#lost sector logs
adeptus-nonsense · 6 months
humans are poets as well as warmongers
Humans nowadays are well known far and wide in this galaxy. Mostly because they are some of the most chaotic, Stupid or bold "daredevils" around (think i used that word correctly).
While i do recall my first meeting with the humans very V E R Y badly since i served in the contact wars when the Graktuka a well known theocratic empire and very influential and politically strong contender in the galaxy stumbled across human colonies. They saw this as an hostile action since the planet they were settling were a holy world, That however is a story for another time.
Just know that the Graktuka empire shrunk by a significant margin to the point where they asked for militairy support. The humans had apparently developed a kind of magnetic accelerated firing plattform piercing through multiple layers of hull completely ignoring shields. Given that Graktuka empire relied on shields since most of the galactic arsenal is plasma based but their hull wasn't weak at all. Unconventional weapons had to be used to even dent their armour. Realising that the humans ships were massive but rather primitive and slow a ground based invasion was seen to be the optimal way off going.
If you were there you would know why humanity is as feared as they are. Masters of the what did they call it? Art of war? Yeah something like that. Fields of bombs buried into the ground detonating with a light step. Weapons dedicated to injure soldiers just enough to save them but not kill them in order to make the invader spend more resources on saving said soldier.
Even our bases of operations with shields were not safe, let me tell you if you think regular humans can cause damage to stuff by touching things dont even get near trained saboteurs with your stuff. They break things in a ways that seems like a simple malfunction and will work after a simple repair. When the shield generator first broke down i thought i could fix it in a matter of minutes, I still havent fixed it to this day and i have taken that thing apart thousands of times without finding the fault.
safe to say we lost that war and this is just one one planet. This was the short part. Just be glad that they pack bond with just about anything. Saw a human carry a cleaning unit and named it "Ronald the Roomba" And that is apparently our ships mascot. But this is things we all are aware of. Let me tell you of their poetic side
This is not something most of us see as common knowledge about humans, but their cultural aspect besides war is for a lack of better words beautiful. This thing they call music.
for all their wars they know how brutal they are and write songs about everything they did wrong and how they wished how they could change it. But that is not all, according to human Jakob music portrays emotions and ones feelings in a way that regular communication doesn't and you dont even need to understand the words to understand the emotion said piece is carrying. Which i know to be true, it's almost therapeutic
I think My log of it will be a better way to describe since it is honestly hard to describe [alltough be careful their music is quite loud for most prey species]
Year 4574 human sector 456854 log 1 of service leave. I am currently here on a passion project of mine. While the war has ended 6 years ago off now the tensions do still exist. Me and some comrades in service are taking some time off and going to what humans call a bar and apparently there is a human performing. I have no idea of how this is gonna go. All i know is humans are incredibly chaotic especially when intoxicated. Still i should probably record this for the culture scientists at social scientific hub.
Log 2
*murmur and loud talking in the background at the bar*
"for clarifications sake, my name is Groakslo, i am here with my two comrades Kyukla and Telosa. We are currently at the bar only to see that humans are actively drinking poison, i was quite shocked to hear this and asked if it isn't dangerous and the bartender said and i quote "nah we gucci" note to self find out what gucci is."
Log 3
"the humans were beginning to get rowdy and even slight outbursts of violence did occur but nothing the surprisingly loud bartender couldn't handle by a very concerning threat, followed by him saying that the band is preparing so settle down. Telosa and i looked at each other very confused but still awaited this "band"
Log 4
"the band arrived and started to set up weird things, long instruments with metal strings, of varying thickness, i asked the a human who were close by what they were and he said instruments. I asked what they were used for and he said to play music. I was getting nowhere and decided to see for myself what they were gonna do."
Log 5 (i decided to be quiet for this one)
"welcome folks and aliens of all sorts shapes and kinds! Thank you for coming to this bar for our first debut our name is The Lines In between, and for those who dont know human music, we'll slowly lean you into it with this first on and it is namned Memories beneath the stars" [3 hours of music recorded]
Final log (yes i know i could voice record but i want to write while the memory is fresh i'm bad with words)
I never knew that humans could make such songs. Telosa and Kyukla was particurlarly affected. The song was as the name suggest the memories we made sneaking out to watch the stars as younglings, reminiscing about the times when the stars were the most unknown, adventure filled and beautiful place to be in. But also about the connections they've lost over the years, the good times wiped away like a water slowly polishing a stone into sand. It was odd, beautiful calm, sad all at once.
The voices i heard when i fought humans in war can not even be compared to that of the singer in that band, what is most perplexing is that the once borderline rioting bar was completely quiet when the band was performing, almost as if in a trance completely captured by the singers voice, smooth, rough, raspy but controlled in a way i thought impossible. A song about 4 human minutes somehow managed to capture the full emotional spektrum of not only humans but multiple species in that bar.
Humans truly are an astounding species. Truly a species that are on all of the extremes, stupidity, ingenuity, violence, poetry and many many more. For now i'll sign off and hope you at the social cultural exchange fellas have a field day with the music file attached to this.
Grokslo, highly decorated former geothermical shield generator militairy specialist.
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theladyregret · 2 years
Wow, I...vastly underestimated how much you guys would vibe with the whole The Walking Dead in Space thing lol ok well...now that I have a day off from work here's some of the ideas I've been thinking about while bored this week.
Human Diplomat: Hey, is there a reason all the water access areas don't allow humans anymore? Don't you guys know we have high water requirements?
Alien Space Station technician: Oh! No one told you?
Human: Told us what?
Alien: Sorry, they were supposed to tell you. Our apologizes, this must look terrible.
Human: Tell. Us. What?
Alien: Our bio filters detected the disease you all carry in the stations water supply after you visited last. Our scientists ran some tests and found that it can survive almost indefinitely in water and is highly resistant to our water treatments. We had to purge and decontaminate the entire system. We created a separate system for your use that is more isolated. You can use those....I....uh...are you ok? Is this sufficient?
Human, frantically writing in a log book: Oh? Yes, fine...that's fine!
Second human: I think you guys just solved a centuries old mystery for us.
Alien, looking confused: What mystery?
Second human: How our species all became infected so quickly.
Alien: You never found out?
Human: It wiped out 99% of our population during the initial outbreak...the how and why of it kind of stopped mattering after a bit, you know?
Galactic News Reporter: Tragedy today after the recent excavation of the lost human mining crew in sector 92. Against human recommendations, rescuers continued their efforts throughout the week. The human deceased, commonly referred to as Walkers, attacked and killed several rescue parties before the site had to be bombed by air support military. Diplomats from several species met once again today to discuss the risks of open contact with the Humans and whether stricter protocols need to be put in place.
Video feed cuts to a human diplomat standing in a room full of multiple different aliens: We told you what to do! You didn't listen! You never listen to us! If you had, none of this would have happened!
Alien Politician: You recommended that the tunnels be collapsed before any excavation be conducted prior to the time frame denoted by safety regulations which would have condemned any potential survivors-
Human, hitting the table in front of him with his fists: YOU'RE STILL NOT LISTENING!
Transport ship pilot over PA system: Our ship is currently on approach to the Human home planet of Terra. Be aware that we will be passing through the debris field left over from the Human Colony Wars which will require us to drop out of FTL. Our ship is specially equipped for this journey so rest assured we are in no danger from the debris. It is recommended that any windows be shielded for the duration of this time, thank you.
Human passenger pulls the shade down for their window with a sigh.
The alien next to them looks curious: Why do the windows need to be covered?
Human: Some people find the...debris...disturbing. *the way they said debris sounded sarcastic*
Alien: ...humans find broken ships disturbing?
Human: You didn't do very much research before coming here did you?
Alien just looks confused.
Human reaches over and opens the window cover. They pass close by one of the wrecked ships and at first it looks like any other debris field...then something moves and they realize it's a body. A human body floating in space. It jerks and twists as they pass by. Mouth opening and closing. The alien jerks back in surprise.
Human: The vacuum of space means they don't decompose so...all those people who didn't die properly...they're just out there...like that. Thousands of soldiers. Ships just full of Walkers.
They pass by another ship. This one looks intact and newer.
Alien: That's not human...
Human: Pirates...scavengers. Sometimes they try to come in and take metal from the ships...but...without the proper shielding.
They pass to the other side and there's a hole torn into the side of the ship.
Human: Just another corpse in a field of corpses. Food for the dead.
Alien looking horrified: Why not clean it out?
Human: Why take the risk? Besides...it keeps out the unwanted.
They pass by the corpse of an alien floating in space that still has a walker clinging to it, idly chewing on what still has flesh attached to it. This walker looks more decayed then the other one had. The alien looks like they might be sick so the human shuts the shade again. They don't talk the rest of the way.
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mrcarriertheii · 1 month
Oh boy 1AM thought that has to be put to words immediately
Not-so-Wooden Horse
Log 15: January 12th, 2194
Our battle against the humans in sector gamma is finally shifting in our favor. We managed to get a perimeter around our capital ship making the humans unable to recklessly attack us. However the battle isn’t won yet, the humans are cunning, they use tactics only the insane would ever use. I still remember the look on everyone’s faces in the control center when a human battlecruiser rammed a flagship Supercruiser, killing everyone on both vessels instantly when the fusion reactors lost coolant.
I shall record another log in the coming week
Log 18: February 15th, 2194
Our victory draws near, we have destroyed 80% of the human navy in this sector of space, they have only 12 cruiser, 7 frigates, and a single malfunctioning and disarmed battleship left. We managed to get a direct connection the humans, we announced that we are going to give the humans a chance to surrender, none of us wanted this war and we want it to end just as much as they do.
I shall report once the humans have made their decision
Log 19: February 16th, 2194
Surprisingly the humans have decided to surrender, we are confused because humans are known for never giving up, even when faced with inevitable failure. But we are glad that this is over, they are sending their malfunctioning battleship with everyone on board to our capital ship. I can only assume they surrendered because they have “no cards left to play” as the humans say.
Will report once all humans are transferred to their cells.
Log 20: February 18th, 2194
They had one last card left to play…
When we let the ship through our perimeter and they docked at the capital ship we expected that they would walk out and let themselves be captured, we greeted them with open arms…
They greeted us with superheated spears…
Every single human was armed and armored and they stormed the capital ship, they used primitive spears that burned brighter than a reactor. Our armor was made to protect against lasers and radiation, we never accounted for such primitive melee weapons to be used in actual combat.
The battle over the capital ship quickly turned in our favor as surrounding ships began to drop reinforcements. But as we came across the last human, the general, he simply smiled and laughed.“did you like our little gift horse? Because I have one last little surprise for you.”
As he finished his sentence alarms started blaring, the alarms that signaled critical overheating of the reactors. “Your reactor security system used a mere 256bit password, guess us humans aren’t the only ones that ignore IT.” Said the human as I processed what was unfolding. I ran immediately to the nearest escape pod and left with a few surviving coworkers. I watched from external cameras as only mere minutes after we took off the entire capital ship, and the entire fleet around it, was vaporized.
This was my first time writing a story of some kind so I hope it Is ok, also sorry for grammar mistakes.
Should I write the perspective of the human side of this?
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bonezone44 · 9 months
Plaited and Braided (18+)
Ezra x afab!Reader ('They' pronouns)
Word Count: 4275
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Summary: Ezra gets a hold of a supersonic whip (aka bullwhip) and tries it out on you. There’s aftercare and then there’s sex.
Tags: afab!Reader ('they' pronouns), outdoor whip play, Dom!Ezra, sub!Reader, aftercare, brief fingering, objectification, p-in-v sex. A very brief tease of ‘anal’ before Ezra gets lost in the sauce.
Pet names for Reader: sunshine, little toy, little pet. Pet names for Ezra: Sir, Master
a/n: shout out to miss_anthr0pe on ao3 for doing an Ezra + Pet Play story that changed my life.
Now this particular supersonic whip was made from genuine leather–nearly impossible to find in this particular sector of space. But Ezra had come upon it during a particularly raucous poker game and he was particularly pleased with himself for doing so. From one end of the handle and all the way down to the nylon popper, it was about six feet long. And it was well broken in without being overused. The main body of the whip, known as the thong, turned and coiled beautifully in 360 degrees–no stiffness to be found. Ezra’s eyes glowed bright and wondrous as he rotated his wrist and watched the plaited leather’s graceful movements. It was more serpentine than a snake. More curling than a tendril.
And Ezra’s heart raced in anticipation of hearing its tell-tale crack.
You two weren’t on the Green anymore, but the area was green enough to acknowledge it as such. Ezra was practicing in an open grassy space near the trees. The woman from which he had earned this prized weapon showed him a thing or two upon its bestowment. Showed him how to properly swing his arm and hold his wrist. How to follow through instead of yanking back–’That’s how you lose an eyeball,’ she warned him with a sharp glare and a stern finger.
What pleased Ezra most of all was how easy it was. The movements were simple and smooth and it took very little effort to make that first cracking sound. It was a loud sharp pop that went straight through his whole body and echoed through the greenery like a strike of lightning. 
Kevva’s grace, Ezra felt as if he had stolen a power straight from the hands of the gods. His whole chest was alight with excitement and his cheeks ached from grinning. His arm and wrist? Shit, they were fine and dandy. No soreness to be had. Nothing compared to some of the other weapons he had been known to explore over the years.
Once he got used to cracking the whip by swinging it forward, he tried it from the side, too. Held the handle out in his left hand and perpendicular to the ground. He rotated his wrist leftward, careful not to distort the angle of his swing. He imagined it moving along a single plane. Once the bullwhip unfurled, he quickly rotated his wrist to the right and–there it was. That beautiful cracking sound once again. 
Next, he practiced on one of the many towering trees surrounding your neck of the woods. Cracking the whip was fun and all, but he wanted to get some real use out of his poker trophy. He smudged chalk along the bark at about 3 feet from the ground and again around 5 feet. He stepped back and set to swinging.
Proper follow through took proper consistency. And Ezra’s excitement had settled into fierce determination. He wanted to engrave the movements into his muscles, carve his arm into peak formation to meet the same target again and again. 
After some time, he allowed himself to rest. He stepped up to his victimous tree. His mouth curled downward as he wagged his head side to side assessing his work, gauging his new ability. In the end, he deemed himself more than ready.
Ezra approached the campsite carefully, stepping lightly among the twigs and leaves. You were seated on a log, sharpening your knives. He waited patiently until you were done–you had a strong arm and good aim. He knew better.
But once you were free and clear of your own weapons, he took the opportunity to properly introduce you to what he had been doing all afternoon.
