on ao3 here! )
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Alex really heard me say ‘i endorse the ‘Let Alex Mercer Say F*ck” movement, and said “why don’t we take that one step further”
Willie has the remarkable ability to leave him breathless without even trying.
He always smells like cinnamon, but tastes like cherry cola. On any given day, this is the least confusing thing about him. Willie loves nothing more than to surprise him, to twist him around and leave him dizzy, unsure which way is up… but whenever Alex needs to steady himself, Willie’s right there to lend an arm. He’s like falling in love in a hurricane. Every kiss from Willie leaves Alex windswept afterwards — the breath stolen from his lungs, his hair a mess, heart racing (despite the fact that it no longer beats). 
Being off balance is a terrifying feeling… but somehow, Willie replaces gravity with his own orbit, and fear with exhilaration. Alex could drift around him forever, allowing himself to be pulled back again and again — safe in the knowledge that, every time, Willie will be there to anchor him to earth.
… okay, fine. Space metaphors aren’t his thing, but Willie would appreciate the effort.
Shakespeare himself would be pressed to come up with anything poetic, if he had a gorgeous boy straddling his lap, kissing him absolutely senseless.
Willie pulls back, just enough to give Alex a second to breathe. He’s smiling. Of course he’s smiling — Willie knows exactly what he does to him, and loves it. The impulse to steal the quirk right from his lips is overpowering; Alex really can’t help himself. His hand knots in Willie’s hair, tugging gently on the long, dark strands. Willie’s head follows the movement, and he keens.
“You drive me crazy,” Alex informs him.
“I try my best,” Willie chuckles, with a flash of blindingly-white teeth. 
When he shifts, heat pools in Alex’s core. (Another thing ghosts are capable of, apparently.) He bites down on his lip to hold back a groan… but Willie might as well have heard it anyways, because he glows with pride. When his knees tighten around Alex’s hips, his stomach somersaults, and Alex comes to a firm realization: that’s enough.
They’re in the middle of an empty museum, Willie’s lips are still damp from his kisses, and no way will Alex be completely unraveled without putting up a fight.
“Know what?” he says suddenly, tightening his grip on Willie’s waist. Willie isn’t expecting it. When Alex suddenly swings him around, using the momentum to propel both their bodies forward, he lets out a short screech. Alex’s laughter echoes in the spacious hall. There’s a brief scuffle, limbs flailing and heels scrabbling at the polished floors… but Alex is bigger, and stronger, and has more to lose.
Willie loves modern art. He says it speaks to his creative spirit. Alex is pretty sure he just likes it because some of the sculptures look like a bunch of broken hardware fragments hammered together, or garbage someone took a glue gun to — exactly Willie’s brand of chaos. Not to mention, certain statues look like they’d make an amazing skating ramp, with a little ingenuity.
This particular sculpture is one of those. A curved modern art piece, mimicking the hollowed-out inside of a clam shell — smattered with holes like Swiss cheese, and serrated at the edges, where it’s “other half” has apparently been ripped away. It’s a giant, iron mess; Alex can’t find the beauty in it, but Willie took one look and declared it “totally lit!”
If he says so, Alex isn’t going to argue. He just wants to test the theory.
“What are you —“ Willie cuts himself off as his back slams against the inside of the sculpture. His spine meets hard metal; he muffles a laugh into Alex’s shoulder. “Okay, this — this is exactly the sort of thing you’re always saying we’d get kicked out for.”
Alex pulls away from trailing a slow line of kisses up his jaw, just to glance around. “Quick! Do you see any security?”
Willie giggles again. “Nah, we’re clear.”
“And somehow…” Alex smirks. “I don’t think the cameras are gonna care what we’re up to.”
“Since when did you turn into a rebel?” Willie demands, meeting his gaze with fever-bright eyes.
Alex says nothing. His lips make themselves perfectly clear.
It takes a while to loosen Willie up completely — to still his constant fidgeting, to silence his laughter to inhales, to match their pulses and their movements like two instruments in the same melody. Willie knows as much about music as Alex does about skating; they could never take up each others’ outlets, but each is an artist in their own way. They find each others’ rhythm like a song half-remembered, and recalled without an ounce of effort. The closer Alex holds him, the better he fits in his arms.
Alex’s mouth is everywhere but Willie’s lips… working with great care over his neck, exploring the curves of his jaw and the smoothness of his temples. Willie shudders when Alex finds a sweet spot behind his ear, gasps and arches when Alex’s teeth tug on his earlobe… only when the fierce grip on his shoulders begins to loosen, too overwhelmed to even hold on tightly, does Alex finally give him a chance to breathe.
They stand inches from each other, panting in the silence around them. Willie’s cheeks are bright red, his eyes dark and wild. Alex’s unbeating heart hammers in his own chest; every nerve feels like it’s on fire. Willie steadies himself against Alex’s shoulders, Alex anchors himself around Willie’s waist… and, as they exchange heavy breaths neither one technically needs, Willie’s gaze drops to Alex’s mouth. His own lips quiver.
