#male to male
Waking up, I felt different. Like everything is bigger. Once I fully woken up, I nocied I have abs. My arms are huge. My junk is big. I get up and notice I've grown. I scratch my ass. And that feels firm but swishable.
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I found the mirror in the bedroom and I saw my brother Jack. I'm confused at first. But in the mirror, Jack followed every move I done. Every reaction I done. Then it dawns on me. I've swapped bodies with Jack.
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I admire my new body. Taking pleasure in my new member. When my phone kept going off. Jack, now in my body, demanding us to swap back. When I have no idea how this happened. So I go to the gym as Jack. Put this hot and fit body in to practice. I don't get how he can walk. His junk is massive.
At the gym, the adrenalin I got their as Jack. Everyone was looking at me. After a few minutes, I hear "Jack. You alright?" . I turned around and waved. Then realised i must pretend to be Jack. After a few minutes of chatting with this stranger. I carried on.
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I got home and immediately played with my junk. How could I forget it? It is asking to be played.
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As Jack I decided to go out with my friends. They like Jack. And I know they like the look of his body. So I will act like Jack. But allow them to admire Jack a bit closer. So I wear the most revealing clothed Jack owns.
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1 week later. I still can't get over the fact that I'm Jack. I keep flexing my arms. I can't imagine the last time I wore a t-shirt
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Bad Boys Get More
I had been working my office job for years now, at least 3. I talked my way up and had been happily ready to be promoted. But last time someone got it over me, no big deal. I wasn't concerned. I mean he was here longer than even I was! So of course he did! And then this month I had applied and interviewed again for a manager spot. Even higher than I got before. Unfortunately... I had been passed up again.
This time was different though. This time was much much worse. It was some guy with tats all over his body. That wasn't the only problem either. Devin, the new "manager" and guy in question, just didn't show up to work some days. So I decided enough was enough and I tried to confront my boss about it. It was his decision ultimately.
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"Hey." I said a bit annoyed, but trying to conceal it. "Mind if I have a piece of your time, Henry."
My boss looked at me, he was also a bit younger... not as young as me but not old old? Probably just about 40. "Yeah sure, what's it about." He said a bit plainly as he walked back into his office, me following.
"It's about Devin." He nodded, knowing what I was going to say. "Why was he chosen over me? I mean... he has such shit attendance! He barely even did his job!"
By now Henry was a bit upset, I had been talking about this for the past week to other co-workers and he had overheard it. This was his decision and now he'd let me know why. "You wanna know why Devin got the job instead of you? One simple reason. He's chill."
He continued as if I hadn't said a word. "Devin's a cool guy, he's been here a little less than you, sure, but he won't complain when someone else gets the job instead of him." He looked at me and nodded, as if knowing something.
"But he hardly looks professional!" I blurted out.
"Neither do you, Colt." Colt? Who's Colt? "But don't worry, we don't discriminate here against what's on someone's body. Which by the way, what are all of yours about?" He pointed to my arm... what was happening to it?! Black writing was going down it and ink filled it up. Making images, Henry came over and looked at my arm.
"Oh that? That's a meaning between someone and... wait... no..." I tried to resist.
"No need... dang, what gym do you go to? I would ask the next question on our interview but you've worked here for a while and I do know you can lift more than 50 pounds now." I looked at my bulking up physique. I tried to stop it but it just looked like I was flexing more. I held back a chuckle.
"Well... I think the interview might be done. You have the job, unless you have questions for me."
"I-I... What did you do to me?!" I stood up and looked at my body. My clothes clung to every bit of me, an outline in my pants and pecs obvious.
"Why Colt, I just made you able to get the job you wanted. Trust me. We were going to give it to you anyways but with how you were acting? Devin put in a good word at least. Said all you needed to do was be more like him. So... there ya go." He stood up and shook my hand.
"You'll get used to your new life during your shift with Dev tonight, shouldn't take long. Tons of changes... hopefully you find them all for the better." Henry smirked as he walked out. Devin came into the room.
