#mau from nowhere
chaosincurate · 1 year
My month in music - April 2023
Little Simz - NO THANK YOU (relisten)
Whitmer Thomas - The Older I Get the Funnier I Was
Young Guv - GUV III
Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want to Turn Into You (new)
Caroline Rose - The Art of Forgetting (new)
Blondshell - Blondshell (new)
Wednesday - Rat Saw God
beabadoobee - Beatopia (relisten)
Waterparks - Intellectual Property
mau from nowhere - The Universe is Holding You
Feist - Multitudes
Daughter - Stereo Mind Game
Ramones - Ramones
Alvvays - Blue Rev (relisten)
Bob Marley & The Wailers - Uprising
beabadoobee - Fake It Flowers (relisten)
Warm Human - Hometown Hero
Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare (relisten)
Waterparks - Fandom (relisten)
Little Simz - Sometimes I Might Be Introvert
Prince - Sign 'O' The Times
Björk - Post
Write-ups below
Little Simz - NO THANK YOU
A largely laid-back hip-hop album that still displays an ability to uplift when necessary, with great use of brass instruments in particular to introduce energy or glory to a song.
Recommended song: Gorilla
Apple Music link
Whitmer Thomas - The Older I Get the Funnier I Was
An indie slacker album that doesn't take itself all that seriously, with humorous songwriting throughout.
Recommended song: Rigamarole
Apple Music link
Young Guv - GUV III
Light, jangly, and airy, indie-leaning power pop. It's well produced and well executed, and worth a listen if that sounds like your sort of thing.
Recommended song: It's Only Dancin'
Apple Music link
Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want to Turn Into You
A diverse electronic pop outing from indie darling Caroline Polachek which casts a broad enough net to please pretty much anyone who likes the genre, which I think is the biggest reason for the hype and "must-hear" status amongst reviewers. Don't mistake my comments of broad appeal for accusations of blandness though, because there is a very satisfying identity to the album which, while not groundbreaking, isn't something that can be easily found elsewhere.
As the album art suggests, the album transports you to a paradise, so if you fancy an affordable holiday, and you like indie music, this album could be just what you need.
Recommended song: Bunny Is a Rider
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Caroline Rose - The Art of Forgetting
A great, expansive indie pop album which excels in personable lyrics, left-field pop production, and earning its melodramatic moments. Most of my favourite elements are present on Miami, particularly that explosion of sound towards the ending. Give it a listen!
Recommended song: Miami
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Blondshell - Blondshell
I don't know if I just have a warped perception of the alternative rock scene lately, but it seemed to me that Blondshell came out of nowhere with a polished sound, high-profile playlist spots (at least on Apple Music), and sudden credibility, but even if that makes me suspicious of where she came from, I'm glad she's here, because the album is good. The album has energy, unique themes, and a healthy dose of passion, making it exactly what you've come to expect from alternative rock, and it's executed well enough to not get boring.
Recommended song: Salad
Apple Music link
Wednesday - Rat Saw God
Another alternative rock album, but this one is a little more unique, blending the more expected sound of the genre with country and shoegaze, creating a noisy, harsh wave of sound, which lead singer Karly Hartzman passionately wavers over with vocals that can pump you up as well as they can tear your heart out of your chest.
I'll leave it at that because I don't think I could make a better case for this album than it's 8 minute epic Bull Believer can. I highly recommend giving it a listen if you're a rock fan.
Apple Music link
beabadoobee - Beatopia
beabadoobee always excels in charm, and this album is no different. Every song on this album, whether the ones I like or dislike, has this innate childish wonder about it. A nostalgic, innocent warmth and fun that you can only really instill in the art you care about. In this instance particularly, the album revolves around that childishness, as confirmed by the album title and artwork which was conjured by a way younger Bea.
The nostalgia comes from the sound palette, but crucially, not the the sound itself. The sound palette is very reminiscent of the music her childhood-starved generation (which I also happen to share) grew up on: 00's alternative. She wields this sound palette in very peculiar ways, most clear with the first proper song on the album, 10:36 and later on Talk when distorted guitars are used, not in an aggressive way, but instead with a sort of sparkle. I think that sort of contradiction is how beabadoobee makes music that is so representative of this generation. It captures the anger, but centers the yearning for childhood as we retreat to youthful expressions and experiences, especially the idea of doing things simply because they are fun and offer reprieve. It's a false innocence. A distorted representation of a sparkle that our eyes have lost.
To be clear, I'm not saying that this was all intentional and that they necessarily knew the effect this small touch would have on me and potentially others, and even if they did, I'm not saying this is exactly why they thought so, but all the same, this is what it means to me. The reader decides why the curtains are blue, not the writer.
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Waterparks - Intellectual Property
Although it might be considered a hot take in some of the circles I usually find myself in, I like Waterparks. From their harder pop-punk style at the start of their career, through the poppier first few albums, to what I will call the hyperpop-punk style of their past couple albums... I think they're a great band that has evolved very satisfyingly up until this point, providing some rare pop experimentation.
This one though? I found this a big step back. The opener, ST*RFUCKER, promises a pretty high-quality retread of the last album's sound, which I would be on board for, but REAL SUPER DARK is a more accurate representation in my view. The album more broadly does retain Awsten Knight's ability to add interesting twists to common themes (such as turning a love song into a self aware obsession song), but the execution is almost always distractingly flawed. It also doesn't help that the mixing on this album is dreadful, particularly with the vocals being buried beneath generally unaffecting instrumentals. That latter point was so bad that I didn't even realize one of the songs had backup vocals until I relistened when the lyrics were added on Apple Music.
This was just a very disappointing listen, and I genuinely don't know who to recommend this to other than the people who would have heard it already. Greatest Hits is just way better if you haven't heard any of their hyperpop-punk style, Fandom is a better overall summary of the band's sound, Double Dare is the best example of their pop-punk stuff, hell, even Entertainment has some great stuff on there as the band start to experiment and find a more individual sound, and honestly I think INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY is the worst of them all.
Recommended song: ST*RFUCKER
Apple Music link
mau from nowhere - The Universe is Holding You
If I were to attempt to find a common thread throughout this album, I'd probably have to settle on something broad, like lo-fi, because it is one of those incredibly sprawling, artistically indulgent projects that I love to listen to, but hate to try to make a write-up for. Without doing a track-by-track, the most useful thing I can do is tell you that mau traverses many different styles with great ease, and recommend a handful of songs.
If a laid-back and poppy hip-hop jam sounds good to you, Haba Na Haba is a great choice. If you're after something with a little bit more energy, closer and title track The Universe is Holding You is a great choice in that style too. My favourite though is the straightforward lo-fi pop bop Refuse Refuge. The whole album is high quality though, and there's only a few I don't really like, so its well worth a listen in my opinion.
Haba Na Haba || Apple Music link
The Universe Is Holding You || Apple Music link
Refuse Refuge || Apple Music link
Feist - Multitudes
A singer/songwriter album with a warm, earthy tone and poetic lyricism. The album makes good use of sparse instrumentation that somehow still manages to fill the soundscape well and places the lyrics front and center.
Recommended song: The Redwing
Apple Music link
Daughter - Stereo Mind Game
I often feel like obscure indie music can fall into this trap where it sounds all light and airy, perhaps in the pursuit of that 'immaculate vibes' type of sound, but without realizing that it still needs a pulse to get there. It can easily be overlooked, because it's usually quite subtle compared to the flood of reverb and synths, but it is absolutely crucial, at least for me, to make the songs memorable and enjoyable.
Daughter fully understand this though. This album never left me bored because it is always moving forward. It is usually slow enough to still be laid back, but it's always moving forward and never feels aimless. It's a good album if verby and vibey indie sounds like it'd appeal to you.
Recommended song: Be On Your Way
Apple Music link
Ramones - Ramones
Okay, look, I know this is a classic. I know that I risk losing my punk fan license if I say anything bad about the granddaddy of the genre itself, but this just didn't do anything good for me. Maybe one day I'll look back and think I was a fool for this, but this album - this 29-minute album - bored the shit out of me. Every song sounded like the last except for some tiny tweaks, and it was a sound that was best executed on the title track Blitzkrieg Bop.
But that isn't a deal-breaker. Hell, some of my favourite albums are somewhat sonically homogeneous, but this didn't have anything else to make up for it. No interesting lyricism or themes, no experimentation with instrumental palette, nothing.
And yeah, sometimes if you aren't used to a genre or sound, it can all feel a bit samey to you, just through inexperience, but I grew up on pop-punk (an offshoot of this album's purer punk), and have listened to a bunch of comparable stuff since, and it doesn't help me hear much difference between tracks.
It was an okay listen for me, don't get me wrong, but it is just too flawed for me to respect it as a classic, and the group of people I can imagine recommending this to is tiny.
Recommended song: Blitzkrieg Bop
Apple Music link
Alvvays - Blue Rev
I've already gushed about this album enough on my post on Alvvays, but suffice it to say that this sprawling indie album is exceptional and must-hear for any indie fan. I love it dearly.
Apple Music link
Bob Marley & The Wailers - Uprising
I'd never listened to a Bob Marley album before this, but my brother recommended this album to me last month (as in April), and I was suitably interested, so I gave it a go. Naturally, it was my first reggae album and remains my only reggae album to this point, so I don't really have the adequate tools to speak at all critically on the album, but I did enjoy it. The messages are conveyed well, and the music feels as communal as the lyrics.
Apple Music link
beabadoobee - Fake It Flowers
This should be a quick one. Pretty much everything about Beatopia also applies to this, except the sonic diversity. Her first album is pretty focused in comparison, but retains all the charm, fun, and energy of her most recent effort.
Apple Music link
Warm Human - Hometown Hero
Warm Human describes their sound as 'sludge pop', and I think that works excellently to describe the sound of this album. It takes distorted guitars, drenches them in reverb and somehow delivers it in a way that sounds appealing in that particular pop way.
Recommended song: Daylight Savings
Apple Music link
Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare
I listened to this one to commemorate the anniversary of it's release. That should tell you I love this album, and this most recent listen changed nothing on that front. From the blistering pace of opener Brianstorm, to the cheeky, bouncy fun of Fluorescent Adolescent, and, of course, the album's patient swan song 505, along with plenty more, this album makes a great case for being the best Arctic Monkeys album for me, and by extension, one of the best modern rock albums.
Apple Music link
Waterparks - Fandom
Now I get a chance to be positive about Waterparks! On Fandom, I believe they strike the perfect balance between pop cheese, pop-punk melodrama, and otherwise meaningful artistic expression. Sure, sometimes the scales wobble a little, but it never feels like its falling far enough into one facet to noticeably undermine the others or feel bland.
I think this album probably also makes itself a great contender as the quintessential Waterparks album, with it being placed at their stylistic crossroads, and being so passionate and personal, so clearly cared for, that I struggle to see how any other could be placed ahead of it as a representation of the band. To paraphrase Awsten in future lyrics, they got everything they wanted on album 3 and it shows, with the band clearly demonstrating a radical self-acceptance, allowing the music to be cheesy at times, a tad melodramatic, impatient, as well as the more accepted traits like energetic, inventive, catchy, and fun.
I know Waterparks have their haters, but if you're willing to approach them with an open mind, this album is a great place to start if you ask me.
There. Now everyone is unhappy.
Apple Music link
Little Simz - Sometimes I Might Be Introvert
I should have gotten to this way sooner. I had heard Little Simz' name a lot since this album dropped, and always meant to get to it, so when I saw she dropped another album at the end of 2022 I thought it was the perfect opportunity to get into her music, but after starting with NO THANK YOU, which underwhelmed me, this album dropped down my list of priorities. That was a mistake.
This album is everything I thought NO THANK YOU lacked. It's full, energetic, fun, and had themes I was way more able to grab onto, as well as a far more satisfying execution of those themes when listened to as an album. Not only are interludes used to great effect to reiterate the broader themes, the albums thematic flow is so smooth, with it being pretty common for the last few lines of any given song to tie itself into the next song on the album.
I should have gotten to this way sooner.
Apple Music link
Prince - Sign 'O' The Times
This isn't the first time I've tried to get into Prince. My brother is nuts about the guy's music, and has tried to get me into it as well, to little avail. He got me to listen to two albums, Purple Rain and Dirty Mind. I appreciated both, but always felt like, considering his legacy, I was missing something. I loved the hits, and always felt like that they lined up with what people said about him, and I respect a lot about the guy, but I couldn't get into an album of his the way I thought I ought to, which was very frustrating.
That was all a while ago though, and seeing this album as I was looking through AOTY, I thought I'd give it one more go after listening to the title track. After all, my brother loves it, and the title track seemed up my alley, so maybe this could be the album to finally give me some understanding.
Early on I got concerned it'd be another album where I could take a few songs from it but ultimately be unfulfilled. I even considered calling it a day after 5 or 6 tracks, which I hate doing, but the incongruity between what I hear from other people that I respect about Prince, and what I hear from Prince is too frustrating for me to have an enjoyable experience. I'm glad I held out though, because I loved the second half of this album, and I finally had something sustained for me to latch onto. I don't think I'll be bothering to explore more of Prince's music, but I'm so relieved that there is a run of songs within an album that I can point to and say "this is Prince earning his reputation", especially considering my brother's passion for the music.
Apple Music link
Björk - Post
I've only been writing about music on a public platform for a few months, but one thing I've experienced a lot is the thought that, despite my passion and the potential for a good post about something I love and want to share, it isn't worth making because it's popular. Everyone has already heard about it, so it's just preaching to the choir. Hell, I even felt it to some degree talking about Arctic Monkeys earlier. But the fact that I hadn't listened to Björk yet and only really considered it when Mic the Snare did a Deep Discog Dive on her is one hell of a counterpoint to that. We all have blind spots, and it never hurts to help people find music they might love, even if it's kinda on their radar.
But enough about me, this album was an incredible listen. Experimental, full, and uncompromisingly weird in a way that just makes the emotion more palpable. It's largely cohesive, it's entirely unique, and always passionate. I could compliment this album forever, but I could never fully describe it, but I'll give it my best succinct shot: I once heard someone describe Lorde as essentially gay Radiohead, but from what I've heard from all three artists Björk fills that role way better.
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sprout-fics · 5 months
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The Hunt
König x 'Maus' F!Reader
(Part 13 of 'Little Mouse')
Word Count: 5.3k Rating: Mature Tags: Stealth missions, Banter, Cat and Mouse, Hypothermia, Sharing body heat, Cuddling, Snuggling, Angst Warnings: None A/N: Thank you for staying with the series despite the break!
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You're starting to think you might die out here.
It's been hours since you three dropped into the Kazakhstan mountains, just narrowly avoiding an incoming snowstorm that has since painted the steep mountains white. The air is thick with the blank, icy taste of snow, and you struggle to catch Soap and Ghost in their snowgear as they ascend up the cliff to the remote radio tower station that is the source of your intel. They're strong, clambering up the slope one at a time while the other watches their six. You supervise them from afar, perched on a cliff opposite of the valley, trying to catch sight of them despite the curtain of white that falls between you. 
Laswell was the one to point you here, as she usually does. The station chief has been combing through intelligence for months, searching for breadcrumbs on Makarov. The man is a ghost in the wind, vanished from prison and now hiding secretly as he plots his next move. He could be anywhere in the world. Your hunt for him had been delayed by your tangle with KorTac, but now even they seem to have vanished into the breeze with nary a trace.
You adjust your scope, zooming in on the sight of Soap and Ghost perching on a cliff edge, shoulders heaving with exertion. You smirk under your snow mask and sweep your sights further up the slope towards the target they are ascending towards. 
The tower itself is unassuming, a lone and decrepit thing in the middle of nowhere. Yet all it had taken was a single errant ping from a satellite to realize the traffic out of this seemingly normal outpost was far larger than originally thought. It could be nothing, it could be everything, but one thing remains clear, and it's the message Laswell managed to pull and decipher from a single static transmission, letters spelled out in Russian.
It's the first lead you've had in over a month. The mercenary group had seemingly gone underground following your raid on their satellite base. By the time Laswell had managed to pull an order to survey the site via drone footage, there was nothing left. The entire place had been burnt to the ground, devastated, nothing but ashes to comb through in search of answers. Since then the group had vanished, gone in the wind. Not defeated, but biding their time, waiting in the dark and drawing plans that would eventually come to full fruition. 
"Bravo 09, this is Bravo 07, how copy?"
You barely catch a glimpse of Ghost as he raises a hand to his headset. The transmission is tinted with static due to the snowstorm, but you can still make out the low, hushed accent of  the older man's voice as he checks in.
"Got you in my scope, 07." You report back, mouth moving behind your snowmask, wet with condensation. You shiver, feeling half an inch of snow on your back, not moving from your sniper position, ready to wait here hours more if need be. You hope for the sake of your fingers and toes it doesn't come to that.
"It's cold as balls out here, LT." You grouse in addition, and you see Soap's head tilt towards Ghost as he regards his partner.
"My balls are cold." Johnny agrees irritably, but there's a touch of playfulness there that hasn't been dampened by the snow.
“Feeling a little shriveled, Johnny?” You snark crudely, and hear the Scot make an indignant little scoff in return.
"Focus, both of you." Ghost snaps, to which you both silence yourselves with a snicker. "We're almost at the perimeter. We'll be going radio dark after that."
"Copy." You reply, adjusting your scope with numbing fingers to focus on the steel fence that surrounds the radio tower and the adjoining building. "Good hunting, you two."
Neither Soap or Ghost reply, focusing instead on climbing the last few ledges on the opposite side of the mountain. You watch as they take a break at the top, crouched near the edge. Eventually you hear Ghost’s voice filter over the comms. 
“Break’s over, Johnny.”  Ghost declares, and stands, offering him a hand and hauling Soap up so they advance forward along the slippery, snow laden cliffside. An incoming wall of white obscures your view of them as they round the edge towards the fence, and you hear one last garbled transmission from Ghost before they vanish.
It’s silent after that, with nothing but the wind howling in your ears and prickling under your skin. Even with your thick, downy parka there’s little respite from the bone biting chill that seeps into your veins. Perched in place as you are on overwatch, you know there’s no moving until your two comrades find their way out to you once more. 
So you huddle in, ignoring the chatter of your teeth and trying to steady your hands on the rifle, hoping and praying that the chamber doesn’t freeze, and that you won’t need to use it. The cold grips tight to your veins, and you try to imagine the lulling warmth of a campfire that you can’t afford. 
Hurry back. You think towards your two comrades. Before I fucking freeze to death.
There’s a tinny sort of whine in your radio, and you shift to adjust so the transmission comes through.
"Bravo team, this is Watcher-01, do you read me?" Laswell's voice comes in, tinny and crackling but still recognizable.
