#marine model maker
aonemodelmaking · 1 year
3D Miniature Model Making | Landscape Model Making
3D miniature model making is a fascinating and intricate art form that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. The process involves using 3D printing technology to create detailed, scaled-down replicas of real-life objects, buildings, and landscapes.
One of the biggest advantages of 3D miniature model making is its accuracy and precision. With the help of computer software, designers can create extremely detailed and complex models that accurately represent the original object or structure. This level of accuracy and precision is not possible with traditional miniature model-making techniques.
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The process of creating a 3D miniature model begins with a 3D design created using computer-aided design (CAD) software. The design is then sent to a 3D printer, which prints the model layer by layer using a variety of materials such as plastics, resins, and metals.
The printing process can take anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on the size and complexity of the model. Once the printing is complete, the model is removed from the printer and any excess material is removed using various tools and techniques.
The final step in the process is finishing and painting the model to give it a realistic look and feel. This involves using various techniques such as sanding, polishing, and painting to create a finished product that accurately represents the original object or structure.
3D miniature model making has a wide range of applications, including architecture, engineering, film and television, and gaming. Architects and engineers use 3D miniature models to visualize and test building designs before construction begins, while filmmakers and game designers use them to create realistic and detailed sets and landscapes.
Overall, 3D miniature model making is a fascinating and highly specialized art form that offers a level of accuracy and precision that traditional miniature model making techniques simply cannot match. With the help of 3D printing technology, designers can create stunning and intricate models that accurately represent the original object or structure, making it an invaluable tool in a wide range of industries.
Landscape Model Making
Landscape model making is a fun and creative activity that can help you bring your outdoor space to life. Whether you’re creating a model of your backyard, a park, or a favorite natural area, a landscape model can help you visualize your ideas and plan your design.
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To get started with landscape model making, you’ll need a few basic materials. These include:
A base material: You can use a variety of materials for the base of your model, such as foam board, plywood, or even cardboard. Choose a material that is sturdy enough to support your model and that is the right size for your project.
Landscaping materials: You’ll need materials such as sand, rocks, gravel, and soil to create the terrain of your model. You can also use materials like artificial grass or moss to create the look of vegetation.
Trees and shrubs: Trees and shrubs are an important part of any landscape, so you’ll need to include them in your model. You can use model trees and shrubs, or create your own using wire and modeling clay.
Buildings and structures: If you’re creating a model of a park or a backyard, you’ll need to include buildings and other structures such as fences, benches, and playground equipment.
Once you have your materials, you can start building your landscape models. Begin by creating the terrain of your model using sand, rocks, and other landscaping materials. Use glue to secure the materials in place.
Next, add trees and shrubs to your model. Place them in areas where they would naturally grow, and vary their size and shape to create a realistic look.
If you’re including buildings or structures in your model, add them next. Use modeling clay or other materials to create the structures, and place them in the appropriate locations.
Finally, add any finishing touches to your model, such as small details like flowers or animals. Use your imagination to make your model as realistic and detailed as possible.
When your model is complete, step back and admire your work! You can use your model to plan out your actual outdoor space, or simply enjoy it as a fun and creative project. With landscape model making, the possibilities are endless!
Conclusion : 
A One Model Making Company is a leading miniature model making company based in India. We specialize in creating highly detailed and accurate all types of 3d miniature models of buildings, monuments, landmarks, and other objects. Our team of skilled and experienced model makers uses the latest technology and materials to create visually stunning and durable models.
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skitariiposting · 2 months
Electro priest's and dominus, printed and ready for basing!
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The 3D models are (unsurprisingly) from The Makers Cult's "Dark Techno" line, which I've printed on my resin printer! The two dominus have been slightly IRL kitbashed to look different from one another.
The little lightning arcs are from MEZGIKE; a creator I've recently taken a liking to for their Dredge Marines line!
Looking forward to getting some paint on these guys :D
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
Yandere Hercules, Jack, Buddha, Loki, Hades, Indra, Rudra, Ares (Target of her light teasing and playful flirts), Shiva (She basically adopts Ganesha) with Platonic Zerofuku (She adopts him) and Adam (Papa Mode: Activated!) with a Bell-mère Reader?
She was a Marine that retired to raise her 2 adoptive daughters after saving them, and raised them with the best of her abilities (Though she passed down her flirtatious behavior to them), she’s known to be a trouble maker, yet very loving and self-sacrificing towards her daughters as she was willing to only eat the fruit from her grove to have enough money to feed them, and in her final moments she was willing to sacrifice her own life to save them
She had enough money to save herself, but she used it to save both her daughters instead and believed this way she can ‘finally’ become their actual mother, as they’re a family, despite none of them sharing any blood (And in her final moments she smiled at them as she told them she loves them before being killed)
Now she’s resting in Valhalla, tending to her Tangerine Orchard with her newly adopted son Zerofuku, who she won’t hesitate to throw hands for him, because that’s what mothers do (She’ll also throw hands for Ganesha)
I love Bell-mère so much, she was such an amazing character and anyone in the world would be lucky to have someone like her as a mother (Nami and Nojiko are still alive so they’re not in Valhalla)
-You were one hell of a woman- you knew how to fight, you had a heart of gold, but you were also funny and flirty, and you wouldn’t hesitate to put anyone in their place.
-Many admired you around Valhalla, as you would always be willing to help someone out and children loved you, mainly because they liked listening to stories of when you were in the marines- sailing the oceans and fighting bad guys- it was so much fun!
-You didn’t talk much about any other aspects of your life, after you retired and how you had died, you would just smile but anyone could see the pain in your eyes.
-You spent your time tending to a large tangerine grove, something that you were given when you arrived in Valhalla, and while there were bittersweet memories attached to it- you grew to enjoy it again.
-You lived alone most days, as you did have one frequent house guest who sometimes brought another one along with him, but Zerofuku had been adopted by you the first day you met up- the child was just so bright and lively, and you loved to hug him.
-You surprised many when Zerofuku changed into his envy form for the first time around you, the negative emotions becoming too much for him, when you were able to calm him down and let him sob into your shoulder, holding him.
-Another guest that you’ve basically adopted was Ganesha, who had wandered into your grove and was amazed, and you greeted him warmly and he almost instantly attached himself to you- you just felt so warm and you always shared your tangerines with him.
-Shiva was another of your frequent guests, being dragged by Ganesha and you and him were very similar in personality, fun loving and cocky, but you could both back your skills up and you found a good friend in him, in both of them and the day you met his wives, you couldn’t help but tease Shiva, which instantly got his wives laughing and you all became good friends.
-You all flirted with each other, but it was more of the friendly type of flirting, where you all knew there would never be any romantic affections between you, but you were fine with that.
-Adam gave you the father figure you had always wanted, as you grew up in the marines with good role models, just nothing closer and you had always longed for a family.
-You had a family of your own, later in life, but nobody knew that, except for Brunnhilde, who brought you to Valhalla, and Adam, who is the father of humanity and knows all.
-Adam was… to you, besides your daughters, was the best thing that happened to you in life, he was not only a mentor, but he let you be weak, he let you cry into his shoulder, letting your emotions out because you knew he would protect you, and he would visit often, telling you how proud he was to have such a strong daughter.
-You had, somehow, managed to get the attention of several men in Valhalla, either with your cheerful nature, your shameless flirting, or that you could go toe-to-toe with them in a fight when you needed to let loose, or a combination of everything that made you… well you!
-You were a little hesitant about dating, when (Love) approached you with some flowers, asking you out, and for such a confident woman, he was surprised to see that you were rather shy about the idea of dating.
-It’s not that you were afraid of ‘dating’ you were afraid of losing everything again, you didn’t want to deal with the heartbreak of losing those you loved.
-(Love) was heartbroken when you told him, the first person you told in Valhalla, about your daughters, finding both of them in a war-torn country, orphaned, and you quit the marines shortly after to raise them, giving them a real family, on a tangerine grove.