"Glad to see you finally got 'your' Position dude. We're gonna have fun tonight..."
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Karma en contra
¡Cielos, que bien me veo! Pienso después de ver una foto de mi antiguo cuerpo. Si hubiera sabido que podría ponerme en esa forma jamás hubiera hecho ese estúpido hechizo de intercambio.
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Todo inicio cuando un matón de mi escuela no dejaba de molestarme, al principio eran solo pequeños golpes o insultos, algo que debí de detener ya que las cosas empeoraron. Me daba palizas, me robaba el dinero, se burlaba y en una ocasión me obligo a meter su pene en mi boca, le di una mamada al idiota.
Cansado busqué alguna forma de detenerlo, de manera accidental me encontré con un viejo manuscrito, tenia varias hojas arrancadas, pero una llamo mi atención, “Intercambio”. Me lo pensé mucho si debía de recitar las extrañas palabras, mi mayor preocupación era que él estaría en mi cuerpo. Rápidamente mi duda se desvaneció al encontrar otra hoja con el título “Alteración de recuerdos”, mi atención se centro en la gran advertencia de usarlo, debía hacerlo con cuidado o se podía volver en mi contra.
Tomé el valor para hacerlo y en una tarde en donde la escuela se quedó vacía lo encaré para pronunciar las palabras. Por un momento creí que mi plan funciono, pero cometí un error que a día de hoy sigo cargando, dije los dos hechizos a la vez. Mi mente fue bombardeada con recuerdos de ese cuerpo, los días pasaban y sentía que ya no era yo. Mientras que mi matón ahora en mi cuerpo se burlaba de mí, no podía creer que no pudiera hacer nada bien. Después de algunos meses tratando de mantenerme cuerdo decidí tomar otro cuerpo, mi mente se aclaró y por algún tiempo pude tener la vida de otra persona sin la necesidad de que sus recuerdos me atormentaran. Me di cuenta que la nueva persona mantenía su personalidad intacta, yo fui el único que recibió la “maldición”.
Desde entonces salto de cuerpo en cuerpo experimentando las ventajas y el caos que es tomar diferentes vidas, mentiría si dijera que no me siento mal al tomar el cuerpo de otra persona, así que trato hacer algo bueno con esto. Como, por ejemplo, el cuerpo en el que me encuentro actualmente.
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Que su carita de niño bueno no te distraiga, era un horrible maestro de secundaria que abusa de sus alumnos, de cierta forma me hizo recordar a mi matón. No dude ni un poco cuando tomé su cuerpo y lo deje atrapado en uno de sus alumnos. Fue divertido darle clases y ver su cara de frustración; esperando que le regresara su vida.
Para mi fortuna, mi tiempo con él se terminó, sus memorias se han comenzado a sobrescribir sobre las mías y odiaría acabar con la mente tan jodida como la del dueño original. Me da lástima tener que dejarlo, realmente me había encariñado, extrañaré esas noches en las que exploraba cada rincón de este cuerpo, tocando delicadamente el vello en mi torso mientras bajaba hasta llegar a mi pene.
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De cualquier forma, fue genial tener un cuerpo tan masculino como el suyo, por eso, la persona que se lo quede debe ser alguien que se lo merezca. Es aquí en donde entra mi vecino. Cuando recién tome está vida noté que él era el único que me saludaba y sonreía. Rápidamente me fije en eso y en general como las personas a mi alrededor me evitaban, no fue sorpresa averiguar que esté hombre era despreciable incluso en su vida común.
Pronto esos saludos se convirtieron en platicas cortas y esas en charlas largar y profundas. Descubrí que es divorciado, su ex le quito todo lo que pudo y solo lo dejo con el patrimonio comparable al de un estudiante universitario. No le molesto, de hecho, se sintió libre, nunca le gusto la idea de casarse y muchos menos formar una familia, divorciarse fue su boleto a la libertad. Cada vez que tocamos el tema siempre termina con que desearía tener una segunda oportunidad, oportunidad que con gusto le daré.
