#manjiro Sano
He's just a teeny tiny guy with ^_^ vibes
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kokoch4n3l · 1 day
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ONE — house of glass
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chapter summary: a 'sheltered girl' living a somewhat secluded life, hidden away from the public eye as the secret daughter of Japan's president, celebrates her 20th birthday alone. Meanwhile, Sano Manjiro, the man with the country under his boot, helps the president win the election and gets engaged to his oldest daughter.
chapter warnings: DARK CONTENT 18+, mentions of prostitution, car accidents, spoiled!reader, inaccurate depiction of politics and political climate, infidelity, cheating, implications of abortion, character death, sexism, isolation, violence, corruption, objectification(not reader)
word count: 3377
masterlist | chapter 2
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The world is unfair. You realized that pretty quickly when you were young. That's why every day you're thankful your dad is disgustingly rich and loves the smile on your face more than he loves being a good person.
You were the daughter of a prostitute and a politician. Odd combination, yes, you know. Years ago, your dad made the drunken decision to cheat on his current wife and there, low and behold, the story of your birth.  Surprisingly, your father wanted your mother to keep you. 
Your filthy rich politician dad buys your mother a mansion hidden away from the public in the woods. It's there you are born and there that your father's first wife finds out about you and what your father had done. 
Saimori Shinichi was no good man and perhaps his wife, Saimori Kanoko should have known that the man would cheat. But what she hadn't expected was for him to keep you, an illegitimate child he looked at more fondly than he's ever looked at Kaya, his first daughter. You personally do not understand the reason for your father's blatant favouritism but you could care less.
Shinichi keeps his cheating under wraps and Kanoko is forced to go along with it. After all, what is more disgraceful than being cheated on with a prostitute? You are kept hidden away from the spotlight. No one knows of your existence except for a few of your father's bodyguards, Kanoko and Kaya.
When you turn 5, your mother passes away in a car accident.
You can't say you were... sad. You felt something but it wasn't like you got along with your mother when your father wasn't around. Your mother wished you were born a son but Kaya tells you she's thankful you aren't a boy or else she would have hated you more. 
There were both good and bad things in life and it seems for Kaya, a good thing for her was that you were not only illegitimate but also a girl like her. 
A good thing for you? Daddy's money.
Over the years, your father climbed up higher and higher in the social ladder and became a candidate for president.
You, on the other hand, were his hidden daughter, a current university student majoring in fashion design. You spend most of your time buried in books and fabrics, dreaming up designs that would never see the light of day. But that was okay, because the world outside was a scary place, and your cozy mansion provided all the safety and comfort you needed. You went to class and came back. You had no reason to make any friends. Friends were a security issue and you couldn't have that. It wasn't like you needed anyone else anyway. 
On the eve of your 20th birthday, you wake up to the same routine. A luxurious breakfast prepared by the house staff, a solitary stroll in the mansion's sprawling gardens, and then back to your room where you lose yourself in the world of sketches and swatches. Birthdays were just another day, after all. But this birthday feels different, a subtle shift in the air that you can't quite pinpoint. Maybe it's the loneliness that settles heavier on your shoulders today, the absence of any real connection beyond the opulent walls of your prison. Or perhaps it's the nagging feeling that there's more to life than what your father's money can buy. But that's a stupid thought.
You sit in a room of the mansion on the floor with your laptop in front of you and an embroidery hoop in your hand. This specific room was set up by your father so you had your own space to store fabrics and other things you needed. But it wasn't really needed. You were the only one who lived in the mansion anyway. Kaya and your stepmother lived in Tokyo with your father. After all, they had to make it seem to the public that they were a happy family. 
You thread the needle through the fabric in the hoop as you listen to what is being said on the news. It's about 11:30 pm. You're watching the live results of the election playing. The winner will be announced at 12 am. For this election, your father was one of the candidates. 
As the clock ticks closer to midnight, you can't help but feel a sense of anticipation mingled with dread. You're supposed to be happy, right? After all, your father's victory would secure your comfortable lifestyle for the foreseeable future. But deep down, you can't shake the feeling that something about this whole situation is wrong.
The television screen flashes with the latest updates on the election results. Your father's face appears on the screen, his usual charming smile plastered across his features as he shakes hands with supporters. But behind that facade, you know the truth. You know the lengths he's gone to secure his victory, the shady deals and underhanded tactics he's employed.
You sigh, focusing back on your embroidery, the needle moving rhythmically through the fabric. Your phone buzzes beside you, startling you out of your reverie. It's a text from your father, a rare occurrence in itself.
"Victory assured. Be ready" it reads. Short and cryptic, as always.
You roll your eyes, setting the phone back down without replying. Be ready for what? Another party you won't attend? Another parade of false smiles and empty promises? You continue stitching, the repetitive motion soothing your restless mind.
As the clock strikes midnight, the news anchor's voice crescendos with excitement, announcing your father's victory. Your father's face is back on the screen, victorious and gleaming. For a moment, you let yourself imagine what it would be like to step out of the shadows, to be acknowledged as his daughter, to be part of the life you can only watch from a distance. But then again, you remember all the unnecessary scrutiny Kaya goes through on a daily and wonder perhaps it was for the best that you weren't out in the spotlight like her. 
Almost like the cameraman heard your thoughts, the screen changes to Kaya who is hugging your father with a huge smile on her face. Her hair and makeup are done perfectly and her outfit is without a wrinkle in sight. You smile. She looks pretty. Now, you would probably text Kaya that but you don't get along with her. She doesn't like you and you don't like her. It's as simple as that. Telling Kaya she looked pretty would upset the fragile balance you've maintained with her and psychological warfare was more fun. So instead you text:
[12:04 am] cute outfit but is that a white hair I see?
You giggle to yourself and put your phone down. However, your smile quickly fades realizing you were spending your birthday alone. You just turned 20 and here you are, in one of the rooms in the mansion in the woods, surrounded by colourful fabrics and a laptop on the floor. The mansion is eerily quiet as the celebration rages on in Tokyo. The only sounds are the soft ticking of the grandfather clock in the hallway and the occasional rustle of the wind through the trees outside. You look out the window, at the dark, moonlit forest surrounding the mansion. Sometimes you wonder if this isolation is a curse or a blessing. Your world is so small, confined to the mansion's walls and the occasional trips to your university. There's an almost suffocating security in your routine, a predictability that keeps you anchored. But tonight, the loneliness feels more palpable, more oppressive.
