#marie writes h50
ptrckjcne · 1 year
considering it's february 1st, it's only fair i get around to posting the january oneshot for "a year of the otp" — stay tuned for ridiculous amounts of fluff, established relationship for steve and danny, charlie, grace and a visit to jersey
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas/Prompts Masterlist
Steve gets a CornerShot for the armory.
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Career day at Grace's or Charlie's school (Grace or Charlie asks Steve to come)
Veteran's day at Grace's or Charlie's school:
Grace or Charlie have to write a letter to a soldier. Grace or Charlie writes one to Steve.
One of Grace's teachers asks her if her Uncle Steve could come and talk about what it means to serve your country and about the meaning of sacrifice.
Nahele tells Steve he wants to join the Navy
Grace tells Danny that she wants to join the Navy bc she wants to be like Auntie Catherine. (McRollins)
Charlie tells Danny that he wants to join the Navy bc he wants to be like Uncle Steve. (Gen, McKono, or McRollins)
Early season 1 – Steve's thoughts on fireworks
After seeing how he reacted when he thought he heard real gunfire (when it was really coming from a video game) in 4x07, I thought about how he'd react to fireworks (especially in season 1), which they seem to have pretty often in Hawaii. Also based on the song "A Soldier's Memoir" by Joe Bachman
Spn x-over: (gen or McKono or McRollins) Maybe John Winchester knew Joe or John McGarrett. While on a case in Hawaii, Sam and Dean notice the name in their dad's journal. Even if Joe never met John W., he knew about him from John M. telling him about him. When Steve and Danny arrest Dean and maybe Sam, too, Joe tells them to let them go.
Spn x-over: Steve is open-minded and trusts his gut and believes Sam and Dean are good guys.
Spn x-over: Maybe Steve's house is haunted, or maybe there's a case that's weird. He remembers seeing something in his dad's stuff. He finds what he's looking for. It's a piece of paper or a sticky note or something that says "John Winchester" with a phone number and says, "Call this number if anything weird happens," or something along those lines.
Reacher (TV show) x-over: Post 3x20 – Reacher decides to go to Hawaii because why not? He ends up getting framed for murder again because that's just his luck. Five-0 gets the case. Steve sees Reacher and looks like he's seen a ghost. Steve believes that Reacher didn't do it. The Five-0 team thinks Steve isn't thinking straight. It's up to Steve, Reacher, and Catherine to prove Reacher's innocence.
Steve goes to Jersey with Danny (gen)
Renee tries to convince Lou to give Steve a chance, to get to know Steve.
Alicia Brown/Steve
Steve has a son and names him Freddie.
Chin remembers Steve as a teenager.
Slight AU where Steve adopts Nahele.
Steve and kids from cases/crime scenes
Ellie tells Lynn about Steve.
Season 2: Kamekona notices Steve has lost weight.
Kelly (Freddie's widow) and her daughter come to Hawaii. Her daughter wants to know more about her father. Kelly knows Steve was a big part of Freddie's life, so she wants her daughter to know him, too.
Since they never said what her name was, I think maybe the daughter could be named Stephanie. Maybe Kelly did it as a way to show Steve she didn't blame him for what happened to Freddie.
Kelly (Freddie's widow) gets a new job somewhere and sees or finds something she shouldn't, so now she and her daughter are in danger. Being too scared to call the police and not knowing who else to call, she calls Steve. Steve tells her to get on the first flight to Hawaii. She and her daughter make it to Hawaii. Steve protects them.
NSFW: Steve has sensitive nips (gen, McKono, McRollins, Noelani/Steve, Alicia Brown/Steve, or Lynn/Steve)
NSFW: Steve/Kono/Adam
NSFW: Steve has a nice ass (McKono, McRollins, Noelani/Steve, Alicia Brown/Steve, or Lynn/Steve). See evidence below.
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Songfic/Fan video Ideas/Prompts
McKono Fic Ideas/Prompts
Sick!Steve Fic Ideas/Prompts
Ideas/Prompts Based on Specific Episodes
H/C Fic Ideas/Prompts
Pre-series Fic Ideas/Prompts
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LAST LINE OF WIP (or more):
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line.
Tagged by : @cowandcalf (Thanks for the tag babe!)
So there was a concept that started forever ago in an rp. My partner in that thread went on hiatus but I loved the concept so I turned it into a fic. It’s...complicated. To say the least. 
It’s a Hawaii 5-0/Three River’s crossover. Steve and Andy are twins that were separated at birth. Years later, Steve’s son ends up in Andy’s ER and secrets are revealed and so many questions raised. But now Andy, who had a goal and desire to be a father one day, was now in custody of a child who by genetic reasoning was his. Wanting to give the child time to recover from being in foster care and the streets they don’t rush into alerting the McGarrett’s...Thre River plot points later force Andy to bring Steve’s son to Hawaii. 
Steve’s struggling to adjust as fatherhood is thrust onto him along with so many new insane family secrets, a twin, and an uncle that could only be classified as evil. 
My intention is that this is pre-McDanno with Steve forcing Danny into his life because he needs help being a dad. And Danny is in the middle of this chaos, befriending both brothers in different ways, understanding both sides, and while trying to improve his life to be a better dad to Grace himself in a new environment, make sure that ultimately, Steve’s son, Jack, isn’t facing harm. 
TL:DR I gave the McGarrett family a BIG can of worms and it was opened and now Danny’s gotta help them deal with emotions. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Mary looks away from the window to look at Steve who was still watching Andy and Jack until their car was long out of sight. Despite being told the insane shit storm their family’s found themselves in, it didn’t feel real until she met them herself. Even if they were her family too, it was so much more different for Steve. Still, she was confused by his apology. “For what?” 
“Somewhere along the way I did stop being your brother. A good one, anyway. Feeling like a failure as a son isn’t new. There’s plenty I served with who were just like it, so it just seemed like part of the course. I ignored it, like everyone else does. But now it’s fucking me over...I don’t know how to be a son. I’ve proven not to know how to be a good brother...and there’s someone else with my face being a better father to my son.” 
“Hey...don’t do that. You helped me when I needed it! I didn’t need a friend when I fucked up, I needed someone who loved me...someone who would look out for me! And you did! I’m sorry too. For...not being good at being a sister to you either. But you know what? I know it’s hard...but you’re trying. And that’s already more than what dad did for us.”
“Look. Siblings are their own species. We’ll figure out a plan of a attack together about what to do about Andy. As for Jack...well, you got a secret weapon. He may wear ties in Hawaii for some reason but that DILF you scored to be your partner is the perfect model you need to know what kind of dad your son deserves.”   
Tagging: Anyone who wants a chance to spread their ideas and their WIP! 
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itwoodbeprefect · 2 months
ooh there's so many good questions in that writers list. ummmmm 10, 18, 22, 59, 74
10. Cltr+f “blinks” on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
with a previous answer i did this for the starsky & hutch wips, so i'll do it for h50 now, which brings options. the main document with more or less Everything in it has 12 blinks, a flip-flop state of mind has 4 (though those have all already been posted), and sweet like a chic-a-cherry cola (which is, despite appearances, not dead) has 7, one of which is this one, from the aftermath of my gratuitous surf buddies scene rewrite ("“That’s so cute,” Mary says, while she accepts the coffee. She’s smiling, and Steve looks happy and clueless and good enough to eat, and Danny is, quite frankly, insulted."):
When he crosses the doorway he’s indignant, but by the time he’s hopping up on the kitchen counter there’s a nasty doubt creeping in. “Hey, look, we are more than just surf buddies, right? I’m not reading this whole thing wrong?” Steve has his head in the fridge, but at this he closes it without taking anything out. He turns to Danny and blinks. “Of course we are. We’re-” He predictably gets stuck right there, because they haven’t said anything like that out loud before. “Partners,” is what he settles for.
also, oh my god, that's 23 mcdanno blinks. brb editing out these people's twitching eyelids.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
answered this one here!
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
ooh, interesting! and i'm leaning towards no, because i have very few hard boundaries with fiction. there are definitely things i'd be very unlikely to ever write, but there's very little i feel sure about ruling out completely. i'm not responsible (yet) for what tomorrow me thinks would be a good idea, and i only very recently had the experience of watching a show (one of the thai ones, predictably) that got me SO annoyed i had to grab myself by the back of my own shirt and forcibly yank myself back from attempting to rewrite the entire plot of a lazy thing about which i liked practically nothing, not even the characters. so i guess that's one thing i AM trying to actively avoid, and hope for future me's sake she won't be doing either: writing some giant project purely out of spite for a media property i don't enjoy. (peace and love, girl.) beyond that, i don't know! chances are vanishingly slim, but maybe i'll suddenly decide i have a great take on mpreg omegaverse deathfic tomorrow.
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
oh, yes! all my friends i think, my sister, my parents - though my parents wouldn't know where to find it, probably, and i wouldn't mind keeping it that way. i don't mind telling people, it's just that i also don't necessarily enjoy explaining (and defending) the concept of fanfic to random non-fanfic people, so it depends on the situation.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
also already answered this one, here. clearly people agree you picked the best questions!
Get to know your fic writer! 🔎
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cowandcalf · 1 year
McDanno WIP
Still going strong and writing for my McDanno WIP ‘Be Your Very Best At The Darkest Time’ (Soul Swap AU). By the way, I changed my mind about parting the story. I’ll pack everything into one long, wonderful story. My amazing friend with whom I survived three NaNos already, still reads my daily part I’m writing, and she said, how would the story end if I wanted to get my story out for the boys and not what I think should happen because it’s more according what people read? I was so surprised by that question but it’s the best advice I could get.
And by the way, I love how the H50 fandom and the love for McDanno is reviving! So many new posts are floating around, so many new fans are head over heels in love with McDanno. This is so fantastic!