-You swallowed, taking a drag of a cigarette, as you were trying to quit, before you told him of your death, how the pirates took over your island, and to live there, you had to pay for each resident, you had managed to raise enough money, but then the leader turned cruel, saying it was enough for either you or your two daughters.
-Since you couldn’t pay and you weren’t going to risk their lives, you paid for them instead and he shot you right in front of them after you called him a coward to his face.
-(Love) was amazed how strong you were, as anyone losing their family like that, in such a cruel way, would have been much colder to others.
-You just grinned, poking his cheek playfully, “I wouldn’t change the past for anything. My daughters were for the most part safe, so that’s all that matters to me!” he smiled softly before letting you lean into him, finally accepting his affections.
-Adored everything about you, didn’t care if you occasionally smoked, enjoys your playful teasing and it keeps things interesting, but also loves how kind and gentle you are, despite being capable of putting anyone in their place. Has learned not to flirt with you first, because you can and will have him folding in on himself as you shamelessly flirt, but you enjoy seeing him try. Helps out in your grove and doesn’t mind that you’ve basically adopted Zerofuku, he finds it cute actually, because he can see how happy the boy makes you and he knows it reminds you of your daughters because every now and then you will smile sadly. He knows how to solve this easily- with a huge hug and plenty of kisses!
            -Hercules, Buddha, and Rudra
-Admires your strength, seeing how strong you are even in the face of heartbreak and anguish, seeing you smile and doting on other children, like your adopted son Zerofuku. Admires your warmth, your gentleness- he finds you to be a safe space for him, just like how Adam is with you, he can just relax and let his walls down around you. He tries to pretend that he’s not bothered by your flirting, but when you see him starting to get flustered you crack your knuckles and double down. You’re not bothered when he yells at you, you only laugh, when he tells you to give his heart a break, but how can you? He’s just way too fun to tease! Romantic with you, bringing you flowers or other small gifts, as you don’t need anything fancy, and neither one of you would trade this simple yet gentle feeling for anything in the world.
            -Jack, Hades, and Indra
-Has learned not to flirt with you because not only will they lose- they will lose badly and you won’t stop until they are steaming from the head and unable to form a coherent word. You enjoy teasing him since he is so fun to rile up and he will try to flirt back (fight back) but it always ends in your victory. Does care deeply about you and wants nothing more than to make you happy and keep you happy- especially after learning about your past. He admires your work with children around Valhalla and had no issues with your adopted son, Zerofuku and he has actually come to become a father like figure to Zerofuku and sometimes they will sneak off and get into trouble. He adores you and wants nothing more than to stand by your side, but his main goal is to be able to beat you with flirting for once!
-Ares and Loki
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peoples of middle-earth ❖ the falathrim
“But great was the grief of Ossë when Ulmo returned to the coasts of Beleriand, to bear [the elves] away to Valinor; for his care was for the seas of Middle-earth and the shores of the Hither Lands, and he was ill-pleased that the voices of the Teleri should be heard no more in his domain. Some he persuaded to remain; and those were the Falathrim, the Elves of the Falas, who in after days had dwellings at the havens of Brithombar and Eglarest, the first mariners in Middle-earth and the first makers of ships.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion, “Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalie”
[ID: A picspam comprised of 12 images in shades of blue and golden brown.
1: Gulls flying in a hazy sky / 2: Cambodian houses on stilts in the sea / 3: Ripples in clear water / 4: White text reading “falathrim” in all caps on a dull blue background. The text has a faint blue echo / 5: Fishers using traditional southeast asian equipment / 6: Ling Ling Chen, a chinese model, lying in water with her face turned towards the viewer. She has bleached hair and her eyes are closed / 7: Peng Chang, a taiwanese model, propped up on her hands in shallow water. She is wearing a gold dress that fans out on the surface behind her and has dark hair / 8: A bay with hills visible in the distance / 9: Same format as Image 4, but the text is all lowercase and reads “people of the coast” / 10: Pearls forming in an oyster shell / 11: Ridges in sand, each filled with water / 12: Two people leaning on each other while standing in water. They have dark skin and are wearing white sarongs /End ID]
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dear-indies · 1 year
This might sound stupid but I’m struggling coming with occupations that aren’t your usual doctor:nurse/firefighter/cop (yuck on the last) and could do some help <3
It's not stupid, anon! When I'm stuck for ideas I always ask my friends for inspiration. I would personally love to see muses who are blue-collar workers or unemployed but here are a random list of occupations in no particular order — zoologist, zookeeper, geologist, biologist, palaeontologist, microbiologist, librarian, retail worker, content creator / influencer, teacher, professor, barista, bartender, artist, singer, musician, professional athlete, writer (fiction? ghost writer? lyricist?), photographer, videographer, lawyer, store owner, massage therapist, beautician, hair dresser, makeup artist, fashion designer, interior designer, graphic designer, costume designer, web designer, farrier, actor, mechanic, developer, architect, childcare worker, B&B owner, animator, illustrator, chef, baker, sweet maker, stylist, programmer, data analyst, dog groomer, dog trainer, dog walker, receptionist, factory worker, florist, flight attendant, glass blower, groundskeeper, museum curator, handyman, carpenter, hotel employee, journalist, landscape architect, gardener, magazine editor, marine biologist, model, movie critic, nail technician, bodyguard / personal security, janitor, ranch hand, seamstress, tattoo artist, tour director, truck driver, au pair, sculptor, jeweller, fisherman, contractor, electrician, comedian, dancer, events organiser, wedding planner, taxi driver, researcher, interpreter, midwife, doula, personal trainer, tour guide, park ranger, scientist, nutritionist, veterinarian, judge, private investigator, blacksmith, chemist, engineer, magician, psychologist, and waiter.
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creepy-spooghetti · 1 year
Potential Alternative Careers
Brian: Nature documentary producer / Elementary teacher / Marine biologist
Tim: Writer / Psychologist / Guitarist
Jeff: Veterinarian / Combat trainer / Hockey player
Liu: Pianist / Ornithologist / Wedding planner
Helen: Painter / Basket weaver / Cake decorator
Jack: Astrologer / Pediatric oncologist / School counselor
Kagekao: Illusionist / Photographer / Gymnast
Ben: Animator / Professional gamer / Dog groomer
Cody: Singer / Graphic designer / Nurse
Jonathan: Sports commentator / Actor / Dentist
Jane: Fashion designer / Nanny / Chef
Jason: Toy maker / Model / Hair stylist
Zero: Park ranger / Police officer / Forensic pathologist
Natalie: Stand-up comedian / Paleontologist / Safari guide
Toby: CPS worker / Astronaut / Firefighter
Sally: Ice skater / Baker / Newscaster
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jpitha · 1 year
Just a Little Further 11
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The round struck my shoulder with a noisy spack. I didn't even stagger back. Was it meant to be a warning, or was I just that well armored?
The Aviens clearly expected that to do more than it did too. They looked at me fearfully and fired again. Two more spack noises on my chest. It scratched my glossy deep blue armor - ugh, I'm going to have to polish it again - but nothing more.
All these thoughts happened in slow motion though, I was curiously detached from the attack. What my body actually did while I was thinking about the scratches on my armor was that in the moments between the first and third shots, I reached behind my back, swung my submachine gun out, flipped it to full auto and unloaded back at them.
The sound of the human made submachine gun was deafening in the docking area. "Get inside!" I shouted as screams were heard all around. It had happened so fast that I don't think the team realized that I had been shot, but they took my suppressive fire as an indication that something was wrong.
After maybe three seconds, the weapon was empty. In the smoke of the rounds, I looked out and luckily I think I missed the Aviens. They had ducked down as soon as I started to fire, and I wasn't aiming at anyone, I just wanted them to stop shooting me. I heard screams in the distance and an alarm. I turned and ran into the umbilical, slapping the close button behind me.
Inside FarReach, I closed our airlock door and waited for it to cycle. We didn't expose our environment to theirs just in case. I looked around at everyone. "Are you all right?" I asked.