You didn't want to seem ungrateful or spoiled. After all, your father always gave you whatever you wanted and loved you a lot. You know he did and he showed it as well. The only thing was that he didn't acknowledge you in public and couldn't talk about you. It wasn't like you were really complaining about it. It was just that you felt really lonely right now. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a car approaching. It's unusual for anyone to visit the mansion at this hour, especially on election night. You set your embroidery hoop aside and move to the window, peering through the curtains. A sleek black car pulls up to the front entrance then a few more and then a truck.  Your heart skips a beat. Who could it be at this hour? Your mind races through possibilities, none of them comforting. You consider calling your father, but dismiss the idea just as quickly. He wouldn't appreciate being disturbed during his victory celebrations. But then you realize that perhaps it's nothing as you watch security lead the cars to the side which was direct entry to the backyard. Maybe it was nothing. 
The mansion was extremely secure and security very loyal. Your father paid them well and was actually pretty nice to them. They had no reason to sell your father out so, these new people arriving were not anything alarming. Perhaps your father was increasing security now that he was president. You shrug and pick your laptop off the floor, leave the room and head to your own bedroom. That was enough stitching for tonight. 
You settle onto the plush bed in your room, laptop on your lap and start to do some online shopping. The rhythmic movements of your fingers on the keyboard and each new item you add to your cart help soothe your frayed nerves, but you can't shake off the curiosity about the late-night visitors. It's not unusual for your father to have secretive dealings, but the timing feels odd. You mentally list all the possible reasons for the visit, each one more unlikely than the last. 
Oh well, you think and open up Viviene Westwood.
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"Stupid brat" Kaya mutters as she closely examines each strand of her black hair in the mirror of the private bathroom in the president's office
After you sent her that text about white hair she couldn't help but internally panic. Kaya glares at her reflection in the mirror, running her fingers through her hair, searching for any sign of a stray gray strand. Of course, there isn't one, but your message has done its job: she's flustered and annoyed. She was on TV just moments ago with her father and the thought of the entire country seeing a damn white hair on her head makes her sick. 
There was a lot resting on her now. She was the daughter of the fucking president and that came with responsibilities. Kaya takes a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside her. She can't afford to let her facade crack, not now, not when she's so close to achieving everything she's ever wanted. She splashes cold water on her face, letting the shock jolt her back to reality. She adjusts her perfectly tailored suit, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles. Everything about her has to be flawless, and impeccable, a reflection of the prestigious position she holds as the president's daughter. She can't afford any slip-ups, especially not now when the media's eyes are trained on her every move.
But despite her outward confidence, there's a gnawing sense of insecurity that never quite leaves her. It's always been there, lurking beneath the surface, a constant reminder of her status as the second-best daughter. She hates that you, the hidden daughter, exist. She hates that you're a constant reminder of her father's infidelity, a stain on their perfect family image.
But what she hates most of all is the fact that you seem to revel in your position as the favoured daughter, even though you're nothing more than a spoiled, sheltered brat. But Kaya refuses to let you get under her skin. She's worked too hard and sacrificed too much to let some spoiled princess steal her thunder. She'll do whatever it takes to maintain her status, even if it means playing dirty. She's learned from the best, after all. She tosses her phone onto the vanity, the screen lighting up with a text from her fiancé, Sano Manjiro.
Kaya found it dumb that her father even suggested this engagement. Sano Manjiro and the rest of Bonten were no normal businessmen. They were fucking snakes, criminals. Kaya hated her father for setting her up with a damn criminal like Sano Manjiro but at least he's hot and has money. Kaya scoffs at the message, her lips curling into a smirk. She knows Manjiro's just another pawn in her father's game, a means to an end. She doesn't love him, and she's sure as hell he doesn't love her either. Their engagement is nothing more than a business transaction, a way for her father to solidify his ties with the underworld. But Kaya isn't stupid; she knows how to play the game. She'll use Manjiro to further her own ambitions, to climb even higher up the social ladder.
But even as she revels in her own cunning, there's a part of Kaya that can't shake off the feeling of unease that's been gnawing at her ever since she received your text. She knows you're up to something, knows you're not as innocent as you pretend to be. And that terrifies her. Because if there's one thing Kaya can't stand, it's being outmaneuvered.
She glances at herself in the mirror one last time, adjusting her expression into one of poised elegance. She can't let anyone see the cracks in her facade, can't let them see the insecurity that's been eating away at her from the inside out. With one last deep breath, she squares her shoulders and steps out of the bathroom, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.
As she exits the bathroom, her eyes flicker to the closed door of her father's office, where he's no doubt celebrating his victory with his cronies. She knows she should join them, should bask in the glory of her father's success. But right now, all she can think about is you, the mysterious girl hidden away in the mansion in the woods, the one who threatens to unravel everything she's worked so hard to achieve.
With a determined set to her jaw, Kaya strides towards the door, her mind already racing with plans and schemes. She may not be able to control everything, but she'll be damned if she lets you ruin everything she's worked so hard for. You may be the president's secret daughter, but Kaya is the president's daughter, and she'll be damned if she lets anyone forget it.
 She glances down at her phone remembering she hadn't responded to Manjiro's text. But then again, she also has no plans to respond to him. She rolls her eyes before responding with a quick, "Busy. Later." She had plans for this evening with a pretty boy she saw at the rally tonight. 
Little does she know, Manjiro has his own plans for the evening.
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You smell something burning. You narrow your eyes, push your laptop off your lap and get off the bed, heading for your balcony. You push open the double glass doors and the smell gets stronger, the acrid scent filling your nostrils as you step onto the balcony. The night air is cool against your skin, a stark contrast to the warmth radiating from the source of the smell. You follow the scent, your gaze sweeping over the sprawling grounds of the mansion, searching for any sign of smoke or flames.
And then you see it.
A bonfire?
There are a few men standing around it with large boxes nearby. You furrow your brow in confusion, wondering what could possibly be going on. This isn't a normal occurrence at the mansion, especially not at this hour. You watch in silence as they throw sheets of paper into the fire, emptying out box by box making sure none flies away. Your curiosity piqued, you lean forward slightly, trying to get a better view of what's happening down below. The men seem to be completely absorbed in their task, their movements swift and purposeful. You can't make out their faces in the darkness, but their silhouettes dance against the flickering flames of the bonfire. "hmm..." you murmur when you see a flash of pink
As your eyes adjust to the darkness you notice the bright hair colours on a few of the men. Purple, white and pink. The rest have black hair. Your eyes focus on a few men in particular, laughing and smoking while the rest empty the boxes into the fire. You squint your eyes and notice the two men with purple hair have matching tattoos on their throats, the same design that the guy with the long white hair has on his scalp. With bated breath, you continue to watch from your vantage point on the balcony, trying to piece together what's happening down below. The men seem to be finishing up their task, the last of the boxes emptied into the roaring flames of the bonfire. "what..." You mutter trying to figure out exactly what is going on
With your focus being on the bonfire below you in the backyard, you don't hear your bedroom door opening. Before you can even blink, your body is forcefully turned around. Your heart leaps to your throat as you're suddenly spun around, your back meeting the balcony railing with a jolt. You gasp in shock, your eyes widening as you find yourself face-to-face with a man you've never seen before. He's sort of tall, but still somehow intimidating, with sharp features and piercing eyes that seem to bore into your soul. His hair is a striking shade of white, a stark contrast to his dark clothing and the darkness of the night. 