A snipet of my WIP:
"Jesus, Mary. You didn't do anything wrong." Steve chokes out in shock. He has reached his limits of holding it together. Danny can tell. He breaks silently in Mary's arms. His shoulder shook with the pain he tries to push down again. Steve fights to stay strong for Mary. "I'm so sorry, Mary. I never meant to hurt you." He is about to pull back. "Not this time, Punk, you don't pull away when it gets difficult. Cry with me." Mary moves closer to Steve, face buried in his shoulder. She doesn't let Steve pull away and Danny watches how Mary shuffles on her knees closer to Steve. She clambers awkwardly into her brother's lap without taking her arms off his neck. Steve holds her like an injured bird. "What are you doing?" He looks completely taken aback. His arms are full of a tired Mary and it looks like she wants to crawl inside him. She doesn't care if she knees him in the thigh. She shifts around on Steve's legs ignoring his silent 'oofs' and grunts when her pointy elbows poke him in the chest and her scrawny butt, parked now on Steve's sore muscles, makes him twitch. "You haven't – haven't done that since you were a little girl, not more than five years old. It's a little bit . . . you know, you're so much bigger now." "Just let me. I need this." Mary sighs exhaustedly but is also more at peace with the situation. "You have it. I'm here, Mare, okay? I mean it when I say it." Steve's eyes drift over to Danny and with a pleading look, he begs for advice. He looks like he has no clue how to feel about a grown Mary in his lap. Danny signs him to wrap his arms all around Mary and rock her gently. Steve talks with his eyebrows and signals Danny to step closer but he does as told and circles his arms around Mary's fragile body. Danny bites back the grin that threatens to bloom on his lips. Steve is not yet super comfortable with the closeness but Mary doesn't pay zero attention to his discomfort. She forces tenderness and physical contact on him, tearing through any defense technic her brother has developed over the years. For Danny, she means a little wonder how she doesn't fuss over Steve's strict policy to keep the game face on even when emotions threaten to bring him down. She's in need of the protection and power her older brother stands for. And she desperately needs tender human contact. Danny comes to sit on the edge of the mattress. "Mary, don't get spooked, I'm sitting right behind you, okay? It's me, Danny. Can you remember me?" He asks in a soft voice while his eyes are trained on Steve and mouths at him 'hug her – hold her'. He sees the tear tracks on Steve's face and as difficult as the background of this reunion is, Danny sees the love almost as a golden light blossoming between Mary and Steve. Something deep that has been stored away for far too long is unfolding.
Share your WIPs guys. I’d love to read some of your works in progress. If you like of course and feel free to skip it. McDanno is eternal.
@goneahead @stephmcx @mcdannoangelwolf @merlin-wolfgang-trades-hale @murphyhatesme @too-much-in-my-brain and for sure I forgot some of you guys, but feel free to share too!
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lavvyan · 6 years
Consider: Steve McGarrett, brooder and loner, keeper of the flaming sword, guardian angel of the kind that comes less with a protective curl of wings and more with a proactive spilling of blood. Steve McGarrett, who carries out his assignments on Earth with a grim sense of duty and not a lot of joy. 
Steve McGarrett, wondering how hard it could possibly be to keep one New Jersey cop alive, except it turns out said cop’s life is kind of a mess and the guy keeps yelling at him for some strange reason when all Steve’s trying to do is make sure he lives to meet his unborn daughter. It’s maddening. 
And there’s this ineffable feeling growing inside him that’s both terrifying and exhilerating, kind of like the cop himself, and for the first time in his long existence he wishes that all those documents that proclaim his humanity were telling the truth. 
But angels don’t get to make wishes. They certainly don’t get to have whatever they’re wishing for. 
(Or do they?)
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
Night writings
Hm.  Weekend goal: either publish this chapter or try to get the majority finished. Maybe even edited. 
Oh who knows.  
From: Family, Familia, ‘Ohana: Ch 5, Danny POV
Fandom: 911, H50, SWAT
Pairings: Buddie, McDanno
Other tags: Navy Seal Evan “Buck” Buckley, AU crossover
Warnings: snippet. First draft. 
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Danny couldn’t help but let his gaze keep sliding towards his office. Buck had closed the door but hadn’t closed the blinds so from the computer table he had a pretty good view of the kid’s face.  Whoever Buck was talking to, he was animated and trying to put on a cheerful front but there was a line of tension in his shoulders that seemed genetically identical to Steve’s own body language.
Kid was upset about something. Not about whoever he was talking to that he appeared to be trying to cheer up but there was definitely something he was hiding. The back of Danny’s brain itched, wondering who exactly was on the other side of that call. 
Chin, his own poker face firmly in place, waited until Steve and Kono had headed out before inclining his head towards Buck. “Something we need to worry about?”
“No,” Danny replied, firm.  Whatever was going on with Buck it wasn’t a problem for 5-0.  At the unimpressed look his answer got, he felt compelled to explain just a bit. “It’s a personal problem—probably.”
“Probably?”  One of those fine pencil thin eyebrows twitched and the corner of the mouth turned up in a half-smile that showed he’d amused Chin. 
Rolling his eyes, Danny waved his hands. “Family drama—I think.”
“Is this family drama going to follow him here?” Chin asked carefully.
“This isn’t a Doris problem.” Danny insisted, realizing that Chin was probably assuming that Buck had the type of family problems that Steve had instead of different—more normal—ones.  Not everyone’s mother pretended to be dead for almost two decades and had been a maybe or maybe not so ex- CIA agent. 
Then again, Danny was just assuming that Buck didn’t.  He might need to double check that at some point. 
Chin frowned but his eyes danced in amusement as he looked towards the office and then back at Danny. “Just promise you’ll let us know if we need to be ready for a Doris shaped problem.”
“Don’t say her name like that.  If you keep saying it she’s going to appear suddenly and before you know it someone’s getting shot at again.”
“You mean like Beetlejuice?” Chin was just trolling him. 
Better not to tempt fate. 
“More like Bloody Mary,” Danny muttered under his breath. 
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bgharison · 3 years
It’s like deja vu all over again and I mostly blame @thekristen999
Once upon a time there was a depressed mom who discovered Airwolf fanfiction and thought, cool, nice escape.  Years passed and she really liked the show NCIS and she thought, hey remember fanfiction and wow, it was still a thing.  And then one day she read a crossover with this *other* show called Hawaii Five O and there was this character, Steve, that first captured her attention, and then she watched it, and then wow.
And then she decided maybe she should try writing, just a little bit.
And then her kid said, hey, if people like your stuff, you should check out tumblr, because writing and writers.
And she did.  And she made really good friends, and wrote more stuff, and cringed over a lot of her old stuff, and learned a lot, and even visited tumblr friends irl (and that’s honestly the best part of the fairy tale, because she’s still depressed, ya know?)  It’s me.  She’s me.
Soooooo when my tumblr dash started filling up with “those emergency gays” I was like okay, cute.  But then @thekristen999 started writing stuff and of course I was going to read all of those and I . . . really liked the characters and the dynamic.  So I read more.  
So I watched a couple of episodes.     
@thekristen999 wrote more.  I read more.  @stellarmeadow wrote something.  It’s now a damn conspiracy.
And then I started in on Season 2 and when we first see Eddie?  They’re playing “What a Man” like -- yeah, we aren’t even going to pretend not to play around with this, we’re going to have so much fun with this. Because there is not one straight girl gaze on that man in that moment.  And let me take this moment to say -- I do not give a flying squirrel’s butthole if Buck and Eddie are canon. I have fandom.  
This is about to get stupidly long and I’m not sure why I’m even writing it.  Maybe because it’s been a while since I’ve been newly-enthused about a show.  Maybe because part of depression is being unable to be enthused about anydamnthing and it just feels good to experience that again.  Anyway, there’s specific rambling under the cut, but basically, yeah, I totally get why several of my H50 community have found a place in their heart for this, so here I am to annoy you, hi.
But this show, it’s already checked all of my boxes.
Found family -- check.  Bobby.  He’s just so damn *kind* I want to cry.
Sexual tension push-me-pull-you -- Buddie.  “What are we measuring here?”  Buck’s FACE when he sees Eddie with Christopher for the first time.  Maddie:  “So this crush you have on Eddie . . . “  ::cue me snorting coffee out of my nose::
Competency kink -- check check check check and check ::holy hell::
Adrenaline junkie -- check check 
Whump -- not much yet, but I think it’s coming, and again:  fandom
Protective brother / sister dynamic -- check -- okay, so this is totally my jam, not gonna lie.  I have mixed feelings about this, especially in contrast with Steve/Mary.  It’s kind of neat that they mixed it up and that she’s the older sibling; the ‘on the run from an abusive ex’ is a bit cliché, sure, but ‘in danger from mysterious gangs and evil with plot holes’ required a lot of suspension of disbelief.  I like Maddie’s competence as an RN turned dispatcher, but I was personally fond of Mary’s character growth from flake to competent mom, with her occasional flashes of McGarrett genius and spirit.  Maddie’s character is conventionally attractive and I’m seriously disappointed that in every scene so far, we are Obligated to Notice Her Boobs.  All of the other dispatchers have on burgundy polo shirts, but not Maddie!  No, indeed, she has on some clingy v-neck number (not even just a polo left more unbuttoned).  I preferred Mary’s guess-my-natural-color, mascara-runs-during-kidnappings, dress-for-comfort-or-uniform approach to life.   
Whenever there’s a buddie/partner dynamic plus a brother/sister dynamic, I always like to at least have the option to play with the “oh-shit-I’ve-fallen-for-my-partner’s-sister” trope (at least once, for fun, even if I ship the partners) and I totally don’t see that here) so I’m just a little bit disappointed.  But I’m just four or five episodes in to Season 2.  (Oh, yikes, PLEASE don’t tell me there’s an Eddie/Maddie thing, I might throw up in my mouth a little.  I’ve seen gifs of a pregnant Maddie so I know she ends up with someone.)
It’s FUN to find another rabbit hole to fall into.  
::chanting:: write more write more write more write more write more 
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mcdannohmygod · 4 years
H50 finale
To be blunt, I'm irritated at the thought of Steve leaving Hawaii because I'm tired of him leaving Danny. This isn't about shipping McDanno. This is about how Steve chose Danny for his friend, for his partner, for his Ohana. It's about how he forcibly pulled Danny into his life and then proceeded to push and pull at him for the next decade. He's been willing to die with and for Danny, but at the same time, he keeps leaving over and over on his lonewolf missions.
I want Steve to choose a path to healing that doesn't involve taking off and leaving his family behind again. Let him visit Mary. Let him take some vacations. Let him retire. Let him start restoring another car. Above all, get him the intensive therapy he so desperately needs. Whatever it is, let him do it with Danny still in his life.
I'm not saying he should put Danny's happiness over his own. I'm saying I want a world where he realizes Danny isn't part of the problem, he's part of the solution. He literally has part of Danny inside him keeping him alive. Steve has to find a way to heal, but I want him to heal where Danny is. Danny who's been choosing Steve over and over for almost 10 years. If Steve rides off into the sunset alone or with Cath, then that means Danny gets left behind once again. Even if there's hope Steve will come back someday, that's not a happy ending to me.
Danny deserves some happiness too. Danny's alone too. Danny has been giving everything he has to his job and his family, and he just keeps getting kicked while he's down too. "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." I'm tired of that not applying to Danny.
It's irrational, lacking nuance, projecting onto Danny, and a whole host of other things, but it's the best I can say about how I feel without writing a full essay. Thank you for coming to my Steve Talk.