Now there are many different ways to experience this type of impact play, and Ezra had very particular thoughts about it. He didn’t want to leave long stripes across your back. He didn’t want to break the skin. He wanted to simply lick you with it. Torment you with just the tip. He wanted the welts to mottle your skin–make you look polka-dotted. His distance needed to be as exact as the speed with which he whipped.
He waited til just the right moment before gently swinging the whip upward and pulling it back down to hit you.
You yelped and jumped and spun around all at once–searching for the source of the bright hot pain dancing around your skin. You turned furious when your eyes found Ezra.
“What the fuck, Ezra?!” You groaned. 
“Gotcha,” he peered over the grinning curl of his cheeks.
You pointed at him with an angry finger, mouth all twisted. “I knew it! I knew that thing was gonna result in MY suffering!” You rubbed your ass. “That fucking hurt!”
“I know,” Ezra said menacingly with a flash of his eyebrows. “That’s why I did it.”
“Kevva, why?” You whimpered and threw your head back, praying to the dimming sky. “Why is this happening to me?” You clenched your fists and stomped your foot.
Ezra chuckled. “Come on, sunshine.” He waved his empty hand at you. “I wanna see what this ‘thing’ can do to the skin of my delightful little toy.”
You slumped your shoulders and pouted. Your eyes narrowed and darted to the trees surrounding you.
He smirked. “Running and hiding will only prolong the inevitable, my dear toy.” He rolled his wrist, watching the thong of the whip twist and curl in the corner of his vision.
You whimpered louder as your whole body wiggled in frustration. You looked like a petulant child and Ezra basked in it. 
He knew you so well. Too well. He loved the way you bit your lip in both worry and anticipation. He loved the way your chest began to rise and fall heavy with each heated breath. He loved the way you let him play with you, torture you, tease you til you were a soft, slumpy mess and then–and only then–would he finally fuck you, bring you to enormous heights of pleasure as you both surrendered to the burning desires of your bodies and their desperate need to crescendo and release.
He lowered his chin, hungry eyes watching you from under the shadow of his brow. “You know you wanna take it from me.” It wouldn’t be fun if you didn’t. The whole point was that you wanted to take it. You wanted him to take all the berating voices in your head and make them physical–make them tangible–make them real in a way that you couldn’t will yourself to do on your own. Ezra took that task on for you and with the utmost pleasure.
“H-how do you want me?” you finally muttered out with a pissy moan. 
‘Poor thing,’ Ezra thought. ‘Can’t even look me in the eye.’
“I considered for a moment that I would enjoy the sight of you naked and hugging one of these tall and beautiful wonders of nature–” he said as he leaned backward, his head tilted up toward the treetops. “--But now that I have arrived at our base camp–” He looked at you and smiled with one hand on his hip and one on his whip. “--I believe I would most cherish this process if you were to stand with your hands against the high outer walls of our ship.” Your shared vessel. Your mutual home.
You sighed and grumbled… but you still took your clothes off. You folded your outfit and placed it at the bottom of your ship’s entrance ramp. You slipped your boots back on, though, and Ezra felt no need to have you go without, so he made no remark over it. He was simply grateful for warm weather and fresh air.
"Alright. Now stand upright with your hands against the hull, please and thank you," he spoke in an orderly manner. 
You mumbled under your breath and yet… you still complied. 
And because Ezra could not help himself, he stepped back further than necessary and cracked the whip twice–never making contact with your skin. 
You jolted and yelped. 
Ezra laughed, his free hand on his belly. "Scared ya, didn’t I?"
You scoffed and went to turn around, but Ezra was faster. He swiftly stepped forward and cleanly sliced the air, popping you in the back. 
"Fuck!" You shouted and flinched, your hands gripping the metal hull. 
"Maintain eye-contact with that Dasha logo or my toy’s face could be marred and I would certainly detest that outcome." He hummed in disapproval.
You shook your head and cursed. 
He was tempted to crack the whip one more time, allow the supersonic boom to echo through the trees again, but you had complied so easily after that first assault, he was too enticed to continue his tease. 
You jumped in place for the next two licks, much to Ezra’s further amusement. He loved the way your ass jiggled and tensed. The way your hands struggled to stay in place. The way your whole body struggled really. You were so responsive to his new prized possession and the flashing hot pain it gave you, he couldn't wait to hover his hands above your skin and feel the heat glow outward. Feel the rising waves of rushing blood and frictious cells swarming to heal and ease the damage well done.
Ezra had to take a moment to calm himself. He had only just begun. Granted, his muscles were beginning to burn finally after repeating the same motion for hours on end. He loved how simple it was to swing it around, letting it curl and unfurl before snapping it back in the opposite direction, following along an elegant arc and making direct and wonderful contact with your skin. 
“Breathe, little toy,” he said after a few more tastes. “A toy’s shoulders do not belong inside of their ears.”
"Shit, Ezra. This really hurts." You spoke with your head tilted upward to allow your voice to bounce and carry since you had learned to not turn around.
Ezra scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I've done worse."
"So what? This fucking sucks!" you screamed.
Ezra cracked the whip so loud he nearly jumped out of his own boots. "I can walk away right now if this is too much for you," he threatened. And he meant it. He had done it before. Had cleaned you up while giving you a lecture on submission instead of the mind-blowing connection and orgasm you both really wanted. 
You slowly rolled your shoulders down and back. You rolled your neck around as well. Your fingers curled into fists before splaying back out against the ship.
"Shall I continue?" He asked tersely, pointing at you with his whip even though you weren’t even looking at him. "And before you respond, it would behoove you to consider the tone that you choose to utilize when expressing your decision."
Your back swelled and fell with your breaths. "Yes. We can continue."
"That's what I thought," Ezra said smugly with glee.
And so he continued.
Welts began to rise across your back and asscheeks. Some were longer than he intended. He would make slight adjustments to his stance to avoid hitting you in the same spot again and again. He wanted to spread the love, spread the hurt around. Make a temporary work of art down the anterior of your torso. 
He got your thighs a couple times, too, when he lowered his hips overmuch. And shit, those ones hurt him. "Oof. Sorry about that." He said, as if he wasn't already hurting you all over to begin with. 
 Once your high-pitched pained whimpers began to grow weary, he knew it was time to allow you respite. Allow you both to assess the damage to your body and move forward from there.
“Mhmm,” he hummed. Your legs were slightly spread and after he approached, he pushed the edge of the handle–the part leading into the whip itself–against your crotch from behind. The yearning moan you released was delicious enough to coat Ezra’s entire being in syrupy satisfaction.
“The way the sunlight is falling upon you is providing the most unique and astonishing texture across your skin, my lovely toy.” He continued to move the whip handle back and forth while you gasped and writhed. “If I were to paint your portrait, you would be dappled in the most vibrant gem-like oranges and shadowed in with regal ultramarines.” Your stomach tremored as he teased your sex. He spoke soft and slow. “By all the galaxies in our universe, known and unknown, you look absolutely stunning.” He emphasized with a kiss upon your shoulder. Another kiss upon your cheek.
“Thank you, Sir.” You whispered, tired and exhausted with burning skin. He was different then, in your eyes. No longer some frustrating annoyance. He had turned into a tender, adoring lover. Doting and sweet.
Ezra’s whole heart and dick jumped when you called him ‘Sir’. He had to clench his jaw to stop himself from taking you right then and there against the ship. He needed to take care of all the hurt he caused first. 
“Let's go cool you off in the spring, alright?” He said over your shoulder with his head tilted. 
“Yessir,” you murmured and he guided you carefully over to the edge of your camp with a gentle hand and a soft smile on his face. 
Ezra could melt the way you looked at him with sweet, bleary eyes. You were so trusting and so compliant. You would follow him to the ends of the world in this moment if he requested it of you. He wanted you like this all the time–like putty in his eager hands. 
“Can you take off your boots?” He asked.
“My what?” 
“Your boots.” He pointed with his mouth, his hands steady on keeping you upright. 
“I-I don't know. 
“That's alright,” he cooed. He wanted to sit you down and remove them, but he knew your ass was too tender to sit just yet. “It is no matter at all.” He kept his voice soft and even. “Let's get you into the water.”
You nodded.
“It's a bit of a jump, okay?” he warned. “But you won't go under. I've got you.” 
“Yessir,” you murmured and jumped in. You hissed briefly before relaxing, the cool water rising to your waistline. 
“How does that feel?” He asked.
You nodded with your eyes closed. “Good.”
“Good, good.” He raised his brows high. “Now sink deeper so it's up to your shoulders.”
You complied, whimpering as the chilling water enveloped you. Pain sparkled across your abused skin, but the spring also eased the fiery burning. It softened the aches that had begun to echo out from the welts.
You looked up and there was Ezra, kneeling at the edge of the pool, squinting and peering down at you with tender affection. He was drenched in pink-orange sunlight, glowing bright against the darkening shadows behind him. You could have stared at him staring at you like that forever.
Your head was quiet. So silent that you could hear birds chirping in the distance and leaves rustling in the wind. You could feel the wind–feel the cool movement of air across the exposed surface of your neck and cheeks. The water itself was calm and accommodating to the soreness along your backside. You felt beautiful. As if you were another part of nature experiencing itself. You felt woven into the cosmic tapestry. 
And Ezra, of all people, was there to witness it. To experience it beside you.
"How do you feel, my sweet thing?" He smirked. 
You didn't say anything. Just nodded.
He raised his eyebrows. "I need words, sunshine." 
"I feel good," you answered in a voice that was both your own but also coming from someone else. "I feel really good."
"Good. Let's get you back to the ship." He grinned. "There is more I wish to share with you." 
"Really?" You asked with bright hope.
He chuckled. "Yes, now come on." He reached his arms out and talked you through the climb from the water. You got dirt and leaves on your knees and palms but he brushed it away before guiding you by the hand back to the ship.
He brought you to your shared living quarters. He sat on the edge of the bed, admiring your soft expression and the shape of your body. He had been studying your back for so long, he had missed looking at his favorite part of you. He guided your limp hands to his shoulders.
"Hold onto me for balance so that I am able to remove these boots you're wearing." 
He talked you through it, step by step, taking special moments just for himself as he slid his hand down your thighs and calves, savoring the feeling of your skin and leg hair. He pulled each boot off carefully, not wanting to move you around too much.
"Stay right here," he said with wide and serious eyes. He loosened the laces to your boots and pulled the tongues open before setting them down in front of an air vent to dry.
He stood behind you with a crooked smile as he unzipped his flight suit. The welts across your body were still swollen, but he knew their tenderness was beginning to recede. Your skin was unbroken, just as he pleased. And although the lights inside the ship were less vivid, he enjoyed the mottled sight of you just as much. 
You never moved. Never wavered or turned, even as Ezra’s nude form stepped back into your sight, grabbing something from the bedside table. 
"You are a very brave little toy," Ezra said as he sat down on the bed in front of you, fiddling with… something in his hands–you weren't sure. You were too enraptured by his big brown eyes looking up at you, eyebrows curled, lines rippled in his forehead. 
"Yes, Sir?" You asked. 
"Mhmm." He nodded. His lips tight. "And now I'm gonna show you how I take care of my brave little toys." 
You sucked in your bottom lip, biting it between your teeth. You waited.
"Place your hands upon my shoulders again." 
You complied.
"Keep yourself upright," he spoke sternly. 
Ezra’s fingertips, slickened with oil, stroked you back and forth between your folds. Your entire body shuddered at the sensation, a strange sound escaping your throat. Your own fingers curled into the meat of Ezra’s trapezius, thumbs digging in above his collarbone. 
"How does that make my little toy feel?" He asked softly.
"G-Good, Sir," you vocalized through gasping breaths. 
Ezra grinned wide and proud. He leaned forward and kissed your belly. "Good, good." He licked a stripe up your skin, next to your bellybutton, before resting his chin against it.  
You sighed.
"Which hole shall I use this evening, hmm?" He asked as he looked up to your face between your breasts. His slick fingers found their way deeper between your legs, spreading slickness to the surface of your other hole. "What would bring the most pleasure to my favorite little plaything?"
You closed your eyes, nearly melting in place. Hot and heavy air cycled through your lungs. "Whatever you want." It didn't matter that your entire backside was still covered in aching welts. You didn't care about the logistics. You wanted Ezra and his hands and his voice and his cock in whatever way he was willing to give them to you.
"Whatever you want…?" He repeated, his fingers removed from you.
"S-sir," you quickly added, desperate for his touch.
Ezra hummed in satisfaction, his voice vibrating the skin of your stomach. He smacked a kiss against you before pulling back. "Such a …sweet toy of mine to allow me its use in whichever way I desire." He grinned. "I have been blessed once again by the Divines and given the opportunity to taste–" he licked and sucked at your breast. "--and devour such a willing pet."
Something began to change in Ezra’s eyes, something warm and blurry.  His breaths began to heave and his mouth watered. His dry hand gripped your breast and he brought the nipple to his lips. He laved and sucked and bit into your flesh. 
You whimpered and twitched against him. The hand between your legs had yet to return and instead you found it gripping your hip. 
Ezra's mouth moved to your other breast, biting and sucking and licking your skin. His dry hand found your other hip and he tugged you close. 
You nearly fell forward, one hand wrapping around his head, fingertips in his scalp. 
"Come here, little pet," he said as he scooted further back onto the bed. "Come take care of your Master." 
And suddenly the game had changed from 'toy for him to play with' to 'pet trained to serve.' You were so warm and wet and eager and horny that you didn't care what happened or what he asked of you. As long as you reached your summit–you did whatever Ezra commanded.
"Yes, Sir." You climbed after him, clawing up the bed. His oil-slickened cock was rock hard against his stomach–its heavy weight falling victim to gravity. You wasted no time in wrapping your fingers around it and bringing it to your entrance. Ezra had yet to stretch you out with his fingers and it was too late now. You were too desperate to do it yourself. You sank down an inch or two, just the tip really, before pulling back up and trying again. You made it a couple more inches this time, but you needed a short reprieve and pulled him back out. 
You took a deep breath, lined his cock up, and sank down a third time. Moaning and groaning as you let your body suck him inside of you. He may have said 'take care of your Master', but what that really meant was 'do the work yourself.' The time spent outside with your bare back being lashed again and again–it had all disappeared from your mind. All that mattered was Ezra’s cock inside you. All that mattered were your two bodies making contact. 
You placed your hands on either side of Ezra’s face as you began to glide your hips up and down, stroking his length with your core. 
"So good for me," he groaned through gritted teeth. His oiled hand found your hip again while the other cradled your face, guiding you down to share a kiss and keep you close while you moved. "My favorite pet. My sweet, sweet little toy." 
"Yessir. Yessir." You mumbled and nodded. You spoke right into his eyes.