But it's not just his appearance that sends a shiver down your spine; it's the aura of power and danger that surrounds him like a cloak. This man is no ordinary stranger; he's someone to be feared, someone to be respected. However, your eyes light up in interest. Oh wow. He may be scary but he's gorgeous. His arms are muscular, you can tell by the way his shirt creases while he keeps you caged in place against the railing. He's not huge though. He's lean and it's damn attractive. Your pulse quickens as you take in his intense gaze, feeling a strange mix of fear and exhilaration coursing through your veins. You've never encountered someone like him before, someone who exudes such raw power and authority without even saying a word. And yet, there's something undeniably captivating about him, something that draws you in despite your better judgment.
His eyes, sharp and calculating, seem to bore into your very soul, assessing you with a scrutiny that makes your skin prickle with awareness. You're frozen in place, unable to tear your gaze away from his, feeling as though you're trapped in some sort of unspoken standoff. But despite the fear that courses through your veins, there's also a strange sense of... excitement. It's pretty quickly you realize who this is as you think about the tattoos on the men around the fire. 
Your mind draws back to your laptop, to all the tabs of designer brands open and the things in your cart. You can't help but compare this man to all the expensive items you've been eyeing online—the sleek leather handbags, the luxurious silk dresses, the designer heels. He exudes the same air of opulence and exclusivity, a rare gem in a world full of imitations. But unlike those material possessions, there's something inherently dangerous about him, something that sets him apart from the rest.
You remember your father's words, him always telling you he could buy you whatever you wanted. You were about 6 or 7 when you asked him for the moon. Your father told you he couldn't but it's always been a childish wish of yours. 
However, it seems that Sano Manjiro is the closest to that moon you've always wanted.
His hand comes up and brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear, the tips of his fingers rough and calloused. "Happy Birthday, princess"
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notes: welcome to Buy Me the Moon :)) I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Yes, I know it was uneventful and short but this is also the introduction chapter. I promise the next chapter will have more... spice. lol.
check here for progress on the next chapter and other works
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
taglist: @m-ilkiee @reiners-milkbiddies @short-cxke @brisssaaa009 @tenjikusstuff4 @asirensrage @merrymerrykiss @fushiquro @iwasei @kiwixpi @mysouleaten @luminouslaybyrinth @maraya-007 @dolfiins-art @yuyu12mm @kodzubaby @zantetsuwu @hayatisyourlife
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other-sit-rock · 2 days
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dyenoelle · 2 days
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merrymerrykiss · 11 hours
Look at how much He love that dirty baby blankie, His hand cannot stop holding that piece of cloth while sleeping 🤣❤️ He probably had it since childhood, and didnt wash it for a years lol
I can Imagine Mikey being so clingy towards his precious blanket 🤣🤣❤️❤️
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ihrthoney · 20 hours
if anyone could’ve saved me (pt. 1)
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pairing: manila!mikey x f!reader
warnings: angst, no comfort :)
word count: 600
an: i could’ve fixed him 😔☝️
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The night was quiet, usually, he would bask in the silence. The warmth of your body keeps him steady, and your chest slowly moves up and down, reminding him that you’re alive.
He slowly pulls his phone out and takes a picture of you. It's so peaceful and so vulnerable… Mikey wants to keep this moment with him forever. If he could, he would spend the rest of eternity here.
There’s nothing he wants more than to be by your side, alas, the present does not allow him to be happy. Not with the grave sins he’s committed.
Everyone that he has ever loved and cared for is dead; by his hands. Mikey knows he doesn't deserve this, you don’t deserve this.
You deserve to be happy and to live a long life without worries. He wishes he could be a third of the man you deserve but this body of his is too tainted. Mikey knows what he has to do, if he doesn’t do it now, he knows he’ll regret it.
Against his will, the raven-haired man slips out of bed as quietly as he can. A warm hand caresses your face for the last time, he presses a kiss to your forehead and walks out of your life.
He couldn’t kill you. He just couldn’t. The intimacy he shared with you created a love like no other. His hands were far from clean and he’d be damned if he got your blood on his skin.
Mikey promised to protect you, and if leaving you protected you from himself, then he would do it. Not a single soul knew of you, only the spirits of those he loved.
Izana did not know of you, he had lied and said he had killed you to keep you from harm's way. Which leads Mikey to his next destination,
Currently, Mikey is in the abandoned building where Shinichrio found the old motorcycle parts. What a place to die, he thought.
Despite how he turned out, you never left him. It didn’t matter how many times he asked you why nor did you care when he begged you to live a happier life.
“A universe where I am happy without you does not exist.” You had sweetly said, he cried in your arms that day.
His heart aches at the thought of you waking up to an empty bed, searching for him only to find a letter. He hopes you take his advice and flee the country… if only he could’ve traveled the world with you.
Mikey’s thoughts are interrupted by the sight of Takemichi.
He asks- no begs, Takemichi to kill him. There was no way he would do it in a place where you could find him. What better place than this, where his brother found treasure, he could be the bones on top.
Of course, Takemitchy couldn’t pull the trigger. Mikey had hoped threatening him would’ve been enough but a tough son of a bitch Takemitchy was. Naoto, thankfully, shot him.
The pain in his head couldn’t compare to the hurt in his heart. He wishes he could’ve seen you one more time. As Takemichi begs Mikey to stay alive, he thinks of your smile.
Your smile was so kind, so bright and full. After Shinichiro, Mikey lost everyone, his life was nothing but suffering. Although, you were the thread of string that kept him together.
Takemichi’s hand feels so warm, his vision starts to blur, and he can’t feel his body anymore. It’s the middle of the day, the sky is clear and the air is warm, but as he exhales for the last time,
Mikey imagines he’s lying next to you and hopes when he opens his eyes, he’ll see you peacefully sleeping in his arms.
