#marty the rabbit boy
rollingaroundin-bread · 2 months
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Phineas and Ferb/Milo Murphy's law doodle pages from my notebooks :)
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Marty the Rabbit Boy vs. Ferbots
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ferbracket · 11 months
Ultimate Phineas Bracket!
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Tried to see if I could blend my soup to the tune of dance baby today
Resulted in really nice soup and gave me an opportunity to live my best marty the rabbit boy and his musical blender life
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dr-dilfenshmirtz · 10 months
hot take: marty the rabbit boy was the result of an owca agent defecting to marry their nemesis
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weeklycandacedrawings · 10 months
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I would love to know how and why Candace learned to play all these instruments beginning with the letter "B". Canonically, Candace is able to play the bass, the bassoon, the bugle, the bongos, the bagpipe, the balalaika (not pictured), and the banjo (also not pictured). However, she doesn't know how to play the blender (only Marty the Rabbit Boy can do that).
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lesbianjennybrown · 9 months
Is it like a Tumblr thing to say that Marty the rabbit boy and his musical blender is a two person act or what?
Cause in Flop Starz candace SPECIFICALLY says “I should have taken blender lessons” which means the blender is a musical instrument
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fancyson · 6 months
i think if i ran into marty the rabbit boy and his musical blender at the store i would fangirl out
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knickynoo · 1 year
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s01ep04 "Witchcraft"
Previous episodes linked HERE.
I'm really getting into a groove with watching and posting about these episodes. My brain hardly ever hurts anymore. I am becoming desensitized to the nonsense.
In this episode: an extremely out of character Marty proves why he shouldn't be left without adult supervision ever.
First things first: Some quality time with Real Doc. He's talking about the Salem witch trials and how a lot of scientific principles back then were seen as magic. As he's passionately teaching about the topic, he accidentally puts his fingers into a mysterious, burning hot beaker of liquid.
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I like that Doc is such a brilliant man, yet at the same time, he is. Like this. <3
As he continues his story, he says that he and Marty learned about the witch trials the hard way. (Yay, we get to see Marty! We haven't spent longer than 10 seconds with him in the last 2 episodes.)
We begin with Marty walking through town with a friend named Liz. He's super bummed because he got a C- on a music appreciation test. He crushes up the test into a little ball and throws it away, then catches sight of Jennifer talking to a popular jock and is told by Liz that Jen and Kelp (the jock) are going on a date Saturday night. Marty loses his mind. Here he is confronting a guy who could pick him up and throw him halfway across the country with little to no effort.
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Marty yells at the guy to leave Jennifer alone, "or else I'll cut ya down to size."
"Whose size, McFly? Yours or a normal person's?" replies Kelp. Oooohhh, burn.
Fun fact: this episode gives us the first-ever mention of Marty's middle name! (because Jennifer angrily says his full name after he interrupts her conversation with Kelp) Prior to this, the only mention of a middle name for him is in the original draft for BTTF part II, where it's revealed to be "Hopkins"—after the Mark Hopkins hotel where he was conceived.
I'm quite glad we ended up with Martin Seamus instead. I know that Hopkins is a real name and all, but I just cannot read it without picturing a bunny rabbit. It's the "Hop" part, for sure. I can't help it.
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Marty accuses Jennifer of cheating on him and forbids her to talk to him, not even allowing her to explain her side of the story. And this is where Marty's cartoon character takes his first step away from what I'd consider to be "our" Marty's characterization. I know he's impulsive and hot-headed, but I don't think that movie Marty would be as quick to jump to the conclusion that Jennifer is cheating on him.
Jennifer is not happy, and she pushes him into a nearby fountain.
Real Doc then momentarily interrupts the scene to mention what was going on with him, Clara, and the boys while Marty was busy being weird. We go back to the cartoon and find ourselves in ancient Egypt, where the family is attempting a hasty escape after Verne angered the locals by placing a giant pair of Groucho Marx glasses on the Sphinx. Just as they're about to take off, a spear is thrown at the train, damaging the flux capacitor. As the smoke from the explosion clears, we get another surprise visit from Real Doc! He should interject in these stories more often. I'll include a gif because I love how wild and prone to flailing he is in these live-action segments. He's unhinged. It's delightful.