Alex falls into him, and Willie is right there to catch him.
His mouth is perfect against his own. Fire simmers between them, like the steady glow of hot coals, setting both their mouths alight. Wherever they touch him, Willie’s lips burn — but it is a beautiful immolation, a blazing inferno on a frigid night, and Alex gives himself up to it like a man half-frozen. He chases the high of Willie’s tongue, hums and moans at the caresses of Willie’s lips… and when he grazes teeth over Willie’s bottom lip, and feels his fingers suddenly dig into his shoulder blades, he knows he’s won the game.
Willie arches into him. Alex curves against him. Stars explode behind his closed eyes, bursting like blazing comets against a black sky. 
They don’t pull away, so much as detach from each other… and hover there for a moment, vulnerable to the other’s pull at any moment. The danger of getting sucked back into Willie’s orbit is too strong… and Alex isn’t sure he’d ever be able to escape, if he let himself. He tries to force his eyes open, but his nerves don’t respond to his senses. They’re glued shut by something stronger than awe. Even safe in the darkness, his head still reels. The world feels unsteady around him.
He tries to say something, but his tongue is frozen too. God, it takes him a minute to remember his own name.
“Y-you —“ he finally manages, before his voice gives out on him.
He can’t actually see his boyfriend — only hear his breathing, harsh and heavy in his ear, and feel him pressed up against him — but a shiver runs down his spine at Willie’s equally breathless “yeah.”
He’s stolen the words from his lips, and damn him if it doesn’t feel incredible.
Willie is the first one to regain his equilibrium, however; Alex knows, because slowly, the life-locked grip around his shoulders loosens into something that doesn’t cut off his circulation.
“I th-think,” Willie pants against his lips, “you actually killed me. Again.”
Alex laughs through his nose, because his lungs can’t quite manage it. “Was it more fun the second time round?”
When Willie collapses against his chest, shaking with silent laughter, Alex catches him automatically. For a moment, it’s enough just to hold him; his arms tighten, and he knows, surer than he’s ever been of anything else, that he never wants to let go.
But parting is inevitable. When he finally forces his eyes open, he finds Willie gazing up at him, flushed and wide-eyed, and so, so beautiful. Alex shouldn’t have breath to lose — but for a moment, it’s completely stolen away.
Willie looks up at him, and seems to glow in the residual firework-light. “What are we gonna do with each other, Alex?”
Willie doesn’t say his name often... and the tenderness in his hushed tone nearly takes Alex out at the kneecaps. Just when he thinks he’s won, Willie still takes home the day, without even trying. 
All Alex can do is shrug, and bury his face in the softness of Willie’s hair. He knows exactly what he wants to do — what he’d be content to do forever. This push and pull, this breaking all the rules that never really mattered... it’s the most fun he’s ever had, in his life or death.
Good thing they’ve got an eternity to keep the game going.
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
I am so scared of the jatp + teen wolf au and yet I am so intrigued, please tell me more 👀
adhsjdhdksjhd nothing to be scared about, I don't think.
Basically, I love Teen Wolf! It's such a good show. So when a few of my friends from Discord started watching it, I decided to rewatch the whole thing. Then, as it happens with absolutely everything nowadays, I asked myself: what if this happened with the characters from Julie and the Phantoms? 👀
So that's pretty much it: I took the general plot of Teen Wolf, and released the JATP characters in it, allowing for some changes so I can make them as in character as possible while still following the plot.
Besides following the plot of Teen Wolf, as I like to do with many of my AUs, I'm introducing some JATP elements and plot points into the story, and it's actually coming out very nicely, if I say so myself.
I don't want to give too much of it away because I fully plan on posting it someday, but here's a sneak peek:
cw: mention of death (not a main, or even minor, character)
(...) "Joggers-" Reggie started, and then looked around as if surprised to find himself hanging upside down from the roof. "You know what, hang on."
"Wait, no, don't-" Alex reached forward, but it was too late. Reggie was already moving around, pushing at the roof with his arms and jerking his legs until he fell completely off. Luke leaned forward, looking past the porch fence.
"You good?"
Alex face palmed.
Reggie got up with a jump and continued as if nothing happened. "Two joggers found a body in the woods."
Luke frowned. "A dead body?"
"No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body!" Alex snapped, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
"Wow, do you mean, like, murdered?" 
"Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties." Reggie grabbed the porch fence and climbed over it to join Luke and Alex on the porch.
Alex didn't look nearly as enthusiastic about it. If anything, he looked a little green, but when Luke raised a questioning eyebrow in his direction, he just shook his head.
"Wait, wait. Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?"
Reggie jumped in place, barely containing his excitement. "That's the best part!"
Alex sighed again. "That's not… Okay."
Unfazed, Reggie continued, "They only found half!" He leaned forward and grabbed Luke's shoulders, giving him a shake. "We're going."
