#matis aesthetic
peachy-ash · 1 year
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𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥
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chikinan · 29 days
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🦋JOLYNE🦋 [twt + insta + kofi on bio]
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sultryangelx · 11 days
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The beauty and elegance of high fashion models
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sajak-bumi · 11 months
Apa Yang Sedang Kau Tunggu?
Jangan dzolim pada hati. Perut dan otakmu terisi, maka hatimu juga berhak untuk diisi.
Jangan berat sebelah, coba seimbangkan. Lagi pula, jika akal dan perutmu sudah kenyang. Tak pernahkah mendengar hatimu meraung meminta makan? Ya, rasa-rasanya memang tak pernah.
Hati terlalu diam dan tak mau membuatmu kecapaian meskipun dirinya telah kerontang sekalipun.
Aduh, kau ini bagaimana. Soal hati saja tak tahu! Hatimu itu perlu makan, Memang perutmu yang buncit itu tega sekali menutupi hati yang telah kering kerontang.
Heh, makan untuk perut saja yang kau tahu! Kapan mau memulai untuk memberi makan hati?
Oh ayolah, makanan hati tak perlu mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun. Kau cukup duduk tenang, menikmati bacaan, menikmati lantunan ataupun dengan membaca saja maknanya yang berbahasa Indonesia itu. Tak perlu susah susah berjalan jauh untuk membeli makanan di toko. Tak perlu menabung berhari-hari untuk merasakan kelezatan dari restoran mahal. Cukup ambil Qur'anmu!
Lagi pula, bukankah pintu hatimu sudah sedikit rusak karena dipaksa masuk berkali-kali oleh mereka yang datang namun tak menetap? Oleh mereka yang hanya mengintip lalu pergi? Oleh mereka yang sudah banyak sekali melempar batu pada pintu hatimu yang rapuh itu? Oleh tumpukan debu yang sudah menggunung?
Jangan dzolim pada hati! Kau masih perlu hidup dengannya untuk beberapa tahun lagi. Kau memerlukannya untuk waras dalam berdiri.
Karena sudah sedikit rusak. Ayolah, kembali melihat hati. Sudah lama tak kau jenguk, sudah lama tak kau beri makan. Ah, kerontangnya itu sudah berbau loh! Sepertinya tak sampai setengah jam bumi ini, mau meninggal juga rupanya.
Kapan lagi mau kau beri makan bila waktumu hanya beberapa hari saja?
Sajak Bumi - Dinni Mawaddah
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barzysunflower · 2 years
happy birthday maty
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tropichalys · 1 year
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‘cocktails menu on surfboard‘ - Mati Mango
Mexican Restaurant with Cocktail Menu on Surfboard
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amo todos las pequeños drabbles e ideas de enzo que has desarrollado ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 pero necesito algo de mati,,,
que opinas de el tieso recalt cn una novia igual de random (o más) que el? tipo a veces se manda unas en ig publicando candid fotos pero no de las aesthetics si no fotos como:
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completamente self-indulgent pero es que yo no podría aguantar las ganas de tomarle fotos asi a matias 😭
Matías adora tu espontaneidad, tus ocurrencias y lo divertida que sos, esos pequeños detalles de tu personalidad que van de la mano con ser demasiado impredecible. Está acostumbrado a ser el blanco de tus afectos durante tus arranques súbitos de energía y los momentos de infodumping son casi diarios, pero no puede quejarse... Adora todo de vos.
-¿Vos sabías que Schumacher se hizo socio de Racing...?- preguntás mientras le pasás un mate.
Matías no sabía y duda que sea un hecho de conocimiento general, se esfuerza por ocultar su risa ante una noticia tan inesperada. Asiente para que continúes con el resto de la historia, apoyando su mejilla en su mano y mirándote con atención mientras hablás.
Tus redes sociales reflejan tu día a día de manera genuina y es habitual que postees fotos en las cuales se lo ve durmiendo, comiendo, a mitad de una oración, capturando todas sus muecas en el proceso. Siempre las compartís sin edición y con descripciones ingeniosas por las cuales sus amigos y compañeros de rodaje se burlan de él afectuosamente.
(Sólo él y vos saben sobre las otras fotos...)