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© ihrthoney. reblogs & feedback are greatly appreciated𑁤
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itsruki · 3 days
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33 notes · View notes
armxnh · 7 months
i know we just met, but i love you
synopsis: love at first sight with the tokyo revengers men.
characters: manjiro 'mikey' sano, takashi mitsuya, chifuyu matsuno
genre: fluff
warnings: none (i think...?)
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manjiro 'mikey' sano
"ken-chinnnn" the leader of the toman whined at his taller friend. draken rolled his eyes in response, "no mikey, drop it."
"come onnnn-" the said man pouted exaggeratedly, "what did i do wrong?"
"nothing." the delinquent replied taking his wallet out of the pocket of his jacket, "you just don't need to eat twenty-five taiyaki."
"sorry to bother you but there are a lot of people who are waiting take their orders so if you could-" daiki, as it was written on his name tag, tried to cut them off from behind the counter.
for the past ten minutes, the two delinquents were arguing about their order. draken wanted to buy mikey five taiyaki, while mikey wanted his friend to buy him twenty-five of them.
draken turned his head to the cashier, "yeah, so five taiyaki and-"
"twenty-five taiyaki." "damn you-"
"hurry up! unlike other people, some of us have important things to do!" a customer yelled from the back of the line.
manjiro snapped his head to the back of the line, narrowing his eyes at the older man who had just yelled at him. "see now you're making people angry, mikey. 'm not gonna spend ¥5,272 on snacks."
"i need to eat a lot if i want to be taller!"
"for the last time. you won't get taller! you are at your maximum height!"
"alright! i'm not going through this again." a soft voice cut both of them before they could start the same argument they had 2 minutes ago. "daiki, i'll pay for their order- just make his goddamn snacks, please."
when manjiro turned to look at the person who 'saved his life', he felt like he has just died and miraculously came back to life as he made eye contact with you.
you were... pretty.
his eyes were set on you, taking in every single detail he could as if he was scared to forget how you look the second he'll look away.
"thank you, but that's not necessary!" draken politely thanked you as you grabbed your fidelity card of the small shop.
"don't worry about it! after all, those fidelity points have to be used for something." you waved him off, looking back at daiki, "could you also add my regular oder with that, please daiki?"
"o-of course, (y/n)!" the young worker quickly tapped your oder in the computer, a red hue covering his cheeks when you smiled at him.
"mikey, what do you say?" draken looked at his friend, hinting him to thank you, but his words fell into deaf ears as mikey kept looking at you like you hung the moon and stars in the sky.
"mikey?" He nudged the said man's shoulder trying to snap him out of his thoughts, only to be ignored once more.
the tall blond dropped the smile as he turned to his friend hitting the side of his head, finally snapping him out of his thoughts, "mikey!"
"um? what?" mikey barely glanced at draken when he responded, his heartbeat increasing when you looked back at him with your receipt in hand.
"i said, what do you say to the girl who just bought you your snacks?" he replied, glancing between the two of you clearly wondering why his friend was acting weird all of the sudden.
"marry me."
ken ryuguji never whipped his head to look at his friend so fast in his life. What the hell did he just said?!
you felt your face warm up at his words, chuckling as you walk past him, placing your hand on his shoulder, "do you ask every girl who buys you snacks to marry you?"
manjiro felt like he was in heaven when you stood closer to him. how can someone be so pretty and be so nice and smell so good and be so pretty at the same time.
"what?" toman's leader came back down to earth when you handed him the box filled of taiyaki. "did i say that out loud?" manjiro mumbled, frowning to himself. before looking back at you, just to see you making your way outside. "hey- wait!"
he tossed the snacks at draken jogging to meet you outside of the shop. "w-wait!"
you turned to look at him, the soft summer breeze sweating through your hair, leaving your face completely out in the open, "yes?"
"you're (y/n), right?" he asked remembering how the cashier called you when you were ordering, "i'm mikey..." he wanted to say something else but the words got caught in his throat when you smiled at him.
"nice to meet you, mikey" you replied before your eyes drifted behind him to the small group of guys that were looking at the two of you intensely, the 'ken-chin' guy from earlier standing with them. "i think your friends are waiting for you"
manjiro glanced back to see his best friends looking at them with knowing looks on their faces, "never mind them- this is- you are more important."
you looked away from him, his intense eye contact making your face feel warm, "you really know how to talk to girls you know?"
"thank you for earlier... the snacks and all..."
"that was 2 months worth of fidelity points- you better eat every single one of those taiyaki" you playfully warned the gang leader.
"don't worry about that..!" mikey replied knowing damn well that he will inhale those snacks. "can i walk you home? it's going to get dark soon- wouldn't want my wife to get attacked or something!"
you suppress a smile at his words, "of course, wouldn't want it to get dark at 2 pm, and then get attacked by who knows what next to a bakery."
"exactly! let's go, wifey!"
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takashi mitsuya
"what did you say you're brother's name was?" you asked the crying girl in front of you.
"...t- taka-shi" the small girl sobbed in your shoulder as you gently patted her head.
"alright and what's your name?" you gently asked as you scanned the area trying to find someone who looked like they had just lost their child.
"i- i- i'm mana"
"you have a really pretty name, you know?" you smiled fondly at the girl as you whipped the tears of her face with your thumbs.
"heck yeah! it's a badass name!" you felt relief wash over you when you saw a smile spread across the kid's face, "i'm (y/n) and i'm gonna help you find your brother alright?"
"thank you..." she mumbled quietly.
"you're going to hop on my shoulders and tell me when you see your brother okay?" the girl looked up at you with stars in her eyes, you pulled mana on your shoulder, her small hands on your head.
you walked for a good 15 minutes before mana tapped your head with on hand while the other pointed toward an unknown man in the crowd of person, "they're there! that's draken!"
draken? wasn't her brother's name takashi? you wondered as you put mana to the ground your hand grabbing hers just in case she got lost again.
"mana!" a little girl's voice called out as you arrived next to the very tall guy with a dragon tattoo on his head. the small girl that looked very similar to mana hugged tightly the younger girl.
"mitsuya! ' found her" the tall guy called out for someone else behind him. the 'mitsuya' guy appeared from behind the 'draken' guy not long after he called out from him. the purple haired teen practically attacked his sister with a hug, sighing in relief.
"don't ever do that again, mana." he gently scaled his younger sister, "you could've gotten lost and we would've been really sad, al-?"
"it's fine! (y/n) helped me find you!" she pointed her finger at her. mitsuya ruffled his sister's hair, before straightening up to thank the person that help his mini-him, "thank you so mu..."
he felt like the world had stopped moving. like it was only the two of them in the middle of the festival. takashi mitsuya was in a trance. he was simply mesmerized by the sight of you.
