#maybe if I actually used Spotify to listen to everything it wouldn’t look so absurd but oh well
greaseonmymouth · 2 years
I did my Spotify wrapped thing and it’s so absurd I’m sorry I have to share this I can’t stop laughing
1. My Chemical Romance
2. Robbie Williams
3. Meat Loaf
4. Taro Umebayashi (really revealing how many times I’ve listened to the Yuri!!! On ICE soundtrack)
5. Scorpions (but ONE song in specific: Rock You Like a Hurricane)
7. The Ark (again, ONE song in specific: Breaking Up With God)
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taeyongbestboi · 4 years
Okay, so i just took a nap and had the most fanfic / wattpad dream EVER like idek anymore.
It goes like this
I was on a music show concert and one of the artist in the line up was nct dream (we young era OMG THEY’RE SO TINY) and i decided to buy a more expensive seating section, while my friends bought the cheaper one (it was 50 thousand rupiah and mine costed 75 thousand rupiah). It was kinda like “Spotify on Stage” or something, so they’re cheap.
Anyway, idk why but i decided to bring my dog with me and he’s just running all over the place and i noticed that the venue itself wasn’t really crowded (idk why either) and my dog accidentally went to the venue (that time the gate wasn’t even opened) and i took a peek inside and it wasn’t that big. It has 2 levels and apparently, my ticket was idk what happened but i should be on the main section (1st floor) but ended up being on the 2nd level on the LEFT WING jeez. So all of my friends went in first, they all got to the 2nd floor, leaving me and my dog behind and i patiently waited for my section’s gate to be opened.
And so, it finally open. There wasn’t anyone going to my section and i was going in alone (?) pretty weird huh. And so i sat down, kinda near the railing or a wall (the railing or wall is on my right) and who knows where my dog went but he just wasn’t with me anymore (its a dream, relax)
I’m laughing rn
So he sat down. Lemme describe his physical appearance and look in DETAILS.
He’s wearing a black tshirt (duh, his usual), his hair’s blonde (MY UTMOST FAV), and he’s wearing silver jewelries like a bracelet and also skz’s necklace. He’s so pale jeeeeeeez omg and doesn’t wear that much makeup lol. You know guys, i can LITERALLY feel that he’s besides me. Creepy right omg what kind of dream
And, he’s gorgeous. Guys, he’s so gorgeous :”) i feel like crying right now
Okay, so i can only remember some, so it goes like this
“Whoa, aren’t you Bang Chan from Skz?”
“Yeah that’s me” and he laughed
“Wow, what are you doing here?”
“Idk, just seeing a concert, being like a normal people”
Up to this point, only two things went weird. 1st is that i have no idea where my dog went, 2nd idek which country i’m in rn. How is bangchan here watching the same show with me?
After that i just went “ahhh” while nodding and i actually told him that i want to this section alone cos apparently my friends r on another section so i’m thankful that he sits besides me.
And he got closer, talk into my ear (cos the concert’s starting) and said “you’re most welcome”
And i did the same :/ i lean in and said “anytime”
i’m writing this with the biggest and dumbest smile on my face dang
He said that he got kinda shy after i spoke right into his ear like that (cos we’re too close)
AND I LITERALLY WENT “NOOOO DON’T SAY THAT” and blushed hard damn boy
Okay, so then we ended up enjoying the concert together like we’re homies. We laughed, we cheered (i cheered for the dreamies tho lol) and our shoulders would often met and we’ll laugh about it omg it was heavenly
At one point i realised that it was just a dream and i have the audacity to think “well, even if it’s just a dream, make it last” WOW I’M SO COOL LMAO
And the show ends and i forgot whether it’s before the show or after the show but Chan actually asked me out. LIKE HAHAHAHHAHA HE ASKED ME OUT YAS GURL U HEARD ME RIGHT
He said, “why don’t we hang out a little?”
And i was like :0 “o-okay...”
Well i mean, i wouldn’t mind tho??? ITS CHRISTOPHER FREAKING BANG
AHHHHHH AND AND AND I ALSO TOLD HIM (at one point on our convo before the show starts) that i actually like him and that he’s one of my bias in skz and he was like “oh, really??” And i was like “bruh, i watched your show on Januari 2019 in Jakarta!!” And we laughed (again) and he seemed happy to know that i’m a stay
Back to the topic where he asked me out and i said yes and we exchanged our contacts i forgot it was our numbers or sns? Idk i don’t remember.
ONE DAY, he really picked me up y’all. I cant anymore
So apparently, we’re in my country, in my city, basically my territory. And in this dream, i wasn’t super rich, my family was actually struggling to live. And i live in this tall but old building, alongside my neighbours who were as poor as us. We live in flats, yes, that’s the word. And the building we’re living in is actually my church building irl so it felt super real.