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Meanwhile, Marty is sullenly riding his hoverboard around Hill Valley, lamenting the tragic state of his life. He's just. On the hoverboard in broad daylight. He is not making good choices today.
As he rides, he also whips out a harmonica to play some blues tunes. And while I disapprove of the dangerous hoverboard usage, I DO approve of Marty knowing how to play the harmonica. I especially approve of him playing it when he's sad and have now crafted a headcanon where our "real" Marty plays it while he skateboards around town sometimes, prompting very bewildered stares from the townfolk and comments of, "Was that kid who just whizzed by playing the blues on a harmonica?"
Anyway, as much as Marty's interaction with Jen falls into the "Not Marty Behavior" category, what happens to him next is firmly in the "Very Marty Behavior" one. In his highly distracted and agitated state, he flies the hoverboard straight into a tree branch, gets spun around said branch like a hundred times, then gets catapulted through the air, across the entire Brown house property, and into Doc's garage.
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LEFT: That unidentifiable circular blur is none other than our dear Marty. He is being whirled around the branch at an alarmingly high rate of speed. RIGHT: Marty sailing headfirst through the wooden door of Doc's garage.
After somewhat composing himself, a tiny mail truck-looking vehicle appears in the garage and delivers a letter to Marty. The letter contains a "scratch and listen" postcard, in which Doc informs Marty via a pre-recorded message that the malfunction with the flux capacitor has landed him and the family in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. He asks Marty to bring the DeLorean and a spare flux capacitor over to the designated time to help him at once. There's a funny moment here where Marty says to Einstein, "Okay, Einie, we'll take off right after I comb my hair," to which Postcard Message Doc yells, "I SAID AT ONCE!" (recorded messages, tv shows, radio stations, etc "replying" back to something someone has said is one of those tropes that always gets me lol)
Marty and Einie leave immediately for Salem, and upon arriving, Marty is too busy looking at a map to see where he's driving, and the DeLorean crashes straight into a lake and sinks. As Marty is flipping out, preparing for their inevitable demise, Einstein activates the car's floatation device and saves them. Good boy, Einstein. Marty meets up with Doc, and they stop to hear someone giving a speech about being able to detect witches by their "speaking in strange tongues, " having "convulsive fits," and "making devil's music." Remember this for a little later on.
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I like how Einstein is wearing a hat, too.
We meet one of Biff's relatives, Goodman Tannen, and learn that Doc and the fam have been living there for a month. (It took that time for him to analyze the damaged train and build the time-traveling mail truck) Later in the evening, Clara, Marty, Einie, and the boys attend the town social while Doc stays back to work on the train repairs.
While there, Marty wanders away from Clara and is left unsupervised (never a good thing) and gets himself into trouble. He's approached by a flirtatious girl named Mercy, at which point Marty just. Goes absolutely off the rails. He starts moonwalking and twirling around and howling and calling to her and cannot control himself.
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*slaps this in the NOT MARTY BEHAVIOR column*
What is happening here?
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Naturally, Marty is assumed to be experiencing convulsive fits. And, I mean...yeah. Understandable. Mercy then asks Marty to take a walk with her, but he soon discovers that Mercy is Goodman Tannen's daughter, so he turns her down. Mercy is not happy at being told no. She tells her father that Marty made inappropriate advances toward her and spoke in tongues. Goodman is outraged.
Outside, Marty is playing his harmonica, which only makes things worse for him, as the music is considered by the citizens to be the result of dark influences. Marty is accused of being a witch and promptly dragged away by an angry mob. He's put on trial the next day, unanimously declared to be guilty, and sentenced to the water test.
Thankfully, Doc and the gang come up with a plan, using the DeLorean's underwater feature. After Marty is thrown into the lake, Doc rescues him in the car without any of the town's people seeing. They assume that Marty has drowned��thus, making him innocent. They're saddened at having condemned an innocent boy (except for Goodman, of course).
