#lydia hawke
breadedsinner · 1 year
Hawke doggy headcanons just because.
Hawke: Judith (Warrior, Templar Spec, Blue, Romances Sebastian)
Mabari: Gallant
How they met: Gallant was one of the pups being trained at a kennel in the town the Hawke family lived in, before Lothering. Judy and her siblings would sometimes go to look at them, unknowingly imprinting on one of them. On more than one occasion, she had to return him to the kennel after running off. When the family needed to flee, she had accidentally left behind her wooden sword. Hot on their trail was Gallant, sword in mouth.
Personality: Gallant takes the role of Family Guardian very seriously. Despite imprinting on Judith, he was very playful with the twins and would follow them around town, especially when she had gone to enlist in the King's Army. In Kirkwall, his ears would perk and he would sit firm at the doorway, as if to say, "State your business".
He became a little softer as years went on, becoming more attentive to Judith as she grieved her mother. He would lick her hand and put his head on her lap when she experiences nightmares, knowing something was wrong, not knowing what else to do.
Does the Dog Like the LI: Much like his partner, Gallant tends to keep people at a distance until they prove themselves. Sebastian was able to pass effectively and quickly; Gallant seemed to understand and accept the proper respect he was giving with his bowing. It also helps that he had treats for him in one of his belt pouches.
Hawke: Lydia (Mage, Force Mage Spec, Red, Romances Isabela)
Mabari: Gambit
How They Met: Malcolm had brought her home, a sickly runt of the littler. Whoever originally owned her said he could keep her, assuming she survived. Malcolm, a master healer with his two apprentices, had her up and spry by the next day. Lydia was never an animal person, and was happy to have it be the companions of her siblings. But the pup always seemed to want to play and fall asleep next to her.
Personality: Gambit is surprisingly gentle and curious. Lydia had quickly put her to work when in Lothering, making her deliver potions and remedies to her neighbors. But she took to instructions and training very well, and this is a practice they would expand upon in Kirkwall.
Despite being a breed of war hound, Gambit does not seem to like fighting, perfectly content to follow around Lydia and company and smell new things. That Lydia was able to find anything of value in her travels is largely because of her. Not to say she can’t fight, though; she will still readily tear through some ankles if Lydia is in immediate danger.
Does the Dog Like the LI: Gambit likes everyone, but Isabela did not like her, assuming she was just a big slobbery, leg-humping beast. But no one can resist those eyes for long… she’s still not allowed on the bed anymore, though.
Hawke: Faye (Rogue, Shadow Spec, Purple, Romances Merrill)
Mabari: Ghost
How They Met: Faye supported the family by hunting. One day she traveled into the nearby forest and heard a whining sound. Eventually, she found a lone pup; it mostly looked like a mabari, but Faye suspected he might be part wolf. How such a union happened, she didn’t know, but the pup was defensive, growling. “Oh, sorry, didn’t realize you’d claimed this spot,”.
She would return to that spot and found that same dog there, but maintained a respectful distance. She would look for others, but found none. Sometimes she would talk, half to the dog, half to herself, knowing no answer would come. In time, she proved to the dog that she was no threat, and was willing to share her quarry.
Personality: Ghost is skiddish and slow to trust. He came to enjoy Lothering over time, but there were a lot more open spaces. He was never all that happy in Kirkwall, and insisted on coming along with Faye and company whenever they went out. As a show of trust, Ghost still likes to bring Faye whatever he manages to find, sometimes useful, sometimes not so much. Sometimes if they’re by the Wounded Coast or Sundermount, Ghost will wander out by himself, but Faye trusts he can always find his way back home.
Does the Dog Like the LI: Ghost never really liked anyone besides Faye, and is wary of strangers, but civil. Merrill was no exception, but she was persistent and gentle. If nothing else, Ghost began to see that Faye liked Merrill, and that was good enough for him.
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
Dark OC asks 1, 4, 5, 8, 12, 14 for Onnie and Director Hawke :)
1. Excluding murder, what is the worst thing your OC has ever done?
Onnie: Arson, torture, organized crime
Director Hawke: Kidnapping, torture, and human experimentation.
4. What appears in your OC's darkest nightmares?
Onnie: Vulnerability. If there's one thing that scares Onnie more than anything, it's letting another person see through the (honestly pretty obvious) facade of confidence and general evilness that they put on.
