#mclul headcanon
mycandylovefanatics · 5 months
Hi, so I was thinking of angst and comfort with Lysander and Armin and if it's not to much Castiel to, about being insecure in the relationship, maybe because it's a new relationship and they don't know how to tell them and how they would react. I don't know if you're taking request, but I love your writing❤️❤️ bye, and thank you!
Being insecure in a relationship- Lysander, Castiel, Armin
Hey anon! Wasn’t sure if you meant being insecure with the boys or the boys themselves being insecure so i wrote both!
Being insecure with Lysander
I think Lysander is probably the boyfriend you’d feel the least insecure with, he’s already constantly reassuring you and making it known how much he adores you, and it’s not something he’s doing on purpose either. It just kind of comes natural to him. He’s very much a “I only have eyes for y/n” and he makes that very clear! 
If for whatever reason you are feeling insecure, you never have to be afraid or nervous to tell Lys, he’s a very understanding and empathetic man. It may catch him off guard a bit, because it should be obvious how much he adores you. But he won’t ever be upset with you, and instead may wonder what he did to make you feel that way. He would hate it if he crossed a boundary or maybe neglected you in some way! 
But I guess it also depends on what you were feeling insecure about specifically. Were you jealous of someone? Maybe feeling insecure about yourself? 
If you’re feeling badly about yourself he would immediately stop what he’s doing to cup your face with his hands and look at you with a softness in his eyes, “My dear you never have to feel that way around me, you’re truly perfect the way you are and I love every part of you no matter what.”
If you’re simply feeling jealous or a little insecure in the relationship he thinks it’s a bit cute and will still reassure you, he may think it’s a bit silly but he also understands that human emotions are funny like that. “I only have eyes for you, love. I promise.”
Lysander being insecure
I think Lysander is someone who is for the most part, very sure of themselves. I think it’s a bit difficult to get him feeling really insecure. Jealous, sure. We’ve seen our man get jealous quite quickly throughout the story. But if he was insecure I think it would stem more from him feeling like he isn’t enough for you, or maybe he isn’t satisfying your needs in the relationship. 
He knows moving from the city life to farm life within the span of a few months is quite the change, so sometimes he finds himself wondering if you truly are enjoying life with him on the farm like you say you are. He knows you sometimes miss the city and being close to your friends, and he feels a bit sad that he can’t exactly provide that seeing as you guys are four hours away from it all.
I think he wouldn’t be afraid to bring it up, but more so just afraid of your answer. The last thing he’d want to hear is that you aren’t happy here, and that you may want to leave because of it. “Y/N, are you happy here? Are you happy with me, on the farm, living a quiet village life?” Truly, this man would do anything to keep a smile on your face. God, I love him. 
I think Lysander would respond well to reassurance with words. You sitting him down, looking him in the eyes and confirming you’re happy with him. And then maybe a sweet soft kiss on the lips to let him know you love him.
Being insecure with Castiel
With Castiel there’s definitely more cause to get a little jealous, insecure. He’s got a shit ton of fangirls that are just jumping at the chance to get at him, so it can be a bit overwhelming at times! Now I don’t think Castiel would entertain any of that, he would try to keep it as polite as possible with his fans while also having firm boundaries. So I don’t think it’s the fans who make you insecure. I think it would be a fellow artist. Specifically a female artist.
Castiel can get pretty passionate when it comes to music, and if he collaborates with an artist that he really clicks with he can get really excited and will talk about it quite frequently, because he just wants to tell you everything. But he doesn’t realize it can come off a bit… aggravating to hear him talking so highly of another girl all the time? “She’s awesome and super talented, you gotta meet her sometime. And did you know she- blah blah blah.” And of course in this case it wouldn’t help if she’s like, super fucking pretty??
He really is not doing it in a malicious way, poor guys genuinely just really excited about the new music they’ve got in the works lol. I think when you tell him how you’re feeling at first he’s a bit taken aback, and maybe even a little confused but then you bring up how he’s constantly talking about her and he’s just kinda mentally like “...Ooooh shit.”
His first instinct is to tease you about it but depending on how upset you are he’ll be more mature about it. “I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to make you feel insecure. I can see how that might've been upsetting for you. I’m just really excited about what we’ve been working on.” He’ll peck you on the lips and then embrace you while smothering your neck with kisses. "...But it's cute that you're jealous."
Castiel being insecure
I think Castiel can be a bit insecure due to the fact that he’s away a LOT due to the band. That leaves plenty of time and space for you to find someone else. And he doesn’t want to be that guy but sometimes he does have a small voice in the back of his head wondering if you’ve cheated on him at all during those times he was gone. See, he KNOWS he can trust you. But the poor man has a tad bit of anxiety. He would never accuse you though unless he had solid evidence or reason. 
I think he would just be insecure because he isn’t there for you the way he wants to be, and that really does eat him up inside. He tries to make up for it by sending gifts, letters, flowers, chocolates etc. allll the time.
But because he is kind of an idiot, I don’t think he would ask for reassurance, I think he would jump straight to giving you the opportunity to dump him lmfao “Y/N, I know me being gone is hard on you sometimes. And I don’t want to hold you back, so if this isn’t something you want to do anymore I completely understand and respect your decision.” Ughhhh he’s so dumb. 
I think he would really appreciate physical reassurance along with verbal, because it helps him feel safe and loved when you wrap your arms around him and hold him tight.