Thank you so much for asking! I hope I didn't scare you more 😅
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
Bowie shirt was on Redbubble, I got it in army green (also where I found the Rush shirt)
The color block sweater was on eBay, but I found this link! (also where I got the Poison shirt, Nikes and the denim shirt)
Have at it my friend!
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iti-iskuna · 3 years
Time to answer some jatp asks!!
Numbers 7, 8 and 21 please!
hell yeah i can always count on u to send me asks thx queen <3
7.) Favorite Friendship?
Honestly Luke, Alex, and Reggie’s friendship always has a special place in my heart. Their dynamic is so well-written and has a lot of emotional range, and I love the representation of healthy male friendships and emotional closeness between men. But I also love Julie and Flynn’s friendship because it reminds me so much of my friendship with my best friend of 10 years.
8.) Favorite Crackship?
dsfhsdfhl the only one I’m aware of is Fruke so we’re going with that (or maybe ReggiexPizza, boy deserves to eat!!)
21.) What Do You Think Is In Alex’s Fanny Pack?
An inhaler, two loose ibuprofen pills from a travel-sized pack, lip balm, $1.43 in loose change, a Nature Valley granola bar that has been entirely crushed and is now just crumbs inside the wrapper, one of his rings that he took off for something and forgot to put back on, a sticker that Willie gave him that he said reminded him of Alex, and a polaroid of him, Luke, Reggie, and Julie.
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sunsetcurbed · 3 years
Don't ask me why, but in IWBSTS, after they kissed for the first time and they just got back to the dorm and Willie is climbing up his bed and says something like 'we're gonna have to get some beanbags or something, I don't want to climb up here every time we want to kiss'.
That's the scene. That's what's stuck in my head. I keep thinking about it.
LMAO BUT SAME. that line made me laugh so much when i was writing it. he's just so frustrated he just wants to kiss his boyf without the added work
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kybee1497 · 3 years
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Trapped in this God Forsaken Snow Globe - Intermission 1a: Flarrie Date
In which, a date is had
Taglist (ask to be added or removed):
@a-tomb-with-a-view @on-irratia @itsthebooks @michelangelinda @angelofarts @curvesomesunsets @chickwiththepurpleguitar @till-our-stars-collided @smol-evil-gremlin @wr0temyway0ut @williexmercer @sunrise-curve-dd @juliaandthephantoms @wadewaits @a-literal-supernova @sapphossidechick @reginald-peters-my-beloved @quicktypesomethingclever @fairylightsandrainydays @valiantlyweepingdreamer @homeinabookshelf @blackandblue13 @caliibee @j-i-l-l-i-a-n @miss-atrophy @k-padfoot39 @allhailthesanders @boggie-brainrot @lyxchen @deelizcious @you-are-constance @theonionsmademedoit @readyrogueone @moony221b @jatp-wolfstar-idk @dont-bury-the-gays @jaskiers-sweetkiss @gluedonheadphones0325 @enby-chaos-fox @cathair-inmy-quesadilla @corporeal-terrestrial @flynn-taylor @slytherhoes @queenofthequillandink @definitivedisaster55 @nightmare4thebroken2 @preoccupied-educator
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sunsetcurvecuddles · 3 years
If you're still doing the prompts you should do the gang (alex, julie, luke, reggie) and (platonic) cuddles!!! (I'm so soft for them and have read every jatp fic tagged platonic cuddles KFKZKDKD)
you know what ask and you shall receive. i wanted to write core4/juke cuddles today so here’s a mindless piece with cuddles and nothing else.
sit tight like bookends // 1.5k words // ao3 link in reblogs!
Luke’s kind of having a terrible day.
It’s not terrible for any reason. He’s just grouchy. For starters, he misses being alive. It’s nice to be able to touch Julie now, and to occasionally be visible to people with her help, but it’s not the same. On a day like this in the past, he might have gone for a hard run, just to sweat and feel his heart race. Or maybe taken a nap. Or eaten a bunch. He knows ghosts don’t get hungry, but he misses being able to eat just for the sake of it sometimes, for the comfort of warm food on a cold day.
Not that he can feel the cold anymore either. But whatever. You get the point.
So he's having this terrible, grouchy day, and he ends up spread-eagled on Julie's bed, even though he knows he's not meant to be in her room. It just sucks how long she's gone at school every day, and he knows he's not supposed to visit her at school even more than he's not supposed to be in her room. He's not even prying through her stuff this time! He's just innocently feeling sorry for himself.
Even with his eyes closed, he can feel and hear the presence of someone else poofing into the room. Then he hears Alex's voice, "Dude, you know you're not supposed to be in here when Julie's not home."
Luke cracks open one eye. Alex is standing with his hands in his pockets, but his shoulders aren't all up against his ears like they get when he's anxious. More than anything, he looks that particular, Alex-brand mixture of irritated and concerned, eyebrows raised, lips pressed together, eyebrows furrowed. "C'mon, man. What gives?"