Captain Q'ari spoke. "Yes, we're fine. They were aiming at you clearly."
"Good thing you have that friggin Space Marine armor Melody" Omar said. "Looks like you only got scratched."
"Ugh, I know. It's going to be a pain to polish out." Omar laughed too hard at the bad joke. He was very worried.
Q'ari looked at the damage. "It really is just a scratch. What did they shoot you with?"
I shook my head. "I don't know. Some kind of small pistol. Once I was shot at, training took over and I just unloaded the sub to give suppressing fire so you could escape. I didn't think to stop and ask them what they were shooting me with."
Fer'resi looked anxious. "Did you... kill them?"
"No, fortunately. They ducked, and I wasn't aiming to kill, I just wanted everyone to keep their heads down while you escaped."
Looking relieved, Fer'resi took out the translator. "At least we have this." He went to put it towards his head "Maybe we can final--"
"Stop!" I shouted.
He froze. "What?"
"They were very interested in having me wear that before we left. Suspiciously so. Don't activate it, don't wear it, don't even look at it until I can run an Information Warfare scan on it. I bet it's infected with something nasty."
Fer'resi jerked his hand back as if he had been shocked. "Um... you should take it then Melody" and gingerly handed the translator to me.
I set it down and started the peel my suit. Ugh, I was unreasonably annoyed that they had scratched it in three places. I caught myself and decided to take it as a good thing, since I wasn't worrying about anyone getting shot or being shot at instead.
Suit off, I took the translator with me and went up to my station on the Command Deck. Under my station I keep a sandboxed copy of my suite - that is, one not connected to FarReach - and I looked around on the translator for some kind of data port. There, on the bottom? Looks like there are two ports. One might be power, one might be data. With a sigh, I get out my probes and start signaling the ports. I might not know what the signal means, but if I get any signal, that's a good sign.
There. The second port. The first looks like it's power only. I take out a label maker and mark the ports for next time. I get out some impression putty and jam it into the port. Pulling it out slowly, now I have a model of what the connection cable should look like. I scan it with my pad and have a 3d model of the port. I touch my wrist and call for Omar. "Hey Omar, got a part I need you to print, you got a minute?"
"Sure, I'll be right up."
Omar comes up and sees me on the Command Deck alone. "What are you doing up here Melody? Captain said to get some rest."
"I'll have you know problem solving is soothing." I laughed. "Here. This is a 3d model of the kind of plug the data port on the translator is expecting. Can you print one up quick, looks like it's also got twenty pins, make sure it has a cable that can accommodate that. Leave my end bare, I'll just use a prototyping board to connect it to my sandbox."
"Sure thing Melody, I'll get that worked up for you in like thirty minutes."
"Thanks Omar."
While I wait, I head down to the kitchenette and get a coffee. Kieran is sitting there reading a book. "Oh hey "Holy One" he said, laughing."
Groan. "Kieran, you know damn well I'm the least Holy thing here."
"Eh, I bet it's a tie between you and Mei'la."
"Regardless, I'm not Holy at all. This is worse than everyone calling me Lieutenant!" I get my coffee and motion to sit. Keiran shrugs, puts a bookmark in his book and shuffles over. As I take a sip of coffee he asks. "So, how is it?"
"How is what?"
"Knowing every language? Fer'resi said that not only do you speak the Gate Builder language, but you just understand every language spoke to you?"
"It's odd. If I concentrate, I can tell that we're not speaking Colonic, but if I'm distracted, or thinking about something else, I don't realize it."
"So you didn't notice that I've been speaking Farsi to you"
I stopped. "No... I didn't. Why do you know Farsi?"
He laughed. "Before we came to Parvati my family was originally from a country called Iran. It's been more than four hundred years since we left Earth, but some of us think it's important to know the old ways. I'm impressed though, you're following along and answering in Colonic like it's no big deal."
"Well... for me it is no big deal. I just hear what people say and reply."
We chat a little longer, in Farsi - Kieran says he could use the practice - and then Captain Q'ari announces we have a meeting to discuss next steps.
I stand. "Come on Kieran. Let's go see what kind of mess I made."
"I'm sure it's not all that bad, but I agree. Let's go see."
As we got to the dining room and sat down, I notice that Fer'resi and Mitchel had set out snacks and coffee and tea. I forgot that we were the only ones who got two lunches, everyone else is probably hungry. Taking another cup of coffee I sit down.
Me, Kieran, Omar, Fer'resi and Captain Q'ari are here already and we wait for everyone else to come in. Snacks are had but the tone is subdued until the Captain stands up.
"Everyone." She looks around. "I do not believe this Starbase -" She looks at me.
"It's called "Reach of the Might of Vzzx" I say.
"Thank you, Melody - is safe. I am ordering nobody leave FarReach unless I give explicit permission. Something is going on here and I don't want us to get in the middle of it. Melody, please tell us what you've learned."
Huh. No Lieutenant again.
I leaned forward and faced everyone. Might as well start with the big one. "Okay, so they think that humans are the builders of the Gates and possibly the Starbases too."
Everyone blinks. Omar cuts in. "Wait, it gets better"
I nod. "Yeah, so the language that I learned how to speak with the nano machines? It's a Holy Tongue" I try to pronounce the proper noun. "It's like I'm talking to them in a religious language. Most everyone knows it, but it's not what they speak day to day, and everyone reacts oddly when I speak to them in it."
"So... Not only do they think Humans built the Warp Gates but they think that because of the language you're speaking to them with they think that you specifically are a builder and are Holy?" That's Ava Williams. She works with Mei'la in the power core and specializes on the other systems like Gravity. The non reactor systems basically.
I nod "As near as I can tell, yes."
"You should see the statue they have out front of their administration building." Omar sounds excited. "it's a dead ringer for a human woman in a pressure suit, and she's making some grand gesture pointing down their promenade."
"Oh, that's the other thing." I say before Omar can go on about the statue. "They say they have a population of ten million. Given that they also practice slavery, I bet it's even more than that if they're not outright lying about numbers."
When I mention the slavery, everyone looks a combination of upset, surprised and sad. Wow, I really am getting better at reading body language!
"Ten Million? Kieran shakes his head. "Impossible. Where would they get their food? From other systems? There's no planet here."
"They can't go into other systems. They all thought the Warp Gates were disabled until we came through. They told us that they have a planetoid left "by the Builders" that was hollowed out and has soil and an artificial sun and they grow food there."
Kieran looks incredulous. "I mean, it's possible sure. But... Call me skeptical. I don't think so."
Selem looks pained. She's getting annoyed at these tangents. Before she says anything I try and bring things back. "The other thing is that there seems to be two different sapient species who are in charge. The Aviens and the Mariens. The Aviens are like this bird looking people- " Fer'resi puts an image up on the screen when I say that. Looks like he was surreptitiously taking photos. "- and the Mariens are like... octopus people?" Fer'resi puts up an image of them. He then adds on images of all the different sapient species we saw. "I don't know if there are any others, but that's all I saw while we were walking to and from the Administration offices." He says, sheepishly.
Captain Q'ari nods "Well done Fer'resi. That was smart work."
I agree. "Thanks Fer'resi. It looks like the Aviens and the Mariens are - if not in outright war - are in a Cold War with each other. Given how they mentioned that the Gates have been closed for "three generations" I'm going to assume that what happened at the other location - which is called Wilds of Besmara by the way - caused the Gates to be locked. Someone locked the Gate on this side to keep something out, or someone locked the Gate on the other side to protect the people here. Either way, we opened the Gate and I don't know if it was locked behind us."
Mitchel - the other chef with Fer'resi - leans back in his chair and looks up at the ceiling. "So they think you're a God, we might have opened up the Gate to something that obliterated a whole system, the people here are squaring up for a fight and they keep slaves?"
"That's the long and short of it, yes." I said.