Director Hawke: A world where witches, metas, and humans are all equals and interact as such. She sees metas as having corrupted the sanctity of her kind's magic, though it is a misconception, due to most metahumans having no magic of their own.
5. What is your OC's moral code?
Onnie: She thinks human morality is beneath her, since they're so powerful, they see themself as higher than the rest of humanity, occasionally diving into a full-on god complex when she's less "in control".
Director Hawke: She's actually got a pretty strict moral code, however, she does not see metas as people, so she does whatever she wants with them, since she sees them as less than animals- a plague to be eradicated.
8. Would your OC consider themself evil?
Onnie: Oh, yeah, absolutely. They're 100% evil, and proud of it. After all, morality is for mere mortals, not eldritch terrors.
Director Hawke: Not at all. She believes that what she's doing is for the greater good, even if it hurts some people now, less people will be hurt in the end.
12: If your OC was arrested, what would the charges be?
Onnie: Murder, theft, arson, torture, conspiracy, assault, kidnapping, weapons trafficking, threatening an official, resisting arrest, mayhem, intimidation, hostage-taking, and terrorism
Director Hawke: Crimes against humanity, murder, torture, kidnapping, human experimentation, perjury, blackmail, fraud, human trafficking, murder, assault
14: What is your OC's "villain song"?
Director Hawke
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justlydiasworld · 2 years
can you write a robin fic where you're steve's sister and she meets you when you crash one of their weekly movie nights? maybe she thinks you're pretty and her crush kinda develops as time goes on and she sees more of you when she hangs out with steve or you stop by the video store?
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Interrupted By The
Thought Of You
Pairing: Robin Buckley x F!Reader
Warning:a lot of fluff, rude steve, love confession👀
Summary: You’re always told by your older brother-Steve,that you shouldn’t interrupt his “weekly movie nights” with his friend. Maybe you felt a bit mischievous, so you took that chance and interrupted the whole thing on accident of course.But you did not see this coming at all- the bubbly feeling you felt for this girl never left you. Maybe it was best for her to know.
Authors note: WOW THIS IS MY FIRST REQUEST AND AHH IM SO HAPPY! My requests/ inbox are still open too! Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you enjoy reading!
“Okay so don’t come downstairs alright? I have a buddy coming over and-“ Steve was practically scolding you. He didn’t want you to interrupt his every weekly movie night, seriously, you’re pretty pissed. He can bring his buddies every week but you couldn’t bring a single friend.
“-and don’t interrupt the movie night but if you want snacks or anything don’t make a noise while you come down.” You copied his voice in a high pitch tone. Eyes were rolled back and all you did was scoff. “Look,I just don’t want you to blow it for me alright?” His hands were on his hips and he just looks at you,waiting for a response.
“I get it. Now can you please go for fuck sake?” You took your headphones that were sitting beside you and played some music and now flipping through a magazine. Your brother Steve Harrington was known throughout the years, everybody knows him. But you couldn’t stand being even with him, it’s like you guys aren’t related at all.
He ignores you every time you try to approach him. The halls were always crowded with his friends and once he gives you a look- he doesn’t bother to try to talk to you for the rest of the day. Not until the end of the day, he picks you up and leaves you at his house and then heads off to some party. But ever since Nancy Wheeler dumped him, he’s changed a bit. Not too much though, he’s still avoiding your gaze and you’ve actually gotten use to it.
“Hey sorry to keep you waiting Robin. It’s just-“ Steve comes downstairs with a huge sigh and sits right next to Robin with a bowl of popcorn in front of them. “You don’t have to say anything you dingus, just hurry up and put the movie in.” She took the bowl of popcorn and placed it on her lap- already eating some that fell on her comfortable pajama pants.
. . .
Robin already watched the Friday the 13th multiple times, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell Steve that. So she makes an excuse every time it gets to a boring scene. “ let me grab a soda in the refrigerator real quick. “ Steve just nodded- his eyes were focused on the movie and couldn’t be bothered by anything. Robin got up slowly and made her way to the kitchen. And there you were,stuffing your face with snacks and drinks.
“ OH FUCK- I- WHO ARE YOU? WAIT! (Y/N)? “ Robin was startled but she was a blushing mess when she saw you. Never in a million years would she have thought the prettiest girl in Hawkins-her crush- would be in front of her. I mean who wouldn’t be startled?She didn’t hear you at all- matter of fact she didn’t know you lived here. “Robin? What are you doing here?” You were just as confused as she was, if you knew Robin was here then you would’ve at least put some sort of makeup. “ME? Uhm, I was hanging out with Steve-“ Robin was interrupted and it was your brother who interrupted the poor girl. “(y/n)? didn’t we talk about this already?” His hands were on his face and you could see his face turn red with frustration. “Look I was just getting snacks!” You try to explain to him but he just wasn’t having it. “We talked about this! Why can’t you just listen!”