After arriving safely back in the present, Marty goes to apologize to Jennifer. Being wrongly accused of witchcraft has taught him the very valuable lesson of not jumping to conclusions. It turns out Jennifer wasn't going on a date with Kelp; she was just tutoring him. They hug and make up.
Back at Real Doc's lab, we learn a bit about water pressure and how it increases with depth. Doc delights us with a demonstration during which he makes some great faces.
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And that's the end of our episode! I hope Marty is more Marty-like next time. I never want to see him howling at a woman again, thanks. But I did like the scene where he got spun around the tree. Also a good amount of Real Doc content in this one! He's fun. He's a fun guy. Good ol' zany Doctor Brown.
Join me next time to see Doc get thrown to the lions in ancient Rome.
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cheese-in-space · 8 days
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Sorry for refusing to leave your inbox right now but this is literally you. (Marty the Rabbit Boy and his musical blender from Phineas and Ferb)
Oh my stars!!!! Literally me!!!!!!
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floydsmuse · 5 months
Meggy, might I present some thoughts about Bob Floyd and his family?? Be warned, kitchen shenanigans can and will ensue and I promise I will have some new Calvin thoughts/thots coming soon (lol).
Bob, his dad, Joe Floyd, and his brothers all have this hilarious dynamic where they give each other the worst amount of shit possible. Bob is a total sweetheart with his mom, you and his sisters, but with the men in the family? All bets are off.
Michael, his oldest brother is a police officer who's seen some seriously crazy shit on the job. It was the morning after your wedding when Bob woke up a little hungover with his hair sticking up at weird angles and looking like utter hell and the first words out of Michael were "oh my God you look scarier than that crackhead I arrested two weeks ago." (lol).
Sean is a firefighter who has also seen some crazy shit on the job. Funniest call he ever got was a fire at a house on a college campus and he was on the radio, manning the hose coming from the truck when a drunken frat boy jumped buck-naked from the top window and landed on top of the firetruck (lol).
Liam is a physical therapist who works with disabled veterans which is how he met his wife. Liam's wife lost part of her leg when she was in Afghanistan but the two of them have run together in marathons all over the US, including Boston. Alot of the prize money that Liam and his wife have won has gone to helping disabled military and first responders.
Then there's Eugene. Eugene's a bit of a dork but he's unbelievably street smart when it comes to running a business. And when it comes to his brothers giving him shit?? He's got a tongue sharper than a razor (lol).
"Hey Eugene, nice wig what's it made of?"
When they're all with Mom or Meemaw, these boys are sweet as pie, but if it's Dad and Papa??? DO NOT.....I REPEAT........DO NOT LEAVE THESE ALIEN ASSHATS ALONE FOR MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES!!!!!
It all started with Thanksgiving kitchen shenanigans. You were out with Bob's Mom, Irene, and Marty, his Meemaw, getting last minute groceries when Irene's phone suddenly blew up with pictures of Bob, Joe and the boys engaging in some pretty stupid kitchen shenanigans. Beer was involved and Joe ended up accidentally slicing his finger to which Irene could only groan, "I'm gonna fuckin kill them when we get home" (lol).
Getting the tree for Christmas was no easy feat either. At the tree lot they had found the perfect tree, nice and full, tall and just absolutely gorgeous. Joe looked around at the boys and was like "did either of you numbskulls bring a saw?" The looks on their faces said it all and it left them having to literally dig the tree out of the ground, roots and all and drive home with it strapped to the top of the truck. When they got home, they drew straws to see who was gonna have to cut the stump and needless to say Bob ended up having to do it. He ended up coming out in a Jason mask from Halloween and scared the shit out of the neighbors (lol, if you've ever seen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, you'll get the reference, if not it's all good).
Joe's also had a rather colorful Navy piloting career and goes by many nicknames (Foul Mouth Floyd is always a favorite, because the man has no filter, lol) but none are more well known than his callsign, "Rabbit". Mav and Ice used to be members in his unit and were dumbfounded that he and Irene had as many kiddos as they did with Bob being the youngest (eight total and Joe was the seventh of thirteen, the men in the family clearly have out of control breeding kinks and Bob clearly inherited that gene, lol).
