#media literacy is dead
convolutedblasphemy · 2 months
Allos in fandoms will say two men who used to drink tea under the moonlight together in a past life, wear matching accessories and were shown to deeply care about each other once upon a time are canonically gay because "friends don't do these things" but if a confirmed asexual character is repeatedly shown as uninterested in sex or romance in the source material AND the promotional material it's "ambiguous" and "unclear whether this character is aromantic or on which part of the spectrum he lies".
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cryobabyy · 14 days
Respectfully, if my boyfriend has to think about his lady-coworker to calm down from a panic attack because thinking about me made it worse I would simply kill myself!!!
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audreyii-fic · 2 months
Side note:
In 2014 I spent a lot of time defending purity-culture fandom behavior on Tumblr. "They're young," I said, "and they have the sort of platform we" (millennials) "didn't. We would have posted the same black-and-white things at 15. No need to call them out and embarrass them; as they get more exposed to the world, they'll see the grayscale. It'll sort itself out."
Whoo, was I wrong. I massively misread the dangers in the self-selective ideological isolation of social media. I also did not foresee the effect of transitioning from webboards and Livejournal (where you were expected to define, develop, and defend your media interpretations in nested essay conversations) into streetcorner shouting platforms where conversation is impossible, let alone position refinement.
Ten years later, and not only did the 2014 15-year-olds not grow, 2024 teens are trapped in/have embraced a spiral of extremism that 2014 fandom sowed. Because no one has to look at, and certainly not discuss, anyone else's perspective, fandom discourse has become a rotted, stagnating field of strawmen. Media literacy is dead and this is how you wind up with people posting -- in total sincerity -- that liking a fictional romance between a short adult and a tall adult is endorsing pedophilia.
What a fucking mess.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Curate your YouTube search and recommendations
Tell me if you've had this problem before. You click on some video, any video, looking at something positive. And all of a sudden, you're spammed with dozens of negative videos in your recommendations. And no matter how many “Not interested” or “Don't recommend channel” that you click, YouTube still forces them on you. Or maybe you're looking for something in YouTube search, but you get too much clickbait videos, or hate-watch videos? And you have to scroll through everything?
Or maybe people have used different tags to force them into your search options, giving you tons of options that aren't related to what you are searching for. Wouldn't it be nice if you could block these channels and videos the same way you block people on social media?
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Unfortunately, YouTube's existence relies on Ad revenue exclusively, hence why their channel blockers won't work, and reporting channels or videos won't accomplish anything if those channels and videos don't harm YouTube's reputation or ad revenue.
The larger a channel gets, the less chance of YouTube taking action against them. Hence why very large hate-channels and videos will swarm into searches.
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Fortunately, there are tools called Browser Extensions or Add-Ons that allow you to have your browsers be able to add that specific block button option.
But...wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to look for those tools? Why do we need such an option? Why can't YouTube give us that option in the first place?
In any case, the resources DO exist. You just have to look for them on Google Search. Blocktube is one such tool, and you can look it up on Google Search to confirm what I have shown here.
I know that for Phones you’ll need something called Youtube Vanced, also researchable on Google.
Credit goes to https://www.tumblr.com/rwby-cinder-blog/620199907993714688 
I’m just sick and tired of YouTube not doing a thing about a glaring problem on its increasingly problematic platform.
Edit: Dear people who are upset with hogwarts legacy? These tools are for you.
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pearls-n-opulence · 8 days
Team greens are the only ppl who will tell you straight faced that the fully sober adult was taken advantage of by the drunk 15 year old
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candyn-gutz · 3 months
an angel loses it's wings every time someone acts like rody is a pure, has never done anything wrong baby boy. and also the people that just go "oh vincent has been serving human meat this entire time" after he literally says he would never serve that shit to his customers
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goldenqingxin · 2 months
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rem308420 · 1 month
being a fan of berserk or evangelion (or I would dare to add any piece of media that talks about "dark" themes) is hell cuz both haters and fans think that the authors endorse that stuff just cuz they wrote about it
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if the show wasn't queer and written by a women it wouldn't get this much hate
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little-dragons-den · 1 month
i love the new acheswan animated short so much but now I just KNOW people are going to use it against acheswan and try to make it some toxic horrible ship 😭😭
I've already fought somebody abt it because they thought Acheron was fantasizing about murdering Black Swan
(how did they even come to that conclusion??)
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kideaternomnom · 3 months
I feel like Power from CSM’s writing is pretty underrated, or at least not as acknowledged as other characters. She’s mainly liked just for being “haha hyper waifu hot girl” when no. There’s way more to her. She has great development such as her learning to love Nyako, her trauma from the Darkness Devil, the role she played in Denji’s arc, her learning to love and make a friend, etc. Plus, she literally defied MAKIMA, the scariest CSM character, due to how much she loved Denji as a friend. And you’re telling me she’s just some pretty hyper waifu?
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wizardsimper · 5 months
So I'm seeing a few people (mostly on Reddit) claim that Gale is evil from the start due to the fact that he doesn't immediately leave after raiding the grove
I'm so confused because he only stays after raiding the grove because he's desperate, if he leaves he dies and the orb blows, I can only imagine just how difficult of a decision that can be. If Gale is evil, it's because you as the player convinced him to be, similar to Shadowheart who can be swayed to be good or evil depending on your choices. At worst Gale is neutral, but even that's hard to say considering his approvals are mostly from carrying out good deeds. And even his misgivings (his desire for godhood) are coming from a place of wanting to be better for everyone (even if we know the power corrupts)
I think this sentiment is mostly coming from people who not only dislike his character, but don't bother to even interact with him, so they instead jump to conclusions.
An evil playthrough with Gale is fun, but he definitely does not start the game that way.
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“That was the worst depiction of SA I’ve ever seen!”
…have you only watched a handful of shows/movies in your lifetime???
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iamafanofcartoons · 6 months
I always hate it when people compare RWBY to other series. They never do it to see which series does certain things better, they instead just endlessly praise the other series and talk badly about RWBY. There are some things RWBY does better than certain series but of course these people are against RWBY being praised.
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While your question WAS RWBY-Focused? I feel this covers things like Castlevania Nocturne, Legend of Korra, and a few others. So if you don't mind, I'm going to make this meme open-ended so that others can make use of it for their related fandoms.
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some of y'all can't cope with the canon deviating from your headcanons and it's really affecting how you consume and process media
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rose-colored-lottie · 9 months
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you ever just read something and it’s so wrong it makes you angry?
the girl who never asked to be the leader and who gave the leadership away is addicted to power?
the girl who sits quietly in the corner and only speaks when she’s trying her best to help somebody, who allowed herself to be beaten to within an inch of her life to help somebody else, is self-important?
the girl with a mental illness who was forced cold turkey off some heavy anti psychotics is the most terrifying character?
the only thing lottie has done is introduce the girls to therapy methods. she helped the girls feel the first bit of peace and hope they’d had since the crash. their own trauma is what twisted it into a religion, not lottie.
lottie didn’t ask them to hunt each other. lottie didn’t ask them to worship her. lottie has always just tried to help.
i have a description for you, writer of this piece… hands-down a little bitch
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