#lt ep5
airenyah · 6 months
no but when mhok told day to think of his plate as a clock and told him where on the clock the food was that really reminded me of one of my favorite movies from when i was in middle school which is also about blind people and where the title of the movie itself is a reference to thinking of the plate as a clock: it's called "erbsen auf halb 6" which literally translates to "peas at half past 5" (yes, "halb 6" means "half past 5", yes the numbers are different, don't worry about it)
the plot of the movie is a theater director losing his eyesight in a car accident and him being a director who kinda needs to see what's going on on stage he really doesn't take his sudden loss of vision very well. he gets assigned a helper/mentor, a lady who is blind herself and who's been blind since birth and is supposed to help him adapt to a life with disability. he ultimately runs away from her when he learns that his mother is sick to go find his mother in russia and say goodbye before she dies. his helper/mentor chases after him and they end up on a travel adventure together
it's been over a decade since i last saw the movie but i think at some point they eat and they talk about how the peas sit on the plate where it would be half past 5 on a clock?? anyway, that moment with mhok and day at the restaurant where mhok tells him the position of day's food with the help of an analog clock really reminded me of that movie
edit: i went to look for the trailer of that movie and i found the scene in question!! turns out they're at a restaurant and the helper/mentor character goes "if you imagine the plate as a clock... what numbers is the food lying on?" and the waitress is all confused going "i'm sorry?"
there are no eng subs for the trailer buuut the moment is at the very end at 2:11:
see it's a real movie i didn't just make it up kjdfkjdfk
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theworldinclines · 4 months
hey, i see you on a lita memory lane. will you watch love sea with fortpeat ? what are you watching currently ? i'm kinda bored lately outside of cherry magic th and some jbls -❄️
hi anon!! yeah ive been missing skypai something fierce lately 💀💀 sprang up out of nowhere and won't free me 😁 probably bc im not watching anything else to hyperfixate on so im reverting lmaofjsjnf ive been rewatching tbl his3: trapped as well bc of course and ive been keeping up w jbl perfect propose cuz it's just an easy chill watch. as for love sea i will definitely be watching at least episode 1 to see what it's all about like im really excited for it but ive learned to temper my expectations even for pairings or shows i thought i would enjoy 💀and it shouldn't be airing i think until like summer so im hoping something will air before then cough if 23.5 is ever recovered from where it has been lost at sea cough
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mlkbaerry · 8 months
Recs for October or autumn themed movies, series, books, fics and movies !
Happy Birthday btw <3
october and fall recs !
🎃★⿻﹒thank you so much for the wishes! october really is my favourite time and month of the year, so here's some recommendations. wishing everyone a very comfortable, cozy and peaceful rest of the year &lt;3
✷ ᵎᵎ ₊˚ movies ﹔ 🏚️
dead poet's society (1989)
clue (1985)
knives out (2019)
to kill a mockingbird (1962)
hocus pocus (1993)
it's the great pumpkin, charlie brown (1966)
the adam's family (1991)
jennifer's body (2009)
bodies bodies bodies (2022)
harry potter series
twilight series
✷ ᵎᵎ ₊˚ series ﹔ 🍄
only murders in the building
good omens
my liberation notes
gravity falls
the queen's gambit
happiness (tvn)
the haunting of hill house / bly manor
peaky blinders
gilmore girls
✷ ᵎᵎ ₊˚ episodes ﹔ 🕸️
grey's anatomy - thriller (s10 ep7)
grey's anatomy - haunt you everyday (s4 ep5)
suite life of zack and cody - the ghost of suite 613
brooklyn nine nine - halloween (s1 ep6)
brooklyn nine nine - halloween iii (s3 ep4)
modern family - halloween (s2 ep5)
30 rock - stone mountain
Community - epidemiology (s2 ep6)
✷ ᵎᵎ ₊˚ youtube vids ﹔ 💀
buzzfeed unsolved / ghost files
headless: a sleepy hollow story
edgar allan poe'e murder mystery dinner party
abandoned disneyland knockoff; nara dreamland exploration - the proper people
✷ ᵎᵎ ₊˚ books ﹔ 🍂
one of us is lying (karen m. mcmanus)
nothing lasts forever (sidney sheldon)
something wicked this way comes (ray bradbury)
the night circus (erin morgenstern)
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sueboohscorner · 4 years
#Outlander S5, Ep5 - "Perpetual Adoration"
#Outlander Season 5, Episode 5, “Perpetual Adoration”
Claire reflects on her faith, Jamie resorts to extreme measures to protect Murtaugh and #Adso joins the Fraser clan!  Let’s recap #Outlander, S5, E5, #Perpetual Adoration.
