#michaela oc
pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Cooking/food headcanon for Bug, Alix and Shaniqua (and the rest of Bug's company if you feel like it) - sara
Hehehe I'm going to answer for everyone! Thank you for giving me the option (that is also why this is so much later than the other replies to this ask game lol, there's so many of them)
Bug is mostly vegetarian when they're free. It's a choice they make to remember that they're free – they can make their own decisions about their diet, therefore they're free. Kind of similar reason to why they change their hairstyle completely every few months, although that one's partly just for fun.
She has multiple cupboards of spices and seasonings, as well as dried ingredients (she'll buy fresh when she needs it but otherwise, might as well buy in bulk). She enjoys cooking for everyone. More than that, she loves finding out what someone likes best (through detective work and sleuthery such as asking "what do you like to eat?" and then building on that) and making it for them. She thinks everyone deserves food that makes them feel good. Especially her rescues.
She enjoys cooking, although she doesn't do it frequently. She tends to cook in bulk when she's off and freezes it all, then her and Bill can just microwave meals for a few weeks. She has a set of crockery and cutlery from her parents when she and Bill bought their house together, which she keeps in good condition and still uses regularly. After years in food service, Shaniqua appreciates waiters enough to tip very well when she eats out.
He mostly eats fast food if left to his own devices, and doesn't like cooking (he doesn't see the point when he can buy whatever he likes readymade anyway). The exception's a BBQ, which he likes grilling at although often gets distracted easily. Especially if it's a BetterPets BBQ...
O loves apples. Absolutely adores them. Its favourites are early discoveries and coxes, but any are nice so long as they're crisp and juicy. It liked apples before the one Bug gave it (the first actual food it had had in a long time), but that certainly helped cement apples as one of its favourites.
It would like to grow an apple tree, but its plot of garden is probably not big enough. Probably.
Soft ice cream is his favourite food. He enjoys trying out all different kinds of food, mostly bc he hasn't had anything decent in a while – his owners replaced his teeth with metal spike implants to make him look more intimidating, and it made it hard for him to eat, especially in the time frame allotted to him. If he got too undernourished he'd be given liquid, which tasted horrible, or tube fed. Basically, what I'm saying is that now he can eat actual food and take as long as he likes to do so, he really enjoys trying out new food!
Greek food! She's Greek, they worked that out fairly early on, and she's determined to reconnect with her culture. Whenever it's her turn to cook she tries out different Greek and other Mediterranean dishes, with varied success.
He loves a BBQ, specifically the vegetarian food there. Would not like to share one with Bill though.
Her favourite sweets are Werther's Originals. It's the only thing she put on the customisation form for Bug, bc the care home staff insisted she put something and she didn't want Bug hurt. She likes sharing sweets with Bug and Alix, and really anyone who wants one and is a decent person.
For meals, she likes old British staples like bangers and mash.
Loves tea and biscuits! Traditional biscuits like digestives especially. Anyone who visits or lives with her will be given tea and biscuits.
Oscar likes food best when fae can enjoy it with others. Fae likes good food anyway, but not so much when fae has to eat it alone. Fae likes to share it, so faer favourites are things like sharing platters, meze, stuff like that. Fae's also a big fan of potlucks.
She has a sweet tooth, and enjoys all things sugary! She also likes baking, although it's often hard to find the time to make anything complex, like she'd like to.
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muppet-facts · 10 months
Muppet Fact #821
Elmo's older sister Daisy wants to be an astronaut when she grows up.
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I Want to Be an Astronaut. Michaela Muntean. Joe Ewers. Western Publishing. 1991.
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rainymeadows-art · 2 months
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oops i did it again
original meme by @saapricots!
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rottenlittlefink · 3 months
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tfw u go to church like once a year but u get jumpscared by a horny old man 🎄
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37sommz · 7 days
What does Michaela do during her downtime and off season? WHO does Michaela do during her downtime ?
