#md au lore
kkolg · 30 days
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Blank Canvas - Jakeneutron
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silvers-starrway · 27 days
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Been having a lot of thoughts about ep 7 lately and how that applies to the au. Sonic's body getting contorted and changed into becoming a puppet to the solver... him losing agency as the episode progresses... hrm lots of the thoughts indeed.
Version without a background that I like under the cut :]
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withered--s0uls · 1 month
OKAY, I think I'm done for now.
@electrozeistyking and I a little while ago talked about how GD!N would react to DAS!Cyn. They went on about in a reblog but basically he would be extremely happy bc DAS!Cyn is a separate entity to the Absolute Solver, therefore meaning she's not the one behind everything.
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So at first they probably both would be extremely happy. DAS!Cyn in her own AU upon meeting N first is absolutely terrified that he might hate her after everything the AS made her do. So the fact GD!N would react very positively to her presence would be a huge a relief to her.
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Now, the issue is that the "Dormant" in "Dormant" Absolute Solver is in quotations for a reason. It simply lost interest in her as a main host / had no need for her anymore. It still has admin rights over DAS!Cyn and she still has a Solver Form. Though she doesn't use it by choice bc of PTSD triggers (until possibly a specific point in Ep7 but I'm waiting for ep8 to decide).
So yeah I think that would make both GD!N and DAS!Cyn kinda anxious to put it lightly.
(More Art and stuff under cut because this crossover has been living RENT FREE IN MY HEAD)
Also fun fact
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@electrozeistyking has mentioned and shown Beanie finding comfort in the sound of her fathers core.
Well funny story.
DAS!Cyn always was comforted by her brothers core back at the manor, when they first reuite at the start of Ep6 and she sees DAS!Uzi summon her Solver wings and tail, her instinct is pressing closer to DAS!Ns chest for comfort. Her memories of the Solver features are very very blurry, but she is triggered by seeing them regardless.
I thought It was cute the girls have that in common, so I decided to draw them and GD!N sleeping with the girls having their heads close to his core :3
I didn't feel like fully making these so they're sketchy doodles :"
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The first two are based on Zeisty saying GD!N would probably pick DAS!Cyn up and spin her around. Also you probably noticed between this doodle, the first drawing & the Tiny!N & DAS crossover post, but DAS!Cyn displays flowers on her visor to emote happiness!
The 3rd and 4th are just random interactions between the kiddos lol. I feel like Beanie probably would be happy to have another Auntie, not to mention one closer to her age so they can do silly kid stuff together. DAS!Cyn... oh boy
She would feel a whole range of emotions; grief about missing so much of her brothers life (like he has a kid ffs), guilt and self blame after finding out what happened to Uzi (she blames herself for everything the AS caused, even tho she never agreed to it) which might end up in a "slight" breakdown, anger at the AS for causing GD!N that kind of pain and eventually once she processed all those emotions she probably would be excited to get to know Beanie. Like!! Imagine finding out you have a little Niece!!
She probably would struggle to easily keep up with Beanie bc she still has motor issues like in canonverse so she's a little slower, so it'd be mostly her trying not to fall over her own feet whilst being dragged around by an excited toddler who probably even with child lock is stronger than her lmao.
Also I drew DAS!Cyn in an alternate outfit bc I wanted to actually kinda show the oil reserve canister,,,
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Ok wanting to respond to the hashtags specifically bc :)) yay
Also ig this is some DAS lore fact drops lol
Yeah, DAS!Cyn kinda didn't take it well either when she first realized the AS technically can still take over if it really wanted to after she transferred bodies in an attempt to escape. Imagine getting your core nearly crushed in an attempt to flee from robo satan just to find out entity STILL can use you for their bidding. Like!!! Damn that's not fair the kid nearly fucking died trying to break free!!!