"Shit. We don't do things by half measures, do we." He said with a sad chuckle. "So, what do we do, Captain?"
Selem ran her hand over her ear absentmindedly. She's under a lot of strain now. "I don't know." She stopped. "No, I do know. The smart thing to do is blow our connection to the umbilical, and leave. Go to the next address, go home, whatever. If we stay, we're going to get even more involved in this..." She gestured. "Mess. But, if we do that we're going to contribute to possibly making a real hard time for the millions of sapients who supposedly live here." She looked out at us. "We're only a small team and one Starjumper kitted out for exploration. What do you think we should do?"
FarReach was first. "I'd like to help them, if we can. Look, if things get hot, I have a hunch we can take them on easily. Melody's pressure suit was scratched when she was shot, that was it. I can print everyone armored pressure suits like hers, if we needed to. It would only take a couple days to get everyones done. I already have your measurements. Based on the weapon she was shot with, I have a hunch that if any of the starships docked around us can fire back, we can destroy them without even going to WEP. We utterly outmatch them. They can't hurt us."
Captain Q'ari sat up a little. "That is a good point FarReach, Thanks for the perspective. If we're working hard to not accidentally massacre them, it's not like they can really cause us harm unless we get complacent or are tricked. But what do we do? Pick a side? That doesn't sound right to me. Defeat them both? Then we're in charge of the lives of millions onboard and as good as we are, I don't think the 12 of us can or want to run a Starbase."
As we sat there deliberating our next step FarReach came over the speakers. "Uh, everyone? There's a group of people at our umbilical."
Selem looks up. "The same people we were talking to before?"
"No. These people look..." FarReach struggled to find words "More... fanatical?"
Oh no.
"Can you show us please?" I ask, dreading the answer.
On our pads and the main screen FarReach shows us. It's a group of all different Sapients. The Aviens, the Mariens, the insect people, the ones we saw in pressure suits and at least two more. They're swaying and moving together. FarReach activates the audio fee and we hear that they're...
"Singing?" Omar says.
FarReach agrees. "Yes, they're singing."
Part 12
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dystopicjumpsuit · 10 months
Martyrs and Kings - Chapter 13
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Strangers with Candy
Rating: T (rating varies by chapter; mature content will be tagged)
Pairing: Kix x archivist/historian OFC
Wordcount: 3.2K
Warnings: pirate shenanigans; angst; Valsi being all, "Help is on the way, dear!"
Start here | Previous chapter | Next chapter | Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list
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It was hot in the New Republic Galactic Library. Maree glared at the enormous transparisteel window in her office and vigorously cursed whatever kriffing nerf herder had made the stupid-ass decision to install a window that couldn’t be opened. She adjusted the small fan on her desk as she scrolled through the morning’s holomessages. Most of them were from colleagues complaining about the temperature. Most recently, the head maintenance droid had sent out an announcement that the sprawling complex’s central climate control would not be adjusted until the summer solstice. Maree squinted with irritation as the indignant replies began to pop up in her inbox.
She scowled as she reviewed the New Republic Judiciary’s latest research directive. What’s the shukking point, if they’re just going to cut a plea deal for amnesty? she thought crankily. She despised this weather. The record-breaking heat had only been amplified by the thick humidity rolling off the western ocean, which had also taken on a horrifying stench of decaying marine animals in the last few days. The air felt thick. Maree peeled the sheer fabric of her dress away from her body and tilted the fan to blow down her neckline in a futile attempt at cooling off.
The soft chime of her office door startled Maree, and she accidentally knocked the fan off the desk. Muttering curses under her breath, she scrambled to set the fan back in place.
“Come in,” she snapped.
The door slid open to reveal the receptionist Eidani Olphes, eyes wide with curiosity. 
“Good morning, Eidani,” Maree said. 
“Good morning, Dr. Finnall,” Eidani said. “Is everything all right?”
“Bendudays, am I right?” Maree sighed. The Devaronian nodded. “What can I do for you this morning, Eidani?”
Eidani glanced behind her to the closed door of the outer office.
“There are some people here to see you, Dr. Finnall,” she said. “They seem a little… Disreputable. Would you like me to call security?”
“Did they say what they wanted?” Maree asked.
Eidani shook her head. Maree exhaled audibly.
“I suppose we’d better find out. Teejay, please send our guests in. Thank you, Eidani. You don’t have to stay if they make you uncomfortable.”
Eidani nodded gratefully and scurried away as two beings entered the office. One was a Gabdoran with a prosthetic leg made rather ingeniously from a fuel funnel, and the other was an intimidating figure dressed head-to-toe in red and black and wearing a red helmet modeled after a Kaleesh mask. Both men had blasters strapped to their hips, which was not an uncommon sight on Hosnian Prime, but was generally frowned upon inside the NRGL. No wonder Eidani had seemed a tad skittish.
“Good morning,” she said. “I am Dr. Maree Finnall.”
The Gabdoran stepped forward heavily. “Greetings, Dr. Finnall,” he said in a ceremonious tone. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Quiggold, first mate of the Meson Martinet, and this is my esteemed captain, Sidon Ithano.”
The tall crimson man nodded his masked head in silent greeting. Was she supposed to recognize the name of their ship? And why was the Gabdoran talking like he was announcing a guest of honor at a formal ball? And why was it so Maker-forsaken humid?
“A pleasure to meet you,” she said. “Please come in. Would you like a cup of tea? Or some spiced biscuits?”
Ithano wordlessly declined, but Quiggold accepted with enthusiasm. “I thank you for your gracious offer, Dr. Finnall. Perhaps just the biscuits. The weather is too oppressive for tea.”
Maybe the formality is a Gabdoran thing, Maree thought as she arranged a few biscuits on a plate and pulled a large carafe of chilled water out of the mini-conservator.
“Make yourselves comfortable,” she said as she set the refreshments on the table. “How can I assist you today?”
Quiggold crunched a biscuit with a blissful expression on his face. “May I say, Doctor, that these biscuits are exquisite!”
“Thank you,” Maree said, waiting for him to get to the kriffing point. She sipped a glass of water and subtly pressed her wrist to the cold glass, seeking any measure of relief from the heat. How in the name of the Force did Ithano survive under all those layers? And with the mask as well? 
“That is a remarkable helmet, Captain Ithano,” she said. “Have you spent much time on Kalee?”
The captain shook his head slowly.
“Well spotted, Dr. Finnall,” Quiggold said around a bite of his second biscuit. “Not everyone recognizes the helmet, but then, I suppose not everyone is an expert in military history. I believe we have indeed found the right individual for the job.”
Maree blinked. “Job? What job?”
Quiggold cleared his throat, then took a long drink of water. “My illustrious captain has a proposition for you. It has come to his attention that he is in need of an historian to document his glorious deeds for posterity. There are some in the Outer Rim territories who doubt his fearsome reputation, but no-one would dare to question the testimony of an esteemed and reputable scholar such as yourself.”
“What kind of glorious deeds would require such documentation?” Maree asked, bewildered.
“The Meson Martinet specializes in—er—asset retrieval,” Quiggold said.
Maree narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Indeed. I recently encountered another ‘asset retrieval’ specialist.”
“What a remarkable coincidence!” Quiggold said unconvincingly. “As you may imagine, there are many in the Outer Rim who would style themselves as such, though the Martinet crew’s skills and talents are unrivaled.”
“Oh? Tell me about this crew,” Maree said darkly.
“All in good time,” Quiggold chuckled, sounding slightly apprehensive at her tone. “Of course, the captain understands that you might hesitate to leave your distinguished and safe position at the Archive, not to mention your lovely flat, especially given the danger and excitement of the Outer Rim territories.”
Maree’s jaw twitched, but she said nothing.
Quiggold forged ahead. “And so, we have an additional incentive to offer you, knowing your interest in the Clone Wars.”
Against her better judgment, Maree asked, “And what incentive would that be?”
“We have recently acquired extensive intelligence regarding as-yet untouched, unexplored Separatist bases.”
