#lots of raw emotion was put into this piece ahahaha
inkykeiji · 3 years
i’m truly lost for words i. your hard work paid off so fucking much clari i can’t even begin to describe the emotions i felt reading that piece. it was just orchestrated so beautifully, portraying each line so diligently. the description of each sentence and- oh god i’m just waffling all my thoughts here but. wow. i’m so proud of you. it took me well over an hour to read it just due to the fact i sobbed so hard. i loved every bit of it, please don’t critique yourself too much, please. it’s perfect. thank you so much for delivering. i love you, little lily pad. - 🐸
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ah my sweet green friend!!!! your words brought tears to MY eyes; thank you so, so, so much. i’m over the moon to hear that you loved it so much and that it was able to affect you to such a degree oh my gosh!!! if you’re comfortable sharing, i would absolutely love to hear which scenes were the ones that got you the most (but absolutely no pressure at all!!) <33 ahahahaha i am naturally extremely harsh on myself but i am trying to keep in mind that i am only human and i am trying my best!!! thank YOU so much, both for this lovely review and always sending me lil asks that make me laugh, i love you so much!!!! <33333
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tk-writer · 4 years
Annoying. [Haikyuu!! - IwaOi]
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Oikawa is being extra annoying during practice one night, and Iwaizumi finally realizes why.
Word count: 1702
Iwaizumi rubbed his forehead where the volleyball had just smacked him, hoping the stinging would pass soon. His skin felt raw and hot under his palm, increasing his frustration to a colossal level. He glared across the court at his practice mate, Oikawa, whose cheeky grin only aggravated him further. 
“Sorry, Iwa-chan! I guess my aim is a little off today!”
It was a typical shitty excuse for typical Shittykawa. One that he might’ve accepted... if this hadn’t been the twenty-seventh fucking time that day that he had served the ball directly into Iwaizumi’s face. It was beyond human error at this point; for someone like Oikawa, who prided himself on his precision, multiple mistakes in a row just didn’t happen. He was instigating him on purpose.
What he didn’t understand was why. 
Was he trying to provoke him so that he’d get more amped up about practice? Oikawa was known for petty tricks like that. Their other teammates had left long ago, leaving the two of them alone to practice together in preparation for their upcoming game. Maybe he thought Iwaizumi wasn’t taking it seriously enough without other people around to watch.
Most likely, he was probably just annoying him for shits and giggles. 
Iwaizumi wasn’t known for his patience or tact, although he prided himself on his ability to tolerate Oikawa for long periods of time. From the nauseating pet names to the childish teasing, Aoba Johsai’s setter wasn’t exactly easy for him to work with. Yet somehow he had found a way to cope all these years.
It was days like this, though, that made him question why he put himself through so much for the sake of playing volleyball.
The spiker advanced towards his childhood friend, radiating as much ominous energy as he could in hopes of frightening the plucky third year. 
“Waaaaah! I’m sooorryyyyyy! Don’t hurt me Iwa-chan!!”
Not a chance, Iwaizumi thought to himself. Smacking him wouldn’t do much. There was only one way to shut him up, a method Iwaizumi had discovered years ago. As unorthodox as it was, it was usually pretty effective.
Funny enough, although he must have known what was coming, Oikawa didn’t run away or try to escape. (That was strange, Iwaizumi thought, but he didn’t dwell on it for long.) Instead, he backed up until he was against the gym wall and babbled out pleas for mercy as Iwaizumi got closer and closer. 
When the spiker was within arms reach, he stretched out his hands…
...and poked two stiff fingers into the sides of Oikawa’s waist.
His over the top reaction was just as amusing as ever. Even though he was still pissed about getting hit, Iwaizumi couldn’t help but crack a small smile as his fingers jumped up and down his teammate’s sides. Seeing him squeeze his eyes shut, scrunch up his nose, and throw back his head as he giggled uncontrollably almost made getting hit in the face worth it. Almost.
Oikawa batted his hands weakly against his chest, but otherwise didn’t put up much of a fight. It wasn’t long before he crumpled up and began slowly sliding down to the floor. 
Good. That made things much easier.
He added the rest of his fingers and started kneading Oikawa’s lower ribs, making sure to get that sweet spot in the back that always made him scream. The guy sounded like he was being skewered with hot irons, the way he was wailing through sputtered laughter. Iwaizumi had barely even begun to touch him yet he was already losing his mind.
It was just a warning, though. After a few short seconds he pulled away, donning his usual stony expression. Oikawa opened his eyes and looked strangely disappointed, but only for a split second. He started whining as soon as his giggles died down.
“You’re so mean!”
“And you’re a pain in the ass.”