Your eyes were turning glossy and Robin noticed it. Even she was scared for a moment, she never saw Steve lose his cool at all. “It’s not a big deal we can just all hang out?” Robin played with her rings and gave a weird smile.
Steve took a deep breath and apologized. Your brother? Apologizing? You never saw that coming. You took that offer and ran towards the couch.
Robin saw the way you smiled and it gave her a little warmth, her face turned slight pink and Steve could see the freckled girl smile as you smiled. “You like my sister or something Robin?” He teased her and nudged Robin using his elbow.
“Uh-pfft- me?- oh just shut up dingus-“ she rolled her eyes, she didn’t want to tell Steve that she liked (y/n) for years, now she’s infront of Robin. “Wait- sister? She’s your sister?” Robin was dumbfounded. Her mouth slightly opened and she did not know how to process that.
“Yeah (y/n) harrington,that’s my little sister.” He paused and looked at robins mouth, she was mumbling underneath her breath.
“she has the cutest smile..”
“Come again buckley? What did you say about my sister?” His eyebrows were raised and couldn’t quite hear the dirty blonde.
“Guys don’t keep me waiting!!” You took the bowl of popcorn and slipped one in your mouth- waiting patiently for the both of them.
. . .
You were slowly shutting your eyes, the movie was finished and Steve put in a new one. And it’s been hours already,but as you turned your head to the left, you saw him sleeping with his mouth open and arms close to his chest- he was drooling like a kid.
You couldn’t help but laugh, but now it was just you and Robin. “I didn’t know you were the person that steve uhm was dating” you whispered,trying not make your voice tremble as much.Robin almost chocked on her soda,” Huh? Me and that dingus?- oh fuck- thats not how it is- I swear-“ she took the soda and gently laid it down on the table.
“Seriously? Every girl in school falls for him. It’s honestly scary how he does it.” You chuckled, almost relieved to have somebody by your side that you could talk freely to. “Well I don’t have any interest in him- I actually-“ Robin paused and gulped down whatever was in her throat,trying to tell you how she felt,it was the best opportunity.
“I actually like you- a lot- I’ve liked you ever since you stepped into Hawkins-and that’s probably weird and I just-“ she paused and heard your little snores. Your head was gently laid onto her shoulder,but you could hear everything she said.
Her body froze when you started to snore. “I guess maybe I should’ve said it later on..” her heart sank. She built up her confidence to tell you but you were asleep. She slowly grabbed the can of soda and slipped it onto her lips.
“I like you too buckley.” You whispered, loud enough for the both of you to hear.
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This one might be easy, depending on if you know the character and who was based on her
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I don't know the character (I can see Panem in the background so I know it's Hunger Games, but I haven't seen all the movies), but that looks like Julianne Moore to be so I'm gonna say it might be Director Hawke?
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era-bella · 1 year
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sapphic-shayera-hol · 7 months
Me: Okay, put the Doom Patrol in the Earth arc as they were in Midway too. Not just the Hawks.
An few days later: I know they had reasons of having Shayera go to Dr. Fate but still, I can't help but imagine an scenerio where she spent that time at Doom Manor with the members of the Doom Patrol instead.
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vavandeveresfan · 6 months
Thanksgiving decor!
My Thanksgiving decorations!
A Hallmark pop-cut Thanksgiving dinner from the late 60s.
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Batman lurks protectively behind the turkey and Lydia in her wedding dress.
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A pilgrim bores Marinette and Hawk Moth about how to grow pumpkins.
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Raccoon offers you corn and Mrs. Fox offers you pie.
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Superman hovers protectively around the villagers.
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Below on my graphic novels shelf are many Pusheens for dessert.
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Turkey light during sunset
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eulcgizeme · 9 months
OPEN TO: @stayliquid for lydia hawke MUSE: aster roth, thirty. actor / male lead. dylan o'brien fc. PLOT: wildest dreams (our version)
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The numbers didn't lie— there was no way Aster could find a way out of this contract without losing everything. Yet, every time he stood under the swelter of lights and had to take Lydia's hand, he believed it was worth everything as a means of giving it up. He dropped it from his grasp and turned to face the crew peeking through the shadows. "Absolutely not, I can't do this. This script is a shit show," Aster called out, cigarette that he was meant toss aside to kiss her brought to his lips instead. "In your wildest fucking dreams is that gonna happen."