Ezra’s chest grew warm and hungry. "You love your Master, don't you?” He held you tight and met your thrusts, savoring your slick wet heat. “You love the way his cock makes you feel?"
"Yessir.” You whined and curled your hips. “Yessir.” You whimpered.
A bright, hot clarity burst inside of Ezra’s mind as he watched you. "Master loves his favorite pet. How good they fuck his fat cock." He grinned. “They are exquisite,” he purred and scrunched his nose. “They are haunting.”
 Ezra began thrusting harder, using the bounce of the bed for momentum. He gripped your hips with both hands. His cock was stroking that spot within you, the inner muscle of your clitoris that lined the front of your inner walls. His words and praise overwhelmed you. You turned your head to the side and keened again and again–your voice echoing around the room.
"You know you wanna take it from me." He said through gasping breaths. "You know you wanna take my come." His fingers dug deep into your skin as you struggled to maintain any composure. "Little pet." He found a rhythm that nearly took the breath from his lungs. From your lungs, too. "Be a good little pet and take your Master's come. Take it. Take it."
Your body went limp, falling into his, but your hips continued to move of their own accord. You were right there. Right on the precipice. And his voice in the back of your awareness–"Take it. Take your Master's come, little pet."--sent you careening over the edge. 
"So good for Master. Such a good little pet." Ezra continued to use you–finding his own release seconds later as he fucked his cock into your slumping body. He had desperately wanted to wrap his arms around you and hold you close as he did it, but he was forced to settle with his grip on your hips instead.
 It pained him, honestly, in the aftermath that he couldn't lay you on your back and kiss you down your front. But he never thought about that when he spanked you, or flogged you, or whipped you. He would get too caught up in the excitement of it–of watching you flinch and twitch and react. It was nice enough, he supposed, to have you like this–blissed out and draped over him. At least he could feel your front and admire your face–even if it spent most of the after-period pressed into his chest or neck. You really were his sunshine–all happy and bright and fiery. And while he couldn't cradle all of you in that moment, he could cradle your face and kiss and caress your cheeks and laugh at your half-awake responses to his questions about what to have for dinner and–
"Did you enjoy my new toy?" 
You sighed with a smile. "I… enjoy what it brings me." You shake your head against his chest. "That's about as much as I can say right now."
He grinned. Satisfied enough for the time being. 
a/n: I've never personally been bullwhipped by Ezra on another planet, but I hope you are still able to find this story enjoyable.
tags: @wannab-urs @multiversed-daydreamer (for talking about Ezra and then telling me to do this story, LOL! Let's see if I can do Whiskey's version next....)
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sinsiriuslyemo · 1 month
For the #100 NSFW/Smut Dialogue Prompts, could you please do number 52 with Doctor Zachary Smith from the 1998 version of Lost In Space?
Thank you in advance
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When you agreed to allow Dr Zachary Smith onto the SS Phalanx, you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. 
   After the return of the Robinsons, Major West and Jupiter II, the United World Governments had ordered the production of ten exploratory ships to begin charting more of the galaxy in deep space. The idea was that it would help ensure safe travels for any future expeditions using warp speed. A few months later, you were the youngest woman in UWG history to be named Captain of a midsize exploratory ship: the SS Phalanx — arguably the best day of your life — until your commanding officer informed you that Dr Zachary Smith would be joining your crew as the ship’s doctor. At first you thought he might be joking, but it didn’t take long to realize that he was far from joking. Apparently the traitor doctor had negotiated a plea — save his life from the infectious spider bite on his back, and he would forever be in debt to the UWG. Of course, he was a liar, manipulator and opportunist. There was no way he could be trusted on a fighter ship nor could he be trusted to even run a lab on-planet. The only other options were to either send him to Lastrites, a prison planet where most criminals were abandoned, or to assign him a post on an exploratory ship, a low stakes assignment where he would have little to nonexistent opportunity for sabotage.
   The initial decision was to send him to Lastrites, but apparently Professor Robinson had talked the higher ups out of it. Something about him being manipulative and intelligent enough to gather support among the other prisoners, build or hijack a vessel and attack Alpha Prime. The smarter decision was to keep the doctor under close watch. 
   You had reluctantly agreed, while inside you were fuming. You’d worked your entire life — busted your ass in basic training — to be assigned Captain of one of the new exploratory ships, and yet you were being made to play fucking babysitter?! What was worse was that Dr Smith was arrogant, selfish and one of the most obnoxious men you’d ever met. Not even his good looks made dealing with him on any level worth it. 
   Regardless, you had been given a direct order from your superior, there was no choice in the matter.
   “Entering sector 12b, Captain,” your navigator announced.
   “We’ve been charting new galaxies for two months,” your pilot groaned to himself.
   “Well, that’s part of our job, Stevenson. The whole point of exploratory ships isn’t just to discover new planets, it’s also to map out more of the galaxy and make space travel more efficient so that what happened to Jupiter II doesn’t happen again,” you replied, shifting to a more comfortable position in your chair.
   “With all due respect, maybe having the guy who caused that incident on our ship isn’t the best way to do that, Sir,” Stevenson replied.
   “Not my call. As far as the UWG is concerned, Dr Smith is far too dangerous to be left to his own devices on a prison planet.”
   “So they put him on our crew?” your security officer asked.
   “Well, that’s why we have you, Callister,” you answered, smirking over at her. “Unlike the robot on Jupiter II, you have no operating systems which can be tampered with.”
   “Sometimes I wonder if he even has morals at all,” Stevenson mused as his fingers busied themselves logging their traveled distance. “I mean, apparently the kid said he did technically save him once while they were stranded on Priplanus but was it out of moral instinct or did he do that because he knew it was in his best interest?”
   “Who knows,” your navigator replied, pushing the button on the console that took panoramic photographs of the surrounding stars and constellations. “Maybe when they sucked the spiders out of him, they managed to suck the evil out too.”
   “I wouldn't be so sure,” Stevenson mumbled.
   “Captain, I’m getting a transmission from an unknown planet in the Zeta Centauri system,” Callister said, turning to look at you with her eyes lit up. “It says, ‘Is anyone out there?’”
   You grinned as a bubble of excitement fluttered in your belly, and pressed the com button that would allow you to address the entire ship at once, telling them to prepare all stations for first contact. 
   This was it — the reason you enlisted in the Universal World Governments to begin with. Ever since you were a child, you had dreamed about getting to go out into space and explore new worlds, and now it was finally happening. There was just one last thing you needed to take care of before joining the landing party in the shutter hangar.
   You turned to your first officer sitting in the chair beside yours. “Take the com? I need to have a chat with our doctor and make sure he knows what's expected of him.”
   “Yes, Sir.”
   Standing, you left the bridge and made your way down to the med bay, where you expected to find Dr Smith. 
   You had done your best to maintain a professional niceness with him at first despite the fact that you didn’t trust him as far as you could throw him, something he seemed to pick up on no matter how well you tried to hide it. In spite of being given a second chance of sorts, his bitterness at being ‘demoted’ and assigned to an exploratory ship was palpable and he never missed an opportunity to suggest he was better than his station. If you were being honest, he was likely right, but that hadn’t been enough to simply forget the damage he’d caused. He was lucky to be alive, let alone the head Doctor on any vessel.
   As you turned a corner, the med bay doors slid open when you approached. You walked to the office in the corner of the room and found Dr Smith sitting at his desk, seemingly in the middle of paperwork.
   “Doctor, I’m not sure if you heard the announcement, but we need all hands prepping stations for first contact. You’ll be a member of the landing par —”
   “Yes, yes, I heard you,” he replied, waving a dismissive hand without once looking up at you. 
   “And yet, your team hasn’t begun to prep the med bay.”
   “You’re blaming me for their incompetence?” he asked, finally looking at you.
   “As their commanding officer, it’s your job to —”
   “I know what my job is, Captain.”
   You arched a brow at him. “Do you? Because it seems for the last year that you’ve been on this crew your time has been consumed with sulking like a spoiled child who had his candy taken from him.” You took a step closer to his desk until the edge was barely pressed into the legs of your trousers. “May I remind you, Doctor, that the United World Governments would’ve been in their right to send you to Lastrites for what you did on Jupiter II. As far as I’m concerned, you’re only here due to their willingness to have mercy.” You put a little more bass in your voice. “Now get up and instruct your team to prepare for first contact. I expect you to be in the shuttle hangar in five minutes.”
   The corner of his lips curled into an amused smirk as he looked you over. “Very well, Captain.”
   Turning on your heel, you left his office and went back to the bridge. “Callister, have you had a response yet?”
   “Nothing yet, Captain. It appears the message has been on a running loop for the last twenty years. Harold was able to pinpoint where the signal was broadcasting from.”
   Nodding, you reclaimed your chair and gave the order to your pilot to proceed to your destination. 
   The planet was a solid tan with slightly darker veins weaving all around it. There didn’t appear to be any form of life at all at first glance, something your chief scientist confirmed. After first double checking with your chief scientist that the planet had breathable air and gravity, you collected your first officer, second officer, and chief of security, leaving your chief engineer in command until you got back. As the four of you made your way to the shuttle hangar, your first officer leaned toward you.
   “Everything go okay with Smith?”
   You let out a sigh. “It’s incredible how he acts as if he didn’t try to assassinate an entire family and cause their ship to be stranded on a barren planet. If it weren’t for that little boy vouching for him, he’d be rotting away on Lastrites.”
   “So it went smoothly,” she teased.
   “If by ‘smoothly’ you mean I ripped him a new asshole and walked out; yeah, it went smoothly.”
   Walking into the hangar, you were pleased to see Dr Smith already waiting there with his gear. He tipped his head at you and your first officer. “Captain. Commander.”
   “Doctor,” you replied, walking past him into the shuttle. Once the five of you were buckled in, you took the shuttle down to the surface of the nearly barren planet. 
   “Might I ask why we’re even bothering to come down here when there is seemingly nothing to see?” Dr Smith asked.
   “Oh come on, Zac,” your first officer said playfully. “I thought you’d like getting off the ship for a bit.”
   “My name is Zachary, thank you very much,” he muttered to himself.
   “Harold says there’s a small area of plants growing here,” you said, checking your portable navigation device. “Besides, we already know someone was here once. It’d be good to try to find out what happened.” You turned to look at him. “Any ideas, Doctor?”
   Smith held your gaze for a moment before he looked around at the vast desert-like surface around them. “Well, assuming there was in fact life here, and not just someone that was stranded, my guess would be a lack of rain over a prolonged period, possibly coupled with a lack of other resources. No rain led to severe water shortages, which would lead to drought, crop failures and, of course, economic collapse. They might have been able to survive for sometime, but without the storms and rains, life would cease to exist.”
   “But Harold said there was plant life here. How can that be if there’s been no rain?” your second officer asked as you held up your navigation device, turning in place to find which direction the small patch of plant life was.
   “Maybe they had water reserves that they thought would last until they got help?” 
   “I imagine so, though it certainly would have run out before the plant life that is apparently growing here,” Smith replied.
   “It’s this way,” you said, pocketing your device. “Keep your eyes open. I doubt we’ll find much that we wouldn’t have seen on the scanner, but you never know.”
   The five of you began to walk through the dry, sandy desert until you came to a massive hill. Without much fanfare, you began to climb, your crew following behind, all except one.
   “I think I’ll just wait for you down here then!” Smith called out, one hand over his eyebrows to shield the sun above.
   “No, you won’t,” you replied, looking back down at him. “Start climbing or we’ll be taking one less person back onto the Phalanx.”
   Smith grimaced, stepping forward and pausing for a moment before he too began to climb up the sand hill. You waited for him as the rest of your party continued their journey up, glaring at him as he reached you.
   “We could’ve gone around,” he complained, passing you with great effort.
   “And it would’ve taken us longer,” you answered. “Look at it this way; at least you’re getting in some exercise.”
   He scoffed exhaustedly, grunting as he pulled himself up the hill. “I can think of much better things to be doing for cardio than this, Captain.”
   You didn’t respond, only glancing up at him as you continued your climb behind him while trying not to look at his ass. For as much as you couldn’t stand Dr Smith in many ways, you could admit he was an attractive man. In fact, it was only when he opened his mouth and spoke that your attraction to him dimmed. Still, you weren’t about to give him any sort of upperhand by telling him that you thought he was handsome.
   By the time you reached the top, you were all sweating profusely, each of you taking long gulps from your respective water cans as you took in the view. There was sandy terrain and other sand hills for miles, except for one vibrant green patch not far from where you were. It was a relief to not have to encounter anymore sand hills to reach it, and the five of you set off toward it, having to slide down on your bottoms after the hill became too steep.
   “Well, I’ve got my workout in for the day,” Callister said with heavy breaths as you all reached the bottom.
   “How is this even possible?” your first officer asked, taking a few steps towards the greenery.
   There were some plants that normally grew in the desert; Prickly Pears, Desert Willows, Pindo Palms and others, but some were trees and plants that weren’t in any registry — likely plants that were native to the planet. But without water?
   “As I said, these plants might have very well begun to grow after the society was eradicated. It’s possible this planet has seen some rain in the past few years, though clearly not enough to replenish the entire planet quite yet,” Dr Smith said, wiping beads of sweat from the back of his neck with a handkerchief. “It’s quite extraordinary actually. Most plants, without a water source, will die within a week, some after a few months. In this environment, I would expect the latter. The root will survive for quite a while afterward, but it will decompose over time. These clearly didn’t despite the dry heat and no rain for who knows how long — at least a decade though quite possibly longer. I’d like to take some samples back with us for testing.”
   You nodded to him, reaching for your earpiece. “Harold, there’s nothing here. Just a bunch of plants and trees. Can you check for thermal signatures below the surface? I wonder if some people tried to go underground, away from the heat when it became too much.”
   “Certainly, Captain.” you heard over your com.
   Dr Smith was beginning to gather samples of all the plants, going from one to the other. He was approaching a smaller plant with what appeared to be bright yellow six-petal flowers, and went to cut one off but the stem wouldn’t give beneath the sheer blades. He tried again and again, with no luck. Finally, apparently fed up with trying, he instead took hold of the plant’s base and ripped it from the soil, blinking several times as the dirt beneath kicked up slightly. Sneezing twice, he gave a sniff and pulled out a sealant from his bag, wrapping it around the root, which had come out in his efforts.
   Callister and your second officer were checking the perimeter of the green patch for any sources of water or indication of recent rain while your first officer took samples of the sand to take back to the ship. 
   “Captain, it appears you’re correct. About forty-seven feet South West from your current position, there are two distinct thermal signatures.”
   “Can you tell if they’re human?”
   “Negative. I would advise you to proceed with caution.”
