#maybe im just overreacting -
thegreatyin · 2 months
it is more than mildly bothering me to look up dungeon meshi discussion between fellow anime-onlys and watch people call the funny purple eyed elf boy (thistle) a dark elf. like. i haven't read the manga but ive seen that one strip explaining the difference between them and normal elves in the dunmeshi verse and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's incorrect i think,
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airinakano-1125 · 2 years
So no one is gonna talk about this??? No one??? okay just me-😀
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grimescum-2 · 8 months
got a doctors appointment scheduled!! dont know when though
i genuinely don't know what's going on if anything even is ngl... like what if im making it all up and i dont even know /hj
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 2 months
I’m nawt gonna lie gang, with the day I’ve had today I realized I should stand up for myself against stuff that’s making me upset because I’ve had enough of not being joyous so im addressing it
I said before that I don’t mind if people draw inspiration from my infected design, but there has been a lot of times (so many today of all days of course) where it really is just my design and yes I am flattered but please, please credit me
I came up with the design as a whole on my own, based entirely on “oh that would be kinda cool” in my head, and when I first started drawing it I didn’t really see anyone else drawing rlly anything similar to my design at all so I mean.. I dunno man I kinda would like credit maybe please
adding on to part of the reason why im doin this cuz now im seeing other people given credits and it’s like hm ok 😮😕
It’s been happening for nearly every single fandom I’ve been in now and it’s like errr ok…
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crystalrainfall · 3 months
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Dear Izumi Curtis,
Maybe stranding kids on an Island, with no survival tools other than a knife and forbidding the use of alchemy, their only real reliable source and means of survival to make things easier, since these are children, might've been a mentally deranged decision.
I do not care that an employee was there to take care of the children, if said employee's only purpose was to fight the already weakened, and vulnerable, hurt children and steal recourses, such as hard earned food, from them in order to "train" or "toughen" them up...
The real risk of that wound Ed obtained from a WILD fox is nothing to scoff at.
The wound could've been infected if not treated properly, which I don't think a couple of children could've done easily, regardless of if they are geniuses or not ...
It's still highly irresponsible.
That's not to mention the diseases that fox could've carried.
This scenario could've ended in such tragedy which is only caused through pure negligence.
I do not care that Izumi herself was trained in a much harsher scenario, she was clearly an adult during her training in Briggs and thus could probably asses the situation and consent.
Which children just can't, no matter how much a child thinks they know an 10-9 year old just isn't mature.
And I don't even think pinako, the legal guardian for the two boys at the time knew of this, because if she did she rightfully so wouldn't have allowed it....
I hate that this is played off as a joke, that the two were trained in an absurd way...It's so easy to forget that fma is an anime when it's usually very grounded in reality and tries to explore deep conflicts... But when similar serious topics get ignored, the handling of the other topics fall flat and almost ignorant...
Slapstick in 2003 doesn't work.
It doesn't when the show tries to tackle extreme topics and tries to take itself serious...
Edward fearing Izumi and being physically hurt by her isn't funny because it feels out of place in a show that's meant to tackle trauma...
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It feels like these issues are ignored and undermined.
Like I get this part was supposed to be a joke but it just comes off as not funny... Because you're just left asking yourself "is this actually trauma or just a joke?"
Which I think is the wrong message.
Just that it unintentionally comes off as extremely manipulative, having someone who's supposed to be a maternal figure for Ed and Al show this much violence...
And mind you, this is exclusive to Ed and Al. No other kid has ever been hit or treated that way, yelled at?, sure, but even then it was mild. Tf kind of messaging is that? It's okay to harm the ones closest to you? You're doing it for their own good? As long as the person treats you good afterwards it's okay to be hit?
Like I know this is probably unintentional, because these issues just aren't addressed in the show, so it's not meant to be taken literally but damn did they miss the mark hard!...
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Like this entire sequence just pisses me off, there's already a post on this site which discusses the harsh flinch that Ed had when Mustang approached him after Nina's death in the alleyway...
The 5th picture of him just expecting to be hit again and accepting it... Just is wrong...
Like is this kid just used to it? Being treated like dog shit by authority or adult figures in his life, by anyone that isn't his deceased mother?
And the entire scene is flat, no music no nothing... This is just painful to watch. The hug afterwards just comes off as empty, damage control, to apologize after hurting someone, but doing it again.
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this guy is honestly making me question too much shit
bc there's no way in hell is just that nice, right?
at this point either: 1. he's being this nice and kind bc he has a crush on me, 2. he's honestly that nice, which will make me have a crush on him, bc omg. he's just the nicest person ever
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breezypunk · 5 months
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psa, just cos there are resources out there for you to make racist, bigoted and nasty mods, doesn't mean you should do it. Stop changing peoples faces, races and sexualities, just how the vanilla base game is there? well just how you don't have to play the game at all if you don't like how the characters look, just say you're a racist and a bigot and be done with it.
Btw I left the comment and 5 minutes it was gone LMAO. I guess I'm banned from their mods for good, how will I cope.