Being insecure with Armin
Armin is a great boyfriend, he’s funny, he’s sweet, and is so charismatic. So charismatic in fact, that it sometimes can come across to other people as him being flirtatious. And the most annoying part is that he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it because…well, he isn’t! To him, he’s just having a casual conversation with a girl who is interested in playing DnD, but little does he know (and so, SO obvious to anyone watching), the girl is clearly just trying to get him to take an interest in her. The way she’s twirling her hair and slightly poking out her chest… Armin PLEASE-
But, thankfully, he is also the kind of guy to “my girlfriend this, my girlfriend that…” so at some point during this conversation he’s probably like “You know what, you and my girlfriend should talk about this some more because she would love to have another girl to play with!” He turns around to look for you in the store and motions over when he spots you, “Hey babe, come here real quick!” It definitely shuts down whatever insecurity you were feeling, and it DEFINITELY discourages the girl from trying to make any more moves.
Being insecure with Armin in my opinion is something you may deal with simply because I feel like he would have a lot of female friends. But at the end of the day they are JUST friends and he makes sure to let you know that. He may be a bit annoyed at first, because “Why would you be insecure? I’m obsessed with you woman!” But he would never be upset with you, and will still do whatever he needs to do to reassure you that you’re the only one he wants. Careful though, he’s kind of a little shit. “....You’re kinda hot when you’re jealous though, babe~”
Armin being insecure
I think Armin gets pretty jealous quite easily. It’s not hard for him to start shooting daggers at anyone who looks at his girl even slightly too long. A bit problematic, but he’s working on it!! Very quick to get grumpy if he thinks you were a little too friendly with another guy lol like i said, working on it. He has gotten better!
I feel like Armin would be most insecure of the possibility of you finding another, a BETTER boyfriend than him. He knows he kind of messed up in the past with you guys and he is constantly worrying about if he’s doing okay this time around, if what he’s doing is enough for you. I feel like he wouldn’t be afraid to address it, he would bring it up immediately and very casually. Kind of often as well, like once every couple of weeks. “Are we doing okay, hon?” 
“Do you need anything, baby?” “I just wanna make sure I’m keeping you happy, I don’t want to lose you again…” He’s so cute dkfjkdfjls
Honestly, just start reassuring him by thanking him, making him feel appreciated by all he’s done, and is continuously doing for you. It helps him know he’s doing something right and he enjoys making his girl the happiest in the world, so it’s a win for everyone. Maybe even return the favor once in a while, do something nice for him too!
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
hello! do you have any headcanons of Castiel reaction when Candy is in danger/injured?
Castiel, Rayan & Nathaniel’s reactions to Candy being injured 
N/A : It wasn’t specified in the request in which season of MCL this was supposed to happen so I chose UL (and while I was writing it, I wanted to include Rayan and Nathaniel). I hope this is okay and that you like it anon !
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𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
As we know, Castiel is often very busy in UL (which was a shame because it kept us from spending quality time with him in the game for most episodes)
Therefore, he doesn’t have much time to spend with Candy (as I just said lol)
His reaction could depend on whether him and Candy are dating at this point or not but in my opinion, it wouldn’t matter much 
It’s obvious that Castiel has a soft spot for Candy no matter what, right ? 
When he hears about Candy being injured, his brain just stop 
He’s a bit in shock as he didn’t expect this and he’d ask immediately what happened 
Then he’d rush to see her, wherever she is (if she’s in the hospital for instance, you can be sure that this boy basically jumped in his car)
He’d feel awful seeing Candy in pain and he’d feel even more awful because he knows he’s often not available for her
Really he’d be mad at himself because he realises that it needed for Candy to get injured for him to clear his schedule and go see her 
He’d promise her that from now on, he’d make more room for their relationship and for her in his life 
Starting by cancelling everything he had planned for the next few days so he could stay by her side 
At this point, he wouldn’t care much if his manager or even the members of the band are pissed at him because yes, his career is important to him but not as much as Candy is 
Also, he knows that if it was him who got injured, Candy wouldn’t have hesitated twice to do so, hence it’s the least he can do
Honestly, he’d take good care of her and would absolutely do anything she asks 
She needs a glass of water ? Give him two-seconds and he’s back with one. She wants to eat or get something but can’t do it herself ? My boy is already on his way
If she got injured because of a domestic accident or anything, he’d tease her a bit about how clumsy and careless she is (that would depend on the gravity of the injury of course)
If it is because she ended up getting involved in Nathaniel’s business while trying to help him, he’s mad af
He’d ask her to stop trying to help this bitch (his words not mine) and tell her to stay away from him (when I say « ask » it’s putting it mildly because the truth is that he basically forbid her to do so and he’d feel guilty about it later as he doesn’t want Candy to think he’s trying to control her. He’s just very worried and he knows that she doesn’t go half way when it comes to help a friend so he’s scared that it could go even worse)
But in the end, they both end up helping Nath somehow so that didn’t work so well, lol
However, he wouldn’t tell Candy about it but he definitely went looking for Nathaniel at some point (and it’s not a declaration of love he yelled at him, as you probably assumed)
𝚁𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚗 :
He would hear about it through Chani
Whether she came to him to justify Candy’s absence for the past classes or whether he asked her himself, that’s how he’d hear about the news
He’d try to keep his composure as Chani briefly explains him the situation and would try to act as any teacher would 
But we know that him and Candy share more than your average teacher-student relationship 
He’d try to wait for his classes to be over to reach out to Candy but he’ll end up cancelling them (and he’d get sermoned by Director Cullan once again but this is the least of his worries for now)
I mean understand him, this probably brought up to the surface some traumatic memories
He already lost in wife in a mall shooting, imagining something happening to Candy is unbearable to him 
He doesn’t want to go through this a second time and not knowing exactly  how she is has been eating him up all day 
Yes because he couldn’t really ask Chani for much details since it would have been suspicious (and he didn’t know that Chani already kinda guessed about their relationship but anyway)
If she’s in the hospital, he’d go see her (but he wouldn’t know what to tell to the receptionist. Like is he supposed to introduce himself as her boyfriend or ?)