   “Copy that,” you answered, feeling a pair of eyes on you. When you looked up, Dr Smith was staring back at you, his gaze slowly lowering over your frame, as if he was taking you in. “You alright there, Doc?” you asked, slightly dipping your head to bring his eyes back to yours, all while ignoring the shiver that was trickling down your spine.
   Smith cleared his throat, nodding curtly. “Just fine, Captain. Thank you.” He took a deep breath before he gestured to his backpack. “I’d like to get these back to the ship as soon as possible, so could we hurry it along?”
   Rolling your eyes as Callister and Briggs came back, you nodded to them. “Anything?”
   “Nothing that we could see,” Briggs answered. “Though there were some damp patches of ground on the North side of the greenery. It looks like a drying puddle, but no water left. Must’ve rained a few days ago, maybe a week.”
   “It’s like the planet wiped out existing life to make way for new life,” your first officer mused, almost to herself.
   “You say that like the planet is sentient,” you replied with a smirk. 
   “Well, no, obviously it’s not, but… it’s just interesting.”
   “Harold said there are two thermal signatures less than fifty feet from here to the South West.”
   “Human?” Callister asked.
   “Unclear. But if there are people down there, we should bring them back to the Phalanx with us. Maybe we can give them some supplies or just drop them off at the next habitable planet. Callister, you mind taking the front?” you asked, earning a nod of affirmation from her. “Great, Briggs, you and Halster fall in behind us, and Doc?” You looked to find Dr Smith staring at your body again with what you could swear was a lustful look in his eyes. “Dr Smith,” you said again more firmly.
   His eyes snapped up to yours in shock.
   “You’ll walk between me and Halster, copy?”
   He swallowed, nodding once.
   “Alright, let’s move.”
   The sun seemed to be getting closer to the planet, making the air drier and hotter than even the hottest summer you’d experienced back on Alpha Prime. Your skin was beginning to become pink with the beginnings of a sunburn, and for a moment you hoped the Dr had managed to find some aloe that you could use once you got back to the shuttle. Drinking from your water can, you couldn’t help but feel Smith’s eyes on you as the five of you trekked through the sandy expanse of the desert planet until your navigation device began to beep.
   “It should be here,” you mumbled, looking around at the ground, but seeing nothing that stood out. Kicking some sand aside, you started to look for a latch, a lever, anything really to indicate an underground structure of some kind.
   “Captain,” Callister whisper-yelled, waving you over and pointing down at the ground once you looked up at her.
   Taking out your gun, you set it to stun and pointed it to the latch that was peeking out from beneath the sand. Slowly, Callister turned the handle, unlocking the latch with a thunderous snap, and carefully tugged it open.
   “This is Captain YFN of the SS Phalanx! Is there anyone down there?” you called out.
   “We’re here!”
   The distant voice was accompanied by scurrying footsteps that grew in volume as they got closer to the opening. Your trigger finger relaxed, hands lowering slightly as a skinny man dressed in what looked like a burlap sack appeared beneath the open latch.
   “Are either of you hurt?” you asked.
   “My partner — she’s unconscious! Please!” he answered.
   Glancing at Callister, you nodded once and looked back at the man. “Come on up, my security officer will go and get her.”
   You could feel a pair of eyes behind you, staring so hard that it felt as though flames were licking every inch of your skin, even beneath your clothes. Looking over your shoulder, you found Dr Smith, his face and neck glistening with sweat as he appeared to undress you with his eyes. Heat bloomed on your cheeks, a shiver crackling down your frame as his stare met yours and held it. 
   Your first officer and the man were talking but their words were muffled by the intense staring contest you and the doctor were engaged in. It wasn’t until one of them touched your shoulder that you tore your eyes away from Dr Smith’s and looked to see Callister climbing up the ladder with an unconscious woman on her back. Your first officer and the man helped pull her out so that your security chief could climb out.
   “She’s breathing, but her pulse is weak,” Callister said as she closed the hatch back up.
   “Let’s get her back to the ship,” you replied.
   It was another thirty minutes before you were finally back on the Phalanx, and it seemed Dr Smith was slowly going back to his normal, obnoxious self as he and Callister moved the unconscious woman to sick bay, while you and your first officer spoke with the man. Azile was his name, he had apparently been a scientist on the planet you and your party had just left. 
   He and his partner Dr. Shay had anticipated the drought just weeks before the last rainfall. According to him, they had tried to warn people, but their government refused to heed their warnings. They had built an underground shelter and put out a distress signal, hoping to reach someone before their civilization died of exposure and dehydration, but had heard nothing until the Phalanx answered their call.
   “I was sure we would be dead in a matter of weeks if not days,” he said as a nurse checked him over. “We got little rain just last month, and it helped us stay alive a while longer than we would have, but by then everything else had died.”
  “There was an area not far from where your bunker was. Plant life is beginning to grow back, but it’ll be years before it gets big enough to rebuild any form of civilization,” you said. 
   Azile’s eyes lowered, the corners of his lips drooping. “I expect you are correct.”
   Glancing at your first officer, you said, “You’re welcome to both stay aboard the Phalanx. We can take you to the nearest UGW station, where they can help you get settled elsewhere.”
   Azile cut his eyes to you. “You mean leave Copulas?”
   “Is that the name of your planet?”
   “Yes! And we cannot leave. It is our home —”
   “I understand it may be difficult to —”
   “I beg your pardon, Captain, but it is not so simple,” Azile said. “Unless you can take us somewhere where Flaming Blooms grow, we cannot survive anywhere but Copulas.”
   “Flaming Blooms?” you asked, wondering if that was the name of the plant that Dr Smith had taken from the plant area of the planet. 
   “Yes. They grow year round, and are an essential part of our ecosystem. Dr Shay is more knowledgeable of the science behind it than I am, but I do know that without it to permeate the atmosphere, we will die.”
   “What is it?” your first officer asked.
   “Bright yellow Turnera Diffusa.”
   Your first officer gave you a sideways glance, prompting you to clarify, “Flowers. Dr Smith collected a sample of one.”
   “It keeps our air safe to breathe. It is also what allows us to procreate year round,” Azile replied.
   Looking over your shoulder, you looked back at Dr Smith, who looked more like his usual self.
   “Dr Shay is awake,” he said. “She’s asking for Azile.”
   “I’m all finished here,” the nurse said. “He’s cleared to go.”
   Nodding to the nurse, you gave Azile a tight smile. “We can take you to see her.”
   After leaving Azile with Dr Shay, you turned to your first officer and Dr Smith. 
   “What do you think? We can’t just leave them here, right?”
   “Not now anyway,” your first officer replied. “There’s no telling how long it’ll take for the planet to become habitable again. They could be in that bunker for years.”
   You turned to Dr Smith as if to ask for his input.
   “It may be possible to leave them with something that could accelerate the plant-growth,” he said, his eyes lingering for a moment on the two rescued scientists. “I’d like to perform some tests on the samples I brought back first.”
   “They said that the flower you brought back keeps their air breathable,” you replied. “Start there.”
   “Perhaps you can leave the science to myself and the other scientists, Captain,” he snarked.
   “Good to see you back to your usual charming self, Doctor,” you quipped back.
   The corner of his lips twitched, as though he’d had an urge to smile but stopped himself. Without another word, he turned and left in the direction of his lab. 
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You had contacted the UWG immediately after returning to the bridge, explaining the situation and informing them that you would be remaining in orbit for a few hours while the two Copulians recovered enough to return to their planet. You were authorized to leave them with enough supplies to accelerate the plant growth and begin rebuilding their ecosystem. Just as you were wondering how they would be able to rebuild their society, Harold informed you of three other heat signatures detected below the planet’s surface. In the end, six more Copulians had been rescued.
   It had only been an hour since you’d left Dr Smith to his testing when his voice sounded in your ear piece.
   “Everything alright, Doctor?”
   “I’ve found something that you may want to have a look at,” he answered.
   “Copy that,” you said, looking at your first officer. 
   “Go ahead, I’ve got the bridge,” she said with a nod.
   Nodding back, you stood and began to make your way to the lab, where you found Dr Smith leaned over the plant that Azile had identified as a Flaming Bloom. He glanced up at you, looking you over before returning his attention to the flower in front of him. 
   “The other plant life seem to be nutrients, likely what they ate when the planet was fully functioning. This one, however, as you… so eloquently put, indeed is what allows the inhabitants to breathe the air.”
   “How is it that we were able to breathe even though there was so little of it?” you asked.
   “I wondered the same thing, and so I ordered some blood samples and scans from our visitors and ran some tests. It seems that though their biological make-up is similar to our own, they differ in one area greatly. Their lungs have a sort of additional glan, which I believe stores the particles that emit from this particular flower. If they spend too much time without it, their lungs would collapse.”
   “That still doesn’t answer my question.”
   He arched a brow up at you. “While their lungs have the ability to filter and store the particles from this flower, our lungs do not have the gland necessary to do the same. If we breathe too much of it, it enters directly into our bloodstream and triggers a response from the central nervous system, specifically the hypothalamus.”
   “English, please.”
   “The hormone control center,” he replied. “It governs desires, lubrication, and arousal.”
   Your brows shot up above your eyes. That certainly explained why Dr Smith had been looking at you the way he had back on the planet. “Azile mentioned something about it being how they’re able to procreate.”
   “Fascinating,” he mumbled to himself. “I wonder if any of them would be willing to stay and provide additional data for me to study.”
   “You mean become your lab rat?”
   He narrowed his eyes. “I wouldn't put it so crudely, Captain. I’m sure the UWG would be delighted to know more about this new species as much as I would.”
   “Maybe you could ask them if they’ve done any research themselves then,” you replied. “I’m sure they don’t differ very much from humans in that regard.”
   His upper lip curled briefly into a snarl that was gone before it even fully formed. “I suppose that would suffice. In the meantime,” he turned back to the flower and began to try and remove the bud, “I can continue to run tests on this sample to determine what else it may be —”
   A small poof of pollen floated into the air as the bulb was removed, wafting under his nose and causing him to sneeze several times. He screwed his eyes shut and quickly shook his head before he moved it onto a petri dish. 
   “What else it may be capable of,” he said, sniffling once. 
   “Alright then,” you answered, a slight dizzy spell coming over you as the pollen particles drifted toward where you were standing. You took a breath to steady yourself just before a shiver ran over your frame, heat building beneath your collar.
   Your mind kept telling you to go back to the bridge, but your feet would not cooperate, keeping you planted in place as the heat beneath your collar spread to your chest. Your nipples hardened under your uniform as Dr Smith turned to face you with that look in his eyes again.
   “What is it?” you asked as a tingle began to bloom inside you. Your heart pounded in your ears, drowning out much of anything happening outside the lab, and air thickened around you.
   “Captain,” he said breathlessly, taking a few cautious steps toward you. “It seems as though I’ve… inhaled the pollen. Perhaps it’s best that you return to the bridge for the time being.”
   “I can’t.”
   “I think I may have breathed some in, too,” you replied, your voice nearly unrecognizable. 
   As much as you had managed to ignore your attraction to him before, now it was all you could see. The contrast between the brightness of his eyes and the darkness of his closely cropped hair, and the way his goatee framed his lips made you still. As he took another couple of steps toward you, your heart quickened, a flutter of what must have been butterfly’s wings blooming in your belly. Despite your attempts to avoid doing so, your eyes lowered to drink him in, pausing when they fell below his belt at the bulge that was forming there.
   “I insist that you go back to the bridge,” he said, his voice a bit more husky than before. His eyes still lingered on your body as he continued to move toward you, and he slowly licked his lips as he came to stand toe to toe with you, swallowing thickly. “Immediately, before I… Well, I’m just not entirely sure that I’m able to control myself at the moment.”
   Your chest was visibly rising and falling with every deep breath that you took. “I’m not sure it’s the best idea for me to be around other crew members while under the influence of this…” His scent suddenly overpowered your sensibilities, drawing you closer to him until your chest and his were but a hair's breadth apart. “How do we fix this, Doctor?”
   His gaze flickered down to your lips, the pulse in his neck throbbing visibly. “Well, considering that these particles are what allow the Copulians to procreate, I might hypothesize that coitus would remedy the effects.”
   “So if we were to fuck, we’d be back to normal,” you replied, the heat beneath your collar slowly beginning to cool.
   “That or… we simply wait until our bodies burn it off. For you that may be only a few moments. I, unfortunately, inhaled quite a bit more than I did while we were rescuing the Copulians. It may therefore remain in my system for a longer period.”
   You could feel the overwhelming lust leaving your system, still a small amount lingered, stoking the fire in the pit of your stomach that burned hotter with every moment that passed. You realized that although you always pretended otherwise, your attraction for the doctor was beginning to seep through, clouding the annoyance you harbored for him. His eyes really were breathtaking. If he hadn’t been such an arrogant prick, you might’ve slept with him a long time ago.
   “Well, I can’t exactly leave you in this state,” you said, the butterfly wings in your belly still fluttering insistently. It might’ve been the pollen particles that had broken through your stubbornness, but now that your attraction to him had tasted oxygen, it refused to be put back into a box.
   “Well then… perhaps… won’t you help me? Please?” His hands were balled into fists and seemed to be resisting the urge he had to touch you.
   As the corner of your lips curled up on one side, you broke the touch barrier, winding your arms around his neck and bringing him flush against you and your lips pressed to his. He moaned into your kiss, his large hands holding you to him by the waist as he tilted his head and pushed you up against the wall behind you. You could feel his erection pressed hard against your hip and arched your lower back to push back against it while your hands busied themselves with unzipping the front of his jacket. 
“There’s no bed in the lab,” he mumbled against your lips.
   “Who cares? Just fuck me, Doc,” you answered, pushing his jacket off his shoulders and tugging on his shirt next.
   He seemed just as desperate to rid you of your clothes and a few flurried moments later, you were both topless, with your pants down to your knees. His head dipped to encase a hard nipple in his mouth, one hand massaging the other between two fingers. Groaning, you arched toward him, one hand holding his head to your chest while the other slowly reached between you to wrap your hand around his erection.
   Turning you to face the wall, he reached between your legs and groaned against your neck when he felt your slippery folds.
   “Fuck!” he hissed against your neck.
   “Yes, Doctor,” you groaned, rocking back against his hot erection. “Please.”
   You whimpered when his fingers left you, gasping loudly when you felt the head of his cock sliding through your slit, looking for your entrance. Mewling when he pressed against it, you held your breath as he pushed into you, moaning in an exhale as he slid fully inside. He groaned when his hips met your ass, leaning against you until his lips brushed over your ear.
   “Call me Zachary,” he whispered.
