maggiezw · 2 years
I mean, IF they really shut down twitter i'll definitely make my full come back here. apparently i cannot live without fangirling and fangirling in fb or insta is not my thing
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monchi-s · 4 years
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endrecheri, 2020
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osanajimi · 7 years
Get to Know Me...
Tagged by @maggiezw Gosh, this still gets me squealing whenever someone would remember of me, so thank you so much. Love and Peace~ v(^_^)v
Rules: Answer 30 Questions then tag 20 blogs
1. Nicknames: My nickname varies by quite a bit across the Net, but one that I wouldn’t mind to be known here is Noire. 
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: I do a balancing act between Libra and Scorpio, and I love it.
4. Height: 1.68 m
5. Time: 10.17
6. Birthday: October 
7. Favourite bands: Currently definitely Arashi, but back in the day, I was really into the groups who did anime OSTs, namely AKFG, Uverworld, SID, Orange Range, Kalafina and the like.  
8. Favourite solo artists: None that I follow now. Else, I was quite the Matsushita Yuya fan back in high school.
9. Song stuck in my head: Nulbarich’s New Era
10. Last movie watched: Train to Busan
11. Last show watched: An Australian documentary on mental health (does that count?)
12. When did I create my blog: Was it last year? I think it was last year (2016)
13. What do I post: Per my profile, mainly Arashi, then my oshi ex-AKB mem Shimazaki Haruka, followed by tiny amounts of whatever tickles my fancy. Also, maybe a bit of linguistics. 
14. Last thing googled: Shimazaki Haruka NTV live appearances
15. Do you have other blogs: No
16. Do you get asks: Don’t think so.
17. Why did you choose your url: Some attempt at incorporating the OSANM initials into a Japanese word (it’s supposed to mean ‘childhood friend’) to only realize later that I was missing a syllable. Oh well.
18. Following: 131
19. Followers: 62
20. Favorite colors: green, red, black, white
21. Average hours of sleep: varies greatly, but let’s say 8.
22. Lucky number: Always been attracted to numbers 3 and 4.
23. Instruments: None. 
24. What I am wearing: collared shirt, chinos
25. How many blankets I sleep with: none
26. Dream job: to work with books, maybe translations
27. Dream trip: something random like Mayonaka no Arashi. Last train to anywhere.
28. Favourite food: Chocolate
29. Nationality: SEA
30. Favourite song right now: “Happy End” by Back Number
Tagging: Okay, so like, I’ve gained a few followers recently, so if you’re willing to share a bit ‘bout yourselves, then maybe @mitsurine, @arashiobsessed, @anjerinfordream? No need to force yourselves though. 
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Thank you for existing. 💗 Send this to 10 people who you think deserve a sweet and kind message in their inbox 💕
aw Maggie!!!!!!! Gracias!! 🖤💙🖤💙
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matakyou · 7 years
Cassiopeia, Gemini, Aries :)
Thank you (*^▽^*)Cassiopeia: Favourite book?atm I’m in love with And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie (closely followed by Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay).  
Gemini: Favourite song?omg there are so many~ if I have to pick one then it’s probably Waltz #5 from the Ashita no Nadja OST.
Aries: Favourite movie? El Laberinto del Fauno (del Toro’s films are some of my all-time favourites, especially his Spanish language ones). 
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yamakaze-arashi · 7 years
Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!
Aww thank you ♥♥♥ :’)
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sandreeen · 5 years
5 Things meme tagged by @paretto. Thanks for tagging me!
5 Things You’ll Find In My Bag
Vicks Vaporub, which I tend to use when I'm feeling nauseous/battling a migraine
Candy, since it's always nice to have a little pick-me-up when I'm feeling sick.
Hand Sanitizer
5 Things In My Room
Harry Potter book collection ✨✨
Some Japanese calligraphy; one of which is the Arashi kanji, of course. (Wasn't written by me though, because mine turned out crappy, lol.)