Hablando de las personas de su círculo... te adoran con locura. Matías se sentiría celoso de no ser porque también te adora con todo su ser, ¿y cómo no hacerlo? Estar a tu lado para él es más que suficiente y siempre cuenta con que le saques una sonrisa y alegres sus días. El amor y apoyo incondicional que le brindás lo vuelve loco y sólo espera poder ofrecerte lo mismo.
Plus: sus seguidoras te aman por ser tan transparente y por permitirles ver la compatibilidad que tenés con tu novio. Siempre recuerdan agradecerte por el boyfriend material de Mati que pueden encontrar en tus redes, desde sus pequeñas participaciones en tus reels de Instagram hasta los retos y bailes de TikTok en los que hiciste que se sumara ♡
@madame-fear @creative-heart @recaltiente @llorented @chiquititamia @delusionalgirlplace
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starmaniamania · 9 months
In case you missed it - Starmania 2022 - Acte 1
There are many little details and references in the 2022 version/staging of Starmania that I noticed over the many many time I was able to see it (some obvious, some not) so I thought I'd try to make a complete list and see if 1) you also spotted them or 2) you spotted other things!
This will be in 2 parts because it'll be too long for one post. I'll put a link to the other part once it's done! (TUMBLR DON'T YOU DARE EAT THIS AGAIN)
It'll also be interesting to have a record and be able to compare if anything maybe changes during the second season come November!
Obviously the empty white grand piano is a tribute to Michel Berger
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In season 1, dancer Matys Kaibo was sitting at the piano at the beginning and pretending to play it; the sound actually came from the live pianist (in Paris) or the soundtrack (on tour).
Some of the male dancers who represent Monopolis inhabitants are wearing skirts
The person who runs across the stage is usually Jeanne Jerosme (the maid) unless she's playing Stella that day. Her maid costume is actually the same costume with a little white collar added.
If you're sitting smack in the middle, the shoulder/sleeve details + wig that Cristal is wearing make her silhouette look like a golden star (ok, you have to squint a bit lol)
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The placement of the characters in the structure reflect their position in Monopolis society: Marie-Jeanne and Ziggy at the bottom, Stella and the Gourou higher (but with Stella going down), and Zéro at the very top. Cristal is moving through the levels, and Johnny and Sadia are absent (probably because they're supposed to be outcasts?)
Quand on arrive en ville
The first of Johnny's victims spits out "blood" (but I think it's water) onto the stage when she gets hit; the second one has a blood stain around the collar.
Some of the Etoiles Noires are smoking electronic cigarettes, you can see a red "cherry" as well as smoke
Not really a staging detail, more of a goof, but I will never not laugh at the Etoiles Noire dragging in the 2nd victim while also carrying a cinder block under his arm, but when Johnny grabs the block it becomes the Heaviest Object on Earth. Poor little Johnny skipped arms day!
Johnny's jacket has a long rectangular outside pocket on the left breast which he can use to tuck his mic into; his t-shirt has a little bit of chain hanging at the front like a necklace, except it's sewn into the neckline. (He's got the same thing in his final black costume).
Petite musique terrienne/Johnny & Sadia/La complainte
The sound effect/lighting after "Quand on arrive" evoke an elevator going down into the underground parts of the city
The Undeground Café has an Etoiles Noires aesthetic moodboard/collage, featuring punk and anti-nuclear imagery, a picture of Zero Janvier with his eyes scratched out and a target around his head, and the current casts' "good luck" motto: "Ahhhh merde!"
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Whoever isn't playing Zero Janvier that day (David or Aurel) sits at the Café's piano (an upright one, not the grand piano from the beginning) and pretends to play throughout most of that scene
Stella is sitting at a table (incognito, she's wearing a big black coat and sunglasses and sometimes a scarf on her head) drinking ("Moi ma drogue c'est l'alcool"); she makes a discreet exist once the Etoiles Noires show up.
Sadia is having a blue drink at the bar
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When the Etoiles Noires show up, Johnny jumps up to sit on the bar next to Sadia and usually interacts with Marie-Jeanne (at least when it's Côme) either by grabbing a bottle out of her hand and drinking from it/dumping it on his head, or by touching MJ in some way (on the face; I saw him kiss her hand once), cementing the fact that they know each other quite well.