The one who picked me up was actually his driver. I have to pick Chan somewhere in the city. After that we decided to grab some meal and we start throwing each other silly questions
Me: “well, what’s your fav food?”
Him: “rice.” WHILE SMIRKING LIKE ????
Me: “bruh, we’re asian!! We eat rice!” I laughed
And he laughed
Akxjdndkdisnkzjdbaksj naui simjang
Me: “okay, what is your fav food OTHER than rice?”
And after that i cant remember anything anymore (about the convo :))
I also can’t remember where we had lunch, this 2nd half of my dream is just us inside his car
Then we talked about a lot of things. I remember telling him a lot about my story (i just cant remember the exact things i told him, nothing really absurd though just my interests n stuffs), and he would too, and just like that back and forth. The ambience was nice, and relaxing. That time i really felt time has stopped because irl i need to deal with quite a lot if things (that include my thesis, the struggle to keep on going as my parent’s business wasn’t in the prettiest shape due to covid-19, and other stuffs). And the fact that i really need someone to talk to atm makes the dream 1000000000000% better.
So, it was the time for us to finally call it a day. And i know by heart that after all of this end, i wouldn’t be able to meet him again. How could i? I have experienced a full day hang out with the precious Christopher Bang, i couldn’t ask for more right? It was more than enough for me and i’ll continue to be his ordinary fan. On our way back to where i live, we kinda became quite. As if none of us wanted it to end.
Omg i said the word ‘and’ like a thousand times now
Okay so
It was 15 minutes away from where i live, so our meeting would soon come to an end.
And he suddenly pulled out some kind of a recorder or a music player idk it has a can-like-shape, and start playing a track.
It was an unreleased track. About a girl who make his heart goes warm, someone who supports him for who he is.
I nearly cried writing this guys
And he asked me to listen to it
And i did
And i was like “chan, this is beautiful”
The song is beautiful. The lyrics, the melody, everything’s perfect.
I managed to listen to it twice, but i cant remember how it sounds like. But it was BEAUTIFUL. Trust me on this.
And i just remembered, THE SONG IS IN FREAKIN KOREAN. I cant speak korean :”) but i understands EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. Dreams r cool
And he got all giddy again with his goofy smile, and somehow my brain process it to:
‘Chan wrote that song a long time ago, probably. Well, definitely before we met. He’s now showcasing it to me and the lyrics clicked and maybe i’m the girl in the lyrics’
I don’t wanna make it sound like it’s all about me (even tho it’s my dream :”)) so i asked him
“This song is about stays, right?”
And he answered
“Well, you’re a stay right? So, yes.”
OKAY :”””””””
I feel like he felt that our meeting was destined, even though we’ll never gonna see each other again after this, we know that both of us are grateful for this meeting.
Omg i really hope that i’ll dream like that again tonight
So, we arrived at my place. He parked the car and i was still listening to the song and when it came to its end, IDK WHY but (please forgive me for this idek what i’m doing) and i somehow REACHED FOR HIS ABS? TRAILED IT ALL THE WAY UP WITH MY RIGHT PALM (Jesus, forgive me), and then we
Yes. Just like that.
And the next thing that i remember is that he accompany me until i’m outside my flat, and people on my neighbourhood wondered who’s the guy (cos he looked rich and handsome) LMAO
And then i wake up.
This is one of the few dreams that i remember that has a nice ending. The nap ends when the dream ends. It was sooooooo satisfying!
Okay thank you for listening to my unimportant story :”) i do hope one day you’ll get a sweet sweet dream of your bias just like me. Have a good day, y’all!
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alia15 · 7 years
How Did We Survive?
It’s 2017.  I’m not sure what, say, my 90-year-old Grandmother envisioned this year would look like when she was born in the 1920s, but we're definitely a futuristic and digitally advanced society that now relies on technology BIG TIME.  Hell, I was born in 1982 and that’s practically the Stone Ages for kids today.  My almost-3-year-old niece will never know a world with landline telephones, answering machines, cassette tapes and dial-up modems.  
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We rely so much on technology now that I often wonder how we ever survived without some of the everyday things we use now at work, in our personal lives, for commuting, entertainment and more.  But the thing is?  We did survive.  We didn’t know what we were missing.  We didn’t know how much easier, convenient and enjoyable life could be.  And in a lot of ways, it was a simpler time.  You went to a party/holiday/gathering and everyone was present.  There were no iPhones or dog filters on Snapchat or faces to swipe left/right on looking for a date. 