You blink, brow knotting. Laswell had signed off shortly before your parachute jump into the mountains. Whatever has caused her to reach out like this must be urgent. Maybe the tower is a bust, and she's decided to pull you from the mission. 
Ghost and Soap don't respond, and you think they might have already switched off their radios. So instead, after a pause, you respond in their stead. 
"This is Bravo 09, send traffic Watcher."
There's a pause before Laswell responds. "Bravo 09, advise all stations we may have KorTac operatives in the field."
You suck in a breath, feel cold air seize your lungs and descend into your veins with icy realization. If KorTac is here, then that means this tower is much more important than originally thought. You haven't run into any members of KorTac since Price's rescue, which means...
He could be here.
You store the thought as quickly as it came, trying to find Soap and Ghost against the rocky outcrop, only to come up empty handed. 
"Copy, Watcher. Ghost and Soap have gone radio silent." You report with a little grunt of frustration, knowing the two of them have already made their way inside. It could be too late, they might have found out the hard way just what waits for them. “They’ve likely breached the perimeter.”
"Then keep an eye out, Rookie, we need to-"
You blink as static garbles Laswell's next words, swallowing them with a crackle that fades to a high pitched whine.
"Watcher, repeat." You try, leaning a hand up to your headset to try and regain the signal.
The storm must have knocked out the signal, which does not bode well for your mission. You try once more to raise Soap and Ghost, to no avail. You breathe in and quell the uncertain flutter of your heartbeat, feeling a familiar sense of knowing dread thrum low through your chest. The extrasensory insight you rely on to discern the state of the world around you hums with warning, does little to ease the low roll of your stomach. 
It's fine, you tell yourself. Soap and Ghost have handled far worse than this. You weren't there for Las Almas, having joined the team only after, but you heard the story from Johnny. Barely armed, pursued, injured, out of supplies and ammo, and yet somehow they had survived. This, with them well armed and in pursuit, should be no challenge. 
It takes a few minutes to repeat this to yourself, but it does nothing to relax the anxious, knowing pulse of sixth sense that hovers in the back of your mind. 
When the radio crackles again you nearly jump, muttering a transmission before anything can come through. 
"Laswell, do you copy?"
Then, a different voice. 
"Hello, Maus."
If you were cold before, the voice that filters through your radio sends you hurtling into hypothermia, jolting at the familiar, purring intonation of the man who has long since pursued you.
“König.” You breathe, unable to contain the shocked breathlessness from your voice.
“Long time no see, as they say.” He murmurs, and you can hear the low, sultry delight of his voice at your response. You should have stayed quiet, shouldn’t have spoken, switched to another channel to get a hold of Laswell, tried to reach Soap and Ghost to tell them to retreat. 
“What are you doing here?” You hiss instead, gritting your chattering teeth. 
“I could ask you the same thing. You’re a long way from home, aren’t you, fraulein?”
You don’t respond to that, too busy trying to ignore the way the KorTac operative’s voice itches pleasantly under your skin. It’s a vain betrayal, and you internally chastise yourself for remembering the darkness of the supply closet that accompanied your last rendezvous, the soft, yearning words between you. You’ve tried to lock away the memory of it, the way his voice rumbled softly down at you with a traitorous promise that you know will mean the end of you both.
"I might try and kill you again." You breathe, voice wavering as you desperately try to reign in the wickedness of your heart. "I can't promise you I won't succeed."
"You won't." He tells you, and his voice is resolute. There is no uncertainty, no hidden conviction in the utter confidence of which he speaks. "You can try, Maus. You won't be able to."
"And if I don't?”
König blinks at you, eyes fluttering shut for all of a moment before he speaks.
"Then we'll be here again." He murmurs, and you want to shudder at the sudden softness of his voice, allowing that forbidden thing inside you to stretch forward into him. "Again and again, Maus. Over and over until one of us surrenders." 
You’ve tried to forget in his absence, shutting out the way you’d closed your eyes when he had tried to kiss you, vainly attempting to replace it with the knowledge that he’s tried to kill your friends, that he was responsible for Price’s capture, for your capture so long ago. In the weeks he’s been gone you’ve curled silently into your bunk, trying to convince yourself how wrong, how selfish you are for allowing yourself to harbor feelings for him. 
Now, when he’s here, now that his voice purrs into your radio with that beloved endearment, Maus, you find your steadfast resistance crumbling down around you like snow shifting on the mountains- preceding an avalanche. 
“I missed you, Maus.”
It sounds almost like a whine, a needy thing that would be pouting if there wasn’t an undertone of secret, gleeful intent beneath.
Don’t. You remind yourself, body scrunching tight as you try to control your breathing so he doesn’t hear your shuddering exhale. 
“Where are your friends?” You ask instead, voice even, flat.
He’s silent then, and you swear the absence of his words speaks of disappointment.
“That’s not how this works, Maus.” He replies, voice betraying his discontent.
You snort. “Tell me then, how does this work?”
There’s a strange crackling sound over the radio, and if you listen closely you can hear him chuckle.
“It works. Just with you and me.”
You let out a freezing breath at that, and you know it crackles over the comms towards him. You’re silent, but it’s different now as you begin to ease from your original surprise. Against your better judgment, you allow yourself to be soothed by the gentle tenor of his voice, allow yourself to remember what it felt like to nearly be kissed by him. The phantom touch of his knuckles under your chin, tipping you up towards him ghosts across your skin with a wicked, traitorous temptation. 
“What are you doing out here, Maus?” König asks, and it's more like a sigh, a reminiscent thing that seems to recall your previous wayward parting. 
“Recon.” You tell him flatly, refusing to divulge any more details lest it compromise your mission. 
You think of Soap and Ghost struggling up the cliff side, vanishing in a cloud of white towards the perimeter of the radio tower. He can’t be allowed to know they’re here. God only knows what may happen to them, to him if they find each other.
“Yes.” You breathe, but your hesitation betrays your lie for what it is.
König hums in consideration, and you know him well enough by now to know the narrowing of his eyes, the slight tilt of his head as he weighs your words. 
“I think you’re lying, Maus.” He intones, and you stiffen at that, at the small whisper of threat that lingers in his voice- the sound of a man born and bred to kill, to hunt and maim. 
You, in your naive fantasies, forgot he too was a hunter. 
“I think your friends are here.” He goes on, voice low with danger, and you feel your muscles go taut, eyes wide and shoulders stiff. “Should I go say hello?”
“I’m alone.” You tell him again, but your voice is a thin, desperate thing, caught tight in your chest. 
König chuckles, as if he finds your rising panic amusing.
“A joke, Maus.” He explains, and it does little to relieve you, not with the way it failed to sound like anything other than a threat.
“But...” He continues, his voice hanging between you like suspended frost. “I guess if you are alone, you wouldn’t mind company, mm?”
You close your eyes, scrunching them shut at the way your heart clenches with an excitement you shouldn’t feel. The idea of his touch on you again is both exhilarating and terrifying- like drinking poison just because you love the taste. He’s a venom that slips into your veins, purrs under your skin and warms you through even as you burn from the inside out.
The logical part of you knows to refuse him. Yet there’s also a chance that if he remains where he is, he has a very good chance of bumping into Ghost and Soap, which is the absolute last thing you need right now- for the mission, and for yourself. You need to draw him from the tower, away from the others.
“You’re welcome to.” You purr back, refusing to show your wavering voice. “That is...if you can find me.”
He pauses at that, and you wonder if he expected you to refuse him and instead pleasantly surprised. 
“A game?” He asks, and you hear the rising excitement in his voice, like a predator who has caught the scent of something delicious. “And my prize?”
You huff at that, oddly endeared by his sadistic sort of playfulness. “I suppose you’ll have to find out, König.” You reply, voice low with promise.
“You’re a vexing woman, Maus.”
Thank God Laswell can’t hear this.
“Try and find me if you can.” You goad, narrowing your scope on the fence perimeter where Ghost and Soap have yet to emerge. “Good luck.”
“Oh I won’t need luck.” He purrs, and you shiver.
“Then I’ll see you soon.” You reply, and switch the channel on your radio off. 
Silence follows, and you release a deep, slow exhale to steady yourself. The snow muffles all sound, even the thump of your heartbeat as it beats unevenly against your tender ribs. You try to tame the excitement that hums inside you, forcing yourself into stillness until the cold embraces you again.
It’s unlikely he’ll be able to find you, buried as you are. You’ve allowed snow to accumulate on your back and legs, slowly engulfing your pale snow gear in a further camouflage. You’ve been here for well over an hour, and can stay much longer than that if you need. Not moving, barely breathing. Still and silent in the way snipers are, waiting for your chance to pull the trigger.
There’s a part of you that hopes he finds you, somehow. It’s a selfish, dangerous thing, fed by the excitement of hearing from him for the first time in weeks, scratching the itch you’ve desperately been trying to bury inside yourself. It’s the thing you’ve felt for a while now, a secret desire that betrays all the values and loyalty you hold dear to.
The desire to be caught.
You scrub a snow laden hand across your face, hoping somehow the frost will clear your mind of traitorous thoughts. You need to focus on the mission- ensuring that Soap and Ghost make it to the extraction point without anyone tailing or firing after them. You drew König out not because you wanted to see him, but because you were trying to protect your teammates from an enemy operative. That’s all this is. No wayward, illicit romance, no purring over the comms and suggestive flirtations, and certainly no memories of staring up at your enemy in a dark room and hoping he would find the courage to kiss you.
For fuck’s sake, get a hold of yourself.
You push the image away as far as you can, and train your scope once more on the ice laden cliff across the narrow valley.
It’s quiet in the minutes that follow, and you feel the heavily falling snow continue to pack along your spine. You try to contain your chattering teeth and shivering hands, noting with irritation the undue wobble of your scope as you sweep your sights across the landscape-
A shape, there and gone in a mere moment, vanishing along the narrow path off to your right in a cloud of white. You’re certain you saw something, but when you train your sights, there’s nothing there.
You should move to a better position.
It might be a good idea. The motion would heat up your trembling, frigid limbs, and the snow would hopefully cover any tracks you leave behind. Yet there’s risks of doing so. The second you move, even with your snow camouflage, there’s a risk of being spotted by the operative hunting you through the snow.
You purse your chapped, cold lips under your snow mask, and weigh your options.
-and that’s when you hear the sound behind you.
You flip over quickly, reaching for your side arm, but the weapon is buried against your side in the snow, and as you fumble for it a huge, towering figure lurches into view.
“Found you, Maus.” König rumbles as he steps from behind a tree, and before you can bite a reply, try to raise your silenced pistol, you freeze.
“What-” You manage, a little forced, blinking. “What are you wearing?”
König pauses mid-step as he stalks towards you, eyes wide under his hood. Your question catches him off guard, and he glances down at himself in confusion. His hood, normally a dark, ominous black, is now a strangely, ghostly gray that matches his long, snow-white layers and tan tac vest. Black boots and thick gloves are tugged over his pants and sleeves, but his helmet remains the same.
“...You don’t like it?” He asks, and you laugh out of pure disbelief.
“I-” You try, side arm now forgotten. “Yes?”
You shake yourself, and reach once more for your weapon.
“Ah-” König tuts, quickly moving forward too fast and gently placing a boot over your arm. “Please don’t, Maus.”
You frown at him, try and wiggle your arm, only for him to increase the weight on it. “Asshole.” You seethe, and König huffs an indignant little sound. “What if I said that was your prize?”
“A bullet?” He tilts his head at you. “You shouldn’t have.”
“No, I really should.” You insist past chattering teeth, and tug more severely at his ankle despite your heavy, shivering limbs.
He watches you struggle in vain, and you hate the amused little glint in his eyes.
Finally, you flop back into the snow, winded.
“I won.” He provides smugly, and you punch at his calf in one more outraged attempt to dislodge him, with no success.
“So what then?” You seethe. “Are you going to capture me again?”
You blink, look up at him, startled by the sudden severity of his tone. He bites out the word like you’ve insulted him, sneering and dangerous. You’d only sort of been joking, but the reflexive refusal that you’ve managed to elicit has you pause, considering.
“We’re...past that, Maus.” He goes on, voice softer. The boot eases from your arm a bit. “I thought we agreed on that much.”
"Some things are more beautiful when they are free, Maus."
It’s difficult to decide how you feel about that.
Part of you is relieved that König has decided to forego the obsession of capturing you. For reasons still unknown to you, O’Connor had kept Price alive during his captivity. You have a feeling that for you, your fate at the hands of KorTac would be far less kind. Held by ransom at best, an unmarked grave at worst, it’s fortunate for you that the Austrian towering above you has decided much the same.
Yet you also wish somehow things could go back to what they were- simpler. König trying to take you alive, and you- trying to kill him for it. Instead, the haunting memory of the darkness inside the storage closet of the KorTac base, of how you’d almost let him kiss you, of how you saw his face, remains a treacherous addiction you desperately try to rid yourself of. Now, this, whatever it is, seems to have spiraled beyond your reach, unable now to discern the lines between villain and dangerous ally, a balance you fail to reconcile with every frost-bitten breath inside your chest.
You try to force a glare up at him, but instead feel your expression cast between dismay and doubt, a visage that he absorbs and blinks slowly down at you.
“You’re shaking, Maus.” He notes quietly, voice barely audible above the ice-laden wind. “Are you afraid?”
“No.” You bite back, and that at least is the truth. “Just freezing my ass off.”
König tilts his head at you, and is silent for a moment, considering. Yet then you see his eyes behind the mask, crinkling at the edges as he smiles.
“Poor little liebling.” He coos, and you frown harder at that, the almost condescending dip of his voice. Yet before you can protest König uses his boots to gently roll you onto your stomach back to the position you were at before, and then abruptly dropping his weight onto your back.
“W-what-” You croak in surprise, face warming as you try and squirm under the massive bulk of him pressed flat against your spine. “What are you doing?!”
“You said you were cold.” The giant above you reasons, settling in so he blankets you on all sides with his larger frame. “I’m just trying to keep you warm, Maus.”
Your brain short circuits, fizzling into nothingness as you battle the absolutely absurdity of the situation with the welcome body heat bleeding into your bones from above.
This is so beyond the field manual I might as well burn the thing.
König happily nuzzles into your back, trapping you underneath him. He arranges his arms in a cradle to rest your head in, his own cheek pressed to the nape of your neck with a pleased sigh.
You can’t even find the words to object to this bizarre development, eyes blinking dumbly into the wall of white that obscures the other side of the valley where Soap and Ghost have vanished to. You can only silently thank whatever higher power there is that they can’t see this- can’t see you as you find yourself cuddling with the enemy.
“I’ll take this as my prize.” König murmurs cheerfully, and you make a sound of utter disbelief, confused yet not entirely displeased at this development.
The more you fail to squirm free, the more heat radiates from the form of the soldier behind you, encasing you in a small cocoon of heat that blessedly chases above the shiver in your muscles. Slowly, you find yourself relaxing against him, taking in the warmth for all its worth and silently convincing yourself it’s just for survival.
Can’t RV if I’m hypothermic, after all. You try to reason, blatantly ignoring the tiny voice inside you that speaks otherwise.
“You’re keeping me alive.” You muse aloud, mouth partially covered by your snow mask and the cradle of his arms.
“I am.” König replies simply with a small shrug.
König pauses for a moment. You swear you feel him stiffen, feel the thump of his heartbeat pound between your shoulder blades as he attempts to summon an answer.
“Because I like you, Maus.” He tells you at last, soft and breathy in your ear. “I like you better alive.”
The cold air in your lungs seems to punch at the staccato rhythm inside your chest, forcing a cold intake of air that you pray he doesn’t notice.
“Since that first time we met.” König goes on, voice rumbling low from his chest into the warming dip of your spine. “I saw you, saw the way you fought, the way you...weren’t afraid. You were so soft and small in my arms...”
He trails off then, but when he resumes his musings he chuckles low against your nape. “You were like a little bird, but when you woke up it turned out you had fangs, Maus.”
You feel a small flush of pride at that, at the reminder of the way you had challenged him, had refused to back down despite the towering, intimidating stranger before you. In truth you’d been terrified, knowing your capture could have meant torture, even death, knowing that Gaz had been left behind bleeding and unconscious.
Your face falls in dismay.
What would he think of you like this? With the man who once had almost killed him? Who had dared to steal you away right in front of his eyes? What would he make of this? With you in the arms of an enemy, refusing to squirm free, to kill the man who had once helped kidnap Price.
...With a man who had saved your life more times than you could count?
“We can’t...do this.” You breathe quietly into the snow, eyes half lidded and scarcely gazing at the wall of white before you. “König...”
The man behind you is silent, and you know without seeing his eyes he’s taking in your words, thinking very much the same. Like you, König knows the danger of his fascination with you, the way he’s already betrayed his own company to aid you, to keep you safe. You both know that the lines you have both crossed betray the allies you’ve sworn yourselves to, caught in a dangerous abraxas that neither of you can control.
“Would you?” He asks in a whisper shielded by the wind. “If things were different, Maus?”
You close your eyes, feeling your chest clench with an emotion you dare not name. You should lie to him. You should tell him that this, this is something you never expected, something you can indulge in no longer. You should tell him next time that you won’t hesitate, that you’ll squeeze the trigger and watch this horrid affair finally come to its fateful, bloody conclusion.
Instead, you offer in a scarce whisper:
There’s a long pause before König sighs behind you, his chest deflating into your spine and the warm breath of him spilling across your nape. You shiver under him, purely out of sensation rather than the cold, reminded of the intimacy of the position you two find yourselves in.
“What am I going to do with you, Maus?” He asks, and despite the melodrama involved you know it’s a genuine question- one you yourself have asked many, many times.
“We could go back to trying to kill each other.” You offer with feign cheerfulness.
“I never wanted to kill you, Maus.”
In some ways you wish he had. If König never had qualms about killing you, perhaps this could be avoided.
“You could desert.” You say suddenly, surprising yourself. “Defect and surrender to the 141.”
“Do you really think it’s that simple, Maus?” He asks, almost dismayed.
You know it’s not. With everything König has done, with the legacy he’s left on you and your teammates, you know they’d never trust him. Even if you explained to them that König wasn’t the monster they think he is, that he had never done the things they suspect him of, you know all you’d receive in return is your friends’ disbelief and distrust for lying to them, for asking them to trust the man who had once captured you.
The image of their faces, of the hurt and despair and disappointment etched across their eyes, is something you can hardly bear.
This is your fault, you think quietly, with dawning despair. You should have killed him long ago. You should have told your team. Perhaps they’d have forgiven you if you’d confessed, consoled you and told you that this was all just a horrible maladjustment to your capture back then. If you’d told them, if you’d killed him...
“Maus.” König observes at the small shuddering breath you draw in, emotions bubbling inside your chest.
If things were different, then somehow....maybe...
“Bravo-09, this is Bravo-07.”