Sadia kicks a glass with her foot during her initial pitch to Johnny; the glass is almost always picked up by a helpful Etoile Noire rather than by Marie-Jeanne :p
Johnny stops the Etoiles Noires from going after Sadia when she starts addressing him, miming things like "Let it go, she's crazy." When she says "Si tu me suis tu seras quelqu'un" though, you can see him physically start paying attention.
At the end of their duet moment, Sadia runs a hand down his arm/front, suggesting that she's trying to seduce him and not just ideologically.
Obviously, the double-wig reveal of the "chevelure d'un bleu azur" under the initial black wig with a blue streak
A bunch of extra Etoiles Noires show up for the "line-up" moment (the singers like Jeanne for example) and then disappear again to leave the floor clear for dancers and their acrobatics
During the line-up moment, the Etoile Noire who's propping up Sadia's leg also runs his hand up her thing (she bats it away occasionally). Meanwhile Johnny is cocking his huge, hard machine gun at hip level in a very subtle way, and then he leans in towards her and nuzzles her neck/ear.
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Btw only Côme wears the long black mafioso coat that hides his gun at the beginning; as far as I know William always wears the "Quand on arrive en ville" jacket for some reason.
Sadia used to wear flesh-colored shorts under the blue underwear; then this changed to a pair of thick opaque tights, at least when Ambriel is playing her, so you don't see her thigh tattoos as much. (I think Miriam wears them sometimes but not always.)
The Jaguar is a REAL car which REALLY DRIVES onto the stage, but with a very small modified electric engine which obviously cannot go very fast lol
Sadia's gun is blue too, that girl does like matching her accessories
Johnny always smells the white fur coat before putting it on (to the point that it had a pretty visible foundation stain on the lapels) -- generally speaking the Etoiles Noires smell people a lot lol
An Etoile Noire graffities the words "Stone" and some stars on the car every night during the number
Another Etoile Noire is seen "grinding" the car with an electric tool in the background to show that they're gutting it (for the next numbers where the roof has gone) but it's actually just a button that makes sparks. She then dumps the tool into the back of the car -- there's no rear windshield
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Il se passe quelque chose à Monopolis
Obviously the "going up the stairs" metaphor symbolizes Zéro Janvier trying to rise to the top
On the sentence "et ses buildings de verre qui filtrent la lumière" the backlighting of the stairs gets this really cool filtering effect, always one of my fave moments
Thomas Jolly mentioned in a podcast that he'd moved this song after Travesti and given it to Zéro to make the link more obvious between Sadia's violence with the Etoiles Noires and Zéro's quest for power. The song does take on a very sinister vibe when he's singing it!
Mass médias
The lyrics were changed from "ma cravate rouge ou ma cravate bleue" to "ma veste noire ou ma veste bleue" because this Zéro does not wear a tie, red or otherwise
The newspaper that Zéro is reading has Stella on the front page as well a few easter eggs, like picture of Berger and Plamondon, an ad for Naziland and an ad for a florist on the back (as well as the weather for France lol)
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On the inside I think you can make out more pics of Berger and Plamondon, and I *think* a picture of the show by Dorfmann and the silhouette of the Seine Musicale??
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Starmania Starmania
This is obvious but it took me embarrassingly long to realize because you can't see them depending on where you're seated, and they're sometimes fully in the dark -- there are 3 "backup singers" at the back of the stage on the left, doing vocals and a little choreography!
Cristal doesn't have her mic with her up in the air as she comes down from the rafters, a dancer brings it to her while two others unfasten her (she's suspended at the hips by a harness worn under the dress)
The light periodically draws black stars behind her, which engulf the entire stage at the end
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L'interview de Zéro Janvier/Le blues du businessman/Jingle de Cristal
Pretty straightforward staging-wise. The Blues was going to be Zéro standing on top of the tower at some point, and then they realized it was too static and came up with the lighting thing.
Un garçon pas comme les autres
The little stage that Marie-Jeanne sits on is being pushed by a crouching tech, who then sits behind it during the whole song. If you're sitting at a certain angle you can see them, which I always find weirdly moving.