“How very convenient for you,” Maree said.
“Think of the scholarly potential, Dr. Finnall,” Quiggold said raptly. “Dozens of Separatist outposts that have never been excavated by archaeologists or historians. Imagine the advancements in knowledge you could contribute to your field! The prestige!”
“Imagine,” Maree said in the driest voice possible.
“Ah, but perhaps you doubt the authenticity of our intel. Allow me to assure you that our source is of utmost integrity and trustworthiness.”
“Is he?” Maree asked in a forbidding tone. “And is this ‘source’ aware of the purpose of your visit today?”
Quiggold exchanged a speaking look with the impassive captain. “Er… I… He…”
Maree sighed. “You were just going to ambush him with me, weren’t you?”
“‘Ambush’ is such a strong word,” Quiggold began.
“Oh, were you thinking of presenting me on a silver platter instead?” she asked, her voice dripping with false sweetness. “Has it occurred to you that you don’t know anything about me? I could be a vibroaxe murderer, for all you know.”
“Are you?” Quiggold asked, intrigued.
“No, but that is exactly what a vibroaxe murderer would say,” Maree snapped.
Quiggold gaped, speechless for once.
“To be clear,” Maree said, “you want me to resign my position, sell my home, and run away with a crew of pirates—”
“Asset retrieval specialists!” Quiggold interjected. 
“—to bank my entire future on a man who doesn’t even know my favorite color! You want me to do all of this on the off chance that Kix actually wants me, and you didn’t even ask him first?” Maree demanded.
“He wants you.” The gravelly voice came from the captain—the first words he’d spoken since his arrival.
Maree took several steadying breaths, counted to ten, and then replied. “You must be very certain of that to have come all this way. This definitely isn’t just some half-baked matchmaking scheme to get your resident clone trooper laid.”
Quiggold and Ithano exchanged another look.
“Thank you for the offer, Captain,” Maree said crisply. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a rather full schedule today. Please feel free to explore the library on your way out. Good day.”
Quiggold opened and closed his mouth several times as he hustled out of Maree’s office. Ithano stood quietly and approached her desk, dropping a commlink in front of her before departing. Maree barely resisted the urge to fling it after him. After they had disappeared down the hallway, Maree slapped the control to close her door, buried her face in a throw pillow, and let out a frustrated yell.
She had no meetings scheduled for the day, which was fortunate, as it gave her plenty of opportunities to vent her rage. She locked her office and refused to answer any comms or messages, instead burying herself in building an evidence file for her latest Judiciary assignment. By the end of her workday, she was drenched in sweat and ready for a stiff drink.
Not Pamarthen Port in a Storm, though.
As she pushed out of the staff entrance, she was accosted by an unfamiliar feminine voice.
“You know, for a Clone Wars expert, you sure don’t know shit about clones.”
Maree’s eye twitched. She turned to see a gorgeous red Twi’lek with a mechanical arm leaning against the building.
“And you are?” Maree asked.
“Call me Reveth,” the woman said.
“Is that your name?” Maree asked, in no mood to deal with any more pirate shenanigans.
The Twi’lek stared her down for a moment, but at last she relented. “Yes.”
“All right, Reveth. Enlighten me. What am I missing about clones?”
Reveth shoved herself off the building and sauntered over to Maree. “Walk with me.”
“Technically, you are walking with me,” Maree said with some acerbity, resuming her pace.
“The thing about clones is,” Reveth said, paying no attention to Maree’s petty interruption, “they spent their whole lives being told they had no value and they didn’t deserve nothing.”
“Thank you for that groundbreaking insight,” Maree said. She winced, instantly regretting the peevish note in her voice.
“And after hearing that every single day from the minute they slid out of the tube, it was—is—hard for them to believe any different.”
“You’re saying Kix doesn’t believe he deserves to be with someone.”
“I’m saying it’ll be a cold day in every Sith hell before that man asks for something for his own.”
“I understand,” Maree said with a sigh. “But it’s not that simple. Kix has never been allowed to choose his own path. His entire existence was dictated by the Republic. I can’t just force myself into his life. I won’t take that choice away from him.”
The Twi’lek eyed Maree with something akin to respect. “But if he was to ask, what would you say?”
Maree walked silently for a moment.
“I—I’m—not sure,” she stammered.
“You’re scared,” Reveth accused. “You talk a big game about being so noble and letting Kix choose, but you’re just hiding behind that excuse so you don’t have to go after what you want and risk losing your comfortable little life here.”
“Stars, have you been talking to Valsi?” Maree asked, taken aback. 
“Who’s Valsi?” Reveth asked.
“It doesn’t matter,” Maree snapped. “And how would you know what I want, anyway? You don’t know me.”
“Top of your class at the University of Coruscant,” Reveth said. “Senior editor of the University Journal of Military History. Received full tenure at the Archive two years ago—congratulations.”
“That’s all public record,” Maree said. “Anyone with access to the Holonet can find my CV.”
“In the past seven years, you have submitted nineteen proposals for field research in the Outer Rim territories. All of them were denied.”
Maree stared. “How did you know that?”
Reveth continued as though Maree hadn’t interrupted. “They gave different reasons each time, but they blamed most of them on funding or security concerns.”
“I know,” Maree said, exasperated. “I read them.”
Reveth smirked. “But I doubt you got to read the internal message that the Archive director sent after your sixth submission, ordering the outreach department to reject any expedition proposals that you submitted.”
Maree stumbled to a halt. Her heart began to thump uncomfortably, and her palms grew damp.
“What?” she asked dumbly. “Why?”
Reveth gave her a sympathetic look. “The memo said the work you do was too valuable to the New Republic to let you out of the Archive. Something about a ‘devastating loss to the Judiciary.’ They clipped your wings so you wouldn’t realize they had you in a cage all along.”
Maree felt sick. All this time, she’d thought that she was the problem—that her proposals were not robust or compelling enough to secure funding; that her research was too esoteric. So she’d worked longer hours, expanded her scholarship into fields outside her interests, sat on committees, mentored fledgling archivists, attended every Maker-forsaken gala and benefit the Library threw, supported her colleagues in the hope that they would someday return the favor. And in the end, all that effort was the very thing that hamstrung her. She’d made herself indispensable at the expense of her own ambitions, trapped in a cycle of her own making.
“Hey, breathe,” Reveth said, nudging Maree’s shoulder. “Don’t want you passing out on me.”
“How did you learn all of this?” Maree demanded.
“Every pirate crew needs a decent slicer,” Reveth said. “How do you think Kix got a ticket to the gala?”
“Oh, my gods, the restaurant,” Maree said. “That was you? That was the worst meal of my life!”
“Let’s not get caught up in the details,” Reveth said hastily. “Remember, it’s your employer that deserves your rage. You know, the one that’s been gaslighting and undermining you for years.”
“I can be angry about two things at once,” Maree said. “I’m an excellent multitasker.”
“But you’re more angry at them, right?” Reveth said. “Besides, I can make it up to you by buying you an actual dinner. I’ve heard you get a little cranky when you’re hungry.”
Maree gave her a suspicious look. “Are you sure you haven’t been talking to Valsi?”
“Nope, that was from your interns’ group holomessage chat.”
“What else did they say?” Maree asked, instantly distracted.
“Come on, I’ll tell you over a nerfburger.”
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Maree called in sick the next day, and the two days after. Late in the afternoon on the third day, she holocalled Valsi. “Hey, are you free tonight? I need to talk.”
Valsi tilted her head to take in Maree’s disheveled appearance. “You look terrible. You must be really sick. Are you contagious?”
“No. Gods, at least I hope not,” Maree said devoutly. “I’m not actually sick. I just needed some time to think.”
“Ugh, an acute case of soul-searching! That sounds serious. Maybe even fatal. I’m supposed to have dinner with Tane tonight, but I’ll reschedule,” Valsi said.