You jolt, muscles seizing at the sudden staticky tenor of Ghost’s voice over your comms. König braces on his forearms to allow you to scramble for your radio, voice breathless as you respond.
“Go ahead Bravo-07.”
“Sweep cleared. Proceeding to rally point Alpha. Fifteen minutes.”
“Good copy, LT. Are you being followed?”
A pause, then. “Negative, Bravo-09. Place was empty. Looks like they’d just burned it.”
You blink, then twist towards König.
“You bastard.” You manage, eyes wide as you realize what he’s done. “This was a distraction.”
König’s eyes soften with a remorse that fails to quell the anger warming in your veins.
“A necessary one, Maus.” He offers simply, removing the weight of his body from yours. You twist onto your back to face him, a mixture of rage and hurt written clear across your face. König towers above you, a massive shadow that easily dwarfs your prone form.
“You’re lucky you and your friends came when you did. A day earlier and you’d all be dead.”
“Why?” You manage, voice strangled. “Why distract us?”
“You know I can’t tell you that, Maus.” He offers, almost sadly. “We’re still enemies, after all.”
He steps away from you then, and even when you know he sees your hand reach for your sidearm, he doesn’t flinch. Instead he pauses, offers you a clear line of sight that would allow you to take the perfect shot at his turned back.
“...But maybe not forever.” He finally offers, and steps easily into the trees, vanishing.
You watch after him, expression pained, asking the snowy sky for answers it cannot yield.
In the place where he once was, your finger trembles on the trigger.
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kyriethesquishysquid · 9 months
Betrayal Never Felt So Good (König/Fem!Reader) Chapter 1
You can find Chapter 2 here, Chapter 3 here, Chapter 4 here, Chapter 5 here, and Chapter 6 here!
Summary: The reader is a military nurse currently employed by Shadow Company. She was sent out with a small team into the middle of nowhere to gain intel on the enemy, her presence only a precaution as it should have been an easy in-and-out mission. Unfortunately for the Shadow team, KorTac had also been working on a lead in the same area. One thing led to another and the reader was forced to watch as her team was slaughtered mercilessly. Rather than kill her as well, she was taken back as a hostage and kept captive by the group's colonel, König.
Word Count: ~8.5K
Rating: Mature (For Smut)
A/N: To preface this story - I’ve never played the storyline of any COD games, nor do I know a damn thing about the military, much less special forces, so there will be inaccuracies galore, but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless! My take on König is somewhere between the headcanons of him being a ruthless psycho and a shy bean. Also, don’t come at me with complaints of this not being realistic, please. This is fanfic, loves. It doesn’t have to be realistic. Plus, if I was the one captured by this tree of a man and he was interested? Morals and reality be damned. I’m hopping on that train lmfao. Also, I wrote this entire thing in less than 24 hours and was too eager to post it to do a bunch of editing, so please excuse any errors!
Important Details: Occasional use of Y/N. Reader appearance is left vague but is described in little details such as being short (no exact height used), chubby, and with hair at least long enough to be pulled back. This story is essentially porn with plot, so literally over half of this is smut.
TW: Body shaming, violence, and attempted assault from random asshole #1. A few insecurities surrounding weight by the reader. Canon violence toward others by König. Super fast burn, unprotected sex, oral, fingering, Dom/Sub, multiple orgasms, squirting, creampie, suggested Stockholm syndrome (but really reader is just a touch-starved, thirsty bitch for Gentle!Giant König), pet names (in English and German), bad German translations bc I’m a lame monolingual American, no beta we die like the jackass Graves. Crappy Translations:
Ich werde dich mit deinen eigenen Eingeweiden füttern, bevor du diesen Satz beenden kannst! - I will feed you your own intestines before you can finish that sentence!
Maus- Mouse
Süßes mädchen - Sweet girl
Heilige Scheiße/Scheiße - Holy shit/shit
Mein schatz - My darling
Mein Gott - My god
Kleines - Little one
Verdammt, sieh dich an, kleine Maus - Damn, look at you, little mouse.
Oh, du kleine Füchsin! - Oh, you little vixen!
It was probably stupid. Scratch that, you knew it was stupid, but you couldn’t help but enjoy the company of the large Austrian man before you. Despite being the one to kidnap you and keep you tied up in this basement-like room for almost a full day now, the conversation had been flowing between you two like you were good friends. Maybe it was the gentle way he was treating you. Maybe it was the fact he’d kept his promises to you thus far. No matter the reason, you knew it was dangerous, this trust growing between you and him, but you were going to lean into it nonetheless.
“Hey, uh, I- I promise I’m not complaining but… why haven’t you, ya know, hurt me yet?” you asked softly. 
König let out a heavy sigh, his mask fluttering around his face temptingly before he dropped back into his chair. It was hard to see his eyes from across the room but you were certain he was staring at you nonetheless. His gaze was heavy anytime it was on you, palpable in a way that made goosebumps crawl over your skin. 
“You’ve given me no reason to,” he replied after a moment, “And, in all honesty, you weren’t our original target. In fact, it should have been anyone but you.”
You almost asked why, but he was quick to continue his explanation as if he hadn’t even stopped. 
“You’re a nurse, ja? A nurse who does not see combat often, according to the intel we’ve been able to gather about your team, and that means you have little to no information we need.”
A warmth crept up your neck as he casually talked about you as if you were nothing of import, essentially a useless captive. It made your heart sting in an odd way. 
“Ah… I see,” you hummed quietly. 
“So now, we wait until your squadmates come in for the rescue, and then we get what we need from them.” 
You managed a little nod but it stopped short when an embarrassingly loud rumble emanated from your stomach. Eyes widening, you nervously glanced his way to see if he’d caught it, only to find him getting to his feet. 
“My apologies. You’ve been here quite some time with nothing but water. Let me go grab something for you.”
Before you could argue, he was out in the hallway, instructing one of the guards to step inside and keep an eye on you until he returned. The instant the young brunette stepped into the room, something felt off. Why? You weren’t sure. Maybe it’s just because you’d grown used to the “comfort” of your kidnapper. More than likely though, it was the way he was staring at you. 
As you were stewing in your thoughts, trying to figure out your emotions, the man crossed the room and stopped at your feet with a laugh.  
“So, you’re the broad the colonel’s been hiding? Interesting.”
The man’s words were spit with pure vile and reeked of danger. You instinctively leaned away when he reached out for your face and the disobedience was quickly rewarded with a hefty smack, tearing a cry of shock from your lips. While the sting was painful, it was nothing worse than you’d experienced before. Unfortunately, you knew he wasn’t going to stop there, the leer in his eyes enough to make your stomach uneasy as he stalked in circles around you like a predator to its prey.
“A little round for my taste, but I can see it. The colonel must have a thing for soft and small. Probably because he’s a fucking mountain. Opposites attract and all that jazz,” he snickered, “Too bad the bastard is too scared to just take what he wants. But don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not a little bitch like him.”
Hearing him talk about König in such a way did weird things to your body. Anger began to rear its head. What kind of person talked about their commanding officer that way? You may not have been a full-blown soldier in the practical sense but you could never imagine speaking filth like that about your superiors. 
“Just because you lack the self-control to be a decent human like him doesn’t mean everyone does,” you bit out through a glare, “I wouldn’t touch you if you were the last human on earth.” 
He paused, eyebrows flying up in surprise, and, for one silly little moment, you’d thought you’d gotten through to him. Then reality struck hard with his fist across your face. A scream escaped your lips as the pain finally registered through the shock, your cheek aching to the heavens. 
“Now, see, you just had to go and be a smart ass. And here König talked about how compliant you were. Don’t tell me you got a hardon for the colonel, sweetheart,” he touted with a cackle, “And, for your information, it wasn’t a request. Either you can suck it up and make this easy, or I’ll take what I want either way.” 
Before he could do anything more, you tilted your head back and screamed, long and loud, for König. Of course that wasn’t allowed for very long. His second punch cut you off instantly, causing your vision to swim as you cried out again. You could hear him mutter something under his breath and you brought your eyes up only to find him drawing his fist back once more. 
You braced for impact, tears slipping down your cheeks through your clenched eyes, but the sound of a door crashing open interrupted his assault. The sound of a solid thud and a scream of pain tore your attention to the sudden group piling into the room, then more specifically to your captor-turned-savior pinning your assailant to the floor by one knee on the smaller man’s back, his arms wrenched behind him in a way that looked horrifying. He was snarling words in a mixture of German and English but you weren’t able to make out a single thing as you watched on in awe while he slammed the man’s face repeatedly into the concrete floor. 
“You are lucky I don’t kill you now!” König thundered, voice echoing through the room. 
“I- I’m sorry, I-”
“Nein! Ich werde dich mit deinen eigenen Eingeweiden füttern, bevor du diesen Satz beenden kannst!”  
Shivers crawled up your spine at the ruthless aggression in König’s voice. It was new, unexpected, and you were suddenly even more grateful not to have been on the receiving end of his anger. 
“Take him to his room and see to it that he does not leave. I will deal with him later,” König hissed, shoving the now bruised and bloody soldier toward the two at the door. 
“Yes, colonel, right away, sir.”
The moment the door closed, he deflated, shoulders slumping as he pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered something under his breath. You watched carefully as he closed the gap between the two of you. 
“I’m sorry, maus, are you hurt?” 
And instantly, it was like that war-hardened soldier had never existed, replaced once again by the gentleman you’d spent the last few hours with. You shook your head slightly and watched him kneel before you. A little smile twitched up the corners of your lips in amusement as you realized he was still taller on his knees than you were sitting in the chair.
“Nothing that I can’t handle anyway,” you replied quietly, voice trailing off as his hands cupped your face gently.
His touch was tender in ways you hadn’t expected as he shifted your head around, taking in the damage with a sigh. Thankfully, other than a sore and swollen cheek, that asshole hadn’t gotten the chance to do anything more before König had returned. 
“Thank you.” 
The giant before you froze, looking as surprised as you felt. Had you really just thanked your captor? Face warming, you watched him watch you. You could have taken it back, but not only would that have been weird, it would have been a lie. Because as far as hostage situations went, this was the best one you could imagine, and he had just saved you from one of his own when he could have turned a blind eye. Instead, you waited patiently for him to react.
“Hurting someone defenseless is cowardly,” he muttered lowly.
So the infamously ruthless König had an honor code. Interesting. That explained a lot, really. If it weren’t for the fact you’d seen him kill multiple of your allied Shadows with a brutality unparalleled, you’d think he wasn’t the revered Operator he really was. The silence grew in leaps and bounds, a strange charge in the air between you, until the moment was interrupted by another untimely growl of your stomach.
“Ah, yes, food!”
He grabbed a brown paper bag from beside the door and brought it over only to pause once he was in front of you once more. 
Confused, you watched on as his eyes darted around you in obvious thought before you finally broke the silence with a soft, “König?”
As if snapped out of a trance, he rushed over and snagged the black folding chair from across the room just to plop it loudly on the floor at your feet. He quickly took a seat and started opening the bag.
“I apologize but I can’t exactly unbind you,” he spoke softly, “Not yet, anyway.”
Your heart began to race at the implication. He was going to feed you. It was hard to decipher how you felt about it, a potent mixture of surprise, adoration, lust, and embarrassment hitting you all at once. 
“O-Oh, okay,” you mumbled.
Eyes lowering, you watched in interest as he carefully peeled an apple and cut it into bite-sized slices with a fancy-looking pocket knife. It was hilarious how tiny his massive hands made the fruit seem. All humor drained from your thoughts when he picked up a piece and slowly brought it your way. 
König’s eyes were wide beneath the sniper hood when you glanced up but you quickly dropped your gaze once more self-consciously as you parted your lips. Before you could stop it, a mortifying moan of delight fled your lips as you crunched into the deliciously sweet fruit, but you couldn’t find enough fucks to care as the hunger in your belly ramped up. When he picked up the next piece, you preemptively opened your mouth in wait. 
This continued on for quite some time in a comfortable silence until you swallowed the last piece and you almost whined at the loss. Thankfully, it seemed he wasn’t done. He snagged a block from the bag next and your mouth watered as you finally realized it was a brick of cheese. Surprising, but delicious and welcomed nonetheless. The cheese passed much quicker as it was a small chunk and you couldn’t help but watch in elation as he grabbed another thing from the bag. It appeared to be the last of the food because he crumbled up the paper sack and tossed it aside before opening up the little red box. 
“Do you like dark chocolate?” he asked suddenly. 
A grin spread across your lips as you nodded a little too eagerly. 
“Of course!”
You couldn’t tell for certain, thanks to the mask, but you were sure he smiled with the way his eyes crinkled at the corners. Why was that cute? That shouldn’t have been cute. 
“These are from Germany,” he explained warmly, “A brand called Schogetten.” 
He broke off one of the small pieces and brought it to your already parted lips. As the sweet morsel melted across your tongue, you went limp in disbelief, a little whine muffled in your closed mouth. You don’t know if it was because you hadn’t eaten in almost a day, or if it was the fact it was different than your usual chocolate back home, but the flavor was unparalleled. If all your dignity hadn’t already gone through the window, you wouldn’t have certainly lost it for that chocolate. 
Piece after piece, he fed you dutifully and silently, until you were too full for more. 
“I’m- I’m glad you enjoyed that.”
His voice was low, huskier than before, and it sent flutters through your heart. 
Feeling much more relaxed and comfortable, you had to smile back in response, carefully nudging your foot against his much larger boot. 
“Thank you for sharing it with me,” you replied.
That familiar weight of his gaze was on you once more but it didn’t take long to figure out why, one hand reaching out and steadying your face while his other thumb came to wipe your bottom lip. 
“You have some chocolate here,” he mumbled.
It was sweet of him to help when you would have had no way of knowing. The feelings of adoration dissolved into something much darker when his hand went beneath his hood and you heard the audible pop of his thumb leaving his mouth. 
It seemed he realized what he was doing at the same time as you, his posture going rigid as his eyes widened. A soft curse left him as he suddenly jerked his hand back down. 
“I apologize. I don’t know what came over me.” 
Fuck. Was this Stockholm syndrome? Did that set in this quickly? It wasn’t exactly a topic you’d researched much in your nursing classes. If it was… it certainly wasn’t a bad feeling. 
Biting your lower lip, you tried to steady your breath as the flutters in your chest grew stronger. 
“It’s okay,” you assured him.
Another bout of silence filled the space between you both, but this time you were practically vibrating in your seat from the anxious excitement thumping in your veins. As you stared into his half-lidded eyes, your thoughts went wild. 
What was going to happen now? There was a static charge in the air and it made your skin bump up. How long did you have before your team came? Were they coming? Did you even want them to come now? 
Your thoughts were brought to a screeching halt when he lunged forward, hands cradling your face carefully as his mouth smashed painfully hard against yours. It was a delicate juxtaposition and your brain took a few long seconds to register what was happening, but the instant you realized he was kissing you, you melted into it with a moan. The scratch of the hood against your lips was a unique texture but not entirely unpleasant, although you’d much rather have his lips bare. 
The chair creaked with a loud groan as you tipped forward, eager for more of the Austrian and frustrated by the rope keeping you bound. 
A huff of annoyance slipped out as you snapped beneath your breath, “Fucking rope!”
“Süßes mädchen,” König groaned low in his throat.
He pulled away just as suddenly as he’d started and you actually did whine out at that, not caring how pitiful you sounded, until you saw him take out the pocketknife. Fear bubbled acridly in your throat as you swallowed hard, eyes pinned to the blade as he flicked it out. König hadn’t hurt you yet. There was no reason to think he would now… right? 
It became painfully obvious that your intuition was right when he stepped behind you and fingered the ropes. 
“Stay still, maus, I don’t want to hurt you.”
You did as instructed and we were rewarded with the freedom to move as the rope snapped and fell away. With a long, loud, groan, you leaned back and stretched up to the ceiling, a dopey smile painted on your face as you loosened all the stiff muscles. As you relaxed back into the chair, you found König in front of you once more, almost looking nervous in his stiff posture. 
“Thank you,” you said warmly. 
When you stood, you were made acutely aware of just how short you were compared to him. You’d known he was tall but seeing him now, how far you had to crane your neck back to meet his gaze, it was so different. 
“I’m trusting you not to try anything.”
His voice was tight, whether from excitement or worry you weren’t sure, and you immediately knew how you wanted to prove your trustworthiness. Grabbing one of his massive hands in both of yours, you pulled him over to the cot in the back corner of the room. It was almost comical how easily he followed you and allowed you to push him to sit on the bed but, as you stepped between his knees and got face to face, there was no denying who was actually in charge when your eyes met. If his physical presence wasn’t enough to deter you, the power in those beautiful blues was reminder enough. 
“I think I owe you, for being so kind and for saving me,” you whispered, hands cupping his jaw to mimic the hold he’d had on you, “If that’s okay, sir.” 
When he didn’t stop you, you took the chance to kiss him again. It was even better the second time around. The groan he let out against your lips was pornographic and you found your knees weakening as his arms wrapped around your thighs, hands resting right below your ass. It didn’t take long for your desire to overwhelm your thoughts and you broke the kiss with a gasp of air, carefully lowering to your knees between his legs. What you weren’t expecting was the absolute mind fuck it was to see such a big man looming above you, nor the way seeing his thick thighs on either side of your head would make your pussy throb. 
“Well, süßes mädchen?” he teased, leaning back onto his hands. 
What a sight that was; Black shirt pulled so tight across his body that every ridge of his muscles bumped through, dark green cargo pants now sporting a growing bulge, the intensity of his gaze staring you down with something akin to amusement and delight. 
You could feel your hands shaking as you reached up. What little confidence you had previously was beginning to wane at the realization that you were going to actually be allowed to touch this adonis of a man. Taking a deep breath, you steeled your nerves and got on with it. To his credit, König didn’t push you to speed it up. In fact, he praised you softly with each touch. By the time you were pulling on his boxers to get his cock out, you were beyond soaked and arousal hummed like a bee through your body. The way it slapped against his stomach once free didn’t help your predicament one single bit. 
“Holy shit.”
You weren’t a virgin by any means but the size of him made you pause in shock. Of course. A giant man would have a giant cock. What else did you expect? It was surprisingly beautiful too; surrounded by trimmed blonde hair, thick, long, and curved, flushed tip leaking and just begging to be sucked. 
Swallowing hard, you let your fingers wrap around him and moaned when your fingers didn’t meet. If you were lucky enough to do more than suck him off, you were going to be sore… blissfully, happily, sore. 
“Ah, scheiße, ja. That’s it, maus,” he purred, cock twitching in your hand. 
Your face warmed under the praise. Leaning forward on your knees, you braced your hand against one of his thick thighs before bringing your lips to the tip of his cock, pressing a gentle kiss to the sensitive skin. The hiss he drew in was delightfully guttural. You needed to hear more of him, needed to earn that praise and pay him back for his unprovoked kindness. Slowly, you moved down his cock, planting kiss after kiss until you came to the base. He was nearly vibrating with need when you finally poked your tongue out, tracing up the veins branching along the underside. 