But no matter what, he’ll make his way to Candy (even if it cost him to lie and say he was her father, which made the receptionist looked at him weirdly like « you look a bit young to have a grown-ass daughter ??? » but it doesn’t matter, she let him pass whatsoever)
He’d be relieved when seeing Candy and even more knowing that she’s going to be fine
He wouldn’t want to come across as too pushy, especially since she seemed to have been through a hard time (no shit Sherlock) but he’d still ask her to tell him what happened 
If it’s a domestic incident, it’d be alright, he’d take care of Candy as much as he can (let’s not forget that, officially, she’s just a student of his) and would make some arrangements for Candy to receive the classes she missed, and the ones she’s going to miss, online (he’d take care to warn the other teachers about her being incapable to attend their classes and it’d save Candy from having to spend countless email, lucky girl)
If it’s because of Nathaniel, she’d have to tell him the whole story and he’d insist for her to do so. Like if she was assaulted, he’d want her to press charges so that the police take care of it. But if she tells him that she can’t because it’d get one of her friends in trouble, he’d be like « excuse me what ? »
So she’d better tell him because he really don’t get it. How could one of her friends let her get in this situation ??
When he hears the whole story, he’d urge Candy not to get involved further and advise her to completing cut ties with Nathaniel 
But he wouldn’t impose it on her because he knows he has no right (and if she tells him that she can’t give up on her friend, you can be sure that this situation is going to worry him every single day from now on)
Give this man a break pls
𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
- If it happened because of his «  job » (and let’s say it is because I want the angst y’all), saying that he feels bad wouldn’t reflect even in the slightest how he actually feels
He’d be completely shocked and he probably never hated himself more than at this moment 
(And we know he’s already not big on self-love lol. Ok,  that’s sad, I shouldn’t laugh about that, my bad)
Bonus point if Candy got injured with him seeing it or not so far (ok let’s not do that, this would be actually way too sad omg)
But if he wasn’t there at the time, as soon as he hears about it, he’s running miles to go check on her
He’d have to make sure she’s ok or that at least, she’s going to be fine before being able to think of anything else
When he’d see her, he’d be completely silent and would be waiting for the moment where she tells him that she wants him to get tf out of her life 
He’d be so ready for it happen that he can feel some tears threatening to fall down (bbg no)
Imagine his shock when Candy’s actually glad or relieved to see him (if she’s at the hospital and according to what kind of injury she has, she’d probably on painkiller so girly would be happy about anything lol. If you have ever been hospitalised, you know what I am talking about)
If you thought this would make him feel better, you’re wrong. He’d feel even worse because now he’s like « I don’t deserve her » (and he probably felt this way even before the accident/assault/whatever because we know that his self-esteem isn’t at its highest during UL, but now it’s x2)
I’d like to say that he’d stay by her side no matter what but let’s be honest : Nathaniel’s defence and coping mechanism is running away from any issue and hardship he faces (luckily he grows out of it by the end of UL)
So Amber (or Kim ?) would end up being the intermediary between Nathaniel and Candy 
Because even if he’s not around, be sure that he’s constantly asking for news about her (and whether it’s Amber or Kim, they’d be tireddd because bffr Nath, just go yourself)
And he’d want to go himself but he wants to find a solution before (which is why I believe that he’d get involved with the police even quicker if something like that had happened)
You can be certain that this won’t happen again and he’d won’t let this slide either 
He’d finally go to Candy after making an arrangement with Eric to tell her that he’s going to fix everything and that he’ll become someone she deserves to be with 
Afterwards, he’d keep an eye on her anytime, everywhere 
(If you remember, in episode 2 of UL, if Candy refuses to let him walk her home, he follows her to make sure she’d make it safe and sound. Well, now every time he spots her in town, going back to the campus on her own , he’d do the same. He basically her hound dog)
I’d love to write some prompts with this scenario because y’all the potential for angst with this damn (there weren’t that much of it in the game somehow)
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I hope you guys liked it !
I am struggling with some requests but some other are almost done so they should be posted very soon !
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marchiveeee · 2 years
Candy and Castiel's relationship from Cas' POV
This story happens between high school life and university life. Get some tissues, maybe? You've been warned.
He was on the process of packing his things to move to the new apartment, a bigger and fancier one. He should be excited about that achievement, but deep down, somehow, he felt something wasn't right.
Don't get it wrong, though; he was happy about it, but Castiel had an emotional attachment to that old apartment that he hadn't realized until that moment. His teenage years were spent there, there were so many memories, good and bad ones, connected to that place. And even though he was not the type of person to get attached easily, he had to admit that moving on from that place to a whole new cycle wasn't going to be as easy as he had imagined.
Castiel was sitting on the floor of his closet, going through his belongings and selecting what would go with him to the new apartment and what wouldn't. It was quite an easy task for him and at some point he moved almost on automatic, that was until he reached for a shoebox that had been hidden behind all his clothes.