Ziggy is apparently waiting inside the stairs during the song; that must be where the elevator is, that pushes him to the top in time to start his "oops, didn't mean to overhear that" exit attempt. (As far as I know, it's the first time in the various productions that we know Ziggy has heard the song, which does interesting things to the Ziggy/MJ dynamic!)
Le coup de téléphone/Enfant de la pollution/Coup de téléphone 2
When Johnny and Sadia show up at the top of the stairs, Johnny is wearing the fur coat from Travesti (but that wasn't always the case!)
The Etoiles Noires often bother Marie-Jeanne behind her bar. Ziggy doesn't seem too intimidated -- I've seen him snap Etoile Noire!William's mask onto his eyes for example.
The phone that Sadia uses used to be black, now it's silver.
The Etoile Noire who operates the phone (Max Carpentier usually) stashes his weapon in a little pocket hung in the alcove of the Underground Café, where he brings the phone case back before becoming a Threatening Etoile Noire(TM) again for the interview
Of course, France Gall's voice is the one answering the phone ("Pour un scoop c'est un scoop...") we all know that now!
Interview de Johnny Rockfort/Banlieue Nord/Coup de foudre
When Cristal shows up at the Underground Café, she gets harrassed a bit by the Etoiles Noires obviously; a lot of it involves smelling her hair for some reason lol
If you're there on a Saturday afternoon (William and Gabrielle as Johnny and Cristal), you can sometimes spot Etoiles Noires!Côme and Lilya flirting in the background of that scene :p
Johnny does not have his own mic for this scene; he shares Cristal's at the beginning (apparently stemming from an incident during rehearsals in which someone dropped their mic, and they had to make do with one between two people) and then grabs hers to sing Banlieue Nord (she doesn't have one again until Coup de Foudre)
Obviously the live/recorded thing: the recording is live until Johnny and Cristal leave the stage, at which point it switches to pre-recorded footage with live sound from the wings. As far as I know, this is the only pre-recorded footage/live audio moment; other pre-recorded video moments all also have pre-recorded audio.
The footage was recorded in the bowels of the Nice venue they used for rehearsals. There are 4 alternates to cover every permutation of the two characters, with some small variations, for example in the Gabrielle/Côme version I think Gabrielle doesn't fall down at the end the way Lilya does (and according to my notes, Côme's jumpsuit has a big sweat stain down the back lol)
Thomas Jolly makes a cameo as an Etoile Noire in each of the versions I've seen (Côme/Lilya, Côme/Gabrielle and William/Gabrielle) just at the end of the tunnels part. In the Côme/Gabrielle version, Côme pats him on the stomach as they pass him.
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Besoin d'amour
Once Cristal has stepped up onto the car and it's rotated, the dancers create a "diversion" a the front of the stage while she gets changed standing on the car hood. She gives Johnny her mic to ditch into the backseat of the car so she can get dressed. Her boiler suit unzips at the ankles so she can step into it while wearing her heels (although it doesn't always work, I've seen it go wrong at least twice lol).
And that's it for Part 1! :p Do let me know if you've got anything else or if I forgot anything or if you have any questions! In case you haven't noticed, I love talking about Starmania lololol
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v0mitgh0st · 3 months
F/O Showcase: Emperor Mateus
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How long we’ve been together: 7 years
How I met him: I discovered him through Dissidia Final Fantasy Doudecium and it was the first game where he had an actual voice and skill set. So almost right away I was drawn to him. Furthermore in an old sever I used to be in I would role play as him. And after that I just became more attached to him and he started meaning a lot to me on a personal level !
Nicknames I give him: Mati, Darling, Love, Aurum, and Angel
Emoji aesthetics: Gold/yellow, purple, starry
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I also kin him~!
•₊˚ ✨ ₓ 🔮◟✦ 💛˚
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pathofregeneration · 11 months
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Joseph Parker, Untitled (1973)
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The Visions of Joseph Parker, part IV
“Walter Hopps, former curator of the Smithsonian Institute and Senior Curator at the Guggenheim Museum, included Joseph Parker’s work among the California visionaries celebrated in his decisive book of 1977, Visions. Hopps describes the artist as presiding ‘over his model universe like an ecstatic god, bestowing it with a wealth of finely detailed contour, texture and local color, all executed with a consummate, meticulous, precision-tooled craftsmanship, breathtaking in its hyper-real clarity.’