Luke sighs, long and dramatic, and snaps, "I don't know, okay?!" mostly just because in the moment, it feels good to be a little terse. Then the moment ends, and he feels bad, his stomach turning all tight and guilty. "Sorry, Lex," he groans, dragging his hands over his own face and then keeping them there, so he doesn't have to see Alex's expression melt into that other Alex-brand look, the one where he's halfway between knowing and affectionate. Somehow, that face is worse than the irritated-concerned one. "I'm just... I dunno. I don't wanna be a ghost any more. And I miss food. And Julie's still not home. Today sucks."
"That's fair enough," says Alex, like he always has when Luke is whinging for no reason, because Alex only ever tells him to shut up or be reasonable or quit whining when he's really being ridiculous, and Luke appreciates that, that Alex knows when to let him ramble but knows when enough is enough. Luke feels the mattress move as Alex sits on the end of the bed. "Like, you shouldn't be such an asshole about it—" Luke can't help but smile at that, knows Alex is grinning too without even looking "—but it's still fair." A moment of silence. In his mind's eye, Luke can see Alex staring into the carpet like it holds some answers for him, thinking hard enough it basically counts as a workout. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Alex asks eventually, soft. He means it.
Luke shrugs. It's nice in this dark little cave he's created with his hands. "I don't know, man."
"Okay," says Alex. The mattress shifts more under Luke. Then, Luke feels his right side glow with warmth as Alex lies down beside him. Sometimes he wonders if since they became ghosts, he can actually feel his boys' auras, or something, because he's sure this sense of care and steadiness didn't radiate off Alex quite like this when they were alive. Maybe it's been since the Orpheum, actually. Luke can't really remember. "C'mere," Alex encourages him. "I'm good for hugs today, if you want some."
Maybe once upon a time Luke would have pretended not to be eager, but even then, he would have done a bad job, and now he doesn't even bother with the act. Immediately, he takes his hands off his face, blinking against the return of the light as he turns to Alex, flings an arm across Alex's chest and a leg over Alex's hip, snuggling up tight until he's plastered to the side of Alex's body. Alex just laughs, quiet, extends his arm out so Luke can pillow his head on Alex's shoulder, one hand coming up to mess up Luke's hair even more than it already was.
For a moment, they lie there together, Luke relaxing until he feels more and more like his body and Alex's body are synced, breaths coming in and out at a similar pace. The bitter, jittery feeling in his spine eases back, lets go of his tongue, so he feels less likely to bite at whoever comes close.
Which is good timing, because there's another whoosh, and this weight lands behind him, on the bed as soon as they arrive.
"You guys are cuddling without me?" Reggie says, but he doesn't sound upset. In fact, he sounds delighted that there's cuddling happening, period. There's scuffling, and then two thuds, because Reggie knows better than to let his shoes touch Julie's bed, and then Luke feels a different warmth, sweeter than Alex's, more caramelised, and Reggie spoons against Luke's back, his nose burying into Luke's neck and one arm laying all the way over him to rest on Alex's chest.
"We were cuddling without you, because Luke was being a miserable grouch, but we've been interrupted," Alex says primly, and as Luke manages a mildly offended hey!, Reggie laughs, not phased at all. Luke can feel it as it vibrates from Reggie's chest to his own back, the tangibility of his joy making Luke feel warm from the inside. Reggie and Alex start bickering over the top of his head, and he doesn't really pay attention to them. Some part of him is trying to string some lyrics together, about being warm, about being able to feel someone else laughing because they're pressed so closely to you that their happiness feels just as much your own. But he's not quite sure what he's trying to say, yet.
They're still there when Julie gets home from school. Luke hears the door open and close, feels Reggie go tense, like he's worried they're going to get yelled at. But Julie only sounds kind of exasperated when she says, "Seriously, guys? Boundaries?"
"Luke's having a bad day," Reggie explains right away.
"Not anything serious," Alex corrects him, "just in a bad mood."
Luke nods and wriggles a bit between his boys, sits up so he can look at Julie properly.
The feeling of his heart in his mouth when he sees her will apparently never stop. She looks tired and ruffled from her day at school, hair a cloud around her face where he can see she was running her fingers through it as she thought in class, skirt crumpled at the hem where she would have wrinkled it in her fist, rubbed the fabric between her fingers. She dumps her backpack on the carpet and offers him a grin, and he can't remember what in the world he could have been grumpy about. If being a ghost brought him to her, being a ghost is awesome.
He looks around at the bed and realises they're going to have to rearrange, but Alex and Reggie seem on the same page at the same time, because they're his favourites and he loves them and he wants them close to him always. They move, adjusting and shuffling around, until a spot for Julie appears in between Alex and Luke. With a relieved sigh, she flops down, and Luke might be fooling himself, but he thinks he feels her energy, too. It's softer than Alex or Reggie, enveloping, like warm water scented with something beautiful.
