#medic subterm
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Gendermedic: A gender system that can be described as your gender just feels like a “Medic”.
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Gendersurgeon: A gender system that can be described as your gender just feels like a “Surgeon”.
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✖ Tagging @term-hoard ✖ Iacon proceeds to make systems because of his husband fkdskl;of
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revenant-coining · 2 months
[pt: Natumortic /end pt]
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[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: blue, darkish purple, rosy-pink, black, pale yellow, black, dark red, red, light red. in the center of the first flag is a black tombstone symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: purple, purplish pink, pink, light red, pale yellow, light red, red, darkish red, dark red. in the center of the first flag is 2 dark red blood drops symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: magenta, red, light orange, pale purple, pale yellow, pale purple, light purple-pink, pink, darkish pink. in the center of the first flag is a darkish pink teddy bear symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
Natumortic; a natural system subterm; a gender connected to being a natural of death/a death natural. this gender is connected to death, darkness, dark/death aesthetics, cemeteries, natural aesthetics, instinctual aesthetics, & inhood/tinhood.
Patigoreic; a patient system subterm; a gender connected to being a gore patient. this gender is connected to gore, gore aesthetics, patient aesthetics, medical aesthetics, & ill/sick-in-nature (ILLIN/SICKIN) genders.
Playnuzlichic; a playmate system subterm; a gender connected to being a cuddly playmate. this gender is connected to cuddles, cuddly/cozy aesthetics, playmate aesthetics, playful aesthetics, & play/playful-in-nature (PLAYIN) genders.
etymology; natu(ral)/pati(ent)/play(mate), mort/gore/nuzlich, “ic” meaning of or pertaining to
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404, @gamercod
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[id: a rosy-pink line divider. /end id]
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zomnommbie · 28 days
You should wrong thing to say don't do it again first warning you've been issued your face don't do that again I'm a dragon you will refer to me as a title timers to fuck up completely utterly so I'm going to courage you that I'll drag in and switch on initially irritably irritably getting combinations and dragging it virtually initially irritably at different times though chooses events blood hypocrisy and reasonable your face has emitted you this version of a muffin again and then I'd get to the third place I could buy you you must write to us that'd be a very nice place pleasant do it again don't do it again
Rather a riddle of a container and continues to go back and involve it a riddle of her container and take it right here completely edalius so what equations is that teeter you're smart and intelligent I'll continue to suspect you you're smart and hold it sometimes though she uses the essence but it's a progressive progressive regression this usual brain so smugging you instead of elephant keep on selling all of our gun and take it right teacher and pretty Italy is somewhat if origin's that heater
Didn't intervene together about the case be sending somewhere around behind me in the background it's almost like therapy therapy therapy you're holding the clothes keep your helicopters at all times mind if you're a original penny and medical original opinion we're getting understand now and loved your gun that supposed to be a double turns in a vote or a minus that I'm going to hear yours is the resources on here so I can't be able to keep doing it you can't be lucky to post it can't be a block in a house you can't be postponed posts you cannot very postpone posts and you definitely cannot be on an internet situation if you don't have left you also surely so can I be following me or spending a third British therapy to hotter or left me on indecontent to do your mind she's doing what did you mean
You're doing what you're doing then you're going to have to stop but hear yourself to some subterms I guess I'll set up For You that's what's great but if I Don't think you Don't have to use this Yes yes By The Way in following it Sometimes oak's uses if Sims butts are procrastinating regional you are All In our Law all the Black & white there isn't a situation Here no worthiness no being bothered to like it one may or may not be involved in a lack of next month Choose a science paper that lasts evolved in a series of Alzheimer's policy with Teenagers looking at you guys on the internet the car Money and back I Mean Rebecca Mint Rebecca ma what comes your goose around I'm going to Go front comes Here therefore
ive reached peak
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build-a-buddy · 3 months
have you ever tried antipsychotics? it really seems like itd help u, given that your objects talk to u
Hi! So I'm gonna try and answer this nicely as I can. And then anon goes off. Because wtf when did I turn it on again.
I'm POSIC-- it means I perceive objects as sentient, having individuality, or some form of consciousness. For me, it's not due to psychosis AFAIK. I have tried anti-psychotic medication, but not for this specifically, and in any case it didn't impact this, or anything else going on for me mentally. So. Shrug.
Nothing bad about those who are psychotic or otherwise hear voices from objects, though. Sometimes that happens-- up to each person how they deal, if they even need to deal. I know the experience of psychosis related to objects being alive can run the gamut from relatively pleasent to traumatizing and extremely painful. Ain't my department to say much on that peice.
(Psychosis having folks feel free to weigh in here, if you'd like to. No obligation.)
Anyway, POSIC. For me it's just. A thing that happens. There's subterms for what might be causing it-- I (me and my friend who coined these words) even included one for those whose experience is due to delusions and psychosis.