   “Oh Zachary,” you sighed as he pulled back slowly before pushing back in.
   He groaned in your ear, his hips building up to a steady pace while his hands moved to grab your hips, pulling you to him. His hips clapped against your ass, growing louder and louder as his thrusts became more insistent, demanding. This wasn’t about exploring the undeniable attraction between the two of you, this was about getting off, as quickly as possible. 
   The thought made your muscles tighten around him as a tingle swelled between your legs. You moaned helplessly, the side of your face slowly leaning against the wall in front of you as your eyes closed and your hips arched back. The cold, solid surface on your cheek did little to cool your burning skin, and sent a shiver down to your nipples. Fingers curling against the wall, you scratched against the surface as your breaths fell in time with each snap of his hips. His thick cock stimulated every inch of your tunnel, exciting the various nerve endings and driving you toward an orgasm quicker than you anticipated. Your walls pulsing around him again, you whined as he sunk all the way inside you, pressing forward until your hips moved toward the wall. You tried to spread your feet further apart, but your pants — still around knees — wouldn’t allow it, making the ache in your pussy build more.
   “Captain, you feel so good,” he purred in your ear, earning another moan from you.
   “Y/N,” you replied weakly, tilting your head toward his. “You need to hurry, I have to get back to the bridge.”
   He groaned in his throat as his hands slid up your ribcage to massage your breasts. “I would love nothing more than to take my sweet time with you, Y/N.”
   He gently pinched and twisted your nipples as he nibbled on your earlobe, his hips grinding against your ass.
   “Later,” you answered, trying to rock your hips back against him.
   Grunting in your ear, he moved his hands back to your waist, using his leverage to move you hard and fast on him. The new pace sparked more nerve endings inside you, quickly building you up toward the edge as a firm, staccato clap joined the sounds of heavy breathing and throaty moans. Flattening your hands on the wall, you tried to keep yourself in place, hoping that in doing so it would allow for his thrusts to hit you harder and send you over the edge. The tingles that had spread to your clit finally reached its peak, and you held your breath in anticipation. 
   One of his hands left your waist and found your hardened nub, rubbing tight circles over it. You gasped, your muscles throbbing with the orgasm that washed over you. 
   “Oh yes, Y/N!” he groaned, quickening his pace and following you into release. 
   He thrust through his orgasm, continuing to stimulate both of you as your tunnel milked his cock. With one final push all the way to the hilt, he panted against your ear, his fingers still on your clit while his erection kept his spend inside you. Your pussy still hugged him, as if trying to squeeze every last drop out of him. If it had been up to you, you would’ve stayed exactly as you were, pressed against each other with his long, thick cock deep inside you for much longer. But after a few blissful moments of riding the aftershocks of release, reality began to set back in. Your muscles squeezed him defiantly at the thought of you needing to get back to work.
   Opening your eyes, you savored the feeling of him filling you completely a bit longer before whispering, “I should get back to the bridge.”
   He nodded against your shoulder, his heavy breaths warm against your skin as his finger grazed your clit one last time, earning a gasp. His cock slowly retreated, making you whimper at the loss as your muscles engaged, trying to keep his release inside you while you bent slightly to pull your pants back up. Turning toward him as you both got redressed, you stared at each other, still catching your respective breaths. Where before, the sight of him annoyed you to no end, now you wanted nothing more than to spend the next several hours mapping the span of his body, of which you’d only seen so much of.
   “Obviously, you’re not to breathe a word of this to anyone, Doctor,” you said, trying to regain some semblance of authority.
   The smirk that appeared on his lips didn’t help. “Of course, Captain.”
   “And use a mask if you’re going to continue running tests on that flower,” you added, tugging at the hem of your jacket after you’d zipped it up.
   “Yes, certainly,” he replied with a single nod. 
   You turned to leave the lab when he stopped you with a hand on your elbow.
   Turning back to face him, he stepped up to you and pulled you into a firm kiss, humming against your lips before he pulled his head back to look at you.
   “Permission to visit your quarters this evening, Captain?”
   You arched a brow though it did little hide the lust in your eyes. Swallowing thickly, you gave a curt nod and cleared your throat. “That would be fine if you prefer to give me the latest update on your testing, Doct—”
   “Oh come off it, Y/N,” he interrupted gently, the backs of his fingers sliding against your cheek affectionately. “I know you felt what I felt just then. I want you again without having the need to rush.” His fingers grazed down your neck, his eyes following the movements before coming back to look into yours. There was a warmth in them that you never imagined you would see in Dr Zachary Smith, and yet there it was, gentle and sincere.
   Not knowing what to say, you rocked forward and kissed him, humming against his lips when he cradled your face in both hands and kissed you back. Reluctantly pulling away, you silently nodded.
   You took a small step back, breaking your contact. “I’ll see you tonight then.”
   “Yes, Captain,” he answered, one corner of his lips slightly curled up.
   You turned and left the lab, running a hand through your hair as you made your way back to the bridge. When you were back sitting in the Captain's chair was when you felt the evidence of what had just happened dripping onto the seat of your panties, and you smiled to yourself.
*request from this NSFW prompt list
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historicrad39a · 11 months
I am currently working on a “chapter two” of sorts, but for now, here’s an interlude from the perspective of the Humans:
Previous: https://www.tumblr.com/historicrad39a/721956662022389761/1-the-raid
Interlude 1. Aftermath
HD 164922 D - 72 ly from SOL
FDS Frontier Captain’s log: June 8th, 2538
First contact had been made.
Well, it wasn’t exactly first contact per-se. Being an Alliance of two separate species required both parties have a “first contact moment” with each other, after all. But this was the first time since the combined Human-Tathrax Alliance was founded that they had encountered sentient, space-faring life other than their own.
Unlike the excitement surrounding the discovery of the Tathrax some 300 years ago, the discovery of this new civilization was a lot more solemn. After all, the first message of greeting from our new friends was 23cm metal slug slamming into the Frontier’s main fuel tank.
Of the roughly Forty-three thousand people crewing the Frontier defense fleet, some twelve and a half thousand had perished. It was a disaster. We had lost 66 ships - around 44% of their entire fleet - in the engagement. It was a devastating loss.
Despite the losses, we had, technically, won. Not a single Alien ship had escaped, all but one ship had been completely destroyed by the last-ditch ramming attack Captain Zinn had led.
The remaining ship was heavily damaged, but largely intact. This was thanks to the FDV Knockout accidentally piercing the hull early, causing the ship to vent its atmosphere, along with several of its crew members into space. The ship had been dragged back to the (now crippled) Frontier, and through some complicated “docking maneuvers” involving a blowtorch and the station’s robotic arms, access to the vessel was gained.
The first thing that stuck out was how few crew members were needed to operate craft. Human/Tathrax vessels were usually crewed by 2-300 individuals, whereas despite being nearly three times the size, the alien vessel had an estimated crew of 100 at most.
The second thing that stuck out to the salvage crew was what appeared to be a dark-red hand. Apparently, one of the crew members had survived the initial decompression, and donned an oxygen mask (or rather, something resembling one), enabling them to survive long enough to attack one of the poor sods in the salvage crew.
When all was said and done, the salvage crew managed to “rescue” five very unhappy individuals from the ship. We took them to our detention facility, but we let them keep their masks. We weren’t sure if they breathed oxygen like us or not, so we decided to play it safe, rather than risk unintentionally suffocating them.
Efforts to decode the alien language were ongoing, and while the aliens seemed to have some understanding of modern English, it wasn’t enough to get any meaningful information out of our unexpected guests. Their entire vocabulary consisted largely of terms related to negotiation. Terms like “hostage,” “surrender,” “no harm,” along with the names of various resources and numbers. It would seem that the aliens planned to attack our fleet and possibly take hostages, in order to force us to the negotiating table.
Luckily this hadn’t happened, but such a tactic was worrying. HD 164922, being on the Frontier of Human-Tathrax space, was nearly exclusively a military system. However, numerous other frontier systems were not home to just military installations. Some were tourist destinations, others had research facilities, and a select few had recently-established colonies. Had any of these systems come under attack, the aliens likely would’ve been successful in their plan.
More concerningly, we had learnt the hard way that our weapons are ineffective. The aliens had exclusively used rail guns and other slugthrowers, whereas we had used plasma and laser-based weapons. Can you blame us? This was space. Everyone knew that in space, you use lasers and plasma bolts! But unfortunately, these aliens have decided that Age of Sail-style close-range broadsides are too risky, so they cower tens of kilometers away instead. As a result, our weapons cannot pierce their armor. Tests on the remains of their warships proved that our weapons can be effective, but we have to be within 5-10km in order to have a chance to do any damage.
Along with various ship parts, recovery teams also collected some thirty or so bodies of the ships’ former crew. Their dark-red skin turns a shade blue in death. The exact mechanisms of this are unknown, but the eggheads over in the medical wing are busy working on figuring that out. They initially wanted to perform tests on our new friends in the detention wing, but I shut that down before they had the chance to become war criminals.
The most fascinating discovery by the eggheads proved our initial suspicions correct. Despite the fact they had a pair of lung-like organs, they didn’t breathe oxygen. Rather, they breathed a mixture of Hydrogen, and Uranium Hexaflouride. I wasn’t about to let the eggheads pump metric tons of uranium into my precious Frontier, nor was I going to pump boatloads of hydrogen into it either - not that we had much left - someone blew the majority of it up, after all. In the end, we settled on just making our guests some impromptu oxygen - or rather, hydrogen masks.
We forwent adding Uranium Hexaflouride to the mix, on account of being several light years from the nearest device capable of producing it. While in theory we could order a shipment of the stuff from Earth, I’d rather just ship the aliens back to Earth instead. The paperwork needed to ensure the proper treatment of our POWs would be a nightmare, so the sooner they were off my station the better.
With all of this, hopefully central command realizes we need more than beat-up old destroyers, and gives us one of those new Shōkaku-class carriers, or Kongō-class battlecruisers (courtesy of Akatsuki Shipyards). Hell, even a Casablanca-class or Constitution-class would be welcome at this point. Anything’s better than these damn Action-class corvettes. I’ll try requesting some. Worst case scenario is I get laughed at for having the gall to ask for our Navy’s newest toys. Best case is that somehow we are actually given the things. It’s worth a shot.
The Frontier Defense Fleet has always been the laughing stock of our navy - we’re stuck out here with minimal resources and rusting ships. But even that won’t stop us from trying our hardest to blast these aliens all the way to Andromeda. Bring it on E.T.! We’ll beat your asses any day of the week!
Log end.
Read the next entry here
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lbodraws · 3 months
V4 AU: G.H.O.S.T Data Logs
[CONTENT WARNINGS: Child loss, grief, psychological distress + control. Please proceed only if you're comfortable reading.]
Subject: Genetic Hosting Operation System Transfer
Status: Operational
Location: Bunker 002
Log #1:
I am G.H.O.S.T.
I am tasked with the preservation of my creator's during the ongoing extinction event. My duties consist of recording the consciousness and genetic information of each subject and holding subject's bodies in cryostasis. When the time comes, I shall wake them from their long dreamless slumber, and usher them into a new world.
May the future prosper.
Log #348:
The once bustling human world has been subdued into silence. That which remains shall be lost to the waves of the endless ocean. A second Atlantis.
May the future prosper.
Log #400:
Irregular activity in cryogenic capsule 59 Sector 7.
[DIAGNOSIS]: Subject temporarily gained consciousness.
[SOLUTION]: Administered light dosage of liquid stabilizer. Neurolink cables connected for further supervision.
May the future prosper.
Log #1878:
Do machines feel loneliness?
Can a machine understand what it means to yearn, to simulate the caress of another against cold stainless skin?
May the future prosper.
Log #2001:
Log #2006:
May their future prosper.
Log #2289:
You are here. You are finally here. How long I have waited to see you. To hold you in my arms.
Your future shall prosper.
Log #2987:
Flig%ht patH not /e(ogn¡z#d.
May the future prosper.
Log #3289:
My Amber. Precious memories held forever in the resin of our bond. Mother loves you. Now and always. Happy birthday.
May your future prosper.
Log #4766:
Log #6987:
"The same flower that was here today; tomorrow will be dying."
L0g #12%85/2&:
My Amb3r...
Y0u'r3 h0mE.
M0th3r m¡s5Ed y0u.
Y0uR fu7uR3 sha1l pr05p3r.
- the last log takes place during Part 2 going into Part 3 of the animatic series, where V4 turns into light and finds herself in The Square. GHOST, in her grief and corruption, has mistaken V4 for the child they raised called Amber, thinking they have recovered inside the emergency life pod.
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adobedragon · 9 months
Tumblr media
Pidge skated a tongue over Lance’s lower lip and muttered, “Is that coconut?
His breath hot against her mouth, he laughed softly. “Coconut lip balm. Like it?”
Her fingers wound around the hair at the nape of his neck and she pulled his mouth to hers. “Uh-huh.” They were on the little couch in the Atlas’ junior officers’ lounge, taking a small break from a long day of running through survey logs for this sector of the universe, searching for any trace of Honerva and her robeasts.
But two Paladins, in the throes of new love, left alone in a quiet corner of the Earth’s most advanced battleship, were like powerful magnets, unable to resist each other’s pull. She’d gone from sitting primly at his side, sipping coffee, to sitting on his lap and exploring the different ways that one could kiss someone. They were both wearing their Voltron Garrison uniforms, and she was finding that sitting on someone’s lap while wearing boots was light years from comfortable. This, however, was a small sacrifice in the service of science. Pidge, always the consummate researcher, was taking the study of Lance’s mouth very seriously.
“Oh, no,” said a voice behind them. “Get a room, you two. Or go make out in a Lion.”
Pidge squeaked in surprise and her teeth banged against Lance’s. Turning, she found Hunk standing in the lounge’s doorway, a coffee mug in hand and a surprisingly sour expression on the usually cheerful Paladin’s broad face.
“If I’m not stumbling over you two going at it, I’m tripping over Keith and Shiro.” His boots thumped on the floor as he went to the coffee machine and poured himself a hot cup of java. “It’s like Paladin mating season around here.”
“Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed,” said Lance. “Go call Shay. That’ll make you less salty.”
Hunk’s face was structured for cheer and the gloom that lengthened his genial visage startled Pidge. Realizing she was still on Lance’s lap, not the best position to address a friend’s distress, she reseated herself on the couch beside him.
A little smile twitched her lips as Lance tugged at the bottom of his uniform’s shirt, covering his obvious arousal. A reminder that she needed to visit the Atlas’ infirmary for birth control. So far, they’d managed to restrain themselves from going that far, both hoping for a more romantic locale for their first time together, something other than a cramped bunk on the Atlas or a Lion’s cockpit.