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ptrckjcne · 1 year
⇨ When the Sky Falls Down
pairing: steve mcgarrett x danny "danno" williams word count: 8.5k timeline: canon divergent / sometime towards the end of season eight, start of season nine title: inspired by / picked from and translated from the song "når hele himmelen faller ned" by anne grete preus
❝Everything happens a little slower here on Earth as the whole sky falls down.���
short description: steve, danny, grace and charlie travel to new jersey, and visits the williams family.
read on archive of our own! || written as part of "year of the otp"
keep in mind this is not beta read, written at all times of day and contains stupid amount of fluff!
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Steve was used to the snow. Naturally he was – the man was a fucking Navy SEAL, he had probably spent three years of his life living in a snow cave he had dug out himself in Alaska during his training. Alright, maybe that was taking it a bit too far – but still, the point comes across nonetheless. You see, the ever-so-versatile Steve McGarrett didn’t even flinch when Danny said they’d be heading to the mainland during the worst snow season in New Jersey. Hadn’t he known better, Danny would probably say Steve looked a little excited about the fact, and Danny wasn’t going to lie; he was more than just a little excited about watching Steve and Charlie spend hours in the snow. Just the idea of bringing Steve to New Jersey had Danny excited, a new kind of excited that he hadn’t felt before. 
He had been in Hawaii for Thanksgiving, working on the perfect dinner for the team with Steve, though it had all been disrupted when a call with a bomb threat came in, and they had instead spent the evening tending to cuts and bruises, mending each other’s hurt with whisky and kisses instead of a team dinner and celebrations. Christmas had, for some reason, been split between him and Rachel; he had the kids for the first few days, while Rachel had taken them to England for New Years. Steve – God bless him – had noticed that Danny was uneasy with the thought of only having a few days with the children over the holiday, and had put in his absolute best effort to make Christmas the best holiday ever. In hindsight, Danny had come to realise it was the best holiday ever, but that had nothing to do with the eccentric reindeer-costume that had been forced onto Eddie, or the way Steve had somehow managed to cram together an entire holiday into the span of three days. It had been the best holiday because Danny had his people with him; Steve, Grace and Charlie (and Eddie – he could never forget Eddie).
Now, however, as he was sprawled across their bed – their shared bed – he found himself simply watching as Steve packed, fascinated with the way he brought an op-like precision into everything he did. Eddie was slumbering at the foot of the bed, his head resting heavily against Danny’s ankle, seeming to be aware of how his human family were preparing themselves for a vacation he wouldn’t be going with them on. “Are you going to make running commentary, or are you just going to stare?” Steve chuckled, voice laced with amusement as he turned, shoving one final item of clothing into his bag. 
“I’m just curious to see whether you’ve packed for a Jersey winter, or if you’ve packed for – you know,” he gestured vaguely around, making it clear to himself that he meant the stupidly warm Hawaiian winter. “Your favoured winter, where you could wear shorts every day.”
Steve grinned widely, fingertips brushing against Danny’s calf as he gave Eddie’s head a couple of pats. “I’ve been to the mainland during winter before, you know. Seems you keep forgetting the years I spent in the Navy.” He turned towards the doorway as Charlie appeared, clad in his superhero pyjamas with a wide grin on his lips. “Hey, buddy, are you ready for bed? Did you pack your backpack with the things you want to bring for our trip?” Steve’s voice grew softer as he spoke with the young boy, who in return climbed onto the bed to have better reach as he clung to Steve like a koala.
“I packed my coolest action figures, so I can show grandpa.” Charlie nodded against Steve’s chest, furrowing his brow at the rumbling in the larger body as Steve responded with a chuckle. 
“Alright, well, we should get you to sleep then. Me or Danno?” Steve raised an eyebrow, as if the answer wasn’t clear enough to him with how Charlie had done his best to wrap himself around Steve, though the poking at Steve’s ribs caused the wide grin to return. “Roger that. How about you say good night to Danno, and meet me in your room?”
It caused Danny’s heart to skip a beat, the way he said it. Not long after they had admitted their feelings for one another, somehow hastily over yet another this could be the end of the world situation, Steve had made it clear that he wouldn’t want it any other way. His old room had been redecorated to meet Charlie’s standards, an odd combination of race cars, superheroes and cowboys, and Mary’s old room had been turned into a room suited for Grace, making sure she always had a place to stay whenever she decided to make her way back to Hawaii – back home – from college. In many ways, it had been the simplest yet most perfect admission from Steve that he didn’t just want Danny, he wanted it all – he wanted school mornings, homework, little league games, pancake mornings and all the messes that came with living with a child. Steve, who had never been foreign to the idea of having children, but had struggled to find the needed balance between his work and personal life, and when he in turn had been diagnosed with radiation poisoning (and, he hadn’t specifically told Danny, but the detective was well aware that if the radiation itself hadn’t made him completely infertile, there was a high chance he would never be able to have children of his own), it had seemed like the perfect time for him to commit, fully and wholly, to Danny and his children. 
Danny was pulled out of his thoughts as Charlie flopped against the mattress next to him, giggling like a mad-man as he snuggled closer. “Can you promise me that when Steve comes to wake you up in the morning, you will get up right away?” Danny huffed, arms wrapped tightly around Charlie, which made it difficult for him to jump up and salute his father with a Yessir, yes!, something he had picked up from the Navy SEAL, without a doubt. “Sleep tight, buddy, I love you.”
“Love you too, Danno.” Charlie replied, words muffled against the fabric covering Danny’s chest, before squirming his way out of the warm embrace. He could hear Steve’s chuckles from the room down the hall, followed by the low sound of his voice as he started telling a bedtime story, and based on the sound-effects – it could very well be a (hopefully) children’s appropriate version of some case they had worked (not that Danny hadn’t done the same; his mild and children’s friendly Christmas-story, which portrayed Steve as the hero who saved the holidays, had become a favourite of Charlie’s).
It wasn’t until Eddie started moving, stretching with a wide, whiny yawn, that Danny too decided he should get moving, following the dog downstairs to let him out back. Grace was on the couch, watching some ridiculous reality programme, the kind of show that Danny would never in a million years allow himself to be caught watching, yet he sunk into the couch next to his teenage daughter once Eddie was back inside.
“If you’re going to sit here, I’m not giving you a run-down of what’s happened.” Grace rolled her eyes, patting Eddie as he pressed his snout against her thigh, before wandering off to his preferred spot by Steve’s desk, curling as best he could against the rug.
“That’s fine.” Danny shrugged, kicking his feet up on the coffee table, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to wrap his head around the overly dramatic argument that was unfurling on the screen in front of him. However, as Grace yawned, he let his attempt of understanding go, and turned towards her instead. “You know, we’ll be getting up quite early tomorrow, probably wouldn’t be a bad idea if you headed to bed now. If you’ve packed everything you need for a few days in Jersey, that is.” Danny chuckled, knowing his daughter had his not-so-fortunate skills when it came to packing, and he was already dreading the time he would spend in the bedroom as he packed, Steve hovering over him and commenting on whatever he thought needed a comment.
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer, if it means I’ll escape you and your thoughts.” Grace grinned wickedly, pressing a kiss to her father’s cheek with a muffled good night, and vanishing upstairs.
Steve appeared shortly after, leaning against the railing of the staircase, a chuckle escaping his lips. “See, I’d come over and join you, but I know for a fact that you haven’t packed, and I’m not about to have you grumpy-packing at four am.” Taking the last few steps down, he ensured the front door was locked, and headed to the kitchen to refill Eddie’s bowl of water for the night, before returning to the living room. “Let’s go get you packed and ready, and then I’m going to turn in for the night. If I’m to deal with you and Grace at that hour in the morning, God knows I’m in need of a good night’s sleep.” He rolled his eyes, calling Eddie after him as he turned back to the stairs, Danny turning off the TV and the lights as he followed suit. 
Danny was convinced, by the end of his packing, that he had not at all packed everything he needed, but at the same time, he was convinced Steve hadn’t packed what he needed to survive the Jersey snow, so maybe he didn’t stress too much about having to possibly go to the mall during their stay. Zipping his bag closed, he was about to head for the shower when Steve wrapped a strong arm around him, tugging him to the bed instead. “Steve, I should really-,”
“Save the shower for when we wake up, please.” Steve murmured sleepily against the side of his head, his stubbled chin giving Danny’s cheek a bristly nuzzle as they settled underneath the sheets of the bed. “You’ll wake up more if you shower in the morning.” He tried once more to squirm out of Steve’s embrace, but unlike the hold he had kept on Charlie earlier, Steve was adamant about keeping the detective right there, in bed. “Turn your brain off, Daniel, and sleep, please.” Steve huffed, pressing his lips to Danny’s ear, and by some miracle, Danny fell asleep. 
As predicted, he was grumpy when the alarm clock rang at 3 am, their (correction: Steve’s) clock being set an hour before the kids’, so the Navy SEAL had the time to go for his morning swim, a jog with Eddie, and to take a shower before he tended to Charlie and Grace. The thing was, even though Steve pressed gentle kisses to his head, attempting to soothe him back to sleep, Danny wasn’t able to, and found himself ambling down to the kitchen, where he made coffee – one for himself, perfectly balanced between the far-too-strong coffee and milk, and one for Steve, with the spoonful of grass-fed butter that he for some reason had to have a cup of in the morning. 
Charlie was, like predicted, awake and happy long before anyone had the chance to wake him, and Grace was a lot more like her father; tired and grumpy. However, even ten minutes before Danny had planned, they were bunched together in the car, on their way to drop Eddie off at Tani’s (Danny had to remind Steve that they needed to return the favour in some grand gesture as they returned from Jersey, after all she had voluntarily gotten up early to greet them and make sure Eddie settled in at her place before work). The next few hours were more of a haze, sleepily making their way through security, making sure all four of them ate breakfast, and the flight itself was spent huddling together and sleeping (for Danny and Steve), watching a movie (for Charlie, who had wrapped himself in a blanket on Steve’s lap, watching a cartoon on the in-seat screen, until he fell asleep during the last hour of the flight), and texting friends (for Grace).
The first thing they noticed as they reached Newark, was the chillier temperature, and Danny’s shivering told him he had gotten a lot more used to the Hawaiian warmth than he would like to admit. He was hanging back and for some reason just watching as Steve loaded their luggage into the rental car, before helping a sleepy Charlie into the vehicle, he felt like the luckiest man alive. Grace was leaning against his side, head against his shoulder as they watched Steve, and for some odd reason, it all felt like a full circle kind of moment. He wasn’t sure he would even be here right now, at the Newark Airport, with his two children and Steve, about to get into a rental car as they would be heading to Danny’s family. 