World's Greatest Aunt plaque my nephew gave me (lol)
Exercise mat for when I pretend to live a healthy lifestyle
Small battery-operated tabletop waterfall fountain that I haven't actually used in years and is mostly just there for the aesthetic
5 Favourite Things
(right now are)
Music! Forever and always 🎶
Potatoes. So much different ways to cook a potato! I love it as a sidedish. :P
Body pillow (No, I don't own a pillowcase with a lewd image on it, lol
Android TV box that lets me watch videos on big screen TV 😍
My phone
5 Things I’m Currently Into
Kiniro no Corda playthroughs! I've already seen a playthrough for KinCorda 4, 3, Shiseikan and Jinnan. Amane's next on my watch list, but it's on hold 'til I catch up on the year-end content from my other fandoms first.
Seiji-san's content in general! He's the one doing the commentary for the KinCorda playthroughs I've been watching. I've listened to his radio show too and it's been pretty fun to listen to. I plan to watch his other playthroughs too once I'm done with the KinCorda series (which is admottedly not anytime soon).
Lucifer (sort of). I can finally watch it now that it's on Netflix! Breezed through the first season, and now slowed down and kinda hesitating on the second one lol. Idk. I like Lucifer's character, but the lack of fic online (that interests me) puts me off a bit. :P And I'm not sure about the Mom arc. I'm kinda scared of how it'll pan out.
Classical music (again). Kind of inevitable with all the KinCorda playthroughs I've been watching. :P
Ballet workout. Never really did ballet, but it's fun trying to do it, even if I'm probably doing some of it wrong lol. Can never really quite get my limbs at the right angle...
5 Things On My To-Do List
(Most of this is my Tumblr content to do list lol sorry. What can I say, Tumblr is my hobby. :P)
Translate and gif more Touken Ranbu movie content
Plan and create more content for my KHR stage play side blog. (This is taking up most of my content making time tbh, since I made this unspoken promise to myself to go all in and make sure I have a post queued for every day of the week.)
Finish giffing Tousute Saien backstage content. I only have 2-3 gifsets left to go before I'm done with it, but with all the movie content among other things this has also been put on hold.
A Sho at Kouhaku gifset maybe? Not sure I'll push through. I'm still slowly watching my way through all of it. Idk. It's more likely to happen than the 2018 VSA Openings gifset that I had planned weeks ago anyway.
Clean my room. It's 2019; I feel like I should do more effort, but I'm also lazy lol
Tagging @noboundar1es, @maggiezw, @pknumba1, @rainu-wa and @erichan8 if you're up for it. :)
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I was tagged by @adachiyoujinjin c: to list 10 songs I’m currently into.
원하니까 - DAY6
어쩌다 보니 - DAY6
Only for You - TVXQ
하치하치마 - GOT7 the concert made fall again in the not so healthy obsession for this song
春風スニーカー - Arashi 嵐
나나나 - BTOB
게으름뱅이 (Lazybones) - TVXQ
TIME OF SORROW(오월애 (俉月哀)) - Victon
Baby - The Rose
Don - Miranda! don’t ask
 I tag @btwowb and @maggiezw
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Class Appreciation Week Masterlist
This amazing week is sadly coming to an end. I wish it could be class appreciation month. I have seen such creativity from everyone in the fandom!
Here all of my posts in case you are interested:
Day One: http://bbcclassandotherthings.tumblr.com/post/156584356381/favorite-character-class-appreciation-week-day
Day Two: http://bbcclassandotherthings.tumblr.com/post/156651653726/caw-favorite-episode-nightvisiting
Day Three: http://bbcclassandotherthings.tumblr.com/post/156687368405/there-is-a-lifetime-of-possibilities-other-than
Day Four: http://bbcclassandotherthings.tumblr.com/post/156739105016/caw-day-four-favorite-theme-blue-i-know-a-lot
Day Five: http://bbcclassandotherthings.tumblr.com/post/156781984436/caw-day-five-favorite-relationship-the
Day Six: http://bbcclassandotherthings.tumblr.com/post/156817253058/class-appreciation-week-day-six-favorite-scene
Day Seven: http://bbcclassandotherthings.tumblr.com/post/156852419406/class-appreciation-week-day-seven-whatever-you
And here are a few of my favorite posts from others this week:
Favorite Character by @bazwillendinflames http://bazwillendinflames.tumblr.com/post/156572222580/caw-favourite-character
Favorite Relationship by @gaysinheaven https://gaysinheaven.tumblr.com/post/156758908061/class-appreciation-week-feb-3-favourite
Post Whatever by @bazwillendinflames http://bazwillendinflames.tumblr.com/post/156860649114/caw-whatever-you-want
Post Whatever by @kierant0 http://kierant0.tumblr.com/post/156840692308/class-appreciation-week
Post Whatever by @sidespicy https://sidespicy.tumblr.com/post/156825514859/favorite-anything-from-class-pregnant-miss-quill
Favorite Scene by @maggiezw http://maggiezw.tumblr.com/post/156806518433
There are loads more awesome posts for this and I recommend searching through the class appreciation week tag to see more awesome posts. Anyway that’s all for now, I might post more of my favorites later! Let me know if any of the links do not work, it's my first time doing something this.