The episode begins with Claire back to the future as she sits in a church talking about faith.  Pardon me for this girly moment, but I love 1960’s Claire’s eye make-up!  OK, back to the recap.  Claire leaves the church and meets Brianna for lunch.  Claire tells Brianna that she lost a patient to a penicillin allergy after the patient had tested negative for an allergy to the drug.  A false negative is rare, but it does happen, she explains.  We don’t know who the patient is just yet, but his death has clearly had a profound effect on Claire, and she asks Brianna if she’ll come to London with her.   At first, Bree doesn’t want to go, blaming upcoming final exams.  But Claire explains how much this trip with Brianna would mean to her so Bree agrees to go. 
At Fraser’s Ridge, Claire is looking through her microscope and is shocked to see that her attempt to create penicillin worked!  Marsali enters the room and Claire has her look in the microscope.  She sees it too!  Claire shouts “Eureka,” a word Marsali has never heard.  Claire explains and Marsali shouts “Eureka” too!  Now Claire can remove the infected tonsils of the Beardsley twins! 
Roger is back home having safely escorting Claire back to Fraser’s Ridge.  He and Brianna are in their cabin and getting “reacquainted” with married life.  Roger is still fretting about Jamie sending him home with Claire rather than continue with the militia.  He and Bree talk about the universities that will be created in the future and wonders if he might be able to continue his life as a scholar since he clearly isn’t meant to be a soldier.  But he has sworn an oath to fight alongside Jamie and he won’t break his word. 
As Claire celebrates with Marsali, Jamie, Fergus and the militia ride into Hillsborough.  The townspeople mistake them for Regulators and are less than happy to see them.  Jamie explains who they are and that the crown will pay each man who enlists but it seems that the British soldiers have worn out their welcome in Hillsborough and none of the men enlist.  As Jamie and Fergus enter the pub, he sees Lt. Knox throwing darts at a wanted poster of Murtaugh.  Knox informs Jamie that Governor Tyron has ordered a pardon for all the Regulators, except Murtaugh.  Knox has been ordered to keep searching for Murtaugh, but that Jamie is free to go home to Fraser’s Ridge.  Knox tells Jamie that he has requested a list of all the men who were in Ardsmuir prison with Murtaugh thinking that he may be able to track him down by locating his cellmates.  Of course, Knox has no idea that the names on that list will include Jamie.  Knox challenges Jamie to throw a dart at Murtaugh’s picture, he takes the dart, but intentionally misses. 
At Fraser’s Ridge, Claire and Marsali, aided by Lizzie who is a bit squeamish.  She tests both boys for an allergic reaction to the penicillin and both are negative.  Now, I’m wondering about the needle Claire used.  Did she bring it with her when she returned through the stones?  Would a needle like that have been invented at this point in history?  Anyway, the surgery takes only moments and is a complete success. 
Back to Claire in 1960, she enters the room of Graham Menzies. Menzies is a charming Scottish man and talking with him brings back her memories of Scotland and Jamie.  When Claire explains that he has gallstones that must be removed but first she must treat an underlying infection, we realize that this is the patient that Claire is going to lose.  
Roger is babysitting Jemmy who is screaming, Roger tries to calm him and accidentally knocks over a box on the hearth.  He sets Jem down to pick everything up and sees a diamond.  He recognizes the stone as the one that belonged to Stephen Bonnet.  Roger has a flashback of playing cards with Bonnet on his ship.  This is the same diamond that Bonnet wagered in that card game.  Later, as Brianna returns to the cabin, a slightly drunk Roger, confronts his wife about the diamond.  Brianna does her best to explain what happened, but when Bree tells him that she told Bonnet that the baby was his, Roger demands that Bree tell him if she believes that Bonnet is Jemmy’s father.  Brianna’s silence is enough to prove to Roger that she does believe Bonnet is Jem’s father and Roger storms out of the cabin. 
In 1960, Claire learns that Mr. Menzies passed away and unfortunately takes her anger out on the nurse who delivered the news.  Claire let herself get attached to this patient and Claire is angry with herself for doing so.  But isn’t that the best thing about Claire as a doctor?  She deeply cares for all of patients, past, present and future.  I don’t think that’s a bad thing.  Claire heads back to the church to honor Graham Menzies “perpetual adoration,” a promise he made to his late wife.  She speaks briefly with the priest as she lets in her memories of Jamie.  She tells the priest that being here reminds her of someone she lost, and the priest tells Claire that as long as someone is remembered, they are never lost.  Claire feels comforted by his words.