Almost as if she knew something was going on inside his head, Grace turned slightly, poking and prodding at Danny’s ribs, her jabs a lot harder than they would have to be back in Hawaii, as they now had to push through his down jacket. “Just marry him already, will you?” She groaned, timing it almost perfectly to the moment when Steve turned, leaning slightly back against the car with that ridiculous and goofy grin spread on his lips (the grin that Danny absolutely loved, and had come to realise was a grin reserved for him and the kids only). “He’s been used as a pillow by Charlie, and has been carrying around halfway sleeping and drooling Charlie since we got off the plane. Do you really need an eccentric kind of proposal or whatever after that?”
She didn’t give him the chance to answer, though, pushing away from him as she headed for the car. Chuckling, Danny gathered his energy and followed her, though instead of getting into the car, he wrapped himself around Steve’s torso, fingers in the belt loops of his jeans and head against his chest as he hummed contentedly. The smooth surface of the Navy SEAL’s down jacket was cold to touch, and in a weird way it jolted Danny’s energy levels a little, waking him up in time to notice that Steve was pressing the car keys into his hands. “Wait, you don’t want to-,”
“This is your home-turf, Danny.” Steve grinned, patting gently against Danny’s hands, which were now wrapped around the cold metal of the keys. “If you wish for me to give off the gentleman impression for your parents, however, we can pull over and swap places as we near their house.”
“If we’re going to do that, we might as well also put you in a jacket where the shoulder isn’t stained with Charlie’s drool.” Danny rolled his eyes, not failing to notice how the grin on Steve’s lips widened even more. Lowering his head slightly, Steve pressed a kiss to the corner of Danny’s mouth, warm breath ghosting over his lips, before moving himself out from his spot between Danny and the car. There was undoubtedly something odd about seeing Steve, the man who claimed to get motion sickness whenever he didn’t sit behind the wheel himself, get into the passenger seat – but maybe it was just Steve’s way of telling Danny that he trusted him with his heart, body and soul (and health). 
He was about to open the door to the driver’s seat when his phone buzzed, presumably with another text message from his mother, and quite like the last 47 messages he had received from her, this was laced with worry about how to make sure the house was properly prepared to greet Steve. At this point he was sure that if he told them Steve needed a full home gym to work out, they would have torn out everything in the basement and made just that for him. This one, however, was from Bridget, telling him that she hoped they were prepared for snow, because they sure as hell had chosen to visit New Jersey right around the time for the craziest snow fall of the year.
With fingers going numb from the cold, he ducked into the car, delighted to see that Steve had managed to wake Charlie, well aware it would be hopeless to put the boy down to sleep when it was bedtime if his nap continued long into the afternoon. However, Danny was surprised to see that, in order to keep Charlie awake, Steve had willingly given up his phone, sheepishly grinning at Danny as he realised the device had several of Charlie’s favoured games downloaded, making him just a little too well prepared for moments like this. “I know you kids were hoping to get a few things done over our days here, but I want you all to be aware that the forecast says it’s going to snow – a lot.” Danny turned, glancing between his kids, though seeing none of them were paying attention – Charlie in the middle of a very important round of what appeared to be Angry Birds, and Grace had her headphones tucked neatly over her ears, scrolling mindlessly on her phone. “Alright, lively audience we have in the back here.”
Steve chuckled, shifting slightly in his seat. “They’re tired, Danny. So are you, so am I. We’ve been awake since far too early, and we still have a few more hours until it’s reasonable for us to succumb to our tiredness.” He shrugged slightly, reaching across to place a hand on Danny’s thigh, giving it a light squeeze, just like he would do whenever he was behind the steering wheel. “Now, I don’t know if this whole place holds something of a meaningful memory for you, but I’m sure there are other parts of Jersey you’d rather show me than the airport, right?”
His tone was teasing, and his touch was warm, and alright, Danny found himself agreeing, because the neighbourhood where he grew up was a whole lot nicer than the Newark Airport, and with the rate of his mother’s preparations, he should probably make sure they got to the comfort of Danny’s childhood home. The drive seemed longer than Danny could remember, and it could be because he had Steve in the passenger seat, the Navy SEAL being completely quiet, though Danny could tell he had entered the same type of focus he did when they were on a stakeout, possibly to make sure he didn’t fall asleep. Danny found his hand, still resting against his thigh, and tangled their fingers together, giving the larger hand a gentle squeeze. 
Steve grinned at that, and though it wasn’t the most practical considering Danny was driving (he was grateful that Steve had rented a car with automatic transmission), their hands remained linked until Danny pulled onto the street where his parents were residing. Even then, it wasn’t he who pulled away from the touch, as much as it was Steve, who turned slightly in his seat to make sure the kids in the back were awake, Charlie returning the mobile device to his hand with a muffled statement that he should probably charge it. “You’ve really done it now, babe – letting him know you’ve got those games on there.”
“I don’t mind.” Steve shrugged, pocketing his phone as Danny pulled into the driveway, parking the rental car behind his dad’s sedan.
There was a thin layer of snow on the ground, maybe a warning sign of what was to come, though Danny only revelled in the sound of snow, gravel and ice crunching underneath his boots as he got out of the car. Based on Steve’s expression, it wasn’t a sound he had heard in a very long time, an expression that in turn had Danny stifling a laugh. “If this amuses you, I should only hope we get a proper snowfall tomorrow. Charlie won’t let you be inside for one second, I know that much.” He grinned, moving around the car to retrieve their luggage from the trunk as Grace made her way to the front door, and Steve got Charlie out of the car. 
With one arm supporting Charlie, who clung to Steve like his life depended on it (he had taken to doing that with Steve, and it didn’t seem like either one of them minded – Danny knew he certainly didn’t mind), Steve cheekily snuck an arm around Danny’s torso, covering his move as he picked a bag from the trunk and placed a kiss to his cheek. “Maybe I don’t mind being outside with Charlie all day, have you thought about that?”
No, he hadn’t – but then again, Danny shouldn’t be surprised about the thought either. Steve, though being an adult, nearing his 42nd birthday, was a lot like a child, and without psychoanalysing him, Danny was well aware that the answer for it all laid somewhere between his mother not being the most present, before she faked her death and his father had shipped him off to the mainland. Catching his breath, he found himself hanging back for a second as he watched Steve approach Clara and Eddie at the porch, easing Charlie into his grandma’s arms as the Navy SEAL himself was greeted with a hug and kiss on the cheek from Clara, and a firm handshake accompanied with a slap on the back from Eddie.
“Danny, will you be joining us today, or do you have other plans?” Clara called, arms wrapped tightly around the growing boy in her embrace, Eddie well into leading Steve inside, probably already chattering away about something only Steve could keep up with. 
“Take my son inside, will you? I’d prefer it if he didn’t get pneumonia because you keep him out here.” Danny rolled his eyes as he reached the porch, though his expression mellowed as Clara tugged him closer, and had him wrap his arms around them both, a move that caused Charlie to squirm. “I’ve missed you, ma.” 
“I’ve missed you too, Danny.” Clara hummed into their hug, pushing her son in front as they all headed inside. Grace had vanished, presumably to set up shop in a room that had previously belonged to one of Danny’s sisters. Steve had reached the living room, already engaged in listening to one of Eddie’s long monologues about the gratitude he had for men like Steve, who had served the country. “I was thinking maybe we could have lasagna for dinner, if you would want to help me?”
“Of course.” Danny chuckled, looking down at Charlie’s bag which stood at his feet. “Where do you want us?”
“I’ve got your old room for you, Matt’s old room for Charlie. I think Gracie ended up staying in Bridget’s old room, but that means Stella’s room is free if you, you know…” Clara trailed off, nodding slightly in the direction of Steve, and Danny couldn’t help but grin widely – it was sweet really, that she had made sure there was a way out of sharing a bed with Steve if Danny didn’t want to. Not that they would need to use that way out, of course. “I didn’t want to assume anything.”
“It’s alright, ma. We’ll share my old room.” Danny was still grinning as he toed off his shoes and shrugged off his jacket, not failing to pick up on his mother’s about damn time, before approaching his dad. “Dad, please give him time to breathe, yeah?” He rolled his eyes slightly at Eddie’s wide grin, though returned the hug when the older Williams-man wrapped his arms tightly around his shoulders. “He didn’t fly for ten hours so that you could be his biggest fanboy.” 
Steve grinned sheepishly, lifting a hand to scratch at the back of his neck. “It’s alright, Danny-,” he shrugged slightly, though his grin softened as Charlie came running, backpack in hand as he wanted to show his grandpa the latest additions to his group of action figures. It didn’t take a lot more for Eddie to almost seem as if he had forgotten Steve and his years of service, instead turning to the couch with his grandson. In turn, Steve turned fully to Danny, the smile still having the corners of his mouth turned upwards. “Besides, he was just promising me that he’d get around to telling me all the stories of how your former colleagues in the Jersey police had their fun with you while you were the boot of the squad.” 
Once again, Danny rolled his eyes, shifting his grip on Charlie’s bag, only then realising Steve was carrying both of theirs. “Might as well just take you down to the precinct, and you can get the stories from those responsible for it.” He brushed past Steve, though didn’t get far before he turned, making sure the Navy SEAL was following him – and was caught by surprise as Steve bumped into him, huffing out a sharp breath of air at the contact.
“You shouldn’t just abruptly stop walking.” 
Rolling his eyes (again), Danny continued walking, leading Steve down the hallway he had lots of fond childhood memories from – playing tag with Matt on summer days, where the whole house and the backyard was used as their personal running track, Bridget and Stella making creative obstacles as Danny would impress them with his skills of driving a remote controlled car (at least he thought they were impressed, but then again, with pre-teen girls he could never be a 100% sure). Steve stopped in his tracks at the door frame to Danny’s room, a goofy grin spreading on his lips as he placed his index finger to the height measurement that was last added, and that coincidentally also happened to be the very same height Danny still stood at. “You stopped growing at sixteen?”
“Shut up.” Danny huffed, furrowing his brows as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m sure you did too.”
“No, I shot up nearly four inches the summer after I turned nineteen.” Steve shrugged casually, stepping after Danny into the bedroom. It wasn’t anything of an impressive size, but it was cosy, and it soothed a part of Danny’s soul he hadn’t realised was acting up or being stressed. “Nice touch with the baseball-themed pillow cases.” The Navy SEAL stifled a chuckle as Danny’s cheeks flushed pink. “I won’t make fun of it, Danny, I promise, it’s just … I didn’t really have all of these things, you know? We’ve already established how different our childhoods were from each other.” 
Danny sighed a little, dropping Charlie’s bag to the floor, before wrapping himself around Steve’s torso – only this time, neither one of them had thick jackets to restrict their body heats from mixing. “If it becomes too overwhelming, or you need an out, you let me know. I have plenty of places we could go, and I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind looking out for the kids if you need a breather.”