With the way his body tensed, you’d almost thought you’d done something wrong but then his hand was in your hair, pulling it back as he guided your mouth to his head again. 
“Stop teasing or I’ll bend you across my lap, Y/N,” he commanded gruffly. 
The way your name sounded coming from his lips was deadlier than any poison. You wanted to hear it again and again, whispered in your ears and against your skin. Fuck. 
Oh, and the mental images. How did you tell him that you wouldn’t mind him spanking you at all? Hmm, an option for later, maybe? Pushing the thoughts aside, you finally gave in to your temptations and licked up the precum around his head before taking him into your mouth. 
“Heilige Scheiße!” 
His moan was heavenly in the most sinful ways, only rivaled by the little breathless whimpers he let out as you hollowed out your cheeks and slowly sucked him down. You knew there was no way you’d be able to fit the entirety of him, your jaw already aching from the stretch, but you were going to fit as much as humanly possible. Inch by difficult inch, you took him until he was pressing dangerously hard against your throat. Unfortunately, you couldn’t get your body to relax enough to take him in- your body’s self-preservation too strong- but you quickly thought of a loophole. 
Pulling back suddenly, you gasped out, “Push me down.”
Giving him a coy smile, you said, “I know I can’t push past my body’s limits, but you can fix that. I want you in my throat so, please, just… push me down?”
His entire being shuddered and he took in a sharp breath as if he were going to argue, but finally, he relented with a nod. Flashing him a wink, you wrapped your lips around him once more.
“Take a breath,” he instructed softly. 
You barely got a lungful in before he arched into your face. Tears welled up in your eyes as he thrust in deep, saliva pooling in your mouth as you gagged around him, but you were able to relax just enough for him to push through. Mortification clawed at your brain as both tears and drool spilled out the instant he began to fuck your mouth, but worse was the embarrassing noises that escaped your throat. Thankfully he didn’t seem as perturbed by them, possibly even enjoying them if his groans were any indication. 
Blinking away the tears, you looked up at him and were rewarded with a pained moan.
“Scheiße, kleines maus, you look so perfect like this,” he groaned, “That pretty little mouth feels so- ah- so good.”
When he let you up, you inhaled a quick breath before going back down. Now feeling more comfortable with the sensations, you brought your hands back into play, one pumping the base of his cock while the other wiggled beneath his boxers to stroke his balls. It wasn’t long before you could hear little frantic whimper leaving his lips. The way his breath hitched and his fingers tightened painfully in your hair told you all you needed. You quickened your pace and played into the sucking noises that he seemed to relish. 
“A-Ah, fuck, I’m going to cum. B-Bitte. Bitte, bitte, bitte. Don’t stop!”
A flush of heat rushed through your core and you couldn’t help but moan around him. Something about hearing such a powerful man reduced to a pleasured mess was both arousing and flattering. His strangled gasp was the only warning you got before he slammed you down, hips arching into your face as his cock throbbed in your throat. 
Eyes burning and throat aching, you managed to pull up just enough to breathe and used your saliva to pump his cock faster. 
“Come for me, König, please,” you begged him weakly before taking him in your mouth again, your tongue laving his head lovingly. 
Almost instantly, he broke, rope after rope of cum filling your mouth as he groaned your name. As you looked up at him, you wished you could see his face, see more than just the squint of his eyes as you sucked him dry. Unfortunately, you knew you couldn’t ask that of him… yet. Maybe if you were lucky enough to be around him more, eventually you could earn that trust. 
It wasn’t until he was shuddering and tugging on your hair that you finally pulled back, content that he’d ridden out that wave as long as he could. A satisfied smile curled up your lips as you leaned your head against his thigh and watched him intently. The heavy rise and fall of his chest was enrapturing. What would it feel like to curl up against him and use those muscles as a pillow? 
You were torn from your daydreams when he patted his other thigh. 
“Up, now,” he demanded. 
Lifting your brows in shock, you let him guide you up onto the cot and sat on his thighs as commanded. 
“Yes, sir?” you asked curiously. 
König didn’t answer. Instead, a hand came to the back of your skull and jerked you forward while he sat up, a squeal of shock escaping as you fell against him hard. Before you could question him, a mouth was over yours. A decidedly bare mouth. No hood to impede it. Realization sent a shiver through your body and you couldn’t help but reach up and hold his jaw. Prickles of a shadow beard tickled your palms and fingers with each caress. There was no denying his jaw was strong, angular almost, as you soaked in the sensations. God you wanted to see him even more now. Your exploration was cut short when you felt the breach of a tongue between your lips and a hand between your thighs simultaneously. 
“König,” you gasped out softly against his mouth.
The chuckle he let out caused your core to clench in need.
“You didn’t think that I was done with you, did you, maus?”
He didn’t give you the chance to respond, tongue filling your mouth with vigor as you melted into him. You were suddenly very thankful that you’d been captured in your pajamas when his hand slipped easily beneath the elastic waist of your silky shorts. He let out a hungry groan when his fingers came into direct contact with your skin. 
“No panties?” he asked, amusement and lust heavy in his voice, “How lucky for me.” 
His words made you blush but the embarrassment was easily forgotten when one long finger ran down your cunt, tracing your slit in teasing strokes. 
“You’re already so wet, mein schatz.”
A broken snicker fled your lips as he tenderly slid two fingers between your lips and you whimpered out, “It’s not my fault you’re- fuck!” 
“I’m what?” he teased.
He made it impossible to respond, the calloused pad of his fingers making little swirls around your nub, just on the right side of not enough. 
“You-You’re, fuck, you’re- Ugh, you’re making it hard to talk!” you squeaked out. 
König let out a long rumbling laugh that felt way too nice against your chest. 
“Try, maus, tell me what you’re thinking.”
“Fuck, you’re so sweet, and you’re big, and your eyes are beautiful, and- and-” a pitiful squeal interrupted your train of thought when he slowly slipped a single finger into your cunt. 
“Annnd?” he purred. 
“I love your voice, fuck, I could listen to you read a dictionary!” you groaned.
“Mmm, good girl.”
Your knees went weak and your cunt clenched around his finger as your eyes flew open to meet his in surprise. 
“Ah, you like that, hmm? You like to hear what a good girl you’re being for me?” he asked, not-so-subtly grinding up against you with an already hardening bulge, “You’re being absolutely perfect, mein schatz. This little cunt gripping so tight. Almost as tight as your throat was on my cock. I’m almost afraid to take you.”
“No, please, please do, please! I can take it!” 
“Oooh, I know you can, süßes mädchen, don’t worry,” he hummed, quickening his finger as he twisted his palm to rest against your clit. 
Your forehead fell against his shoulder in utter defeat as you lost all inhibitions, grinding down against his palm with each thrust he gave. It was ridiculous how close you already felt with so little stimulation but there was no denying the ways your walls were flutter around him. Pleasure swirled through your core, growing tighter and tighter, until all you could think about was how fucking good he felt and how you wanted his cock in you, now.
A needy whimper fell from your lips when he suddenly pulled his hand away and you jerked back in his lap to stare at him in disbelief. 
Your voice went silent as you watched the way his tongue cleaned up his glistening fingers with a moan. Fuck. That was it. You were good and ruined. 
“I want to make sure you are good and ready, mein schatz, so lay down for me.”
Before you could even move, he picked you up as if you were nothing and dumped you onto the cot. It took a second for your brain to catch up, too shocked by the show of strength, and by then he was lying on the comically small bed on his stomach, mouth pressing hungry kisses to the insides of your soft thighs. 
“Mein Gott, you are so beautiful,” he groaned quietly, “So soft. So sweet.”
Instinctively, you slapped your hands over your face and let out a whine. No way was this beast of a man not only going down on you, but he was going to kill you with compliments while he did it. 
Almost instantly, your hands were thrown aside and you gaped at him in confusion, only to see his full lips curved up into a smirk, mask tucked behind his ears to expose even more of his beautiful features.
“None of that now. You will not hide from me. I want to see that pretty face when I make you scream.” 
Yep. You were dead. Dead and gone to heaven. When they raided the camp, you had just been killed with all your allies and this was some fucked up kind of reward for all your good deeds. 
All existential thoughts were wiped clean from your mind when you felt him tugging your shorts down. You quickly helped him, unable to stop the giggle that escaped when he tossed them aside with a curse. And then you were bare before him. He looked like a man starved and you were given no warning before he dived in. 
“Oh, fuck!” you gasped. 
Big hands wrapped around your thighs and tugged you closer, throwing your legs over his shoulders before moving to part your lips for his tongue. Before you could get used to the sensation, he thrust two fingers in your cunt, punching all the air from your lungs. 
“Scheiße kleines,” he groaned against your skin, “You taste so good. I could live between these thighs.” 
It was all too much. The swirl of his tongue on your clit, the girth of his fingers pressing oh-so-perfectly against that sweet spot only your toys could reach, the feel of his facial hair scraping against your sensitive skin. And then he added a third finger into the mix. 
“Ho-Holy fuck! König, ohmygodfuck!” 
You nearly collapsed in around him but he was quick to catch your legs, holding them apart with a hand and elbow on either side, his forearm pressing deliciously against your lower belly. That pressure alone sent you rocketing to the edge. Instinctively you reached down to grab his hair, only to come into contact with the fabric, and you couldn’t help but whine in frustration. You really wanted to touch him more. 
As if understanding your plight, he slowed until only his fingers were pumping in and out and lifted slightly. Something was brewing in his beautiful blues when they met your gaze. 
“I can’t take off the mask, mein schatz, I’m sorry,” he sighed. 
“It-It’s okay!” you assured him quickly, “I understand!” 
Despite your words, he kept staring at you, the sounds of his fingers sliding through your arousal the only noise in the room. 
“Here, close your eyes for a moment.”
You did as told, swallowing hard in anticipation, and then his hand grabbed yours. Your heart felt like it was trying to escape your chest as he guided your fingers below the hood into his short hair. It was a bit longer than you expected, having thought he would have a regulation military fade cut, and softer. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, tears invading your closed eyes. 
“Of course, maus.”
How in the actual fuck was this stranger- a literal mass killer- you’d met a day ago more in tune with your needs and willing to compromise than literally any other man you’d been with? 
A gasp tore from your throat, harsh and raw, when he immediately returned to his previous act. Somehow it was even more intense after the brief break; frantic, almost painful. 
“König, pl-please. Don’t stop!” 
His moan was the only response you got. Rather than take your words as an invitation to go harder or faster like most did, he listened and listened well, keeping the same even pace, building you steadily higher and higher. Words and thoughts became impossible, incoherent pleading and wanton moans the only sounds you could make as you began to shake around him. Your fingers snarled in his locks in a way that was probably painful but you couldn’t find the wherewithal to stop. 
“Ja, that’s it, maus,” he demanded, “Be a good girl and come for me.” 
Within seconds, that ever-tightening knot in your gut broke. You tried to scream but the pleasure left you mute, lips parted in a silent cry of his name as wave after wave of ecstasy rolled through your being. When your breath finally came, so did the tears. 
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck, so- mm!- so good!” 
Just as it became too much, he lifted from your pussy with a heady groan. 
“Verdammt, sieh dich an, kleine Maus.” 
The moment the orgasm haze started to clear, you reached down and snagged his shirt, tugging on it to get him over you. He relented with a little chuckle when you whined his name. 
“Are you okay?” he asked softly, clean fingers gently tracing along your jawline. 
“Okay? The fuck you think? I’m absolutely dead in the best way,” you giggle, finally opening your eyes to meet his, “But… I still want you.” 
Wrapping your legs around his hips, you reached up at the same time and carefully pushed the hood back up, just enough to reveal his lips, your own curving up into a gleeful smile as you saw them. 
“Can I?” you asked hesitantly.
His answer came as the brutal crush of his lips on yours, pulling a moan from deep in your chest. As his tongue dominated yours, you took the initiative to reach between your bodies and palmed his cock, delighting in the way he whined. 
“Please, please fuck me,” you begged against his mouth.
“Couldn’t refuse you even if I wanted to,” he hummed back. 
You helped guide him as he lowered his hips to yours, unable to stop the gasp that escaped when you felt his fat head against your entrance. 
“You’re sure?” he asked suddenly. 
Brows furrowing, you dug your nails into his neck lightly and pulled him into another hungry kiss. 
“If you don’t fuck me, I might die.” 
That earned a warm laugh, a laugh that made your insides light up too bright, and a swift smack to the ass. 
“Well, we wouldn't want that, now would we?” 
When he began to push in, you tried so hard to keep your eyes open, wanting to see the expression in his, but it was too overwhelming. Despite his thorough prep, it’d been quite a dry spell for hookups due to work and it didn’t help that he was absolutely massive. It was a stretch, to say the least, but it hurt in all the best ways. 
“Oh mein gott,” König hissed into your mouth, “You are so tight, Y/N.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’m pretty sure you’re just hung, big guy,” you teased through shaky breaths, “It’s- It’s good though.” 
“So fucking good.”
The metallic tang of blood filled your mouth when he suddenly caught your lips again, this time with too much teeth and force, but it only made you moan. The pain of a split lip was nothing compared to the delight of his cock stretching your walls. It felt like forever until his hips were against yours, but once they finally were, you were already needing more. You tried to rock your hips into him only for him to stop you with a bruising grip and a dark growl. His eyes were predatory when you found them and it lit another kind of fire in your belly. 
“Dont. Do. That,” he bit out gruffly, “Don’t move. Give me a second, mein schatz, or it’s going to be over far too soon.”
Pride fluttered to life in your chest at his admission and you couldn’t help but grin, earning another cheeky smack. 
“You’re enjoying this? My pain?” he teased warmly. 
You pouted slightly but couldn’t maintain the look, too enraptured by his pretty blues. 
“I have to admit that it feels good to know you’re as affected as me,” you whispered. 
He groaned, forehead falling against yours, and muttered, “You have no idea, my love. You feel- Gott, I can’t even describe it. I’ve never felt someone who fit me so perfectly.” 
Lips quirking up into a teasing smile, you replied, “I guess you’ll have to keep me around then, hmm? Because I can promise you, you’ve ruined all other men for me at this point.” 
König groaned and his hips rutted eagerly at your words. 
“Don’t tempt me, süßes mädchen,” he moaned, “I would love nothing more than to steal you and keep you here, all mine, to have whenever I wanted.” 
As he spoke, you fell more and more in love with the idea. And why shouldn’t you? This was the most romance you’d experienced in years, all your previous conquests being quick flings with soldiers who barely qualified as friends. König was the first one to truly see you in years. 
“Oh, don’t look at me like that, maus, you’re making this hard.” 
Biting your lower lip, you tested a little wiggle against his hips and were elated when he allowed it. 
“I’m already here, König, who says you have to let me go?” you whispered, “For all they know, I’m just another casualty.”
Logically you knew you shouldn’t feed into the delusion plaguing you both right now, but fuck did you want it. Something about the idea of being at his beck and call, being allowed to please him whenever either of you wanted, was a deliciously dangerous option. 
Suddenly, he drew out his hips and slammed back in with a strangled grunt. 
“You want that, hmm? Want to be my personal little whore, maus?”
The way you clenched around him made you both whimper and you instantly wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a heated kiss. 
“Yes, yes, please! Wanna be allowed to have you whenever,” you whined, “Want you to use me.” 
Your nails found his shoulders and dug into the firm muscles there as the sound of your bodies meeting clouded the room. But you needed more, needed to feel more of him. Logically you knew you both needed to stay as clothed as possible, considering you could be interrupted any moment, but you couldn’t resist the urge to touch him. Slipping your hands under the hem of his shirt, you slid your nails up the length of his back, dragging the material with you until it gathered at his shoulders and you were granted the absolutely stunning visual of his abdomen clenching with each thrust of his hips. 
“God you’re beautiful,” you gasped out subconsciously. 
The noise König let out was unholy, deep and keening, as his fingers tightened on your hips once more. Even through the haze of bliss, you could see the way his cheeks lit bright red. It would be cute if he weren’t currently fucking you silly.  
“That’s-That’s my line, maus,” he chuckled breathlessly. 
Eyes trailing back up to his, you couldn’t resist leaning up as you pulled him down against you once more, your lips finding his ear with a little moan. 
“Then we’re both beautiful, König, because- fuck!” 
His pace grew brutal without warning as he shifted and suddenly it felt like he was slamming right against your cervix, the sharp pinch of pain making you yelp in surprise. It was clear the praise was doing something, a fact you stored away in your memory for later. Then he hit your cervix again. You almost tried to pull back until his hand left your hip, coming between your bodies to rub gentle circles across your clit. Fuck and that made the pain more than worth it. 
“Kö-König, close, please, just-” 
He groaned lowly and grunted out, “I know, I know. I’ve got you, mein schatz. Just relax and let go for me.” 
You finally released your hold on his back only to cup his jaw and draw him into a frantic kiss, panting out half-mumbled half-screamed moans as he tongued at your mouth. It was all too much. It was the best thing you’d ever experienced. When your climax finally hit, it felt like the world turned up on end. Collapsing back on the bed, you slapped a hand over your mouth to somewhat muffle the scream that escaped, but König had none of that. One big hand collected both of yours and pinned them to the bed by your wrists. 
“No! Let me hear what I do to you,” he snarled, “I want to hear every pretty little sound!”.
Looking up through wet eyelashes, you couldn’t stop the enamored smile that crossed your lips even as you whimpered for him. He looked so fucking good over you. What you wouldn’t give to see that sight every damn day. 
“Why are you so smiley?” he asked, amusement lacing his tone as he slowed his pace. 
“Just really fucking happy,” you giggled softly, “You feel so damn good and look just as amazing.” 
König’s lips twitched into a half smile before he shifted in place, keeping your hands pinned while he carefully lifted one leg up over his shoulder. Before he even moved, you could tell your body was going to resist the change in depth. Not that you would stop him. He could demand you attempt a headstand while he fucked you and you’d do it.  
“Oh FUCK!”
Your shriek earned a broken moan from the man above you but it didn’t stop him for even a moment, hips slamming into you with purpose. Fingers curling tight, you dug your nails into his hand and bit your lip hard to keep a hold of your senses, though it was for naught. The way his fat cock buried into your tight walls over and over was more than you could handle. You wanted to beg him to stop and to keep going until you died. 
“So tight for me, süßes mädchen,” he groaned huskily as his free hand came back to your clit, “One more.” 
“Eh!?” you gasped in disbelief. 
He grunted out a laugh and said, “Come for me, one more time. I want to feel you coming again before this is over.” 
You shook your head violently and retorted, “I can’t.” 
