#messaging solutions
poojajha · 21 days
Empowering Business Communication: Exploring Contaque's Messaging Solutions
Contaque's Messaging Solutions provide a comprehensive suite of tools and technologies that enable businesses to interact with their audience and communicate efficiently like never before. Read this blog to know more.
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ellipsiseffervescent · 9 months
Of all the interpretations of Madoka's sacrifice, i find myself disagreeing with the idea that her godhood became a permanent solution/ a good ending/ an end to suffering. While magical girls no longer need to become beasts who spread misery, they are still children who are manipulated into exchanging their souls and be forced to leave the world early after being pushed to their exact breaking point. I feel that the interpretation of madokas sacrifice as a fix to the suffering of magical girls is flawed and that we see a lot of it involving sayaka. Not only her regret of leaving kyouko, and her crying when she could see her friends again at the end of Rebellion, but also Hitomi's storyline where she goes looking for her missing friend Sayaka, and as others on this site have mentioned, blames herself for Sayakas disappearance/death.
Not to mention, while the characters see this sacrifice as necessary, i also wonder how the existence of wraiths fits into this paradigm.
Granted, i see how this could be a metaphor for simply moving on in life and out of childhood, and that Homuras refusal to move on with Madoka is her struggling with letting Madoka change. But I do think that simply framing Madokas sacrifice as a solution to the suffering of magical girls is a flawed and an unnecessary binary of 'madoka is right and homura is wrong'.
Of course, the fourth movie has yet to come out, so i think we will all be disagreeing until we see the story's resolution. I personally just hope that it doesn't end with 'the demure girl next door who feels she isn't special and has no skills finds purpose in making the ultimate sacrifice of herself was narratively correct to do so'.
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haveyouplayedthisgame · 7 months
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Portal 2
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it's such a radical kind of positivity to be like 'maybe things will be okay in the end' in the face of biodiversity collapse and colonialism. but it's also exactly what we need. for some of us to go 'what if things turn out okay' and then do the work to get there because we loved that vision so much we made it happen
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aloeverawrites · 4 months
Project 2025.
"It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration. 
This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative administration: a policy agenda, personnel, training, and a 180-day playbook."
This is what they're planning to do. This is what you're handing the US and the world over if you do not vote blue in 2024.
If that's the choice you want to make, then please let it be an informed one.
Do you want to know what your 2025 will look like?
 Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
So, the Todoroki side plot got thrown in the garbage this chapter...
The less problematic stuff, aka, Geten being a Himura--pointless and just an excuse to explain the ass pull Hori pulls with the actually relevant characters. I think it's a neat that it turns out the Himuras were just as, if not more into Eugenics type shit than Enji. But besides getting a bit more background on Rei's family Geten being a Himura isn't important at all and really didn't need to be included.
As for the rest--it's trash and ultimately could end up with the Todoroki subplot's theme endorsing abuse.
I've seen people defend Touya getting ice as a power up as it proving Enji wrong--proving that Touya was always good enough. Maybe that could have worked if his ice came out only once he was accepted by Enji and at peace, but instead it's the opposite. We are told a Quirk break through happen when people are put in life or death situations. Touya is getting his ice after burning himself into a black skeleton.
Touya getting ice does the following:
Makes Enji right about the Quirk marriage. He and Rei produced a perfect combo first try and later got a second.
Enji was wrong to stop training Touya when he started to burn himself, and instead he should have just dialed up the training and tortured him worse than Shoto because that's what would unlock his ability.
The narrative is essentially saying child abuse is good actually. Again, because Quirks only awaken like this if the person is under extreme duress, if Enji had kept training Touya, but in a way where he didn't burn himself that wouldn't have unlocked his ice. Touya would still be stuck with his handicap and unable to reach his full potential. He wouldn't have become the perfect combo. Enji being non-abusive wouldn't have solved this problem.
The only thing that would have made Touya what Enji wanted is if he'd abused him more physically. If he'd kept training Touya and forced him to burn himself to the bone. Essentially his abuse would be rewarded.
The story is saying that if Enji had just stuck with it, and ignored Touya's physical pain than he would have gotten exactly what he wanted. Yet, instead he stopped the training Touya because it was dangerous for him. He should have spent time in other ways, developed a relationship outside fighting, but that's not the message Hori sends with turn of events.