“I’ll be fine.” Steve chuckled, bags dropped to the floor as his arms came around Danny, holding him close to his body. “Besides, with the snowfall I heard was coming, I don’t think it’s wise of us to go anywhere else – other than out in the snow with Charlie, that is.” 
He had half expected Danny to squirm in his embrace, wanting to head back down to his kids and his parents, but he remained firmly wrapped around Steve’s torso, relishing in the possibility of hugging without disturbances. However, as he did shimmy his way out of Steve’s embrace, with a large yawn, it was with a promise of a calm night in, and a chance of turning into bed early. While Danny made his way to the kitchen, adamant to kick his mother out of the room as he took full responsibility for dinner, Steve found himself back in the Williams’ living room, where Grace was on the phone with her niece (Steve assumed), and Charlie was still eagerly explaining the stories behind all of his action figures, some older ones, presumably ones that had belonged to Danny and Matt when they were kids, had been added to the mix as well.
“Who made the first move?” Clara asked after quite a while, having come to sit in the recliner after Danny successfully chased her out of the kitchen, her head tilted slightly as she studied Steve with that same look Danny got on his face whenever he would look at him. “If you don’t mind me asking, of course.”
“I, uh-,” Steve cleared his throat a little, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to think – because which one of them had made the first move? His trail of thoughts were cut off, however, as Charlie came crashing down on him, having long ago perfected the puppy eyes as he now was well aware of the games downloaded to Steve’s phone. “Buddy, not now, eh? It needs to be charged, and you’ve got your grandparents right here.” He ruffled the boy’s hair, half expecting him to return to his grandfather’s side, though was pleasantly surprised when Charlie settled in his lap with a couple of action figures in his hands. “I don’t quite remember, I think, who made the first move. After all these years, and everything we’ve been through, I think we just both kind of fell into it.” 
Clara didn’t respond right away, her eyes filling with admiration as she took in the sight of Steve and Charlie, her husband seeming to agree with her unspoken words as he quietly tidied together the toys on the couch. “He loves you.” She spoke after a while, nodding at Charlie, who was far too distracted with the mid-air explosions that apparently were happening right there in the living room. “Well, I think both the boys do, as well as Grace, but from what Danny’s told me, and from what I’ve seen in the short time since you arrived, he’s only like that with you.” 
In those few seconds it had taken her to say those words, Steve’s throat had seemed to close up, and he found himself saved by the bell - or Danny - as the detective emerged, shoo-ing everyone to the table to get ready for dinner, requesting for Steve to help him gather the food from the kitchen. It was a nice, simple dinner, done just like Danny had done it time and time again in their kitchen back in Hawaii; a simple lasagna with garlic bread and a salad, and just like when they ate it back home, it was the kids’ (and Steve’s, though don’t tell that to Danny, he would never stop gloating) favourite dish. It was an easy kind of setting, the kind of setting Steve hadn’t experienced a lot with his own family as a kid – the kind of setting that eased the weight of Clara’s words. He figured it must be something about the setting, or maybe the house (or maybe it was the New Jersey air?), but he found Clara to be a lot less in his face than she had been when she came to visit Danny in Hawaii. 
The rest of the evening was spent the same way; Steve helped Danny clear the table, enveloping himself around the shorter detective while they did the dishes, before they joined the rest of the family in the living room. This time it was Grace who chatted away, eagerly telling her grandparents about her quest to find the perfect college, and if Danny thought no one caught his grimace at the thought of his daughter growing up, he would have to think again. Charlie had managed to come down from his post-dinner-energy-high, and found himself crashing in Steve’s lap again, sock-clad feet kicked up in Danny’s lap – to at least have some sort of contact with his father as well.
“We should come visit you all in Hawaii soon.” Eddie suggested, immediately having his wife’s eager nodding as a support of his words. “I mean, I haven’t been in a few years, and from what I recall, it’s a wonderful place all year round. Besides, Danny’s mentioned you have a pretty Merc in your garage, Steve?”
Steve flashed a crooked grin. “Yessir. It was my dad’s originally. We would work on it together when I was a kid, and after he passed, I took it upon myself to get her back on the road. It’s been with mixed success, but she’s more or less up and running now.”
“No need to call me sir, Steve.” Eddie chuckled. “You’re family, that means I’m Eddie to you.”
At this, Charlie lit up. “Eddie as in our dog?” 
Steve grinned, picking up on the soft chuckle that passed Danny’s lips from beside him. “Almost, buddy.” Danny placed a palm against Charlie’s leg. “Maybe we have to figure out a new nickname-solution there if grandma and grandpa comes to visit?” He suggested further, the eager nodding from his son telling him he had already started the search for a nickname suited for the golden-coloured Labrador back on Oahu.
“So, you have a dog now and everything?” Clara raised her eyebrows, seemingly surprised at the admission of their canine friend. “I thought I could quite vividly remember that you wouldn’t be interested in getting another pet unless you were married, Danny.”
Danny stilled at his mother’s comment, a comment that had also whipped Grace’s attention into action, the teenager staring wide-eyed at her father from the recliner next to Clara. “Actually, Eddie and I were kind of a package deal.” Steve cleared his throat, pressing his elbow gently against Danny’s arm, a weak attempt at grounding him, soothing his nerves. “I was supposed to be a temporary home for Eddie, but he and I have a special bond, and I couldn’t let him leave. So, Danny brought his two kids walking on two legs into the relationship, and I guess you could say I brought my four-legged kid.” If Clara didn’t seem convinced, she had done a good job at schooling her expression, but at his side, Danny had resumed breathing normally, and that was a lot more important to Steve than having to explain any further on why he ended up adopting a dog who had previously worked with the Marines and the DEA. 
They sat a while longer, conversation easing into something everyone could participate in, until Charlie started stifling yawns against Steve’s shirt, the Navy SEAL chuckling as he shifted the way his arms were wrapped around him. “Maybe we should get you ready for bed, huh? You’ve got to rest up if all this snow is coming, I’m gonna need you to teach me how to build a snowman.” 
“We should let you all turn in for the night.” Eddie was quick to speak, sending his son a short, acknowledging nod as Danny looked at him. “You’ve been travelling since early morning, and as Steve pointed out, there’s going to be quite the snowfall tomorrow. Can’t have anyone falling asleep out there, can we?”
A string of hugs and good nights were shared, Clara and Eddie taking it upon themselves to turn off lights and make sure everything was closed and locked correctly. Upon reaching the row of bedrooms, Danny carefully picked Charlie out of Steve’s arms, mumbling something about him being able to walk fine (which only caused Steve to grin widely in response), before the three of them bunched together in one bathroom to brush teeth and get ready, and if any of them were jealous of Grace who had the bathroom belonging to Stella and Bridget’s old rooms all to herself, well, neither one of them said anything.
Danny took it upon himself to tell Charlie a bedtime story that night, meanwhile Steve paid a visit to Grace, who seemed comfortably at home in her aunt’s room. Pressing a kiss to her head, followed by a mumbled sleep tight, he reunited with Danny in the hallway. “Charlie didn’t want your stories?”
“Never got around to asking, he fell asleep before I was one third into the story I started telling him.” Danny shrugged slightly, a step or two in front of Steve as they moved back to the detective’s old bedroom, quietly changing to their pyjamas, which more or less consisted of Steve’s t-shirts (Danny found he was a lot more comfortable sleeping in Steve’s larger, more loose fitting t-shirts, than his own rather tight ones) and plaid pyjamas pants. “You know, it’s a good thing you’re a snuggler when we sleep, because I had forgotten that this bed was smaller than a double.” 
Steve scoffed, though allowed for Danny to settle against him under the covers of the bed, a contented hum escaping the detective. “You know, the one thing that really benefits me by enjoying cuddles is the fact that I can definitely turn you over and use you as a shield if Charlie decides to do a cannon-ball onto the bed in the morning.” His tone was warm, teasing even, as he wrapped his arms tighter around Danny, the detective sleepily mumbling a response of something against Steve’s shoulder. “Alright, good night, Danno.” 
They slept soundly most of the night, only waking once to the sound of a plough truck clearing the roads of snow outside, having them mumble incoherent sentences about having to spend some time outside with Charlie, before falling asleep again – and then they didn’t wake until Charlie had, in fact, climbed into their bed, sprawling across them with a goofy grin on his lips. “Good morning.” He giggled, before climbing fully onto Danny’s body, allowing Steve’s eyes a moment to adjust to the brightness of the winter sky that was pushing through the curtains. Danny, on the other hand, simply groaned into his pillow, an arm around Charlie’s chest as he tucked the boy into the tight space between himself and Steve, much to the squirming boy’s delight. “No, let me go, Danno, I want to eat breakfast and go outside.” Danny, still with his eyes closed and face halfway buried into the pillow, loosened his grip on Charlie, who immediately squirmed out of the embrace and turned to Steve. “Will you come with me?”
“Yeah, buddy, come on.” Steve chuckled, waiting until Charlie was halfway into the living room before he quickly changed from his pyjamas, and left the bedroom. “Good morning, Clara.” He smiled as he entered the kitchen, having already figured from the smell that she had started making a classic Williams’ tradition, with pancakes for breakfast. Charlie had been lifted to sit on the counter, in a safe distance from the stove, with a glass of orange juice.”
“Good morning, Steve.” She almost chirped happily as a response, though didn’t take her eyes off the fluffy-looking pancake she was cooking. “I hope you’ve slept well, and that the snow plough didn’t wake you too badly. They aren’t always so considerate of the time they decide to make their way through this neighbourhood when the snow’s falling like it is now.” Clara sighed, flipping the pancake before she turned towards the Navy SEAL. “I’ve set out cups for coffee, both for you and for Danny.”
Steve smiled widely, reaching over to ruffle Charlie’s hair, being caught by surprise as Clara wrapped an arm around his torso, pulling him in for a halfway hug. “Thank you, Clara.” He hummed, sneaking an arm around her shoulders to give her a light squeeze, before turning back to the coffee boiler, pouring himself and Danny a cup each of the slightly burnt coffee, made with some local blend (if the bag of coffee ground neatly positioned near the coffee boiler was anything to go by). “I’ll just bring this to Danny. I’ll be back to help with whatever you need soon.”
“Prepare yourself to go outside quite soon after breakfast.” Clara spoke up before he had even had the chance to leave the kitchen, ceramic of the cup warm against his hand as he turned to look at her, evidently curious about what she meant. “Charlie’s been telling me of how he wants to go outside as soon as possible after breakfast, but he’s also adamant of not bringing my husband out. Apparently you’re the only star shining in his sky.”