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sharksliveontrains · 1 year
love saying “thats my favorite character” knowing damn well ill say it about 8 more characters before the episode is even over
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shsenhaji · 3 months
📚 February Reading Round-Up 📚
My February was a pretty great reading month too! I finally feel like I'm back in the groove.
- Guardian Vol. 1 by Priest (Very good, some twists I didn’t see coming, love the humour and the heart)
- Starling House by Alix E. Harrow (The audiobook was amazing, beautiful, lyrical, atmospheric, angry and hungry and satisfying, stories and dreams)
- House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Mass (Re-read, even better than the first time in some ways, totally cried again, really loved the second part, all the emotions, forgot some of the twists! Through love, all is possible)
- Welcome to Demon School! Iruma Kun Vol. 1 by Osamu Nishi (So cute and wholesome and amazing, especially by chapter 2, loved it)
- Becoming Crone by Lydia M. Hawke (Fun, very powerful, took some time to get into, excited for the second book)
- Paladin's Hope by T. Kingfisher (Very good, sweet, not too short though I wanted more, a lot of societal commentary especially about gnoles, zinger ending)
- Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn (finally started watching Bridgerton, sweet, funny, heartfelt, less angst in the plot than I’d expected, can't wait for season 3 of the show)
- Welcome to Demon School! Iruma Kun Vol. 2 (So cute and wholesome and cathartic, first chapter kind of debunked the reveal I thought vol 1 ended with, loved the central conflict and Iruma realizing he actually does deserve better and can grow)
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dartumbles · 1 year
Review: Becoming Crone by Lydia M. Hawke
Becoming Crone by Lydia M. Hawke My rating: 4 of 5 stars This was a fun book that, at last, didn’t have to do with someone under 60. It only took a couple of nights to get through. I do wish it were in Audible, but text-to-speech was still doable. A mature woman whose marriage is over and the offspring has a child of his own finally finds her power, and boy, it’s a lot! And her caretaker is a…
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breadedsinner · 2 years
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mlm maker
wlw maker
enby maker
I made these with my Hawkes + their LIs a while back, but a few tweaks and a new Hawke.
I think now SHE will be the Purple Rogue, and the fella with Fenris with be a Blue Mage.
Still no ideas on names! I'll get there eventually
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negative-speedforce · 1 month
Headcanon: as much as Director Hawke claims she can tell a witch from a non-witch meta/mutant/etc. at just a glance... she's actually got a terrible success rate most of the time, and there are even some people working in her organization who are metahumans themselves (and she has no idea)
You know what? This is canon now. Hawke is a bigot and an idiot, so let's be real she probably has no idea half the time. She'll be like "aren't these metahumans the worst?" to a literal meta.
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justlydiasworld · 2 years
could you write a robin fic about working with her at scoops or family video, either one, and you have a massive crush on her but you think that she is dating steve? essentially steve ends up playing wingman for the both of you bc he catches on to your crushes on one another before either of you do. thanks in advance!
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I Only Love You
Pairing: Robin Buckley x F!Reader
Platonic pairing: Steve Harrington x F!Reader
Warning: unrequited love(?), misunderstanding, bit of angst. Fluff,modern day au.
Summary: The reader loves Robin to death,absolute death. But she notices how she hangs out with Steve Harrington a lot and takes it the wrong way. Steve helps out the both of them and clears the misunderstanding.
Authors note: Thank you so much for requesting!! Hopefully you like this fanfic a lot. Again my inbox are still open to everybody, I write blurbs,fics,drabble,head canons and more.
You visited Robin once again, the girl you absolutely loved and adored. But lately she’s been hanging out with Steve Harrington,your best fiend. I mean of course you didn’t mind it at first but jealousy slowly slips in and you misunderstand everything.
“I would like the usual please.” You smiled with a toothy grin. “Coming right up princess” her little pet names were to die for,you almost melted with the ice cream.Robin scoops up the cookie and cream ice cream and hands it over to you. “That one is on me today.” Her arms were laid down on the cold counter and she looks up at your beautiful (e/c) eyes. She gave you a wink and smirk at the end.
