#masterful online manipulation on display here
incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 months
Nepeta: :33< hi! this is a rickroll. please visit youtube dot com, type "never gonna give you up" in the search tabby, then click on the furst video that comes up. thank you fur your consideration
Equius: D-> Ah, alright, since you asked so nicely
Equius: D-> Gosh darn it, you all won't believe what just happened.
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angstydevil · 3 months
What is autodemonolatry?
As an autotheist venerates themself as a god (or as God), an autodemonolator or autodemonolatrist venerates themself as a demon. Similarly, an autodiabolator or autodiabolist venerates themself as a devil (or as the Devil).
Why practice autodemonolatry?
Autodemonolatry includes a variety of spiritual practices and beliefs, united by the common thread that the practitioner recognizes and venerates themself as a demon.
Reasons to practice autodemonolatry can include otherkin, alterhuman+, or plural identity; spiritual practice, such as self-apotheosizing Left Hand Path or Draconian practices, chaos magic, and soul alchemy; demonic possession; or Madness. This is not an exhaustive list.
How to practice autodemonolatry
Autodemonolatry should be a Self-centric endeavor. It's a form of Self-veneration or Self-worship. These are my suggestions based off of my experiences with autodiabolist worship and practice.
Trust yourself. Let yourself be your guide and master, and believe in your own intuitions. Doubt is important in moderation, but don't be fooled into thinking excessive self-doubt is a virtue.
You are a demon if you say you are. Rejoice and hail yourself!
Make an altar to yourself. Start with a surface dedicated to you – this can even be the top of a box or a windowsill. As you have the desire and means, display objects of significance to you. Include things like favorite colors, favorite crystals, trinkets, toys, journals, images of your demon self, or anything else you like and associate with you. You can put your magical tools on your altar to charge and cleanse them with your energies.
Make offerings to yourself. Traditional demonolatry offerings include candles, libations of hot tea or alcohol, and meat or slices of meat. Candles are typically offered to demons in their entirety. There's no shame in using tealight candles - they burn longer than little colored candles.
Due to fertility associations, fruit and fruit juices have deeply devotional, even sexual connotations as offerings for many demons: like blood offerings, fruit offerings can create deep connections between demon and practitioner. Cultivate your bond to yourself as deeply as you like, but be aware that fruit offerings and blood offerings may cause strong sensations.
If you're a famous demon, you might find lists of suggested offerings for you online.
Accept offerings from yourself. You can claim offerings or allow your demon self to claim them. If you choose to accept offerings, focus on them and imagine yourself claiming, consuming, and processing their energies.
Claiming offerings may affect you energetically, and different offerings may affect you differently. Record a log of your offerings and observations to help you develop preferences.
Learn energy work, pathworking, and other spellcraft.
For learning energy work, I highly recommend New Energy Ways by Robert Bruce, freely available here. This instructional guide can rapidly teach you to start feeling and manipulating your own energy.
Pathworking involves leaving your physical body, in whole or in part, or visualizing your ritual space flying through other realms with you. You can start pathworking at any experience level. This tumblr post is a good introduction to pathworking.
Be the mage you want to be; practice the craft that feels most magical to you.
Create, remember, or find your demonic name, seal/personal sigil, and enn.
On names:
Name yourself. Choosing a name is powerful.
Try out a demon name generator (or two or three).
Calculate and use your ruling "evil demon name" as generated by Agrippa's operations.
To remember a name, use trance, lucid dreaming, pathwork, or astral work. In trance, ask yourself for a memory of someone saying your name. In a dream, ask a mirror or a character who looks knowledgeable. While pathworking or astral projecting, consult your demon self or one of your guiding spirits.
If you are/were a royal demon, I recommend checking the Ars Goetia, the Book of Abramelin, and the Dukante hierarchy for familiar names. The Book of Abramelin also includes the names of royal demons' servants.
On seals:
If a famous demon's seal has your name on it, only use it as your own if you want to be one with the demon represented by the seal.
If you have a seal not recorded on Earth, retrieve it using trance work, dream work, astral work, or automatic drawing.
Design a personal seal by making a sigil and encoding your name(s) and/or epithets. Check out this article and this one for guides to sigil creation.
On enns:
If you are a famous demon, try to find an enn for yourself online.
Otherwise, I recommend using dream work or astral work for discovering your enn.
You can also offer yourself a candle, let go of your inhibitions, and vibrate silly noises until you feel the sounds tugging at your soul.
Invoke yourself, as you would invoke another demon. Here is a simple ritual to start with:
Place any offerings on your altar. Include a candle, optionally carved with your seal or a ZD sigil.
Cast a magic circle.
Light the candle, saying, “to [Your Demon Name Here]” or “to myself”.
Burn either your seal or a ZD on a piece of paper in a fire safe bowl, using your candle's flame. Do not burn your seal if the idea makes you uncomfortable. Use fire safe tongs to light the paper – metal scissors can work. Once aflame, put the paper in the bowl.
If you know your enn, chant it. Otherwise, focus on yourself and chant, “I invite [Your Demon Name Here]” or “I invite myself”. Vibrate your chanting, with gentle and deep inhalations in-between. In general, I recommend 9, 27, 81, or 108 repetitions, but many demons will have other numerological associations. Don't worry if you lose track of count – just err on the side of more chanting.
When you've finished chanting, assume the invocation worked. You're with yourself.
Give thanks to yourself for your presence. If you plan to consume your own offerings, thank yourself for them. Consume your offerings or allow your demon self to consume them.
Meditate, listening for messages from yourself. You can also use divination tools to receive messages.
When you're done, thank yourself once again and close the circle.
Unless you're trying to play around with ego death, do not try to banish yourself. That's you. If your energies become a problem, gather them back to your altar, consume them, or use them to cast spells or charge your tools.
Create your own realms. According to the Lemegeton, Marquis Sabnock “builds high towers, castles and cities”, and President Malphas “builds houses, high towers and strongholds”. I know of no contemporary reports of superstitions about demons constructing cities, so I interpret these passages to concern the practitioner's spiritual realms (sometimes called “astral temples”) or paracosms.
A paracosm or astral temple can allow you to perform elaborate rituals without physical materials, erect powerful astral self defenses, and communicate with spirits in a safe personal environment.
In the future, I'll discuss creating and maintaining inhabited realms, but for now, that's outside the scope of this post.
Make of yourself an idol. This is the core of autodemonolatry. Develop an idea of your domains, talents, and energies as a demonic being. Write prayers, sing songs, and make devotional art for yourself, in whatever ways make you the happiest. Recognize all of your traits, wanted and unwanted, and always remember you can change; you can be who you want to be.
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My favourite cults and secret societies,
Our first terms brief is about cults and secret societies set in the 19th century and so I am researching and laying out here my favourite societies and cults, why I personally find them interesting, there beliefs and finally there often swift falls from grace.
1.Heaven’s gate:
Heaven’s Gate was a cult founded by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles in the 1970s. They believed in extraterrestrial salvation and that a spacecraft would transport them to a higher plane of existence. Members adhered to strict rules, including celibacy and cutting ties with the outside world. The cult gained notoriety in 1997 when 39 members, including Applewhite, committed mass suicide, believing it would allow them to board the spaceship trailing the Hale-Bopp comet. This tragic event marked the cult’s downfall, highlighting the dangers of extreme beliefs and isolation from society. I really like this cult due to their resolve and tenacity with their two surviving active members still running their website all these years later, a website you can visit at https://www.heavensgate.com/ ( I neither endorse nor condone the actions committed by the members of the heavens gate cult, neither do I support there beliefs.)
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2. The Ant Hill Kids:
The Ant Hill Kids cult, led by Roch Thériault in Ontario, Canada, during the 1970s and 1980s, engaged in extreme practices. Thériault claimed to be a prophet, promoting a mix of Christianity and apocalyptic beliefs. Members endured physical and psychological abuse, including amputations as punishment. The cult's downfall came when Thériault murdered one of his followers during a ritual, leading to his arrest in 1989. The trial revealed the cult's gruesome activities, resulting in Thériault's life imprisonment in 1993, marking the end of the Ant Hill Kids cult. Many gruesome and horrific acts where committed by Roch that I won’t detail here but this man was pure evil and I truly wish that if there is something after death for him I pray there is only torment. I don’t like this cult per say but it is of great interest to me due to it displaying what a master manipulator can do when given power and what people will do when they think god has ordained it.
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3.The Order of the Pug (Mops-Orden):
This secretive society offer a breath of fresh air from the last two entries, containing not a hint of violence or death however there isn’t much information written online on this organisation, there is a rather good video essay on YouTube detailing its history and activities (https://youtu.be/nWkn2yWU9aU?si=AoG7Jev-Nu102QUp), The order of the pug was a para-Masonic society founded by Roman Catholics in 1738. The constitution of the Order of the Pug allowed women to become members, as long as they were Catholic. The Pug was chosen as a symbol of loyalty, trustworthiness and steadiness. Not only do I personally adore pugs but I admire the society’s willingness to stand against the largest religious figure at the time the pope.
4. The Unification Church:
The Unification church also known as the “Moonies” due to their founder Sun Myung Moon, where founded in the 50’s. It mixed a lot of Christian ideals and teachings with Moon’s own teachings, Moon proclaimed himself as the messiah and sought to establish a world of peace which one wouldn’t necessarily think given a lot of their doings and beliefs, a breakaway faction within the church even believing Jesus Christ, yes the Jesus Christ son of god, had an AR-15 not like some allegory for one a literal Armalite assault rifle.
