#meteor garden rp
hiddenwashington · 1 year
@lavendaers​​​ said : Was that [SHEN YUE]? Oh no no, that was just [DONG SHANCAI], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [METEOR GARDEN]. They are [TWENTY] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{ooc: it’s l and can i reserve sophie beckett from bridgerton and get some fc suggestions?}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. dong shancai [shen yue]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
sure thing! sophie beckett is reserved for l until 12/06 at 5:438pm est ! as for fc suggestions, we could see : milly alcock, josephine langford, kristine froseth, lily james, jessie mei li, aslihan malbora, anya chalotra, or thaddea graham all working for her!
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prpfs · 1 year
Hi there~! 🌹
I'm currently looking for a 18+ partner to create a 1x1 MxF romantic/dramatic/hurt-comfort/whump RP for the Thai drama F4 Thailand, or for any of the Boys Over Flowers series of adaptations, with me.
Here is a general plot synopsis for anyone who is interested (this applies to all shows mentioned below, and details may differ between adaptations):
Makino Tsukushi is the only poor student at Eitoku Gakuen, the school of the ridiculously rich and privileged that is ruled by Flower 4 or F4, a group of four boys who come from extremely powerful families: Domyouji Tsukasa, the leader and heir of the Domyouji World Finance Group; Hanazawa Rui, the introverted son of a large company; Nishikado Sojiro, a player who is the heir of a tea ceremony school; and Mimasaka Akira, a madam killer with ties to the underground. If a student gets on the F4's bad side, he/she gets a red notice and is bullied and driven out of school.
Makino hopes to pass her days quietly-- without drawing any attention to herself-- but one day, she stands up to Domyouji in defense of her friend. The next day, Makino gets the dreaded red notice. Even though she is harassed, Makino decides to keep going to school because she is a "tough weed". She declares war right back on the F4. Her resolve gets the attention of her crush Hanazawa Rui and oddly enough, rouses romantic feelings in her worst enemy, Domyouji Tsukasa.
I'm currently looking for someone to write for any of the characters in these ships:
~ Gorya x Thyme (F4 Thailand)
~ Jan Di x Jun Pyo (Boys Over Flowers)
~ Dong Shancai x Daoming Si (Meteor Garden [2001 and 2018])
~ Makino x Domyouji (Hana Yori Dango)
~ OC x OC
We can follow the plot from the shows themselves, or branch out in AUs and our own ideas of how the story should go... I'm open to new possibilities~! I would love to craft a story together with my partner.
No one-liners. I write from 3 to 6 paragraphs, so have a good sense of grammar and spelling please.​
I am willing to cover some darker topics if we are both interested in doing so.
We will be using Discord for this RP.​
If you are interested, please like or reply to this post, or send me a friend request on Discord (I'm dramallama#9689).
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
Discord: dramallama#9689
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trainerbymoonlight · 4 months
(in other words, this is my ‼️unofficial, not league official‼️ spam rotomblr, so take everything i say on here with a TINY grain of salt & don’t expose me to the league when i say something stupid, because i will inevitably say something stupid)
hey rotomblr! been gone for a while so i figure it’s about time for a reintroduction!
my name is floris (they/them), and i’m an aspiring future professor and the current hoenn champion, which i have held the title for 8 years running as of this post! i was named on 8/13/2015 when i was ten years old, which some of you might remember the news coverage of. (side note: don’t look up any of my old interviews, they’re embarrassing as hell)
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^ this is my official hoenn league trainer card! (no you will NOT see mine or my ‘mons registration numbers thank you) and before you guys get all up in arms about two of my hoenn registered team members being alolan, my League team is slightly different, and i don’t reveal that publicly.
the first is my blaziken, my sweet boy apollo <3 my first ever pokémon, given to me by our lovely professor birch! we’ve really grown up together, and despite how much i raised him, i think he raised me a little bit too. he’s a sassy, spoiled brat at his core but still incredibly loyal and affectionate. he’s my best trained, and dare i say my strongest. very protective, very loyal, impulsive about battles.
the second is latios, a member of the eon duo, who i met on a hidden island off the coast (not disclosing where) after his sister petitioned former champion steven stone and i for help. we saved him from illicit capture and he insisted upon traveling with me. he doesn’t take anything too seriously, but he’s not necessarily hyper.
the third is lunala- or nebby, who i technically adopted? i met it a couple of years after becoming hoenn champ, when i was 12, during my first attempt at beating alola’s league. it’s a long, long story, but tl;dr, after it evolved, its caretaker (a friend of mine) left it with me, saying i could take it on more adventures and give it a better life than she could, and i’m doing my best. it’s just happy to be along for the ride, really :)
fourth is rayquaza, who i met atop the sky pillar when i petitioned it for aid with the whole meteor situation. somehow, bewilderingly, i became its Chosen. i’m now its caretaker :)
fifth is my sylveon, pixie! she was an eevee i’d caught early on whose name i couldn’t decide on until one morning i woke up and she had just evolved overnight into a sylveon, and i was young and had no idea that could happen, so i assumed she was lost and had just somehow wandered her way into my tent lol, so i took her around the nearest town and asked if she belonged to anybody. eventually the pokémon center confirmed she was indeed mine! she was confused while this was going down but very happy to be there. she’s very playful and also very intent on helping me with tasks she thinks i need help with! it’s very sweet of her.
sixth is my lurantis, hyacinth, who i met in alola. she’s shyer and tends to keep to herself, and she really likes gardening like a lot of my grass types do. she brings me plant cuttings a lot!
hi, i’m floris (@astral-faery)! i’m nearly 19 and use they/them pronouns this is a self insert/pokésona blog. canon divergent bc they replaced may in ORAS, but can adapt to most canons! i’m almost 19 and so is champion flor so this blog swears and will have more mature references, but *no* explicit nsfw rps/ERP!
champion flor will answer most asks, even abt their trauma 💀 they might answer asks from sentient/talking/anthropomorphic pokémon, but there’s like NO chance they’re gonna believe it.
i’m very much okay with high stakes rp! champion flor and their pokémon can get hurt irp, but they *will not* get killed. i’m also NOT EVER okay with, like.. sadistic shit. heavy angst is fine, being weird about the angst and having your evil character talk to mine about how much they like to torture pokémon is not.
NO pokémon nsfw allowed EVER! pokémon function as beloved and whimsical pets on this blog even if a couple can technically communicate telepathically. that is how they will remain. don’t be fuckin creepy, yo.
if you’re a pokemon irl/rotomblr blog please interact and send asks and reblog my posts! i was in this community months ago and want to get back into it. i hope to see you guys around!
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sadajiwas · 5 months
Jeremy's Ted Talk.
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Mulai dari mana ya kata sambutan ini...
Oh. Dari awaaaaal banget. Let's back to 2021!
Awal kenal Damian dan Keano dari Group DM khusus aktor dan aktris bernama ACTFUL. Dari awal udah sering bickering sama Keano, soalnya beliau ini dulu amat-sangat bullyable. Sama Damian dulu masih kenal tipis-tipis aja, maklum lah dia suka jaga image kalau di awal masuk GDM. Awalnya gue pribadi ngerasa "one step closer" waktu ngegibahin soal mantan gue, si anak Papih, yang ternyata udah terkenal di kalangan RP Actor. Tapi kita jadi lebih deket setelah gue jadi Simu Liu dan dia jadi Tom Holland.
Setelah itu, gue juga lupa gimana cerita detailnya, sampe terbentuklah GDM berisi tiga seboti ini. Kalau ingatan gue masih bagus, kayaknya bermula dari kita mau diskusi (re: gibah) tentang seseorang. Dari temen curhat, lama-lama jadi deket kayak biji yang nggak bisa dipisahin.
Lalu kita bikin GDM khusus aktor dan aktris yang namanya sama kayak nama grup kita sebelum masehi itu. Di grup itu Keano yang dulunya pemegang piala bertahan "Juara 1 Kisah Cinta Jelek" ketemu sama si pujaan hati, dan piala bergilir itu jatoh ke tangan gue. Brengsek!!
Terus, akhirnya kita bertiga memutuskan untuk jadi aktivis bersama. Karena mau jadi aktivis di RP, butuh yang namanya nama OC. Awalnya gue lagi bengong aja, terus kepikiran, kayaknya seru kalau punya nama belakang yang sama kayak kalian bertiga, sampe akhirnya si Keano nawarin untuk pake nama belakang dia yang udah ada dari jaman Meteor Garden tayang di Indosiar.
Dan, terbentuklah Sadajiwa Brother. Yeay, selamat ya.