You couldn’t help but choke on your ice cream. That smirk and wink could kill about anybody. You turn around trying to cover up your red face while you used your ice cream cup. “Buckley you’re gonna be the death of me. I swear one day I’ll die because of you.” You teased,still trying to cover up the redness that flowed through your face.
Robin chuckled and she couldn’t deny it,you were absolutely adorable when you get flustered by such simple things. The way that Robin made you blush made her feel butterflies in her stomach. Like everything was in slow motion and it was just the two of you.
“Robin this is not the time to be dozing off to space-“ Steve left the back room and came down to see you blushing and Robin smiling like an idiot. “Oh it’s just you dingus. I was just teasing my little princess over here.” Robin laughed at your sudden pouty face. “ Uh huh, well movie night is today.Don’t miss it because it’s gonna be grreat.” He looked at you with a warm smile “you should come along too (y/n)!” He insisted.
Robin looked at you with stars in her eyes,almost pleading for you to come with her. And it was hard to tell her no,I mean you really loved this girl. “I-I’ll try to come along. I might be busy though so no promises.” Your voice trembled and you begged yourself not to misunderstand the whole thing.
Robin always hung out with Harrington and you were jealous,but you couldn’t help it. Maybe you could tell him how you felt first and then assume things later? You took a deep breath and said your goodbyes and left scoops ahoy.
Robin on the other hand started to pout. “Hey go back to work will ya?” Steve nudged Robin with his shoulder and he couldn’t help but look at her sad frown. “What’s up with you?” His brows were furrowed and he didn’t have a clue what was going on. “I just- I just really want her to come- you know how much I like her- and these freaking butterflies won’t go-“ her hands were everywhere and now grabbing her own hair in frustration.
“Woah there buckley. She said she would try to come along. That’s definitely something right? I mean (y/n) didn’t say no.” He comforted the freckled girl until she let go of her hair. “Yeah- yeah. But Im sure she doesn’t want to come.” She mumbled while her head was now on the cold counter.
“And how do you know that exactly?” Steve knew how much you liked Robin. Ever since (y/n) saw her in her freshmen years- Steve knew (y/n) had caught feelings for the dirty blonde. “It’s so obvious..she doesn’t like the stupid pet names I have for her and she even hesitated when you asked if she wanted to hang out with us.” She again mumbled loud enough for Steve to hear. He rolled his eyes in disbelief, seriously how oblivious could they both get?
And now Steve came up with an idea. Something that would help the both of them. A smirk grew on his face.
Steve picked you up and you sat behind the passenger seat while Robin sat right beside you. An awkward silence buried the car and it almost suffocated you. Steve as always broke the unbearable silence. “You guys ready to head to the cinema?” He looked at the rearview mirror to see the gaze of the freckled girl staring at your lips. He smiled and zipped his mouth shut after that.
“I’m so glad you’re here princess.” She smiled and squealed. She was jumping up and down and her brown hair bounced too. “And we have the movie tickets right here ladies.” Steve held three movie tickets in one hand and the other hand inside his Jean pocket. You guys each took one from Steve and slowly made your way inside the cinema. Robin was dumbfounded, she would usually stay at Steve’s or her house to watch the movies but never once laid foot at a cinema. Her eyes were glued everywhere. The carpet,the smell of popcorn in the air, the warm feeling that was almost familiar to Robin when she’s with you. She looked at you with excitement in her eyes. It’s like she was a kid again.
You took this advantage to pull Steve aside. You tugged his jean jacket almost signaling him that you wanted to talk. He turned around and noticed you pulling on his jacket. “hey what’s up?” His eyebrows were once again furrowed and arms crossed close to his chest,stooping down to your level. “this might come off rude Steve but it’s just a simple question.” You whispered,trying not to catch robins attention. “Hit me with all you got, I fought demogorgans and Billy Hargrove himself.” He sounded so proud of himself that he started to smile with his hands now on his hip.
“look okay, are you and uhm- are you and Robin dating?” Your voice trembled once again. You looked at his brown eyes waiting for an answer. “ Me and Robin are Platonic. With a capital P. I swear on Vecnas dying grave that we are just friends (y/n). No need to be worried. I’m not eyeing on your future gf you know? That would be messed up.” He laughed by the sudden flushed face.