✹.⠀⠀،،⠀AYANA RESPONDS⠀⠀. . .
michaela is 100% someone who can't just sit around and do nothing. she pops up all over the place at liverpool and tennis matches, charity events for the foundation her sister runs, and random pr videos/commercials for vogue, aston martin, etc.
as for who she does... that's one thing i haven't fully decided but i have a few options on the list. most recently, she got out of a very complicated semi-secret situationship with a retired driver and is trying to convince herself that she's not still in love with him <3
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alcedeerie · 24 days
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you and me and the key, all that we could ever need
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kcrev · 8 months
👶🏻 + jack & mick²
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name: arabella lily ackerman
birthday: treze de março
personality headcanon: bella é tranquila e meticulosa em suas palavras e ações. tem uma personalidade pacífica e apaziguadora, é muito curiosa sobre o mundo e bem diplomática e meticulosa. é tão competitiva quanto qualquer um de sua família, porém é mais estrategista do que o restante dos ackerman, que muitas vezes perdem para ela por se distraírem do jogo enquanto discutem para saber quem está indo melhor.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: sua primeira palavra foi o nome do irmão, nick, com um ano e um mês. michaela passou um mês tentando convencer todos que ela a tinha chamado, mas não havia como duvidar se a bebê apontava para o irmão e o chamava.
did they get in trouble in school: não. arabella sempre foi quieta no ambiente escolar, costumava se sentar em uma das cadeiras da frente e dificilmente se metia em problemas.
which parent were they more attached to: bella é a menininha do pai, com toda certeza. durante sua infância, bastava um olhar pidão seu que jack já fazia qualquer coisa que ela quisesse.
what was their favorite toy: um elefante de pelúcia que ganhou da tia clarissa quando tinha dois anos.
did they cry a lot as a baby: não, sempre foi muito tranquila.
movie they watched over and over: michaela sempre gostou de introduzir aspectos da cultura colombiana na vida dos filhos. decidiu assistir encanto com os dois e, apesar de nicholas não ter dado muita bola para o filme, bella ficou absolutamente fissurada por ele.
what was their favorite subject in school: as aulas preferidas de bella eram as de idiomas, seja inglês, espanhol ou francês.
were they social growing up or quiet: arabella sempre foi mais quieta e com tom de voz baixo, mas entre seus amigos adora conversar tanto quanto qualquer um. assim como o irmão, bella se solta muito mais quando está com seus amigos e com sua família.
which parent do they take after: depois de nicholas ser uma cópia fiel de jack, michaela esperou que a filha nascesse um pouco mais parecida com ela. entretanto, arabella tem traços tão semelhantes aos do pai quanto seu próprio irmão.
what do they grow up to be: bella sempre teve muita dúvida sobre o que seria quando crescesse. passou pela fase de querer ser bailarina, depois quis ser astronauta. durante o ensino médio, cogitou ser veterinária após resgatar um cachorro que encontrou na rua durante o verão. no entanto, ver animais doentes foi o que lhe impediu de ir para a veterinária. quando estava decidindo no que iria se especializar, já na universidade, uma conversa com sua irmã mais velha de consideração, harper westbrook, fez com que mudasse seus planos e decidisse seguir a mesma carreira que ela: a medicina. após longos anos de formação, tornou-se cirurgiã pediátrica.
random headcanons: sempre amou passar as tardes na floricultura com sua mãe | quando criança, era obcecada pela sua prima, sadie | fala espanhol, francês e inglês fluentemente | seu primeiro beijo foi aos dezessete anos | é apaixonada por animais, sendo elefantes seus favoritos | teve um crush em james davies durante toda sua adolescência | é alérgica a manga | ela e o irmão são muito apegados um ao outro | passava as férias na praia, aos quinze anos, quando encontrou um cachorro vagando pelas ruas. estava emagrecido e parecia doente, então bella o pegou e o levou para o veterinário. passou o restante do verão cuidando dele e, quando retornaram a bend, não teve quem a convencesse a deixá-lo com alguém. ele se tornou o cachorro da família, benji.
do they get along with their parents: até mais do que o irmão. bella nunca deu problemas para os pais, sempre foi a queridinha da família e o modelo a ser seguido.
faceclaim: emily rudd
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clovermousee · 14 days
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hi! remembered i have a youtube and i decided to upload my voice claims for my goobers :D
the video is here, if you got two minutes to spare it’d be awesome if you’d check it out 🫡
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perseus-jackass · 4 months
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dr-george-ordell · 10 months
"I don't understand how the French are stereotyped as frogs,"
"The French eat frogs,"
"Yeah, but its very inaccurate historically speaking," "It's own national animal is more fitting because of how agressive those bastard chickens are,"
"Are you talking about the French Revolution?"