Even as you said it, he was easily proving your words wrong with his gentle stroking contrasting with the way he pounded your swollen cunt. His fingers tightened until it felt like your wrists would break under the force and yet you couldn’t find it in you to care, all self-preservation long gone. 
“You can and you will, mein schatz. I am nothing but a patient man.”
A pathetic whimper tumbled from your parted lips as you panted for breath beneath the exhaustion of it all. Suddenly though, he slows, releasing your hands and letting your leg fall aside. 
“König, wh-”
He silences you as he falls completely over you once more, the heavy feeling of his body against yours making you sigh happily. It only takes a moment to realize his reasoning, hands pushing your hair away while plush lips begin kissing along your neck. 
“Mmmm,” you hummed softly, fingers slipping up the back of his hood to find his hair again, “That feels incredible.” 
“You taste incredible,” he replied through a mouthful of your flesh, “Though, I must admit, my intentions aren’t so pure.”
Before you could ask what he meant, he bit down hard, hard enough that you reflexively yanked on his hair and screeched. The pain dulled to a low throb when he started licking and sucking over the wound, and you clenched hard around him when he rolled his hips into yours. 
“You’re gonna kill me,” you whined breathlessly. 
“Only with pleasure, maus,” he said with a chuckle, “Would never hurt a hair on this pretty little head.” 
Your heart fluttered traitorously at that. Deciding to return the favor, you moved aside his hood enough to reveal his thick, pale, neck and started kissing along the warm flesh. 
“Ah, s-scheiße.”
Poking your tongue out, you traced a line up to his ear and moaned at the taste of salt and skin. Even his sweat was driving you crazy. What was this man doing to you?  
The slow motions quickly turned into something much more primal when you wrapped your legs around his waist and sunk your teeth into his throat. 
“Oh, du kleine Füchsin!”
Groaning, you released his neck and whispered, “Fuck, I love hearing you talk.” 
“Then I shall talk to you,” he grunted through moans, “What should I say? Should I tell you how good you feel, how perfect you grip me? That I never want to leave this tight little cunt? How divine you look when you’re drunk on my cock?”
Despite your earlier protests, you could feel another orgasm brewing fast under his words and you let him know. 
“Ja, you going to come for me, aren’t you, schatz?”
“Oh god yeah, yes, please, keep- keep-” 
You pulled his hair taut as your limbs drew him in close, silently demanding to feel every inch of his body against yours, and his name spilled from your lips like a mantra. This one came up just as fast but much calmer, creeping up silently and taking you by surprise with its voracity. Something deep inside you snapped and you could feel your arousal gush down your cunt, coating your cheeks and the cloth beneath you. 
“Fuck, mein schatz, where- mein Gott, where do you want it?” he gasped out as you clenched around him. 
You didn’t even give it a second thought, locking your legs and pulling him into a ravenous kiss. 
“In me, please, I’m- I’m on birth control. I need to feel it in me,” you whined weakly into his mouth. 
His curses were muffled by your lips but their intensity wasn’t lost on you, the mumbled praises only adding to the flush on your skin. You bit his lower lip gently and suckled all while your nails scraped against his scalp and shoulders, doing your best to pull him under with you. 
“Oh, that’s my girl. My good girl,” he snarled, “Mine. All mine!” 
Stars burst behind your eyes as he buried his cock as far as possible in your walls, the throbbing sending little pulses of ecstasy through your veins as you tried hard to focus on working him through it. You only hoped you could return even a fraction of the bliss he put you through. 
A long, loud groan reverberated through the now silent walls as he went limp- though stubbornly keeping all his weight from pressing on you- and you had to smile to yourself, fingers now playing through his soft strands gently, in a silent apology for nearly ripping them out. 
“I’m going to move, hold onto me,” he instructed you quietly. 
You did as asked but the way he flipped your bodies over was still a shock. You instinctively tried to lift off of him only to be jerked back down, massive arms locking around you and holding you to his chest. 
“You are not going to hurt me, Y/N,” he murmured, “Rest. Relax.”
“O-Okay,” you whispered.
Face red, you fought all those negative inner thoughts away and gave in, earning a content little sigh from the big man. 
“You know, I never thought I’d have the best sex of my life while being a captive,” you joked easily, turning your head to rest your chin on your forearm, allowing you to observe him closely, “Where have you been all my life?” 
Your head bobbled like a boat on the ocean with each hearty laugh that left him and your heart clenched in delight at the pure joy in his eyes. 
“Waiting for you apparently, maus, took you long enough to get here.”
There was something strange in the way he looked at you, the tenderness in his touch as he held your face and stroked your lips, but your cockdrunk, touch-hungry, brain decided it couldn’t care less. All that mattered was how it made you feel, and God did it ever make you feel perfect.
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yorutsuki · 29 days
「 ✦ Isekaied Reversed Pt. 5 ✦ 」
↳ Your nutritions had slowly decreased overtime, thus you needed to head out for a grocery trip! Surprisingly, you ran into a cat and, unfortunately, as well as trouble.
It's been approximately 46 days since Xiao made his arrival out of nowhere.
Over the course of the days—weeks, the two of you slowly bonded as time flowed, albeit it was rough the first few weeks, your relationship with him gradually blossomed.
Comparing since a few weeks ago, you've gotten to the point where he could be comfortable enough around you to let his guard down for a while—even better that he didn't draw out his spear with every corner he turned.
In all, you guys were mutuals at best—which was quite progress in your book.
"You have to be shitting me."
Xiao's eyes glanced over to you, his brow raised.
You sighed, closing the fridge. "We're out ingredients."
You walked over towards your bag, picking up your wallet which thankfully had money—around a rough $50. Unfortunately, that would mean you'd have to save up once again.
Xiao took notice if your downed mood, before squinting his eyes, trying to get a glimpse of the problem.
You felt a feeling of eyes watching you. Looking over towards the origin of the feeling, you saw Xiao looking towards you, well, the wallet. Seeing he got caught, he quickly averted his gaze like nothing happened.
You eternally chuckled at his shy actions, before your midn reminded you of your problem.
"Well, Xiao. Looks like we're running out of stuff." You huffed with a grimace before starting to put on your shoes. "I'll be back in uhh..20-30 minutes tops."
Xiao looked towards you before giving a slight nod.
Making your ways to the door, you grabbed your keys, phone, earbuds and wallet before turning the doorknob though swiftly turned around, "right! Do you need anything while i'm out?" You asked the yaksha who shook his head. "Don't spend your money on me, or unnecessary things in general." He sighed. You frowned.
You couldn't tell if that was worded weird or if he really did see himself as unnecessary. Nonetheless, you pushed those thoughts away before giving him a thumbs up but closing the door behind you.
You thought for a minute, looking between your wallet and the door.
'am I listening to that? Hell nah.' You grinned before heading towards your apartment elevator.
Making your way down to Safeway, you yelped and tensed up as you felt something furry brush against your leg.
Quickly looking down, your muscles relaxed when finding out it was only a cat and quite a cute one too.
It was a Edgyptian Mau. It's fur was black with some gray and white spots around it's body. Though it's eyes were the most captivating—they looked like a vibrant sunset.
You were quite surprised that an Egyptian Mau was around this area but decided not to look to deep into it. It was probably someone's pet who ran off and ended up in this dump. Though, that wouldn't stop you from giving it a little pet.
"Aren't you a cutie~" You smiled with awe, kneeling down towards the cat to which the animal slightly staggered back. It calmed down though as you put your hand in front of you, letting it sniff it before melting into your hand as you lightly scratched it's jaw.
"Man, I wish I could take you home.." You whined lightly before sighing as you stood up, the cat letting out a needy call, looking up towards you for more scratches.
"Sorry buddy, I gotta get some things from the market." You cried internally as you looked down at the furry creature. Your heart breaking at seeing it's sad face.
Persevering, you looked away, a single tear falling down as you began to walk away, trying your best to ignore the meows of need.
"Tofu...tofu.." You mumbled, trying to recall what isle the food was. Unfortunately, while lost in your train of thought, you felt someone harshly bump into you, causing you to snap back to reality.
The person merely grunted with a harsh, 'watch where your standing' which received just as harsh of a glare from your end.
"Idiot." You muttered before going back to your task.
Finally after you payed, you left the store, two bags of groceries-one in each hand.
As you exited the store, you subconsciously scanned the 'lot for the black splotched cat.
Your slightly frowned upon not seeing it anywhere. 'Probably ran back to it's owner.' you shook your head, continuing your way home.
As you walked along the street, you heard small paws running a bit behind you along with desperate calls.
Turning around, you saw the cat once more, only it looked rougher—like it had just came out from a low-grade shelter.
You dropped your bags as it clawed onto your legs, meowing. You slightly hissed at the stinging sensation from the new marks as you picked it up—it trying to hide up onto your shoulder.
"Poor baby, what happene-" Your words were cut short when you suddenly heard shouting. "Give the damn cat back!"
Looking ahead, you saw the same man from the store, holding a...bat?
You had a feeling where this was going so, picking up your bags quickly, you made a run for it as the shouting behind you grew louder.
'fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck!' You screamed mentally, your legs and arms growing tired with each push but you didn't dare stop. That man seemed restless and merciless, plus, he was right behind your trail.
Unfortunately, you were hit in the shoulder by something hard. Your body giving up as you hit the hard concrete with a thud- the cat standing by you with it's hairs sticking up as it hissed with aggression and fear.
You saw the man try reaching for the cat, though you intervened, by grabbing his hand and biting as hard as you could. The man grunted loudly as you heard a crack and suddenly tasted metal in your mouth.
You grimaced at the metalic taste and gagged a bit.
"You bitch!" He shouted at you before kicking you in the ribs, in return you let out a winded yelp.
As the man saw your stunned state, he went for the black Mau, grabbing it by the back of the neck. Though fortunately, the cat retaliated by scratching the man's hand though led it to be thrown harshly aside. "Fuckin' creature, i'll deal with your shit later." He hissed before turning to you.
You tried getting up only to be hit back down with the same back that knocked you in the first place. "Thats!-" He hit your shoulder, "-for stealing what's mine!" He shouted before he went to strike you at your head, though thankfully you blocked it in time with your arms—feeling a pounding sensation within them.
Suddenly, you looked to the side, finding a very convienent brick. As the manw as distracted, you picked it up and rammed it into the side of the man's ankle.
He shouted curses of pain, giving you a brief break. Unfortunately, it didn't last long before he shouted, going for your head as well as taking a few breaks to kick you around.
Your eyes were teary, feeling bruises forming already. You felt weak and heavy-your body betraying your mind as you screamed it to get up—to do something than lie on the floor helplessly.
"Y'know this wouldn't happened if you just handed us the damn critter. The only person ya' can call for now, tis' God." He snicked, enjoying the sight in front of him.
But something clicked in your brain, and hopefully it worked.
The man watched in amusement as you called out a name. "Saying your final goodbyes?" He laughed huskly, but you only gave a grin, "Not quite." You smiled weakly. He stared confused at you but grinned, looking down at your pathetic form.
Suddenly, his view of you was blocked by something, well someone.
Looking up, he was met by a familiar yaksha, his spear centimeters away from his head. He only grinned with amusement once more. "What is this? Some type of costume party?" He laughed though it came to a brief halt and replaced with a winding grunt as he was kicked backwards a few feet on the street.
The man shouted slurs and insults towards the masked yaksha who only replied with silence.
The man's anger grew with each second as he stood from the ground, bat in hands before trying to strike the boy. Unfortunately for him, he was no match for a yaksha. All his strikes were dodged and returned with precision, sharp, powerful and agile blows from the back of the boy's polearm.
Ultimately, near in the end, the man ended on his rear, looking at the immortal in fear before he scurried to get away, embarrassingly. "Keep the damn cat then!"
The yaksha glared at the retreating figure before turning towards you, his mask disappearing onto his belt.
As he helped you get to your feet and wrapped your arm around his neck for support. You saw a glint of concern in his eyes, making your lips curl into a small smile. "Thanks for that back there." You grinned but faltered as you grunted, making Xiao's concern grow.
"Is anything broken?" He asked, his voice stern as ever.
You shook your head, "I don't believe so, just a few-" you were cut with a wave of pain electrocuting you. "-I take that back, a lot of bruising." You chuckled as the adeptus sighed.
Your brows furrowed in worry, glancing back to the animal on the ground. Xiao's gaze followed yours as his expression hardened.
He sighed, knowing where this was going.
Over the course of a few days, you recovered quickly though on the second day, your whole body ached and you ultimately stayed in bed for 24 hours.
As for the cat, he recovered quite quickly as well—almost too quick. It was like a miracle with everything his body took. Though during the few days of resting and even after, it appeared that the cat took a major liking to the adeptus.
As the adeptus would bring you water or check up on you every once in a while, (though albeit when your not noticing cause he's like that 💀), the cat would be at his side, looking towards you then up to him in worry.
Sometimes he'd be laying next to you but ultimately stayed with Xiao most of thetime.
By day 4, you felt as good as new—a few bruises left but they were like small pebbles in the road.
You huffed in defeat as the cat curled up to Xiao's lap.
'wasn't I the one who risked my life for you?' You groaned in annoyance, but it quickly disappeared when seeing the calm expression Xiao carried. If you looked closely, you could see a very faint smile.
You smiled at the sight. "So...what do you think we should name him?"
Xiao snapped from his small trance, "why do we need to keep him?" He asked. Your brows furrowed, "I don't want him to be abandoned. I don't think he has a owner and..I don't want that guy to come after him again." You spoke softly, before smiling, "Plus, I think he really likes you."
Xiao's brows furrowed before he sighed, mumbling something.
You looked up to him, cocking a brow—curious to what he said. "What was that?"
"Qíji. His name." He muttered, looking away towards the ground.
You looked at the yaksha in slight surprise before mumbling the name. "Qíji.." You smiled before looking at the peacefully sleeping fur boy, "well then, welcome home Qíji."
Well look at that, looks like you did get Xiao something after all.
A/N: THAT WAS A LONG WRITE-, I tried making it as least as cliché as I could 😭. But yep, here's part 4, by what part do you guys think Xiao and Reader will end up together??? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also, feel free to write comments! I love reading them and they keep me motivated! :D
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samueldays · 2 years
Of banned books and "banned" books
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If you went into a bookstore and saw the books being openly sold, that's strong evidence that they're not banned. (Source for illustration.) This bookshelf is a performative contradiction. You should be ashamed of taking it at face value, instead.
I spent half an hour searching and trying to chase down exactly where The Lord of the Rings was supposedly "banned", because it looked like a particularly implausible entry. Digging into citations and chasing claims, I found a game of telephone and a gradient of weasel words. An initial bombastic reference to "Banned Books" would link to a list of "Banned and Challenged Books" where the subheader negotiates down to "attempts to remove books from schools, libraries and universities" and eventually bottomed out in the American Library Association posting this fucking shit:
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That is not a ban. That is not even vaguely resembling a ban. That's closer to a Florida Man headline. New Mexico Man Burns Bookshelf. Also they spelled it wrong, which underlines how much of a middle-of-nowhere, who-gives-a-fuck town this is.
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It is not the only bullshit entry. In the case of Maus, the supposed "ban" amounts to the fact that the McMinn County Board of Education voted to remove it from the eighth-grade curriculum. This is slightly less retarded because it at least features an official organization, but curricula don't have infinite space and it's still deceitful to use the word "ban" to describe a local curriculum change. The book remains legal to buy, sell, own and read.
I have read the meeting notes of the Board where the motion passed, and they were explicit that they will still be teaching the topic of the Holocaust, but looking for a different book to use. This did not stop circlejerking j*rnalists from crying about Holocaust denial and book bannings, fabricating a Streisand Effect from a non-ban until Maus became a national bestseller. Unlike being banned, being "banned" is very profitable!
When you hear "Banned books", it may be useful to ask "Banned where?" (By whom? When?)
Reductio ad absurdum: I hereby ban all books from my bathroom. It's for your own good, to prevent water damage. Every book is now "banned" for a sufficiently low value of "banned".
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konigsblog · 11 months
Imagine yan! Kidnapper König with reader who escapes (or just attempts to and fails)
tw; miscarriages, don't read if that's a triggering subject;
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he'd became cold. he lost that warmth you once gave him. he misses you, the giggles and love you reciprocated back to him, what even happened? it was one argument, about pregnancy. you didn't want a kid, something that terrified you was giving birth, that constant anxiety was too much to handle.
he'd awoken to you gone. könig panicked, began smashing things around the house; glasses and vases, yelling and screaming. if you didn't live in the middle of nowhere, cops would've been called, but fortunately for könig, neighbours weren't a thing. he'd immediately got into his car, something he'd planned beforehand - months ago - was putting a tracker in that bag he'd given you, a suspicion that you'd leave him one day with it slung over your shoulder.
you were asleep against a tree far away, too exhausted, not believing he'd be awake til later, giving you some time to rest. but könig's body knew, it was as if his body woke him up because you weren't with him.
he jumped from his car, grasping at you and shaking you awake. god, the fear and terror in your eyes was something that would make him melt, but in the heat of the moment, he dragged you back, not caring that you were crying and in pain from his tight grip. throwing you into the backseats and tying you up, gagging you and driving back home.
it was quiet, terrifyingly quiet. his grasp on the steering wheel was tight, as if he'd swerve to the right and cause a car crash. he carried you bridal style into the bedroom, taking the ballgag off. you kept your head low, his gaze burnt holes into your skull, he cried and sobbed into your stomach. sat on his knees while you were on the bed, screaming at you for answers.
silent, you stayed silent. too afraid to move a muscle or say anything. “say something, maus.” he demanded, voice a snarl mixed with a growl, like a wild animal. but you couldn't, its not as if you didn't want to, being shaken up forced you to remain silent for the next couple days, too in shock and stressed out.
and because of the immense amount of stress, the fetus unfortunately miscarried. you didn't know how to react, you didn't want the baby originally but you'd somehow grown attached to the feeling of being pregnant, you wanted the baby now. könig wasn't horrible, he loved you, but you made it hard some days. inviting a child into this world, this home, would make him calm down, never raising his voice at all, not wanting the kid to grow up traumatised.
but here you were sat on the toilet with blood running down your legs. yelling for him to come into the bathroom. he never blamed you, he didn't yell, but he cried. he cried with you, holding you and cleaning you up. “it's alright, my dear. we have all the time in the world, we should wait til we're ready.” you sobbed into him, but the guilt was strong, even when he told you that it wasn't your fault, you began to feel as if it was.
what if you never left? it gave you a ton of stress. könig felt like it was him, his fault. he shouldn't have yelled at you, when did he lose his composure? you held eachother for days, deciding to wait until you were both ready for a kid, könig continuing to love you.
and despite how you'd betrayed him, he'd always forgive you because you were all he wanted, all he desired.