Antes de hacer el intercambio pensé que seria bueno que tuviera mi vida en blanco, para lograrlo renuncie a mi trabajo, vendí muchas cosas y me cambie de ciudad. Quería que tuviera una carta de elecciones cuando tomara este cuerpo.
Lo último que hice fue hacer el cambio, me despedí de este cuerpo con una última masturbada. Al día siguiente de lanzar el hechizo me levanté en un departamento similar al que tenía, entendí que mi plan había funcionado y me dirigí al baño para asegurarme. La imagen de mediana edad de mi vecino me saludo a través del espejo, me sentí raro al principio nunca antes había ocupado un cuerpo tan viejo, pero de alguna forma lo hace emocionante. Busqué ropa que ponerme tratando de copiar el estilo que tiene mi vecino. Es aquí en donde viene mi parte favorita explorar la vida de mi nuevo cuerpo.
Me miro en el espejo una última vez pensando en cuanto tiempo podre quedarme aquí.
─Ya lo sabré después, buscaré a un idiota para que se quede atrapado en este lugar. 
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taramboyle · 4 months
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Il fait peut-être très froid en haute montagne, mais la température est brûlante entre Mehdi et Clovis. Les deux jeunes hommes se découvrent des affinités inattendues...
Les Amants contraires 🔥 Taram Boyle
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elsastar1991 · 1 year
Becoming Christopher Korey
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while scrolling on Instagram I saw this one hunk of a man and knew I’d have to become him so the next day I went to the suit store where Christopher Korey worked there he was just standing around admiring his suit
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collection was then he was getting ready to go to the bathroom at the department store he was in and I quickly followed him I had to wait till we was alone in the bathroom and I locked the door and started to transform into him
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First I strip off my own clothes and threw them away I walked over toward him and stood there nude and started staring at him watching his every move before I start to start the transformation first I grew to his height and weight
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gained his muscles and his legs and soon I was him from the chest down next to change was my face as soon as I matched his face I had to gain his voice so I told him to say his name he said Christopher Korey so I repeated the name till I had his voice and he looked over at me and quickly got a massive boner as did I so we had a good sex and then I left him to get dressed and I got dressed as well I told him I’d see him the next time and he gave me his number to meet again
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mrsnaketbg · 5 months
When Mr Snake and Mr Wolf go on a love date
Mr Wolf- What are you doing, Cutie.
Mr Snake- *blushes* Nothing, just waiting for you to say something to me after a long day of being good.
Mr Wolf- *smiles at Snake* Do you want to do something privately, Snake.
Mr Snake- Hell yeah, I'm gonna enjoy this
Mr Wolf- Well, let's go to the bedroom and get started, buddy.
Mr Snake- Let's do this, Wolfie.
*both making moaning sounds*
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pkmn-edits · 8 months
Random Pokemon x random Pride flag edit!
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rubyleaf · 3 months
Honestly? My main piece of advice for writing well-rounded characters is to make them a little bit lame. No real living person is 100% cool and suave 100% of the time. Everyone's a little awkward sometimes, or gets too excited about something goofy, or has a silly fear, or laughs about stupid things. Being a bit of a loser is an incurable part of the human condition. Utilize that in your writing.
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(Short story for @swappingbryn, check them out they're p cool!)
I was never really one for police, always thinking they're some abusive force. Really just never liked them. But one of my old friends got arrested last night and wanted me to talk to him. Or at least try... I wasn't too keen on that either but he said he would pay me back. So you know what? I did.
I went to the station and saw him, he looked... different from when I saw him last. Buffer, had a beard going for him, short hair... really seemed tougher. And so I asked him the question that got on my mind "And... what did you get put in jail for?" It was a simple question.
"Do I really have to say?" He grumbled.
"Kinser, just tell me already."
He sighed and started to recollect. "Okay but first? I need you to take one of these." He smiled as he pushed a pill through the small slot in the booth. It was labeled KR-0034.