Steve had half expected her words to come laced with something annoyed, something hurt even, as they were there, with them, Charlie’s grandparents – yet the young boy wanted to include Steve in his every move - but it was nothing of the sort. Maybe it was Danny’s way of making sure Steve didn’t get too overwhelmed by the visit, by the sudden exposure to a family that was a lot closer than the one Steve had grown up with. Chuckling lightly as he saw Charlie’s grin, from where the boy was looking at him over Clara’s shoulder, Steve found himself nodding. “Alright, well, it’s a good thing I brought warm clothes then.” 
He handed Danny’s coffee to him with a stubbled kiss to the temple, quickly changing into something he knew from Navy-experience would keep him warm during an outing in the snow. Danny, on the other hand, decided to hang back when Steve made his way back to the kitchen, quickly being ushered out and ordered to sit down by the dining room table with Charlie, where the two of them, alongside Grace and Danny, who at some point had figured it was time for him to drag himself out of bed, the coffee cup still glued to his hands, were served impressive stacks of fluffy-looking pancakes. 
“Try not to eat like an animal, please, Steven.” Danny rolled his eyes, though his tone was teasing as he reached out to kick his shin underneath the table. The comment, unheard by Clara (who was in the kitchen again, refilling her own cup of coffee before joining them) and Eddie (who was out ploughing snow in the house’s driveway), only made Steve grin, as Charlie looked between them, a curious look spread on his face. “Don’t worry, Charlie, I’ll tell you later why we call Steve an animal.”
Though still looking between them, the five year old seemed content with the answer, turning back to his mission of devouring his pancakes – and it had Steve wondering if maybe it was Charlie who was the animal when all came down to it. Yet, neither one of them commented on it, instead turning to their own food. Grace kept the conversation going with Clara once she returned to the table, their chatter consisting mostly of things that caused Danny to panic on a good day (college applications, boyfriends, plans for university, if she was ever going to move back to New Jersey), yet in this setting, his legs tangled with Steve’s underneath the table, gaze locked on Charlie who was happily munching away on his syrup drowned pancakes, and with Grace right there at his side, it didn’t even seem as if he noticed her words.
Not surprisingly, Steve and Charlie were the ones who finished their breakfast first, gratefully thanking Clara for the food, before getting ready to head outside. Danny simply chuckled, lifting the coffee cup to his lips as his mother turned to look at him, a cheeky smile spreading on her lips. “You’ve got yourself a third kid there.”
“Tell me about it.” Danny rolled his eyes, sipping his coffee. “They’ve both got a lot of joy in each other’s company, though. I know there was a time where Rachel absolutely hated the idea of Steve being such a big part of Charlie’s life, but now … well, if she still has something against it, she’s doing a good job at keeping her mouth shut.”
“If she sees how happy her son is, she’ll know to keep her thoughts to herself.” Clara simply shrugged, sipping her own coffee. Grace, with her blessed sixth sense (or whatever it was), excused herself from the table with a kiss to her grandmother’s cheek, and hurried off to the room she had been sleeping in. “The way he is with you, with the kids, it’s unlike anything I ever saw from your ex-wife. The way Charlie turns to him? I hope you treasure that, Danny. If anything, I hope it helps you realise that you have nothing to worry about in a relationship with him.” She smiled, trailing off as Charlie poked his head into the dining room, a large and toothy grin flashed in their direction as he announced they would be going outside to make snowmen. “You should teach Steve the secret Williams’ snowman trick, Charlie.” Clara winked at her grandson, receiving an eager nod in response, before he hurried back to the hall, the sound of his and Steve’s laughter mixing as it grew fainter, vanishing behind the sound of the front door shutting. “I hope you see as clearly as the rest of us that he’s not just in it for you, he’s in it for the whole package. You, the kids, the family – he wants it all.”
“Yeah, we’ve talked about it, the whole thing.” Danny leaned back against the hard, wooden chair, not failing to notice the cracking sound of the chair’s back. “Sometime after we admitted it all, and I’d been staying at the house and Charlie had been situated in the room that’s now his, and Steve just kind of blurted it out over a beer on the lanai.” 
“Romantic.” Clara chuckled. 
“I don’t know, I still think he was way beyond tipsy at the point of the admission, but somehow he didn’t back down from his words the following morning, when he had gotten up early with Charlie and I found them watching cartoons in the living room.” Danny smiled, once again lifting his cup to his lips, sighing slightly into the sip of coffee. “You know, the idea of bringing him here for this visit, it was all Charlie and Gracie?”
Clara hummed, the amusement evident on her face. “I’m not surprised. They’re crazy about him, both of them.” She glanced in the direction of the hall as the front door opened, the sound of someone shuffling inside catching their attention. “Not that you need to worry, he’s crazy about them too, and I’d say he’s crazy about you.”
Eddie made his presence known with a chuckle, his cheeks flushed red from the cold, accompanied with a wide smile and a slight sniffle. “Are you talking about the two who’re having the time of their lives out there? With the rate they’re going at, either one of you should head out with something warm to drink for them, and probably dry mittens for Charlie.” 
Danny smiled a little as he leaned forward again, swallowing the last mouthful of his coffee, before getting up. “I’ll head out and make sure they’re alright. Maybe you would like to make your hot chocolate, mom?” He flashed a grin in Clara’s direction, a smile that turned almost giddy when she nodded (it wasn’t like living in Hawaii gave him a lot of chances to drink hot chocolate, when the rest of the island was already ridiculously hot as it was). He stopped by Grace on his way to find a sweater, chuckling to himself at the sight of his daughter sprawled on the bed, happily chatting away with her cousins as they planned what to do when the rest of the Williams-family would drop by. Danny hoped Steve wouldn’t feel overwhelmed at the thought of the family gathering – not that they were all unfamiliar faces. He had met Bridget before, albeit briefly, and the two had seemed to hit it off, and while he hadn’t met Stella, Danny was quite certain she would like Steve – and the other way around.
The air was sharp as Danny stepped out to the porch, the remains of snow that had fallen off shoe soles and been brushed off jackets and pants giving the darkened deck a bright and decorative pattern. Steve had seemed to tap into a Navy-like behaviour, chirping out “yessir!” whenever Charlie asked him to do something, whether it be fetching a new snowball or digging up gravel to make sure they had what they needed to make the snowman’s face. Above them, snowflakes were still falling at a rapid speed from the sky, the small white spots a stark contrast to Steve’s dark hair (because of course he wasn’t wearing a hat). 
“Danno, are you going to come help us?” Charlie cheered as he spotted his father on the porch. However, at the sight of his father’s shake of the head, the five year old huffed, before turning back to the pile of snow he was actively digging in, seemingly unbothered by the cold. What he hadn’t expected, though, was for his father to hover over the pile when he looked back up, a wide grin on his lips and the dry mittens in his hands. 
“Grandpa told me you might have some cold hands out here?” Danny raised an eyebrow slightly, stifling a chuckle at the sight of his son’s goofy grin, and Danny wasn’t going to lie – he wasn’t very impressed when Charlie tugged his mittens off, wrists red from where the snow had been layering against his skin underneath the sleeve of his jacket, hands freezing cold from having dug around in the snow. “Okay, let’s get these on, and if you can allow your hands to warm up just a little without being underneath the snow, you can get a cup of hot chocolate, yeah?”
“Okay, Danno.” Charlie grinned, carefully tucked the sleeve of his jacket over the hem of the mittens, before running off to sit at the steps of the porch while he waited for Clara to appear.
Steve, on the other hand, wrapped himself around Danny in a matter both of them had come to realise they enjoyed, stubble scraping against his ear, and a freezing cold nose pressing against his temple. “You were right, you know, there is something special about a Jersey winter.” He chuckled, the feeling of his rumble against Danny’s back sending some sort of warmth through his body. “Besides, the snowfall … it’s nice.” Steve added, extending a gloved hand to catch some of the snowflakes. “Maybe we should bring Charlie to Mauna Kea at some point. It’s not Jersey, but it’s the best Hawaii’s got when it comes to snow. He’s already a stellar surfer, he’d be an amazing snowboarder as well.” 
Danny simply chuckled, turning them to face the porch as Clara emerged in the doorway, bringing hot chocolate for them all, Charlie already fully engaged in telling his grandmother all about the snowman they were currently building. “I’d prefer for him to be a little older than five before we take him to a volcanic mountain.” He rolled his eyes, though a grin was still tugging on the corners of his lips as Steve nuzzled closer again, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of Danny’s head. Reaching down, he snuck a hand into one of Steve’s gloved ones, and squirmed out of the tight embrace before he tugged Steve along. “Come on, let’s get you warmed up with a hot chocolate.”
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas
Pre-series hurt!Steve h/c (as Steve is still a kid)
How Steve gets the purple heart or his gold star. There's a flashback in 8x24 of Steve getting injured in the field. He would have received an award for that. They didn't specify which one, though.
Freddie invites Steve to come home with him for Thanksgiving
Steve meets Chin after one of Chin's football games.
Steve gets sick while at ANA. Uncle Joe takes care of him.
Protective big brother!Steve
Prior to Doris's "death," Steve sees two big kids bullying a smaller kid and notices the teacher is doing nothing, so he steps in. Steve gets beat up pretty bad since it was two against one. When the school calls his father and tells him Steve got in a fight, at first, John is actually more confused and worried than angry because Steve is a good kid who never gets in trouble. (Based on the deleted scene from the pilot where Mary is at the funeral and calls Steve "the golden child.") When John finds out what happened, he is proud of his son.
Moments between Steve and his Uncle Joe throughout Steve's childhood.
Freddie takes Steve out for drinks to cheer him up
Maybe it's Steve's birthday or the anniversary of his mom's death or of the day his father sent him away.
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heat-starved · 4 years
So, I watched the series finale of Hawaii 5-0 last night, and honestly, the last five minutes of Lou Grover was me for most of the episode.
I had seen some spoilers, so I vaguely knew about Cath, and I knew about Danny getting hurt, but I didn't know they were going to go as far as they did with his injuries, and I didn't know that they were gonna end it so ambiguously.
I cried for about twenty minutes during the whole search and rescue for Danny, not because I thought they were going to kill Scott, or leave Danny irreversible changed, I cried at the thought of Steve having to go through yet another close friend/family member's death.
I cannot believe that Mary and her little girl made it through the whole series with the way they were treating people who were close to Steve as inevitable plot points who's only purpose was to provide another weight that Steve had to carry.
Did John have to die? Maybe, because what else would have gotten Steve home?
Did Doris have to die? Probably not, but at the end there, I really didn't care if she lived or died with how much she jerked Steve around over the years.
Did Joe have to die? Absolutely not, especially because the way they set it up would have had Steve inadvertently blaming himself for Joe's death for the rest of his life.
Could they have killed Danny? If they were ever thinking of doing another season or a spin-off, no. Because if they would have killed Danny, while Steve was already thinking of leaving, and while he was already thinking of everyone else that he had lost in those ten years...
He would have killed himself.