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jjhallisey · 7 months
Sacred Bonds - Ch. 1
Pairing: John "Soap" MacTavish x fem!Reader
CW: Non-Con, Torture, Konig as the bad guy
Word Count: 1,326
A/N: Hihi everyone! This was posted on AO3 on Monday (I didn't have tumblr then, whoops). So if you've seen it already on there, yay! Otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.
Ch. 2
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As your eyes fluttered open, you attempted to move, but couldn't. A panic begins to flow through your body as your eyes search the dark, empty room around you - empty except for one person. You could just barely make out the figure as it walked up to you, seeing that you were finally awake. "Tsk tsk tsk, kleine maus," a thick Austrian accent echoes through the room.
As the figure gets closer, you can see the faint glint of a knife being twirled between his fingers. A piece of fabric with eye holes cut out covered his face. You recognize this man, you've heard of him before. He went by the name König. He was an operative for KorTac, and had taken an entire Al-Qatala cell out on his own. 
"You've gotten yourself into deep scheiße, it seems," he knelt to be eye level with you, dragging the cold blade of the knife across your arm lightly. Goosebumps developed in its wake as your nerves tingled, your panic only growing. You attempt to struggle against the restraints that held you into the cold, metal chair. You get nowhere, only realizing the bare skin of your thighs was sticking to the seat. You glance down for a moment, slightly confused. You were only wearing a shirt and underwear, no pants. What happened to your pants? Why were you in front of this monster without pants on?
The sharp tip of his knife was quickly pressed against your chin, digging in just slightly as König forced you to look at him. "Answer truthfully and we won't have any problems, ja?" his blue eyes bore into you like lasers. He knew you were going to put up a fight, and that would only make this far more fun for him. You nod, just barely though, so that the knife wouldn't dig further into your chin.
"Tell me, schatz, where is Soap?" König had leaned down to whisper in your ear. His hot breath licking over your jaw and neck, sending waves of panic through your entire body. He kept the knife on your chin though, the blade now digging in just enough for you to feel blood starting to trail down your neck.
You stay silent, regardless of the pain. You were determined not to reveal any information about Soap, or the rest of your team.
König moves the knife to your arm, the sharp blade digging in. Thin streams of blood flow down your arm as a searing pain rips through your body. "Where is Soap?" he repeats himself, his tone becoming more impatient. "If you don't tell me, this won't end well for you, kleine maus."
"Well, I'm not going to tell you," you spat back. You could tell he was getting angry by the way his brows furrowed over his eyes, even if you couldn't see the rest of his face. 
König's hand was around your throat, the knife still digging into the skin on your arm, except now he began to drag it downwards. Prickles of searing pain shot through your bicep and up through your collarbone. "The quicker you tell me, the less pain you'll be put through, schatz."
König's grip tightens on your throat as you don't respond. You gasp for air, barely taking in enough to keep you conscious. He lifts the knife from your skin, placing it in a sheath on his belt. The hand that was holding it moved to your thigh, his gloved hand feeling rough on your bare skin. He looked at you expectantly, tilting his head slightly as if to coax a response from you. 
"How long has it been since you've eaten, kleine?" König asks, his hand trailing up your thigh. He made you squirm against your restraints, the zip ties digging into the sensitive skin of your wrists. "If you talk, you can eat," his head straightens, and his eyes bore into yours once more.
"I won't break, not even for food," you hiss in return.
"I think I know what will make you break, though," he growls. His hand moves from your thigh to your panties, rubbing your sensitive spot through the thin fabric.
You struggle even harder against the restraints. His hand around your throat feeling even tighter than before, despite the lack of movement from that hand. Your breathing speeds up as you try and take in enough oxygen.
"Stop," you groan through gritted teeth. The way you felt your core responding - the pleasure that is silently coursing through your body. You feel disgusted by it. You try and think of anything other than his touch. 
His fingers pull the band  around your waist away from your flesh. You squirm harder, trying to do everything you can to get him away from you, but your efforts fail. His fingers trail down your delicate flesh, and you feel the rough fabric of his glove come to rest on your clit. 
"Tell me where Soap is, and this can all stop, schatz." he practically purrs in your ear. He was enjoying this, watching you squirm at his touch. Knowing that despite the fact you didn't want him touching you like this, pleasure was still coursing through your body. 
"I'm not te- " before you can even get your words out, his finger begins to circle around your clit. A groan escapes your lips involuntarily, your eyes meeting his with nothing but hatred. 
He adjusts his hand so his thumb is working your sensitive bundle of nerves. His pointer finger dipping lower to spread your lips apart. 
"Look how wet you are for me, schatz." The smirk could be heard in his voice. "You may not want this, but your body does. When was the last time someone touched you like this? How long has it been since you've felt a man inside you?"
"That's none of your business," you hiss. 
You feel his hand recede from your neck, but then a sharp shooting pain graces your cheek. He had hit you. 
"You're going to regret your words, kleine maus," König growls through gritted teeth.
His hand draws away from your clit, and you find your body aching for more. Your hips instinctively following his hand as it leaves.
"Don't worry, maus, you'll be getting more soon," He chuckles, sounding almost pleased with himself. 
He pulls the knife back out from his belt, cutting you free from your restraints. Before you can run, though, his hands are on your hips. His fingers digging into your skin to hold you in place. This man was stronger than you had ever experienced. 
You felt his hand return to your neck, pushing you to the ground on your knees. He was behind you now. The sound of his belt buckle coming undone, quickly followed by the sound of a zipper made you realize exactly what was about to happen next. Tears began to well in your eyes as you felt the fabric of your underwear being ripped away from your skin. 
"You have one final chance to tell me where Soap is, schatz." he warns. 
His hand tightened around your throat, causing you to choke out sobs. "H-He..." As you begin to talk, the grip on your throat lightens. "He's in the United States..." you manage to get out, your tears dripping onto the concrete below you. "He's meeting with General Shepherd personally." 
It was a lie, all of it was a lie. But you weren't going to let König get any further with you. You couldn't. Not again. 
"Good maus," König purrs in your ear. "I've gotten what I need so far, but don't think I'm done with you." 
His hand stays on your throat as he leads you back to your cell. He throws you inside, causing you to land on your ass. A chuckle escapes his throat as the cell door slams shut. The thud of his heavy boots disappearing into the distance.
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lamyaasfaraini · 7 months
The Last Beatles Song: Now and Then :')
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THE BEATLES BRODIIII!! Semenjak punya twitter aku udah follow official akun The Beatles karena ya ngefans lahhhh. Biasanya postingannya ya apalagi kalo bukan something nostalgic. And then suddenlyyyyy... Lauching lagu terakhir yg belom sempet "jadi", karena John keburu meninggal disusul George. Iya begitu klaimnya, mreka jg launching kemarin short movienya di Youtube sekitar 12 menit abistu baru semalam launching lagunya.. Update sekali infonya ih akutu yaiya kan follow akun beatles wkwk. Lsg dengerin bareng suami ditengah2 lg Netflix-an. Lagunya ttp easy listening khas beatles, cuma kaya bukan old beatles gt lebih modern. Merinding yaa suara John msh adaaa huhu, berkat teknologi jaman skrg jadi bisa gitu yaa. Tapi aku suka, pagi ini udah on repeat 10x huhu knp mengharukan dengerinnya yaaahh, sad and heartwarming at the same time..
Short filmnya yg cuma 12 menit. Waktu mreka ngerjain bertiga tanpa John (saat itu John belom mau gabung, lalu keburu meninggal.
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Tolong ini euphorianya dimana mana haaaa
Sepenggal liriknya :'). Siapa yg gatau meme iconic
Chandler. Skrg jd sedih lg :(
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Apakah aku seorang Beatlemania? Duh gatau jg, aku hanya menyukai tp ngga sampe menggilai.
Band legend kaya beatles mah pasti bapak2 kita jg tau, tp bapakku ngga sebegitunya sama beatles. Dulu tuh yg selalu masuk playlist bapak lagu "i'll follow the sun". Ya akupun jd hafal, setelah remaja ke dewasa baru deh tuh ngikutin beatles, lagu yg tenarnya mah udah tau lah dr kecil, smp, sma. Kaya "let it be", "yesterday", "i want to hold your hand", "obladi oblada", "twist and shout". Mulai dewasa, pas kuliah mulai explore aja tuh sama lagunya nya. Bukan hanya lagu2 ciptaan John & Paul (karena mreka berdua paling bnyk nyetak hits di lagu2 beatles). Dengerin jg lagu2nya George kaya "Something" (my favv), "while my guitar gently weeps". Ringgo juga! Paling suka "with little help from my friend", "yellow submarine" dan mreka berdua dikasih kesempatan jg jd lead vocalnya. Pokonya dari tiap album beatles dr thn 60an udah tau lah 4-5 lagu mah, banyak bgt lagunya dan enak2. Aku paling suka "strawberry fields forever", "in my life" dan masih banyak ituuuu pokonya.
Bahkan selain lagunya aku ikuti film2 yg berbau beatles atau cuma soundtracknya gt. Kaya, "i am sam", "nowhere boy", "across the universe", terakhir nonton "yesterday" ini ada di Netflix. Documentarynya jg, terakhir itu Get Back yg tayang di Disney+.
Dulu waktu masih seneng bola dan cheering for Liverpool FC gegara Xabi Alonso klubnya disana, iya ngefans bgt sm Xabi circa 2006 keatas deh hahaha bodor lah. Bermimpi kalo ke Inggris kudu bgt ke Liverpool, mau ke Anfield dan Museum The Beatles wkwkwk. Such a perfect combo, right!
Nah si sobi gigs ku mah beatlemania beneran dia krn bapaknya jg sama, dari mulai koleksian kaset, cd, piringan hitam dahlah the real beatlemania. Suatu wkt bapaknya dinas ke Inggris, sobiku si rajin lebih memilih kuliah drpd ikut bapaknya kan mayan atuh katanya bakalan ke museum the beatles, hih plis deh ngapa sih u!!. Balik2 bapake bawain oleh2 tas beatles dr enggres. "dah ini aja cukup buat gua mah".. Wkwkwk duh bestie! Oiya waktu resepsi kawinannya ada after party "beatles night". Sumpah seru pisan haha. Abis resepsi ngga ada capek2nya kita smua berjogedh dan bernyanyik.. Tepar tepar u ahhh..
Nah jd akupun tak cukup beatlemania utk ngefans. Cuma menyenangi karya2nya sajalah yaaa. Dan kalo ada band kaya G-pluck (band specialis lagu2 beatles) manggung, mau dengan senang hati nontoninnya. Sempet nonton G-pluck di JRL dulu, salah 1 membernya itu, member band Sore.. Lupa aku namanya siapa hihi. Bahkan mreka dress up like beatles sampe pake wig jg hahaha ngakak tp kami enjoy nonton live nya..
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elsanna-shenanigans · 7 months
November/October 2023 Contest Submission #5: There's Water in Hell
Words: ca. 4,000 Setting: mAU Lemon: lime Content: Harassment, alcohol
The scalding Miami sun did not reach the ship terminal. Still, Elsa was already rubbing sunscreen onto Anna’s shoulders. It felt more like giving a massage as she applied pressure to her little sister’s vulnerable light skin. She was just doing her due diligence. Elsa’s stress kicked at her chest as weeks of preparation came to a head. She had their passports between her teeth and their boarding passes tucked under her armpit. As Elsa ran through a mental checklist, she eyed the line-up and shuffled her distracted sister forward.
Anna was enjoying the sensation of Elsa’s surprisingly powerful fingers. She reveled in it as much as watching Elsa’s freckled nose scrunch up as she applied pressure to the documents in her mouth. Her big sister was such an endearing ball of anxiety. Anna reached out and used her thumb and index finger to smooth out the frown lines between Elsa’s eyebrows. Elsa almost let go of the passports as Anna relaxed her.
The sun was nowhere but in a mere few minutes, they would be blasted by it out on the ocean. Their five-day-long cruise was about to begin. Anna was far too excited to notice, but Elsa was always paying extra special attention. As the lineups got bigger, she saw the disparity. There were far more men embarking than there were women. The crowd opened up as they were let into the grand foyer in the dead center of the ship. The handle of Anna’s suitcase rattled as her body bounced. She kept switching directions, trying to figure out what to look at and where to go first.
“Holy hell!” Anna called out as she decided to run out to the deck. “Let’s go do the waving thing!” 
As Elsa crossed the hundreds of arrivals, she watched countless men gawk at her sister’s athletic frame. Head down, Elsa followed. The same eyes burned into her. It slowed her down as she tried to maneuver away from the slick glances. She caught up to her kid sister who was pressed up against the metal railing. 
Elsa was suddenly very aware of how attractive Anna looked. The red of her freckles and braided hair was in such deep contrast to the endless blue sky. There was something so alluring about the way Anna popped out her hip to lean her forearms on the railing. She was wearing acid-washed short shorts and a light yellow tank top. Her red halter bikini poking out teased everyone who looked. Elsa’s eyes were drawn to her sister’s shoulders. Anna’s skin was shining hot and there was still a bit of white paste there calling to be rubbed in deeper. Her urge to reach out felt different than it had in the terminal. If Elsa yearned to run her fingers along the exposed flesh again, she could only imagine what Anna stirred in the all men around them.
Anna felt her sister press up against her. Elsa leaned in, putting her chin right beside Anna’s neck. It felt like Elsa had protectively wrapped herself around Anna. Anna assumed it was to block out the sun that was already making her sweaty. She welcomed Elsa by rubbing her back against her sister. Anna let go of her bag to reach for Elsa. Her hand landed on the girl’s thigh. 
“This is exhilarating,” Anna said as the ship shifted. It was leaving the dock. The youngest didn’t wave at the ocean of people down by the shore. She was too content holding Elsa into place. 
“Mhm,” Elsa hummed in agreement. Her voice carried right into Anna’s ear. It evoked a shiver down her spine. A small strand of Elsa’s white hair fell onto Anna’s forehead. It tickled but she refused to push it away. They had spent so much time apart after years devoted to university. This cruise was a graduation present, one they’d bought with a part of their inheritance. Anna was excited to let loose and reconnect with Elsa.
The uptake in flirting was louder than the engines and rudders, and the crashing ocean waves. Elsa pushed herself closer to her kid sister. She ignored the view of the shoreline and clocked potential threats. “Anna, what was the promo code thing you used to get us discounted tickets again?” Elsa was afraid she knew the answer.
“Oh, it was like, single ladies all aboard. Or single ladies five nights out, or something equally dumb. I told you we got upgraded to an open bar for breakfast, right?” Yes, Anna had told Elsa that last part. Elsa wished she had flagged it but she had been so relieved to have saved a third of their budget. As it stood now, the sisters were the only two women not warding off one-liners.
“And I thought it would take me all week to find the most gorgeous girls on the ship,” some dude was suddenly saying. At least it wasn’t ‘Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?’ because Elsa was starting to feel like she’d somehow tripped into hell.
Anna stepped back, leaving Elsa’s hold to put her hand out. His smile was wicked as he placed it on the back of Anna’s hand instead of shaking hers. Anna was giggling as she introduced herself to the sly talker and his noticeably shy friend.  “I’m Anna and this is Elsa, my–”
“Girlfriend,” Elsa interjected. Elsa knew why she said it. It was clear this whole cruise was designed to corral women. The discount was like a dating website ploy where single women got inundated with desperate men. This trip was meant to bring the sisters back together. Elsa was afraid she would have to compete with hundreds of men duking it out of a hookup. 
“Oh cool,” the guy a few steps back said as he reached out to give Elsa a handshake. She took his sweaty hand in hers. “I’m Kris, that’s Ryder. I told him you two were together. My apologies.”
Anna was still standing dumbly as the exchange unfolded. “That’s okay,” she said as she craned her neck at Elsa and shook her head.
“I thought it couldn’t hurt. Kris and I are totally doing this cruise with Vegas rules.” Ryder said. Anna snapped back into the conversation
“What does that mean?” she asked.
“Like, we do whatever the hell we want. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Are you two up to playing Vegas rules with us?” There was childlike glee in Ryder’s voice that thrilled Anna.
“Absolutely–” Anna squealed at the same time Elsa rejected the idea. “We’re just going to go find our stateroom.”
“Cool,” Ryder answered, ignoring the taller of the two sisters. He took hold of Anna’s hand again and yanked her forward. They both took off running.
“Sorry,” Ryder’s weird friend said, as Elsa was left behind with him and her sister’s suitcase.
There was a musical knock on the stateroom door, Elsa got up to let her kid sister in. Anna was standing in the hallway. She was fully clothed but every inch of her was dripping. She had one perfectly bleached towel over her shoulders and was rubbing another over her head. Her red hair looked so much darker when wet. Mixed with her apologetic smile, Anna looked like their mother.
“Come in,” Elsa said. She had to push herself against the wall to allow Anna to enter. Her sister pressed her wet body against Elsa to get past the narrow lead into the stateroom. She stopped face-to-face with her big sister. Her breath was uneven from running through the long system of hallways. 
“Sorry,” she said, then skimmed past Elsa. When no response came, she spoke to fill the air, “Did you know Kris and Ryder’s room is a few doors down from here? They even have a little balcony too.”
“Yeah,” Elsa said as she sat down on the bed she’d already claimed. The space was so small her knees rubbed up against the other mattress.
“Well, did you know there are like eight pools? We jumped into half of them,” Anna was pacing the minuscule room looking at everything and nothing.
“There’s eleven. It was in the brochure.” Elsa deadpanned. Anna wasn’t getting anywhere with her nervousness, so she walked over and wedged herself between Elsa’s legs. Elsa wearing her comfy pants. The cotton felt good on Anna’s skin.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting that guy to grab me,” she said looking down at Elsa. Her sister was fidgeting with her own hands. Her fingernails were trimmed short and painted aqua in honour of their vacation. Elsa was picking at the shellac on her pointer finger. She was hurt by the three-hour-long tryst. Her sad eyes were downcast at the spot where the sisters were in contact.
“Sounds like you got a good tour of the place. How did you not notice there’s a million guys per one girl?” Anna had one too many crushed iced cocktails to have noticed. She wanted to say sorry again but Elsa continued. “I didn’t sign up for a single ladies’ cruise. I came along because I thought there’d be no outside world here to distract you from me.“ 
"Is that why you told Ryder we’re girlfriends?” Anna sat down on the bed opposite Elsa to get a good look at her. Elsa stirred, her eyes caught Anna’s for a brief moment. She’d shadowed her eyes with rich purple, it was a bold compliment to her vibrant blue eyes. Anna was always so envious of the contour of Elsa’s face. Her cheeks were round and her jaw angular. Depending on how she tilted her chin, she could look dewy-eyed or powerful and fierce. Just then, Elsa was downcast and soft as she nodded yes.