DAS!Cyn definitely would want to spare Beanie the horrors too. DAS!Cyn herself is mentally like 7-10/11 at best 6-9 at worst -- despite kids usually just saying whatever comes to mind, she repressed most AS related stuff for a reason, she definitely wouldn't share what she knows with her newfound niece
I feel things would be either super great and happy or super traumatizing depending on when in the timeline we throw DAS!Cyn at them. If she's there during ep 6-7? Oh boy. Oh no. DAS!Cyn & DAS!N have an exchange during Ep7 that would not go over so well if it was GD!N in DAS!Ns place, because it would be awfully similar to GD!Uzis death -- she doesn't die, because DAS!N can't get himself to shoot with her being so close to the AS, despite her literally shouting at him to do it and that she won't be angry, that'll be fine. -- yeah I don't think GD!N would handle that well 😭 Zeisty feel free to get the angst train rolling if you wanna add your two cents on how that'd go over -- any point before that? Probably fine. Post S1? I'd imagine also fine depending on what Ep8 throws at us (except like... look at ideas list for more info*)
I'll assume that'd be Beanie reacting to seeing DAS!Cyn having the Solver tail and possibly the glitching Solver symbol in her visor. Yeah she definitely would try to play it off and go try and hide somewhere until she can get it under control again. High stress or negative emotions causes her Solver to act up (unrelated to the AS, just her own Solver form without the entity controlling anything!!) So what I said above to her reaction to the news of GD!Uzi being dead? And possibly finding out the reason why? Yeah that might trigger her tail and wings to pop out and her to basically be reduced to a hyperventilating ball on the floor because of proceeding to blame herself for all of GD!Ns suffering due to thinking the AS actions & it being a danger are her fault
Other things I kinda wanted to doodle but didn't for now, might do at a later point;
Cyn still has a Solver Core, which is the same as a DD core (except smaller lol). So I was playing with the idea of Beanie noticing that her core sounds different from GD!Ns due to hers being severely damaged and actively leaking after the AS attempted to crush it during the body transfer. DAS!Cyn then trying to play it off
Some kind of acknowledgement of the Oil reserve canister on DAS!Cyns back, it was made by Tessa before the AS did the medurder and stuff. It's supposed to help keep the Solver in check by preventing overheating, hence why its directly connected to her chest where her core is
There was something else but it slipped my mind
Smth I'm not gonna say publicly for now until Zeisty posts something about it and/or eventually posts the chapters bc I don't want to spoil esp not bc it isn't my place to :" (if you're curious, Zeisty, lmk I can tell you in VC or DMs lol) but it partly would possibly be related to the 1st idea listed
* I have an idea for what happens to Cyns original body (the one the AS uses & that wears Tessa) post Ep8 IF Ep8 let's me do it that is. I think it could be fun to crossover that idea bc of GD!Ns ghost sight.... tho it definitely also would be fucking stressful and trauma inducing bc Solver stuff sooo yeah rip (again, if you want I could elaborate in vc or DMs on this bc I want to first wait and see what the season finale brings before I do anything "official" with this)
GD!N reacting to the information that DAS!Cyn canonly shot "Tessas" gun at the AS (well technically at its tentacles. Point being that kid fired a gun/knows how to use one) -- which again could be very interesting if we were to toss them into the same Ep7 bc that's when she does it
Possibly GD!N finding out ab the scars/cracks surrounding DAS!Cyns core bc,,, yeah
Anyways uuuhh heightbsheet bc I'm 99% sure I drew stuff inaccurate
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These were actually so fun to draw and think & talk about. I'll post the GD x IC crossover once I'm done with that (yes, yes there is more than what you already saw Zeisty. Not much more but more nonetheless)
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therantingsage · 1 month
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Listen I love fankids and I love character design! Unfortunately I have no plans of making any fankids for these two in actual Finders Keepers canon because like...literally no way to do it they're too different biologically. So I adapted some instead! These are the only people I follow with fankids I think, but it's enough to make a decent spectrum as far as which parent they pull from. A few colors here n there have been adjusted just to make them look more related to my versions (super vibrant stuff makes them look like sparkledogs with how my designs work aksdjfhaskhf sorry Nyx specifically ily I promise).
Beanie by @electrozeistyking
Nyx by @thecosmiccrow
Colt and Akita by @lilblucat
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lilblucat · 4 months
How was it traumatic though? Can we see? (This sounds like a kid asking what happened and asks if they can see lol)
It's played as horror (and rightfully so). When I say "birth" I actually mean it. Uzi gets reinfected with Solver flesh and it starts incubating inside her. This leads to a loss of autonomy as it starts wanting more matter. By the time they figure it out, she's begging N to open her up and tear it out. "It" ending up being their daughter.
It's meant to contrast Colt's creation. Colt was a natural "birth" for them since they're robots. Their daughter being biological came with a creation very resembling of biological beings. Colt was just uploaded data into a premade body, but Uzi was pretty much pregnant with their (actually just her) literal flesh-and-blood daughter. It's a resemblance not lost on Uzi and naturally she doesn't take it well because it's Uzi and there's a billion reasons why she'd be uncomfortable about going through that. Because there's definitely some real life parallels you can draw here, I don't wanna joke about the topic - and that's been part of the reason why she hasn't been around in the comics.
