camelottree638 · 1 year
A tribute to Avalor's sibling pairs Elena and Isabel, Elena and Esteban, Marisa and Marzel, as well as Carla and Mateo.
In the end they help each other take care of their nieces: Elena with Carlotta, Isa with Anita and Carla and Mateo with Victoria and Anita.
Thank you very much to Laura Schiller for the song suggestion and her fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44208661 Cora and Marisa as a couple with a daughter is invented by @ameliathefatcat.
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a-lilacsong · 2 years
Do you think Carla and Marzel (Carzel) is a good ship?
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 Thank you for being so patient with me, anonymous, I shall finally provide you with an answer.
TLDR; It's a nice ship, they seem like they'd be cute together, I ship it mildly. But I would not accept any version of the ship that forces Carla to permanently become a sirena for the relationship to function.
 Personality wise, they match up pretty well. Marzel can be pretty stubborn and doesn't know a lot about land yet, but he's curious and willing to learn, he’s also fairly heroic and caring. Same with Carla, although I would say she's a tad more chaotic than he is, but that's only because she spent most of the series as an antagonist. Both of them have a similar sense of humor, which is always good for a relationship, and their color schemes go well together, so aesthetically they work too.
 The one problem I have with this ship is that some people insist Carla would have to permanently become a sirena, like Marzel's mother did, if they wanted to truly be together. That is absolutely ridiculous and frankly, it's a very unfair power dynamic.*
 Marzel can walk on land as well as swim in the water, so he doesn't even need to permanently stay in the water. The magic kelp is easy to get access to and allows humans to breathe underwater just fine. Even if they can't wear it for long term, we've seen plenty of different things in the show that cause temporary shape shifting. The Amulet of Avalor was able to transform Sofia into a mermaid whenever she wanted. Yes, I know the amulet is unique, but now with access to the crystal well they could definitely make something similar. Mateo is able to turn humans into jaquins temporarily for goodness sake.
 There are so many things that Carla loves on land that she wouldn't be able to do anymore if she was turned permanently into a sirena, like dancing and cooking (and they're her only canonical hobbies besides doing crime and sitting waiting for things)! Plus, it would be much harder to see her father and land friends.
 What if her and Marzel's relationship didn't work out? Then she'd be stuck all alone underwater and she'd be miserable. I don't think she'd take that kind of risk considering what happened with her own parents. So yes, I believe the relationship could work, but only if she wasn't turned permanently into a sirena.
*[It seems kind of fishy that some people automatically expect Carla to give up her life on land for this relationship, while no one has said that Marzel should give up his life underwater to be in a relationship with her. And don't say it's just because he needs to take the throne because his sister is just as capable of ruling as he is.]
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lostbutterflyutau · 2 years
What do you think of Carzel (Carla x Marzel)?
Honestly, I don’t have an opinion either way. I don’t personally ship them myself, but I don’t hate it. Ship and let ship, I say.
For me, Marzel just wasn’t a character I attached to, so I have a hard time thinking about him with anyone in my own writing. And with Carla, because she has no real canon interaction with anyone who could be considered a love interest, I prefer to just keep her single. I already made a mistake with her once, and I’m hoping that keeping romance out of her story will make my work more accepted by and palatable to the fanbase.
HOWEVER, I am glad that others do see romance for her and want her to be happy. Because she deserves it.