Meggy there's so much more I could add to this but I just can't for I am in the silliest of moods and this just randomly waltzed in like it owned the place (lol).
Mary! yes absolutely! please indulge me with some much needed Bob thoughts 🥰 i can’t wait to read these & future Calvin ones too :))
~ haha aw! Bobby being the sweetest to you, his mama & sisters doesn’t surprise me in the slightest! i picture him always going out of his way for all of you & could see the women in his life being a top priority for him :,) also Bob having a completely different dynamic with the men vs the women in his family is so funny to me & just makes sense!!
~ ooh! i love these little backgrounds for each of Bob’s brothers! the part with Bob on his wedding day & Michael telling him he looks scarier than one of the crackheads he saw on duty is hilarious & made me laugh out loud! 😭
"Hey Eugene, nice wig what's it made of?"
~ this part !! haha! i love that they joke around with each other & i couldn’t even imagine all of the unhinged & crazy stuff that has gone on between all of them, especially when they were growing up🤣 not the kitchen shenanigans!!! ahh i’m just trying to picture this scenario in my head & it’s just great! Irene being done with the boys is such a mood!!
~ aww the part with the Christmas tree😅 not them forgetting a saw & having to fight over who’s gonna cut the stump!! poor Bobby losing the draw & having to do it himself! but the reference to Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is awesome! i love it! foul mouth Floyd!! that’s so good haha! that’s a perfect nickname for someone who doesn’t have a filter!! rabbit being Joe’s callsign & him having been in the same unit as Mav & Ice is great too!! the breeding kink! yesss!🫠 Bob’s breeding kink goes crazy, i just know it! he loves seeing you all full of him & carrying around his baby within your swollen belly. my god!!! i’m unwell thinking about this right now !!
Mary thank you for these wonderful Bob thoughts! i’m sorry i didn’t contribute much, but these were perfect & they made me laugh! i loved reading them! merry christmas eve my love❤️💚
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rollingaroundin-bread · 4 months
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Waiting for requests, drew Marty the rabbit boy :)
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Marty the Rabbit Boy vs. Planty the Potted Plant
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ferbracket · 11 months
Ultimate Phineas Bracket!
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sugarpopss · 2 years
Chasing Frogs is a Dangerous Thing
Warnings: implied child abuse, semi-explicit child abuse, implied child neglect, swearing
November 9th, 1982
Bo spent the entire bus ride back to Ambrose stewing. 
He was pissed that he and Vincent are stuck on the after-school sports bus with all of the asshole basketball kids, pissed about the detention that he had to stay after school far, which then nessiciated the riding of the sports bus. He was pissed that stupid Marty Waters barely got a scolding for spreading those bullshit rumors, but Bo didn’t even hit him and still got written up for ‘inappropriate language’. He was pissed that his folks were gonna blow a gasket when the school called, if they hadn’t already. 
But he wasn’t scared. 
No, Bo didn’t get scared anymore. He learned to push down that feeling years ago. It felt better to be angry than it does to be scared, and he didn’t have the time to be scared, anyway; not when he’s got shit to do. Not when he’s got brothers to protect-Vincent from the asshole kids at school and Lester from their asshole parents-and homework to finish and yelling to drown out and almost-teenage boy shenanigans to get up to. He was busy, dammit. 
The bus stopped in the middle of Main Street. Bo and Vincent were the last off, lingering behind the rest of the rowdy, whooping middle schoolers. They immediately broke off from the group and started up Main Street. The Sinclair house sat tall and imposing across from the House Of Wax, practically looming over Ambrose. Looming over Bo, at least.
There was no Dad marching down the sidewalk towards them, which Bo took as a good thing. That meant the school hadn’t called yet, or at least if they did, no one picked up the phone. Thank god. He hated it when Dad got angry enough to ‘discipline’ him in public. It didn’t happen often, because people stared and sometimes attempted to intervene, quiet suggestions of “I don’t think you need to grab him around like that, Victor.” and “Boys that age swear sometimes, you shouldn’t get to upset about it, Mr. Sinclair.” 