Guilt immediately assaulted Maree. “You don’t have to do that—”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’ll be there at 6. Is this a sober kind of conversation, or a whiskey kind of conversation?”
“Definitely whiskey,” Maree sighed, feeling better already.
Valsi burst through the door right on time and flopped dramatically onto Maree’s sofa. “Thank the stars your air conditioning is working. It is muggier than Dagobah out there. Please tell me you ordered something delicious and unhealthy for dinner.”
The doorbell chimed.
“Your wish is my command,” Maree said as she opened the door to collect her takeout order from a delivery droid. “Glowblue noodles with shaak, sweet and sour nuna, and flash-fried zuchii.”
“I always knew you loved me,” Valsi said, reaching for the bag of food.
Maree grabbed two glasses and a bottle of Cheedoan whiskey before joining Valsi on the sofa.
“Ooh, breaking out the good stuff,” Valsi said speculatively. “Are we celebrating or wallowing?”
“I’m not sure yet,” Maree said.
Valsi stopped chewing. “Well, now I’m nervous,” she mumbled around her bite of nuna.
“Should I wait until we’re done eating before I start?” Maree asked.
Valsi swallowed and shook her head. “Might as well rip off the bacta patch. What’s up?”
“I found out something at work,” Maree said. “Something I wasn’t supposed to know.”
“Are you in trouble?” Valsi asked, concern evident in her voice. “Maree, are you in danger?”
“No, nothing like that,” Maree hastened to say. “Here, read this.” 
She handed Valsi a datapad that Reveth had given her, currently displaying the Archive director’s memorandum to the Department of Outreach. Valsi scanned it wordlessly, her eyes narrowing as she proceeded. 
“Are you kriffing kidding me?” she demanded. “How could they do this to you?”
Her righteous fury was incredibly affirming to Maree’s wounded soul. “Thank you!” she exclaimed. “For a minute I thought maybe I was overreacting, but—”
“The fact that you haven’t burned the director’s house to the ground says you’re underreacting,” Valsi said. “That karking mudscuffer!”
“Arson might be a bit much,” Maree demurred. 
“Only if you get caught,” Valsi said. “Speaking of getting caught, how did you find out about this? This memo is years old.”
“Ah, uh, a friend sent it to me,” Maree said.
Valsi raised a suspicious eyebrow. “What friend? How did they even know about it? Was it someone in admin?”
“No,” Maree said. “It—it actually came from someone who was offering me a job.”
Valsi stared at Maree in silence for a moment. “I didn’t realize you were looking.”
She sounded hurt, and Maree felt like the lowest scum in the galaxy.
“I wasn’t,” Maree said. “It was an unexpected offer from someone with a mutual acquaintance.”
“Are you going to take it?” Valsi asked.
“I don’t think so,” Maree said. “But now that I know about the memo, I can’t stay at the Archive. Not now that I know they’ll never let me go out in the field.”
Valsi looked stricken. “Damn. I kind of thought we’d always be together. You’re right, of course. But I’m going to miss you.”
“It’s not like I’m dying,” Maree said, forcing a laugh. “We’ll still get to see each other. I might even stay on Hosnian.”
“You won’t,” Valsi said with conviction. “You’ve always wanted to get out there and get your hands dirty, and you can’t do that in the Core worlds.”
Maree looked down, unexpected tears pricking at her eyes. “Damn. I’m going to miss you, too.”
Valsi sniffled and then grabbed Maree and pulled her into a tight hug. Maree rubbed her face on her friend’s shoulder to blot away her tears.
“Do you know what you’re going to do next?” Valsi asked as they broke apart.
“I’m not sure yet,” Maree admitted. “I have some ideas for private fundraising for an expedition, but it will take time. I might go spend a few months with my moms. Baba will have some good ideas for places where I could do some original research.”
“Wherever you land, I know you’re going to do something spectacular,” Valsi said. “I can’t wait to see it. And I’m so proud of you. Even if I think you’re a little deranged for wanting to go out and dig in the dirt and the spiders.”
Maree let out a watery laugh. “I love you, nerf herder.”
“I love you more, bubblebrain.”
Maree refilled their whiskey glasses, and Valsi held hers up in a toast. “To dirt and spiders, and following your dreams.” They drank, and then she asked, “So, need any help drafting your resignation letter?”
Chapter 14
@secondaryrealm @blueink-bluesoul @spicy-clones @wings-and-beskar @523rdrebel @merkitty49 @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella @cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420
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redd956 · 1 year
Really Cool People
Research librarians
Historians for niche topics and highly specific things
Cat Behavior Experts
Marine Biologist
Oil Rig Mechanic
Those people that run dad how to youtube channels
Ao3 Writers
Rescue Pet Groomers
Profressional Beta Testers for video games
Subtitle dubbers
Gittertiere photographers
Virtual photographers
Rescue Teams for natural disasters
Crew of sea-cleaning boats
Playing Card Artist
Orchestra members of broadway
Cult Deprogrammers
Natural Disaster animal rescuers
Concept Artist
Tarot Card Readers
Vtuber Riggers and Model Makers
Anyone. In. Ballet.
42 notes · View notes
cyle · 9 months
finally found the right warlord for my space marine army
5 notes · View notes
aonemodelmaking · 1 year
Crafting the Depths : A Guide to Marine Model Making
Welcome to A One Model Making Company, the leading marine model making company in India. We are dedicated to providing high-quality model making services to our clients in the marine industry.
At A One Model Making Company, we specialize in creating realistic and accurate models of ships, boats, yachts, and other marine vessels. Our team of expert model makers has years of experience and uses the latest technology and techniques to produce models that are as close to the real thing as possible.
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We understand that every client is different and has unique requirements. That’s why we offer a range of services, from creating custom-made models to repairing and refurbishing existing models. We can work with you to create a model that meets your specific needs and budget.
Our team is committed to providing the highest level of customer service. We believe that open communication and collaboration with our clients is key to producing models that exceed their expectations. We work closely with our clients throughout the entire model making process, from the initial consultation to the final delivery.
At A One Model Making Company, we take pride in our work and strive for excellence in everything we do. We use only the highest quality materials and take great care in ensuring that every model we produce is of the highest standard. Our marine models are not only visually stunning, but they are also durable and built to last.
We are based in India, but we serve clients all over the world. Our models have been used in exhibitions, museums, and private collections around the globe. We are passionate about what we do and are always looking for new challenges and opportunities to create stunning maritime models.
If you are looking for a reliable and experienced marine model makers in Mumbai, India look no further than A One Model Making Company. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and find out how we can help bring your vision to life.
Types of Marine Model Making
Ship model: This type of model represents various types of ships, including cargo ships, warships, and passenger ships. Ship models can range in size from small desktop models to large museum-quality models.
Vessel model: This term can be used to describe any type of watercraft, from small sailboats to large ocean liners.
Boat model: A boat model typically refers to smaller watercraft, such as rowboats, fishing boats, or speedboats. These models can be simple and basic or highly detailed and complex.
Cruiser model: A cruiser model typically represents a larger recreational vessel, such as a yacht or a luxury motorboat. These models often feature intricate detailing and may include working features such as lights and sound effects.
Oil rig model: This type of model represents offshore oil rigs and drilling platforms. These models can be quite large and detailed, and may include miniature equipment and workers.
Overall, marine scale model making is a popular hobby and can range from simple and basic to incredibly intricate and detailed.
Understanding the Materials Used in Maritime Model Making
Model ship building has been a hobby for many people for centuries. It requires attention to detail, precision, and patience. One of the key aspects of maritime model making is selecting the right materials. Here are some of the most popular materials used in marine model making:
Wood: Wood is the most popular material used in model ship building. The type of wood used will depend on the model being built. Some popular types of wood used in marine model making include basswood, cherry, and mahogany.
Metal: Some parts of the model ship, such as the anchor or chain, may require metal components. Brass and copper are popular choices for these components.