Here are some of the ways we had to “survive” back in my day:
GPS.  Now?  If I’m ever going anywhere -- a three-hour road trip or a couple towns away to a new restaurant to meet a friend -- I get into my car, plug my iPhone in, type in the address into Google Maps and just...drive.  No questions asked.  The voice on the phone will navigate the ride and tell me where to go, where to turn, how long I have until I arrive at my destination, and when I’ve arrived.  It doesn’t get more simple than that.
But it wasn’t that long ago that “smart phones” didn’t exist, and while the Internet was very much a thing, it was limited.  If you were going on a trip to a different state, you’d go on something called MapQuest (is that even still a thing?) (OMG it is; I just looked) and type in your current location along with your destination.  Then, you’d print it out.  ON PAPER.  How the hell did we do this?  It’s absolutely psychotic.  You’d have six pages of directions with tiny ass font and had to drive whilst simultaneously trying to read and follow along and not lose your place.  What an absolute nightmare.  And don’t get me STARTED on pre-Internet days when you had to use maps.  That is absurd.
Uploading pictures online.  Nowadays, go to a wedding, concert, birthday soiree or even just a random night out and you can not only TAKE a photo (or 100 photos, if you’re me) on your phone, but you can instantaneously POST them.  Folks sitting at home; bored, watching TV and covered in Cheeto dust can pull up Facebook or Instagram or whatever and actually see the photo you just put up and watch all the fun you’re having and see the cute outfit you’re rocking in real time.  Cool! Back in high school and college, however, we didn’t have this.  We took pictures, sure -- but we brought out disposable cameras to bars and parties, took 27 photos that night that we never saw and therefore couldn’t redo/retake, and had to wait to get them “developed.”  Then?  You’d bring out that little envelope of 27 photos next time you were seeing your friends so they could look through them and if you were NICE you got “doubles” printed so they could have a copy.  There were no digital versions, there was nothing to post, nothing to make your “Profile Pic,” and CERTAINLY nothing incriminating that sat on the World Wide Web until you died, which, I’m cool with.
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DVR.  I don’t watch live TV.  Ever.  I either watch Netflix, stuff On Demand, movies, OR, I record live TV and watch things later.  A little invention called the DVR made this easy for people like me who have the attention spans of gnats and don’t want to be bothered watching 12 minutes of a show and then 5 minutes of a commercial...and then repeating that until it’s over.  No, now we can watch an episode of Dateline uninterrupted and at our own convenience, even if we weren’t home Friday night when it originally aired. (I’m always home on Friday night when it airs, but you get the point)  Glorious!
Growing up, this wasn’t an option.  I wouldn’t have even fathomed or dreamed of a world where this could exist.  If you loved a show, you either saw it when it was on or you didn’t.  End of story, shit outta luck, snooze you lose.  You didn’t get another chance unless that episode ended up being a “repeat” weeks or months later so you could finally catch it.  Suuuuuure, maybe you lived in a modern household where y’all recorded shit on VHS,  but that wasn’t a fool-proof system.  And if you WERE home to watch that night’s episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, well, you had to suffer through every commercial.  Those were called “bathroom and snack breaks.”
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Music.  Music has become one of the most accessible things on earth, which I LOVE.  Think of a song -- any song that’s ever been recorded since the beginning of time -- and you can hear it.  Right now.  You can purchase it so you have it at your fingertips (er, eardrums?) at your disposal, or you can ‘stream’ it online via sites like Spotify and YouTube.  As a music lover, I can’t think of anything better.
ESPECIALLY because when I was growing up, this wasn’t the case.  You’d listen to the radio and hear a new single by the artist you loved, and would be DYING to hear it again -- except after that initial experience you’d always catch the tail end of it or miss it completely.  You’d then do asinine things like putting a blank cassette tape in your boombox, waiting for hours for said song to play on the radio and hit “record” so you finally had it.  OR, you’d buy an entire tape or CD just because you loved that one single even though the rest of the album was total dog shit.
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Phones without Internet.  I have an iPhone, and I use that thing for...every thing.  GPS, camera, texting, phone calls (eh, not really), social media, online dating (eh, not anymore), Googling stuff, you name it. I can’t imagine a time where I didn’t have everything I needed in a tiny little device.  
And believe it or not, I got my first cell phone in high school.  I went out a lot and my parents liked the idea of being able to get in touch with me (or me having a phone in emergencies),  so I got some dinky little Nokia phone that did nothing.  NOTHING!  It made phone calls.  End of list.  You couldn’t “text,” there was no Internet to surf, there were no “apps” and social media wasn’t even a thing then.  Maybe -- MAAAAYBE -- if you were lucky, that thing had some low-budget games on it.  But essentially the phone’s sole purposes was to be, well, a phone.  AKA the very thing I RARELY use my phone for now.
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(I had that Pink Razr phone)
So, going back to my original question: how did we survive?  
I think we did just fine.  
What’d I forget to include?  Let me know in the comments!
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