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la1rs · 1 year
3:33 AM
Prescriptions and profane petitions pervade my nightly routine
Intoxicated, overly medicated, in the unseen
The clock displays the time, 3:33AM, I am wide awake
Deep inside my being, a feeling I cannot shake
Booms in the belly of my bones emulating an earthquake
Inner grumblings and rumblings intensify into a splitting headache
Quaking and teeming with terror, I am a maniac
A drunken, hopelessly romantic insomniac
For the darkness has made a prisoner out of me
Goblins patrol and control all that I see
Apparitions and their visions of death arise
Montages of how I will commit suicide are my prize
On replay, repeat
I admit defeat
And expose the tendons in my wrist
I have always been a masochistic hedonist
Bowing to every unholy undoing
Clothed in the scars of my evildoing
I succumb to the banshee
Good mourning to me
And a wily welcome to my dark side
I have made myself see-through, I have nothing left to hide
I am not the person you think you know
Usher in the freak show
I am only half alive within
Burnished barbed wire adorns my skin
And keeps me static. I am too afraid to move
As I wait for my idols to approve
And tell me that I am worthy of their time
For they regard my existence as a crime
I am tiptoeing the line,
A tightrope of twine
I am a contortionist by nature
Long have I alluded their attempts to denature
And conform my spirit
Ultimately, I cave in, then I hear it
Whispers, prayers
A cacophony of human slayers
“O, Master of Disguise
Entangle them in your lies
Corrupt and corrode their heads
Let us tear them to shreds
O, Evil One
Let us have some fun
As we magnetize them, mesmerize them, and manipulate them blind
Let us bring about the extinction of humankind
In the form of apathy, depression, and disdain
For we are pleased plotters of their pain
Let us execute them, and feast on their brains.”
I am a dead dandelion in chains
Balancing between alternate universes
Providing sacrilegious online services
I am poison ivy in your veins
Reaping weeping winds and red rains
Evaporating, leaving behind only blood stains
Recollections, ruins, and remains
As crooked little fingers look for souvenirs
They find only rubble and ashes,
Emptied out storehouses, and stolen stashes
The tremors overtook the circus, drained the rivers, pulled the plug
In the aftershock, I am face to-face with all that I have dug
My hands are filthy from digging my own grave
I have been exposed, there is little left to save
As such, I have become depraved
Due to the way I have behaved
I am enslaved, dependent on disobedience
Wrought through the ringer that is every experience
Am I living? Am I not?
I feel my brain beginning to rot
A culmination of breathing in sulfur
Things are not what they once were
Will someone kiss me and enable me to feel?
If someone touches me, does it imply that I'm real?
I need to hear that I am worth forgiving
And that my life is worth living
Because my heart is locked, holding onto years
Not lived, given up to fantastical fears
Fighting off panic
Making myself manic
Starving my body as a form of self domination
Making a mockery of God’s creation
Dressed in lies and condemnation
Falsely proclaiming liberation
These are the mistakes of my youth
I face the undeniable truth
That I am the reason I am here
I am responsible for allowing myself to be poisoned by fear
I picked wrong over right
I chose left and sprinted into the night
Unprotected, I abandoned my armor at home
Defenseless in the wilderness I decided to roam
My life has become a series of maladaptive reactions
I no longer have thoughts, only automated actions
And I frequently have to remind myself that people can see me
That realization alone makes me shudder, makes me antsy
For my memories have slipped through my grasp
My voice, often out of reach, hollowed out to a rasp
I am alone with only my corrupted conscience to wrestle
I am trapped inside a piteous vessel
I was meant to soar but this body lacks wings
It is sheer torture imprisoning eternal spirits inside of dying human beings
The only solution, I conclude, is to cry out to the God I left behind
And pray that His love and mercy will restore my mind.
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What Expertise Do You Should Turn Into A Data Scientist?
It is amongst the most important skills for Data Scientists to have hands-on expertise. Data integration is vital for organizations because it allows them to research information for business intelligence. Thus, being equipped with Data Integration will permit you to land a Data Science job in a reputed group. Data Ingestion is the process of importing, transferring, loading, and processing knowledge for later use or storage in a database. Being in a position to carry out Data Ingestion is likely certainly one of the most important Data Scientist ability sets you have to turn out to be a Data Scientist.  Apache Flume and Apache Sqoop are two most popular knowledge ingestion instruments you would want to master.
visit to know more about : data science training in hyderabad To start with you must be conversant in plots like Histogram, Bar charts, pie charts, after which transfer on to advanced charts like waterfall charts, thermometer charts, and so on. These plots are available very useful during the stage of exploratory knowledge analysis. The univariate and bivariate analyses become much simpler to grasp utilizing colourful charts. So, on this article, I am mentioning 14 abilities you'll require to turn into a profitable information scientist and a few Data Science Training Online to perform them. The world machine studying market is predicted to succeed in $20.83 Billion by the 12 months 2024. For example, if a knowledge scientist is engaged on a project to assist the advertising group present insightful research, the skilled must be nicely adept at handling social media as well. Moving ahead, allow us to discuss what are the technical skills required for a data scientist function. Nowadays, every organization is deploying Deep Learning fashions as it possesses the flexibility to solve limitations of traditional Machine Learning approaches. One of the important abilities for Data Scientist is Data Manipulation. It includes the method of fixing and organizing knowledge to make it simpler to read. To start, you must be snug with basic plots similar to histograms, bar charts, and pie charts, before moving on to extra superior charts such as waterfall charts, thermometer charts, and so forth. During the exploratory data analysis stage, these graphs are extraordinarily helpful. Colorful graphics make univariate and bivariate research much simpler to comprehend. R is an integrated suite of software facilities for information manipulation, calculation, and graphical display. Since data scientists are knee-deep in techniques designed to analyze and course of knowledge, they have to additionally understand the  systems’ internal workings. Learn and apply the languages which might be most relevant to your position, industry, and business challenges. Data science is a continuously evolving subject, and it is rather important to keep updating your knowledge science expertise to turn out to be an professional in the domain. Now that you are aware of the talents required to turn into a knowledge scientist, under is tips on how to make a profession in knowledge science. Companies are sitting over a mine of knowledge, for which they want people with data science skills. Here are some in style information science jobs in demand in the present business milieu. To be an information scientist you’ll want a stable understanding of the industry you’re working in, and know what business issues your company is trying to unravel. Data Wrangling is the process of cleaning and unifying messy and sophisticated knowledge collections for straightforward access and evaluation. You’ll save a few minutes, but it’s not probably the most environment friendly method, and your clothes shall be ruined as well. Instead, spend a couple of minutes ironing and stacking your garments. It might be significantly more environment friendly, and your clothing will last more. S disseminating to your group what steps you wish to observe to get from A to B with the data, or giving a presentation to business leadership, communication could make all the distinction in the outcome of a project. Like most careers, the extra advanced your position, the higher suite of abilities you’ll must be profitable. You grasp the tool in the future and it will get run over by a sophisticated device the following day. The selections that they take at the moment are solely dependent on the proposed data and they’re serving to them to take useful choices. This has triggered the massive leap of such professionals over the past few years and continues to be dominating the business. Due to this, the pay scale is fairly respectable for data scientists and that’s one of the main the cause why people are paving their method towards this area. Having a deep understanding of machine studying and artificial intelligence is a should to need to implement tools and techniques in numerous logic, decision timber, etc. Having these skill units will enable any knowledge scientist to work and clear up complex issues particularly which might be designed for predictions or for deciding future objectives. Those who possess these abilities will surely stand out as proficient professionals. But for being proficient would require having a particular aligned course for knowledge science similar to Data Science – Live Course that is well tailor-made to prepare any individual right from scratch. The major motive for deep studying being profitable with NLP is its accuracy in supply. One should perceive that deep learning is an artwork that requires a set of particular tools to show its caliber. Companies mostly use data science to improve their business and decision-making capabilities. Data science can also be used to get correct insights into totally different processes and capabilities of a business, spot problems, make predictions, and suggest ways to improve. Essentially, you will be collaborating together with your team members to develop use cases in  order to know the business objectives and information that might be required to resolve issues. You will need to know the right approach to deal with the use circumstances, the info that is wanted to unravel the problem and the method to translate and present the result into what can easily be understood by everybody involved. You will literally have to work with everyone in the group, together with your customers. This knowledge needs to be translated right into a format that will be straightforward to comprehend.
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Statistics is defined as the study of the collection, evaluation, interpretation, presentation, and organizing of knowledge, according to Wikipedia. As a end result, it ought to come as no shock that data scientists require statistical knowledge in their profession. It is important to know the ideas of descriptive statistics similar to imply, median, mode, variance, and normal deviation. Then there are likelihood distributions, pattern and inhabitants, CLT, skewness and kurtosis, and inferential statistics, such as speculation testing and confidence intervals. Therefore, information scientists want enterprise acumen to make a difference in the company. Having business acumen will help them acquire a greater understanding in regards to the enterprise and make higher knowledge and predictive fashions to extend efficiency. Data scientists convert giant knowledge sets into easy-to-understand info that can be utilized to make important enterprise choices. Therefore, data scientists should know the method to simplify complex ideas and information findings and convey the same to different departments. Data scientists want a strong basis in mathematics and statistics. The most common fields of study in information science are mathematics, statistics, pc science, and engineering. In this article, we discussed the 14 most necessary expertise needed to become a profitable knowledge scientist. Data Science remains to be evolving and it let me inform you crucial thing – Learning by no means stops on this area.
For more information: best institute for data science in hyderabad 360DigiTMG - Data Analytics, Data Science Course Training Hyderabad  Address - 2-56/2/19, 3rd floor,, Vijaya towers, near Meridian school,, Ayyappa Society Rd, Madhapur,, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081 099899 94319
Visit on map :  https://g.page/Best-Data-Science
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jtvewor · 2 years
How to download serato dj for mac
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How to download serato dj for mac for mac#
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How to download serato dj for mac manual#
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Adjust volume and playback of each sample individually or use Master Sampler Volume.