There’s a bit of bouncing back and forth between the past and future this episode and now we go back to Fraser’s Ridge and Roger has spent the night in the woods.  He hears something and raises his rifle.  Fortunately, he does not fire because it’s Claire.  Roger and Claire share a bond and Roger confides in Claire and tells her the whole story.  Claire shares her story about Frank raising a baby and loving a baby that he knows isn’t his.  She tells Roger that their marriage was complicated but that they made it work for Bree’s sake.  Roger is bothered by the fact that they she and Frank never told Brianna that Frank was not her father.   Claire explains that there was no way that Brianna could have handled the news when she was younger, so she waited for the right time.  The time came when she and Brianna travelled to London.  It was hard for Brianna to learn the truth but after Bree had some time to process the news, she and Claire became closer.  Claire tells Roger that he mustn’t be careless with the time that he and Bree have together.
Claire’s words have given Roger some clarity and he returns to Brianna with a bouquet of flowers and an apology.  Brianna again tries to explain but Roger tells her its not necessary.  Bree tells Roger that Stephen Bonnet is alive and that she suspects it was Bonnet who was talking to Mrs. Bug in town.  Bree is terrified that Bonnet will return but Roger tells Brianna that it doesn’t matter.  As soon as they find out the Jemmy can time travel, they’ll use the diamond as their trip home.   
In Hillsborough, Jamie knocks on Knox’s door.  In his hand is the papers that Knox has requested from Ardsmuir prison.  Knox asks Jamie to join him for a game of chess.  Jamie agrees to one game and as they sit, Knox starts to open the papers.  Jamie tells Knox that he will find his name on the list.  Knox doesn’t take him seriously until Jamie explains that Murtaugh is his godfather.  Knox pulls a knife on Jamie as he tries to explain his actions.  Knox is freaking out now and Jamie strangles Knox.  Jamie is quick to cover his tracks as he throws the documents in the fire and closes the flue, filling the room with smoke.  He moves Knox to the bed and escapes out the window.   
As Jamie hides nearby, Knox is pulled from the smoke-filled room.  As Jamie waits for his opportunity to escape, he spies an adorable gray kitten and when the coast is clear, he and Fergus head for home. 
Claire is tending her garden on a beautiful, sunny day when Jamie returns.  He doesn’t tell Claire what has happened yet. Instead, he reaches into his satchel and pulls out the little gray kitty.  His name is Adso because that was the name of the cat he had at a child.  A little gray cat that looks just like Adso #2.  Claire is thrilled with the kitten and feeds Adso a nice bowl of milk. 
Later, as Adso enjoys his bowl of milk, Claire tells Jamie about Graham Menzies and that she realizes that his death was the start of her journey back to Jamie. It’s in these little private moments between Jamie and Claire that I think the chemistry between Caitriona and Sam really shines. 
Next week’s episode is called “Better to Marry, Than Burn.”  Yikes!  Please be safe everyone and take this pandemic seriously.  If you’re stuck at home, remember that seasons 1-4 of Outlander are on Netflix!  Good time for an Outlander binge! 