“Guys what are we talking about? You guys stick out like a sore thumb!” She made herself in the middle of you both and put two of her hands over yours and Steve’s back. “I see you bought popcorn huh?” Steve looked at Robin with the “you just took money from my wallet to buy that right?” Look. “What- pfft- why would I wanna steal your money-“ she rolled her eyes jokingly and gave her signature toothy smile.
You were now watching the Friday the 13th on a huge flat screen Tv. Or so that’s what you thought. Robin was eating loads of popcorn and stuffing her freckled face with soda. You snorted by the look of robins face,popcorn kernels left on her and floors covered with robins snacks- that you and Steve paid for personally.
As the movie was still playing, Steve could see how you would giggle and smile around Robin. So he made an excuse to leave and come back so you guys could talk more without him. “guys I’m gonna take a number two real quick..” he scrunched his face and tried to look like he was about to shit. But his acting skills were as shittier than that. “Eww don’t tell us something like that you dingus!” Robin whispered yelled while she still stuffed her face with popcorn. Steve laughed and got up and left slowly.
“you know I’ve never been into a cinema right? This is like my first time and I really like it..” Robin broke the silence and stared at the movie that was currently playing while she sips her drink.”yeah I can see that buckley.” you grabbed some popcorn from robin and tossed it in the air and then falling into your mouth. “Woah that’s a cool trick-hey teach me how to do that too-“ Robin turned around and saw you’re grin-turning wider. There it was again,those butterflies.
“You’re so pretty (y/n)..” robins eyes turned wide and she quickly put two hands on her mouth. “Y-you didn’t hear anything- I didn’t mean- please don’t think I’m-“ as soon as she saw your pink face she took her hands off her mouth. That was your chance. You grabbed her warm cheeks and smashed your lips onto her cherry-cola flavored mouth. “I thought you liked steve but I didn’t know you thought of me like that buckley.” As soon as you looked at her shocked but rather flushed face- you smirked and kiss her cheeks. “Me?like harrington? That dingus? Never. Not in a million years.” She smiled and admired your beautiful features that were on your face. “Wow you really are beautiful (y/n).” You turn into a tomato and let go of your grip. Now you were holding hands with Robin, it sounds more like a date since Steve wasn’t here-I guess his silly plan did work.
“You know, I only love you.” She kisses your hand and threw the popcorn in the air and caught it. What a flirt.
“I’m glad you only love me buckley,it’s quite reassuring.”
“Finally for fuck sake- now you guys can fall for each other and do lovey dovey couple shit instead of telling me about it.” Steve sat roughly next to you with his eyes rolled.
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
Athena and Director Hawke for the birds?
Athena is giving me either a Luzon bleeding-heart (just by coloration/vibes) or australian magpie (incredibly aggressive, holds grudges, known as the world's angriest bird)
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Director Hawke is a loggerhead shrike (one of the most visceral prey-hunters, impales its catches on thorns and waits for them to die)
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chaotic-toasters · 29 days
AUSWNT x Teen!Reader
"Hi, Macca!" You grinned, rushing into the Keeper's waiting arms. "I missed you!"
"I've missed you too, kid," she smiled, squeezing you tightly. "How's Spain treatin' you?"
"What about me?" Alanna questioned. "I haven't seen you in a while too, y'know."
"Oh, hi Lani," you patted the defender on the shoulder. "Didn't see you there."
"You're so mean," the cityzen feigned hurt, all too familiar with your playful antics. "Kyra said to go and meet her and Charli in her room. They need you for something. Probably a prank."
"Alright," you gave her and Mac fist-bumps as you walked past. "If I turn up dead tomorrow, you know what happened."
"Hey, Ky, hey Char," you greeted, eyebrows raised as you followed Kyra into the room. "What was it you needed?"
"Y/N, perfect," Charli was suspiciously gleeful. "We've got some Tim Tams that we need eaten, but Ky and I have already had too many. You mind finishing them for us?"
"Sure," you agreed instantly, never one to deny a Tim Tam (even if it was way too early in the morning. "I'm down."
In short, you consumed three whole packets of Tim Tams. Kyra and Charli had shared a look, the former getting up and grabbing a coffee from otherwise empty desk. "You look kinda tired. Have some coffee, it'll help you get through the jetlag for now."
You hadn't thought much of it, so you'd graciously accepted it and finished it within the hour.
"Y/N! Kyra! Charli!" Lydia's voice called through the door, followed by a couple of knocks. "We've gotta head to training! Get ready to go!"
You rolled your eyes, much to Kyra and Charli's amusement. "Yes, mum!"