She leans over Luke to kiss Reggie's forehead hello, then kisses Luke on the mouth (she tastes like the cherry bubblegum Flynn always carries around), then she turns to kiss Alex on the cheek. "I have homework to do later," she says, but it comes out a little garbled as she surprises herself with a yawn. Luke, Alex and Reggie exchange a fond look over the top of her head — she'll be asleep before she knows it. Alex nods his head at the clock on her desk and mouths I'll wake her up, because Luke and Reggie both have absolutely zero time perception.
Luke wraps his arms around Julie's waist and holds her close to him, and she settles in, Alex curling up to hold her from behind while Reggie moves up a bit, so he can press himself to Luke and run his hands gently through Julie's hair at the same time. Their different kinds of warm all stitch themselves together, weaving over Luke's body like a blanket, like a shield. All that's wrong with the world is on the other side, kept away from him by Alex's fingers rubbing little circles into Luke's side, by the feeling of Julie's chest rising and falling with her breaths, by the movement of Reggie's arms over his head. By all of them curled as close to him as they can be.
Luke's day isn't so terrible after all.
jatp taglist (lmk if you want to be added or removed!!): @queenmolina @nickalicious @bi-reginald @malecacidd @burntchromas @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @cinnamonstickrayofsunlight @chickwiththepurpleguitar @fairylightsandrainydays @joyandthephantoms @fighttoshine @michelangelinda @queenofthequillandink @random-nerd-3 @silent-silver-slip @apolo81 @evashmz @bagoffriedrice @thedeathdeelers
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This is Christmas to me (oneshot)
Pairing: Found family
Julie and Flynn surprise all the boys with the studio decorated for Christmas, presents and holiday movies. Flynn also uses the opportunity to make certain things happen.
This is a secret santa gift for @michelangelinda
Ao3 link and tag list in the reblogs
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Sunset Memories Oneshots-Number 47: tell me when you hear my heart stop    
TW for discussions of disassociation
Some days he’d scream and cry and beg that some higher power would take him instead of them, or at least he did in the beginning, before the bloody visions and sirens took over his already unpeaceful sleep. Now he just sits and watches the window as days pass by and memories numb any piece of life left in him.
It wasn’t like he had anyone to care for anymore, his family didn’t care, they were too busy with his brother, his charming, goal-scoring brother at some stupid month-long tour to even blink an eye at their eldest’s despair and complete shutdown. Bobby’s dreams had been too whimsical for their liking anyway, what help could they offer him outside of a stern ‘i told you so’.
If he was to engage with the outside world then he would have been no different than he was now; greasy-haired, in the same clothes from 3 days ago, wishing the ground would swallow him up, there was no use for him in this world without his 3 best friends. If he chose to go back into the world he would have to accept that they were gone, he wasn’t ready for that, most likely he never would be.
His friends weren’t dead when he stayed in his room, they would be running into his room arguing about a bassline or laughing about how luke got scared by a spider any moment now.
Taglist and link below the cut
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29159544/chapters/89365942
taglist: @sunsetcurbed​ @angelofarts​ @futurearchaeologyprof​ @michelangelinda​ @fanfics-she-wrote​ @strugglingatart​  @latinposeidon @jaskiers-sweetkiss @theladyfae (ask to be added or removed from the oneshot taglist)
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
Okay fuck it, I'm gonna request another one, because I'm OBSESSED!!!
1. for Bobby and Reggie, my boys, I love them!
50 types of kiss prompts  //   no longer accepting!          1.    Small kisses littered across the other’s face.
                         ( read on ao3 here! )
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“I’m gonna go out on a limb here, and say maybe this whole thing isn’t for you.”
“Shut up,” Bobby says through gritted teeth.
“I mean! It definitely works for some people, probably! But Bobby, man… you’re a rockstar.”
“That’s a huge word, considering we still rehearse in my parents’ garage.” Bobby pauses, mouth screwing up like he’s tasted something sour. “After our last gig, we spent more cash buying snacks than they paid us for the whole night.”
“Okay, yeah, but to be fair, that’s Luke’s fault. He’s the one who wanted every flavor of Doritos.”
Bobby flashes back to the countless orange fingerprints on his leather couch, and shudders. As if this proves some thirty page thesis paper, Reggie claps his hands, pointing at him.
“See? You’re not focusing!”
“That’s because you’re distracting me,” Bobby grits out, “while I’m trying to meditate.”
With a massive huff, Reggie slumps back in his chair, crossing both arms over his chest. He doesn’t say anything else, but he doesn’t have to; Reggie’s body language speaks louder than his actual mouth, which is a freaking talent. Not to mention, insanely distracting.
Bobby holds out for another twenty seconds before jerking out of his zen state to round on Reggie again. 
“Can you please stop?”
Reggie throws up his hands. “What? Literally what am I doing?”
“You’re being a pain in the ass!”
“If this is all it takes to hurt your ass, then I hate to tell you, dude, but meditation isn’t your thing!”
