#lupe time
empulse-a · 1 year
me: i dont need another neopet
also me:
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expiredfishbuns · 10 months
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broke back butches ???!!?
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Round 3 (Bracket 5)
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suchacomet · 2 years
jess being the shortstop is driving me insane. like they don’t really show it onscreen (which is a shame! but runtimes i get it) but shortstops are literally the heart of the team. they’re the ones calling out the pitch count and reminding people where the play is. more often than not they’re the cutoff from the outfield. they back up the pitcher and the third baseman AND they cover both second and third. second base is the most stolen base bc it’s the furthest from home plate and therefore the hardest to throw out, and shortstop usually covers second when a steal is being made. most right hand batters pull to left field so they tend to get the most action. due to being between second and third if there’s a double play being turned they’re usually a part of it one way or another. they get hard liners and grounders as well as the occasional easy pop-up so they’re always on their toes and usually fielding the most difficult hits
also the pitcher/shortstop dynamic is soooo important. yes pitcher/catcher dynamic we get it but most of the time pitchers are too focused on pitching to be able to field well, especially because any ball that comes their way is gonna be hot due to the fact that pitchers are the closest fielder to the batter. shortstop covers the pitcher when they don’t have time to pull out of the pitch follow-through. they charge the ball when a bunt happens bc the pitcher doesn’t have time to react quick enough. they’re the one who reminds the pitcher where they’re at in the count and encourages them. it’s easier for shortstop to get to the mound than the catcher so often shortstop is the one going to the pitcher to reassure them if they’re having a hard time. they’re the fielder for the pitcher so that the pitcher only has to focus on throwing strikes. do you get what i’m saying. jesslupe nation are you picking up what i’m putting down here. do you understand why i’m going crazy about this.
basically what i’m saying is jess being shortstop just makes sense bc she is always there looking out for everyone and backing everyone up (but especially lupe), casually covering the most ground without thought, simultaneously light on her feet and a solid brick wall as the occasion calls for, covering the hole, leading the team from behind. you can’t be a shortstop without being a team player, and you don’t have a team unless you have a strong shortstop on the diamond 🥲
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rueitae · 8 months
I love that Carmen, a strong, independent, and capable woman who saves so many people through what she does, is allowed to be saved herself by others in the narrative. She is human too, and worthy of being loved and cared for.
And the whump that comes out of it is fantastic.
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7central · 7 months
fun fact during the war the drinking age for women was 18 in Illinois which means that sometime in the middle of the 1944 season the peaches could take Esti out for dinner to have her first legal (in US) drink
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gendergeezer · 1 year
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lemonbuckley · 2 years
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what i think: wow they’re soulmates huh and like isn’t it special that they found each other, and that before she met jess, that scene would have ended so sadly with lupe walking off so hurt and angry, but because she met jess (and jess knows how to honor her feelings and also show lupe she’s right there with her and also tease her and also cut the tension and make the mood lighter all while showing her she has a friend who supports her) ,,, lupe leaves feeling a little lighter and a little less alone
what i say: damn, that’s hot
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prettyb0ybutch · 16 days
going through all the a league of their own fics on ao3 and rocking back and forth. i miss you lesbians
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snakegentleman · 2 years
I burst into tears when Bev gave Jess all of her pants fines back. Bev had the team’s back the whole time, and to see a show really get how being gnc isn’t something you can hide was beautiful
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youmearepeaches · 6 months
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She knew a place. It had always been Jess' dream so when Lupe told her she knew a place, Jess said yes immediately. No hesitation, no questions, "Lu, please, we must go". And Lupe obliged, obviously.
A little twist of the classic western AU.
(read more on AO3 and click the images to enlarge and check the details!)
A gift for @lollki for the Jesslupe server winter exchange. Happy holidays! Hope you like my silly little gift with our silly little dykes being silly.
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talaricula · 2 years
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look at those fucking anime protagonists i'm so angry
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suchacomet · 2 years
i’ve said this before but when the peaches return next season and carson advocates for lupe to become co-coach again and they have each others’ backs and take care of the team and become for real friends who truly trust and care for each other bc they know each other now and not only are they the best pitcher/catcher duo in the league they’re the best COACHES bc unlike the men who are coaching the other teams they get what it’s like for their fellow players bc they ARE their fellow players and they go to vi’s but instead of picking up women they end up talking strategy all night and together they kick ass. then i will finally fucking win.
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invisible-pink-toast · 6 months
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- yves olade, belovéd
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gendergeezer · 6 months
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"then what do you like?"
fanart for the fanfic full-bellied moon
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thekintsugidyke · 2 years
watched a podcast with roberta today where she talks about her coming out process and the whole figuring out she was a lesbian and it was so intense. I kept thinking about how she’s mentioned that on aloto they all contributed to the creation and backstories of the characters, and kelly has also talked about all her suggestions and the 40 page doc for Jess and how some things are so similar to herself and so on.
So it got me thinking about Lupe’s backstory AGAIN. More specifically if Roberta also drew some connection to herself with the character. The religious latine background is there in full, and it must have been Something to play it. but there’s also the late-bloomeness of it that Roberta talks about in the podcast, how much she tried to overcompensate in some things even though she wasn’t fully conscious of “oh, I’m gay”. And I can see that with Lupe so much, in how she is clearly uncomfortable with the dresses and charm school and the whole femininity performance, while at the same time showing a kind of resignation towards it, like she’d done it before and had learned how to do it in an almost adequate way, a passable way.
Bottom line is I’m still so fucking hung up on Lupe’s baggage and how little we got to see of it while also having a lot of information thrown at us. And Roberta is so fucking elusive and private even in settings where she’s there to talk about those things.
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