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winkychan · 7 years
Music Shuffle Game
Tagged by @ninonosaurous thank you Erin ~<3
Put your music on shuffle and post the first 15 songs you get, then tag 10 people:
1. Sasoribi piano concerto No.1 2. m-flo loves 日之内エミ & Ryohei & Emyli & YOSHIKA & LISA - love comes and goes 3. Nâdiya - Roc 4. Aiba Masaki - Friendship 5. Journey - Don’t stop believing 6. Tatsuya Ishii - River 7. Professor Layton OST - Puzzles (piano version) 8. Clint Mansell - Requiem for a ring 9. Sakurai Sho - Can’t let you go 10. Nobuo Uematsu - Tatakau monotachi (piano version) 11. Eric Clapton - Layla 12. Yuzu - From 13. Muse - Hysteria 14. Koda Kumi - TABOO 15. Arashi - Step and Go
Tagging: @sougoii @aoloky @aishoni @maggiezw @karmade @crankyhamburger @tronella @cherryshoko @ninonosaur (Feel free to do it or not etc etc XD )
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maggiezw · 2 years
I feel like what Akk needed to embrace his feelings for Ayan was to know a little bit of him, I mean, Akk didn't know anything about Ayan but Ayan did knew about him (his motivations for being a prefect, meeting his parents and even his internal identity crisis because Akk is as easy to read as a book). He feels vulnerable and insecure and stressed at someone knowing this side of him and that's why he's so reticent while Ayan, a sassy little man, hasn't shared anything about him or just vague comments until episode nine when he shows some vulnerability too, his stress/ anxiety / depression disorder and finally talked about his uncle and Akk meet his mom.
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arashi-are-brave · 7 years
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If I'll meet you in the street just can't let you go. Living in a fantasy... The gif belong @maggiezw
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Star Wars! Musicals! Movies! Dieguito Luna ❤
me va a faltar piel para tanto tatuaje jaja pero super sí, todos esos.
if you had to suggest a tattoo for me based on what you know of me from my blog, what would it be?
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matakyou · 7 years
maggiezw replied to your post “Cassiopeia, Gemini, Aries :)”
Oh, I've only seen the mini series of And Then There Were None, it was sooo good. I definitely have to read the book. Wait... Spanish language ones? Do you speak spanish?!
Ikr? I've been meaning to watch that since it first came out and I finally did this week and loved it. Now I’m re-reading the book bc it was just THAT good hehe~ ah~ I’m very familiar with the language since I’m from Portugal. I understand and speak Spanish (except some specific region/ country vocabulary), although my writing is a bit rusty ^^ 
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yamakaze-arashi · 7 years
English, Read, Rapunzel :)
English:How many languages can you speak?2- English and JapaneseRead:What was the last book you read? Lord of the Rings Part 1- The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R Tolkien. I read the Hobbit twice but never manage to finish even part one of the LotR series sighhh. Idk, it’s so slow to me?? hahaRapunzel:Name three Disney movies that you adore.So hard! In no order: Zootopia, Monster’s University (I ADORE!), and The Emperor’s New Groove. Thanks!! :D[Ask Q’s]
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sandreeen · 7 years
Tagged by @hanahikari Goal: Tag 9 people to get to know them
Tagging: @pknumba1, @nano-hana, @smileysmelly, @savvybee13, @nihonarashi, @maggiezw, @jiimama, @paretto, @hoppidehoppu if you guys are up for it :)
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