It could easily be Bobby’s thing, is the thing, we’re the circumstances a little more ideal. That is: no obnoxious friends hounding him from the sidelines. There’s no quiet place to meditate in his house, though, and his garage is occupied by at least one stray band mate at any given time… so Bobby’s options are severely limited. This hobby he’s trying to pick up to help him control his anger is going to send him to the hospital for a blood pressure surge. (If Reggie doesn’t beat him there first.)
He exhales slowly through his nose, and it feels like forcing out steam. At this point, all the guys know better than to poke Bobby when he’s at the end of his patience. Reggie pulls his feet up into the chair, scrambling out of grabbing range. 
But, of course, he can’t help himself.
“See? You look very not zen right now.”
Bobby lasts half a second.
“Alright!” he declares, springing to his feet like a shot from a canon. Reggie doesn’t even have the chance to run. He tumbles sideways over the arm of the chair, barely avoiding Bobby as he lunges for him. His yelp rings through the studio. The second he hits the ground, he takes off rolling, a limb-flailing somersault that shouldn’t be able to move as fast as he can.
Bobby has declared war against gravity, morals, and homicide laws. None of them matter when Reggie’s got him seeing red; this ends right here, right now.
As Reggie scrambles for the bathroom door, Bobby cuts him off. His friend falls back, throwing up his hands. Reggie scuttled backwards over the floor like a panicked crab.
“Hey, Bobby, don’tdon’tdon’t —“
“Don’t what? Don’t what?” Reggie’s flannel is a crimson flag, and Bobby’s the bull. He charges after him, relentless. When Reggie tries to duck behind a chair, Bobby simply pushes the chair aside; when Reggie lunges for the couch, Bobby leaps over the table in a move even Luke would be proud of.
“Don’t!” Reggie says again, and the words choke in his throat — but he’s shaking with laughter, eyes bright with exhilaration instead of tears. (There’s a big difference between someone throwing the chair aside and moving it casually; a difference between shouting expletives and just chasing him, determination in their eyes. Reggie is an expert at running by now — but with his friends, he never really has to be afraid of getting caught. )
They end like this: Reggie, back against the wall, pinned against the spraypaint Sunset Curve banner; Luke’s acoustic guitar between them, held out like a weapon; and Bobby, on the other side, squared off against him.
“There’s nowhere for you to go, Reg. You had your chance.”
“You take another step closer, bro —“
“Where are you gonna go?” As Bobby’s voice rises in volume, Reggie waves the guitar. It suddenly feels like an umbrella in a hurricane. Bobby’s shadow looms larger, falling over him.
“Dude, I mean it!”
“So do I!”
Bobby lunges. Reggie doesn’t get a chance to shriek. The guitar is knocked aside — they’ll deal with Luke’s wrath later — as Bobby catches Reggie around the waist, hauling him off the floor. It’s a lot harder than it looks; Reggie’s heavy, he’s flailing, and almost breaks Bobby’s nose as he tosses his head around. With a grunt, Bobby swings them both, and charges towards the couch. Reggie is still screeching, even as he’s flopped down hard on his back.
“Don’t you dare!” he hollers, curling his knees up to his chest.
So, it’s going to be like that? Fine.
Wrestling with Reggie is like trying to win a fight against an octopus. He’s all limb, slippery and quick, with the occasional snap of teeth, just to make things interesting. He never stops moving, never lets himself be caught one-hundred percent. As soon as Bobby gets a knee down on his leg, pinning it, he’s squirming out from under him shoulders-first; the second Bobby pins his chest, his legs are kicking again.
It doesn’t really matter. Bobby doesn’t need to get him still, he just needs him flat. As soon as Reggie’s curled out of his turtle-shell, Bobby goes in for the kill.
In a second, Bobby’s hands are on his stomach, forcing their way up his shirt and dancing across his sides. Reggie shrieks.
“No! Nononono —“
“This is what you get for being a pain in the —“
“Aaaah, Bobby, stop!”
Reggie isn’t ticklish anywhere — anywhere on his body — except his sides. Literally the most vulnerable place. Bobby cherishes this information like his prized Nerf gun; it's an equally lethal weapon, and should only be used for a good reason. 
So, it’s Reggie’s fault for giving him a reason, really.
“I’m s-s-sorry, I w-won’t do it again, I won’t —“ Reggie’s voice cuts off with a garbled giggle as Bobby’s hands skitter like tarantulas across his rib cage. He’s bright red, tears leaking from his eyes; his back arches under Bobby’s touch, a strangled screech tearing from his throat. “Pleee-hea-hease, stop!”
On any other day, he’d show no mercy… but, based off the way Reggie’s breath comes in short squeaks, any more retribution might literally kill him. He’s learned his lesson, Bobby decides.
As quickly as he began, Bobby pulls away. Reggie is left flat on his back, gasping, still convulsing from the aftermath of having her nerves set alight. His arms lock around his chest, shielding himself from any further attack. Bobby doesn’t have one planned, however; he just sits back against the arm of the couch, smirking. 
As Reggie slowly pushes himself up, he’s still breathing hard; his cheeks are a vivid, violent red. He clasps a hand to his heart, as though trying to keep it from jumping out of his chest.