Intinya, gue sangat-amat bersyukur bisa kenal dan deket dan jadi sedeket biji ini sama kalian berdua. Dari yang awalnya cuma temen satu squad, bisa bermetamorfosis jadi temen satu marga. Banyak banget hal-hal yang udah kita bertiga lewatin selama 3 tahun terakhir, dari yang baik, buruk, senang, sedih, susah, susah banget, sampe yang bikin emosi, bikin marah, bikin keluar kata-kata kotor juga; after all these times, thank you for stay beside each other's sides sampai hari ini. <3
Janji ya tidak ada kata pisah di antara kita bertiga, karena yang bisa putus cuma hubungan gue doang ha ha ha. Pokoknya kita bertiga harus bahagia. Apapun yang terjadi.
Damian, atau yang lebih sering gue panggil Obet, semoga lu selalu bahagia sama pacar dunia nyata lu. Semoga kerjaan lu lancar. Diberi kemudahan dan kesuksesan di mana pun lu berada. Semoga di RP lu semakin kronis lagi main RP-nya. Semoga nggak ada lagi orang aneh bin ngeselin di sekitar lu. Dan semoga secret admirer lu semakin banyak, entah dari mana datengnya, tapi semoga lu berhasil menyelesaikan misi dari Keano; ditembak at least 3 cewek dalam setahun. Love you, Bet. Bahagia selalu!
Keano, atau gue lebih suka panggil Botsu, semoga lu juga langgeng mesra sama Dani ya, jangan ada kata pisah karena gue udah capek-capek ngeditin foto lu berdua. Semoga skripsi lu diberi kemudahan supaya cepet selesai. Semoga setelah lulus langsung dikasih jalan yang lebih baik. Semoga lu selalu bahagia apapun yang lu hadapi. Semoga lu main RP dan jadi aktivis yang digandrungi banyak orang karena kebadutan lu itu. Dan semoga di tahun yang baru ini, lu bisa beli HP baru yang lebih topcer. Love you, Bot. Bahagia selalu!
And last, happy birthday Damian, and happy belated birthday Keano. Semoga hal yang baik selalu menyertai kalian di sepanjang tahun 2024. Love you!
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vaexi · 2 years
hello ! i’m 18, and currently searching for a roleplay in the fandom meteor garden on netflix ! here are the ships i’d like to do, and i’m extremely detailed and nice to plot with!! if you’re interested, please like this post and i’ll dm you! the person in bold is the one i’d rather play :). Also, i don’t double and I would like to add NSFW ! ^~^ I only like playing submissives. No OC’s either !!! I also prefer to roleplay on discord !
𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙖𝙞 X Daoming Si
𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙖𝙞 X Huaze Lei
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jinnieplays · 4 years
Entāo nana, eu jogava rp no tumblr uns anos atrás e na época era maioria rpoc mas queria voltar a jogar e entrar em krp por aparentemente ser o que tem, mas tenho medo por nāo conhecer muito da cultura e cometer algum erro que possa chatear, será que tem algum guia? Me sinto mais confortável em rpoc mas também nāo encontro opções.
Oi meu bem, desculpe a demora!
Então, eu estava conversando com a @nikotalks e ela tem um material sobre personagens japoneses, enquanto eu conheço um pouco mais da cultura coreana e um pouquinho da chinesa também. Sua ask veio em um bom tempo, pois iremos juntar o que sabemos dessas culturas e fazer um guia para quem queira interpretar personagens asiáticos à risca.
Mas para adiantar o seu lado, vou lhe falar um pouco do que eu sei. Na Ásia, focando na Coreia do Sul (que é o que eu sei mais), a hierarquia é algo essencial e muito respeitada pelos coreanos. Eu sei que parece exagero, mas vou usar um grupo famoso como exemplo: BTS. 
Em um vídeo, o Jin está dando alguns palpites no que o Suga deveria fazer na música e etc, e apesar do Suga estar incomodado, ele não manda o Jin embora e nem age com desrespeito. O Jin é o mais velho do grupo, o Suga vem logo após, e por respeito ele não manda o Jin sair. 
Outros exemplos: nomenclaturas. O comum é os mais jovens chamarem os mais velhos como hyung (homem/homem), unnie (mulher/mulher), oppa (homem/mulher) ou noona (mulher/homem), ou com -ssi no final do nome. Se você ver vídeos de idols interagindo no backstage, você vai notar que sempre sai um "fulano hyung" ou "fulana unnie". Quando essas pessoas são seus veteranos, é normal que seja usado sunbaenim, ou sunbae. Um exemplo: quando os membros do TXT interagem ou falam com o BTS, sempre usam o termo "nome sunbaenim" ou "Bangtan sunbaenim".
É claro que existem exceções. Quando as pessoas são muito próximas e existe pouca diferença de idade, elas podem não usar honoríficos, como é o caso do J-Hope e do Suga; um de 94, o outro de 93. Raramente o Hoseok usa "hyung" com o Yoongi, porém ainda sim existe uma relação de respeito. E quando as pessoas são do mesmo ano, elas normalmente se chamam pelo nome com o "-ssi" no final se não são próximas, com "-yah/-ah" no final se elas são próximas ou só se chamam pelo nome. Dá pra ver isso nas interações do Jimin e do Taehyung (ambos de 95) ou do Namjoon com o Hoseok (ambos de 94).
Eu sei que nem sempre assistir séries ou filmes te dão uma boa visão da cultura, mas não posso dizer o mesmo dos doramas. Em Boys Over Flowers, o Go Junpyo obedece as ordens da mãe dele, mesmo quando ela não está perto. O que também é visto na versão chinesa, Meteor Garden; é muito comum os pais serem exigentes, conservadores e respeitados acima de tudo. 
Tem uma cena em A Witch's Romance que diz muito disso. A personagem principal tem por volta de uns late 30, quase 40 anos, e a mãe dela diz que elas vão em uma curandeira para tirar o azar dela. Ela tem um cargo alto em um jornal, tem sua própria casa, paga suas próprias contas... mas ela vai. E é isso, é nesse nível o respeito e obediência.
Sobre a sociedade em si, posso dizer que é a mesma definição dos pais: conservadora. Claro, a Coreia do Sul está começando a se abrir mais, mas ainda é um país conservador. Se não estou enganada, só ano passado ou retrasado (?) que se tornou possível casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, mas homossexualidade continua sendo um tabu. Recentemente o Jo Kwon se assumiu non-binary, e felizmente eu não vi um estardalhaço por isso, mas vamos ter em mente que ele tem uma carreira estável há mais de dez anos e se afastou um pouco do kpop em si, está focando mais em uma carreira como ator em teatros.
Bem, o guia inteiro vai vir, mas espero que isso tenha sido uma boa introdução e sneek peak do que está por vir. Se quiser umas dicas de mídias e vídeos para entender melhor, anon, me chama nas mensagens que eu te mando tudo direitinho!