“Listen, I know you don’t like that kind of attention. And we are totally on the same page. This trip is about us. I’m sorry I left. It won’t happen again.” For her efforts, Anna earned a thin smile from her big sister. But in her comfy pants, it seemed she was unaware that the night was still young. Anna leaned in real close. “So Elsa, I accept. I will be your girlfriend for the rest of this cruise.”
When Elsa rolled her eyes at her kid sister, Anna pounced. She dropped Elsa back onto the bed, making smooching sounds at her. Her lips led the charge, hovering all along Elsa’s face and attacking with little ‘muahs’. Elsa thrashed pinned under Anna’s muscular legs and stronger arms. She held it for as long as she could before her laughter overcame her. “I surrender!” she called out.
“Good,” Anna stopped but lingered above Elsa’s lips, “cause my girlfriends take me out dancing.” With that Anna leaped back up, leaving Elsa flat on her back, out of breath, and wet.
At the first 'hey ladies’, Anna grabbed Elsa’s hand and ushered her through the gauntlet of catcalls. Her big sister’s hand was sweaty. Anna felt guilty. This whole trip was her idea. She signed Elsa up knowing her sister suffered in large crowds and with loud noises. Elsa hated being perceived. The attention the pair was drawing was likely torturing the eldest. Anna made sure to give Elsa reassuring squeezes. She detoured the long way to the restaurant hoping to thin out the crowds by walking along the port side deck. They got fewer long looks and minimal interruptions.
Elsa’s shoulders were back below her ears as she looked out towards the calm rippling water. It was still so hot out even though the sun was starting to dive into the waves. They hadn’t spent more than a holiday weekend together in six years. Anna must have been missing her sister because try as she might her eyes couldn’t help but take Elsa in. Instead of being in awe of the view, she was drawn to her features. The sun was glaring off of Elsa’s impossibly white hair, it was reflecting the sun’s flames. “You’d look good as a redhead,” Anna said. Elsa’s attention left the ocean.
“I know,” she answered as she reached up to run her fingers through Anna’s hair. The youngest was not expecting her stomach to flip. Yeah, she’d been called gorgeous on repeat over the last several hours, but somehow Elsa alluding as much made her knees weak. Anna tried to blame the vertigo from the moving ship but neither sister was looking out to the water anymore. With a few glances forward they made it to the restaurant. 
“These guys again, Anna?” Elsa’s hoarse voice questioned. Ryder and Kristoff were waving them down. The guys already had beers. On the table, there were two reddish cocktails and four shot glasses – booze clear like water – waiting for them.
“Well, you were right. This place is crawling with dudes,” Anna said under her breath. “So, I figured it’s better to hang with the devil you know.”
Elsa let out a puff of air through her nose as she pulled out Anna’s chair. "Such a gentleman,” the youngest said in thanks. There was no truth to that statement as Elsa watched Anna settle. She’d been fighting the urge to admire Anna since she’d decided to change right in the middle of their stateroom. Elsa was so relieved when Anna finally got to the covering-up part. Only for Anna to toss on a tiny black slip that only hid her bikini.
The alcohol burned as it flushed down Elsa’s throat. It felt like a match in her dry stomach. She winced while the others laughed. Another round was ordered. “Chase it with this,” Anna said as she plucked the umbrella out of a drink and passed it to her sister. “It’s called the devil’s kiss. I had one earlier. It’s got dark rum and Kahlua and that spicy red spice I put on our eggs instead of paprika that one time.” The mention of Anna’s kitchen mishaps got her going on a tangent, and the table began to chatter. It was only broken up to take more shots.
Elsa kept up and made sure to clean her plate to keep herself from getting too drunk. Somewhere along the lines, she realized she was enjoying herself. Anna was taking her role of girlfriend seriously. She was either holding Elsa’s hand over the table or giving Elsa’s thigh small comforting caresses. Elsa was not a good conversationalist but Anna was. The youngest made sure to point herself at her sister. Elsa could easily get lost in a group but Anna carried her weight as she spun tales about their life together. She engaged Elsa by checking facts and kept her from dissociating by encouraging her to add the odd anecdote. When it was the boys’ turn to speak, that all went to shit, all the stolen glances and tiny tickles had Elsa distracted. It didn’t matter, she was lightheaded and easy. And was slowly getting more addicted to Anna’s caring touch.
“Let’s get to dancing,” Ryder announced the end of the meal by slamming his hands down on the table. Elsa stood up right away. She was feeling confident. While she hated the idea, she had promised her sister and now vowed to deliver.
Club Brimstone was on the lower decks of the ship. It was underwater and illuminated by artificial lights which pulsated to the bass of the electronic music. It smelled like sweat. The temperature hitched just by crossing its threshold. The bar was overcrowded. The dance floor was packed so tightly, it was almost a mosh pit.
Ryder had a hold of Anna’s hand and pulled her into the dance floor.  Elsa followed them into the sea of bodies. Anna started dancing by throwing her arms over her head and twisting her hips. Elsa tried to match the movements but it didn’t come naturally. The collective body heat built up fast. It felt too thick to even move in. Elsa was in hell but she was here with Anna. She had to try. Ryder encircled Anna, moving with his knees locked and bent low. The position thrust his crotch against Anna’s backside. While Anna’s body freely moved to the music, Ryder’s only intention was to rub up against her. Kris was moving awkwardly behind them, trying to nod his head to the intricate beat. 
“Give 'er hell,” Ryder said to his bestie, encouraging Kris to step in closer to Elsa. His nervous smile was endearing. Elsa moved in and dropped an arm on his shoulder.  His big hand grabbed her hip. He used his hold to sway Elsa. They were not in time with the song but they matched each other. Their eyes met for a moment. It disrupted the sliver of confidence Elsa had amassed. So she brought herself in and barred down closer to avoid his eye. She focused on his chest instead.
Anna was shocked to find her big sister so close to this new friend. Elsa’s limbs were impossibly long. It looked like she could wrap herself around Kris a few times. In the club’s glow lighting white was the clearest colour. It illuminated Elsa. Her skin looked supernatural, like an angel amongst all these sweaty men. Anna glanced back at Ryder. As sweet and as playful as she found him, he couldn’t hold a light to Elsa.
“Grab us some drinks,” Anna said to Ryder. He obediently veered off, pulling Kris with him. Anna smirked at her big sister, elated to have her all to herself again. “Told you it would pay off to have them around.”
It had, both at dinner and on their trek down to the club. Even throughout their dance. Alone again, Elsa felt exposed. But Anna didn’t miss a beat, she was determined to soothe Elsa. She brought herself close and dropped a hand at Elsa’s hip. “Move with me,” she instructed as her fingers started to roam her sister’s side. Elsa stopped trying to follow the music and reacted to the waves rolling down Anna’s body instead.
“Hey,” some guy approached Elsa from behind. His simple greeting felt sinister. He rubbed up on Elsa and began to dance against her. Anna’s hand was still locked on Elsa’s side, she felt a shift as the muscles under her palms tensed. Anna immediately found the problem.
“Get the fuck away from my girlfriend,” her voice managed to cut through the music. The guy threw his hands up and backed off. For safekeeping, Anna yanked Elsa closer. “I got you,” she reassured. She smiled as her sister kept dancing but the advances didn’t stop. Anna warded them off by turning Elsa’s body away from the offenders. She wanted to focus on the sensation of Elsa’s leg between hers, but the world around tested Anna with its disruptions.
“It’s too much,” Elsa said into Anna’s ear. “I want to keep dancing but it’s too much.” As soon as Anna thought the night was over she panicked. Having Elsa’s arms and legs wrapped around her was the best she’d ever felt. Warding people off was worth it. There was distress in Elsa’s voice but Anna refused to stop. She looked around desperate for a way to prolong this dance. The only women who were being left alone were already hooking up with someone.
“Elsa,” Anna was surprised her sister heard her. The strobe lights were going. For a moment the whole club went dark, and in a flash, it was alive again. Elsa’s eyes were boring into hers. Anna had to stand on her tippy toes to get at her sister’s ear. “I’m going to kiss you.” 
Elsa’s response was to bunch up the fabric of Anna’s slip in her hand and drop her jaw. Anna took the yes and skipped her tongue along Elsa’s lower lip and up to the top. It was Elsa who pulled her mouth into a kiss. 
Maybe the whole club went dark. Or maybe everyone just up and died. There was a chance Anna was dead too because nothing outside of Elsa existed anymore. There was no more beat and the smell of bodies and booze faded. All the men were gone. Ryder could be trying to hand her another devil’s kiss, but Anna would never know. The booze tasted better in Elsa’s mouth anyway. Her world was reduced to Elsa’s exploring tongue and the way her sister was still grinding up against her core. Everything else could be damned. Yet the world came rushing back as Elsa pulled away.
Elsa was surprised to see Anna’s green eyes lidded in desire. She was giving off a different kind of heat. It was such a break from the hellscape around them. Anna’s face was apple-red from dancing too hard. Elsa leaned her kiss back in and bit Anna’s bottom lip. Anna’s mouth quenched a thirst Elsa never knew existed.
“Ah,” the little hellion in Elsa’s arms moaned. The hushed sound told Elsa they had crossed a line. There was no excuse for why they were dancing against each other anymore. This exchange of spit was no longer to build them a protective bubble. Anna was kissing Elsa for the pleasure of it and Elsa didn’t want it to stop.
“Elsa, want to play Vegas Rules with me?” Anna pulled back to ask. Before Elsa’s lips had even finished forming the word yes, Anna strengthened her hold on Elsa and took off running through the pit of bodies. She didn’t stop even after they left the Brimstone. Elsa had no choice but to keep up, if she didn’t move fast enough she’d end up on the floor.  Anna led them up the stairs taking two at a time. She stopped them at a landing. It was unexpected. Elsa’s body crashed into her sister’s. She thought she’d get a moment to catch her breath but Anna’s mouth took the last bit of air out of her. She pulled back just as abruptly. Her eyes scanned Elsa’s face for any signs of distress. She smiled wickedly when she saw none.
“Let’s go,” Elsa urged. Anna kept pulling. They burst through a set of double doors. It led them to the sundeck. Half the ship’s passengers were gathered, all with eyes to the skies as a light show set fire to the night. Now all the guys were yelling 'Hey watch it’ and 'What the heck?’ as they crashed through the crowd. They kept running, weaving through people and doors and narrow walkways. The further they went the fewer people they disrupted with their winded laughter. They had almost made it to the ship’s bow when they rounded a corner to a small outdoor pool. Anna’s planned destination.
The youngest’s momentum didn’t falter as she got closer to the relatively secluded pool. The fireworks display was still going, reflecting its deep fiery lights down in the water. Anna let go and stumbled a bit as she moved forward while pulling at her slip. She hooked her fingers on her swim top and tossed both pieces off. Anna was laughing at her lack of grace but Elsa stopped dead in her tracks to observe the constellations of freckles on her sister’s back. They disappeared into the water as Anna jumped in. She was under for what felt like too long but the night was moving in slow motion now. When Anna finally came up for air her smirk was devilish. She had something bunched up in her hands and aimed at Elsa.
“Come in, Elsa. I want you,” Anna said as she let go of the fabric. It made a wap sound as it collided with Elsa’s chest. Holding her little sister’s hot red bikini bottoms confirmed it. This entire cruise was indeed an inferno. Elsa earned her place in the second circle as she failed to hesitate. She pulled off her top and dropped it next to Anna’s clothing.
“God, help me,” Elsa whispered before taking off full tilt and diving deeper into hell.
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sandradoodles · 2 years
Hi! Kinda a random question but are there any songs that you associate with miraculous ladybug? ♡
Hi anon! You run the @miracusongs blog, right? :) I’m not sure if these would be a good fit for your playlist but these are the songs that I associate with some of the characters and lovesquare sides. 💗
Low Low by TEN & YANGYANG is my semi-serious Ladynoir song
You can throw me like a yo-yo But I promise I won't let go If you don't trust me by now, tell me right now What can I do just to keep you around?
Magic by TXT is my cute Marichat song
Feeling like my heart just froze Nowhere to go with no one, nobody Suddenly, you came through Making me make a move Nobody got it like you I can't look away, I can't
Hey Stupid, I Love You by JP Saxe for Marichat and/or Adrienette (also linking this version ft. Mau y Ricky because it is SO GOOD)
I just wish you could lean in and kiss me say Nothing's wrong Tell me to settle down You do it better than I've ever known how I won't pull some tricks for attention But could I get a little now
Crazy Sexy Cool by Astro for Ladrien lol THE LYRICS ARE NOT SEXY they’re just--
The end to this breathtaking feeling I’m feeling you through the wind From now on, you’re my dream You’re the dance I want to dance
Cheese by Stray Kids is my chaotic pre-Adrien Plagg song (this one is a perfect fit and I will not hear otherwise)
I love what you hate Whatever you say, it's all fun to me Thank you, I love it Gonna create chaos with our nonsense now
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mewtagen-mau · 8 months
Entry 2
I had barely began to drift off after writing my last entry when there was a knocking at my door. I drowsily asked who it was—Kyrsa replied. I opened the door and found the little ratfolk at my door with a box of chocolates. They offered me some. Apparently it had been on their bed. Probably some sort of thanks for saving the town. I took one and thanked Kyrsa, before returning to my makeshift king sized beg.
It felt weird not being in my own bed. The Rusty Dragon was not an uncomfortable inn, but any stretch of the imagination. But it still had that wrongness about it that sleeping away from home has. The bed was wrong, the dimensions of the room were wrong, even precisely how dark it was was wrong. It felt like the very air I was breathing was wrong. I wanted to be in my bed with my familiar sheets and my familiar pillows and my familiar lighting and the familiar creaking of the wood and none of the muffled voices of other guests downstairs.
Still, we don’t all get what we want. So I curled up and tried to go to sleep, despite the nagging wrongness of the room.
The next day I woke early, prepared my extracts, got some coffee downstairs to wake myself up, then took a walk. Specifically, I make my way back towards my old neighborhood. As I grew near, I used my Disguise Self extract to change my appearance to one less distinct than my true form. A half-elf man, as bland and forgettable as I could make him. Then I began asking questions. If people saw anything out of the ordinary around that area before the attack. If anyone had seen someone suspicious around Mau’s house.
People were happy to talk about ‘The Heroes of Sandpoint’—Father Zantus called us that yesterday and the title is spreading like a virus. People were enchanted by the idea of Kyrsa’s magic or a brave and noble paladin. They even spoke about me in this same manner, talking about how I’d actually drawn my blade and joined the fray. They almost made me sound like some mysterious sword master or something. The truth is hardly so glamorous.
Information about suspicious people in the streets was less plentiful than gossip about our little menagerie. Most people saw nothing, or things had been so chaotic they simply didn’t remember. I was about to give up, when finally a man gave me a little bit to work with. He told me that he’d seen a cloaked figure—about my height—near the building, surrounded by six goblins. He’d entered the house. But the man said he wasn’t entirely certain of what he’d seen—he tried to explain it to himself, saying it might have been me—as in me without the disguise which currently hid my identity from him—and maybe I was fleeing the goblins. Seeing as I’m me and I know that never happened, I know that we have a lead—albeit a very vague one. A cloaked figure of average height isn’t much to go off of, but it confirmed one thing—the evidence I’d found was accurate. Someone working with the goblins had without a doubt gone into my home and set it ablaze.
I returned to the Rusty Dragon—my disguise falling away on the way there—and found the others now awake and awaiting me in the common room. I told them where I’d been and what I’d learned. One of them asked me if I could think of anyone who had a grudge against me. I was honest when I said no. I couldn’t think of a single person in Sandpoint—or anywhere nearby—who would have reason to do this. Maybe if this were Korvosa and the person in question had a chip on their shoulder towards my mother. But we’re nowhere near Korvosa. I haven’t even given anyone my surname. And I obviously don’t look like her. So I sincerely doubt it could be connected in any way to Korvosa or my mother’s house.
We all discussed, and decided to go investigate the temple’s mausoleum.
At the temple we met with Father Zantus and Sheriff Hemlock. They explained that after the goblin attack, Father Zantus had found the door to the mausoleum ajar. The sheriff had asked him not to investigate until he had us on hand to help. Father Zantus seemed to think it had merely come open on its own, but the sheriff seemed to not trust anything about this entire ordeal.
The four of us went into the graveyard, and found Father Tobyn’s mausoleum—door open, as Father Zantus had described. We noticed a number of footprints in the mud. One set of human sized tracks and six pairs of goblinoid tracks. It matched the description I’d gotten this morning to a tee. We were on the right track. I moved forward cautiously, ears straining to hear anything.
Unfortunately what waited around the corner of the door didn’t breath and could stand perfectly still until the moment it struck—and so I was none the wiser until two skeletons leapt out at me, their jagged blades slicing and stabbing. I nearly fell to my knees, my bad leg nearly giving out then and there as I began losing far too much blood.
I saw a shining dart of magic fly past me and strike one of the skeletons—a magic missile courtesy of Kyrsa. The skeleton shuttered, as if the negative energy holding it together was about to come apart, but then it held firm despite the damage it sustained.
Which meant that a moment later two blades and two claws descended upon me. And the world went black.
What felt like an instant later, my eyes opened and I was on the ground, the metallic taste of blood mixed with the tang of a healing potion in my mouth. I was dizzy, and a little stiff, but other than my bad leg I didn’t feel any more pain anywhere. Every single wound the skeletons had inflicted had healed. Tabot was standing over me, the empty vial of Cure Moderate Wounds in his hand.
That potion was even more potent than I’d given it credit for.
I didn’t have much time to contemplate my brush with near death, as Nanel leapt over my prone form and into the mausoleum. The skeletons swung their blades at him, striking true. He swung around to try to smash the injured skeleton with his quarterstaff, but he misjudged and the skeleton knocked the blow away.
Kyrsa aimed a spell at the uninjured skeleton, casting Disrupt Undead. The skeleton was blasted by the anti-necromantic energy—but it managed to just barely hold itself together, just like its twin.
Now the skeletons had two targets: me and Nanel. One brought its blade down on me, but I rolled, only getting a small scratch from the jagged metal. Nanel didn’t fare as well. The remaining skeleton brought down its blade, and Nanel crumpled to the ground.
Nanel was in a precarious position, and it would be hard to get to him to heal him while those skeletons were still there. I decided that the best way to save him would be to get rid of the skeletons all at once, since they were both on their last legs. I took a gamble, and scrambled to my feet, leaving myself open to attack. They swung, but their blades only struck my armor. I darted back and then produced another explosive. This one I did not throw directly at one of the skeletons. I threw it at the ground between them, so that if I’d calculated the explosion correctly, they would both be caught in its radius.
It worked perfectly. Both skeletons were engulfed in flame and cremated.