Rigging: The rigging of a model ship is an important part of the model. It is what holds the masts and sails in place. Common materials used for rigging include nylon, silk, and cotton.
Adhesives: Adhesives are used to hold the model together. Common adhesives used in marine model making include wood glue and superglue.
Tools Required for Marine Model Making
Building a model ship requires a range of tools, from basic hand tools to specialized tools. Here are some of the tools that are required for marine model making:
Cutting Tools: Cutting tools are required to cut the wood and other materials used in the model ship. Some common cutting tools include a saw, scalpel, and craft knife.
Sanding Tools: Sanding tools are required to smooth the wood and other materials used in the model ship. Some common sanding tools include sandpaper and a sanding block.
Painting Tools: Painting tools are required to paint the model ship. Some common painting tools include paintbrushes, airbrushes, and spray paint.
Measuring Tools: Measuring tools are required to ensure that the model ship is built to the correct scale. Some common measuring tools include a ruler, calipers, and a protractor.
In Conclusion
Marine model making is a challenging and rewarding hobby that requires a range of materials and tools. By selecting the right materials and using the appropriate tools, you can create a beautiful and accurate model ship. We hope that this guide has been helpful in providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the materials used in marine model making.
0 notes
the-shining-river · 1 year
Frank’s Complicated Education
I had a mystery question related to the below statements and the fact that a Lieutenant is a commissioned officer that needs a bachelor’s degree.
Go ahead. Go ahead. I had to teach you how to hold a gun. Do you remember? Eighteen, and you'd never held a piece before. [x]
When Castle was just eighteen, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps where he had eventually met and was then placed under the command of Major Ray Schoonover. [x]
It feels kinda weird—what would a Major on active duty be doing instructing newbie recruits at a boot camp? Aren’t there, like, drill sergeants or other special people for that?
And also, we all seem to agree that Frank is a lot smarter than people usually expect, but what exactly has gone into that Scout Sniper specialisation he’s so rightfully proud of?
So I, a non-American, fell into a research hole, and Frank’s academic / career path looks smth ridiculous like this.
With a birthday in November [x], I’m assuming Frank finished highschool aged 17 [x]. After that, Frank may have enlisted straight away, because Schoonover remembers teaching an 18-year-old Frank to shoot, so that could be the 13-week recruit training program upon his initial enlisting. [1]. Btw, from there you graduate with these sort of dress uniforms (the red ‘blood stripes’, white belts):
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However, a Lieutenant is a commissioned officer, and, in order to qualify for commission, Frank would still need a bachelor’s degree.
If Frank is enlisted already, he could obtain it a bit later through a MECEP program, but, in order to get on the path to commission faster, he could have gone to college + PLC course [2] right after the highschool, meaning he might have met Schoonover in the summer training course after his college freshman year (meaning Schoonover was an instructor at PLC?):
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Or Frank could have gone to college + NROTC Marine Option [3] (meaning Schoonover was an instructor at NROTC or OCS?):
In addition to regular NROTC program requirements, NROTC (Marine Option) midshipmen must pass a 6-week OCS course known as "Bulldog" during summer between junior and senior year. "Bulldog" is modeled after the PLC Seniors Course.
In case of NROTC, I think it might have been the College Program route, as it doesn’t seem very likely that the trouble-maker Frank qualified for a scholarship lol [4]:
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Also, with NROTC, you can apparently skip the officer school and, upon finishing college + the NROTC requirements, you get the 2nd Lt rank automatically. [5A][5B]
Theoretically, an Officer Candidates Course (OCC) would also work to get him into OCS, but that course is for college seniors and graduates, placing Frank’s first brush with Schoonover at ages 20-21. Although, it would offer Frank a different alternative to the 10-week Officer School later [also 4], letting Frank have his college summers free of PLC:
OCC is a 10-week commissioning program in Quantico, VA for college seniors and graduates interested in earning the title as a United States Marine Officer. Upon completion, newly commissioned Marine Officers will begin active duty at The Basic School (TBS) as Second Lieutenants.
With a college degree (aged 20-21), Frank finally qualifies for the OCS, which is based in Quantico and takes 10 weeks of full-time commitment [6]. If he went the NROTC or OCC route, this step can be skipped.
Considering the qualification, he must have pulled his shit together by then.
Officer Candidates must pass a series of tests before being admitted into the Officer Candidate School. An Officer Selection Officer (OSO), usually a Captain, meets with a prospective Officer Candidate. Upon completing a satisfactory interview, the OSO then makes the decision to move the prospective candidate onto the next step. The prospective candidate then must complete a short essay about why they want to be a Marine Officer, provide identification, pass a background check, provide five letters of recommendation, and complete a physical medical exam. [7]
Theoretically, Frank would qualify for the officer school already upon finishing PLC or NROTC or OCC during college, but college and officer school are not compatible in terms of time and effort required.
Either way, Frankie won’t become a scout sniper without that college degree:
Officer candidates who complete OCS (and have obtained their college degrees) are then commissioned as Second Lieutenants and sent to The Basic School (TBS) at Quantico for six months of further training with other newly commissioned Marine officers from all other commissioning programs. [7]
Now look at this beautiful man:
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That’s a Second Lieutenant blue-white dress uniform, which is authorized for wearing in summer [8], with marksmanship annual qualification badges Rifle Expert (looks like it’s earned for the 2nd year in a row) and Pistol Expert [9], meaning he’s the bestest shot with these weapons (Marksman --> Sharpshooter --> Expert).
I can’t make out what’s pinned above the ribbons, but it’s something with wings, like this or this? The comics wiki says Frank Castle has received helicopter training, and can fly a plane too, but MCU version of the wiki doesn’t mention that.
All newbie Marine Corps officers, fresh from OCS or NROTC, are further trained in The Basic School (which is also in Virginia).
After a Basic Officer Course (BOC) that lasts 28 weeks, Frank would have chosen his primary specialisation [10]. Because Scout Sniper military occupational specialty (MOS) falls under the Infantry category, after graduating BOC, he’d need to stay on that same Basic School campus and continue with an Infantry Officer Course (IOC) for another 15 weeks.
Also, Scout Sniper is a secondary MOS, which means that first Frank should have specialised in something else. Wikipedia in one instance says the prerequisite for Scout Sniper is becoming a Ground Intelligence Officer or some other kind of Infrantry MOS [11]. In another article [12], the prerequisite is either one of these primary MOS: 0311 Rifleman, 0321 Reconnaissance Marine, 0331 Machine Gunner, 0341 Mortarman, 0352 Antitank Missile Gunner, or 0369 Infantry Unit Leader.
I don’t understand how the rank requirements go together. How would a 2ndLt , after graduating from the Officer Candidates School, get a primary MOS that seems to be capped at a Sergeant rank or at Master Gunnery Sergeant? Unless PMOS can be assigned during earlier training? Or Frank took some time between highschool and college, or between college and OCS to get any of these primary specialties while in some lower-level marine boot camp? Or there is no upper rank limit? [gods I’m not gonna think about it, this is getting ridiculously long as is]
ANYWAY, he needed some on-field experience, an active contract, and a recommendation from his battalion with future plans to appoint him to a scout-sniper platoon, in order to get his ass sent to the Scout Sniper Course in Quantico. There are quotas and budget. See the list of requirements here.
The Scout Sniper Basic Course used to be 10 weeks before 2009 when Frank would have attended [13].
SINCE THEN, Frank Castle had earned the rank of 1st Lieutenant, was serving with US Marine Corps Force Recon, and 2 years before the events of DD s2 was awarded the Navy Cross [14].
The above sequence of training/education would explain how he’s wearing a 2nd Lt uniform at his wedding at... 21-22 years old (?), but doesn’t really explain this:
1) when would an 18yo Frank manage to get all the necessary hands-on field training with Schoonover? Because if he simply went to the boot camp and took his time moving through the enlisted and non-commissioned officer ranks without the college degree shortcut to 2nd Lt, then he can’t have been that young-looking in that wedding waltz flashback OR he can’t have worn that uniform OR he just remembers the whole thing wrong.