His heart tightened the moment he saw it, that wasn't any box, he didn't use to keep this kind of stuff, so he knew exactly what he was holding.
For a minute, Castiel hesitated to open it, as if he was holding the Pandora's box, except for the fact that he knew exactly what would come when he opened it. "Well, fuck it...", he thought while lifting the lid to see the contents inside.
There were some folded notebook pages — none from any of the ones he used in school — with a round cursive handwriting taking over their surfaces. They were letters, love letters written for him by someone he used to love very much. That he loved very much, actually... It wasn't as if he was completely over it after all.
There were some pictures inside too, "she carried that old camera with her everywhere". Many other little items were inside that box, each one of them connect with special moments he had spent with Candy when they were together.
Holding that box brought many memories to him, but a specific one stood out from the others, it was the one of when he decided to start using that old box to keep those cherished objects.
The day had suddenly become rainy, ruining the plans they had made for their date. That wasn't a big deal though, in the end they both just wanted to spend some good time with the other, so they decided to spend the day in his apartment instead.
Candy and he were laying on his bed, she was on her back laughing at something he had said, Castiel was on his side, one arm holding her by the waist, the other supporting his head while he looked down at his girlfriend with a warm smile on his face.
"You're so silly for laughing at things like this so easily, little girl" he said jokingly.
She wiped some tears off her eyes for laughing so hard and looked at him in the eyes, "I guess it's part of my charm", she then said smiling. That damn smile... He just couldn't resist it, it was one of the things that made him fall for her after all. It was his turn to laugh at her snarky comment, lowering himself to give her a little kiss on the forehead.
She hummed softly, and reached a hand to his face when he got back to his previous position, her fingers caressed him gently. Both of them kept the warm smiles on their faces.
"Can I tell you a secret?" She said blushing a little, but never taking her eyes of his own.
"Well, now you'll have to. But if you're going to say you love me to the moon and back, I'm afraid that's not really a secret".
"Shut up," she said breaking their eye contact, her soft smile still on her face. "I guess it's strange..." She continued, "but I've been keeping some small things from our dates, you know?".
"Oh, like what?", He couldn't avoid raising his eyebrows, surprised by her sudden comment.
"I don't know, they are all really random. It can be tickets from the movies, a photograph, a napkin from a cafe, a clean one of course. It could be literally anything, I just like to keep them, so I never forget the little things we usually let go. I even kept the receipt from that restaurant with the terrible food".
"You don't think it's strange, do you?", There was a small line of concern forming between her furrowed brows.
"Maybe a little bit...". The obvious lie showing through his voice. Candy snapped her tongue at that, rolling her eyes.
"You're impossible, Castiel".
"I know," he scoffed, "it's part of my charm".
She rolled her eyes again at that, face palming just to try to hide the smile and the blush on her face.
With the hand he had kept on her waist all along, he removed her hand from her face, making her look back at him again.
"I love you. You know that, right?" He wasn't lying this time, he wore his heart on his sleeve for that girl, it was just useless trying not to be honest about his feelings for her.
She nodded and reached up for him again, her hand was on his neck this time, making him lower himself to get closer to her. He did it willingly.
"I love you too," she said before kissing him passionately.
The sound of Demon's steps near him made Castiel come back from his memories.
"Hey, boy". He said caressing his dog's head, his voice was shaking a little.
He took a deep breath before closing the box again, suppressing the memories that came to him.
How could he get over it, when he'd loved that girl so much?
Some time had passed since they decided to follow their own lives without the other. He thought that with time it would get easier, and eventually he would finally manage to let it go. But the only thing he managed to do was to hide his feelings again, like he did before.
Why did I have to make it so saaaaaaaaad omg i hate myself 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I hope you liked it tho...
Sorry for any ugly mistakes, English is not my first language and I'm really tired, it's literally past 5am right now. I did my best tho...
Don't forget to tell me what you think!!!
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otomelavenderhaze · 1 year
I'm not sure but it seems to me that at some point you had thought about what mclul would have been like if Rayan had stayed married or had a child, can you talk a little more about these headcanons?
I'm pretty sure those were asks that answered in the past - at least the one with Rayan having a kid already when he met Candy in ul.
I think I've mentioned that sometimes I think about alternative scenarios, one of those were Chloe still alive and she and Rayan getting a divorce during mclul, and I also remember me saying that even if Rayan was married I would still play his route - nothing is sacred to me.
But those are just cuz I like the chaos and cuz I grew up watching brazilian novela which is very dramatic, kinda toxic and just the worst garbage to consume - which I did consumed extensively while I was growing up, that and fanfic, it ruined my life. Worst than drugs for sure.
Normally when I picture that one with Chloe still alive is either Chloe is a villain, driven by pure spite and all that good stuff, if she had a mustache, she would twisting the ends of it non-stop. Rayan probably was the one who asked for the divorced and he moved out from their place and is living alone. He was sick and tired of love, but he couldn't help falling for Candy. Chloe often makes things difficult to go through, she always wants more that she's entitle to get, but only cuz she knows that's the best way to drag the situation out and make Rayan forever stay in that fight with her - that's how she keeps the control over him, through their endless fights.
Candy knows he isn't divorced yet, Rayan told her about why the left, about the fights, and how sometimes he couldn't help himself and fight back Chloe with words (of course), but how he was tired of it all.