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for-gold-and-glory · 4 years
Weekly Events for Oct 5th to Oct 11th
Here are some events G&G Members will be involved in during the week. Or just events that I think are really cool and you should definitely go to. If you’re interested in joining these events just show up or send a message to Aegir, Lirilith, or Aedwen Or join our discord: https://discord.gg/dCRSWTx Monday - Blitzball Tournament: Gelmorran Jabberwockies vs The Mhachi Meteors, The Gloria Liebri Fighting Pugnax vs the Silvergrace Sea Wyverns - Amethyst Shallows, Lavender Beds W18 Tuesday -  Happy Gyuki Healing Clinic @ 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST - Shirogane W10, P25 Wednesday - Blitzball Tournament: The Hard Place Heroes vs the Marvelous Mascots, the Abalathia Ironeaters vs the Risen @ 8:00pm - The Northstar, Western Coerthas Highlands Thursday -  Steel-plated Leves @ 8:00pm EST - The Drowning Wench, Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Thursday - Radiant Plume Fight Night @ 9:30pm EST - Lavender Beds W15, P49 Saturday - Reunion Market: Bokh Tournament @ 7:00pm EST - [MATEUS] Reunion, Azim Steppe Saturday - Eorzean Garden Academy Homecoming @ 8:30pm EST - [Mateus] Mist W17 Sunday - World of Light: Chapter 1 “Northern Lights” @ 3:30pm EST - Roll20 Sunday - Blitzball Tournament: Eorzean Garden Primals vs the Meracydian Mist Dragons, Doman Hellfrogs vs the Don Coconero Water Wasps @ 8:00pm ESt [Mateus] Ward 17
Monday - Blitzball Tournament: Gelmorran Jabberwockies vs The Mhachi Meteors, The Gloria Liebri Fighting Pugnax vs the Silvergrace Sea Wyverns - Amethyst Shallows, Lavender Beds W18 - The March continues in the Shroud s the Gelmorran Jabberwockies engage in a grudge match against the Mhaci Meteors and academies Gloria Liebri and Silvergrace battle on the Silvergrace Academy’s home territory! Join us for another exciting night of blitzball. Status: Open RP, please join us Type: Tournament GM: Aegir Tuesday- Happy Gyuki Healing Clinic @ 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST - Shirogane W10, P25 - The Happy Gyuki Healing Clinic is a free clinic sponsored by the Garlean embassy, held in the friendly and neutral location of Shirogane. Because the Empire cares about you.Our team of imperially trained medicus offer the latest in cutting edge medical assistance both surgical and aetherial for all of our patience needs. Your privacy and comfort is our greatest concern, though we do ask for some basic information regarding your medical  history and identity, you can be assured that your answers are absolutely confidential. Feel comforted and reassured by our 24-hour staff of armed security guard whose sole purpose is to ensure you safety and please be prepared to relinquish all weapons at the security checkpoint at the entrance. Status: Open RP, please join us! Type: Medical RP GM: Aegir Wednesday - Blitzball Tournament: The Hard Place Heroes vs the Marvelous Mascots, the Abalathia Ironeaters vs the Risen @ 8:00pm - The Northstar, Western Coerthas Highlands tinyurl.com/march2madness -  Blitzball marches north to the frozen lake surrounding the Ishgardian ship, the North Star! It’s a battle between Idyllshire team the Hard Place Heroes and Sharlayan team the Sisterhood of Sharldei Vault. And a battle of hell guardian and hell raisers between the Abalathia Iron Eaters and the Risen. Who shall break out of the ice? And who will be frozen in place? Status: Open RP, please join us Type: Tournament GM: Aegir Thursday -  Steel-plated Leves @ 8:00pm EST - The Drowning Wench, Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks - With shattered leve in hand, and a hunch that something odd is happening with their creation or assignment, or the job itself, the group that took the unusual (and somehow wrong) leve has split.  With one half heading to Limsa itself, it's time to approach the head of the city's Adventuring Guild and see what happened.GM: Wayward Son (Jasper) Type: Investigation/Intrigue Notes: Please only attend one of the two Steel-plated Leves investigations!  They take place at the same time, ICly! Thursday - Radiant Plume Fight Night @ 9:30pm EST - Lavender Beds W15, P49 - Ever wanted to chow down on some grub, and sip on primal’s blood while watching two of your fellows beat each other to a bloody pulp? Well, we don’t have actual primal’s blood but we do have the other two things and a pretty damn good substitute for the other! The Radiant Plume is a new tavern opened in the dusty recesses of the Shroud, once a dliapidated cottage revitalized and renovated for your pleasure! The upper floor of the establishment houses a simple tavern with hearty fare and a vast array of alcohols. Just below that in the depths of the Plume you’ll find an open arena that showcases bloody brawls for your enjoyment! Weapons can be used upon agreement and for a price (IC gil), just in case our more lawful patrons decide to cause a fuss, but try not to kill one another. Your mess, your problem. That’s right. The Radiant Plume is a completely neutral ground, where anyone can shed their moral bindings for an evening of bloodsport and a little bit of drinks and dining. The owners only have a few rules: You break it, you buy it. No unsanctioned brawls on the premises. If you kill it, it’s your problem. ♥ Status: Open RP, please check the link Type: Social/Tournament GM: The Radiant Plume Saturday - Reunion Market: Bokh Tournament @ 7:00pm EST - [MATEUS] Reunion, Azim Steppe - Bokh held by the Reunion Markets on Mateus. Status: Open RP Type: Tournament GM: Reunion Market  Saturday - Eorzean Garden Academy Homecoming @ 8:30pm EST - [Mateus] Mist W17 - A blitzball homecoming party! All are invited! To celebrate the upcoming home coming game between the Eorzean Garden Academy and the Meracydian Mist Dragons. May be a costume party? I’m not sure! Status: Open RP Type: Social GM: Eorzean Garden Academy Sunday - World of Light: Chapter 1 “Northern Lights” @ 3:30pm EST - Roll20 -  - The Crystal Exarch wants to investigate what's happened in Mt Gulg since the destruction of Vauthry. A team has been sent up several days ago to investigate, but they have yet to return. The adventurers have volunteered.... rather, Anthony's volenteered them, to go up and investigate. Note: Please note! This will take place in roll 20! Sunday - Blitzball Tournament: Eorzean Garden Primals vs the Meracydian Mist Dragons, Doman Hellfrogs vs the Don Coconero Water Wasps @ 8:00pm ESt [Mateus] Ward 17
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(Open Rp, Nsfw Rp) Spring, Highschool and Prom In " Love Beneath the Stars"
On the Beautiful 18th day of March in White Dragon Highschool Of Guys,  Every Single Young Men from Freshmen to Senior was Told that There's a New Student who is coming in today and they Inform them that it'll be a First Girl in Guys Only Highschool History. During Class The Students was Studying and Working until the Teacher said that The New Student is here and Wanted to Introduce to herself. So When the Door is Open and heard a sound of the Footsteps of Heels, Then the Young men Looked up and Saw a Lovely Young Lady about the Same age of a Junior year But infact she is in Junior year. Then The Teacher Said that her Name is Saphira Lorraina Fox and She Will be In School Campus but The Teacher Said that She Has Rights to walk around in these halls By herself because "They" Inform the Whole School Teachers about the "Incident" But they asked why, Then the teacher said that it was Classified According to Saphira's Terms.
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 Saphira Is a Lovely Young woman Who Wears a beautiful Black and Dark grey Dress and wore a Black Open Finger gloves.. Her hair is White as Snow and her eyes are Blue as a Sea. She was So Beautiful Like a Sweet angels from heaven, She is So beautiful that many Guys went Bonkers on her. So The teacher Gives Saphira a Nod and then She went out to the Hallways and Began to walk alone and Wondering in school. So They were So curious about Why is She wearing black and Why Does they Did tell them about the "Incident"? Well Some Say That She has a Boyfriend Once but sadly He was Killed in the car accident or Being Murdered by Some muggers or worse. Some Said that Her BoyFriend was So Abusive to her that He "Abandoned" Her With another Girl and got The Another Woman Pregnant. Most of them Said that her Boyfriend Constantly Cheating on her and make Her Look like a fool But He Ended up Abandoned her So much that he got one of the other girl pregnant. That explains that She wore black and grey Because of it. But they Still Don't know Why Saphira wears black all the Time,  but it remains a Mystery, During Lunch Time Saphira was On the Hill On the bench eating a Nice sandwhich, a Cookie, and also a Small bag of Chips while guys are eating the cafeteria food. One guy Name (Your Muse Name here) was immediatly Falls in love with Saphiras beauty But Some of the Guys Step Forward and Flexing their Biceps and muscles to Impressed saphira but Sadly after Eating her food and Looked at Them. She can tell that it wasn't very amusing, So She walks off and Alas many guys has been Rejected by her Own terms. So After School Saphira was walking to the Nice and Secret Hiding place called her own Secret garden... but Then (your muse name here) was at home thinking of something that would make saphira Falls for him but then Suddenly he sees Something In the Stars,
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 It was a shooting star that its heading straight to him but then it was a Shooting star but it wasn't it was a meteor. He's a bit curious though, The Meteor was about as big as a basketball but then it Opens and saw the Strange Big Bottle Of the Purple Exilor But then he wanted to test it out to be Sure it was Safe to Drink. He try on the Rats And then the Male rat became the Hottest male that alot of females went nuts, He knew it was a success. So he began to Drink it, then he began to head to bed. Next Day in Lunch time, Saphira saw (your muse name) as he is the Most Hottest guy in whole school, Her face turns pink while She giggles a bit when he sees her. Then After School (Your muse name) began to Look for her but suddenly he became Bigger and More Demonic Wolf Like Dragon as saphira Runs into a Secret garden when she hears the groan and hides in the Clam bed as she locks it Tight as she pants but then She takes a peek, her Pheromones came in and travel and went up to his scent. She sees Him Coming in and he said......
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darlingsdontdie · 5 years
New Yandere, Whump, and Dark Shipping Blog: Requests FAQ
Hey! So before I start writing and creating, I thought I'd get some common questions answered and out of the way! If you are concerned about your request or are unsure of its content, please first check this post before directly messaging me.