Dad hated that too, though; people meddling in his family's private business, talking like they know anything about anything at all. Bo hated that, too, but in a different way. He didn’t mind Mrs. Allistor gently telling Dad off in the grocery store, or when last years gym teacher noticed his raw ankles and asked if ‘everything was okay at home’. A small, secret part of him found comfort in it, in the knowledge that there were a few people in town who gave even a fraction of a shit about him. 
It’s the other kids that really made him steam. 
Vincent tapped him on the elbow before he could fall too far down that rabbit hole. He could always tell when Bo is going into that blazing, violent place in his mind. Sometimes he could even pull him out of it. 
Probably 20 yards from the house, something burst out from the woodline, filthy and grinning and running at full speed. 
“HEY!” Lester shouted, sprinting up to his brothers like there was a fire under his ass. He just barely stopped himself from slamming into Vincent, then began to ramble a mile a minute in that way small children love to do. 
“On the bus Andy Beamer asked me if I wanted to go down to the creek with him and I did so we went and we caught frogs and I had this frog in my hand and it jumped out and landed on Andy’s chest and he screamed then it hopped away but I chased it and went over this log but I tried to jump and I fell and I got mud in my mouth and Andy laughed at me but then he had to go home so I came home but I saw these worms and-”
“Lester!” Bo exclaimed, cutting him off. God, he loved him to death but that kid could talk. 
Lester stared at him with huge brown puppy dog eyes. Bo sighed through his nose. 
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah! Why?” 
Lester looked at the twins like he hadn’t just told them he’d gone ass over kettle in the creek. Bo looked at Vincent, just to make sure that they were on the same page, but Vincent was zeroed in on Lester's bulging corduroy pocket. Come to think of it, that pocket did seem a bit odd. 
“Are there worms in your pocket?”
“There are!” Lester yelled, ratcheting up the volume again. “That’s what I wanted to tell you guys! I found these cool worms in the woods!” 
Lester plunged his hand into his pocket and pulled out a handful of squirming, wriggling tan worms. Bo thought they just looked like regular old earthworms, probably washed up by the recent bout of rain. One look at Lesters excited grin, though, and he couldn’t stop himself from playing along. 
“Those are cool, Les. You found ‘em in the woods?” Lester was always finding things in the woods, bones and bugs and snakes and old coke bottles. 
“I did! They look like earthworms but I don’t think they are! Guess why? Because I found them all huddled together! Isn’t that weird?” 
“It is.” Bo found himself leaning closer to look at the worms, and saw Vincent doing the same in his peripheral vision. Lester’s excitement was contagious.
Vincent pulled back from the worms and hiked his backpack further up on his shoulder. One look at him told Bo they were thinking the same thing. 
“You can’t take those inside. You have to let them go.” Vincent said. 
“I thought I could maybe keep one as a pet, or maybe two so it won’t be lonely. But I don’t think worms get lonely because Andy said his older sister said that worms don’t think and so they can’t get lonely.”
Bo, admittedly not an expert on earthworm psychology, thought that sounded pretty solid.
“Lonely or not, Mom will have a cow if she catches you with those. They’ve gotta go.” A big part of protecting his siblings was getting them to maintain a low profile. Coming home covered in mud and sporting pet worms were not a part of that low profile. 
Lester’s face fell. Bo felt guilt creeping up his throat. He’s a little kid! He should be allowed to do gross little kid stuff! 
Vincent tapped Lester’s wrist to get his attention. “You could put them in Mom’s garden. That’s kind of like having a pet that lives outside.”  
Lester immediately brightened again. “I could!” He turned and raced the rest of the way to the house. Bo could see him crouched where the petunias bloom in the springtime, gently releasing the worms. 
Vincent shrugged and started towards the house. Bo watched Lester in the garden for another moment, then followed. 
“Come on, Les!” Bo called. “I’ll hose you off. You stink like frog shit.” They all knew that if Lester tracked mud all over the wood floors, it wouldn’t matter that he’d put worms down. 
Vincent held out his hand for Bo’s backpack, then headed inside. Bo went around to the side yard, Lester trailing behind him. 
Lester started talking again as Bo turned on the hose and let the water spurt over his hand. 
