kyuusei-shadowleaf · 6 months
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Mal'narae Duskwind by Sylessae
Like Elliantare and @tavarres, Mal'narae is another one of my OCs clawing and fighting to attain main character status alongside Kyuusei and @longveil...
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forcebookish · 2 months
Hi!! What’s your top 5 ‘they are canon for me’ ships?
hi!! excellent question!
nah jk but they are at the tippy-top. honestly i probably could make a whole list just of bleach ships that are canon to me... i'm not going to include ships that Were canon but broke up or one/both of them died (so like cangel, nyssara, etc.), because at least they had their moment. which ones i pretend are still together or miraculously alive is a whole other list hahaha
maleigh (pacrim)
rinharu (free!)
bluepulse (young justice)
madohomu, maleigh, and rinharu feel like cheating because the subtext is so obvious it's basically text. they effectively are canon... like i don't even have to delude myself for those... IF WE'RE NOT COUNTING THOSE then it's stucky, royai (fma), and malnara (firefly). technically, malnara were canonically in love, but they never got together in the series and movie, and i haven't read the comics so idk.
ANYWAY, SORRY FOR TAKING TOO LONG AND TALKING TOO MUCH. thanks for popping in and asking!!
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Literally haven’t watched Firefly in like . . . over a decade, but I woke up thinking about these two. 
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Hey firefly fans, why aren’t we talking about this?
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webuiltthepyramids · 7 years
Fanfic: All Of You
She'd come to realize that there were very few men who actually were good kissers – despite the high percentage who believed it of themselves.
Mal/Inara, post BDM.
FF.Net | AO3
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earthsbestdefnder · 5 years
rate Pepperony, Percabeth, Ben and Leslie, and Malnara from 1-10 and explain why
okay I’ve been thinking about this for like 12 hours and I will do my best to articulate my feelings 😅
Okay so, for reference, I’m basically rating based off of a) how much I love them, b) how much material I was given to love, and c) how often I think about them outside of when I’m actively consuming the media they’re portrayed in. So it’s a personal rating, not an objective one.
Pepperony: 9.5/10 🤩 literally adore them. I love them each as individual characters which influences how much more I actively love them together! I love that we got to see them grow into a couple, even though the feelings were almost immediately evident, and so we got to see them learn and grow and develop as an A+ Ship. They are each other’s better half...like LITERALLY. But I’m still pissed we didn’t get to see their wedding so...they lose points for that
Ben and Leslie: 7.5/10 😊 they are adorable! I definitely ship them, but I’m not like “on the edge of my seat wondering if they’re ever gonna kiss waiting for the moment crying when they’re finally together.” I never cried over them so, while I do ship them, I’ve shipped harder before. Also, I adore Ben Wyatt, like I really truly adore him. But I like Leslie less. So I’m definitely much more invested in Ben than I am in Leslie which makes me care more about him as a person than I care about him and Leslie as a couple. I don’t ship them with anyone else and couldn’t imagine them with any other character. They are an excellent pairing; probably my favorite pair on the show!
Malnara: 8.5/10 🥰 we really coulda had it all if the network didn’t screw up and ruin one of the greatest shows of all time *moment of silence for the cancellation of firefly* anyways! Since I’ve only seen the show once I’m blanking on some aspects of what we’re shown, in regards to their relationship. However I do actively remember feeling like: 😫😍😒☺️😯🥵🤯🤩 over them so they definitely get a high ranking!!! Their slow burn WOULD HAVE BEEN IMPECCABLE and they maybe even would have been a 10/10 if we’d gotten to see the relationship become something instead of left without even a kiss!!! Like!!!! GAHHH. I adore them both as characters and so as a couple I would have been overjoyed. But I’m stuck simply loving a ship that will never sail
Percabeth: 10/10 💞 ...are we surprised?? Listen. I WOULD SACRIFICE EVERY OTHER SHIP I CLAIM TO LOVE IF IT MEANT ENSUREING PERCABETHS UNENDING HAPPINESS. Oh wow the total slow burn yet the obvious feelings??? Their individual growth happens first and they become friends, the best of friends, before becoming more. Percy straight up declined immortality T W I C E for Annabeth (one of the times he was gonna be recognized as a literal god) and that’s love bitch. It doesn’t getting better than that. I adore both of them as characters. Would love them even if they weren’t a ship. And the way their qualities are perfect compliments for each other? The way they’re able to keep learning and keep getting better and their love just grows as they do??? Listen I could go on and on about how much I love them for the rest of my life so I should cut it off here 🤧
Send Me Ship Asks 💕
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Firefly or Star Wars?