Request Content
Q: What kinds of requests do you fill?
A: I will fill almost any type of request! But here are some specific options with set structures and examples.
Headcanon Requests (bulleted, length depending on ask, ex: "Can I get headcanons for Requested Character with a short girlfriend?")
Scenario Requests (bulleted, LDOA, ex: "Can I get a scenario for if Requested Ship were getting married?")
Drabble Requests (prose, LDOA, ex: "Can I request a drabble about RC being worried when their darling is sick?")
Playlist Requests (list of songs, 1-5 song limit, ex: "Do you have 4 songs for a jealous RC?")
Graphic Requests (edit style, 1-4 images, ex: "Could you make a graphic for yandere RC with this item or quote?")
Aesthetic Requests (moodboard style, image with 6-9 sections, ex: "Can I get an aesthetic for dark!RS?")
Prompt Requests (list of brainstormed dialogue and short sentences, LDOA, ex: "Do you have dialogue prompts for RC kidnapping their darling?")
Plot Bunny Requests (short prose paragraphs or bulleted, LDOA, ex: "I want to write about yandere RC surprising their darling but don't know how or why. Are there are any plot bunnies you can give me?").
New! RP Idea Requests (selection of 1-4 short rp-style bios/plots/starters, LDOA, ex: "Do you have any yandere rp ideas for Requested Fandom ocs?")
New! Fancast Requests (moodboard or edit style, 2-9 images per RC/RS, ex: "Who would you cast as yandere RC(s)?")
New! Faceclaim Recommendation Requests (bulleted list of names with short explanations or reasons, LDOA, ex: "My yandere OC is tall, has dark hair, and soft features. He acts friendly but is the violent type. Can I have a few fcs?")
Requests that don't specify will be answered with a bulleted list or possibly a short paragraph. There may be times I'm willing to fill some requests but not others due to time constraints, but that doesn't mean I won't ever fill them!
Fandom requests involving AUs and crossovers are welcome (ex: "Headcanons of how yandere Naruto in a wild west AU?" or "Headcanons about what would happen if yandere Ten and yandere Crowley fell for the same person?"), as are original requests based on existing media (ex: "Can I get headcanons about a popular girl type who has a Breakfast Club experience and ends up going yandere for the criminal?" or "Can you write a drabble about a yandere whose story is like this music video?").
Q: What characters do you write for?
A: I'll write for any character that I am familiar with, with a few exceptions for characters I'm aware of but uncomfortable with. To get started, here's a list of fandoms that I have a solid handle on!
Anime (Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club, Death Note, Hetalia, etc.)
Western Animation (Archer, Castlevania, She-Ra: Princesses of Power, etc.)
DC and Marvel Comics
Star Wars (no New Trilogy - Originals, Prequels, Clone Wars, & Legends only)
Other Major Film Franchises (Pirates of the Caribbean, the MCU, James Bond, etc.)
Harry Potter and related properties
Percy Jackson and related properties
Hunger Games and related properties
Twilight and related properties
A Song of Ice and Fire (willing to try TV canon but much more familiar with Book canon)
Crime Dramas (Barry, Good Girls, Hannibal, Mr. Robot, Revenge, etc.)
Historical Drama (Vikings, The Tudors, Les Miserables, The Borgias, Downton Abbey, Peaky Blinders, Taboo, etc.)
Science Fiction and Fantasy TV/Lit (Star Trek TOS/AOS; Doctor Who, New Who only; Merlin; Good Omens; Lucifer; Galavant, etc.)
Horror-Thriller TV/Lit (American Horror Story, The Haunting of Hill House, Hemlock Grove, Alias Grace, etc.)
Sitcoms (familiar with Friends, all the Michael Schur products, Community, That 70s Show, Jane the Virgin, Schitt's Creek, Superstore, IASIP, and others)
Teen Dramas (Teen Wolf, Pretty Little Liars, Freaks and Geeks, Glee, etc., but no Riverdale)
Chinese and Korean Dramas (A Korean Odyssey/Hwayugi, Meteor Gardens, A Love So Beautiful, What's Wrong With Secretary Kim, Romance Is a Bonus Book, My First First Love, Black, etc.)
Video Games (Assasain's Creed, Portal 2, Fire Emblem, AFK Arena, Professor Layton, etc.)
Something that's not here can still be requested - I'm familiar with a lot of media and do my best to keep up.
As I implied above, I am also happy to write for original characters. Whether that means you telling me about your own OCs, or me creating my own characters for you down the line, either is great.
I will NOT be writing RPF or RPS. I do not approve of real person shipping and real person fiction makes me uncomfortable - if that's what you're looking for, there are a huge number of other blogs that will cater to your needs directly. Which leads me into...
Prohibited Requests, and Non-Yandere Content
Q: Will you fill every request you get?
A: I'll fill requests that interest me and that I feel comfortable posting, and that will probably be most of them! I am really excited to get started. But I still reserve the right to refuse a prompt - I'm writing for free, so no one is entitled to have their ask filled. If I choose to deny your prompt, I will answer privately and, if the issue is with content, update the blog so it's made clear that the type of prompt is not taken.
Q: What is and isn't allowed to be requested?
A: To be honest, most stuff is allowed and some stuff isn't. There's a lot of ground to cover here, so I've divided it based on the nature of the concern.
Q: Do you accept NSFW/SFW requests?
A: I'll do NS and SFW work, but I've got more experience with SFW content. This doesn't mean I do it exclusively, just that I won't think to go NS unless you mention it. Specify for NS and it'll be included happily!
Q: Do you accept violent requests?
Violence against non-SO characters and dub-con is okay always, as is situational or over-the-top violence, even murder, involving SOs (ex: "the yandere and their darling are soldiers on opposite sides of the war" or "the yandere saws off their darling's legs so they have to carry them everywhere").
However, there is some tricky area with violent fantasies. If I think the content strays too close to serious physical domestic abuse, then I'll likely deny the request. This is partially why I prefer requests that get violent to focus on non-SO targets, so if it doesn't matter to you, that's almost guaranteed to get a response.
Non-con I can mention and discuss in headcanon posts and possibly prompt lists, but I will not be writing drabbles or scenarios for non-con prompts.
Q: Do you accept kink requests?
A: It will depend on the type and whether I feel morally and psychologically comfortable with it. For example, hypnosis, size kink, gender stuffing, BDSM, roleplay, etc., are all currently accepted because they don't seem to affect me in a negative way. I am willing to do ships for cousins and step family, as well. However, I will not under any circumstances deal with r*ceplay, p*dophilia, fetishizing of trans people or people of color, or inc*stplay, and I will not be doing ship work for anyone more closely related than cousins, including but not limited to siblings, parents (blood or adopted), or aunts and uncles. None of this is negotiable. I am willing to consider AUs where two characters aren't family, or non romantic yandere behavior between family, but even then, the request's on thin ice. Anything super unhygienic or illness related is probably something I won't be interested in not as a rule or for moral reasons but just because it can exacerbate my anxiety and OCD. I also do not fill prompts related to minors at all, be it explicit/adult/sexual content or otherwise. Requests for characters who are minors will have them aged up unless otherwise specified - in which case you will promptly be blocked.
Q: Can I request a dark imagine that is not yandere related?
A: Of course! Just make sure to be specific about what you want from it.
Q: Can I request a ship or character imagine that isn't yandere or dark?
A: Yes, though I won't promise it'll be what you're looking for. I fall towards horror, thriller, and angst when I write, regardless of my intentions.
Q: Can I request something that's not ship or character imagine related?
A: Sure, I'd be honored, but again, I don't promise to fulfill every request. This blog is intended to be stress relief, self indulgence.
How to Make a Request
Q: How do I contact you for requests?
A: Asks, messages, replies on my original posts, and even more casual things like tagging me in yandere or writing related posts are all great ways to interact with me!
Q: When do you accept requests?
A: Requests will be opened or closed depending on how busy I am and whether I'm caught up on them.
Currently, requests are closed. However, I've decided that requests are reopened on my days off. The days should be listed in my bio.
Q: Do you accept anonymous requests?
A: Yes, I do! I also will not publish asks from users unless the user specifically clarifies that they are okay with it, just in case the user sent the ask from their blog on accident. User asks that aren't specified as safe to publish will be responded to privately when the request is filled.
Q: How will I know my request is filled?