“I heard too that when you cut a worm in half it grows into two worms! Isn’t that cool? I don’t know if it’s true, though, because I guess that means that one worm doesn’t have a face. I wouldn’t cut a worm in half ever, even if someone told me to.”
“Take off your shirt.” Bo said, turning the hose on his brother. “And flip down, lemme get the shit out of your hair.” 
“It’s gonna be cold!” Lester whined, breaking out the puppy dog eyes again. Bo rolled his. 
“You can wear my jacket if you want, just come here.” 
That seemed to do it. Lester pulled his mud soaked shirt off and stepped forward, eyes and mouth shut tightly as he bent under the spray. 
When Lester was decently clean and the water was turned off, Bo made to pull his sweatshirt off. It really wasn’t that cold, but Lester was wet and Bo had promised. Just as he was pulling it over his head, a scream that could shatter glass sounded from across the yard. 
“Oh my God!” Trudy shrieked, dashing to Lester and grabbing him by the shoulders. “What’s going on here? Where’s your shirt? Why are you wet?” 
She released Lester and rounded on Bo. Of course she did. Bo felt the anger he’d been stewing in since 2pm begin to lick up the back of his throat. He wasn’t scared, he was angry. He wasn’t scared. 
“What the hell are you doing?! Are you trying to give him hypothermia? What the fuck is wrong with you?!” she screamed. Bo set his jaw and took it. This was the routine. 
“I fell in the creek with Andy-” Lester began in a small voice. Trudy silenced him with a vague wave of her hand. 
“Be quiet. Beauregard, do you think this is fucking funny?” Bo knew that questions were a trap when Mom was angry. Answer and get hit for talking back, be quiet and get hit for ignoring her. 
Trudy didn’t give him a chance to respond either. She grabbed him by the bicep and began tugging him back around the front of the house.
“God, you’re in for it. Wait until your father hears about this, I swear! I work so hard, I leave to create fucking art and this is what I get!” 
As Bo was pulled through the yard, he turned and saw Lester, holding his balled up, dirty shirt. When they passed through the front door and living room he saw Vincent, standing on the stairs, holding a clean towel. He’d get Lester, and they’d both be okay. 
Bo set his jaw, tuned out Trudy’s soprano screaming, and was pulled into the kitchen. 
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ectojester · 4 months
End of the year tag game from @cheriboms. Ignore the fact that it's technically the 1st.
1. How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
Probably at least 5
2. Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what!
Yeah! I got a patch for my jacket, Marty in his DEVO radiation suit with the caption "Darth Vader. I am an extraterrestrial from the planet Vulcan!"
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3. How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
Zero. Tbh I didnt know they still made them
4. What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year?
Probably little stuff (the sweet and the sour) wherein Linda notices some similarities between Marty and her parents' high school friend.
5. A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year?
Either this awesome comic by @future-boi or this painting by @slowmotionmovesme that I have saved to my notes and just stare at sometimes.
6. Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did which one are you proudest of?
Aside from doodles on my school assignments, no
7. How many times were you late for school this year?
Probably like 3 times :)
8. Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
Clue, Who Framed Rodger Rabbit, Addams Family, Anastasia (Christopher Lloyd is in a lot of stuff), Family Ties, Elf, and Freaky Friday
9. Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
One day while cleaning I just decided to listen to Back in Time on loop
10. How many times did you fall down this year?
Oh idk like 20 at the very least. I went on a night hike in the snow last month. It was steep and my boots were not great.
11. Did you see BTTF the Musical? What was your experience like?
No :( I did seriously consider buying tickets to go to London, but I'd have to borrow the money for it lol. One day...
12. How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
None, that I know of. Don't really know what she gets up to these days 🤔 I think my dad mentioned it once or twice though.
13. If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
"Say whatever's natural, the first thing that comes into your mind."
"Nothing's coming to my mind!"
Mood, George. If ever there was a year for no thoughts, head empty, it was this one.
14. ⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
15. Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
Some good grades hopefully. Better study habits, improved hobbies, and cherishing small moments. Should probably work on my people skills too. I will make Good Adult Decisions.
Sorry to be That Person but in my defense the year is also over, so I won't tag anyone. If you want to play, though, go for it!
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