Ask me what five things I'd change about a piece of media
Firefly (I'm rusty on my Firefly)
Biracial Tam siblings of Chinese descent. I know much if the fandom agrees the Tam siblings should be Chinese, but I personally would love biracial. Biracial doesn't even necessarily mean "a white parent", I just desperately need biracial Tams. I've written briefly in the past why I feel Simon's character arc in particular speaks to me as a biracial person and why I'd love biracial Tams
On that note, rework the whole setting to be less appropriative.
Either no Malnara romance at all, or if there is one, this antagonistic, insults as flirting, slut shaming business that's part of it is GONE.
Nandi lives.
Less framing of the Browncoats as paragons and wholly good, more nuanced framing of the Core as not the same as the Alliance and has having its own good virtues, admirable values, and heroic people. Generally, less emphasis on Browncoats as indisputable good and more nuanced expression of the 'Verse, most notably the Core. I'm a Core gal at heart, and they're not evil.
Star Wars, generally speaking
Nonwhite women, nonwhite women, nonwhite women. And also more nonwhite men.
Conlangs that aren't ripping non-English languages and their sounds, but especially whole non-English phrases, out of context or syntax and marring them until they sound alien. Generally, the whole disrespect to non-English languages in the constructed of the franchise's conlangs in especially the films is not a thing anymore.
General cultural appropriation in character design stops. It's helped somewhat with the more nonwhite persons, but we really don't need to be drawing on nonwhite designs and fabric associations to create a sense of ~~otherness~~ in character design. We really don't.
More exploration of Force traditions outside the Jedi and Sith, especially giving names to these traditions and their concepts, and NOT villainizing ALL of them or making them ALL inherently evil. Aka, do more of what Rebels brought up with the Lasat and the Bendu.
Sensible military structure and numbers in the Grand Army, Republic Fleet, Imperial Army, Rebel Alliance, Resistance, First Order Army, literally any armed force? Their ranking system, structure, and numbers make zero logical sense.
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superbmakerzombie · 6 years
Slađa snimila spot u ukletoj bolnici: 'Nešto me pogodilo...'
Slađa snimila spot u ukletoj bolnici: 'Nešto me pogodilo…'
Volim snimati svoje spotove na ukletim lokacijama, ali imam problem sa strašljivim snimateljima koji se boje ići sa mnom zbog straha od paranormalnog, rekla nam je pjevačica Slađana Petrušić (34).
Slađa iz nekadašnje Noćne more Željka Malnara snimila je prije nekoliko dana spot za svoju pjesmu ‘Ne boli me’. Za lokaciju je odabrala sanatorij Brestovac na obroncima Medvednice. Smatra da je i sama…
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znamobaportal · 7 years
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MARŠAL JE POMEO KONKURENCIJU: Hrvati na euru žele Tita, a ne Tuđmana
Gotovo polovina, od ukupno 1.627 učesnika u anketi hrvatskog portala “Otvoreno”, želi kada uđu u eurozonu da na hrvatskoj verziji najveće kovanice od dva eura bude lik maršala Josipa Broza Tita (770 glasova).