A: As stated above, anonymous asks and user asks clarified as safe to publish will be published with a response. User asks without any clarification will be responded to privately. Anonymous asks asking for privacy for any reason will not be published. Messages will also get a reply. Users who send requests that are kept private will not be tagged unless you ask me to. Users with published asks will always be tagged in the final post, but it is totally okay to ask me to change or erase the tag! Other than this, checking for posts is up to the requester.
Other Kinds of Interaction
Q: Is there anyone who you don't want interacting with your blog?
A: Anyone complicit in nazism, racism, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, xenophobia, pedophilia/MAPs, or any other politicized violence against a people is uneqivocally not welcome to engage with my work. I also have a zero tolerance policy for true crime fans who support or absolve serial killers. Please respect this - anyone who doesn't will be blocked. Anyone who pushes the issue will be reported.
Q: What about kink or otherkin blogs?
A: Honestly, I don't know much about either community. As of now, I'm fine with interaction. I'd ask that I not receive any kin related requests, because I am not familiar with the concept, community, and issues accompanying. Kinks can be requested but as stated above, are not guaranteed to be filled. Please don't bring discourse or discourse related requests here. I am not equipped to or interested in getting involved. If that changes, I have a main and other side blogs. This blog will never be a place for it.
Q: Are you okay if we interact with you or send you asks and messages that aren't requests?
A: Absolutely! I would love to talk with you. I am always interested in discussing any of the topics covered on this blog, or anything else for that matter! I pride myself on trying to be not just nice, but kind, and hopefully that comes through in every interaction. However, I'll expect the same courtesy from anyone who'd reach out to me, or use my posts to communicate to others for that matter. Anyone who doesn't will be, you guessed it, blocked. Anyone who pursues it further, yeah, will be reported.
Q: You have a lot of rules about requests and interaction, but you don't seem to post much and you aren't very active. Is this all just awkward and formal overkill, or is there a point?
A: I've explained all of this clearly, in as an accessible way as I can think of, because I want to eliminate the potential for drama, confusion, and other misunderstandings.
Online communities tend to be chock-full of plenty and I do not, nor does anyone who visits, need another reason to be tired. I'm not detailing all of this upfront because I expect to be very popular, or because I like listening to myself talk for paragraphs on end. I don't want a theoretical lack of information to be used to hurt either myself or others, though some of it shouldn't have to be spelled out in the first place.
But considering how ridiculously easy it is to misinterpret each other online, and how much of a disadvantage neuroatypical people like myself are when things are left just implicit rather than made what you could argue as exhaustingly explicit, I figured a crazy FAQ was a small price to pay for a peaceful environment.
TLDR: it certainly might be overkill, but that doesn't mean there is no point to it.
Q: What should requesters and followers call you anyways?
A: I'm fine with my username. If you're going for a different vibe, Red or Darlings sounds nice too. If you can come up with something catchier, feel free to try!
On that note, I also may be slow going when it comes to requests. All I can do is promise to put a lot of thought into my replies, even though speed is not guaranteed. Any other questions can be asked directly, and I would be more than happy to answer them!
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cruciatusxxcervus · 5 years
Who the Heck is Eden?
Warning: The backstory contains parental death, child death, and gore.)
Disclaimer: For those who have seen my DBZ verse for my other RP blog, ambereyedcetra, you’ll notice they are the same. I started off with an AU for Eden’s original blog but it has developed to the point that I would be more comfortable giving this AU a blog of its own. I am the mun and creator of both blogs, no worries about character theft!
While the blog is currently focused on the DBZ verse, I am open to interacting with muses of other verses, especially fandom-less muses!
In verses that are not DBZ-related, Eden's backstory is very much the same. The only differences being that Shihab is a celestial realm instead of a planet, and it is an unnamed force that destroyed her world instead of Freeza.
This page is under construction, the story needs revamping. Forgive me for such a long wait for the change. I hope to get the backstory and information rewritten soon.
Name: Eden of the Draconids
Many of the characters in the Dragon Ball franchise have unusual names, often associated with food. However, since Eden was originally a Final Fantasy muse and her roots are based off Biblical stories, her name won’t be as humorous. Her father gave her the name Eden, in hopes she would be as beautiful and bountiful in blessings, but he had no intentions in her falling into sin like those within the Garden. Eden is to represent the Garden of Eden in that sense. As the story progresses, Eden gradually becomes corrupted with her inability to move past her loss and the frustration in her struggle with her heritage and identity, she betrays the planet, the stars, and what she holds dear, thus resulting in her losing that spiritual light.
Not only she represents the fall of Eden, but her story is to illustrate Judas Iscariot, the disciple who committed betrayal out of greed. Ultimately, her story is to reveal that even the most faithful can fall. However, her story is to also show the radical power of forgiveness, how it can revive the dead spirit.
Her last part of her name relates to her clan name. Clan names come from that of the meteor showers: Draconids, Perseids, Leonids, and Ursids. A kirinite’s membership of their clan can be determined by the color of their scales (described below). Their native planet, Shihab, bears an Arabic name, as a large part of Eden’s inspiration comes from the Middle East and Northern Africa and its meaning, “Shooting Star” refers to the Kirinites’ celestial nature.
Age: Mid to late 20’s during the Dragon Ball Z timeline, late 40’s during the Dragon Ball gt timeline.
Species: Kirinite (DBZ), Kirin (Other verses) 
The kirinite name is based off a mythical creature with a similar appearance: the kirin. Many of their physical characteristics (description on this page) resemble the creature.
Kirinites are known for their agility, intelligence, and spiritual power. Much of their strength comes from their lower body, and are capable of cracking bone (of those who lack intensive training) with their rock-hard hooves.
Their senses are incredibly sharp, heightened by their connection to their planet. This is strongly linked to their ability to hear the voices of souls passed and can help them detect the aura of living creatures (unless those targeted are trained to hide their energy level). Though they lack the ability to fire ki directly from their bodies, they can harvest crystals from the earth and use their energy and rituals to inflict damage and potentially status-related problems (such as sleep, pacifying, or for those who master the skill, copying an enemy’s skill and create illusions).
Kirinites can also call upon an ability of the Celestial Beast. This creature is believed to be the totem of all born of Kirinite blood. This ability is similar to that of Yamcha’s Wolf Fang Fist, except the aura takes form of a large, maned antelope-like creature as the fighter charges. This empowers their melee strikes, as well as have a chance of burning the opponent with their energy. This power, however, is very risky as it drains much of the user’s energy reserves and can leave them vulnerable if they are not able to dispose of the foe before time runs out. Another limitation is the need to use crystals taken from Shihab’s meteorites to channel their energy and awaken their totem.
Kirinites feel connected to their planet and believe they can commune with the spirits. They place great reverence to the stars, viewing them as creators of their world and embodiments of all souls that were born upon it. With the use of crystals, Kirinites connect with the ghosts that whisper guidance to them and unlock their powers. The ancient belief was cast into doubt, however, as the Kirinites saw invading ships scream past the stars and collide into their home.
Kirinites have a humanoid appearance, with several physical traits resembling that of a sable antelope and gemsbok. All members possess cloven hooves for feet, often with feathering on the back of them, with the short bristly fur covering the tops of these hooves and melding into the skin at mid-calf.
Though members of the Draconid Clan bear long, ridged horns that gracefully sweep back from the head, Eden’s horns resemble antlers, a trait inherited from her mother’s clan: the Persids. All Kirinites possess large deer-like ears; claws; heavy, thick, fang-like teeth with large prominent canines (elder, higher-ranked Kirinites will have even larger canines that slide over the lip); long lion-like tails; mohawk-like hairstyles (mohawks are usually more prominent on males); and small, light-colored speckles scattered over their skin and scales.
Kirinites also have scales present on the fronts of their hooves and lower leg, hips, base of their tail, the tops of their hands and up their forearms, and up their back. The scales on their backs are thickened and raised like a crocodile’s spines; these are believed to help protect their spines during hunts and battles. These scales are often dark in color, yet have small glistening speckles, similar to stars.
With Eden’s Draconid Clan, the scales are similar to those of the sunset (coming from the preferred time to view the Draconid meteor shower). Her scales are a gradient of a dark, muted reddish-purple fading into rosy gold at the bottom of the scales, with the silvery speckles being most prominent in the darkest colors. Her scales are in the common places, listed above.
Eden stands at about 5’ 3’’ and has a lean, toned figure. Her skin is a very dark tan, and has a subtle rosy tint to it. Silvery cream speckles are visible all over her skin, with them being most prominent on her shoulders, upper arms, shoulder blades, thighs, and down her sides and hips along the dorsal scales, and down her tail.