"it's no problem, really! " you softly smiled at him, "your sister is a real angel-"
anything else you said after wasn't even registered but the delinquent in front of you. he was usually so good at this- talking to people was what he did best so... why couldn't he utter a single word for you.
his cheeks were red, his palm were sweaty, why was he anxious?- he was hanging on everything you did. even if he felt like he had forgotten how to speak, your voice felt like melody to his ears.
he snapped out of his trance when someone nudge his shoulder. mitsuya glanced at draken beside him, suddenly remembering that they weren't alone and that you were talking to him.
you looked at him with a puzzled look, "are you alright?
your question made him overthink about everything that happened in the last 2 minutes of your meeting. Did he look like a creep?
"i- i- great."
the hell was that takashi? he cursed himself.
darken cleared his throat, holding back his laugh. he brought his fist to his mouth faking coughs as he muttered a small, "real smooth, mitsuya".
you chuckled at his friend's comment, making mitsuya straighten up, you pulled out your hand for him to shake.
"let's start over, alright? i'm (y/n)... you're takashi right?"
draken stepped up clearly expecting his friend to be to lost in space to answer you, "he prefers mitsuya-"
"takashi's fine!" the said man interjected, as he quickly grabbed your hand to shake it, sending one of his pretty smile in your direction.
"are you going to marry my brother?" he couldn't catch a break could he? luna asked you with big eyes.
you chuckled softly at her words, "how about this... i will give my number to your brother. then we'll go out to eat something to talk about marriage alright?"
"yes!" the girl tightly hugged your leg as you said that.
"does that sound like a plan to you, takashi?" yes!
mitsuya hurriedly started to look in his pocket for a pen, when draken pulled one out of his pocket with a piece of paper and handed it to the purple haired boy, "there you go, casanova"
takashi handed you the paper and the pen, before you wrote your name with your phone number on it.
"see y'a soon, taka! bye, mana don't get lost again alright?"
as soon as you were out of sight takashi turned to draken with a stern look, "not a word about this, alright?"
"you're crazy!" draken crackled putting his hand in his pocket, "i'm going to tell everyone!"
"as your wingman i feel like it's my responsibility-"
"no it is not!"
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chifuyu matsuno
"hurry up, chifuyu!" takemichi yelled at his friend. they couldn't be late. not for that.
"how come you are slow as hell during a fight, yet you sprint your life on a sunday at 8 am?" the blond joked as he calmly walked behind takemichi with not a care in the world.
"come on! we're gonna be late!" he repeated hurriedly before stopping abruptly while looking around him.
"late to what?" chifuyu yawned, before looking at his friend, who stood there looking around, up and down as if his brain had finally snapped, "you alright?"
"alright stand here and don't move." takemichi moved the delinquent around so that he would stand in the middle of a park- an empty park.
"did you finally snapped or...?" he asked when the time traveler started to back away from him, "are you going to kill me? is this really how it's gonna end-"
"watch out!"
a voice yelled, but it was too late.
a ball directly hit his face, knocking chifuyu to the dirty ground, his eyes closing due to the shock.
it took him a couple of seconds before finally opening his eyes again, only to realize that he was in heaven. the prettiest girl he had ever seen in his life held his head in her hands, her index and middle finger pressed against the front of his neck just below his jaw- making sure that his heart was still beating.
"oh- thank god! you're not dead!"
"are you an angel?" chifuyu mumbled placing his hand on top of yours- making sure you were real, "am i in heaven?"
you let a breathy chuckle at his words, "you're cute- but no you're not dead... i kicked a ball in your face- unintentionally of course!"
his eyes finally focused on you, remembering what had happened. he blinked a couple of time, his eyes scanning your face- a pretty girl's face... so close to his face with her hands on his face and his hands on her hand-
chifuyu's face became as red a tomato straitening his posture to apologize for touching you without your authorization, "i'm so sorry-"
his head came in contact with your head, making you pull back immediately from the blond. "ow! i told you i didn't do it on purpose!" you groan holding your head with your hands.
chifuyu gasped in horror at his own clumsiness as he placed a hand on the back of your head. hopping that the coldness of it would help you a little, "i'm sorry! i swear i didn't mean it! please hit me again so that we're even!"
...what? now why would he say that?
"what? what's wrong with you?! do you get turn on by getting hit or something?!"
chifuyu panically looked around to search takemichi so that he could help him. when he finally spotted him, hiding behind the swings, the time traveler was smiling proudly with his two thumbs up in the air.
his action making him recall a conversation the two of them had a couple of weeks earlier.
"so... am i married in the future?" chifuyu asked takemichi as he bit down the sandwich he made himself for lunch.
takemichi raised his brows at the question, "yeah-"
"really?!" the blond gasped, with heart in his eyes, "do i know her?! no wait- that'll ruin the surprise- is she pretty?! no wait- of course she's pretty you idiot!"
the time traveler chuckled at his friend's words, rubbing the back of his neck, "do you want me to tell you how you met?"
"no! it has to be a surprise!" chifuyu refused, "wait am i going to meet her soon? is that why you said that?! takemichi?! answer!"
"nah- like you said it has to be a surprise~"
"if it makes you feel better- you embarrassed yourself in front of her"
"how would that make me feel better?!"
that sneaky bastard.
"i'm sorry! i don't know how to talk to pretty girls..." chifuyu mumbled looking to the ground, but his face snapped back at you when he realize what he had just say, your eyes round at his words, "i- i mean not that don't know how to talk you! wait- not that you're not pretty! you are pretty- beautiful even! but that is not the point! i don't need you to hit me! just please don't think i hurt you on purpose- i don't hit pretty girls! no wait- i don't hit girls at all! but you being beautifully-pretty is just a plus you know! an-"
you smacked your hand on his mouth, stopping his rambling, the butterflies in your stomach flying way to much due to his words. "please stop-! you're too cute..."
takemichi titled his head at the scene in front of him, clearly not remembering that part of the story your older self told him in the future about how chifuyu and her had met-
but... mission failed successfully... i guess?
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myblorbojunao · 1 year
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Every mikey hairstyle shown in anime😍😍 HE LOOKS SO GOOD!
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Teeny tiny annoyed Mikey
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Someone get him a taiyaki to calm him down
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joonipertree · 10 months
Imagine being Mikey's girlfriend and having so many teenagers giving you respect as if you're the leader of the number one biker gang in Tokyo.
Imagine how confused everyone in your school is when a group of bulky, testosterone filled, aggressive high schoolers come and bow at a 90° angle. You're staring with reddened cheeks because ???????????