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mysilentmemory · 7 years
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       ⚠️ (Engsub) V Live ‘SJ Returns’ Video | 171006 ⚠️
(SJ Returns Teaser 1 )
(SJ Returns Teaser 2 )
(SJ Returns Teaser 3 )
(Salute! Eunhyuk’s Return)
(Eunhyuk’s Variety Comeback After 2 Years)
EP 3 (Lunch to Celebrate Eunhyuk’s Return)
EP4 (The Road SJ Must Go On…)
EP5  (SJ’s Selfie Methods at SMTOWN in TOKYO)
EP6 (First Meeting for SJ’s New Album)
EP7 (The Meeting Goes off Topic…)
EP8 ( Looking at SJ&#039;s Album History)
EP9 (SJ’s Records for Music Show Wins)
EP10 (Yesung’s Untold Story)
EP11 (Most liked SJ member)
EP 12 (Most Well-known SJ Member and Expected Result of New Album)
EP 13 (Establishing SJ Rules 1)
EP 14 (Establishing SJ Rules 2)
EP 15 (Picking SJ’s Positions)
EP 16 SNS (Investigating SJ’s SNS Pages)
EP 17 (First Meeting to Discuss the Title Track 1)
EP18 (First Meeting to Discuss the Title Track 2)
EP19 (First Recording for the New Album 1)
EP20 (First Recording for the New Album 2)
EP21 (Recording the new album 3)
EP22 (Making Kim HeeChul Petty Project)
EP23 (Second Meeting to Discuss the Title Track 1)
EP24 (Second Meeting to Discuss the Title Track 2)
E25 (Release of Super Junior&#039;s 8th Album Title Track)
E26 ([One More Chance] Recording Day Part 1)
E27 ([One More Chance] Recording Day Part 2)
E28 ([One More Chance] Recording Day Part 3)
E29 ([One More Chance] Recording Day Part 4)
E30 ([One More Chance] Recording Day Part 5)
E31- [Black Suit] 1([Black Suit] Getting Ready 1)
E32- [Black Suit] ([Black Suit] Getting Ready 2_Dance Practice)
E33- [Black Suit] (Getting Ready 3_Heechul&#039;s Concern and Efforts) 
E34 (The First Day of the Jacket Album Shoot)
E35 (The First Day of the Jacket Album Shoot 2)
E36 (The Second Day of the Jacket Album Shoot)
E37 ( [Black Suit] Music Video Shoot 1)
E38- [Black Suit] ([Black Suit] Music Video Shoot 2)
E39- [Black Suit] ([Black Suit] Music Video Shoot 3)
E40- [Black Suit] ([Black Suit] Music Video Shoot 4)
E41- (Making Kim Heechul Pretty Project 2)
E42- (Super Junior Goes to Sports Day Part 1)
E43- (Super Junior Goes to Sports Day Part 2)
E44- (Super Junior Goes to Sports Day Part 3)
E45- (Super Junior Goes to Sports Day Part 4)
E46- (Super Junior Goes to Sports Day Part 5)
<슈주 기습 생방 #1> 컴백 첫 음악방송 가는 길
E47- (Super Junior’s Sports Day: Water Sports Part1)
E48- (Super Junior’s Sports Day: Water Sports Part 2)
E49- (Super Junior’s Sports Day: Water Sports Part 3)
E50- (Super Junior’s Sports Day: Water Sports Part 4)
E51- (Super Junior’s Sports Day: Escape the Restaurant Game Part1)
E52-(Super Junior’s Sports Day: Escape the Restaurant Game Part2)
E53-(Super Junior’s Sports Day: Escape the Restaurant Game Part3)
E54-(Super Junior’s Sports Day: Escape the Restaurant Game Part4)   
E54-(Super Junior’s Sports Day: Escape the Restaurant Game Part4)
E55 (Super Junior’s Sports Day: Escape the Restaurant Game Part 5)
E56 (Super Junior’s Sports Day: Escape the Restaurant Game Part 6)
E56(Super Junior’s Sports Day: Escape the Restaurant Game Part 6)
E57(Super Junior’s Sports Day: Escape the Restaurant Game Part 7)
E58(Super Junior’s Sports Day: Escape the Restaurant Game Part 8)
E59 (Super Junior’s Sports Day: Bedtime)
E60 (120 Days Spent with Super Junior)
(Super Junior& Tardiness)
<슈주 기습 생방 #2> 홈쇼핑 공약 지키러 가는 길
(Super Junior's Baits)
[FULL] 슈퍼주니어 앨범 20만장 판매 기념! 홈쇼핑 공약 완판 신
[Super Junior] 우리는 완판주니어예요✋ 배꼽 떨구는 슈주의 홈쇼핑 근길 ( Super Junior on the way to homeshopping)
슈주 리턴즈 비하드3- D&E LA 셀프카메라 (D&E’s LA Self-Cam)
슈주 리턴즈 비하인드4- 슈퍼주니어 안무연습 중 벌어진 일 (What Happened During Dance Practice)  
슈주 리턴즈 비하인드5- <비처럼 가지 마요> MV 촬영 현장 (The MV Set of the "One More Chance" )
<슈주 기습 생방 #3> 슈주 자축 파티
🎉🎊 ( Super Junior celebrating themselves)
⚠️ This post will contain all of SUPER JUNIOR’s Vlives. Save the post.
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juniortexmalhas · 4 years
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airenyah · 6 months
me once a week since the first ep of last twilight dropped: god p'aof shows just hit different 😭
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airenyah · 6 months
oh yes that waitress definitely thinks they're boyfriends after that whole cake thing dkjfjkdffd
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airenyah · 6 months
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airenyah · 6 months
the way i went into this episode like "what if they end up kissing this ep" lmao
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