“I said I was sorry!! Jeez...”
“If you’re really sorry, then stop sending me shitty serves. Or else I’ll get you even worse.”
He saw Oikawa visibly gulp at the threat, which gave him a great sense of satisfaction. He rushed over to the other side of the net once again, waiting to receive the serve. Oikawa waved at him cheerfully, which made him roll his eyes. Then he took a deep breath, eyes glossing over as his focus turned to serving completely.
He saw him throw it in the air, get a running jump…
… and soon got another faceful of volleyball. Extra sweaty.
This one actually hurt more than the others. It came at him like a missle seeking out a target. Iwaizumi rubbed his cheek where it made impact, hoping it wouldn’t leave a bruise the next day. His piercing eyes fixated on Oikawa, who actually looked scared for once.
He practically sprinted to the other side, grabbing Oikawa right as he turned on his heel. He held him firmly in an unbreakable grasp, arms wrapped around his torso from the back to pin him to his chest. The guy was giggling before he even touched him. 
“Wahahahait… Iwa-chan!! Ehehee, that really was a mistake! I didn’t mean to-”
“So you’re saying the other thirty times weren’t mistakes?” he hissed in his ear, causing him to scrunch his shoulders and giggle nervously in response.
“I… you… I didn’t… I mean-eheehehehe! Please, not thehehe-EHEHERE!!”
The panicked plea came right after Iwaizumi started clawing under his arms, having wormed their way there after grabbing the setter. Oikawa slammed his arms down a second too late, trapping them there as they mercilessly dug into one of his worst spots. Again, he wasn’t really fighting much, just wiggling in place and howling like a wild animal. His high pitched shrieks bounced off the gym walls, filling the room with joyful laughter.
“You’re being extra annoying today and it’s pissing me off,” Iwaizumi grumbled as he tickled even harder. 
“Aheeheehee, bahahaha, Iwa-AHAAHAHAHA!”
Oikawa was really having trouble speaking, so Iwaizumi slowed down a bit, going back to the random pinches and squeezes around his ribcage. It still had an effect; Oikawa’s bubbly giggles were quite loud, although a bit more contained.
“Iwa, I’m sorrehehehe, have mercy pleeheheheehease!!”
“Nope,” said Iwaizumi, shifting his hands downwards to scribble all over his sides. That earned him another round of tittered giggles.
While Oikawa was busy squirming around, the spiker snuck his hands under his shirt, and started tracing little circles on his back at a slow and maddening pace. Oikawa let out a long squeal and arched forward, only to spring back when Iwaizumi abruptly switched to spidering his stomach. His skin quivered under his hands like jello. It felt soft and warm; Iwaizumi felt himself getting a little flustered for some reason.
“Iwahahaha!! It tihihihihickles!”
“Come ahahahaan!”
Iwa paused again, resting his palms against Oikawa’s waist. He drummed his fingers on his sides, his grin growing bigger every time his friend flinched in return. Once again, he felt very little resistance from the Aoba setter. Even though he had the opportunity to break away in this moment, he just stood there passively  as Iwa held him. 
Iwa spun him around so he could get a better look at his face. This seemed to take him aback; Oikawa had no time to hide his expression or fake any emotions. He saw a flush of pink creeping up his neck all the way to his ears, matching perfectly with the twisted grimace he donned on his round and youthful face.
Suddenly, something dawned on him, and he wanted to smack himself for not realizing it sooner.
Oikawa wanted him to do this.
How could he have been so oblivious? He knew Oikawa better than anyone, and although he didn’t have his talent for reading people, he was pretty good at putting two and two together. Like his shy, nervous blush whenever Iwaizumi approached him in a menacing manner. Or the way he never really tried to get away while it was happening. And the fact that he never once said stop, even when things got intense.
Oikawa liked being tickled.
And what made it even better was knowing he wanted Iwaizumi to tickle him.
A devious smirk crept across his face once he put all the pieces together. His expression left Oikawa unsettled, although there was more than a glint of excitement in his eyes.
“Iwa…? I don’t like that look you’re giving me…”
“If you wanted my attention or something, you could’ve just said so,” he stated, poking into his waist again.
“Ehehee…! I told you, it was an -ahaHAHA! - an accident!!”
“You’re a lousy liar.”
He drilled into one spot between his stomach and his hips, knowing it was a death spot for the setter, and relished the maniacal shrieks that grew in pitch the longer it went on.
“Iwaaahahahahaahahaha! EEEK - dohohon’t!! It’s really bad!”
“You think you’re real slick, don’t you?”
“Huh?! Whahahat?!”