With the danger gone, I went straight to Nanel’s side and used another Potion of Cure Light Wounds I’d made the day before to heal him.
With everyone alive and conscious, we looked around the mausoleum for clues. We found a used up Cloak of Bones—clearly where the skeletons had come from. We also found Father Tobyn’s casket.
What use did goblins have for a priest’s corpse?
Kyrsa put words to the growing dread in my stomach when they said: the goblin raid with just a diversion.
Something bigger is afoot. And we’ve found ourselves right in the middle of it.
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Spoiler for my stories
Doll look at Cheshire cat who's still carrying the wounded cat and back to mad hatter who's laughing at some jokes someone told them.
Doll: >.>
Cheshire cat: (。・ω・。)ノ♡???
Doll: >.> What?
Cheshire cat: (´・ᴗ・ ` )??
Doll: (¬ ¬) I don't understand shit what you mean.
Cheshire cat reach out with his free hand to pat Doll head. Doll thought nothing of it but somehow he realize something strange.
Cheshire cat: you can understand me now. (^˵◕ω◕˵^)
Doll who's now a cat:...
Doll: WHAT THE FUCK!! ヘ(。□°)ヘ
Cheshire cat: what a cute Egyptian mau. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Doll: (︶︹︺)why most you turn me into a cat. So embarrassing.
Cheshire cat: don't you wish to understand what others from my au speaks about? (^˵◕ω◕˵^)
Doll: (︶︹︺)hmmp.
Cheshire cat held doll by the nape as they move away from the group to a free space putting him down on one spot. Before long a Maine Coon which 2 times larger than normal appear where Cheshire cat it. Cheshire cat put down the kitten he was holding by the nape on his front paws as he lay down to the ground.
Doll: (︶︹︺) is that even classified as a normal cat? That look like a fucking wild cat
Cheshire cat: (´・ᴗ・ ` )your really different from him.
Doll: (¬ ¬)are you talking about that Hatter.
Cheshire cat: yup, I'm talking about Blood.
Doll: (︶︹︺) what. Don't tell me he have more senseful name than mad hatter? Blood? That's more easy to say than fucking mad hatter when he stayed without hat for so long.
Cheshire cat; (^˵◕ω◕˵^) your quite sassy one.
Doll: everyone around me are stupid. (¬ ¬)
Cheshire cat: (´・ᴗ・ ` ) how so?
Doll: (︶︹︺) none of your business.
Cheshire cat: do you think, your other self, Bee who went far to do such fit for Love is stupid ?
Doll: no comment. (¬ ¬)
Cheshire cat: or the fact reaper who search far too long for his important friend to only failed at some point and don't realize the person beside him was that friend his looking for? That the person he search have long died and reincarnated.
Doll:(︶︹︺) why the fuck do you know those. Wait never mind. Your from that place, people of those place seems to know it all.
Cheshire cat:... (´・ᴗ・ ` )oh, my precious is awake.
???: W-where... Mamcat??
Cheshire cat licks the wounded cat face who look surprised they aren't nowhere familiar place of their room
??? Panicking: 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 w-why am I outside??? W-wha... I-i don't like this!!!
Doll: (`ー´) whats wrong with your world mc. What's wrong with being outside?
??? Stares fearfully at doll thinking it's Blood: (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) i-i don't go out o-on m-my own... P-please... F-forgivr m-me...*hic... Huhuhu.
Doll: ...
Doll suddenly went sprinting toward the direction of mad hatter and jumps on his face and start clawing his face: (YOU BASTARD WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR MC. FUCKING BITCH WHEN IM DOWN WITH YOU, YOU WILL BE UGLY KOHAKU!! ))
but to others its nothing but meows.
Reaper: who's that lost cat? (• ▽ •;)
Mad hatter who just remove doll off his face: it's doll. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Dollmaker:(( D-DOLL? KOHA?! WOAHH SO CUTE!! ))
Mad hatter gives the angry doll to dollmaker: here you go. (●´u`●)
Doll mewing at mad hatter: ((YOU BASTARD I WILL KILL YOU!! ))
Dollmaker: koha what's wrong? (◕દ◕)
Dollmaker who don't understand but put the reason to dress up the kitty: ehh. You want to wear dress ?(ʃƪ^3^)
Doll: ((*GASP. NOOOOO. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)))
Mad hatter quietly leaves and went to the place where the large Maine coons is.
Mad hatter: we it seems you awake, kitty.
Kitty:(( ₍ᐡඉ ̫ඉᐡ₎ *hic... B-blood I don't go out on my own... N-not my fault. 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。))
Mad hatter: (ㆁωㆁ)
Kitty: (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ (( s-sorry.. ))
Kitty reach out to mad hatter who sigh hopelessly as he held his stupid cat: (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Cheshire cat: (ㆀ˘・з・˘) (( stop bullying them, Blood))
Mad hatter; (´・ᴗ・ ` ) bullying huh.
Kitty: (。•́︿•̀。)
Mad Hatter held kitty up and kiss their forehead: my silly cat since you wish to spend outside for a while. Then have your way.
Kitty: ₍ᐡඉ ̫ඉᐡ₎ *hic. N-no.
Mad hatter: since your being a nice kitty, it's only best to award you don't I?
Kitty: can I have a hard pass? ₍ᐡඉ ̫ඉᐡ₎ *hic.
Mad hatter: nope. Time to dress you up too! (ʃƪ^3^)
Kitty: 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 b-but--.
Mad hatter chuckle as he brought kitty with others to ask for a cute dress too. Dollmaker happily give the cloths to them too.
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asthrapolaris · 1 year
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I posted 4,276 times in 2022
That's 308 more posts than 2021!
197 posts created (5%)
4,079 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 236 of my posts in 2022
#aesthetic - 86 posts
#moodboard - 44 posts
#kinnporsche - 35 posts
#mileapo - 23 posts
#apo nattawin - 17 posts
#mile phakphum - 14 posts
#gravity - 13 posts
#fic diary - 13 posts
#normal horoscopes - 13 posts
#the signs and 616e64 - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#or maybe chay come out as gay and porsche as an amazing and supportive brother go with him on pride and lgbt meetings
My Top Posts in 2022:
IDK if this is an unpopular opinion, but I really like that they casted Barcode as Porchay, he really looks like he could be related to Apo, and he has the right energy for the character.
And I like how it shaped the history, like I don't care that they didn't kissed on the lips, it made sense that they don't in the series, and I like that their relationship is chaste, from a physical point of the view.
The emotional aspect really payed of for me and there was no unnecessary forced kiss or things like that.
I don't think the history lacks anything for it, on the contrary, I think it enriched the series.
159 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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Inspired by the Signs and 616e64 by @normal-horoscopes
Scorpio aesthetic: The moon hangs low in the sky, ever so low. Her light is so bright. The tide reaches up to her, but she is so close now. Even the trees, the mountains, seems to bow towards her.
160 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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Inspired by the Signs and 616e64 by @normal-horoscopes
Cancer aesthetic: There are plants growing in the cracks of the runway. The radio tower creaks as it wakes in the heat of the new sunlight. The grass is tall and soft and the doors of the old hangars are chained shut, save for one.
160 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
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Inspired by the Signs and 616e64 by @normal-horoscopes
Pisces aesthetic: Train tracks that lead nowhere. Torn from the dry earth like twigs from the sand. Stranded cars baking in the sun. A redtail nests on the corrugated metal, using the rusting surface like a butcher block.
186 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Maus don't need a trigger warning, it is about the holocaust, that is enough of a trigger warning
and before some of you bring up that the teens reading it in school could not know about the holocaust: first of, I doubt it very much and second, any teacher, any even the bad ones would contextualize the lesson before reading Maus.
530 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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13 from the scary jokes prompts with swatch?
Rating: T (for angst) Word Count: 473 Prompt: "The people pray their sins away / And you feel so odd, so far from God" Read on AO3: here
The white canvas taunted Swatch like a Maus that had evaded their traps. Its glow was blinding against the darkness of the mansion’s basement, but the Swatchlings were already showing signs of concern. There was nowhere else remote enough to make this attempt. 
Swatch, head artist of Cyber City, couldn’t be seen trembling as their paintbrush failed to leave a mark on the screen.
Magenta. Cyan. Yellow. All dissolved into smoke before touching the canvas. Blank, blank, blank. 
Surely there was a mistake. No, not even that. More of, of a glitch—something small, and fixable, and their abilities would return shortly.
(It had been sixteen days.)
Their chest rose and fell as they tried to calm their breaths. Their tie felt like a noose around their neck. 
“Please,” they murmured heavenward. “Please.”
Another empty stroke was the only answer to their prayer.
What had they done to deserve this? Were they not pious enough? Did the robot not fit the Lightner’s exact specifications? They and Swatch had always worked in unison before. All those hopes… all those dreams, flowing through them…
Left to rot, in the next chamber over. Swatch couldn’t bear to look upon it.
“Where are you?” they called out desperately. 
Their voice echoed off of columns of corrupted data, bitcrushing their words into garbage noise. Was that how they sounded to their Lightner? Like static and white, empty nothing?
No. No, no. Swatch had done everything right. The creation, though unfinished, had been a masterpiece. 
They wouldn’t let it be their last.
They growled, hefting their rectangular palette with one wing.
“I said, where are you!” 
The hurled palette collided with the canvas. The screen fuzzed as pixels splattered across its surface—magenta, cyan, yellow. 
Hope swelled in Swatch’s breast, too thick to breathe. Even a mess of color was better than nothing. If this last desperate roar was enough to draw the Lightner’s attention—
The pixels evaporated from the screen. The hope evaporated from Swatch’s chest.
Swatch dropped their brush and grasped at the canvas, as if their wings could press the color to it, force it to stay. Instead the hues bled through their feathers. The color didn’t even have the decency to stain their black plumage.
“No…” they whispered.
The canvas had cracked. Static crackled on the screen, a mirror of the static in their mind. 
(The static leaking from their eyes.)
A spark fizzled where their teardrop hit the canvas. Even that was dull and white.
They threw aside their two-toned glasses, falling to their knees on the grimy floor. A condemned servant before their unaccepted offering. Shards of its broken glass dug into their suit pants, just as their feathered fingers dug into their palms.
Why did you forsake me?
Only silence answered. 
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2005-11-25 · 1 month
ih jujur ya..semenjak gw ditaro di asrama gini gw tuh kek agak2 socmed detox gitu kan..hp ditarik, akses laptop jg gak bs sering2 krn rutinitas yg agak bikin shock gt..baju yang selalu dicuciin sama pembantu skrg harus nyuci sendiri karena ini asrama, harus cepet2an jg kalo mandi sama nyuci, bersih2 kamar asrama, jadwal makan yg kadang antrinya panjang, belum lagi kalo abis kelas, gw kan tiap hari minum pereda nyeri gara2 sakit gigi. biasanya w langsung tidur sampe adzan/jadwal kelas selanjutnya. jadi kek bener2 gw menjalani kehidupan yang agak kerasa primitif krn terbilang jarang pegang perangkat elektronik gitu deh selama kurang lebih utk 2 minggu lebih gt..pikiran gw juga cuma belajar, belajar, belajar, nyuci, mandi, mikirin stok abis dll dsb. Terus gw sesekali juga buka twitter gitu..sesekali doang..karena aku skrg kek agak2 gimanaaa gitu sama twitter. apalagi klo buka akun yg besar. rasanya tuh gak betah anjir kek pen cepet2 close tab aja..jadi gw juga login di akun yang privat..jadi sesekali bisa lah scroll TL buat liat latihan soal di ambisverse gt...scroll2 buat mantengin downfallnya hybe juga wkwkwkwk. terus kek semakin hari semakin jarang buka twitter, gw kek menyadari..gw keknya dah pernah cerita soal ini ga sih? kek rasa penyesalan krn dulunya gw berisikkk banget di akun yang besar bahkan kek cenderung oversharing...padahal saat itu juga gw udah usia dewasa [17 tahun] gitu deh kek sebenernya dah tau batasan2 yg harusnya aku jaga dengan orang asing. tapi kek aku bisa khilaf jg gitu loh kek mungkin keceplosan a b c kek apapun lah yg seharusnya sesuatu yang "gw gak suka kalo orang lain tau" bahkan gw kek pernah keceplosan ngomong almamater SMA gw disitu untungnya langsung w hapus. tapi gw kira "oh gak ada yg baca" krn kek orang2 aja sering ngira gw orang [insert daerah selain surabaya] padahal gw dah sering bilang di akun gw kalo gw orang surabaya gitu. tapi kek beberapa hari ini gw merasa terganggu akan suatu hal..yang sebenernya petty sih cuma ya gw merasa gak nyaman aja..
soal cita2. gw tuh jujur bukan tipe orang yang nyaman ngasi tau cita2 atau tujuan besar ke orang lain. kek gak suka aja gitu. cuma kadang2 gw kan..mungkin karena sebenernya gw tuh masih dewasa awal yang labil gitu kan..mungkin spt yang gw bilang tadi. gw mungkin pernah khilaf. jadi mungkin gw pernah gak sengaja kasi tau rencana besar gw, cita2 gw utk masa depan di akun gede..jadi kemaren tuh sempet ada oomf yang tiba2 kek ngomong out of nowhere "semangat ngejar fk". gw kek sebel banget ancrit padahal gw jg kek ngerasa kagak deket sama dia..gw kek mikir "emg kapan gw pernah ngasi tau hal se-sensitif ini ke elu?" tapi ya pada akhirnya omongan2 yang blunder selalu gw tahan dan gw berkaca pada diri sendiri. gw gak seharusnya marah ke mereka yang mungkin tau soal "info sensitif" itu. toh mungkin mereka tau krn gw sendiri yang ngomong ke space publik suatu hari lalu tapi gwnya lupa..toh jg info yang gw anggap sensitif itu gak jatuh ke orang yang "salah"..maksud gw orang itu bakal ngetawain gw atau meremehkan gw tapi kan orang itu alih2 meremehkan malah nyemangatin. tapi sih tetep aja namanya batin ga bs boong yak, gw tetep sebel. kek duhhh gw gak suka kalo orang yang gw gak percaya tau soal ini. tapi ya mau gmn lagi? nasi dah jd bubur. mau ngatain orang ybs? kan aneh. salah2 gw juga. jadi makanya sampe skrg orang itu ngomong di notif ga ada gw bales krn gw sendiri gak punya kata2 baik utk membalas. orang gw aja selek. jadi yaudah, gw biarin. sampe gw masuk asrama pun orang itu ngomong kaga ada w bales.
tapi semakin lama gw di asrama, gw tuh nyadar, gw emang se TMI itu dulunya di akun yang gede. entah motivasinya apaan.mungkin krn gw dulunya mmg lonely bitch aja yg seeking anything from socmed. tapi TMI banget dan gw sendiri menyesal kan karena dulu berisik banget. jadi ya sepertinya kasus notif yang gw anggap menyebalkan ini baiknya gw simpan sebagai pelajaran. kek "ini loh, dampak TMI." terus utk kedepannya? gw bakal lebih tertutup di akun yang besar. gw gak akan merayakan keberhasilan gw disana sebahagia apapun gw. gak. karena gw tuh juga menyadari, di akun itu..banyak orang lain yang sebenernya aku gak kenal, tapi aku sekedar mutualan aja sama mereka. tapi aku gak kenal, kenal aja engga apalagi percaya mereka buat tau2 sesuatu yang gw anggap "sensitif" soal gw. jadi next time..kalo gw punya sesuatu berupa kabar bahagia..gw bakal share ke lingkup yg lebih kecil aja, ke orang2 yang gw anggep deserve buat tau, entah krn mereka punya impact buat gw atau mereka mmg menunggu kabar trsbut dari gw untuk pada akhirnya merasa bangga. contohnya ke kakak2 online gw.
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itskakcaday · 4 months
this is cekay sayang kakca wlelele 🦖🧍🏻‍♀️
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pepi birthday kakcanya cekay. kakak tau kan kalau adek sayang kakak segede lima gunung berapi? terus kalau kangen itu kangennya kayak semua gunung berapinya meletus duAR makanya adek kayak gegulingan kalau udah kangen kakca. menyala abangku 🔥
sebenernya aku bingung dikit mau nulis apa takut kakca bosen adek bilang lov sama cayang terus but here we go *puterin otakku*
disclaimer : soli tulisan olang aling banget i hope you get what i’m saying 🧍🏻‍♀️
p.s. kakca baru berganti muka and aku sayang semua bentuknya dia.. even this one. M E M A N G moment…… 🥺
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little and BIG things that i love from kakca
kakca lucu
kakca cantik
kakca baik
kakca sayang cekai
kakca reply to all cekay’s bubble chat
kakca kelen
kakca mature
semua orang sayang kakca
kakca sering show me to the world ihiy ak cenang
pokoknya aku sayang kak ca (smua muanya)
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cayangnya kakca and cekay in a nutshell: (tap tap the moments!)
cekay sayang kak ca consistently!!
adek dijual sama kakca….
aheng msuk keluarga (welovehim!)
adek bene aku kurung
ini yang bilang lov itu cekay!
kakca rayain ulang tahun cekay, aku sayang kakak!
ini lucu sama adek beanne
ini serem kakca tahan napas
long bubbles and semuanya direspon muah muah muah
aku and adek pas kangen kakca
kakca igun moment.. MEMANG 💗
yang celalu bingung adek udah tidur atau belum 🤕
banyak cekali adek bingung scrollnya tapi aku sayang sama kakak soalnya kakca spesial pake telornya lima 🖐🏻
p.s. from cekay yang sayang kakca
actually it doesn’t have to be your birthday or whatever it is that i tell you that aku sayang cekali sama kakca. kakak, thanks for spending many many times disini sama aku ya. #happy_to_be_kakca’s_lilbaby. maaf adek sama adek beanne kalau lagi sugar rush beneran gaada habisnya ngoceh ya.
thanks for always checking up on me. please know that i’ll stick to you like perangko to the damn ass surat, you got nowhere buat kabur soalnya aku ngejar *ketawa dino*
you are so loved, kakak. banyaaaaaaak banget yang sayang sama kakak and one of them is cekay. (ini reminder)
sorry that sometimes i got my drained phase where i don’t check up on you everyday or sometimes even make you worry for some reasons. i know sometimes i appear to have these kinda lil kid way of talking whatsoever but yk that i love deeptalks too so (AKU KANGEN DEEPTALK) hshshshahahhahahhsha. i hope spending times with me do brings out some joy and comfort just like how you are to me, kakak. i love you!
last but not least…
once again, happiest birthday kakak cantiknya cekay! God bless youu. cek dmnya soalnya adek punya kado hihi muah kakak. 🦖💗
ini adek give miong miong soalnya kakak seneng kalau aku lagi jadi miong.
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segitu dulu for today! tema hari ini unguuu hihi.
with love,
cekaynya kakca.
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