The 4 banks of 6 sample slots are easily accessed in Virtual Deck and Extended View. The SAMPLER performance tab opens up the Scratch Live or Serato DJ sample player.
How to download serato dj for mac manual#
The PADS performance tab gives you control of your Cue Points, Auto loops and Loop Rolls in the Virtual Deck View and in Extended View you can also access Manual Loops and Samples. Each performance tab can be used with the Virtual Deck View or in Extended View. Scroll your library, load to decks and Sample slots
Serato Remote has four performance tabs: PADS, SAMPLER, SLICER & FX, all have been meticulously designed for the smoothest flow.Virtual Decks and Track Overviews mirror key information from your laptop.
How to download serato dj for mac software#
Cue Point names and Overview colors inherited from the Serato laptop software.New Roll Mode combines Loop Rolls with FX.Use Slicer Mode to trigger and slice up sections of a song with added effects.Toggle between Auto Loop, Loop Rolls and Manual Loops.Control Playback, Sync, Cue Points, Samples and FX.Big easy to hit buttons that are quick to locate on the fly.Connect over USB for ultra low latency or wirelessly, freeing you to move around the stage.ĭesigned with real world performance in mind: Perform all of your favorite Scratch Live and Serato DJ functions without needing to touch your laptop. Control playback, Sync, Cue Points, Loops and Samples and manipulate FX in ways that weren’t previously possible. Serato Remote will connect seamlessly to your Serato laptop software and work with all supported Scratch Live and Serato DJ hardware. Serato’s first official app for iPad is designed to complement an existing Scratch Live or Serato DJ setup. **WINNER “BEST DJ APP” DJ Mag Tech Awards 2014** Need help or Can't find what you need? Kindly contact us here →
How to download serato dj for mac install#
All you need to do is install the Nox Application Emulator or Bluestack on your Macintosh.
How to download serato dj for mac for mac#
The steps to use Serato Remote for Mac are exactly like the ones for Windows OS above. Click on it and start using the application. Now we are all done.Ĭlick on it and it will take you to a page containing all your installed applications.
How to download serato dj for mac android#
Now, press the Install button and like on an iPhone or Android device, your application will start downloading. A window of Serato Remote on the Play Store or the app store will open and it will display the Store in your emulator application. Once you found it, type Serato Remote in the search bar and press Search. Now, open the Emulator application you have installed and look for its search bar. If you do the above correctly, the Emulator app will be successfully installed. Now click Next to accept the license agreement.įollow the on screen directives in order to install the application properly. Once you have found it, click it to install the application or exe on your PC or Mac computer. Now that you have downloaded the emulator of your choice, go to the Downloads folder on your computer to locate the emulator or Bluestacks application. Step 2: Install the emulator on your PC or Mac You can download the Bluestacks Pc or Mac software Here >. Most of the tutorials on the web recommends the Bluestacks app and I might be tempted to recommend it too, because you are more likely to easily find solutions online if you have trouble using the Bluestacks application on your computer. If you want to use the application on your computer, first visit the Mac store or Windows AppStore and search for either the Bluestacks app or the Nox App >. Step 1: Download an Android emulator for PC and Mac The PADS performance tab gives you control of your Cue Points, Auto loops and Loop Rolls in the Virtual Deck View and in Extended View you can also access Manual Loops and Samples.Ĩ. The SAMPLER performance tab opens up the Scratch Live or Serato DJ sample player.ħ. Serato’s first official app for iPad is designed to complement an existing Scratch Live or Serato DJ setup.Ħ. PLEASE NOTE SERATO REMOTE REQUIRES SERATO SCRATCH LIVE OR SERATO DJ LAPTOP SOFTWARE AND SUPPORTED HARDWARE.ĥ. Serato Remote will connect seamlessly to your Serato laptop software and work with all supported Scratch Live and Serato DJ hardware.Ĥ.
Scroll your library, load to decks and Sample slots Serato Remote has four performance tabs: PADS, SAMPLER, SLICER & FX, all have been meticulously designed for the smoothest flow.ģ.
Serato Remote is designed to complement an existing Scratch Live or Serato DJ setup, you will need: the latest version of iTunes, Scratch Live or Serato DJ supported hardware.
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losthomunculus · 3 years
Online Safety Relevant to the Current State of the Internet
On twitter I made a tweet about how online safety lessons in school can be very out of touch but that the advice of people who are familiar with the current internet shouldn't be disregarded. So here's my informal collection of online safety tips
Sources: unrestricted internet access since elementary school (not recommended), being a formerly involuntarily home bound person for several years that amassed way too much online experience
This could possibly hold upsetting reminders to people who had bad experiences online including mentions of grooming and emotional manipulation so please proceed with caution!
Information Sharing
Make an online pseudonym for public profiles and websites.
Don’t feel like you have to list everything about you for the world to see.
Sometimes it’s not a question of “can this information be used to locate and identify me irl?”, but simply “do I want this information publicly available and linked to my online persona?”
Unlike offline, being online leaves a constant trail of who you were accessible at all times. People are constantly growing and changing. Try to limit the information you share so you can ditch that trail and start over if need be.
Sharing information with people you make friends with and trust is a judgement call on your part, but always be on the safe side and be protective of your information.
Start as cautious as possible with online safety. Any risks or judgement calls can come later when you are 1. aware of the risks, 2. ready to address them if they occur, and 3. have gathered plenty of information instead of doing something blindly and hoping for the best.
Do not share your triggers publicly, they can very easily be used against you. Instead use websites with a large amount of filtering options to curate your online experience. If you are going to share them, only do it privately with people you trust.
Importance of Boundaries
It doesn’t matter how mature you are, don’t enter age limited spaces you don’t qualify for. It’s disrespectful to the boundaries of the people who made that space. Boundaries like this exist for the comfort of both sides involved.
Just because you can “handle it” doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Desensitization is not something to brag about.
Venting or making r18 posts as a minor on a public account is VERY dangerous. Intense emotional vulnerability is something manipulators will look for as a way to get to you. The same with sexual jokes to develop your comfort talking about those topics casually and eventually escalating the situation. If you are going to talk about such things please keep that in private conversations with people you trust in your age group.
Note the difference between public and private online space. Tweeting something on a public account is not the same as having a conversation in the cafeteria with your friends.
If an adult tries talking to you about r18, run the other way. Doesn’t matter how cool you are, it says something weird about THEM if they’re willing to talk to a minor about that stuff.
If someone( like 3+ years, honestly depends on how old you are) older than you wouldn't be comfortable saying what they're saying to you in front of other people (like a teacher or guardian), that's suspicious as hell. Run in the other direction.
The younger you are, the more age gaps matter. There's a bigger difference in development between a 13 year old and a 17 year old than there is between a 20 year old and a 24 year old. It helps to try to contextualize it with real people instead of numbers. Instead of thinking "oh just 4 years? that's not that weird" consider "oh. that would be like a freshman (13/14) dating a senior (17/18). yikes."
Be just as wary of people your own age talking about things that make you uncomfortable. Just like irl, sometimes you’ll meet people your age that are hurtful.
Friends complain to each other and talk about their issues, that alone is fine. But when people are doing it without permission, draw a line. When people are making it feel like you’re responsible for maintaining their mental health, you need to draw a line. When it starts to effect your mental health, PLEASE DRAW A LINE! I know it feels like your responsibility sometimes, but it’s not. You cannot be there for others if you’re not taking care of yourself first and foremost.
Don’t be afraid to block people. Even for petty reasons. It’s good to block people. Don’t force yourself to see stuff you don’t want to see.
Being Constantly Online
The 24 hour news cycle is not a good thing to follow 24/7. Taking social responsibility is a good thing, but your brain is NOT built to worry about every issue in the world at once. One strategy I use for staying sane is I try to only check the news once a day, and if something needs more attention to set aside an amount of time I’m going to focus on it before I need to take time to step back.
Touch grass. Not literally, unless you can in which case I highly suggest it, sometimes it’s just good to lay in a field. What I mean is you need to dedicate a good portion of your time to being offline (sleep does not count). What your offline time looks like is going to differ depending on your level of ability, but even if you are house bound it’s important to build some hobbies that don’t rely on the internet. Talking to people offline is also a good goal if possible, even just to your housemates.
Social etiquette greatly differs online and offline and sometimes the reminder that were all just Some People gets lost behind the numbers and the fabricated personas. Keep in mind the difference in how information is shared without forgetting that the fact we are all people remains the same.
Be generous with your etiquette. You will avoid a lot of stress if you conduct yourself with the same politeness you would have in an offline interaction. Master the art of "minding your own business" for your own sake.
Arguments and Competition
As soon as you can, you need to internalize the fact that leaving an argument is not losing.
It is inevitable you will be exposed to many people who disagree with you. Some people only want to argue to rile you up. Sometimes that’s not their intention, but it’s what they’re doing. You do not have to remain in conversation with people, especially if they’re not interested in actually coming to an understanding. Even if they are interested, sometimes they just suck!! Leave!! You can leave!!
On that note, sometimes you are going to get valid criticism and it’s going to hurt. That is part of learning. If someone says you messed up and did something hurtful, take a second to step back from your defensiveness and consider: intent ≠ effect. Apologize, repair what you can, and move forward with the ability to do better in the future. You’re going to mess up every once in awhile, it’s inevitable.
To summarize the past two points: don't waste your time on unnecessary hostility but don't close yourself into an echo chamber either. Debates should be about learning.
Sometimes people are not going to like you. This happens offline too but people tend to be a lot more blunt online. Sometimes people dislike you for no reason or for really petty reasons. That’s not your problem, move on.
Don’t actively seek out people you don’t like or who don’t like you to argue with. Whether or not your side is the “right side” doesn’t matter, it’s going to cause you so much unnecessary stress. Feel free to keep posting your opinions on your own profile but don’t seek out unnecessary conflict.