Parker worked from the memory of his super-conscious visions. His kaleidoscopic skies, like Persian rug sunsets, present complex, mandalic haloes radiating from a brightly dawning, transcendental sun. Great artists map a new region in our consciousness, and their depictions allow us to visit the Divine imagination where, in the words of Ibn Arabi, ‘God meets God.’ Parker’s body of work evokes the heavenly world to come. As there is a ‘Blake Land,’ a ‘Fuchs World’ and a ‘Mati Klarwein Island,’ there is a mapped area of awareness called ‘Joseph Parker.’ Joseph Parker painted the sun’s rays expanding out in boundless brocade tapestries, patterned fields of rich color, both intricate and elegantly simple. The recurring motif of a centralized sun over landscape, ocean or mountain, became emblematic as Parker’s signature.
In an homage to Joseph Parker, in December of 2008 Alex began the painting, ‘Ocean of Love Bliss.’ Two lovers in the ocean embrace before a sky resonant with the patterns of Joseph Parker. In the hearts of the lovers is a bright light, shared by the sunrise. While painting this piece we got the tragic news of Joseph Parker's death. Thank you, Joseph Parker, for mapping an authentic aesthetic advancement toward super-consciousness. ...
Joseph Parker died to this world, at age 79, at 6:30 a.m. on May 17, 2009, in Desert Hot Springs, CA.”
— Joseph Parker, Carl Hammer Gallery
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Tagged by: @thebubblecafe
Nickname: Don't really have one, but you can call me Jules 😉
Sign: I can't sign but I really should learn to
Height: 174cm
Last google search: luminous efficiency function
Number of followers: 916 😳
Amount of sleep: around 6-7 usually
Lucky number: I don't know what it has to do with luck, but i like 8 😌
Favorite color: prussian blue, lavender, peach, Tyrian purple and Aubergine
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Dream job: Artist
Movie/book that summarizes me: I mean, I'm basically Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle.
Favorite song currently: Victimhood, by Björk
Favorite instrument: the organ
Aesthetic: Honestly, i'm not sure. A mix between boring Parisian (without the money) and wanabe artist (also without the money, but that's a given)
Favorite animals noise: The noise cats do when they see birds out of the window... kkekekkkekekekekekekeh
Favorite author: Ohh this one is hard... I'm going to go with Hervé Guibert !
Wearing: Nothing exciting at the moment, but i do have a nice underwear underneath.
Tagging: @camb99-cbmi6, @maty-moon, @neverthelessflo, @falling-planet, @floofiest-doof, @cubeboy95, @slimy-boyy, @waitprobably @thesewickedwonders... if you want to, friends 🌺
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
Hello my loves!
I’ve had an overwhelming headache for the past day and a half. Meaning that I haven’t been able to write, which is very frustrating. But do you remember in the better man universe, that Jake gets Maty a blanket. This is it! I just got this from my son because he loves planes, and then I realized that it just fit Jake and Maty’s father/son aesthetic!! 🥹🥹
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magicbats · 7 months
thank u for responding to my q about MATY mods ! also i have to mention that ur one of my favorite simblrs - love both ur aesthetic and storytelling :) keep up all the great content !!
;-; thank you so much that is so sweet
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omegaplus · 2 years
# 4,168
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Omega Radio for August 29, 2022 A; #327.
Limp Wrist: "Knuckles"
Sida: "Destrucction"
Destruccion: "Anti-Patria"
Eskupitajo: "Kaos Y Destruccion"
Severed Head Of State: "Kuitenkin Kuolemme" + “Charge Ahead”
Human Bastard: “Living In Hell”
Anger Burning: "Just Say No"
Ultimo Resorte: “Cementerio Caliente / Peligro Social”
Destino Final: "Ahogate"
Government Warning: “Rot And Decay”
Voco Protesta: "Reciproka Helpo" + “Malakcepto”
Geriatric Unit: "The Idiots Think I’m An Idiot"
Fix Me: "Crisis"
Glam: "Duelo De Titanes"
Kriegshog: "Burn"
Burial (Germany): “Naked Pigs”
Mauser: "Madness"
Deformity: "Shards"
Vixens: "Absolute Complacency"
Hoax: "Sick Punk"
Flesh World: "Lost My Heart In Transit Thru The Post"
Zyanose: "Camoflauge"
Public Execution: "Say Goodbye To Tommy"
Belgrado: "Vicious Circle" + "Swiat Jest Nasz"
Archaic: "Noise In Your Head / Maggot"
Neo-Punkz: "If I Watch The T.V."