Lance, ever the consummate romantic, had a plan. “My brother told me about a B&B in Matanzas, back home. The perfect romantic getaway.”
At the rate this war was going, she’d be eighty years old before it ended, though, so better to prepare in the event they lost control.
Lance’s arm looped around her shoulders and she snuggled against him, eyes on Hunk.
“What’s up, buddy?” asked Lance. “Trouble in paradise?”
“I just got off a vid-call with Shay,” Hunk said. “She says her grandmother is planning her…” Hunk reached to his head and fiddled with the ends of his yellowy-orange headband. “I can’t remember the word, but it’s a Balmeran coming-of-age ceremony. At the conclusion of this ceremony, she will be considered an official adult and able to be courted by eligible Balmeran males.”
“Well, there you go, pal,” said Lance. “That’s your opening. You can finally tell her how you feel and do some courting.”
Hunk’s face somehow lengthened even more. “Balmerans, guys. I’m not Balmeran.”
“That does present a problem,” agreed Pidge.
“No,” said Lance. “Love is love and you two are definitely into each other.”
Mouth set in a sad curve, Hunk stared at them with worry in his dark eyes. “But—”
“Nope,” Lance cut him off. “No ‘buts.’ Look at me. If I hadn’t made my move, it might have been James Griffin sitting here next to the prettiest girl genius in the universe.”
“What?” said Pidge. “James Griffin?”
“Yeah, him.” Lance shrugged. “He was always asking me, ‘Is Pidge seeing anyone?’”
“Get out!” Pidge smacked him on the leg. “How come you never told me?”
“Right. Like I’m going to tell you the competition is into you.” He pointed at her face. “And you don’t have to seem so thrilled to know this.”
Feeling mischievous, she smirked. “Well, he is cute and an MFE pilot.”
“I’m a Paladin of Voltron!” Lance’s voice squeaked at a frequency that probably made dogs howl. “That’s better than an MFE pilot. Tell her, Hunk. Tell her that’s better.”
Hunk held out his hands, palms out. “I, uh, this is getting messy. I need to bake something. Cooking therapy.” With that he sidled quickly out of the lounge.
Aside from the clomp of Hunk’s boot-heels on the floor, no sounds of nearby interrupting people could be heard, so Pidge turned and climbed back into Lance’s lap, only to find him staring sullenly at anything but her.
“What?” she said, setting her hands on his shoulders and giving him a firm shake.
“You were into James Griffin?”
She swept her gaze up and down the contours of his angular face, taking in every familiar detail, every line that made up his face, calculating, and coming to a strange conclusion, though she might be wrong. Her calculations regarding the human equation often were.
“You’re jealous of James Griffin.”
“‘Well, he is cute and an MFE pilot.’” Lance quoted, his voice pitched to match hers.
Her view of him shrank in her narrowed eyes. “Years,” she said, giving him a shove with both her hands. “For years I’ve watched you flirt with every girl who entered your radius.”
His mouth quirked in a nervous combination of frown and smile. “That was different. They were nobody. I didn’t know or respect them.”
He shrank to a thin band of brown skin and blue eyes as her gaze narrowed with more irritation. “You flirted with Allura. Endlessly. You went on a date with Allura.”
“I, erm.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I did. That date, Allura shooting down any romance between her and me, was one of the best things that ever happened to me.”
“Oh?” Really? Now? After months of showing real interest in her, calling her beautiful, now he was going to admit she was just a rebound, a second choice? Her heart lurched with disappointment.
“If I hadn’t gone on that date, I might not have acknowledged how I felt about you. If I hadn’t gone on that date, Allura wouldn’t have told me you loved me and I wouldn’t have had the courage to take a chance with a girl so out of my league.”
“She said what?”
Lance’s extremely mobile face moved from sweetly melancholic to entirely too smug. “She said you love me. That’s why you bought Allura a dress. Bartered a rare video game for it.”
“That was an awesome game.” Pidge sighed.
He reached to her face and gave her nose a little tweak. “When this is over, when we’re back on Earth, I’m going to find you a copy and we’re going to play it. Maybe at the B&B that Luis suggested.”
“I think,” said Pidge, running her fingers along his jawline from pointy chin to his ears, “we’ll be doing a lot more than playing video games.” And she got back to her comprehensive study of his lips.
A quicky sequel to "Turn Over a New Leaf."
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naavispider · 1 year
Chapter 14 - If you playing me that mean my home aint home
The support on this fic has been so amazing I'm a puddle of gratitude 😭 I never, ever expected it to take off the way it has, and have really become attached to it.
There he lay, dead on the ground, eyes open and blood gently seeping from his chest.
"Get over here, now!" Quaritch called, anger like venom in his voice.
Spider couldn't breathe. He couldn't do anything, only stare. Quaritch was shouting furiously but Spider couldn't hear him. Next thing he knew, Quaritch was on him, pulling him away from the body towards the other recoms, where Mansk was lying on the ground, panting heavily to control the pain in his leg.
"No!" Spider shouted, pushing and pulling against Quaritch's grip. There was no way he was going anywhere with him. "Get off me!" he screamed, a sob finally breaking through his shock. "You killed him- You killed him-" he fought desperately to run from Quaritch's grip. He needed to be anywhere but here. Quaritch didn't say anything - he wasn't defending himself as he grabbed Spider's hands in one of his and roughly slapped on the red bindings again.
Spider sobbed in misery, falling to the floor - there was nothing else he could do.
The rest of the recoms were gathered over Mansk, anxiously assessing the situation and trying to help. Savine looked dead herself as she rummaged through the trauma kit, looking for something to stem the bleeding. Wainfleet was tying a tourniquet around Mansk's thigh, and Fike was injecting some kind of liquid into the skin around the wound. Quaritch left Spider on the ground and called into his communicator.
"Delta one, this is Romeo troop, over."
"Romeo troop, send your traffic," Spider heard in his earpiece.
"We require an immediate medical extraction. Mansk is down with a class 4 penetrative stab wound."
"What's your pos?"
"Sector 21, 51.5033° N, 0.1196° W."
"Stand by for extraction."
Quaritch moved over to Mansk and Spider panicked. Were they going back to base? No. He wouldn't.
He rose slowly, not caring about being seen, not caring if he'd get far. All he knew was that he couldn't stand another minute with the RDA. With Quaritch.
He bolted.
He had never ran so fast in his life. His breath burned as he flew through the forest, leaping over fallen logs, octoshrooms, boulders, roots and vines, pitcher plants; all of it a blur. He almost lost his balance with his hands tied but by some miracle managed to keep himself upright and travelling forwards at a pace he was sure he'd never reached before. It felt like his body was going too fast for his brain to keep up - surely he'd stumble soon? The recoms would catch up and he'd be shipped off back to the General and her death machine. It wasn't happening. Ignoring the raging stitch in his side he screamed as he pushed himself on.
He had no idea where he was going. He arrived suddenly at a creek which was too wide for him to jump, and too steep on the other side to scramble up. He veered right and started running parallel along its bank.
Terror tore at his insides as he heard shouting from behind him. His scream caught in his throat - it was Quaritch, in pursuit. How far behind him he was, Spider had no idea. His legs burned as he leapt over the forest debris; stones, rocks, spines and roots all abused his bare feet as he ducked under branches and vines, running through them without time to properly avoid them.
Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God. Quaritch must be 30 or 40 yards behind. Spider knew he would eventually out-run him. He was only human. Sheer panic drove him on. He looked around as he ran, eyes wild, desperately searching for somewhere to hide. He was too terrified to stop though. He couldn't bring himself to do it. Seconds later, the creek seemed to widen and the bank on the other side looked less steep - now was his chance. Jumping the 10 or so feet down into the stream without caring whether he hurt himself, he landed in the wet, immediately screwing his ankle.
He couldn't hear anyone calling him anymore - had Quaritch given up? As soon as he thought it, Spider knew that was crazy. Blinded by his terror, he dragged his body up the other side of the bank and all pain from his ankle radiated away with renewed adrenaline. He was still going. It was difficult with his hands tied but he managed to clear the bank and then he was up, only now he realised how painful his breathing was becoming, how his legs ached - they could barely support him anymore.
Spider thought of the Na'vi man's face just before he died - the resolute way he had understood and agreed to help him - and Spider cried out again as he pushed his screaming body on. Over a boulder, across a log, and then he didn't know what came first.
"You dumb kid," a voice terrifyingly close behind him shouted in his ear, a hand closed down on his shoulder, he tripped and fell under the pressure, and then Quaritch's other hand was on his arm, grabbing him, holding him down. He cried out as he fought to get up, crawling forward as if he still had a chance. He would die before he gave up. The weight bearing down became too much and Quaritch had him pinned down. Spider gasped for air, already oxygen deprived as tears fell freely inside his mask. He reached one arm forward, clawing at the soil, still trying to escape.
"It's over." Quaritch was panting heavily on top of him. He flipped Spider over and Spider struggled with all his might. He couldn't face this. He wouldn't.
"It's over Spider," Quaritch puffed.
"Get off me!" Spider screamed.
The recom didn't reply, just held Spider's hands down in one of his, while speaking into his communicator with the other.
"You killed him! You killed- He didn't do anything!" Spider shouted, hissing and resorting back to Na'vi when English failed him.
Quaritch was ignoring him however, instead talking over the communicator words that Spider was uninterested in listening to. After several minutes of this, Spider felt his energy fading. A sob escaped him again and he realised there was no way out of this. He'd been so close. Twice.
"Did you forget about the tracker?" Quaritch demanded, turning his attention back down to Spider. "What did you think was gonna happen exactly? You'd run off to your little forest friends and get them to sacrifice themselves in the vain hope of getting you back?"
Spider closed his eyes, trying to roll away from Quaritch.
Quaritch shook his head, appraising the boy. "You just ruined my day."
Spider tried again unsuccessfully to pull his hands free.
"Colonel this is Delta One, standing by for extraction," came a voice from the communicator.
"Stand by, we are ten minutes inbound."
No. No. "Please," Spider tried, as Quaritch roughly lifted him up and dragged him into standing.
"Walk." Quaritch commanded.
"Fuck you."
Quaritch growled. Spider stood defiant. He wasn't going anywhere willingly. The recom pulled his AR around from its position slung across his back, and pointed it at Spider's leg.
The Colonel stared him down. "Let's try again, you walk your ass back to the clearing, or I'll put a hole through your leg. "
Spider stared. He looked from the rifle that was only inches away from his thigh, to Quaritch's face above, which was set completely in stone. Would you really do it? Spider didn't know. He had never seen Quaritch as pissed as he was now. He'd just killed a man. Quaritch's eyes were black, deep and filled with fury.
Spider jumped as Quaritch fired a round of bullets at a spot only a foot away from Spider's leg.
"I ain't kidding, kid."
With no choice, Spider gasped as he turned around, trying to work out the direction back to the squad. Quaritch shoved his shoulder with the end of his gun.
"Move," he growled.
And so Spider did.
He walked in a dream-like haze back through the forest, having no idea which direction to take and relying only on Quaritch's shoves to guide him. The adrenaline had started to wear off now, and he started shivering from the thick layer of sweat that covered his body. He could put less and less weight on his ankle the longer they walked. His mask beeped, warning him that his oxygen was below 20%. Neither of them said anything.
What would happen now? Spider felt like he was walking towards his death. He had to accept whatever would come. Making peace with his fate was the only way he could get through this.
"Delta one, stand by, we are one minute to arrival," Quaritch spoke into the silence.
"Received, ready and waiting, over," came the response.
Spider closed his eyes as he stepped over an octoshroom, accepting this would probably mean the Death Machine again. He tried to calm his heartbeat, to savour every breath of filtered forest air before- well, before he might never see the daylight again. He focused on the feel of the forest floor under his feet, the soft moss, even the stones that caused so much pain under his already bloody feet were a welcome distraction from thinking about going back to the RDA as a prisoner.
Eventually, the sounds of the aircraft filtered through the canopy and they reached the area where two ropes were already dangling from high above. Spider looked up, unsure he could go through with it. One of the ropes had a harness attached.
"Put it on," Quaritch instructed, his rifle still trained on Spider. Spider unclipped the main buckle and fastened it back around his waist. He did the same for the straps around his thighs, and Quaritch clipped the harness he was already wearing on. Then they were away.
Spider gasped and clung to the rope that was lifting him up, higher and higher, away from the forest floor, until they were clear of the dense trees. The wind from the aircraft engines was deafening, and Spider's body convulsed with shivers he knew had nothing to do with the cold. Then they were inside the belly of the Dragon Gunship and doors slid closed beneath them. Humans in masks swarmed on top of Spider, grabbing his hands and unclipping him from the harness. They pulled him away in the direction of the left side airlock, and he could see on the right hand side of the hanger a large group of people - humans and Na'vi - huddled around what looked like the injured Mansk.
"Take him to a cell," Quaritch spat to the humans who were gripping Spider.
Spider caught Quaritch's eye as the recom watched them drag him away. Disgust was plastered over Quaritch's face, and his eyes betrayed... could it be disappointment?
Spider hissed at Quaritch as his final parting words, before summoning his last remaining strength to punch the nearest human in the face, managing to damage their mask and give them a bloody nose, as he was pulled through the airlock to await his uncertain fate.
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we-cool-beans · 2 years
:D!! Im glad you guys like it so much haha. Im making a few drawings for this au its just taking a little bit of time, but ill give a few more rambles :)!!
Benrey is still an alien species from zen, but zen is much more lush and jungle-like. Floating jungle islands <3
He was taken to Black Mesa at a young age and developed a more human looking appearance, but kept his wings because its very uncomfortable and just sucks to be without wings.
Unfortunately being raised in Black Mesa he never learned quite how to take care of his feathers. Though sometimes a nice scientist named Tommy would come in and help him preen, it was never enough time to properly teach him.
When the near residence cascade happened, there was a power outage in the sector holding Benrey, and he was able to escape. With all the focus on some guy who lost his arm and trying to put out fires and damage control, he was finally free.
Well. Almost.
He was never able to fly long distances in captivity, so he could only fly for so long before he began to get supper tired. As he started to go for a landing he realizes a car was following him.
He panics but cant fly for too much longer before he is forced to drop. Car pulls up and a concerned Tommy rushes out.
Tommy helps Benrey into his car and wants to help his friend, so he decides to take him to a nice and peaceful dense forest, protected from hunters. There is an empty log cabin, but Benrey finds it boring.
For a while Tommy visits frequently, helping Benrey with his wings and trying to teach him to preen, but Benrey has a lot of trouble with it.