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momapatchwork · 2 years
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先日、webマガジンのMARZELさんがMOMAにインタビューしてくれたんです♡ 嬉し恥ずかし😳 先に謝っとく! 調子に乗ってごめんなさい😝🙏 みんなお時間があれば読んで下さい♡ https://marzel.jp/fashion/202205065035/ #Repost @marzel.jp with @make_repost ・・・ 「私の原点はアメリカ村!」。<モマパッチワーク>のモマさんに聞く、地球に優しいモノ作りとご自身のファッションのこと。 アメリカ古着やヴィンテージのファブリックをベースに、国内外の素材をミクスチャーして新たなプロダクトを生み出す<モマパッチワーク>のモマさん。くりんくりんのアフロヘアと個性溢れるファッションが印象的な彼女が手がける作品には、さまざまな色や柄が散りばめられ、眺めているだけでハッピーな気分になれます。ストリートの全盛期といわれる90年代後半にアメ村の古着屋で働いていたモマさんは、生粋の古着っ子であると同時に、海外での暮らしを経た今も「大阪が一番!」と豪語する大阪大好きっ子。今回は、<モマパッチワーク>としての活動やご自身のファッション、そして当時のアメ村のことについて伺いました。チャーミングな笑顔と明るい人柄に、惹き込まれてしまうこと間違いなしです!   詳しくは @marzel.jp からCHECK🧸🧸 Thank you! @momapatchwork #モマパッチワーク #momapatchwork #モマ #ターバン #エプロン #リメイク #ヴィンテージ #古着 #大阪古着 #アメリカ村 #アメ村 #マーゼル #marzel https://www.instagram.com/p/CdPTtV0vP3c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carrinth · 6 months
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I'm sure it's fanon that the Warden-Commander must make the most random non-sequitur comments about their Origins Love Interest during Awakening or what's the point???
Marzel missing his witchy lover. Everyone then played 'Shape-shifted mage' or 'Actual Giant Spider WTF Commander'.
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locitapurplepink · 6 months
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Some my favorite scenes of sofia the first and elena of avalor gifs that I've been edited so far Part 6
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thewild78 · 6 months
I never fffffrickin posted this >:(
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g/t people come get yo juice
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colucana · 3 months
Oc’s Doodles!!! :3
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Been having fun doodling, helps me develop them :3
From left to right
Digit and Marzell Aka the guy who almost killed father Orsi while possessed by an elf and my gay fish truly i don’t know how it happened but enjoy :3
Deryn’s voice i’ve only had Macaroni for a day and a half but if anything happens to her i’ll kill everyone in this continent and then myself (Kaiser easteregg >:3) (yes there are giant bees on clovers fauna, maine coon size)
Lil Remy and Mimosa, they beans.
Alary used to help her grandpa with harvesting and mowing, she likes shaping plants into scythes or other familiar tools.
Listen, had Mar meet Lutea during the elf battle, his gay ass would almost get him killed because 1) Shiny and 2) Respectfully admiring the sudden surge of power (one’s gotta respect the power!).
More info on
Remy — Alary — Deryn and Marzell
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jezyan · 1 year
1E for Marisa and 5A for Marzel. Like Marisa is teasing her brother over a crush or something
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really enjoyed drawing these two! thanks for the request anon! ^o^/
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foxchainships · 4 months
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Request for glorytoukraine2022
If you want me to draw your favorite ship, send over a DM :)
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rcyaledits · 2 months
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HE'S AS STILL AS A TEMPEST. --  「 endless edits of marzell.   *ੈ✩‧₊˚   mutuals & partners may reblog / personals do not interact. 」
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glorytoukraine2022 · 1 year
Unpopular ships with Elena
This poll might seem kind of strange, but I am genuinely curious to know who the people that ship Elena with anybody that isn’t Gabe, Mateo or Naomi are. I am well aware of the shipping preferences of most of my followers, but if any of you ship Elena with somebody outside of her main friend group or if there is anybody please answer the poll and leave a comment talking about why you like your ship in the comments below. I am genuinely interesting in what you have to say!
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starsspin · 1 year
but this is a very quick starter call, starters will be kept short. pls specify a muse
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notmoreflippingelves · 6 months
It's really a shame that I've only really seen Valentina shipped with Prince Alonso or (more occasionally) with Elena. Don't get me wrong, those are nice enough ships. But oh my god, I cannot be the only person who sees that the Shining Light of Paraiso™ goes perfectly in every possible ship I can think of.
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wornkindness · 2 months
i know i talk a lot about how well amelia, roman and marzell all get along. and they do, they are all very close but they can and do irritate the hell out of each other just for funsies. also amelia is the youngest sibling / cousin so she is absolutely the worst when it comes to doing this
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carrinth · 9 months
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The (literal) virgin Warden vs chad Warden-Commander.
My initial experience going from Origins to Awakening. 😎 Oh I'm sure I'll get my butt handed to me as I progress further but for now I'm savoring my OP-ness.
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