But they're off to go to class without a word, muttering to themselves. Your classmates and friends are like: "dude what the fuck happened?" and you're like "I don't even know."
Then some fuckers come and offer to hold your bag for you? To get you lunch? Someone gave you their bento? And everyone starts noticing how it's only the delinquents that do it. Mostly the ones wearing the Tokyo Manji uniform.
If there's a Toman member in class, you bet your ass they'd threaten the teacher for you. Like "They got that answer right!!" and you're like "no!!! I didn't!!!"
You're so scared your teachers were gonna give you detention. Or call your parents to let them know their child had a gaggle of delinquents doing their bidding.
God, imagine if they call you a title. Like "princess" or something. I can't even think of a title suited for this. But like something cringey that gets you annoyed and the clueless people around you start having even weirder theories.
Biggest one? You're the Yakuza's daughter.
I'm imagining Baji and chifuyu laughing their ass off in the corner, on the floor, gasping for air. And when you notice them, you run and ask if they had anything to do with this.
Baji wishes and chifuyu was growing purple from lack of oxygen. You kicked at them and wacked them with your book. WHICH MADE THINGS WORSE BECAUSE YOUR FELLOW STUDENTS ARE SEEING U BEAT UP GANG MEMBERS. YOURE A RAGING MONSTER IN THEIR EYES NOW.
If the toman members see this, do you think they'd be afraid of you? They'd be shaking in their boots at someone most likely half their size and that couldn't even win an arm wrestling match.
You'd ask Baji and chifuyu to tell them to stop. They would very loudly call you princess and run away cackling.
I'm pretty sure in highschool, the inner circle go to the same school. I don't remember but Takemitchy, Hakkai and Chifuyu go to the same school right?
If you think Takemitchy would help, chifuyu convinced him not to. Anyone else there is just someone you couldn't get a hold of. And you just ended up ignoring the delinquents and going about your day. Which just made you look like even more of a gang leader, walking down a hallway with a blank stare while people around you bowed.
Some non delinquents call you princess and you're telling them that "no, it's a prank. A sick joke that my boyfriend is playing on me."
People realise very quickly why you were being treated like royalty when the school day ended.
Because lo and behold, The Invincible Mikey was standing at the gate, leaning against his infamous bike as he waited for you. People just stopped and stared, not bothering leaving the vicinity, out of curiosity and maybe fear.
You see Mikey and start stomping towards him, everyone holding their breath because 'the yakuzas daughter was going head to head with the captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang.'
But Mikey was smiling brightly, arms open for a hug as he made grabby hands at you.
You came close and kicked him on the shin.
I honestly can't imagine everyone's reaction. Stunned silence. It's a sense of doom I think. A sense of 'rest in peace'. But also, the utter shock and respect you'd just accumulated from your peers in a second. You had some mad fucking balls to do that shit. Even full grown adults wouldn't do something like that to Sano Manjiro. People were ready to join your followers and praise you.
The kick was weak by the way, Mikey didn't even flinch. He just looked confused and then you ranted to him about your day and suddenly he was fully relying on his Babu to hold him up. Because my god, was he laughing his ass off. He couldn't breathe.
If Ken-chin was with him, let's be honest he would be, the man would also be on his knees dying of laughter. Just...imagine every Toman member that's part of the inner circle.... laughing vehemently at you for this.
With grumbles and glares, you try walking home by yourself but Mikey is quick to pull you back into his arms. His laughter hadn't stopped but he was leaning on you now.
The way one sinewy hand was on your waist while the other was tangled in your hair...made it very clear what you guys were to each other.
It was a collective 'oh.....oh' moment.
Mikey peppered many apologetic kisses on your cheeks and you whined about how embarrassing it was and how people were watching. Unbeknownst to you, Mikey had slyly made eye contact with anyone staring and glared daggers at them.
Ken-chin then decided to stand in front of the two of you and throw daggers at the on lookers for him.
And as much as you wanted to push away, you leant into his kisses and let him give you one on the nose and forehead. He tasted sweet on your lips too and your arms were around his neck, pulling away to stop the boy from going overboard like he always did.
"I'll treat you to lunch to make up for it?" Mikey whisperer gently, eyes soft and lovesick.
"Promise to call a meeting and tell everyone to stop?"
Mikey snorted, "Yes princess."
The punch on his arm was a lot harder. Mikey made an exaggerated pained expression, snickering to himself as he pulled you in close.
"It's not like it's a lie, though. You should be treated like royalty and have everyone do your bidding."
The blush that rose on your cheeks made his heart flutter.
"Only you can....treat me like that."
Oh he's not letting go of you any time soon.
Bonus: Later on, when you meet Baji and Chifuyu...they call you princess and burst out laughing. You promptly throw both of your shoes at them.
I also feel like if the Haitani brothers caught wind of this, it'd just be the worst for you. They are the snarkiest motherfuckers.
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skelliko · 4 months
|°-context: when you're spaced out
°-featuring: all tr boys
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• tries to find the place where your eyes are targeted at and then goes down to your eye level to stare at you, in the end it causes some laughter to occur after you realise what he's doing - Mikey, hakkai, akkun, kakucho, shinichiro
• tries to scare you out of the trance by either suddenly screaming or putting a hand on your shoulder with a bit of force - Baji, ran, shion, Hanma, smiley, draken
• times you, he counts the seconds of how long you can be spaced out for and overtime it's grown to be a common thing between you two and you unintentionally beat your record - chifuyu, Mitsuya, kisaki, angry, kokonoi
• pokes you with his finger repeatedly to get you out of wherever you are in your mind - seishu, Rindou, sanzu, takemichi, izana, kazutora
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piichuu · 1 year
ft. keisuke baji, chifuyu matsuno, takashi mitsuya, ken ryuguji, manjiro sano, shinichiro sano
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“are you kidding me? you know you can’t sleep without me, so why even try?” he swiftly begins to collect the blankets and pillows you’ve spread out on the couch, carrying them back to your shared bedroom. “we don’t have to talk about anything, just don’t act as if it can’t be solved.”
you sit on the edge of the couch, watching him putting all the blankets and pillows to their old places. sighs and huffs leave him as he moves around in the room, clearly still frustrated after the fight between you two, but he refuses to not sleep in the same room as you.
it doesn’t take too long before you finally enter the bedroom to find him changing into a pair of sweatpants. “if i see you trying to make a bed for yourself there again, i will carry you here next time, so go sleep,” he says as he lays down under the covers, watching as you do the same.
you glance over at him, staying still on your back with your hand outside the blanket, making it easy for baji to reach for it with his own, intertwining your fingers together without saying a single word. he is slightly turned to his side, but his eyes are closed and you can’t help but smile slightly, perhaps you might be able to solve the fight tomorrow or it may already be solved.