I would like to think that even though Candy and Chloe will have some tense moments, in which, Candy will act as the adult of the situation, Chloe will realize that whatever she had with Rayan in the past now isn't there anymore; they both twisted and ruined it beyond repair and she will come to that realization specially because of Candy. At the end Chloe will let him go and accept the divorce (she will get her fair part and maybe move away to another country or something to rebuild her life - I do love a happy ending for everybody despite their flaws and shortcomings, besides for a relationship to turn bad, it takes two).
Now the Father!Rayan one: I thought the most cliche kind of story, in which the kid, a boy or a girl don't really matter, around the age of 3 or 4 actually likes Candy and because Candy kinda will help Rayan in situations outside of Anteros and they will grow closer because of those. Also, in this headcanon, Candy just loves and knows how to take care of child (maybe he's a older sister? Maybe she have worked with small kids in the past?).
There's also the most movie like scenario with a kid around 7/10 years that is a) trying to be the cupid for their father; b) hates the person their father is dating at first but that person wins them over and they end up accepting it.
I like the a) option better because I found it more lighthearted and fun. Maybe with a girl it works better but I KINDA, actually, I lie, I would 100% make it a boy, because I love the idea of a mini Rayan walking around the campus trying to fix his father non-existent love life while also being very picky about who would date him.
Mini Rayan would very much be like his dad, but hella more practical and assertive, despite being very child-like and adorable in how he wants to make his dad find happiness. Always making plans and small traps that never work to get Candy and Rayan to grow closer, Candy find them adorable and since she also likes Rayan, she just wings it and somehow make the date work.
I would see them being friends with each other, mini Rayan would complain about how his father have no game and no charms and Candy would simply laugh it off because it couldn't be far from the truth but since Rayan choose not to show that side of him very often around his son (or anyone for that matter) she understands why he would think that way.
Rayan would realize what his son was doing after the 3rd "incident" kkkk which he will be angry at the boy, but not angry enough, because part of him feel relief and happy that mini Rayan is so taken by Candy - Rayan would also scold her lightly for letting the boy get away with those pranks, she will laugh off and ask him how she was suppose to stop such smart and headstrong child.
When mini Rayan tried to pull those again, Rayan will stop him in time but actually turn it into a oportunity to spend time with Candy and sometimes even with his son and her. At some point mini Rayan will realize that he didn't need to do anything anymore to bring them closer and actually do the opposite: start giving them also time to be together. But of course, the best is always when the 3 of them get to share moments together, like a family.
I had a lot more to say about the kid one kkkkkk cuz of course, I find it cuter and more light to think about.
Lately I have me into the "unexpected pregnancy" one too, because I like the angst, but also because it's more about Candy making choices and dealing with the consequences of those choices - which gives her more personality in my head and I'm always for that.
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caemec · 6 years
Type : Drabble • angst • sadness • breakup storyline
Characters : Reader • Armin x ...
Warning : No happy ending. Armin’s people, just be ready (and I’m sorry and I love you and I also love him, if it can help ?)
Ask : 36. You’ve shown me what love can feel like.
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Drinking because of sadness always had been a pretty bad idea. Even more when you just saw your ancient boyfriend, unseen during the three last years, at the birthday party of his twin and actually best friend of yours, his arms happily embracing a beautiful and charismatic woman.
Who wasn’t you.
Saying you wanted to scream your anger to his - their - pretty faces right away, sending him back from wherever he came, and maybe throw up your glass on her very good-looking dress was a euphemism. Somewhere in your mind, images of both of you from prior years wouldn’t go away, reminding you how lucky you were.
Funny how time could wake up unspoken emotions that never came up when it should, to make you realise he wasn’t just a guy among many. You had to wait the day you woke up alone to understand what kind of mistake you had done.
You had let him stay by your side for a year. A whole fucking year of promises you didn’t truly want to follow, of actions to calm him down, and of meaningless words. You let him believe you, you let him live in a lie. And then, the day you had enough, you just destroyed him in a single sentence.
He was deeply in love with you. And you were too. Just not at the same time.
And that’s why, despite all the bitterness and damages that were ranting inside you, you tried.
You tried so much to keep the feelings still, very well blocked in your throat, even when he approached you, a wonderful smile on his lips after having recognized you. You let him kiss your cheek as if it wasn’t a big deal anymore, you falsely happily listened to him when everything inside you shattered.
Liar, liar, liar.
Even when he presented you that perfect creature by his side, you let him casually introduce you as “it’s [Y/N], my ex” , as if it wouldn’t have a huge effect on your already so broken heart, and you just smiled.
Karma was definitely a bitch, you would brazenly think, when she decided to hug you with so much warmth you just wanted to hate her. But couldn’t.
Because with this simple action, it was all said.
How much she trusted him to go greeting his ex with happiness. How much they were deeply in love with each other, when their hands wouldn’t stop touching and their eyes would show unspoken feelings that brought him sparkles of joy. How much she was the one in his life and dreams, having taken a place you once thought would be yours forever.
How could have you one day come to take Armin for granted ? You wish you could go back in time and slap your old self, because he wasn’t your meant to be without you loving and fighting for him like he truly deserved it. Like he did for you.
“Gosh, I am so happy to see you again, you have no idea. How are you doing since all those years ?”
Pretty bad since we broke up, actually.
It’s been three years, it was me who asked for it, I know I’m the one who screw up everything in less than one sentence.
And every time I’m thinking about you, I just hate myself for what I did. You didn’t deserve it. I didn’t deserve you.
And that’s why I can’t tell you that. I have no rights. I would just screw up everything, once again, I would have to see your teary eyes, once again, I would have to deal another three years with the idea I just broke your heart and couldn’t let you be. Once again.