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hearts401 · 2 months
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md au. where n is a worker. with some fun little enhancements added by yours truly
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stupid-thatsme · 21 days
I've work on a MD comic the last 3 days and this is the only thing complete that I have
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I've never work on a serius comic, the others are only doodles, and dude, its hard, I thought it would be easy but was a fat lie
Anyway, I'll publish when its done, I let you another doodle
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synthsays · 2 months
Red Dead Modern AU: Synth Edition!
Sorry it took me so long to get it out there but it's here now and I love what I've made up so far >:D
They live out in the country first of all. Let's just say the town is Valentine (cuz I like the name). Dutch Hosea and Susan all co-own a big two story house (similar to the shady belle one but smaller and better kept together) and they own a decent plot of land where there's a handful of mobile home style smaller houses that the rest of the gang live in (some have tents and cars and stuff like that too) They also have cows and horses on their land too. There's and old run down church not far from the camp that's near a creek so they had a stock hold of stuff there (Reverend chills there too cuz I said so).
Now to get into the individual peeps.
So the town of Valentine is pretty far out there so they don't have a fully functioning police system, Dutch offers his men to help with standard stuff and to still have crime control without having to call out an actual squad of police (kind of like in Rhodes with the Grays) Colm Odriscoll also has a couple of his men in the basically volunteer police department so there's some rivalry there. The real rivalry started with a bar fight in the 90s between Colm and Dutch that ended with Annabel and Colm's brother both dying (they "took it outside" into the woofs so there were no witnesses besides them and Hosea) Basically they were both like "I won't turn you in if you don't turn me in" so it was a stalemate. Colm ODriscoll owns one of those all boys reform school ranches that turn out to be abusive, that's where Kieran works as a stable hand of course (Colm has his gang of people aside from the school). So basically Ducth has somewhat control over this town plus a rivalry with Colm. He's still a little crazy so he basically how they get Kieran to join there side is threatening him with incriminating evidence agaist him (dutch knows the reform school is bad so he's like "Hey kieran ur gonna get arrested big time cuz u work there even tho you didn't do anything we have this fake evidence agaist you so join us instead) so now he just is a stable hand at a different place. Now as I mentioned Strauss is the most tech savvy of them all (surprising ik) because he basically scams people online. So strauss is usually on the family computer which is just a clunky 2000s pc Hosea bought cuz he wanted to be cool and impress the kids. How they met John is that he was about to get dragged away by some police officer cuz he didn't have a guardian around or something but Dutch ran up to him like "That's where you are! Moms worried sick. Don't you ever run away again r- uuuuh *looks to Hoseas* rrrip...Van Winkle! Let's get you home, thank you officer." And the rest was history ig
Arthur: helps mostly on the farm with the cows and stuff (cowpoke lol), owns a really beat up truck (John crashed it)
Dutch: no license lol, manages money for the farm, selling etc., is a conspiracy theorist he has one of those red string boards, probably stays up all night looking at his phone (facebook), tries to be "hip" but fails miserably, infinite amount of Hawaiian shirts where dies he keep getting these-
Hosea: used to own a motorcycle, crashed it unfortunately, shoplifts because he thinks it's funny, is actually cool unlike Dutch, has a garden.
John: dropped out of highschool rip, ran away 100 times as a kid but always called when he was like somehow 15 miles away like "mom come pick me up I'm scared", duct tapes whatever is broken no matter what it is. Works with cows on the farm but usually let's arthur do the actual work
Tilly: most put together of the main family. Student teacher at the school, likes hunting and has deer antlers in her room, helps mostly with the horses on the farm.
Charles: national park ranger (works at the nearest one even though it's still a 2 hours drive or something like that so he wakes up really early), has a blog about nature and park rangers stuff.