She also has various scars from her hunts and battles. While shallow cuts litter her entire body, there are three distinct scars: Three claw marks are seen on her left collarbone; four huge, jagged scars rip over her left rib cage, reach down her side, and end just above her left hip bone; and a messy web of gashes, bite marks, and dimples where flesh and scale had been torn off is seen on her right forearm.
I based her appearance loosely on the Egyptian and Middle Eastern backgrounds. She bears the purplish-black tattoos around her eyes and on her cheeks that are iconic of Egyptian relics, and wore three piercings on both ears (a golden ring, silver stud, and silver ring), the ivory fang gauge once seen only on her left ear. Two thin, silver lip rings were on her bottom lip. Her piercings are forcibly removed during her drafting into Frieza’s army, leaving two rips on her bottom lip and her ears tattered.
There is also a tattoo on her left wrist, a small symbol of the silver sun with two black-tipped feathers. It’s to honor her late mother.
Her long, straight, thick hair reaches down to her hip. It’s a very dark brown, with some streaks in her bangs and on the ends of her hair fading to a dusky purple-brown color.  Four thin braids also adorn her mane, each braid held together by a tarnished gold band.
The fur covering her ankles, ears, and tail are a dark rosy-brown; purpleish-black markings rim the edges of her ears and around the hooves. Like all Kirinites, Eden also has horizonal, rectangular pupils; her irises are still a deep amber.
During the DB gt timeline, Eden’s seemingly endless wandering and fighting against her heritage and spiritual connection has impacted her. Her ribs become visible due to restricted access to food, and dark circles and bags can be seen beneath her eyes from lack of sleep. Though Kirinites has long lifespans and youthfulness, she appears older and more tired due to her difficult lifestyle. More scars are also visible on her body.
During Eden’s time in the Planet Trade Organization and her intergalactic escapades, she wears black and champagne gold armor, baggy black pants, and a marroon belt as seen below.
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On Earth, however, she can be seen wearing midriff shirts to show off her midsection (Kirinites view scars as a sign of beauty, as they prove one is capable to guarding their clan and their mate and children). The tops are usually dark colors. Her favorites being a dark gray midriff shirt with a knotted hem and a wide collar to show off her shoulder (and thus the scar on her collar bone), and a charcoal heather top with a smilodon skull graphic. She also wears acid washed jeans, or ripped denim capris. She also develops a fondness for hemp chokers and tribal-inspired jewelry. Her usual attire for life on Earth can be seen below:
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( Full size images and detailed reference sheet can be found [HERE] !! )
She is always wearing a crystal of pale gray and pale gold  around her neck. This crystal comes from Shihab and is what she uses to channel her ki for attacks and summon the Celestial Beast totem.
Eden is no exception and possess the standard kirinite abilities as described above, along with being able to let out a thundering bestial roar (sounds like an angry mix between a red deer stag’s and a lion’s) that can echo for miles. However, the blessing of hearing ghosts becomes a curse the day she forsakes her faith in them. If she were to return to Shihab, they would become distorted, distressing wails. Though she may be a great distance away from them, they still tug deep in her mind like a silent, persistent haunting.
When she lands on other planets, this ability becomes even more unnerving as she cannot understand the souls tangled whispers. This only strengthens her fear and hatred towards hearing them, and is further convinced that the stars of her home have cursed her. She is at risk of losing focus, becoming entranced, or reacting wildly midst the most severe hallucination phase. All these can make battle extremely dangerous for the lost Kirinite.
Though during times where her vigilance becomes exhausted, she does let the voices stream through her for a time. Her corrupted view and dark intentions for the use of her people’s powers will occasionally make the scramble of strange tongues make sense. Like a devil whispering temptation to heartbroken ears, the words take form of spells, of rituals beyond her former knowledge. To seek and perform these rituals were strictly forbidden in Kirinite law, but with these discoveries, the last Kirinite decides to abolish the law and commit these rare incantations to memory.
Over time she practices the dark arts, and more and more she seeks to uncover the greatest ritual that dark words promise will endow her with the power to rain flaming justice upon all who wronged her. She still searches for the ultimate crystal, said to be buried within a planet, beneath the graves of countless sacred souls, conflicted with the desire to finally seize that power and her need to discover the truth about the stars and her people. The most common of these is her ability to conjure sleeping crystals, meant to lull the threat or target to a deep sleep, allowing her to escape or steal from them. Due to her corruption, however, they are filled with negative energy and can inflict pain, or blinding fury, on anyone within its proximity (including herself), rather than just the opponent.
My aim for Eden is for her to learn and grow stronger gradually through training. She will likely lose in battles, especially against powerful opponents, though this is dependent on the verse, where our muses are in their interactions, and what my RP partner is comfortable with. The fun in Dragon Ball Z is watching a character work hard with others to overcome challenges, not winning everything effortlessly.
Eden can be cunning, and she relies on this trait when facing a troubling situation; often choosing to stick to the shadows and tricks rather than facing someone head-on. Eden can’t stand the thought of losing control and is known to fight viciously and dirty when cornered. Preferring to be quiet and simply observe, she struggles with social interactions, especially first time meetings. She is paranoid towards others, thus she doesn’t trust easily. The woman is also victim to envy, as she can become very jealous towards those who are more skilled or more blessed than she is. She broods quietly instead of talking about her problems; and can seem dishonest, selfish, and stubborn.
However, towards those who grow close to her heart, she becomes protective and does her best to be dependable. The Kirinitw becomes more playful to those she loves, often sneaking up and catching them by surprise (mostly by pouncing on them). She’ll even goes as far as become touchy-feely with them. She is rather insecure, due to her fear of the ancestral stars and belief that she is cursed, and often looks towards intimacy as a means to help combat with her insecurities.
Her father’s name is Cassiel, which is the name of the archangel of tears and solitude in the Kabbalah. He is considered withdrawn, quiet, and has a cynical view towards most things. He questions and fears of what the voices will do to him. Because of his fear, He tries not to get involved with the stars’ and Planet’s troubles, despite their urgings for him to act. He was a hunter for the Draconid clan.
Her mother’s name is Nizhoni, which I found means “Beautiful” in Navajo. She was a merchant for her natal Persid clan before her marriage to Cassiel. She’s always been headstrong and takes pride in being seen as “a rebel for the right reasons”. Nizhoni is very set in her ways, and is always determined to act for the greater good. This is where her and Cassiel get into arguments, particularly when tensions on Shihab begin to mount. The clans began fighting for the sacred lands, with the Draconids and Persids allying with one another, and Leonids and Ursids joining on the opposing end. Nizhoni spends much of her time travelling between clan territories to give supplies to her natal clan as they are on the front lines. Though this wears on her, especially when she is pregnant, she remains determined to do all she can to save both her natal clan’s and her current clan’s livelihoods.
The extent of her exhaustion became starkly apparent as she struggles to give birth to Eden. Cassiel’s dying faith in the spirits finally came to an end when Nizhoni passes away after delivery. He believes the spirits of the stars and planet truly betrayed him, and thus sows the seeds of hatred towards them. He is a distant and gruff father, spending his waking hours away hunting to meet his daughter’s needs, only to check in when necessary. He begins training her to become a hunter as soon as she was able to hold a dagger.
Though Eden admires her father’s resilience, she quickly learns not to ask about her mother and the spirits’ words as it often brings about buried anguish. As she grows, Cassiel’s inner resistance to the spirits’ influence begins to wear on his mind. The once powerful man she knew slowly deteriorated to a feeble lost soul, becoming disconnected with reality and unable to carry about his duties.
Now a young adult, Eden patrols the clan’s hunting grounds and boundaries to support Cassiel and herself. She starts questioning her own faith as she watches how the spirits are affecting her father. Distortion ripples through once familiar voices, she and the others start to grow restless. There is a persistent, eerie feeling in the air, like the calm before a violent storm.
It was that night, as metal and murderous intent fell from the skies instead of rock and fire, that the spirits, stars, and earth fell silent.
The invaders of different shapes and sizes claimed the planet in the name of Frieza and began slaughtering most of the inhabitants. The terrified Draconids came to the conclusion that the stars have betrayed them, and they could no longer trust the spirits’ words. The last survivors plotted their escape, with Eden and the ailing Cassiel being among them. They attempted an ambush to steal the invaders’ space pods, only to be caught and murdered.
Being only a lowly hunter and guard, Eden swallowed her pride and submitted. She spoke velvet words, despite her trembling voice, playing up her strength and skills honed by years of surviving within the badlands and fighting the monstrous beasts of the land.  It was by the sheer grace of whatever deity was left to care that they conceded to let her live, only on the condition that she devotes her life to servitude.