I won’t, because I wish you to be happy, I wish her to bring you joy like you did for me before.
I was too selfish, too childish to understand how perfect you were. Now, I lost you, and all I can do for you is to let you go and have the beautiful life you are meant to have. If I’m not in it, that’s okay. I will pass through it, eventually.
The most important is that you can smile again, and will never be stopped. And certainly not by me.
You’ve shown me what love can feel like. Now it’s my turn to let you meet this feeling. Forever.
“I’m happy too, actually” you let escape with another actor’s grin.
You lied to him before, so you could do it again. For a good reason, this time.
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asxeldarya · 6 years
Castiel's voice.
For me, his voice just sound like this...😍
Yeah i think so...
Just listen those songs and these ones too :
- The Edge of Tonight
- Dirty Laundry
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camkuroyama21 · 3 years
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'oh no he's hot' alert.
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barkxonce · 4 years
Vampire Nathaniel headcanons because why not:
Their father was becoming more and more aggressive towards him and was starting to turn on Amber, too. He wanted to be vampire to protect his sister and kept his desires from everybody that knew him.
He has a tendency to disappear for days on end.
Nathaniel tries so hard to keep his urges under control. He tries to feed as often and as little as he can so that he’s always one step ahead of himself, otherwise he can’t hold himself back.
Big vampire groups aren’t his thing, so he likes to keep to himself. As a new vampire, they try to seek him out and persuade him (the old vampires? They’re loaded. They could probably buy him out if they wanted to), but he always declines. The only reason why he is in touch with them is because he needs blood and they are capable of providing it.
Still maintains his morals. Tries not to kill if he can help it. He doesn’t want to hurt people because he knows he’s stronger and much more capable of it now, but he will if he has to.
He’s kind of ashamed that he wanted to be a vampire so bad, so he tries to distance himself from his old friends. Annette’s the only one he lets back into his life, mostly because he can’t imagine a life without her.
I’ll probably add to this at some point xxx
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mcl-kittenina2 · 4 years
So imagine this ladies.
Rayan as a silver haired fox in season three (or more salt and pepper maybe)
Asking your father’s permission if he can marry you
Going REALLY romantic on the proposal, rose petals, candles, dinner, a slow dance where he dips you into a kiss and as he pulls you up he gets down on one knee.
Expresses that you are the most important woman to have come into his life at the right time and the thought of not being with you slowly breaks him inside. Asks if you would take him flaws and all and make him the happiest man alive by becoming his wife.
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satansfaery · 4 years
Headcanon: Alexy has actually blonde hair and blue eyes but he dyes it and uses contact lenses
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Day 6 - 9:57
Alie woke up and realised she was burried in Chani's arms. She felt empty, probably because of all the tears she had left out the night before, but seeing Chani sleeping in such a cute way made her smile a little.
She went out the bed and checked her appareance in the mirror, arranged her hair a little. Then she found her clothes that she had exchanged for Rayan's oversized shirt for the night, her friend not wanting to let her sleep in dirty clothes. Dressed, she went to the living room, and found two other sights that made her feel slightly more whole; Rayan was making pancakes, apparently really focused on his task, his eyebrows furrowed and his hands moving with precautions. On the other side of the room, Hyun was laying on the couch, his hair going crazy, his shirt half raised and the lower part of his body covered by a blanket.
She greeted Rayan, who answered by a huge smile, slightly exaggerated but nonetheless showing his relief. He did not ask how she was feeling, guessing by himself, and instead asked her to wake up their two fellows, showing proudly the pile of pancakes that were already ready.
Hyun woke up as soon as she touched him but grabbed her sleeve and stared at her with sleepy eyes for a moment, before releasing her - she seemed fine enough and he felt reassured just by seeing her awake, standing, and not so sad-looking. Sleeping Chani was another problem, and clung to the bed for a moment.
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
'Simple Moments'(MCL HSL Nathaniel)
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N/A : This was unfinished in my drafts since a little while so I thought I should give it another try and see where this lead
Sum. : As the school play occupies everyone's mind in Sweet Amoris, Nathaniel can't afford to let himself get distracted. Unfortunately for him, it seems to be out of his control.
TW : none, it's just cute (if you don't look at the slight angst that comes with Nathaniel's situation)
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Nathaniel let out a deep sigh as he stretched on his chair.
He had been caught up in paperwork for at least a good hour but still, he wasn’t eager to go home.
The school was probably empty by now and if not, it was only about time. Only a few students were staying this late after the end of class. It was mainly the most studious ones who stayed around and despite being a part of them, Nathaniel was on his own in the Student Council Room. It was often the case but he didn't mind or at least he didn't think he did as this habit became so ingrained in his routine that he didn't bother thinking about his loneliness.
Sometimes Melody would walk in and sit besides him. She’d try to talk but there was too much to do and not much to say so the conversations would inevitably meet a dead end. When he thought back on it, he felt a bit bad for the girl. He could see that she liked him and it might have looked like he was leading her on but he wasn’t trying to.
Truth is that he had other things on his mind which were slowly drowning him. 
Today, Mr Faraize had given them back their test results. Usually, Nathaniel wouldn’t have given it some second thought or wouldn’t have been worried about it but this time, he couldn’t help it. He turned pale when he saw his grade and he hoped that no one noticed it. Anyone would have found him ridiculous. It wasn’t a bad grade, it was actually pretty good. Above the class average. But certainly not above a certain person’s expectations.
