#make silly comments in the replies
feycorvus · 3 months
to all the mutuals on here i’ve befriended and then not spoken to for months im sorry i love u my brain is just a mass of spaghetti held together with sticky tape and i frequently forget how to be a person im still thinking of u regularly and hope ur all doing well
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lovereadandwrite · 21 days
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Fyodor resurrecting for the first time: 🤷🏻‍♂️:3
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delborovic · 1 year
Can you draw Rellik and Del in an embrace?
(just wondering😇)
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ghostlyfirn · 2 months
i apologize to everyone who has ever interacted with me expecting me to reply or just interact back at all i dont do that often because i am scared of everyone ♥
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crimeronan · 1 year
every time i get an ao3 comment on a horror fic along the lines of “jesus fucking christ. this is so vile what the FUCK what the FUCKING FUCK THIS IS SO FUCKED UP” i hug my laptop to my chest and kick my feet and roll around in bed giggling like a schoolgirl who just got a love letter from her crush. omg you got physically nauseous.....? eeee
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mishapen-dear · 11 months
people can use this site however they want but there's something almost- idk, sad? about how few people are actually using their blogs. you can turn themes on and have skeletons dancing in the background. you can make everything hot pink. your blog is your scrapbook and you can put whatever you want in there. tags are okay at organizing things so you can have just a whole archive of cool shit to look at later. i know people complain a lot about people liking stuff about reblogging for engagement, and on one hand i get that- it is WILD to see a drawing i spent hours on get only 12 reblogs and 60 likes. Absolute culture shock compared to my previous fandoms. but i don't think you should reblog anything to make artists happy. i think you should reblog things so you can find them again. i think you should queue things to appear on the dash at specific times on certain days. i think you should reblog things so when you're talking to your friends about xyz post you saw you can look in your blog's archive and find it again. i think you should reblog things so that your dash is filled with one really sleepy cat. with the loss of reblogs there's the loss of engagement, which Does hurt the community-focus that makes tumblr so appealing, but idk i just wish people were more excited about the incredible amount of customization that tumblr allows and took advantage of that more
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serotoninlinus · 7 months
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everyone please Consider🩸
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shatlass · 1 year
i genuinely so love how fandoms have their own ways of talking. in jokes, references, styles, expectations. like, yeah, it’s silly but i rarely find it cringy or annoying when people are just having fun and connecting with each other about a common interest
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erigold13261 · 8 months
So comic Peni's father is Peter Parker right? Does that mean her mom is Mary Jane? Or could it be anyone? Because as far as I can figure out (without reading the comics myself) Peni's mom is like never mentioned but is not in the picture (most likely dead since Peni goes to live with Aunt May and Uncle Ben).
So yeah, anyone know anything about Peni's mom at all? Thinking of a headcanon and don't really know how to go about it without possible information from the comics. Even if all we know is nothing about Peni's mom, that could work too. (I really just want to know if the relationship was positive, negative, or non existent).
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big-urchin-energy · 7 months
"authors like when you comment on their fics" is a statement i know is objectively true. but don't worry, that won't stop me from thinking they find it annoying if i do it
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hello little people who live inside my phone, I've missed y'all 🥹🫶
I had a hellish last couple of weeks, and to top it off, I got sick af and lost all of my energy and inspiration to make gifs. Today, I'm only slightly sick and the week has been just bearable. SO HERE AM I!
Might take me a while, but here's my current to-do list, gif-wise, in case you're interested: continuing my Melissa gifsets, Kathryn Hahn in Tiny Beautiful Things, Rachel Weisz in Dead Ringers and last but not least, Elizabeth Marvel in Mrs. Davis
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surreal-duck · 2 years
absolutely love reading tags on my art and i adore each and every single nice thing anyone has ever left on them whether its an “aww nice” a keysmash or an analysis that spans three or more tags but this takes the cake for one of my all time favorites
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kwistowee · 1 year
So your Witcher content came across my dash. And I just have to say… you’re allowed to edit screenshots. You can do that. It’s okay. You don’t have to pretend you’re painting something.
But you know what? I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I read through your two posts “detailing” your process and found nothing of actual substance, but I’m still left curious. Your textures are so intriguing! What brushes do you use? (I understand that you employ a variety of programs, but surely you have certain brushes you use each time? Your style is very consistent.) You said that your approach changes depending on the picture and how you want it to look when finished, which is understandable. I’m a Witcher fan personally, so I’d love to know your specific process for creating that one! Some programs even make time-lapse videos automatically, like Procreate! If you don’t have one for the Witcher piece, I’d still be interested in seeing another! I’ve been trying to get more into digital painting myself recently, and I love watching people’s work come to life! I hope you have a great day and continue making original, true art that makes you happy. Or, who knows, maybe you never started :)
Boy, this got under your skin, didn’t it? It’s very clear from your message that you have already made up your mind, and no benefit of the doubt has actually been extended. This isn’t an ask sent out of curiosity; you’re calling me out as a liar, and you seem certain I will have absolutely nothing to offer to prove otherwise. I’m afraid this response will be frustrating; and if you didn’t mean to come across in a condescending, belittling, passive-aggressive way, I apologize for the directness of some of my response.