This is a different type of competition than previously mentioned, but be aware of the danger of comparing yourself to other people. Especially if you’re a creative or student, DO NOT GET SWEPT UP IN THE GRIND CULTURE. It’s more subtle in some places than others, but anytime you see the notion that you should be working yourself to the bone be VERY critical. Also be critical of any online cultures (such as gaming and art communities) that brag about unhealthy habits or act like it’s ~part of the culture~ (ex: all nighters, not taking breaks, getting hurt. Any activity that neglects health to work toward a goal).
Not just grind culture, any community of subculture that shares anti recovery sentiments is a huge red flag. Even if they're joking, it's not worth the risk of internalizing those statements.
Everyone’s social media presence is to some degree doctored because it’s a purposefully selected collection of what they allow you to see. It’s fine to like the persona you see being displayed, but never forget that it is not reflective of the entire person. Everyone online is JUST SOME PERSON. Do not forget that and start holding yourself to a standard you can’t even see every side of.
By posting online you are opening yourself to criticism. Whether or not it’s justified can vary, but either way it’s going to happen. Mute stuff, go private, disable comments, etc if you need to.
Misc Tidbits
these are technically just general info that is also good for offline but I have seen things that make me think people online need the extra reminder.
Learn what cults are, how they recruit, and what they do to their members. I'm not kidding. This is particularly relevant at the moment because of current societal unrest and widespread loneliness. No one is immune to cult propaganda, and not every cult is based on pre established religion or family. Many exist ONLINE and are able to manipulate people without ever meeting face to face. (learn more: Loneliness as a Pandemic: The Dangers of Online Cult
Familiarize yourself with the concept of pseudoscience. Please familiarize yourself with the concept of pseudoscience and then learn how to identify pseudoscience. (learn more: Karl Popper, Science, & Pseudoscience: Crash Course Philosophy #8)
Q. How do I know if a source is reliable?
Final Thoughts
It's important people of ALL ages learn these lessons, because the internet is constantly changing and we are all vulnerable when in the presence of other people.
Be cautious and stay safe
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Ok, this is going to be one of the weirdest, stream of consciousness style analysis post but let’s go.
Warning! This is a character analysis of a real, living person!
I am not going to be talking about a fandom’s interpretation of a character named Grian. (that’s a head case all on its own.) No. I am analyzing the person who is currently living on this earth right now, Grian, and his presentation online. Why? Because I’m a storyteller at heart and the best way to make realistic characters is to pull from real people. (Also, because none of my friends are into hermitcraft so I have to dump my weird psychology analysis here)
***I’m on mobile, I don’t remember if you can make breaks here***
In Bdubs most recent Hermitcraft episode: #26 - The Loop Prank!, (very good episode, I highly recomend) Bdubs says something along the lines of,
‘Grian have you ever considered joining Sidecraft? Because your really smart!’
At first this cought me off guard because Sidecraft is really know for being more focused on the technical aspects of Minecraft with Redstone machines and manipulating I game mechanics to produce results. Giran presents himself to be more of an entertainer and artist like Bdubs him self.
But as the episode progressed I noticed Bdubs left in pieces of clips that Grian took out of his own episode—for what reason, I have no idea and will probably be forever a mystery only Grian himself will know—but in those clips they showed a different side of Grian that isn’t immediately noticeable if your not looking for it.
Grian is observent, analyticly inclined, is an incredibly quick thinker and desisive.
Ok... writing it like that kinda makes me want to go, “DUH” there are tons of examples like that,
Grian’s naturally draw to making his build more geometic: his season 6 base was literally cylinders stacked on top of each other and his season 7 mansion is just a series of rectangles on different angles, big deal. Well if watch Ren’s episodes you might remember back when he was building the hanger bay, Ren said it was Grian who layed out a guiding line for Ren to rebuild the pit in order to make it a perfect circle.
Grian is constantly coming up with server wide events: the Original Tag game, the Hot Potato game, the Demise event where all planed events Grain started in season 6, and so far in season 7 (as of 27th of August 2020) Tag 2: electric boogaloo and the Mayor Election event.
All of Grian’s shops have been attempts to capitalise off of holes in the market: the Lazy Merchents Travelling Cart (that never moved), Sahara, and now the Bardge.
Grian is the flyer of the server: while everyone does fly on the server, every hermit—including Grian himself—have openly admitted to us, the audience, that Grian is the best flyer. This is important because flying in any game requires sharp reflexes, both physically and mentally, due to the exelorated speed and sensitive manoeuvre-ability in order to doge obsicals as well as land safely. You can see that at the end of Bdubs video when he originally moved into the upside down, where Grian is teaching Bdubs how to land a the one block wide doorway. (A display of skill that Grian pulls off flawlessly)
What’s your point?
There is no argumentative point being made, I just find it interesting that Grian has one of the most caulated minds on the Hermitcraft server but doesn’t actively draw attention to that part of himself. Rather, his feats of calculation and cleverness is presented to us, the viewers—& most likely to Grian himself, since, it’s incrediblely had to perform a character annalysis on your own presentation—as bref moment of cunningness, simple dumb luck or is outright hidden in plain sight.
Give him time (and willingness to put in the effort) and I could see him genuinely become a redstone master akin to Etho, Doc, Tango or Zed. (I would also say Impulse but I think Grain has made a vow against villagers for now).
Actually, if he ever wanted to change his career Grian would make for an excellent politician—he has the anilitical mind that can easily break down complexities, a sharp-wit matched with a silver tongue and likeable personality, is desisive and is a natural leader, plus his energy is infectious to thoughs around him. Hmm... it would explain why Doc and Grian make such great foiles from a narrative perspective.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 4 years
DC Kink Meme Prompts List
Since the kink meme is getting a lot of attention and growing daily, I thought I’d post a convenient place where I can keep track of the prompts that I’d like to see filled again. I figure you’re all here because we share similar interests and this way, if you’re a writer with looking for a prompt, you don’t have to scroll through the almost 400 prompts that are currently posted. 
So here we go. Beware, this is a kink meme. These are nsfw and some may be triggering. 
JayDick Watersports -  Filled HERE
sub!Jason & Dom!Dick are in a consensual D/s relationship that has a heavy Master/slave dynamic (whether 24/7 or primarily during sex is up to you!). They're on a stakeout one night, and it's really cold, and, aw, fuck, Dick needs to piss, but he doesn't want his dick to freeze. Good thing he's got his bitch there with him, right? Dick pissing in Jay's ass preferred just to show the level of not caring about Jay's comfort [it's still cold!], but totally not gonna complain about piss drinking, either, if Dick's feeling a little more charitable. Is Jay surprised because it's the first time Dick has done this? Is this a normal, expected duty that he performs regularly? That's up to you!
Tim/Jason A/B/O - Filled
In an A/B/O world where omegas are in charge and alphas are treated like animals, or kept as pets, CEO Tim decides to treat himself to a new toy and buys Jason. Feel free to go as wild as you like with the kinks, I'm pretty unsquickable
Tim/Jason Stalker!Tim - Filled on the Meme by anon and HERE (by me)
Older Tim, younger Jason, where Tim's stalking gets a little obsessive once Jason takes over as Robin, and he starts stalking Jason out of costume as well as at night. A little judicious hacking later and he's able to keep an eye on Jason's internet activity too. Once he finds Jason looking at gay porn he knows he's got an in. And he starts blackmailing Jason, online at first, but escalating every time he gets Jason to go a little further, until he gets him to submit in person.
Slade/Dick/Jason - Filled amazingly HERE
Dick's been with Slade for a while, and now that he's stopped fighting and given into his training, Slade thinks he deserves a reward. Every good boy deserves a puppy, and Batman's new Robin looks like he could fit the role perfectly.
Jason Todd - Object Insertion - Filled on the meme (art)
Honestly, that's all I've got for you. I just want someone making Jason take things up his ass that have no business being there. Consensual or not are both fine! Any ship, though definitely a strong preference for Roy, Slade, Tim, Kyle, Dick, Roman or Ra's. Preferably not underage, but I'm not entirely opposed.
Ra's/Jason - Filled HERE
Ra's test drives an undunked Jason. The boy must be useful for something, after all, and he looks so pretty in chains. ABO welcome. 
Prompt- Pegging (Jason) - Filled HERE
Jason gets pegged by one (or more ;)) of the lovely ladies of the DC universe. And enjoys it thoroughly Pairing is dealer's choice. <3
Bruce takes in Jason off the streets, but more for use as a personal whore than to be Robin. Bonuses for Bruce still adopting Jason and getting off on fucking his son. EXTRA bonus points for Alfred's unfazed acceptance/support of it and perhaps even his participation.
Jason Todd Intercrural Sex - Filled on meme
This man deserves more thigh fucking and so do we! All ships welcome!
No Title - Bruce/Jason, Dick finds out Bruce has been sexually abusing Jason
One of the other prompts made me realize that while there are a lot of fics where Jason discovers Bruce has been abusing Dick, there are none the other way around and suddenly I have a craving. So I would like for Dick to find out (maybe right after Jason returns, Dick catches them and overhears Bruce say something to indicate it used to happen regularly) that Bruce had been sexually abusing Jason since the moment he found him and try to save him. And like, because of his background as a child prostitute, Jason kind of thinks it's normal or that it's the only way he could earn love? Maybe Bruce implies that Jason is useless otherwise and he'd end up back on the streets if he's not useful. Maybe Bruce is even happy to point out that the reason he never even considered touching the others is because they were too good for it, pure and wholesome, while Jason was ruined goods.