No, really, he wasn’t eager to go home.
Which is why he decided that he would visit the library before leaving the school. Mr Faraize mentioned a book that might help them go through this part of the history program and that they could borrow it from the school. Deep down, he knew it wasn’t a lack of understanding that earned him this grade but he didn’t like the idea that he allowed himself to get distracted. In his defence, with the school play being set up and the commotion it created among the other students, it was becoming hard to focus on anything else.
Also, these rehearsals with Candy…
He probably should’ve focused on school work but he was too glad she asked his help to decline. And it was worth it because during that time he spent with her, it was as if his concerns were suddenly far away and these suffocating thoughts which filled his mind on a daily basis faded to the sound of her cristalline laugh. He quietly smiled as he thought back at her reaction when she received her grade too. And how her and Alexy beside her, who probably didn’t do a much better job than hers, let out a sour laugh and some snarky comments. 
Had she been distracted too ? And was it by their rehearsals ? Or was it just Nathaniel hoping that, whatever relationship they had, it wasn't only one sided ? The way she smiled and looked at him when it was only the both of them... It had to mean something, right ?
He stopped this thought from flourishing in his mind, ignoring that his pulse got quicker and ignoring the knot forming in his stomach as he entered the library.
He began to pace the shelves, looking for the said book, without success. ‘It’s really my day’ he ironically thought. As he was ready to leave, empty handed, he noticed someone sitting in an isolated corner.
Candy, with the book wide open in front of her, staring at it as if trying to decipher something. Her confused look amused Nathaniel. « Is it that bad ? » he asked as he walked toward her.
« Don’t make fun of me... You'd probably be surprised to know that The Cold War isn't really my cup of tea. Mr Faraize could tell you so... » she replied, grimacing. 
Nathaniel let out a soft laugh at her expression. «I think we were a lot to got it wrong on that test..." he said thinking it’d reassure her. She looked up at him with a puzzled look. He instantly regretted saying this. He did not want to complain about his grade knowing that she wouldn't find it bad at all. He knew what it’d look like and he didn’t want her to think of him like that. Like this grade-obsessed nerd everyone seemed to see him as. He hated it.
"Also, I didn’t expect  to see you here so late in fact. » he added, hoping to change the topic.
« Well me neither ! But I guess that I should get used to the idea that you never leave this school » she laughed. As much as he liked her laugh, Nathaniel couldn’t help but feel saddened by her remark.
Oh, if only she knew. 
« I was actually looking for this. » he said pointing at the book. « Mr Faraize talked about it so I thought I’d give it a look ».
« What a perfect student ! I’ll be honest, I don’t get everything that’s in it but given my grade, I’ll better keep digging into it » she said lightly. Visibly, she wasn’t upset about her grade. Nathaniel thought that she was lucky. She’ll probably not receive a sermon about it when she gets home. He simply nodded, ready to head out when she called him before he got to. 
«  I mean, if you really need it, we can share it. If you want… »
It was like his body made a decision before his mind got to react and before he knew it, he was drawing a chair next to Candy. They sat together and she placed the book in front of him, turning the pages to go back at the beginning of the chapter. He started to read it but he could feel her eyes detailing him and at this moment, he wished nothing more than to be a mind-reader.
Time was quickly passing by and neither of them seemed to actually notice it. Studying was often interrupted by some random comment on Candy's side and Nathaniel would just jokingly roll his eyes, pretending to be annoyed.
Nathaniel thought that Candy was a terrible study-buddy as she was not as serious as she should've been but he also had to admit that she was the best one he ever had.
For the simple reason that she made him smile, she made him laugh. And the most astonishing part was that she didn't even look like she was trying to. She made his heart feel lighter by simply being around and Nathaniel was delighted by this unfamiliar feeling. 
He also liked how she leaned toward him as he tried to explain to her the notions she didn't really catch on on her own. He felt useful and despite him, he liked how she looked at him as if he was the smartest person in the world. It made him feel good, feel enough, and it was something he almost forgot the feeling of.
Sometimes as she was writing down his instructions, his eyes would study the lines of her face, somehow lingering on her lips. Nathaniel thought that they seemed so soft, almost like ready to be kissed. He felt bashful and slightly ashamed to think about pressing his mouth against hers every time her face and his were separated by these few inches. He could swear that he saw her "sneakily" look at him too, probably thinking that he had his attention on something else as well. Yet, he didn't remember when was the last time his attention wasn't set on Candy.
This improvised revisions session concluded by them starting to talk about the play. He listened about how excited she was with a light heart and an attentive gaze. She looked pretty like that. She always looked pretty but even more when she was talking about things that were close to her heart.
Then, the moment where it was time to leave came. The duo arrived in front of the school gates, ready to separate when Nathaniel changed his mind. "I'll walk you home".
« Oh, it’s okay, you don’t have to » she answered him, lowering her face to hide her blushing cheeks. This sight made Nathaniel smile, amused.
"I insist. It's getting dark and I’d feel better knowing that you got home safe" She looked up to him with rosy cheeks. She'd often blush when they were hanging out together (and in all honesty, sometimes he would too). For example, just moments before, when they were studying and his hand had accidentally met hers in search of the shared book. She looked at him so strangely then, right before lowering her head as she had done it at this instant. He hoped that it wasn't that he was making her feel uncomfortable but this thought was interrupted by her voice. 
« Alright, let’s go then ! ».