“Bivši šef Jugoslavije pomeo je tako konkurenciju, pa su Franjo Tuđman (104 glasa), Alozije Stepinac (234 glasa) i Johnny B. Štulić (91 glas) ostali daleko iza njega”, piše portal prezentujući rezultate ankete i dodaje: “Zašto ne? Ako su mu već uzeli trg, red bi bio da najveći zagorski sin dobije bar novčić.”
  Čitaoci “Otvorenog” su sebi dali oduška i u komentarima predložili svoje favorite, među kojima su se našli velikani poput Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić, Miroslava Krleže, Stjepana Radića, Nikole Tesle i Matije Gupca, pa sve do Željka Malnara, prenosi Tanjug. (SB/N1)
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kyuusei-shadowleaf · 6 months
Mal'narae: Unrepentant
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[ Shadowmoon Valley - Mike Marra ]
We watched over the Betrayer for thousands of years. A sacred charge, we were taught, given to us by the chosen of Elune and Cenarius. To be a Warden of the Vaults was the highest honor, the deepest trust, that could be granted to a child of the stars. So we were taught.
But Tyrande came, blinded and besotted, to free him from our guard. Over the objections of her beloved Malfurion. Over the corpses of my sisters. To loose him against the Legion, to walk the face of Azeroth again. But, following in Maeiv's righteous wake, we hunted him. To return him to his justice. Our sacred charge.
Still my sisters died.
They died in Hyjal's defense. They died in the Tomb of Sargeras. They died on the frozen plains of Northrend. They died in the broken wastes of Outland.
Trapped upon that shattered world with nothing but the hunt, we died for what had long ago ceased to be sacred. We bled, we died, for one woman's vendetta. After years, when I could count on one hand those who still stood with me in Maiev's service on Outland, I understood that we did not pursue a Betrayer.
No. By our oaths, by our trust, by the one who led us – we had been betrayed.
So, I set those things aside that had betrayed me. My oath as a Warden. The trust, the charge that was no longer sacred. Unrepentant, I broke them.
And I went to the Black Temple.
To Illidan.
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webuiltthepyramids · 7 years
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Malcolm Reynolds and Inara Serra in Serenity: No Power in the ‘Verse No. 1.
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Malnara is MalxInara's ship name!
❤ Shiny! Thank you!
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swiftsnowmane · 8 years
Mal x Inara - Pieces
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bliphany · 8 years
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Top 5 ships I’ll go down with no matter what
Tagged by @whifferdills, thanks! It’s been a while because I was accidentally traumatized (again) by the Janto quote, however, here we are. Whouffaldi is my one and only otp, and the other 4 mentioned below are not in any particular order.
Twelve and Clara Oswald (Doctor Who) Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (Sherlock)  Malcolm Reynolds and Inara Serra (Firefly) Randall Brown and Lix Storm (The Hour) Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
I just find out that they share some similar features, like, repressed emotions, communication issues, fears of losing, and memories. I think I've got a type...
I’d like to tag: @marvella15, @fieldmarshalhawk, @twelveclara, @dreameater1988, @loversandantiheroes, @jennacolemanfans, @colepaldi-in-the-tardis, @five-foot-one-and-flying, @clara-is-brave, @netwinwaldro
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superbmakerzombie · 7 years
Mario Petreković: 'Vrijeme je za pravu akciju u Hollywoodu'
Mario Petreković: 'Vrijeme je za pravu akciju u Hollywoodu'
POGLEDAJTE VIDEO: Lana, Mario, Pravila igre, Filip, Legendarna ekipa iz ‘Noćne more’ Željka Malnara, Dubioza kolektiv, Juan Augustin Lopez i Endi pozivaju te da postaneš Videostar [video: 1197586 / ] Koliko je cestarina do Hollywooda, pita komičar Mario Petreković jer upravo on će vas odvesti na putovanje života. Samo se još danas možete prijaviti na najzabavniji online talent show Videostar i…
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sandyraso · 8 years
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No one’s been bound. Not Yet
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