Iwaizumi wanted to laugh out loud as his friend feigned ignorance. He finally let him go, releasing him from his iron grip so that he could catch his breath. Oikawa took more than a couple minutes to return to normal, collapsing on the floor with all his energy depleted, leaving Iwa to clean up the gym mostly on his own. When he was done, he walked over and extended a peaceful hand to help his friend back to his feet.
“That’s enough for tonight. Let’s go home.”
“Huh… but…” Oikawa blinked, looking a bit dumbfounded while Iwa struggled to keep a straight face.
God, he hated to admit it, but it was pretty damn cute seeing Oikawa so desperate for more. His thoughts were written all over his face, longing for that head-spinning sensation Iwaizumi had just given him. He knew he’d never fess up about his little quirk, at least not without some interrogation, since he was a prideful person and had a reputation to uphold after all. But it meant a lot that he trusted Iwa with such an intimate secret.
Perhaps in the future he’d tease him about it more. But for now, he was happy to indulge his friend… and also get some revenge.
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ohmypreciousgirl · 6 years
Hello, you have been identified as An Awesome Writer™! Congrats, you rock! So that all of your readers can shower you with some extra love today, please tell us your favourite five (or as many as you want) stories of yours and why you like them and then send this to another five fic authors you think deserve this title!
I want to say thanks to you, to the other anon and to @infinisei who sent me this amazing message! I’m super flattered that I’m an awesome writer from your point of view, my loves ♥ Sorry the delay to answer this, but I waited till I posted my latest fic cause it deserved to be among my other four fave fics.
when our lips touch I can taste the next sixty years of my life; Frank Castle/Karen Page (The Punisher): the fic that ate my life for 25 days! This fic was supposed to be a 2.5k story, but became a 8k monster and one of my best works (even my beloved beta was impressed by how strong was this one :O). Can you believe the whole concept of this fic came to me while I watched the Olicity wedding? Specifically the scene where Felicity tells Oliver it’s too late to regret marrying her and he says he wouldn’t change anything, and then she touches his cheek and says ‘you really do love me’. When I heard the line, my brain froze and three seconds later I was like, ‘KAREN NEEDS TO HAVE A MOMENT LIKE THIS WHERE SHE’S IN AWE CAUSE SHE UNDERSTANDS THAT FRANK REALLY LOVES HER” and then it became this monster.  
I’ve never felt so at home (when you are right by my side); Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Arrow): if you’ve been following me because of Olicity, you probably know about this fic I wrote. It’s my precious baby, even though I hadn’t finished it yet. I think it was good I didn’t finish when I was writing it all the time back in 2015 (this fic exists since 2014 - yeah, I know) because nowadays I rewrote the whole story. It’s so much better than the original (even though it was my most popular fic back then), and I’m so happy to see it become what I’ve always wanted to do in 2014, but didn’t have the maturity and skills to do it. I’m really proud of this piece. 
You’re the one that I love (and I had to say goodbye); Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Arrow): it has been years and this is still my favorite story I’ve ever written. I think I managed to deliver an emotional charged fic, with a rawness that is really difficult to come to me, I believe. I look at this fic and I hope someday I can write something as good as this one. It particularly breaks my heart it’s not one of my most popular stories :( It’s sooo underappreciated this one ahahaha And yet, one of my best works. 
Nothing left to hide (I’m all in for life); Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Arrow): I love this fic cause I finally had the opportunity to explore one of my headcanons for Oliver: he’s demi/asexual who enjoys sex. It was really difficult to write because I wanted to do something thoughtful and, even though nowadays I identify myself as part of asexual community, at the time I wrote the story I hadn’t accepted it yet. So, I had to do a lot of research and I talked with a couple of friends of mine that identify themselves as asexuals to make it believable that Oliver is one of us. And then I had an amazing pay off when i got a lot of positive replies of people that are also asexuals and how real it felt. It was an incredible experience to me and I felt I grew as a person and as writer too.
the best thing that’s ever been mine; Kate Fuller/Seth Gecko (From Dusk Till Dawn): my relationship with this fic is RIDICULOUS. I actually wrote this in 2016 and I put it on one of my Google Drive folder AND I FORGOT IT FOR A YEAR! I stumbled into it because I cleaning my fic folder and then I realized that a) I wrote a Seth/Kate, b) a 6k story and c) I never posted it! So, I found a beta to do it quickly for me and then I released it at the beginning of this month. When I was rereading it, I realized the story was pretty good, my writing was on point and yet I forgot I ever wrote something I found enjoyable (which is rare as fuck if you know me a lil bit and how hard on myself I am regarding my writing). 
That’s it! If you want to know my works, I think those pretty much sums up the type of writer I am or I aspire to be cause I never manage to hit it. But i don’t think everyone do it, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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