Dick/Jason fuck-or-die bottom!Jay 
I would absolutely kill to see a fic where Dick is forced to fuck Jason (for whatever reason but preferably not due to sex pollen/aphrodisiacs/drugs - I would prefer if they were both in their right minds please) Preferably they wouldn't be in a relationship or have secret feelings for each other and this would be mutual noncon/rape with a focus on how horrified they are that they're having to do this to each other. I would really, really like if it was bottom!Jason for this, but that there is acknowledgement that Dick is being raped here too!
Skeezy Ric Grayson
One specific fic I read has completely coloured my perception of Ric, and now I'm just desperate to see him being a total creep. Perving on his siblings and former friends. Would love to see him not take no for an answer, especially with someone who doesn't want to fight back because "it's still Dick in there somewhere, I can't hurt him" or something like that. Preference for Wally (HiC who?) or Jason, but Tim, Roy, Babs or Donna would be okay, too! A/B/O with Alpha!Ric would be a bonus but isn't necessary.
Cassie/Rose bondage spanking and D/s, semi-dubious consent
Cassie has had enough of Rose mouthing off and causing trouble, so she ties her up with her lasso and lectures her. Rose mockingly asks her if she’s going to spank her for being a bad girl, and much to her surprise, Cassie does. They both enjoy it much more than expected
Nyssa/Talia, set post-Death and the Maidens, Talia restrained while Nyssa gets her off, begging to be allowed to reciprocate. Bonus points for twisty fucked up Nyssa POV with all kinds of big global megalomaniacal justifications for what she's doing and how important it is to the greater good. (Reposted from old DC kinkmeme)
Jason Todd/Dick Grayson/Roy Harper/Koriand’r
Kori loves watching her subs play with each other and rewards them well for good behavior
JayTim hatesex
Jason and Tim having incestuous-sibling-rivalry-hate-sex against the memorial
Any Bats/???, Alfred has to clean up
Poor Alfred often gets stuck cleaning up the mess when any of the family bring partners over. The crackier the circumstances the better!
Slade/Jason identity porn
Slade and Jason fuck while in costume as and pretending to be Batman and Nightwing respectively
Kyle Rayner/any
Kyle winds up working as a stripper somehow. Some other heroes find out and pay him a visit
Batfam/Jason; non con or resigned-to-his-fate cumdumpster!Jason
Could also be Earth-3 Owlfam/Jason. A/B/O welcome but it doesn't have to be. Would appreciate any one or combination of the following: dehumanization/objectification, humiliation, public sex, breeding kink, restraints, fucking machines, cum enemas, lots of cum in general, size kink... I just want something unapologetically filthy. I'm pretty much good with everything but scat.
Dick/Tim non/dub-con, universe hopping
Dark Dick from a dark universe ends up in the main universe, where he is delighted to find a brand new Timmy to play with, who unconditionally trusts his brother and doesn't know he's been replaced. Cue Dick slowly luring him in so he can have his fun. Tim doesn't realize until it's too late, or doesn't realize at all and has no idea how his beloved older brother could do this to him. Main universe has fully platonic, familial relationships within in the batfam. Feel free to imply/state anything you like about the dark universe. Grooming/slowly warming Tim up to more and more touches, crying, overstimulation, bondage, or any combination thereof are all bonuses
Young Justice S3 Dick/Jason omegaverse
Alpha!Dick Grayson is stuck on a mission and somehow has to help the mysterious Red-Hooded omega through his heat. But they have to stay quiet in order to not wake the pup Damian sleeping right next to them. Preferably there's an identity reveal in there where Dick finds out the omega is Jason Todd under the mask.
Addict!Roy Harper Noncon
Noncon (or possibly dubcon, if the manipulation is clear enough to readers) with Snowbirds Don't Fly era!Roy Harper as the victim. Could be an OC, another Titan, a Leaguer, a canon villain... Dealer's choice! Looking for something that really focuses on how he's being taken advantage of, rather than just "can't technically consent because he's high, but is totally into it."
Woder Woman/Batman, Rough Sex
Bruce loves it when Diana is rough with him
Bane/Bruce, violent noncon
Something set during Knightfall, where Bane decides to take “breaking the Bat” even further by raping Bruce and possibly also his precious little Robin
Jay/Tim bdsm AU, sub Jay
What it says on the tin. Was thinking maybe also an arranged marriage of sub Jason to dom Tim Drake, to cement a business union but also because subs aren’t full citizens.
Robin!Jason/Bruce Somnophilia
Bruce drugs his new little Robin and slips into his room. He takes his time with him, enjoying Jason before carefully opening and fucking him. Would be great if Jason wakes up towards the end but can't do anything but take it- maybe because of the drugs, maybe because of the way Bruce is holding him down, or even because he likes it.
Sidekicks/Villains noncon glory wall
Any sidekicks you want—Speedy, the Robins and Batgirls, Kid Flash and Impulse, the Wonder girls, etc.—being displayed in a glory wall, leaving their holes open for fucking. Interested villains can pay to fuck any hole they desire, and they enjoy wrecking the sidekicks and filling them with come
Robin!Jason/Villains & Henchmen?
Robin Jason gets captured and tied up by the villain of the week, who decides to take advantage of the situation. Robin is blindfolded and groped/fucked by the villain and maybe some henchmen while waiting for Batman to rescue him. Batman finding a bound and blind Jay too tempting to resist is a bonus.
Dickjay daddy kink
Older! Dick and bottom! Jason. Jason came back years later and Dick is around 40.
OmegaJason/Batfam first heat, lactation
It's Jason's first heat and the alphas of the pack know that his milk is on its way soon. All it needs is a little encouragement. A few knots and some nipple play should do it. His milk tastes perfect as it starts to flow.
Jason/Dick, Jason/RomanSionis, Hooker!Jason & Officer Grayson
So this is based off a discussion from AGES ago in the jayroman discord server that I still think about to this day XD A no capes au in which Jason never gets picked up by Bruce and ends up a crime alley prostitute who somehow along the way caught the eye of Black Mask and winds up working for him. And Black Mask has basically the whole city in his pocket, including the police force, which is why it’s so annoying when this little upstart, Officer Dick Grayson, starts to try to challenge his hold on the city, the little goody two-shoes denying any and all bribes and refusing to back down in the face of threats. And it should be easy to squash one annoying little bug, but somehow all attempts have failed and he can’t openly go after him without risking his reputation as a clean, law-abiding businessman, a reputation that’s slowly starting to unravel thanks to the dogged efforts of Officer Grayson, because the little shit is annoyingly not as stupid as his attempts to go after Roman would make him seem and despite all of Roman’s power and having basically the entire police force and the various other government officials Roman has in his pocket against him, he has made far too much headway in his endeavors So Roman gives Jason the job of seducing Dick, because if bribery and threats don’t work, video evidence of an officer fucking an underage hooker makes excellent blackmail material, and should be enough to take him down for good if he ever steps a toe out of line again Except no matter how Jason tries to seduce him, Dick is just too decent a guy to take advantage (Ex: Jason: *shows up wearing even more revealing clothes than the night before.* Dick: “You must be cold, here, take my jacket.” etc.) And before he knows it, Jason finds himself growing weirdly fond of the infuriating idiot with his stupid puns and painful sincerity
Roman Sionis/Jason Todd, AOB noncon impregnation gang rape
Intersex AOB verse. Roman wants to punish and claim the upstart omega, so he plugs Jason’s cunt and lets his men anally rape Jason until the omega begs Roman to breed his pussy
TimKon, a/b/o, alpha!Tim, bottom Conner
Humans have a/b/o. Kryptonians do not. Alpha!Tim thinks that he shouldn't bother Kon about Tim's rut. Kon thinks otherwise. Whether Kon can keep up with Tim (superpowers got to be good for something, right?) or is overwhelmed is up to anon :) I am absolutely unsquickable so whatever extra kinks are fine with me. Just please top!Tim only. Please, my crops are dying.
past romanjay now mobJay, gangbang
After getting tired with his new toy, Roman decided to just give his subordinates a chance to have fun with it. But mostly he just want to see the red hood to get more humiliated after destroying his empire.
Damian Wayne/Jason Todd, bestiality
It's time for Damian to introduce his new acquired pet to the pack, Titus and Ace.
Tim gags and spanks Damian
Red Robin has to take Robin out on patrol because Batman is away, Damian is reckless and keeps disobeying orders so Tim punishes him while having him gagged for being mouthy. can progress to something more sexual but doesn't have to be. Damian secretly enjoying it is a bonus.
Deathstroke/All the Robins
Slade really has a thing for fighting and chasing after Batbrats…
Rose/Jason mommy kink edging and pegging
Jason wants to be a good boy for mommy, Rose rewards his good behavior
Jason Todd/Kyle Rayner hatesex - Filled
I’d love some rough, angry, violent hatesex between these two. Bonus points for snarky asshole bottom!jason and kyle using his ring to make restraints/other kinky constructs ;)
Flashpoint!Father Todd/Incubus!Dick
Incubus!Dick seduces Father Todd. Jason holds out longer than most but Dick prides himself on being irresistible. He’s never failed before and he doesn’t plan to start now. But maybe, instead of his usual dine-and-ditch MO, Dick think’s he might like to savor this meal for long. Jason falls so beautifully. (bottom Jason please) Catholic aesthetics, blasphemy as kink, church sex (altar, confessional, pews, etc)
Flashpoint Thomas Wayne/Father Todd
Thomas Wayne as Batman bends Father Todd over the altar. In uniform. (At least for Thomas. It would be super hot if he strips Father Todd out of his robes first. Maybe everything except his rosary?)
Jason/Tim rape
Tim ties down Jason and rides(rapes) him. Pls let Tim use Jason as nothing but a mere meat dildo.