I looked at him nervously before sighing and putting it in my mouth... god... tasted like ass... like sweat or something. I felt somewhat sick and looked at him, he was happy. "Okay, dude. Good. You're gonna be a big help out there."
"What do you -Urgh!" I felt my chest tingle before feeling like I got shot... my muscles were tightening, expanding, growing! My arms went from scrawny to giant! Just like... his? My face... my jaw started to get sore, some drool going down before my stubble grew as my chin grew some definition.
My hair shrunk to a buzz kind of style. I was a giant... but in the reflection of the glass I saw Kinser's face. "What did you..."
"Aight, so I'm gonna need to tell you this quick so the guards don't hear." He snapped drawing my attention. "Yeah I just gave you a cloner tablet. Made with my spit. You now look just like me. You know that job I got? The construction yard? Well I got promoted. I was given enhancements by my boss. That's how I'm as perfect as ya see me." What the fuck was he talking about? "And now... I'm recruitin you for the time being. You are gonna deal in my place until I get out."
Deal? As in... "Like what I was sellin. I snuck my phone in here... so I'll text the boss that you'll be comin later... Kaleb. We're gonna be cool about this right?" He waited. "Right, Kaleb?" I nodded... I felt a buzz... it was a location. "Blue maple is where they're meetin tonight. Don't be late for your first day."
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By now I was intertwined with the gang that I was forced into joining. They know me as Kaleb Pennimen. Another dumb dealer for them. The bosses like me, and Kinser? Well he's still in jail but we talk more than I ever had before. He's acting dumb now too... says it's part of the pill or whatever. I used to try and understand these things but now? I just sell em. Way easier that way. Thinkin isn't really for us now... So what are ya gonna do? You buyin or what? I don't have all night.
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Poseedor - El corredor
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Quería relajarme y despejar mi mente después de un largo día, solo necesitaba caminar un poco antes de regresar a casa a preparar la cena. No pensaba dejar mi cuerpo hoy, pero ese sujeto me esta tentando demasiado.
Desde que besé a alguien por primera vez supe que podía tener el cuerpo de las personas, es una habilidad que trato de ocultar y solo usarla cuando me obsesiono con alguien. Ese chico en licra esta pidiendo a gritos que tomé su cuerpo, solo será esta noche, mañana tengo que trabajar.
Me detengo un momento y espero a que él se acerqué. El lugar esta poco iluminado y la gente es básicamente nula. Cuando pasa a mi lado lo tomo con firmeza de la camisa y lo fuerzo a besarme. En un principio se resistía y daba gruñidos, poco a poco su agresión fue disminuyendo; estaba listo para entrar en su cuerpo.
Mi alma salió de mi boca, entro lentamente por la suya, me apoderaba de él sin que pudiera hacer nada. Me extendí por todo su cuerpo, tomé sus piernas, luego su torso y finalmente la parte superior. La primera vista que vi fue a mi anterior cuerpo desvaneciéndose en el suelo y junto a el estaba el dueño de este cuerpo. Es la única cosa que me disgusta de mi poder, la gente no “duerme�� o “desaparece” siempre esta activa observando todo lo que hago con su identidad, lo favorable es que soy el único que puede verlo.
El sujeto parece confundido y aterrado, es normal, alguien más acaba de apoderarse de su cuerpo. Hice un ademan con mi mano y mi cuerpo en el suelo se levantó y siguió caminando como si nada hubiera pasado. Barro a mi nuevo yo con mis manos y me detengo en la entrepierna para darle un pequeño apretón. Doy un suspiro y me imagino la noche que tendré con este nuevo chico.
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snowflakeeel · 5 months
the holidays are never officially here until i see the christmas light extension cord of death by electricity and I have yet to see it.
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ratbastarddotfuck · 5 months
is this nonbinary person actually "male presenting", or did you just decide that based on your arbitrary idea of maleness?
is this nonbinary person actually "female presenting", or did you just decide that based on your arbitrary idea of femaleness?
perhaps they're just "presenting" as themselves and your binary biases are clouding your judgement?
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