“You really just — ooh-ho-ho man —“ He scoots back, putting as much distance between himself and his friend as possible, eyeing Bobby like a rabid badger. Bobby fights back a grin — which, according to Luke, makes him look like a comic book supervillain. The effect’s clearly in full force today, because Reggie shakes his head, looking disturbed.
“Last time we let you meditate, man. Obviously it does things to you.”
The aftertaste of pure homicidal rage lingers in his mouth; if he wasn’t distracted by it, maybe he’d think his own words through before letting them out of his stupid mouth.
“You do things to me,” Bobby retorts.
Reggie processes this a second before Bobby can — and by then, it’s too late to take it back. 
“Really?” he asks, grin tugging his mouth sideways. “What kind of things are we talkin’ here?”
Bobby flexes his fists. “How ‘bout I show you?”
Reggie’s eyes widen. He tries to clear his throat, and ends up squeaking.
“What?” Bobby blinks, glancing between Reggie’s wide eyes and his own fist. “What? Seriously, wh—“
“You’re an idiot,” Reggie declares, as casually as if he’s remarking on the weather.
Bobby doesn’t even have the chance to be offended, before Reggie swoops in and kisses him.
Not even a real kiss. A quick peck on the nose, and Bobby knows it sets his entire face alight, because he can feel the heat rising to his cheeks. Reggie pulls back just enough to smirk at him — and then he moves back in again, scattering kisses like freckles across the bridge of Bobby’s nose. Entire face scrunching up, Bobby tries to turn away. This just gives Reggie easy access to his cheek, and he takes full advantage of it, peppering his cheekbone with kisses.
“You — come on, Reg —“ Now Bobby’s the one unraveling at the seams. As soon as a giggle slips past his lips, he clamps a hand over them. It doesn’t matter; Reggie’s got what he wanted, and glows like his birthday has just come early.
“A whole idiot! And you’re terrible at meditation, too!”
“It takes practice! I’d like to see you try it!”
Reggie considers this, still smirking, before shaking his head. “Nah. I know my limits,” he says, and swoops back in for another kiss.
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willex-fic-recs · 2 years
Don't come into a man's house and insult his shampoo (unless it's your boyfriend's) by @michelangelinda 
Teen and Up Audiences | 4k | Oneshot | Completed 
“After I told you three times that you shouldn’t because you’ll fall and break something, you actually did it and fucking broke something?” Alex groans and closes his eyes, dragging a hand over his face dramatically. “I don’t want to say it, but I really want to say it.” “Say it.” “I told you so.” . . . the one where Willie breaks his wrist and Alex comes over to help him wash his hair
Tagging: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Let Alex Mercer Say Fuck, Injury 
Anonymous: It’s a super adorable and a quick read. I frequently reread it when my attention span is short but I still want to read a good fic
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
Cym as jatp characters? (Never done this before so might not be doing it properly lmao)
You're totally doing it properly! I just took forever to respond 😅😅
Oh boy, let's see....
Julie - @taylorwilsons
Luke - @im-swimming
Reggie - @julie-n-phantoms
Bobby - @secretly-of-course
Alex - @alexjulies
Willie - @gothanna
Flynn - @curvesomesunsets
Carrie - @tangledstarlight
Nick - @jatp-rules-my-life
Ray - @cmon-reginald
Carlos - @fireflyingaway
Victoria - @michelangelinda
Caleb - @lukepattersun
I offer no explanations 😁😁
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iti-iskuna · 3 years
Hello I love you and I miss you and I appreciate you, please know that!! (Also add a picture of the boy please, I need to see him)
hello i love you and miss you and appreciate you too 🥺❤️
and for your (and everyone else's) viewing pleasure, may i present The Boy
Tumblr media
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sunsetcurbed · 3 years
Hello, please tell me more about the 'yeah, we're the hot news' wip from your list, I am intrigued 👀
one of my FAVES that i'm writing for the ysmfinb 'verse!! i don't know if they have a tumblr but FishPanda on AO3 asked for outsider perspective in the 'verse and i immediately went "YES"
it's a 5+1. all are outsider. five are strangers, one is not a stranger (and i know a lot of you are probably all jumping to louisa but it's not her. she already has her own POV fic coming 👀)
3/5 are about willex, one is about alex, one is about willie, and then the +1 is also about willex but also can be broken down into alex and willie parts.
i'm so excited to post it once it's ready 🥺🥺
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thedragonemperess · 3 years
A Magical Fanny Pack? More Likely Than You Think
Notes: Based on this post. This sucks, and Imma edit it a bit more before posting it on Ao3 and Wattpad, but this is the basic one shot.
Fandom: JATP
Tags: @michelangelinda @frostknyte @maebhsnoop24 @ghostinyour-arms @alexthe-anxious @strangeradventures
Something noticeable about Alex is that he never goes anywhere without his fanny pack. It doesn’t matter how out-of-fashion or stupid it looks with the rest of his outfit, he always had it on him. It stood out compared to his other pieces of clothing, being a solid black, but he wore it nonetheless.