Titans/Dick, Titans/Jason, Titans/Tim consensual gangbang - Filled
The not-so-secret tradition of team bonding by fucking the current Bat on the Teen Titans is well-adhered to, especially given the enthusiastic consent of all participants Feel free to include any or all: garden sex, pool sex, power use, DP, riding, pegging, toy use, CBT, nipple play, cockwarming, CFNM/CMNM, and consensual somno All other kinks welcome excluding scat, watersports, emeto, ageplay, vore, and anything else bloody
Thomas Elliot/Bruce Wayne (Rape/Non-con)
Bruce doesn't realise how obsessed Thomas really is with him. Leads to Hush raping Bruce. Can be when Bruce knows who Hush is or when he still doesn't know.
Evil!Dick and Jason, noncon or dubcon
Jason comes back to his safehouse and is surprised to find Dick already there. After the initial surprise, Jason is quick to find out that there's something... off, about this Dick. He's not acting like his usual self. It turns out this isn't the usual Dick that Jason is familiar with, instead, he is a darker version of him (drugged? Talon from Earth-3 that somehow ends up in the main universe? other possibilities? all welcome options!), and this Dark!Dick is obsessed with Jason and wants to fuck him... and he doesn't take no for an answer. So there's a setup for a non-con or dub-con(in case Jason also has a crush on main Dick) for you. Restraints (gags, ropes, tapes etc.) are also welcome but doesn't have to be present.
Kon-El/Lex Luthor Daddy Kink DubCon
Lex genetically programmed Kon to need his daddy to fill him up when he created him. Lex made Kon to check all his boxes (ie Superman, something he made, a gifted teenager). Kon can’t actually consent because of programming, and he doesn’t want it until he’s getting it. Can be simple daddy kink or full of abdl. Bonus points for trans!Kon
Guy Gardner/Bunch of Aliens possible Dubcon/Noncon
Macho, hotheaded, shit-talking Guy is the embodiment of hyper-masculinity, and that arrogance of his gets him into a lot more than just a bar fight. All of Guy's enemies seem to be of the huge, muscular variety, so let's see the most stocky lantern get put in his place. Does he secretly love it? Does he outright hate it? Maybe all that shit-talking was just a ploy to finally get someone to "punish" him right. The choice is up to you. Maybe it's a bunch of random aliens Guy's ticked off in a bar. Maybe all that showboating's pissed off Kilowog or Arkillo. Maybe Lobo's still put out after being tricked one too many times by Guy. Perhaps, Atrocitus's still kinda harboring a grudge for Guy kicking him out of the Red Lanterns. Then there's always the way too touchy Dementor with his Vuldarian kin. I'm all for any other kinks or situations, I just would prefer no bathroom stuff. Go absolutely wild.
Black Mask/anyone, bathroom control, omorashi - Filled on meme
I'm a simple person with simple needs: Roman controlling whether or not someone's allowed to piss. can be consensual or noncon torture, the victim can end up pissing themselves or make it to the bathroom safely. just as long as Roman's in total control of the situation, and smug about it. bonus points: tears, begging, banter, degradation, embarrassment, additional torture, anything else along those lines. watersports only, please, no scat!
Roy Clones/Dick gangbang omegaverse
YJ season 3 episode 4 has excellent gangbang material just so you know Add omegaverse to it and its perfect Noncon/dubcon is accepted also
Titans/Jason Gangbang
Prefer comics based more than the show but either is fine. Dick and his friends welcome the new Robin the Titans way, by breaking in that hole. New kid is always the team toy, and it's even more fun now that it's Nightwing's bratty kid brother. Consensual or non con, dealer's choice. Double (or triple) penetration, dirty talk, and powers used for sex are favorite kinks but I'm good with pretty much anything.
Willis Todd/Jason Todd, Mob/Jason; Incest and forced underage prostitution
Willis pimps out his kid for cash and drugs. Catherine either pretends she doesn't know or knows and helps/doesn't care. And like any good salesman, he makes sure to test out his product to make sure it's up to snuff. 
Make it cruel and awful and hopeless. Dehumanizing and degrading. Jason is just a hole to sell and use. belting in sensitive areas, beatings, violent sex, cum play, blood play... I just want something dark and nasty. 
Woo! Ok. I’ll try to keep this up the best I can. I’ll link/mark when prompts are filled so that you guys can check it out if you want (all filled prompts can be reached by the link in the title, but some have ao3 links that I put on the “Filled” note). 
I’ll also reblog this with any new prompts that come up or if I find I’ve forgotten one. 
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On the matter of ERP
Oh, I’ve wondered when it’s best to talk about this particularly contentious topic. Though considering there’s been outright harassment of GMs (Game Masters) about their approach to it recently this might be the pertinent time.
ERP, if anyone reading this doesn’t know is the broad term meaning “erotic roleplay”, its a loaded term in itself to be quite honest - what is erotic to one person may not be to another, subjective terms tend to get very messy in situations when there’s a multiplayer dimension towards it.
Whether or not you engage in it. Many claim they do not but... regardless of the online roleplaying community you will be in, it will happen. Human sexuality is a very interesting, sometimes terrifying thing to see in action. Clearly the only moral viewpoint is to prevent underage players (depending on the country, this definition may vary) from being exposed unduly to clearly things they should not be. I should make it abundantly clear here, those who deliberately target those who they know are underage (by their own country’s laws) and impressionable with the clear intent to manipulate and get some sort of perverse satisfaction out are the problematic individuals. They are thoroughly repugnant and should be taken into therapy for their issues. forcibly if needed. Now, with that out of the way, onto the nuances of the matter. What goes on between two consenting adult players in their own private chat channels (or in a place they aren’t displaying it to others) is truthfully, none of our business. The comparison I would like to give is this - you see two people making out with one another rather publicly on a park bench, this is the equivalent of writing your saucy erp in the middle of Stormwind. You wouldn’t do it offline in such a place, why online? Now two people sending spicy texts to one another while one is on the bus and another one walking down the street? That is the same as doing it over whisper. If you’re trying to peer into someone’s phone and see what’s being written that’s a completely different crime being taken place, and you’re arguably worse than the people doing the erotic actions. Now, two people (or more) in an  instanced area that only those who are consenting to the situation are inside? The equivalent is being in someone’s home behind closed doors doing as they like. You want to know what’s going on there? Again none of your business, and while the authorities (or blizzard) have a right to check, why would they when they have more important things to do? On the topic of blizzard, it is a well known fact that blizzard GMs are trained on day one to expect “unusual” and “weird” things when it comes to roleplay servers. A former member explained on twitch during the great lay-off that so long as consent wasn’t being violated and players were comfortable, they generally let it continue as normal, if it’s in private channels not being exposed to the public, there is little cause for concern. In their paraphrased words “You will see some weird shit on roleplay servers.”
Now onto the murkier areas. An often thrown about argument is that “you can’t verify their age” well yes, you can’t. Much in the same way if you click “I’m over 18″ on any of your favourite adult content websites while being 17 you are in actuality lying about it. Where does the liability fall there? If someone says they are 18 or older and persistently states that, the problem falls then on the dishonest party. Not to mention that in a number of nations the age of adulthood is set lower than 18, further complicating the process. In most European countries it is set anywhere between 15 and 17. Now I know some parts of the community would love to call all european nations nonces or whatever worn out term is used these days, despite being in them themselves... but besides the point  the whole “underage erp” argument is a dramacow itself, over inflated for the purpose of scoring some sort of points.
It’s become the point now that people actively “hunting” down erp or the more heinous crime suspected erp like some sort of online gestapo looking for thoughtcrime are now more of a problem and are compounding the deeper problem even further. How many times have you seen people falsely accused of erp? (Remember above, between consenting adults and in private, blizzard literally really has better things to care about) It happens on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. “Oh i saw A and B in the garrison” - oh really? I mean garrisons are the closest thing we have to housing in this game, so why automatically assume there’s a problem?
“Ah but F and G were in this instance for several hours.” - yes people can roleplay in dungeons, some of the best environments are inside them, Karazhan for example is wonderful for everything from gothic dance halls, theatres and creepy, massive libraries. Court of Stars is the only way to roleplay in Suramar without having to deal with endless re-spawns of mobs.
“But I saw J and K sat beside each other for over an hour in the Cathedral district/Valley of Honor/The Bazaar not speaking in say, they must be erping!” - Or they’re talking about private things to do with their characters that you wouldn’t be announcing to or in fact need to tell to the world unless you’re fishing for attention? And even if they were, recall the whole sending texts to one another scenario.
The simple fact is in many cases these “erp hunters” have had irrefutable proof given that they also erp, making their efforts a complete sham. They aren’t after a “safer server” they’re after good boy points with whatever bizzaro crypto-fascist groups that equates hunting down erpers like “finding the jews” or “purging the commie”. At the same time their overly publicised attempts to “stop erp” just makes the genuinely heinous individuals who predate and go after impressionable and easily manipulated younger players more careful, or even worse, easier to hide under the veil of being aggrieved wrongly because your “cry wolf” over every one not roleplaying to your subjective standards as “an erper” has now reached the point where genuine cases of abuse are being brushed aside because people can’t be bothered to deal with your dramacowing.
But will they listen? Probably not, and the unfortunate thing out of all of this is it poisons the atmosphere of the server even more when you have people running around, rather than roleplaying, they look for perceived faults to use as hammers against their fellow players.
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dbhosting · 3 years
Which Is The Best PostgreSQL GUI? 2021 Comparison
PostgreSQL graphical user interface (GUI) tools help open source database users to manage, manipulate, and visualize their data. In this post, we discuss the top 6 GUI tools for administering your PostgreSQL hosting deployments. PostgreSQL is the fourth most popular database management system in the world, and heavily used in all sizes of applications from small to large. The traditional method to work with databases is using the command-line interface (CLI) tool, however, this interface presents a number of issues:
It requires a big learning curve to get the best out of the DBMS.
Console display may not be something of your liking, and it only gives very little information at a time.