You are not entitled to anything in relation to any content creator on this or any other platform, nor is anyone else.
I have always been very introverted and intensely private (online and irl), and those inclinations extend to my creative endeavors. It has never occurred to me to try to screen record or capture my process for any piece I have created in any medium. This is something I do with snippets of spare time as a way to wind down. It’s private, and relaxing, and just for me.
I’ve never had any intention of broadcasting how I draw, paint, gif, edit, or write. I’ve never made tutorials for any of those things. I don’t have records I can produce that will show each step I take and prove how I have done things in which programs. And I’m not obligated to do so. No artist is. Some artists choose to do that, and they are absolutely welcome to do so. I enjoy watching those demonstrations as well. That may be enjoyable and fulfilling for them to produce on top of the art they create, but I would find that time consuming and incredibly stressful. People on the Internet tend to be very comfortable blatantly criticizing complete strangers (the tone of your ask is a perfect example of that), so I prefer not open myself up to anyone and everyone nitpicking and critiquing every move I make and questioning my choices every step of the way. My creative endeavors are things I do just for me and occasionally I share the results here. I’ve always aimed for consistency. Producing things as close as possible to the original reference and making things look as realistic as possible has always been my goal (examples of that are here).
My previous posts concerning my painting process are brief. They were intended to be concise replies to questions that weren’t specific in the first place, and my replies were never meant to be actionable tutorials. If the pieces I’ve painted were actually just edits of screenshots, I would have said so because I do edit photos and post them here as well.
It’s fine that you don’t believe me. And short of producing a time-lapse video capturing me working on a piece, it seems like you won’t be convinced anyway, and that’s ok with me. That’s never going to happen; I’m one of those 80s kids who still prefers to write things down on a pad with a pen. And I’m not going to attempt to override my introverted nature just to hopefully show 1 faceless person they were a bit hasty.
Respectful behavior matters and often produces better results than a negative approach does. Busting through my door and demanding that I produce receipts that meet your criterion tanked the likelihood that I’d be forthcoming; a less abrasive approach would have inspired an entirely different reply. Be kind to those you encounter; you never know what battles they are already fighting or what pain they are working through. This is the kind of message that prompts people to turn off the anonymous function, and in the case of those who share their art or writing or creativity in any form, stop sharing their work altogether. Going forward, you can ask these kinds of questions without being rude. And if you want to have this kind of conversation with someone, be courageous enough not to hide behind anonymity.
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rainbluealoekitten · 1 year
the relationship between me and this one random girl who reads my fic is so special and i'm not even joking. it's like we're penpals, revealing to each other our entire lives in the comment section of my ao3 soc fic, where we started out not even knowing each other's names, but now she is a huge part of keeping me happy and alive
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shubaka · 1 year
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bugflies00 · 2 years
i just think the beeduo updates account going FUCK TUBBO was too much. but maybe tahts just me
#i will not sya htis on twitterlmao#but like. ok so im not 100% i got it right. but my understanding of the situation is.#this old friend of tubbo once in high school copy pasted a copy pasta with slurs & just horrible shit in it bc he'd been sent it and#he wanted to show it to his friends? and then tubbo brought this friend back on stream and apparently thats a horrible thing?#like at first i was genuinely kind of like. anxious & disappointed bc from the echo it got on twitter i'd gotten the impression tubbo was -#-like reinviting a horrible bigot on the internet knowingly so naturally i was kind of like. Bro#but unless i've gotten the wrong info it appears the guy didnt even ?? approve of the copy pasta in any way??#and like. ok i won't lie i did genuinely think ranboos tweet abt the no apology vague reasoning was shade at tubbo but-#-i deleted the post bc i think its silly now. and people in the qrts of the tweet reminding peolpe of ranboo litearlly saying to -#-Not Speculate abt him hating his close friends and ALL the replies are saying shit like who cares or 'yea but he said CLOSE friends'#like its just weird. and the beeduo updates account falling apart over THAT is a bit ?#especially bc they were so aggressive with it idk. going FUCK TUBBO for that seems excessive but maybe thats just me#srry i have a tendency of rambling in the tags when i am. very conflicted over something such as this#and also people Still calling tubbo a tory when its clear to me the queen comment was a fluke and he's genuinely like. willing to learn?#like idk just bc those 2 controversies happened in quick succession does not make him this like. irredeemable villain all of a sudden#like boobers talking abt 'getting the right parent in the beeduo divorce' just doesnt feel right to me💀#but again. this is very confusing its hard to understand what actually happened#alex.rambles.txt#discourse
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