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bringitfine · 8 days
sometimes family really be like "why don't you tell us anything?" or "im the only one you can trust" but every time i tell them anything it always turns into a lecture n im the ungrateful dramatic one
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colesstar · 7 months
”STOP it doesnt matter if this doesn’t fit your theme REBLOG blah blah”
yea well actually
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hereforthe911buds · 1 month
I think one thing buddie shippers (I say as a hardcore buddie shipper) have to remember is that while this feels like a 6 season long slowburn, technically it isn't. Fox didn't have an intention of following that path. While there was lots of coding, it wasn't with the point of a romantic storyline. yes it was revealed the idea was floated at the end of season 4, but never as a performed intent. it was still a love story in my opinion, don't get me wrong, but a platonic one.
so while it can get frustrating "why isn't it happening yet? does any potential storyline mean Buddie won't happen at all?" we more gotta think of this like a slowburn starting in season 7. we don't know if that is ABC's intent either, but they have appeared more pro the possibility than Fox ever did. So if we think of the current plot like their intent is a slow burn, then it's only starting this season (if not possibly just the last 3 episodes). we are no where near a resolution or finality.
I don't mean to come off "don't lose hope" I'm more saying we aren't at a point to consider losing hope because technically this storyline is at the start. Fox's 6 seasons provided ABC a lot of material to build off of, but this is ABC's own narrative, and they're taking it in a different direction, romantic or not. they don't need to rush into anything because for ABC this is season 1, and we aren't sure how many seasons they intend to make.
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josephslittledeputy · 4 months
WIP... Oh shit, its actually Wednesday??
Tagged by @wrathfulrook @clicheantagonist @marivenah @cassietrn @the-silver-chronicles @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat and I thiiiiink that's it... sorry if you've tagged me & you're not on here, its been a hot minute since I've posted a wip wednesday & my memory is basically Swiss cheese
Tagging anyone who wants to self indulgently share a WIP! Feel free to tag me, I love to read new stuff :)
**Also terribly sorry in advance cause this turned out to be a bit longer than I thought it would be**
WIP 1: OG Verse - fun times with Celeste & Gabriel
He has to resist the urge to throttle her, lest he ruin the inside of his house filled with years of carefully handpicked items, ones he held a certain fondness for. "You ruined my life, Celeste. Or do you not recall?” "Your life?" She tilts her head in mock curiosity. "What life? The one where you were sent anywhere they told you to go, like some mongrel with a barely slackened leash?" “Excuse me?" “We can pretend otherwise. Keep up the illusion that your life was marvelous, picture perfect even. But we both know the truth, don't we?" She takes a step closer. “You were nothing but the High Council’s defanged pup. Cluelessly doing their bidding before I freed you. If anything, you should be thanking me." "Thanking you?" He clenches and unclenches his fist in an attempt to suppress his anger. "Hate me if you must, fight me even, but do it later. Right now we must get out of here. If they do not know where I am yet, they soon will. What do you think will happen once they realize one of their precious dhamphirs has been under their nose this whole time?"
Celeste truly is the nicest individual you'll ever meet :))
Including this little snippet from Gabriel's pov as well cause idk, I just really like it
Unbidden worry strikes him. He listens, waits, and when his ears pick up the sound of soft, even breathing he lets out a breath of his own. Celeste and the baby were still there, unharmed, perhaps even sleeping. It brings an odd sense of comfort, reminiscent of times long forgotten, times he didn’t want to remember. If he did, he’d have to remember what brought them to a halt in the first place and he had a job to do. Grief and old wounds had no place here, at least not at the moment. Kicking his boots off, he treks into the bathroom and gently closes the door behind him. It’s a simple design: Shower to his left, toilet to his right, and a sink with a mirror above it directly across from the door. Leaning against the sink, he ruffles his short, black hair that's shaved on the sides and traces his fingers over an old, faded scar. It runs down almost the whole length of his face, going over his left eye and stopping just shy of the corner of his mouth. Overlapping it is another, only this one goes across his face horizontally, over the bridge of his nose and from cheek to cheek. The only thing that remains of the old Gabriel are his blue eyes, once full of life and mischief, now faded and dull. Turning away from his visage, he heads toward the shower and turns it on, stripping down while he waits for the water to heat up. He doesn’t need a mirror to see the multitude of scars and tattoos that adorn his body. Aching for another drink—if only to dull his senses and lingering memories once more—he curbs the yearning and steps beneath the water.