The worst was yet to come, as training within the Planet Trade Organization held no mercy for a mere foot soldier. Though bones were broken and tears spilled, the Kirinite held onto her lust for vengeance. She vowed to tear the entrails of these monsters and their tyrannical ruler, just as they have done to her people, to her family. She vowed to show the celestial guardians, who left her kind to die, that she would overcome their betrayal and inflict the same suffering upon them. So she waited, she watched, learning who were integral to this force, and their weaknesses…
(Thank you @crownprincefreeza for letting your muses become part of mine’s story!!)
Her already turbulent life in Frieza’s forces took a turn for the worse after a failed conquest over a targeted planet. The soldiers stood at attention fearful and frozen before the enraged prince, dreading for what was to come. Eden was no exception, drowning in the quiet, yet surging rise of death’s cold approach. Yet to endure abuse, from the very creature that brought destruction upon everything she had known and loved, to be beneath the heel of her enemy fueled a storm of fiery rage. In her foolishness she bit down at Freeza’s pointed finger, earning her a scream and a brutal swat of his tail.
Once sliding across the floor from his strike, Eden laid paralyzed, waiting for the painful judgment to come upon her. Malevolent ideas on what to do weaved and clashed in the imperial mutant’s mind, and to Eden’s surprise, he offers her an opportunity to receive redemption. Desperate to remain alive, Eden accepts, not knowing the price of her pardon would cost until moments later.
Amazingly, few of her people, members of her late mother’s clan, hid well enough to survive the onslaught. As images of once proud warriors digging through the garbage of the planet’s new occupants and the deadly clashes between them flash by, Frieza gave her the choice: Lure out the last of the Kirinites and pay her transgression with their blood or die. The torn woman wrestled within herself. Would she dare betray her allies, her own kin, just so she might live another day? Morals and instinct warred within her, and ultimately through her tears, her yearning to survive, just long enough to make Frieza and all the spirits suffer for their crimes, overcame the more noble of choices. She accepts, and with the towering equine soldier, Yuut, being commanded to follow her, Eden returns onto once familiar soil, the soil that no longer bore the warmth nor recognizable voices.
With her armor cast aside, sand scratching and clinging onto hands and skin, and letting Yuut break one of her precious antlers, Eden approached the last of the Persids. Eden spoke of escaping the invaders’ prison and stole a space craft that could save them all. Her pleas for them to join her were eventually believed, and they followed Eden away from the last of their strongholds, only for their blood to stain the hooves and shadows of both soldiers.
Once conquered, Eden stared at the eyes of dead kin. Wide with fear, with otherworldly agony of being betrayed, becoming like dead ice, devoid of any life. The spirits no longer held comfort to her, and with a sudden, brutal crash of her head against the rocks stained by unrelenting violence; her last antler fell, broken dark shards among limp bodies, before turning away with Yuut.
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findingroleplays · 2 years
Hi there~!
I'm 24F, looking for a 18+ partner to create a 1x1 MxF romantic/dramatic/hurt-comfort/whump RP for the Thai drama F4 Thailand, or for any of the Boys Over Flowers series of adaptations, with me.
I'm currently looking for someone to write for any of the characters in these ships:
~ Gorya x Thyme (F4 Thailand)
~ Jan Di x Jun Pyo (Boys Over Flowers)
~ Shan Cai x Dao Ming Si (Meteor Garden [2001 and 2018])
~ Makino x Domyouji (Hana Yori Dango)
We can follow the plot from the shows themselves, or branch out in AUs and our own ideas of how the story should go... I'm open to new possibilities~!
Like/reblog this post or send me a friend request on Discord dramallama#9689 - we'll be using a server on here to RP :)
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thecolombianviking · 4 years
ursa major, ursa minor, hercules, corvus, gemini, algol, sirius a/b, wormhole, comet, meteor, RP-1 😬😁
ursa major: what are the character traits that define you the most?
Unwavering loyalty (it isn't always a good thing......)
ursa minor: do you have hobbies or interests that no one knows about?
Well if I said them people would know about them 😂. For the most part I'm vocal about my interests. If I enjoy stuff I want to share it with other people.
hercules: how are you with people? who is your favourite person?
I think I'm bad with people. The social awkwardness is very high.
corvus: what are 5 things you appreciate about yourself?
My logical thinking
I don't give that easily
My hair
My love of knowledge
That I have love for the world
gemini: which character (fictional or not) is your spirit animal?
Wort Jr from Over the Garden Wall
So there was two algol so I did both.
algol: favourite planet? favourite space object?
I remember when I was really young I had a huge fascination with Mars, but my favorite space object is man made, the Space Shuttles.
algol: you have to assassinate someone. which weapon do you choose?
sirius a/b: what’s your favourite sound and smell?
Sound would be the waves at night when no one else is there, and smell is orange.
wormhole: what is the shadiest/most illegal thing you have ever done?
Fuck..... I know I've done some shit I'm not proud of that's illegal but I can't think of any at the moment.
comet: you have the chance to undo one thing or decision in your life, would you take it? If you are comfortable sharing: what did you change?
Oh yeah there are so many decisions I would change, but I think the one I would change would be break things off completely with my high school gf (we stayed friends after we broke up in freshman year until senior year) and just make new friends.
meteor: have you ever eaten dirt? if yes: on a scale from 0 to 10 would you do it again?
As a little kid I know I've eaten dirt. I wouldn't do it now though.
RP-1: favourite classes or subjects you took or are taking?
Calculus was my favorite class in high school cause my teacher was awesome.
I'm college my favorite was appreciation of music. It was a three hour class where we just listened and talked about classical music. It was great.
Thanks for the asks!!
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dynstsads · 6 years
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                             LIKE IT OR NOT, WE LIVE IN AN AGE OF DYNASTIES.            who else can you trust to run the family business... except family?
the tan’s and the song’s are two of south korea’s wealthiest  families. what’s the secret to their success? exactly that—family.
— a closed, literate, au/oc, slice of life soap opera/k-drama k-rp / loosely based on the tv series dynasty, gossip girl, kuwtk and meteor garden, & k-drama the heirs. if you’ve ever wanted to be bombarded with every k-drama cliche and soap opera staple in the book, you’ve come to the right place.
                           home — ask — plot — dynasties — navigate
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codynaomiswire · 7 years
‘Trial of the Bow’ RP, List of Songs
The list of songs for the Trial of the Bow RP by @starry-nightengale​ and @codynaomiswire​!
(RP inspired by the Blue Sky AU fan fictions Trial of the Bow and Heart of the Exile by @elvenwhovian and @starry-nightengale
Since songs have played a key role in the RP we’ve been doing, Starry and I thought it would be a good idea to compile a list of them so readers can listen to them as they encounter them in the story.  The list will be updated as we go along until we reach the end of the RP.  Hope you enjoy it!
List of Songs:
- First song, with Bard and the Ellet May It Be by Enya, Performed by Peter Hollens and Taylor Davis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YnEMw3c_RQ
- Second song, Ellet garden song Song of Durin, Performed by Peter Hollens - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlqG7B598XI
- Third song, Sir Douglas’s music box *(Song was really meant to be a music box version of Exile Vilify by The National in the RP, but this was the next closest thing I could find)  Portal 2 Music Box by Sibelius 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G-8_pxdHKI
- Fourth song, Chell’s first lullaby In The Sun from The Secret of Anastasia - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKfKhnmsztc
- Fifth song, Chell’s second lullaby Lavender’s Blue from Cinderella (2015) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow25lvYoKXo
- Sixth song, the Ellet’s forging song I See Fire from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Performed by Peter Hollens and Taylor Davis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vvDCFU3RIo
- Seventh song, the Ellet’s training song The Age of Aggression from Skyrim (basically substitute “the Stormcloaks” and “Ulfric” with “Black Mesa”, and “Skyrim” with “Aperture” for the Ellet version of the lyrics), Performed by Malukah - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmFWIvLo1zo
- Eighth and Ninth songs, the coming of the meteor Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold, performed by str8voices, and Song of Durin (see link above) from The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyy_FIYE7EE
- Tenth song, Ellet victory song Still Alive from Portal, Performed by College Park Gamer Symphony Orchestra - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACeY3tgp3iY
- Eleventh song, Ellet library Christmas song What Child Is This? by Trans-Siberian Orchestra (2:52-end) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivlv4J5uiag
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dynastieskrp · 7 years
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the tan’s and the song’s are two of south korea’s wealthiest families. what’s the secret to their success? exactly that—family.
a closed, literate, au/oc, slice of life soap opera/k-drama k-rp / loosely based on the tv series dynasty, gossip girl, kuwtk and meteor garden, & k-drama the heirs. if you’ve ever wanted to be bombarded with every k-drama cliche and soap opera staple in the book, you’ve come to the right place.