"No," "You see, frogs are more fitting for Brits. They don't like changes to their environment, they get noisy and complain but do nothing, and you can boil them to death in slowly in politics without noticing. The French instead would have to be dragged kicking and screaming, no, squawking,"
"Everytime you open your mouth, the state of our sanity chips away,"
"Thank you Percy,"
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psychedelic-charm · 20 days
I found this template in a picrew tag, and I thought I'd make this into my own post rather than reblog the chain.
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Here I am with Michaela Liddell, my avatar from Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.
Tag, you're it: @cloverydreamertt @blood-and-pizza @partiallypearl @perihocuscrocus @serenitytodd1234 @emo-gals-4life @zobiecute @myrandomautistichouse and everybody else who wants to make their own couples picture.
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shadesofnavy · 8 months
Another batch of art I was itching to get done for no reason, featuring Cherry, Keith and Pico's parents
Jeffery and Martha Davis:
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Scott and Michaela Burlington:
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Adams Dankworth and... nameless deadbeat sperm donator:
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rainymeadows-art · 1 month
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"Miss Fujiko, I don't know if a yukata is supposed to be that tight-"
"True beauty means suffering, Michaela, and it's time for my baby girl to learn! Suck it in, Kay!"
"(terrified squeak)"
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sadokushi · 1 year
The day when I finnaly will be active on both, YouTube and Tumblr is the day I die.
Here's some of my fanarts and OC art!
Clarith and Michaela from Evillious Chronicles.
Hatsune Miku - a vocaloid.
Seth/Siph - my OC
Nevill - my OC
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muppet-facts · 2 years
Muppet Fact #504
Mr. Snuffleupagus and his family live at 456 Snuffle Circle. This residence is a cave decorated like a suburban house, with tunnels attaching it to other caves in the neighborhood.
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Bert and the Magic Lamp. Michaela Muntean and Tom Cooke. Western Publishing. 1989.
The Day Snuffy Had the Sniffles. Linda Lee Maifair and Tom Brannon. Western Publishing. 1988.
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Once in a Blue Moon Update #4
Current Word Count: 7,771
“Did you need something, Private?” The cool gray eyes of the blonde sergeant - Cadigan, the white lettering on her tee shit said - landed on Crowne’s anxious face next to Roach, who nearly snapped his spine with the speed he stood at attention. Roach nearly sputtered a croaky, hoarse laugh at the sight of his enthusiasm. Leaning back in her chair with one leg crossed over her knee and her arms folded across her chest, Cadigan’s eyes flickered once to Roach before returning to Crowne, assessing. The blank look on her face and the blunt, no-nonsense approach to her words might have sounded like a reprimand to some, but Roach could see the genuine curiosity in her flat expression. Clearly, she wasn’t one to beat around the bush. Roach could appreciate that. The other sergeants at the table, Reyes and Alvarez, startled at the sound of Cadigan’s sudden question after her prolonged silence, twin pairs of brown eyes finding the two newcomers with matching looks of surprise. Alvarez recovered quicker than her companion, and waved away Crowne’s salute with a apologetic, “At ease, Private Crowne. What’s can we help you with?” “I was wondering if any of you knew sign, ma’am. Sergeant Sanderson here was needing some help.” “Sanderson?” Alvarez blinked, face slack with confusion before recognition sparked in her eyes and she gaped at Roach. He cringed back, tugging at a loose thread on his jacket when she exclaimed, “Oh fuck! You’re the new task force sergeant!” Reyes’s brow furrowed, cocking her head to the side. “Task force?” Alvarez shook her head, a small smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. A canine flashed in the harsh lighting when she laughed. “Not your task force, Price’s task force.” “Oh? Oh!” A bright smile lit Reyes’s face, a stark contrast to the seemingly perpetual blank look of disinterest from Cadigan. “You’re joining the 141!” “Yes,” Roach signed, a little flustered from all the attention. “I apologize for bothering you, but I couldn’t find Captain Price’s office and was hoping you’d be able to give me some directions?” He knew he was being too formal, his movements stilted and awkward, but none of the four seemed to notice or care.
my children <3
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