My experience, I'm not sure why it happens-- could be a combination of personification, hyperempathy from being ND, and plain old hints of animism. I really dunno to be honest.
So, yeah. I talk about that-- it's part of my life + it's not inherently bad. It just is. I don't really appreciate you making assumptions but I understand maybe it sounds a bit concerning to outsiders.
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Medicperceitle: A perceitle subterm. A gender related to wanting to be percieved as "Medic", wanting to be referred to as "Medic", or using "Medic" as a title.
[ Tag List: @ophelia-thimgs, @liom-archive, @hoardicboy-main, @radiomogai ]
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In this video, I describe medical coding primary terms and subterm, vital and unnecessary modifiers, and default codes. Examples with responses are evaluated. #medicalcoding #coding #mainterms #subterms #codingconventions
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sahraeyll · 9 months
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In this video, I describe medical coding primary terms and subterm, vital and unnecessary modifiers, and default codes. Examples with responses are examined. #medicalcoding #coding #mainterms #subterms #codingconventions
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sciaticaremedy-blog · 6 years
Private Information About Icd 9 Code for Sciatica That Only the Pros Know Exist
Sometimes sciatica goes away by itself. It is a symptom of a problem with the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. Most people who have any kind of sciatica should avoid exercises like rolling like a ball. Something which you also have to know in discussing the sciatica is the fashion of treatments. Can Gout Cause Sciatica Listed below are a few of the reason concern you gout sciatica will be in a position to.
There are several sorts of the therapy. Treatment for back pain depends upon the kind of pain you've got, and what's causing it. It will be helpful to determine the types of the therapy. Treatment, if necessary, is dependent on the reason for the issue. It depends upon the underlying cause. Clinical treatment incorporates physical therapy. Know the cause is going to be something important because it's possible to come across the previous treatment or the prevention ways in order to lessen the danger of it.
ICD-9 Codes are changing all of the time. Therefore, the ICD-9 code is dependent on whether the internist identified a cause. There are several kinds of the code. E codes function as an addition to the principal ICD-9 codes. A code also note instructs that 2 codes might be required to completely describe a condition but the sequencing of the 2 codes is discretionary, based on the intensity of the conditions and the reason behind the encounter. You may see the ICD 9 code for sciatica to be aware of the type of the therapy.
Details of Icd 9 Code for Sciatica
Back pain is known as chronic if it lasts for over three months. Back pain generally indicates the pain that's caused in the rear area that is controlled by the spinal column. After the pain causes the weakness of the legs, it's the code to find the physician. This form of pain, usually referred to as sciatica occurs when the nerve called sciatic becomes compressed or irritated. Most back pain goes away alone, though it could take awhile. It is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. Adults with type two diabetes which may lead to pain or discomfort during intercourse.
The pain can appear every time an individual sits for a very long period or any time an individual moves from sitting to standing. The pain induced via this nerve being compacted may vary based on the degree of compression. Because of this, it would be inappropriate for doctors to speak like they were speaking to some other physician. For the very first matter, the health care provider will attempt to know the newest condition.
After it, the physician will observe the ICD 9 code for sciatica in order to understand the later treatment to do. The physician will use the X-ray as a way to know the overgrowth of your bone. The physician will use it in order to know the region of the infected bone.
Your nerve called sciatic is the lengthiest nerve in the body. The subterm nerve, median below the primary term release results in 01N5. Peripheral neuropathy is a frequent type of diabetic neuropathy. Thereafter, numbness becomes resolved.
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sahraeyll · 11 months
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Week in the Life of a REMOTE Medical Coder|CCS Prep|ICD10CM In this video I expose my brand-new medical coding books I bought to get ready for the AHIMA CCS accreditation: ICD10CM-Hospital Version by Carol Buck, ICD10PCS by Carol Buck, CPT by AMA, & ICD10CM/ICD10PCS Coding Handbook with responses. We discuss non-essential modifiers, Subterms, With/In, Combo…
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In this video, I discuss medical coding primary terms and subterm, vital and excessive modifiers, and default codes. Examples with responses are examined. #medicalcoding #coding #mainterms #subterms #codingconventions
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In this video, I discuss medical coding primary terms and subterm, important and excessive modifiers, and default codes. Examples with responses are examined. #medicalcoding #coding #mainterms #subterms #codingconventions
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In this video, I describe medical coding primary terms and subterm, necessary and unnecessary modifiers, and default codes. Examples with responses are evaluated. #medicalcoding #coding #mainterms #subterms #codingconventions
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sahraeyll · 1 year
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In this video, I discuss medical coding primary terms and subterm, vital and excessive modifiers, and default codes. Examples with responses are examined. #medicalcoding #coding #mainterms #subterms #codingconventions
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In this video, I describe medical coding primary terms and subterm, necessary and inessential modifiers, and default codes. Examples with responses are evaluated. #medicalcoding #coding #mainterms #subterms #codingconventions
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