thejewitches · 8 months
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No antisemitism, bigotry, or proselytization will be accepted. We will be watching closely & utilizing the delete and block buttons as needed.
Are you unclear on the history of Messianic Christianity? Here is a resource, unaffiliated with us in any way! We encourage you to read it.
We wrote this because we’ve been caught in the trap of messianic “resources” made to trick Jews.
This post was chosen by our Patrons, who support us in the work we do. Become a Patron now.
Like we say, context is key. Jews have been using fish as protective symbols for centuries…but that isn’t the same as the Jesus fish! Red flags come in varying shades. Always use context & look for more before making assumptions.
Remember: interfaith solidarity doesn’t include coercion, trickery, subterfuge, appropriation & lying.
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thewritingwrath · 3 months
Genuine question, do you believe messianic Jews are valid? Do you believe they are not just Christians? I am a messianic Jew, and it’s actually a long story on how my family ended up this way, but I don’t feel like dwelling. I saw one posts that said messianic Jews were just Christians who appropriated Jewish practices, and tried to trick Jews into following Jesus. I obviously don’t believe that is true, but please give me your opinion.  
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realtrap · 1 year
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Messi and Julián Álvarez
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peacefuldwellings · 1 year
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925 Silver Jewish Mezuzah Yemen Ethnic Filigree Art Mezuzah, Made in Israel
Handcrafted in a small workshop in Israel, this elegant sterling silver mezuzah case is designed in old Jewish Yemeni filigree style*, adorned with intricate floral design and scrolled shapes.
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dovymcjewpunk · 11 months
I was buying flowers to put by the bimah for Shavues, and the cashier pulls a pile of white and blue embroidery floss out of her pocket and asks my husband and I if we have these too. It took me a second to realise it was a messianic showing me their "tzitzis". I couldn't help myself. The words "yes, but the real ones" fell out of my face.
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puzzle-paradigm · 2 years
“I’m a messianic Jew but I’ve never been anything except respectful��� hate to break it to you but messianic “Judaism” (it isn’t Judaism) itself is disrespectful.
You can’t participate in an appropriative and antisemitic organization like that without being appropriative and antisemitic. That’s literally why it exists.
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themancorialist · 8 months
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Whitworth Street, Manchester.
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thewayofyehoshua · 11 months
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Exo 20:8  "Remember the day, Shabbat, to set it apart for YHVH -God.  Exo 20:9  You have six days to labor and do all your work,  Exo 20:10  but the seventh day is a Shabbat for Adonai your YHVH-God. On it, you are not to do any kind of work—not you, your son or your daughter, not your male or female slave, not your livestock, and not the foreigner staying with you inside the gates to your property.  Exo 20:11  For in six days, Adonai made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested. This is why Adonai blessed the day, Shabbat, and separated it for himself. 
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ajotavia · 20 days
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palestinegenocide · 3 months
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Silwan faces escalating home demolitions in fight against messianic settlers
Home demolitions in East Jerusalem are rampant, but none more than in Silwan, where messianic settlers backed by the state are attempting to establish fanciful “archaeological” parks on top of Palestinian homes. 
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psychedelic-charm · 29 days
I've been visiting the Characters page for Blue's Clues on TV Tropes, and it seems there's a small number of Tropers who believe that Blue falls under the Messianic Archetype trope. It reads:
"Blue is a special puppy, and that has nothing to do with being blue. She is the target of a prophecy, born during an important cosmic event, announced by a divine winged being (Moona), appeared on Christmas Day, is a Reality Warper born and raised around common puppies, is constantly accompanied by her True Companions, and is an All-Loving Heroine who gives advice to people close to her."
Now this may be far reaching, because "Blue's First Holiday" shows that Blue doesn't actually appear in the house until the day after Christmas when she skidoos out of her book, and the prophecy discussed in "The Legend of the Blue Puppy" talks about Blue using the key she came with to unlock her greatest gift (a special play room where she can talk to the viewers) rather than giving herself up to save her friends. However, you could argue that the show fits this trope in a more significant way than the main character herself.
After Season 6 of Blue's Clues ended, Nickelodeon decided to end the show in favor of the spin-off show "Blue's Room". Unfortunately, that series would only last 2 seasons and 17 episodes before going quietly into that goodnight in 2007. Twelve years later, Traci and Angela brought Blue back to Nick Jr. with the reboot "Blue's Clues & You!" The Second Coming of Blue, if you will.