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“hey, we don’t have to do all this, okay? let’s go to bed and talk everything out before we go to sleep,” he kneels by the couch where you’re laying, putting his hand over your shoulder.
your back is turned to him and eyes shut close, trying to stay quiet as he keeps speaking, asking you to join him in your shared bed. maybe it would be for the best? would you ever really be able to sleep without him by your side? how can you even stay mad at him when he’s being sweet towards you even though the two of you were yelling at each other only an hour ago.
eventually, you begin to sit up and look down towards him. he reaches for your hand before leading you into the bedroom so the two of you can lay down beside each other.
“i’m sorry for overreacting,” you whisper as you lay on your side, keeping eye contact with him but he simply shakes his head, flashing you a light smile. “you didn’t, i get why we were both angry at each other, we’ll do better next time we’re frustrated,” he strokes your cheek before leaning in to place a soft kiss to your lips. “as long as we solve it at the end of the day, it’ll always be okay.”
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he tried, he really did try to fall asleep without you by his side, simply because he wanted to respect your privacy and allow you to be in your own little bubble, but he can’t fall asleep. he can barely close his eyes as he can only think about you and how he shouldn’t have raised his voice as much as he previously did. he needs to apologize and beg you to come to bed, otherwise he might break down and cry, not that he would admit it.
“hey baby, i’m sorry for earlier,” he whispers as he sits on the edge of the couch, stroking your leg lightly as you open your eyes to look at him. mitsuya looks back at you for a moment before wrapping both of his arms around your waist and helping you up into a sitting position before pulling you in for a warm hug.
he hides his face in the crook of your neck while holding onto you tightly. “we’re okay, right? i’m sorry for acting the way i did,” mitsuya speaks quietly and you lean further into him, closing your eyes while doing so. “we’re okay, i’m sorry too,” you mumble.
the two of you keep holding onto each other before he opens his mouth once again. “will you come sleep in our bed?” he asks and you smile softly before nodding your head and following him into the bedroom you two share.
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he sighs as he watches you try to make a bed for yourself on the couch. his arms are crossed and he’s leaning against the wall, eventually rolling his eyes when you begin to walk towards the bathroom to brush your teeth. ken quickly grabs your arm, pulling you towards him so you cannot walk any further.
“you’re not sleeping out here tonight,” he says and you stare back at him, trying to stay mad as the two of you look at each other. “yes i am, you don’t have any control over me.” “i don’t have control over you but i think we both know that we can’t sleep without each other, so stop making a bed for yourself out here and sleep in the same bed as me.”
for a second, he almost looks unsure as he speaks. he bites at the inside of his cheek, waiting for your reply as he keeps holding your arm, afraid to let go. “am i allowed to brush my teeth?” you ask and he nods, loosening his grip on your arm so you can leave for the bathroom and he can get ready for bed. he still doesn’t know if you will decide to join him or not, but he stays hopeful.
ken slides under the covers and looks towards the door right until it opens and you come inside. you don’t say a word as you lay down beside him and he lets out a sigh of relief before moving slightly closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist like he always does. “i’m sorry,” he whispers as you rest your head on his chest. “i don’t ever want to make you feel like you can’t sleep in the same bed as me.”
you reach for his hand and intertwine your fingers with his, letting out a quiet hum. “i overreacted a little as well, it’s not all your fault. we’ll just do better next time,” you admit and he nods, smiling gently as he holds you as close as he possibly can.
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sleeping in a different room than your boyfriend was much more of a difficult task than you thought. you have come to the realization of how much his tight hugs and warm cuddles helped you fall asleep at night, how comforting they were. no matter how mad you previously were at him, you can’t help but miss him, even though he’s only a room away and fortunately, he seems to be feeling the same.
he doesn’t bother keeping quiet as he walks through the door and into the living room to find you on the couch, eyes wide open. manjiro tilts his head to the side for a quick second before taking a giant leap and jumping onto the couch, landing right on top of you so all the air in your lungs go out.
you can’t help but giggle as he clings onto you, not wanting to be without you for another minute. he places a few kisses to your cheeks before resting his chin on your chest, looking up at you. “never sleep out here again,” he mumbles before poking your cheek. “or i might die.”
he then proceeds to press his lips to yours for a quick kiss and you nod, reaching your hand to his head to gently brush your fingers through his messy blonde hair. “let’s never fight again,” you whisper and he hums in agreement, gripping your shirt as if his life depended on it. “never again. i wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
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your boyfriend was never one who would yell at you nor raise his voice whenever you did something he didn’t enjoy. instead he would try to act as if nothing was wrong, not wanting to communicate his feelings and this was something you didn’t like. he always pretended like everything was okay as if he can’t speak to you about his feelings, so you eventually decided to ask him what was wrong and after lots of convincing to speak, he couldn’t take it anymore. he lost it completely, yelling in your face and asking you to leave him alone.
perhaps this was your own fault for pushing him so far, so you decided that it was best to let him be alone for as long as he needed. he never usually snapped like this, so you quickly understood that something must be wrong, but there’s no idea in trying to help him when he doesn’t want you there. so you’re now on the couch, just awoken from your sleep as you turn to your side and notice shinichiro sano sitting on the floor with his head on the edge of the couch.
you shake his shoulder lightly to wake him up and he quickly does, instantly looking up at you with tired eyes and messy hair. you move a little so there’s space for him to lay down beside you on the couch which he quickly does. he puts his arms around you and buries his face into the crook of your neck as tears begin to flow down his cheeks. “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry for yelling at you. i know you just want what’s best for me and i shouldn’t have treated you like that, i’m so sorry,” he sniffles.
“it’s okay, shin. i’m sorry for trying to pressure you into talking, but it really does help if you would communicate your feelings to me. i always want to know whenever you’re feeling down or if there’s something i’ve done that you don’t like. i won’t ever get mad at you for any of that, so there’s no need to hold your feelings back, okay?” you stroke his head and he nods frantically as he grips onto you tightly.
you place a kiss to the top of his head and cup his cheeks so he’ll look up at you. he wipes his tears away and takes a deep breath as you give him a sweet smile. “are you feeling better now?” you ask and he nods. “mhm, thank you. i will make it up to you tomorrow, let’s just cuddle and sleep now, i missed you so much.”
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intheafterall · 5 months
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On a mission to draw all the Mikey's.