I know it's not something we want to think about or even entertain, but people can only take so much, and losing Danny the same way he lost his dad would have killed him, I have no doubt.
So was the series finale perfect? No.
Did Cath need to show up at the last second for no reason? No.
Did they even need to intro Lincoln to 'replace' Steve like he's never coming back with how vague that ending was? No. (Also, isn't that dude in Macgyver as a completely different dude, and aren't H50 and Macgyver in the same universe? So how would that even???)
But am I glad that I got to go for this ten year ride and meet these amazing characters that I will love and cherish for the rest of time?
Hell yes.
Side note: I know there's a lot of things going on that have to do with queerbaiting and the fact that Lenkov basically shite in the faces of everyone who stuck with the series because they thought that McDanno was endgame, and it made total sense from the viewer perspective that they would let Steve and Danny run off into the sunset together, and I know it hurts a lot, but what were we expecting, honestly?
For those of you who have been through Sterek, or have any ships where two people seem perfect for each other, but the writers only write them into situations where it looks like they could get together, just for the sake of keeping their audience, but will never do it because they're the same sex; I feel you.
Do I wish that was different? Hell yes.
But luckily for us the show is over now, so fanfic writers, those of you that thrive off of fix-its? You guys now have the opportunity to make whatever world you want out of non-canon material, and in that world Steve and Danny can ride off into the sunset and never looked back.
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
Hi! Since youre into sga again how do you think mcshep would be in a h50 au or as steve and danny?
fjdkfd honestly, i think merging those two that way around (transplanting john and rodney into the h50 universe, rather than steve and danny into the sga one) would be a lot harder than it sounds. the h50 world is... fairly nondescript? its big draw as a show was undeniably the characters, so swapping those out changes a lot of the details that actually made the show what it is.
if we are going for it, however, i think the obvious choice would be to try a john-as-steve and rodney-as-danny approach, except john wouldn't be john if he were a highly decorated superseal with a spotless record and rodney wouldn't be rodney if he had a kid to care about and prove from the getgo that he's not as selfish as he appears, so... we could hide that, for a little? or, and bear with me here! we could do something a little unorthodox and make it rodney-as-steve and john-as-danny instead, which i think would overall be a MUCH better fit.
like, rodney is a brilliant scientist who returns to the island where he grew up after many years because his father was killed; john is an unwilling transplant cop from the mainland who followed his ex-wife (which he canonically has!) and their little daughter (which he doesn't, but if he DID, you can't tell me he wouldn't blow up his own life and move to a place he hates to try to stick close to her). i think that particularly for john this works a lot better: his captain and the other detectives don't think much of him (like colonel sumner), he hates hawaii and how sweaty and crowded by tourists every single bit of honolulu is (remember that he LIKED antarctica), and he lives in really awful one room apartments because the divorce, custody proceedings and move across the country ate up all of his savings, but he DOES still own a very expensive very pretty very fast car, because of course he does.
rodney is maybe a little more tricky, but i think we could make it work, especially if we draw a little vegas!rodney into it, perhaps. he's done well for himself, he has a bunch of awards and hops from place to place working on very secret projects (for the us military, potentially, if we want to keep that aspect), and then he hears his dad with whom he has a very complicated relationship is dead, so he returns to oahu where the governor personally greets him and is like, hey, you have a very unique skillset, want a job on my new special taskforce fighting major crime? and he goes nope, and then he runs into john in his father's garage, makes a call while john is pulling strange annoyed faces in the background, and suddenly they're putting together a team. rodney doesn't know chin from their football days, but from chin playing in the school band (which he did, iirc!); chin can still draw in kono, etc. obviously jeannie is mary, but i think jeannie could still bring the same chaos while nonetheless being married and having a kid (there HAS to be a scene in which she and john bond over Being Parents and she HAS to be surprised when she sees rodney be very gentle and sweet with john's kid), and i feel like it's important to note that catherine's role does NOT go to sam (because that would be weird and would only happen if rodney were the one writing this au), but to jennifer, who also gets a little of her vegas personality probably. especially the bit where in that episode she acts as an ME, because that would work very well for what is now essentially a cop au - she's the person that gets called in if they have a very weird body.
and yeah, uh. there's probably more "borrowing" of kamekona's helicopter in this version, because john can never resist. it's a little less clear who's actually leading this taskforce, because officially it's rodney but he definitely needs john to reign him in sometimes, which honestly, might just be another way this configuration fits the steve-and-danny dynamic well. i realize that i kept chin and kono and then replaced the other characters with faces from sga, so if we want to fill out the cast: i propose another swap from the first thing you'd think of if you had to put ronon and teyla into those two positions. teyla is chin, wise and ruthless and devastatingly beautiful, and ronon is kono, the looks-like-an-actual-model newbie who used to be a professional surfer and stuck with teyla when she was accused of corruption and all of her family (the athosians!) turned on her. (they still meet him on the beach as he punches a guy for stealing his wave, and john still has his mouth hanging open a little.) also! carson is max, of course. instead of dressing up as keanu reeves characters for halloween he dresses up as scottish folk heroes.
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five-wow · 4 years
i’m watching 10.21!!! [insert excited but apprehensive noises]!!!
by the time you’re reading this i’ll be done watching, so as always, thoughts under the cut:
i opened up the episode, steve’s voice said “previously on ha-” and i paused it because i actually need some food before i do anything right now.
food (and coffee that is 90% milk) acquired! the previously on is just the last few seconds of the previous episode, and oof, it reminded me how hilariously evil this micheal claypool sounded with that intense british accent they gave him (surprise twist: the h50 finale is actually the new bond movie), but now he just showed up on steve’s doorstep and he looks like a really kind somewhat older man, gosh.
steve: “please uh, come on in and make yourself at home.” danny, wherever he is right now: “NINE YEARS. I HAD TO WAIT NINE YEARS AND THIS GUY JUST SHOWS UP AND-”
mr. claypool comes in, sits down, hands a still standing steve a letter and then gathers his coat and briefcase and is immediately back out the door, fdjkfd. also, omfg, i don’t like that doris is still causing drama from the grave, but i have to say, it’s impeccably in character, at least.
steve looks a little disbelieving and unhappy about the contents of the letter, which is not great. it couldn’t have been just a nice “hello my son, sorry you’ve had to live without me for these past four months, i wanted to tell you one last time that i love you and hope you’re doing well”, could it? (for that matter, does mary get a letter??? it always feels like mary either got out in time by not going into anything like law enforcement and therefore not getting pulled into her family legacy of dangerous shit all the time, or like she’s just been outright rejected by their parents who keep building all of their mysteries around steve.)
okay so now we’re watching a woman and her son being held hostage by two criminals who probably killed a cop and want her to stitch one of them up, and obviously they’re bad guys, but one of them just said “think bus boy’s got a thing for you” about the dude who just rang the doorbell and hand delivered a toy the kid had forgotten at a diner and yes!!! i agree!!! and it looked super cute so maybe you could just put your guns away and let them fumble around each other for a little before one of them finally asks the other out on a date and then they end up as a really cute little family.
oh SHIT crush guy just burst into the apartment and really, really seems to know his way around a gun and how to hold his own in a fight against armed criminals. oh! ohhhh, this is the new character they were going to introduce that would potentially have become a cast member if the show had continued without steve, isn’t it? ahhh. that makes sense.
while the woman calls the police, crush guy (who heroically saved her and her son and got shot in the process) just. leaves. that’s not suspicious at all!
the intro!!! feelings!!!
we’re at the cemetary where john mcgarrett rests so i expected to be shown steve, but instead we get?? danny rolling up in the camaro to look at steve crouched by the grave? oh my gosh. ten times better.
danny is SO WORRIED. and he is RIGHT because steve is acting very unlike steve.
fdjkfdjk OF COURSE doris’s message is a bunch of symbols. doris!!! you do not write goodbye messages to your son in wingdings!!! be a good mother for maybe once, perhaps, my gosh!!!
!!!!! steve telling danny he just doesn’t think he really cares anymore and wants to be done with doris’s whole thing is !!!!! very good!!!! i am using too many exclamation points and very aware of it but !!!!!!
i just. look. i just. steve has SAD FEELINGS and he TALKS ABOUT THEM with DANNY and this is pretty much a dream come true. YES. not the sad feelings, i’d rather have happy feelings, but after everything these characters have gone through they need to acknowledge that there are sad feelings before happy feelings can be had.
also, omfg, i had a brief heart attack because steve says joe’s name but he says it with an abandoned “and” kind of tacked onto it, a little mumbly, so it sounds like “losing joe’n- and mom” and for a long moment i was like, losing joan?? what?? because that would not be okay, holy shit, no.
on a lighter note, steve: “i’ll drive.” what a suprise!!! truly a shocking turn of events. :p
yes, steve, antagonize the scary-looking dude who is grieving over his dead brother while standing over the dead brother’s body in the morgue. i’m sure that’s a brilliant plan.
wait what, we suddenly see adam and junior who are talking on the phone because junior called adam to give him an update, and then adam goes, right, but the bad guys don’t know the address yet, and we do! and it turns out he is. standing in the apartment both parties are looking for right at that second. uh. communication, adam, dear lord.
there is some team organizing in hq around the case and then they all disperse and danny looks ready to follow steve into his office but then he gets distracted by tani asking to talk to him for a minute, and then they go out onto a BALCONY that i don’t remember ever having seen before? omg. secret headquarters balcony.
tani asks about steve!! she is worried too!! i’m forgetting about the balcony betrayal and having intense feelings again.
fdjkfd danny tells tani that steve has been running non-stop and is getting burned out and tani asks “alright, well, what are we gonna do about it?” and with absolutely zero hesitation danny goes “i’m gonna force the issue.” i don’t even think that’s a bad plan per se! but the quick and determined way he says it has me laughing anyway, like danny’s been daydreaming while the team was talking about their case and thinking, hm, what can i do to help steve? i know! i’m going to push him in a corner and keep him there and make him FEEL his FEELINGS. danny’s solution here is to throw a grenade at steve, but like, one full of love and caring and hopefully pancakes.
danny is telling tani that he’s seriously concerned about steve’s functioning on the job at the moment and meanwhile steve is out with junior interviewing a guy with an axe. fdjkfd.
okay so steve and junior catch the bus boy crush heroic rescuer guy (whose name is cole) and he won’t talk, and then junior arrives back at hq and tani comes out of her office to talk about steve again, ahhh. she is so worried! and junior is extremely uncomfortable because he feels like he has to defend steve and he ends up saying that steve will deal with things in his own way and oh junior, no, sometimes being hurt and pushing it away is not the best thing. even MORE reasons why steve needs to work through this in a healthy way: he’s setting a very destructive example for junior.