MaryBeth: has a book club (they meet in the cafe every Friday 3 pm), fanfic writer, would have a pretty huge following
Pearson: owns a cafe (saves a table area for Mary beth on fridays), has a huge postcard collection, watches cooking TV shows religiously lol
Susan: facebook gossip (has one of those old lady groups), principal at the school, cigarette mom
Sadie: Works for animal control, owns a cabin with Jake
Kieran: loves bass pro, works as a stable hand, plays those stupid horse care mobile games, has a yt channel (centered around horses)
MaryBeth: has a book club (they meet in the cafe every Friday 3 pm), fanfic writer, would have a pretty huge following
Susan: facebook gossip (has one of those old lady groups), principal at the school, cigarette mom
Sadie: Works for animal control, owns a cabin with Jake
Kieran: loves bass pro, works as a stable hand, plays those stupid horse care mobile kids games, has a yt channel (centered around horses)
Trelawny: van life style travels around the country in a caravan, also has a yt channel the videos usually only have a couple likes, maybe one or two comments (centered very random stuff mostly magic tricks)
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angeliteonfridgeduty · 5 months
i should not be allowed to look at dead DD's i should not be allowed to look at dead DD's i should not be allowed to look at dead DD's i should not be allowed to look at dead DD's i should not be allowed to look at dead DD's i should not be allowed to look at dead DD's i should not-
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(@arandomnerd810, i would like to sincerely say hi to you for making me remember i wanted to draw GNR like a day ago. you are single-handedly responsible for this post.)
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kkolg · 2 months
Ever since I saw them I am in desperate need of more of your MD OC's lore. That is Kimber, X, A, W & B, especially A and B like WHO ARE these GUYS and what is their place in the story I NEED to KNOW- (ehm... pretty please?)
omg I have kept this here for so long HELP
time to ramble😈🙏
Nuzi fankid who’s a little nerd and a little shit. Very creative when it comes to tech thanks to Uzi, he takes a lot of his personality from Uzi actually. Learned a lot of fighting stuff from N but he made sure to say to only use it in self defense. Very outspoken and surprisingly has a thing for parties.
Kinda an asshole and almost comparable to V slightly but without all of the psychotic murder sprees- she does kill tho. Meets Kim in a “N and Uzi style” type deal (parallels are super fucking important to this au btw so theorists take that with what you will 😈) She was found by A and taken into their own little “colony” and so now she’s just there :). She’s very close to A. After meeting Kim she changes a bit and becomes a lot more compassionate.
Girly is fucking insane. Was also found by A and lost her legs somehow don’t ask 💥 and then within the colony she was able to rebuild her own legs and gives herself upgrades. She’s a mix of Alice and V for sure. She does not show any remorse for her killings and probably never will <3
Dude is a big opportunist and a huge manipulator, bro has the charm of a snake (idk what that means shut it). Loves messing with people for the sake of his own personal gain. What does he gain really? Power…? Honestly no one really knows but that’s just what some assume.
If any of you guys have happened to also see my Bendy AU while looking on my page, yeah that’s just him. I made an Md au for my batim au because brainrot
But he also features in @jamieenthusiast’s Md au “Uzi’s Jumpscare Mansion” where his character is still very similar however the lore behind him is very different. Here he’s really his own character but still with the basic asshole type persona he likes to front. He has a ton of complex inner feelings but would much rather compensate by putting on a more exaggerated bitchy character rather than actually deal with his issues😇.
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zac-azkblog · 11 days
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Azk my zona! I’m literally only doing thiz cuz I’m bored/ooc
(No azking anything with nzfw, abt me irl and other zhit like that, u zhould know what to not azk. What you can iz abt iz hobbiez, favorite ztuff, fandom ztuff and otherz like lore)
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withered--s0uls · 2 months
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"Dormant" absolute Solver AU shenanigans oop... this would take place during episode 7. (more info under cut)
Sneaks in a Varian Tangled Reference bc I live my son and this is inspired by him.
Cyn ends up on the same side of the rockslide as Uzi. Uzi is uncertain about her after losing any trust she might have had in Tessa and now questioning N too. She tells Cyn to stay distant.
So Cyn follows at a distance. As they explore, Cyn gets anxious and starts self soothing using a method N taught her years ago. Uzi takes note of that, recognizing the quote from N. After the song in her head played on repeat for a few times she turns around to check on Cyn, who is still repeating the quote. Cyn pretends to be okay, but it's clear her anxiety is making her struggle to keep herself together and the Solver symbol begins glitching on her visor.
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birchisnotokay · 1 year
I am unstoppable
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mai-mai-lim · 1 year
Murder Drones just dropped a new teaser for episode 5 and im just
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pprojectluns · 9 months
MD AU lore dump coming soon :)
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nat0041 · 5 months
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Some doodle pages I've made over the last week or so of my WoF x MD au!! Little drawings and lore rambling
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