It is difficult to browse databases and tables, check indexes, and monitor databases through the console.
Many still prefer CLIs over GUIs, but this set is ever so shrinking. I believe anyone who comes into programming after 2010 will tell you GUI tools increase their productivity over a CLI solution.
Why Use a GUI Tool?
Now that we understand the issues users face with the CLI, let’s take a look at the advantages of using a PostgreSQL GUI:
Shortcut keys make it easier to use, and much easier to learn for new users.
Offers great visualization to help you interpret your data.
You can remotely access and navigate another database server.
The window-based interface makes it much easier to manage your PostgreSQL data.
Easier access to files, features, and the operating system.
So, bottom line, GUI tools make PostgreSQL developers’ lives easier.
Top PostgreSQL GUI Tools
Today I will tell you about the 6 best PostgreSQL GUI tools. If you want a quick overview of this article, feel free to check out our infographic at the end of this post. Let’s start with the first and most popular one.
1. pgAdmin
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pgAdmin is the de facto GUI tool for PostgreSQL, and the first tool anyone would use for PostgreSQL. It supports all PostgreSQL operations and features while being free and open source. pgAdmin is used by both novice and seasoned DBAs and developers for database administration.
Here are some of the top reasons why PostgreSQL users love pgAdmin:
Create, view and edit on all common PostgreSQL objects.
Offers a graphical query planning tool with color syntax highlighting.
The dashboard lets you monitor server activities such as database locks, connected sessions, and prepared transactions.
Since pgAdmin is a web application, you can deploy it on any server and access it remotely.
pgAdmin UI consists of detachable panels that you can arrange according to your likings.
Provides a procedural language debugger to help you debug your code.
pgAdmin has a portable version which can help you easily move your data between machines.
There are several cons of pgAdmin that users have generally complained about:
The UI is slow and non-intuitive compared to paid GUI tools.
pgAdmin uses too many resources.
pgAdmin can be used on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. We listed it first as it’s the most used GUI tool for PostgreSQL, and the only native PostgreSQL GUI tool in our list. As it’s dedicated exclusively to PostgreSQL, you can expect it to update with the latest features of each version. pgAdmin can be downloaded from their official website.
pgAdmin Pricing: Free (open source)
2. DBeaver
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DBeaver is a major cross-platform GUI tool for PostgreSQL that both developers and database administrators love. DBeaver is not a native GUI tool for PostgreSQL, as it supports all the popular databases like MySQL, MariaDB, Sybase, SQLite, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MS Access, Firebird, Teradata, Apache Hive, Phoenix, Presto, and Derby – any database which has a JDBC driver (over 80 databases!).
Here are some of the top DBeaver GUI features for PostgreSQL:
Visual Query builder helps you to construct complex SQL queries without actual knowledge of SQL.
It has one of the best editors – multiple data views are available to support a variety of user needs.
Convenient navigation among data.
In DBeaver, you can generate fake data that looks like real data allowing you to test your systems.
Full-text data search against all chosen tables/views with search results shown as filtered tables/views.
Metadata search among rows in database system tables.
Import and export data with many file formats such as CSV, HTML, XML, JSON, XLS, XLSX.
Provides advanced security for your databases by storing passwords in secured storage protected by a master password.
Automatically generated ER diagrams for a database/schema.
Enterprise Edition provides a special online support system.
One of the cons of DBeaver is it may be slow when dealing with large data sets compared to some expensive GUI tools like Navicat and DataGrip.
You can run DBeaver on Windows, Linux, and macOS, and easily connect DBeaver PostgreSQL with or without SSL. It has a free open-source edition as well an enterprise edition. You can buy the standard license for enterprise edition at $199, or by subscription at $19/month. The free version is good enough for most companies, as many of the DBeaver users will tell you the free edition is better than pgAdmin.
DBeaver Pricing
: Free community, $199 standard license
3. OmniDB
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The next PostgreSQL GUI we’re going to review is OmniDB. OmniDB lets you add, edit, and manage data and all other necessary features in a unified workspace. Although OmniDB supports other database systems like MySQL, Oracle, and MariaDB, their primary target is PostgreSQL. This open source tool is mainly sponsored by 2ndQuadrant. OmniDB supports all three major platforms, namely Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
There are many reasons why you should use OmniDB for your Postgres developments:
You can easily configure it by adding and removing connections, and leverage encrypted connections when remote connections are necessary.
Smart SQL editor helps you to write SQL codes through autocomplete and syntax highlighting features.
Add-on support available for debugging capabilities to PostgreSQL functions and procedures.
You can monitor the dashboard from customizable charts that show real-time information about your database.
Query plan visualization helps you find bottlenecks in your SQL queries.
It allows access from multiple computers with encrypted personal information.
Developers can add and share new features via plugins.
There are a couple of cons with OmniDB:
OmniDB lacks community support in comparison to pgAdmin and DBeaver. So, you might find it difficult to learn this tool, and could feel a bit alone when you face an issue.
It doesn’t have as many features as paid GUI tools like Navicat and DataGrip.
OmniDB users have favorable opinions about it, and you can download OmniDB for PostgreSQL from here.
OmniDB Pricing: Free (open source)
4. DataGrip
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DataGrip is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) that supports multiple database environments. The most important thing to note about DataGrip is that it’s developed by JetBrains, one of the leading brands for developing IDEs. If you have ever used PhpStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, you won’t need an introduction on how good JetBrains IDEs are.
There are many exciting features to like in the DataGrip PostgreSQL GUI:
The context-sensitive and schema-aware auto-complete feature suggests more relevant code completions.
It has a beautiful and customizable UI along with an intelligent query console that keeps track of all your activities so you won’t lose your work. Moreover, you can easily add, remove, edit, and clone data rows with its powerful editor.
There are many ways to navigate schema between tables, views, and procedures.
It can immediately detect bugs in your code and suggest the best options to fix them.
It has an advanced refactoring process – when you rename a variable or an object, it can resolve all references automatically.
DataGrip is not just a GUI tool for PostgreSQL, but a full-featured IDE that has features like version control systems.
There are a few cons in DataGrip:
The obvious issue is that it’s not native to PostgreSQL, so it lacks PostgreSQL-specific features. For example, it is not easy to debug errors as not all are able to be shown.
Not only DataGrip, but most JetBrains IDEs have a big learning curve making it a bit overwhelming for beginner developers.
It consumes a lot of resources, like RAM, from your system.
DataGrip supports a tremendous list of database management systems, including SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, Azure Database, DB2, H2, MariaDB, Cassandra, HyperSQL, Apache Derby, and many more.
DataGrip supports all three major operating systems, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. One of the downsides is that JetBrains products are comparatively costly. DataGrip has two different prices for organizations and individuals. DataGrip for Organizations will cost you $19.90/month, or $199 for the first year, $159 for the second year, and $119 for the third year onwards. The individual package will cost you $8.90/month, or $89 for the first year. You can test it out during the free 30 day trial period.
DataGrip Pricing
: $8.90/month to $199/year
5. Navicat
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Navicat is an easy-to-use graphical tool that targets both beginner and experienced developers. It supports several database systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. One of the special features of Navicat is its collaboration with cloud databases like Amazon Redshift, Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, and Huawei Cloud.
Important features of Navicat for Postgres include:
It has a very intuitive and fast UI. You can easily create and edit SQL statements with its visual SQL builder, and the powerful code auto-completion saves you a lot of time and helps you avoid mistakes.
Navicat has a powerful data modeling tool for visualizing database structures, making changes, and designing entire schemas from scratch. You can manipulate almost any database object visually through diagrams.
Navicat can run scheduled jobs and notify you via email when the job is done running.
Navicat is capable of synchronizing different data sources and schemas.
Navicat has an add-on feature (Navicat Cloud) that offers project-based team collaboration.
It establishes secure connections through SSH tunneling and SSL ensuring every connection is secure, stable, and reliable.
You can import and export data to diverse formats like Excel, Access, CSV, and more.
Despite all the good features, there are a few cons that you need to consider before buying Navicat:
The license is locked to a single platform. You need to buy different licenses for PostgreSQL and MySQL. Considering its heavy price, this is a bit difficult for a small company or a freelancer.
It has many features that will take some time for a newbie to get going.
You can use Navicat in Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and iOS environments. The quality of Navicat is endorsed by its world-popular clients, including Apple, Oracle, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Disney, and Adobe. Navicat comes in three editions called enterprise edition, standard edition, and non-commercial edition. Enterprise edition costs you $14.99/month up to $299 for a perpetual license, the standard edition is $9.99/month up to $199 for a perpetual license, and then the non-commercial edition costs $5.99/month up to $119 for its perpetual license. You can get full price details here, and download the Navicat trial version for 14 days from here.
Navicat Pricing
: $5.99/month up to $299/license
6. HeidiSQL
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HeidiSQL is a new addition to our best PostgreSQL GUI tools list in 2021. It is a lightweight, free open source GUI that helps you manage tables, logs and users, edit data, views, procedures and scheduled events, and is continuously enhanced by the active group of contributors. HeidiSQL was initially developed for MySQL, and later added support for MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite and MariaDB. Invented in 2002 by Ansgar Becker, HeidiSQL aims to be easy to learn and provide the simplest way to connect to a database, fire queries, and see what’s in a database.
Some of the advantages of HeidiSQL for PostgreSQL include:
Connects to multiple servers in one window.
Generates nice SQL-exports, and allows you to export from one server/database directly to another server/database.
Provides a comfortable grid to browse and edit table data, and perform bulk table edits such as move to database, change engine or ollation.
You can write queries with customizable syntax-highlighting and code-completion.
It has an active community helping to support other users and GUI improvements.
Allows you to find specific text in all tables of all databases on a single server, and optimize repair tables in a batch manner.