So, even though Blue doesn't exactly fit the bill for a messianic figure, the death and resurrection of her show is almost like Jesus rising from the grave after he died for our sins.
Blue's Clues is alive again!
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imvaleettttt · 11 months
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Glory and worship only to the Creator.
Why worship nature, animals, stars, stones and rocks, wooden figures in the form of men, people (living and dead) and other things? Let's flee from idols.
Let us give glory, honor and praise only to the Creator of heaven and earth and let us love the sacrifice of Him having humbled Himself in all His majesty becoming a man willing to die to pay for our sins in order for us to be reconciled with Him (Philippians 2).
Gloria y adoración solo al Creador.
¿Por qué adorar a la naturaleza, animales, astros, piedras y rocas, figuras de madera con forma de hombre, a las personas (vivas y muertas) y otras cosas más? Alejémonos de los ídolos.
Demos la gloria, la honra y la alabanza solo al Creador del cielo y de la tierra y amemos el sacrificio de haberse humillado en toda su majestad a ser un hombre para morir pagando por nuestro pecado para poder reconciliarnos con Él (Filipenses 2).
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ladyphlogiston · 4 months
Praying with my sister this morning:
Me: Holy Spirit, Sister believes that if she is sick, she is doing it wrong. Please share your truth with her. Amen
Sister: Holy Spirit says He will explain how viral illnesses work
Sister: Silly
Me: lol
Me: So are you doing something wrong when you are sick?
Sister: Maybe not
Me: Amazing.
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peacefuldwellings · 5 months
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claudiosuenaga · 6 months
Rabino Mendel Schneerson pede a Benjamin Netanyahu que "ACELERE A VINDA DO MESSIAS"
A conexão do primeiro-ministro de Israel Benyamin Netanyahu com o Moshiach (o Messias dos judeus), se deu por meio do rabino ortodoxo e cabalista Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), reverenciado por seus seguidores como "O Rebe", que liderou o movimento hassídico Chabad-Lubavitch de 1950 até sua morte em 1994. Os dois se conheceram em 1984 quando Netanyahu era embaixador de Israel nas Nações Unidas.
Durante a campanha eleitoral na década de 1990, antes do primeiro mandato de Netanyahu, Schneerson profetizou ao jovem Netanyahu que ele "será o primeiro-ministro de Israel e que passará o cetro ao Messias". Em suas próprias palavras, "Espero que ele consiga entregar suas chaves a Mashiach (o Messias), e teremos a Redenção completa e verdadeira."
Neste encontro ocorrido em 18 de novembro de 1990, Schneerson pede a Netanyahu que “acelere a vinda do Messias” com todas as suas forças por meio da política.
Ocorre que Schneerson insinuava ser ele o próprio Messias. Schneerson e o movimento Chabad-Lubavitch foram condenados por outros rabinos ortodoxos por "heresia" e "idolatria".
Teria sido esta guerra – absolutamente desnecessária e que não deveria estar acontecendo, conforme se depreende das obras do historiador judeu Schlomo Sand – instigada para acelerar o cumprimento das profecias conjugada com a agenda messiânica?
Ao que tudo indica, sim.
Vídeo original do JEM - The Lubavitcher Rebbe, aqui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHBiT6eJaQQ
Créditos ao Canal Matrix Mundial pela legendagem do vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/@MatrixMundial/videos
Recomendo que assistam o vídeo completo "Rabinos anunciam que Benjamin Netanyahu irá apresentar em breve o Messias Judeu": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq_0Xqxs4OI
Agradecimentos a Rodrigo Campos pela indicação do vídeo.
Leia a matéria completa de minha autoria "Rebe Mendel Schneerson disse que depois de Benjamin Netanyahu virá o 'Messias' (Anticristo)" em meu Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92224094
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youronlyoneofcl · 1 year
Happy Resurrection Sabbath Day!
Abib 18 (2023-04-08): Today, 2,000 years ago, the Messiah resurrected on the third day as was prophesied. It was a weekly Sabbath / Shabbat, for the Messiah is the Master of Sabbath/Shabbat. It was not on the first day of the week, not on Easter.
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He left his tomb on Sabbath day and have shown himself to countless people who did not recognise he has resurrected. Just like how it is today!
Rejoice! For the Messiah has conquered the grave! #HeIsRisen!
By: Crystal A Murray
Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/crystalwriter/49763140598
License: CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 (retrieved on 2023-04-08)
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