       * accepting reservations and applications, opening at 15 applications!
                            home — ask — plot — dynasties — navigate
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for-gold-and-glory · 4 years
Weekly Events for Sept 28th to Oct 4th
Here are some events G&G Members will be involved in during the week. Or just events that I think are really cool and you should definitely go to. If you’re interested in joining these events just show up or send a message to Aegir, Lirilith, or Aedwen Or join our discord: https://discord.gg/dCRSWTx
Monday -  Tri-Academy Bonfire & Pep Rally @ 8:00pm EST - SGA Campus Tuesday - Blitzball Tournament:  Silver Lakers vs Eorzean Garden Priamls & Meracydian Mist Dragons vs Azys Lla Allagan Abes @ 8:00pm EST - Silverlake, Mor Dhona Tuesday -  [Steel-plated Leves POST BLITZBALL] - Drowning Wench, Limsa Wednesday - World of Light: Sidestory  “ Nutsy Log, Nut Quest 1″ @ 8:30pm EST -  Slitherbough,  Rak'tika Greatwoods   Thursday - Blitzball Tournament: @ 8:00PM EST The Doman Hellfrogs vs the Thavnairian Corsairs, The Cost del Sol Bombardiers vs the Don Coconero Water Wasps - Costa del Sol, La Noscae Thursday -  [Steel-plated Leves POST BLITZBALL] - Camp Bronze Lake, Upper la Noscea Friday - World of Light: Chapter 1 “The Light That Came From the Crystal Tower" @ 6:00pm EST - Sycrus Tower Friday - Garlean Weekly:  Interlude: Before the dawn breaks @ 9:00pm EST - TBA Saturday - Realm of the Magi @ 6:00pm EST - Old Gridania Sunday - World of Light: Chapter 1 “The Boys” @ 3:30pm EST - Eulmore Sunday - Idyllshire Faire @ 7:00pm EST - Idyllshire Monday - Blitzball Tournament: Gelmorran Jabberwockies vs The Mhachi Meteors, The Gloria Liebri Fighting Pugnax vs the Silvergrace Sea Wyverns - Amethyst Shallows, Lavender Beds W18
Monday -  Tri-Academy Bonfire & Pep Rally @ 8:00pm EST - SGA Campus - SGA, Gloria Liberi, and Eorzean Garden will be having a tri-school bonfire party to celebrate their participation in the upcoming March to Maddness Blitzball tournament. This will be a social event where we’ll have the chance to interact and get to know students from the other two schools, so please plan to attend, even if you are not participating in blitzball! Status: Open to students of SGA, Gloria Liberi, and Eorzean Garden Type: Social GM: Blackjaque and Laguna Tuesday - Blitzball Tournament - Silver Lakers vs Eorzean Garden Primals  Meracydian Mist Dragons vs Azys Lla Allagan Abes @ 8:00pm EST - Silverlake, Mor Dhona {Keeper of the Lake Entrance] tinyurl.com/march2madness - Let the March Begin! The first game in the minors takes place in Silverlake, under the shadow of the great dragon! Mor Dhona Silver Lakers face the Eorzean Garden Primals in game 1! In Game two the Meracydian Mist Dragons throw down against the Azys Lla Allagan Abes! Status: Open RP, please join us! Type: Tournament GM: Aegir 
Wednesday - World of Light: Sidestory  “ Nutsy Log, Nut Quest 1″ @ 8:30pm EST -  Slitherbough,  Rak'tika Greatwoods   - Sinners rejoice!  With some work and a helpful (albeit slightly insane) guide on hand, it's safe to venture further from the Crystarium for hunts.  With the Light a constant peel across the sky stay wary, for who knows what else will arrive while trying to take down a Light-infected beast before the Fanow itself is attacked. GM: Wayward Son (Jasper) Type: Clan Nutsy Hunts Thursday - Blitzball Tournament: @ 8:00PM EST The Doman Hellfrogs vs the Thavnairian Corsairs, The Cost del Sol Bombardiers vs the Don Coconero Water Wasps - Costa del Sol, La Noscae tinyurl.com/march2madness - Day two of March 2 Madness finds our blitzballers in sunny Costa del Sol, where Master Lolorito’s Bombardiers face off against Don Coconero’s Water Wasps! Afterwards, it’s the Eastern competition as the Thavnair Corsairs fight the Doman Hellfrogs! Status: Open RP, please join us! Type: Tournament GM: Aegir Thursday -  [Steel-plated Leves POST BLITZBALL] - Camp Bronze Lake, Upper la Noscea With shattered leve in hand, and a hunch that something odd is happening with their creation or assignment, or the job itself, the group that took the unusual (and somehow wrong) leve has split.  While the other half has headed to Limsa, it's time to track the aether sigil that the leve had and see if any clues of its origins remain in Camp Bronze Lake.
GM: Wayward Son (Jasper) Type: Investigation/Intrigue Notes: Please only attend one of the two Steel-plated Leves investigations!  They take place at the same time, ICly! Friday - World of Light: Chapter 1 “The Light That Came From the Crystal Tower" @ 6:00pm EST - Sycrus Tower - The Sinners continue to crawl upwards through the Crystal Tower, stepping over debris and cables left by the Crystarium Ironworks. Or is it the Ironworks from their world...? Mysterious containers have been discovered on the stairwell, inside them are parts of a machine that seem to manipulate the time-space immediately around them. What could this creation be and what has the effects of its time manipulation wrought upon the Tower? Status: Open to those with @Tower Breakers 
Friday - Garlean Weekly:  Interlude: Before the dawn breaks @ 9:00pm EST - TBA - Facing an eikon directly is not usually the preview of the STELLAE though it falls under their directives.  With the looming threat of a completed eikonic summoning, and a castra kidnapped to empower it, what can they do?  The answer is surprising - they can fight.  Now is the time to figure out what resources can be assembled and made in the short time before departure. GM: Wayward Son (Jasper) Type: Inventive/Desperate Saturday - Realm of the Magi @ 6:00pm EST - Old Gridania https://tinyurl.com/5th-astral - Welcome to the Realm of the Magi! Where old traditions of the Sixth Umbral Era are brought back to life through music, artistry, reenactment, and lectures! That’s right! It’s a Ren Faire in FFXIV! Put on by the Cait Sith Society, an enthusiastic scholar theater from Sharlayan, the Realm of the Magi is a place to come and dive into the culture of Calamities past. Try some Mhachian food! Witness old world performances! Be serenaded by a wandering bard! Sample old era crafts! Dress up as your favorite marauder or black mage. Enjoy lectures from local historians and scholars. Witness a quasi-authentic reenactment of the Battle of Yae-Kaeli! Combat the Green Death! Status: Open RP, please join us Type: Festival GM: Aegir
Sunday - World of Light: Chapter 1 “The Boys” @ 3:30pm EST - Eulmore - Tension is ramping up in Eulmore, but some have convinced a party to go out and set up a supplyline for food. While the silos of Wright at being scavenged and Eggy-Reeq's airship, the Brightwind, is being repaired, the Cult of the New Light has begun to make their move, infiltrating Eulmoran society and creating an even greater divide between those who want things to go back to the old way and for those who want to face reality. - Open to @The Boys - Open to @Northern Light who want to switch to Eulmore Sunday - Idyllshire Faire @ 7:00pm EST - Idyllshire https://idlefaire.carrd.co/ -  Join us as The Hard Place Heroes, The Sisterhood of Sharldei’s Vault, and Abalathia Iron Eaters come together to celebrate the March2Madness Tournament. As well as help raise funds for Menphina's Arms, orphanage run by Zhloe Aliapoh. A fun filled evening for all, with fun, food, games, and mud! Status: Open RP, please check the links Type: Festival GM: The Hard Place Heroes Monday - Blitzball Tournament: Gelmorran Jabberwockies vs The Mhachi Meteors, The Gloria Liebri Fighting Pugnax vs the Silvergrace Sea Wyverns - Amethyst Shallows, Lavender Beds W18 - The March continues in the Shroud s the Gelmorran Jabberwockies engage in a grudge match against the Mhaci Meteors and academies Gloria Liebri and Silvergrace battle on the Silvergrace Academy’s home territory! Join us for another exciting night of blitzball.  Status: Open RP, please join us Type: Tournament GM: Aegir
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