2) considering he DID need a bachelor’s degree to get that Lt rank, what did Frank study? Even if he went the route of a purely military themed college like this one, there’s still the choice of subjects.
3) Isn’t there some expectation of a certain speed of moving up the ranks? Why did Frank get only 1 levelup in ~14 years? He was reportedly excellent, trusted and respected in his job, his CO (officially) liked him well enough. Could be that, Navy Cross aside, the illegality and secrecy of the Cerberus project fucked up Frank’s military record even more than he realised, due to there not being sufficient amount and/or quality of performance info submitted for a promotion?
TBC in Part II, just for the hell of it!
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
For most of the past 20 years, Sade has lived out of the spotlight in a remote part of the Cotswolds. Occasional photographs have shown her trudging through the greasy West Country rain, lugging plant tubs from the local garden centre, but her public appearances have been rare and her musical excursions even rarer.
Then in 2010, to the amazement of fans who thought they would be stuck listening to Diamond Life forever, Sade produced Soldier of Love.
Sade is the daughter of an English nurse and a Nigerian college lecturer, Annie and Adebisi Adu, who met in Britain in the early fifties, and later moved to the university town of Ibadan, north of Lagos, where Sade (Helen Folasade Adu) was born. She was their second child after their son Banji.
The marriage, though, broke up when she was four and Anne and her daughter moved back to Britain. They settled in her grandmother's house in Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, a deathless destination even by the standards of post-war English holiday resorts.
She headed to school in London in the vague hope of becoming a model. Instead, she was roped into a band by fashion college friends, and in 1983 recorded her first single, "Your Love is King," followed by the blockbuster album Diamond Life. Then she went quiet. The records started coming more slowly. No one knows completely why, but a series of failed relationships is cited as a reason.
She fell madly in love with Spike Denton, a struggling nightclub owner and fringe fashion type, for whom she was reported to have tried to buy Fulham FC as a love token. But her newfound wealth drove a wedge between them, and the romance collapsed.
Complained Denton:
"It's a nightmare for men like me when we fall in love with a rich and famous woman."
In 1989 she married Carlos Pliego, a Spanish film-maker. She moved to Madrid to be with him, but the union lasted only three years.
In the music business, there were charges that she was "difficult" and not really interested in working, charges that Sade has always denied.
Her former boyfriend, British radio presenter Robert Elms, says of her, "She never wanted to be famous, just to write and sing good songs. She finds celebrity very vulgar."
She now lives with Ian Watts, a former Royal Marine and fireman-turned-scientist, in a newly renovated pile near Stroud, which is shared with her 15 year old daughter Ila, from a relationship with Jamaican record producer Bob Morgan (she moved briefly to the Caribbean to live with Morgan in the late nineties before they separated) and Watts's 20 year old son, Jack.
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wzcfmachine · 24 days
Environmentally friendly, start with a small paper straw. Our paper straw maker machine uses advanced technology to produce high-quality, sturdy, and durable paper straws, allowing you to enjoy your drinks while also contributing to the earth. Let us work together to protect the environment with practical actions, starting with using paper straws. Choose our paper straw manufacturing machine and make environmental protection a way of life.
Chuangfeng, one of the most professional paper straw and paper tube machine suppliers in China, has a lot of experience in China paper straw and tube equipment manufacturing. With years of production and practice, Chuangfeng has formed its advantages different from other paper straw and paper tube machine.
How Does Our Paper Straw-Making Machine Work?
Our paper straw-making machine is a specialized piece of equipment designed to produce paper straws efficiently and effectively. Here's a detailed explanation of how it operates:
The paper is rapidly fed through the paper feeder while the glue feeder ensures a consistent temperature to automatically stabilize the glue amount.
The High-speed paper straw machine winds and forms the adhesive paper layer, enabling multi-section cutting in a single operation.
Paper-making straws are dried by the electric dryer before being shaped into bendable grooves by the flexible bending machine.
The straws are then transported to the Paper straw dryer via a conveyor belt for further drying.
Finally, the Packaging machine processes the bendable straws into a U-shape, slices the bottom to create a bevel cut, and individually packs the U-shaped paper straws using BOPP film.
What to Expect from Our Paper Straw Making Machines?
To ensure environmental protection, paper straws produced by paper straw-making machines, particularly biodegradable ones, surpass plastic straws in sustainability. With the growing focus on environmentalism, these straws are poised to become the prevailing choice in the future.
As a result, there will be a significant increase in demand for paper straw-making machines compared to those for plastic straws. Currently, numerous industries are entering the paper straw manufacturing sector due to the substantial demand across various industries.
If you're considering establishing a paper straw manufacturing unit, the necessity for a paper straw-making machine is evident. These machines come in a variety of types, including manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic models.
Available at different price points, you can select a machine that aligns with your business requirements and financial constraints. Purchasing from Chuangfeng, a reputable company, ensures access to high-quality, high-performance, and high-capacity paper straw-making machines for your operations.
Features of Paper Drinking Straws
The paper drinking straws crafted using our paper straw-making machine boast the following characteristics:
Longevity: When immersed in a beverage at a steady temperature, these paper straws can maintain their integrity for 2-3 hours without succumbing to sogginess. However, exposure to extremely hot or cold drinks may shorten their lifespan compared to usage at room temperature.
Environmentally Friendly: Paper straws unquestionably outshine plastic alternatives in terms of environmental friendliness. Increased usage of paper straws can significantly reduce the adverse impact on marine life, leading to a decline in deaths caused by plastic pollution. Studies indicate that even when disposed of outdoors, paper straws decompose entirely within 6 months, posing no threat to the environment.
Coated Paper Drinking Straws: Our paper straws are coated with water-based glue, also known as water-based adhesives, to enhance their durability and performance.
Paper Straw Making Machine Cost
The price of a paper straw manufacturing machine in China can vary significantly based on factors such as the machine's automatic paper splicing function and overall quality.
To better understand the pricing of paper straw-making machines in China, it's essential to determine your specific requirements for the machine.
Comparatively, a plastic straw costs approximately RMB 0.03, while a paper straw typically costs around RMB 0.1, representing a difference of more than threefold.
Indeed, paper straws come with a higher cost, and there is room for improvement in terms of user experience. However, certain industry insiders and experts suggest that finding environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic straws is feasible through the breakthrough and development of new materials and technologies.
Materials such as biodegradable bioplastics, paper, bamboo, wheat, various plant stalks, glass, metal, and other recyclable products can serve as substitutes for plastic, contributing to environmental sustainability.
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getjackdhu · 26 days
I strongly recommend using either Zerbu’s Ultimate Careers, or Sonya’s Updated Version, it makes the game way more fun if you can follow your sims to work and/or school. You can also link custom careers to existing ones, so those custom careers use the original's Master Object List (use This list, if you use Sonya's version)
You will also need quite a lot of fun custom careers, the list is as follows:
- Missyhissy's Job Center: comedy, football, factory, airline, toy maker, mechanic, marine biologist, basketball, bartender, envrionmental scientist, dancer, modeling, mage guild, museum curator, local council Marine Biologist Professor Hunter Butcher Monarch Juidical Cowboy Forager Social influencer Boxer Doggie daycare Navy officer Engineer
For the Comedian career to have a Career Object, and for sims to be able to Pefrorm Stand-Up Comedy,and here's a Punching Bag for the Boxer Career
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shreecreators · 28 days
Shree Creators | 3D Scale Model Maker in Mumbai
Shree Creators is a distinguished 3D Scale Model Making Company based in Mumbai, known for its expertise in creating high-quality miniature models. They specialize in a variety of model making services, including architectural, industrial, engineering, and marine models. Utilizing the latest technology and traditional craftsmanship, Shree Creators delivers precise and visually impressive models tailored to client specifications, ensuring timely delivery for trade shows, marketing campaigns, and other purposes.
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