Los Crudos: "Desde El Barrio"
Orden Mundial: "Accion Humanitaria"
Prag: "Lavabo Del Hospital"
Squats: "Shut Yer Bleedin’ Head"
La Misma: “23:15”
Vultures: "Alcohol"
Sang: "Tres Dents / Hem Pertut La Vida"
Arms Race: "Freak"
Anxiety: "Fool In The Shower” + “Trapped Shut”
Mystic Inane: "I Believe In UFOs"
Rata Negra: "Dientes Sobre Metal"
Bad Breeding: "The More The Merrier"
Exit Order: "Making Good"
Ultra: "Al Margen"
Glue: "Recognitions"
Obediencia: "Ortigas"
Patsy: "Society Ape"
Haram: "Who Am I, Who Are You?"
Zodd: “Operationally Ready Dead”
Chain Cult: "Empty Hearts"
Subdued: "The Joke"
Forra: "Futuro"
Enzyme: "Forced Out"
Exotica: "Desciendo"
Khiis: "Divooneh" + "Instinct"
Kaleidoscope: "Crocodile Tears"
Ohyda: "Atom"
S.H.I.T.: "Hidden In Eternity"
Muro: "Universal"
Fried E/M: "Turquoise Soup"
Cry Out: "War Aesthetic"
Nekra: “Photoshoot” + "Esquire"
Kohti Tuhoa: "Velkaa Maksat Kuitenkin"
Reaksi: "Punk Asia"
Nervous SS: “New Police State”
Maladia: "Killing Floor"
Porvenir Obscuro: “Voces En Mi Cabeza” + “Policia Miserable”
Taqbir: "Al-Zuki Akbar"
Sial: "Kita Dilahirkan Untuk Mati"
Koma: "Possessed" + "Soft Subversions"
Quarantine: "Tired Of You"
Nurse: "鏡"
Fuera De Sektor: "El Mundo Sigue"
Irreal: “Carn Pell Sang”
Shitty Limits: "Beware The Limits"
Rixe: “Hexagone” + "Coups Et Blessures"
Bonus Omega; label showcase. First of two broadcasts on the same day.
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miracles-in-islam · 2 years
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بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ Menghadap Allah. 🌻 Hadapkanlah diri kita kepada Allah. Terutama hati. Bahwa Allah memang satu-satunya Ilah yang wajib disembah. Dzat paling Maha Agung yang menciptakan semeata beserta keindahan isinya. Hadapkanlah hidupmu dan apa-apa yang terjadi hanya kepada Sang Khaliq. ••• Berjalan di agama yang lurus. Agama yang telah Allah terangi tiap jalannya. Berserah dirilah kepada-Nya. Berpasrahlah kepada Allah yang kita teramat membuthkan. Meraih ridha Allah adalah tujuan utama hidup. Maka jangan melakukan hal yang membuat Allah murka. ••• Kita adalah orang mukmin yang senantiasa beriman. Bukan hanya terucap lisan. Namun, meyakini dengan penuh hati. Jangan banyak ragu tapi satu keputusan. Bahwa kita harus mati menyandang agama Allah. Berdoalah semog kita mati membawa iman islam menghadap-Nya. Aamiin. . 📷 Cr: @thianotes_ . 🕯Follow: @miracles.in_islam @thianotes_ #bismillahirrahmanirrahim #allahummasollialasayyidinamuhammad #dakwahtauhid #dakwahliterasi #kajian #aesthetic #hijrahanakmuda #hijrahfisabilillah #nasihatkehidupan #nasihattaqwa #selfdeep #selfreminder #selfawareness #menghadapallah #allah #berserahdiri #pasrah #pasrahkepadaallah #solat #solatlimawaktu #quotes #quotesislami #catatanhijrah #lifejourney #lifehacks #agamaallah #agamaislam #barakallahfiikum #masyaallahtabarakallah #semogaberkah https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEEfSyvWFT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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