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the-atlas-sister · 6 months
TᕼEY ᗯᗩᒪK Iᑎ Oᑎ YOᑌ ᑕᕼᗩᑎGIᑎG/ᑎᗩKEᗪ- TOKYO ᖇEᐯ.
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𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢, 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚘, 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚢𝚞, 𝙱𝚊𝚓𝚒, 𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒, 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚗, 𝙸𝚣𝚊𝚗𝚊, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚢𝚊
𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 "𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢" 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚘
"Y/N!" You let out a scream as you heard Mikey pounding on your bathroom door. You were completely naked, getting ready to hop in the shower when your oh so loving boyfriend decided to pound on the door.
"Let me in!" Mikey yelled as the pounding sound continued.
"I'm getting in the shower!" you yelled back grabbing a towel and wrapping it around your torso. The sound paused for a moment before Mikey continued, only louder. "Oh my god!" you yelped, unlocking the door and letting the boy inside.
"Woah-" Mikey said, his eyes going wide as he barged into the bathroom. He held a large bowl of ice water.
"What the hell are you doing with that?" you asked, looking down at the bowl of ice water.
"...get in the shower," he said, trying to hide the bowl behind his back.
"...why do you have the bowl Manjiro?" you asked, narrowing your eyes at the blonde haired boy. He approached you slowly, causing you to step back towards the shower. "Manjiro..."
"Hold still baby," he said, raising the water bowl high above his head.
"Manjiro!" you screeched as he poured the water over your head, drenching you in ice cold water and ice cubes on the tiles of the floor. You stared at him with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. "You're dead," you hissed.
𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚘 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚘
"Hey baby?" Shinichiro said, opening the door to your bedroom, not giving you much time to cover up your bare chest.
"Wait-!" You tried- but it was too late. Shinichiro looked at you with wide eyes as you covered your chest with your arms. He held a fast food menu in his hands.
"Um-" His eyes scanned your topless figure, pink dusting his cheeks. "You- damn I'll never get old of this picture...." he mumbled.
"Don't barge in like that-" you whined, throwing a nearby shirt at the taller black haired man.
"It's not like I haven't seen it before," he chuckled, flinching slightly as the shirt hit his shoulder. "Just wondering what you wanted to eat tonight?"
"Just the usual," you grumbled, going to push him out of the bedroom. "Knock next time please."
"You look beautiful baby," he chuckled, letting you push him out of the room.
𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚢𝚞 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚘
Chifuyu pushed open your door, his face buried in his manga as he did. You and Chifuyu had recently moved into a shared dorm room and both of you were still getting used to the idea of living intimately with another person.
"Chifuyu!" you exclaimed, quickly covering your naked body with a nearby shirt.
"Huh? Oh- oh shit!" Chifuyu exclaimed, his face turning a deep red as he looked up at your hardly covered body. "Oh... shit." His eyes scanned your body, making the tips of your ears flush.
"Chifuyu!" you repeated, giving him a shy look.
"Right- right- sorry," he said, shaking his head and turning around to walk out of the room. You couldn't help but smile softly as you caught the wide grin on his face before he left.
𝙱𝚊𝚓𝚒 𝙺𝚎𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚎
"BABE! I- honey, stop screaming," Baji said, throwing open the shower curtain, despite you trying to cover yourself. "Just look." He showed you his phone, only to reveal a video of Chifuyu getting kicked in the balls by a kindergartener.
"Ba- wait, how did that even happen?" you asked, looking at the screen a bit closer.
"He tried to play a game with Mitsuya's little sisters," Baji chuckled, looking at the phone himself before looking at you. "Damn."
"Get out of here," you chuckled, pushing Baji away from the shower weakly.
"Nuh uh- I'm getting in there!" Baji said, giving you a cheeky grin and pulling off his clothes with an unexplainable speed.
"Baji!" you yelped with a laugh as he hopped into the shower.
𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚔𝚒
You watched with wide eyes as Takemichi barged into your bedroom. His eye and lip was swollen and his hair was messy. He was rambling about something from the future and a recent fight and Mikey and Draken, oblivious to your shirtless figure watching him.
"Um- Takamichi?" you said, looking at him with a raised brow.
"Huh?" the blonde boy looked over at you, his eyes sudden going wide and his whole face turning a dark red hue. "AAAAAAAAH! I'm so sorry!" he yelled, quickly turning around and placing his face against the door. "I-I just have so much I want to tell you. Oh my god I'm so sorry. Let me know when you're finished."
You never even got the chance to say anything as he shuffled out the door.
𝙺𝚎𝚗 "𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚗" 𝚁𝚢𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚓𝚒
"Hey beautiful," Ken said as he walked into your shared bedroom.
"Hey handsome," you responded, looking at your half naked figure in the mirror. "Do I look like I'm gaining some weight?"
"Not particularly," he shrugged, creeping up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. "Look as beautiful as ever baby." He leaned down and placed a few kisses along the skin of your neck.
𝙸𝚣𝚊𝚗𝚊 𝙺𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚊𝚠𝚊
You and your boyfriend had recently moved into an apartment together. You had to start getting used to living together with someone, them seeing you naked, smelling your morning breath, seeing you after a night out.
Some took more adjusting than others.
"I could get used to this," Izana's voice chuckled from the doorway. You whipped around to see Izana staring at your topless figure with a loving smile.
"You can't just walk in on me like that," you scoffed, blushing slightly and going to grab a shirt.
"Why not? It's my room too," he chuckled, going to grab the shirt from your hands. "And I'm loving the view, pretty." He cupped your cheek and kissed you softly.
You froze in place as his lips touched yours. You allowed yourself to fall into it, your hand going to grab his arm as your eyes fluttered closed.
"I'll let you get dressed," Izana mumbled, pulling away from your lips.
"I can wait," you said, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer to you.
𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝙼𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚢𝚊
Takashi smiled softly as he wandered into your room. He watched with a shy blush as you danced to whatever was playing in your headphones, dressed in only a bra and sweatpants. He leaned on the door for a second longer, counting his blessings for being the one to capture the heart of such a beautiful person such as yourself. After a few seconds longer he left the room and you were none the wiser to his presence.
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/the-atlas-sister/735496078254850048/t%E1%95%BCey-%E1%97%AF%E1%97%A9%E1%92%AAk-i%E1%91%8E-o%E1%91%8E-yo%E1%91%8C-%E1%91%95%E1%95%BC%E1%97%A9%E1%91%8Egi%E1%91%8Eg%E1%91%8E%E1%97%A9ke%E1%97%AA-tokyo-%E1%96%87e%E1%90%AF
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