The walk home was pleasant, both of them feeling playful as one willingly teased the other. Nathaniel managed to forget about his grade while he was laughing and for her part, Candy savoured this laughter that she guessed to be rare outside the school walls.
Arriving in front of her loft, they stopped. "Thank you for the walk home, it was really nice". She was blushing but he noticed that this time she kept her head high, looking him in the eyes. He gently smiled at her
"The pleasure is all mine. Good evening." . He only expected her to return him the greeting but she seemed hesitant. Nathaniel frowned his eyebrows, a bit confused. Before turning toward the loft's door, she quickly stepped in his direction and placed a quick kiss on his cheek whispering a shy 'good evening' and disappeared inside the building before he could find something to say.
He stayed a few seconds like this, baffled. And without realising it, a smile had made its way on his face.
He chuckled quietly and turned around heading toward his place, light headed and with a singular tingling feeling in the belly. 
By the time he arrived home, he had forgotten what was waiting for him there.
Despite this, he couldn't think about anything else than how good he felt. About how good these simple moments with Candy felt.
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Alright so this isn't a headcanon but it's still a little something. Hope you enjoyed it and see y'all soon ! 💕
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marchiveeee · 2 years
Rating the "relationship material" type of MCL's LI: platonic, sexual or romantic (my Candy's version)
Feel free to do yours too, and tell me if you do, I love to read this kind of stuff (I hope you enjoy as well)!!!! If you're asexual, you can just ignore the "sexual" option; and if you're aromantic, you can ignore the romantic. And yes, this is an alternative version of MFK game, but we are not K anyone here, we're making friends!!!
Armin: platonic, but with a sexual twist, I'LL EXPLAIN. I see my Candy and Armin as besties, so they do have some kind of chemistry going on, but most of the times it seems as if she, Alexy and Armin were cousins. Maybe it would get to a sexual "level" if they were both drunk, or wanting to release some stress; I don't imagine it happening often tho..
Castiel: romantic! That's an old one... My Candy and Castiel have a lot in common and the way they built their friendship (IN MY HEADCANON) would've definitely lead to something more. They would be that kind of friends that people look at and say "you two make such a cute couple" (insert tomato Castiel and tomato my-Candy)
Eric: tbh I don't really know him and I don't know the relationship he'd have with my Candy bc I didn't play many episodes after the end of hsl. But from what I know, and from the spoilers I've seen, I don't think they would be close, Eric would be just someone she happens to know bc of a friend. And he's not her type.
Hyun: Oh god, definitely platonic! I see them as really close friends and that's it. They'd love each other as friends.
Kentin: platonic as well. She does think he's cute, and after his whole transformation she definitely thinks he's gotten hot, but the feeling of friendship is still there and I don't see much chemistry going on between them. (He's really hot tho, if I were talking about my terms of relationship material maybe that wouldn't be the case👀. Especially after Alternate Life, I've been interested in "van life" for some years)
Lysander: platonic again. Just like Hyun, my Candy sees Lys as a close friend and would definitely make some effort to keep in touch with him even after hsl BC I believe they have some interesting long conversations with each other. Maybe the fact he's Castiel's best friend influences the "platonic status," but still... I don't see them together. (If it was me tho.... Ok, that's not about me. Moving on)
Nathaniel: that's TOUGH!!!!!! But... In my Candy's pov... Idkkkk, maybe there's some attraction between them but idk if it would get to a friendship with benefits in HSL, probably later on it could happen... And if their "friendship with benefits" goes well, I definitely see them going for a relationship.
Priya: Idk Priya as a love interest very well (for the same reason as Eric), but it wouldn't be hard for them to go to the next level (sexual or romantic). I believe it's just like Nath, but in this case I can see it happening during hsl.
Rayan: Hmm... That's difficult too. I don't see my Candy studying Art History as a major, but I 100% see her as an Art enthusiast. SO... If I were to create a fic on my mind about them, they would probably meet in a museum/gallery/library and exchange numbers and from this it escalates to something else. Maybe they are still professor and student of the same University, but he's not her professor. I will stop here, bc I'm starting to have ideas and this is not the post for an entire fic kkkk IN CONCLUSION: They have the chemistry, but I'm not sure it's enough for my Candy and him to "click" at first.
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otomelavenderhaze · 3 years
I had promised to myself that I would never share my thoughts on StillMarriedRayan! but today my brain was like 
"So you thought about a headcanon that is basically what you hated in Eric for Rayan, but when it's Rayan doing the cheating and divorcing of a bad marriage to be with Candy, u cool about it. When it's Eric you go for his throat. I see." And I couldn't live with myself after, because I still intend to write that fanfic and I better make peaces with it now than later.
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oceanblooming · 4 years
New mcl season
if they bring the old crushes back wHO AM I GONNA CHOSE NATHANIEL OR ARMIN IM—...... MY HEART
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meleiys · 5 years
Theory on Castiel's route:
//If you accept his proposition in ep 11//
Castiel and Candy start a "friends with benefits" kind of relationship;
They start to catch feelings for each other;
Castiel is afraid to start a relationship (maybe the tour thing becomes a reality and he can't stand the idea of being away from Candy, maybe because of his fans they can't be together, etc...) and tries to push Candy away;
Candy gives him an ultimatum, he is a stubborn little bitch and she leaves him;
None of them is getting over it;
Castiel goes back to Candy and admits his feelings towards her
Good ending for everybody (or at least I hope so, I would be very disappointed if one of them has to give up on one's dream to be in a relationship)
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