Provides a dialog for quick grid/data exports to Excel, HTML, JSON, PHP, even LaTeX.
There are a few cons to HeidiSQL:
Does not offer a procedural language debugger to help you debug your code.
Built for Windows, and currently only supports Windows (which is not a con for our Windors readers!)
HeidiSQL does have a lot of bugs, but the author is very attentive and active in addressing issues.
If HeidiSQL is right for you, you can download it here and follow updates on their GitHub page.
HeidiSQL Pricing: Free (open source)
Let’s summarize our top PostgreSQL GUI comparison. Almost everyone starts PostgreSQL with pgAdmin. It has great community support, and there are a lot of resources to help you if you face an issue. Usually, pgAdmin satisfies the needs of many developers to a great extent and thus, most developers do not look for other GUI tools. That’s why pgAdmin remains to be the most popular GUI tool.
If you are looking for an open source solution that has a better UI and visual editor, then DBeaver and OmniDB are great solutions for you. For users looking for a free lightweight GUI that supports multiple database types, HeidiSQL may be right for you. If you are looking for more features than what’s provided by an open source tool, and you’re ready to pay a good price for it, then Navicat and DataGrip are the best GUI products on the market.
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While I believe one of these tools should surely support your requirements, there are other popular GUI tools for PostgreSQL that you might like, including Valentina Studio, Adminer, DB visualizer, and SQL workbench. I hope this article will help you decide which GUI tool suits your needs.
Which Is The Best PostgreSQL GUI? 2019 Comparison
Here are the top PostgreSQL GUI tools covered in our previous 2019 post:
Original source: ScaleGrid Blog
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So, a master’s degree opens many extra options for candidates not only in remuneration however general growth as well. It helps college students to enhance learning and management abilities, technical abilities, complete abilities in addition to management expertise. A business analyst is accountable and accountable to the top administration itself. Business Analyst features in his own department however coordinate neck to neck with the gross sales, advertising, and manufacturing division. The Business Analytics specialization presents programs in the disciplines of Business and Data Analytics, Advanced Operations Research, and Enterprise Data Management, apart from introducing the coed to Big Data and AI and ML. Relevant talent units are imparted to the students by way of an appropriate blend of academic and experiential studying. Also, a solid basis is laid in the software of statistical strategies, methods, and instruments to massive datasets.
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Current day IT enabled organizations to generate large amounts of knowledge (often referred to as "Big Data") from transactions, enterprise interactions, social exchanges, and sensors. Such data supplies immense opportunity to make use of data to raise-run the business.
The program delivery will take place by way of a mixture of online and on-campus sessions. No, PAT does not promise a job, however, it helps the aspirants to construct the required potential wanted in touchdown a career.
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akathecentimetre · 4 years
Hey there, so I really like history as a subject, and I'm pretty good at it. The thing is, I don't know what my career options would be if I studied it, or if I would be able to make money. My parents are heavily discouraging me from taking it as a major. As a 'historian' in training' what's your take? Thank you
Hi there! Sorry for the delay, ‘tis the hectic season…
Oh man, I have so many thoughts for you. Full disclosure: this is something I have worked on a LOT over the course of my graduate career both at my uni and on a national level; most of my advice, however, comes from a PhD candidate’s perspective and may not be directly helpful to an undergraduate, and I should also emphasize that everything I can say on this is very firmly based on the U.S. market only. That being said, a lot of what I can say can be universally applied, so here we go - 
The number of history undergraduates in the U.S. has plummeted in the last decade or so, from it previously being one of the most popular majors. There are many interacting reasons for this: a changeover from older to younger, better-trained, energetic professors who draw in and retain students has been very slow to occur, partly because of a lack of a mandatory retirement age; the humanities have been systematically demonized and minimized in favor of the development of STEM subjects, to the occasional benefit of students of color and women but to the detriment of critical public discourse and historical perspective on current events; with many liberal arts colleges going under financially and the enormous expansion of academic bureaucracy everywhere, resources are definitely being diverted away from social and human studies towards fields which are perceived to pay better or perceived, as mentioned in the article above, as being more ‘practical.’ (We do need a ton more healthcare workers/specialists, but that’s a different conversation to have.) But now I feel like quoting a certain Jedi Master: everything your parents say is wrong. Let’s dive into why being a historian is a positive thing for you both as a person and as a professional - 
You will be a good reader. As you learn to decipher documents and efficiently and thoroughly read secondary literature, you will develop a particular talent for understanding what is important about any piece of writing or evidence (and this can go for visual and aural evidence as well). This will serve you well in any position in which you are collecting/collating information and reporting to colleagues or superiors, and evaluating the worth of resources. Specific example - editorial staff at publishing houses either private or academic, magazines, etc. 
You will be a good writer. This will get you a good job at tons of places; don’t underestimate it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been astonished (not in a punitive way, of course, but definitely with a sense of befuddlement) by how badly some of my Ivy-league students can write. Good writing is hard, good writing is rare, and good writing is a breath of fresh air to any employer who puts a high premium upon it in their staff. History in principle is the study of change; history in practice is presenting information in a logical, interesting, and persuasive manner. Any sort of institution which asks you to write reports, summaries, copy, etc. etc. will appreciate your skills. 
You will be a good researcher. This sounds like a given, but it’s an underappreciated and vital skill. Historians work as consultants. Historians work in government - almost every department has an Office of the Historian - and in companies, writing company histories and maintaining institutional archives. A strong research profile will also serve you well if you want to go on to work in museum studies and in libraries public or private/academic. As a historian, you will know not just where to find information, but what questions you have to ask to get to the answer of how to tackle, deconstruct, and solve a problem. This is relevant to almost any career path. 
You will provide perspective. Historians react to current events in newspapers and online - not just on politics, but culture as well (my favorite article of this week is about the historicity of The Aeronauts). Historians act as expert witnesses in court proceedings. Historians write books, good books, not just meant for academic audiences but for millions upon millions of readers who need thoughtful, intelligent respite from the present. Historians work for thinktanks, providing policy analysis and development (a colleague of mine is an expert on current events of war in Mali and works for multiple thinktanks and organizations because of it). Historians work for nonprofits or lobbying groups on issues of poverty, environmental safety, climate change, and minority and indigenous rights. In a world when Texas school textbooks push the states’ rights narrative, historians remind us that the Civil War was about slavery. Historians remind us that women and people of color have always existed. In this time and world where STEM subjects are (supposedly) flooding the job market, we need careful historical perspective more than ever. We need useful reactions to the 2016 election, to the immigration travesties on display at the southern border, to the strengthening of right-wing parties in Europe - and history classes, or thoughtfully historical classes on philosophy and political science, are one of the few places STEM and business students gain the basic ability to participate in those conversations. [One of my brightest and most wonderful students from last year, just to provide an anecdote, is an astrophysics major who complained to me in a friendly conversation this semester that she never got the chance to talk about ‘deep’ things anymore once she had passed through our uni’s centralized general curriculum, which has a heavy focus on humanities subjects.]
You will be an educator. Teaching is a profession which has myriad challenges in and of itself, but in my experience of working with educators there is a desperate need for secondary-school teachers in particular to have actual content training in history as opposed to simply being pushed into classrooms with degrees which focus only on pedagogical technique. If teaching is a vocation you are actually interested in, getting a history degree is not a bad place to start at all. And elementary/high schools aside, you will be teaching someone something in every interaction you have concerning your subject of choice. Social media is a really important venue now for historians to get their work out into the world and correct misconceptions in the public sphere, and is a place where you can hone a public and instructive voice. You could also be involved in educational policy, assessment/test development (my husband’s field, with a PhD in History from NYU), or educational activism. 
If some of this sounds kind of woolly and abstract, that’s because it is. Putting yourself out there on the job market is literally a marketing game, and it can feel really silly to take your experience of 'Two years of being a Teaching Assistant for European History 1500-1750’ and mutate it to 'Facilitated group discussions, evaluated written work from students [clients], and ran content training sessions on complex subjects.’ But this sort of translation is just another skill - one that can be learned, improved, and manipulated to whatever situation you need it to fit.
Will you make money? That’s a question only you can answer, because only you know what you think is enough money. That being said, many of the types of careers I’ve mentioned already are not low-paying; in my experience expertise is, if you find the right workplace and the rewarding path, usually pretty well-remunerated. 
Specific advice? Hone your craft. Curate an active public presence as a historian, an expert, a patient teacher, and as as person enthusiastic about your subject. Read everything and anything. Acknowledge and insist upon complexity, and celebrate it when you can. 
And finally - will any of what I’ve said here make it easy? No, because no job search and no university experience is easy these days. It’s a crazy world and there are a lot of awful companies, bosses, and projects out there. But I do very firmly believe that you can find something, somewhere, that will suit your skills, and, hopefully, your passions too. 
Resources for you: the American Historical Association has a breakdown of their skills-based approach to the job market, reports on the job market(s) for history PhDs collectively called ‘Where Historians Work,’ and a mentorship program, Career Contacts, which could connect you with professional historians in various workplaces. There is a very active community of historians on Twitter; search for #twitterstorians. For historians who identify as female, Women Also Know History is a newer site which collates #herstorian bios and publications to make it easier for journalists to contact them for expert opinions. ImaginePhD provides career development tools and exercises for graduate students, but could probably be applied to undergrads as well. The Gilder Lehrman Institute is one of the premier nonprofits which develops and promotes historical training for secondary school teachers and classroom resources (U.S. history only). Job listings are available via the AHA, the National Council on Public History, and the IHE, as well as the usual job sites. And there’s an awful lot more out there, of course - anyone who reads or reblogs this post is welcome to add field-specific or resource-specific info. 
I hope this helps, Anon, or at least provides you with a way to argue in favor of it to your parents if it comes to that. Chin up!
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