It came in handy, though. It was a nice place to carry his inhaler, and it kept a million different note for school. Not to mention candy, hand sanitizer, hair bands, wet wipes, sheet music, and a spare pair of Bobby’s reading glasses.
In other words, it held a lot. They often joked about it being bottomless or magic, which was truer than they knew,
Willie’s uncle, Caleb, had given it to him after Willie and him started dating two years ago. It was kind of like one of those scenes in the movies where the protagonist gets a cursed or mystical object they they were given a (vague or specific, depending on the movie) warning about said object. Of course, the protagonist ends up ignoring the warning (which isn’t always their fault, since the warnings are so damn vague) later o in the movie.
Wille pulled him into the house, Alex struggling to keep up.
“Willie! Hold on a second!” Alex stated, attempting to talk him out of this.
“Why? What’s wrong, hotdog?”
“‘Hotdog’? I sure hope that’s not referring to what I think it is.”
Alex and Willie jumped, not having heard anyone approach. Alex looked to the man behind Willie, while Willie turned around.
‘I guess I’m too late.’
“Oh! No! It’s a, uh, it’s a reference to how we first met. Haven‘t I told you that story?” Willie started, trying to ease some of the tension that had built.
Caleb shook his head slightly. “I would have remembered if you did.”
“Oh. Well, this is Alex!” he exclaimed, moving to the side in order to let him into view. Caleb looked him over, as if judging him.
‘This is it. He’s gonna decide that he doesn’t like me and me and Willie are through.’
Caleb looked back up to his face. “Take your shoes off at the door, then come into the dining room. I have something to give you.” Once he finished, he turned on his heal and walked out.
Alex let out a sigh of relief. “Is he always like this?” he asked once Caleb was out of earshot.
“Intimidating? No. Intense? Yes,” Willie answered, pushing off his shoes with his feet.
When the finally walked into the dining room, Cale/was sitting alone at the table the fanny pack. They sat down across from him, waiting for him to speak first. Before he did, he handed the pack to Alex, who took it gently.
“Thank you,” he said, trying his best to be polite.
“It’s no problem. Now, be careful with what you read fir in there, you could potentially pull out something very dangerous,” he warned, his hands out in front of him, gesturing to it.
“I- what?”
Willie playfully bumped him in the arm. “Ignore him, he’s just being dramatic.”
“I’m being very serious. Be careful with that.”
“Um, okay, got it,” Alex answered, barely touching the object anymore. Are there any more warnings I should have?”
“Yes, actually,” he leaned in closer, “Don’t hurt my nephew.”
“Yessir,” he replied, nodding frantically.”
Willie rolled his eyes. “Really, Caleb?”
“What? I’m just trying to make sure he knows the rules.”
Looking back on it, it didn’t make much sense to give a 15 year old such a potentially dangerous item. But he’s 17 now, and nothing bad has happened, so he figured he was just mess with him. The warning remained in his mind though, and was one of the reasons he always made sure to close his closet door at night, but he was otherwise able to relax around it. Somewhat.
Now, the band had just finished practice and were relaxing. They were mostly joking around, and just having fun together.
“Hey, Julie? Do you have anything to drink in here? I’m really thirsty,” Reggie asked from his spot on the couch.
“I’m sure Alex has something in his fanny pack,” Luke, who was sitting on the piano, joked.
Alex rolled his eyes, but decided to play along. He unzipped it and reached inside, pretending to grab something.
“Yeah, hold on, let me check—” he trailed off, pulling out a bottle of wafter. “What the hell....??”
“How was that able to fit in there?” Julie asked, shocked.
“Forget that, how did it get in there in the first place?!” Willie pointed out.
“I told you to be careful about what you reached in there for.”
“Ahh!!” they all yelled, jumping in their seats.
“Uncle Caleb! You need to stop doing that!”
Caleb ignored Willie’s remarks and directed his attention towards Alex.
“That Fanny fanny pack is magic. Whatever you reach in there for, you’ll get. Use it cautiously and wisely, though, or else there will be consequences,” Caleb explained.
“I- Why would you give me this?!”
Caleb shrugged. “It didn’t look good on me; I thought it would on you. Now, come on Willie, we need to open up the Hollywood Night Club.”
Wille gave a small wave to the others. “I’ll see you guys later.”
They all said a quick goodbye to Willie, and then they turned around to leave.
“Wait! How were you able to make the fanny pack do that?” Julie called out to Caleb.
Caleb froze, and turned to look over his shoulder.
“Let’s just say that I have friends on the other side of Hollywood.”
And with that, and a puff of purple smoke, he was gone.
“Caleb! Will you please stop doing that!”
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Sometimes when I'm sad I go to your blog just to look at your header. And then I'm not sad anymore. I love it so much!!
I love it too, tumblr user michelangelinda!
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