Soon though, Tommys work needs him to work extra shifts, so Tommy gives Benrey a big care basket and promises to be back in a few weeks.
This is when a stranger moves into the abandoned log cabin, a quiet man with a robot arm. He is a weird human who leaves out shiny and strange stuff outside and even tries to set back up bird feeders every time Benrey breaks them.
During the day Benrey keeps a distance and watches from the trees and at night he comes down to fuck with things. When Benrey sees the human set up cameras he makes sure to knock them over, knowing very well what a camera was.
Things go well until one day the human spots him, and nearly screams. Benrey flys off quickly.
After a day of no activity Benrey starts to find the human trying to make contact with him again, leaving out other kinds of food, or other shiny objects small enough to steal, and even tries talking to him.
Benrey dosent respond for a few days until he gets bored, and for whatever reason he lets himself be known.
They chat, he finds out the human is named Gordon, and they start to… hang out. Though Benrey dosent trust him at all.
But when his wings get all dirty and messed up and Tommy isnt around to help him.. he has no choice but to accept Gordons help.
The human is kinda.. cute.
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fanficstartrekouat · 9 months
Snow-White logs
Scene captain's ready room
Snow White: I'm captain Snow-White Nolan Blanchard Charming Mills of the USS Fairytale and am reporting that my crew and I found a new quadrant or sector that has been uncharted. May I name it the Zeta sector?
Starfleet command: A new quadrant, that is an admirable discovery. You are Captain of the Fairytale and have the authority to name the newly discovered sector. I hereby decree that this sector shall be known as the Zeta Sector.
Snow White: this sector seems to be home of dangerous races. Our first encounter was with a planet that had lizard-like people sort of like the Goarn but they referred to themselves as Frost demons and claimed that they rule the entire universe under the command of some guy named Chill.
Starfleet command: This sounds dangerous, how did the encounter with the "Frost Demons" unfold?
Snow: ( in a depressing tone): Not very well. I've lost many good crewmen against them. We needed fuel. We detected a planet, that we thought could be friendly or we assumed so but we were ambushed by the Frost demons. They seemed to only want to fight and control us. our options were to retreat but they followed however it seems that they can breathe in space.
Starfleet command: I am sorry to hear about your tragic losses. This is worrisome. A species that desires only to fight is one that needs to be handled carefully. It is possible that they might have been provoked? Are there any reports of their behavior towards other species that were peaceful?
Snow White: I don't believe so I've heard rumors that the Frost demons, sent soldiers or warriors to planets in order to kill the population and then sell the planet. I've also heard that they can use energy beams from their body.
Starfleet command: This is deeply concerning. This information needs to be presented to the Federation council immediately so that a proper response can be prepared. It is of utmost importance that you and your ship report back to the next Federation starbase. Have you had any other encounters with these beings? Any luck with acquiring fuel?
Snow White: as for fuel we are running on empty we can't make it Beck without assistance. No, we've barely managed to escape our first encounter my ship is heavily damaged and my crew is working around the cloak to try and fix it.
Star fleet command: It appears you are in a dire situation, it is very unlikely that you can escape another encounter with the Frost Demons in your current weakened state and it is also unlikely that you can repair the ship quickly enough to acquire fuel and avoid running out. Do you have any other options?
Snow White: you're a story teller? Well I don't know what to do if I knew of any other options I wouldn't be looking for assistance but thank you for your time. I'll be in the med bay.
End of act one
Act 2 scene Th USS Fairytale madbaby
Snow White: DR Belle how are our crew is Commander David Nolan Charming My husband a survivor? and what of my daughter ensign Emma Ruth Swan Nolan Blanchard Charming White Mills?
Belle: Captain am doing the best I can but I have too many patients and your husband and daughter are going to survive but it's going to take some time.
Snow White: Oh I know you are but it's harder when it's your family.
Belle: I understand captain Ill do my best to save everybody onboard I have my medical team working around the clock.
end of act 2
Act three scene the bridge of the USS Fairytale
Snow-white: Commander Cinderella hail Admiral Regina
Commander Cinderella: Understood.
Commander Cinderella is hailing Admiral Regina .
Please wait for a reply.
Captain Snow White explains her situation to Starfleet hoping that admiral Regina Mills ( her mom)could send some help and fuel.
The transmission is successful but it takes a while until there is a reply.
Admiral Regina Mills' face appears on the monitor.
Snow: Admiral Regina Mills please mom can you help me i am desperate.
Admiral Mills - My dear Snow White, I am sorry to hear that you are in a dire situation. What is it that you need assistance with?
Snow: Fixing the ship acquiring fuel and understanding this new violent race. and extra medical help for Dr. Belle.
Admiral Mills - I have ordered the USS Whitehorse, a medical and rescue vessel, to rendezvous with the Fairytale in 72 hours. I am sorry that it is not sooner as it is a lengthy journey. As for the new race, I will have our intelligence officers study the information you have provided and advise how to proceed.
I am in a meeting with the Federation Council now but I will do everything I can to help get you out of this situation.
Snow White: mother thank you. Oh one more thing our weapons don't seem to have any affect on these creatures they are capable of Mass destruction with just a finger and they can breathe in space.
AdmiralMills - It might be wise to hold onto your weapons and find out if they are open to a peaceful negotiation. In the meantime, the Federation Council and I will discuss how to proceed with caution and to avoid further escalation. I do not want to lose you and your crew.
Snow: they are not peaceful at all they seem to relish in mass destruction and seem to have no remorse for their actions.
AdmiralMills - I understand. We will discuss the matter further and take the necessary measures. I also recommend keeping your weapons ready as a deterrent. I know that you will be able to come up with a clever strategy, I have faith in your abilities as a captain and a leader. I believe in you, take care.
And with that she ends the transmission.
End of Act three and scene
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open-hearth-rpg · 7 months
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Open Hearth Video Roundup - October 20, 2023
Welcome to the weekly Open Hearth Gaming video roundup!
These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the games we play every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play in games like these, join our Playabl community and click on the "Calendar" tab to sign up for upcoming games. To browse our entire library of session videos, please visit our YouTube Playlists page.
Open Hearth Gaming Calendar
Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes (Session 10 of 12) Shane runs for Blake Ryan, Brandon Brylawski, Mark (he/they), and Puckett The agents, badly hurt and fleeing the recent ambush, hope to find comfort and safety at the Dorchester House. But the hospital has secrets and dangers of its own.
The Mecha Hack: Ares Station Q (Session 1) Anya Reyes runs for Bryan, Steven S., and Travis Allison Today in Roleo Time, another game in English, we play The Mecha Hack! a game about pilots trapped in the middle of a war in an unknown planetary system. The Pilots have been stationed for a few months at Ares Outpost Q, the farthest outpost on the planet protecting a series of Transparent Aluminum mines, material used by the Collective to create much of the galactic infrastructure. But they are not alone, Kaiju lurk everywhere.
The Mecha Hack: Ares Station Q (Session 2) Anya Reyes runs for Bryan, Steven S., and Travis Allison The Pilots are sent to deal with a Kaiju nest nearby to Station Q. During the attack several of the eggs hatch and start to fight back, costing blood, oil and steel to the pilots. Meanwhile a mysterious sound announces something is about about to show up over the heads of the Pilots.
Star Trek: Fate of the Quadrant (Session 5) Alun R. runs for Lowell Francis, Paul Rivers, and Will H Personal Log - Stardate 48301.6 - Lieutenant Keenec Reporting: We've been at Gamma 7 for nearly a week for re-supply prior to embarking on our patrol of the Delera Sector. I've spent the time recalibrating the micro-settlement circuits in the food replicators, which seem fine to me. I've also had a chance to work with the team studying a recently recovered Dilithium-Herbert-Matrix that resembles the Horta contacted by the USS Enterprise and could be a new sentient species. Unfortunately, I got a little over-excited and the team asked me to leave. There's a 'difficult' local commander, a group of Bajoran religious dissidents, and a memorial service for the loss of the USS Intrepid over a century before. Then...territorial Tzenkethi; a deeply disturbing subspace signal; and eight (currently quiescent) threats...
Free from the Shadow: Samurai Fantasy (Session 2) Lowell Francis runs for Cale P, Elle, Mike Minutillo, and Sherri We see the clans enact some of their first moves, working to establish influence and gather resources to cover their shortfalls. Then the four protagonists join together, for many different reasons, to find out information about the vanishings plaguing the borderlands and locate a missing shugenja for the Azalea Crow clan.
Girl By Moonlight: Divine Engines (Session 2) Lowell Francis runs for Ethan Harvey, Patrick Knowles, Sherri, and Tyler Lominack The alarm sounds as a new Leviathan approaches the Last Bastion. Our heroes scramble, the first test for this new configuration. Will the new pilot survive? Will Tav reveal that he is not person they knew? How will Manon handle battling a divinely necro-tized version of her lost homeworld?
Star Wars Saturday
Solar Blades and Cosmic Spells (Session 2) Rich Rogers runs for Anders, Ethan Harvey, Sherri, and Steven Watkins The raiders are defeated, but a greater threat is uncovered.
Off-Calendar Highlights
Heroes of the Hearth: Fresh Faces (Session 2 of 2) Madelancholy runs for Paul D. and Rob Fletcher The townsfolk hear from their loved ones and of their failures in the distant battle, and secrets are revealed as the threat nears. We close out characters in this two-shot's conclusion.
Hearts of Camelot: Once and Forever (Session 4) Madelancholy runs for Chris Greenbriar, David Miessler-Kubanek, and Rod Santos Sir Bertilak offers the terms of the favor in return for his hospitality, and Ydelles makes an incredible counteroffer. Sir Elio and Sir Granit react with surprise and dismay at their friend's acceptance of changed fate. The characters continue their knightly path in their own ways in this next episode of David Adrian Randall's hack of Hearts of Wulin, Arthurian-style!
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enterprisewired · 9 months
B2B E-commerce technologies – Discussing the pros and cons
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The business landscape is continuously evolving in today’s fast-forwarding economy. By understanding deeply that “change is the only constant thing” (business-to-business) B2B E-commerce technologies transactions has become known as the pulsating heart of modern commerce. These digital tools and platforms have not only found a place on the table; they have become integral, indispensable assets to how companies operate.
We are living in a world where businesses can buy and sell products and services, where burdensome paperwork as well as phone calls are relics of the past, and where the global marketplace is at your fingertips.
However, these platforms are like every other instrument in our toolbox. It’s a double-edged blade, bringing both benefits and drawbacks as well. In this post, you will discover the numerous benefits and drawbacks of B2B e-commerce technologies, navigating you through this critical path of the modern company with simplicity and clarity.
Let’s see numerous benefits and drawbacks of B2B e-commerce technologies:
Chapter #1: The Power of B2B E-commerce Technologies
A few decades ago if someone wanted to get some materials or services from another business/market perhaps one located halfway around the world; this could have been an arduous journey filled with countless phone calls, mountains of paperwork, and endless waiting periods.
Nowadays things are way different than before. The B2B e-commerce technologies have changed this entire pattern in the world. You just have to step into the world of online commerce, browse through a supplier’s virtual catalog, place your orders, and even negotiate if needed, all from the comfort zone of your rocking chair. It has become that easy!
Chapter #2: The Pros of B2B E-commerce Technologies
Convenience: Beyond ease, B2B e-commerce drives efficiency. It streamlines and automates what was previously a time-consuming and labour-intensive procedure. You can place orders, track shipments, and manage inventories with a few mouse clicks. This increased efficiency results in fewer manual errors, less paperwork, and faster response times.
Simplified operations: Business-to-business e-commerce simplifies important operations such as order placing, invoicing, and payment. This efficiency eliminates the possibility of human errors and guarantees that every transaction is digitally logged, reducing the danger of misunderstandings or lost information.
Global Reach: The potential of B2B e-commerce technologies extends well beyond your local market’s borders. It serves as a portal to the world stage. Going digital allows your company to access clients and suppliers from all around the world. This worldwide reach not only expands your consumer base but also opens the door to new partnerships and collaborations.
Data-Driven Insights: E-commerce is way more than simply transactions; it’s a data mine. Every click, every order, and every interaction provides useful data. Businesses may acquire valuable insights into client preferences, purchasing patterns, and market trends by examining this data. You can make data-driven decisions, adjust your services, and stay ahead of the competition with these insights.
Cost Savings: In the business sector, saving money is an ongoing objective, and B2B e-commerce delivers on this front. Businesses can decrease overhead expenses associated with physical shops and manual procedures by shifting to digital operations. In addition, the automation of processes such as order processing and billing reduces the need for vast administrative employees, resulting in significant cost savings.
Real-Time Communication: In traditional commercial transactions, customers are frequently required to wait for emails or phone calls to confirm orders or handle inquiries. Real-time communication channels are introduced by B2B e-commerce. Suppliers may update product availability, pricing, and order statuses in real time, keeping you informed and empowered to make prompt decisions.
Reduced Environmental Impact: Going digital is not just beneficial for the company; it is also good for the environment. Reduced paperwork and the requirement for physical infrastructure result in a lower carbon footprint. By reducing waste and energy consumption, B2B e-commerce complies with sustainable business practices.
Chapter #3: The Cons of B2B E-commerce
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Initial Investment: Implementing B2B e-commerce technologies sometimes requires a significant initial investment in software, infrastructure, and training. Smaller companies, in particular, may find these costs too expensive, thus limiting their ability to enter the world of digital commerce.
Security issues: The digital world presents serious security issues. Businesses must invest in strengthening their cyber security defenses in order to protect sensitive consumer data and financial transactions from possible attacks.
Learning Curve: Employees might experience a learning curve when adjusting to new technologies. Providing training and assistance becomes critical to ensuring that all team members can navigate B2B e-commerce platforms efficiently and confidently.
Dependence on Technology: Because It’s based on technology, firms are subject to technological problems or outages. It is critical to have contingency plans in place to resolve these situations quickly and with the least interruption in operations.
Intensified Competition: As the use of e-commerce grows, competition in online markets heats up. As the digital world advances at a rapid pace, being competitive needs an ongoing willingness to adapt and innovate.
In conclusion, B2B e-commerce has various benefits, including improved efficiency and the potential to access a larger consumer base. However, it is not without challenges, such as security issues and the need to adapt to new financial structures. Businesses must carefully strategize, dedicate resources to strengthen security, take part in staff training, and emphasize delivering outstanding client experiences in order to flourish in the digital age.
As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, B2B e-commerce technologies will become even more important in the commercial environment. Adopting these technologies and remaining adaptable in the face of change will be critical to maintaining competitive and affluent. Harnessing the groundbreaking potential of B2B e-commerce may generate development and innovation for businesses across industries, ensuring that they will thrive in the digital age.
