#mac and cheeze
risewriter · 1 month
Prompt: CAT-astrophe?
ROTTMNT: CAT-astrophe
Leo: Do we really have to? I like what he’s done with the place.
Donnie: I think the limit has been reached, Nardo.
Raph: Yeah. *Pushes Donnie forth* Go tell him, D!
Donnie: *Switches places with Raph* You’re the leader. You tell him.
Raph: *Whimpers* Heeey, buddy..
Mikey: Hey, Raphie! Have you met Choco Pop yet?! *Presses an adorable cat in Raph’s face*
Raph: About that.. I think we need to let some of them go..?
Mikey: *Gasps* RAPH! They’re strays! I can’t just throw them out!
Raph: Donnie, how many cats are in the lair right now?
Donnie: Hm? Including Choco Pop, 68.
Raph: See?! There’s way too many of them! We have to-
Mikey: *Puts something in Raph’s hands* Make that 70~!
Raph: *Cries while holding 2 kittens*
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axtonorian · 3 months
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Newest TSAMS episode hurt me (I LOVED RUIN AND IM SO USPET 😭😭😭😭) so instead of finishing the EP I went and rewatched S4 of LMK and drew some Monkies :DD
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deepdreamnights · 10 months
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A jeep used by Kraft employees to scout new mining locations in a sinkhole (2003)
Driven back to mining natural cheez formations by the closing of the national cheese stockpile, Kraft has pushed further and further to keep the world in Mac & Cheese (or as its known in savage climes, 'Kraft Dinner).
This ten foot sinkhole is just one of thousands of hazards the brave miners face every day to make sure the cheez keeps flowing, and your noodle gets going.
Prompt: a jeep going through the mud pit, in the style of vibrant, high-energy imagery, photography installations, photorealistic detail, melting, mote kei, orange and aquamarine, earthcore
The image in this post was made using an autogenerated prompt and/or has not been modified/iterated extensively. As such, it does not meet the minimum expression threshold, and is in the public domain.
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murderandcoffee · 3 months
👁👁I'm curious!
congratulations, you have been assigned…
enjoy your new allegiance!
(send me a 👁--or 👁👁 if you want two!--and I’ll roll a d20 on my randomized chart and assign you a fear entity!)
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clairenatural · 1 year
someone do a psychological study on why being back in my parents' house for more than 24 hours makes me unable to be an adult
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barbie-necromancer · 4 months
fuuuck this ARFID+ relapse thoooo
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detective-ws · 7 months
i just had such good mac n cheese
*kicking my feet rn*
i love mac n cheese so much!!! >w< !!!
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panzertranse · 1 year
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My attempt at the mf doom mac n cheese
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 2 months
Bleaching dishes :/
Good: will have clean pot to make real food!
Bad: got to cook the bleach taste out no matter how thoroughly i rinse it, dont have sufficient gloves so even though im very carwful i might have got some on me -_-;
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shslcoeval · 4 months
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Smoky Pumpkin Mac & Cheeze
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randoeggmanfan · 6 months
Spongebob Mac n cheese goes so hard at 10:30 at night
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yukatanpress · 10 months
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Smoky Pumpkin Mac & Cheeze
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akchually · 2 years
Vegan Pumpkin Cheesecake - Connoisseurus Veg
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tay-bee · 3 months
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Wasn't gonna render this as much as I did but here we are-
Mr Mac n' Cheeze cause I miss him!!
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arrowheadedbitch · 2 months
You know what? Fuxk it, I'm starting a reblog chain.
Reblog this post and tag your friends to do it too!
What is your "grandma hobby"?
I'll go first, mine is sewing. :)
No pressure tags -> @mac-cheez @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @no-entry-access @brokenstar28 @choosinganamewashard @theeclecticenquirer
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jaegersdevil · 10 months
boyfriend!eren headcanons pt. 3 *・。゚
going insane, so i wrote more bf!eren while in a waiting room. because of this, they are a little more......... unhinged
part 1 part 2 part 4 / masterlist
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bf!eren's post-game meal is 3 big macs and 2 mcchickens AND a kids nugget meal (he wants to give you the toy that comes with it because he’s cute) but don’t forget dessert!! he sips his *diet* coke as a palate cleanser and then inhales an apple pie
bf!eren will help old people cross the road/down stairs. he is just that type of guy
bf!eren gets a job coaching a kids' basketball team, and that is a canon event
bf!eren carries your belongings in his sweatpants pockets when you’re out together (e.g. your keys, lipbalm/lipgloss, water bottle etc etc you name it, it’s probably in his pockets)
bf!eren’s phone is very simple—a black iphone 14 with a plain black case, but despite it not even being visible, he keeps a photo of you in the back of his phone (so you’re always with him even when he can’t see you)
bf!eren accompanies you to all your appointments (even if he doesn’t have to) but waits in the waiting room (spoiler: he falls asleep most of the time, kinda embarrassing eren pls wake up)
bf!eren gets you a keychain for your birthday to match his own (i fully 103% believe it would be the lego ones (he would get himself batman, and get you spiderman))
bf!eren leaves his dirty ass bigfoot black vans at your front door (a tripping hazard!!), but it feels so domestic and homey that you can’t bring yourself to scold him for leaving them there
bf!eren watches family guy religiously
when bf!eren gets baby fever, he gets it BAD
but bf!eren cannot be trusted with indoor plants 😐 so (please see part 2 for more evidence (cheez-it incident))
bf!eren buys annie's mac and cheese in bulk (read: he is a manchild who loves cheesy pasta 😋)
bf!eren has an emotional support water bottle (a 1-gallon dark green yeti his mum bought him as a college essential). he does not leave that thing anywhere (carla would castrate him :))
bf!eren owns one (1) pen, so he's constantly stealing yours when he has class and tucks it behind his ear so he doesn't forget to give it back to you (warning he does gnaw on the end like a starved dog)
bf!eren showers twice a day even though i make him sound like he does only once a week :) (and the showers are LONG rip water bill)
bf!eren has a spare charger that is for you only at his apartment <3
bf!eren facetimes you from everywhere (like gross bathroom eren wtf i don't want to hear bathroom sounds, and he just :) but i missed u........)
bf!eren kisses you on the cheeks every chance he gets (big sloppy wet kisses that are so (screaming) so cute and loving and i need him)
bf!eren's hands are rough and warm and dry (not like dry, but like man hand working hands dry you know or am i just talking shit)
bf!eren has his own pillow on your bed that he brought from home
bf!eren has half of his belongings in your room, and yours in his (literally just move in together at this point :/ come on guys)
ok ok bf!eren in those prada sunglasses you know the ones. i know i said in part 2 that he has dad speed sunnies, but those prada ones are so ASDFKJHG
bf!eren makes sure you take your meds (if you have them) every morning/night and calls you if he's not with you to ensure you've taken them (he cares!!!! he's not trying to be overbearing or condescending, i promise)
bf!eren has a nintendo switch so he can play his silly little games when he's waiting for you at your apartment to come home from class (his phone and youtube videos get boring after a while (part 1), and studying is not an option so)
i was in that waiting room for a WHILE ok
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