WIP 2: They Watch From The Pews
Willa squirms, trying to dodge cold fingers that reach out to trace over the letters, caressing them with a sadistic fascination that makes her stomach curdle in disgust. Disgust quickly transforms into a desperation to get away once he finally reveals the knife kept hidden behind his back. “Usually I’d peel the sin off but… I think this will suit you much better, don't you?" Pressing the tip of his blade into her skin, he teasingly drags it across her skin. "Tell me, Deputy, how did you feel when you got the news of Samuel's death?" "Chipper." She spitefully answers with a sneer. John heaves a dramatic sigh and presses the blade down harder, prompting tiny beads of blood to bubble up as he traces over the letters of her tattoo. "You can make this easier for yourself, you know." "I've heard that before. Got me a bullet to the leg." "Because you ran. My men only acted accordingly." "Fuck you and your men, pussy." "My, what a mouth on you." He tuts and makes a deeper cut. Her teeth sink into the leather in her mouth, denying him the satisfaction of hearing her make a noise. Without pause, he moves onto the second letter, brows scrunched up in concentration as he goes over the lines again and again. It isn’t until he’s on the last letter that she finally breaks with a muffled groan. He stops, lifting his eyes from his work. “Comfortable?”
John & Willa are bonding so well. Truly, I think they're starting to get along!
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sirensea14 · 3 months
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Me with who
I trusted, Let you in
Let you see through my broken skin
Let you tell me, People would love me
Not get sick of me, Get rid of me
I know you rarely open your Tumblr from your browser but if ever you do so, well, sana matamaan ka.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 months
#its sort of funny. i think my medication is working pretty well. i feel stable in a way i never really have before#is it the dopamine stablizer or is it my ion channels? whos to say. it doesn't matter. but it also doesnt change some things#the ways i think and react negativly to change. but it makes it easier to deal with. i still experience this strange dispaire on the#weekends or anytime im not working. i think the oddest thing is thst i dont think ive ever been this consistenly sad#not in a depressed sort of way. just a passing thoughts make me tear up sort of way. it doesnt feel out of control. it just feels like a#prelude to grief i guess. bc my mum is still in the hospital and its so hard to kno what that means from halfway across the country#my sisters are both home right now. they both live within 3hrs of where we grew up. one sister lives in the city my mom goes to for#treatment. so they have the opportunity to see her more than me. i dunno if they do tho. we dont really talk. i dont kno if they're as sad#as i am. if im overreacting bc i cant physically see what's happening. what the feeling is in the room. not that she would probably complain#shes the suffer in silence type. my dad keeps texting us pics of our shitty lil sunroom that hes redoing#to make my mum a lil sanctuary. he must be sad too. its his wife. hes staying with her in the hospital rn. i dunno its so weird#when i talk to my counselor she assumes i find out info thru calls or talk to my sisters abt it and i gotta b like nah we dont really talk#i get my info thru text. i havent talked to my parents on the phone in like a month. i dunno we just dont talk. so i dont kno how to reach#out and be like yo so whats up? shoulf i plan on coming home this summer for a bit?? like???#this is the disadvantage of leaving thr place where you grew up. probably when i finish my phd i should move closer to home#somewhere in the Appalachian mountains maybe. somewere in the eastern deciduous forrest. somewhere with thunderstorms.#but thats years from now. who knows what ill b doing. for now im just sad and tired and i dont quite kno what to do in the short or long#term bc im feeling the weight of my mental limitations rather intensely. but maybe im just being self limiting#whatever. i dont have a dead mum yet. shes not even on hospice care. things are just uncertain and dont look so hot#i just dont see how it can get better from here when chemo gave her secondary blood cancer and shes still full of tumors#i dont think im being that dramatic. it just objectively seems not great for survival#unrelated
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racheld93 · 2 years
Want to know what really grosses me out in general and also about Stranger Things because I was born and raised in Indiana?
The age of consent is 16.
Yes you read that correctly.
Thats why in season one it 'wasn't made a big deal' that Jonathan took pictures of Nancy and Steve having sex.
And in season two it 'wasn't made a big deal' for Karen, a grown ass married woman, to flirt back with Billy, a kid thats the same age as her eldest child.
And in season three it 'wasn't made a big deal' when the Karen and Billy shit happened again no matter if he was freshly 18 or not, it still would have been legal as long as he was 16 or older. And I'm so glad they didn't put that shit on screen. Hate that Billy got flayed, hate that so much you have no idea. But I would have hated it even more if things had gone as they'd planned and Karen really did show up to have sex with a kid her daughter's age.
What I'm saying is, it was cool that a nostalgic show took place in my home state not too unlike a town I grew up in. But with choices the duffers made over the seasons, also including the subtle not so subtle implied rasicm and obvious homophobia and ignorant satanic paranoia and blatant child abuse (that all very much still happens today), it makes me think that the only reason they chose a conservative Midwestern state was so they could get away with writing all that bullshit.
And if it wasn't for some of the actors pushing for better dialog and situations and basically twisting their arms for different scenes and refusing to do others, this show wouldn't have lasted this long. Because we'd have been watching the same overused and small-minded stereotypes and tropes from decades ago and have stopped watching.
So, does learning the age of consent in Indiana make you even more aware of how many scenes in Stranger Things gives me the heebie jeebies?
Thought so.
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mayoiayasep · 4 months
anytime i remember how much mitski has gotten disrespected at her concerts i get so angry i briefly black out...
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hajima-7 · 4 months
this country is takin the piss istg
military planes have been flying over the fucking city center every few days for months now
its legit starting to weird me out
go learn how to fly outside of the damn city idk
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