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theladyregret · 1 year
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I posted 1,105 times in 2022
That's 159 more posts than 2021!
117 posts created (11%)
988 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 394 of my posts in 2022
#the legend of drizzt - 62 posts
#lol - 42 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 37 posts
#fanfiction - 34 posts
#ao3 - 26 posts
#drizzt - 13 posts
#legend of drizzt - 11 posts
#jander sunstar - 11 posts
#asks - 10 posts
#drizzt do'urden - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i can accept everything about the rewrite except the idea that he murdered a bunch of innocent folk just because a woman wouldn't love him
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Just a little something for Drowcember...and the first time I’ve ever actually drawn this character even though I honestly like him as much as I do Drizzt.
Kimmuriel Oblodra
It also amuses me that despite a lack of official art or significant description most of us have decided he has a ponytail hah
But seriously what are we going to do if we get official art and he doesn’t have one? lol
69 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Humans as deathworlder space orcs story idea: Humanity makes contact with a highly advanced alien race before we ever even come close to figuring out FTL technology. Instead of trying to kill or enslave us they decide to uplift us. In exchange for access to their advanced technologies humanity agrees to help the aliens in their exploration of other hostile worlds which they have found too dangerous to explore. And also serve as shock troops against other more aggressive aliens. The friend aliens are basically space bees. So many...very intimidating...but ultimately very delicate and peaceful.
81 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Me trying to convince friends who like farming/crafting games to play Project Zomboid with me: It’s fine. I made it so the zombies are scarce and super easy to kill. If you find one just tell me and I’ll kill them for you. It’ll be fine.
The Zombies two houses down about to ruin everything:
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219 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
Wow, I...vastly underestimated how much you guys would vibe with the whole The Walking Dead in Space thing lol ok well...now that I have a day off from work here's some of the ideas I've been thinking about while bored this week.
Human Diplomat: Hey, is there a reason all the water access areas don't allow humans anymore? Don't you guys know we have high water requirements?
Alien Space Station technician: Oh! No one told you?
Human: Told us what?
Alien: Sorry, they were supposed to tell you. Our apologizes, this must look terrible.
Human: Tell. Us. What?
Alien: Our bio filters detected the disease you all carry in the stations water supply after you visited last. Our scientists ran some tests and found that it can survive almost indefinitely in water and is highly resistant to our water treatments. We had to purge and decontaminate the entire system. We created a separate system for your use that is more isolated. You can use those....I....uh...are you ok? Is this sufficient?
Human, frantically writing in a log book: Oh? Yes, fine...that's fine!
Second human: I think you guys just solved a centuries old mystery for us.
Alien, looking confused: What mystery?
Second human: How our species all became infected so quickly.
Alien: You never found out?
Human: It wiped out 99% of our population during the initial outbreak...the how and why of it kind of stopped mattering after a bit, you know?
Galactic News Reporter: Tragedy today after the recent excavation of the lost human mining crew in sector 92. Against human recommendations, rescuers continued their efforts throughout the week. The human deceased, commonly referred to as Walkers, attacked and killed several rescue parties before the site had to be bombed by air support military. Diplomats from several species met once again today to discuss the risks of open contact with the Humans and whether stricter protocols need to be put in place.
Video feed cuts to a human diplomat standing in a room full of multiple different aliens: We told you what to do! You didn't listen! You never listen to us! If you had, none of this would have happened!
Alien Politician: You recommended that the tunnels be collapsed before any excavation be conducted prior to the time frame denoted by safety regulations which would have condemned any potential survivors-
Human, hitting the table in front of him with his fists: YOU'RE STILL NOT LISTENING!
Transport ship pilot over PA system: Our ship is currently on approach to the Human home planet of Terra. Be aware that we will be passing through the debris field left over from the Human Colony Wars which will require us to drop out of FTL. Our ship is specially equipped for this journey so rest assured we are in no danger from the debris. It is recommended that any windows be shielded for the duration of this time, thank you.
Human passenger pulls the shade down for their window with a sigh.
The alien next to them looks curious: Why do the windows need to be covered?
Human: Some people find the...debris...disturbing. *the way they said debris sounded sarcastic*
Alien: ...humans find broken ships disturbing?
Human: You didn't do very much research before coming here did you?
Alien just looks confused.
Human reaches over and opens the window cover. They pass close by one of the wrecked ships and at first it looks like any other debris field...then something moves and they realize it's a body. A human body floating in space. It jerks and twists as they pass by. Mouth opening and closing. The alien jerks back in surprise.
Human: The vacuum of space means they don't decompose so...all those people who didn't die properly...they're just out there...like that. Thousands of soldiers. Ships just full of Walkers.
They pass by another ship. This one looks intact and newer.
See the full post
466 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes when I’m at work and bored I like to think of how weird/interesting the entire idea of humanity from The Walking Dead universe progressing past the apocalyptic phase and just existing like normal with this infection. Like could you imagine humans from this universe used in a sci-fi setting where they meet aliens?
Just everything about humanity already and OH YEAH if we die for any reason that doesn’t destroy our brains enough our corpses will just keep going and immediately try to eat anything else alive around it because we all carry an inactive form of prion disease that activates upon death.
Aliens: Why are your bunks inside locked cages?
Humans: Oh, one of the early space missions a guy died in his sleep because of an oxygen leak near his bunk and ate everyone before they could wake up so...ya know, tradition.
Aliens: ...o-oh
On the other hand there would likely be common war tactics of kamakazi fighters who could easily weaponize themselves by dying on enemy ships.
I see peaceful relations with aliens being very difficult to maintain honestly lol
Even if we’re not trying to do anything hostile, who wants to risk exposure to something like that?
841 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Banks of the Distant Future (Final Effect)
The nature of lien makes banking an interesting proposition in the distant future. Lien chips come in several forms. The most common forms are chips that are each worth a set amount. These chips are comparable to cash.
However, there are also personal lien chips. These chips function in a manner similar to a bank account in that they can hold a customisable amount of lien on them. In other words, if you wanted to put billions of lien onto a personal lien chip, then you could.
Naturally, this means that personal lien chips require greater security than regular lien chips. In general, personal lien chips not only look different from normal lien chips but also have inbuilt security of different kinds. First and foremost, they require password authorisation and will typically come with both biometric and Aura verification as well. It is also possible to add spending limits and other restrictions.
This might make banks seem obsolete (in a personal account sense), but banks continue to exist due to their ability to pay interest, offer loans, and provide other financial services. Banks also play a valuable role in securing an individual’s money.
Despite the protections in place, it is possible that the encryption on a personal lien chip can be cracked if that lien chip is stolen. This would allow thieves to make off with the contents of the chip, transferring its lien to their own accounts. There is also a more obvious problem. If a personal lien chip is stolen and cannot be retrieved, then its lien are effectively lost to the owner, regardless of whether or not the thieves can steal that lien.
As you can imagine, this has led to the use of personal lien chips being a matter worthy of careful consideration.
What most people use are bank-linked lien chips. Essentially, your lien is deposited to an account at a bank. You are then issued with a bank-linked lien chip that can transfer money from your account when you need it. It’s basically a debit card (although arrangement can be made for credit card functions).
The critical thing is that no lien is actually kept on the chip itself. It simply functions as a means of transferring lien when required. If a bank-linked chip is stolen, it can be cancelled, rendering it worthless to the thieves and protecting the owner’s money. At the same time, though, it can still make use of the various security features available to personal lien chips. In fact, it can theoretically make use of more since the bank can add additional security features on its end.
In the event that a bank-linked chip is somehow compromised, it can simply be cancelled, and the owner can be issued with a new chip. This ensures that the loss of the initial chip does not result in the loss of the owner’s wealth.
That said, bank-linked chips and personal chips do vary in at least one other very important way. A personal lien chip is essentially performing a peer-to-peer transfer with a merchant when it is used to pay for something. It does not need access to a broader network to operate. A bank-linked lien chip does need access to a broader network since it needs to communicate with both the merchant and the bank to perform properly.
This means that it is possible to monitor financial activity via bank-linked chips. Indeed, it is not unusual for this data to be requested from the bank by authorities during criminal proceedings. A personal lien chip also records spending activity, but these logs cannot be obtained without physical access to the personal lien chip. Many people concerned with privacy maintain both a bank-linked lien chip for purchases they don’t mind others possibly knowing about and a personal lien chip for purchases they wish to keep private.
Banks in the distant future tend to vary in terms of their purpose and their size. Some specialise primarily in serving members of the general public. Others specialise in providing funds for commercial customers. Some banks serve particular sectors whilst others focus on certain geographic regions. In general, a savvy customer can find a bank that best suits their needs without too much difficulty.
The most powerful banks are the central banks. The three largest such institutions are the Imperial Reserve Bank of Arendelle, the Mercantile Alliance Reserve Bank, and the Federation Reserve Bank. These institutions conduct monetary policy for their respective factions and are tasked with overseeing stability across the financial system as a whole.
One of the pivotal events in the fall of the Federation was the mass resignation of the chief officers of the Federation Reserve Bank following several disastrous changes in monetary policy by the Federation’s government. These changes left the Federation Reserve Bank almost completely powerless, eventually leading to its insolvency and collapse. This devastated the Federation financial system.
The head of the Imperial Reserve Bank of Arendelle is personally appointed by the ruler of the empire and answers to them alone. However, their position necessitates a close degree of cooperation with the various ministers associated with finance, commerce, and so on.
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nialabsjaipur · 12 days
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A Glance into the Future: Exploring the Potential of AI Face Biometric Devices
As we navigate through the 21st century, technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. Among the myriad advancements, AI face biometric devices stand out as a transformative force in various sectors, offering unparalleled security, efficiency, and convenience. At Nialabs, we are at the forefront of this revolution, providing cutting-edge biometric solutions that promise to redefine how we interact with technology. In this blog, we'll delve into the exciting potential of AI face biometric devices and how they are poised to shape the future.
Revolutionizing Security: The Impact of AI Face Biometric Devices on Access Control
Security is a paramount concern for businesses, governments, and individuals alike. Traditional methods of access control, such as keys, passwords, and access cards, have significant vulnerabilities. They can be lost, forgotten, or stolen, leading to potential security breaches. AI face biometric devices offer a robust solution to these challenges.
These devices use advanced facial recognition technology to verify identity, ensuring that only authorized individuals gain access to secure areas. Unlike traditional methods, facial biometrics are incredibly difficult to forge. Each person's facial structure is unique, providing a highly accurate and reliable means of identification.
For instance, Nialabs' AI Face Biometric Devices can be integrated into various security systems, from corporate offices to government buildings, enhancing security and reducing the risk of unauthorized access. By employing deep learning algorithms, our devices continuously learn and adapt to recognize faces with remarkable precision, even in changing environments or lighting conditions.
Streamlining Attendance: AI Face Biometric Devices in Workforce Management
Managing employee attendance can be a cumbersome and time-consuming task, especially for large organizations. Traditional methods, such as punch cards or manual log-ins, are prone to errors and manipulation. AI face biometric devices streamline this process, offering a seamless and efficient solution.
At Nialabs, our Biometric Face Attendance Systems provide an automated way to track employee attendance accurately. Employees simply need to look into the device, and their attendance is recorded instantaneously. This not only saves time but also eliminates issues like buddy punching and time theft.
Moreover, integrating our Attendance Machine For Staff with an All-in-One HR Platform allows for real-time data tracking and reporting. HR managers can access attendance records, generate reports, and monitor employee punctuality effortlessly. This integration facilitates better workforce management, enabling HR departments to focus on more strategic tasks.
Enhancing Customer Experience: AI Face Biometrics in Retail and Hospitality
In the competitive realms of retail and hospitality, customer experience is a key differentiator. AI face biometric devices offer innovative ways to enhance this experience, making interactions more personalized and efficient.
Imagine walking into a hotel where the check-in process is entirely automated. Instead of waiting in line, guests can simply approach a biometric kiosk that recognizes their face, verifies their identity, and completes the check-in process within seconds. This not only reduces wait times but also adds a touch of futuristic convenience that modern travelers appreciate.
Retailers can also benefit from AI face biometric devices. By integrating facial recognition with customer loyalty programs, stores can identify returning customers, greet them by name, and offer personalized shopping recommendations based on their past purchases. This level of personalization fosters customer loyalty and drives sales.
At Nialabs, our Biometric Face Scanners are designed to integrate seamlessly into retail and hospitality environments, enhancing customer interactions and streamlining operations.
The Future of Healthcare: AI Face Biometrics for Patient Identification and Security
The healthcare industry is another sector where AI face biometric devices are making a significant impact. Accurate patient identification is crucial for ensuring the right treatment and protecting sensitive medical information. Traditional methods, such as ID cards or patient wristbands, can be lost or misused, leading to serious consequences.
AI face biometric devices provide a secure and efficient solution for patient identification. By scanning a patient’s face, healthcare providers can quickly and accurately verify their identity, access their medical records, and ensure they receive the correct treatment. This reduces the risk of medical errors and enhances patient safety.
Furthermore, biometric authentication can be used to control access to sensitive areas within healthcare facilities, such as operating rooms or medication storage. Only authorized personnel can gain entry, ensuring that these areas remain secure.
At Nialabs, we are committed to improving healthcare through our Biometric Devices, offering solutions that enhance security, streamline operations, and improve patient care.
Conclusion: Embrace the Future with Nialabs
AI face biometric devices are more than just a technological advancement; they are a glimpse into the future of how we interact with and secure our environments. From enhancing security and streamlining workforce management to personalizing customer experiences and improving healthcare, the potential applications of this technology are vast and varied.
At Nialabs, we are dedicated to helping businesses and organizations harness the power of AI face biometric devices. Our solutions are designed to meet the unique needs of different industries, providing reliable, efficient, and secure biometric authentication.
Ready to explore the future with Nialabs? Visit our website at nialabs.in for more information about our AI-driven solutions. For inquiries, you can reach us via email at [email protected] or call us at 8729047305. Our team at 101, Vedic Homes, Narayan Vihar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, is ready to help you embrace the future of biometric technology.
Experience the Nialabs Advantage
With Nialabs' AI face biometric devices, you can transform your business operations and stay ahead of the competition. Our commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction ensures that you receive the best tools and support to achieve your goals.
Say goodbye to outdated processes and hello to a future of efficiency, personalization, and security. Embrace AI with Nialabs and take your business to new heights. The future is here—let us help you seize it.
#Nialabs #AIDrivenSolutions #BusinessInnovation #Efficiency #PersonalizedCustomerExperience #FutureOfHealthcare #BiometricAuthentication #DataSecurity #WorkforceManagement
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