It also just ruins any growth Touya could have had. He no longer has to see beyond his Quirk. It robs him of realizing that his father should have loved him regardless of his Quirk and more about Enji not seeing him for the perfect boy he always could have been if his father had just set him on fire at four years old. Touya's no longer wrong about anything--his dad should have kept training him, he should have been beat the way Shoto was. If his dad really loved him he would have let Touya burn his skin off.
To me the way Hori has included this power up for Touya ruins the subplot. Whether Hori intended it of not, it's now possible to read it as supporting abuse and self harm. Your kid can't do a thing because they're disabled--keep making them, eventually, once you beat the shit out of them enough they'll be the perfect kid you always wanted. Can't do a thing because you're disabled and it hurts you--keep doing it, even to the point of full body break down because in the end you'll achieve your goal.
It's become "See dad, you should have loved me because I was perfect the entire time!" instead of "it doesn't matter what your kids can do, you should love them anyway".
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 10 months
the afterparty season 2: well arguably you could summarise it as ‘mystery’ or ‘thriller’ but really it’s a hitchcock thriller to be precise. mostly inspired from his work in the 50s if we want to get exact. in fact it’s more of just an homage to vertigo pedantically y’know?
the afterparty season 1: well. uh. it’s animated.
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dxxth-gxd · 5 months
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                           ❝ —LAY IT ALL OUT, MASTER ! ❞ (plain txt.: lay it all out, master!)
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          -> REASONING DEATH MATCH ! (Plain txt.: Reasoning Death Match)                ➼ About: Request list/To-Do list
          -> CRIME SCENE REINVESTIGATION ! (Plain txt.: Crime Scene Reinvestigation)                ➼ About: Masterlist
          -> SHINIGAMI PUZZLE ! (Plain txt.: Shinigami Puzzle)                ➼ About: Guidelines for requesting
          -> GOD SHINIGAMI ! (Plain txt.: GOD Shinigami)                ➼ About: Navina (Shinigami) + White and Blacklists
          -> DEDUCTION DENOUNEMENT ! (Plain txt.: Deduction Denounement)                ➼ About: BYF & DNI lists
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cruelsister-moved2 · 9 months
omg the high femme camp antics essay saying everything ive been trying to point out about a certain form of interpersonal toxicity/maybe abuse perpetrated by femmes, the kind of femmes who loudly announce how much they 'love taking care of butches', against butches. the essay doesnt realise that's what it's about but imagine literally describing your partner being in therapy to discuss your manipulative and jealous behaviour as 'camp antics'. ppl no-true-femme-ing to say this 'isn't butchfemme' or whatever honestly feels super beside the point bc i think it totally is a feature of the dynamic when femmes act this way and it's a feature of the dynamic when they excuse themselves from ever actually exploring the harm they do to their butch partners simply as human beings by ensconcing everything in a matrix of flippant queer theory......
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also THIS my exact discomfort with a certain type of femme who's obsessed with femme-ness and why femme-ness as an isolated concept is almost entirely a mirage to me
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ghxstkn1fe · 1 year
i few like a lot of you have forgotten that the riptide pirates are in no way safe. the electrodon is dead but. like. there ship is also fucking dead and they have no way off or any way to call for help.
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fandomsandhappiness · 10 months
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sludgecenter · 10 months
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This is my warriors sona. His name is Raybeam. He was a kittypet named Geiger that was adopted into the clans. He is a Normal Cat. There is nothing wrong with him aside from occasional glowing, but that’s just because he’s a very special boy. 🙂
More about him:
He really likes twoleg trash, especially stuff like broken microwaves and fire alarms.
When he glows he makes a slight ticking noise. None of his clanmates know why.
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gayandtrashy · 8 months
I may not be as active as other days today. I'm finding it hard not to look at the content on the attack on Israel which is not good for my mental health at the moment, I'll be posting some book review on my review side blog and reblog occasionally on here but not much else since I'm trying to stay off Tumblr
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wild-at-mind · 3 months
I crave validation so strongly. I wish I could help everyone in the world and yet I am unable to help myself.
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unopenablebox · 9 months
i wish it were easier to somehow block any and all notifications relating to my extremely recent family bereavement without also blocking my ability to receive any other notifications
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queerofthedagger · 9 months
coming crawling out of black sails s3e1
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