"MINIMINIMINIMINIMINIMINI!" you practically yelled, barreling towards the surprised Midfielder excitedly. "LOOKLOOKLOOKLOOK!"
"Woah, kiddo," she sidestepped, glancing over at Alanna. "You're a lot stronger than I am. Careful."
Alanna was quick to pull you into a hug in a fruitless attempt to calm you down. "What's goin' on, Y/N? You okay?"
You were shaking, bouncing up and down rapidly in the defender's arms. "What d'you mean? I'm great!"
You bolted away, somersaulting across the pitch before slamming your foot into a ball that had been laying on the ground. "WHEEEE!"
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," Tony ran over with Steph in tow. "What's happened, kiddo? You just excited?"
"Yeah yeah yeah!" you did a random backflip for no reason other than you feeling like it. "I'm excited! Yup yup yup!"
Ellie looked severely ashamed for what she was about to whisper to Hayley. "Is she... is she high?"
"No, there's no way," the Madrid player shook her head instantly. "She cares about her career way too much to jeopardize it with something like drugs."
"Yeah, you're right. But if she's not high, then what?"
Across the pitch, Lydia and Mackenzie's eyes swept over each and every player like hawks.
Instead of being worried that a new, younger keeper would take their places when you joined the national team, they immediately took you under their wings and declared themselves as your team moms. It wasn't a secret that they'd kill anybody who messed with you.
"Mac," Lydia elbowed the West Ham captain. "Over there."
Mac's eyes zeroed in on two best friends, seemingly worried as they whispered in each other's ears. "Oi! Cooney! Grant! You got somethin' to share with the team?"
Both of their heads snapped up, fear written clearly all over their faces.
Two tall, angry Australian goalkeepers was a terrifying sight for anybody, but up until now, none of the Tillies had been on the receiving end of your team moms' wrath. Safe to say, no one was prepared.
"You give my kid something?" Macca demanded, rolling up her sleeves. "Why's she actin' weird?"
Charli gulped. "We— we, uh..."
"Spit it out," Mackenzie growled, ignoring the fact that you were currently clinging onto her leg like a koala. "What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Kid?"
"We gave her a bunch of Tim Tams," Kyra blurted out, caving as soon as Lydia dragged her thumb across her throat menacingly. "And... and... Charli gave her a coffee with, like, eight packets of sugar in it!"
"Me?!" Charli cried. "You literally handed it to her! And it was your idea! I only agreed!"
"Oh, you two are so dead," Mac glared, lumbering forward with much difficulty considering there was a 140-pound human attached to her right leg. "I swear to God, I'm gonna murder you both."
Lydia did it for her, seizing both troublemakers by the fronts of their shirts. "You think this is funny? Y/N can be fuckin' dangerous when she's hyper! She coulda run over Mini!"
Kyra looked past Lydia's shoulder to where you were snuggling into Macca's knee and babbling about racecars. "Uh—"
A smack to the back of the head shut her up real fast.
"Not now, Ky!" Charli hissed through gritted teeth.
"Tony!" Kyra pleaded as Lydia's grip on her training bib became tighter. "Tony, please!"
The manager held up his hands, walking backwards and almost tripping on the drinks cooler. "Nope. Not getting involved."
The skipper looked around wildly. "I... I have to go plan your funeral! In the bathroom! Bye!"
"Ras, please—"
The Madrid player was gone before the gunner could even finish her sentence.
Lydia's eye twitched.
"Y/N, babes, you good?" Ellie asked, nudging you slightly.
You blinked slowly. "Huh?"
"I'm gonna go get Mac, I'll be right back."
True to her word, the Lyon defender returned a minute later with the ever-protective older keeper at her side.
"Y/N's kind of out of it," Ellie explained as your head bobbed slightly. "I think she's crashing from the sugar."
"Aww, kiddo," Mackenzie sat beside you on the bench, using a hand to place your head on her shoulder. "It's only three, you tired?"
"Mhmm," you murmured, only half-paying attention. "Sleepy."
She sent a cowering Kyra and Charli a death glare. "Go to sleep, kid. I'm sure Tony wouldn't mind. Right, Tony?"
The manager instantly agreed, giving you both an awkward and slightly terrified thumbs-up. "I— yup. Whatever you want, girls. It's- it's totally up to you."
Lydia walked over, brushing a flyaway out of your face. "I'll bring you up to your room when we're done here. Get some rest, kid."
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