meanwhile steve is chilling on the floor of their rendition room “interviewing” cole all on his own, which seems to boil down to psychoanalyzing cole in a way that sounds suspiciously like steve’s pulling apart pieces of his own mind but attributing all of the problems to cole because that’s way safer than admitting that maybe most of these are his own issues, too, that he’s giving voice to for probably the first time ever.
steve to himself cole: “you’ve been here in this hole since [name of place where tragedy happened]. you‘ve put yourself there.” SUBTLE.
fdjkfd i paused at the perfect moment because immediately after that sentence cole goes “you know, something tells me i could say damn near the same thing about you” and uh, yes. thank you for making my point in-universe, cole, gosh.
steve: [gives a hard stare for a second and then switches back to cole’s current situation without addressing cole’s comment at all]
ahhhh there is a shot that starts with lou, tani and quinn around the tech table analyzing a video that shows our Bad Guys of the moment holding the poor diner lady and her kid hostage (again!) and then moves smoothly through steve’s glass door into his office where he and danny are having a heated discussion about the case and twirls around them. that was very cool!
so the bad guys want cole or they won’t release their hostages, cole wants to do it, danny wants him to do it and convinces steve after multiple little scenes of them disagreeing about it, and then military police comes in and takes cole away, preventing them from actually carrying out their plan. oops!
and THEN cole escapes out of a vehicle with three men guarding him, hah. i’m definitely seeing the heavy handed parallels with steve they’re throwing at us, omg.
danny about cole to steve: “i think this guy might be crazier than you.” i kind of love that every time a new intended team member shows up (tani, junior, i'm pretty sure quinn too?), danny has to compare them to steve in some way. it’s a rule. every time anyone says something vaguely snarky steve physically can’t stop himself from saying “ah, did you know you sound just like danny williams?” and every time someone does something ill-advised yet heroic, danny is obligated by the universe and the wiring of his own heart to go “ugh, you remind me of steve.”
cole gets a pass because he did good stuff and is a war hero, steve and cole make friends, and then cole says he noticed the cypher on steve’s desk and we’re back to the thing i thought this episode would focus on way more heavily.
steve HAS been doing research to try to crack it! danny was right about steve not being able to let this go.
cole knows a guy who’s good at cracking codes! i guess that’s a neat way to connect him to steve’s finale plot and move it along at the same time, haha.
steve is still at the office when his phone rings and it’s danny and then steve walks onto his beach where danny is waiting for him in their two chairs with two beers, and i love that, especially because we don’t hear danny’s side of the phone conversation but it was a very short scene so what did he say, exactly? “come home, i’m lonely, i have beer”?
steve: “what’s the face, you got a face on, your face” fdjkfd. eloquent!
SCREAMING. “you think lincoln is my new bff? yo, no one can replace you, you’re my danno!” i am. oh my gosh. this is steve reassuring HIMSELF, not danny, but it is also incredibly sweet and YOU’RE MY DANNO. now THAT’S the kind of content i want. yes. good. holy shit.
danny says to stop doing “that”, by which he means deflecting, and steve just goes “okay” and looks uncomfortable but starts talking anyway and i LOVE THEM. this is a good, healthy friendship.
steve: “i kinda feel like i’ve been protecting everybody except for myself, does that make sense?” YES. YES, STEVE, IT DOES, and i am VERY GLAD you’re saying those words with your own mouth.
i am making very high pitched noises at the moment. a) steve says he can’t take a break “here” because there are too many memories and that SCARES ME because he SHOULD NOT LEAVE THE ISLAND but also really really validates a fic idea i’ve had for ages in a way that i love, b) steve says “i will say this is how i thought it would end for us, couple old guys, sitting on a beach, watching sunsets” and YES oh my gosh, and c) then DANNY GOES, “i mean that sounds great to me, we can still do that” and HELLO YES it is SO GOOD to hear them VOICE these things that they’ve obviously both wanted for literal years and which we’ve been shown through steve’s clinginess when danny wanted to retire and danny’s bringing steve in on the restaurant thing and danny’s literal dream of him and steve sitting on that very beach as old men with steve telling him he loves him. just, my gosh, this is all those things but put into words that they are saying and it is very validating and sweet and necessary and scares me very much about where this is going, but for the moment i adore it.
the episode has two and a half minutes left and i’m kind of feeling like this is enough. let’s just end it here. happy end, guys, let’s all go home! except steve and danny, who are already there, obviously, and should do the opposite of move, ever.
OH. OHHH. steve tells danny he doesn’t know anymore and danny looks sad and then steve continues about how he’s been trying to distract himself with stuff like “a bunch of dating, which was nice, but didn’t help” and the RESTAURANT gets a mention though i’ll admit it’s one that’s very confusing because steve says “when it closed”, which... it didn’t, as far as we had been told until now? isn’t kamekona still running it? i always assumed he’d have turned it into a very successful bussiness venture.
danny looks UNHAPPY ABOUT THINGS STEVE IS SAYING and i relate, while i’m at the same time weirdly very very proud of him for saying these things? i don’t want him to feel this unsure about everything (particularly whether he can stay in hawaii, because it seems that’s what he’s talking about and that’s Bad), but it is a needed breath of fresh air to have stuff that happened and that he’s been bottling up for ages actually impact him emotionally.
okay, fjdksfdjslfs, danny suggests steve should GO TO JERSEY and says that steve has NEVER BEEN and i get that this is mostly kind of a joke but actually YES, STEVE. GO THE FUCK TO JERSEY. that would be perfect! danny can subtly follow you under the guise of an extended visit to family and you can spend time there together exploring danny’s home state instead of steve’s and you can come back home to hawaii when you’re ready and it would be beautiful and a very nice, symbolic way to end the show. we start with danny moving to hawaii to find a home there, and we end with with steve moving to jersey to realize where his home is.
this argument though, it’s giving me life. steve when danny starts suggesting other places, angrily, for no good reason: “now i HAVE to go.” danny, both giving and getting up: “i’m gonna get another beer.” steve, calm again: “okay, i’m gonna go to jersey.” danny: [walks away while steve yells after him about all the recommendations he’ll need for when he’s in jersey]
danny is inside to get the beer, hears a noise, finds a burglar at steve’s desk, fights him, destroy half the living room and is found by steve who also heard noise from the house and suddenly keeps saying “yo” to danny a lot this episode.
of course the burglar was there for the cypher that doris sent steve, because she can never just pop up in steve’s life in a way that isn’t  somehow dangerous to him and everyone around him. it was good, though!!! a very nice cliffhanger.
final thoughts: VERY GOOD, VERY INTENSE EPISODE. i liked cole more than i expected for a character that gets introduced as potential main cast in the last two episodes of a show that’s by now already been cancelled (that could have been problematic, but i think the writers handled it well by brick-to-the-face using him to explore steve’s issues) and i love danny being so worried about steve and tani following his lead and wanting to talk to everyone close to steve about how worried she is, too, and everything steve says has ME worried about how they’re going to end this, but so far, it’s also amazing A+ perfect fanfic fuel, holy effing shit. EMOTIONS. FEELINGS. STEVE HAS THEM. it’s literally that easy to please me, fdjkfd.
and i will say that while i’m worried about him and he’s clearly hurting and there are ways the show could take this that i won’t like (steve leaving the island at the end of the show while danny stays, mainly, which would be kind of horrible in all kinds of ways), i do somewhat love seeing steve deal with the fact that he’s older than he was ten years ago, he’s never really worked through all of the incredibly horrible shit life kept heaping on him, and he’s just getting really damn tired of everything. old, tired steve is a good thing; it’s the start of a new chapter, one where he hopefully doesn’t keep clinging to that endless denial of hurt and his tendency to put the job above everything including his own mental and physical health. i just hope, hope, hope that this last chapter that we actually get to watch play out on screen will be one that ends in a place that feels right, because this could either end perfectly or so, so badly. 🤞
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h50fics · 4 years
Out of the seven billion people in this world, there’s only you (Almost a million words that I could say, but none of them will do)
by SquaresAreNotCircles
He’s imagined dozens of ways to do it over the years. Write a note, buy a megaphone, hire a plane and banner. In the end, he just plain asks, with very little sense but a lot of hope: “Wanna get a coffee?”
Or: Ten drabbles with big and small moments of coming out for Steve and Danny from different perspectives.
Words: 1028, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Danny "Danno" Williams, Steve McGarrett, Junior Reigns, Grace Williams, Lincoln Cole (Hawaii Five-0 2010), Mary Ann McGarrett, Rachel Edwards, Eddie Williams, Kono Kalakaua, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams, Steve McGarrett & Danny "Danno" Williams & other h50 characters
Additional Tags: Fluff, Humor, Drabble, but ten that are connected, POV Multiple, Getting Together, Coming Out, set vaguely post-canon, i just want a happy end for all these characters, No Hurt all Comfort
via AO3 works tagged 'Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams' https://ift.tt/3lrF4A0
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cowandcalf · 4 years
Valentines Fandom ask. 2. 3. and 4
Thank you so much for the ask, J! Yay! These questions are great!
2. Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
Oookay, I had to think for a while until I found something. There’s a rare pair and it is from Teen Wolf. Jackson Whittmore is kind of an ass, the famous jock on the campus and he treats Stiles like shit. He’s such a poor guy, super arrogant and not really loveable in the beginning. But then, whoa this guy morphs into something entirely else and it hit me. When I read about Stackson I was like...hey, nope, Stiles belongs to Derek and Derek alone but you know, the longer I thought about them the more I fell for them...Jackson and Stiles? So much potential and now that’s one of the rare pair I ship with passion. I even wrote stories in my head for the guys but so far, I never came around to edit the raw first drafts I jotted down for them. Maybe one day, even my Sterek fics will make it onto AO3.
3. What is the rarest pair (that you ship?).
It’s Kawika and Mary Ann McGarrett. Kawika/Mary I even came up with a name, Mawika. I don’t know anyone who ships them too. I mean Kawika and Mary never have one second of screen time together on H50. But I love them so much. I always write about them when there’s a chance to get them into my story. I let them fall in love on the side in my HS AU ‘Eyes As Blue As The Ocean’. I’m even planning on writing one or two Timestamps for them once I’m finished with the sequel because they have a part in this story as well.
4. Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier - The Witcher
Okay, I know the new fandom that ships that ship is crazy big and the posts that float around have an insane number of likes and reblogs and it blows my mind!! Because... I don’t get the hype. I don’t feel them, even though I watched the show ‘The Witcher’ on Netflix but I can’t...sorry, not even the show had the force to pull me in. I was actually bored and despite I don’t get that ship I love to read the posts and the tags from all the shippers that fall so hard for them.
Thanks again, J, for the great ask. I loved to answer the questions! Have a great time!
Ask me anything Valentine Fandom Ask Meme
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